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Abducted by Aliens

Or How I Learned to Cope With High Strangeness, Government Harassment, and

My Mother (a True Story)
by Chuck Weiss

Available as a FREE e-Book at

368 Pages, Color Photos & Fully Indexed
Contact Chuck at

175: Depression
I’ve already written about two of the dreaded companions of many Abductee/Experiencers, fear and
paranoia. (blog posts 135 & 151, respectively) Now I’m going to talk about the last of the triple threat,

Wikipedia defines depression as “a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's
thoughts, behavior, feelings and physical well-being. It may include feelings of sadness, anxiety,
emptiness, hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, irritability, or restlessness.”

Last year the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a report regarding the
prevalence of depression in the United States. The findings showed that on average 9 percent of the US
population met the criteria for depression during the study period, between 2006 and 2008.

Although many people outside the UFO contact experience have bouts of depression for any number of
reasons, the depressive episodes Abductee/Experiencers under go are ultimately about loosing control of
one’s personal life and/or the feeling of being violated. For many Abductee/Experiencers ET contact is
(at least at first) a shattering experience. It’s meant to be. Paradigms aren’t shifted easily. A paradigm
is supposed to be something that you can rely on, like the ground under your feet. If it shifts
unexpectedly, you can lose your balance and fall. This can happen even when a person is unaware of
their ET visits, and when it does many react with bouts of depression, sometime clinically severe.

Often these people seek psychiatric help and wind up in their local mental health system, misdiagnosed
(usually with Bipolar Disorder1) and taking psychotropic prescription medications. If you suspect that
your depression, which might be cyclic in nature, is due to ET contact experiences (especially if you
don’t have the corresponding “highs” that characterize true Bipolar Disorder), then I suggest that you
don’t go down that road. It’s likely to be a dead end and it won’t be easy to turn around and go back,
once you’re in the system. A diagnosis of mental illness can haunt you for a lifetime. Don’t go there if
you don’t have to.
That is, of course, unless you’re feeling suicidal. If that’s the case, then by all means seek professional
help. Once you’re feeling better you can decide what to do, but such thoughts are hard to shake off.
Call 911 right away. Don’t delay!

It may not just be the ETs that have you depressed. In an entry to my UFO journal dated August 5, 1994
(reprinted on this blog as post #46), I reported a new round of depression that perplexed me at the time
as to the cause.

“The old cycles of anxiety and depression have returned. But why? I had been free of them for several
months now. I credited my recovery to a combination of good hypnotherapy and my having accepted
the reality of my double life [with ETs]. I have even come to regard the visitors as my friends. So why
am I now suddenly back at square one?”

At the time I wasn’t aware that humans were also taking me in the night. It was only three months later
that I found that out. Afterwards I put two and two together and came up with . . . Majestic.2

But regardless of the reason, how can one cope with depression if not with pharmaceuticals? I found
early on that writing about what was happening to me helped immensely. My UFO journal kept me
sane. I strongly recommend that all Abductee/Experiencers keep a diary. Rereading it now and then will
keep you grounded, and it helps to be reminded of how you got to where you are.

Support groups are another way to combat depression for the Abductee/Experiencer. Being with those
who understand and hearing their similar stories can help pull one from the depths of despair. If a UFO
support group is unavailable in your area, OPUS3 facilitates one online, where one email goes to
everyone in the group, and you can respond or not depending on how you feel. Contact Les Velez at if you think you’d like to try it. Please tell him who sent you.

I’ll be speaking at a meeting of MUFON members in Sacramento, California a week from today, on
Saturday February 26th.. Check the sidebar on this website under “Chuck’s Events” for the details. At
the end of my presentation, I’ll be showing an amazing surprise video that will have the UFO
community buzzing when it’s officially released later this year. If you can possibly make it, you won’t
be disappointed!

In my opinion, one of the overly misdiagnosed conditions is “bipolar disorder,” or what used to be
called “manic depressive syndrome. This is a mental imbalance defined by alternating periods of
elevated mood and energy levels with periods of depression. Genetic factors are thought to contribute
substantially to the likelihood of developing bipolar disorder, and environmental factors are also

Unfortunately, at least in the United States, medicine is all about money and that also contributes to
misdiagnosis. There’s lots of money to be made with any long tern illness, physical or mental. The
doctor has a guaranteed patient, and the pharmaceutical companies make money from every pill
Majestic is my term for the organization housed deep inside the intelligence community that is in charge
of everything related to UFOs, including the surveillance and harassment of Abductee/Experiencers.
Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support


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