Anda di halaman 1dari 83


Plus Keuntungan 10%
EE 2020 Permen PU

1 BULLDOZER 644.700,00 1.099.557,73

2 DUMP TRUCK 4 - 5 M3 420.000,00 440.481,36
3 EXCAVATOR 682.500,00 804.303,05
4 MOTOR GRADER 651.000,00 758.483,64
5 VIBRATORY ROLLER 630.000,00 566.364,22
6 WATER TANKER 4 - 5 M3 269.850,00 387.437,67


TA : APBN T.A 2020

Harga Satuan
No. Jenis Peralatan Sat.
( Rp. )

1 Bulldozer Jam 644.700,00

2 Dump truck Jam 420.000,00
3 Vibrator Roller Jam 630.000,00
4 Excavator Jam 682.500,00
5 Wheel Loader Jam 565.950,00
6 Motor Grader Jam 651.000,00
7 Asphalt Mixing Plant Jam 5.578.125,00
8 Asphalt Finisher Jam 624.750,00
9 Pneumatic Tire Roller Jam 505.050,00
10 Tandem Roller Jam 367.500,00
11 Asphalt Sprayer Jam 162.750,00
12 Air Compressor Jam 205.800,00
13 Water Tank Truck Jam 269.850,00
14 Generator Set Jam 168.000,00
15 Concrete Mixer Jam 183.750,00
16 Concrete Vibrator Jam 131.250,00
17 Waterpass Jam 29.925,00
18 Pick Up Jam 157.500,00
19 Hammer Drop Jam 262.500,00
20 Theodolith Jam 52.500,00
21 Cat Sprayer Jam 57.750,00
22 Air Compressor Jam 42.000,00
23 Jack Hammer Jam 105.000,00
24 Batching Plant Jam 3.675.000,00
Mixer Truck Jam 551.250,00
25 Mistar Ukur Jam 2.310,00
(di luar PPN)

1 BULLDOZER 189,0 - - 2.887.500.000 999.597,93 Penawaran Trakindo Caterpillar D5R2

2 DUMP TRUCK 4 - 5 M3 131,0 5,0 Ton 396.050.000 400.437,60 Internet Toyota Dyna 130 XT + Karoseri
3 EXCAVATOR 162,0 1,1 M3 1.738.000.000 731.184,59 Penawaran Trakindo Caterpillar 320
4 MOTOR GRADER 135,0 1.843.000.000 689.530,58 E-Katalog Mitshubisi Hidromek MG330
5 VIBRATORY ROLLER 125,0 10,8 Ton 514.876,57 Penawaran Trakindo Caterpillar CS-533E
6 WATER TANKER 4 - 5 M3 111,0 4.000,0 Liter 377.750.000 352.216,07 Internet Toyota Dyna 110 FT + Karoseri

*Penentuan Biaya Sewa Mengacu Kepada Permen PU No 28 - prt - m Tahun 2016



1. Jenis Peralatan BULLDOZER
2. Tenaga Pw 189,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp - -
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam 2562
c. Harga Alat B 2.887.500.000,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 288.750.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 338.578,84 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,2% x B F 2.887,50 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 341.466,34 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 306.309,28 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 118.125,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 180.468,75 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 33.350,00 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 19.878,57 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 658.131,60 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 999.597,93 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Operator U1 33.350,00 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Operator U2 19.878,57 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan


1. Jenis Peralatan DUMP TRUCK 4 - 5 M3
2. Tenaga Pw 131,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp 5,00 ton
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam
c. Harga Alat B 396.050.000,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 39.605.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 46.439,53 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,20% x B F 396,05 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 46.835,58 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 212.309,60 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 81.875,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 24.753,13 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Sopir = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 19.057,14 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 15.607,14 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 353.602,01 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 400.437,60 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Sopir U1 19.057,14 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Sopir U2 15.607,14 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan


1. Jenis Peralatan EXCAVATOR
2. Tenaga Pw 162,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp 1,14 M3
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam
c. Harga Alat B 1.738.000.000,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 173.800.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 203.792,21 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,20% x B F 1.738,00 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 205.530,21 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 262.550,81 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 101.250,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 108.625,00 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 33.350,00 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 19.878,57 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 525.654,38 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 731.184,59 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Operator U1 33.350,00 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Operator U2 19.878,57 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan


1. Jenis Peralatan VIBRATORY ROLLER
2. Tenaga Pw 125,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp 10,80 Ton
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam
c. Harga Alat B,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 100.100.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 117.374,00 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,20% x B F 1.001,00 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 118.375,00 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 202.585,50 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 78.125,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 62.562,50 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 33.350,00 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 19.878,57 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 396.501,57 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 514.876,57 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Operator U1 33.350,00 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Operator U2 19.878,57 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan


1. Jenis Peralatan WATER TANKER 4 - 5 M3
2. Tenaga Pw 111,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp 4.000,00 Liter
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam
c. Harga Alat B 377.750.000,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 37.775.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 44.293,73 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,20% x B F 377,75 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 44.671,48 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 179.895,92 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 69.375,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 23.609,38 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 19.057,14 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 15.607,14 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 307.544,58 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 352.216,07 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Sopir U1 19.057,14 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Sopir U2 15.607,14 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan


1. Jenis Peralatan MOTOR GRADER >100 HP
2. Tenaga Pw 135,00 HP
3. Kapasitas Cp 10.800,00 -
4. Alat Baru : a. Umur Ekonomis A 5,00 Tahun
b. Jam Kerja Dalam 1 Tahun W 2.000,00 Jam
c. Harga Alat B 1.843.000.000,00 Rupiah


1. Nilai Sisa Alat = 10 % x B C 184.300.000,00 Rupiah

2. Faktor Angsuran Modal = i x (1 + i)^A D 0,26 -

(1 + i)^A - 1
3. Biaya Pasti per Jam :
a. Biaya Pengembalian Modal = (B-C)xD E 216.104,17 Rupiah

b. Asuransi, dll = 0,002 x B F 1.843,00 Rupiah


Biaya Pasti per Jam = (E+F) G 217.947,17 Rupiah


1. Bahan Bakar = (12%-15%) x Pw x Ms H 218.792,34 Rupiah

2. Pelumas = (2.5%-3%) x Pw x Mp I 84.375,00 Rupiah

3. Perawatan dan (12,5 % - 17,5 %) x B K 115.187,50 Rupiah

perbaikan = W

4. Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U1 L 33.350,00 Rupiah

5. Pembantu Operator = ( 1 Orang / Jam ) x U2 M 19.878,57 Rupiah

Biaya Operasi per Jam = (H+I+K+L+M) P 471.583,41 Rupiah

D. TOTAL BIAYA SEWA ALAT / JAM = ( G + P ) S 689.530,58 Rupiah

1. Tingkat Suku Bunga i 9,52 % / Tahun
2. Upah Operator U1 33.350,00 Rp./Jam
3. Upah Pembantu Operator U2 19.878,57 Rp./Jam
5. Bahan Bakar Solar Ms 13.505,70 Liter
6. Minyak Pelumas Mp 25.000,00 Liter
7. PPN diperhitungkan pada lembar Rekapitulasi
Biaya Pekerjaan
060/PP-TUSBY/II/19 27 Februari 2019

Jl. Pendreh KM.1, Muara Teweh

Up. Bapak Endang Setiawan

Dengan hormat,


Bersama ini kami sampaikan informasi harga unit Caterpillar sebagai berikut:


1 Hydraulic Excavator 320GC NG/CAB/GDB 1.0M3/PL631 1.380.000.000,-
2 Hydraulic Excavator 320 NG/CAB/HDB 1.19CUM/PLE742 1.580.000.000,-
3 Dozer D5R2 XL/CAN/5AXL BLADE LC/PL631 2.625.000.000,-
4 Wheel Loader 908K CAB/GPB 1.3 M3/PL641,-
5 Motor Grader 120K ROPS CAN/V-SCAR/PL631,-
6 Vibratory Soil Compactors CS-533E SOFT CAN/SCRAP STEEL 910.000.000,-
7 Tandem Vibratory Roller CB10 CANOPY/ROPS/FOPS/PL641 1.530.000.000,-

Kondisi dan persaratan:

- Harga di atas belum termasuk PPN 10%.
- Serah terima unit PTTU Surabaya
- WARRANTY STANDARD selama 12 (dua belas) bulan
- Harga dan status stok bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu sebelum ada kesepakatan dan
tanda jadi.

Demikian informasi harga kami untuk dapat dijadikan pertimbangan dalam keputusan bapak/Ibu.
Atas perhatian serta kerjasama yang diberikan kami mengucapkan terima kasih.

Hormat kami,

Maulana Mufat Al Imron

Inside Sales Representative
(081216883984) WA
Track-Type Tractor

Engine Weights
Engine Model Cat® C7.1 ACERT™ Operating Weight – XL (VPAT) 16 032 kg 35,344 lb
Net Power (Maximum) Operating Weight – XL (SU) 16 119 kg 35,536 lb
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 130 kW 174 hp Operating Weight – XL (A) 17 003 kg 37,485 lb
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 (DIN) 177 hp Operating Weight – LGP (VPAT) 18 504 kg 40,794 lb
D5R2 Features

Ease of Operation
An updated cab provides greater visibility and
comfort to help your operators work more
productively. Single twist tiller control and
automatic machine settings help reduce operator
effort for greater efficiency. A Variable Power
Angle Tilt (VPAT) blade option with electro­
hydraulic controls offers greater versatility and
easier transport.

A Cat C7.1 ACERT engine gives you the horsepower
you need to doze through tough conditions.
The two-pump hydraulic system means you
can count on simultaneous blade response and
steering performance for greater precision and
maneuverability. Differential Steering gives you
exceptional turning, even with a full blade load.

Caterpillar elevated sprocket design offers
added durability and optimum machine balance.
Forestry, Waste Handling, and Cold Weather
arrangements offer added features and protection
to take on especially harsh environments.

Power and Performance....................................3

The Cat D5R2 dozer comes to your job site backed by more than
Operator Environment ........................................4
100 years of track-type tractor experience. The D5R2 combines the
Equipped for the Job ..........................................6
power you need for earthmoving applications with the precision and
Integrated Technologies ....................................8
maneuverability you want for fine grading. Well known Cat tractor
features like differential steering and elevated sprocket are joined
Special Arrangements .......................................9

with a new cab and optional machine control features to give you
Serviceability and Customer Support ............10
world-class performance and ease of operation.
Specifications ....................................................12

Standard Equipment .........................................17

Optional Equipment...........................................18

Notes ...................................................................19

Power and Performance
Designed to get the job done

Cat C7.1 ACERT engine optimizes power and fuel efficiency while reducing
emissions. Bio-diesel compatible up to B-20.

Planetary Power Shift Transmission

Smoother shifting, electronically controlled transmission features
three speeds forward/three speeds reverse. Optional Auto Shift enables
two additional ground speeds for five working speeds forward and
four working speeds reverse. Large diameter, high capacity, oil-cooled
clutches provide higher torque capacity and increase service life.
Modular components offer easy service access.

Differential Steering
Differential Steering increases the speed of one track while slowing the
other for exceptional turning, even with a full blade load. This provides
greater maneuverability and faster cycle times. You also get better load
capacity, power and speed control in soft underfoot conditions.

Responsive Hydraulics
Dedicated implement and steering pumps mean you can count on
simultaneous blade response and steering performance. This gives you
precision and maneuverability, especially beneficial for working in close
quarters or land clearing. Field-proven system senses load and continuously
adjusts implement hydraulic power for maximum efficiency.

Cooling System
Updated aluminum bar plate cooling system is more efficient than
the previous model and gives you better cooling capability in high
ambient conditions.

Operator Environment
Comfort and productivity

Updated cab, with an Integrated Roll Over Protection Structure

(ROPS) and 15° offset seat, gives operators greater all around
visibility to enhance safety and productivity. Quiet interior, with
improved pressurization, helps keep dust out. Cab access/egress
is easier too. The standard suspension seat offers eight operator
adjustments and adjustable armrests for greater comfort. The seat
also features an integrated, retractable 76 mm wide (3 in) seat belt
for enhanced safety.

The redesigned instrument panel has easy-to-read gauges

showing fuel level and engine speed, as well as temperature levels
for power train oil, hydraulic oil and engine coolant.

