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Jurusan dan Program Studi

Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan (FIP) berdiri pada tahun 1954 sebagai bagian dari Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru
(PTPG) Malang. Saat ini FIP memiliki 5 jurusan, 7 program studi S-1, 4 program studi S-2, dan 4 program studi S-3.
FIP memiliki 3.956 orang mahasiswa, 159 orang dosen, dan 44 orang tenaga administrasi, termasuk teknisi dan
laboran. Dosen FIP yang berjabatan guru besar sebanyak 14 orang, berpendidikan doktor (S-3) sebanyak 51 orang,
91 orang berpendidikan master/magister (S-2), dan 17 lainnya berpendidikan sarjana (S-1).

Teknologi Pendidikan
Teknologi Pendidikan (S-1) A
Program Studi &
Teknologi Pembelajaran (S-2) A
Teknologi Pembelajaran (S-3) A

Bimbingan Konseling dan Psikologi

Kependidikan Dasar dan Prasekolah
Bimbingan & Konseling (S1) A
Pendidikan Guru SD (S-1) B
Bimbingan dan Konseling (S-2) B
Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (S-1) B
Bimbingan dan Konseling (S-3) B
Pendidikan Luar Biasa (S-1) -
Psikologi Pendidikan (S-3) C

Administrasi Pendidikan Pendidikan Luar Sekolah

Administrasi Pendidikan (S-1) A Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (S-1) A
Manajemen Pendidikan (S-2) A Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (S-2) A
Manajemen Pendidikan (S-3) A Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (S-3) -

Contact address
Faculty of Education
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-566962


Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Education was established in 1954 as part of the Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) Malang.
Faculty of Education has 5 departments, 7 undergraduate study programs, 4 master’s study program, and 4 doctoral
study programs. Faculty of Education hosts 3.956 students for undergraduate degree, 159 lecturers, and 44 adminis-
tration staff, technicians, laboratory personnel and staff. This faculty currently has 14 professors, 51 academic staffs
holding doctoral degrees and 91 with master’s degrees, and other lecturers holding undergraduate degree.

Elementary and Preschool Education Guidance and Counseling

Departments, and Psychology
Study Programs & Elementary School Teacher Education (S1) B
Early Childhood Education (S1) B Guidance and Counseling (S1) A
Special Education (S1) - Guidance and Counseling (S2) B
Guidance and Counseling (S3) B
Educational Psychology (S3) C

Educational Administration Educational Technology

Educational Administration (S1) A Educational Technology (S1) A
Educational Management (S2) A Learning Technology (S2) A
Educational Management (S3) A Learning Technology (S3) A

Non-Formal Education
Non-Formal Education (S1) A
Non-Formal Education (S2) A

Prestasi •

Perintisan penulisan buku ajar berbasis ICT
Perintisan penulisan buku pendidikan ala Indonesia
dan Kegiatan • Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Jarak Jauh (PJJ) S-1 PGSD
• Pengembangan Klinik Pembelajaran oleh dosen kepada mahasiswa dengan konsep Learning
Unggulan Management System berbasis WEB
Bidang • Pengembangan pembelajaran inovatif berbasis TIK
• Peningkatan program radio pendidikan
Akademik • Pengembangan program TV pendidikan
• Pemberdayaan pusat pengembangan inovasi pembelajaran untuk merealisasikan UM sebagai
Learning University
• Penerbitan buku ajar bagi tenaga fungsional akademik
• Peningkatan pendidikan jarak jauh (PJJ) S-1 PGSD dalam jabatan oleh Ditjen Dikti untuk program studi
Bimbingan Konseling dan Program Studi Pendidikan Guru SD
• Pembentukan Pusat Pengembangan Inovasi Pembelajaran FIP UM untuk merealisasi UM sebagai
Learning University
• Penyelenggaraan klinik pembelajaran oleh dosen kepada mahasiswa dengan konsep Learning
Managemen System berbasis WEB
• Pendidikan Profesi Guru TK/PAUD dan SD, baik yang berasrama maupun yang tidak berasrama; baik
prajabatan maupun dalam jabatan, kerja sama dengan Ditjen Pendidikan Tinggi dan Pemerintah
• Pengembangan MBS Center, kerja sama dengan Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Dasar dan UNICEF

Sarana • Gedung Kuliah Bersama (GKB) 4 lantai dengan dilengkapi fasilitas lift, pintu otomatis, berbagai
fasilitas menopangnya
dan • Ruang fasilitas olahraga indoor dengan kapasitas 1.000 orang (tribune) dilengkapi dengan fasilitas
Prasarana olahraga badminton, futsal, pingpong/tennis meja, volley, basket, dan senam.
• Ruang kelas yang dilengkapi dengan meja, kursi, papan tulis, LCD dan AC. 16 laboratorium komputer
dan laboratorium bidang studi
• Satu buah kelas model, dua ruang videoconference, dan ruang rapat
• 3 perpustakaan, aula dengan kapasitas 300 orang
• Studio siaran radio pendidikan, hotspot, dan 2 buah anjungan ICT
• Memiliki 3 kampus yang sangat layak untuk kegiatan perkuliahan: kampus induk di J1. Semarang 5
Fasilitas Malang, Kampus PP2 di JI. Ki Ageng Gribig 45 Kedungkandang Malang, dan Kampus PP3 di JI. Ir.
Soekarno 3 Blitar
Unggulan • Masing-masing kampus dilengkapi dengan fasilitas belajar yang lengkap: ruang kuliah, laboratorium,
perpustakaan, ruang kelas microteaching, dan fasilitas umum lainnya
• Semua ruang kuliah dilengkapi sarana pengajaran berbasis multimedia (komputer dan LCD projector)
• Kampus induk dilengkapi dengan asrama mahasiswa 40 kamar dengan kapasitas 80 mahasiswa.
• Kampus 2 di JI. Ki Ageng Gribig dilengkapi dengan asrama mahasiswa 50 ruang dengan kapasitas 100
• Kampus 3 di Blitar juga dilengkapi dengan 43 ruang asrama dengan kapasitas 129 orang mahasiswa.
Setiap asrama dilengkapi dengan rumah pengasuh, dapur dan ruang makan, dan ruang serbaguna
untuk kegiatan mahasiswa
Academic • Excellent pool of research and community service proposals grounded on the results of
numerous workshops
Achievement • Drafting of faculty-level and departmental quality assurance documents
and Activities • Initial stages of ICT-based book production
• Encyclopedia of Education Project
• Initiating early stages of distinctively Indonesian educational textbooks
• Long-distance education for undergraduate study program of Elementary School Teacher
• Development of learning clinic by lecturers for the students based on the concept of web-
based learning management system
• Development of innovative ICT-based learning

• A four-storied lecture building equipped with elevators, automatic doors and other
Facilities supporting facilities
• Two intramural sports halls that seat 1,000 spectators equipped with sporting facilities for
badminton, futsal, ping-pong/table tennis, volley, basketball, and gymnastics
• Classrooms are equipped with tables, chairs, whiteboards, LDC screens and air
condi¬tioning systems, 16 computer laboratories and special laboratories for specific
subject matter
• One model classroom, two video-conference room and meeting room
• Three libraries, plus a spacious a hall capable of seating 300 people
• Educational broadcast studio, hotspot, and 2 ICT service point

• The faculty owns three excellent campuses: the main campus on Jalan Semarang, PP2
Flagship Campus at Jalan Ki Ageng Gribig 45 (Kedungkandang Campus), and PP3 Campus located
Facilities on Jalan Soekarno in the city of Blitar
• Each complex is fully furnished with educational facilities such as classrooms, laboratories,
library classrooms, microteaching room and other general facilities
• All classrooms feature multi-media based teaching facilities (computers and LCD projector)
• The main campus boasts a 40-room dormitory that accommodates 80 residents
• PP2 Campus on Jalan Ki Ageng Gribig has a 50-room dormitory that houses 100 residents
• PP3 Campus in Blitar has a 43-room dormitory to accommodate 129 residents. All
dormitories are equipped with custodian s lodging, kitchen and dining hall and multi-
purpose hall for student activities

Learn more about us...

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Sastra (FS) – dahulu Fakultas Keguruan Sastra dan Seni–berdiri pada tahun 1954 bersamaan dengan
berdirinya Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG) yang merupakan cikal bakal UM. Saat ini FS mengelola 5
jurusan yang memiliki 10 program studi S-1, 2 program studi D-3, 2 program studi S-2, dan 2 program studi S-3. FS
memiliki 4.343 orang mahasiswa, 162 orang dosen, serta 34 orang tenaga administrasi, termasuk teknisi dan
laboran. Dosen FS terdiri atas 21 guru besar, 60 orang berpendidikan doktor (S-3), dan 91 orang berpendidikan
master/magister (S-2), dan 11 orang berpendidikan sarjana (S-1).

