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Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014 Sustainability Report

Creating a Continually
Greatest PT WIJAYA KARYA (Persero) Tbk

Human Capital
Terus Menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia
Unggul yang Lebih Solid

Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014 Sustainability Report

“Secara konsisten, WIKA fokus pada 3 strategi utama sumber daya manusia, yaitu
pembangunan talent infrastructure, pengembangan praktek dan prosedur Human
Capital WIKA serta pembangunan budaya dan nilai”
“WIKA consistently focuses on 3 main human resources strategies, namely
development of talent infrastructure, development of practices and procedures
of WIKA’s human capital, as well as development of culture and values”


02 08
Pencapaian Penghargaan dan
Kinerja 2014 Sertifikasi
Performance Awards and
Accomplishments Certifications
in 2014

10 16 26 30
Sambutan Profil Perusahaan Profil Laporan Peristiwa Penting
Direktur Utama Company Profile Report Profile Significant Events
Message from the
President Director

33 61 71 77
Membangun Membangun Menjaga Membangun
Insan Unggul Pertumbuhan Lingkungan Hidup Sinergi Bersama
Creating Greatest Ekonomi Protecting The Masyarakat
Individuals Fostering Environment Building Synergy
Economic Growth With The

89 96 104 106
Tata Kelola Indeks Isi GRI 4.0 Daftar Istilah Lembar Umpan
Perusahaan GRI 4.0 Content Glossary Balik
Corporate Index Feedback Form

2014 Sustainability Report // 1

“Bagi kami ‘sukses’ berarti profitabilitas bagi pemberi kerja, kesejahteraan
bagi pekerja, dan memastikan keselamatan kerja yang menunjang
keberlangsungan perusahaan”
“For us ‘success’ means profitability for project owners, welfare for employees, and
ensuring workplace safety that underpin the sustainability of the company”

Kinerja Ekonomi
Economic Performance

1. Hasil Evaluasi Capaian Usaha dan Tingkat Pertumbuhan Uraian Capaian terhadap Pertumbuhan
tahun 2014 dibanding tahun 2013 pada umumnya Description RKAP Growth
meningkat. Achievement against
Corporate Budget
Evaluation of Business Achievements and Growth Rate and Work Plan
for the year 2014 in general has shown an increase as
compared to 2013. Penjualan | Sales 88.40% 4.87%

2. Hasil perhitungan atas Tingkat Kesehatan BUMN PT Wijaya Laba Bersih | Net Profits 99.11% 20.25%
Karya (Persero) Tbk tahun 2014 berada pada Kategori Total Aset | Total Assets 111.29% 26.36%
SEHAT dengan Kualifikasi AA dengan Total Skor 86,25, naik
dari skor tahun lalu 84,75.
The Corporate Financial Health Check calculations on Aspek Kinerja Bobot
Performance Aspect Weightage 2014 2013
state-owned enterprise PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk for
the year 2014 put the company in the HEALTHY Category Keuangan | Financial 70 56.25 54.75
and an ‘AA rating with a total score of 86.25, denoting an Operasional | Operational 15 15.00 15.00
increase from last year’s score of 84.75.
Administrasi 15 15.00 15.00
3. Realisasi total skor KPI tahun 2014 adalah sebesar 866 Administrative
dari skor maksimum 1.000. Tingkat capaian realisasi skor
TOTAL 100 86.25 84.75
terhadap target RKAP adalah sebesar 108,25%.
The KPI total score for the year 2014 is 866 out of a Kualifikasi | Rating AA AA
maximum score of 1,000. The achievement of the realized Kategori | Category SEHAT SEHAT
score against the Corporate Budget and Work Plan (RKAP) HEALTHY HEALTHY
target is 108.25%.

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Ditahan Kontribusi Terhadap Negara

Direct Economic Value Retained Contribution to the State

No Uraian Besaran Nilai Uraian Besaran Nilai

Description Value Amount Description Value Amount

1 Jumlah Penerimaan Langsung Nilai Ekonomi 12,534,677,221 Penerimaan Negara Bukan Pajak 12,083,630
Total Direct Economic Value Generated (PNBP)
Non-Tax Component
2 Jumlah Disribusi Langsung Nilai Ekonomi 2,839,288,064
Total Direct Economic Value Distributed Pajak 2,185,832,737
Tax Component
3 Nilai Ekonomi Ditahan 9,695,389,157
Keterangan: Dalam ribuan rupiah | Notes: In thousand IDR
Economic Value Retained
2 //Keterangan:
Keberlanjutan 2014
ribuan rupiah | Notes: In thousand IDR
Proyek WIKA Sepanjang Tahun 2014 [G4-PR3]
WIKA Projects in 2014