The updated Cat Electronic Monitoring System has three levels

of machine monitoring and warnings. Lights and/or alarms keep
operators informed about engine and power train conditions,
as well as water in the fuel filter or hydraulic filter restriction.


Implement and Steering Controls

D5R2 controls are ergonomically designed for low-effort and ease
of operation.
• The operator uses a single handle control to perform all directional
changes and gear selection for ease of operation.
• The tiller bar control allows the operator to work more precisely
in close areas around structures, obstacles on the site and
other machines.
• Change gears up or down with the touch of a button.
• Pilot hydraulic implement controls reduce operator effort and
offer more consistent, precise and responsive operation.
• Engine throttle speed is controlled by simply using a rotary dial.
• Setting the engine throttle dial to the optional Auto Shift mode
gives you two additional ground speeds. Auto Shift enables the
machine to automatically down shift to the most efficient gear
based on load. This helps you save fuel and increase productivity.
• Optional bi-directional control allows the operator to dial to
preselected forward/reverse gears for reduced operator effort
and improved efficiency.
• Implement Lock-Out prevents inadvertent operation of hydraulic

1) Tiller bar
2) Standard engine throttle control
3) Engine throttle control with optional Auto Shift
4) Optional bi-directional control
5) Implement lockout

Equipped for the Job

Tough from the inside out

The elevated sprocket design helps protect major
components from harsh impacts and provides a
modular design for convenient service. The operator
has excellent sight lines and the center of gravity
remains low, for outstanding stability, balance
and traction.

Heavy Duty undercarriage, with lifetime lubricated

track/carrier rollers and idlers, is standard on the
D5R2. The components are designed for extended
wear life in abrasive or high impact conditions like
forestry, side slopes or working in rocky terrain.

A broad choice of track shoe designs and widths

help you further optimize your machine for
performance and longer life.

The foundation of every Cat dozer is a rugged mainframe built to absorb
high impact shock loads and twisting forces. Castings add strength to
the main case and equalizer bar saddle. A modular design allows easy
installation and removal of major components for service/rebuild.

The pinned pivot shafts connect the mainframe and roller frames
for independent oscillation. This provides strength and excellent
ground clearance.

L-shaped push arms give you an advantage over diagonal
brace designs by bringing the blade closer to the machine
for better balance, maneuverability and blade penetration.
Lateral stability and better cylinder positions offer constant
pryout capability regardless of blade height. The trunnion joint
requires no adjustments to keep the blade tight.

Dozer blades are manufactured from high tensile strength

steel, with a robust multi-cell design to stand up to the most
severe applications. The moldboard is highly abrasion resistant
to prevent wear-through. Hardened bolt-on cutting edges and
end bits give you better penetration and can be rotated and/or
replaced for even longer blade life. Semi-Universal (SU) and
Angle (A) blades are available, as well as special blades for
landfill and land clearing applications.

Variable Power Angle Tilt (VPAT) Blade

Variable Power Angle Tilt (VPAT) blade with electro-hydraulic
controls (available mid-2016) allows you to hydraulically adjust
lift, angle and tilt for more precise results. VPAT blades offer
greater versatility and can be angled for easier transport.

Rear Implements
• Three-shank fixed parallelogram-type ripper with curved
or straight ripper shanks.
• Drawbar for towing and recovery.
• Winch.

Please consult your Cat dealer for available options to best

suit the types of work you do.

Integrated Technologies
Monitor, manage and enhance job site operations

LINK Technologies
LINK technologies, like Product Link™*, are deeply integrated into your machine and
wirelessly communicate key information, including location, hours, fuel usage, idle time
and event codes.

Product Link/VisionLink®*
Manage equipment with real-time data and performance information to help make timely,
decisions that can boost job site efficiency and productivity, and lower costs. Analysis and
scheduling tools help you track routine maintenance and plan for service procedures.
And if a problem arises, operators can quickly assess the issue and take appropriate
action to minimize service costs and downtime.

Whether you’re in your office or on the job site, you can easily access data about your machine
or fleet via the online VisionLink user interface from your computer or mobile device.

*Product Link/VisionLink mobile not available in all areas. Please consult your Cat dealer.

GRADE Technologies
Grade technologies combine digital design data and in-cab guidance to help you reach
target grade quickly and accurately, with minimal staking and checking. That means you’ll
be more productive, complete jobs faster, in fewer passes, using less fuel, at a lower cost.

Cat AccuGrade™
AccuGrade is an optional dealer-installed grade control system that provides automated
blade slope and elevation control, improving productivity and accuracy by up to 50 percent
over conventional methods. Real-time in-cab guidance indicates precisely where to work
and how much to cut or fill, helping operators work more confidently and get to grade faster.
Choose from 2D laser systems for flat planes and slopes, and 3D satellite (GNSS) for large
complex designs or total station (UTS) control for fine and finish grading. 3D systems eliminate
staking, checking, and ground crews, making the job site safer and more cost effective.

Special Arrangements
Purpose-built for performance

Your D5R2 can be specially equipped from the factory to perform in the toughest applications.

Forestry Arrangement
• Optional sweeps help protect the cab, top and sides of the machine.
• Optional screens give added impact protection to all cab windows and open canopy (ISO 8084).
• Additional guarding helps protect machine structures from heavy debris impact.
• The cooling system is designed for high debris environments, with easy access for cleanout.

Cold Weather Arrangement (available by custom order)

• Reversible fan allows manual adjustment of air flow through the radiator.
• Heavy duty battery and alternator for added cold start capability.
• Solid hood for added protection against snow and ice.
• Arctic cab with dual pane glass, as well as optional heated suspension seat, offer greater operator comfort in extreme cold.
• Oils and final drive seals are designed to stand up to cold conditions.

Waste Handler/Landfill Arrangement (available by custom order)

• Specialized guarding, striker bars and seals help protect the machine from impact and airborne/wrapping debris.
• The engine cooling system is designed for high debris environments and easy access for cleanout.
• Specialized air handling features help deliver cleaner air to the machine.
• Landfill blades and center-hole track shoes help you optimize your waste handler for the job.

Serviceability and Customer Support

When uptime counts

Ease of Service
The D5R2 is designed for ease of repair and maintenance so you can spend less
time on service and more time on the job.

Service points are grouped and sight gauges let you inspect fluid levels at a
glance. Service point locations are consistent across Cat tractor models to help
save you even more time. High efficiency fuel filters have water-in-fuel sensors
to add to fuel system robustness.

Air conditioning condenser is now mounted externally, above the rear cab
window, without adding to machine height. Heating/ventilation/air conditioning
capability is increased, while improving engine cooling and serviceability.

Cat EMSolutions (Equipment Management Solutions)
Cat EMSolutions lets you take control of your fleet with a solution specific
to your equipment management needs. Comprehensive equipment
management – combined with the knowledge and expertise of your
Cat dealer – can provide ways to help you achieve gains that go straight
to your bottom line.
• Improve availability
• Reduce owning and operating costs
• Streamline maintenance practices
• Maximize equipment life
• Increase resale value

Consisting of five levels of support, from remote access to equipment

data to complete, proactive management of your fleet, Cat EMSolutions
allows you to choose the amount of support that’s right for you.

Renowned Cat Dealer Support

Knowledgeable Cat dealers have a global reputation for providing
outstanding sales and service. When you need repairs, Cat dealers and
our unmatched Caterpillar distribution network excel at getting you the
right parts you need quickly. Maximize your equipment investment with
a Customer Support Agreement tailored to meet your business needs.
Take advantage of preventive maintenance programs like Custom Track
Service, Scheduled Oil Sampling (S·O·SSM) analysis, and guaranteed
maintenance contracts. Cat dealers can even help you with operator
training to help boost your profits.

Your Cat dealer can also help you maximize your equipment investment
with services like Cat Reman* parts and Cat Certified Rebuilds.
Remanufactured parts offer you the same warranty and reliability
as new parts at a fraction of the cost. A Certified Rebuild gives a
“second life” for your machine, incorporating the latest engineering
updates so you end up with a like-new dozer and a new machine
warranty. Caterpillar strives to provide customers the lowest owning
and operating costs over the life of their machine.

*Please contact your Cat dealer for Reman availability.

D5R2 Track-Type Tractor Specifications

Engine – Standard Transmission

Engine Model Cat C7.1 ACERT 1.0 Forward 3.3 km/h 2.0 mph
Emissions Meets China Nonroad 1.5 Forward* 4.2 km/h 2.6 mph
Stage III emission standards 2.0 Forward 5.8 km/h 3.6 mph
and the equivalent of
2.5 Forward* 7.3 km/h 4.5 mph
U.S. EPA Tier 3 and
EU Stage IIIA emission 3.0 Forward 10.1 km/h 6.2 mph
standards. 1.0 Reverse 4.2 km/h 2.6 mph
Engine Power (Maximum) 1.5 Reverse* 5.2 km/h 3.2 mph
SAE J1995 141 kW 189 hp 2.0 Reverse 7.3 km/h 4.5 mph
ISO 14396 139 kW 187 hp 2.5 Reverse* 7.3 km/h 4.5 mph
ISO 14396 (DIN) 189 hp 3.0 Reverse 12.5 km/h 7.7 mph
Engine Speed 1,700 rpm *With optional Auto-Shift selected
Net Power (Rated)
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 114 kW 153 hp
Drawbar – D5R2 XL and LGP
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 (DIN) 155 hp
lb × kg ×
80/1269/EEC 114 kW 153 hp 10 0 0 10 0 0


Engine Speed 2,200 rpm

80 35
Net Power (Maximum)
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 130 kW 174 hp
ISO 9249/SAE J1349 (DIN) 177 hp DRAWBAR PULL 60
80/1269/EEC 130 kW 174 hp 25

Engine Speed 1,700 rpm 20

Bore 105 mm 4.1 in 40
Stroke 135 mm 5.3 in
Displacement 7.1 L 433.3 in3 10
• Net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when 5
engine is equipped with a fan at maximum speed, air cleaner, 1.5 2.5
1.0 2.0 3.0
muffler and alternator, air conditioner compressor at full load. 0 0
• No deratings required up to 3000 m (9,840 ft) altitude. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 km/h
Automatic derating occurs after 3000 m (9,840 ft). 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 mph

1.0 – 1st Gear
1.5 – 1st Gear, additional speed with Auto Shift engaged
2.0 – 2nd Gear
2.5 – 2nd Gear, additional speed with Auto Shift engaged
3.0 – 3rd Gear

NOTE: Usable pull will depend upon weight and traction of equipped tractor.

D5R2 Track-Type Tractor Specifications

Service Refill Capacities Undercarriage – XL

Fuel Tank 299 L 79.0 gal Shoe Type Extreme Service
Cooling System 30 L 12.7 gal Width of Shoe 560 mm 22.0 in
Engine Crankcase 15.5 L 4.1 gal Grouser Height 57 mm 2.2 in
Power Train 160 L 44.9 gal Shoes per Side 40
Final Drives (each) 7L 2.2 gal Track Rollers per Side 7
Hydraulic Tank 29.5 L 7.8 gal Track Pitch 190 mm 7.5 in
Ground Clearance 419 mm 16.5 in
Weights Track Gauge 1890 mm 74.4 in
Operating Length of Track on Ground 2587 mm 101.8 in
D5R2 XL (VPAT) (1) 16 032 kg 35,344 lb Ground Contact Area 2.9 m 4,496.0 in2
D5R2 XL (SU) (2) 16 119 kg 35,536 lb Ground Pressure (ISO 16754)
D5R2 XL (A) (3) 17 003 kg 37,485 lb VPAT-Blade 54.2 kPa 7.8 psi
D5R2 LGP (VPAT) (2) 18 504 kg 40,794 lb SU-Blade 54.5 kPa 7.9 psi
Shipping A-Blade 57.5 kPa 8.3 psi
D5R2 XL (VPAT) 14 714 kg 32,438 lb
D5R2 XL (SU) 13 862 kg 30,560 lb
Undercarriage – LGP
D5R2 XL (A) 15 351 kg 33,843 lb Shoe Type Moderate Service
D5R2 LGP (VPAT) 16 999 kg 37,476 lb Width of Shoe 840 mm 33.1 in
Operating weight includes lubricants, coolant, full fuel tank, Grouser Height 66 mm 2.6 in
standard track, ROPS cab, air conditioner, hydraulic controls, Shoes per Side 46
blade, drawbar and operator. Track Rollers per Side 8
Operating weight includes lubricants, coolant, full fuel tank,
standard track, ROPS cab, air conditioner, hydraulic controls, Track Pitch 190 mm 7.5 in
blade, drawbar, and operator. Ground Clearance 510 mm 20.1 in
Operating weight includes lubricants, coolant, full fuel tank, Track Gauge 2160 mm 85.0 in
standard track, ROPS canopy, hydraulic control, blade, drawbar, Length of Track on Ground 3113 mm 122.6 in
sweeps, screens, guards and operator. 2
• Shipping weight includes lubricants, coolant, 5% fuel tank, Ground Contact Area 5.23 m 8,107 in2
standard track, ROPS cab, air conditioner, hydraulic controls and Ground Pressure (ISO 16754)
blade removed. (Includes inside mounted C-frame for VPAT-blade VPAT-Blade 34.7 kPa 5.0 psi
and outside mounted C-frame or A-blade equipped machines.)

