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Military-Patriotic Lessons Preparation for

Launch at Schools Peacekeeping Mission
For the next academic year, a young population to have the full process. As a result, the final
new discipline called Military- impression on the importance of curriculum will be tabled in
Patriotic Education will be intro- armed forces for the country, in April, 2010. As it was decided
duced at Georgian schools. This particular their decisive role in at first, the course will be
initiative aims to “stimulate sol- terms of national security and in launched as a pilot project in sev-
dierly spirit” and bring up the addition, to raise awareness eral schools and based on the
future generations on military- about the function of each citi- results and assessment of the pi-
patriotic principles. This is one zen in case of necessity,” ex- lot project, later the course will
of the most important challeng- plained the Defense Minister. be finally formed and become an
es that our country faces. Work on the new course has obligatory subject in every
President Michael Saakash- already started. In order to com- school after September, 2010.
vili was the first to announce this plete the process, the Defense The Defense Minister also
productive project while meeting Ministry actively cooperates with mentioned in his statement that
with teachers in Batumi to dis- the Ministry of Education and Sci- the ministry possesses sufficient
cuss the problems present in the ence. In connection with afore- resources for delivering the les-
country’s educational system mentioned ministries, the first sons on military themes for se-
and the necessity of reforms in working meeting was held in the nior pupils and also to provide

Minister of Defense Bacho confidence that they will be ca- Readiness Center (JMRC), as
Akhalaia bid farewell to military pable to effectively accomplish well as the group of trainers and
servants of the 31st Battalion the duties assigned to them”, consultants of the US Marines.
who left for Germany on Janu- stated Akhalaia. The soldiers of In total, 750 Georgian military
ary 13. The enhanced Battalion the 31st Battalion have been go- servants are taking part in exer-
of the third Brigade of the GA, ing through the intensive mili- cises in the American base locat-
consisting of 185 soldiers, will tary trainings since September ed in Hohenfels. They are pass-
undergo military training in the 2009, getting ready for partici- ing through the trainings in Ger-
German town of Hohenfels. The pation in the ISAF operation in many step-by step. In case of
company will be integrated into Afghanistan. The level of pre- successful completion of exer-
the Battalion and go to Afghani- paredness of the Georgian peace cises, Georgian militaries will be
stan to perform the peacekeep- contingent is being examined entirely prepared to get engaged
ing mission there. “Our soldiers and evaluated by the experts of in the peace-support mission, led
are properly trained, giving me the U.S. Joint Multinational by NATO in Afghanistan.

this sphere. The president con- Georgian Education Ministry led reserve officers with the required
siders Military-Patriotic Educa- by Minister of Education and Sci- qualifications. It is also impor-
tion to be one of the “key trian- ence Dimitri Shashkin. The Min- tant that demobilized officers
gles and cornerstones” based on ister of Education and Science of from the Georgian Armed Forc-
which “modern Georgia” should Georgia met with Defense Minis- es will be involved in this pro-
be built. “It is necessary in order ter; the Deputy Interior and Dep- cess. The candidates will be se-
to help the children to at least un- uty Environmental Ministers also lected specially, and before start-
derstand many things about their attended the meeting. “With this ing teaching at school, they will
country, and as we have already new discipline, children will be- have special trainings.
seen, anything can happen, and come familiar with the compo- Military Education was
Georgia and Georgians should nents of the Georgia Army and taught at Georgian schools in the
be able to defend at least their Georgian armament,” stated Min- past, but as a result of reform, it
village, their town or their dis- ister of Education and Science will be taught with absolutely
trict. This system being created Dimitri Shashkin, “Children must new methods and approaches.
in Georgia will enable us to in- have information on mines and Military-patriotic education
volve each and every person in cluster bombs in order to avoid means training in civil defense,
the defense of their country. accidents. All children’s’ teachers which stimulates the soldierly
16,000, 20,000, or 30,000 sol- as well meet this reform positive- spirit which historically has al-
diers will not be able to defend a ly.” ways been in the nature of Geor-
country with population of 5 The main focus of ministers’ gians. The new method also en-
million; defending of the coun-
try with population of 5 million
meeting was the curriculum of
the course. Later the experts will
visages teaching of Georgian
military history.
is a matter of all these 5 million
people, as well as of the Geor-
also be involved in the working Tea Kerdzevadze “In 2010 Georgia will Transformation
gians living abroad,” declared continue its defense
President Saakashvili.
Referring to this initiative, transformation path” Course
Georgian Defense Minister Ba-
cho Akhalaia held a briefing on Interview with Deputy Defence Mine clearing works
January 13 during which he
Minister Nikoloz Vashakidze
spoke on the significance of mil-
itary discipline. The course will
to be financed by the
include important issues such as
the history of the Georgian
Cadets Military Japanese government
Army, and an overview of the
armament of the army. “This
Lyceum Opens in
decision derives from the need
to provide an opportunity for the
September “Aliante 2010”