Sastra Indonesia
Pendidikan Bahasa, A
Program Studi &
Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah (S-1)
Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (S-1) B
Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (S-2) B
Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (S-3) A
Perpustakaan (D-3) (prodi baru) C
Seni dan Desain Sastra Jerman
Pendidikan Seni Rupa (S-1) B Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman (S-1) B
Sastra Arab
Pendidikan Seni Tari (S-1) B Pendidikan Bahasa
Desain Komunikasi Visual (S-1) B Mandarin (S-1) (prodi baru) C Pendidikan Bahasa Arab (S-1) A
Game Animasi (D-3) B

Sastra Inggris
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-1) A
Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris (S-1) B
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-2) B
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-3) A

Contact address
Faculty of Letters
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-567475


Departmens & Study Programs

Faculty of Letters formerly Faculty of Letters and Art Education was established in 1954, during which
Perguruan Tinggi Pendidikan Guru (PTPG Malang) made its early debut as a prestigious teacher-training institution
which was later on granted a wider mandate and became State University of Malang. Currently the Faculty of Letters
has 5 departments and 10 undergraduate programs, 2 diploma-3 programs, 2 postgraduate programs and 2 doctoral
programs. The faculty has 4,343 students, 162 academic staffs, 34 full-time administrative and technical staffs. The
faculty has 21 professors, 60 lecturers holding doctoral degrees, 91 with master s degrees, and 11 lectureres with
undergraduate qualifications.

Departments, German Literature

Study Programs & German Language Education (S-1) B
Accreditation Mandarin Language Education (S-1) C

Indonesian Literature English Literature Arts And Design

English Language Education (S-1) A Visual Art Education (S-1) B
Indonesian and Regional A English Language and Literature (S-1)
Language and Literature
B Dancing Art Education (S-1) B
English Language Education (S-2) B Visual Communication Design (S-1) B
Education (S-1)
English Language Education (S-3) A Animated Game (D-3) B
Indonesian Language B
and Literature (S-1)
Indonesian Language B
Education (S-1)
Indonesian Language A
Education (D-3)
Librarianship (D-3) C Arabic Literature
Arabic Language Education (S-1) A

Prestasi Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
Pada tahun 2012 FS UM menyelenggarakan program Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
Unggulan bekerja sama dengan Departemen Luar Negeri Amerika Serikat untuk 30 mahasiswa asing dari
Amerika Serikat. Mereka mendalami bahasa dan kebudayaan Indonesia selama 2 bulan, yaitu
tanggal 14 Juni sampai dengan 15 Agustus 2012. Pada tahun 2013 terdapat 29 mahasiswa
Amerika Serikat yang mengikuti program ini.

Pada semester genap tahun 2011/2012, FS UM menyelenggarakan pendidikan Program
Dharmasiswa bidang bahasa dan budaya Indonesia. Program ini merupakan kerja sama
Pemerintah Indonesia dengan pihak luar negeri yang diikuti oleh 10 orang: China 1 orang,
Hungaria 1 orang, Madagaskar 2 orang, Rusia 1 orang; Singapura 1 orang, Thailand 2 orang,
dan Ukraina 2 orang. Pada semester gasal 2012/2013 program tersebut diikuti 15 orang: Ceko 1
orang, Hungaria 1 orang, Madagaskar 1 orang, Polandia 3 orang, Thailand 3 orang, Vietnam 1
orang, Serbia 1 orang, dan Slovakia 4 orang.

Pertukaran Mahasiswa
Pada tahun 2012 FS melaksanakan program pengiriman delegasi mahasiswa ke Bonn
Jerman untukmengikuti Kursus Intensif Bahasa Jerman dengan Beasiswa dari Goethe Institut
Indonesia a.n. Rian Kurnia Agustin dan mengikuti program gelar ganda di Konstanz University
of Applied Science a.n. Mohamad Reza Nurhardyansyah (Jurusan Sastra Jerman, angkatan

In-Country Program
Desember 2011 FS UM menerima 12 mahasiswa dari Jurusan Regional Studies Universitas
Walailak Thailand dalam rangka pelaksanaan In-country Program untuk belajar bahasa dan
budaya Indonesia.

Program Bahasa Indonesia Untuk Penutur Asing (BIPA)

Pada tahun 2012, FS UM menyelenggarakan Program Kemitraan Negara Berkembang
(KNB) yang merupakan kerjasama Ditjen Dikti dengan Kemitraan Negara Berkembang untuk
belajar bahasa Indonesia dan program matrikulasi bagi penutur asing. Program itu diikuti 6
negara (Malagasay, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Afrika Selatan, Laos, dan Meksiko. Di samping itu, 3
orang mahasiswa dari Jepang danThailand mengikuti
program BIPA dengan dana mandiri.

Gelar Ganda Luar Negeri

Mulai tahun 2008, FS UM bekerja sama dengan Hockschule Konstanze University Jerman
untuk pencapaian program gelar ganda sarjana pendidikan bahasa Jerman. Pada tahun 2012
program ini diikuti satu orang.
Landmark Critical Language Scholarship (CLS)
In 2012 the faculty hosted a Critical Language Scholarship program in cooperation with
Achievement the United States Department of Foreign Affairs. The program was attended by 30 selected
American students who stayed on the campus for two months to learn and master the
Indonesian language and culture. The program commenced on 14 June and closed on 15
August. In 2013 another batch of 29 American students attended the same program.

Dharmasiswa (Visiting Student Program)

In academic year of 2011/2012 (second semester) the faculty hosted a Visiting Student
Program that allowed foreign students to learn the Indonesian language and culture. The
program, held by the Indonesian government in cooperation several foreign counterparts,
hosted 10 participant (1 Chinese student, 1 Hungarian, 2 Malagasies, 1 Russian, 1
Singaporean, 2 Thai, and 2 Ukrainians). In 2003 (first semester) the program was resumed,
hosting 1 Czech, 1 Hungarian, 1 Malagasy, 3 Polish, 3 Thais, 1 Vietnamese, 1 Serbian and 4
Slovakian students.

Student Exchange Program

In 2012 the faculty sent two of its best students to Bonn, Germany. Rian Kurnia Agustin
attended an Intensive Course in German Language (on a scholarship provided by the Goethe
Institut Indonesian), and Mohammad Reza Nurhardyansyah pursued a dual-degree program
at Konstanz University of Applied Science.

In Country Program
In December 2011 the faculty greeted 12 students of Regional Studies Department from
Walailak University in Thailand who were attending an In-country Program to deepen their
understanding of the Indonesian language and culture.

Indonesian Language for Non-Native Speakers

In 2012 the faculty was involved in a Partnership Program for Developing Nations that
was organized by Directorate General of Higher Education in collaboration with its foreign
partners to provide an Indonesian language education and matriculation program. Six
countries sent their representatives (Madagascar, Uzbekhistan, Thailand, South Africa, Laos
and Mexico). 3 self-funded students from Japan and Thailand also participated in the