D5R2 Track-Type Tractor Specifications


Type Fixed Parallelogram ROPS/FOPS ROPS (Rollover Protective

Number of Pockets 3 – Multi-shank, XL Structure) offered by
Caterpillar meets ROPS
Overall Beam Width 2202 mm 86.7 in
criteria ISO 3471:2008
Weight with Standard Shanks 1400 kg 3,444 lb FOPS (Falling Object
Maximum Penetration 475 mm 14 in Protective Structure)
Maximum Penetration Force 52 kN 11,600 lbf meets FOPS criteria
ISO 3449:2005
Pry-out Force 125.8 kN 28,280 lbf
Brakes Brakes meet the standard
Hydraulic Controls SAE J/ISO 10265:2008
Cab Meets appropriate
Pump Type – Implements Variable Displacement standards as listed below
• The operator sound exposure Leq (equivalent sound pressure level)
Pump Capacity 6900 kPa 1,001 psi measured according to the work cycle procedures specified in
RPM at Rated Speed 2,200 rpm ANSI/SAE J116 OCT98 is 78 dB(A), for a cab by Caterpillar,
Pump Output 135 L/min 35.7 gal/min when properly installed and maintained and tested with the doors
Bulldozer Lift Cylinder Flow 132 L/min 34.9 gal/min and windows closed.
• Hearing protection may be needed when operating with an open
Bulldozer Tilt Cylinder Flow 100 L/min 26.4 gal/min operator station and cab (when not properly maintained for doors/
Ripper Cylinder Flow 125 L/min 33.0 gal/min windows open) for extended periods or in noisy environment(s).
Maximum Operating Pressures • The exterior sound pressure level for the standard machine
Bulldozer Lift Cylinder 26 500 kPa 3,843 psi measured at a distance of 16 m (52.5 ft) radius according to the
test procedures specific in ISO 6395, mid gear moving operation,
Bulldozer Tilt Cylinder 23 500 kPa 3,408 psi is 109 dB(A).
Ripper Lift Cylinder 35 000 kPa 5,076 psi
Steering 45 000 kPa 6,527 psi
Main Relief Valve
Pressure Setting (Non-VPAT) 21 800 kPa 3,162 psi
Pressure Setting (VPAT) 23 400 kPa 3,394 psi

D5R2 Track-Type Tractor Specifications


All dimensions are approximate.

7 8

1 4 6

2 5
1 Tractor Gauge 1890 mm 74.4 in 2160 mm 85.0 in
2 Width of Tractor
Over Trunnions 2640 mm 103.9 in N/A
Without Trunnions (standard shoe width) 2450 mm 96.5 in 3000 mm 118.1 in
3 Machine Height, from Tip of Grouser
Exhaust Stack 3042 mm 119.8 in 3122 mm 122.9 in
ROPS (Cab or Canopy) 3055 mm 119.7 in 3135 mm 123.8 in
4 Length of Track on Ground 2587 mm 101.9 in 3092 mm 121.7 in
5 Length of Basic Tractor:
Cab (non-VPAT) 3766 mm 148.3 in N/A
Cab (VPAT) 3696 mm 145.5 in 4027 mm 158.5 in
Canopy (non-VPAT) 3706 mm 145.9 in N/A
Canopy (VPAT) 3636 mm 143.1 in 4027 mm 158.5 in
With following attachments, add:
SU – Blade 1170 mm 46.1 in N/A
A – Blade (straight) 1235 mm 48.6 in N/A
A – Blade (angled 25 degrees) 2075 mm 81.7 in N/A
VPAT – Blade (straight) 1195 mm 47.0 in 1250 mm 49.2 in
VPAT – Blade (angled 25 degrees) 1815 mm 71.5 in 2060 mm 81.1 in
Rear Drawbar 184 mm 7.2 in 100 mm 3.9 in
Multi-Shank Ripper (tip at ground level) 1230 mm 48.4 in 1140 mm 44.9 in
6 Grouser Bar Height 57 mm 2.2 in 66 mm 2.6 in
7 Ground Clearance – from Ground Face of Shoe 364 mm 14.3 in 444 mm 17.5 in
8 Drawbar Height (grouser tip to center of clevis) 614 mm 24.2 in 703 mm 27.7 in

D5R2 Track-Type Tractor Specifications



Capacity (SAE J/ISO 9246) 4.28 m3 5.6 yd3 3.18 m3 4.2 yd3 3.31 m3 4.3 yd3 3.87 m3 5.1 yd3
Width (over end bits) 3154 mm 124.2 in 4165 mm 164.0 in 3272 mm 128.8 in 4082 mm 160.7 in
Height 1238 mm 48.7 in 1031 mm (2) 40.6 in 1195 mm 47.0 in 1040 mm 40.9 in
Digging Depth 473 mm 18.6 in 505 mm 19.9 in 420 mm 21.2 in 500 mm 17.0 in
Ground Clearance 1076 mm 42.4 in 1140 mm 44.9 in 1067 mm 32.4 in 1052 mm 40.9 in
Maximum Tilt 665 mm 26.2 in N/A 485 mm 19.6 in 585 mm 23.5 in
Weight (1) 1957 kg 4,349 lb 2573 kg (3) 5,718 lb 2426 kg 5,391 lb 2852 kg 6,338 lb
Does not include hydraulic controls but includes push-arm/C-frame, trunnions, blade tilt cylinder/brace (SU XL), braces (A XL) and angle/tilt cylinders (VPAT).
Brush rack will add 412 mm (16.2 in) to the height of A-Blade.
Add 152 kg (338 lb) for Land Clearing “Brush” Rack option.

D5R2 Standard Equipment

Standard Equipment

Standard equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.


• D5R2 XL • Alarm, backup • Cat Product Link ready
• D5R2 LGP (Low Ground Pressure) • Alternator (115 Amp) • Engine covers with perforated side
• Batteries, two maintenance free 12V enclosures
POWER TRAIN (24V system) • Engine hood, solid
• Cat 7.1 ACERT Turbocharged Direct • Converter, 12V, 10 amp with one outlet • Front pull device
Injection diesel engine • Connector, diagnostic • Guards, bottom
• 3000 m (9,843 ft) altitude operation • Electric start, 24V • Radiator door, louvered
capability without de-rating • Glow plug starting aid • Mounting, lift cylinder
• China Nonroad Stage III emission • Horn, forward warning • Lift cylinders with lines
standards and the equivalent of Tier 3 • Lights, halogen (four) • Hydraulics, load sensing, dozer lift and tilt
and Stage IIIA emission standards • Oil cooler, hydraulic
• Aluminum bar plate radiator (6.35 fins/in) OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT • Sampling ports
• Air cleaner, under-hood, with dust ejector • Armrest, adjustable – Engine oil
• Air filter with electronic service indicator • Decelerator pedal, suspended – Engine coolant
• Aluminum bar plate Air to Air After- • Differential steering tiller-bar control with – Hydraulic oil
Cooler (ATAAC) soft touch button gear selection • Vandalism protection
• Coolant, extended life • Cat monitoring system – cap locks fitted to battery box and fuel
• Differential Steering, electronically controlled – Engine coolant temperature tank drain
• Fan, blower, direct drive – Hydraulic temperature – provision for cap locks for fluid

• Final drives, 3-planet single reduction – Power train temperature compartments, battery compartment

planetary and engine side enclosures

– Fuel level
• Fuel filter with water in fuel sensor/
– Engine speed, tachometer
indicator and secondary fuel filters
– Service hour meter
• Fuel priming pump, electric
– System warning lamps
• Muffler with mitered stack
• Enclosed cab, or open canopy,
• Parking brake, electronic
integrated ROPS
• Planetary transmission, electronic
• Coat Hook
power shift 3F/3R speeds
• Cup Holder
• Torque converter
• Foot pads, dash mounted
• Hydraulic controls, pilot operated with
electronic deactivation switch
• Carrier rollers, lifetime lubricated
• Mirror, rearview
• Equalizer bar
• Seat, adjustable contour suspension
• Guards, end track guiding
• Seat belt, retractable 76 mm (3 in)
• Idlers, lifetime lubricated
• Service brake pedal, suspended
• Pivot shafts, pinned
• Throttle switch, electronic rotary dial
• Replaceable sprocket rim segments
• Track adjusters, hydraulic
• Track, heavy duty, sealed and lubricated
• Track rollers, lifetime lubricated
• Track roller frames, tubular

D5R2 Optional Equipment

Optional Equipment

Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.


• Auto-Shift with kick-down and 5F/5R • Battery, heavy duty • Drawbar, rigid
ground speed selection. • Lights, halogen (six) • Hydraulics, lift/tilt/ripper
• Drains, ecology, power train • Lights, LED (six) • Ripper, multi-shank, straight or
• Fuel system, heated • Lights, halogen (four – sweep) curved shanks (three)
• Heater, engine coolant, 240V • Sound suppression, exterior
• Oil change system, high speed OPERATOR ENVIRONMENT
• Precleaner, turbine with screen • Mirror, additional internal GUARDS
• Radiator core protector • Screen, rear, cab or canopy • Guard, bottom, heavy duty
• Radiator fan, reversible (cold weather) • Screens, side, cab or canopy • Guard, fuel tank
• Screens, door/front, cab or canopy • Guards, land clearing
UNDERCARRIAGE • Suspension seat, vinyl cover with 76 mm • Guard, radiator, heavy duty
• Track guiding, center (XL and LGP) (3 in) retractable seat belt • Guard, transmission
• Track guiding, partial (XL) • Suspension seat, cloth cover with 76 mm • Sweeps, forward protection
• Track guiding, full length (XL) (3 in) retractable seat belt
• Track shoe, 560 mm (22.0 in), Moderate BULLDOZERS
Service (XL) TECHNOLOGY PRODUCTS • Angle, mechanical tilt (XL)
• Track shoe, 600 mm (24 in), Moderate • Cat Product Link, satellite, Pro-Series • Semi-Universal, hydraulic tilt (XL)
Service (XL) • Cat Product Link, cellular, Pro-Series • Variable power angle and tilt
• Track shoe, 600 mm (24 in), Extreme (XL and LGP)
Service (XL)
• Track shoe, 600 mm (24 in), Extreme
Service with trapezoidal hole (XL)
• Track shoe, 840 mm (33.1 in), Extreme
Service (LGP)
• Track shoe, 840 mm (33.1 in), Extreme
Service with trapezoidal hole (LGP)



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© 2016 Caterpillar
All rights reserved

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include
additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.

CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge”
trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may
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VisionLink is a trademark of Trimble Navigation Limited, registered in the United States and in other countries.