“In 2010 Georgia will continue its defense

transformation path”
Interview with Deputy Defence Minister Nikoloz Vashakidze
in the frames of bilateral as well as mul- es development as well. Participation
tilateral partnership formats to accom- in ISAF alongside with the armed forc-
plish the defined objectives. I would es of alliance members supports
like to underscore that in the process strengthening of interoperability and
of defense transformation, the minis- implementation of the standards with-
try encourages interagency coopera- in the Georgian Armed forces. Thus it
tion, participation of the various NGOs might be considered as catalyzing fac-
and involvement of experts to the max- tor on our way to integration.
imum extent possible. Synchronized From the national-military perspec-
collaboration between the different tive, participation in the mission has
stakeholders in this regard will ensure very practical benefits. Our soldiers
efficient and successful implementation acquire invaluable skills of conducting
of the program’s goals. military operations in the difficult en-
In April, Georgia will deploy an vironment under the harsh conditions
additional battalion to the Interna- that ensures rising of their profession-
tional Force in Afghanistan, bring- alism as soldiers that eventually is re-
ing its total contingent up to 950. flected on the strengthening of our
That will make Georgia the largest Armed Forces.
per capita contributor of troops, even How can you evaluate the past
larger than that of the U.S. Why is it year and what will be the main di-
important for Georgia to take part rections and what challenges do you
in this mission? see during this year?
There are challenges in the world 2009 has brought significant chang-
that are too complicated to be dealt by es in Georgia and in its defense sys-
one country alone, no matter how tem. Immense efforts have been applied
strong and developed they are. Hence, to reinforce the modernization and ref-
the international community needs to ormation processes. We succeeded to
combine efforts to effectively over- enhance our defense reforms and ac-
come these challenges. The case of complish objectives set forth in the
In an interview with “Defence Today,” Deputy Defence Minister of Georgia partner countries, the development of Afghanistan is extremely complex. The Minister’s Vision 2009 and the Annual
Mr. Nikoloz Vashakidze summarizes 2009 and speaks about the challenges and a high standard military education sys- implication of the situation in the coun- National Program. Our progress in im-
priorities of the defense sphere for the 2010. He also addresses the important is- tem is planned, and it will meet the re- try goes far beyond its boundaries, af- plementing the ANP was very positive-
sues like Georgia’s NATO integration process, participation in peacekeeping mis- quirements of the Armed Forces. Mean- fecting security and stability interna- ly assessed by NATO. The main focus
sions and bilateral cooperation with NATO member and partner countries. while, we are using every opportunity tionally. Therefore, active internation- was made on the review of strategic and
to educate our personnel appropriately al engagement is very appropriate to conceptual documents, defense plan-
One year has passed since the that during the consultations, both sides outside the country. effectively deal with the problems in ning, personnel management, military
U.S.-Georgia Charter on Strategic have agreed on the Strategic End State As an outcome of those efforts, the the country. education, and the training system. In
Partnership was signed. Along with of the cooperation. This aims for train- armed forces will gradually receive per- We might point out several reasons 2010, Georgia will continue its defense
other spheres, the charter foresees ing, equipping, and structuring for ter- sonnel from a highly qualified pool of for Georgian participation in ISAF mis- transformation path and concentrate on
cooperation in the defense and secu- ritorial defense of the Georgian Armed officers and NCOs in addition to well- sion. the areas identified in the Minister’s
rity spheres. How can you evaluate Forces, while supporting Georgia’s de- organized and streamlined military ed- From the global perspective, Geor- Vision 2010, encompassing defense ca-
one year of this cooperation in the de- fense transformation priorities, NATO ucational institutions. gia, as a part of international commu- pabilities, defense system management,
fense field and what is planned for aspirations, and coalition contribution NATO integration is Georgia’s nity, fully appreciates the importance education and human resources, NATO
the coming year? efforts. That would be the essence of foreign policy priority and Georgia of united efforts to effectively deal with integration and international coopera-
The conclusion of the U.S.-Georgia the cooperation in the defense field be- is committed to meeting the Alliance problems affecting security and stabil- tion.
Charter on Strategic Partnership dated tween the U.S. and Georgia. standards. Recently, the Annual Na- ity and fully understands significance The main challenge, as I see it,
Jan. 9, 2009 is indeed a historical event Besides the U.S., the Georgian De- tional Program of Georgia in 2010 of contribution of every country (de- would be the financial restriction in
