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Oleh: Toni Yunanto, S.Pd, MM

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Kata Pengantar

Bahasa Inggris semakin diminati dan dipelajari oleh sebagian besar masyarakat
Indonesia dewasa ini, dari balita, anak-anak, remaja maupun dewasa. Rata-rata
pembelajar tersebut ingin mempelajari percakapan sehari-hari Bahasa Inggris
beserta tata bahasa atau grammar-nya saja dan berharap bisa fasih dalam berbicara
dengan orang luar negeri yang berbahasa Inggris atau Native Speakers. Namun
sebenarnya itu saja tidak cukup untuk berinteraksi secara penuh dengan para Native
Speakers tersebut karena sama dengan halnya di Indonesia, kebanyakan
masyarakat menggunakan bahasa gaul atau yang kita sebut slang language untuk
menunjukkan interaksi percakapan yang asik, luwes dan menarik.
Maka dari itu, buku ini menyuguhkan para pembaca sekalian kajian
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris gaul atau English as a slang language yang disertai
dengan kata-kata konotasi idioms, proverbs atau peribahasa, arti kata-kata beserta
contoh penggunaannya di dalam kalimat. Dengan mempelajari kata, ungkapan-
ungkapan idioms serta proverbs ini nantinya diharapkan bahwa para pembaca setia
dapat mahir berbahasa Inggris secara lebih interaktif dan kaya akan
perbendaharaan kata baru, sehingga dapat mengimbangi lawan bicara yang
notabene seorang Native Speakers.

Buku ini diusung di dalam tema-tema yang menarik, yang dekat dengan
kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Dengan ringkasan tata bahasa atau grammar di akhir
bagian, diharapkan para pembaca yang selalu up-to-date dapat lebih mahir dalam
struktur kebahasaan Inggris yang akan menunjang kemampuan dan prestasi
akademis nantinya.
Akhir kata penulis mengucapkan terimakasih atas perhatian dan kesediaannya.
Semoga sukses selalu beserta kita semua, karena salah satu peribahasa atau
proverbs menyatakan: “When there’s a will, there’ll be a way”, yang artinya dimana
ada kemauan, di situ ada jalan.

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You can call me Toni, mate.

Hey fellas,
I’m Tya.
By the way, I’m
I’m Susi, guys.

Characters of the book:

Toni : A hard-working father, but sometimes unlucky
Tya : A wise and lovely mother
Tobby : A stubborn and lazy son
Susi : A diligent and smart daughter

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Lesson 1
Toni’s Last Day at The Office
(Hari Terakhir Si Toni di Kantor)

Toni is working as a sales manager in a computer store. Johnny, his boss, is not
happy about the sales Toni managed. Toni’s advertising campaign is not effective to
increase the sales. Johnny decides to fire Toni.
(Toni bekerja sebagai seorang manajer penjualan di toko komputer. Johnny, boss
nya, tidak senang akan hasil penjualan yang Toni pegang. Kampanye iklan si Toni
tidak efektif untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Johnny memutuskan untuk memecat
Johnny :Toni, I dislike to break the news, but our company sales were down
again last month.
(Toni, saya tidak suka memberi tahu hal ini, tetapi tingkat penjualan
perusahaan kita turun lagi bulan lalu.)
Toni :Down again, Johnny? Are you sure?
(Turun lagi, Johnny. Anda yakin?)
Johnny :Yes, I’m sure. Recently, everybody’s buying computers at our
competitor, Bobby’s Computer Store.
(Iya, yakin. Akhir-akhir ini setiap orang membeli komputer di
kompetitor kita, Toko Komputer Bobby.)
Toni :But, you know that every product in there costs an arm and a leg!

(Tetapi anda tahu bahwa semua barang-barang di sana harganya

Johnny :That’s right. They do charge top dollar.
(Itu benar. Mereka memasang harga tertinggi.)
Toni :And their salespeople are very strange. They really give me the
creeps. (Dan para staff divisi penjualan mereka juga sangat aneh.
Mereka membuatku muak.)
Johnny :Well, they must be doing something effective over there. Meanwhile,
we’re about to go belly up.

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(Baiklah, mereka pasti melakukan sesuatu yang tepat di sana.
Sedangkan perusahaan kita akan segera bangkrut.)
Toni :I’m so surprised to hear that. I thought my new advertising campaign
would save the day.

(Saya terkejut mendengarnya. Saya pikir kampanye iklan yang saya

buat akan efektif mengatasi semuanya.)
Johnny :Let’s face it. Your advertising campaign was a real flop.

(Lihat kenyataannya. Kampanye iklan kamu betul-betul sebuah

Toni :Well I’m so sorry then, I’ll go back to the drawing board.

(Baiklah saya minta maaf kalau begitu, saya akan memulainya lagi
dari awal.)
Johnny :You’re too late for that, Toni. You’re fired!
(Kau terlambat untuk itu, Toni. Kamu dipecat!)
Toni :What? You’re giving me the ax? How come?

(Apa? Kau memecatku? Bagaimana bisa?)

Johnny :Yes, I’ve found a new sales manager. She’s as sharp as a tack.

(Saya telah menemukan manajer penjualan yang baru. Ia handal.)

Toni :Can’t we even talk this over? After all, I’ve been working here for
ten years! You can’t fire me!
(Bisakah kita diskusikan hal ini? Bagaimana pun juga, saya telah
bekerja di sini selama sepuluh tahun. Anda tidak bisa memecat saya!)
Johnny :There’s no point in negotiating. Toni, I’ve already made up my

(Tak ada alasan untuk bernegosiasi. Toni, saya sudah memberi

Toni :Oh well, at least I won’t have to put up with your non-sense
anymore! Good bye to you and good bye to this dead-end job.

(Oh baiklah, setidaknya saya tidak harus memaklumi kekonyolan

anda lagi! Selamat tinggal kepada mu dan pekerjaan yang tak
membuat ku berkembang ini.)
Johnny :Please leave soon, Toni, before I lost my temper!
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(Tolong pergilah segera, Toni, sebelum saya kehilangan kendali

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom beserta kata-kata Slang)

1. About to = akan segera (melakukan sesuatu)

Contoh: The plane is about to leave the airport.

(Pesawat itu akan segera meninggalkan bandara.)

2. After all = Lagipula; Bagaimana pun juga
Contoh: Mona can’t betray me. After all, I am her best friend.

(Mona tidak mungkin mengkhianatiku. Bagaimana pun juga aku teman

3. At least = setidaknya
Contoh: Even though I didn’t get the prize, at least I was on TV.

(Walaupun aku tidak dapat hadiah, setidaknya aku masuk Televisi.)

4. Break the news = memberitahu sesuatu hal (yang tidak enak)
Contoh: I hate to break the news that you fail on the test.

(Aku benci memberitahu hal bahwa kamu gagal di dalam tes.)

5. Cost an arm and a leg = berharga sangat mahal
Contoh: The jewelry costs an arm and a leg.

(Perhiasan itu harganya mahal.)

6. Dead-end job = pekerjaan yang tidak berkembang
Contoh: Being a security is a dead-end job for me.

(Menjadi petugas keamanan adalah pekerjaan yang tak berkembang

7. Face it = hadapi kenyataan yang sebenarnya
Contoh: Don’t run from the problem. Face it!

(Jangan lari dari kenyataan. Hadapi kenyataan yang sebenarnya!)

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8. Give one the creeps = merasa jengkel terhadap seseorang
Contoh: Because of his naughty, I give him the creeps.

(Karena kenakalannya, aku merasa jengkel kepadanya.)

9. Go back to the drawing board = mengulang kembali pekerjaan yang gagal
Contoh: I failed on the project. I will go back to the drawing board.

(Saya gagal di proyek itu. Saya akan kembali mengerjakannya.)

10. Go belly up = bangkrut
Contoh: The company goes belly up.

(Perusahaan itu bangkrut.)

11. Give someone the ax = memecat seseorang
Contoh: The boss gives the office boy the ax.

(Bos itu memecat seorang office boy.)

12. Lose one’s temper = kehilangan kendali emosi
Contoh: Melly lost her temper because of the failure.

(Melly kehilangan kendali emosi karena kegagalan itu.)

13. Make up one’s mind = memutuskan sesuatu
Contoh: He has made up his mind to choose the product.

(Ia telah memutuskan untuk memilih produk tersebut.)

14. No point in = tak ada alasan untuk (memulai sesuatu)
Contoh: There is no point in bargaining. I sell the bag for $ 50 cash.

(Tak ada alasan untuk tawar menawar. Aku menjual tas itu seharga 50 dollar
15. Put up with = memaklumi kelakuan buruk seseorang
Contoh: I always put up with his bad temper.

(Saya selalu memaklumi kemarahannya.)

16. Real flop = kegagalan mutlak
Contoh: Your effort to make the team win was a real flop.
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(Usahamu untuk membuat tim ini menang adalah sebuah kegagalan besar.)
17. Save the day = mengantisipasi masalah
Contoh: I think I saved the day by doing the plan.

(Aku pikir aku telah mengantisipasi masalah dengan melakukan rencana

18. Sharp as a tack = handal; intelektual
Contoh: The new manager is brilliant. He is as sharp as a tack.

(Manajer baru itu sungguh hebat. Ia seorang yang handal.)

19. Talk over = mendiskusikan sesuatu
Contoh: Danny has tried to talk over the problem with his mom.
(Danny sudah mencoba untuk mendiskusikan masalah tersebut dengan
20. Top dollar = harga tinggi
Contoh: Why must we pay top dollar? The new store sells everything cheap.

(Kenapa kita harus membayar dengan harga tinggi? Toko baru itu menjual
semuanya dengan harga murah.)

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Exercise of Lesson 1

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. The plane is about to leave the airport.

a. Tell story about

b. Will do something soon
c. Explain something
2. Mona can’t betray me. After all, I am her best friend.

a. However
b. And
c. Although
3. Even though I didn’t get the prize, at least I was on TV.

a. The bad thing

b. The last thing
c. The only good thing
4. I hate to break the news that you fail on the test.

a. Tell a bad news

b. Tell a good news
c. Tell a story
5. The jewelry costs an arm and a leg.
a. Very cheap
b. Very expensive
c. Very hard

6. Being a security is a dead-end job for me.

a. A good job
b. A challenging job

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c. A bad job
7. Don’t run from the problem. Face it!

a. Challenge the reality

b. Look at it
c. Stare at it
8. Because of his naughty, I give him the creeps.

a. Give someone food

b. Give someone bad treatment
c. Give someone money
9. I failed on the project. I will go back to the drawing board.
a. Start drawing again
b. Start Painting
c. Start doing the work again
10. The company goes belly up.

a. Gets stomachache
b. Gets bankrupt
c. Gets belly

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Lesson 2
Toni’s coming home with bad news.
(Toni pulang ke rumah dengan berita buruk.)

Toni got home with sad feeling. He told his wife that he had lost his job. His wife,
Tya, suggests him to start his own business.
(Toni pulang dengan hati yang sedih. Ia memberitahu istrinya bahwa ia telah
kehilangan pekerjaannya. Istrinya, Tya, menyarankannya untuk memulai usahanya

Tya :What’s the matter, dear. You look so sad.

(Ada masalah apa sayang. Kamu terlihat sedih.)
Toni :Honey, I got canned today at work.

(Sayang, aku dipecat hari ini dari pekerjaan.)

Tya :But you were Johnny’s right hand man. He couldn’t fire you.

(Tetapi kamu kan orang kepercayaan Johnny. Dia tak mungkin

Toni :That is what I thought before. But if fact, he stabbed me on the

(Itu yang aku pikirkan sebelumnya. Tetapi pada kenyataannya,

ia menusuk ku dari belakang (mengkhianatiku))
Tya :Keep your chin up, honey. Perhaps not for a long time, he will
change his mind.

(Tabah ya sayang. Mungkin tidak lama lagi ia akan berubah

Toni :When pigs fly! Once he makes up his mind, he never
changes it. Besides, I told him off.

(Tidak mungkin! Sekali ia memutuskan sesuatu, ia tidak akan

merubahnya. Lagipula, aku membentaknya.)

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Tya :Look on the bright side: You will not have to set eyes on him
ever again.
(Lihat sisi baiknya: Kamu tidak akan harus berhadapan
dengannya lagi.)
Toni :Thank goodness for that!

(Aku bersyukur untuk itu!)

Tya :Hang in there, honey. I’m sure you will not be out of work for
(Jangan menyerah, sayang. Aku yakin kamu tidak akan
menganggur lama.)
Toni :In the meantime, we’ll have to live from hand to mouth.

(Pada saat ini, kita harus hidup pas-pasan.)

Tya :Don’t get too stressed out, honey. We’ll make ends meet.

(Jangan terlalu cemas, sayang. Kita akan berpenghasilan lagi.)

Toni : I can always get a job as a janitor as a last resort.

(Aku bisa saja bekerja sebagai seorang tukang bersih-bersih

sebagai alternative terakhir.)
Tya :I don’t think they’re hiring right now.
(Menurutku mereka tak perlu menyewa pekerja untuk saat ini.)
Toni :If worse comes to worst, perhaps we could sell our house and
we move into a tent.
(Jika situasi semakin buruk, mungkin kita bisa menjual rumah
kita dan pindah ke tenda.)
Tya :Let’s think big! Maybe you can start your own business.

(Rencanakan yang lebih baik! Mungkin kita bisa memulai bisnis

kita sendiri.)
Toni :Easier said than done!

(Lebih mudah diucapkan daripada dilakukan!)

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Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom beserta kata-kata Slang)

1. Change one’s mind = berubah pikiran

Contoh: He never changes his mind whenever he asks for something.

(Ia tak pernah berubah pikiran ketika ia meminta sesuatu.)

2. Easier said than done = lebih mudah diucapkan daripada dilakukan
Contoh: People say that we’d better to run our own business that working as a
staff. Easier said than done!

(Orang bilang kita lebih baik menjalankan bisnis kita sendiri daripada bekerja
sebagai seorang staff karyawan. Lebih mudah diucapkan daripada dilakukan!)
3. Get canned = dipecat dari pekerjaan
Contoh: Kai got canned from his job yesterday.

(Kai dipecat dari pekerjaannya kemarin.)

4. Hang in there = jangan menyerah; bertahanlah; Lanjutkan.
Contoh: I heard that you wanted to try to start an English Course. Hang in

(Aku dengar kamu ingin berusaha memulai sebuah kursus Bahasa Inggris.
5. If worse comes to worst = bila perlu; bila situasi semakin sulit
Contoh: His house is burnt. If worse comes to worst he will stay in the
(Rumahnya terbakar. Jika perlu ia akan tinggal di masjid.)
6. Keep one’s chin up = tabah lah
Contoh: Keep your chin up. You have one more opportunity to win the
(Tabahlah. Kamu masih memiliki satu kali lagi kesempatan untuk
memenangkan pertanTobbygan.)
7. Last resort = alternatif terakhir
Contoh: Working as an office boy at the company is his last resort.

(Bekerja sebagai seorang office boy di perusahaan tersebut adalah pilihan

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8. Live from hands to mouth = hidup dengan biaya pas-pasan
Contoh: The poor family lives from hands to mouth.

(Keluarga miskin itu hidup dengan biaya pas-pasan.)

9. Make ends meet = berpenghasilan baik
Contoh: By doing this business, I believe that we will make ends meet.

(Dengan menjalankan bisnis ini, aku yakin kita akan berpenghasilan baik.)
10. Make up one’s mind = berubah pikiran ke arah yang lebih baik
Contoh: Perhaps he will make up his mind if you behave well.

(Mungkin dia akan berubah pikiran jikalau kau bersikap baik.)

11. Out of work = menganggur
Contoh: He has been out of work since the bank got bankrupt.

(Ia masih menganggur sejak bank itu bangkrut.)

12. Right-hand man = orang kepercayaan
Contoh: James is the manager’s right-hand man.

(James adalah orang kepercayaan si manajer.)

13. Set eyes on = berhadapan dengan
Contoh: Tomorrow he will set eyes on managers from different company.

(Besok ia akan berhadapan dengan para manajer dari berbagai perusahaan.)

14. Stab someone in the back = mengkhianati
Contoh: He’s just stabbed his boss in the back by canceling the agreement.

(Ia telah mengkhianati bos nya dengan membatalkan perjanjian itu.)

15. Stressed out = sangat cemas
Contoh: Don’t be stressed out! The disaster will not destruct your house.
(Jangan terlalu cemas! Bencana tersebut tidak akan menghancurkan
16. Tell off = membentak
Contoh: The teacher told him off because of his bad score.
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(Guru itu membentaknnya karena nilai buruknya.)
17. Thank goodness = sangat bersyukur
Contoh: Thank goodness. The exam is canceled.

(Syukurlah. Ujiannya ditunda.)

18. Think big = berfikir lebih luas / bijak
Contoh: Think big when you have to choose the best university!

(Berfikirlah dengan bijak ketika kamu harus memilih universitas yang terbaik!)
19. What’s the matter? = Ada (masalah) apa?
Contoh: What’s the matter? You look so sad.

(Ada masalah apa? Kamu terlihat sedih.)

20. When pigs fly = tidak mungkin
Contoh: The government will give the school services freely for every citizen?
When pigs fly!

(Pemerintah akan memberikan pelayanan sekolah gratis untuk setiap warga

Negara? Tidak mungkin!)

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Exercise of Lesson 2

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. He never changes his mind whenever he asks for something.

a. Change his brain

b. Change his decision
c. Change his future
2. Better to run our own business that working as a staff. Easier said than

a. It’s easier to talk than to do it.

b. The job is easy.
c. People like talking.
3. Kai got canned from his job yesterday.

a. Got a can
b. Can do the job
c. Got fired
4. I heard that you wanted to try to start an English Course. Hang in there!

a. Stay in a place.
b. Keep trying
c. Hang on a place.
5. His house is burnt. If worse comes to worst he will stay in the mosque.

a. If there’s no other options left.

b. If he is worse.
c. If he gets the worst house.
6. Keep your chin up. You have one more opportunity to win the match.

a. Clean your chin.

b. Make up your chin.
c. Stay calm and confident.
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7. Working as an office boy at the company is his last resort.

a. Last place to go.

b. Last choice.
c. Last day to work.
8. The poor family lives from hands to mouth.

a. Lives with poor financial.

b. Lives with welfare.
c. Lives in a rich condition.
9. By doing this business, I believe that we will make ends meet.

a. Earn no money.
b. Earn enough money.
c. Earn less money.
10. Perhaps he will make up his mind if you behave well.

a. Think wisely.
b. Think badly.
c. Change the clothes.

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Lesson 3
Tobby’s Failure on Math Test at School
(Kegagalan Si Tobby dalam Ujian Matematika di Sekolah)

Tobby told his parents that he got bad score on Math test. They told him back to be
more serious in studying.
(Tobby bercerita kepada orang tuanya bahwasanya ia mendapat nilai yang buruk di
dalam tes Matematika. Mereka memberitahunya kembali untuk lebih serius di dalam

Tya :How was your school day today, Tobby?

(Bagaimana sekolahmu hari ini, Tobby?)
Tobby :Bad! I had a Math test, and I blew it!

(Buruk! Aku ikut tes Matematika, dan aku gagal!)

Tya :Maybe if you didn’t cut class so often, you’d do better.

(Mungkin kalau kamu tidak terlalu sering bolos kelas, kamu akan
mengerjakannya lebih baik.)
Toni :That’s right, my son. Stop slacking off and start hitting the books!

(Itu benar, anakku. Berhentilah menyia-nyiakan waktu dan mulailah

Tobby :But I can’t stand Math class. Besides, It’s a lost cost. That class is
way over my head.

(Tetapi aku benci kelas Matematika. Di samping itu, tak dapat

diharapkan. Kelas tersebut di luar pengetahuan aku.)
Tya :You need to buckle down.

(Kamu harus serius mengerjakannya.)

Tobby :When I am a famous musician, people won’t give a hoot about my
knowledge of atoms and molecules.

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(Ketika aku menjadi seorang musisi terkenal nanti, orang-orang tak
akan perduli akan pengetahuanku tentang atom dan molekul.)
Tya :That’s beside the point.

(Itu tidak penting.)

Toni :We know you have your heart set on going to University of Indonesia.

(Kita tahu kalau kamu ingin sekali melanjutkan ke Universitas

Tya :And you don’t stand a chance of getting in there with such poor
(Dan kamu tidak punya kemungkinan untuk masuk ke sana dengan
nilai buruk itu.)

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Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Beside the point : tidak penting

Contoh: Asking how much the price of the product is beside the point. The
point is we know how useful the product is.
2. Blow something = gagal melakukan sesuatu
Contoh: I blew the driving test because I didn’t sleep last night.

(Aku gagal di dalam tes mengemudi karena tidak tidur semalaman.)

3. Buckle down = mulai serius mengerjakan sesuatu
Contoh: You need to buckle down on doing the project If you want to get the
(Kamu harus mulai serius dalam mengerjakan proyek tersebut jika ingin
mendapat uangnya.)
4. Can’t stand = benci akan sesuatu
Contoh: He can’t stand the traffic jam.

(Ia benci akan kemacetan lalu lintas tersebut.)

5. Cut class = bolos kelas / pelajaran
Contoh: Do not ever cut the class, Edo, unless you’ll fail the lesson.

(Jangan pernah membolos kelas, Edo, atau kamu akan gagal di dalam
6. Get real = realistis terhadap kenyataan yang terjadi
Contoh: Please get real. We must solve the problem.

(Tolong hadapi kenyataan. Kita harus memecahkan masalah itu.)

7. Have one’s heart set on = sangat berkeinginan akan sesuatu
Contoh: Since he was a kid, he has had his heart set on Music Academy.

(Sejak ia masih anak-anak, ia telah berkeinginan untuk masuk akademi

8. Hit the books = mulai belajar
Contoh: Joe should start hitting the books because tomorrow he will have an

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(Joe harus mulai belajar karena besok ia akan menghadapi ujian.)
9. Lost cause = sesuatu yang tak bisa diharapkan
Contoh: Mastering Biology is a lost cause for me.

(Menguasai pelajaran Biology adalah harapan yang sia-sia bagiku.)

10. Not give a hoot = tidak perduli akan
They will not give a hoot whether or not I understand Mathematics.

(Mereka tidak akan perduli apakah aku memahami Matematika.)

11. Over one’s head = di luar batas pengetahuan
Contoh: The French lesson is over my head.

(Pelajaran Bahasa Perancis itu di luar batas pengetahuanku.)

12. Slack off = bermain-main / bersantai-santai
Contoh: Stop slacking off, Bob! Start working!

(Berhentilah bermain-main, Bob! Mulailah bekerja!

13. Stand a chance = berkesempatan untuk sukses
Contoh: I think the smart boy stand a chance of being a scientist.

(Menurutku anak laki-laki yang pintar itu berkesempatan untuk sukses

menjadi seorang ilmuwan.)

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Exercise of Lesson 3

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. Asking how much the price of the product is beside the point.

a. Beside someone
b. Not important
c. Very urgent
2. I blew the driving test because I didn’t sleep last night.

a. Make something fail

b. Destroy
c. Blow like wind
3. You need to buckle down on doing the project if you want to get the money.

a. Get relax
b. Take a break
c. Try hard
4. He can’t stand the traffic jam.

a. Like so much
b. Hate
c. Cannot stand by his feet
5. Do not ever cut the class, Edo, unless you’ll fail the lesson.
a. Absent
b. Break the class
c. Destroy the class
6. Please get real. We must solve the problem.

a. Behave Silly
b. Become stronger
c. Face the problem gently

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7. Since he was a kid, he has had his heart set on Music Academy.

a. Fell in love with someone

b. Decide to focus on something
c. Got heart attack
8. Joe should start hitting the books because tomorrow he will have an exam.

a. Start studying
b. Start breaking the books
c. Start buying lots of books
9. Mastering Biology is a lost cause for me.

a. A wise hope
b. A hopeless thing to do
c. Get lost somewhere
10. They will not give a hoot whether or not I understand Mathematics.

a. Ignore
b. Pay attention
c. Give some gifts

Page 23 of 256
Lesson 4
Susi’s Successful Project at School
(Proyek Sukses si Susi di Sekolah)

Susi told her mother about her successful project at school. She is very happy. Then
Tobby comes. They are talking together.
(Susi bercerita kepada ibunya tentang proyek suksesnya di sekolah. Ia sangat
senang. Lalu Tobby datang. Mereka berbicara bersama-sama.)

Tya :Hi Susi. How was your day at school?

(Hai Susi. Bagaimana hari mu di sekolah?)
Susi :Hi Mom. Mm.. It was great. I’m so happy that I could finish my project
with a good score at school. My teacher paid me a compliment.

(Hai ma. Mm.. Menyenangkan. Aku sangat senang aku bisa

menyelesaikan proyek ku dengan nilai yang baik di sekolah. Guruku
Tya :So, what did he say?
(Lalu apa yang beliau katakan?)
Susi :He said my project was head and shoulders above the others.

(Beliau bilang bahwa proyek ku jauh di atas yang lainnya.)

Tya :Way to go!

(Kerja bagus!)
Susi :He said I should go into science club. He also said that I could be like
Einstein someday.
(Beliau bilang aku sebaiknya mengikMama klub sains. Beliau juga
bilang bahwa aku bisa seperti Einstein suatu hari nanti.)
Tobby :You’re so gung ho about school. It drives me crazy.

(Kamu terlalu tergila-gila dengan suasana sekolah. Hal itu membuatku

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Susi :Tobby, don’t butt in. You’re just jealous.

(Tobby, jangan ikut campur. Kau hanya iri kan?)

Tobby :Right. You hit the nail on the head. I’m green with envy.

(Baiklah. Kau benar sekali. Aku sangat iri.)

Susi :Would you just shut up! You’re on thin ice with me right now.

(Bisakah kau diam! Kau berada di dalam situasi yang berbahaya

Tobby :Oh no! Look at me. I’m shaking in my shoes!

(Oh tidak! Lihat aku. Aku merinTobbyg ketakutan!)

Page 25 of 256
Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Butt in = ikut campur

Contoh: Don’t butt in my problem!

(Jangan ikut campur di dalam masalahku!)

2. Drive one crazy = membuat seseorang muak / jengkel
Contoh: The noisy kids drive me crazy.

(Anak-anak yang gaduh itu membuatku jengkel.)

3. Go into = ikut serta / berpartisipasi
Contoh: My daddy said that I should go into karate club.

(Ayahku berkata bahwa aku sebaiknya ikut klub karate.)

4. Green with envy = iri hati
Contoh: She’s green with envy on his brother’s success.

(Ia iri hati dengan kesuksesan saudara laki-lakinya.)

5. Gung ho = tergila-gila akan sesuatu
Contoh: Billy is gung ho about music.

(Billy tergila-gila dengan musik.)

6. Head and shoulders above = unggul jauh diatas
Contoh: My English test score is head and shoulders above my friends.

(Nilai tes Bahasa Inggrisku unggul jauh di atas nilai teman-temanku.)

7. Hit the nail on the head = benar sekali / tepat sekali
Contoh: He hit the nail on the head. His prediction of the score on the
football match is correct.
(Ia sangat benar. Prediksinya akan skor pertanTobbygan sepakbola itu betul.)
8. On thin ice with = berada di dalam situasi tegang / berbahaya dengan
seseorang (akibat membuatnya marah)
Contoh: Jack is on thin ice with the school principal after his absents.

(Jack berada di dalam situasi yang tegang dengan sang kepala sekolah
setelah ia membolos.)
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9. Pay someone a compliment = memberi pujian kepada seseorang
Contoh: Mother gives him a compliment after his help of fixing the TV.

(Ibu memberinya pujian setelah pertolongannya memperbaiki televisi.)

10. Shake in one’s shoes = merinding ketakutan
Contoh: He is shaking in his shoes when he’s looking at the big dog barking.

(Ia merinTobbyg ketakutan ketika melihat anjing besar itu sedang

11. Shut up = diam
Contoh: Shut up! Don’t be noisy!

(Diam! Jangan berisik!)

12. Way to go = kerja bagus
Contoh: Way to go! You completed the task.

(Kerja bagus! Kamu telah menyelesaikan tugas.)

Page 27 of 256
Exercise of Lesson 4

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. Don’t butt in my problem!

a. Annoy
b. Interfere
c. Sit on
2. The noisy kids drive me crazy.

a. Annoying
b. Play happily
c. Have fun
3. My daddy said that I should go into karate club.

a. Go somewhere
b. Like
c. Join
4. She’s green with envy on his brother’s success.

a. Wears green clothes

b. Want something badly
c. Likes green color
5. Billy is gung ho about music.
a. Always talk about
b. Dislikes
c. Hates
6. My English test score is head and shoulders above my friends.

a. Bad
b. Average
c. The highest

Page 28 of 256
7. He hit the nail on the head. His prediction of the score on the match is
a. False
b. True
c. Honest
8. Jack is on thin ice with the school principal after his absents.

a. On a bad relationship
b. On a good relationship
c. Play ice skating
9. Mother gives him a compliment after his help of fixing the TV.

a. Mocks
b. Praise
c. complains
10. He is shaking in his shoes when he’s looking at the big dog barking.

a. Frightened
b. Brave
c. Cool

Page 29 of 256
Lesson 5
Tobby’s Dating with His Girlfriend
(Tobby kencan dengan pacarnya)

Tobby seems to be busy of dressing in front of the mirror. A smell of his fragrance
can be detected from the kitchen while his mom is cooking.
(Tobby terlihat sibuk berdandan di depan kaca. Aroma parfumnya dapat terdeteksi
dari dapur ketika mamanya sedang memasak.)

Tobby :Goodbye Mom, see you later!

(Selamat tinggal, ma. Sampai jumpa nanti.)
Tya :Where are you going, Tobby?
(Kamu mau pergi kemana, Tobby?)
Tobby :I told Ratna I’d drop by.

(Aku tadi kasih tau si Ratna kalau aku mau mampir.)

Tya :What are you two going to do?
(Apa yang akan kalian lakukan?)
Tobby :Maybe we will go to a movie or a party. Our plans are still up in the

(Mungkin kami akan pergi nonton atau ke pesta. Rencana kami sih
masih belum pasti.)
Tya :Why don’t you invite her over here?
(Kenapa kamu tidak mengundangnya kemari?)
Tobby :I don’t want to hang around here. Dad is really down in the dumps.

(Aku tak ingin menghabiskan waktu di sini. Ayah sangat frustasi

Tya :Is Ratna the girl with a nose ring and pink hair?

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(Apakah si Ratna itu gadis dengan tindikan di hidung dan berambut
merah jambu?)
Tobby :Yeah, mom. And I’m crazy about her.

(Iya ma. Dan aku tergila-gila dengannya.)

Tya :Don’t take this the wrong way, but she’s not exactly my cup of tea.

(Jangan diambil hati pendapat mama ya, tetapi dia itu bukan tipe
perempuan yang mama suka.)
Tobby :Take it easy mom. We’re not about to get married. We just enjoy
hanging out together.

(Santai aja lah ma. Kita tak akan segera menikah kok. Kita Cuma
menikmati jalan-jalan bersama aja.)
Tya :Hmm… Okay then. I guess there’s no accounting for taste. Have a
good time.

(Hmm.. Okelah kalau begitu. Menurutku tak ada paksaan untuk

memilih selera. Selamat bersenang-senang.)
Tobby :Don’t worry, mom. We’ll have a blast!

(Jangan khawatir ma. Kita akan sangat bersenang-senang!)

Tya :I’m under my breath. That’s what I’m scared of, Tobby.

(Aku hanya bisa berbisik. Itulah yang aku khawatirkan, Tobby.)

Page 31 of 256
Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang.)

1. About to = akan segera melakukan sesuatu

Contoh: Dad is about to work.

(Ayah akan segera bekerja.)

2. Crazy about = tergila-gila akan sesuatu
Contoh: She’s crazy about chocolate.

(Ia sangat tergila-gila dengan cokelat.)

3. Cup of tea = tipe orang yang disukai
Contoh: The girl with long hair is my cup of tea.

(Gadis yang berambut panjang itu tipe wanita yang kusuka.)

4. Down in the dumps = merasa sangat stress / depresi
Contoh: Shane feels down in the dumps after his girl friend left him.

(Shane merasa sangat stress setelah pacarnya meninggalkannya.)

5. Drop by = mampir
Contoh: Please drop by my house. I have many cakes to eat.

(Mari mampir ke rumahku. Saya punya banyak kue.)

6. Hang around = menghabiskan waktu
Contoh: I don’t want to hang around this place. This place is boring.

(Aku tak ingin menghabiskan waktu di tempat ini. Tempat ini membosankan.)
7. Hang out = jalan-jalan
Contoh: I like to hang out with all of my friends at the beach.

(Aku suka menghabiskan waktu dengan teman-teman di pantai.)

8. Have a blast = bersenang-senang
Contoh: Danny has a blast with his new car.

(Danny sangat bersenang-senang dengan mobil barunya.)

9. Have a good time = bersenang-senang / menikmati kegiatan

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Contoh: My father has a good time on fishing.

(Ayahku menikmati kegiatan memancing.)

10. Take it easy = santai lah; jangan khawatir
Contoh: Take it easy, boss. We still have much money for this shop.

(Jangan khawatir, bos. Kita masih punya banyak uang untuk toko ini.)
11. Take something the wrong way = mengambil hati pendapat orang lain
Contoh: Don’t take my opinion the wrong way. I think you failed on the test.

(Jangan ambil hati pendapatku. Menurutku kamu gagal di dalam tes.)

12. There’s no accounting for taste = tak ada paksaan untuk memilih selera
Contoh: Hadi has a short and fat wife. There’s no accounting for taste.
(Hadi memiliki istri yang pendek dan gendut. Tak ada paksaan untuk memilih
13. Under one’s breath = berkata dengan berbisik (mengeluh)
Contoh: The sad girl is talking under her breath.

(Gadis yang sedih itu berbicara berbisik-bisik.)

14. Up in the air = masih belum pasti
Contoh: Your plan of the future is up in the air.

(Rencana mu untuk masa depan belum pasti.)

Page 33 of 256
Exercise of Lesson 5

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. She’s crazy about chocolate.

a. Dislikes
b. Likes so much
c. She’s crazy
2. The girl with long hair is my cup of tea.

a. A type of the person he/she likes

b. He/she likes tea
c. He/she is making a cup of tea
3. Shane feels down in the dumps after his girl friend left him.

a. Go downstairs
b. Depressed
c. Dumped
4. Please drop by my house. I have many cakes to eat.

a. Visit
b. Buy
c. Look at
5. I don’t want to hang around this place. This place is boring.
a. Hang on
b. Visit
c. Spent all time
6. I like to hang out with all of my friends at the beach.

a. Play
b. Go around
c. Swim

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7. Danny has a blast with his new car.

a. Enjoys so much
b. Dislikes so much
c. Has lots of money
8. My father has a good time on fishing.

a. Has a free time

b. Has a short time
c. Enjoys the time
9. Take it easy, boss. We still have much money for this shop.

a. Take the best choice

b. Get relax
c. Get free time
10. Don’t take my opinion the wrong way. I think you failed on the test.

a. Take offense
b. Give opinion
c. Suggest

Page 35 of 256
Lesson 6
Tya bakes cakes for her husband.
(Tya membuat kue untuk suaminya.)

Tya tries to cheer up her husband. Toni likes her homemade cakes. Then Susi
suggests her mother to start a cake-business.
(Tya berusaha untuk menghibur suaminya. Toni suka dengan kue buatan istrinya.
Lalu Susi menyarankan ibunya untuk memulai bisnis kue.)

Tya :Honey, I baked cakes for you.

(Sayang, aku membuat kue untukmu.)
Toni :That was so nice of you, dear. You’ve got a heart of gold.

(Kau baik sekali, sayang. Hatimu seindah emas (baik sekali).)

Tya :Go ahead and pig out!

(Ayo dicicipi, yang lahap ya.)

Toni :These cakes are delicious!
(Kue-kue ini sangat enak!)
Tya :I thought they might cheer you up. You’ve been in a bad mood
(Ya kupikir sebelumnya kue-kue ini dapat menyemangatimu. Kau lagi
banyak pikiran (stress) akhir-akhir ini.)
Toni :I guess I’ve been a little on edge. But these cakes are just what the
doctor ordered.

(Ya, aku cuma agak sedikit sensi. Tetapi kue-kue inilah ternyata apa
yang kuinginkan.)
Susi :Do I smell cakes?
(Apakah aku mencium bau kue?)
Tya :Yes, Susi. Help yourself.

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(Ya Susi. Ambil sendiri ya.)
Susi :Hmm..Yummy. These are out of this world. You could go into
business selling these.

(Hmm..Enak. Kue-kue ini sangat enak. Mama bisa memulai bisnis

dengan menjual kue-kue ini.)
Toni :You could call then Mom’s Yummy Cakes. You’d make a bundle.

(Kau dapat menamainya Kue Mama yang Enak. Kau akan

menghasilkan banyak uang.)
Tya :Good thinking!

(Ide bagus.)
Susi :Don’t forget to give me credit for the idea after you’re rich and
(Jangan lupa persenan (imbalan) untuk idenya setelah mama kaya dan
Tya :You know that I always give credit where credit is due.

(Kau taulah, mama selalu memberi imbalan kalau kau berhak


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Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Cheer someone up = menghibur / menyemangati seseorang

Contoh: Let’s cheer her up. She’s so sad now.

(Ayo kita hibur dia. Dia teramat sedih sekarang.)

2. Give someone credit = memberi seseorang imbalan (atas kontribusi/jasanya)
Contoh: I should give him credit for his help last night.

(Aku harus memberikannya imbalan atas pertolongannya semalam.)

3. Give credit where credit is due = memberi imbalan jika pantas
Contoh: She gives the poor man who helped her some money. She always
gives credit where credit is due.

(Ia memberi laki-laki miskin yang menolongnya itu sejumlah uang. Ia selalu
memberi imbalan ketika seseorang itu layak untuk mendapatkannya.)
4. Go into business = memulai bisnis
Contoh: I can go into business selling computers.

(Aku dapat memulai bisnis/usaha dengan menjual komputer.)

5. Good thinking = ide bagus
Contoh: You have a good thinking of finding the course bisnis.

(Kamu memiliki ide yang bagus dalam mendirikan bisnis kursus.)

6. Have a heart of gold = berhati baik dan pemurah
Contoh: She has a heart of gold. She likes to help poor people.

(Ia berhati baik. Ia suka membantu orang-orang miskin.)

7. Help yourself = Ambil sendiri (makanannya)
Contoh: I cooked soup and and fried chicken. Please, help yourself.

(Aku memasak sup dan ayam goreng. Tolong ambil sendiri (makanannya).)
8. In a bad mood = sedang tidak enak suasana hati
Contoh: My uncle is in a bad mood. He lost her cell phone.

(Pamanku sedang tidak enak hati. Beliau kehilangan ponselnya.)

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9. Just what the doctor ordered = tepat seperti apa yang diinginkan
Contoh: This food is very delicious. This is just what the doctor ordered.

(Makanan ini sangat enak. Ini tepat seperti apa yang aku inginkan.)
10. Make a bundle = menghasilkan banyak uang
Contoh: I can make a bundle by selling the paintings.

(Aku bisa menghasilkan banyak uang dengan menjual lukisan-lukisan ini.)

