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Created by Hanari P

Subject : Air Traffik Controllers

Subject Alt : Lalulintas udara

Keyword : : "VHF Data Link (VDL);ATC (Air Traffic Control


Description :
VHF Data Link (VDL), merupakan fasilitas komunikasi data
yang dapat mendukung operasional ATC (Air Traffic Control
Communication) dalam memantau posisi pesawat, maupun untuk
pertukaran data yang diperlukan pada saat pendaratan atau
pemberangkatan. Beberapa mode dalam VHF Data Link adalah VDL
Mode-2, VDL Mode-3, dan VDL Mode-4. VHF Data Link ini
diimplementasikan untuk mendukung mode komunikasi pertukaran data
dalam bentuk teks dan grafik.
Pada tugas akhir ini dilakukan pemodelan dan simulasi jaringan VHF
Data Link (VDL) Mode 2 dengan menggunakan OPNET modeler
8.1.Simulasi dilakukan bertahap, dimulai dengan membuat model yang
memanfaatkan library yang ada pada OPNET hingga pembuatan model
baru yang sederhana sehingga simulasi dapat berjalan dan menghasilkan
data yang dibutuhkan. Skenario simulasi digunakan untuk menguji sistem
VDL mode 2 yang terdiri dari sebuah pesawat dan sebuah ground station
yang diletakkan pada jarak yang bervariasi.
Simulasi VDL pada OPNET baru bisa dijalankan ketika repository sudah
terbangun, yaitu keadaan dimana tiap - tiap node yang dibuat sudah dapat
saling berkomunikasi dan melakukan pemindahan data. Setelah simulasi
berhasil dijalankan diperoleh data end-to-end delay yang meningkat
seiring dengan bertambahnya jarak pesawat dengan Ground station, hal
ini disebabkan karena end-to-end delay dipengaruhi oleh delay propagasi
yang bergantung pada jarak.

Description Alt:
VHF Data Link (VDL), representing facility of data
communications which can support the operational ATC (Air Traffic
Control Communication) in watching implement position, and also for
transfer data needed at the time of landing or departure. Some mode in
VHF Data Link are VDL Mode-2, VDL Mode-3, and VDL Mode-4. This
VHF Data Link is implemented to support communications mode of data
transfer as text and graph form.
In this final project modeling and simulating VHF Data Link Mode 2 is
done by OPNET modeler 8.1 simulation software. Simulation is done step

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by step, started by making models which were taken from OPNET library
until making a new simple user defined model, so the simulation could be
executed and providing some information needed. A simulation scenario
is used to test the VDL mode 2 sistem which is consist of a Ground
Station and a plane which is placed in various distance.
The VDL simulation in OPNET could be executed when the repository
has built, this is a condition where every node in the system had been
able to communicate each other, and also had been able to do data
transfer. After simulation has executed, some information about end-toend
delay which were increasing due to the increment of distance
between ground station and plane has gathered. This is caused by the
propagation delay which is distance dependent.

Contributor : Prof.Ir. Gamantyo Hendrantoro, M.Eng.PhD.<br>Dipl.-Ing. Wayan Wira Yogantara

Date Create : 25/11/2009

Type : Text

Format : pdf.

Language : Indonesian

Identifier : ITS-Undergraduate-3100009035789

Collection : 3100009035789

Call Number : RSE 629.136 2 Han S

Source : Undergraduate Theses, Electrical Engineering, RSE 629.136 2 Han s, 2009

COverage : ITS Community only

Right : Copyright @2009 by ITS Library. This publication is protected by copyright and permission
should be obtained from the ITS Library prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a
retrievel system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or likewise. For information regarding permission(s), write to ITS

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