in our bilateral relations. The charter fense Ministry is actively cooperat- has been discussed in Brussels. At the spite of its size) in achieving success. defence budget. This year we have al-
is an overarching framework for coop- ing with NATO and partner coun- meeting, the Georgian side present- Considering the magnitude of the chal- most half of the budget 2009. It means
eration in different fields between the tries. Bilateral Cooperation Plans are ed the program to NATO in 2010, de- lenges in Afghanistan and their impli- that the defense system needs to be
countries which encompasses the secu- elaborated on an annual basis with veloped by the Government of Geor- cations, I would say that having been even more efficient and rationalized. I
rity sector as well. The charter has each country. Are there any specific gia together with experts. What will in the mission we are building peace, think we will have to cut down some
turned out to be a very productive ad- programs or directions that you be the main directions in defense field security and stability not only in Af- activities that do not represent the pri-
ditional tool to streamline existing co- would like to distinguish for the next during 2010 and how is the Georgian ghanistan but in Georgia and in many orities of the Armed Forces. But I must
operation between the U.S. DOD and year? Defense Ministry prepared to fulfill other countries as well. say that the budget allocated for this
the Defense Ministry of Georgia. Un- The Georgian Defense Ministry has the commitments? From the regional perspective, the year is big enough to address our ur-
der the charter, complementary bilat- a very intensive and already tradition- The Ministry of Defence of Geor- issue is linked to cooperation with gent needs and priorities which can be
eral forums take place periodically giv- al cooperation with 15 NATO and part- gia realizes the decisive importance of North-Atlantic Alliance. We are an ap- considered a quite positive fact if we
ing the opportunity to discuss and con- ner countries. It needs to be under- a constant and gradual development of plicant country for integration in take into account consequences of the
sult on defense-related matters. scored that we are keen to make this all defence system components in or- NATO, but we have to meet some stan- financial crises all over the world and
Since conclusion of the charter, two cooperation target oriented and tailored der to strengthen peace, modernize dards and requirements to be accepted. severe cuts within the defense budgets
sessions of the U.S.-Georgia joint se- to our needs to the maximum extent Georgian Armed Forces, and achieve Those standards refer to the armed forc- of even well developed countries.
curity working group have been held; possible. When determining direction NATO interoperability.
the first was held on June 22, 2009 in of bilateral cooperation, we scrutinize Through close cooperation with the
Washington, DC, and another on Oct. the outcomes of the cooperation over other governmental agencies, the De-
18, 2009, in Tbilisi. During both ses- the past year with each country. Ana- fense Ministry has elaborated Annual
sions, having convened the high rank lyzing the strengths and weaknesses of National Program 2010 (ANP) and ap-
representatives from the US and Geor- cooperation, we refine it and harmonize plies utmost efforts for successful im-
gian Governments, the areas of U.S. with the requirements of Georgian plementation of the commitments un-
security assistance have been thorough- Armed Forces. dertaken in the framework of the on-
ly reviewed and refined with the focus In regards to the specific programs going cooperation format with NATO.
on professional military education and and directions for the next year, I would Assigned commitments are fully in
ISAF contribution. highlight the military education within compliance with the “Minister’s Vision
The last security session of the char- the Armed Forces. The education sec- 2010”, which reflects defence priorities
ter was held on Oct. 18, 2009 chaired tor in defence system is relatively week and incorporates them into planning
by Assistant Defense Secretary Alex- and needs to be addressed effectively process for the current year. The vision
ander Vershbow. It had particular im- considering the requirements of the identifies four fundamental directions
portance to our cooperation as it Armed Forces. We need to have well- for the defense system development:
pledged the enhancement of the U.S. educated and well-trained profession- defense capabilities, defense system
security assistance considering the im- als in the army. That is why education management, education and human re-
mediate needs of the Georgian Armed lies among the top priorities of the de- sources, NATO integration and inter-
Forces. Consequently, the U.S.-Geor- fense transformation process. Ac- national cooperation.
gia Bilateral Defence Consultations knowledging the significance of the is- Since defense priorities are reflect-
held on Nov. 19-20, 2009 specified sue, we are keen to reflect it in bilater- ed in ANP, we have allocated enough
details of the directions defined during al cooperation with different countries resources to ensure successful imple-
the security session. and support from multilateral initiatives mentation of the program. Besides, we
In summary, I would like to indicate in this regard. With the assistance of are cooperating with partner countries