Foreign University Dual-Degree Program

Since 2008 the faculty in cooperation with Hockschule Konstanze University in Germany
established a dual degree program in German Language Education. One student
successfully participated in the program.
Program sandwich dan program academic Sandwich and Academic Recharging Program
recharging (PAR) One of our faculty members (Professor Ali
Satu orang dosen FS (Prof. Ali Saukah) menjadi Saukah) became a visiting lecturer at Ohio State
dosen tamu di Ohio State University, Amerika University. Two other members (Dr. Suharmanto
Serikat. Dua orang dosen FS (Dr. Suharmanto dan and Dr. Nurul Murtadho) joined Higher Education
Dr. Nurul Murtadho) mengikuti kegiatan Higher Leadership Management Action Research that was
Education Leadership Management Action funded by the USAid in cooperation with the
Research yang dibiayai oleh USAid bekerja sama Director General of Higher Education. The program
dengan Dikti pada bulan 2012 di Manila. Satu took place in Manila, the Philippines. Another
orang dosen (Yazid Basthomi) yang mengikuti PAR faculty member, Dr. Yazid Basthomi, attended the
di New York (Oktober 2011--Januari 2012). Academic Recharging Program in New York (from
October 2011 to January 2012).
Cultural Immersion Program
Sejak tahun 2000 sampai sekarang, FS UM Cultural Immersion Program
menyelenggarkan cultural immersion program Since the year 2000 the faculty has managed to
untuk mahasiswa jurusan Jerman dengan cara run a cultural immersion program for the students
mahasiswa mencari induk semang di Jerman me- of German Language Department. Participants of
lalui internet. Di Jerman mereka belajar bahasa, the program were to contact prospectus families
budaya, dan bekerja selama 1 - 2 semester. Pada from German willing to act as their foster parents
tahun 2012 mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Jerman
through the Internet. Once settled in Germany, the
yang mengikuti program ini berjumlah 4 orang.
students were to learn the German language and
culture and work in the applicable industries for 1
or 2 semester. In 2012 four German department
students successfully joined the program.
Fasilitas State-of-the-art
Unggulan Facilities
Masing-masing jurusan di FS memiliki sarana Each department is equipped with a language
laboratorium sesuai dengan bidang keilmuan. Jurusan laboratory. Indonesian Literature Department has a
Sastra Indonesia memiliki Lab. Drama dan Lab. Multi- multimedia and drama laboratory. English Department
media, Jurusan Sastra Inggris memiliki English Self
boasts its Self Access Center (ESAC). The Department
Access Center (ESAC), Jurusan Sastra Arab memiliki
of Arabic Language Education has Martadza, its
Martadza, Jurusan Sastra Jerman memiliki Mediotek,
distinctive language laboratoty. German Literature
dan Jurusan Seni dan Desain memiliki Studio Rekam,
Department has its prided Mediotek, and for the
Lab. Fotografi, Lab. Tari, Lab. Kriya, dan Lab. Keramik.
department of Art and Design, an array studios and
FS juga memiliki Lab. Bahasa, Lab Komputer, Lab.
laboratories is provided for the students and teaching
Micro-Teaching untuk keperluan bersama di Fakultas.
staff: a recording studio, photography studio, dancing
studio, arts and craft studio, and a ceramic workshop.
The faculty also provides language and computer
Perpustakaan laboratories accessible by those who need them.
Perpustakaan FS memiliki koleksi 3.018 judul buku
dengan jumlah buku 12.935 eksemplar. Jenis pustaka Library
yang dimiliki berkaitan dengan bidang bahasa, sastra, The Library of the Faculty of Letters currently
seni, desain. Jam pelayanan Senin - Kamis 08.00 - keeps in its collection 3.018 titles and stores 12.935
14.00, hari Jumat pukul 08.00 - 11.00 dan 12.30 - copies of books, journals, and similar materials. The
14.00. material covers language, literature, art, design, and
history. The library is open from Monday to Thursday
from 08.00 AM to 14.00 PM, Fridays from 08.00 AM to
11.00 PM and 12.30 PM -14.00 PM.

Learn more about us...

Karya : Ardian Syaf @ 2010
Alumni DKV 1998
Fakultas Sastra

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)–dahulu Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Eksakta– berdiri
sejak tahun 1954. Saat ini FMIPA memiliki 4 jurusan yang terdiri atas 9 program studi S-1, 4 program studi S-2, serta
3 program studi S-3. FMIPA memiliki 3.208 orang mahasiswa, 190 orang dosen, dan 54 tenaga administrasi,
termasuk teknisi/laboran. Dosen FMIPA terdiri atas 16 guru besar, 67 orang berpendidikan doktor (S-3), 111 orang
berpendidikan master/magister (S-2), dan 12 orang berpendidikan sarjana (S-1).

Program Studi & Pendidikan Fisika (S-1) A
Akreditasi Fisika (S-1) B
Pendidikan Fisika (S-2)(Prodi baru) C

Pendidikan Matematika (S-1) A
Matematika (S-1) B
Pendidikan Matematika (S-2) B
Pendidikan Matematika (S-3) B

Pendidikan Kimia (S-1) A
Kimia (S-1) B Pendidikan Biologi (S-1) A
Pendidikan Kimia (S-2) B Biologi (S-1) A
Pendidikan Kimia (S-3)(Prodi baru) C Pendidikan Biologi (S-2) A
Pendidikan IPA (S-1)(Prodi baru) C Pendidikan Biologi (S-3) A

Contact address
Faculty of Mathematics and Science
Address: Jalan Semarang 5
Malang 65145



Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Mathematics and Science formerly the Faculty of Science Education was established in 1954. At
present, the Faculty of Mathematics and Science has 4 departments, consisting of 9 undergraduate study programs,
4 master study programs and 3 doctoral study programs. Faculty of Mathematics and Science has 3,208
undergraduate students, 54 administrative staff, including technicians/laboratory staff, and 190 lecturers, consisting
of 16 professors, 67 lecturers holding doctoral degrees, 111 with master s degrees and 12 lecturers holding under-
graduate degrees.

Study Programs &

Mathematics Biology

Mathematics Education (S1)

Biology Education (S1) A
Mathematics (S1) B
Biology (S1) A
Biology Education (S2) A
Mathematics (S3)
Biology Education (S3) A
Mathematics Education (S2)

Physics Chemistry Education (S1) A
Physics Education (S1) A Chemistry (S1) B
Physics (S1) B Chemistry Education (S2) B
Physics Education (S2) C Chemistry Education (S3) B
Pendidikan IPA (S1) C

Kegiatan • Sebagai salah satu penyelenggara Pendidikan Guru MIPA Bertaraf International (PGMIPA BI):
a) Telah dinilai oleh reviewer sebagai penyelenggara terbaik Program PGMIPA BI (2010)
Unggulan b) Dijadikan Perguruan Tinggi Model dalam workshop pengembangan program PGMIPA BI yang
dihadiri oleh Dekan dan LPTK FIMPA se Indonesia (2009)
c) Mendapatkan kunjungan dari berbagai Universitas, misalnya dari Manado, Gorontalo, Solo,
d) Banyak tenaga dosen FMIPA yang dijadikan sebagai tenaga ahli/konsultan untuk
penyelenggaraan Perguruan Tinggi dan Sekolah Bertaraf International.

• FMIPA UM sebagai perintis lesson Study dalam upaya meningkatkan kulaitas pembelajaran
a) Telah melakukan kerja sama dengan JICA (Jepang) sejak 1998 dalam meningkatkan kualitas
pendidikan MIPA
b) Sejak tahun 2005 telah merintis Deseminasi Lesson Study bagi guru dan dosen MIPA
c) Sejak tahun 2006 bekerja sama dengan JICA, PMPTK, dan Dikti menjalankan program SISTTEMS
(Strengthening In-Service Teacher Training of Mathematics and Science Education at Junior
Secondary Level). Dalam program ini FMIPA UM berperan sebagai mitra JICA dalam penyediaan
narasumber (resource persons) untuk kegiatan lesson study di MGMP dan LSBS SMP Kabupaten
d) Bekerja sama dengan JICA menyelenggarakan Program Pelita (2009 - 2012), yaitu diseminasi
kegiatan Lesson Study ke daerah sasaran baru, yaitu Kota Padang, Kota Banjarbaru, dan Kab.
Minahasa Utara
e) Bekerja sama dengan Sampoerna Foundation-Teacher Institute (SFTI) (2008 - 2011) untuk men-
diseminasi Lessson Study di Kab. Pasuruan
f) Bekerja sama dengan Ditjen Dikti menyelenggarakan program LEDIPSTI (2008 - 2014), yaitu me-
ngembangkan kerangka program dan buku-buku panduan untuk melakukan pendampingan
Lesson Study ke LPTK binaan, yaitu Undana (Kupang), Unima (Manado), Unesa (Surabaya),
Undiksha (Singaraja); Unram (Mataram), Untad (Palu), UNM (Makasar), dan UNG (Gorontalo)
g) Sebagai Wakil Indonesia/ Narasumber pada pertemuan di Jepang dalam rangka
pengembangan Lesson Study di Asia Timur

• Pada tahun 2012 FMIPA menyelenggaraan PPG Berasrama mata pelajaran Biologi dan Kimia bagi
lulusan S-1 Basic Science atas kerjasama Universitas Negeri Malang dengan Direktorat Pendidik dan
Tenaga Kependidikan, Ditjen Dikti. Sasaran program ini adalah lulusan S-1 Basic Science yang berasal
dari Kabupaten Belu, Ende NTT, dan Kabupaten MTB Propinsi Maluku