11. On edge = sedang sensi (banyak pikiran)
Contoh: He is on edge after his girl friend left him.

(Dia sedang sensi setelah pacarnya meninggalkannya.)

12. Out of this world = sangat enak / bagus
Contoh: This pizza is out of this world.

(Pizza ini sangat enak.)

13. Pig out = makan dengan lahap
Contoh: Here comes the pies. Pig out, guys!

(Ini dia kue pie nya. Ayo santap dengan lahap.)

Page 39 of 256
Exercise of Lesson 6

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. Let’s cheer her up. She’s so sad now.

a. Become a cheer-leader
b. Make someone happy
c. Smile to someone
2. I should give him credit for his help last night.

a. Give something in return

b. Give options
c. Give opinions
3. I can go into business selling computers.

a. Work in a company
b. Work in an office
c. Start a business
4. You have a good thinking of finding the course bisnis.

a. Good looking
b. Good idea
c. Good performance
5. She has a heart of gold. She likes to help poor people.
a. Very kind
b. Very rich
c. Very famous
6. I cooked soup and and fried chicken. Please, help yourself.

a. Take care
b. Do everything individually
c. Get well soon

Page 40 of 256
7. My uncle is in a bad mood. He lost her cell phone.

a. Not feeling well

b. Has a bad cough
c. Behave badly
8. This food is very delicious. This is just what the doctor ordered.

a. Something that someone hates

b. The doctor’s favorite food
c. Something that someone wants
9. I can make a bundle by selling the paintings.

a. Make lots of things

b. Make lots of money
c. Have lots of paintings
10. He is on edge after his girl friend left him.

a. Stressed
b. Happy
c. at the beach

Page 41 of 256
Lesson 7
Toni Helps His Wife Running Cakes Business
(Toni membantu istrinya menjalankan bisnis kue)

Tya can’t sleep thinking of her cakes business. She discussed it with Toni. Then Toni
agreed to help her running the business.
(Tya tak bisa tidur memikirkan bisnis kuenya. Ia mendiskusikannya dengan Toni.
Lalu Toni setuju untuk membantunya menjalankan bisnis tersebut.)

Toni :You’re up bright and early this morning, honey.

(Kau bangun pagi-pagi sekali, sayang.)

Tya :I didn’t sleep a wink. I was awake all night thinking about the business
Susi suggested.
(Aku tak tidur semalaman. Aku begadang memikirkan tentang bisnis
yang Susi usulkan.)
Toni :Running your own business is lots of work. Are you prepared to work
like a dog?

(Menjalankan bisnismu sendirian akan penuh dengan pekerjaan. Apakah

kamu sudah siap untuk bekerja keras?)
Tya :No. But I’m prepared to hire you to run the business.
(Tidak. Tetapi aku berencana untuk memintamu membantuku
menjalankan bisnis ini.)
Toni :You want me to run a cakes business? Fat chance.

(Kau ingin aku menjalankan bisnis kue ini? Tak mau.)

Tya :Why not?
(Kenapa tidak?)
Toni :I don’t have a clue about making cakes. I don’t even know how to turn
the stove or oven on.

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(Aku tidak tahu cara membuat kue. Aku juga tidak tahu bagaimana cara
menyalakan kompor ataupun oven.)
Tya :I’ll give you a crash course.

(Aku akan memberikanmu kursus singkat dan rMaman.)

Toni :Do I have to bake too?
(Apakah aku harus membuat kue juga?)
Tya :No. You’ll just do the sales and business side.
(Tidak. Kamu cuma akan mengurus penjualan dan sisi bisnisnya saja.)
Toni :Needless to say. I have mixed feelings about working for you.

(Tentu saja. Tapi aku agak ragu-ragu bekerja untukmu.)

Tya :I’ll be nice. I’ll promise you’ll be a happy camper.

(Aku akan bersikap baik kok. Aku janji kamu akan merasa nyaman.)
Toni :Okay. Let’s give it a shot, boss.

(Oke deh. Ayo kita coba, bos.)

Page 43 of 256
Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Bright and early = pagi-pagi sekali

Contoh: I was up bright and early this morning because I had to attend the
(Aku bangun pagi-pagi sekali pagi ini karena aku harus menghadiri rapat.)
2. Crash course = kursus/pelatihan singkat dan rMaman
Contoh: I’ve got a crash course of fixing computers.

(Aku mendapat kursus singkat dan rMaman dalam memperbaiki computer.)

3. Fat chance = tak mungkin / tak mau
Contoh: Do you want me to dance on the stage? Fat chance! I can’t dance.

(Apakah kau ingin aku menari di atas panggung? Tak mungkin! Aku tak bisa
4. Give it a shot = mencoba sesuatu
Contoh: My teacher suggested me to open food business. Let’s give it a

(Guruku menyarankanku untuk membuka bisnis makanan. Ayo kita coba!)

5. Happy camper = orang senang
Contoh: She will be a happy camper in the party.

(Ia akan sangat senang di dalam pesta itu.)

6. Have mixed feelings = memiliki perasaan ragu-ragu terhadap sesuatu
Contoh: I have mixed feelings about working together with you.

(Aku ragu-ragu bekerja bersama-sama kamu.)

7. Needless to say = terang saja
Contoh: Needless to say, his mom will not lend him a car after the accident.

(Terang saja, ibunya tak akan meminjamkan sebuah mobil setelah

kecelakaan itu.)
8. Not have a clue = tidak tahu menahu sesuatu tentang
Contoh: I don’t have a clue about skateboarTobbyg.

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(Aku tak tahu menahu tentang skateboarTobbyg.)
9. Not sleep a wink = tidak tidur semalaman
Contoh: I didn’t sleep a wink because of the homework.

(Aku tak tidur semalaman karena pekerjaan rumah itu.)

10. Work like a dog = bekerja keras
Contoh: He doesn’t want to work like a dog in that company.

(Ia tak ingin bekerja begitu keras.)

Page 45 of 256
Exercise of Lesson 7

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. I was up bright and early this morning because I had to attend the meeting.

a. Wake up late
b. Wake up early
c. Have a bright skin
2. I’ve got a crash course of fixing computers.

a. Short-time training
b. Hard training
c. Difficult training
3. Do you want me to dance on the stage? Fat chance! I can’t dance.

a. Fat body
b. Jerk
c. Impossible
4. My teacher suggested me to open food business. Let’s give it a shot!

a. Shoot something
b. Try on something
c. Break something
5. She will be a happy camper in the party.
a. Nice participant
b. Happy feeling
c. Funny guest
6. I have mixed feelings about working together with you.

a. Sure
b. Scared
c. Doubt

Page 46 of 256
7. Needless to say, his mom will not lend him a car after the accident.

a. Never mind
b. Obviously
c. Useless
8. I don’t have a clue about skateboarTobbyg.

a. Don’t know
b. Understand well
c. Need a skateboard
9. I didn’t sleep a wink because of the homework.

a. Didn’t wink
b. Didn’t do homework
c. Didn’t sleep
10. He doesn’t want to work like a dog in that company.

a. Work lazily
b. Work hard
c. Like dogs so much

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Lesson 8
Tobby Makes A Band With His Friends
(Tobby membuat band dengan teman-temannya.)

Tobby wants to be a real musician. First, what he needs is a new guitar. Then Tya
suggests him to bake to earn his own money to buy the guitar he wants.
(Tobby ingin menjadi musisi beneran. Pertama-tama apa yang ia butuhkan adalah
sebuah gitar baru. Lalu Tya menyarankannya untuk membuat kue guna
menghasilkan uangnya sendiri.)

Tya :You’re in good spirits today, Tobby.

(Kamu bersemangat sekali hari ini, Tobby.)
Tobby :I’ve got great news, mom.
(Aku punya berita bagus, Ma.)
Tya :What’s the news?
(Berita apa itu?)
Tobby :My friends and I are going to start a rock band!
(Aku dan teman-temanku akan memulai sebuah band rock!)
Tya :Good for you!
(Bagus itu!)
Tobby :Mom, I’m not going to beat around the bush. I need to borrow you
$1000 from you to buy a new guitar.
(Ma, aku tidak akan bertele-tele. Aku perlu pinjam uang $1000 dari
mama untuk membeli sebuah gitar baru.)
Tya :Tobby, you know that your father and I can’t shell out that much. We
aren’t made of money.

(Tobby, kamu kan tahu kalau papa dan mama tidak bisa membayarmu
sebanyak itu. Kita bukan orang kaya.)

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Tobby :You’re not? I thought you’ve been running your business and starting to
earn some money.
(Mama tak punya uang? Kupikir mama telah menjalankan bisnis mama
dan mulai menghasilkan uang.)
Tya :Haha. This is no time to be a wise guy.

(Haha. Bukan saatnya jadi orang yang sok bijak saat ini.)
Tobby :But, I promise to pay you back, mom.
(Tapi, aku janji akan membayarmu kembali, Ma.)
Tya :Pay me back? How? Tell me.
(Membayar mama kembali? Bagaimana bisa? Coba jelaskan.)
Tobby :We’re going to take the music world by storm and make lots of
(Kami akan cepat terkenal di dunia musik dan menghasilkan banyak
Tya :That sounds like a pipe dream. Aren’t high school band a dime a

(Kedengarannya harapanmu sia-sia. Bukankah band sekolah sudah

terlalu banyak?)
Tobby :Yeah, but my band is different, mom. With my guitar playing and my
friend’s sweet voice we will make a splash in the world!

(Iya sih, tapi bandku beda, Ma. Dengan permainan gitarku dan suara
temanku yang merdu, kita akan mengguncang dunia.)
Tya :Well, we’re going through hard times. And you’re going to work for that
(Baiklah, kita sedang menjalani masa-masa sulit. Dan kamu akan ikut
bekerja untuk mendapatkan $1000.)
Tobby :Tell me how?
(Jelaskan padaku bagaimana caranya?)
Tya :You can bake cakes too.
(Kamu juga bisa buat kue.)
Tobby :Jim Hendrix never bakes mom. I guess those are the breaks.
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(Jim Hendrix tidak pernah membuat kue, Ma. Menurutku itu berita

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Beat around the bush = berbicara bertele-tele

Contoh: I’m not going to beat around the bush with you. Please lend me
your car.
(Aku tak akan bertele-tele denganmu. Tolong pinjamkan mobilmu.)
2. Dime a dozen = terlalu banyak dan tidak special
Contoh: Malay band in Indonesia is dime a dozen.
(Band Melayu di Indonesia terlalu banyak dan tidak special.)
3. Good for you = bagus sekali
Contoh: The pretty girl asked you for Tobbyner? Good for you!

(Gadis cantik itu mengajakmu makan malam? Bagus sekali!)

4. Hard times = masa-masa sulit
Contoh: The poor family is going through hard times.

(Keluarga miskin itu mengalami masa-masa sulit.)

5. In good spirits = sedang senang / suasana hati sedang enak
Contoh: They are in good spirits when finishing the test.

(Mereka sedang senang ketika menyelesaikan ujian.)

6. Made of money = sangat kaya
Contoh: He is made of money. He can afford to buy a luxurious car.

(Ia sangat kaya. Ia mampu membeli mobil mewah.)

7. Make a splash = Mengguncang / bersenang-senang
Contoh: The singer makes a splash on the stage by performing with some
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(Penyanyi itu mengguncang panggung dengan tampil bersama beberapa
8. Pay someone back = mengembalikan (uang) seseorang
Contoh: I will pay him back after I get the salary.

(Aku akan membayar hutang kepadanya setelah aku gajian.)

9. Pipe dream = harapan yang tidak realistis / sia-sia
Contoh: Being a president for the lazy student is a pipe dream.

(Menjadi presiden bagi si pelajar mala situ adalah harapan yang sia-sia.)
10. Shell out = membayar dengan harga tinggi
Contoh: The millionaire wants to shell out the antique painting.

(Milioner itu ingin membayar mahal lukisan antik itu.)

11. Take something by storm = cepat terkenal
Contoh: The new comer band takes something by storm.

(Band pendatang baru itu cepat terkenal.)

12. (that’s / those are) the breaks = berita buruk
Contoh: I heard that the cinema is closed. That’s the breaks.

(Aku dengar bioskopnya sudah ditutup. Itu berita buruknya.)

13. Wise guy = orang yang sok bijak
Contoh: Don’t be a wise guy by telling me not to smoke.
(Jangan sok bijak menasehatiku untuk tidak merokok.)

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Exercise of Lesson 8

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. I’m not going to beat around the bus with you. Please lend me your car.

a. Hit the bus

b. Talk something around
c. Get on the bus
2. Malay band in Indonesia is dime a dozen.

a. Many and not special

b. Twelve overall
c. famous
3. The pretty girl asked you for Tobbyner? Good for you!

a. You are good

b. Have a good feeling
c. Very good
4. The poor family is going through hard times.

a. Spare time
b. Difficult time
c. Working time
5. They are in good spirits when finishing the test.
a. Motivated
b. Scared
c. frustrated
6. He is made of money. He can afford to buy a luxurious car.

a. Has little money

b. Makes lots of money
c. Rich

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7. The singer makes a splash with his new hit single.

a. Performs
b. Famous soon
c. Enjoys listening
8. I will pay him back after I get the salary.

a. Pay debt
b. Buy something
c. Get some money
9. Being a president for the lazy student is a pipe dream.

a. Real dream
b. Dreaming about
c. Unrealistic dream
10. The millionaire wants to shell out the antique painting.

a. Sells something
b. Pays something highly
c. Buy cheaply

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Lesson 9
Susi Wants to Run For Student Body President
(Susi ingin menjabat sebagai ketua OSIS)

Susi plans to run for student body president. She asks Tobby and his friends to vote
her. In return for that, Tobby asks her to complete his homework.
(Susi berencana menjadi ketua OSIS. Ia meminta Tobby dan teman-temannya untuk
memilihnya. Sebagai gantinya, Tobby memintanya untuk mengerjakan PR nya.)

Susi :I’ve decided to run for student body president. If I’m going to be a
senator one day, I should get some experience under my belt now.

(Aku telah memutuskan untuk menjadi ketua OSIS. Jika suatu hari aku
ingin jadi seorang senator, aku harus mengambil pengalaman dari
Tobby :Claudia is also running. She’ll give you a run for your money.

(Claudia juga berpartisipasi. Ia kompetitor yang tangguh.)

Susi :Claudia is not good. I’m by far the better candidate.

(Claudia tidak bagus. Sejauh ini akulah kandidat yang lebih baik.)
Tobby :Don’t be so full of yourself! I might vote for Claudia.

(Jangan hanya memikirkan dirimu sendiri. Aku mungkin saja memilih

Susi :Stop kidTobbyg around. Let’s get down to business. I need your
(Berhentilah bercanda. Langsung saja ke permasalahan intinya. Aku
butuh bantuanmu.)
Tobby :Are you sure that you need my hands?
(Apa kau yakin butuh bantuanku?)
Susi :Yes. I need you to talk your friends into voting for me.

(Ya. Aku ingin kau mengajak teman-temanmu memilihku.)

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Tobby :But you never give my friends the time of day. All you give them is the
cold shoulder.

(Tetapi kau tak pernah perduli dengan teman-temanku. Semua yang kau
berikan kepada mereka hanyalah sikap yang dingin.)
Susi :That’s because they’ve got blue hair and nose rings.
(Itu karena mereka berambut biru dan memiliki tindikkan di hidung.)
Tobby :I think they’re better than your friends – a bunch of goody-goodies and

(Kupikir mereka lebih baik dari teman-temanmu – segerombolan anak

manis di kelas dan penjilat!)
Susi :That’s beside the point. Let’s talk about your friends and their votes.

(Itu tidaklah penting. Ayo kita bicarakan tentang teman-temanmu dan

hak pilih mereka.)
Tobby :Okay, I’ll scratch your back and you’ll scratch yours. In return for
that you have to complete my homework. Deal?
(Oke, Aku membantumu dan kamu juga bantu aku. Sebagai gantinya
kamu harus menyelesaikan PR ku. Setuju?)
Susi :I’m not crazy about that idea. But, okay, it’s a deal. I hope I can count
on you.

(Aku tidak terlalu tertarik akan ide tersebut. Teteapi, okelah, setuju. Aku
harap aku bisa mengandalkanmu.)

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Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Beside the point = hal yang tidak penting

Contoh: Your attitude is beside the point. The important thing is whether or
not you will help me fixing the car.
(Sikapmu tidaklah penting. Hal yang terpenting adalah apakah kau mau
membantuku memperbaiki mobil ku atau tidak.)
2. Brown-noser = penjilat
Contoh: He’s such a brown-noser. He always gives cakes to the teacher to
increase his academic scores.
(Ia sungguh seorang penjilat. Ia selalu memberikan kue kepada guru tersebut
untuk meningkatkan nilai akademiknya.)
3. By far = sejauh ini
Contoh: By far, Felicia is the best student at school.

(Sejauh ini, Felicia adalah murid terbaik di sekolah.)

4. Count on someone = mengandalkan seseorang
Contoh: The girl always counts on his sister in everything.

(Gadis itu selalu mengandalkan kakak perempuannya di dalam segala hal.)

5. Crazy about = tergila-gila akan sesuatu
Contoh: She’s crazy about watching movies.

(Dia tergila-gila menonton film.)

6. Full of oneself = terlalu memikirkan diri sendiri
Contoh: Don’t be full of yourself. Your opponents are strong.

(Jangan terlalu memikirkan dirimu sendiri. Lawan kamu tangguh.)

7. Get down to business = serius membicarakan sesuatu
Contoh: Let’s get down to business, I need your help to promote this
(Langsung saja ke permasalahannya, Aku butuh bantuanmu untuk
mempromosikan produk ini.)
8. Get or have under one’s belt = mengambil pengalaman

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Contoh: I must get under my belt in teaching kids.

(Aku harus mencari pengalaman di dalam mengajar anak-anak.)

9. Give someone a run for one’s money = competitor / pesaing yang kuat
Contoh: My rival always gives me a run for my money.

(Rivalku selalu menjadi pesaing kuatku.)

10. Give someone the cold shoulder = memberi perlakuan yang Tobbygin
Contoh: The oldman always gives his children the cold shoulder.

(Pria tua itu selalu member perlakuan yang Tobbygin kepada anak-anaknya.)
11. (Not) give someone the time of day = tidak memperdulikan seseorang
Contoh: The teacher never gives us the time of day.
(Guru itu tidak pernak memperdulikan kami.)
12. Goody-goody = seseorang yang serius dalam (belajar di sekolah/akademik)
Contoh: Alex is a goody-goody. He’s always studies before the teacher
Alex adalah seorang yang serius dalam belajar. Ia selalu belajar sebelum
guru datang.)
13. It’s a deal = setuju
Contoh: It’s a deal that you will buy my bicycle with a high price.

(Setuju bahwa kau akan membeli sepedaku dengan harga yang tinggi.)
14. Kid around = bercanda
Contoh: You must be kidTobbyg around. The cows can’t fly!

(Kau pasti bercanda. Sapi tidak bisa terbang!)

15. Talk into = membujuk / mengajak / meyakinkan
Contoh: I will talk my father into buying me a new computer.

(Aku akan membujuk ayahku untuk membelikan sebuah komputer baru.)

16. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours = kau membantuku dan aku akan

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Contoh: If you lend me your money, I will give you my cell-phone. You
scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.

(Jika kau meminjamkanku uangmu, aku akan memberikanmu telepon

genggamku. Kau membantuku dan aku akan membantumu.)

Exercise of Lesson 9

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. He’s such a brown-noser.

a. Has a brown nose

b. A dishonest person
c. A good person
2. The girl always counts on his sister in everything.

a. Depends on
b. Believes in
c. Spoilt on
3. Don’t be full of yourself. Your opponents are strong.

a. Stronger than
b. Trust
c. Too confident
4. Let’s get down to business, I need your help to promote this product.

a. Start a business
b. Get into the matter
c. Working in a company
5. I must get under my belt in teaching kids.

a. Get experiences
b. Buy a belt

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c. Sell a belt
6. My rival always gives me a run for my money.

a. Gives lots of money

b. Borrow some money
c. Be a strong competitor
7. The oldman always gives his children the cold shoulder.

a. Behave well
b. Doesn’t pay any attention
c. Get an ache on the shoulders
8. The teacher never gives us the time of day.
a. Behaves well
b. Gives a break-time
c. Gets busy
9. It’s a deal that you will buy my bicycle with a high price.

a. Disagree
b. Decide something
c. Agrees
10. If you help me, I will help you. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours

a. Scratch each other

b. Help each other
c. Ignore

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Lesson 10
Toni Sells Tya’s Cakes to The Supermarket
(Toni menjual kue-kue buatan Tya ke Supermarket)

Toni visits the biggest supermarket in the town. Salsa manages the Supermarket.
She seems to like Tya’s cakes. But she hasn’t got any idea of how much she will pay
the cakes.
(Si Toni mengunjungi supermarket terbesar di kota itu. Salsa lah yang menjalankan
supermarket tersebut. Ia tampaknya menyukai kue-kue buatan Tya. Tetapi ia tak
tahu berapa banyak yang harus ia bayar untuk kue-kue tersebut.)

Toni :Thank you for making time for me today, Salsa.

(Terimakasih telah meluangkan waktu untukku hari ini, Salsa.)

Salsa :Don’t mention it Toni, what’s up?

(Sama-sama Toni, ada apa?)

Toni :My wife baked these cakes from scratch. Please take one.

(Istriku membuat kue ini dari awal. Tolong cicipi satu.)

Salsa :Hm..yummy. These are out of this world!

(Hm..enak. Kue-kue ini sangat enak!)

Toni :My wife bakes well.
(Istriku membuat kue dengan baik.)
Salsa :You can say that again. I don’t want to make a pig of myself, but let
me take a few more.
(Setuju. Aku tidak ingin makan terlalu banyak, tetapi biarkan aku
mengambil beberapa lagi.)
Toni :Oink, oink! Just kidding.

(Oink, oink (suara babi) Cuma bercanda.)

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Salsa :I would like to sell these cakes at my supermarket. The customers will
go nuts over these cakes.

(Aku ingin menjual kue-kue ini di supermarket. Para pelanggan akan

tergila-gila akan kue-kue ini.)
Toni :How much will you pay us for each cake?
(Berapa banyak kau akan membayar kami untuk kue-kue ini?)
Salsa :I can’t decide now. I need to roll out my sleeves and figure out the
(Aku tak bisa memutuskannya sekarang. Aku harus mulai bekerja dan
mengatur keuangan.)
Toni :Can you give me a ballpark figure now?

(Bisakah kamu memperkirakan harganya sekarang?)

Salsa :I don’t want to jump the gun. Sit tight for now, and we’ll talk over this
(Aku tak ingin terburu-buru. Tunggu sabar untuk sekarang, dan kita akan
membicarakannya malam ini.)

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Ballpark figure = perkiraan harga

Contoh: Can you give me the ballpark figure of the price for the car?

(Dapatkah engkau memberikan perkiraan harga dari mobil itu?)

2. Don’t mention it = sama-sama
Contoh: Thank you for the pen, Mike. Don’t mention it.

(Terimakasih atas pulpennya, Mike. Sama – sama.)

3. Figure out = memperhitungkan
Contoh: We need to figure out the benefits of the business.

(Kita harus memperhitungkan keuntungan dari bisnis tersebut.)

4. From scratch = dari awal
Contoh: I made the food from scratch.

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(Aku membuat makanan itu dari awal.)
5. Go nuts = tergila-gila / sangat menyukai
Contoh: The girls in the class go nuts over the new handsome student.

(Para gadis di kelas tergila-gila kepada murid baru yang ganteng itu.)
6. Jump the gun = terlalu terburu-buru
Contoh: Don’t jump the gun. We need to discuss about the strategy.

(Jangan terlalu terburu-buru. Kita harus mendiskusikan strategi itu.)

7. Just kidTobbyg = Cuma bercanda
Contoh: Can you climb the tree for me? Just kidTobbyg.

(Dapatkah kamu memanjat pohon itu untukku? Cuma bercanda.)

8. Make a pig of oneself = makan (makanan) terlalu banyak
Contoh: He makes a pig of himself on those cakes.

(Ia makan kue itu terlalu banyak.)

9. Make time for = meluangkan waktu untuk
Contoh: Bill makes time for me to talk over the sales.

(Bill meluangkan waktu untukku untuk mendiskusikan penjualan.)

10. Out of this world = sangat enak
Contoh: The seafood is out of this world.

(Makanan laut itu sangat enak.)

11. Roll up one’s sleeves = mulai bekerja
Contoh: I need to roll up my sleeves now. We’ll talk over the appointment
(Aku harus mulai bekerja sekarang. Kita akan membicarakan perjanjian itu
12. Sit tight = menunggu dengan sabar
Contoh: Please sit tight for your turn.

(Tolong tunggu dengan sabar giliran mu.)

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13. Talk over = mendiskusikan
Contoh: Sally always talks over her problem with her mom.

(Sally selalu mendiskusikan masalahnya dengan ibunya.)

14. You can say that again = setuju
Contoh: Maradona is a great player. You can say that again.

(Maradona adalah pemain yang hebat. Setuju.)

Exercise of Lesson 10

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. Can you give me the ballpark figure of the price for the car?

a. Pictures
b. Exact numbers
c. Illustration
2. Thank you for the pen, Mike. Don’t mention it.

a. You’re welcome
b. Please, do not mention something
c. Keep silent
3. We need to figure out the benefits of the business.
a. Find
b. Look at
c. Calculate
4. I made the food from scratch.

a. From long time ago

b. From the very beginning
c. From scratching by hands

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5. The girls in the class go nuts over the new handsome student.

a. Love someone very much

b. Like eating nuts
c. Going to buy some nuts
6. Don’t jump the gun. We need to discuss about the strategy.

a. Not to jump over the gun

b. Bring a weapon
c. Do something too early
7. He makes a pig of himself on those cakes.

a. Eat less
b. Eat too much
c. Has a pig
8. Bill makes time for me to talk over the sales.

a. Spare time for an activity

b. Spent all time
c. Having no time
9. The seafood is out of this world.

a. Nasty
b. Weird
c. Tasty
10. I need to roll up my sleeves now. We’ll talk over the appointment later.

a. Roll the sleeves

b. Start working again
c. Make a roll

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Lesson 11
Hard Bargain
(Penawaran yang sulit)

Salsa, the owner of the biggest supermarket in the town, calls Toni to discuss about
Tya’s cakes. They are discussing about how much Toni and Tya will be paid for each
(Salsa, pemilik supermarket terbesar di kota, menelepon Toni untuk mendiskusikan
tentang kue buatan Tya. Mereka berdiskusi tentang berapa banyak Toni dan Tya
akan dibayar per kue nya.)

Salsa :Hi Toni, how is it going?

(Hai Toni, apa kabar?)

Toni :Fine, thanks Salsa. How’re you?
(Baik, terimakasih Salsa. Apa kabarmu?)
Salsa :Can’t complain. Toni, I’ve got a chance to crunch some numbers. I
can pay you 50 cent per cake.
(Kabarku baik. Toni, aku akan mulai dengan perkiraan harga yang telah
kuperhitungkan. Aku bisa membayarmu 50 cent per kue.)
Toni :That’s out of the question. At that price, it’s not worth our while. The
ingredients alone cost us 30 cent per cake.
(Tidak mungkin. Pada harga tersebut, itu tidak sesuai dengan usaha
yang kami lakukan. Bahan bakunya sendiri saja berkisar 30 cent per
Salsa :Okay. Let me sweeten the deal – 60 cent per cake?

(Oke. Biarkan aku menambahkannya – 60 cent per kue?)

Toni :Salsa, my wife and I need to make a living from this business.

(Salsa, aku dan istriku harus membiayai hidup dari usaha ini.)
Salsa :Okay, okay, you’ve twisted my arm. I’ll pay you 80 cent per cake. Take
it or leave it!
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(Oke, oke, kau mulai memaksaku. Aku akan membayarmu 80 cent per
kue. Ambil atau tidak sama sekali!)
Toni :Now you’re talking! We’ll take it.

(Itu baru benar! Kami akan mengambilnya.)

Salsa :You drive a hard bargain, Toni.

(Kau memberikan penawaran yang sulit, Toni.)

Toni :Yes, but we make a good cake.
(Ya, tetapi kami membuat kue yang enak.)
Salsa :Let’s get the ball rolling. Bring me 3000 cakes on Tuesday morning by
8 A.M.
(Ayo kita mulai. Bawakan aku 3000 kue di hari Selasa pagi jam 8.)

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Can’t complain = kabar baik

Contoh: How are you, Ton? Can’t complain.

(Apa kabarmu, Ton? Baik.)

2. Crunch numbers = memperkirakan harga
Contoh: I can crunch numbers on the sales of those products.

(Aku bisa memperkirakan harga pada penjualan produk-produk tersebut.)

3. Drive a hard bargain = memberikan penawaran yang sulit
Contoh: The customer always drives a hard bargain.
(Pelanggan itu selalu memberikan penawaran yang sulit.)
4. Get the ball rolling = memulai sesuatu
Contoh: You want to sell your soap in my supermarket, don’t you? Let’s get
the ball rolling then.

(Kau ingin menjual sabunmu di supermarketku bukan? Ayo kita mulai.)

5. How is it going? = Apa kabar?
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Contoh: How is it going, Adam?

(Apa kabar, Adam?)

6. Make a living = menghasilkan uang untuk biaya hidup
Contoh: I make a living by selling these books.

(Aku membiayai hidup dengan menjual buku-buku ini.)

7. Now you’re talking = kamu benar / itu baru benar
Contoh: What if I give you $1000 for your salary per month? Now you’re

(Bagaimana jika aku memberimu 1000 dollar untuk gajimu perbulan? Itu baru
8. Out of the question = tidak mungkin
Contoh: You want me to dance in front of the kids? That’s out of the

(Kau ingin aku menari di depan anak-anak? Itu tidak mungkin!)

9. Sweeten the deal = membuat penawaran lebih menarik
Contoh: I will sweeten the deal by giving you $5 per slice of pizza.

(Aku akan menambah penawaran dengan memberikanmu 5 dollar per potong

10. Take it or leave it = ambil penawaran atau tidak sama sekali
Contoh: Sorry, I just can pay for your laptop $300. Take it or leave it.

(Maaf, aku hanya bisa membayar laptopmu 300 dollar. Ambil penawaran itu
atau tidak sama sekali.)
11. Twist someone’s arm = memaksa seseorang untuk membuat keputusan
Contoh: You are twisting my arm. Okay, I will lend you $200.

(Kau memaksaku. Oke, aku akan meminjamkanmu 200 dollar.)

12. Worth one’s while = layak / sebanTobbyg atas usaha yang dilakukan
Contoh: The price we will get worths our while.

(Harga yang kita dapat sebanTobbyg dengan usaha yang kita lakukan.)

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Exercise of Lesson 11

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. How are you, Ton? Can’t complain.

a. Can’t complain on a problem

b. Fine
c. Can’t do anything
2. I can crunch numbers on the sales of those products.

a. Calculate the price

b. Break a product
c. Imagine
3. The customer always drives a hard bargain.

a. Drives car badly

b. Cannot bargain
c. Offers hard price
4. You want to sell your soap in my supermarket? Let’s get the ball rolling then.

a. Roll the ball

b. Start a business
c. Buy the ball
5. How is it going, Adam?
a. How are you?
b. How do you go?
c. Where are you going?

6. I make a living by selling these books.

a. Make a food
b. Build a house

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c. Work and earn money
7. What if I give you $1000 for your salary per month? Now you’re talking!

a. You talk too much

b. You’re now right
c. You can talk now
8. You want me to dance in front of the kids? That’s out of the question!

a. Impossible
b. You ask too many questions
c. Your questions are not logic
9. I will sweeten the deal by giving you $5 per slice of pizza.
a. Put sugar into the pizza
b. Make the pizza sweet
c. Make an interesting offer
10. You are twisting my arm. Okay, I will lend you $200.

a. Hurt someone’s arm

b. Force someone to do something
c. Have a wounded arm

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Lesson 12
Toni does a big effort to serve the order
(Toni melakukan usaha yang besar untuk melayani pesanan.)

Toni goes home with good news. He will sell Tya’s cakes to the Supermarket in the
town with good price. The problem is whether or not he can make 3000 cakes for
each order. Then, Toni asks for his children’s help to make it out.
(Toni pulang ke rumah dengan berita bagus. Ia akan menjual kue buatan Tyad ke
Supermarket di kota dengan harga bagus. Permasalahannya adalah apakah ia
dapat membuat 3000 kue untuk tiap pesanannya. Lalu, Toni meminta anak-anaknya
untuk mengerjakannya.)

Toni :I know I’ve been down in the dumps since I got fired, but things are
looking up now.

(Aku tahu selama ini aku depresi sejak aku dipecat, tetapi semuanya
membaik sekarang.)
Susi :It’s a great news, Dad!
(Itu berita yang sangat bagus, pa!)
Toni :We’re going to bake like crazy over the weekend. They want 3000
cakes by Tuesday.
(Kita akan membuat kue dalam jumlah yang sangat besar. Mereka ingin
3000 kue setiap hari Selasa.)
Susi :Three thousand cakes in four days? Do you think you’ve bitten off
more than you can chew?

(Tiga ribu kue dalam empat hari? Apakah papa pikir mampu
mengerjakan sesuatu yang berada di luar kemampuan papa?)
Tobby :Yeah, you’re going to be running around like a chicken with its head
cut off!

(Iya, papa akan bekerja keras tak beraturan (seperti ayam yang berlari
tanpa kepalanya).)
Tya :Luckily, there are four of us here. You kids, will have to pitch in too.

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(Untungnya kita berempat di sini. Kalian anak-anak, akan ikut
Susi :Sorry, but I can’t. I have to finish Tobby’s homework and get going on
my election speech.
(Maaf, tapi aku tak bisa. Aku harus menyelesaikan PR si Tobby dan
mempersiapkan pidato pemilihan ketua OSIS.)
Toni :What’s that about doing Tobby’s homework?
(Apa-apaan itu menyelesaikan PR si Tobby?)
Tobby :Never mind! Ratna will help out making the cakes instead of Susi.

(Bukan apa-apa! Ratna akan membantu membuat kue, bukannya Susi.)

Tya :For heaven’s sake, Susi! It’s like pulling teeth getting you to work
around here.
(Sumpah deh, Susi! Susah banget menyuruh kamu ikut bantu-bantu di
rumah ini.)

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Bite off more than one can chew = mengerjakan sesuatu yang diluar
Contoh: The man is biting off more than he can chew.

Pria itu mengerjakan sesuatu yang diluar kemampuannya.

2. Down in the dumps = depresi
Contoh: The old lady is down in the dumps after the accident.

(Wanita tua itu depresi setelah kecelakaan itu.)

3. For heaven’s sake = Demi Tuhan / sumpah deh
Contoh: For heaven’s sake! You never behave well to me.

(Sumpah deh! Kau tak pernah bersikap baik kepadaku.)

4. Get going = mulai mengerjakan
Contoh: I should get going on my flag ceremony speech.

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(Aku harus mulai mengerjakan pidato upacara bendera ku.)
5. Help out = membantu
Contoh: The kids like to help out his parents.

(Anak-anak itu suka membantu orang tuanya.)

6. Like a chicken with its head cut off = bekerja berat dan kebingungan (seperti
ayam yang berlari tanpa kepalanya.)
Contoh: She is like a chicken with its head off when she must complete
1000 documents.
(Ia bekerja berat dan kebingungan (seperti ayam yang berlari tanpa
kepalanya) ketika ia harus menyelesaikan 1000 dokumen.)
7. Like crazy = bekerja keras (seperti orang gila)
Contoh: The young man misses his girl friend like crazy.
(Anak muda itu sangat merindukan kekasihnya seperti orang gila saja.)
8. Like pulling teeth = sangat sulit
Contoh: It’s like pulling teeth to ask for your help.

(Sangat sulit untuk meminta pertolonganmu.)

9. Never mind = jangan khawatir / bukan apa-apa
Contoh: Never mind, Dad. I’ll be okay in Mexico.

(Jangan khawatir, ayah. Aku akan baik-baik saja di Meksiko.)

10. Pitch in = membantu
Contoh: The women want to pitch in cooking the food.

(Para wanita itu ingin membantu memasak makanan tersebut.)

11. Run around = berlari cepat
Contoh: The robbers are running around when the policemen run after them.

(Para perampok itu berlari kocar-kacir ketika polisi mengejar mereka.)

12. Things are looking up = semua hal membaik
Contoh: Things are looking up since he got the new job as a doctor.

(Semua hal membaik sejak ia mendapat pekerjaan yang baru itu.)

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Exercise of Lesson 12

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. The man is biting off more than he can chew.

a. Chewing bubble gum

b. Doing something beyond his power
c. Likes biting than chewing
2. For heaven’s sake! You never behave well to me.

a. In the name of God

b. Going to heaven
c. Like that
3. I should get going on my flag ceremony speech.

a. Going somewhere
b. Go working
c. Start doing something
4. She is like a chicken with its head off when she must make 1000 cakes.

a. Like to eat chicken

b. Gets confused
c. Cut a chicken’s head
5. It’s like pulling teeth to ask for your help.
a. Very difficult
b. Gets toothcache
c. Like to pull the teeth
6. The young man misses his girl friend like crazy.

a. He’s crazy
b. His girl friend’s crazy
c. Very much

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7. Never mind, Dad. I’ll be okay in Mexico.

a. Never think
b. Don’t worry
c. Be Happy
8. The women want to pitch in cooking the food.

a. Help
b. Eat
c. Buy
9. The robbers are running around when the policemen run after them.

a. Playing
b. Screaming
c. Running away
10. Things are looking up since he got the new job as a doctor.

a. Everything is going up
b. Everything goes better
c. Everything can be looked from up

Page 74 of 256
Lesson 13
Ratna Lends A Hand To Bake Cakes
(Ratna ikut membantu membuat kue)

Ratna, Tobby’s girlfriend, comes over to help with the cakes. Ratna has got an
experience of baking at Jojo’s Cake before. Tya visits them in the kitchen to have a
little chat.
(Ratna, pacar si Tobby, datang untuk membantu membuat kue. Ratna memiliki
pengalaman membuat kue di Toko Kue Jojo sebelumnya. Tya mengunjungi mereka
di dapur untuk mengobrol sebentar.)

Tobby :Mom, Ratna is here to lend a hand with the cakes.

(Ma, Ratna datang kemari untuk membantu membuat kue.)

Tya :Hi Ratna. It’s nice to see you here.
(Hai Ratna. Senang bertemu denganmu disini.)
Ratna :Nice to meet you too, Aunty.
(Senang bertemu denganmu, tante)
Tya :That’s an interesting hair style.
(Rambutnya menarik)
Ratna :Thanks. I’m glad you think it’s cool. Pink hair is all the rage this season.

(Terima kasih. Aku senang tante bilang ini keren. Rambut pink lagi nge-
tren musim ini.)
Tya :Well, I’m going to take a break now and let you kids take over.

(Baiklah, aku akan beristirahat sekarang dan membiarkan kalian anak-

anak mengambil alih pekerjaan ini.)
Tobby :Don’t worry, mom. Your business is in good hands with Ratna. She
really knows her stuff.