Cadets Military Lyceum Opens in September

Many countries have educational ucational laws, going as far as entirely
military programs where juveniles are removing the article on military edu-
able to gain productive military prepa- cation. The Defense Ministry intensive-
ration and leadership skills. For exam- ly works in order to carry out all nec-
ple, the U.S. has the JRTOC and ROTC essary actions, including legislative
programs available to secondary and changes, licensee taking, and obtaining
university students, respectively. In that accreditation. Curriculums are under
vein, Georgian Defense Minister Ba- elaboration as well.
cho Akhalaia has set a new initiative to The newly founded military lyceum
restore the Cadets Military Lyceum in will be principally different from the
the city of Kutaisi. The lyceum will be previous Cadets Military Lyceum. First
an educational institution where chil- of all, the institution will depend on the
dren can master military disciplines and Western-style military system where
be given more rigorous and intensive students are prepared for the Georgian
physical education. National Defense Academy. This is the
The lyceum is slated to open in au- main goal of the lyceum.
tumn 2010. Interested candidates be- The academy and the lyceum will
tween the ages of 14 and 17 will take have a mutual connection. Currently,
entrance exams during which attention the Defense Academy is under reorga-
will be paid to their physical fitness and nization. Some defects in the academy,
general intellectual preparedness to including a four-month tuition course
master different disciplines. The tuition The main purpose of this new project cording to the Defense Ministry, the erything, including cadets’ accommo- made clear that this decision didn’t
period will last for three years. Nearly is to strengthen the interoperability of Lyceum undergraduates will have an dations, medical service and other ex- work productively. In this result, it be-
200 cadets are expected be enrolled in the Georgian armed forces and military unhindered advantage to enroll in the penses. The best students will be grant- came necessary to restore a four-year
the institution annually. The priorities educational system to Western culture, Defense Academy without competition. ed scholarships as well. The lyceum schooling program in order to become
of the lyceum will be physical educa- NATO and the European Union,” stat- “Be sure, there is such an intensive will give cadets the opportunity to be a real military serviceman. The Defense
tion, foreign languages, and military ed Commander of Training and Mili- working process in the Lyceum that healthy and fit, and master all subjects Ministry is establishing a Military
preparation. The academic curriculum tary Education of the Joint Staff, Lieu- almost all cadets will be eager to con- at a high level. They are able to use Academy in Georgia in the style of the
will basically correspond to other tenant Colonel Lasha Beridze. nect their future career to military every privilege that ordinary military U.S. Military Academy at West Point,
school programs. “All educational pro- After leaving the Lyceum, the ca- sphere,” commented Lieutenant Colo- servicemen and women have in the slated to open its doors in 2011. The
grams must be based on Georgian re- dets are able to serve in any unit of the nel Beridze. Armed Forces. academy will give students the oppor-
ality. I can easily say that we have quite Georgian Armed Forces. The main Tuition period at the lyceum is free. The Cadets Corp existed in Geor- tunity to get a Western-style military
a good civilian and military education- goal is to prepare cadets for the Geor- The lyceum doesn’t have its own bud- gia until 2005. In 2006, some legisla- education and a bachelor’s degree.
al system based on Western standards. gian National Defense Academy. Ac- get. The Defense Ministry finances ev- tive changes were made in Georgia, ed- Tea Kerdzevadze

