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Salters Horners Physics

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Unit Test PSA1 1

Thursday 21 May 2009 – Afternoon 2

Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
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Instructions to Candidates
In the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname and initial(s) and
your signature.
Answer ALL of the questions, writing your answers in this question booklet.
Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box ( ).
If you change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box ( ) and then mark your new
answer with a cross ( ).
In calculations you should show all the steps in your working, giving your answer at each stage.
Calculators may be used.
Include diagrams in your answers where these are helpful.

Information for Candidates

The mark for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets.
There are six questions in this paper. The total mark for this paper is 60.
The list of data, formulae and relationships is printed at the end of this booklet.

Advice to Candidates
You will be assessed on your ability to organise and present information, ideas, descriptions and
arguments clearly and logically, taking account of your use of grammar, punctuation and spelling.

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W850/R6751/57570 6/5/3/
1. The trap-jaw ant can snap shut its jaws at speeds of up to 64 m s–1. If it strikes its jaws on
the ground as they close, the ant can launch itself away from any predators.

In a typical escape jump, the ant has an average acceleration of 2400 m s–2 while the jaws
are in contact with the ground.

Mass of ant = 1.3 × 10–5 kg

(a) Show that the average force produced is about 0.03 N.




(b) The ant is pushed upwards through a distance of 1.2 × 10–3 m while the jaws are in
contact with the ground.

Show that the work done by the jaws is about 4 × 10–5 J.




(c) State the initial kinetic energy of the ant as it leaves the ground.

Kinetic energy = .......................................................


(d) Calculate the initial speed of the ant as it leaves the ground.





Initial speed = ...........................................................


(e) State the principle of conservation of energy and use it to show that the maximum
height achieved by the ant is about 0.3 m.





(f) The jaws are pushing on the ground for 1.0 ms.

Calculate the average power developed by the jaws.





Power = ....................................................................
(2) Q1

(Total 12 marks)

*N31187A0316* Turn over
2. A child at an aquarium is overheard saying, “These fish are all wobbly – they get closer
and further when you move your head”.
Her father tells her that the change in apparent position of the fish is caused by refraction
of light passing from the water and through the thick glass wall of the aquarium.

(a) (i) Explain what is meant by the term refraction.




(ii) Glass is denser than water. Complete the diagram to show how refraction causes
the fish to appear to be in the apparent position indicated.


position of fish
Water Glass Air

(iii) Mark with a cross ( ) the correct responses in the following table to show what
happens to the three quantities as light passes from glass to air.

Quantity When light passes from glass to air this quantity …

frequency decreases increases stays the same

wave speed decreases increases stays the same

wavelength decreases increases stays the same


(b) A sign in the aquarium states:

‘Don’t tap the glass, as this upsets the fish.’

Explain how sound travels through the water.




(c) Sharks can detect sounds within the frequency range of 10 Hz to 800 Hz.

Calculate the longest wavelength of sound they can detect.

Speed of sound in sea water = 1500 m s–1.




Wavelength = ...........................................................

(d) Another open display tank containing small beach-dwelling creatures had lenses
placed above it to provide magnified images of the creatures. For a lens to be used
as a magnifying glass, its distance from the creatures must be less than the focal

The lens was 0.20 m above the creatures.

Lenses of different powers are available. Mark with a cross ( ) the only lens in the
following table that could be used for this application.

4.5 D 5.0 D 5.5 D 20 D

(1) Q2

(Total 11 marks)

*N31187A0516* Turn over

3. A student is impressed when she sees some portable battery-powered speakers labelled:

Output 30 W

The speakers are powered by two AA cells connected in series.

When she uses them, they don’t sound very loud, so she investigates further.

(a) The student obtains the following readings when using the speakers to listen to a song
at maximum volume.

Voltage = 3.1 V
Current = 0.068 A

Show that the maximum electrical power supplied by the cells is about 0.2 W.




(b) She sees that the label actually states 30 W PMPO.

She finds out that PMPO stands for Peak Momentary Power Output. This is a
theoretical maximum power value that may be obtained for very short periods of time.
It assumes ideal conditions.

Show that the current necessary to obtain a 30 W power consumption with a voltage
of 3.1 V is about 10 A.




*N31187A0716* Turn over
(c) A more sensitive voltmeter is now used to measure the terminal potential difference
of one of the cells when there is no current and when the current is 0.068 A.

Terminal potential difference with no current = 1.533 V

Terminal potential difference with current of 0.068 A = 1.521 V

(i) Use these values to show that the internal resistance of one cell is about 0.2 Ω.






(ii) Explain why an external load resistance of about 0.4 Ω would give a maximum
output power for two cells in series.




(d) Calculate the current when the two cells give maximum output power.