(Jangan khawatir ma. Bisnis mama berjalan dengan baik di tangan

Ratna. Ia tahu keahliannya.)
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Ratna :That’s true. I used to work at Jojo’s cakes in the mall.
(Itu benar. Aku dulunya bekerja di Toko Kue Jojo di mal.)
Tya :Why don’t you work there anymore?
(Mengapa kamu tidak lagi bekerja di sana?)
Ratna :I got fired. They said that I got a real sweet tooth. They also said that I
was eating too many cakes.
(Aku dipecat. Mereka bilang aku benar-benar suka makanan manis.
Mereka juga bilang aku kalau aku terlalu banyak makan kue.)
Tya :Well, I’m sure you haven’t lost your touch.

(Oke, Aku yakin kamu belum lupa cara membuat kuenya.)

Ratna :I might be a bit out of practice.

(Aku mungkin cuma kurang latihan.)

Tobby :Mom, you can watch Ratna bake if you want to. You might pick up a
few tricks of the trade.

(Ma, mama bisa melihat Ratna membuat kue kalau mama ingin. Mama
bisa saja belajar cara singkat / tips-tips membuat kue.)
Ratna :Yes, feel free. As a singer, I’m used to performing before the audiences.

(Ya tante, jangan sungkan-sungkan. Sebagai penyanyi, aku terbiasa

tampil di depan penonton.)
Tya :Thanks. But I’m going to get out of the way. You know what they say:
too many cooks spoil the broth.

(Tidak, terima kasih. Tetapi aku tidak akan ikut campur. Kalian tahu kana
pa yang orang katakan: terlalu banyak koki bisa merusak cita rasa
Ratna :Will I see you later tonight?
(Apakah aku akan bertemu tante malam ini?)
Tya :Yes, I’ll be back in few hours.
(Ya. Aku akan kembali beberapa jam lagi.)
Tobby :Mom, why don’t you just call it a night and go to bed. You’ve been
working your tail off all day.

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(Ma, mengapa mama tidak beristirahat saja dan tidur. Mama telah
bekerja keras seharian.)

Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. All the rage = tren terbaru

Contoh: The T-Shirt is all the rage this season.

(Kaos itu merupakan tren terbaru di musim ini.)

2. Call it a night = berhenti beraktivitas dan beristirahat
Contoh: I should call it a night because I’m tired.

(Aku sebaiknya berhenti beraktivitas dan beristirahat karena aku capek.)

3. Feel free = jangan sungkan-sungkan melakukan sesuatu
Contoh: Just feel free when talking in front of the audiences.

(Jangan sungkan/ragu ketika berbicara di depan para hadirin.)

4. Get out of the way = tidak ikut campur
Contoh: He gets out the way of her problem.

(Ia tidak ikut campur di dalam masalahnya.)

5. In good hands = ahli dalam mengerjakan sesuatu
Contoh: If I manage that, your business will in good hands.
(Jika aku yang mengaturnya, usahamu akan berjalan lancar dan baik.)
6. Know one’s stuff = menguasai apa yang dikerjakan
Contoh: He plays pianos very well. He knows his stuff.

(Ia bermain piano dengan sangat baik. Ia menguasai apa yang ia kerjakan.)
7. Lend a hand = ikut membantu
Contoh: Billy said that he would lend you a hand fixing the chair.

(Billy berkata bahwa ia akan membantumu memperbaiki kursi.)

8. Lose one’s touch = lupa / tidak lagi tangkas mengerjakan sesuatu
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Contoh: Luckily, I don’t lose my touch in computer programming.

(Untungnya, aku tak lupa cara-cara pemrograman computer.)

9. Out of practice = kurang latihan / kurang bagus dalam mengerjakan sesuatu
Contoh: Silvi get bad score in driving test. She’s out of practice.

Silvi mendapat nilai buruk di dalam tes menyetir. Ia kurang bagus

10. Pick up = mengambil pelajaran (dengan mengamati)
Contoh: I pick up the secret of being a good teacher from him.

(Aku mengambil rahasia menjadi seorang guru yang baik darinya.)

11. Sweet tooth = suka sekali makanan yang manis-manis
Contoh: The kids have a real sweet tooth. They eat too much candy.

(Anak-anak itu suka sekali makanan yang manis-manis. Mereka makan

terlalu banyak permen.)
12. Take a break = beristirahat sejenak
Contoh: I should take a break after working all day.

(Aku sebaiknya beristirahat sejenak setelah bekerja seharian.)

13. Take over = mengambil alih pekerjaan
Contoh: The co pilot takes over the pilot’s job.

(Pendamping pilot itu mengambil alih pekerjaan sang pilot.)

14. Too many cooks spoil the broth = terlalu banyak orang yang terlibat akan
mengacaukan aktivitas
Contoh: I don’t want to interfiere the works, because too many cooks spoil
the broth.

(Aku tak ingin ikut campur di dalam pekerjaan itu, karena terlalu banyak orang
yang terlibat akan mengacaukan aktivitas.)
15. Tricks of the trade = kiat sukses dalam pekerjaan
Contoh: I need to learn the tricks of the trade to be a successful

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(Aku haru belajar kiat sukses di dalam pekerjaan untuk menjadi pengusaha
yang sukses.)
16. Work one’s tail off = bekerja sangat keras
Contoh: She fell asleep after working her tail off.

(Dia tertidur pulas setelah bekerja sangat keras.)

Exercise of Lesson 13

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. The T-Shirt is all the rage this season.

a. Expensive
b. The latest fashion
c. Very cheap
2. I should call it a night because I’m tired.

a. Stop working and take a break

b. Call a day with a night
c. Say good night
3. Just feel free when talking in front of the audiences.

a. Get bored
b. Buy something free
c. Get relax
4. He gets out the way of her problem.

a. Gets a wrong way

b. Does not interfere
c. Gets out from a place
5. If I manage that, your business will in good hands.

a. Run well
b. Done with clean hands
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c. Go badly
6. He plays pianos very well. He knows his stuff

a. Knows someone
b. Introduce himself
c. Master what he does
7. Billy said that he would lend you a hand fixing the chair.

a. Borrow
b. Help
c. grab
8. Luckily, I don’t lose my touch in computer programming.
a. Not good at something anymore
b. Touch nothing
c. Lose something
9. Silvi get bad score in driving test. She’s out of practice.

a. Lots of practices
b. Practice outdoor
c. Not skillful anymore
10. I pick up the secret of being a good teacher from him.

a. Have
b. See
c. Learn

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Lesson 14
Tobby And Ratna Start Baking Cakes
(Tobby dan Ratna mulai membuat kue)

Tobby and Ratna start baking cakes in the kitchen. Ratna gets bored and asks
Tobby to kiss her. But, Tobby is busy with the cakes. Then Tobby’s mother comes.
(Tobby dan Ratna mulai membuat kue di dapur. Ratna mulai bosan dan meminta
Tobby menciumnya. Tetapi, Tobby terlalu sibuk dengan kuenya. Lalu ibunya Tobby

Ratna :Tobby, when I met you. It was love at first sight.

(Tobby, ketika aku bertemu denganmu. Itu adalah cinta pada pandangan
Tobby :I was nuts about you from the beginning too, Ratna. Don’t forget, I
broke up with that girl Jenny after I met you.

(Aku juga tergila-gila dengan mu sedari awal, Ratna. Jangan lupa, aku
putus dengan perempuan itu, Jenny, setelah aku bertemu denganmu.)
Ratna :So come here and give me a kiss, baby.
(Kemarilah dan beri aku ciuman, sayang.)
Tobby :Give me a break, Ratna. We haven’t got time for that now. We need to
crank out these cakes.

(Sabarlah, Ratna. Kita tak punya waktu untuk itu sekarang. Kita harus
membuat kue-kue ini.)
Ratna :You don’t really love me, do you?
(Kamu tak serius mencintaiku, bukan?)
Tobby :Ratna, I’m head over heels in love with you. But, it’s crunch time with
these cakes.
(Ratna, Aku cinta banget sama kamu. Tetapi ini waktu yang sibuk
dengan kue-kue ini.)
Ratna :Cakes, cakes, cakes – You’ve got a one-track mind.
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(Kue, kue, kue – Kau hanya fokus ke satu hal saja.)
Tobby :Ratna, I need to keep working. But you can take a break if you want to.

(Ratna, aku tetap harus bekerja. Tetapi kamu bisa istirahat sebentar jika
kamu mau.)
Ratna :No, I’ll keep plugging away. I’m just your cakes slave. Go ahead, treat
me like dirt.

(Tidak, aku akan terus mengerjakan pekerjaan yang membosankan ini.

Aku hanyalah budak pembuat kuemu. Lanjutkan, teruslah acuhkan aku.)
Tobby :Sorry, honey. Come here and I’ll give you a quick kiss.
(Maaf sayang. Kemarilah dan aku akan menciummu sejenak.)
(Then Tya comes) (Lalu Tya datang.)
Tya :Hey, what’s going on in here? Are you two making cakes or making

(Hey, ada apa di sini? Kalian ini sedang buat kue atau buat yang lain sih
(berciuman) ?)

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Idiom and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Break out with = putus hubungan dengan

Contoh: He’s just broken up with his girlfriend.

(Ia baru saja putus hubungan dengan kekasihnya.)

2. Crank out = membuat sesuatu dengan cepat dan banyak
Contoh: We must crank out 300 cakes a day.

(Kita harus membuat kue sebanyak 300 sehari.)

3. Crunch time = waktu yang singkat dan sibuk
Contoh: It’s a crunch time. We can’t take a break.

(Ini waktu yang singkat dan sibuk. Kita tak bisa beristirahat.)
4. Give me a break = bersantailah dahulu / tak mungkin dilakukan sekarang
Contoh: John, you must deliver this package! Give me a break. I’ve just come
home from working all day.
(John, kamu harus mengantar paket ini! Tak mungkin mengerjakannya
sekarang. Aku baru saja pulang dari kerja seharian.)
5. Go ahead = lanjutkan
Contoh: Oh, I can see you working on your homework, Kai. Go ahead!

(Oh, aku lihat kamu sedang mengerjakan PR mu, Kai. Lanjutkan!)

6. Head over heels in love = sangat mencintai
Contoh: She is head over heels in love with the handsome man.

(Ia sangat mencintai pria tampan itu.)

7. Love at first sight = cinta pada pandangan pertama
Contoh: His love is love at first sight.

(Cintanya adalah cinta pada pandangan pertama.)

8. Make out = berciuman dengan penuh hasrat
Contoh: They are making out when the school principal comes.

(Mereka tengah berciuman ketika kepala sekolah datang.)

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9. Nuts about = tergila-gila dengan
Contoh: The boys are nuts about playing video games.

(Anak laki-laki itu tergila-gila dengan bermain video games.)

10. One-track mind = hanya memikirkan satu hal saja
Contoh: Jason always thinks about cars. He has one-track mind.

(Jason selalu memikirkan mobil. Ia hanya memikirkan satu hal saja.)

11. Plug away (at something) = mengerjakan pekerjaan yang membosankan
secara rMaman
Contoh: He keeps plugging away doing the homework.

(Ia terus menerus mengerjakan PR tersebut.)

12. Take a break = beristirahat sejenak
Contoh: Sandy takes a break whenever he’s tired.

(Sandy beristirahat ketika ia sedang capek.)

13. Treat someone like dirt = memperlakukan seseorang dengan buruk
(mengacuhkan seseorang)
Contoh: Don’t treat your friend like dirt. (Jangan memperlakukan buruk

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Exercise of Lesson 14

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. He’s just broken up with his girlfriend.

a. Break something
b. End a relationship
c. Hurt someone
2. We must crank out 300 cakes a day.

a. Make in a large number

b. Buy
c. Eat so much
3. It’s a crunch time. We can’t take a break.

a. Spare
b. Relaxing
c. Urgent
4. You must work! Give me a break. I’ve just come home from working all day.

a. I want to take a rest

b. Can’t do it now
c. Let’s break
5. Oh, I can see you working on your homework, Kai. Go ahead!
a. Go on
b. Let’s go
c. Go off
6. She is head over heels in love with the handsome man.

a. Her head is over heels

b. Big head
c. Love very much

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7. His love is love at first sight.

a. Love sightseeing
b. Love at first impression
c. Love very much
8. They are making out when the school principal comes.

a. Kissing
b. Talking
c. Making cakes
9. The boys are nuts about playing video games.

a. Like eating nuts

b. Buy lots of cakes
c. Love something so much
10. Jason always thinks about cars. He has one-track mind.

a. Crazy mind
b. Only focus on one thing
c. His mind is on the track

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Lesson 15
Susi Is Practicing For Her Election Speech
(Susi sedang berlatih pidato pemilihan ketua OSIS)

Susi is elected for the student body president. She must give a speech in front of the
audiences. Then, she discusses her speech to her mom.
(Susi terpilih menjadi ketua OSIS. Ia harus memberikan pidato di depan para hadirin
yang datang. Lalu, ia mendiskusikannya pidatonya ke mama nya.)

Tya :Hello Susi. What’s up?

(Hello Susi. Ada apa?)

Susi :I pulled an all-nighter working on my election speech.

(Aku tidak tidur semalaman mengerjakan pidato pemilihan ku.)

Tya :No wonder you look like a basket case! Did you finish your speech?

(Tak heran jika kau terlihat seperti orang yang sedang putus asa!
Apakah kamu sudah menyelesaikan pidatomu?)
Susi :Yes, at 6.30 A.M.
(Iya ma, jam 6.30 pagi tadi.)
Tya :That must be a load off your mind!

(Pasti kamu sekarang lega!)

Susi :It’s not. I’ve got to give the speech tomorrow in front of 1500 people. I’m
a nervous wreck.

(Belum lega. Aku harus membacakan pidatonya besok di hadapan 1500

orang. Aku sangat khawatir dan gugup.)
Tya :Just remember the old rule of thumb: Imagine your audience naked.

(Ingat tips suksesnya: bayangkan saja para hadirin sedang tanpa

Susi :That’s gross! Why would I want to do that?

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(Ih, jorok! Kenapa juga aku harus seperti itu?)
Tya :According to conventional wisdom, it’ll make you less nervous.

(Menurut pepatah kuno, hal itu mengurangi rasa gugupmu.)

Susi :Only practice will do the trick.

(Hanya dengan latihan lah yang dapat meraih sukses.)

Tya :Okay, let’s hear the speech.
(Oke. Ayo kita dengar pidatonya.)
Susi :Good morning everyone. There are four candidates running for
president. You think you have several choices. In reality, you have just
one choice: me!
(Selamat pagi semuanya. Ada empat kandidat calon ketua OSIS disini.
Menurut kalian anda sekalian memiliki empat pilihan. Pada
kenyataannya, kalian hanya memiliki satu pilihan: saya!)
Tya :You can’t say that. You’ll turn off the audiences immediately.

(Kau tak boleh berkata seperti itu. Kau akan membuat para hadirin tidak
menyukaimu seketika.)
Susi :Does it sound like I have a big head?

(Apakah itu terdengar seperti aku menjadi besar kepala?)

Tya :I’ll say!

(Ya, benar sekali!)

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Idioms and Slang Words (Idiom dan kata-kata Slang)

1. Basket case = seseorang yang putus asa

Contoh: She’s a basket case when she lost her key.

(Ia menjadi putus asa ketika ia kehilangan kuncinya.)

2. Big head = besar kepala / arogan
Contoh: If you are too much thinking of yourself, it sounds like you’ve got a
big head.

(Jika kau terlalu memikirkan dirimu sendiri. Itu terdengar seperti kau besar
3. Conventional wisdom = pepatah kuno
Contoh: AccorTobbyg to conventional wisdom, honesty is the best thing in a
(Menurut pepatah kuno, kejujuran adalah hal terbaik di dalam sebuah
4. Do the trick = meraih sukses
Contoh: Only lots of practices will do the trick.

(Hanya dengan banyak latihanlah yang akan meraih sukses.)

5. I’ll say = benar sekali
Contoh: If you wake up late, the bus will leave you behind. I’ll say!

(Kalau kau bangun kesiangan, bus itu akan meninggalkanmu. Benar sekali!)
6. In reality = pada kenyataannya
Contoh: Indonesia is a rich country. In reality, there are lots of poor people.

(Indonesia adalah Negara yang kaya. Pada kenyataannya masih terdapat

masyarakat miskin.)
7. Load off one’s mind = merasa lega setelah pekerjaan selesai
Contoh: It’s like load off my mind after finishing the project.

(Lega rasanya setelah menyelesaikan proyek.)

8. Look like = terlihat seperti
Contoh: He looks like his father.
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(Ia terlihat mirip dengan ayahnya.)
9. Nervous wreck = orang yang sangat gugup dan khawatir
Contoh: She’s like a nervous wreck because she must do the test tomorrow.

(Ia terlihat gugup dan khawatir karena besok ia akan menghadapi ujian.)
10. No wonder = tak heran
Contoh: No wonder if you got bad scores. You didn’t study last night.

(Tak heran jika kau mendapat nilai buruk. Kau tidak belajar semalaman.)
11. Pull an all-nighter = tak tidur karena bekerja semalaman
Contoh: I pulled an all-nighter working on the thesis last night.

(Aku tak tidur semalaman mengerjakan skripsi tadi malam.)

12. Rule of thumb = tips / kiat sukses
Contoh: If you know the rule of thumb, you can win the competition.

(Jika kau tahu kiat suksesnya, kau dapat memenangkan kompetisi tersebut.)
13. Turn off = membuat seseorang tidak suka
Contoh: You will turn off her if you behave badly.

(Kau akan mengecewakannya jika kau bersikap buruk.)

14. What’s up = ada apa
Contoh: What’s up, mom? You’ve been crying all day.

(Ada apa, ma? Mama terus menangis sepanjang hari.)

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Exercise of Lesson 15

Instruction: Choose the best meaning of the bold words in these sentences!
1. She’s a basket case when she lost her key.

a. Break something
b. Give up
c. Hurt someone
2. If you are too much thinking of yourself, it sounds like you’ve got a big head.

a. Make in a large number

b. Buy
c. Proud of one’s self
3. According to conventional wisdom, honesty is the best thing in a
a. Ancient proverb
b. Relaxing
c. Urgent
4. Only lots of practices will do the trick.

a. I want to take a rest

b. Can’t do it now
c. Get the success
5. If you wake up late, the bus will leave you behind. I’ll say!

a. Go on
b. Let’s go
c. That’s true
6. Indonesia is a rich country. In reality, there are lots of poor people.

a. As a matter of fact
b. Big head
c. Love very much
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7. It’s like load off my mind after finishing the project.

a. Feeling free
b. Love at first impression
c. Love very much
8. I pulled an all-nighter working on the thesis last night.

a. Kissing
b. Talking
c. Working all over the night
9. If you know the rule of thumb, you can win the competition.

a. Like eating nuts

b. The tips of success
c. Love something so much
10. You will turn her off if you behave badly.

a. Make someone dislike

b. Only focus on one thing
c. His mind is on the track

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Daily Conversation on All Ocassions


(Berbicara tentang cuaca)

Situation: Ann and Mary talk while walking to their next class.

(Situasi: Ann dan Mary berbicara ketika berjalan menuju kelas berikutnya)
Ann: Oh, it feels so cold this morning.

(Ah, udara sangat dingin pagi ini)

Mary: It sure is. Early this morning my car’s windshield was covered with frost. I had
to spray it with water before I could head to school.
(Tentu saja. Pagi ini kulihat kaca mobilku penuh embun. Aku harus menyemprotnya
dengan air sebelum berangkat ke sekolah)
Ann: Who would have thought it could be this cold in early December, especially in

(Siapa yang mengira sedingin ini di awal Desember, khususnya di California)

Mary: I know. The temperature was 35 degrees Fahrenheit when I woke up this
morning. I was freezing as soon as I got out of bed. The cold weather just hit me by

(Aku tahu. Udaranya berkisar 35 derajat Farenheit ketika aku bangun pagi.

Ann: I cannot remember when it was this cold in early December.

(Aku tidak bisa mengingatnya ketika cuaca sangat dingin di bulan Desember)
Mary: Brace yourself for the rain this afternoon. Cold and wet, Yuck!

(Siap-siap bertahan, hujan akan turun siang ini. Dingin dan lembab. Hiiiii!)
Ann: It is going to rain this afternoon?

(Apakah akan turun hujan siang ini?)

Mary: Not only this afternoon, but also the rest of the week.

(Tidak hanya siang ini, tetapi sepanjang minggu ini)

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Ann: Oh, it is going to be miserable. I have a full class schedule today and
tomorrow. To walk from class to class, I will have to juggle my books and my
umbrella trying not to get wet.
(Oh, menyedihkan sekali. Kelasku penuh sekali hari ini. Untuk berjalan dari kelas ke
kelas, aku harus menenteng buku dan payungku, agar tidak basah)
Mary: You carry too many books. Why don’t you leave some of them in your locker?

(Kamu membawa terlalu banyak buku. Kenapa tidak meninggalkan sebagian di

Ann: My locker is a long way from my English classes. This is the reason why I
carry all my books with me. Is it going to rain hard or just drizzle?

(Lokerku berada jauh dari kelas bahasa Inggrisku. Ini adalah alas an mengapa
aku membawa semua bukuku. Apakah hujan akan turun deras atau hanya

Mary: The news said that it would start to drizzle around noon, and then it would
rain really hard by three o’clock.

(Beritanya tengah hari ini akan gerimis lalu hujan lebat saat jam tiga.)

Ann: No hope for better weather this week?

(Tidak ada harapan untuk cuaca yang lebih baik minggu ini?)
Mary: There is a slim chance of sunshine by Saturday. However, it will be foggy,
windy, and rainy before the sun comes out this weekend.

(Kecil sekali kesempatannya untuk terang Sabtu ini. Bagaimanapun juga, akan
berkabut, berangin dan hujan sebelum matahari terbit di akhir pekan ini)

Ann: I am glad that it rains even though I do not like rainy weather. We have a very
dry season so far this year.

(Aku lega hujan turun walapun aku tak suka musim hujan. Kita mengalami musim
kering yang panjang tahun ini)

Mary: Yes, I can hardly remember when it rained last time. Well, as long as there is
no thunder or lightning, I can bear it.

(Ya, sulit bagiku untuk mengingat kapan terakhir kalinya hujan. Baiklah, selama
tidak ada petir ataupun kilat, aku bisa bertahan)

Ann: We rarely have thunder or lightning in California.

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(Kita jarang melihat petir ataupun kilat di California)

Mary: We are very lucky that California has one of the best weather conditions in
America. When it is hot, it is not humid; when it rains, there is no thunder or lightning,
and the cold weather during the winter season is quite mild compared to the weather
of the other states.
(Kita beruntung bahwa California memiliki kondisi cuaca terbaik di Amerika. Ketika
cuacanya panas, udara tidak lembab. Ketika hujan turun, tidak ada petir ataupun
Ann: Yes, we are lucky. However, sometimes when I look at the Christmas
pictures, I just wish we had some snow. It looks so pretty when everything is
covered by a blanket of pure white snow.
(Ya, kita sangat beruntung. Bagaimanapun juga, terkadang aku melihat di foto saat
natal, aku berharap salju turun. Sangat indah kelihatannya ketika semuanya tertutup
selimut salju putih)
Mary: Living in southern California all my life, I have never seen snow. I would
not mind playing in the snow once in a while.

(Selama tinggal di California sepanjang hidupku, aku belum pernah melihat

salju. Aku tak keberatan bermain salju sesekali)

Ann: Yes, it would be fun to make a snowman or go skiing.

(Ya, akan sangat menyenangkan bisa membuat manusia salju ataupun bermain ski)
Mary: We have never seen snow; we have never made a snowman, and we
have never gone skiing. We better do something about this.

(Kami tak pernah melihat salju. Kami tak pernah membuat manusia salju, dan
kami tak pernah bermain ski.Sebaiknya kita melakukan hal yang lebih baik dari

Ann: May be we should plan a trip to Aspen, Colorado during winter break. I
heard that the skiing season is fantastic up there.

(Mungkin ada baiknya kita berencana bepergian ke Aspen, Colorado selema

liburan musim dingin. Kudengar kalau musim bermain ski di sana sangan

Mary: I don’t think we can afford a trip to Aspen. It is very expensive up there.

(Kupikir kita tidak bisa membayar perjalanan liburan ke Aspen. Sangat mahal di
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Ann: I am just wishing. I know what I will be doing during winter break. I will be
working very hard to save money for a new car.

(Aku hanya berharap. Aku tahu kalau aku akan melakukannya selama liburan
musim dingin. Aku akan bekerja keras menabung untuk membeli mobil baru)

Mary: With the cars that we drive, it is better that we live in a place where there is no

(Dengan mobil yang kita kendarai, lebih baik kita tinggal di daerah tanpa salju)

Ann: You are right, we are better off with no snow. Ok, I have class right now; see
you later in the library.

(Kau benar, kita lebih baik hidup tanpa salju. Baiklah, aku ada kelas sekarang,
sampai jumpa di perpustakaan)

Mary: See you later.

(sampai jumpa lagi)


(Siang hari di dapur)

Situation: Mrs. Anderson is baking cakes when her daughter Debbie gets home
from school.

(Situasi: Nyonya Anderson memasak kue dengan anak perempuannya. Debi pulang
ke rumah)
Debbie: Mom, I am home.

(Mama, aku pulang)

Mrs. Anderson: How was school? How did you do on the test?

(Bagaimana tadi di sekolah? Bagaimana ujian kamu?)

Debbie: School was OK, and I did great on the test. Mom, I was so worried about
that test, but now I feel great. What a relief!

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(Sekolah tidak ada masalah, dan aku bisa mengerjakan tes dengan baik. Aku
sebelumnya sangat khawatir tentang tes itu, tapi sekarang jauh baikan. Sungguh

Mrs. Anderson: I am glad to hear that. You have been studying so hard the past
few weeks.

(Aku senang mendengarnya. Kamu telah belajar keras

Now, you can relax and enjoy life.

(Sekarang, kamu dapat bersantai dan menikmati hidup.)

Debbie: What are you cooking? It smells so good.

(Apa yang Mama masak? Baunya sangat enak.)

Mrs. Anderson: I am baking cakes. This is your favorite carrot cake.

(Mama sedang memanggang kue. Ini kue wortel favorit kamu.)

Debbie: It looks really yummy. And I see muffins over there too. You were busy,
weren’t you?

(Itu terlihat sangat enak. Dan aku juga melihat Muffin di sana. Mama sibuk, ya?)
Mrs. Anderson: Yes. Jeff has to take something to school tomorrow. So, those
muffins are for him. Don’t touch them.

(Ya. Jeff harus membawa sesuatu ke sekolah besok. Jadi, muffin itu untuknya.
Jangan sentuh kue itu.)

Debbie: Can I have a piece of carrot cake? I want to enjoy life right now.

(Bisakah aku memiliki sepotong kue wortel? Aku ingin menikmati hidup sekarang.)
Mrs. Anderson: You don’t want to wait until after dinner?

(Kamu tidak ingin menunggu sampai setelah makan malam?)

Debbie: It looks inviting, and I bet it is delicious. No, I don’t want to wait. Can I,

(Baunya terlihat mengundang, dan aku yakin itu enak. Tidak, aku tidak ingin
menunggu. Bolehkah aku, ibu?)
Mrs. Anderson: OK, go ahead.

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(Ok. Silahkan)
Debbie: Did you see the new recipe that was posted on Today Cooking’s
website? I believe it was called Scrumptious Pie.

(Apakah Mama melihat resep baru yang dipasang di situs web Today Cooking?
Aku percaya itu disebut Pie nikmat.)

Mrs. Anderson: No, I did not. But I want to try that recipe. Your dad loves pie.

(Tidak, aku tidak. Tetapi aku ingin mencoba resep itu. Ayahmu suka kue.)
Debbie: So do I.

(Aku juga)
Mrs. Anderson: So does Jeff. Our whole family is crazy about pie.

(Begitu juga Jeff. Seluruh keluarga kita tergila-gila dengan kue.)

Debbie: When do you want to try the new recipe? I want to learn too. Should we
bake a cherry pie or an apple pie?

(Kapan Mama ingin mencoba resep baru? Aku ingin belajar juga. Haruskah kita
memanggang kue ceri atau pai apel?)

Mrs. Anderson: Since this is the cherry season, let’s make a cherry pie.
Tomorrow, I will get some cherries at the supermarket, and we can start baking in
the afternoon when you get home from school.
(Karena ini adalah musim ceri, mari kita membuat kue ceri. Besok, aku akan
mendapatkan ceri di supermarket, dan kita bisa mulai memanggang di sore hari
ketika kamu pulang dari sekolah.)
Debbie: I need to finish a science project, and I will not get home until 3:30. Will it be
too late to start baking, mom? If it is, you can start without me.

(Aku harus menyelesaikan proyek sains, dan tidak akan pulang sampai jam 3:30.
Apakah sudah terlambat untuk mulai memanggang, Ma? Jika ya, Mama bisa mulai

Mrs. Anderson: 3:30 PM is fine. I will prepare dinner early, and then I will have
everything ready for our baking session before you get home.

(Jam 3:30 sore boleh. Aku akan menyiapkan makan malam lebih awal, dan
kemudian aku akan menyiapkan segalanya untuk sesi kue kami sebelum kamu
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Debbie: Make sure that we still have enough sugar and eggs, mom. It seems like
you were using a lot of sugar and eggs baking the cakes and muffins today.

(Pastikan kita masih punya cukup gula dan telur, Ma. Sepertinya Mama
menggunakan banyak gula dan telur untuk memanggang kue dan muffin hari ini.)

Mrs. Anderson: Don’t worry. We still have plenty of sugar and a lot of eggs, enough
to make at least ten pies.

(Jangan khawatir. Kita masih memiliki banyak gula dan banyak telur, cukup untuk
membuat setidaknya sepuluh pai.)

Debbie: Ten pies, huh? Ten sounds like a good number, but let’s not overdo it.
Let’s make nine and a half pies instead.

(Sepuluh pie, ya? Sepuluh terdengar seperti angka yang bagus, tetapi jangan
berlebihan. Mari kita buat sembilan setengah pai saja.)

Mrs. Anderson: OK, we will make nine and a half pies tomorrow. No more, no less.

(Oke, kita akan membuat sembilan setengah pie besok. Tidak lebih, tidak kurang.)
Debbie: It is a deal.

Mrs. Anderson: Enough about baking pies. I need to start working on today’s
dinner. It is three o’clock already. Your dad and Jeff will be home soon. I am sure
they will be very hungry and will want dinner right away.

(Cukup tentang kue pai. Mama harus mulai mengerjakan makan malam hari ini.
Sudah jam tiga. Ayahmu dan Jeff akan segera pulang. Mama yakin mereka akan
sangat lapar dan ingin segera makan malam.)

Debbie: What do we have for dinner tonight?

(Apa yang kita punya untuk makan malam malam ini?)

Mrs. Anderson: I will make roast beef and cream of mushroom soup.

(Mama akan membuat daging sapi panggang dan krim sup jamur.)
Debbie: It has been a long time since you made cream of mushroom soup. Do
you need any help, mom?

(Sudah lama sejak Mama membuat sup krim jamur. Apakah butuh bantuan,
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Mrs. Anderson: No, go do your homework and leave the cooking to me.

(Tidak, kerjakan pekerjaan rumahmu dan tinggalkan Mama memasak.

Debbie: Thanks, mom. Call me whenever dinner is ready. I do not want to be late
for roast beef, cream of mushroom soup, carrot cake and muffins.

(Terima kasih, Ma. Panggil aku kapan pun makan malam sudah siap. Aku tidak
ingin terlambat untuk daging sapi panggang, sup krim jamur, kue wortel dan muffin.)

Mrs. Anderson: The muffins are for Jeff. Do not touch them!

(Muffinnya untuk Jeff. Jangan sentuh kuenya)

Debbie: I know, mom. Just kidding.

(Aku tahu Ma, Cuma bercanda.)


Situation: Lisa is having some problems with her exercise bike, and she is calling
Sport Center to have it repaired.

(Situasi: Lisa mengalami beberapa masalah dengan sepeda latihannya, dan dia
memanggil Sport Center untuk memperbaikinya.)

Nancy: Thank you for calling Sports Center. May I help you?

((Terima kasih telah menghubungi Pusat Olahraga. Dapatkah saya membantu

Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from your store last year, and I am having
problems with it. I need to have it repaired.

(Saya membeli sepeda latihan dari toko Anda tahun lalu, dan saya mengalami
masalah dengan itu. Saya harus memperbaikinya.)

Nancy: Let me connect you to the Service department. One moment please.

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(Biarkan saya menghubungkan Anda ke departemen Layanan. Tolong tunggu
Karen: Service department, this is Karen. How can I help you?

(Departemen Layanan, ini Karen. Apa yang bisa saya bantu?)

Lisa: I bought an exercise bike from Sports Center last year and it needs to be

(Saya membeli sepeda latihan dari Sports Center tahun lalu dan perlu diperbaiki.)
Karen: What seems to be the problem?

(Apa yang menjadi masalah?)

Lisa: I am not very sure, but I think there is a problem with the bike’s computer
console because the LCD screen does not display the different features.

(Saya tidak begitu yakin, tapi saya rasa ada masalah dengan konsol komputer
sepeda karena layar LCD tidak menampilkan fitur yang berbeda.)

Karen: Nothing was on when you pushed the Start button?

(Tidak ada apa-apa ketika Anda menekan tombol Start?)

Lisa: No, nothing.

(Tidak ada)
Karen: What is your bike model?

(Apa model sepeda Anda?)

Lisa: It is a 126 Upright Ford Bike.

(Ini adalah Ford Bike 126.)

Karen: I can send a technician out to take a look at your bike. It will cost $75.00 for
labor. Also, if we have to replace any parts, that will be extra.

(Saya bisa mengirim teknisi untuk melihat motor Anda. Biayanya $ 75,00 untuk
tenaga kerja. Juga, jika kita harus mengganti bagian apa pun, itu akan menjadi

Lisa: That is expensive. Isn’t the repair cost covered by warranty?

(Itu mahal. Bukankah biaya perbaikan ditanggung oleh garansi?)

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Karen: When exactly did you purchase your bike?

(Kapan tepatnya Anda membeli sepeda Anda?)

Lisa: About fifteen months ago.

(Sekitar lima belas bulan yang lalu.)

Karen: I am sorry. The standard warranty only covers a year. Did you buy
extra warranty coverage at the time of purchase?

(saya minta maaf. Garansi standar hanya mencakup satu tahun. Apakah
Anda membeli jaminan tambahan pada saat pembelian?)

Lisa: No, I did not. Are there any other options besides paying $75.00 for repair

(Tidak, saya tidak. Adakah pilihan lain selain membayar $ 75,00 untuk pekerjaan
Karen: No, I am afraid not.

(Sayangnya, tidak ada)

Lisa: I guess I just have to pay for the repair. When can you send a technician?

(Saya kira saya harus membayar perbaikannya. Kapan Anda bisa mengirim teknisi?)
Karen: I have next Thursday November the twenty third at 2:00PM available.
Otherwise, the next date has to be December the eighth at 10:00AM.

(Saya punya Kamis depan November tanggal dua puluh tiga jam 2 siang. Jika
tidak, tanggal selanjutnya harus pada tanggal 8 Desember pukul 10:00 pagi.)

Lisa: I take this coming Thursday. Will you send out a reminder?

(Saya akan mengambil ini pada hari Kamis. Apakah Anda akan mengirimkan
Karen: Somebody will give you a call the evening before to confirm the appointment.

(Seseorang akan menelepon Anda malam sebelumnya untuk mengonfirmasi janji.)

Lisa: Will the technician accept credit card payment?

(Akankah teknisi menerima pembayaran kartu kredit?)

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Karen: Yes, he will. By the way, you can buy the extra warranty coverage now if you
want to.

(Ya, dia akan melakukannya. Omong-omong, Anda dapat membeli jaminan

tambahan sekarang jika Anda mau.)

Lisa: How much does it cost?

(Berapa biayanya?)
Karen: Fifty dollars for one-year warranty, seventy-five dollars for two-years, and
a hundred dollars for three-years.

(Lima puluh dolar untuk garansi satu tahun, tujuh puluh lima dolar untuk dua
tahun, dan seratus dolar selama tiga tahun.)

Lisa: Does it cover both labor and materials?

(Apakah itu mencakup tenaga kerja dan material?)

Karen: It covers everything. Do you want to sign up for it?

(Ini mencakup segalanya. Apakah Anda ingin mendaftar untuk itu?)

Lisa: Oh, I do not know.

(Oh, saya tidak tahu.)

Karen: It will be good for you. We will send a technician any times the bike needs
services. It does not matter how many times you call us in a year. Also, if we
cannot fix the problem, we will provide you with a new exercise bike.
(Ini akan baik untukmu. Kami akan mengirim teknisi kapan pun sepeda
membutuhkan layanan. Tidak masalah berapa kali Anda menghubungi kami dalam
setahun. Juga, jika kami tidak dapat memperbaiki masalah, kami akan memberi
Anda sepeda latihan baru.)
Lisa: OK, I want to sign up for the two-year warranty program.

(OK, saya ingin mendaftar untuk program garansi dua tahun.)

Karen: I think it is a good investment. Are you going to pay by credit card now or
do you want me to send you a bill?

(Saya pikir ini investasi yang bagus. Apakah Anda akan membayar dengan kartu
kredit sekarang atau apakah Anda ingin saya mengirimi Anda tagihan?)

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Lisa: Send me a bill, please.

(Kirimkan saya tagihan)

Karen: One last thing before I let you go, I need your address please.

(Satu hal lagi sebelum saya membiarkan Anda pergi, saya butuh alamat Anda.)
Lisa: 995 Silver Lake Street in Long Beach.

Karen: OK, it is all set. Is there anything else I can help you with today?

(OK, sudah siap. Apakah ada hal lain yang bisa saya bantu hari ini?)
Lisa: No. Thank you for your help.

(Tidak. Terimakasih atas bantuannya)

Karen: You are welcome. Have a nice day!

(Sama-sama. Semoga harimu menyenangkan!)


Situation: Every year, Rooster Run, a country music band holds a concert at
Silverado park.

(Situasi: Setiap tahun, Rooster Run, sebuah band musik country mengadakan
konser di taman Silverado.)

Alex and his two friends are heading toward the park to attend the concert.

(Alex dan dua temannya sedang menuju taman untuk menghadiri konser.)
Alex: Hey Jane, John, there is a musical concert in the park. You want to go see the
band play?

(Hei Jane, John, ada konser musik di taman. Kamu ingin pergi melihat band
Jane: I am done with my homework; I can go.

(Aku sudah selesai dengan pekerjaan rumahku; Aku bisa pergi.)

John: Me too. Let’s go.
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(Aku juga. Ayo.)
Jane: Hey, look at that sport car. Isn’t it neat?

(Hei, lihat mobil sport itu. Bukankah itu keren?)

Alex: That is exactly the kind of car that I want once I get a good job. I bet it is very
fast. I want mine to be red though.

(Itulah jenis mobil yang aku inginkan begitu mendapatkan pekerjaan yang baik. Aku
yakin itu sangat cepat. Aku ingin punyaku berwarna merah.)

Jane: Keep on dreaming, Alex. That car costs a fortune.

(Terus bermimpi, Alex. Mobil itu berharga mahal.)

Alex: It does not hurt to set high expectations. Maybe one day I will make a lot of
money, and I might surprise you.