Transformation Course Mine clearing works to be financed

Up to 185 sergeants of the Georgian best infantry of the GAF, distinguished
Armed Forces underwent a transforma-
tion course. A solemn ceremony dedi-
cated to the closing of the course was
for their bravery and leadership skills
demonstrated during the war and be-
gan their retraining. Although the
by the Japanese government
held at the Vaziani Military Base. Mil- course was too weary, overloaded and The project Humanitarian Demining of
itary servants were selected for the sometimes too boring, the soldiers par- Mtskheta and Sagarejo Regions, financed
training program from various units of ticipating in the course proved to be by the Japanese government, was signed
Armed Forces, already equipped with successful. All the attending military on the 22nd of November 2010. The pro-
a certain level of combat experience. servants, being retrained during a nine- gram is being realized within the frames
Around 600 soldiers passed the se- month period, represent the basic seg- of the Grassroots and Human Security
lection stage for the Platoon Sergeants ment of the Georgian armed forces. Grant Assistance Program in Georgia. This
Transformation Course. During the nine Without their high motivation and com- humanitarian project covers the clearing
months of preparation, 199 soldiers were bat spirit none of the colonels or gen- of the demined areas in the Mtskheta and
given an opportunity to adopt needed erals would be of any importance for Sagarejo regions from hazardous explo-
skills in self-defense operations, setting the army. This kind of course is one sive materials. It is also set to provide need-
up posts, patrolling, handling fire, as more step forward, and what’s more, ed technical facilities such as an armored
well as training in strategic movement we plan to arrange another series of excavator and an auto-carrier, and it allo-
on the battlefield. Along with practical trainings as well, which, I believe, will cates sufficient funds for personnel to car-
exercises, the participants were given be as successful as the present one”, ry out mine clearing activities in both re-
lessons in theory, including joint-army declared Defense Minister Bacho gions. The cost of the project at the mo-
ment adds up to $652,835. The project courses worth of $6,987,354. Following the implementation of the
regulations, topography, unit leading Akhalaia. “Within the frames of the Official project, the combined population of both
and drill trainings. In total, 185 sergeants went through signing ceremony went on in the presence
of Deputy Defense Minister Nodar Development Assistance Program of Ja- regions and the tourists staying in those
During the ceremony, the state an- the training course; nine among them pan, $150.5 million have been earmarked areas will no longer be exposed to any
them was specially performed and a were granted with medals of Best Grad- Kharshiladze, Ambassador Extraordinary
and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Georgia in Georgia to foster development in such threats related to mine explosions. Ac-
minute of silence was held for the mil- uate. important spheres as economic infra- cording to Nodar Kharshiladze, as a re-
itary servicemen fallen in the fight for The solemn occasion went on in the Masayoshi Kamohara, and Patrick Thom-
son, the Program Manager at the HALO structure, agriculture, social and cultural sult of the execution of the humanitari-
the integrity and unity of homeland. At presence of Defense Minister Bacho directions and on top of all, the develop- an project in Georgia, the local residents
the end, the course graduates were giv- Akhalaia, Chief of Joint Staff of GAF Trust, which is the project implementing
organization in Georgia. ment of human resources. The main rea- will be able to return to their usual way
en relevant certificates. Major General Devi Chankotadze, son why we have chosen this project is of living and working without any kinds
“This unit is the best one. Nine along with other MoD and Joint Staff According to the Deputy Minister,
The HALO Trust will lead the clearing that we place a key focus on the number of threats or obstacles.
months ago we started selecting the leading officials. of population to be effected by the It is notable that the quality of the
of the remnants of dangerous explosives
from the mined areas in the Sagarejo and project. In this particular case, quantity humanitarian demining activities on
Mtskheta regions thanks to the Japanese of the target population is too large. Not- Georgian territory is being monitored by
grant worth of $652 000, allocated for withstanding the cost of the project itself, the international organization Informa-
that purpose. This is one more action which is ten times larger compared to tion Management and Mine Actions Pro-
aimed at completely clearing the mined other projects being realized in Georgia, gramme (IMMAP, the U.S.) in Georgia.
territories in both regions, which helps it is oriented on much bigger number of Removal of the dangerous explosives
the local residents feel more secure and population, prompting us to stand our from the region of Mtskheta will start
will make their living environment as safe choice on the given project. This pro- next week and go on for five months.
as it had been before unleashing the mil- gram affords us with an opportunity to As for the Sagarejo region, it will be
itary conflict in 2008. neutralize the mines on the very crucial subject to mine-clearing in March of
The Grassroots and Human Security areas of Georgia,” explained a Japanese next year and will last for about one year.
Grant Assistance Program is a much larg- Ambassador. Tea Ivanishvili
er humanitarian program as compared to
those programs provided by municipali-
ties, medical facilities and non-govern-
mental sector organizations, which are
designed for improving the living stan-
dards for materially deprived and vulner-
able families. Target spheres of the
project may be healthcare system, pub-
lic schools, social and environmental pro-
tection, eradication of poverty and reve-
nues. The government of Japan launched
financing the grant program in1984. For
the time being, around 94 projects have
been implemented in Georgia due to the
internationally provided financial re-