Leading • Faculty of Mathematics and Science is one of the best providers of internationally acclaimed
education programs for teachers of mathematics and science
Activities • Faculty of Mathematics and Science has been has ranked the best provider of Science Teachers
Education and Training (2010) and the faculty has been hailed as a model institution in various
workshops for the program development attended by the deans of the same faculty all over
Indonesia (2009)
• Numerous representatives from other universities (Manado, Gorontalo, Solo, etc) have visited the
faculty for comparative and partnership purposes
• Numerous faculty members also work as experts and consultants for international institutions and
• The faculty is one of the first institution to implement lesson study method for improving the
quality of learning
• The faculty has forged strong and sustained cooperation with JICA (Japan) since 1998 for the
improvement of mathematics and science education
• Since 2005 the faculty has actively disseminated lesson study for teachers and lecturers of Faculty
of Mathematics and Science
• Since 2006, the faculty has worked with JICA, PMPTK, and Directorate General of Higher Education
to establish SISTTEMS (Strengthening In-Service Teacher Training of Mathematics and Science
Education at Junior Secondary Level)
• Faculty of Mathematics and Science has worked with JICA to provide experts and consultants for
MGMP and LSBS lesson study activities at selected/targeted junior high schools in the Regency of
• The faculty has partnered with JICA for the Pelita Program (2009-2012) by disseminating lesson
study to new targeted areas, such as Padang, Banjarbaru and new regencies such as North
• Cooperation with Sampoerna Foundation-Teacher Institute (SFTI) (2008-2011) for dissemina-ting
lesson Study in the Regency of Pasuruan
• Cooperation with Directorate General of Higher Education for LEDIPSTI program (2008-2014), for
the development of program framework and guidelines for lesson study to teacher training
institutions organizations, such as Undana (Kupang), Unima (Manado), Unesa (Surabaya),
Undiksha (Singaraja); Unram (Mataram), Untad (Palu), UNM (Makasar),and UNG (Gorontalo)
• One faculty member has represented Indonesia as a keynote speaker in a conference held in Japan
for the development of lesson study for East Asia
• The faculty has provided Expert Lesson Study for teacher training institutions in eastern parts of
Indonesia (Kupang, Singaraja, Surabaya, Makasar, Gorontalo, and Manado)
• Some faculty members acted as facilitators (TOT) in national-level lesson study activities held at
various institutions in eastern parts of Indonesia
• In the year 2012 the faculy hosted an in-house Teacher Training Program in Biology and Chemistry.
The program was dedicated for basic science bachelors, held in collaboration with the Directorate
of Higer Education. The program targeted participants coming from Belu, Ende (East Nusa
tenggara), and several districts
Prestasi • Dua orang dosen MIPA merupakan Pemegang Hak Paten dengan judul, Formulasi Konsorsium Bakteri
Unggulan Indigen Pereduksi Polutan sebagai Starter Pengolahan Limbah Cair Rumah Tangga atas nama Dr.
Endang Suarsini, M.S dan Proses Ekstraksi Tapak Dara (Catharantus Roseus) Menggunakan Pelarut
Alkohol atas nama Dr. Agr. M. Amin, S.Pd, M.Si
• Dosen FMIPA UM (Prof. Effendy, Ph.D) mendapatkan penghargaan Internasional dengan dinobatkan
sebagai Leading Scientist of 21st Century (Tahun 2008), Penghargaan Habibie Award 2012 untuk
bidang Ilmu Dasar, dan memperoleh UM Learning University Award 2012 untuk Kategori Sains dan
• Dr. Sutrisno, M.Si sebagai Ketua Prodi Berprestasi I tingkat UM (2012) dan masuk dalam 15 besar Ketua
Prodi Berprestasi tingkat Nasional
• Tiga mahasiswa FMIPA, yakni Hafizs Anshari, Jurusan Biologi mengikuti kegiatan Japan East Asia
Network of Exchange for Students and Youth (JENESYS) di Jepang tanggal 5 - 17 Mei 2012; Akhmad
Hadi Yudha A., Jurusan Matematika mengikuti Program Indonesia Malaysia Youth Exchange di
Malaysia tanggal 26 Agustus - 8 September 2012, dan Ahmad Husnul Huluq sebagai peserta Program
Indonesia - Korea Youth Exchange Program di Korea Selatan, 17 Oktober - 11 November 2012
• Pada Tahun 2012, Juliatin Putri Jurusan Biologi sebagai Mahasiswa Berprestasi I dan Nia Lukita Ariani
Jurusan Biologi mahasiswa berprestasi III Tingkat Universitas Negeri Malang
• Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) FMIPA yang didanai oleh Direktorat Pendidikan Tinggi pada
tahun 2012 sebanyak 41 judul dan yang masuk ke Pimnas 2 judul. Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa
FMIPA tahun 2013 yang didanai oleh Dikti sebanyak 70 Judul: PKMM 4 judul, PKMK 7 judul, PKMKC 8
judul, dan PKMP 51 judul
• Juara Olimpiade di berbagai bidang pada tahun 2012:
(a) Meisithoh Niagawati sebagai finalis tingkat nasional ONMIPA perguruan tinggi bidang fisika,
(b) Agus Sugiyanto dkk. sebagai Juara III Green Living and Youth Creativity Competition (Origami)
yang dilaksanakan Kompas Kampus bekerja sama dengan Tupperware;
(c) Viona Rosa Ariesmawati, Eprysca Noviasari, Iklilul Millah sebagai finalis Pekan Ilmiah Mahasiswa
Tingkat Nasional di Yogyakarta;
(d) Juarifil Wafi sebagai Juara II Olimpiade Bidang Fisika Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur yang di
laksanakan Pertamina bekerja sama dengan Universitas Indonesia;
(e) M. Bagas Murditya sebagai Juara II Olimpiade Bidang Fisika Tingkat Provinsi Jawa Timur yang
dilaksanakan Pertamina bekerja sama dengan Universitas Indonesia;

Landmark • Two lecturers of the faculty obtained prestigious patents for their innovative work. The first is formulation
of indigent bacterial consortium for the reduction of pollutants as a starter for the processing of
Achievements household liquid waste. Copyright/patent owner: Dr. Endang Suarsini, M.S and the second is extraction
process of tapak dara (Catharantusroseus) using alcohol as solvent. Copyright/ patent holder: Dr. Agr. M.
Amin, S.Pd, M.Si
• Prof. Efendi, Ph.D won internationally recognized award as Leading Scientist of 21st Century and
was endowed with the prestigious Habibie Award of 2012 for his monumental contri-bution in
the field of Basic Science and Technology. In 2012 he won UM Learning University Award for the
similar category
• Dr. Sutrisno, M. Si was nominated the 1st Class Top Achieving Head of Program Study (2012) and
was named one of the 15 best study program leaders in Indonesia
• Three students were sent abroad to attend several scientific contests (Hafirzs Anshari, Biology
Dept., attended Japan East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youth - JENESYS - in Japan
from 5th to 17th of May, 2012); Akhmad Hadi Yudha, Mathematics Department, attended the
Indonesia - Malaysia Youth Exchange Program from 26th August to 8 September 2012 in
Malaysia; Ahmad Husnuh Huluq attended Indonesia - Korea Youth Exchange Program in South
Korea from 17th October to 11th November 2012
• In 2012, Juliatin Putri (Biology Dept) was awarded the best - achieving student, and Nia Lukita
(Biology Dept) ranked the second in the same category
• 41 proposals for Student Creativity Program (funded by the Directorate of Higher Education)
were endorsed and accepted and two of them made their way to the national level contest
• In 2012 numerous students stood out as the winners of several scientific Olympiads:
a) Meisithoh Niagawati was nominated the finalist of National ONMIPA, a university level
Olympiad in physics;
b) Agus Sugiyanto et al,, won the third place of Green Living and Youth Creativity (Origami)
hosted by Kompas Kampus in cooperation with Tupperware;
c) Viona Rosa Ariesmawati, Eprysca Noviasari, Iklilul Mullah became the finalists of the National
College Student Scientific Week in Yogyakarta;
d) Juarifil Wafi won the second place at East Java Physics Olympic. The contest was funded by
Pertamina and the University of Indonesia;
e) M. Bagas Murditya won the second place at the East Java Physics Olympic. The contest was
funded by Pertamina and the University of Indonesia;

Fasilitas Fakultas MIPA memiliki Laboratorium Sentral dengan jenis pengujian dan komposisi/kandungan
unsur, senyawa kristalin, struktur kristal.
Unggulan Ada tiga paket utama: Paket Uji komposisi unsur (XRF, EDAX), Paket Uji Komposisi senyawa dan struktur
kristal (XRD), Paket uji foto Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Paket Uji Kandungan Unsur