(Tidak ada salahnya untuk menetapkan harapan yang tinggi. Mungkin suatu hari
aku akan menghasilkan banyak uang, dan aku mungkin akan mengejutkanmu.)

John: Talking about cars, why is the traffic so heavy today?

(Berbicara tentang mobil, mengapa lalu lintas sangat padat hari ini?)
Alex: People are probably heading toward the park for the concert. The band
does play pretty good music.

(Orang-orang mungkin menuju taman untuk konser. Band ini memainkan musik
yang cukup bagus.)

Jane: Yes, it does. For the last three years, I have never missed the concert. I
have always arranged my schedule so that I could attend the event once the
band was in town.

(Ya, benar. Selama tiga tahun terakhir, saya tidak pernah melewatkan konser.
Saya selalu mengatur jadwal saya sehingga saya bisa menghadiri acara
begitu band itu ada di kota.)

John: How long ago did the band start playing at our park?

(Berapa lama band itu mulai bermain di taman kita?)

Jane: I think it started this tradition five years ago before you moved into our

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Every year it always arrives the first week of June to play for the whole week.

(Saya pikir ini memulai tradisi ini lima tahun lalu sebelum kamu pindah ke lingkungan
kami. Setiap tahun selalu tiba minggu pertama bulan Juni untuk bermain sepanjang
Alex: You will enjoy this evening, John. There will be good Country music, a lot of
stomping around, and definitely a lot of hollering.

(Kamu akan menikmati malam ini, John. Akan ada musik Country yang bagus,
banyak menghentak, dan pasti banyak berteriak.)

John: It sounds like fun.

(Kedengarannya menyenangkan)
Jane: My favorite is Rock and Roll music; however, I have to say that country
melodies can be quite enticing. I can listen to them all day long.

(Favoritku adalah musik Rock and Roll; Namun, aku harus mengatakan bahwa
melodi negara bisa sangat menarik. Aku dapat mendengarkan mereka sepanjang

Alex: John, what kind of music do you like?

(John, jenis musik apa yang kamu suka?)

John: Oh, I like all kinds of music as long as it is not Hard Rock.

(Oh, saya suka semua jenis musik selama itu bukan Hard Rock.)

Jane: Wow, look at the number of people who have already shown up for the
concert. Good thing that we are here already.

(Wow, lihat jumlah orang yang sudah muncul untuk konser. Untung kita sudah
di sini.)

Alex: Jane, where do you want to sit? In the shade or in the sun?

(Jane, kamu ingin duduk di mana? Di tempat teduh atau di bawah sinar matahari?)
Jane: In the shade, please. I have been in the sun too much lately.

(Di tempat teduh, ya. Aku telah berada di bawah sinar matahari akhir-akhir ini.)
John: There is a food stand over there. Do you two want anything?

(Ada kedai makanan di sana. Apakah Anda berdua menginginkan sesuatu?)

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Jane: Nothing for me, thanks. I already have my bottle of water.

(Tidak ada untuk saya, terima kasih. Saya sudah punya sebotol air.)
Alex: I want a bag of chips and a soda. Are you sure you do not want any chips,

(Aku ingin sekantong keripik dan soda. Apakah kamu yakin tidak ingin chip, Jane?)
Jane: I am quite sure. Besides, my mother is cooking a good steak dinner, and I
want to save my appetite.

(Aku yakin sekali. Selain itu, ibuku sedang memasak makan malam steak yang
enak, dan aku ingin menyisakan selera makanku.)

Alex: Jane, you are so lucky to have such a good cook for a mother. John, you
have to taste her cream cakes one of these days. You cannot find better cream
cakes anywhere in this town.

(Jane, kamu sangat beruntung memiliki koki yang baik untuk seorang ibu. John,
kamu harus mencicipi kue krimnya beberapa hari ini. Anda tidak dapat
menemukan kue krim yang lebih baik di mana saja di kota ini.)

Jane: I know we will have cream cake for dessert this evening. I will save you a
piece if you want, John.

(Aku tahu kita akan makan kue krim untuk hidangan penutup malam ini. Aku
akan menyelamatkanmu jika kamu mau, John.)

John: I always love cake, so please save me a piece. Thanks, Jane.

(Aku selalu suka kue, jadi tolong sisakan sepotong. Terima kasih, Jane.)
Jane: How about you, Alex? A piece of cake for you too?

(Bagaimana denganmu, Alex? Sepotong kue untukmu juga?)

Alex: You know I will say yes to a piece of your mother’s cream cake any day.

(Kau tahu aku akan mengatakan ya untuk sepotong kue krim milik ibumu setiap
Jane: OK, I will save two pieces of cream cake for both of you tonight. We can
meet at the cafeteria at lunch time tomorrow and I will give them to you.

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(OK, saya akan menyimpan dua potong kue krim untuk Anda berdua malam
ini. Kita bisa bertemu di kantin saat makan siang besok dan saya akan
memberikannya kepada Anda.)

John: Alex, you better get your chips and soda now if you still want them. It is
almost 3:00PM, and the concert is about to start.

(Alex, lebih baik kamu makan keripik dan soda sekarang jika masih
menginginkannya. Hampir pukul 15:00, dan konser akan segera)

Alex: For the last time, do you guys want anything?

(Untuk terakhir kalinya, kalian mau sesuatu?)

Jane: I am sure I do not want anything, Alex. I am doing fine.

(Tidak, Alex. Terimakasih)

John: Me neither, Alex.

(Aku juga tidak, Alex)

Alex: OK, save me a seat. I will be right back.

(Ok. Sisakan aku tempat. Aku akan kembali)


Situation: Laurie, Christie, and Sarah are making plans for the coming weekend.

(Situasi: Laurie, Christie, dan Sarah membuat rencana untuk akhir pekan
Laurie: So, what are your plans for this weekend?

(Jadi, apa rencanamu di akhir pekan ini?)

Christie: I don’t know. Do you want to get together or something?

Christie: Saya tidak tahu. Apakah Anda ingin bersama atau sesuatu?
Sarah: How about going to see a movie? Cinemax 26 on Carson Boulevard
is showing Enchanted.

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Sarah: Bagaimana kalau pergi menonton film? Cinemax 26 di Carson Boulevard
menampilkan film Enchanted.
Laurie: That sounds like a good idea. Maybe we should go out to eat beforehand.

Laurie: Kedengarannya itu ide yang bagus. Mungkin kita harus pergi makan dulu.
Sarah: It is fine with me. Where do you want to meet?

Sarah: Tidak apa-apa dengan saya. Di mana Anda ingin bertemu?

Christie: Let’s meet at Summer Pizza House. I have not gone there for a long time.

Christie: Mari bertemu di Summer Pizza House. Saya tidak pergi ke sana untuk
waktu yang lama.
Laurie: Good idea again. I heard they just came up with a new pizza. It should be
good because Summer Pizza House always has the best pizza in town.

Laurie: Ide bagus lagi. Kudengar mereka baru saja membuat pizza baru. Itu harus
bagus karena Summer Pizza House selalu memiliki pizza terbaik di kota.
Sarah: When should we meet?

Sarah: Kapan kita bertemu?

Christie: Well, the movie is shown at 2:00PM, 4:00PM, 6:00PM and 8:00PM.

Christie: Yah, filmnya ditayangkan jam 2 siang, jam 4 sore, jam 6 sore dan jam 8
Laurie: Why don’t we go to the 2:00PM show? We can meet at Summer Pizza
House at noon.

That will give us plenty of time to enjoy our pizza.

Laurie: Mengapa kita tidak pergi ke pertunjukan jam 2 siang? Kita bisa bertemu di
Summer Pizza House pada siang hari.
Itu akan memberi kita banyak waktu untuk menikmati pizza kita.
Sarah: My cousin Karen is in town. Can I bring her along? I hate to leave her home

Sarah: Sepupuku Karen ada di kota. Bisakah saya membawanya bersama? Saya
benci meninggalkan rumahnya sendirian.
Christie: Karen is in town? Yes, bring her along. Laurie, you remember Karen?
We met her at Sara’s high school graduation party two years ago.
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Christie: Karen ada di kota? Ya, bawa dia. Laurie, kamu ingat Karen? Kami bertemu
dengannya di pesta kelulusan sekolah menengah Sara dua tahun lalu.
Laurie: I do not quite remember her. What does she look like?

Laurie: Saya tidak begitu ingat dia. Dia terlihat seperti apa?
Sarah: She has blond hair, she is kind of slender, and she is about your height.

Sarah: Dia memiliki rambut pirang, dia agak ramping, dan tingginya.
Laurie: She wears eyeglasses, right?

Laurie: Dia memakai kacamata, kan?

Sarah: Yes, and she was playing the piano off and on during the party.

Sarah: Ya, dan dia sedang bermain piano dan terus selama pesta.
Laurie: I remember her now. Yes, do bring her along Sara. She is such a nice
person, and funny too.

Laurie: Saya ingat dia sekarang. Ya, bawa dia bersama Sara. Dia orang yang baik,
dan juga lucu.
Sarah: She will be happy to meet both of you again.

Sarah: Dia akan senang bertemu Anda berdua lagi.

Christie: What is she doing these days?

Christie: Apa yang dia lakukan belakangan ini?

Sarah: She graduated last June, and she will start her teaching career next week
when the new school term begins.

Sarah: Dia lulus Juni lalu, dan dia akan memulai karir mengajarnya minggu depan
ketika masa sekolah baru dimulai.
Laurie: What grade is she going to teach?

Laurie: Kelas berapa yang akan dia ajar?

Sarah: She will teach kindergarten. She loves working with kids, and she
always has such a good rapport with them.

Sarah: Dia akan mengajar taman kanak-kanak. Dia suka bekerja dengan anak-anak,
dan dia selalu memiliki hubungan yang baik dengan mereka.

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Christie: Kindergarten? She must be a very patient person. I always think
kindergarten is the most difficult class to teach. Most of the kids have never been
to school, and they have never been away from mommy for long.

Christie: Kindergarten? Dia pasti orang yang sangat sabar. Saya selalu berpikir
bahwa taman kanak-kanak adalah kelas yang paling sulit untuk diajarkan. Sebagian
besar anak-anak tidak pernah bersekolah, dan mereka tidak pernah pergi jauh dari
Sarah: I think Karen will do fine. She knows how to handle young children.

Sarah: Saya pikir Karen akan baik-baik saja. Dia tahu cara menangani anak kecil.
Laurie: I think the first few weeks will be tough. However, once the routine is set, it
should not be too difficult to teach kindergarten.

Laurie: Saya pikir beberapa minggu pertama akan sulit. Namun, begitu rutinitas
diatur, seharusnya tidak terlalu sulit untuk mengajar taman kanak-kanak.
Christie: You are right. The kids might even look forward to going to school since
they have so many friends to play with.

Christie: Kamu benar. Anak-anak bahkan berharap dapat pergi ke sekolah karena
mereka memiliki begitu banyak teman untuk bermain bersama.
Sarah: There are so many new things for them to do at school too. They do a
lot of crafts in kindergarten. I am always amazed by the things kindergarten
teachers do.

Sarah: Ada begitu banyak hal baru untuk mereka lakukan di sekolah juga. Mereka
melakukan banyak kerajinan di taman kanak-kanak. Saya selalu kagum dengan hal-
hal yang dilakukan guru TK.

Laurie: Yes, I have seen my niece come home with so many neat stuff.

Laurie: Ya, saya telah melihat keponakan saya pulang dengan begitu banyak barang
Christie: Maybe we can ask Karen to show us some of the things that we
can do for this Halloween.

Christie: Mungkin kita bisa meminta Karen untuk menunjukkan kepada kita beberapa
hal yang bisa kita lakukan untuk Halloween ini.
Laurie: Maybe we can stop by the craft store after the movie. What do you think,
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Laurie: Mungkin kita bisa mampir ke toko kerajinan setelah menonton film.
Bagaimana menurutmu, Sara?
Sarah: I will talk to her. I think she will like that. It will help her with school
projects when Halloween comes.

Sarah: Saya akan berbicara dengannya. Saya pikir dia akan menyukainya. Itu akan
membantunya dengan proyek sekolah ketika Halloween datang.
Christie: Michael’s is a good store for crafts. It always carries a variety of things,
and you can find almost anything there.

Christie: Michael adalah toko kerajinan yang bagus. Selalu membawa berbagai hal,
dan Anda dapat menemukan hampir semua hal di sana.
Laurie: There is a Michaels store not far away from Cinemax 26. I believe it is just
around the corner, on Pioneer Avenue. We can even walk over there.

Laurie: Ada toko Michaels tidak jauh dari Cinemax 26. Saya percaya itu hanya
sekitar sudut, di Pioneer Avenue. Kita bahkan bisa berjalan ke sana.
Sarah: So, we plan to meet for pizza at noon, go to the movies at two, and shop
at Michael’s afterward. Right?

Sarah: Jadi, kami berencana untuk bertemu pizza di siang hari, pergi ke bioskop jam
dua, dan berbelanja di Michael sesudahnya. Benar?
Laurie and Christie: Yes.

Laurie dan Christie: Ya.

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Situation: Mike is discussing plans for Winter break with his friend Brendan
while they are driving home from their basketball game.

Situasi: Mike sedang mendiskusikan rencana untuk liburan Musim Dingin dengan
temannya, Brendan, saat mereka berkendara pulang dari pertandingan basket

Brendan: Hey Mike, throw your stuff in the back and ride up front with me.

Brendan: Hei Mike, lempar barang-barangmu di belakang dan naik ke depan


Mike: OK, Brendan. Thank you for giving me a ride home. I did not want to call my
parents because they were at Mimi’s Café for my aunt’s birthday.

Mike: OK, Brendan. Terima kasih sudah memberi saya tumpangan pulang. Saya
tidak ingin menelepon orang tua saya karena mereka berada di Mimi’s Café untuk
ulang tahun tante saya.

Brendan: Mimi’s Café? That place has the best burgers in town! The atmosphere is
also nice. Good food and a good setting, what more could you ask for? We should
eat there after our next basketball game.

Brendan: Mimi’s Café? Tempat itu memiliki burger terbaik di kota! Suasananya juga
bagus. Makanan enak dan pengaturan yang bagus, apa lagi yang bisa Anda minta?
Kita harus makan di sana setelah pertandingan basket kita berikutnya.

Mike: Yes, that sounds like a good plan. When is our next game by the way?

Mike: Ya, itu kedengarannya seperti rencana yang bagus. Kapan pertandingan kita

Brendan: I think it is after Winter break, which is a long way off. Do you have any
plans set up for the upcoming vacation?

Brendan: Saya pikir ini setelah musim dingin, yang masih jauh. Apakah Anda punya
rencana untuk liburan yang akan datang?

Mike: Well, besides going to basketball practices with you, I will most likely be

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Mike: Baiklah, selain berlatih basket bersama Anda, kemungkinan besar saya akan

Brendan: Oh, working? Did you get a new job or are you still working at Starbucks?

Brendan: Oh, bekerja? Apakah Anda mendapat pekerjaan baru atau masih bekerja
di Starbucks?

Mike: Well, Starbucks was a good first job for me and I loved the people I worked
with. However, my work schedule was neither convenient nor easy. My manager
would schedule me only during the times when it was most busy, which is in the
morning when there is a constant coffee rush. It was definitely very difficult and a
conflict to my class schedule.

Mike: Yah, Starbucks adalah pekerjaan pertama yang baik untuk saya dan saya
mencintai orang-orang yang bekerja dengan saya. Namun, jadwal kerja saya tidak
mudah dan tidak mudah. Manajer saya akan menjadwalkan saya hanya pada saat-
saat ketika itu paling sibuk, yang ada di pagi hari ketika ada kopi konstan. Itu pasti
sangat sulit dan bentrok dengan jadwal kelasku.

Brendan: Well, what are you doing now at your new job?

Brendan: Nah, apa yang kamu lakukan sekarang di pekerjaan barumu?

Mike: Well, I am an Administrative Assistant for a company called Multi-Max. I

have done a little training, but I do not know what the full job entails. From what I
have seen, it is mostly inputting data into the computer and following up on
customers’ orders.

Mike: Ya, saya adalah Asisten Administrasi untuk perusahaan bernama Multi-Max.
Saya telah melakukan sedikit pelatihan, tetapi saya tidak tahu apa yang dibutuhkan
oleh pekerjaan penuh. Dari apa yang saya lihat, kebanyakan memasukkan data ke
komputer dan menindaklanjuti pesanan pelanggan.

Brendan: Oh, that sounds pretty easy. When did you start this new job?

Brendan: Oh, kedengarannya cukup mudah. Kapan Anda memulai pekerjaan baru

Mike: I have been with Multi-Max since November 1st. Well what about you? Do
you have any plans for break?
Mike: Saya telah bersama Multi-Max sejak 1 November. Bagaimana denganmu?
Apakah Anda punya rencana untuk istirahat?

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Brendan: Not really. I think I am just going to hang out at home and read some
books. I am planning a snowboarding trip though. You should come if you are not
too busy working at your new job.

Brendan: Tidak juga. Saya pikir saya hanya akan nongkrong di rumah dan membaca
beberapa buku. Saya merencanakan perjalanan snowboarding sekalipun. Anda
harus datang jika Anda tidak terlalu sibuk bekerja di pekerjaan baru Anda.

Mike: Oh, that sounds like fun! Who is going and where are you guys
going to go snowboarding?

Mike: Oh, kedengarannya menyenangkan! Siapa yang pergi dan ke mana kalian
akan pergi snowboarding?

Brendan: As of right now, my roommates, Jay and Kristian, are planning to go.
And, there are Josh, Alexis, and Ann. We are planning to go to Big Bear. I hear that
there are pretty good conditions for skiing and snowboarding this season up there.

Brendan: Mulai sekarang, teman sekamarku, Jay dan Kristian, berencana untuk
pergi. Dan, ada Josh, Alexis, dan Ann. Kami berencana untuk pergi ke Big Bear.
Saya mendengar bahwa ada kondisi yang cukup bagus untuk bermain ski dan
snowboarding musim ini di sana.

Mike: Yes, that is what I heard as well. The whole trip sounds like fun. Where are
you guys staying at? Did you rent out a cabin?

Mike: Ya, itulah yang saya dengar juga. Seluruh perjalanan terdengar
menyenangkan. Di mana kalian tinggal? Apakah Anda menyewa kabin?

Brendan: No, we did not. My cousin actually owns a cabin up there, and he said it is
OK for us to stay at his place for the weekend when I spoke with him last Friday.
The cabin is not far away from the ski slopes and the eateries, so it should be a
convenient place.

Brendan: Tidak, kami tidak. Sepupu saya benar-benar memiliki sebuah kabin di
sana, dan dia mengatakan tidak apa-apa bagi kami untuk tinggal di tempatnya
selama akhir pekan ketika saya berbicara dengannya Jumat lalu. Kabin ini tidak jauh
dari lereng ski dan restoran-restoran, jadi itu harus menjadi tempat yang nyaman.

Mike: Would it be OK with your cousin if I come along as well? I am not sure whether
I can go; however, since I am talking to you, I might as well ask now just in case my
schedule permits.

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Mike: Apakah baik-baik saja dengan sepupumu jika aku ikut juga? Saya tidak yakin
apakah saya bisa pergi; Namun, karena saya berbicara dengan Anda, saya mungkin
juga bertanya sekarang kalau-kalau jadwal saya memungkinkan.

Brendan: I am sure that will be fine. He did not tell me there is a limit on the number
of people I could bring, so you are more than welcome to join us.

Brendan: Saya yakin itu akan baik-baik saja. Dia tidak memberi tahu saya bahwa
ada batasan jumlah orang yang dapat saya bawa, jadi Anda dipersilahkan untuk
bergabung dengan kami.

Mike: Awesome! I am so excited! Well, I will check my schedule, and I will give
you an update tomorrow. Hey, that is my house on the corner. Thanks again for
the ride, Brendan!

Mike: Luar biasa! Saya sangat bersemangat! Yah, saya akan memeriksa jadwal
saya, dan saya akan memberi Anda pembaruan besok. Hei, itu rumahku di pojok.
Terima kasih lagi untuk perjalanannya, Brendan!

Brendan: You are welcome Mike. Have a good night and I will talk to you later about
the trip.

Brendan: Terima kasih, Mike. Selamat malam dan saya akan berbicara dengan
Anda nanti tentang perjalanan ini.

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Di bawah ini adalah lanjutan dari percakapan sehari-hari. Saya ingin menantang
yang terhormat pembaca untuk menebak arti dari ekspresi dialog tersebut! Silahkan
buka kamus Anda  

Kemudian dengan terjemahan setelahnya dalam Bahasa Indonesia 


Situation: Laura has not been feeling well lately. Today she goes to see her doctor
for a physical checkup.
Laura: Good morning, I have an appointment with Doctor Clark at 8:30.
Clerk: Let me pull your record. In the meantime, please sign-in and have a seat.
Nurse: Laura Nicholson.

Laura: Here.

Nurse: Follow me to Room A please.

Nurse: Here we are. What are your reasons for seeing Doctor Clark today?

Laura: Well, lately I have been feeling tired, and occasionally I have had really bad
headaches and an upset stomach. On top of that, I have had this persistent cough
for the last two weeks.
Nurse: When did you start having these symptoms?

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Laura: I started feeling tired about two months ago; then, a little bit after that the
headaches came. I got the upset stomach long before feeling tired.
Nurse: Are you taking any medications?

Laura: Only my vitamins.

Nurse: What vitamins are you taking?

Laura: I am taking a multi-vitamin tablet and extra Vitamin C every day.

Nurse: OK, let me take your vital signs.

Laura: How am I doing?

Nurse: Everything is good—normal blood pressure and no high temperature.
Please wait here for a minute. Doctor Clark will be with you in a moment.
Laura: Thank you.

Doctor: Good morning, Laura.

Laura: Good morning, Doctor.


Doctor: I see here that you started feeling tired two months ago, and then you
started having bad headaches. You also have had an upset stomach and a
persistent cough. Did you run a fever too?

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Laura: No, doctor.

Doctor: Let me do a quick physical check up.

Doctor: Please take a deep breath, hold your breath, and exhale. Do it again please.

Doctor: Were there any changes in your diet or your weight lately?

Laura: I ate the usual things, but I lost five pounds recently.

Doctor: Did you suffer from insomnia?

Laura: Well, it is pretty hard for me to fall asleep when I go to bed. I also woke up
many times during the night.
Doctor: Do you drink? Do you smoke?

Laura: No.

Doctor: How are things at work?

Laura: There was a change of ownership three months ago, and I had to work a lot
of overtime, even during the weekend.
Doctor: It looks like you have pneumonia. Other than that, I do not see any
problems. You are probably under stress from changes at work, and the stress
causes headaches, upset stomach, and sleeplessness. For now, try to relax and
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exercise. It may solve your problems. Come back to see me again if the symptoms
persist, and I will do further tests. I am going to give you a prescription for your
pneumonia. Are you allergic to any medications?


Laura: Not to my knowledge.


Doctor: OK, take this medication three times a day after you eat. Also, I want you to
have some blood tests. Stop by the laboratory on your way out and have the nurse
draw your blood.


Laura: I am anxious to know my cholesterol level. When will I get the results of the
blood test?


Doctor: The results will be available in two weeks. Don’t stress yourself. I think
everything will be OK.


Laura: Thank you, Doctor.


Doctor: You are welcome.


Check terjemahan Anda!


Situasi: Laura belum merasa baik akhir-akhir ini. Hari ini dia pergi menemui dokter
untuk pemeriksaan fisik.

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Laura: Selamat pagi, saya punya janji dengan Dokter Clark pada pukul 8:30.

Petugas: Biarkan saya mengambil catatan Anda. Sementara itu, silakan masuk dan

Perawat: Laura Nicholson.

Laura: Di sini.

Perawat: Ikuti saya ke Ruang A.

Perawat: Ini dia. Apa alasanmu menemui Dokter Clark hari ini?

Laura: Ya, belakangan ini saya merasa lelah, dan kadang-kadang saya mengalami
sakit kepala yang sangat buruk dan sakit perut. Selain itu, saya mengalami batuk
terus-menerus selama dua minggu terakhir.

Perawat: Kapan Anda mulai mengalami gejala-gejala ini?

Laura: Saya mulai merasa lelah sekitar dua bulan yang lalu; kemudian, sedikit
setelah itu sakit kepala datang. Saya mendapat sakit perut lama sebelum merasa

Perawat: Apakah Anda mengonsumsi obat apa pun?

Laura: Hanya vitamin saya.

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Perawat: Vitamin apa yang Anda minum?

Laura: Saya mengonsumsi tablet multi-vitamin dan tambahan vitamin C setiap hari.

Perawat: OK, biarkan saya mengambil tanda-tanda vital Anda.

Laura: Bagaimana saya melakukannya?

Perawat: Semuanya baik — tekanan darah normal dan tidak ada suhu tinggi. Tolong
tunggu di sini sebentar. Dokter Clark akan bersamamu sebentar lagi.

Laura: Terima kasih.

Dokter: Selamat pagi, Laura.

Laura: Selamat pagi, Dokter.

Dokter: Saya melihat di sini bahwa Anda mulai merasa lelah dua bulan yang lalu,
dan kemudian Anda mulai mengalami sakit kepala yang parah. Anda juga
mengalami sakit perut dan batuk terus-menerus. Apakah Anda demam juga?

Laura: Tidak, dokter.

Dokter: Biarkan saya melakukan pemeriksaan fisik cepat.

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Dokter: Tolong tarik napas dalam-dalam, tahan napas, dan hembuskan napas.
Tolong lakukan lagi.

Dokter: Apakah ada perubahan dalam diet atau berat badan Anda belakangan ini?

Laura: Saya makan hal-hal yang biasa, tetapi saya baru saja kehilangan lima pon.

Dokter: Apakah Anda menderita insomnia?

Laura: Ya, sangat sulit bagi saya untuk tertidur ketika saya pergi tidur. Saya juga
sering bangun di malam hari.

Dokter: Apakah kamu minum? Anda merokok?

Laura: Tidak.

Dokter: Bagaimana keadaan di tempat kerja?

Laura: Ada perubahan kepemilikan tiga bulan yang lalu, dan saya harus bekerja
lembur, bahkan selama akhir pekan.

Dokter: Sepertinya Anda menderita pneumonia. Selain itu, saya tidak melihat ada
masalah. Anda mungkin sedang stres akibat perubahan di tempat kerja, dan stres
menyebabkan sakit kepala, sakit perut, dan sulit tidur. Untuk saat ini, cobalah untuk
bersantai dan berolahraga. Ini dapat memecahkan masalah Anda. Kembalilah untuk
melihat saya lagi jika gejalanya menetap, dan saya akan melakukan tes lebih lanjut.
Saya akan memberi Anda resep untuk pneumonia Anda. Apakah Anda alergi
terhadap obat apa pun?
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Laura: Tidak sepengetahuan saya.

Dokter: OK, minum obat ini tiga kali sehari setelah Anda makan. Juga, saya ingin
Anda memiliki beberapa tes darah. Berhenti di laboratorium saat jalan keluar dan
suruh perawat mengambil darah Anda.

Laura: Saya ingin tahu tingkat kolesterol saya. Kapan saya akan mendapatkan hasil
tes darah?

Dokter: Hasilnya akan tersedia dalam dua minggu. Jangan memaksakan diri. Saya
pikir semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

Laura: Terima kasih, Dokter.

Dokter: Sama-sama.


Situation: Laura’s mother had asked her to go grocery shopping before she went
to work this morning. Since Laura is still busy with her homework, she asks her
sister Martha to go to the market for her.
Laura: Mom had asked me to go grocery shopping before she left for work this
morning, but I need to finish my school project. Can you go for me, Martha?
Martha: I guess I can. I am done with my homework. What did mom want you to

Laura: Well, she wanted me to buy enough groceries for the whole week. Besides
meat, some fish and vegetables, we can buy whatever else we want for snacks
and breakfast.
Martha: What do you want for breakfast?


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Laura: I guess some cereal as usual.

Martha: I do not want cereal everyday. I will buy some pancakes and syrup then.

Laura: Get the new FineFood pancakes in the frozen food section please. I want
to see how it tastes.
Martha: Do we still have enough coffee and cream for mom and dad?

Laura: Yes, we do. Talking about coffee and cream, you better buy some milk also.
We almost ran out of it.
Martha: Next, what do you want for snacks?

Laura: Some chips would be fine with me. You probably want your chocolate

Martha: I better write down all these things; otherwise, I will forget them by the time I
get to the market. I would hate to make two trips to take care of things.
Laura: Right! As far as meat, mom wants some pork and some chicken.

Martha: Just any kind of pork?

Laura: I forgot to ask mom about that. Anyways, you can ask the butcher for his
opinion. He knows what is best.
Martha: How about fish?
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Laura: Mom wants some salmon and some catfish. Make sure that they are fresh.


Martha: How much salmon and catfish should I buy?

Laura: Oh, buy four pieces of salmon filet and four pieces of catfish filet. Mom does
not like to get the whole fish.
Martha: Are these fish filets sold by weight or by the piece?

Laura: I am not very sure. Just buy four decent sized pieces. Not too big and not too

Martha: Do I need to buy some spices so mom can marinate the fish?

Laura: Yes, get some ground pepper and some garlic.

Martha: Now, how about vegetables? Mom probably wants carrots, potatoes,
cabbages and some lettuce.
Laura: That would be fine. We need some fruits also. What do you want?

Martha: Dad always packs an apple for lunch everyday. I want the same thing.

Laura: We have already run out of eggs. So, get a carton of eggs also.

Martha: How about some soft drinks?
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Laura: No, buy some bottled water instead. It is healthier for us. We need to cut
down on our intake of sugar, as too much sugar is not good for our bodies.
Martha: I need to put bread on the list before I forget. Should I get one loaf or two?

Laura: One loaf will be enough. Put down a bag of rice also.

Martha: Do we need anything for dessert?

Laura: Get a box of ice cream.

Martha: Ice cream? Isn’t ice cream packed with sugar?

Laura: Yes, but since I already drink water instead of soft drinks, one or perhaps
two scoops of ice cream after dinner is not too bad. Besides, mom loves ice cream,
especially cherry vanilla.
Martha: OK, I will put down one box of ice cream if you say so. Do you want me to
buy some pastries for you?
Laura: I know the pastries at the market are delicious; however, no is my answer.
Do not tempt me, Martha.


Martha: Just asking, Laura.

Laura: You have quite a few items to take care of. You need to get going.

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Martha: Yes, the list is quite long. By the time I get to the cashier to pay, I will
probably have a full shopping cart. OK, I am all set to go. I will be back soon.
Laura: Drive carefully please!

Martha: I will.


Bandingkan terjemahan Anda!


Situasi: Ibu Laura telah memintanya untuk berbelanja bahan makanan sebelum
berangkat bekerja pagi ini. Karena Laura masih sibuk dengan pekerjaan rumahnya,
dia meminta kakaknya Martha untuk pergi ke pasar untuknya.

Laura: Ibu telah memintaku berbelanja bahan makanan sebelum berangkat kerja
pagi ini, tapi aku harus menyelesaikan proyek sekolahku. Bisakah kamu pergi
untukku, Martha?

Martha: Saya rasa saya bisa. Saya selesai dengan pekerjaan rumah saya. Apa yang
ibu ingin kamu beli?

Laura: Ya, dia ingin saya membeli bahan makanan yang cukup untuk seminggu
penuh. Selain daging, beberapa ikan dan sayuran, kita dapat membeli apa pun yang
kita inginkan untuk camilan dan sarapan.

Martha: Apa yang kamu inginkan untuk sarapan?

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Laura: Saya kira beberapa sereal seperti biasa.

Martha: Saya tidak ingin sereal setiap hari. Saya akan membeli beberapa pancake
dan sirup.

Laura: Dapatkan pancake FineFood baru di bagian makanan beku. Saya ingin
melihat bagaimana rasanya.

Martha: Apakah kita masih punya kopi dan krim yang cukup untuk ibu dan ayah?

Laura: Ya, kami tahu. Berbicara tentang kopi dan krim, lebih baik Anda membeli
susu juga. Kami hampir kehabisan itu.

Martha: Selanjutnya, apa yang Anda inginkan untuk camilan?

Laura: Beberapa keripik saya mau. Anda mungkin ingin cookie cokelat?

Martha: Saya lebih baik menuliskan semua hal ini; jika tidak, saya akan
melupakannya pada saat saya masuk ke pasar. Saya tidak suka membuat dua
perjalanan untuk mengurus sesuatu.

Laura: Benar! Selain daging, ibu ingin ayam.

Martha: Jenis daging apa saja?

Laura: Saya lupa bertanya pada ibu tentang itu. Ngomong-ngomong, Anda bisa
bertanya pada tukang daging untuk pendapatnya. Dia tahu yang terbaik.
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Martha: Bagaimana dengan ikan?

Laura: Ibu ingin salmon dan beberapa ikan lele. Pastikan mereka segar.

Martha: Berapa banyak ikan salmon dan lele yang harus saya beli?

Laura: Oh, beli empat potong filet salmon dan empat potong filet ikan lele. Ibu tidak
suka mendapatkan ikan utuh.

Martha: Apakah filet ikan ini dijual berat atau dengan potongan?

Laura: Saya tidak terlalu yakin. Beli saja empat buah ukuran yang layak. Tidak
terlalu besar dan tidak terlalu kecil.

Martha: Apakah saya perlu membeli beberapa bumbu agar ibu dapat mengasinkan

Laura: Ya, ambilkan lada dan bawang putih.

Martha: Sekarang, bagaimana dengan sayuran? Ibu mungkin menginginkan wortel,

kentang, kubis dan selada.

Laura: Itu akan baik-baik saja. Kami membutuhkan beberapa buah juga. Apa yang
kamu inginkan?

Martha: Ayah selalu mengemas apel untuk makan siang setiap hari. Saya
menginginkan hal yang sama.
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Laura: Kami sudah kehabisan telur. Jadi, dapatkan sekotak telur juga.

Martha: Bagaimana dengan minuman ringan?

Laura: Tidak, beli air botolan saja. Lebih sehat bagi kita. Kita perlu mengurangi
asupan gula kita, karena terlalu banyak gula tidak baik untuk tubuh kita.

Martha: Saya harus memasukkan roti ke dalam daftar sebelum saya lupa. Haruskah
saya mendapatkan satu atau dua roti?

Laura: Satu roti saja sudah cukup. Letakkan sekantung beras juga.

Martha: Apakah kita butuh sesuatu untuk pencuci mulut?

Laura: Dapatkan sekotak es krim.

Martha: Es krim? Bukankah es krim dikemas dengan gula?

Laura: Ya, tapi karena saya sudah minum air, bukan minuman ringan, satu atau dua
sendok es krim setelah makan malam tidak terlalu buruk. Selain itu, ibu suka es
krim, terutama ceri vanila.

Martha: OK, saya akan meletakkan satu kotak es krim jika Anda berkata begitu.
Apakah Anda ingin saya membeli beberapa kue untuk Anda?

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Laura: Saya tahu kue-kue di pasar itu lezat; Namun, tidak ada jawaban saya.
Jangan goda aku, Martha.

Martha: Hanya bertanya, Laura.

Laura: Anda memiliki beberapa hal untuk diurus. Anda harus pergi.

Martha: Ya, daftarnya cukup panjang. Pada saat saya sampai ke kasir untuk
membayar, saya mungkin akan memiliki keranjang belanja penuh. OK, saya siap
untuk pergi. Saya akan segera kembali.

Laura: Tolong hati-hati!

Martha: Aku akan melakukannya.


Situation: Henry is having problems with his homework. His friend Tim is having
problems with building a doll house. They are seeking each other’s help.
Tim: Henry, what are you doing?

Henry: I have been trying to solve this physics problem for the last half hour, and I
still have no idea how to do it.
Tim: When do you have to turn it in?

Henry: It is due at the end of this week.

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Tim: Well, it is only Monday. Why don’t you get some after-school-tutoring

Henry: I have to sign up for it first. I guess I will go sign up for the
Wednesday session tomorrow.
Tim: You should reread the chapter before you show up for the session. It
will help you understand the subject matter better.
Henry: OK, I will do that.

Tim: Now that your problem is solved, I need you to lend me a hand with my

Henry: What is up?

Tim: I need to build a new doll house for Nancy. I was putting her doll house
away, and somehow I accidentally dropped it. It was broken into pieces.
Henry: How clumsy of you! Does she know?

Tim: I told her about it. I could not lie to her.

Henry: How did she take it?

Tim: My sister really liked that doll house, and obviously she was not very happy.
But, I told her that I would build a better one for her. So, I need your help.

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Henry: Me? Help you? I have never built anything in my life.

Tim: Me neither. But, don’t worry. Putting together pieces of wood is not going to be


Henry: It is more than just putting pieces of wood together. You need to put in
windows and doors. Have you thought about how you would do that?
Tim: Who says houses need to have windows and doors?

Henry: So, you are going to build a doll house with no windows and no doors?

Tim: Yes, I do not see anything wrong with that. Do you?

Henry: No. It makes the project easier to handle now. But, are you sure that
Nancy will not mind having a doll house with no doors and no windows?
Tim: Yes, I am sure.

Henry: Are you sure that Nancy will find this doll house with no doors and no
windows prettier than the one you broke?
Tim: No, I am not sure. Why do you have to make things so complicated?

Henry: I am not trying to complicate things. You did tell Nancy that the new doll
house would be better than the one you broke. I just want to remind you of your

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Tim: Ah, I wish I have not touched her doll house! What should I do then?

Henry: Get help from somebody who knows how to build a doll house. I would
not be of any help to you in this project.
Tim: Who do you suggest I ask?

Henry: Mr. Brown used to be a carpenter. He will be glad to help you out. Why
don’t you give him a call, and see whether he has some free time.
Tim: You are right. It will take us forever to build this doll house. With Mr. Brown’s
help, I can finish it in no time.
Henry: OK, now that your problem is solved, can you help me trim the trees in the
back yard?

Tim: Who? Me? Trim the trees in your back yard? It will take us ages to trim those
trees. Let’s see who is good at trimming trees. Ah, you can ask Mr. Brown. He is
also good at trimming trees. And, when you ask for his help, please ask him to help
me build a doll house also.


Bandingkan terjemahan Anda!


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Situasi: Henry mengalami masalah dengan pekerjaan rumahnya. Temannya Tim
mengalami masalah dengan membangun rumah boneka. Mereka mencari bantuan
satu sama lain.

Tim: Henry, apa yang kamu lakukan?

Henry: Saya telah mencoba memecahkan masalah fisika ini selama setengah jam
terakhir, dan saya masih tidak tahu bagaimana melakukannya.

Tim: Kapan Anda harus menyerahkannya?

Henry: Pada akhir minggu ini.

Tim: Ya, itu hari Senin. Mengapa Anda tidak mendapatkan les setelah sekolah

Henry: Saya harus mendaftar untuk itu lebih dulu. Saya kira saya akan pergi
mendaftar untuk sesi Rabu besok.

Tim: Anda harus membaca kembali bab sebelum Anda muncul untuk sesi. Ini akan
membantu Anda memahami materi pelajaran dengan lebih baik.

Henry: OK, saya akan melakukannya.

Tim: Sekarang masalah Anda terpecahkan, saya ingin Anda membantu saya
dengan masalah saya.

Henry: Apa yang terjadi?