Georgian Militaries and MoD Civilians To Attend

An English Language Course In York
From Jan. 11 to April 1, 2010, three ior, values and attitudes. British Defense
officers and three civilians from the Attaché to Georgia Lieutenant Colonel
Georgian Defense Ministry will attend Nick Ridout says: “Living in a foreign
an English Language course at York St country broadens the mind. I am thor-
John University. oughly enjoying my chance to live and
This course has been provided to the work in Georgia, so it gives me enor-
Georgian Defense sector as a part of an mous pleasure to give Georgian offic-
annual bilateral contribution by the Brit- ers the opportunity to do the same thing
ish government since 2001 and consti- in my country whilst at the same time
tutes a substantial investment in the ad- contributing constructively to enhanc-
vancement of the English language ca- ing Georgian and international defense
pability of civilian and military person- and security capabilities”.
nel alike. English language training is This year, the course in York will be
just one part of a wider UK-Georgia de- attended by three officers from Sach-
fense cooperation program designed to khere Mountain Training School along
assist Georgia to play her full part in in- with representatives from the Defense
ternational affairs and to help her on the Ministry’s Finance Management De-
road to NATO membership. partment, Analytical Department and
The Georgian Defense Ministry rec- Central Division of NATO Classified In-
ognizes English language capability as formation. The British Government is
an important component of the profes- covering all the expenses in full – trav-
sional development of its personnel. el, studies and accommodation. By the
Good English language skills not only end of the course, the participants will
provide opportunities for further train- have acquired the skill to use military
ing and education but are also absolute- terminology particularly for peace-sup-
ly necessary for international military resentative in Georgia, Deputy Defense pability has been identified within the with particular emphasis on Military En- port and other multi-national operations,
cooperation, particularly because coali- Attaché Staff Sergeant Peter Johnson. framework of this program as one of the glish as well as developing an under- demonstrated cross-cultural awareness
tion operations in Afghanistan are invari- The Professional Development Program priorities for 2010. The United Kingdom standing of British values, life and in- in relation to the UK and other coun-
ably conducted in English. has operated on the ground since June is co-lead nation along with Latvia for stitutions. The Georgian students live tries represented by the course partici-
This year, the participants were select- 2009 to assist the Georgian Defense and the Professional Development Program. with an English family in their home, pants, and developed a good understand-
ed through the NATO Professional De- Security sectors in meeting the training The course offered in York includes exposing them to the English language ing of the structure and ethos of the Brit-
velopment Program for Georgia with the and development requirements of its per- intensive language training tailored to 24 hours a day and absorbing a wider ish armed forces.
participation of the British Embassy rep- sonnel. Increasing English language ca- improve communicative language skills understanding of British culture, behav- Elina Lange