Current = .................................

(e) Calculate the maximum output power for the two cells in series.




Maximum output power = .......................................


(f) Comment on the manufacturer’s claim of output 30 W in the light of your



(1) Q3

(Total 12 marks)

*N31187A0916* Turn over
4. Some students are performing a road safety experiment. They place a small Plasticine
model of a person on a trolley. The trolley is rolled a measured distance down a track and
strikes a barrier. The distance travelled by the Plasticine model after the trolley strikes the
barrier is then measured.


Distance down track

Distance travelled by
Plasticine model

(a) (i) The Plasticine model is 0.08 m above the ground when the trolley strikes the

Show that the time it takes to strike the ground is about 0.1 s.




(ii) The model travels a horizontal distance of 0.09 m before landing on the ground.

Calculate the speed of the model when the trolley strikes the barrier.



Speed = .....................................................................

(b) The students decide to compare their measured distance with the theoretical distance
calculated using equations of motion.

To determine the expected speed at the bottom of the track, the students first calculate
the component of the total weight of the trolley plus model along the track.

Mass of trolley plus model = 0.85 kg.

(i) Calculate the total weight of the trolley plus model.


Weight = ...................................................................

(ii) Calculate the component of weight along the track when the angle of the track to
the horizontal is 30°.








Component of weight = ...........................................


(c) The students calculate a theoretical distance travelled by the model as 0.13 m,
corresponding to a theoretical speed at the bottom of the track of 0.99 m s–1.

Explain why the measured distance of 0.09 m differs from the theoretical distance.



(2) Q4

(Total 9 marks)

*N31187A01116* Turn over
5. Over recent years there has been an expansion in the number of wind energy projects.
One problem with obtaining planning permission for wind farms is objections from the
Ministry of Defence that metal turbine blades interfere with radar.

A proposed solution is to have an outer non-absorbing layer on the blades so that any
incident radar signal is reflected in two parts. Surface A reflects half the incident signal
and surface B reflects the other half. This enables the use of superposition to reduce the
reflected signal.

Non-absorbing layer
Metal turbine blade

(a) Explain what is meant by superposition.



(b) The distance travelled by the signal from A to B is .
(i) State the path difference between the two reflections.



(ii) Explain why this path difference will reduce the reflected radar signal.






(c) State an assumption about the waves from surfaces A and B which is necessary to
achieve the desired effect.



(d) Radar wavelengths are generally between 1 mm and 10 cm.

An outer layer thickness of 5 mm is used to reduce the reflection of a signal of

wavelength 2 cm.

Explain why this arrangement is also effective for a wavelength of 0.67 cm.




(2) Q5

(Total 9 marks)

*N31187A01316* Turn over
6. A student reads that most of a washing machine’s power consumption is used heating water
and decides to do his washing at a lower temperature. He investigates the performance of
his own washing machine.

(a) He uses a meter to measure the energy used during the heating section of a 40 °C wash
cycle. The measurement is 0.45 kW h.

1 kW h = 3.6 × 106 J

Show that the energy used is about 2 × 106 J.



(b) During this heating section, the temperature of 12 kg of water increases from 18 °C to
40 °C.

Show that the heat energy gained by the water is about 1 × 106 J.
Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J kg–1 °C–1




(c) (i) Calculate the efficiency of the washing machine at heating water.




Efficiency = ..............................................................

(ii) Suggest a reason why your answer is less than 100%.




(d) Explain the effect of using a higher temperature on the energy efficiency of the
washing machine.



(1) Q6

(Total 7 marks)



List of data, formulae and relationships
Gravitational constant G 6.67 u 1011 N m 2 kg  2
Acceleration of free fall g 9.81m s 2 (close to Earth’s surface)
Gravitational field strength g 9.81N kg 1 (close to Earth’s surface)
Electronic charge e 1.60 u 1019 C
Electronic mass me 9.11u 1031 kg
Electronvolt 1eV 1.60 u10 19 J
Proton mass mp 1.67 u10 27 kg
Planck constant h 6.63 u10 34 J s
Speed of light in a vacuum c 3.00 u 108 m s 1
Molar gas constant R 8.31J K 1 mol1
Boltzmann constant k 1.38 u10 23 J K 1
Permittivity of free space H0 8.85 u10 12 F m 1
Permeability of free space P0 4Su 10 7 N A 2

Unit 1
Physics at work, rest and play

Kinematic equations of motion s ut  12 at 2
v2 u 2  2as

% efficiency = [useful energy (or power) output/total energy (or power) input] u100%
Heating 'E mc'T

Quantum Phenomena
Photon model E hf

Waves and Oscillations

For waves on a wire or string v (T / P )
For a lens P 1/ f


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