Paket uji kandungan unsur/ komposisi kimia dari bahan sintetis maupun bahan alam. Selain itu,
dapat juga menguji kandungan logam berat dalam makanan, mengetahui komposisi unsur dalam
batuan mineral, dll. Sistem peralatan yang digunakan adalah X-ray Fluorescent (X-RF) dapat berupa
serbuk, padatan maupun cairan. Unsur yang dapat dideteksi sampai yang paling ringan adalah
magnesium (Mg) dengan waktu scanning sekitar 2 menit per sampel. Untuk hasil yang lebih baik
digunakan EDAX (Scanning Electron Microscopy-Energy Dispersive Analysis of X-Ray). Unsur yang dapat
dideteksi dari teringan adalah berilium (Be). Khusus untuk EDAX diperlukan waktu sampai 2 jam per
sampel karena perlu persiapan coating-emas.
Paket Uji dan Analisis Komposisi Senyawa dan Struktur Kristal
Melayani uji komposisi senyawa dari bahan kristalin, analisis fase, menguji fraksi kristal
(kristalinitas), menguji subtitusi unsur dalam senyawa kristalin, menguji rerata ukuran butir kristal. Bahan
yang dapat diuji berupa padatan, serbuk maupun film (lembaran). Panjang gelombang yang digunakan
adalah Cu (1,54056 ~ Å). Perangkat lunak High Score Plus, GSAS, dan Rietica serta ilustrasi struktur
Paket uji foto Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
SEM merek FEI dengan kemampuan perbesaran sampai sub-mikron. SEM ini komplementer
dengan sistem EDAX. Ukuran sampel yang dapat dideteksi cukup satu butir berukuran sekitar 1 mm.
Sample yang tidak komduktif secara elektronik perlu di-coating emas menggunakan mini sputtering
yang dimiliki.
Layanan Uji Komposisi Campuran Pasir-Semen Bangunan
Bangunan pada dasarnya terdiri dari bagian utama semen dan pasir. Analisis ini dapat memberikan
data kuantitatif perbandingan semen: pasir. Biasanya kontraktor mengerjakan bangunan dengan
komposisi yang ditentukan. Pihak pemberi dana dapat menguji apakah bangunan sudah sesuai kontran
atau tidak. Sampel uji diambil seukuran minimal 5 gram. Sampel diuji dari minimum uji komposisi
menggunakan X-RF dan uji komposisi senyawa menggunakan X-RD.
Nano Partikel Logam Tembaga (Cu)
Beberapa produk yang dihasilkan dalam ukuran nano meter adalah, serbuk nano tembaga (Cu0),
serbuk nano partikel besi magnetik Fe3O4. Produk lain yang dapat dilayani adalah nano Hydroxyapatite
(HA) dan material nano lain.
Nano partikel Cu.
Produk berupa serbuk nano partikel Cu dengan ukuran kurang dari 100 nano meter dan kemurnian
> 90%. Produk ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan katalis, sebagai bahan dasar solid lubricant , sebagai
bahan dasar pembuatan pasta konduktif, dll. Produk ini dapat dibuat dalam skala laboratorium sesuai
pesanan atau perjanjian di Lab. Nano, Lab Sintesis Material Jurusan Fisika, dan Lab. Sentral FMIPA UM.
Nano partikel magnetik Fe3O4
Serbuk nano partikel Fe3O4 dengan ukuran kurang dari 50 nano meter, kemurnian > 90%. Produk
ini dapat dibuat dalam skala laboratorium sesuai pesanan atau perjanjian di Lab. Nano, Lab Sintesis
Material Jurusan Fisika, dan Lab. Sentral FMIPA UM. Produk ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan dasar
magnetofluids (magnet cair), sebagai bahan dasar drug delivery, bahan dasar magnetic pigment , dll

State-of-the-art The faculty maintains a central laboratory that enables our budding scientists to carry out the
following or experiments: Content/composition testing, crystalline compound, crystalline structure
Facilities which consists of three packages: XRF, EDAX composition testing; XRD crystalline compound and
structural testing; SEM, Scanning Electron Microscopy phototesting.

Content analysis package. This package enables one to test the chemical content of synthetic or
natural materials. The package also allows one to check the heavy iron content and describe the
elemental content of mineral rocks, etc. The system uses X-ray Fluorescent with the capability to
analyze powders, solid material and liquids. The lightest element detectable by the instrument is
magnesium (Mg) that takes two minutes to detect per sample batch. For better results EDAX is
recommended. The lightes element to detect with EDAX is berilium (Be). EDAX requires two hours to
complete since the sample need special gold-coating for the testing.
Crystalline compound and structural testing enables one to test and describe the chemical
composition of crystalline, its analytical phase and test its crystalinity, test the content substitution in
crystalline compound and test the average granular size of the samples. Solid state, powder and
materials on sheets (film) can be tested using the instrument. The instrument S wavelength is Cu (λ~
1,54056 Å). The package uses High Score Plus, GSAS and Rietica software capable of rendering the
sample s crystal structures.
Photographic Test using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
FEI is a Scanning Electron Microscopy instrument capable of producing sub-micron
magnification. This system is compatible with EDAX. It takes a single grain measuring 1 mm to detect.
Samples that are electronically non-conductive requires gold layering using the available mini
sputtering machine.
Sand-Cement Composition Test
Such testing can yield quantitative data of sand-cement composition ratio. Normally building
contractors are required to use the recommended composition ratio. Such testing can indicate if the
contractor comply with the prevailing regulation or otherwise. The minimum sample necessary for
the testing using X-RF and X-RD is 5 grams.
Cuprum Metal Nanoparticle
The testing is capable of yielding several products in nanometer, for example: the particles of
copper and iron can be measured in nanometers, respectively Cu° and F3O4. The instrument can also
test other products such as Hydroxyapatite (HA) and other nano materials...
Copper Nanoparticles
Copper nanoparticles with the mean size of < 100 nanometres and purity of > 90%. This
product can be used as a catalyst, solid lubricant and as the basic material for conductive paste. This
product can be manufactured at laboratory scale depending on the agreement between the client
and laboratory. Available at Nanolaboratory of Synthetic Material, Central Laboratory of the Faculty
of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Magnetic Nanoparticles Fe3O4
Nanoparticle powder with the size of < 50 nanometres and purity of >90%. This product can be
manufactured at laboratopry scale, the quantity of which is subject to prior agreement between
clients and the Central Laboratory of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The product
can be used as the basic ingredient of magnetofluids (liquid magnet), drug delivery or magnetic

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Ekonomi (FE) –berkembang dari Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi yang bernaung di bawah Fakultas
Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial–berdiri pada tahun 2000. Saat ini FE mengelola 3 jurusan dengan 7 program
studi S-1, 2 program studi D-3, 3 program studi S-2, dan 1 program studi S-3. Saat ini FE memiliki sekitar 4.806
mahasiswa, yang diampu oleh 90 orang dosen, dengan kualifikasi 40 orang bergelar doktor (S-3), 47 orang
master/magister (S-2), serta 7 orang guru besar. Operasional kegiatan administratif FE didukung oleh 39 orang
pelaksana administrasi, teknisi, dan laboran, 3 orang berpendidikan Sarjana (S-1)

Rp Program Studi &

Manajemen (S-1) (Prodi Baru) B
Manajemen (S-2) C
Manajemen Pemasaran (D-3) B
Pendidikan Tata Niaga (S-1) A
Administrasi Perkantoran(S-1) A
Pendidikan Bisnis & C
Ekonomi Pembangunan Manajemen (S-2) (Prodi Baru)

Ekonomi dan Studi B

Pembangunan (S-1) (Prodi Baru)
A Akuntansi (S-1) (Prodi Baru) C
Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-1)
Akuntansi (D-3) A
Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-2) B
B Pendidikan Akuntansi (S-1) A
Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-3)

Contact address
Faculty of Economics
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-552888


Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Economics has its origin in the Department of Economics Education under the Faculty of Social Science
Education, and this faculty was established in 2000. At present, Faculty of Economics has three departments with 7
study programs, 2 Diploma III programs, 3 undergraduate programs, and 1 doctoral program. The faculty hosts 4,806
students and 90 lecturers. Among the lecturers, 40 hold doctoral degrees, 47 hold their master s degrees and 7 have
earned their professorship. The daily operation is supported by 39 staffs, technicians and laboratory staffs. and 3
lecturers holding undergraduate degrees.