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Tim: Saya perlu membangun rumah boneka baru untuk Nancy. Saya meletakkan
rumah bonekanya, dan entah bagaimana saya tidak sengaja menjatuhkannya. Itu
hancur berkeping-keping.

Henry: Seberapa janggal darimu! Apakah dia tahu?

Tim: Saya memberitahunya tentang itu. Saya tidak bisa membohonginya.

Henry: Bagaimana dia menerimanya?

Tim: Kakak saya sangat menyukai rumah boneka itu, dan jelas dia tidak terlalu
senang. Tapi, saya mengatakan kepadanya bahwa saya akan membangun yang
lebih baik untuknya. Jadi, saya butuh bantuanmu.

Henry: Saya? Tolong kamu? Saya tidak pernah membangun apa pun dalam hidup

Tim: Saya juga tidak. Tapi, jangan khawatir. Menempatkan potongan kayu
bersama tidak akan sulit.

Henry: Ini lebih dari sekedar meletakkan potongan kayu bersama. Anda perlu
memasang jendela dan pintu. Pernahkah Anda berpikir tentang bagaimana Anda
akan melakukannya?

Tim: Siapa bilang rumah perlu memiliki jendela dan pintu?

Henry: Jadi, Anda akan membangun rumah boneka tanpa jendela dan tanpa

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Tim: Ya, saya tidak melihat ada yang salah dengan itu. Apakah kamu?

Henry: Tidak. Itu membuat proyek lebih mudah ditangani sekarang. Tapi, apakah
Anda yakin bahwa Nancy tidak akan keberatan memiliki rumah boneka tanpa pintu
dan tanpa jendela?

Tim: Ya, saya yakin.

Henry: Apakah Anda yakin Nancy akan menemukan rumah boneka ini tanpa pintu
dan tidak ada jendela yang lebih cantik daripada yang Anda rusak?

Tim: Tidak, saya tidak yakin. Kenapa kamu harus membuat semuanya jadi rumit?

Henry: Saya tidak mencoba mempersulit hal-hal. Anda memang memberi tahu
Nancy bahwa rumah boneka baru akan lebih baik daripada rumah yang Anda
rusak. Saya hanya ingin mengingatkan Anda tentang janji Anda.

Tim: Ah, saya harap saya belum menyentuh rumah bonekanya! Apa yang harus
saya lakukan?

Henry: Dapatkan bantuan dari seseorang yang tahu cara membangun rumah
boneka. Saya tidak akan membantu Anda dalam proyek ini.

Tim: Siapa yang Anda sarankan saya tanyakan?

Henry: Mr. Brown dulunya seorang tukang kayu. Dia akan senang membantu
Anda. Mengapa Anda tidak meneleponnya, dan melihat apakah dia punya waktu

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Tim: Anda benar. Ini akan membawa kita selamanya untuk membangun rumah
boneka ini. Dengan bantuan Mr. Brown, saya bisa menyelesaikannya dalam waktu

Henry: OK, sekarang setelah masalah Anda terpecahkan, dapatkah Anda

membantu saya memangkas pepohonan di halaman belakang?

Tim: Siapa? Saya? Potong pohon di halaman belakang Anda? Ini akan memakan
waktu lama untuk memangkas pohon-pohon itu. Mari kita lihat siapa yang pandai
memangkas pohon. Ah, Anda bisa bertanya pada Tuan Brown. Dia juga pandai
memangkas pohon. Dan, ketika Anda meminta bantuannya, tolong minta dia
membantuku membangun rumah boneka juga.


Situation: John and James will start their first semester at the University of
Southern California soon, and they are trying to find an apartment before school
John: Hey, James. What are you doing here?

James: I am looking for an apartment to rent. What are you doing here?
Looking for an apartment also?
John: Yes. Since my parents’ house is so far away, I need to find an apartment
closer to school. I thought you were going to stay at the school dormitory.
James: I still have not decided whether to stay at the dormitory or not. I am looking
at different options to find the cheapest lodging.
John: So, what are you looking for?
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James: All I need is a place big enough for my bed, my desk and my television. Of
course, the place should have a kitchen so that I can cook my meals. I will be
living on a very tight budget and will have to watch every dime.
John: Me too. I cannot work full-time like I did during the summer. I will cut down on
my workload in order to spend most of the time on my studies. So, a safe and
decent apartment is all I need.
James: How long have you been looking?

John: I just started this week. Since school is going to start next month, I figured I
better start the process as soon as possible.
James: It is not easy to find an apartment to your liking that does not cost a lot.
I have been looking at the ads in the newspaper for two weeks, and I still have
not found anything yet.
John: Really? Is it that difficult to find an apartment?

James: No, it is just that everything I like so far is too expensive and way beyond my

John: Is it because they are very close to school? I heard that the closer they are
to school, the higher the rental cost.
James: Maybe that is the problem. Since I do not have a car, I need to find
something close to school.


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John: Have you thought about sharing an apartment? If you want, we can find a
two bedroom apartment and share it. It may be cheaper that way.
James: That could solve our problem.

John: Wait! Maybe we should talk this over before we decide.

James: Right. For this plan to succeed, we need to come up with some sort of
agreement or set of rules.
John: Here is my first question: What do you do during the weekdays?

James: I have to work at Starbucks from 8:00AM to 12:00PM, and then I have
school from

1:00PM to 5:00PM. After that I plan to go home, eat dinner, and work on
my school assignments. How about you?
John: Well, I have class from 8:00AM to 10:00AM, and then I go to the library to
work until 2:00PM. After that, it is school again until 4:00PM. I plan to stay on
campus until 6:00PM to work on my computer projects, and then go home to
work on my other classes’ assignments.
James: It is my turn to ask the second question. Do you plan to have your
friends over at the apartment very often?
John: No, not on weekdays. I want to finish my homework during the weekdays as
much as possible. I think half of my weekend will also be reserved for homework.
If my friends do stop by, it will probably be during the weekend.
James: Good, I plan to do the same things during school time. I also plan to visit
my parents during the weekend. My mom is a great cook.
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John: My parents’ house is too far to visit once a week. I will go home to see them
and my little brother during the holidays. I need to be happy with whatever foods I
James: It seems that sharing an apartment with you may work. Do you want to try

John: Yes. Let’s go in and take a look at this one.


Bandingkan terjemahan Anda!


Situasi: John dan James akan memulai semester pertama mereka di University of
Southern California segera, dan mereka berusaha mencari apartemen sebelum
sekolah dimulai.

John: Hei, James. Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?

James: Saya mencari apartemen untuk disewa. Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?
Mencari apartemen juga?

John: Ya. Karena rumah orang tua saya sangat jauh, saya harus mencari apartemen
yang lebih dekat ke sekolah. Saya pikir Anda akan tinggal di asrama sekolah.

James: Saya masih belum memutuskan apakah akan tinggal di asrama atau tidak.
Saya mencari berbagai pilihan untuk menemukan penginapan termurah.

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John: Jadi, apa yang kamu cari?

James: Yang saya butuhkan adalah tempat yang cukup besar untuk tempat tidur
saya, meja saya, dan televisi saya. Tentu saja, tempat itu harus memiliki dapur
sehingga saya bisa memasak makanan saya. Saya akan hidup dengan anggaran
sangat ketat dan harus berhemat setiap sen.

John: Aku juga. Saya tidak dapat bekerja penuh waktu seperti yang saya lakukan
selama musim panas. Saya akan mengurangi beban kerja saya untuk
menghabiskan sebagian besar waktu di studi saya. Jadi, apartemen yang aman dan
layak adalah yang saya butuhkan.

James: Sudah berapa lama kamu mencari?

John: Saya baru mulai minggu ini. Karena sekolah akan mulai bulan depan, saya
pikir saya lebih baik memulai proses sesegera mungkin.

James: Tidak mudah menemukan apartemen sesuai dengan keinginan Anda yang
tidak membutuhkan biaya banyak. Saya telah melihat iklan di koran selama dua
minggu, dan saya masih belum menemukan apa pun.

John: Benarkah? Apakah itu sulit untuk menemukan apartemen?

James: Tidak, hanya saja semua yang saya suka sejauh ini terlalu mahal dan jauh di
luar jangkauan saya.

John: Apakah karena mereka sangat dekat dengan sekolah? Saya mendengar
bahwa semakin dekat mereka ke sekolah, semakin tinggi biaya sewa.
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James: Mungkin itu masalahnya. Karena saya tidak punya mobil, saya harus
mencari sesuatu yang dekat dengan sekolah.

John: Pernahkah Anda berpikir untuk berbagi apartemen? Jika Anda mau, kita bisa
menemukan apartemen dua kamar tidur dan membagikannya. Mungkin lebih murah
dengan cara itu.

James: Itu bisa memecahkan masalah kita.

John: Tunggu! Mungkin kita harus membicarakan ini sebelum memutuskan.

James: Benar. Agar rencana ini berhasil, kita perlu membuat semacam kesepakatan
atau serangkaian aturan.

John: Inilah pertanyaan pertama saya: Apa yang Anda lakukan selama hari kerja?

James: Saya harus bekerja di Starbucks mulai pukul 08:00 hingga 12:00, dan
kemudian saya sekolah

1:00 PM hingga 5:00 sore. Setelah itu saya berencana untuk pulang, makan malam,
dan mengerjakan tugas sekolah saya. Bagaimana dengan kamu?

John: Ya, saya ada kelas dari jam 8:00 pagi sampai jam 10:00 pagi, dan kemudian
saya pergi ke perpustakaan untuk bekerja sampai jam 2 siang. Setelah itu, sekolah
lagi sampai jam 4 sore. Saya berencana untuk tetap tinggal di kampus sampai jam 6
sore untuk mengerjakan proyek komputer saya, dan kemudian pulang untuk
mengerjakan tugas kelas saya yang lain.

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James: Sekarang giliran saya untuk mengajukan pertanyaan kedua. Apakah Anda
berencana untuk bertemu teman-teman di apartemen?

John: Tidak, tidak di hari kerja. Saya ingin menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah saya
selama hari kerja sebanyak mungkin. Saya pikir setengah dari akhir pekan saya juga
akan disediakan untuk pekerjaan rumah. Jika teman-teman saya mampir, itu
mungkin akan terjadi selama akhir pekan.

James: Bagus, saya berencana melakukan hal yang sama selama waktu sekolah.
Saya juga berencana mengunjungi orang tua saya selama akhir pekan. Ibuku adalah
koki hebat.

John: Rumah orang tua saya terlalu jauh untuk dikunjungi seminggu sekali. Saya
akan pulang untuk melihat mereka dan adik saya selama liburan. Saya harus
senang dengan makanan apa pun yang saya masak.

James: Tampaknya berbagi apartemen dengan Anda dapat berhasil. Apakah Anda
ingin mencobanya?

John: Ya. Mari masuk dan lihat yang ini.

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One day, PT. MASTERPIECE ELECTRONICS opens a job vacancy and offer the
opportunity through newspapers. Those who would like to apply have to come to the
office and bring Curriculum Vitae and dress properly. At that time there is a young
lady walking towards the office wearing formal dress and ready to have a job

(Pada suatu hari, PT. MASTERPIECE ELECTRONICS membuka sebuah lowongan

pekerjaan dan menawarkan kesempatan ini melalui koran. Bagi siapa saja yang
ingin melamar harus datang ke kantor dengan membawa CV dan mengenakan
pakaian yang sopan. Pada waktu itu datanglah seorang wanita muda ke kantor
mengenakan pakaian formal dan siap untuk mengikuti wawancara kerja.)

Young Lady :Excuse me, I’m here for a job interview. Could you show me the way
to the Human Resources Manager’s room?

(Permisi, saya datang kemari untuk mengikuti wawancara kerja.

Dapatkah anda menunjukkan jalan ke ruang manajer HRD?)

Receptionist :Sure. Wait a moment. I’d like to inform her first by phone. (On the
phone: Hello Miss Benita, there’s a young lady would like to have a
job interview. Would you let her to come to your room?)

(Tentu saja. Tunggu sebentar. Saya hendak member tahu dia terlebih
dahulu melalui telepon. (Di dalam sambungan telepon: Hello Miss
Benita, ada seorang wanita muda yang ingin mengikuti wawancara
kerja. Apakah anda mengijinkan dia datang ke ruangan anda?)

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Manager :Yes, sure. I’ll be ready for five minutes. Let her wait for five minutes
in the waiting room and ask her to come to my room after five

(Ya, tentu saja. Saya akan siap lima menit lagi. Biarkan dia
menunggu lima menit di ruang tunggu dan mintalah dia datang ke
ruangan saya setelah lima menit.)

Receptionist :Yes Madam. Miss, you will have to wait for about five minutes and
then go to her room on the 4th floor next to the stairs.

(Baik bu. Nona, anda harus menunggu sekitar lima menit dan datang
ke ruangannya di lantai empat disamping tangga.)

Young Lady :Okay then. Thanks for your information. (Then the young lady waits
for five minutes and directly goes to the manager’s room and knock
the door.)

(Baiklah. Terimakasih atas informasinya. (Lalu wanita muda itu

menunggu lima menit dan langsung datang ke ruangan manager dan
mengetuk pintu.)

Manager :Please come in and have a seat.

(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

Young Lady :Thank you, mam.

(Terima kasih, bu.)

Manager :How was your trip to find this place?

(Bagaimana perjalanan anda untuk menemukan tempat ini?

Young Lady :Well, it was difficult at the first time. But, it’s a strategic place, bu.

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(Yah, pada awalnya sulit untuk menemukan tempat ini. Tetapi tempat
ini strategis juga ya pak.)

Manager :Yeah, indeed. Because we have many customers that need our
products. Our existence is vital for many people here.

(Ya, tentu saja. Karena kita mempunyai banyak konsumen yang

membutuhkan produk kita. Keberadaan perusahaan kita penting bagi
banyak orang di sini.)

Young Lady :That’s right mam.

(Itu betul bu.)

Manager :Okay. I have received your application letter and CV last week. We
have a consideration to call upon you for an interview here. So, would
you tell me more about yourself?

(Baiklah. Saya sudah menerima surat lamaran dan daftar riwayat

hidup & pengalaman kerja anda. Kami memiliki pertimbangan untuk
memanggil anda dalam ikut serta wawancara kerja di sini. Jadi,
bisakah anda ceritakan lebih jauh lagi kepada saya tentang diri

Young Lady :Well, My name is Tini Yunanti. I was born in Tangerang, 1984. I
graduated from AAA University majoring in Secretarial in 2008. I live in
Tangerang. I love challenges and learning new things.

(Baiklah, nama saya Tini Yunanti. Saya lahir di Tangerang tahun

1984. Saya lulus dari Universitas AAA dengan jurusan Sekretaris
pada tahun 2008. Saya tinggal di Tangerang. Saya suka tantangan
dan belajar hal-hal baru.)

Manager :Good, Tini. Do you know what this company concentrates on?

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(Bagus Tini. Anda tahu bergerak dalam bidang apakah perusahaan

Young Lady :Yes, I do mam. This company concentrates on Electronics

Manufacturing, mam.

(Ya, saya tahu bu. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi

barang-barang elektronik, bu.)

Manager :Very good. And do you know what is your job description of being a
secretary here?

(Bagus sekali. Dan apakah anda tahu deskripsi kinerja anda sebagai
sekretaris di sini?)

Young Lady :Yes mam. As a secretary I have to assist the manager about
administrative works such as arranging working schedule, noting
down appointments, making appointments for meeting, and so on.

(Ya bu. Sebagai sekretaris saya harus membantu sang menajer

seputar pekerjaan yang bersifat administrative seperti mengatur
jadwal kerja, menulis janji pertemuan, membuat janji pertemuan dan

Manajer :Good job. Have you got any experiences in the same field being a

(Kerja bagus. Apakah anda memiliki pengalaman di dalam bidang

yang sama sebagai seorang sekretaris?)

Young Lady :Yes mam. I’ve been a secretary for 2 years after I graduated from my
study in the university. I worked at PT. QWERTY FURNITURES.
They concentrate on furniture manufacturing.

(Ya bu. Saya telah menjadi sekretaris selama dua tahun setelah saya
lulus dari studi saya di universitas. Sebelumnya saya bekerja di PT.
Page 149 of 256
QWERTY FURNITURES. Mereka berkonsentrasi di bidang produksi
barang-barang mebel.)

Manager :Well done. I’ve seen you have good scores on your academic score
transcript. What can you contribute to make this company better?

(Bagus. Saya telah melihat nilai baik anda di dalam nilai akademik
transkrip anda. Apa yang anda bisa kontribusikan untuk membuat
perusahaan ini lebih baik?)

Young Lady :Well, I will do my best if I am accepted to work in this company. I’ll be
punctual on everything about administrative works so that all
business will be going as smooth as possible. I’ll bet my reputation for
my carrier here, mam. You won’t regret if you accept me.

(Baiklah, saya akan melakukan yang terbaik jika saya diterima

bekerja di perusahaan ini. Saya akan tepat waktu dalam
menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang bersifat administrative sehingga
semua bisnis akan berjalan selancar mungkin. Saya akan
pertaruhkan reputasi saya untuk karir saya disini, bu. Anda tidak akan
kecewa jika menerima saya.)

Manager :Okay, I’ll consider your challenge to work your best. Tomorrow, you
will have a training session. If you’re good enough, I will accept you to
work here.

(Oke, saya akan mempertimbangkan tantangan anda untuk bekerja

yang terbaik dari anda. Besok, anda akan mengikuti sesi pelatihan.
Jika anda bagus, maka saya akan menerima anda untuk bekerja di

Young Lady :Thank you, mam. I will prove that I am worth to have this job.

(Terima kasih bu. Saya akan buktikan kalau saya layak mendapatkan
pekerjaan ini.)
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Manager :Tomorrow, come to my room and I will train you how to handle your
position as my new secretary in this company.

(Besok, datanglah ke ruangan saya dan saya akan melatih anda

bagaimana menangani posisi anda sebagai sekretaris saya yang
baru di perusahaan ini.)

Young Lady :Okay, mam. Thank you very much. See you tomorrow.

(Baik bu. Terima kasih banyak. Sampai berjumpa besok.)


On the next day, the young lady (trainee), come to have a training session with the
manager (trainer). She dresses formally and behaves nicely. Then she comes to the
manager’s room and is ready to have a training session.

(Di hari berikutnya, wanita muda itu (calon pegawai yang dilatih), datang untuk
mengikuti sesi pelatihan dengan sang manager (pelatih). Ia berdandan dengan
formal dan berlaku baik. Kemudian dia datang ke ruangan sang manager dan siap
untuk mengikuti sesi pelatihan.)

Manager :Well, welcome to the training session with me. We are about to start
the training session. First of all, I’d like to let you know name of this
around this room. Are you ready for it?

(Baiklah, selamat datang di sesi pelatihan bersama saya. Kita akan

mulai sesi pelatihan ini. Pertama-tama, saya ingin anda tahu nama-
nama dari benda-benda di sekeliling ruangan ini. Apakah anda siap
untuk itu?)

Young Lady :Yes, mam. I’m ready for it.

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(Ya bu. Saya siap.)

Manager :Well, as you see there are my folders containing data of sales and
appointments with the stakeholders of the company. Do you know
what to do with those folders?

(Baiklah, seperti yang anda lihat disana terdapat folder berkas saya
berisikan data penjualan dan perjanjian dengan para pemegang
saham perusahaan. Apakah anda tahu apa yang harus anda lakukan
dengan berkas tersebut?)

Young Lady :Yes mam. I have to arrange and group them within appropriate
classifications. I also have to check and update those files every time
so that I know the appropriate work schedule for you on the next day.

(Ya bu. Saya harus menyusun dan mengelompokkan berkas-berkas

tersebut dengan klasifikasi yang tepat. Saya juga harus mengechek
dan meng-update file-file tersebut sehingga saya tahu jadwal kerja
anda di hari berikutnya.)

Manager :Good job, Tini. Look at that photocopier machine. Do you know how
to operate it properly?

(Kerja bagus, Tini. Lihat mesin fotokopi itu. Apakah anda tahu
bagaimana cara mengoperasikannya dengan benar?)

Young Lady :It’s easy mam. First, turn on the machine by pressing the power
switch. Then, wait it until warmed up. Next, open the top side and put
the paper on the copy layer. After that, press the number of how
many copies you would like to copy the paper. At last, press start
button, It will be running automatically and copy the paper you’ve

(Itu hal mudah, bu. Pertama-tama, nyalakan mesin dengan menekan

tombol power. Lalu, tunggu sampai mesin memanas. Berikutnya,
Page 152 of 256
buka sisi atas mesin dan taruh kertas di atas lapisan pengkopi.
Setelah itu, tekan angka seberapa banyak anda mau mengkopi
kertas tersebut. Terakhir, tekan tombol start, mesin tersebut akan
berjalan secara otomatis dan mengkopi kertas yang anda masukkan.)

Manager :Bravo Tini. And how to make a document from the computer, Tini?

(Hebat Tini. Lalu bagaimana cara membuat dokumen dari computer,


Young Lady :Just make the document from Microsoft Office program mam. You
can choose Mirosoft Word for text document, Microsoft Excel for table
and accounting document, and Microsoft Power point for presentation

(Buat saja dokumen dari program Microsoft Office, bu. Anda dapat
memilih Microsoft Word untuk dokumen berbentuk teks, Microsoft
Excel untuk dokumen berbentuk table dan akuntansi, dan Microsoft
Power Point untuk dokumen berbentuk presentasi.)

Manager :That’s great, Tini. I think you’ll be ready to work here. It’s nice to
have an experienced assistant like you.

(Bagus sekali Tini. Saya pikir kamu siap untuk bekerja di sini. Senang
rasanya memiliki asisten yang berpengalaman seperti anda.)

Young Lady :Is what you mean I’m accepted to work here?

(Apakah maksud anda saya diterima bekerja di sini?)

Manager :Yes, of course.

(Ya, tentu saja.)

Young Lady :Oh, Thank you mam. I’m so happy for it.

(Oh, terima kasih bu. Saya sangat senang karenanya.)

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The young lady is ready to work in the real work field at the company. Now it’s time
to prove her skill and responsibility for the company she is working.

(Wanita muda tersebut siap untuk bekerja di lapangan kerja yang sesungguhnya di
perusahaan tersebut. Sekarang waktunya untuk menunjukkan kemampuan dan
tanggung jawabnya untuk perusahaan tempat dimana dia bekerja.)

(One day in the morning, the phone is ringing. The new secretary answers the

(Suatu hari di pagi hari, telepon bordering. Sekretaris baru tersebut menjawab
telepon terseebut.)

Secretary :Hello, good morning. PT. MASTERPIECE ELECTRONICS, Tini is

speaking. Can I help you?

(Halo, selamat pagi, PT. MASTERPIECE ELECTRONICS, Tini di sini

berbicara dengan anda. Dapatkah saya membantu anda?)

Caller :I’m the director of BLUE SOFTWARE Inc. Can I make an

appointment with your manager on Wednesday this week?

(Saya direktur perusahaan BLUE SOFTWARE. Bisakah saya

membuat janji dengan manajer anda di hari Rabu minggu ini?)

Secretary :Wait for a moment, sir. I will check the schedule first. Please hold the

(Tunggu sebentar pak. Saya akan mengecek jadwalnya terlebih

dahulu. Tolong tunggu sambungan teleponnya.)

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(And then the secretary is checking whether or not her manager can
accept the appointment on the day the caller offered.)

Secretary :My manager will be busy attending a business meeting with

SUGARY Inc. But if you want to ask her on Friday this week, she will
be available. What do you say?

(Manajer saya akan sibuk menghadiri sebuah pertemuan bisnis

dengan perusahaan SUGARY. Tetapi jika anda ingin mengajaknya
hari Jumat minggu ini, beliau akan dapat hadir. Bagaimana menurut

Caller :Okay then. I will make an appointment with her on Friday this week.

(Okelah kalau begitu. Saya akan membuat sebuah janji dengannya

hari Jumat minggu ini.)

Secretary :Well. Let me make some note for that. Would you tell me your name,

(Baiklah. Biarkan saya mencatatnya. Siapa nama bapak?)

Caller :I am Andy Maddison, from BLUE SOFTWARE Inc.

(Saya Andy Maddison dari perusahaan BLUE SOFTWARE.)

Secretary :What is your purpose of your appointment, sir?

(Apa tujuan anda membuat janji pertemuan, pak?)

Caller :I want to ask her for a business cooperation. I’d like to offer our new
products to be developed by your company.

(Saya ingin mengajaknya kerjasama bisnis. Saya ingin menawarkan

produk baru kami untuk dikembangkan oleh perusahaan anda.)

Secretary :Is there any other message you’d like to leave for her, sir?

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(Apakah ada pesan lainnya yang anda ingin sampaikan, pak?)

Caller :No thanks. That’s all. Thank you Tini.

(Tidak, terima kasih. Itu saja. Terima kasih Tini.)

Secretary :You’re welcome, sir. Have a nice day.

(Sama-sama pak. Semoga hari anda indah.)

(Then the new secretary notes down the appointment somebody’s

just made in the appointment form. An hour later, the manager

(Lalu sekretaris baru itu mencatat janji pertemuan yang baru saja
seseorang buat di form janji meeting. Satu jam kemudian, sang
menajer datang.)

Manager :Is there any news for me today, Tini?

(Apakah ada berita untuk saya hari ini, Tini?)

Secretary :Yes mam. The director of BLUE SOFTWARE Inc. has made an
appointment with you on Friday. I saw you don’t get busy with
anything on that day, so will you attend for it?

(Ya bu. Direktur perusahaan BLUE SOFTWARE telah membuat janji

pertemuan dengan ibu di hari Jumat. Saya lihat anda tidak sibuk di
hari itu, jadi apakah anda akan menghadirinya?)

Manager :What is the purpose of his appointment, Tini?

(Apa tujuan janji pertemuannya, Tini?

Secretary :He said that he would ask you for a business cooperation of their
new products to be developed by our company, mam.

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(Beliau bilang bahwa beliau akan mengajak anda kerja sama bisnis
dari produk baru mereka untuk dikembangkan oleh perusahaan kita,

Manager :Oh I see. I will come then. Have you made some notes for that?

(Oh begitu. Saya akan datang. Sudahkah kamu mencatat


Secretary :Yes, I have made it all, mam. I kept in appointment folder. You can
check it later.

(Ya, sudah semuanya, bu. Saya menyimpannya di folder janji

pertemuan. Anda bisa mengecek nya nanti.)

Manager :Good job, Tini. Now please make five copies of this sales report.
After that print the sales contract with PT. CBR from the computer in
my documents folder.

(Kerja bagus, Tini. Sekarang kopi lima lembar laporan penjualan ini.
Lalu cetak kontrak penjualan dengan PT. CBR dari computer di
dalam folder My Documents.)

Secretary :Yes mam.

(Ya bu.)



In a bright sunny morning, Jennifer is going to LOVELY HOSPITAL. There is a job

vacancy as a nurse. LOVELY HOSPITAL is famous for its reputation in healing sick
people with good treatment and affordable prices. With a good confidence, Jenny

Page 157 of 256

comes to the hospital. She brings the application letter with the Curriculum Vitae as

(Di pagi yang cerah dan terang, Jennifer pergi ke Rumah Sakit LOVELY. Di sana
terdapat lowongan kerja sebagai seorang perawat. Rumah Sakit LOVELY terkenal
dengan reputasinya dalam menyembuhkan orang sakit dengan perawatan yang baik
dan harga yang terjangkau. Dengan rasa percaya diri yang tinggi, Jenny datang ke
rumah sakit tersebut. Dia membawa surat surat lamaran dengan daftar riwayat

Jenny :Miss receptionist, could you show me the way to the interview room?
I’ve come here to have a job interview your company offered on the

(Mbak resepsionis, bisakah anda menunjukkan kepada saya ruang

interview? Saya datang kemari untuk mengikuti wawancara kerja
yang ditawarkan perusahaan anda di internet.)

Receptionist :Yes, sure. But let me check your application letter and the
attachments first.

(Ya, tentu saja. Tetapi ijinkan saya chek surat lamaran anda beserta

Jenny :Ok miss, here you are.

(Ok mbak, ini dia.)

Receptionist :Ok, good then. I think you have to go straight ahead and then walk
upstairs. The interview room is across the emergency room.

(Ok, bagus kalau begitu. Saya pikir anda harus berjalan lurus ke
depan lalu naik tangga. Ruang interviewnya berseberangan dengan
ruang unit gawat darurat.)
Page 158 of 256
Jenny :Thank you, miss. (Then Jenny immediately goes to the interview
room and knocks the door.)

(Terima kasih, mbak. (Lalu Jenny segera pergi menuju ke ruang

interview dan mengetuk pintu.)

Interviewer :Come inside and take a seat please.

(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

Jenny :Thank you, sir.

(Terima kasih, pak.)

Interviewer :May I have your application letter and the CV as well?

(Bisa saya lihat surat lamaran beserta daftar riwayat hidupnya?)

Jenny :Yes sir, here you are.

(Tentu saja pak, ini dia.)

Interviewer :So, your name is Jennifer. Could you tell me more about your family,
academic and work experiences background?

(Jadi nama anda Jennifer. Bisakah anda memberitahu saya lebih

tentang latar belakang keluarga, akademis dan pengalaman kerja

Jenny :Well, I come from Semarang, Central Java. I have lived in Jakarta
since 2001 since I started my study in SWEET University majoring in
nursery. I graduated in 2005 with final grade point of 3.3 scale of 4. I
like reading and learning new things. I started working in 2006 up to
2009 as a nurse in SAFE Hospital.

(Baiklah, saya berasal dari Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Saya tinggal di

Jakarta sejak tahun 2001 sejak saya mulai kuliah di Universitas

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SWEET mengambil jurusan Keperawatan. Saya lulus tahun 2005
dengan Indeks Prestasi Akhir 3.3 skala 4. Saya suka membaca dan
belajar hal-hal baru. Saya mulai bekerja di tahun 2006 sampai 2009
sebagai seorang perawat di Rumah Sakit SAFE.)

Interviewer :Good. So you have good educational and work experience

background. Do you know the job description of a nurse?

(Bagus. Jadi kamu memiliki latar belakang pendidikan dan pekerjaan

yang bagus. Apakah kamu tahu deskripsi kerja seorang perawat?)

Jenny :Certainly, sir. A nurse helps doctors to treat the patients in the
hospital by giving blood-check, tense-check, injection and
prescription as well.

(Tentu saja, pak. Seorang perawat membantu dokter merawat pasien

di rumah sakit dengan memeriksa darah, tekanan, member suntikan
dan juga resep obat.)

Interviewer :Have you ever participated in a surgery operation before?

(Apakah kamu sudah pernah berpartisipasi di dalam operasi bedah


Jennifer :Yes sir. I did some surgery operations with many doctors, especially
for patients getting heart and kidney operation.

(Ya pak. Saya berpartisipasi di beberapa operasi bedah dengan

banyak dokter terutama pada pasien yang menjalani operasi jantung
dan ginjal.)

Interview :That’s a great experience of yours. What would you do if there is a

patient who needs blood donors?

(Kamu memiliki pengalaman yang hebat. Apa yang kamu akan

lakukan jika terdapat seorang pasien yang butuh donor darah?)
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Jennifer :I will seek for suppliers, sir. First, I’d detect what type of blood the
patient has. Then search for the suppliers who have the same type of

(Saya akan mencari penyedia darah, pak. Pertama-tama saya akan

mendeteksi golongan darah si pasien. Lalu mencari penyedia darah
dengan golongan darah yang sama.)

Interview :Good job, Jenny. Do you know how to give injection to the patient?

(Kerja bagus, Jenny. Apakah kamu tahu cara member suntikan

kepada pasien?

Jenny :Yes of course sir. First, search the patient’s blood vessel. Then make
sure whether the needle is sterile or not. Then inject the patient. At
last give him/her an antidote.

(Ya tentu saja pak. Pertama-tama, cari pembuluh darah si pasien.

Lalu pastikan apakah jarum suntiknya steril atau tidak. Lalu suntik si
pasien. Terakhir beri obat penahan rasa sakit.)

Interviewer :Well done, Jenny. I would like to invite you to a training session
tomorrow morning. Will you attend my invitation?

(Baik sekali Jenny. Saya hendak mengundang kamu ke sesi

pelatihan besok. Apakah kamu bersedia datang?)

Jenny :Of course I will attend the training session tomorrow, sir.

(Tentu saja saya akan datang ke sesi pelatihan besok, pak.)

Interviewer :Very good. See you tomorrow, Jenny.

(Bagus sekali. Sampai jumpa besok, Jenny.)

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Jenny has passed the interview. Today is the time to show her skill in nursing.
Wearing nurse uniform, Jenny is ready to have a training in the hospital. The hospital
is full of patients and guests. It’s a crowded situation where almost all of the staffs in
the hospital get busy treating the patients. Some patients in the hospital are doing
some surgery operations.

(Jenny telah lulus wawancara. Hari ini saatnya untuk menunjukkan kemampuannya
di bidang keperawatan. Dengan mengenbakan seragam perawat, Jenny siap
mengikuti pelatihan di Rumah sakit. Rumah Sakit tersebut penuh dengan pasien dan
pengunjung. Situasinya benar-benar padat dimana hampir semua staff di rumah
sakit tersebut melayani pasien. Bebeapa pasien di rumah sakit tersebut menjalani
operasi bedah.)

Trainer :Jenny, now is the time to have a training session. I hope you can
learn on everything I will explain and show to you. Are you ready for

(Jenny, sekarang saatnya untuk mengikuti sesi pelatihan. Saya harap

kamu dapat belajar dari semua yang saya jelaskan dan tunjukkan
kepada kamu. Apakah kamu siap?)

Jenny :Yes, I’m ready Miss.

(Ya, saya siap mbak.)

Trainer :Let me introduce myself. I am Lusi Hestianti. I’ve been working here
for three years. Let me show you the rooms in this hospital. As you
see ahead, that’s Jasmine Pavilion, containing 25 rooms for patients.
This hospital has eight pavilion, each pavilion containing twenty-five
rooms for patients to be treated.

Page 162 of 256

(Ijinkan saya memperkenalkan diri. Saya Lusi Hestianti. Saya telah
bekerja di sini selama tiga tahun. Ijinkan saya menunjukkan kamu
ruangan-ruangan di rumah sakit ini. Seperti yang kamu lihat di depan
sana, itu adalah Paviliun Melati. Rumah sakit ini memiliki delapan
pavilion, tiap-tiap pavilion terdiri dari dua puluh lima ruangan bagi
pasien yang akan dirawat.)

Jenny :Wow, it’s a huge building. Where can I find the emergency room?
Are there many patients treated there because of some accidents?

(Wow, gedungnya megah. Dimana saya dapat menemukan ruang

unit gawat darurat? Apakah di sana terdapat banyak pasien yang
dirawat karena kecelakaan?)

Trainer :The emergency room is on the second floor across the blood-check
room. Yes, almost every three hours, one patient will have to stay in
emergency rooms because of terrible accident.

(ruang unit gawat darurat berada di seberang ruang periksa darah.

Ya, hampir setiap tiga jam sekali, satu pasien harus menginap di
dalam ruang unit gawat darurat karena kecelakaan yang parah.)

Jenny :Is there any X-Rays in the Hospital?

(Apakah di rumah sakit ini terdapat mesin sinar X?)

Trainer :Yes, of course. We use the machine to detect inner disease or

symptoms. The result will be printed on a glossy paper.

(Ya, tentu saja. Kami menggunakan mesin tersebut untuk mendeteksi

penyakit dalam atau simtom. Hasilnya akan dicetak di kertas foto.)

Jenny :Great. I think this hospital is complete with its equipment so that it
can handle many patients with good treatment.

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(Hebat. Saya rasa rumah sakit ini lengkap akan peralatannya
sehingga dapat menangani banyak pasien dengan penanganan yang

Trainer :You are absolutely right. We always optimize our service in handling
many patients here. We consider perfection in service will cover the
people’s problem in health in this town.

(Kamu sangat benar. Kami selalu mengoptimalkan pelayanan kami di

dalam menangani banyak pasien di sini. Kami berpikir bahwa
kesempurnaan di dalam pelayanan akan mengatasi masalah
kesehatan masyarakat di kota ini.)

Jenny :I agree with you, Miss Lusi. It reminds me with my experience when
working in TONI’S HOSPITAL. We tried to be punctual in handling
any health treatment including surgery. Surgery operations for us are
like breakfast in the morning. It happens so often. We just tried to do
our best and then the result is we had an award from the government
as one of the best hospital in the city.

(Saya setuju dengan anda, Miss Lusi. Hal itu mengingatkan saya
akan pengalaman saya ketika bekerja di Rumah Sakit TONI. Kami
berusaha untuk tepat waktu dalam menangani segala perawatan
kesehatan termasuk operasi bedah. Operasi bedah bagi kami
rasanya sudah menjadi sarapan di pagi hari. Hal tersebut sering kali
dilakukan. Kami mencoba berusaha yang terbaik dan hasilnya kita
dapat penghargaan dari pemerintah sebagai salah satu rumah sakit
terbaik di kota ini.)

Trainer :Wow great. You have a good mind-set about how to handle the
patients. I think you’ll be ready to work tomorrow, won’t you?

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(Wow, hebat. Kamu memiliki sebuah pola pikir yang baik dalam
menangani pasien. Saya pikir kamu akan siap untuk bekerja besok,

Jenny :Yes, I will, Miss. I will do my best take care all of the patients here.
Thanks for your time in guiding me, Miss.

(Ya saya akan siap, mbak. Saya akan lakukan yang terbaik merawat
semua pasien di sini. Terima kasih atas waktunya dalam
membimbing saya, mbak.)

Trainer :You’re welcome, Jenny. See you tomorrow.

(Sama-sama, Jenny. Sampai jumpa besok.)


The training session has passed by. Jenny is preparing everything to work on her
first day in the hospital. She is sure that she can give the best contribution for the

(Sesi pelatihan sudah lewat. Jenny sedang menyiapkan semuanya untuk bekerja di
hari pertamanya di rumah sakit tersebut. Ia yakin bahwa ia dapat memberikan
kontribusi yang terbaik untuk rumah sakit tersebut.)

Guess :Excuse me miss, where can I see Edward Douglass, a patient here?

(Permisi nona, dimana saya bisa menjenguk Edward Douglass,

seorang pasien di sini?)

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Jenny :Wait for a moment. Let me see his name on the list. Oh, is he getting
blood fever now?

(Tunggu sebentar. Ijinkan saya lihat namanya di dafar pasien. Oh,

apakah ia menderita demam berdarah sekarang?)

Guess :Yes, Miss. I must see him today. I’m his wife. I’m just worried about
his condition that got worse last night. I heard it from my son who was
accompanying him last night.

(Ya, mbak. Saya harus menjenguknya hari ini. Saya istrinya. Saya
hanya khawatir dengan kondisinya yang memburk tadi malam. Saya
mendengar beritanya dari anak laki-laki saya yang menemaninya

Jenny :All right, mam. You could see him at Rose Pavilion, room number
213. Go straight ahead and take the lift to the second floor. It’s in the
very corner of the floor, across the X-RAY room.

(Baiklah, nyonya. Anda dapat menjenguknya di Paviliun Mawar,

kamar nomor 213. Jalan lurus dan naik lift sampai ke lantai dua.
Tempatnya berada di paling ujung lantai tersebut, di seberang ruang

Guess :Thank you Miss. May I know your name?