Hydraulic Excavator

Technical Specifications
Engine Track
Engine Model Cat® C4.4 ACERT™ Standard Track Shoe Width 790 mm 31 in
Net Power (ISO 9249) 121 kW 162 hp Number of Shoes (each side) 49
Net Power (SAE J1349) 121 kW 162 hp Number of Track Rollers (each side) 8
Gross Power (ISO 14396/SAE J1995) 122 kW 164 hp Number of Carrier Rollers (each side) 2
Bore 105 mm 4 in
Stroke 127 mm 5 in Drive
Displacement 4.4 L 269 in3 Maximum Gradeability 35°/70%
• The 320 meets U.S. EPA Tier 4 Final emission standards. Maximum Travel Speed 5.7 km/h 3.5 mph
• Recommended for use up to 4500 m (14,764 ft) altitude with Maximum Drawbar Pull – 205 kN 45,996 lbf
engine power derate above 3000 m (9,842.5 ft). Long Undercarriage
• Net power advertised is the power available at the flywheel when
the engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, muffler and alternator. Hydraulic System
• Rating at 1,800 rpm.
Main System – Maximum Flow 429 L/min 113 gal/min
Engine rpm (Implement) (214.5 × (56.5 ×
2 pumps) 2 pumps)
Operation 1,650 rpm
Swing System – Maximum Flow No swing pump
Travel 1,800 rpm
Maximum Pressure – Equipment – 35 000 kPa 5,075 psi
Swing Mechanism
Maximum Pressure – Equipment – 38 000 kPa 5,510 psi
Swing Speed 11.30 rpm Lift Mode
Maximum Swing Torque 74 kN·m 54,440 lbf-ft Maximum Pressure – Travel 34 300 kPa 4,974 psi
Maximum Pressure – Swing 26 800 kPa 3,886 psi
Weights Boom Cylinder – Bore 120 mm 5 in
Operating Weight 22 500 kg 49,600 lb Boom Cylinder – Stroke 1260 mm 50 in
• Reach boom, R2.9 (9'6") stick, HD 1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) bucket Stick Cylinder – Bore 140 mm 6 in
and 790 mm (31 in) triple grouser shoes. Stick Cylinder – Stroke 1504 mm 59 in
Bucket Cylinder – Bore 120 mm 5 in
Bucket Cylinder – Stroke 1104 mm 43 in
320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Service Refill Capacities Sound Performance

Fuel Tank Capacity 345 L 86.6 gal ISO 6395 (external) 99 dB(A)
Cooling System 25 L 6.6 gal ISO 6396 (inside cab) 70 dB(A)
Engine Oil 15 L 4.0 gal • When properly installed and maintained, the cab offered by
Swing Drive (each) 5L 1.3 gal Caterpillar, when tested with doors and windows closed according
Final Drive (each) 5L 1.3 gal to ANSI/SAE J1166 OCT98, meets OSHA and MSHA requirements
for operator sound exposure limits in effect at time of manufacture.
Hydraulic System (including tank) 234 L 61.8 gal • Hearing protection may be needed when operating with an open
Hydraulic Tank 115 L 30.4 gal operator station and cab (when not properly maintained or doors/
DEF Tank 39 L 10.3 gal windows open) for extended periods or in a noisy environment.

Brakes ISO 10265:2008
Cab/FOGS ISO 10262:1998
Cab/ROPS ISO 12117-2:2008

Operating Weight and Ground Pressure

790 mm (31 in)

Triple Grouser Shoes
Weight Ground Pressure
4.2 mt (9,300 lb) Counterweight + Base Machine
Reach Boom + R2.9 (9'6") Stick + 1.14 m3 (1.49 yd3) GD Bucket 22 400 kg 49,400 lb 35.4 kPa 5.1 psi

All operating weights include a 90% fuel tank with 75 kg (165 lb) operator.

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Major Component Weights

kg lb
Base Machine (with 4.2 mt [9,300 lb] counterweight, semi-HD swing frame, standard base frame with 14 800 32,600
HD track rollers and standard carrier rollers for long undercarriage, with boom cylinder – does not include
90% fuel and 75 kg [165 lb] operator)
Track Shoes:
790 mm (31 in) Width, 10 mm (0.39 in) Thick Triple Grouser Track Shoes for Long Undercarriage 3370 7,400
with Step Extension for ISO 2867
Two Boom Cylinders 340 750
Weight of 90% Fuel Tank and 75 kg (165 lb) Operator 310 680
4.2 mt (9,300 lb) Counterweight 4200 9,300
4.7 mt (10,400 lb) Counterweight (only for Super Long Reach) 4700 10,400
Swing Frame:
Semi-HD Swing Frame, for C4.4 ACERT 1910 4,210
Standard and Long Undercarriage:
Standard Base Frame with HD Track Rollers and Standard Carrier Rollers for Long Undercarriage 4390 9,700
Booms (including lines, pins, stick cylinder):
Reach Boom (5.7 m/18'8") 1710 3,800
Super Long Reach Boom (8.85 m/29'0") 2170 4,800
Sticks (including lines, pins, bucket cylinder, bucket linkage):
Reach Stick (R2.9B1/9'6") 1300 2,900
Super Long Reach Stick (6.28A/20'7") 1340 3,000
Buckets (without linkage):
1.19 m3 (1.56 yd3) HD 880 1,940
1.0 m3 (1.31 yd3) HD 850 1,870
0.57 m3 (0.75 yd3) Ditch Cleaning 390 850
Quick Couplers:
Pin Grabber QC 390 850

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

All dimensions are approximate and may vary depending on bucket selection.

3 4

8 7
9, 10 2

Boom Options Reach Boom SLR Boom

5.7 m (18'8") 8.85 m (29'0")
Stick Options Reach Stick SLR Stick
R2.9B1 (9'6") 6.28A (20'7") 6.28A (20'7")
1 Machine Height:
Top of Cab Height 2960 mm 9'9" 2960 mm 9'9" 2960 mm 9'9"
Top of FOGS Height 3100 mm 10'2" 3100 mm 10'2" 3100 mm 10'2"
Handrails Height 2950 mm 9'8" 2950 mm 9'8" 2950 mm 9'8"
With Boom/Stick/Bucket Installed 3160 mm 10'4" 3190 mm 10'6" 3190 mm 10'6"
With Boom/Stick Installed 2910 mm 9'7" 3070 mm 10'1" 3070 mm 10'1"
With Boom Installed 2480 mm 8'2" 2650 mm 8'8" 2650 mm 8'8"
2 Machine Length:
With Boom/Stick/Bucket Installed 9530 mm 31'3" 12 750 mm 41'10" 12 750 mm 41'10"
With Boom/Stick Installed 9500 mm 31'2" 12 760 mm 41'10" 12 760 mm 41'10"
With Boom Installed 8450 mm 27'9" 8920 mm 29'3" 8920 mm 29'3"
3 Upperframe Width without Walkways 2780 mm 9'1" 2780 mm 9'1" 2780 mm 9'1"
4 Tail Swing Radius 2830 mm 9'3" 2830 mm 9'3" 2830 mm 9'3"
5 Counterweight Clearance 1050 mm 3'5" 1050 mm 3'5" 1050 mm 3'5"
6 Ground Clearance 470 mm 1'7" 470 mm 1'7" 470 mm 1'7"
7 Track Length – Length to Center of Rollers 3650 mm 12'0" 3650 mm 12'0" 3650 mm 12'0"
8 Track Gauge – Extended 2380 mm 7'9" 2380 mm 7'9" 2380 mm 7'9"
9 Track Width:
790 mm (31 in) Shoes 3170 mm 10'5" 3170 mm 10'5" 3170 mm 10'5"
10 Undercarriage Width (with steps/without steps):
790 mm (31 in) Shoes 3170 mm 10'5" 3170 mm 10'5" 3170 mm 10'5"
Bucket Type GD Ditch Cleaning (DC) GD
Bucket Capacity 1.14 m3 1.50 yd3 0.57 m3 0.75 yd3 0.53 m3 0.69 yd3
Bucket Tip Radius 1470 mm 4'10" 1070 mm 3'6" 1220 mm 4'0"

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Working Ranges
All dimensions are approximate and may vary depending on bucket selection.

Feet Meters

30 9


20 6

15 3

10 3 4

1 5

0 0
5 R2.9B1 (9'6")
10 3 6

20 6

11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 Meters

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Feet

Boom Option Reach Boom

5.7 m (18'8")
Stick Option Reach Stick
R2.9B1 (9'6")
1 Maximum Digging Depth 6620 mm 21'9"
2 Maximum Reach at Ground Line 9760 mm 32'0"
3 Maximum Cutting Height 9330 mm 30'7"
4 Maximum Loading Height 6590 mm 21'7"
5 Minimum Loading Height 2270 mm 7'5"
6 Maximum Depth Cut for 2440 mm (8'0") Level Bottom 6440 mm 21'2"
7 Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth 5360 mm 17'7"
Bucket Digging Force (SAE) 143 kN 32,233 lbf
Bucket Digging Force (ISO) 163 kN 36,711 lbf
Stick Digging Force (SAE) 105 kN 23,668 lbf
Stick Digging Force (ISO) 109 kN 24,486 lbf
Bucket Type GD
Bucket Capacity 1.14 m3 1.50 yd3
Bucket Tip Radius 1470 mm 4'10"

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Working Ranges
All dimensions are approximate and may vary depending on bucket selection.

Feet Meters
40 12

30 9
7 3
20 6
10 3
1 5
0 0
5 2
10 3
15 6.28A (20'7")
5 7
1 6
20 6
30 9
40 12
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 Meters
65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 –5 Feet

Boom Option SLR Boom

8.85 m (29'0")
Stick Option SLR Stick
6.28A (20'7") 6.28A (20'7")
1 Maximum Digging Depth 11 540 mm 37'10" 11 690 mm 38'4"
2 Maximum Reach at Ground Line 15 570 mm 51'1" 15 730 mm 51'7"
3 Maximum Cutting Height 13 540 mm 44'5" 13 610 mm 44'8"
4 Maximum Loading Height 11 440 mm 37'6" 11 290 mm 37'0"
5 Minimum Loading Height 2240 mm 7'4" 2080 mm 6'10"
6 Maximum Depth Cut for 2440 mm (8'0") Level Bottom 11 440 mm 37'6" 11 590 mm 38'0"
7 Maximum Vertical Wall Digging Depth 11 020 mm 36'2" 10 560 mm 34'8"
Bucket Digging Force (SAE) 62 kN 13,841 lbf 54 kN 12,119 lbf
Bucket Digging Force (ISO) 62 kN 13,841 lbf 60 kN 13,549 lbf
Stick Digging Force (SAE) 49 kN 10,950 lbf 48 kN 10,791 lbf
Stick Digging Force (ISO) 49 kN 10,950 lbf 49 kN 10,950 lbf
Bucket Type Ditch Cleaning (DC) GD
Bucket Capacity 0.57 m3 0.75 yd3 0.53 m3 0.69 yd3
Bucket Tip Radius 1070 mm 3'6" 1230 mm 4'0"

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Reach Boom Lift Capacities – Counterweight: 4.2 mt (9,300 lb) – without Bucket

2.9 m (9'6") 5.7 m (18'8") 790 mm (31") 3650 mm (12'0")

Triple Grouser Shoes

4450 mm (14'7")
2380 mm (7'9")

1500 mm/60 in 3000 mm/120 in 4500 mm/180 in 6000 mm/240 in 7500 mm/300 in


7500 mm kg *4950 *4950 *4300 *4300 6150

300 in lb *9,550 *9,550 240
6000 mm kg *5450 *5450 *4000 *4000 7290
240 in lb *11,950 11,900 *8,800 *8,800 290
4500 mm kg *6000 5400 *5650 3800 *3900 3450 7990
180 in lb *13,000 11,600 *12,350 8,200 *8,600 7,600 320
3000 mm kg *8700 7850 *6850 5150 5750 3700 *4000 3150 8360
120 in lb *18,750 16,850 *14,900 11,100 12,300 8,000 *8,800 6,950 330
1500 mm kg *10 550 7350 *7800 4900 5600 3600 *4250 3050 8450
60 in lb *22,800 15,800 16,800 10,600 12,050 7,750 *9,350 6,700 340
0 mm kg *6600 *6600 *11 600 7050 7600 4750 5500 3500 *4700 3100 8260
0 in lb *15,200 *15,200 *25,050 15,200 16,400 10,250 11,850 7,600 *10,350 6,800 330
–1500 mm kg *7100 *7100 *11 400 *11 400 *11 700 6950 7550 4700 5500 3500 5250 3350 7780
–60 in lb *15,800 *15,800 *25,900 *25,900 *25,350 15,000 16,200 10,050 11,800 7,550 11,500 7,350 310
–3000 mm kg *12 100 *12 100 *15 500 13 550 *10 950 7050 7600 4700 6150 3900 6950
–120 in lb *27,150 *27,150 *33,600 29,050 *23,700 15,150 16,300 10,150 13,650 8,700 280
–4500 mm kg *12 400 *12 400 *8950 7250 *6750 5400 5600
–180 in lb *26,550 *26,550 *19,000 15,600 *14,850 12,100 220

ISO 10567

* Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity
standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the
above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to
handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance.
Lift capacity stays with ±5% for all available track shoes.
Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information.