Study Programs &

Economics and Developmental Studies Management

Economics and Developmental B Management (S1) B
Studies (S1) Management (S2) C
Economics Education (S1) A Marketing Management (D-3) B
Economics Education (S2) B Business Education (S1) A
Economics Education (S3) B Office Administration (S1) A
Business & Management C
ducation (S2)

Accounting (S1) C
Accounting (D3) A
Accounting Education (S1) A

Kegiatan • Kewenangan melaksananakan program pelatihan bidang Pendidikan Ekonomi dengan
standar Program Pelatihan dari Center for Economic Education (CEE) Amerika Serikat
Unggulan • Kewenangan melaksanakan program pelatihan bidang perpajakan yang dirujuk oleh
Kanwil Direktorat Jenderal Pajak Jawa Timur
• Kewenangan melaksanakan program pelatihan bidang keuangan dan manajemen
investasi dengan lisensi dari Bursa Efek Indonesia
• Olimpiade Ekonomi tingkat Nasional dan Olimpiade Akuntansi se Jawa-Bali yang digelar
tahunan oleh Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan
Fasilitas Pojok Bursa Efek Indonesia, Tax Center, Creative Center, dan Perbankan Syariah.

Outstanding • The faculty is authorized to run training programs in economics education under the
license of the Center of Economic Education (CEE) from the US
Activities • The faculty is an authorized center for taxation training program under the auspices of
East Java Regional Office of Directorate General of Taxation
• The faculty is authorized to run trainings on finance and investment management under
the license from Indonesian Stock Exchange
• The faculty hosted the annual National Economics Olympic for Java and Bali areas. The
event is organized by the faculty s interdepartmental student associations

State-of-the-art Indonesian Stock Exchange corner, Tax Center, Creative Center, and syariah banking

Learn more about us...

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Teknik (FT) –dahulu Fakultas Keguruan Teknik (FKT)– berdiri pada tahun 1965. Saat ini FT mengelola 4
jurusan dengan 8 program studi S-1, 6 program studi D-3, 1 program studi S-2, dan 1 program studi S-3. FT me-
miliki 4.564 orang mahasiswa, 165 orang dosen, 56 orang tenaga administrasi, teknisi, dan laboran. Dosen FT
terdiri atas 5 orang guru besar, 30 orang berpendidikan doktor (S-3), 123 orang berpendidikan master/magister
(S-2), dan 12 orang berpendidikan sarjana (S-1).

Teknik Elektro
Jurusan, Pendidikan Teknik C
Program Studi & Informatika (S-1) (Prodi baru)
Akreditasi Pendidikan Teknik A
Elektro (S-1)(Prodi baru)
Teknik Elektro (D-3) B
Teknik Elektronika (D-3) B
Teknik Sipil
Teknologi Industri
Pendidikan Teknik C
Bangunan (S-1) (proses perbaikan) Pendidikan C
Teknik Sipil (S-1) (Prodi baru) C Tataboga (S-1)(Prodi baru)
Teknik Sipil dan Bangunan B Pendidikan C
(Konsentrasi Properti) (D-3) Tatabusana (S-1) (Prodi baru)
Tataboga (D-3) B
Tatabusana (D-3) A
Teknik Mesin
Pendidikan Teknik Mesin (S-1) B Pendidikan Kejuruan
Pendidikan Teknik C Pendidikan Kejuruan (S-2) B
Otomotif (S-1)(Prodi baru) Pendidikan C
Teknik Mesin (D-3) B Kejuruan (S-3) (Prodi baru)

Contact address
Faculty of Engineering
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-565307


Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Engineering, formerly Faculty of Engineering Education, was established in 1965. At present, Faculty
of Engineering runs 4 departments that include 8 undergraduate study programs, 6 Diploma-III programs, 1
postgraduate program and 1 doctoral program. The faculty houses 4,564 students. The faculty has 5 professors and
165 lecturers holding doctoral degrees and 123 others with master s degrees. Currently 30 lecturers are doing their
doctorate studies and 123 others are pursuing their master s degrees, plus 12 junior teaching staffs with
undergraduate qualifications. The daily operation is fully supported by 56 administrative staffs, technicians, and
laboratory staffs.

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering B
Education (S1)
Automotive Engineering C
Education (S1)
Automotive Engineering (D3) B

Civil Engineering Industrial Technology

Building Construction C Gastronomy Education (S1)
Study Programs & C
Education (S1) (improvement Fashion Education (S1)
Accreditation C
underway) Gastronomy (D3) B
Civil Engineering (S1) C Fashion (D3) A
Civil Engineering and B
Building Construction
(Concentration on Property) (D3) Electrical Engineering
Informatics Education (S1) C
(Vocational Education) Electrical Engineering Education (S1) A
Vocational Education (S2) B Electrical Engineering (D3) B
Vocational Education (S3) C Electronics Engineering (D3) B

Prestasi dan • Salah satu Alumni FT menjadi Juara II Lomba Master Cheef Tingkat Nasional melalui RCTI, tahun 2011
• Juara II Tingkat Nasional Kontes Jembatan Indonesia (KJI), tahun 2012
kegiatan unggulan • Juara I Tingkat Nasional Kontes Jembatan Indonesia (KJI) kategori Terkokoh, tahun 2012
(dua tahun terakhir) • Juara II Tingkat Nasional Kontes Bangunan Gedung Indonesia (KGBI), tahun 2012
• Pemecahan Rekor MURI model terbanyak, tahun 2012

Fasilitas Unggulan • Teaching Restoran dan Butik

• Laboratorium Bengkel Pendidikan
• Pusdiklat Otomotif
• Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Jasa Konstruksi (Pusdiklatjakon)

Data Kerjasama (2 tahun terakhir)

Nama Instansi Jenis Kegiatan Kurun Waktu Kerjasama Manfaat Yang

Mulai Berakhir Telah Diperoleh
Direktorat Pendidik dan Program Pendidikan Profesi September Sekarang Profesionalisme Kompetensi
Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen Guru Terintegrasi (PPGT) 2012 Pedagogiek
Dikti Kemdikbud

Direktorat Pembinaan Program Talent scouting 2012 Sekarang Profesionalisme Kompetensi

Pendidik dan Tenaga Pemenuhan Guru Produktif Pedagogiek
Kependidikan Ditjen Dikmen SMK

Direktorat Pendidik dan Program Pendidikan Jarak 2012 Perancangan desain/ model
Tenaga Kependidikan Ditjen Jauh pembelajaran jarak jauh
Dikti Kemdikbud

Learn more about us...

Landmark • One proud alumnus won the second place at National Chef Competition hosted by RCTI in 2011.
• The faculty team won the second place in Indonesian National Competition of Bridge Construction
Achievements and Building 2012.
Leading Activities • The faculty team won the first in Indonesian National Competition of Bridge Construction Building for
for the last two the Category of the Sturdiest Construction in 2012.
• The faculty delegates won the second place in Indonesian Building Construction Competition in 2012.
years • The faculty fashion design department broke the national MURI record for the most models
attending the 2012 fashion show.

State-of-the-art • Teaching Restaurant and fashion boutique

• Laboratory/workshop for automotive education department
Facilities • Automotive Training Center (R4)
• Center for Construction Service Education and Training (Pusdiklatjakon)

Partnership with Various Institutions for the Last Two Years

Organisation Activity The Period Of Cooperation Acquired Benefits

from to

Directorate of Education and Integrated Professional September The present Professionalism and
Educational Manpower, Training for Teachers 2012 pedagogical competence
Directorate General of
Higher Education

Directorate for the Talent Scouting Program to 2012 The present Professionalism and
Empowerment of Educational seek out productive teachers pedagogical competence
Manpower, Directorate for vocational high schools
General of Secondary
Directorate of Education and Remote Education and 2012 The ability to design remote
Educational Manpower, Training Program education program
Directorate General of
Higher Education

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan (FIK) berdiri pada tahun 2008. Pada saat ini FIK memiliki 4 jurusan dengan 4
program studi S-1, 1 Program studi S-2. FIK memiliki 1.692 mahasiswa, 45 dosen, dan 15 tenaga administrasi,
teknisi/ laboran. Dosen FIK terdiri atas 1 orang guru besar, 12 orang berpendidikan doktor, dan 25 orang
berpendidikan magister/master. dan 8 orang berpendidikan Sarjana (S-1)

Program Studi &

Ilmu Keolahragaan
Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan
Ilmu Keolahragaan (S-1) B
Pendidikan Jasmani dan A (prodi baru)
Kesehatan (S-1) Pendidikan Kepelatihan C
Pendidikan Olahraga (S-2) - Olahraga (S-1) (prodi baru)
Ilmu Kesehatan C
Masyarakat (S-1) (prodi baru)

Contact address
Faculty of Sport Science
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-551102


Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Sport Science was established in 2008. At present, the faculty has four departments and four study
programs. The faculty hosts 1,692 students, 45 lecturers, 15 administrative staff, technicians or laboratory staffs.
The teaching staff consists of 1 professor, 12 lecturers holding doctoral degrees, and 25 with master s degrees. and
8 junior teaching staff with undergraduate qualification.

