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Ni Made Rini Suari1, Widnyana1, Putu Budhiastra2
Departments of Child Health and Ophthalmology2, Medical School, Udayana University Sanglah Hospital Denpasar


Ocular problems in patient with leukemia which are called leukemic retinopathy and subhyaloid hemorrhage
is one of its feature. Subhyaloid hemorrhage in children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is rarely
happened. We reported a boy 7 year 7 month old, complained sudden blurred vision on his both eyes and
diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. When patient had complained his vision, result of routine
hematology showed anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukocytosis. Treatment of leukemic retinopathy in
this patient was supportive and causal therapy with transfusion of thrombocyte concentrate, hydration for
leukocytosis, giving chemotherapy intrathecal methotrexate and systemic (vincristine, daunorubicin, L-
asparginase). We found gradually undergone resolution of subhyaloid hemorrhages, visible flame shaped
thin, and his vision recovered nearly completely to 6/6 OD and 6/20 OS. [MEDICINA 2013;44:44-49]

Keywords: children, leukemic retinopathy, acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Ni Made Rini Suari1, Widnyana1, Putu Budhiastra2
Bagian/SMF Ilmu Kesehatan Anak1 dan Mata2 Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Udayana/Rumah Sakit Umum
Pusat Sanglah Denpasar


Gangguan penglihatan pada pasien dengan leukemia disebut retinopati leukemia dan salah satu kejadian
yang ditemui adalah perdarahan subhyaloid. Perdarahan subhyaloid jarang terjadi pada anak dengan
leukemia limfoblastik akut (LLA). Kami melaporkan seorang anak laki usia 7 tahun 7 bulan dengan LLA
yang mengalami keluhan penglihatan kabur pada kedua mata. Pada pemeriksaan oftalmoskopi ditemukan
adanya perdarahan pada subhyaloid. Ketika keluhan muncul, pasien dalam kondisi anemia, trombositopeni,
dan leukositosis sesuai sebagai penyebab terjadinya retinopati leukemia. Tata laksana yang diberikan pada
pasien ini adalah suportif dan kausal, yaitu dengan tranfusi trombosit konsentrat, hidrasi pada leukositosis,
kemoterapi sistemik, dan kemoterapi intratekal (vincristine, daunorubicin, L-asparginase). Secara bertahap
ditemukan resolusi pada perdarahan suhyaloid, penipisan pada lapisan perdarahan, dan perbaikan visus
penglihatan mendekati normal OD 6/6 dan OS 6/20 [MEDICINA 2013;44:44-49]

Kata kunci : anak, retinopati leukemia, leukemia limfoblastik akut

INTRO DUCTION all leukemias manifest some in both acute and chronic
ocular involvement.1 The ocular forms. Features of leukemic
Leukemia is defined complications of leukemia may retinopathy include multiple
as a neoplastic blood be due to a direct involvement preretinal and intraretinal
disorder characterized by leukemic infiltrates or hemorrhages are most
by the overproduction of secondary to concomitant commonly found in the
abnormal white blood cells. anemia or thrombocytopenia. posterior pole. Other features
It can be divided into two Leukemic retinopathy
types; myelogenous and is a common manifestation wool spots, exudates,
lymphoblastic. At least 50% of leukemia and found retinal venous tortuosity,


A 7 Year-7-month Old Boy With Leukemic Retinopathy | Ni Made Rini Suari, Widnyana, Putu Budhiastra

perivascular sheathing, and extensive retinal hemorrhages gave advice to go to Sanglah