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Super Long Reach Boom Lift Capacities – Counterweight: 4.7 mt (10,400 lb) – without Bucket

6.28 m (20'7") 8.85 m (29'0") 790 mm (31") 3650 mm (12'0")

Triple Grouser Shoes

4450 mm (14'7")
2380 mm (7'9")

1500 mm/60 in 3000 mm/120 in 4500 mm/180 in 6000 mm/240 in 7500 mm/300 in


12 000 mm kg *1250 *1250 10 350

480 in lb *2,800 *2,800 400
10 500 mm kg *1200 *1200 11 660
420 in lb *2,600 *2,600 460
9000 mm kg *1150 *1150 12 660
360 in lb *2,450 *2,450 500
7500 mm kg *1100 *1100 13 410
300 in lb *2,400 *2,400 530
6000 mm kg *1100 *1100 13 970
240 in lb *2,400 *2,400 550
4500 mm kg *1100 *1100 14 340
180 in lb *2,400 *2,400 570
3000 mm kg *4700 *4700 *6750 *6750 *5000 *5000 *4100 3700 *1150 *1150 14 550
120 in lb *11,850 *11,850 *14,450 *14,450 *10,750 *10,750 *8,800 7,950 *2,500 *2,500 580
1500 mm kg *6750 6550 *5900 4550 *4650 3350 *1200 1150 14 600
60 in lb *16,000 14,200 *12,750 9,800 *10,050 7,250 *2,600 2,500 580
0 mm kg *2000 *2000 *4650 *4650 *6650 4100 5100 3100 *1250 1150 14 490
0 in lb *4,550 *4,550 *10,700 *10,700 *14,350 8,850 11,000 6,600 *2,750 2,450 570
–1500 mm kg *2100 *2100 *2700 *2700 *4650 *4650 6700 3850 4900 2850 *1350 1150 14 230
–60 in lb *4,600 *4,600 *6,100 *6,100 *10,500 *10,500 14,400 8,250 10,550 6,150 *3,000 2,500 560
–3000 mm kg *2850 *2850 *3550 *3550 *5200 *5200 6550 3700 4750 2750 *1500 1200 13 790
–120 in lb *6,350 *6,350 *7,900 *7,900 *11,750 *11,750 14,100 7,950 10,250 5,900 *3,300 2,600 550
–4500 mm kg *3650 *3650 *4400 *4400 *6050 5550 6500 3650 4700 2700 *1700 1250 13 170
–180 in lb *8,150 *8,150 *9,900 *9,900 *13,700 11,950 14,000 7,850 10,100 5,800 *3,750 2,800 520
–6000 mm kg *4550 *4550 *5400 *5400 *7200 5650 6550 3700 4700 2700 *2000 1400 12 340
–240 in lb *10,150 *10,150 *12,150 *12,150 *16,350 12,200 14,100 7,950 10,150 5,850 *4,450 3,100 490
–7500 mm kg *5500 *5500 *6600 *6600 *8300 5850 *6450 3800 4800 2800 *2500 1650 11 240
–300 in lb *12,250 *12,250 *14,800 *14,800 *17,800 12,600 *13,850 8,200 10,350 6,000 *5,650 3,700 440
–9000 mm kg *7950 *7950 *7050 6150 *5550 4000 *4500 2950 *3100 2100 9800
–360 in lb *18,000 *18,000 *14,950 13,250 *11,800 8,650 *9,500 6,300 *6,800 4,700 380

ISO 10567

* Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity
standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the
above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to
handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance.
Lift capacity stays with ±5% for all available track shoes.
Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information.
(continued on next page)

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Super Long Reach Boom Lift Capacities – Counterweight: 4.7 mt (10,400 lb) – without Bucket (continued)

6.28 m (20'7") 8.85 m (29'0") 790 mm (31") 3650 mm (12'0")

Triple Grouser Shoes

4450 mm (14'7")
2380 mm (7'9")

9000 mm/360 in 10 500 mm/420 in 12 000 mm/480 in 13 500 mm/540 in


12 000 mm kg *1250 *1250 10 350

480 in lb *2,800 *2,800 400
10 500 mm kg *2350 *2350 *1200 *1200 11 660
420 in lb *4,700 *4,700 *2,600 *2,600 460
9000 mm kg *2450 *2450 *2000 2000 *1150 *1150 12 660
360 in lb *5,450 *5,450 *3,650 *3,650 *2,450 *2,450 500
7500 mm kg *2550 2550 *2500 1950 *1100 *1100 13 410
300 in lb *5,550 5,450 *5,400 4,150 *2,400 *2,400 530
6000 mm kg *2700 2450 *2600 1900 *1850 1500 *1100 *1100 13 970
240 in lb *5,900 5,250 *5,700 4,050 *3,250 3,100 *2,400 *2,400 550
4500 mm kg *3150 3050 *2900 2350 *2750 1850 2350 1450 *1100 *1100 14 340
180 in lb *6,850 6,500 *6,300 5,000 *5,950 3,900 *4,600 3,050 *2,400 *2,400 570
3000 mm kg *3500 2800 *3150 2200 2800 1750 2300 1400 *1150 *1150 14 550
120 in lb *7,600 6,050 *6,850 4,700 6,000 3,700 4,900 2,950 *2,500 *2,500 580
1500 mm kg *3900 2600 3300 2050 2700 1650 2250 1350 *1200 1150 14 600
60 in lb *8,400 5,550 7,150 4,400 5,800 3,500 4,800 2,800 *2,600 2,500 580
0 mm kg 3950 2400 3200 1900 2600 1550 2200 1300 *1250 1150 14 490
0 in lb 8,550 5,150 6,850 4,100 5,600 3,300 4,650 2,700 *2,750 2,450 570
–1500 mm kg 3800 2250 3100 1800 2550 1500 2150 1250 *1350 1150 14 230
–60 in lb 8,200 4,850 6,600 3,900 5,450 3,200 4,600 2,650 *3,000 2,500 560
–3000 mm kg 3700 2150 3000 1750 2500 1450 2100 1200 *1500 1200 13 790
–120 in lb 7,950 4,650 6,450 3,750 5,350 3,100 *3,650 2,600 *3,300 2,600 550
–4500 mm kg 3650 2100 2950 1700 2500 1450 *1700 1250 13 170
–180 in lb 7,850 4,550 6,350 3,700 5,350 3,050 *3,750 2,800 520
–6000 mm kg 3650 2100 3000 1750 2500 1450 *2000 1400 12 340
–240 in lb 7,900 4,550 6,400 3,700 *5,150 3,150 *4,450 3,100 490
–7500 mm kg 3700 2200 3050 1800 *2500 1650 11 240
–300 in lb 8,050 4,700 6,600 3,850 *5,650 3,700 440
–9000 mm kg *3600 2300 *3100 2100 9800
–360 in lb *7,500 5,000 *6,800 4,700 380

ISO 10567

* Indicates that the load is limited by hydraulic lifting capacity rather than tipping load. The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator lift capacity
standard ISO 10567:2007. They do not exceed 87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping load. Weight of all lifting accessories must be deducted from the
above lifting capacities. Lifting capacities are based on the machine standing on a firm, uniform supporting surface. The use of a work tool attachment point to
handle/lift objects, could affect the machine lift performance.
Lift capacity stays with ±5% for all available track shoes.
Always refer to the appropriate Operation and Maintenance Manual for specific product information.

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Bucket Specifications and Compatibility – 320

4.2 mt 4.7 mt
(9,300 lb) (10,400 lb)
Counterweight Counterweight
Width Capacity Weight Fill Reach Boom SLR Boom
Linkage mm in m3 yd3 kg lb % R2.9 (9'6") 6.28A (20'7")
Pin-On (No Quick Coupler)
General Duty – Capacity (GDC) B 600 24 0.55 0.72 619 1,363 100
B 750 30 0.75 0.98 710 1,566 100
B 900 36 0.95 1.24 787 1,735 100
B 1050 42 1.16 1.52 848 1,870 100
B 1200 48 1.38 1.80 926 2,041 100
B 1350 54 1.59 2.08 1004 2,213 100 X
General Duty – Capacity (GDC) – Wide Tip B 600 24 0.55 0.72 633 1,394 100
B 750 30 0.75 0.98 731 1,612 100
B 900 36 0.95 1.24 813 1,793 100
B 1050 42 1.16 1.52 895 1,973 100
B 1200 48 1.38 1.80 979 2,158 100
B 1350 54 1.59 2.08 1063 2,343 100 X
Heavy Duty (HD) B 600 24 0.46 0.61 649 1,431 100
B 750 30 0.64 0.84 748 1,649 100
B 900 36 0.81 1.06 826 1,821 100
B 1050 42 1.00 1.31 880 1,940 100
B 1200 48 1.19 1.56 972 2,141 100
B 1350 54 1.38 1.81 1054 2,322 100 X
Heavy Duty – Power (HDP) B 900 36 0.79 1.03 842 1,856 100
B 1050 42 0.96 1.26 907 1,999 100
B 1200 48 1.14 1.49 993 2,188 100 X
Severe Duty (SD) B 600 24 0.46 0.61 694 1,530 90
B 750 30 0.64 0.84 802 1,768 90
B 900 36 0.81 1.06 889 1,959 90
B 1050 42 1.00 1.31 964 2,125 90
B 1200 48 1.19 1.56 1053 2,320 90
Severe Duty – Power (SDP) B 900 36 0.79 1.03 908 2,001 90
Mud/Cleanup (M/CU) B 1700 72 1.60 2.09 979 2,158 100
Ditch Cleaning (DC) B 1500 60 1.01 1.32 652 1,437 100
B 1800 72 1.24 1.62 740 1,631 100
Ditch Cleaning – Tilt (DCT) B 1500 60 0.90 1.18 948 2,090 100
B 1800 72 1.11 1.45 1063 2,344 100
B 1800 72 1.40 1.83 1148 2,531 100
B 2000 79 1.23 1.61 1132 2,496 100
General Duty (GD) 312 900 36 0.53 0.69 403 888 100
Ditch Cleaning (DC) Long Reach 312 1200 48 0.57 0.74 386 851 100
Maximum load with pin-on (payload + bucket) kg 3010 800
lb 6,636 1,764

The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator standard EN474, they do not exceed Maximum Material Density:
87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity with front linkage fully extended at 2100 kg/m3 (3,500 lb/yd3)
ground line with bucket curled. 1800 kg/m3 (3,000 lb/yd3)
Capacity based on ISO 7451. 1500 kg/m3 (2,500 lb/yd3)
Bucket weight with General Duty tips. 1200 kg/m3 (2,000 lb/yd3)
900 kg/m3 (1,500 lb/yd3)
X Not Recommended

Caterpillar recommends using appropriate work tools to maximize the value customers receive from our products. Use of work tools, including buckets, which are
outside of Caterpillar’s recommendations or specifications for weight, dimensions, flows, pressures, etc. may result in less-than-optimal performance, including
but not limited to reductions in production, stability, reliability, and component durability. Improper use of a work tool resulting in sweeping, prying, twisting and/or
catching of heavy loads will reduce the life of the boom and stick.