Physical education and health

Physical and Health A
Education (S1)
Sport Education (S2) -

Sport Science
Sport Science (S1) B Study Programs &
Coaching Education (S1) C Accreditation
Community Health Science (S1) C

Prestasi dan • Bekerja sama dengan Dinas Pendidikan, Pemuda, dan Olah Raga Provinsi Jawa Timur dalam
penyelenggaraan PPLM (Pusat Pendidikan dan Latihan Olahraga Mahasiswa). Prestasi:
Kegiatan administrasi PPLM urutan ke-1 se-Indonesia Tahun 2010
Unggulan • Penyelenggaraan PPG (Pusat Pendidikan Guru) Penjaskes mulai tahun 2007
• Ranking 2 Kejuaraan Nasional antar PPLM tahun 2011 di Solo
• Ranking 3 Kejuaraan Nasional antar PPLM tahun 2010 di Bandung

Fasilitas • Kolam renang bertaraf internasional, untuk penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pengajaran
• Peralatan kebugaran jasmani (fitness)
Unggulan • Lapangan tenis
• Lapangan voli pantai
• Lapangan sepak bola

Achievement • In cooperation with the Ministry of Youth s Affairs and Sport, the faculty has managed the
Center for Students Sports Education and Training program, and this center ranked first all
and Outstanding over Indonesia in 2010
Activities • The faculty has set up Teacher Education Center for Physical Education and Health that started
operating in 2010
• The faculty started running a physical education teacher training center in 2007.
• The faculty won the second place in national competition for Sports Education and Training
Centers in 2011 in the city of Solo
• The faculty won the third place in national competition for Sports Education and Training
Centers in 2010 in Bandung

State-of-the-art • International standard swimming pool for educational purposes as well as for training
professional athletes
Facilities • Fitness equipment
• Tennis court
• Beach volley court
• Soccer field

Learn more about us...

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (FIS) berdiri tanggal 17 Agustus 2009. Sekarang ini FIS menaungi 3 jurusan yang terdiri
atas 6 program studi S-1, 1 program studi S-2, dan 1 program studi S-3. FIS memiliki 2.728 orang mahasiswa, 76
orang dosen, 19 orang tenaga administrasi, teknisi/laboran. Dosen FIS terdiri atas 6 orang guru besar, 16 orang
bergelar doktor (S-3), dan 55 orang bergelar master/magister (S-2), 5 orang bergelar sarjana (S-1).

Program Studi &

Pendidikan Geografi (S-1) A
Pendidikan Geografi (S-2) C
Pendidikan Geografi (S-3) C
(Prodi baru)
Geografi (S-1) (Prodi baru) C

Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan
Pendidikan Sejarah (S-1) A
Pendidikan Pancasila dan B
Ilmu Sejarah (S-1) (Prodi baru) C
Kewarganegaraan (S-1)
Pendidikan IPS (S-1) (Prodi baru) C

Contact address
Faculty of Social Science
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-585966


Departments & Study Programs

Faculty of Social Science was established was established in 17 August 2009. At present, the faculty has 3
departments that include 6 undergraduate study programs, 1 postgraduate program, and 1 doctoral program. The
faculty hosts 2,728 students, 76 lecturers, 19 administrative staffs, technicians/laboratory staffs. Currently the
faculty has 6 professor, 16 lecturers with doctoral degrees and 55 with master s degrees. 5 junior teaching staffs with
undergraduate qualifications

Departments, Social Science

Study Programs &
Social Science Education (S1) C

Law and Civics
Geography Education (S1) A
Pancasila Education B Geography Education (S2) C
and Civics (S1) Geography Education (S3) C
Geography (S1) C

History Education (S1) A
History (S1) C

Program/Kegiatan • Tahun 2012 Jurusan Sejarah mendapat hibah, berupa Program PHK-I
• Kegiatan mahasiswa berupa kuliah tamu, diskusi publik, peringatan hari bumi, kegiatan
Unggulan olimpiade, pelatihan, dan bedah buku

Prestasi Unggulan • Beberapa dosen menjadi pimpinan dalam lembaga pemerintahan, misalnya Kepala Dinas
Pendidikan Kabupaten Malang, Kepala P4TK
• 1 orang mahasiswa sebagai juara 2 lomba Geo-Environment and Scholar Championship di
UGM, 1 orang mahasiswa dikirim ke Jepang sebagai peserta Kizuna Project dan finalis
kategori Climate Smart Leaders

Fasilitas Unggulan • Penelitian Sistem Informasi Geografi oleh Jurusan Geografi

• Pelatihan Kader Bangsa oleh Jurusan Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan
• Pelatihan Pendidikan Karakter oleh Jurusan Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan

Kerja sama • Program Kemitraan 7 LPTK mantan IKIP

• Bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah Kabupaten Blitar dengan kegiatan Penyusunan Kajian
dan Pendampingan Proses Penetapan dan Pengesahan Batas Daerah Antara Kabupaten
Blitar dengan Kabupaten Kediri di Kawasan Gunung Kelud

Landmark • In 2012 the Department of History won the coveted PHK-I grant
• Vibrant academic activities like visiting lecturers, public discussions, Earth Day
Programs and Festival, various olympiads, groundbreaking trainings and book reviews
Landmark • Numerous faculty members also hold important positions in the government agencies, for
example: Head of Malang District Educational Bureau and Head of P4TK
Achievements • One of our students won the first place at Geo-Environment and Scholar Championship
hosted by Gajahmada University in Jogjakarta, and another student was sent to Japan to
attend the prestigious Kizuna Project and was nominated the finalist of Climate Smart
Leaders category

Flagship Facilities • Geographical Information System Research run by the Department of Geography
• National Cadres Training program held by the Department of Law and Civics
• Character Education Training held by the Department of Law and Civics

Partnerships • Ongoing partnership with 7 teacher training institutions and ex-IKIP universities
• Co-operated with the regental government of Blitar in the marking the
geographical boundaries between the regency of Blitar and the regency of Kediri at
Mount Kelud areas

Learn more about us...

Jurusan dan Program Studi
Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi (FPPsi) berdiri tanggal 2 Februari 2012. Sekarang ini FPPsi memiliki 1 jurusan
dengan 1 program studi S-1. FPPsi memiliki 605 orang mahasiswa, 20 orang dosen, 11 tenaga administrasi, serta
teknisi/laboran. Dosen FIS berjumlah 20 orang, terdiri atas 3 orang bergelar doktor (S-3), dan 17 orang bergelar
master/magister (S-2).

Program Studi &

Psikologi (S-1) C

Contact address
Faculty of Educational Psychology
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone: +62-341-579700


Departments & Study Programs

The faculty was established on 2 February 2012. Currently the faculty runs one department with one study
program. The faculty of psychology education hosts 605 students under and 20 teaching staffs, fully supported by 11
administrative staffs and technicians. The faculty is manned by 3 lecturers, 3 of whom hold their doctoral degrees
and the other 17 have their masters degrees.

Departments, Psychology
Study Programs &
Psyichology (S-1) C

Produk Psycho Center adalah produk unggulan dari Fakultas Pendidikan Psikologi UM dalam membantu
masalah-masalah psikologis di masyarakat. Layanan yang dilakukan Psycho Center adalah: (a)
Unggulan konsultasi psikologi, (b) psikotes, (c) terapi, dan (d) pelatihan atau training. Psycho Center juga
memiliki orientasi khusus pada bidang pendidikan, serta merupakan integrasi antara ilmu
pengetahuan psikologi dan teknologi. Implementasi program Psycho Center dibagi dalam dua
jenis, yaitu (a) produk pelayanan di bidang kependidikan yang berhubungan dengan sekolah,
guru, murid, dan penatalaksanaan pendidikan ABK di sekolah, misalnya psikotes untuk
penjurusan, kelas akselerasi, siswa bermasalah, dsb; (b) program nonkependidikan, yang
berhubungan dengan masalah di luar pendidikan, misalnya konseling, pelatihan kepemimpinan,
dan kepemimpinan.
Fasilitas yang dimiliki Psycho Center adalah: Lab. Psycho Center, tempat praktek strategis, dan alat
tes yang lengkap. Alat tes yang dimiliki Psycho Center di antaranya adalah tes kecerdasan, tes
kepribadian, tes bakat, tes minat, dan potensi kerja.