neovascularization are also (subhyaloid hemorrhages) Hospital in order to do follow
found.1 occurring in the absence through examination.
Ocular involvement in of trauma in a patient with Blood examination
leukemia is either due to direct ALL. We reported the clinical was taken when he went
infiltration of the orbit and features, relevant literature, to Sanglah Hospital, and
other tissues (iris, choroid, optic and suggested mechanisms showed similar results, high
nerve), vascular abnormalities for subhyaloid hemorrhages in WBC count with lymphocyte
affecting the retina (intraretinal such a situation. predominance, normochromic
hemorrhages, white central normositic anemia with low
retinal hemorrhages, CASE RE PORT platelet count (leukocyte
60.20 k/µL, neutrophil 4.14
hemorrhages, subhyaloid A 7 year 7 month old k/µL, lymphocyte 50.32 k/
hemorrhages, vitreous boy who was born and lived µL, monocyte 4.14 k/µL,
hemorrhages), or neuro in Mengwi, was referred from hemoglobine 5.77 g/dL,
ophthalmic signs (papilloedema Kapal Hospital with suspect hematocrite 17.78, MCV 68.40
secondary to raised intracranial leukemia. He came to Kapal fl, MCH 23.11 pg, MCHC 33.79
pressure, isolated cranial nerve Hospital with chief complaints g/dL, RDW 14.06, platelets 20 k/
palsies) of central nervous fever, pale, and distended uL. Blood smear was evaluated
system (CNS) disease.2 abdomen. He suffered and showed erythrocyte
In leukemic case, the time from fever 3 weeks before normochromic, anisocytosis,
appearance of ocular evaluation hospitalized. Fever without normoblast, leukocyte
is not specified. It is possible coughing, diarrhea, dyspneu, increase, homogen lymphoblast
that the ocular evaluation is dysuria, and convulsion. Other predominance, decrease of
performed at any time during symptom was pale since 2 platelets, and was concluded
the course of illness, only when weeks before hospitalized, with suspicion ALL (L1). At
the patient demonstrated ocular started from eyelids and lips Sanglah hospital patient was
symptoms, or in patient with and spread on his hands and later undergone bone marrow
high risk factors such as central foots. There were no history of aspiration (BMA) to confirm
nervous system leukemia, bleeding on skin and gum nor the diagnosis. Therapy applied
severe thrombocytopenia or redness urine or blackish stool. was hydration for leukocytosis,
marked leucocytosis.2,3 When treated at RSUD transfusion of packed red cell
Before the era of Kapal on September 22nd, 2011, (PRC), transfusion of platelets,
effective antileukemic therapy, he had undergone routine and nutritional therapy.
retinopathy is believed to has hematology and blood smear After 12 days of treatment,
no prognostic significance in evaluation. Result of routine
acute leukemia. However, it hematology was leukocyte 41.6 appetite and bone marrow was
is important to consider an x (neutrophil 4.79, lymphocyte done. Laboratory result showed
ocular evaluation at the time of 34.7, monocyte 1.72) 103/ leukocyte 67.40 k/µL neutrophil
diagnosis of acute leukemia in µL, hemoglobine 8.71 g/dL, 3.49 k/µL, lymphocyte 58.63
adults and children since recent hematocrite 25.8%, MCV 70.6 k/µL, monocyte 3.34 k/
reports have demonstrated fl, MCH 23.8 pg, MCHC 33.80 µL, hemoglobine 8.1 g/dL,
that the presence of ocular g/dL, RDW 14.70, platelets 21.7 hematocrite 22.48%, MCV
involvement is associated k/uL, and blood smear result 73.49 fl, MCH 26.52 pg, MCHC
with poor prognosis in acute was suspicious for ALL. 36.09 g/dL, RDW 17.66,
childhood leukemias.4 On September 26th 2011, platelets 24.29 k/uL. Result
We reported a case he came again to Kapal Hospital of bone marrow aspiration
that demonstrates the with severe pale, fever, and was hypercellularity, eritroid
appearance of leukemic pain of his leg. When he arrived system decreased activity,
retinopathy associated with at Kapal Hospital, his doctor mieloid system decreased