New Church Opens at

“Aliante 2010”
The final part of the international of the Sachkhere Mountain Training contest in Georgia,” explained Depu- Krtsanisi National
youth competition “Aliante 2010”, School, where the final stage of the ty Minister Nikoloz Vashakidze.
which focuses on NATO and security “Aliante 2010” is to be organized. Participants in the final stage will
topics, will be organized this time in
Georgia. In consultation with interna-
tional coordinators of the competition
“I would like to thank the Defense
Ministry of Georgia for its active sup-
port and cooperation. It is a very im-
go through several trainings and com-
plete tasks at the Sachkhere-based
school over the course of three to four
Training Center
visiting Georgia, the Georgian De- portant fact that the finishing stage of days. The winners will be awarded with
fense Ministry reached the decision the international-level competition a10-day trip in one of the NATO mem-
about hosting the competition in Geor- will be conducted in the country which ber countries. Of the competition’s
gia. is not yet a member nation of NATO,” three stages, the first and second rounds
Founded in 2000 with NATO sup- commented Mr. Pavlacik at the brief- will be conducted over the internet. The
port, the goal of the contest is to raise ing. “This is a competition arranged competition involves teams of four
the awareness of youth on security is- every year with the participation of se- members from 13 nations: the Czech
sues and NATO’s role in this regard. nior pupils from NATO member and Republic, Georgia, Germany, Hunga-
Every year, a final stage of the com- partner nations. What I want to say is ry, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Po-
petition is held at a military base that that the young participants from Geor- land, Romania, Slovakia, the UK,
satisfies the international standards gia have proved to be quite successful Ukraine, and the U.S. According to the
and requirements. The international and active for many years already. At concept of the competition, the partic-
organizer of the competition, Zbynek this ongoing stage, a lot of Georgian ipants are given an opportunity to test
Pavlacik, Chairman of the Jagello youths take part in the competition, their own physical strength, resilience,
2000 Association for Euro Atlantic and that’s why our partners have de- knowledge, and on top of all, to go trav-
Cooperation, personally took a view cided to arrange the final stage of the eling around the world.

The David Agmashenebeli Church tioning on several military bases, along-

was opened at the Krtsanisi National side the intensive ongoing construc-
Training Center on January 28. Father tions. Today we all have witnessed the
Ioan held the first service in the opening of one more church of this
church. type,” stated Deputy Defence Minis-
The foundation of the temple was ter during the ceremony.
laid in early 2006 thanks to the blessing Father Aleksandre, chaplain of the
by the Catholicos Patriarch of All Geor- church, also commented that the church-
gia Ilia II. The David Agmashenebeli es acting in Georgia do their best to
Church was constructed upon the joint deepen the faith of soldiers in the long
initiative of the Defense Ministry and and complicated process to build up and
Patriarchate. develop the Georgian armed forces. Fa-
“I would like to express my sincere ther Aleksandre added that the represen-
gratitude to the Patriarchate on behalf tatives of clergy will always stand side
of the Defense Ministry for its care and by side with the Georgian army.
attention towards our army. It is a great The opening ceremony proceeded in
pleasure for me to be a part of this pi- the presence of Deputy Defense Minis-
ous event. I should also note that a num- ter, along with representatives from the
ber of temples have already been func- Patriarchate and Training Center.

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