Flagship Psycho Center is the prided product of the faculty. This center helps the community solve their
psychological problems. The Psycho Center provides psychological consultancy, psycho-tests,
Product psychological therapy and trainings for public. The Psycho Center also amalgamates its psy-
chological know-how and the latest technology for educational purposes. The center provides
educational and non-educational services with regard to educational services for children with
special needs, psycho-tests necessary to assign students to their relevant departments or fields of
specialty, special treatment for accelerated classes and problem students, and (b) solutions for
problems unrelated to education such as counseling and leadership trainings.The Psycho Center is
equipped with a self-contained laboratory and a strategically situated service center as well as an
array of exhaustive testing instruments. Psycho Center caters public needs for intelligence test kits,
personality tests, aptitude and interest test and potency tests.

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Jurusan dan Program Studi
Pascasarjana UM merupakan pelaksana akademik yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan program magister dan
doktor. Pascasarjana berdiri pada tahun 1968. Saat ini Pascasarjana mengelola 17 program magister (S-2) dan 13
program doktor (S-3). Pascasarjana memiliki 2.463 orang mahasiswa program magister (S-2) dan 741 orang
mahasiswa program doktor (S-3), dengan 23 orang tenaga administrasi, teknisi, dan laboran.

Pendidikan Geografi (S-3) C

Pendidikan Kejuruan (S-3) C
Program Studi &
Pendidikan Kimia (S-3) C
Akreditasi C
Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (S-3)

Tekonologi Pembelajaran (S-2) A

Pendidikan Bahasa Indonesia (S-3) A
Manajemen Pendidikan (S-2) A
Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-3) A
Bimbingan dan Konseling (S-2) B
Pendidikan Biologi (S-3) A
Pendidikan Luar Sekolah (S-2) A
Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-3) B
Pendidikan Bahasa B
Pendidikan Matematika (S-3) B
Indonesia (S-2)

Pendidikan Kejuruan (S-2) B

Manajemen (S-2) C
Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-2) B Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-2) B
Doktor (S-3)
Pendidikan Dasar (S-2) C Pendidikan Biologi (S-2) A
Tekonologi Pembelajaran (S-3) A
Pendidikan Fisika (S-2) C Pendidikan Matematika (S-2) B
Manajemen Pendidikan (S-3) A
Pendidikan Bisnis dan C Pendidikan Kimia (S-2) B
Bimbingan dan Konseling (S-3) B
Manajemen (S-2) Pendidikan Geografi (S-2) C
Psikologi Pendidikan (S-3) C
Pendidikan Olahraga (S-2) -

Contact address
Postgraduate School
Address: Jalan Semarang 5,
Malang 65145

Phone & Fax: +62-341-551334,



Departments & Study Programs

UM s Graduate School is a special unit that runs master s and doctoral study programs. The school was
established in 1968. At present, the school runs 17 master programs and 13 doctoral programs. The school hosts
2,463 master s students and 741 doctoral students doctoral programs, backed by 23 dedicated administrative staffs,
technicians/ laboratory staffs.

Educational Technology (S2) A

English Language Education (S2) B
Departments, Educational Management (S2) A
Biology Education (S2) A
Study Programs & Guidance and Counseling (S2) B
Mathematics Education (S2) B
Accreditation Non-Formal Education (S2) A
Chemistry Education (S2) B
Indonesian Language B
Geography Education (S2) C
Education (S2)

Vocational Education (S2) B

Economics Education (S2) B Management (S2) C
Elementary Education (S2) C Learning Technology (S3) A
Physics Education C Educational Management (S3) A
Business and Management C Guidance and Counseling (S3) B
Education (S2) Educational Psychology (S3) C
Sport Education (S-2) -

Indonesian Language A
Geography Education (S3) C Education (S3)
Vocational Education (S3) C English Language Education (S3) A
Chemistry Education (S3) C Biology Education A
Non-formal Education (S3) C Economics Education (S3) B
Mathematics Education (S3) B

Prestasi dan • Program sertifikasi tes bagi konselor pendidikan
• Program Sandwich ke perguruan tinggi luar negeri untuk mahasiswa program kerjasama, antara lain:
Program Unggulan - Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S-2 RSBI) ke Angeles University Foundation, Philipina
- Pendidikan Biologi (S-2 RSBI) ke Nan Jing University of Agriculture, China
- Pendidikan Kimia (S-2 RSBI) ke Nan Jing University of Agriculture, China
- Pendidikan Matemaika (S-2 RSBI) ke Yangzhou University P. R., China
- Pendidikan Ekonomi (S-2 RSBI) ke Suan Dusit Rajabath University, Thailand
- Pendidikan IPA (S-2 RSBI) ke The University of Queensland, Australia
- Pendidikan Fisika (S-2RSBI) ke The University of Queensland, Australia
- Pendidikan Dasar (S-2) ke Atteneo de Naga University, Philipina
• Program Sandwich mahasiswa S-3 ke The University of Queensland (Australia), Aichi University of
Education (Japan), Pittsburg University (USA), University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (USA), dan
The Ohio State University (USA)
• Bantuan Hibah Penelitian Disertasi untuk mahasiswa yang berstatus dosen dari DP2M Dikti.
• Penyelenggara Beasiswa Unggulan (beasiswa dalam negeri calon dosen): (1) Tahun 2011 (50 orang
mahasiswa); (2) Tahun 2012 (194 orang mahasiswa); dan (3) Tahun 2013 (dalam proses penjaringan)
• Kerjasama: (1) Kementerian Pertanian Jakarta (10 orang mahasiswa); (2) Dinas Pendidikan Pemprov.
Kalimantan Timur (10 orang mahasiswa); (3) Universitas Tadulako Palu (31 orang mahasiswa); (4)
Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Banjarmasin (15 orang mahasiswa); (5) P2TK SMU Kalimantan
Timur (33 orang mahasiswa); (6) Dinas Pendidikan Kota Malang (20 orang mahasiswa); dan (7) Dinas
Pendidikan Prov. Jatim (183 orang mahasiswa)

Fasilitas Unggulan • LCD Proyector di setiap ruang kelas

• Ruang ujian yang representatif
• Ruang pertemuan yang memadai
• Laboratorium pendidikan
• Laboratorium bahasa
• Sistem informasi akademik Online

Learn more about us...

Landmark • Certification test program for educational counselor
• Sandwich program that sends selected students to overseas sister universities and/or partner
Achievements universities:
and Leading - English language education (S2-RSB) in cooperation with Angeles University Foundation, the
Programs Philippines
- Biology education (S2-RSBI) at Nan Jing University of Agriculture, China
- Chemistry education (S2-RSBI) att Nan Jing University of Agriculture, China
- Mathematics education (S2-RSBI) at Yangzhou University P.R., China
- Natural science education (S2-RSBI) at The University of Queensland, Australia
- Physics education (S2-RSBI) at The University of Queensland, Australia
- Elementary education (S2) at Atteneo de Naga University, the Philippines.
• Sandwich program for doctoral students in partnership with the University of Queensland (Australia),
Aichi University of Education (Japan), Pittsburg University (USA), University of Illinois at Urbana
Champaign (USA), The Ohio State University (USA)
• Dissertation grants from DP2M from Directorate General of Higher Education for lecturers pursuing
doctoral studies
• The school also manages various competitive grants provided by Directorate General of Higher
Education for university teaching staffs currently pursuing their doctoral research: 50 grants in 2011;
194 grants in 2012; and currently is screening the eligible recipients
• Current partnership schemes: (1) Cooperation with the Ministry of Agriculture that sent 10
postgraduate students; (2) Cooperation with the East Kalimantan Bureau of Education that sent 10
students to study at UM postgraduate school; (3) Cooperation with Tadulako University that sent 31
students; (4) Cooperation with Lambungmangkurat University in Banjarmasin, that sent 15
postgraduate students; (5) cooperation with P2TK SMU in East Kalimantan that sent 33 students to
UM; (6) Cooperation with Malang Educational Bureau that sent 20 postgraduate students to UM,
and (7) East Java Province Bureau of Education that sent 183 postgraduate students to UM

State-of-the-art • Teaching Restaurant and fashion boutique

• Laboratory/workshop for automotive education department
Facilities • Automotive Training Center (R4)
• Center for Construction Service Education and Training (Pusdiklatjakon)


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