activity, megakariocyte system superotemporal, and superior ODS was normal. Posterior
decreased activity, other cell quadrant. Posterior segment OS segment OD showed volume
showed >50% infiltration of showed pale retina, subhyaloid of hemorrhages of subhyaloid
lymphoblast with homogen hemorrhages in inferior was decreased without Roth
morphology small size, and macula, and flame shaped at spots and thin flame shaped.
conclusion appropriate ALL
On-day 19 (October
15th, 2011) he started to has
blurred vision and flare
sensation on both eyes.
There was no ocular or head
trauma, no history of blackish
stool, nose bleeds nor easy
Ocular dextra
bruising. In that time, routine Ocular sinistra
hematology was leukocyte Figure 1. Funduscopic examination at October 19th 2011, showed manifestation
139.50 k/µL, neutrophil 2.69 hemorrhages was flame shaped with fluid level.
k/µL, lymphocyte 116.40
k/µL, monocyte 0.41 k/µL,
hemoglobin 6,30 g/dL (MCV
77,0 fl, MCH 28,40 pg, MCHC
36,80 g/dL), hematocrite 17.10%,
RDW 18.10, platelets 11 k/µL,
LUC 14.30%.
Patient then consulted to
Ophthalmology Department
and examination was done Figure 2. Funduscopic at November 17th 2011.
at the bedside secondary to
patient’s weakness and nausea. superotemporal (Figure 1). Posterior segment OS showed
Visual acuity was 5/60 oculi Acute lymphoblastic decreased of volume subhyaloid
dextra (OD) and 3/60 oculi leukemia treatment started from hemorrhages (Figure 2).
sinistra (OS), pupils were 4 October 22nd 2011 using high risk Third evaluation that
mm and reactive, with no 2006 protocol. On October 26th made on November 25th
evidence of a relative afferent 2011, methothrexate intrathecal 2011 found improvement
papillary defect. Anterior was administered, accompanied on vision capability with
segment examination was with liquor cerebrospinalis VA 6/12 and 6/30 (Figure 3).
grossly normal. Conclusion (LCS) analysis to examine Ophthalmologist evaluation
from ophthalmologist was whether blast cell invade CNS. on December 22nd 2011 found
leukemic retinopathy on both Liquor cerebrospinalis analysis no blurring vision with VA 6/6,
eyes and later examined with was performed to differentiate anterior segment was normal,
funduscopic. blurring vision from blast and posterior segment showed
On-day 23 of treatment invasion to CNS especially subhyaloid hemorrhages
(October 19th, 2011) funduscopic optic nerves. Result from LCS with improvement. On left
was done and showed anterior analysis found no blast cell. eye we found visus 6/20 with
segment ODS were normal. On November 17th normal anterior segment and
Posterior segment OD showed 2011, we made second improvement of subhyaloid
pale retina, subhyaloid evaluation for blurring vision. hemorrhages on posterior
hemorrhages in inferior macula Ophthalmologist found VA OD segment (Figure 4). Until
with Roth spots at inferonasal 6/30 OS 6/60, anterior segment December, patient had 6 times
quadrant, flame shaped at


A 7 Year-7-month Old Boy With Leukemic Retinopathy | Ni Made Rini Suari, Widnyana, Putu Budhiastra

of CNS disease.6,7 In our case,

patient was a boy aged 7 year 7
month old and diagnosed with
ALL according to the clinical

pathologic feature. He had sud-

denly blurred vision.
Leukemic retinopathy is
Figure 3. Funduscopic at November 25th 2011. most often manifestation used
to denote the ocular manifesta-
tion of anemia, thrombocytope-
nia and increased blood viscos-
ity seen in patients with leuke-
mia. Prevalence of leukemic
retinopathy was 49%.8 It has
been suggested that leukemic
infiltration of the ocular is re-
lated to high leukocyte counts
and that ocular hemorrhages
Figure 4. Funduscopic at December 22nd 2011. are associated to anemia and/or
chemotherapy L-Asp 6000µ/ mately 80% of acute leukemias, Ocular hemorrhages are
m2, 5 times of Daunorubicin 30 which acute myeloid leukemia the most striking feature of
mg/m2, 7 times of vincristine (AML) responsible for the re- leukemia. They tend to occur
1,5 mg/m2, and 4 times of maining 20%.5 most commonly at the poste-
methothrexate intrathecal. The retina is involved in rior pole, may be at any level of
Routine hematology was done leukemia more often than any the retina and may extend into
and showed leukocyte 2.27 k/µl, other ocular tissue. The early the subretinal or vitreous spac-
neutrofil 35.4 k/µL, lymphocyte manifestations (because of he- es.10 Retinal hemorrhages have
49,98 k/µL, hemoglobin 10.6 g/ matological disturbance) are been described as dot and blot,
dL (MCV 83.10; MCHC 37.90), venous dilatation and tortuos- or flame-shaped, or, classically,
hematocrite 32.10%, platelets ity. Hemorrhages may occur in as white-centered hemorrhages
501 k/µL. all levels of the retina, usually (Roth’s Spot). It has been pro-
in the posterior pole, and may posed that these white centred
DISCUSSION extend into the vitreous.6 hemorrhages represent an ac-
Ocular involvement in cumulation of leukemic cells,
Leukemia is an abnor- leukemia is either due to di- or platelet fibrin aggregates.9,10
mal proliferation of one or rect infiltration of the orbit and The role of anemia in the
more cell lines in the blood at other tissue (iris, choroid, optic case of retinal hemorrhages
the expense of the normal cell nerve), or vascular abnormali- had focused by several authors.
lines. Differentiation of leuke- ties affecting the retina (intra- The critical blood levels below
mic type is determined by the retinal hemorrhages, white which retinal hemorrhages
line of hematopoiesis (lympho- centered retinal hemorrhag- may occur are stated to be a
blastic versus myelocytic) and hemoglobin concentration of
the rate of progression (acute lar hemorrhages, subhyaloid 40 percent and an erythrocyte
versus chronic), with acute leu- hemorrhages, vitreous hemor- count of 1,500,000/mm. Severe
kemias making up the majority rhages), or neuro ophthalmic anemia may result in hypoxia.
in those under 20 years of age. signs (papilloedema secondary This is a potent stimulus to the
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia to raised intracranial pressure, dilatation of retinal veins. Such
(ALL) accounts for approxi- isolated cranial nerve palsies) venous dilatation contributes to