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Bucket Specifications and Compatibility – 320 Long

4.2 mt 4.7 mt
(9,300 lb) (10,400 lb)
Counterweight Counterweight
Width Capacity Weight Fill Reach Boom SLR Boom
Linkage mm in m3 yd3 kg lb % R2.9 (9'6") 6.28A (20'7")
With Cat Pin Grabber Coupler
General Duty – Capacity (GDC) B 600 24 0.55 0.72 619 1,363 100
B 750 30 0.75 0.98 710 1,566 100
B 900 36 0.95 1.24 787 1,735 100
B 1050 42 1.16 1.52 848 1,870 100
B 1200 48 1.38 1.80 926 2,041 100
B 1350 54 1.59 2.08 1004 2,213 100
General Duty – Capacity (GDC) – Wide Tip B 600 24 0.55 0.72 633 1,394 100
B 750 30 0.75 0.98 731 1,612 100
B 900 36 0.95 1.24 813 1,793 100
B 1050 42 1.16 1.52 895 1,973 100
B 1200 48 1.38 1.80 979 2,158 100
B 1350 54 1.59 2.08 1063 2,343 100
Heavy Duty (HD) B 600 24 0.46 0.61 649 1,431 100
B 750 30 0.64 0.84 748 1,649 100
B 900 36 0.81 1.06 826 1,821 100
B 1050 42 1.00 1.31 880 1,940 100
B 1200 48 1.19 1.56 972 2,141 100
B 1350 54 1.38 1.81 1054 2,322 100
Heavy Duty – Power (HDP) B 900 36 0.79 1.03 842 1,856 100
B 1050 42 0.96 1.26 907 1,999 100
B 1200 48 1.14 1.49 993 2,188 100
Heavy Duty – Pin Grabber Performance B 600 24 0.44 0.57 676 1,491 100
(HD – PGP) B 750 30 0.60 0.79 778 1,715 100
B 900 36 0.76 1.00 864 1,904 100
B 1050 42 0.93 1.22 928 2,045 100
B 1200 48 1.11 1.45 1016 2,239 100
B 1350 54 1.28 1.67 1104 2,432 100
Severe Duty (SD) B 600 24 0.46 0.61 694 1,530 90
B 750 30 0.64 0.84 802 1,768 90
B 900 36 0.81 1.06 889 1,959 90
B 1050 42 1.00 1.31 964 2,125 90
B 1200 48 1.19 1.56 1053 2,320 90
Severe Duty – Power (SDP) B 900 36 0.79 1.03 908 2,001 90
Mud/Cleanup (M/CU) B 1700 72 1.60 2.09 979 2,158 100
Ditch Cleaning (DC) B 1500 60 1.01 1.32 652 1,437 100
B 1800 72 1.24 1.62 740 1,631 100
Ditch Cleaning – Tilt (DCT) B 1500 60 0.90 1.18 948 2,090 100
B 1800 72 1.11 1.45 1063 2,344 100
B 1800 72 1.40 1.83 1148 2,531 100
B 2000 79 1.23 1.61 1132 2,496 100
Maximum load with coupler (payload + bucket) kg 2588 378
lb 5,706 834

The above loads are in compliance with hydraulic excavator standard EN474, they do not exceed Maximum Material Density:
87% of hydraulic lifting capacity or 75% of tipping capacity with front linkage fully extended at 2100 kg/m3 (3,500 lb/yd3)
ground line with bucket curled. 1800 kg/m3 (3,000 lb/yd3)
Capacity based on ISO 7451. 1500 kg/m3 (2,500 lb/yd3)
Bucket weight with General Duty tips. 1200 kg/m3 (2,000 lb/yd3)
900 kg/m3 (1,500 lb/yd3)

Caterpillar recommends using appropriate work tools to maximize the value customers receive from our products. Use of work tools, including buckets, which are
outside of Caterpillar’s recommendations or specifications for weight, dimensions, flows, pressures, etc. may result in less-than-optimal performance, including
but not limited to reductions in production, stability, reliability, and component durability. Improper use of a work tool resulting in sweeping, prying, twisting and/or
catching of heavy loads will reduce the life of the boom and stick.

320 Hydraulic Excavator Specifications

Work Tool Offering Guide*

Boom Type Reach Boom

Stick Size R2.9 (9'6")
Hydraulic Hammer B20 50% C
H120Es 50% C
H130Es 50% P
Multi-Processor MP318 CC Jaw
MP318 D Jaw
MP318 P Jaw ^
MP318 U Jaw
MP318 S Jaw
Pulverizer P215
Demolition and Sorting Grapple G315B-D/R ^
G320B-D/R **, ##
G315B-WH ^
Scrap and Demolition Shear S320B
S325B #
S2050 #
Compactor (Vibratory Plate) CVP110
Orange Peel Grapple
Trash Grapple
These work tools are available for the 320.
Consult your Cat dealer for proper match.
Pin Grabber Coupler Cat PG

*Offerings not available in all areas. Matches are dependent on excavator configurations. Consult your Cat dealer to determine what is offered in your area
and for proper work tool match.

** Match; Pin-On only
# Match; Boom Mount

## Work over the front only

^ Work over the front only with Cat PG (match; Pin-On and Cat PG)

50% P Allowed usage with Pin-On and Coupler on machine less than 50%
50% C Allowed usage with Coupler on machine less than 50%

Demolition and Sorting Grapple: D – Demolition shells, R – Recycling shells, WH – Waste Handling shells

320 Standard and Optional Equipment

Standard and Optional Equipment

Standard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.

Standard Optional Standard Optional

Cat C4.4 ACERT Twin Turbo 9 Tie-down points on base frame 9
Tier 4 Final diesel engine (ISO 15818 compliant)
Three selectable power modes 9 Center track guiding guard 9
One-touch low idle with automatic 9 Standard bottom guards 9
engine speed control Standard swivel guard 9
Automatic engine idle shutdown 9 Standard travel motor guards 9
Work up to 3000 m (9,842.5 ft) above sea 9 Grease lubricated track links 9
level without engine power de-rating
4200 kg (9,300 lb) counterweight 9
46° C (115° F) high-ambient cooling 9
capacity 4700 kg (10,400 lb) counterweight 9
for Super Long Reach
52° C (125° F) high-ambient cooling 9
capacity Semi-HD swing frame for C4.4 ACERT 9
Cold starting capability for 9 Standard swing bearing 9
–32° C (–25° F) Base frame with HD track rollers 9
Double element air filter 9 and standard carrier rollers
with integrated precleaner Final drive with standard travel motor 9
Electric fuel priming pump 9 BOOM, STICKS AND LINKAGES
Reversible electric cooling fans 9 790 mm (31 in) triple grouser track shoes 9
Biodiesel capability up to B20 9 5.7 m (18'8") Reach boom 9
HYDRAULIC SYSTEM 2.9 m (9'6") stick 9
Boom and stick regeneration circuits 9 Super Long Reach 8.85 m (29'0") boom 9
Electronic main control valve 9 Super Long Reach 6.28 m (20'7") stick 9
Auto hydraulic oil warm up 9 Bucket linkage, B1-family without 9
Automatic two-speed travel 9 lifting eye, Cat GRADE
Boom and stick drift reduction valve 9 Bucket linkage, A-family without 9
lifting eye, SLR
Element type main hydraulic filter 9
(continued on next page)
Slider joysticks 9
Tandem type electronic main pump 9
Hammer return filter circuit 9
Combined flow/high pressure 9
auxiliary circuit
Medium pressure auxiliary circuit 9
Quick coupler circuit for Cat Pin Grabber 9
Fine swing control 9

320 Standard and Optional Equipment

Standard and Optional Equipment (continued)

Standard and optional equipment may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.

Standard Optional Standard Optional

Machine electronic control module (×2) 9 Sampling ports for Scheduled Oil 9
1,000 CCA maintenance-free 9 Sampling (S·O·SSM)
batteries (×2) Preventative Maintenance ready 9
Centralized electrical disconnect switch 9 (QuickEvac™)
Programmable time-delay LED 9 Grouped location for engine oil 9
working lights and fuel filters
LED chassis light, LH and RH boom 9 Ground level second dipstick for engine oil 9
lights for Reach and SLR, cab lights Remote flash 9
Cat Product Link™ 9 Rearview camera and side RH mirror 9
Cat GRADE with 2D 9 360° visibility 9
(not available on SLR) Neutral lever (lock out) for all controls 9
Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D 9 Anti-skid plate and countersunk bolts 9
(not available on SLR) on service platform
Cat GRADE with 3D 9 Ground-level accessible secondary engine 9
(not available on SLR) shutoff switch in cab
Cat Assist: 9 Radiator screen 9
– Boom Assist
– Bucket Assist Bluetooth® receiver 9
– Swing Assist RH handrail and hand hold 9
– Grade Assist (ISO 2867 compliant)
Cat Payload: 9 Travel alarm 9
– Payload Information
– Static Weigh
– Auto Calibration

320 Attachments

Dealer Installed Kit and Attachments

Attachments may vary. Consult your Cat dealer for details.
• Radial lower wiper for 70/30 with washer • Bluetooth key fob • Standard swivel guard
• LH/RH electrical pedal for tool control • Side rubber bumper
• Dual exit rear window kit ELECTRICAL • FOGS (not compatible with cab light cover,
• Rain protector plus cab light cover • Jump start wiring rain protector)
• Seat belt, retractable (75 mm/3 in width) • LED premium lighting package • Mesh guard full front (not compatible with
cab light cover, rain protector)
• Mesh guard lower half front
• Full protecting vandalism guard

320 Cab Options

Cab Options

ROPS, standard sound suppression
High-resolution 203 mm (8 in) LCD touch screen monitor
High-resolution 203 mm (8 in) LCD touch screen monitor + additional monitor
(only for use with Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D or Cat GRADE with 3D)
High-resolution 254 mm (10 in) LCD touch screen monitor (only for use with 360° visibility)
High-resolution 254 mm (10 in) LCD touch screen monitor + additional monitor
(only for use with 360° visibility and Cat GRADE with Advanced 2D or Cat GRADE with 3D)
Automatic bi-level air conditioner
Jog dial and shortcut keys for monitor control
Keyless push-to-start engine control
Height-adjustable console, infinite with no tool
Air-adjustable seat suspension
51 mm (2 in) seat belt
Seat heater
Tilt-up left-side console
Bluetooth integrated radio with USB ports
2×12V DC outlets
Document storage
Cup and bottle holders
Two-piece front window, openable
Upper radial wiper with 70/30 with washer
Polycarbonate skylight hatch, openable
LED dome and lower interior lights
Roller front sunscreen
Roller rear sunscreen
Rain protector and cab light covers (only for use with 360° visibility)
Beacon ready
Washable floor mat
Storage tray in pump compartment
Straight travel pedal


For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web AEXQ2161-01 (01-2018)
at Replaces AEXQ2161
Build Number: 07A
© 2018 Caterpillar (North America)
All rights reserved

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos may include
additional equipment. See your Cat dealer for available options.

CAT, CATERPILLAR, SAFETY.CAT.COM, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge”
trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may
not be used without permission.

Vibratory Soil

Cat® 3054C Turbocharged Diesel Engine

Gross Power 97 kW/130 hp
Drum Width 2134 mm
Operating Weight (with ROPS/FOPS cab)
CS533E 10 840 kg
CS533E with Heavy Weight option 12 360 kg
CP533E 11 680 kg
Productivity and Reliability in a Durable Package
The CS533E and CP533E Soil Compactors offer high compaction performance,
speed and gradeability to maximize productivity while providing exceptional reliability
and durability.

Engine Gradeability and Machine Control Versatility

Cat 3054C turbocharged electronic The exclusive dual pump propel system Standard dual amplitude expands
diesel engine delivers 97 kW (130 hp) provides a separate balanced hydraulic the compactor’s application range.
and is built for performance and flow to both the rear drive axle and The large spread between high and
reliability without sacrificing fuel the front drum drive motor. This unique low centrifugal force makes it easier
economy. pg. 4 dual pump propel system provides good to tailor the compactive effort to density
grade climbing, machine control and specifications. pg. 5
tractive power. Dual pumps also
minimize drum and wheel spin-out in
low traction conditions. High working
Vibratory System speeds increases productivity. pg. 7
Pod-style eccentric weights ensure
peak compaction performance and
minimal service. High dynamic force
helps achieve density in the fewest
number of passes. pg. 5

Performance and reliability you can depend on.

Durable field-proven power train and vibratory systems
and the world’s largest and most dedicated dealer support
system ensure the CS533E and CP533E Soil Compactors
will provide maximum utilization.

Padfoot Shell Kit Operator’s Station Visibility
The optional padfoot shell kit makes The new CS533E and CP533E Soil The sloped hood design provides
the CS533E an extremely adaptable Compactors feature excellent operator exceptional operator visibility to the
machine when compacting cohesive comfort and visibility. A propel lever outside edge of the rear tires
or semi-cohesive materials. pg. 9 wrist rest, grouped control gauges and and to the rear of the machine. pg. 8
conveniently located control switches
enhance operator productivity and
reduce fatigue. Four heavy-duty
isolation mounts provide a smooth ride.
Standard rearview mirrors, two front- Serviceability
facing and two rear-facing working The fiberglass hood tilts forward to
lights are provided. Machines with the allow access to the engine and daily
open ROPS/FOPS platform are maintenance points. Daily check points
surrounded by handrails and features are accessible from ground level. The
angled foot rests for sure footing when rear mounted cooling system features a
working on a grade. pg. 6 hydraulic oil cooler that tilts down for
easier access for cleaning. The
operator’s platform tilts forward to
provide convenient access to the
hydraulic components. Vibratory
bearing lube service interval of 3
year/3000 hour keeps maintenance to a
minimum and maximizes production.
The engine lubrication change interval
is 500 hours. The articulation hitch area
features sealed-for-life bearings that
effectively eliminate the need for
maintenance. pg. 10

Comfort and serviceability you deserve.