(Terima kasih, mbak. Boleh saya tahu nama anda?)

Jenny :I’m Jenny, mam. I am new here. Hope your husband gets well soon.

(Saya Jenny, bu. Saya pagawai baru di sini. Semoga suami anda
lekas sembuh.)

Guess :You are such a help, Miss. God bless you.

(Anda benar-benar membantu, Mbak. Tuhan memberkati anda.)

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Nurse :Jenny, excuse me. Could you dash to Bougainville Pavilion room
number 349, and give an injection to the patient there, please?

(Jenny, permisi. Dapatkah kamu segera menuju ke Paviliun

Bugenvile Kaman nomor 349 dan berikan suntikan kepada pasien

Jenny :Yes, of course Miss.

(Ya, tentu saja Mbak.)

Then, Jenny goes to the Bougainville Pavilion, room number 349 to handle the
patient. With a good passion of help she will do her best to cure the patient from the

(Lalu, Jenny pergi menuju Paviliun Bugenvile, kamar nomor 349 untuk menangani
pasien. Dengan niat baik untuk menolong, ia akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk
menyembuhkan pasien dari penyakit.)

Jenny :Excuse me, Mr.Eric. Now it’s time for you to have an immune
injection. Would you take off your T-Shirt now?

(Permisi, Mr.Eric. Sekarang waktunya bagi anda untuk mendapat

suntikan kekebalan. Apakah anda bersedia melepaskan kaos anda

Patient :Yes, off course Miss.

(Ya, tentu saja Mbak.)

Jenny :Mr.Eric, how do you feel now after being hospitalized here for 3
days? Is there any progress for your health condition?

(Mr.Eric, apa yang anda rasakan setelah di rawat di sini selama 3

hari? Apakah ada kemajuan dengan kondisi kesehatan anda?)

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Patient :Yeah, I feel better day by day. I feel comfortable here. The service is
always good and on time. Hope I can see my family at home
tomorrow morning. I got diarrhea at the first time. It was very terrible
and made me difficult to work. When I entered this hospital, the staffs
immediately take care of me. I like it.

(Ya, saya merasa lebih baik dari hari ke hari. Saya merasa nyaman di
sini. Pelayanannya selalu bagus dan tepat waktu. Semoga saya
dapat menemui keluarga saya besok pagi. Pada awalnya saya kena
diare. Penyakit tersebut begitu buruk dan mengganggu saya bekerja.
Ketika saya masuk rumah sakit ini, para pegawai langsung
menangani saya. Saya suka itu.)

Jenny :Yes, we always try to respond any health problems on time so that
those problem can be easily cured.

(Ya, kami selalu berusaha untuk merespon berbagai masalah

kesehatan tepat waktu sehingga masalah tersebut dapat dengan
mudahnya disembuhkan.)

Patient :That’s a good effort Miss. I hope the expenses are also affordable
here because we know that most of all people here are not rich and
still need a good service to continue their livings.

(Usaha yang bagus, Mbak. Saya harap biayanya juga terjangkau di

sini karena kita tahu bahwa sebagian besar masyarakat di sini
tidaklah kaya dan masih butuh pelayanan yang baik untuk
menyambung hidup mereka.)

Jenny :Don’t worry sir. We will do as best as we can. Now I will inject your
arm. Behold, sir.

(Jangan khawatir pak. Kami akan bekerja sebaik mungkin. Sekarang

saya akan menyuntik lengan bapak. Tahan ya pak.)
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PT. MASTERPIECE Television opens a staff-recruitment for the position of

reporters. They published the job vacancy through the internet. For anyone who
would like to apply, have to bring his/her application letter and the Curriculum Vitae
as well. MASTERPIECE Television is very famous for its good channel to broadcast
and report the latest hot news in the country. Adam walks to the office to apply the
position they offered.

(PT. MASTERPIECE Televisi membuka sebuah rekrutmen staff untuk posisi reporter
(penyiar). Mereka mengumumkan lowongan kerja tersebut melalui internet. Bagi
siapa saja yang ingin melamar, harus membawa surat lamaran kerjanya beserta CV.
MASTERPIECE Televisi sangatlah terkenal akan siarannya yang bagus untuk
menyiarkan dan melaporkan berita hangat terkini di Negara tersebut. Adam berjalan
menuju ke kantor televise tersebut untuk melamar posisi yang mereka tawarkan.)

Adam :Hello Miss Receptionist. I’m Adam. I would like to apply for a job your
company offered through the internet. Where should I go to?

(Halo Mbak resepsionis. Saya Adam. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan

yang perusahaan anda tawarkan di internet. Kemana saya harus

Receptionist :Well, Mr.Adam. The job interview will start at 10 o’clock. Now it’s 9
o’clock. You should wait for an hour to have the interview. Well, do
you bring the application letter and the CV as well? I’d like to check
whether it’s complete or not.

(Baiklah Mr.Adam. Wawancara kerjanya akan berlangsung jam 10

tepat. Sekarang jam 9 tepat. Anda harus menunggu satu jam untuk
mengikuti wawancara tersebut. Baiklah, apakah anda membawa
Page 169 of 256
surat lamaran kerja beserta CV nya? Saya ingin memeriksa apakah
sudah lengkap atau belum.)

Adam :Oh, here you are, Miss.

(Oh ini dia, Mbak.)

Receptionist :Where do you come from, sir?

(Anda berasal darimana, pak?)

Adam :I come from Djogja, Miss. I live nearby the castle of Keraton

(Saya datang dari Djogja, Mbak. Saya tinggal di dekat istana Keraton

Receptionist :Oh, I know that place. I lived there too when I was 10 years old with
family. Sir, I think it’s 10 o’clock already. You can come into the
interview room and see the manager.

(Oh, saya tahu tempat itu. Saya tinggal di sana ketika saya berumur
10 tahun dengan keluarga saya. Pak, saya rasa sekarang sudah jam
10 tepat. Anda bisa masuk ke ruang interview dan menemui sang

Andy :Oh you’re right. Thank you. (And then Andy immediately comes into
the interview room. There is the manager of Human Resources
Department sitting in front of Andy.)

(Oh anda benar. Terima kasih. (Lalu Andy segera masuk ke ruang
interview. Di sana terdapat sang manajer bagian SDM yang sedang
duduk di depan Andy.)

Manager :Come in and have a seat, please.

(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

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Andy :Thank you, sir.

(Terima kasih pak.)

Manager :Could you introduce yourself?

(Dapatkah anda memperkenalkan diri anda?)

Andy :I’m Andy Sunaryo, sir. I come from Djogjakarta. I graduated from
ASDF University majoring Broadcasting, sir. I started my experience
of being a reporter since two years ago.

(Saya Andy Sunaryo, pak. Saya berasal dari Djogjakarta. Saya

lulusan Universitas ASDF jurusan Penyiaran, pak. Saya memulai
pengalaman saya menjadi seorang penyiar sejak dua tahun yang

Manager :May I see your application letter and CV?

(Bisa saya lihat surat lamaran dan CV nya?)

Andy :Here you are, sir.

(Ini pak, silahkan.)

Manager :Hmm.. I can see that you have a good academic score and
experiences. Where did you work before?

(Hmm.. Saya bisa lihat anda memiliki nilai akademik dan pengalaman
yang bagus. Dimana anda bekerja sebelumnya?)

Andy :I worked for ASTY Television at the first time. I was a reporter of
SPORTS news at that time. Then I also work for TONI’S Television. I
was a reporter of DISASTER and ACCIDENTS news at that time until
last month.

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(Saya bekerja untuk ASTY Televisi pada saat pertama kalinya. Saya
seorang penyiar berita Olah Raga pada saat itu. Lalu saya juga
bekerja untuk TONI’S Televisi. Saya seorang penyiar berita Bencana
Alam dan Kecelakaan pada saat itu sampai bulan kemarin.)

Manager :Well done, Andy. I have a question for you. Why did you quit from
your job?

(Bagus sekali, Andy. Saya punya pertanyaan buat anda. Kenapa

anda keluar dari pekerjaan anda?)

Andy :Honestly, I got minimum salary, sir. I realize that my work was riskful
to report dangerous thing like disaster or accidents. It was hard
actually. So I come here with a hope of getting better salary.

(Sejujurnya, saya dapat gaji yang minim waaktu itu, pak. Saya
menyadari bahwa pekerjaan yang saya lakukan sangatlah beresiko
untuk meliput hal-hal yang berbahaya seperti bencana dan
kecelakaan. Sebenarnya sangat sulit. Jadi saya datang kemari
dengan harapan untuk dapat penghasilan yang lebih baik.)

Manager :Well, Andy, we offer a good salary for anyone who work seriously
and full of commitment here. We always try to be care and fair to
every staff here. So, Andy, if you can prove me your good works and
commitment to work here as a reporter. You will get better salary and
health insurance. What do you say?

(Begini, Andy, kami menawarkan penghasilan yang bagus bagi siapa

saja yang bekerja dengan serius dan penuh dengan komitmen. Kami
selalu peduli dan adil kepada semua pegawai di sini. Jadi, Andy, jika
anda bisa membuktikan kepada saya kerja bagus dan komitmen
anda untuk bekerja di sini sebagai reporter (penyiar). Anda akan

Page 172 of 256

mendapatkan penghasilan yang lebih baik dan juga asuransi
(jaminan) kesehatan. Bagaimana menurut anda?)

Andy :Of course I will do my best for this company sir. I will prove my best
work as a reporter here. What news will I report, sir?

(Tentu saya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk perusahaan ini, pak.
Saya akan membuktikan kinerja saya yang terbaik sebagai seorang
reporter (penyiar) di sini. Berita apa yang akan saya liput, pak?)

Manager :I challenge you to report SPORTS, DISASTER and ACCIDENTS

news. Will you answer my challenge?

(Saya menantang anda untuk meliput berita olah raga, bencana alam
dan kecelakaan. Apakah anda mau mejawab tantangan saya?)

Andy :Yes sir, with pleasure.

(Ya pak, dengan senang hati.)

Manager :Good. Tomorrow you will join a training session with a senior here.
Show your good attitude to him and I hope you will learn something
from what he will explain you tomorrow.

(Bagus. Besok anda akan mengikuti sebuah sesi pelatihan dengan

seorang senior di sini. Tunjukkan sikap baik anda kepadanya dan
saya harap anda akan belajar sesuatu dari apa yang akan dia
jelaskan kepada anda.)

Andy :Thank you, sir. I will make a good report for that.

(Terima kasih pak. Saya akan membuat laporan yang baik untuk itu.)

Manager :Good job Andy. See you later.

(Kerja bagus Andy. Sampai jumpa di kemudian hari.

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Andy has passed the interview session with the manager. He hopes a good salary in
this company. If he does, he has to give his best contribution for the company he will
work today. He seems to be ready to join the training session with a senior there.

(Andi telah lulus sesi interview dengan sang manajer. Ia mengaharapkan

penghasilan yang baik di perusahaan tersebut. Jika ia ingin, ia harus memberikan
kontribusi terbaiknya untuk perusahaan dimana ia bekerja sekarang. Ia terlihat siap
untuk mengikuti sesi pelatihan dengan seorang senior di sana.)

Trainer :Hi, you must be Andy Sunaryo. The manager has told me about you.
I am John, your trainer. I’ve been working here for 8 years reporting
various news from sports until disaster and accidents news. Good to
see you, Andy.

(Hai, kamu pasti Andy Sunaryo. Sang manajer telah memberitahu ku

tentang kamu. Saya John, pelatih mu. Aku sudah bekerja di sini
selama 8 tahun meliput berita yang bervariasi dari berita olah raga
sampai berita bencana alam dan kecelakaan. Senang bertemu
denganmu, Andy.)

Andy :Hello Mr.John. I really need your guidance here so that I can learn
something from this training. It’s a pleasure to have a training from an
experienced reporter like you.

(Halo Mr.John. Saya benar-benar butuh bimbingan anda di sini

sehinggga saya bisa belajar sesuatu dari pelatihan ini. Suatu
kehormatan untuk ikut pelatihan dari seorang reporter yang
berpengalaman seperti anda.)

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Trainer :Well, shall we start?

(Baiklah, bisa kita mulai?)

Andy :Okay sir. Just go on.

(Baik pak. Silahkan dimulai.)

Trainer :Well, at the very first time, we have to be able to search for what
news will attract audiences to watch our TV broadcast. Audiences like
the latest and the hottest news. The news has to be real not fake. It
has to be able to be proven the facts.

(Baiklah, pertama-tama, kita harus bisa mencari berita apa yang akan
menarik perhatian penonton untuk menonton siaran TV kita. Para
penonton suka berita terbaru dan terhangat. Berita tersebut haruslah
nyata bukan palsu. Berita itu harus bisa dibuktikan kebenarannya.)

Andy :You’re absolutely right sir. Audiences want something that exist not
blur. They like some phenomenon that is different with what they
commonly see. It reminds me when I reported a news about the sun
storm. The data were taken form the astrology department with a
giant telescope. The result was that most of the audiences like to
watch the news and increase the channel’s rating.

(Anda sangat benar, pak. Para penonton ingin sesuatu yang nyata
bukan abstrak. Mereka suka fenomena yang berbeda dari apa yang
biasanya mereka lihat. Hal itu mengingatkan saya ketika saya meliput
berita tentang badai matahari. Hasilnya adalah, hampir semua
penonton suka menonton berita tersebut dan meningkatkan rating
channel TV.)

Trainer :Reporters have ethics too. We have to be polite when interviewing

someone. We may not say something that is not fact. Don’t judge any
people we are interviewing. The audiences will underestimate the
Page 175 of 256
content of the news if we hyperbolize the situation into something out-

(Reporter juga memiliki kode etik. Kita harus sopan ketika

mewawancarai seseorang. Kita tidak boleh berkata sesuatu yang
bukan fakta. Jangan menilai dengan lancang kepada orang yang kita
wawancarai. Para penonton akan merendahkan isi berita jika kita
meng-hiperbolakan situasi ke dalam sesuatu yang di luar nalar.)

Andy :What should we prepare before we report news, sir?

(Apa yang harus kita persiapkan sebelum kita meliput berita, pak?)

Trainer :Please make sure you have recording devices, book notes and a
pen. A camera or a video camera will be advantageous for you to
record more detail news in the location.

(Tolong pastikan kamu memiliki alat perekam, buku catatan dan

sebuah pulpen. Sebuah kamera atau video kamera akan
menguntungkan buat kamu untuk merekam berita lebih detail di

Andy :Sir, how to behave in a chaos situation when we report a chaos with
brutal situation. Sometimes I got very afraid of it. I just don’t want to
get injured. It happened when I reported a demonstration nearby the
National Castle.

(Pak, bagaimana cara bersikap di situasi yang rusuh ketika kita

meliput sebuah kerusuhan dengan situasi yang brutal. Terkadang
saya merasa sangat takut. Saya hanya tidak ingin terluka. Hal itu
terjadi ketika saya meliput sebuah demonstrasi di dekat istana

Trainer :It’s easy. Always bring your official ID card as a reporter. Then the
police will always save you whenever the situation gets more horrible.
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(Mudah saja. Selalu bawa kartu tanda pengenal resmi kamu sebagai
seorang reporter. Lalu polisi akan selalu melindungi kamu kapanpun
situasinya bertambah buruk.)

Andy :Oh, I see. Now know sir. Thanks for your clear explanation.

(Oh begitu. Sekarang saya tahu pak. Terima kasih atas penjelasan


Training session has passed by. Now Andy must face the real situation of being a
reporter in a new company. Andy has promised to himself to prove his best
contribution for the company. He seems to be ready to report some hot news.

(Sesi pelatihan telah terlewati. Sekarang Andy harus menghadapi situasi yang
sebenarnya menjadi seorang reporter di perusahaan yang baru. Andy telah berjanji
kepada dirinya sendiri untuk membuktikan kontribusi terbaiknya untuk perusahaan
tersebut. Ia tampak siap untuk meliput beberapa berita hangat.)

Manager :Andy, there is a football match between PERSIJA versus

Manchester United at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium. Please make
some report about that. Don’t forget to take some pictures and
interview one of the players there. Thank you.

(Andy, ada pertandingan sepak bola antara PERSIJA melawan

Manchester United di Stadion Gelora Bung Karno. Tolong buat
liputan dari pertandingan itu. Jangan lupa untuk mengambil beberapa
gambar dan mewawancara salah satu pemainnya di sana. Terima

Andy :Yes, sir. I will handle all of it and report it soon. You won’t regret it,

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(Siap, pak. Saya akan menangani itu semua dan meliputnya segera.
Anda tidak akan kecewa, pak.)

Then Andy immediately dashes into the stadion to report the match,
take some pictures and interview one of the players.

(Lalu Andi segera melaju cepat menuju ke stadium untuk meliput

pertandingan tersebut, mengambil gambar dan mewawancarai salah
satu pemainnya.)

Andy :Oh, so this is the match. It must be very interesting. I should prepare
everything. The match is about to start. So both of the teams bring
out their best player in this match. Look, I think they have some new
players too, including the defenders and the strikers. The weather is
good enough, hope it will be an interesting match. I will grab many
amazing photos from this match this afternoon and the manager will
be satisfied by my works.

(Oh, jadi ini pertandingannya. Pasti pertandingannya sangat menarik.

Saya harus mempersiapkan semuanya. Pertandingannya akan
segera di mulai. Jadi kedua tim mengeluarkan pemain-pemain terbaik
mereka di pertandingan ini. Lihat, Aku pikir mereka memiliki pemain
baru juga, termasuk pemain bertahan dan penyerang. Cuaca nya
bagus juga, semoga akan menjadi pertandingan yang menarik. Aku
akan mengambil banyak foto dari pertandingan siang ini dan si
manajer akan puas dengan kinerja saya.)

Audience :Excuse me, sir. Could you show me which player named Rooney?

(Permisi pak. Bisakah anda menunjukkan kepada saya pemain yang

manakah bernama Rooney?)

Andy :Oh, he’s the tall man with T-Shirt number of 9 of Manchester United
Team. He is really talented. Are you Manchester United fans?
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(Oh, dia pria tinggi yang memakai kaos bernomor 9 Tim Manchester
United. Ia sangat berbakat. Apakah anda penggemar Manchester

Audience :Yes, I am a big fans of Manchester United Team. May I know what
you are doing here with a camera and a note book here, sir?

Andy :I am a reporter from MASTERPIECE TV. I am a new staff there. I’d

like to make some report of this match and take some photos also
interview one of the players as well. My report will be broadcasted on
TV tomorrow morning. If you want to give some comments of this
match, it will be beneficial for this report. Would you like to give some,

(Saya seorang reporter dari MASTERPIECE TV. Saya seorang

pegawai baru di sana. Saya hendak meliput pertandingan ini dan
juga mengambil beberapa gambar serta mewawancara salah satu
pemainnya. Liputan saya akan ditayangkan di TV besok pagi. Jika
anda ingin member komentar akan pertandingan ini, akan
bermanfaat buat liputan ini. Apakah anda bersedia, pak?)

Audience :Yeah, with pleasure. Go ahead.

(Ya, dengan senang hati. Silahkan.)

Andy :What do you think of the two teams, sir?

(Bagaimana menurut anda kedua tim tersebut, pak?)

Audience :Well, the two teams are strong and solid. They have incredible
players and good strategies. They have just bought some new
players to strengthen their formation. Both of them like to attack than
to defend.

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(Baiklah, kedua tim tersebut kuat dan tangguh. Mereka memiliki para
pemain yang hebat dan strategi-strategi yang bagus. Mereka baru
saja membeli beberapa pemain baru untuk memperkuat formasi
mereka. Keduanya lebih suka menyerang daripada bertahan.)

Andy :In your opinion, could you make a prediction which team will win the
match, sir? Why?

(Menurut anda, dapatkah anda membuat sebuah prediksi tim mana

yang akan memenangkan pertandingan, pak? Mengapa?)

Audience :I personally think Manchester United will win the match because they
have solid team and better strategy. Once I have ever watched their
performance. They are great. The players are talented and have
strong stamina. But PERSIJA is good too. They might win if they use
all of their best strategies to block Manchester United attack and do
counter attack.

(Saya pribadi berpikir Manchester United akan memenangkan

pertandingan karena mereka memiliki tim yang tangguh dan strategi
yang lebih baik. Saya sekali pernah melihat penampilan mereka.
Mereka hebat. Para pemannya berbakat dan memiliki stamina yang
kuat. Tapi PERSIJA juga bagus. Mereka bisa saja menang jika
menggunakan strategi mereka yang terbaik untuk menghadang
serangan Manchester united dan melancarkan serangan balik.)

Andy :Do you play football too, sir?

(Apakah anda bermain sepak bola juga, pak?)

Audience :Yes, I did. But now I am a coach of a local football team here. I was
a goal keeper. I tried to block and catch any balls that came to my
area. I led my team to win 2 times Indonesian Copa Soccer
Page 180 of 256
(Ya, dulu saya main. Tetapi sekarang saya seorang pelatih tim sepak
bola local di sini. Dulu saya seorang penjaga gawang. Saya berusaha
untuk menangkis dan menangkap bola yang datang ke area saya.
Saya memnawa tim saya dua kali memenangkan Kejuaraan
Sepakbola Copa Indonesia.)

Andy :Wow, that’s great. Thanks for the information, sir. Let me take some
of pictures from the match. Because It’s already started for 10

(Wow, hebat. Terimakasih untuk informasinya, pak. Ijinka saya

mengambil beberapa gambar foto dari pertandingan ini karena
pertandingannya sudah mulai 10 menit.)

Audience :You’re welcome. Go ahead.

(Sama-sama. Silahkan.)


It’s a rainy day. There is a job vacancy at PT.ABC Electronics as Human Resources
staff. The job vacancy was announced through the newspaper. A young lady, with a
tidy formal suit, go towards the office to have an interview. She seems to be
confident to take the job the company offered.

(Hari itu hujan. Terdapat sebuah lowongan kerja di PT.ABC Electronics sebagai staff
SDM. Lowongan kerja tersebut diumumkan melalui Koran. Seorang wanita muda
dengan pakaian formal yang rapih pergi menuju kantor tersebut untuk mengikuti
interview. Ia terlihat percaya diri untuk mengambil pekerjaan yang perusahaan
tersebut tawarkan.)

Jean :Excuse me, I’m here for a job interview. Could you show me the way
to the Human Resources Manager’s room?

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(Permisi, saya datang kemari untuk mengikuti wawancara kerja.
Dapatkah anda menunjukkan jalan ke ruang manajer HRD?)

Receptionist :Sure. Wait a moment. I’d like to inform her first by phone. (On the
phone: Hello Miss Angela, there’s a young lady would like to have a
job interview. Would you let her to come to your room?)

(Tentu saja. Tunggu sebentar. Saya hendak member tahu dia terlebih
dahulu melalui telepon. (Di dalam sambungan telepon: Hello Miss
Angela, ada seorang wanita muda yang ingin mengikuti wawancara
kerja. Apakah anda mengijinkan dia datang ke ruangan anda?)

Manager :Yes, sure. I’ll be ready for five minutes. Let her wait for five minutes
in the waiting room and ask her to come to my room after five

(Ya, tentu saja. Saya akan siap lima menit lagi. Biarkan dia
menunggu lima menit di ruang tunggu dan mintalah dia datang ke
ruangan saya setelah lima menit.)

Receptionist :Yes Madam. Miss, you will have to wait for about five minutes and
then go to her room on the 4th floor next to the stairs.

(Baik bu. Nona, anda harus menunggu sekitar lima menit dan datang
ke ruangannya di lantai empat disamping tangga.)

Jean :Okay then. Thanks for your information. (Then the young lady waits
for five minutes and directly goes to the manager’s room and knock
the door.)

(Baiklah. Terimakasih atas informasinya. (Lalu wanita muda itu

menunggu lima menit dan langsung datang ke ruangan manager dan
mengetuk pintu.)

Manager :Please come in and have a seat.

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(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

Jean :Thank you, mam.

(Terima kasih, bu.)

Manager :How was your trip to find this place?

(Bagaimana perjalanan anda untuk menemukan tempat ini?

Jean :Well, it was difficult at the first time. But, it’s a strategic place, bu.

(Yah, pada awalnya sulit untuk menemukan tempat ini. Tetapi tempat
ini strategis juga ya pak.)

Manager :Yeah, indeed. Because we have many customers that need our
products. Our existence is vital for many people here.

(Ya, tentu saja. Karena kita mempunyai banyak konsumen yang

membutuhkan produk kita. Keberadaan perusahaan kita penting bagi
banyak orang di sini.)

Jean :That’s right mam.

(Itu betul bu.

Manager :Okay. I have received your application letter and CV last week. We
have a consideration to call upon you for an interview here. So, would
you tell me more about yourself?

(Baiklah. Saya sudah menerima surat lamaran dan daftar riwayat

hidup & pengalaman kerja anda. Kami memiliki pertimbangan untuk
memanggil anda dalam ikut serta wawancara kerja di sini. Jadi,
bisakah anda ceritakan lebih jauh lagi kepada saya tentang diri

Page 183 of 256

Jean :Well, My name is Jean Kimberley. I was born in Tangerang, 1984. I
graduated from ABC University majoring in Public Relation in 2008. I
live in Tangerang. I love challenges and learning new things.

(Baiklah, nama saya Jean Kimberley. Saya lahir di Tangerang tahun

1984. Saya lulus dari Universitas ABC dengan jurusan Public Relation
pada tahun 2008. Saya tinggal di Tangerang. Saya suka tantangan
dan belajar hal-hal baru.)

Manager :Good, Jean. Do you know what this company concentrates on?

(Bagus Jean. Anda tahu bergerak dalam bidang apakah perusahaan


Jean :Yes, I do mam. This company concentrates on Electronics

Manufacturing, mam.

(Ya, saya tahu bu. Perusahaan ini bergerak di bidang produksi

barang-barang elektronik, bu.)

Manager :Very good. And do you know what is your job description of being a
human resources staff here?

(Bagus sekali. Dan apakah anda tahu deskripsi kinerja anda sebagai
staff SDM di sini?)

Jean :Yes mam. As a human resources staff I have to assist the manager
about administrative works such as arranging working schedule,
noting down appointments, making appointments for meeting, and so

(Ya bu. Sebagai sekretaris saya harus membantu sang menajer

seputar pekerjaan yang bersifat administrative seperti mengatur
jadwal kerja, menulis janji pertemuan, membuat janji pertemuan dan

Page 184 of 256

Manajer :Good job. Have you got any experiences in the same field being a

(Kerja bagus. Apakah anda memiliki pengalaman di dalam bidang

yang sama sebagai seorang sekretaris?)

Jean :Yes mam. I’ve been a Human Resources staff for 2 years after I
graduated from my study in the university. I worked at PT. ASIA
FURNITURES. They concentrate on furniture manufacturing.

(Ya bu. Saya telah menjadi sekretaris selama dua tahun setelah saya
lulus dari studi saya di universitas. Sebelumnya saya bekerja di PT.
ASIA FURNITURES. Mereka berkonsentrasi di bidang produksi
barang-barang mebel.)

Manager :Well done. I’ve seen you have good scores on your academic score
transcript. What can you contribute to make this company better?

(Bagus. Saya telah melihat nilai baik anda di dalam nilai akademik
transkrip anda. Apa yang anda bisa kontribusikan untuk membuat
perusahaan ini lebih baik?)

Jean :Well, I will do my best if I am accepted to work in this company. I’ll be

punctual on everything about administrative works so that all
business will be going as smooth as possible. I’ll bet my reputation for
my carrier here, mam. You won’t regret if you accept me.

(Baiklah, saya akan melakukan yang terbaik jika saya diterima

bekerja di perusahaan ini. Saya akan tepat waktu dalam
menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang bersifat administrative sehingga
semua bisnis akan berjalan selancar mungkin. Saya akan
pertaruhkan reputasi saya untuk karir saya disini, bu. Anda tidak akan
kecewa jika menerima saya.)

Page 185 of 256

Manager :Okay, I’ll consider your challenge to work your best. Tomorrow, you
will have a training session. If you’re good enough, I will accept you to
work here.

(Oke, saya akan mempertimbangkan tantangan anda untuk bekerja

yang terbaik dari anda. Besok, anda akan mengikuti sesi pelatihan.
Jika anda bagus, maka saya akan menerima anda untuk bekerja di

Jean :Thank you, mam. I will prove that I am worth to have this job.

(Terima kasih bu. Saya akan buktikan kalau saya layak mendapatkan
pekerjaan ini.)

Manager :Tomorrow, come to my room and I will train you how to handle your
position as my new secretary in this company.

(Besok, datanglah ke ruangan saya dan saya akan melatih anda

bagaimana menangani posisi anda sebagai sekretaris saya yang
baru di perusahaan ini.)

Jean :Okay, mam. Thank you very much. See you tomorrow.

(Baik bu. Terima kasih banyak. Sampai berjumpa besok.)


Jean has taken the interview. The manager seemed to like Jean from her
experiences and knowledge. Now, it’s the time for Jean to have a training with the
manager. Here, Jean will assist the manager to take care of Human Resources and
Development works.

(Jean telah mengikuti wawancara. Manajer tersebut sepertinya suka dengan Jean
dari pengalaman dan pengetahuannya. Sekarang, saatnya Jean mengikuti pelatihan

Page 186 of 256

dengan si manajer. Disini, Jean akan membantu si manajer untuk menangani
pekerjaan Sumber Daya Manusia dan Pengembangannya.)

Jean :Good morning, mam. How are you today?

(Selamat pagi, bu. Apa kabar hari ini?)

Manager :Fine. It’s a rainy day. But it will not bring my spirit down today.

(Baik. Hari ini hujan. Tetapi hal itu takkan membuat semangatku
turun hari ini.)

Manager :Well, welcome to the training session with me. We are about to start
the training session. First of all, I’d like to let you know name of this
around this room. Are you ready for it?

(Baiklah, selamat datang di sesi pelatihan bersama saya. Kita akan

mulai sesi pelatihan ini. Pertama-tama, saya ingin anda tahu nama-
nama dari benda-benda di sekeliling ruangan ini. Apakah anda siap
untuk itu?)

Jean :Yes, mam. I’m ready for it.

(Ya bu. Saya siap.)

Manager :Well, as you see there are my folders containing data of sales and
appointments with the stakeholders of the company. Do you know
what to do with those folders?

(Baiklah, seperti yang anda lihat disana terdapat folder berkas saya
berisikan data penjualan dan perjanjian dengan para pemegang
saham perusahaan. Apakah anda tahu apa yang harus anda lakukan
dengan berkas tersebut?)

Page 187 of 256

Jean :Yes mam. I have to arrange and group them within appropriate
classifications. I also have to check and update those files every time
so that I know the appropriate work schedule for you on the next day.

(Ya bu. Saya harus menyusun dan mengelompokkan berkas-berkas

tersebut dengan klasifikasi yang tepat. Saya juga harus mengechek
dan meng-update file-file tersebut sehingga saya tahu jadwal kerja
anda di hari berikutnya.)

Manager :Good job, Jean. Look at that photocopier machine. Do you know how
to operate it properly?

(Kerja bagus, Jean. Lihat mesin fotokopi itu. Apakah anda tahu
bagaimana cara mengoperasikannya dengan benar?)

Jean :It’s easy mam. First, turn on the machine by pressing the power
switch. Then, wait it until warmed up. Next, open the top side and put
the paper on the copy layer. After that, press the number of how
many copies you would like to copy the paper. At last, press start
button, It will be running automatically and copy the paper you’ve

(Itu hal mudah, bu. Pertama-tama, nyalakan mesin dengan menekan

tombol power. Lalu, tunggu sampai mesin memanas. Berikutnya,
buka sisi atas mesin dan taruh kertas di atas lapisan pengkopi.
Setelah itu, tekan angka seberapa banyak anda mau mengkopi
kertas tersebut. Terakhir, tekan tombol start, mesin tersebut akan
berjalan secara otomatis dan mengkopi kertas yang anda masukkan.)

Manager :Bravo Jean. And how to make a document from the computer, Tini?

(Hebat Jean. Lalu bagaimana cara membuat dokumen dari computer,


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Jean :Just make the document from Microsoft Office program mam. You
can choose Mirosoft Word for text document, Microsoft Excel for table
and accounting document, and Microsoft Power point for presentation

(Buat saja dokumen dari program Microsoft Office, bu. Anda dapat
memilih Microsoft Word untuk dokumen berbentuk teks, Microsoft
Excel untuk dokumen berbentuk table dan akuntansi, dan Microsoft
Power Point untuk dokumen berbentuk presentasi.)

Manager :That’s great, Tini. I think you’ll be ready to work here. It’s nice to
have an experienced assistant like you.

(Bagus sekali Tini. Saya pikir kamu siap untuk bekerja di sini. Senang
rasanya memiliki asisten yang berpengalaman seperti anda.)

Jean :Is what you mean I’m accepted to work here?

(Apakah maksud anda saya diterima bekerja di sini?)

Manager :Yes, of course.

(Ya, tentu saja.)

Jean :Oh, Thank you mam. I’m so happy for it.

(Oh, terima kasih bu. Saya sangat senang karenanya.)


The training session has ended. Jean is about facing the real working situation in the
new office. With full passion and spirit, Jean will prove her best work and contribution
for the company.

Page 189 of 256

(Sesi pelatihan telah berakhir. Jean akan menghadapi situasi kerja yang nyata di
kantor yang baru. Dengan penuh kemauan dan semangat, Jean akan membuktikan
kinerja terbaiknya untuk perusahaan tersebut.)

Jean :Good morning. I’m ready to work today. Hope I can prove my best
work here along the days.

(Selamat pagi. Saya siap bekerja hari ini. Semoga saya dapat
membuktikan kinerja terbaik saya di sini sepanjang hari.)

(One day in the morning, the phone is ringing. The Jean answers the phone.)

(Suatu hari di pagi hari, telepon bordering. Jean menjawab telepon terseebut.)

Jean :Hello, good morning. PT. ABC ELECTRONICS, Jean is speaking.

Can I help you?

(Halo, selamat pagi, PT. ABC ELECTRONICS, Jean di sini berbicara

dengan anda. Dapatkah saya membantu anda?)

Caller :I’m the director of RED SOFTWARE Inc. Can I make an appointment
with your manager on Wednesday this week?

(Saya direktur perusahaan RED SOFTWARE. Bisakah saya

membuat janji dengan manajer anda di hari Rabu minggu ini?)

Jean :Wait for a moment, sir. I will check the schedule first. Please hold the

(Tunggu sebentar pak. Saya akan mengecek jadwalnya terlebih

dahulu. Tolong tunggu sambungan teleponnya.)

(And then the secretary is checking whether or not her manager can
accept the appointment on the day the caller offered.)

Page 190 of 256

Jean :My manager will be busy attending a business meeting with SALTY
Inc. But if you want to ask her on Friday this week, she will be
available. What do you say?

(Manajer saya akan sibuk menghadiri sebuah pertemuan bisnis

dengan perusahaan SALTY. Tetapi jika anda ingin mengajaknya hari
Jumat minggu ini, beliau akan dapat hadir. Bagaimana menurut

Caller :Okay then. I will make an appointment with her on Friday this week.

(Okelah kalau begitu. Saya akan membuat sebuah janji dengannya

hari Jumat minggu ini.)

Jean :Well. Let me make some note for that. Would you tell me your name,

(Baiklah. Biarkan saya mencatatnya. Siapa nama bapak?)

Caller :I am Alan Scott, from RED SOFTWARE Inc.

(Saya Alan Scott dari perusahaan RED SOFTWARE.)

Jean :What is your purpose of your appointment, sir?

(Apa tujuan anda membuat janji pertemuan, pak?)

Caller :I want to ask her for a business cooperation. I’d like to offer our new
products to be developed by your company.

(Saya ingin mengajaknya kerjasama bisnis. Saya ingin menawarkan

produk baru kami untuk dikembangkan oleh perusahaan anda.)

Jean :Is there any other message you’d like to leave for her, sir?

(Apakah ada pesan lainnya yang anda ingin sampaikan, pak?)

Caller :No thanks. That’s all. Thank you Jean.

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(Tidak, terima kasih. Itu saja. Terima kasih Jean.)

Jean :You’re welcome, sir. Have a nice day.

(Sama-sama pak. Semoga hari anda indah.)

(Then Jean notes down the appointment somebody’s just made in the
appointment form. An hour later, the manager comes.)

(Lalu Jean itu mencatat janji pertemuan yang baru saja seseorang
buat di form janji meeting. Satu jam kemudian, sang menajer datang.)

Manager :Is there any news for me today, Jean?

(Apakah ada berita untuk saya hari ini, Jean?)

Jean :Yes mam. The director of RED SOFTWARE Inc. has made an
appointment with you on Friday. I saw you don’t get busy with
anything on that day, so will you attend for it?

(Ya bu. Direktur perusahaan RED SOFTWARE telah membuat janji

pertemuan dengan ibu di hari Jumat. Saya lihat anda tidak sibuk di
hari itu, jadi apakah anda akan menghadirinya?)

Manager :What is the purpose of his appointment, Jean?

(Apa tujuan janji pertemuannya, Jean?)

Jean :He said that he would ask you for a business cooperation of their
new products to be developed by our company, mam.

(Beliau bilang bahwa beliau akan mengajak anda kerja sama bisnis
dari produk baru mereka untuk dikembangkan oleh perusahaan kita,

Manager :Oh I see. I will come then. Have you made some notes for that?

Page 192 of 256

(Oh begitu. Saya akan datang. Sudahkah kamu mencatat

Jean :Yes, I have made it all, mam. I kept in appointment folder. You can
check it later.

(Ya, sudah semuanya, bu. Saya menyimpannya di folder janji

pertemuan. Anda bisa mengecek nya nanti.)

Manager :Good job, Jean. Now please make five copies of this sales report.
After that print the sales contract with PT. AKON from the computer in
my documents folder.

(Kerja bagus, Jean. Sekarang kopi lima lembar laporan penjualan ini.
Lalu cetak kontrak penjualan dengan PT. AKON dari computer di
dalam folder My Documents.)

Jean :Yes mam. Wait for a moment.

(Ya bu. Tunggu sebentar.)


STARKIDS English Course opens a recruitment as an administration staff. The

position was offered through the internet and newspaper. STARKIDS is famous for
its quality in teaching English for kids aged 5-12 years. One day a lady comes to the
headquarter bringing an application letter and CV.

(Kursus Bahasa Inggris STARKIDS membuka sebuah rekrutmen sebagai staff

administrasi. Posisi tersebut ditawarkan melalui internet dan koran. STARKIDS
terkenal dengan kualitasnya dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris untuk anakl-anak
berumur 5-12 tahun. Suatu hari seorang wanita datang ke kantor utama membawa
sebuah surat lamaran beserta CV nya.)

Page 193 of 256

Ashley :Excuse me, Miss receptionist. I’d like to apply the job your institution
offered through the internet and newspaper last week as an
administration staff. Where should I wait and come into?

(Permisi mbak resepsionis. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan yang

institusi anda tawarkan melalui internet dan koran minggu lalu
sebagai seorang staff administrasi. Kemana saya harus menunggu
dan masuk?)

Receptionist :Oh, yeah. We opened the recruitment last week. The interview
session will start 30 minutes more, Miss. Please wait in the lobby and
I will guide you to the interview room later.