capillary engorgement and in- look like a flame shaped, semi- the posterior hyaloid face or
creased fragility, thus, the stage lunar, crescentic, or geographic internal limiting membrane
is set for easy bleeding. Capil- accumulation of dark red blood by use of pulsed Nd: YAG
lary fragility may be further in- overlying and obscuring its laser has been described as
creased by thrombocytopenia, source. Within time the same a practical substitution to
hypoxia or by bacterial toxins, accumulation of blood can vitrectomy. The only drawback
and those combination of sev- showed semilunar or crescen- particularly in children is lack
eral factors which may produce tic in shape, with a fluid level of cooperation.7 In comparison
retinal hemorrhages, and it is to vitrectomy, the laser
quite difficult to evaluate the of the formed elements.10 procedure is the ambulatory
individual role of any one of the Flame shaped and painless procedure. The
formed elements of the blood.10 hemorrhages are bright red, and Nd: YAG laser hyaloidotomy
In our case, we found when lozenge shaped with a striated will not affect the outcome of
patient had complained his vi- or serrated outline on at least deferred vitrectomy. In our
sion, result of routine hematol- one margin, and they follow the case, we did not performed
ogy showed anemia, thrombo- course of the retinal nerve fibre vitrectomy and posterior Nd:
cytopenia, and leukocytosis. layer. They occur in the posterior YAG laser hyaloidotomy. We
That time, patient confirmed pole of the fundus and are have known that subhyaloid
with ALL (L1). Funduscopic associated with disorders of the hemorrhages happened
showed there was bleeding superficial radial peripapillary due to ALL. The precise
flame shaped with Roth spots capillaries.10 management was intrathecal
as well as subhyaloid hemor- Various modalities of and systemic chemotherapy.
rhages in inferior macular on treatment for subhyaloid Ophthalmologist decided to
right eye. On the left eye seen hemorrhage are available observed the VA and frequently
any hemorrhages flame shaped including pars plana vitrectomy funduscopic examination. If,
and subhyaloid hemorrhage and pneumatic displacement there is no development of
more spacious if compared to by intravitreal use of gas and visual acuity and resorption
the right eye. This picture was tissue plasminogen, Nd: YAG of hemorrhage for 6 weeks,
likely caused by anemia and/or or green argon laser posterior they will be undergone
thrombocytopenia. hyaloidotomy is safe and intervention.
Hyperviscosity condition easy alternative for releasing Leukemic retinopathy
can cause venous occlusion the entrapped subhyaloid is usually not treated directly.
characterized by the formation blood into the vitreous and Systemic treatment involves
of microaneurysma, hemor- by this way absorption of the use of chemotherapy,
rhages of the retina, and neo- blood cells in facilitated. immunotherapy, and
vascularisation. Blockage of The need for unnecessary radiotherapy. Intraocular
vein leads to hypoxia of retinal general anaesthesia in already leukemic infiltrate is best
tissue layer and nerve fibers of compromised leukemic treated with chemotherapy that
children and vitrectomy and its is appropriate for the type and
wool spots.10 In our case, sub- complications are avoided.7 stage of leukemia.10 Supportive
hyaloid hemorrhage can cause Vitrectomy in children therapy with transfusions,
of hyperviscosity of blood other is an alternative treatment for antibiotics, and hematopoietic
than thrombocytopenia condi- subhyaloid hemorrhage but growth factors are also
tion with level of leukocyte 139 general anaesthesia in already important. Although there is no
k/µL (leukocytosis). compromised. Child is risky systematic treatment protocol
The funduscopic appear- and may be associated with for cases of ocular leukemic
ance of preretinal blood de- numerous complications; infiltration, many oncologists
pends on its age and the size and cataract, intraoperative retinal and ophthalmologists support
shape of the blood filled space. breaks and proliferative orbital irradiation as a necessary
Fresh preretinal blood usually vitreoretinopathy. Perforate component of treatment for the


A 7 Year-7-month Old Boy With Leukemic Retinopathy | Ni Made Rini Suari, Widnyana, Putu Budhiastra

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