No. Nama Proyek No. Nama Proyek

Name of Project Name of Project

1 Flyover Simpang Air Hitam di Samarinda 24 Construction of Sei Padang DAM (Bajayu, Paya Lombang
and Langau)
2 Jembatan Dompak di Tanjung Pinang Riau
25 Extend of Construction Bendali IV, Balikpapan
3 CBD Apartemen di Surabaya
26 Pelindo Jetty - Tanjung Priok
4 SKH 3 Secondary Apron
27 Construction work of Embung Diponegoro (Extend work)
5 Terminal BBM Pulau Sambu Kepulauan Riau
28 Extend work of Jati Gede DAM
6 Penimbunan Gasoline Tanjung Uban Kepulauan Riau
29 Jetty Accessories
7 Pengadaan Jasa Pembangunan Infrastruktur dan
Gedung Baru ITB 30 Extention of Wain DAM Construction

8 Konstruksi Fisik Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Jakarta 31 Flood Maintainance System Karangmumus
32 JICT fase 6, 7, 8 & 10
9 Pembangunan Gedung Kuliah Universitas Telkom di
Bandung 33 Belawan Seaport Fase II

10 Pelebaran jalan Kademan - Penajam 34 Bregas's Raw water Network phase III

11 Civil Construction of Senoro Block - Banggai 35 Rehabilitation of Irigation accsess Sawitto and Rappang,
Sadang 4
12 Construction Bridge - Kaltim
36 Coastavilla Residance
13 EPC of Betangur Tunnel
37 Miagas Airport
14 VO Comoro
38 Kuching Mall
15 Construction of Land Sliding
39 BNI - BSD City
16 Construction of Semoi Road KM38
40 Office Tower Myanmar
17 Development of Trengguli-Jati-Kudus Road
41 Indah Karya Building
18 Construction of Box Culvert Underpass
42 Pertamina residance, Cilacap
19 Construction of Jaka Bering Cross Flyover
43 Logement 100 unit Algeria
20 Construction Of Madusari's Bridge
44 WIKA Gedung
21 Lingkarmas access road
22 Jakabering Flyover cross
46 Transmission Pipe Gresik _Semarang
23 Multipurpose Jetty
47 EPC Conveyor Coal Tanjung Enim

2014 Sustainability Report // 3

Kinerja Sosial
Social Performance

1. Pelatihan Bosletong System untuk purnabakti WIKA 1. Training on Bosletong System for WIKA retirees was
yang dilaksanakan di Semarang pada tanggal 1 held in Semarang on October 1st, 2014 and Bekasi on
Oktober 2014 dan Bekasi pada tanggal 3 Juni 2014. June 3rd, 2014. The events involved 47 participants
Acara tersebut melibatkan 47 peserta yang berasal from the Central Java WIKA Retirement Forum and 57
dari Paguyuban Purnabakti WIKA wilayah Jawa Tengah, attendees from the West Java chapter. The Bosletong
serta 57 peserta untuk wilayah Jawa Barat. Bosletong System is an integrated cropping pattern of fisheries
System merupakan suatu pola tanam terpadu antara and agriculture simultaneously within a common
perikanan dan pertanian yang dilakukan secara medium, namely a large earthenware bowl.
bersamaan dalam satu media yaitu gentong.
2. Beasiswa total senilai Rp498 juta yang dibagikan 2. Scholarships totaling Rp498 million were distributed
kepada 179 pelajar dari tingkat Sekolah Dasar to 179 students from elementary school to university
hingga Perguruan Tinggi. Acara pembagian beasiswa level. The scholarships were distributed on September
berlangsung pada 30 September 2014 di gedung 30, 2014 at the WIKA building. This event is part of the
WIKA. Program ini merupakan wujud dari program ‘WIKA Pintar’ program and organized each year as part
‘WIKA Pintar’ yang memang diselenggarakan setiap of CSR policy.
tahun sebagai bentuk kegiatan CSR.
3. Pelaksanaan penyediaan air bersih dan sanitasi 3. Provision of clean water and public sanitation / water
publik/water well ini dilakukan di 16 (enam belas) titik. well was carried out at 16 (sixteen) locations.
4. Pengembangan kampung Binaan kedua WIKA yang 4. Development of WIKA’s second fostered village at
terletak di Desa Cibunian Kecamatan Pamijahan, Village Cibunian District Pamijahan, through the
melalui penanaman pohon Sengon diatas lahan seluas cultivation Sengon trees on 20.3 hectares land at the
20,3 hektar di area perbukitan kaki Gunung Salak. foot hills area of Mount Salak. Planting is done with
Penanaman dilakukan dengan tanaman sela, tanaman intercrops, herbs, as well as rotational grazing by
bumbu-bumbunan, dan serta budidaya kambing goats.

Human Capital yang Unggul

GREATEST Human Capital

Tahun 2014 WIKA telah Jumlah Pekerja Jumlah Kecelakaan Kerja

menyelenggarakan 75.230 jam Number of Employees Number of Workplace
pelatihan yang diikuti 2.413 Status Kepegawaian Pria Wanita 38
pekerja, sehingga rata-rata adalah Employment Status Male Female 33
31 jam pelatihan per pekerja.
Pegawai Tetap 1,803 109
In 2014 WIKA organized 75,230 Permanent Employees
hours of training involving 2,413 Pegawai Kontrak 488 67
employees, or averaging about 31 Nonpermanent Employees
hours of training per employee.