(Oh, iya. Kami membuka rekrutmennya minggu lalu. Sesi

interviewnya akan mulai 30 menit lagi, mbak. Mohon tunggu di lobby
dan saya akan memandu anda ke ruang interviewnya nanti.)

Ashley :Oh, thank you Miss Receptionist. I’ll wait there. (Then Ashley waits in
the lobby until the receptionist comes.)

(Oh, terima kasih mbak resepsionis. Saya akan menunggu di sana.

(Lalu Ashley menunggu di lobby sampai resepsionis datang.)

Receptionist :Hello, miss. The interview session is about to start. Let me guide you
there. The room is on the 3rd floor.

(Halo, mbak. Sesi interviewnya akan segera dimulai. Ijinkan saya

memandu anda ke sana. Ruangannya ada di lantai 3.)

Ashley :How long have you been working here, miss?

(Sudah berapa lama anda bekerja di sini, mbak?)

Receptionist :I’ve been working here for six months. So, where do you live, miss?

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(Saya sudah bekerja di sini selama enam bulan. Jadi, anda tinggal
dimana, mbak?)

Ashley :I live in Jakarta. If I am accepted to work here, I will stay in a

boarding room.

(Saya tinggal di Jakarta. Jika saya diterima untuk bekerja di sini,

Saya akan nge-kos.)

Receptionist :Here we are. This is the interview room. The manager is waiting for
you inside.

(Sudah sampai. Ini ruang interviewnya. Sang manajer sedang

menunggu anda di dalam.)

Ashley :Thank you so much miss receptionist. I will come inside.

(Terima kasih banyak mbak resepsionis. Saya akan masuk ke


Receptionist :You’re welcome.


Manager :Please come in and take a seat.

(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

Ashley :Thank you, miss.

Manager :Please, introduce yourself.

(Silahkan perkenalkan diri anda.)

Ashley :Well, my name is Ashley. I come from Jakarta. I’ve come here to
apply the job vacancy your institution offered as an administration
staff. I am 24 years old.

Page 195 of 256

(Baiklah, nama saya Ashley. Saya datang dari Jakarta. Saya datang
kemari untuk melamar lowongan kerja yang institusi anda tawarkan
sebagai seorang staff administrasi. Saya berumur 24 tahun.)

Manager :Good, Ashley. Could you show me the application letter you bring
and the CV as well?

(Bagus, Ashley. Bisakah kamu menunjukkan kepada saya surat

lamaran dan CV yang kamu bawa?)

Ashley :Here you are, mam.

(Ini dia bu.)

Manager :Hmm, I can see your good academic score in this score academical
transcript. So you graduated from Masterpiece University?

(Hmm, saya bisa melihat nilai akademis kamu yang bagus di

transkrip nilai ini. Jadi kamu lulusan Universitas Masterpiece?)

Ashley :Yes, mam. I graduated from Masterpiece University in 2009. I was

majoring in Educational Administration.

(Ya, bu. Saya lulus dari Universitas Masterpiece tahun 2009. Saya
mengambil jurusan Administrasi Pendidikan.)

Manager :Do you know STARKIDS English Course profile?

(Apakah kamu tahu profil Kursus Bahasa Inggris STARKIDS?)

Ashley :Yes, mam. STARKIDS English Course concentrates on educating

children aged 5-12 years with English as a Second Language. It
contains 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced.

(Ya, bu. Kursus Bahasa Inggris STARKIDS berkonsentrasi pada

pendidikan anak berumur 5 sampai 12 tahun dengan Bahasa Inggris

Page 196 of 256

sebagai bahasa ke-dua. Kursus tersebut terdiri dari tiga level:
Pemula, Menengah, dan Lanjutan.)

Manager :Excellent, Ashley. Have you got any experiences of being an

administration staff in an English Course?

(Bagus, Ashley. Apakah kamu memiliki pengalaman sebagai seorang

staff administrasi di sebuah kursus bahasa Inggris?)

Ashley :Yes, mam. Previously, I worked in TONY’S English Course as an

administration staff there. I had been working there for 2 years,
starting when I was in the 2nd semester of my study.

(Ya, bu. Sebelumnya, saya bekerja di kursus bahasa Inggris TONY’S

sebagai seorang staff administrasi disana. Saya telah bekerja di sana
selama dua tahun, sejak saya berada di semester ke-dua dari studi

Manager :Okay. Do you know the job description of being an administration

staff in an English course?

(Oke. Apakah kamu tahu deskripsi kerja menjadi seorang staff di

sebuah kursus bahasa Inggris?)

Ashley :Well, as an administration staff I have to deal with student’s

registration, student’s attendance and student’s monthly fee. I also
have to deal with course promotion to the public, so that we will get
more customers.

(Baiklah, sebagai seorang staff administrasi saya harus menangani

pensaftaran siswa, absensi siswa dan biaya bulanan siswa. Saya
juga harus menangani promosi kursus kepada masyarakat sehingga
kita bisa mendapat konsumen lebih banyak.)

Manager :Good, Ashley. Can you attend for a training session tomorrow?

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(Bagus, Ashley. Bisakah kamu menghadiri sesi pelatihan besok?)


The interview session has ended and continued to the training session. Ashley is
ready to join the training with a senior there. The situation of the course is crowded
with many parents who will register their children to the course.

(Sesi interview telah berakhir dan berlanjut ke sesi pelatihan. Ashley siap untuk
mengikuti pelatihan dengan seorang senior di sana. Situasi tempat kursus tersebut
dipenuhi dengan para orang tua yang hendak mendaftarkan anak-anak mereka ke
kursus tersebut.)

Senior :Ashley, how are you today?

(Ashley, apa kabarmu hari ini?)

Ashley :Great. I am ready to have the training session here. Wow, the place
is already filled with many people here.

(Baik sekali. Saya siap untuk mengikuti sesi pelatihan di sini. Wow,
tempat ini sudah dipenuhi dengan banyak orang di sini.)

Senior :Yeah, you’re right, Ashley. The parents want to register their children
here. So this is a part of your job later. We have many students to be
handled, Ashley. So please show your best work and attitude for
them because trust is everything here. We have to maintain the
quality that we has achieved nowadays.

(Ya, kamu benar, Ashley. Para orang tua ingin mendaftarkan anak-
anak mereka di sini. Jadi ini adalah salah satu bagian dari pekerjaan
kamu nantinya. Kita memiliki banyak siswa untuk ditangani, Ashley.
Jadi tolong tunjukkan kinerja dan sikap terbaikmu untuk mereka

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karena kepercayaan adalah segalanya di sini. Kita harus menjaga
kualitas yang sudah kita capai sekarang ini.)

Ashley :Okay, miss. I will always be ready for it.

(Baiklah mbak. Saya akan selalu siap untuk itu.)

Senior :Well, Ashley. These are the data of our students here varied into
three levels or categories. Their ages and background knowledges
are different. The data are saved in Drive C:// in the folder of
“Students’ Info’.

(Baiklah, Ashley. Berikut ini adalah data dari siswa-siswi kita di sini
dibagi menjadi tiga level atau kategori. Umur dan latar belakang
pengetahuan mereka berbeda-beda. Data tersebut disim[pan di
dalam Drive C:// di dalam folder “Students’ Info’.)

Ashley :Oh, I know, miss. Where is the data of their attendances?

(Oh, saya tahu mbak. Dimana data kehadiran mereka?)

Senior :Their data of attendances are in the sub folder of ‘Students’ Info’ and
then ‘Attendances’. Please check their attendances into the classes
everyday. The teachers will do the attendances everyday through the
computer via intranet. Your main task is to syncrhronize it with the
printed attendances that you hold. Is it understood?

(Data kehadiran mereka berada di dalam sub folder dari ‘Students’

Info’ dan lalu folder ‘Kehadiran’. Tolong cek kehadiran mereka di
dalam kelas setiap harinya. Para guru akan mengecek kehadiran
mereka setiap hari melalui intranet computer. Tugas utama kamu
adalah mencocokkan data tersebut dengan data kehadiran yang
sudah di print yang kamu pegang. Apakah hal tersebut dimengerti?)

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Ashley :Yes, miss. I understand. Where are the data of their monthly fee,

(Ya, mbak. Saya mengerti. Dimanakah data iuran bulanan mereka,


Senior :Their data of monthly fee are in the sub folder of ‘Students’ Info’ and
then ‘Fee’. The data will show you whether the students have paid
their monthly fee or not. Please check it every month and remind the
students if they forget about it.

(Data iuran bulanan mereka berada di dalam sub folder ‘Students’

Info’ dan lalu folder ‘Iuran’. Data tersebut akan menunjukkanmu
apakah siswa-siswi sudah membayar iuran bulanan mereka atau
belum. Tolong cek data tersebut setiap bulannya dan ingatkan siswa-
siswi tersebut jika mereka lupa tentang itu.)

Ashley :Okay then. Do we give them any discounts for them, miss?

(Okelah kalau begitu. Apakah kita member mereka diskon, mbak?)

Senior :Yes, we give them discounts for any students who get good scores
here. The scores will be considered from their six-monthly progress
report. And also we give discounts for those who can take their
friends to register in our course. This is beneficial for our promotion

(Ya, kita memberikan diskon bagi siswa-siswi yang medapat nilai

yang baik di sini. Nilai tersebut akan dipertimbangkan berdasarkan
laporan perkembangan nilai mereka yang dibagikan enam bulan
sekali. Dan juga kita memberikan diskon untuk mereka yang dapat
membawa teman mereka untuk mendaftarkan diri di tempat kursus
kita. Hali ini menguntungkan buat tugas promosi kita.)

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Ashley :Wow, that’s a good idea, miss. Are there any other things that we
can do for promotion, miss?

(Wow, itu ide bagus, mbak. Adakah hal lain yang bisa kita lakukan
untuk promosi, mbak?)

Senior :Of course. We can promote the course through the media like
newspaper, brochure, television and even the internet.

(Tentu saja. Kita bisa mempromosikan kursus ini melalui media

seperti koran, brosur, televise dan juga internet.)

Ashley :You’re right, miss. I can make brochures through Photoshop

program in the computer. When I was working in the previous course,
I was the person in charge of making brochure for promotion. And for
the results, the number of students increases significantly.

(Anda benar, mbak. Saya dapat membuat brosur melalui program

Photoshop di komputer. Ketika sebelumnya saya bekerja di tempat
kursus, saya orang yang bertanggung jawab atas pembuatan brosur
untuk promosi. Dan hasilnya jumlah murid meningkat secara

Senior :Oh, great then. So later we will give you the responsibility of making
brochures for promotion. If the number of students increases
significantly, we will give you some bonuses. What do you say?

(Oh, bagus kalau begitu. Jadi nanti kami akan memberikanmu tugas
untuk membuat brosur untuk promosi. Jika jumlah siswa meningkat
secara signifikan, kami akan memberikanmu bonus. Bagaimana
menurut kamu?)

Ashley :Wow, I am happy to hear that. Well, I will be ready anytime you will
give me that task. I will do my best.

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(Wow, saya senang mendengarnya. Baik, saya akan siap kapan saja
untuk tugas itu. Saya akan lakukan yang terbaik.)

Senior :Very good, Ashley. Please be on time tomorrow. Our customers will
be waiting us.

(Bagus sekali, Ashley. Tolong datang tepat waktu besok. Pelanggan

kita akan menunggu kita.)


The training session has passed. It’s been challenging days for Ashley to have a
training. In the new course she are working now, Ashley will prove her best works in
handling student’s registration, student’s attendance, student’s monthly fee, and the
course promotion as well.

(Sesi pelatihan telah terlewati. Hari-hari tersebut merupakan hari-hari yang

menantang bagi Ashley. Di tempat kursus yang baru ini dimana ia bekerja sekarang
ini, Ashley akan membuktikan kinerja terbaiknya dalam menangani pendaftaran
siswa, kehadiran siswa, iuran bulanan siswa, dan juga promosi kursus.)

Ashley :Good morning, Mam. May I help you?

(Selamat pagi, bu. Bisa saya bantu?)

Customer :I’d like to register my son to this course. But, at the first time I’d like
to know the learning and administration system here.

(Saya ingin mendaftarkan anak saya ke kursus ini. Tetapi pertama-

tama saya ingin mengetahui system pembelajaran dan
administrasinya disini.)

Ashley :Here, we have three levels of English Course for kids, mam:
Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced, mam. Each level has three

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sub levels: A, B, C. The learning system is that we use various media
such as learning equipments, computers, and Internet. We use the
learning equipments for kids to know the visual of the materials that
will be explained by the teachers here. We use the computers to let
the kids playing with some programs designed for learning. We also
use the internet for kids learning at home by visiting our website and
choose the level they are in. May I know how old your son is, mam?

(Di sini kita memiliki tiga level kursus belajar bahasa Inggris untuk
anak-anak, bu: Pemula, Menengah, dan Lanjutan. Tiap-tiap level
memiliki tiga sub level pula: A, B dan C. Sistem pembelajarannya
adalah bahwasanya kita menggunakan media yang bervariasi seperti
peralatan belajar, computer, dan internet. Kita menggunakan
peralatan pembelajaran bagi anak-anak agar anak-anak tahu
visualisasi (bentuk) materi yang gurunya akan jelaskan. Kita
menggunakan computer untuk membiarkan anak bermain dengan
beberapa program yang dirancang untuk pembelajaran. Kita
menggunakan internet untuk anak-anak belajar di rumah dengan
mengunjungi website kami dan memilih di mana level mereka
berada. Boleh saya tahu berapa umur anak anda, bu?)

Customer :He is 8 years old, Miss.

(Dia berumur 8 tahun, mbak.)

Ashley :Well, let your son join a placement test to decide which level he will
be. The registration fee is 100.000 rupiahs, mam.

(Baiklah, biarkan anak anda mengikuti test penempatan untuk

menentukan di level mana dia akan berada. Biaya pendaftarannya
100.000 rupiah, bu.)

Customer :Oh, here you are, Miss.

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(Oh, ini uangnya, mbak.)

Manager :Ashley, don’t forget to check the students’ attendance today. Give
the report to me. Just put it on my table this afternoon.

(Ashley, jangan lupa untuk mengecek kehadiran siswa hari ini.

Berikan laporannya kepadaku. Taruhlah di atas meja siang ini.)

Ashley :Ok mam. I will put it on your table. (Then Ashley makes a call to a
parent whose son hasn’t paid the monthly fee.)

(Baik bu. Saya akan menaruhnya di atas meja anda. (Lalu Ashley
menelpon orang tua yang anaknya belum membayar uang iuran

Hello, STARKIDS English Course here. Ashley is speaking. Mam, I’m

calling to remind that you haven’t paid your son’s monthly fee. When
will you come here to pay it?

(Halo, Kursus Bahasa Inggris STARKIDS di sini. Saya Ashley,

sedang berbicara. Bu, saya menelpon untuk mengingatkan bahwa
anda belum membayar iuran bulanan anak anda. Kapan anda akan
datang kemari dan membayarnya?)

Customer :Oh, thank you for reminding me, Miss. I will come as soon as
possible. I will bring the money and pay it.

(Oh, terima kasih sudah mengingatkan saya, mbak. Saya akan

datang secepat mungkin. Saya akan membawa uangnya dan

Ashley :Okay, mam. I’ll be waiting here. (Then it’s time for Ashley doing
something with the computer to design some brochures for

(Baik, bu. Saya akan menunggu di sini.)

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Manager :Wow, nice design, Ashley. I like the words and the picture you’ve
design. They’re attractive. Keep going, Ashley. I will give you a job
promotion if you are doing good works along these three months.

(Wow, desain yang bagus, Ashley. Saya suka kata-kata dan gambar
yang kamu desain. Semua itu menarik. Teruskan, Ashley. Saya akan
memberikan kamu promosi jabatan jika kamu bekerja dengan baik
tiga bulan ini.)

Ashley :Wow, thank you, mam. I will do as best as I can.

(Wow, terima kasih, bu. Saya akan melakukannya sebaik mungkin.)

Manager :Good job. Can you attend a meeting this afternoon after lunch? We
need your participation there.

(Kerja bagus. Bisakah kamu menghadiri rapat siang ini setelah

makan siang? Kita butuh keikutsertaan kemu di sana.)

Ashley :Well, as you wish, mam. I will come this afternoon after lunch. What
should I prepare for the meeting so that the result of the meeting will
be satisfying, mam?

(Baiklah, seperti yang anda harapkan, bu. Saya akan datang siang ini
setelah makan siang. Apa yang harus saya persiapkan dalam
pertemuan tersebut agar hasil dari pertemuan tersebut memuaskan,

Manager :Great. Please print all students’ report from the computer. We need
those data for our business plan and promotion in order to increase
the number of students here.

(Bagus. Tolong cetak semua laporan siswa dari computer. Kita butuh
data tersebut untuk rencana bisnis dan promosi kita guna menambah
jumlah siswa di sini.)

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Ashley :Okay, mam. I will print all of the necessary data for the meeting.
(Then immediately, Ashley prepare everything for the meeting before
having lunch. She seems to be serious in what she is working for. Her
spirit flames when hearing the word of job promotion the manager
offered. She promise to herself and the manager to do her works as
best as she can do.)

(Baik, bu. Saya akan mencetak semua data yang dibutuhkan untuk
pertemuan tersebut. (Lalu dengan segera, Ashley mempersiapkan
segalanya untuk pertemuan tersebut.)

Then after having lunch, the business meeting is about to begin. All
of the staff in the course gather around to discuss their business plan
and strategies in promoting their course so that the number of
students will increase significantly. They hold the meeting on the
multimedia room on the 3rd floor. Each of the participant bring
notebooks and laptops to make some important notes.

(Lalu setelah makan siang, pertemuan bisnis tersebut akan segera

dimulai. Seluruh staff di tempat kursus tersebut berkumpul
disekeliling ruangan untuk membahas rencana bisnis dan strategi
dalam mempromosikan tempat kursus mereka sehingga jumlah
siswa dapat meningkat secara signifikan. Mereka mengadakan
pertemuan tersebut di ruang multimedia di lantai tiga. Masing-masing
peserta membawa buku catatan dan laptop untuk mencatat catatan

Manager :Well, we are gathering here to discuss our business plan and
strategies in promotion. Ashley, have you printed the reports? Please
give them and explain to me.

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(Baiklah, kita berkumpul di sini untuk membahas rencana bisnis kita
dan strategi dalam promosi. Ashley, sudahkah kamu mencetak
laporannya? Tolong berikan dan jelaskan kepada saya.

Ashley :Here you are mam. So, this month the number of students that
registered to our course is about 50 students. That’s because some
rewards we gave such as discounts and prize for excellent students.
If we hold a promotion such as giving tickets for their attendances,
and then the tickets can be exchanged into a prize, then the number
of children who will register here will increase because we offer
something that they like.

(Ini dia bu. Jadi bulan ini jumlah siswa yang mendaftar di kursus kita
sekitar 100 orang. Itu karena beberapa hadiah yang kita berikan
seperti diskon dan hadiah bagi siswa berprestasi. Jika kita
mengadakan promosi dengan memberikan tiket atas kehadiran
mereka, dan tiket tersebut dapat ditukarkan dengan hadiah, maka
jumlah anak-anak yang akan mendaftar kesini akan semakin
meningkat karena kita menawarkan sesuatu yang mereka suka.)

Manager :Brilliant, Ashley. I like your idea. Hope your idea will succeed in
increasing the number of our students here. Thank you, Ashley. I like
an experienced staff like you.

(Cerdas, Ashley. Saya suka ide kamu. Semoga ide kamu akan
sukses menambah jumlah siswa kita di sini. Terima kasih, Ashley.
Saya suka staff berpengalaman seperti kamu.)

Ashley :You’re welcome mam. I’m happy to hear that.

(Sama-sama, bu. Saya senang mendengarnya.)


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One day, JASTY Hotel announced a staff recruitment for the position as a hotel
receptionist. They offered a high salary for that position. They published the job
vacancy through the internet. Sally comes confidently bringing her application letter
and CV. She’s ready to have an interview too.

(Pada suatu hari, Hotel JASTY mengumumkan sebuah rekrutmen staff sebagai
posisi resepsionis hotel. Mereka menawarkan gaji tinggi untuk posisi tersebut.
Mereka menerbitkan lowongan pekerjaan tersebut melalui internet. Sally datang
dengan percaya diri membawa surat lamaran dan CV nya. Dia juga siap untuk

Sally :Good morning, Mr. Security, I’d like to apply a job your company
offered as a hotel receptionist. Could you tell me the procedure?

(Selamat pagi , pak satpam. Saya ingin melamar pekerjaan yang

ditawarkan perusahaan anda sebagai resepsionis hotel. Bisakah
anda member tahu saya prosedurnya?)

Security :Oh, sorry, Miss. We haven’t got a new receptionist, so I’ll be the
person in charge to tell any information about the job vacancy. The
interview room is on the 5th floor. Just take the lift and turn right. The
room is next to the toilet.

(Oh, maaf mbak. Kita belum dapat seorang resepsionis yang baru,
jadi saya akan menjadi orang yang bertanggung jaawab atas segala
informasi tentang lowongan pekerjaan tersebut. Ruang interviewnya
berada di lantai lima. Silahkan naik lift dan belok kanan. Ruangannya
ada di sebelah toilet.)

Sally :Thank you for your information, Mr. I will go there soon.

(Terima kasih atas informasinya. Saya akan pergi kesana segera.)

Manager :Please come in and take a seat.

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(Silahkan masuk dan duduk.)

Sally :Thank you, Mam.

(Terima kasih, bu.)

Manager :Can I see your application letter and CV? Tell me about yourself.

(Bisa saya lihat surat lamaran beserta CV nya? Perkenalkan diri


Sally :I’m Sally, mam. I live nearby here. I’d like to apply the position of a
hotel receptionist here.

(Saya Sally, bu. Saya tinggal di dekat sini. Saya ingin melamar
sebagai resepsionis hotel disini.)

Manager :Have you got any experiences of that job?

(Apakah kamu memiliki pengalaman dalam pekerjaan tersebut?)

Sally :Yes, mam. I’ve been a receptionist for two years: In JACOB Hotel,
HANS Hotel and YUNANTO Hotel.

(Iya bu. Saya sudah menjadi resepsionis selama dua tahun: di Hotel
JACOB, Hotel HANS, dan Hotel YUNANTO.)

Manager :Okay. Can you attend the training session tomorrow morning?

(Oke. Bisakah kamu datang ke sesi pelatihan besok pagi?

Sally :I will come on time, mam.

(Saya akan datang tepat waktu, bu.)


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The interview session has passed. Sally has to join the training session today. She
knows what to do as a receptionist.

(Sesi interview sudah lewat. Sally harus mengikuti sesi pelatihan hari ini. Dia tahu
apa yang harus dilakukan sebagai seorang resepsionis.)

Sally :What can I do for you, Sir?

(Apa yang bisa saya bantu, pak?)

Customer :I want to book a room with single bedroom.

(Saya ingin memesan kamar dengan satu tempat tidur.)

Sally :Wait, let me check the room list. Oh, there is a single room on 2 nd
floor number 345. Here’s the key sir. The bell boy will help you with
the luggage.

(Tunggu sebentar, ijinkan saya memeriksa daftar kamar. Oh, terdapat

ssebuah kamar single di lantai dua nomor 345. Ini kuncinya pak. Bell
boy akan membantu anda membawa barang bawaan anda pak.)

Customer :Thank you, Miss. Where can I swim here? Is there any swimming
pool or Jacuzzi, Miss?

(Terima kasih, mbak. Dimana saya bisa berenang di sini? Adakah

kolam renang atau pemandian air panas, mbak?)

Sally :Yes, we have a large swimming pool in the corner of the hotel. If you
want to rent some equipment just ask the bell boy. Is there anything I
can help?

(Ya, kita memiliki sebuah kolam renang yang luas di pojok hotel. Jika
anda ingin menyewa peralatan mintalah ke bell boy. Ada yang lain
yang bisa saya bantu?)

Customer :No, thanks, Miss.

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(Tidak, terima kasih, mbak.)

Sally : (The phone is ringing) Hello, JASTY Hotel. Sally’s speaking. Can I
help you?

(Telepon berbunyi) Hello, Hotel JASTY. Sally sedang berbicara. Bisa

saya bantu?)

Caller :I want to book a single room.

(Saya ingin memesan sebuah kamar single.)

Sally :Sorry, all single rooms have been occupied. There are just double

(Maaf, semua kamar single telah ditempati. Hanya ada kamar


Caller :Okay. I book a double room.

(Oke. Saya pesan kamar double.)

Sally :May I know who is speaking, please?

(Boleh saya tahu, dengan siapa saya berbicara?)

Caller :I’m Jackson. I will come there tomorrow morning with my wife.

(Saya Jackson. Saya akan datang kesana dengan istri saya besok.)


The second day, Sally is ready to work and serve the customers. With spirit and
confidence, she begins her carrier in the new office.

(Di hari kedua, Sally siap untuk bekerja dan melayani pelanggan. Dengan semangat
dan rasa percaya diri, dia mulai karirnya di kantor yang baru.)
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Sally :Can I help you, sir?

(Bisa saya bantu, pak?)

Customer :I have booked a double room via telephone yesterday. I’ve come
here with my wife.

(Saya sudah memesan kamar double melalui telepon kemarin. Saya

datang kemari dengan istri saya.)

Sally :Are you Mr. Jackson? Oh, welcome to JASTY Hotel, sir. Here is your
key room number 454 on the 4th floor. Is there anything I can help,

(Apakah anda Tuan Jackson? Oh, selamat datang di Hotel JASTY,

pak. Ini kunci kamar anda nomor 454 di lantai 4. Ada lagi yang bisa
saya bantu?)

Customer :Yes. We are hungry. Could you show me the way to the restaurant,

(Ya. Kami lapar. Dapatkah anda menunjukkan kepadda saya jalan ke

restoran, disini?)

Sally :The restaurant is on the basement. We provide you Chinese Food at

the restaurant. Hope you like it.

(Restorannya ada di basement. Kami menyediakan masakan Cina di

restoran. Semoga anda menyukainya.)

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A bit much = sesuatu yang keterlaluan / mengesalkan

 It is a bit much that Jack broke my new watch.

A bridge too far = aksi yang di luar batas dan menimbulkan permasalahan

 She believes that she can get a big profit by that vulgar advertisement, yet it is
a bridge too far.
A chain is no stronger than its weakest link = sebuah organisasi atau
perkumpulan akan cepat tercerai-berai jika salah seorang anggotanya lemah.

 Since the sales manager left, the company never gained the success again.
We say that a chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
A day late and a dollar short = sesuatu yang terlambat akan berujung merugi

 We have to keep up with our sales target. A day late and a dollar short.
A fool and his money soon parted = seseorang yang tidak hati-hati menggunakan
uangnya, akan menghabiskannya segera.

 He is young and rich, but he spends his money for uneccesary things. A fool
and his money soon parted.
A fool at 40 is a fool forever = seseorang yang sampai usia 40 tahun belum
beranjak dewasa secara pikiran, maka terlambatlah baginya menjadi bijak.

 James never grows up. A fool at 40 is a fool forever.

A fresh pair of eyes = seorang ahli yang dibawa untuk menguji sesuatu

 The institution brought a fresh pair of eyes to investigate the case.

A hitch in your giddy-up = tidak enak badan / sakit

 Are you okay, Daniel? You seem to have a hitch in your giddy-up.
A lick and a promise = mengerjakan sesuatu cepat-cepat dan tak selesai

 The politician just made a lick and a promise. They never realize his
A list = orang yang dapat diandalkan / orang yang terhormat

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 He’s very good at computer. He’s a list in that company.
A little bird told me = aku mendapat kabar burung

 I heard that Tom will be our new bos, a little bird told me.
A little learning is a dangerous thing = tahu sedikit, tetapi merasa paling pandai

 She is very confident to lead the team despite her lackness in speaking. A
little learning is a dangerous thing.
A long row to hoe = pekerjaan yang sulit dan lama untuk dikerjakan

 To make Indonesia clean of garbage and corruptors is A long row to hoe.

A lost ball in the high weeds = seseorang yang tak tahu apa yang ia lakukan

 Huston is such a lost ball in the high weeds when he is put into financial
division. In fact he graduated from electronics department.
A lot on my plate = sibuk dan banyak janji / acara

 I have a lot on my plate today. There’s no time for playing golf.

A month of Sundays = dalam jangka waktu yang lama sekali

 He will do the project in a month of Sundays due to the difficulty.

A OK = sangat baik / bagus

 She’s got a OK with her Maths exam.

A penny for your thoghts = suatu ide / hal yang sedang dipikirkan

 You have a penny for your thoughts to execute the problem.

A penny saved is a penny earned = baik itu menabung maupun menghasilkan
uang, sama-sama pentingnya; berhati-hatilah dalam menggunakan uang.

 She can’t just spend her money off by the time she gets her salary because a
penny saved is a penny earned.
A picture is worth a thousand words = terkadang gambar lebih banyak
mengungkapkan sesuatu daripada kata-kata.

 Sometimes I can’t understand what the meaning of the abstract painting is, as
a picture is worth a thousand words.
A pretty penny = mahal

 The jewelry costs a pretty penny.

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A problem shared is a problem halved = masalah yang diungkapkan akan
membuat kita merasa lebih baik

 Just express your problem to us because a problem shared is a problem

A rising tide lifts all boats = kondisi ekonomi yang baik akan mensejahterakan
semua rakyat

 The president has a brilliant idea for the economics strategy. He always says
that a rising tide lifts all boats.
A rolling stone gathers no moss = seseorang yang memiliki ambisi lebih berhasil
daripada yang tidak

 Jean always tries to learn harder than her friends to get the 1 st rank in class
because a rolling stone gathers no moss.

Babe in arms = anak yang masih kecil; seseorang yang sangat muda di dalam
suatu posisi (pekerjaan)

 The new manager is such a babe in arms. He’s 20 years old.

Baby boomer = Seseorang yang lahir di tahun terjadinya perang dunia ke-dua;
waktu dimana populasi masyarakat bertumbuh secara pesat.

 My grandfather is a baby boomer. He was born in 1943.

Back burner = tidak terlalu penting

 I think the issue is a back burner. The fact isn’t true.

Back foot = berada di posisi yang kurang menguntungkan

 Jack is in a back foot when he tries to smash the shuttlecock.

Back number = ketinggalan jaman

 My father is such a back number. He doesn’t know how to use computers.

Back the wrong horse = mendukung pihak yang kalah / lemah

 I wish the birocrat today will not back the wrong horse due to the
development plan.
Back to square one = kembali memulai dari awal

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 The company gained losses; they must be back to square one.
Back to the wall = berada di situasi yang sulit

 Karmila is at back to the wall. She has lots of debts.

Bad apple = seseorang yang berperilaku buruk dan mempengaruhi orang lain untuk
berbuat keburukan.

 The provocator is such a bad apple. He asks someone to spread bad ideas.
Bad blood = kenangan pahit atau kebencian akan kejadian di masa lampau

 A lot of bad blood that she remembers, particularly when she was betrayed.
Bag of nerves = sangat khawatir atau gugup

 Bill has a bag of nerves to lead the speech.

Cake’s not worth the candle = hasil tidak sepadan dengan usaha untuk meraihnya

 The money that the company spends for operational expense is bigger than
the profit. The cake’s not worth the candle.
Call it a day = menunda mengerjakan sesuatu

 I’m so tired to do my tasks. I call it a day.

Call the dogs off = Berhenti mengkritisi seseorang

 Steve, please call the dogs off. Stop criticizing my father.

Call the shots = bertanggung jawab atas suatu pekerjaan

 The hunter must call the shots as he shot the wrong animal.
Calm before the storms = waktu senggang di tengah-tengah aktivitas yang padat

 Abdullah calms before the storms after doing the busy jobs.
Can of worms = masalah yang serius

 Mom has a can of worms towards financial matter.

Can’t dance and it’s too wet to plow = tidak bisa berkutik

 The enemies surrendered. They can’t dance and it’s too wet to plow.
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Canary in a coal mine = peringatan awal dari bahaya

 There’s a canary in a coal mine before the tsunami happened.

Card up your sleeve = rencana atau ide yang matang

 Hasan has a card up his sleeve to win the tennis match.

Carpetbagger = Seorang politikus oportunis yang pandai memanfaatkan situasi

 He is such a carpetbagger as a politican.

Daft as a brush = seorang yang bodoh

 Arif puts salt within the cup of coffee. He’s daft as a brush.
Damp squib = gertak sambal (gertakan yang tak memiliki pengaruh)

 As a liar, Jono often makes a damp squib.

Dancing on someone’s grave = menari-nari (bahagia) di atas penderitaan orang

 She can’t be dancing on her boyfriend’s grave. She cheated on him with
another boy anyway.
Dark horse = Seorang yang misterius

 Look at the magician! He’s a dark horse.

Davey Jones’ locker = dasar laut

 The ship sank into Davey Jones’ locker.

Day in the sun = menjadi pusat perhatian

 The model is very beautiful. She becomes the day in the sun.
Daylight roberry = kecurangan besar

 The corruptor made a daylight roberry on the project.

Days are numbered = waktu ajal akan segera tiba

 His days are numbered. He got lung cancer.

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Dog days = hari yang panas

 It’s a dog days. The weather’s hot.

Dead and buried = tetap tak bisa diganggu gugat

 The final decision is fixed, dead and buried.

Dry as dust = sangat membosankan

 The movie is not interesting. It is dry as dust.

Double Dutch = sangat sulit dimengerti

 The old woman is such a double Dutch. I can’t understand what she said.

Eager beaver = seseorang yang tergila-gila dan sangat minat akan sesuatu

 Jim is such an eager beaver on music.

Eagle eyes = penglihatan yang tajam dan akurat

 The snipper can shoot accurately. He has got eagle eyes.

Early bath = pensiun dini

 Finally my father took his early bath due to some reasons.

Early bird catches the worm = seseorang yang lebih awal berlatih dan berusaha
biasanya lebih baik atau sukses

 Irfan never gives up practicing for the olimpics. He believes that early bird
catches the worm.
Earn a living = bekerja untuk mendapatkan uang

 He earns a living by being a doctor.

Easier said than done = mudah dikatakan tapi sulit untuk dilakukan

 He thought that it was easy to make all idiots smart. It’s easier said than
Easy as ABC = sangat mudah untuk dilakukan

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 To act is as easy as ABC.
Eat humble pie = meminta maaf yang sebesar-besarnya atas kesalahan yang

 She has to eat humble pie on the fault she did.

Eat like a bird = makan sangat sedikit

 My grandma eats like a bird, only two spoons of rice and egg.
Eat like a pig = makan sangat banyak dan kurang aturan

 The fat boy eats like a pig.

Egg on your face = merasa sangat malu

 I can see there’s egg on your face after you spoke the wrong words.
Elephant in the room = sebuah informasi umum yang tabu untuk dibicarakan

 We are not allowed to speak vulgar words. It’s such an elephant in the room.

End in smoke = berakhir tanpa hasil

 The exploration of the new site of gold mine ends in smoke.

Face like thunder = wajah yang penuh amarah

 The mad man has a face like thunder.

Face only a mother could love = wajah yang buruk

 Due to the accident, the man has a face only a mother could love.
Face the music = menerima konsekuensi negative akan aksi yang dilakukan

 We have to face the music after we put the stock exchange wrongly.
Failure is the mother of success = kegagalan adalah kunci kesuksesan

 Don’t worry about your failure in the competition. Failure is the mother of

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Faint heart never won fair lady = kerendahan diri tak akan mendapatkan pasangan

 He always feels inconfident to meet the girl. Faint heart never won fair lady.
Fair and square = tepat dan akurat

 The scientist found the data fair and square.

Fair crack of the whip = kesempatan yang sama untuk mencoba sesuatu

 The poor boy has got a Fair crack of the whip to study at school as a citizen.
Fall at the first fence = gagal di langkah awal

 Spain went home after losing the football match. It falls at the first fence.
Fall by the wayside = menyerah sebelum berakhir

 Don’t fall by the wayside. Keep strugling!

Fat cat = seorang yang kaya dan memiliki jabatan tinggi

 He’s such a fat cat, having a lot of mansions.

Game on = pertandingan dimulai

 We’re about to watch the biggest football match. Okay then, game on.
Game plan = strategi

 The coach has a good game plan to win the match.

Garbage in, Garbage out = system yang buruk menghasilkan hasil yang baik

 The instructor trains the students wrongly. Garbage in, Garbage out.
Gather pace = berjalan atau berlangsung cepat

 I’d better gather pace for graduating from this campus.

Go against the grain = melakukan sesuatu dengan cara yang tidak umum

 She goes against the grain. She eats by her feet.

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Get going = pergi

 "Look at the time! I'd better get going!"

Get it = mengerti akan sesuatu

 "I don't get it. What do you mean?"

Get a kick out of something = mendapati sesuatu yang lucu

 "I really get a kick out of listening to children talk. They say some very funny
Get lost! = pergilah jauh

 "I wish he'd get lost and stop bothering me. I don't want to talk to him!"
Get on one's nerves = membuat seseorang kecewa

 "I know you like that song, but it's getting on my nerves. Can you play
something else?"
Get a move on = bergegas

 "If you don't want to be late, you'd better get a move on."
Get one's wires crossed = merasa bingung

 A: "Bill said there was a meeting this morning. Don't we have one?"

 B: "No. The meeting's tomorrow. I guess Bill got his wires crossed."

Get out of hand = berada di luar kendali

 "Your absences are getting out of hand, Bob. You'd better do something
quickly to improve the situation if you want to keep your job."
Get real! = jadilah lebih realistis! / lihat kenyataannya!

 A: "I'm going to Las Vegas. I know I'll win a lot of money!"

 B: "Get real! You'll probably lose a lot of money!"

Get up and go = energy

 "I'm really tired. I don't have any get up and go."

Green = tak berpengalaman

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 "I don't think you can depend on Jack to do that job by himself. He's too

Had ('d) better = seharusnya / sebaiknya

 "You'd better leave soon. If you don't, you'll miss your bus."
Hassle = permasalahan

 "I know it's a hassle to complete this form now, but Mr. Rogers needs it in his
office by the end of the day."
Hard feelings = rasa amarah

 A: "I'm sorry that Jim got the job instead of you."

 B: "I have no hard feelings toward him; I know that he had stronger
Hard-headed = keras kepala

 "I don't think Julie will change her mind. She's pretty hard-headed."
Have one's hands full = sangat sibuk

 A: "Will you be able to help us this afternoon?"

 B: "I'm afraid not. I'll have my hands full trying to finish my research paper."
Have something down pat = memahami sesuatu secara mendalam

 "I know I did well on the test. I had all the material down pat."

Head honcho = boss / kepala bagian

 "Dave's the head honcho of the ESL Cafe on the Web."

Hit the hay = tidur

 "It's late, so I guess I'll hit the hay."

Hit the sack = tidur

 "I'm really tired. I think I'll hit the sack."

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How come? = mengapa? / bagaimana bisa?

 "How come you weren't at the party?"

If I had my druthers = Jika ku boleh memilih

 "If I had my druthers, I'd stay home from work today."

In over one's head = berada di dalam situasi yang sulit

 "Do you have time to help me? I thought I could do this myself, but I'm afraid
I'm in over my head. I just can't handle things alone."
Inside out = bagian dalam keluar

 "Why are you wearing your tee shirt inside out?"

