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1. General Information

Name: Edwin Armando Mendoza

Career: English Degree

Subject: Module 3Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching

and Administration of the English Language (Part III)

Title of the activity: Vark inventory learning style

Year: 2011

2. Introduction

The purpose of this report is to understand the importance of knowing what

best way a student can learn is. Sometimes we might have our own
techniques to learn but it becomes easier when we have a resource that can
give us more ideas to make it easier and faster.
VARK is a wonderful tool (ONLINE APPLICATION) that allows you to know
what the best way for you to learn is and after just answering and selecting
different types of option you read the result and take advantage of the
technique you might think is helpful for you.

Is not just about reading and applying what the result shows. I consider it is
important to read all the different techniques it shows and get the best one
you consider for yourself.

3. The test result and the description of your learning style

Your scores were:

• Visual: 5
• Aural: 9
• Read/Write: 3
• Kinesthetic: 5

Getting this results I can tell it’s very close to my personality and the way I learn. As I can see
AURAL is the one I got more score in and it´s because I consider I learn the better by practicing,
of course theory is very important but sometimes what makes me feel understand and not forget
about process it´s to practice it.

There are a number of techniques that this application provides and I will be willing to try some
of them. For example I do learn by practicing the use of a program but I need to also try to write
more notes while practicing so I don’t tend to forget how to use it and some other important
things regarding the class.

4. Select the Study Strategies that apply to your learning



To take in the information:

• attend classes
• attend discussions and tutorials
• discuss topics with others
• discuss topics with your teachers
• explain new ideas to other people
• use a tape recorder
• remember the interesting examples, stories, jokes...
• describe the overheads, pictures and other visuals to somebody who was not there
• leave spaces in your notes for later recall and 'filling'

SWOT - Study without tears

To make a learnable package:

Convert your "notes" into a learnable package by reducing them (3:1)

• Your notes may be poor because you prefer to listen. You will need to expand your notes
by talking with others and collecting notes from the textbook.
• Put your summarised notes onto tapes and listen to them.
• Ask others to 'hear' your understanding of a topic.
• Read your summarised notes aloud.
• Explain your notes to another 'aural' person.


To perform well in any test, assignment or examination:

• Imagine talking with the examiner.

• Listen to your voices and write them down.
• Spend time in quiet places recalling the ideas.
• Practice writing answers to old exam questions.
• Speak your answers aloud or inside your head.

5. Conclusion:

I consider this test is very helpful, however we might not focus a 100% percent in what it says
we are not into. I think yes it match a lot with some of the way to learn but I think we should
read them all and take advantages of the ones we consider might be helpful in our learning
Regarding my results it was very close and I do agree with them, I am the type of person that
learns better by doing the things than reading or taking notes, however it taught me I can also
improve that and take notes while I practice so I don’t forget for example.

I do plan to use some of the strategies that shows and they will very helpful not just right now,
they will be very important for the rest of my educational life.

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