The operator’s station provides a spacious and
comfortable work environment that allows simple
and productive operation. Good service access
and long service intervals minimize maintenance time
and increases productive work time.

Caterpillar® 3054C Turbocharged Diesel Engine
High-tech four cylinder engine provides outstanding durability, performance,
reliability and operating economy.

Turbocharged air-to-air aftercooling.

It provides improved fuel economy by packing
cooler, denser air into cylinders for more complete
combustion of fuel and lower emissions.
Fuel. Direct-injection of fuel for maximum
Cylinder head. Cross-flow cylinder head improves
air flow into cylinders which increases power
while lowering fuel consumption, engine emissions
and noise.
Oil pump. Low-mounted oil pump for quick
Oil cooler. The large oil cooler reduces oil
deterioration and varnishing of internal components.
Allows for 500 hour engine oil change intervals.
Stage II compliant. The 3054C engine meets EU
directive 97/68/EC Stage II emission requirements.

Dual Pump Propel System

High tractive effort and gradeability for outstanding productivity
in tough applications.

Dual propel pumps. Dual propel pumps provide

separate, balanced hydraulic flow to the rear wheel
axle and the drum drive motors. Provides superior
gradeability on steep slopes and increases tractive
effort in loose or poor underfoot conditions.
3 Limited slip differential. It provides balanced
tractive effort and smooth torque transfer to both
1 rear wheels.
Speed ranges. Two speed ranges for versatile
2 operation. Low speed range for vibratory operation
and maximum torque when climbing grades.
High speed range moves machine quickly over
1 Dual Propel Pumps longer distances.
2 Caterpillar 3054C Engine
Valves. Flushing valves in each propel circuit helps
5 3 Limited Slip Differential
keep hydraulic oil cool and clean for maximum
4 Rear Wheel Drive Motor
system efficiency.
5 Drum Drive Motor

Vibratory System
The pod-style vibratory system, delivers superior compactive force while offering
serviceability advantages.

Pod-style weight housings. They are assembled

1 and sealed at the factory to ensure cleanliness, longer
bearing life and easier field exchange or service.
Dual amplitude. Dual amplitude works efficiently in
a wider range of applications. High or low amplitude
is selected from the operator’s station.
Heavy-duty bearings. Large heavy-duty bearings
for the eccentric weight shaft designed for high
compactive forces.
Service interval. 3 year/3000 hour vibratory bearing
lube service interval for reduced maintenance.
Heavy duty isolation mounts. Improved isolation
2 mounts allow more force to be transmitted to the
3 ground and less vibration to the drum yoke.

1 Pod-style Weight Housings

2 Patented Eccentric Weights
3 Heavy-duty Bearings
4 Isolation Mounts

Patented Eccentric Weights

Reliable dual amplitude selection and innovative design
ensure precise performance.

High Amplitude Low Amplitude Amplitude selection. Positive amplitude selection

is accomplished when the steel shot is repositioned
inside the hollow eccentric weight. Direction of
weight shaft rotation determines amplitude level.
High reliability. High reliability since there is no
chance of the high-strength spherical steel shot
wedging together. System reliability is superior to
swinging mechanical weights and is also quieter
during starts and stops.
Simplified control. Simplified control from
the operator’s station with a selection switch on
the operator’s console.
Longer service life. No heavy weights to slam
together, no metal fragments to contaminate
the bearing lubrication system.

Operator’s Station
Ergonomically designed for maximum operator productivity while offering excellent
visibility and unmatched comfort.

Seat. The comfortable and durable seat has adjustable fore/aft

position, bottom cushion height, suspension stiffness and flip-up arm
rests with a 76 mm wide retractable seat belt.
Operator’s station. The isolated operator’s station with four heavy-
duty rubber mounts limits machine vibration transmitted to the
operator’s station.
Floor mat. Rubber floor mat provides sure footing and helps further
isolate the operator from machine vibration and noise.
Steering console and gauges. Steering console with foot-rests
providing excellent operator's comfort.
Instrument panel. Machine gauges are located on the adjustable front
steering column for easy reference during machine operation. The
Single lever control. The single lever control for instrument panel contains the fuel gauge, vibrations per minute
propel and vibratory On/Off provides simple and (VPM) meter (optional) and a nine-light LED fault indication panel.
low effort operation. A padded adjustable wrist rest Indication panel. Fault indication panel is a three-level warning
provides comfort. system to alert the operator to abnormal machine conditions with a
Control panel. The control panel with grouped visual warning and action alarm.
switches puts all controls within easy operator reach.
Storage. Convenient storage compartment for storing
operator’s personal items.

Optional cab can increase machine utilization and provides greater year-round comfort in
extreme environment conditions.

Cab. The cab provides a spacious and comfortable work

environment that includes large windows, more interior
room with storage areas, a cup holder, better ergonomics
and low noise levels.
Visibility. Unrestricted visibility to the drum and tire edge
and to the side and rear of the machine.
Included with cab. Items included with cab are:
two exterior rear view mirrors, two front-facing and
two rear-facing working lights, front and rear windshield
wipers, slide-open side windows and climate control with
heater and defroster, and angled foot rests for sure footing
and support when working on a grade.
Air conditioning. Optional air conditioning further
increases operator comfort.

Open Platform with ROPS/FOPS Canopy
The platform is equipped with a ROPS/FOPS canopy and is enclosed by handrails and
features angled foot rests for sure footing and support when working on a grade.

Working environment. Spacious and comfortable working

environment with all controls, levers, switches and gauges
positioned to maximize productivity.
Unrestricted visibility. Unrestricted visibility to the drum and
tire edge and to the side and rear of the machine.
Platform enclosed by handrails. The platform is enclosed by
handrails and features angled foot rests for sure footing and
support when working on a grade.
Standard equipment. Standard equipment includes two front-
facing and two rear-facing working lights, handrails with
angled foot rests, a lockable vandalism guard and a rear view

Gradeability and Machine Control

The exclusive dual pump propel system provides superior performance, machine control and
good grade climbing capability.

Propel pump system. Two propel pump system has

dedicated pumps to drive the heavy-duty, high-torque rear
wheel and drum motors independently. Should the drum
or wheels begin to spin, the non-spinning motor still
receives hydraulic flow, allowing continuous tractive
effort especially useful in loose underfoot conditions.
Controllability. Controllability is another feature of dual
propel pumps. The operator is able to stop, maintain
machine position and change directions while on a grade.
Gradeability. Good gradeability allows high productivity.

Sloped Hood Design
The sloped fiberglass hood design provides good service access and exceptional
operator visibility.

Visibility. The visibility to the tire edges and rear of

machine is exceptional. The sloped hood allows the
operator to see obstacles measuring 1 meter high located
1 meter to the rear of the machine. Excellent visibility
increases productivity when working near obstructions
or maneuvering around the job site.
Lockable engine hood. The lockable engine hood opens
quickly and easily with the use of gas struts to provide
unrestricted access to the engine, cooling system and all
service points.
Sound levels. Low sound levels for the operator and the
ground crew due to the engine hood and revised cooling
air flow through the rear mounted radiator.

Heavy Weight Option for CS533E only

The increased weight at the front provides a higher static linear load at drum.

Increased machine weight. The

operating weight is approximately
1500 kg heavier than the standard
CS533E. When equipped with this
option the CS533E Heavy Weight
competes in the 12 to 15 metric ton
size class.
Larger yoke plates. The Heavy Weight
option consists of a specific yoke
design with larger and thicker yoke
side plates.

Padfoot Shell Kit
Optional padfoot shell kit expands the application range of the CS533E to work in either
cohesive or semi-cohesive material.

Versatility and utilization. Expands machine versatility and

utilization while providing a simple and cost-effective solution
for jobs that may require both padfoot and smooth drum
Dual-purpose bumper. It is also included with the shell kit and
does not need to be removed once installed.
Bumper. It also provides adjustable scraper teeth for use with
the padfoot shell kit and adjustable scraper plates for use with
the standard smooth drum. When the scraper plates are not
being used, they can be bolted onto the front of the bumper
for convenient storage.
Padfoot shell halves. Padfoot shell halves can be quickly and
easily installed or removed in about an hour with the use of an
approved lifting device.
The Padfoot Shell Kit is not compatible with the Heavy Weight option.

Padfoot Drum and Scrapers

Padfoot drum provides superior performance when compacting semi-cohesive
or cohesive materials.

Padfoot drum. The padfoot drum has 140 pads welded on

the drum in a chevron arrangement.
Pads clean themselves. Pads are tapered to help clean
Heavy-duty scrapers. The heavy-duty scrapers mounted
on the front and rear of the drum are individually
adjustable and replaceable. Helps to reduce excessive
material build up between the pads.

Reliability and Serviceability
The CS533E and CP533E Soil Compactors provide exceptional reliability
and serviceability that you’ve come to expect from Caterpillar.

Hydraulic test. Quick connect

hydraulic test ports simplify system
Ecology drains. Ecology drains
provide an environmentally safer
method to drain fluids. They are
included on the radiator, engine oil
pan, hydraulic and fuel tank.
Simple fluid collection. S•O•SSM
(Scheduled Oil Sampling) ports allow
for simple fluid collection of engine
oil, engine coolant and hydraulic oil.
Hose routing. Secure hose routing
with polyethylene mounting blocks
to reduce rubbing and increase
service life.
All-weather connectors.
Nylon braided wrap and all-weather
connectors ensure electrical system
integrity. Electrical wiring is color-
coded, numbered and labeled with
Indicators. Visual indicators allow easy
component identifiers to simplify
check of engine coolant, hydraulic oil
tank level and air filter restriction.
Caterpillar batteries. Maintenance-
Operator’s station. The operator’s station
free Caterpillar batteries are protected
tilts forward to allow convenient access
by bolt-on covers in the rear of the
to the hydraulic pumps.
machine on both sides. Caterpillar
Cooling system. The rear mounted batteries are specifically designed
cooling system provides easy access for maximum cranking power and
for cleaning. Hydraulic oil cooler tilts protection against vibration.
rearward for additional access to the
Product Link. The machine is Product
Link wire-ready. The Caterpillar
Bearings. Sealed-for-life bearings Product Link System (CPLS) ensures
in the articulation hitch never need maximum uptime and minimum repair
to be greased. costs by simplifying tracking of
equipment fleets. Provides automatic
Oil. 500 hour engine oil change interval.
machine location and hour updates.
Service interval. 3 year/3000 hour Can be obtained through your local
The fiberglass hood tilts forward for vibratory bearing lube service interval Caterpillar dealer.
good access to the engine and cooling for reduced maintenance.
system. Daily service points are
accessible from ground level and are
grouped on one side of the machine.

