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St Aidan's College Climbing Society

Minutes of meeting held on 1st February 2011


1. Open Meeting
2. Discuss proposed constitution
3. Elections
4. Close Meeting

Members Present

Sam Fearn (SF) President

Dale King (DK)
Alex Jamieson (AJ)
Emily Ward (EW)
Louis Melland (LM)
Alec Stavrou (AS)
Becky Smith (BS)
Luke Cullum (LC)

Meeting opened by Sam Fearn

· SF raised that the current state of the website was down to the free nature of using
Wordpress and the ease with which it could be handed over to future presidents of the
society. It could have been made better for a fee but deemed not worthwhile. The university
have since said they will cover web posting hence removing the need for a fee and so this
will be the next step for the website, alongside moving correspondence from Sam's personal
e-mail address to a Durham one, allowing a continuous source for e-mails from different
· A constitution was needed so that the running of the society was formally laid down and not
just down to the decisions of one person, as it currently is. The constitution was drafted by
SF and DK with the intention of going through with club members present at this meeting,
each with the right to raise issue for discussion and any changes to be voted on by members.
· The minutes note that if no reference is made to a point in the constitution, no issue was
raised by any member present to that point. All voting shall be reported in the form of; Votes
for, votes against, abstentions/votes spoilt.
· LC raised the contradiction of terms between the current constitution and that of St Aidan's
JCR, with respect to how the society is referred. The constitution refers to St Aidan's
College Climbing Society, whilst the JCR constitution states it has ratified the existence of
St Aidans's College Climbing Club. Motion proposed by SF to add clause referring to club
and society interchangeably in order to avoid contradicting the JCR constitution whilst
retaining current web addresses etc. Motion was carried 6-0-2.
· Discussed the need for “any other individual” in section 3.1 to further climbing within the
university, enhance participation in the society, and with respect to LM, is for the benefit of
the society. Additional members will require support of the majority of the committee to
avoid prejudice against certain groups.
· LM suggested adding students of the SCR and post graduate students to 3.1 but decided they
can be included under any other individual. Use of JCR in the constitution should be
changed to St Aidan's JCR to remove ambiguity.
· The annual membership fee referred to in section 3 is currently set at zero. AS raised
whether a fee should be levied, but as funds are currently adequate this will be discussed at
the AGM. DK raised lack of direction over who sets the amount, suggestion that 'the
president recommends it to members at the AGM and will be set if a majority of members
present vote in favour' carried 6-0-0.
· Requesting to be on the mailing list ensures the people present at the AGM are those whom
will be directly affected by any decisions made.
· Point 3.4 allows people to renew their membership without having to pay, as this seems
harsh. AS raised the idea of pro-rata membership but decided that fee is too low, currently
zero, to be worthwhile.
· Authority over the budget given to the president in 4.2.1 currently requires no approval,
however the budget is again a low figure and so approval would be lengthy and unnecessary.
· Point 3.4 was added to 3.3 to clear up that the president automatically revokes membership
and not at his discretion.
· New point 3.4 proposed to enable anyone guilty of misconduct to be removed from the
society by a majority of the committee. Motion carried 6-2-0.
· EW proposed adding safe climbing to 4.2.1 as a role of the president. Motion carried 6-0-0.
· Section 6.4 to be moved under 4.2.2 as a role of the vice-president.
· LC raised the different terms of committee positions, but allows first years to hold a position
and also means terms overlap so not three new people, so no objection.
· AJ proposed changing Easter term to Epiphany term as a mistake. Motion carried 6-0-0.
· LC proposed changing 60% required to at least 60% required to make clear. Motion carried
· Section 4.6 and 4.7 allow current president and VP to make sure future candidates are
competent and able to teach new people to climb and further the society. LC raised 4.7 being
overreaching but agreed as best option with proposal to add that, if a candidate wishes, a
report on a veto should be given by the president or VP to the members at the AGM.
· Section 5.2 amended to clear up that presidential vote should be organised by the most
senior member not running for the position and should an objection be raised to a single
candidate then a vote will be required.
· EW raised issue that constitution does not prevent one person from holding two positions
and so proposed to add to 4.1 that the committee should be three distinct people. Motion
carried 6-0-0.
· EW raised that constitution does not require committee members to attend AGM, proposed
to add to 6.1 that AGM should be arranged to enable them to attend or give apologies if they
are still unable to. Motion carried 6-0-0.
· Section 6.4 removed as moved previously and requirement added to publish minutes online
within seven days.
· Section 6.5.4 added to allow motions to be submitted and seconded seven days prior to
meetings allowing them to be added to the agenda.
· SF raised suggestion that the president should hold DUMC membership to allow gear hire.
Will be looked into and reported back.
· Setting of the membership fee deferred until the AGM as no pressing issue for funding
· SF states that should the constitution be rejected by the JCR vice president then any
positions elected will be void and must be re-elected once constitution is ratified.
· LC stands unopposed for VP. No objections. LC is duly elected to position of VP.
· AJ stands unopposed for social secretary. No objections. AJ duly elected to position of
social secretary.

Meeting closed by Sam Fearn

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