In stock = tersedia untuk dijual/dibeli

 "I'm sorry, but we just sold our last pair of hiking boots. If you come back at
the end of the week, however, we should have some more in stock.
In the black = menguntungkan / mendapat untung

 "What did you do to increase profit and eliminate losses? We've been in the
black for two months in a row."
In the red = tidak menguntungkan / tidak mendapat untung

 "We have to do something to increase profit and decrease losses. We've

been in the red for two months in a row."
In time = tepat waktu

 "I thought I was going to be late for my flight, but it was delayed, so I was still
in time."

Jump all over someone = mengkritik secara tajam

 A: "What's wrong with Joe?"

 B: "He's feeling bad because his boss jumped all over him this morning."
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Jump the gun = melakukan sesuatu rencana lebih awal

 A: "How did Marsha know about the party? It was supposed to be a surprise."
 B: "Chuck jumped the gun. Without thinking, he said, 'I'm bringing the cake
at your party; I hope you like it!"
Jump to conclusions = menyimpulkan sesuatu terlalu cepat

 A: "Angela just doesn't like me. She won't even say hello."

 B: "You're jumping to conclusions. Actually, she's very shy."

Junk mail = email yang tak diharapkan

 "I didn't have any letters today--only junk mail."

Keep an eye on = mengawasi seseorang/sesuatu

 "You're busy, so you'll need to keep an eye on the time. Remember that we
have to leave at 4:30."
Keep one's chin up = tabah / sabar

 "I know that things have been difficult for you recently, but keep your chin
up. Everything will be better soon."
Keep one's nose to the grindstone = rajin

 "If I keep my nose to the grindstone, I should be finished by the end of the
Keep/stay in touch = tetap terhubung dalam komunikasi

 "I haven't seen Frank for two or three years but we keep (stay) in touch by e-
Keep one's fingers crossed = berharap yang terbaik

 A: "How did you do on the test?"

 B: "I think I passed, but I won't know until tomorrow. I'm keeping my fingers

Klutz = orang yang aneh

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 "Don't ask Jeff to dance with you. He's a real klutz and will probably step on
your feet!"
Know-it-all = orang yang sok tau

 "Don't try to make any suggestions to Bob. He's a know-it-all and won't pay
attention to anything you say."
Know something backwards and forwards = mengetahui sesuatu sepenuhnya

 "If you have a question about html tags, ask Susan. She knows html
backwards and forwards."

Lend someone a hand = membantu seseorang

 "I can't do this alone. Can you lend me a hand?"

Leave well enough alone = membiarkan begitu saja

 "Don't tell Jim how to discipline his children. Leave well enough alone."
Let-down = kekecewaan

 "It must've been quite a let-down not to be chosen for that job. I know you
really hoped you would get it."
Let sleeping dogs lie = membiarkan sesuatu terjadi agar hal yang lebih buruk tidak

 "I know that what Julie said made you angry, but let sleeping dogs lie. If you
say or do anything, you'll only make things worse."
Live and let live = kerjakan sesuai apa yang kamu dan orang lain inginkan

 "I'm not going to criticize Alice's family just because their habits are a little
strange. My motto is 'Live and let live.'"
Low blow = kekecewaan yang mendalam

 A: "Fred seems depressed. Is he OK?"

 B: "He's OK, but not good. It was a low blow for him to be laid off from his
Lousy = buruk

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 "Why did you speak so rudely to your grandmother? That was a lousy thing to

Macho = maskulin / jantan

 "Her husband would never agree to help with the housework; he's too macho
to do that."
Make a mountain out of a molehill = melebih-lebihkan sesuatu

 "Calm down. There's really nothing to worry about. You're making a

mountain out of a molehill."
Make up one's mind = memutuskan untuk melakukan sesuatu

 A: Where are you going on your vacation?

 B: Maybe Canada, maybe Mexico. I can't make up my mind."

No way! = Tidak bisa! / Tidak mau!

 A: "You didn't open this letter addressed to me, did you?"

 B: "No way! I'd never read look at else's mail!"

Nosh = snack

 "There's plenty in the refrigerator if you want something to nosh on."

Not on your life! = Tidak! / Tidak mau

 A: "Someone said you cheated on the test. Did you?"

 B: "Not on your life!"

Now and then = kadang-kadang

 A: "Do you see Jennifer often?"

 B: "No, not really. I see her now and then, but not regularly."
Nuts = gila

 A: "Stuart says some really strange things sometimes."

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 B: "Sometimes? All the time! He's nuts!"
Nuke = memanaskan

 "If your coffee's cold, just nuke it for about a minute."

On the dot = tepat (waktu/tempat)

 "We're leaving at 9:00 on the dot. If you're late, we'll go without you."
On time = tepat waktu

 "It's getting late. You'd better hurry if you want to get to work on time."
On the cutting edge = menggunakan teknologi terbaru

 "The university's computer lab is (on the) cutting edge. It has all the latest
hardware and software."
Once in a while = kadang-kadang

 A: "Would you like coffee or tea?"

 B: "Coffee, please. I drink tea once in a while, but I generally drink coffee."
Over one's head = terlalu sulit untuk dimengerti

 "This explanation of program scripting is over my head. Can you explain it in

a less technical way?"

Pay the piper = menerima konsekuensi atas perbuatan yang kita lakukan

 "I stayed up too late tonight. Tomorrow I'll have to pay the piper."
Plastic = kartu kredit

 "Oh, no! I forgot to get any cash! I hope this restaurant accepts plastic!"
Pooped = sangat lelah

 "I went to bed really early last night. I was pooped!"

Pop quiz = tes dadakan

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 "You shouldn't have missed class yesterday. We had a pop quiz."
Pull an all-nighter = begadang sambil belajar / bekerja

 A: "You look really tired."

 B: "I am. I pulled an all-nighter to get ready for the meeting this morning."

Pull someone's leg = memprovokasi seseorang untuk mempercayai sesuatu hal

yang belum tentu benar

 A: "Wow! Carl has done some really amazing things!"

 B: "Don't believe everything he tells you. He was probably pulling your leg."

Quite a few = beberapa

 "I don't think I can meet you after work. I have quite a few errands that I have
to do."
Quick study = pembelajar cepat

 A: "Annie seems to be doing well at her new job."

 B: "I'm not surprised. She's a quick study."

R and R = Rest and Relax (waktu beristirahat dan bersantai)

 "I think you're working too hard, Dave. You need some R and R."
Rain or shine = sesuatu yang tetap dilakukan sesuai jadwal apapun yang terjadi

 "We're leaving tomorrow, rain or shine."

Rain cats and dogs = hujan lebat

 "You can't leave just now! It's raining cats and dogs and you don't have an
umbrella or raincoat!"
Read someone's mind = membaca pikiran orang lain

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 A: "I'll be you're thinking of what you're going to have for dinner."
 B: "Hey, did you read my mind?"
 A: "No. I just know that you're always hungry and lunch was several hours
Rub someone the wrong way = menjengkelkan seseorang

 "All my little brother says is 'Why?' Usually I'm patient with him, but sometimes
all his questions rub me the wrong way."
Run-down = capek / lelah / tidak bertenaga

 "Are you eating regularly and getting enough sleep? You look run-down."
Savvy = berpengetahuan mendalam tentang suatu keahlian

 "If you're having problems with your hard disk, talk to Jim. He's very
computer-savvy. "
Schmooze = bersantai / relaksasi / mencairkan suasana

 "No, we weren't talking about anything important. We were just schmoozing."

Shoot the breeze = bersantai / relaksasi / mencairkan suasana

 "No, we weren't talking about anything important. We were just shooting the
Sleep on it = mempertimbangkan secara matang sebelum membuat keputusan

 "The job that you're offering me sounds really good, but I'd like to sleep on it
before giving you my final decision."
Snap = sesuatu yang mudah dilakukan

 A: "Is your job difficult?"

 B: "No, actually it's a snap. In fact, it's so easy that it's a little bit boring."
Someone's made his/her own bed; now let him/her lie in it = seseorang yang
membuat kesalahan, maka ia harus menanggung resikonya sendiri

 A: Jim upset everyone when he got angry at the meeting. Can we do anything
to make the situation better?
 B: No. He's made his own bed; now let him lie in it."
Sooner or later = perlahan-lahan

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 "You've been working too hard for too long. If you don't relax a little, sooner
or later you're going to get sick."
Sort of = sepertinya / semacam / agak

 "I think I'll lie down. I feel sort of dizzy."

So-so = lumayan

 A: "How're you doing?"

 B: "So-so. I've been better, but I've also been worse."

State of the art = menggunakan teknologi terbaru

 "The company is very proud of the equipment in its computer room. It's state
of the art."

Step on it! = bergegaslah! Cepatlah!

 "Step on it! The taxi will be here at any time and you're not even dressed!"

Take it easy! = santai saja!

 "I don't have any special vacation plans. I'm just going to take it easy."
Tell a white lie = berbohong untuk kebaikan

 "The cake that Susan made tasted terrible, but I knew that she made it
because she wanted to please me, so when she asked if I liked it, I told a
white lie and said it was good."
Toss something = membuang sesuatu

 "These shoes are worn out. I guess I'll have to toss them."
Tough = sulit

 "Question number three is a tough one. Do you know the answer?"

There, there = ekspresi / ungkapan rasa nyaman

 "There, there. Everything's going to be OK."

Tight-fisted = sangat pelit
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 A: Do you think Charlie will donate any money to the activities fund?

 B: No way! He's too tight-fisted!

Tightwad = seseorang yang sangat pelit

 A: Will Charlie donate any money to the activities fund?

 B: Absolutely not! He's a real tightwad!"

Two-faced = bermuka dua / tidak setia

 "I thought he was my friend, but he's two-faced. He says nice things to me
when we're together, but makes jokes about me when we aren't.

Under the weather = sakit / tidak enak badan

 "Ted was feeling under the weather yesterday, so he decided not to go to

Until hell freezes over = selamanya

 "Chris can practice the piano until hell freezes over, but he'll never play well
because he's tone-deaf."
Until you're blue in the face = selamanya

 "You can talk until you're blue in the face, but I won't change my mind."
Update = memperbaharui

 "I need to update my résumé. It doesn't show what I've done during the last
Upside down = terbalik

 "Put the glasses upside down in the dishwasher. If you don't do that, they'll
fill with water and you'll have to dry them by hand."

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Used to = dulunya terbiasa

 "Jane used to live in Austin, Texas. She lives in San Francisco now."

Yes-man = pengikut / penjilat

 A: "Why does the boss think Arnold is so intelligent?"

 B: "Because Arnold is a yes-man. He agrees with everything the boss says!"

You don't say! = benarkah? Serius?

 A: "Have you heard the news? Jessica got married!"

 B: "You don't say!"
You've got to be kidding! = kamu pasti bercanda!

 A: "Did you know that Bob quit his job?"

 B: "You've got to be kidding!"
Yucky = menjijikkan
 "Don't eat the soup at the cafeteria. It's yucky!"
Yummy = enak / lezat
 "Have you tried the cookies that Jonathan baked? They're yummy!"

Zilch = nothing

 A: "How much money do you have?"

 B: "Zilch. I'm broke until payday."
Zip your lip! = jagalah rahasia baik-baik!
 "What I told you is really important, so zip your lip!"

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1. "Two wrongs don't make a right."

--> Ketika seseorang mencelakaimu, balas dendam hanya menambah

masalah, bukan solusi.

2. "The pen is mightier than the sword."

--> Meyakinkan seseorang dengan kata-kata bijak lebih ampuh daripada

menggunakan kekerasan.

3. "When in Rome, do as the Romans."

--> Ketika kamu berada di sebuah tempat baru, pintar-pintar menyesuaikan


4. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."

--> Kamu akan mendapatkan pelayanan yang lebih baik jika dirimu kritis. Jika
diam saja, maka taka da yang melayanimu.

5. "When the going gets tough, the tough get going."

--> Orang yang kuat tidak menyerah ketika mereka menghadapi tantangan,
mereka hanya bekerja lebih keras dari biasanya.

6. "No man is an island."

--> Manusia tidak bias hidup sendiri. Mereka butuh bantuan orang lain.

7. "Fortune favors the bold."

--> Orang yang bekerja keras biasanya lebih berhasil.

8. "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones."

--> Jangan kritik atau ejek orang lain sebelum kamu melihat dirimu sempurna.

9. "Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst."

--> Hal-hal buruk bisa saja terjadi. Bersiaplah, sedia paying sebelum hujan.

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10. "Better late than never."

--> Lebih baik terlambat daripada tidak sama sekali.

11. "Birds of a feather flock together."

--> Orang yang bergaul dengan suatu kelompok, maka ia menjadi bagian dari
kelompok tersebut.

12. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

--> Jika kamu punya musuh, bersikaplah seolah kamu berteman dengannya
agar bisa berhati-hati dan mengantisipasi niat buruk mereka nantinya.

13. "A picture is worth a thousand words."

--> Gambar lebih mengekspresikan makna daripada kata-kata.

14. "There's no such thing as a free lunch."

--> Sesuatu yang terlihat gratis, terkadang menyimpan maksud tertentu.

15. "There's no place like home."

--> Rumahku, istanaku.

16. "Discretion is the greater part of valor."

--> Terkadang mengetahui kapan kita berhenti berjuang adalah tepat,

daripada berpura-pura berani tapi penuh luka.

17. "The early bird catches the worm."

--> Siapa cepat, dia dapat.

18. "Never look a gift horse in the mouth."

--> Jika seseorang memberimu hadiah, jangan tanyakan apa isinya.

19. "You can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs."

--> Ketika kamu mencoba sesuatu yang besar, terkadang kamu tak sengaja
membuat seseorang kecewa. Tetaplah focus pada tujuanmu.

20. "God helps those who help themselves."

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--> Manusia berusaha, Tuhan yang menentukan.

21. "You can't always get what you want."

--> Jangan mengeluh jika impianmu belum terwujud. Berusahalah.

22. "Cleanliness is next to godliness."

--> Cintailah kebersihan, karena kebersihan adalah sebagian daripada iman.

23. "A watched pot never boils."

--> Kerjakan sesuatu dengan santai sampai selesai, jangan terus hanya
mengeluh setiap saat saja. Kalau dibuat santai akan terasa cepat selesai.

24. "Beggars can't be choosers."

--> Terkadang jika kamu meminta bantuan seseorang, apapun yang mereka
minta maka terima saja.

25. "Actions speak louder than words."

--> Perbuatan lebih bermakna daripada hanya kata-kata.

26. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

--> Jangan merubah system yang sudah berjalan baik. Atau nanti malah

27. "Practice makes perfect."

--> Latihan yang baik membuat kemampuan seseorang semakin terasah baik.

28. "Too many cooks spoil the broth."

--> Terlalu banyak pemimpin di sebuah sector akan malah memusingkan

dalam pengambilan keputusan.

29. "Easy come, easy go."

--> Uang jika didapat dengan instan terkadang habisnya instan juga.

30. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you."

--> Jangan mencelakai orang yang baik terhadapmu.

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31. "All good things must come to an end."

--> Tak selamanya orang mendapatkan keberuntungan ataupun kesenangan.

32. "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

--> Jika kamu ingin merubah sesorang menjadi baik, dan itu sulit hanya
dengan menggunakan kata-kata. Maka kenalilah dunianya, buatlah ia lebih

33. "One man's trash is another man's treasure."

--> Beda orang, berbeda pula ide dan karakternya.

34. "There's no time like the present."

--> Jangan menunda-nunda pekerjaan. Lakukan segera.

35. "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

--> Cantik itu relative berbeda dimata setiap orang.

36. "Necessity is the mother of invention."

--> Ketika kita terdesak, terkadang kita berpikir lebih kreatif untuk sebuah

37. "A penny saved is a penny earned."

--> Berhematlah dalam pengeluaran uang.

38. "Familiarity breeds contempt."

--> Ketika kamu terlalu lama berteman, terkadang mereka mengolok-olokmu.

39. "You can't judge a book by its cover."

--> Jangan hakimi seseorang hanya dari penampilannya saja. Tetapi lihat

40. "Good things come to those who wait."

--> Bersabarlah. Maka keberuntungan akan mendatangimu.

41. "Don't put all your eggs in one basket."

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--> Milikilah strategi lainnya dalam sebuah keputusan. Tak semua hasil selalu

42. "Two heads are better than one."

--> Dua orang yang bekerja sama lebih baik dari satu.

43. "The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill."

--> Terkadang orang lebih melihat dan iri terhadap apa yang dimiliki orang

44. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

--> Jangan berbuat buruk. Bagaimana seandainya orang lain berbuat buruk

45. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link."

--> Kesatuan dan persatuan menghasilkan kesuksesan. Cerai berai pangkal


46. "Honesty is the best policy."

--> Kejujuran adalah kebijakan terbaik.

47. "Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

--> Terkadang tidak terlalu sering bertemu menumbuhkan rindu satu sama

48. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

--> Jangan memaksakan kehendak kepada orang lain.

49. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch."

--> Jangan cepat puas dan berharap langsung sukses. Bekerjalah dengan
giat dan focus terlebih dahulu.

50. "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself."

--> Jangan terlalu percaya kepada orang lain untuk melakukan hal-hal yang
teramat penting.

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Grammar Summary
1. Tenses: Active & Passive Voice
PRESENT A S + V1 A S + A S + A S +
(Mom buys is/am/are+V-ing has/have + has/have +
oranges (We are V3 been + V-ing
every studying (I have (We have been
morning.) English now.) returned watching TV
P Obj. + P Obj. + the book.) for 2 hours.)
is/am/are + is/am/are + P Obj. + PObj.+
V3 being + V3 has/have + has/have been
(Oranges (English is been + V3 + being + V3
are bought being studied (The book (TV has been
by Mom.) by us now.) has been being watched
returned by by us for 2
me.) hours.)
PAST A S + V2 A S + AS+ A S + had +
(Mom was/were +V- had + V3 been +
bought ing (I had V-ing
oranges last (We were returned (We had been
night.) studying the book watching TV for
P Obj. + English before I 2 hours
was/were + yesterday at 8 entered the yesterday at 9
V3 AM when the class,) PM.)
(Oranges teacher came.) P Obj. + P Obj. + had
were P Obj. + had + been + been + being
bought by was/were + + V3 + V3
Mom last being + V3 (The book (TV had been
night.) (English was had been being watched
being studied returned by by us for 2
by us yesterday me before I hours
at 8 AM when entered the yesterday at 9
the teacher class.) PM.)
FUTURE A S + Will A S + will + A S + will A S+will
+ V-inf be + V-ing + have + V3 have+ been +
(Mom will (Tomorrow at (By the time V-ing
buy 10 AM, we will I enter the (We will have
oranges be studying class, I will been watching
tomorrow.) English.) have TV for 2 hours
P Obj. + P Obj. + will returned the tomorrow at 9
will + be + be + being + V3 book.) PM.)
V3 (Tomorrow at P Obj. P Obj. +will
Page 238 of 256
(Oranges 10 AM, English +will have + have been +
will be will be being been + V3 being + V3
bought by studied by us.) (By the time (TV will have
Mom I enter the been being
tomorrow.) class, the watched by us
book will for 2 hours
have been tomorrow at 9
returned by PM.)

Tenses adalah perubahan kata kerja yang dipengaruhi oleh waktu dan
sifat kejadian. Semua kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris tidak lepas dari tenses
karena semua kalimat pasti ada hubungannya dengan waktu dan sifat

Pola Kalimat
(+) S + V-1 (s/es) + O + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + do/does + not + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu.
(?) Do/does + S + V-1 + O + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+) You study English at MEC everyday.
(-) You don't study English at MEC everyday.
(?) Do you study English at MEC everyday?

 Kalau subjek kalimat orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular-
she/he/it), kata kerja harus ditambah dengan "s" atau "es" dalam kalimat
positif (positive statement). Contoh: Mary usually goes swimming on Saturday
morning. Mother always serves our breakfast before we go to school. My
brother likes playing tennis on Sunday morning.

 Akhiran "s" pada kata kerja Pada umumnya kata kerja ditambah dengan
akhiran "s" jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal (the third person singular -

- I work five days a week.
- We play tennis every Sunday.
- The boys play in the garden.
- She works five days a week.
Page 239 of 256
- Father takes a train to go to office.
- A mouse eats my food every morning

 Akhiran "es" digunakan pada kata kerja yang huruf akhirnya "s, ch, sh, x, o",
jika subjeknya orang ketiga tunggal. Sedangkan kata kerja yang huruf
akhimya "y" dan didahului huruf mati, y ditukar dulu dengan "i" kemudian
ditambah "es".
- I pass the house.
- You watch television.
- We wash our clocthes.
- They go to office.
- I study English.
- He passes the house.
- John goes to office.
- She washes her clothes.
- She watches television.
- He studies English.

 Kalimat menyangkal (negative) Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibentuk

dengan menempatkan "do not/don't atau does not/doesn't" sesudah subjek
kalimat. "Doesn't" digunakan untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he doesn't, she
doesn't, it doesn't), sedangkan "don't" digunakan untuk selain orang ketiga
tunggal (I don't, you don't, we don't, they don't).

 Contoh:
- You don't go swimming on Monday.
- We don't work on Saturday.
- I don't work at the aircraft factory.
- He doesn't work on Saturday.
- My brother doesn't play football every day.
- John doesn't work at the aircraft company .
 Kalimat tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative) dibentuk dengan
menempatkan kata Bantu "do atau does"di depan kalimat. "Does" digunakan
untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it), sedangkan "do" digunakan untuk
selain orang ketiga tunggal (I, you, we, they). "Do/does" dalam kalimat tanya
artinya"apakah" dan kata kerjanya tidak lagi menggunakan akhiran "s/es"
walaupun subjek kalimatnya orang ketiga tunggal.

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- Do you always go to office by train?
- Do they go swimming every Sunday?
- Do the boys like this film?
- Does your brother work for bank Mandiri?
- Does he go swimming every Sunday?
- Does the boy like this film?

 Penggunaan
 Simple Present digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu peristiwa, kejadian,
kegiatan yang terjadi berulang-ulang, atau merupakan suatu kebiasaan
Contoh: I leave for office at 6 every morning. My father works five days a
week. Father always drinks tea in the afternoon.
 Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu fakta (fact) atau
suatu yang merupakan kebenaran umum (general truth). Contoh: The River
Nile flows into Mediterranean. Jet engines make a lot of noise. Vegetarians
don't eat meat and fish.
 Simple Present juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan terjadi
di waktu yang akan datang, jika kita membicarakan suatu Jadwal, program,
dan lain-lain. Contoh: The second train leaves at 10 a.m. The football match
starts at 4 p.m tomorrow. The second film begins at 7 p.m.


Pola Kalimat
(+) S + to be (is,am,are) + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu.
(-) S + to be (is,am,are) + not + V-ing + O+ keterangan waktu
(?) To be (is,am,are) + S + V ing + O+ keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+) We are studying English at BEC now.
(-) We aren't studying English at BEC now.
(?) Are we studying English at BEC now?

 Kalimat menyangkal (negative) Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibentuk

dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah to be (am not, is not/isn't, are not/aren't)
dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat.

Contoh :

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- Mary is not/isn't typing the monthly report.
- The students are not/aren't studying English in the classroom.
- I'm not/ am not preparing a minute of meeting.

 Kalimat tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) dibentuk

dengan menempatkan to be (is, am, atau are) di depan kalimat. Dalam
kalimat tanya to be "am, is, atau are" artinya "apakah".

Contoh :
- Are you doing your homework?
- Is your father still working in the office?
- Are the children playing in the garden?

 Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut:
- AM digunakan oleh subject I.
- IS digunakan oleh subject she, he, dan it.
- ARE digunakan oleh subject you, we, dan they.

 Penggunaan
 Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang sedang terjadi atau berlangsung saat kita sedang bicara
Contoh: My brother is painting the house. Please be quiet! The baby is
sleeping. Listen! The neighbors are quarrelling again.
 Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang bersifat sementara (temporary).
 Contoh:
- I am living with my friend until I can find a house.
- This machine is not working well.
- John is living in his friend's flat at the moment.
- David is always busy because he is working on his thesis.

 Present continuous tense digunakan tamtuk menunjukkan suatu keadaan

atau situasi yang berubah-ubah. Contoh: The population of Indonesia is
rising very fast. Our economic situation is already very bad and it is getting
worse. The cost of living is increasing. Every month things are dearer.
 Present continuous tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang akan
dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang dan telah direncanakan atau ditentukan
 Contoh:

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- I am meeting my father at the station tomorrow morning.
- We are taking holiday in Europe next month.
- My father is having a meeting with his staff tomorrow morning.

 Beberapa kata kerja tidak digunakan dalam present continuous tense. Kita
tidak boleh mengatakan, "I am liking mango very much," tapi kita harus
mengatakan, "I like mango very much." Beberapa kata kerja yang tidak
digunakan daIam present continuous tense adalah: kata yang menyangkut
panca indera : see, hear, notice, recognize.


 Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + have/has + V-3 + O
(-) S +-have/has + not + V-3 + 0
(?) Have/has + S + V-3 + O?
 Contoh :
(+) We have visited him.
(-) we have not/haven’t visited him
(?) Have we visited him?

 Kalimat Tanya (interrogative) Kalimat tanya (interrogative) dibentuk dengan

menempatkan "have/has" di depan kalimat. Dalam kalimat tanya, kata kerja
selalu dalam bentuk past participle. Contoh: Has your brother got a job?
(Apakah saudaramu sudah mendapat pekerjaan?) Have you made a decision
where you will continue your study? (Apakah kamu sudah membuat
keputusan ke mana kamu akan meneruskan kuliahmu?)
 Kalimat menyangkal (negative) Kalimat menyangkal (negative) dibentuk
dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah "have/ has'' (have not/haven't, has
not/hasn't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat. Contoh: I have
not/haven't done my report for this week. (Saya belum mengerjakan laporan
saya untuk minggu ini.) She has not hasn't typed the weekly report. (Dia
belum mengetik laporan mingguan itu.) Father has not/hasn't paid his
installment for this month. (Ayah belum membayar cicilamrya untuk bulan ini.)
Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :
HAVE digunakan oleh subject I, you, we, dan they. HAS digunakan oleh
subject she, he, dan it.

 Penggunaan:

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 Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih berlangsung sampai
sekarang. Contoh: We have occupied this house for seven years. (Kami
sudah menempati rumah ini selama tujuh tahun) My brother has studied
English for seven months. (Saudara saya sudah belajar bahasa Inggris
selama tujuh bulan)
 Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian atau
peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan masih ada hubungannya
dengan waktu sekarang atau akibatnya dapat dilihat/dirasakan sekarang.
Contoh : My father has bought a new car. (Ayah saya sudah membeli sebuah
mobil baru) Brenda has passed from senior high school. (Brenda sudah lulus
dari sekolah menengah atas)
 Present perfect tense juga digunakan dengan "this morning, this afternoon,
today, this week, this month, this year" untuk menunjukkan bahwa sesuatu
kejadian atau perbuatan telah dilakukan berulang kali.


 Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + V2 + 0 + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O+ keterangan waktu.
(?) Did + S + V1 + O+ keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
(+) You visited my mother yesterday.
(-) You didn't visit my mother yesterday.
(?) Did you visit my mother yesterday?

 Simple past tense menggunakan keterangan waktu lampau. Keterangan

waktu yang sering digunakan dalam simple past tense adalah:
Semua subject menggunakan DID untuk kalimat negative dan interrogative

 Penggunaan:
 Simple past tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu kejadian, peristiwa
atau keadaan yang terjadi pada waktu lampau. Contoh: The children enjoyed
the party last night. His father died when he was ten years old.
 Simple past tense juga digunakan untuk menanyakan waktu terjadinya suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa Contoh: When did you buy this new car? When did
she get married? When did you buy this English dictionary? When did your
brother leave for England?

Page 244 of 256

Pola Kalimat:
(+} S + was/were + V-ing + O + keteran.gan waktu
(-) S + was/were + not + V-ing + 0 + keteran.gan waktu
(?} Was/were + S + V-ing + 0 + keterangan waktu?

Contoh :
{+) We were watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday.
(-) We weren't watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday
(?) Were we watching movie at 02.00 pm yesterday?

 Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement) Kalimat menyangkal (negative

statement) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah "was/ were" (was
not/wasn't, were not/weren't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat.
Contoh : I was not/wasn't waiting for a bus at 5 yesterday afternoon. (Saya
tidak sedang menunggu bis pada jam 5 sore kemarin.) She was not/wasn't
doing her homework when mother called her last night. (Dia tidak sedang
mengerjakan pekerjaan rumahnya ketika ibu memanggilnya tadi malam.)
 Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) Kalimat tanya (interrogative
statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "was/were" di depan kalimat.
Dalam kalimat tanya, "was/were" berarti "apakah". Contoh : Were you
studying English at 6 o'clock p.m yesterday? (Apakah kamu sedang belajar
bahasa Inggris pada jam 6 kemarin sore?) Was she reading a book when you
came to her house last night? (Apakah dia sedang membaca buku ketika
kamu datang ke rumahnya tadi malam?)
 Kesesuaian subject dan auxiliary verb di tenses ini adalah sebagai berikut :
WAS digunakan oleh subject I, she, he, dan it.


Pola Kalimat:
(+) S + will + V1( bare infinitive) + 0 + keterangan waktu.
(-) S + will + not + V1( bare infinitive) + 0 + keterangan waktu.
(?} Will + S + V1( bare infinitive) + 0 + keterangan waktu ?

Contoh :
(+) She will visit me tomorrow.
(-) She will not visit me tomorrow.

Page 245 of 256

(?) Will she visit me tomorrow?

 Kalimat menyangkal (negative statement) Kalimat menyangkal (negative

statement) dibentuk dengan menambahkan "not" sesudah "WILL" (will
not/won't) dan ditempatkan sesudah subjek kalimat. Contoh : John will not
read magazine tomorrow
 Kalimat tanya (interrogative statement) Kalimat tanya (interrogative
statement) dibentuk dengan menempatkan "WILL" di depan kalimat. Dalam
kalimat tanya, "WILL" berarti "apakah". Contoh : Will they sell the old house
next year?
 Seluruh subject di tenses ini menggunakan satu auxiliary verb yang sama
yaitu WILL.
 Keterangan waktu yang dipakai dalam tenses ini adalah : Tomorrow : besok
Next : yang akan datang Later : kemudian
 Penggunaan Simple future tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan pada waktu yang
akan datang. Untuk menunjukkan suatu rencana, "will" digunakan untuk
semua kata ganti. Tapi dalam bahasa lisan biasanya digunakan bentuk
singkatan (contraction form), yaitu: I'll, We'll dsb.
 I'll probably leave for America next week.
 We'll probably spend our holidays in Bali next year.
 She'll call you this afternoon.

Question-Taqs adalah pertanyaan pendek yang diletakkan di akhir suatu
pernyataan tyang digunakan untuk meminta persetujuan/ konfirmasi.

 Aturan penggunaan:
 Apabila pernyataan positive, maka question taqs-nya negative dan
 Question Taqs harus berupa Pronoun ( kata Ganti). Yaitu : I, You, They. We,
He, She, It, There. Contoh : She will be at home, won’t she? Jack didn’t like
swimming, did he? There is something to talk, isn’t there ?

 Note :
 Kata-kata berikut ini menggunakan kata ganti” They”, - These - Noone -
Those - Nobody - Anyone - Everyone - Anybody - Everybody - Someone -

Page 246 of 256

Somebody - Posessive adjective + plural Noun Contoh : These books are
yours, aren’t they? Your cars were very expensive, weren’t they? Noone
came to his party, did they?

8. Relative Pronoun
a. Who (Subject + who + Verb)
 The boy who wears a blue jacket is my brother.
b. Whom (Subject1 + whom + Subject2)
 She is the girl whom I met last night.
c. Whose (Subject + whose + Possessive thing)
The boy whose jacket is blue is my brother.
d. Which (Thing/Animal + which + Verb/Noun)
 The pencil case which has a bear picture is mine.
e. Where (Place + where + Subject/Noun)
 The restaurant is the place where I met my best friend.)

9. Conditional Sentence
a. 1st Form Possibility
 If I get the prize, I will buy a cake for my mom.
(If S + V1, S + will + V-inf)
b. 2 Form Present Hope
 If I had lots of money, I would travel around the world.
(If S + V2, S + would + V-inf)
c. 3 Form  Past Hope

 If I had studied hard yesterday, I would have got a good score.

(If S + had V3, S + would have + V3)

V1 V2
V2 HAD + V3

10. Conjunctions
A. Karena (Because, as, since, For + CLAUSE);
(Because of, due to + PHRASE)
B. Tetapi (But, yet, however, still, nevertheless + CLAUSE)
C. Meskipun (Although, Though, Even though + CLAUSE);

Page 247 of 256

(Despite, Inspite of + PHRASE)
D. Oleh Karena Itu lah (Therefore, hence, thus, Consequently, as a result +
E. Begitu…..Sehingga (So…..that…..)
F. Jika Tidak (Otherwise)
G. Kecuali (Unless, except)

11. Modals


12. Gerund:
M = Mind
A = Avoid
S = Suggest

C = Consider

A = Advise
K = Keep
E = Enjoy
P = Postpone

D = Deny
E = End
C = Continue
H = Hate / Have a time

P = Preposition
L = Look forward to / Like
I = Insist on
S = Stop / Start / Spend time

Page 248 of 256

13. Verb + to V-inf
De = Decide
Wa = Want

H = Hope
E = Early
L = Like
P = Plan
S = Supposed
F = Forget
A = Agree
R = Require
U = Used
N = Need
I = Imperative / Intend

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Grammar Exercise
1.1 Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs in the correct form:

come get happen look make start stay try work

1. 'You're working hard today.' 'Yes, I have a lot to do.'

2. I --- for Christine. Do you know where she is?
3. It --- dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4. They haven't got anywhere to I've at the moment. They --- with friends until they
find somewhere.
5. 'Are you ready, Ann?' 'Yes, I ---.'
6. Have you got an umbrella? It --- to rain. Is starting
7. You --- a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I --- to concentrate. Are making, am
trying8. Why are all these people here? What ---? Is happening

1.2 Use the words in brackets to complete the questions.

1. 'Is Colin working this week?' 'No, he's on holiday.' (Colin/work)

2. Why --- at me like that? What's the matter? (you/look) are you looking
3. 'Jenny is a student at university.' 'Is she? What --- ?' (she/study) is she studying
4. --- to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen) Is anybody listening
5. How is your English? --- better? (it/get) Is it getting

1.3 Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative (I'm
not doing etc.).

1. I'm tired. I'm going (go) to bed now. Goodnight!

2. We can go out now. it isn't raining (rain) any more.
3. 'How is your new job?' 'Not so good at the moment. I --- (enjoy) it very much.' ‘m
not enjoying
4. Catherine phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She --- (have) a great
time and doesn't
want to come back. ‘s having
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I --- (eat) lunch. ‘m not eating
6. Angela has just started evening classes. She --- (learn) German. ‘s learning
7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They --- (speak) to each other. Aren’t

1.4 Read this conversation between Brian and Sarah. Put the verbs into the
correct form.

SARAH: Brian! How nice to see you! What (1) --- (you/do) these days?
BRIAN: I (2) --- (train) to be a supermarket manager.
SARAH: Really? What's it like? (3) --- (you/enjoy) it?
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BRIAN: It's all right. What about you?
SARAH: Well, actually I (4) --- (not/work) at the moment.
I (5) --- (try) to find a job but it's not easy.
But I'm very busy. I (6) --- (decorate) my flat.
BRIAN: (7) --- (you/do) it alone?
SARAH: No, some friends of mine (8) --- (help) me.

1.5 Complete the sentences using one of these verbs: get change rise fall
You don't have to use all the verbs and you can use a verb more than once.
1. The population of the world is rising very fast.
2. Ken is still ill but he --- better slowly.
3. The world ---. Things never stay the same.
4. The cost of living ---. Every year things are more expensive.
5. The economic situation is already very bad and it --- worse.

1.6 Choose the best answer by circling a, b, c or d.

1. The children playing in the yard …. Mr. Brown’s children.
(A) are
(B) they
(C) is
(D) was
2. The book …. by Bella is very interesting.
(A) reading
(B) write
(C) being read
(D) reads
3. His mother likes cooking, gardening, and ….
(A) to swim
(B) swims
(C) swam
(D) swimming
4. The students …. the homework on time are very diligent.
(A) submit
(B) submitted

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(C) submitting
(D) have submitted
5. I have just eaten an apple. There is still …. one on the table.
(A) another
(B) others
(C) the others
(D) some
6. The novel …. I borrowed from the library yesterday will be borrowed by Jack.
(A) what
(B) whom
(C) it is
(D) which
7. Mathematics for certain people …. very easy.
(A) are
(B) were
(C) is
(D) has
8. Do you know …. he did two days ago in this room?
(A) what
(B) that it
(C) who
(D) is what
9. What does your mother usually …. In her free time?
(A) does
(B) has
(C) did
(D) do
10. Are these …. books?
(A) mine
(B) hers

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(C) our
(D) themselves
11. Cindy usually prefers reading novels to ….
(A) watch TV
(B) listen to the radio
(C) watching TV
(D) reads newspaper
12. …. I would have telephoned her.
(A) Had I known her phone number
(B) If I know her phone number
(C) If her phone number I know
(D) I don’t know her phone number

13. Let’s go to the museum , ….?

(A) don’t we
(B) shall we
(C) aren’t we
(D) do we
14. He is never at home on Sundays, ….?
(A) isn’t he
(B) doesn’t he
(C) hasn’t he
(D) is he
15. Toni is very good …. English.
(A) on
(B) at
(C) in
(D) with

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Part B
Written Expression

Directions: In questions 16 – 40, each sentence has four underlined words or

phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are marked (A), (B), (C), and (D).
Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
sentence to be correct. Then on your answer sheet, find the number of the question
and fill in the space that corresponds to the letter of the answer you have chosen.
Look at the following examples.

Example 1:
The man writes the novel is my best friend who lives in Bali.
Sample Answer

16. The boy and the girl sitting in the room has been living in this town for two
17. Everyone agrees that Bali is much interesting than Lombok Island.
18. Paul and Andrew are very interested with classical music.
19. The diligently woman who always arrives at school in time is Mrs. Blue.
20. There are some mango in the refrigerator in the kitchen.
21. What sports did you and your brother used to do when you were a small

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22. Some oranges are on the table and the others oranges are in the refrigerator.
23. Both her brother and her elder sister lives in Melbourne.
24. Either his sisters or his brother like apples very much.
25. Both John nor Cindy is not in this city anymore.
26. Nadine and her parents do not live in Jakarta and so do Peter and his
27. Nowhere I have met such a smart, diligent, and polite student.
28. I am going to go to campus by bus because I had my car to repair.
29. They were in this town, I would ask them to come here.
30. Ross and Jack are going to get married but I think Ross is not old enough
get married

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Tentang Penulis

Nama : Toni Yunanto, S.Pd, MM

TTL : Tangerang, 6 Juni 1986
Alamat : Cikupa Asri D4/29, Kab. Tangerang
Phone : 081290369424
Pekerjaan : Dosen, Guru, Penulis
Hobby : Membaca, Menulis, Bermusik dan Komputer
FB : Toni ‘Masterpiece’ Yunanto
Twitter : @tonimasterpiece
IG : @tonimasterpiece86

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