Engine Transmission Brakes
Four-stroke, four cylinder Caterpillar Two variable displacement piston Service brake features
3054C turbocharged diesel engine. pumps supply pressurized flow to two Closed-loop hydrostatic drive system
Meets EU directive 97/68/EC Stage II dual displacement piston motors. One provides dynamic braking during
emission requirements. pump and motor drives the drum propel operation.
system while the other pump and motor
Ratings at 2200 rpm kW hp Secondary brake features*
drives the rear wheels. The dual pump
Gross power 97 130 system ensures equal flow to the drive
multiple disc type brake mounted on
Net power motors regardless of the operating
the drum drive gear reducer. Secondary
EEC 80/1269 93 125 conditions. In case the drum or wheels
brakes are activated by: a button on
lose traction, the other motor can still
ISO 9249 93 125 the operator’s console; loss of hydraulic
build additional pressure to provide
pressure in the brake circuit; or when
Net power advertised is the power added torque.
the engine is shut down. A brake
available at the flywheel when the The drive motors have two swashplate
interlock system helps prevent driving
engine is equipped with fan, air cleaner, positions allowing operation at either
through the secondary brake.
muffler and alternator. No derating maximum torque for compaction and
required up to 2500 m altitude. gradeability or greater speed for moving * All machines sold within European Union are
around the job site. A rocker switch at equipped with a brake release pump which
Dimensions allows the manual release of the secondary
the operator’s console triggers an
Bore 105 mm brake system for towing the machine.
electric over hydraulic control to change
Stroke 127 mm speed ranges. Braking system meets EN 500.
Displacement 4.4 liters
Speeds (forward and reverse)
Dual-element, dry-type air cleaner with Low Range 8.0 km/h
visual restriction indicator, glow plug High Range 12.0 km/h
starting aid and fuel/water separator are
standard. Gradeability with or without vibration
(subject to underfoot conditions) 50%

Steering Final Drives and Axle Sound

A priority-demand hydraulic power- Final drive is hydrostatic with gear Operator Sound. The operator sound
assist steering system provides smooth reducer to the drum and hydrostatic level measured according to the
low-effort steering. The system always with differential and planetary gear procedures specified in ISO6394 is
receives the power it needs regardless reduction to each wheel. 77 dB(A), for cab offered by
of other hydraulic functions. Caterpillar, when properly installed
and maintained and tested with the
Minimum turning radius: Heavy-duty fixed rear axle with a
doors and windows closed.
Inside 3680 mm limited slip differential for smooth and
Outside 5810 mm quiet torque transfer. Exterior Sound. The labeled spectator
sound power level measured according
Steering angle Tires
to the test procedures and conditions
(each direction) ± 34° 587 mm x 660 mm (23.1" x 26") specified in 2000/14/EC is 111 dB(A).
CS533E 10-ply flotation
Oscillation angle
CP533E 14-ply traction
(each direction) ± 15°
Ballasted with 30-35% calcium chloride/water
Hydraulic system solution, approximately 430 liters per tire.
Two 76 mm bore, double-acting
cylinders powered by a gear-type pump.

CS533E/CP533E specifications 11
Instrumentation Frame Vibratory System
The instrument panel is located in front Fabricated from heavy gauge steel plate Drum width 2134 mm
of the operator and features a warning and rolled sections and joined to Drum shell thickness 25 mm
system that constantly monitors various the drum yoke at the articulation pivot. Drum diameter
machine systems; alerts the operator if Articulation area is structurally
CS533E 1534 mm
a problem does occur with a light and reinforced and joined by hardened
an audible warning horn. steel pins. One vertical pin provides a CP533E 1295 mm
Warning system includes: Low Engine steering angle of ± 34° and a horizontal Drum diameter over pads
Oil Pressure, High Engine Coolant pin allows frame oscillation of ± 15°. (CP533E only) 1495 mm
Temperature, High Hydraulic Oil Safety lock prevents machine Pads (CP533E only)
Temperature and Low Charge System articulation when placed in the locked Number of pads 140
Pressure. Instrumentation also includes position. Sealed-for-life hitch bearings Pad height 127 mm
an Alternator Malfunction Light, never need maintenance. Frame also
Pad face area 89.4 cm2
Service Hour Meter and Fuel Gauge. includes tie-down points for transport.
Number of chevrons 14
Eccentric weight drive Hydrostatic
high/low amplitude 31/34 Hz
Operator and Machine Electrical CP533E 31.9 Hz
Protective Equipment Nominal Amplitude
The 24-volt electrical system consists CS533E
Backup Alarm – 107 dB(A) alarm of two maintenance-free Cat batteries, high/low amplitude 1.8/0.85 mm
sounds whenever the machine is electrical wiring is color-coded,
in reverse. numbered, wrapped in vinyl-coated
high/low amplitude 1.7/0.85 mm
nylon braid and labeled with component
Forward Warning Horn – located on identifiers. The starting system provides Centrifugal Force
the front of machine to alert ground 750 cold cranking amps (cca). CS533E
personnel. The system includes a 55-amp maximum/minimum 234/133 kN
Seat Belt – 76 mm wide seat belt alternator. CP533E
is standard. maximum/minimum 266/133 kN

Operating Weights Service Refill Capacities

Weights shown are approximate and include lubricants, coolant, full fuel and
hydraulic tanks and a 80 kg operator. Liters
Fuel tank 180
*CS533E **CS533E CP533E Full fuel capacity 200
Heavy Weight
Cooling system 19
kg kg kg
Engine oil with filter 9
Open platform 10 270 11 760 11 100
Eccentric weight housings 26
ROPS/FOPS canopy 10 480 12 000 11 320
Axle and final drives 18
ROPS/FOPS cab 10 840 12 360 11 680
Hydraulic tank 60
Weight at Drum
Filtration system (pressure type)
Open platform 5510 6780 6180
Propel 15 micron absolute
ROPS/FOPS canopy 5570 6840 6240
Vibratory 15 micron absolute
ROPS/FOPS cab 5760 7030 6300
Static Linear Load (kg/cm)
Open platform 25.8 31.8 –
ROPS/FOPS canopy 26.1 32.0 –
ROPS/FOPS cab 27.0 33.0 –
* Meets NFP 98736 class: VM2
** Meets NFP 98736 class: VM3

12 CS533E/CP533E specifications
All dimensions are approximate.




CS533E CP533E CS533E CP533E

mm mm mm mm
A Overall length 5510 5510 F Height at ROPS/FOPS canopy 3060 3070
B Overall width 2290 2290 Height at ROPS/FOPS cab 3070 3070
with Heavy Weight option 2360 – G Wheelbase 2900 2900
C Drum width 2134 2134 H Ground clearance 543 543
D Drum shell thickness 25 25 J Curb clearance 521 521
E Drum diameter 1534 1295 Inside turning radius 3680 3680
Drum diameter over pads – 1549 Outside turning radius 5810 5810

Total Customer Support System

Service capability. Most dedicated Literature support. Easy-to-use parts Machine management services.
dealer support system to ensure fast books, operation and maintenance Effective preventive maintenance
service whether at the dealer’s shop or manuals and service manuals to help programs, cost-effective repair options,
in the field by trained technicians using you get maximum value from your customer meetings, operator and
the latest tools and technology. Caterpillar equipment. mechanic training.
Parts availability. Most parts on Remanufactured parts. Pumps and Flexible financing. Your dealer can
dealer’s shelf when you need them. motors, pod-style weight housings, arrange attractive financing on the
Computer-controlled, emergency search engines, fuel system and charging entire line of Caterpillar equipment.
system backup. system components available from Terms structured to meet cash flow
dealer at a fraction of new part cost. requirements. See how easy it is to own,
Parts stock lists. Dealer helps you plan
lease or rent Cat equipment.
on-site parts stock to minimize your
parts investment while maximizing
machine availability.

CS533E/CP533E specifications 13
Estimated Production Productivity Comparisons
Depth Density 150 mm Layer
mm % 650
600 100%
Surface 0-500 >98 190 m /h3

Shallow 500-3000 95-98 345 m3/h

Cubic Meters Per Hour

Deep >3000 90-95 610 m /h3
Based on depth of fill below final grade (surface) 250
Based on final compacted thickness of layer 190
Density spec. is based on Standard Proctor Test 150
% Compaction of Standard Proctor
150 mm Crushed Limestone Base
Results are similar for padfoot drums.
Results may vary for different applications.

Machine Selection
Application Layer Smooth Padfoot The CS533E and CP533E
Thickness Drum Drum vibratory soil compactors
mm CS533E CP533E provide high compaction
Sand, Clayey or Silty Sand, Mine Tailing 150-300 ● ❒ performance. Ideal for
300-450 ▲ ❒ medium to large construc-
tion projects with low to
Clay, Sandy or Silty Clay, Stabilized Clay 150-300 ▲ ● moderate grades.
300-450 ❒ ▲

Silt, Sandy or Clayey Silt, Coal, Ash, Solid Waste 150-300 ▲ ●

300-450 ▲ ▲

Base Aggregate, Gravel, Crushed Rock, 150-300 ▲ ❒

Stabilized Base 300-450 ❒ ❒

❒ Good ▲ Better ● Best

Shell Kit Performance

Padfoot Drum Shell Kit Shell Kit Performance Performance Ranking

Number of Pads 140 120 Less Kneading Padfoot Drum Shell Kit
better for silt
Heavy Clay ● ❒
Pad Height 127 mm 90 mm Less Penetration
better for silt and sandy clay
Sandy Clay ❒ ●

Silt with Clay ❒ ●

Weight at Drum 6240 kg 6990 kg Higher Ground Pressure
better for sandy clay Slopes/Trenches ● ❒

Max. Amplitude 1.7 mm 1.2 mm Smaller Drum Movement Thick Layers ● ❒

better for silt and clay
Optional Equipment
Optional equipment may vary. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for specifics.

Roll Over Protective Structure/ Transmission Guard consists of a heavy Recording Module provides a visual
Falling Object Protective Structure plate which covers the rear axle, axle gauge for reading worktime, machine
(ROPS/FOPS) canopy is a two-post drive motor and input gearbox. speed, distance covered and amplitude
structure that bolts directly onto flanges selection.
Cab Lift Cylinder is available and
welded to the operator platform.
provides a hydraulic cylinder to raise Compaction Indicator CI 010 includes
Includes two front-facing and two rear-
and lower the operator's platform or cab. LED panel indicating compaction level
facing working lights, handrails and a
with integrated LCD screen displaying
rear view mirror. The structure meets Vibratory Gauge is mounted on the
travel speed and compaction meter
ISO 3449-1992 and ISO 3471-1994. console in front of the operator and
value. Also Includes hand-held printer.
displays the actual vibratory system
ROPS/FOPS Cab includes a cloth
frequency. (Standard with the variable Compactiometer ALFA 022R includes
suspension seat, one access door, tinted
frequency option.) compaction meter value dial, frequency
safety glass windows, electric wipers
meter dial and resonance meter value
front and rear, heater/defroster, two Rotating Beacon includes an amber
vertically sliding side windows for beacon and mount that can be attached
ventilation, two exterior rear view to machines with ROPS/FOPS canopy Padded Drum Conversion Kit
mirrors, two front-facing and two rear- or ROPS/FOPS cab. (CS533E only) is interchangeable
facing working lights, interior dome with the smooth drum, it includes all
Polyurethane Drum Scrapers for the
light. Cab can be ordered with or without drum components including hydraulic
CS533E provide a front and rear scraper
air conditioning. Cab is fully EROPS motor, brackets, gear and support boxes,
for continuous contact with the drum
rated and meets ISO 3449-1992 and shell, mounts, brackets and pods, front
surface and replaces the standard steel
ISO 3471-1994. bumper and scrapers.
front scraper.
Sun Visor for the front windshield can Smooth Drum Conversion Kit
Two-piece Padfoot Shell Kit bolts onto
be installed on machines equipped with (CP533E only) is interchangeable with
the smooth drum CS533E and features
a ROPS/FOPS cab. the padded drum, it includes all drum
90 mm high pads. Includes special
components including hydraulic motor,
Sun Canopy. Non-ROPS sun canopy for bumper. The Padfoot Shell Kit is not
brackets, gear and support boxes, shell,
use with open platform. compatible with the Heavy Weight
mounts, brackets and pods, front bumper
Roll-Down Sun Screen for the rear and scrapers. Not compatible with
window can be installed on machines Smooth Drum Rear Steel Scraper Heavy Weight option.
equipped with a ROPS/FOPS cab. mounted at the rear of the drum.
Spare Tire with Rim is available for both
Rear View Mirrors are available for Padded Drum Rear Scrapers help keep the flotation tread and the traction tread.
internal use on machines equipped with material from building up on the drum.
Heavy Weight for CS533E only. Specific
a ROPS/FOPS cab or external use on
Speedometer yoke design increases the machine
machines equipped with a ROPS/FOPS
weight by approximately 1500 kg. When
equipped with this option, the CS533E
competes in the 12-15 metric ton size

CS533E/CP533E specifications 15
CS533E and CP533E Vibratory Soil Compactors

For more complete information on Cat products, dealer services, and industry solutions, visit us on the web at

Materials and specifications are subject to change without notice. Featured machines in photos
may include additional equipment. See your Caterpillar dealer for available options.

© 2007 Caterpillar -- All rights reserved

CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the POWER EDGE trade dress as well as
HEHG9995-2 (11/2007) hr corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.

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