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Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1 Spring 2011

English 697: Writing with New Media Shannon Carter

Peer Review Guide

Note to Reader: Respond as specifically as possible to each of the following questions offered in four parts: (1) Required Elements,
(2) Research and Content, (3) Narrative Elements, (4) Deliverables

You will post these responses to the Peer Review TDA, with a note to the author. Your feedback should offer the writer the extensive
feedback necessary to develop a productive revision.

Part I: Required Elements

Complete checklist below and offer suggestions for clarifying any items unavailable or needing work

Requirement Strong Needs Work Weak Unavailable

Incorporates at least three communicational modes
No more than 300 seconds in length and no more than 120
Includes credits and sources, as well as acknowledgments regarding creative rights
Details regarding credits are both obvious and complete
Details regarding creative rights and permissions for all source material
Includes at least 5 “cuts”
Uses as its core content artifacts and information derived from Northeast Texas Digital Collections
Utilizes public domain footage and/or materials that allow derivatives

2 Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1

Part II: Research and Content

Consider the project in terms of the following criteria, offering the creator suggestions and feedback regarding each item evaluated.

1 2 3 4 5

Little evidence of careful Lots of careful planning/composing/producing


1 2 3 4 5

Teaches viewers very little about Teaches viewers a great deal about Northeast
Northeast Texas Texas

Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1 Spring 2011
English 697: Writing with New Media Shannon Carter

1 2 3 4 5

Ineffective attention to audience/purpose Effective attention to audience/purpose


1 2 3 4 5

Lack of reflective focus on archival Great reflective focus on archival research and
research and composing practices composing practices

4 Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1

1 2 3 4 5

Ineffective use of affordances of audio/video/images Effective use of affordances of audio and video
and other source materials and other source materials


1 2 3 4 5

Less than careful approach to citation, documentation, Very careful approach to citation,
copyright, licensing copyright, licensing
Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1 Spring 2011
English 697: Writing with New Media Shannon Carter

1 2 3 4 5

Less Creative/Insightful Very creative/insightful

6 Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1

Part III: Narrative Elements

Respond to the following questions with as much specific and constructive detail as possible.

1. What did you find most compelling about the project? Be very specific. This can be a specific story, a specific feeling it
evoked, or some other aspect that really caught your attention.
2. What is the main point of the story? From what perspective is the story told?
3. Does the project ask a key question that keeps the viewer’s attention and is answered by the end of the story? If so, what is that
question and how does the answer unfold? If not, what could be that question and how might the project be productively
retooled to address it?
4. Describe the emotional content of the project. How do the serious issues discussed come alive through personal story or other,
specific means of connecting the story to the audience? What suggestions do you have for the creator in this respect?
5. Describe the role of sound in the project. What choices did the creator make in this respect, and how are these choices working
to carry forward the storyline? What suggestions do you have for the creator in terms of sound?
6. Economy of language is very important in digital media projects. Is the creator using just enough content to tell the story
without overloading the viewer? What choices did the creator make in this respect that appear to be working particularly well?
What choices might the creator consider in revision to communicate the story using the “less is more” adage?
7. What about the pacing of the story as it is presented? The pacing is the rhythm of the story and how slowly or quickly it
progresses. Think about the creator’s subject matter and goals. Does the pace seem appropriate for both? Should it move more
quickly? More slowly? What suggestions do you have in this respect?
Peer Review Guide, Digital Media Project #1 Spring 2011
English 697: Writing with New Media Shannon Carter

Part IV: Deliverables

Requirement Strong Needs Work Weak Unavailable

Available @ YouTube on or before deadline
Title complete and meaningful
Description field complete
One to two sentence description of project and purpose
Project Context (course)
Copyright details
Url for course (TBA)
Relevant tags (including those required)
Video privacy settings addressed, embedding allowed and comments allowed
Credits and sources (including separate, complete works cited)
Is it clear from the description that the current draft is a Rough Cut? How is that indicated?


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