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The Star is seen worldwide

For over 30 years author, lecturer and artist Benjamin reported worldwide. Videos of the Star posted on YouTube
Creme has been preparing the way for the emergence of are creating much debate and Share International is receiving
Maitreya, the World Teacher. more and more photographs showing the Star in a variety of
On 12 December 2008 Share International distributed a stunning colours and shapes.
news release announcing that in the very near future a large, In his latest article, Benjamin Creme’s Master reiterates
bright Star would appear in the sky visible throughout the the significance of the Star and seeks to stimulate public
world, night and day. The Star heralds the imminent discussion about its meaning and purpose.
emergence of Maitreya, who will be giving His first interview We display a selection of photographs of the Star from
on a major US television programme very soon. Since various countries. For colour photographs and eye-witness
January 2009 hundreds of sightings of the Star have been reports visit

The restoration of the world

“From almost every point of view the move beyond the sight of men and so
situation facing men everywhere grows leave the platform of the heavens open to
daily more painful. The economic chaos the Star.Then there will be no doubt that
resulting from years of unlicensed greed the Star is there for all to see.
and heartless competition lays waste the If sufficient discussion can be
honest toil and aspiration of countless fostered on the various media and
millions. On the whole, the men of money internet, it will not be long until men see
go blithely on, their treasure intact, while and hear Maitreya speak. He will not be so
men and women in every country face called, that men can judge His ideas rather
joblessness, poverty and fear. More than His status.
accurate readings of climatic changes show
As the economic crisis deepens, a
men how close this planet is to
singular reaction is appearing in many
irreversible calamity, and alarm bells sound
countries: alongside the fear, bravado and
loudly on many political fronts, raising to
growing despair is a new understanding of
new levels the factor of stress.
the reasons for the crash — the greed
How much more of this tension can and competitive spirit at the centre of our
humanity bear? For how long will men systems and, therefore, the need for
accept, mildly, their fate? Desperate men sharing. Of themselves, many are
do desperate deeds and already in their awakening to this basic truth and see
minds, if not yet in their actions, many sharing as the answer to injustice and war.
contemplate revolution. Thus are many ready for Maitreya’s Call.
Behind the scenes, Maitreya watches This realization will grow as the crisis
carefully these happenings, and gives bites deeper and deeper into the shaky
succour wherever the Law allows. He fabric of the outworn forms and
waits, patiently, for the build-up of structures that no longer work, can never
response to the sign of His Emergence, the be made to work for long.
“star-like luminary of brilliant power” on When Maitreya speaks, He will show
which many now gaze in wonder and even that this is so, that the world is ready for
love. the adoption of new and better forms,
What is desired is some measure of based on the true needs of the peoples
public debate about the significance or everywhere. His is the task to focus and
meaning of the Star, thus signifying the strengthen this growing realization of the
emergence of Maitreya, the World Teacher. oneness and unity of men, of their mutual
The greater and more public the dependence and awakening divinity. Thus
discussion, the greater does it prepare the will Maitreya and humanity work together
way for Maitreya’s entry. Soon there will for the restoration of this world.”
be no gainsaying. Very soon, Venus will (Share International April 2009)
Photos: Left from top: Nürnberg, Germany 5/2/09; New York, USA, 22/1/09; Crewe, UK 10/3/09; Ozarks,Arkansas, USA 3/3/09; Hullbridge, Essex, UK 1/3/09; Etampes, France 15/2/09
Right from top: Tel Aviv, Israel 2/09; Pasadena, CA, USA 8/1/09; Ath, Belgium 18/1/09; Costa Rica 3/1/09; Oslo, Norway 9/2/09; Sakura, Japan 2/03/09
Share International — background information

For over 30 years artist, author, and lecturer an educator in the

Benjamin Creme has been preparing the way for broadest sense. He
the biggest event in history — the emergence of will seek to inspire
Maitreya the World Teacher and His group, the humanity to see
Masters of Wisdom. Millions of people around the itself as one family,
world have heard his information and wait and to create a
expectantly for this momentous event. civilization based on
Since 19 July 1977 Maitreya has been living in sharing, economic
the Asian community of London, gradually and social justice,
emerging before the public. Long awaited by all and global co-
faiths under different names, Maitreya is the operation.
World Teacher for all people, religious or not. For those who
Maitreya’s ‘roving ambassador’ Benjamin seek signs of His
Creme travels the world spreading his message of coming, Maitreya
hope and creating a climate of expectancy for has manifested Maitreya as He appeared to 6,000 people in
Nairobi, Kenya, 11 June 1988
Maitreya’s emergence. Trained and supervised m i r a c l e s
over many years by his own Master, with whom worldwide, touching the hearts of millions and
he is in constant telepathic contact, Benjamin preparing them for His imminent appearance.
Creme has access to up-to-date information on With Maitreya and His group working
Maitreya’s emergence, giving him the total openly in the world, offering Their guidance
conviction needed to present this story to a and teachings, humanity is assured not only of
sceptical world. survival but of the creation of a brilliant new
As a modern man concerned with today’s civilization.
problems, Maitreya works behind the scenes of According to Benjamin Creme, we do not
our changing world. The outpouring of His have long to wait to see Him. Soon, Maitreya
extraordinary energy has been the stimulus for will be interviewed on major US television and
dramatic developments on many fronts: the His open emergence will begin.
ending of the cold war; the break-up of the Soviet Benjamin Creme regularly lectures
Union; the unification of Germany; the ending of worldwide, and appears on television and radio
apartheid in South Africa; the growing power of — in the USA alone he has been interviewed
the people’s voice, leading to demands for on more than 700 radio and television shows.
freedom and justice; and the worldwide focus on He is author of 13 books — translated into 11
preserving the environment. languages — and is editor of Share International
Outwardly Maitreya has met with influential magazine which circulates in 70 countries. He
leaders from all fields, informing them of His receives no payment for any of this work.
solutions to our pressing problems. His message Benjamin Creme offers a positive view of the
can be summarized as:“Share and save the world.” future — a message of hope for the world.
He has not come to found a new religion but as


Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 (opposite Euston station)
Thursday 23 April 2009 7pm to 9.30pm (doors open 6.30 — admission free)

Share International, PO Box 3677, London NW5 1RU

tel: 44-(0)207-482-1113; fax: 44-(0)207-267-2881

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