Ringan Sedang Berat
Minor Medium Major
4 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014
Kinerja Lingkungan
Environmental Performance

1,931 peserta
participants 1. Hingga saat ini, WIKA telah menanam
sebanyak 331.955 pohon. Penanaman
Pelatihan Wikapratama Learning Centre pohon dilakukan oleh WIKA Grup dan
Wikapratama Learning Centre Training tersebar di berbagai wilayah operasional
WIKA. Tujuan program penanaman
pohon ini untuk mengurangi emisi gas

482 peserta
karbon, memperbaiki kualitas lingkungan,
penghijauan lahan, serta menjadi sarana
Pelatihan Wikasatrian Leadership Centre peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat di
Wikasatrian Leadership Centre Training
Currently, WIKA has planted 331,955
trees. The tree planting program has been

331,955 undertaken by the WIKA Group and scattered

throughout WIKA’s various operational
areas. This program is intended to reduce
Pohon ditanam di berbagai lokasi proyek dan
carbon emissions, improve environmental
pabrik anak perusahaan WIKA sejak 2012 quality, reforestation, and in addition also
Number of trees planted in various project acts as a means of improving the welfare of
sites and factories of WIKA subsidiaries since surrounding communities.
2. WIKA menyumbang sarana kesehatan
kepada warga Kelurahan Petogogan, Jakarta

89.23 Selatan, sebanyak 10 unit tempat sampah.

Selain itu WIKA juga membangun tempat
Kategori penilaian Independen GCG pengolahan sampah (waste bank) berbasis
komunitas di wilayah Karawang dengan nilai
GCG Independent Assessment Category sebesar Rp137 Juta.
WIKA has contributed to the health facilities
of the residents of Petogogan Village, South
Jakarta, by providing 10 waste containers.
Furthermore, WIKA has also constructed a
community-based waste treatment facility
(waste bank) in the Karawang area at a cost
of Rp137 million.

2014 Sustainability Report // 5

Visi dan Misi [G4-56]

Vision and Mission

VIsi 2020 VIsion 2020

Menjadi Salah Satu Perusahaan Terbaik di Bidang Engineering, Procurement & Construction
(EPC) dan Investasi Terintegrasi di Asia Tenggara
To be One of The Best Integrated Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC)
and Investment Companies in Southeast Asia.

Misi 2020 Mission 2020

1. Menyediakan Produk dan Jasa yang Unggul dan Terpadu di Bidang EPC dan Investasi
untuk Infrastruktur, Gedung Bertingkat, Energi, Industrial Plant, Industri dan Properti
2. Memenuhi Harapan Pemangku Kepentingan Utama
3. Menjalankan Praktik Etika Bisnis untuk Menjadi Warga Usaha yang Baik dan Memelihara
Keberlanjutan Perusahaan
4. Ekspansi Strategis Keluar Negeri
5. Mengimplementasikan “Best Practices” dalam Sistem Manajemen Terpadu
1. Providing Excellent and Integrated Products and Services in EPC and Investment
for Infrastructure, Building, Energy, Industrial Plant, Industry and Property
2. Fulfil Key Stakeholder Expectation
3. Implementing Business Ethics to Promote Good Corporate Citizen and Company
4. Strategic Overseas Expansion
5. Implementing “Best Practices” Integrated Management System


"Spirit of Innovation"

6 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Nilai dan Prinsip Perusahaan [G4-56]


• Commitment • Relationship
Berbuat sesuai kesepakatan dan janji Hubungan kemitraan yang baik untuk
Act with strong commited and semua pihak
promised Connect good partnership among the
• Innovation
Menerapkan sesuatu yang baru • Team Work
Apply something new Sinergi, kerjasama intra dan lintas unit
• Balance Create sinergy, cooperation inter and
Menjaga keseimbangan semua aspek across bussiness units
Keep steady stage in all aspect
• Integrity
• Excellence Keutuhan dan ketulusan yang meliputi
Memberikan hasil lebih baik adil, bertanggung jawab, tidak
Give better result tergantung, transparan dan jujur
Behave totality and sincerely to
comprise the fairness, accountability,
transparency and honestly

Semua Direktur dan jajaran Manajemen tinggi WIKA All Directors and the top management of WIKA have
terlibat langsung dalam membuat, mengesahkan dan been directly involved in formulating, validating, and
melakukan sosialisasi pemahaman dan pelaksanaan disseminate understanding and implementation of
Visi dan Misi 2020 melalui: [G4-42] the Vision and Mission 2020 through: [G4-42]
1. Surat Edaran dari jajaran manajemen kepada 1. Circular of the management to all employees.
seluruh karyawan.
2. Pedoman Sistem Manajemen WIKA (SMW) yang 2. WIKA Management System Guidelines (SMW),
didistribusikan kepada seluruh unit kerja. which is distributed to all work units.
3. Portal WIKA. 3. WIKA website.
4. Rapat koordinasi dan Management Review. 4. Coordination meetings and Management Review.

2014 Sustainability Report // 7


No Uraian Pemberi Tanggal

Description Awarded by Date
1 IFAWPCA Gold Medal for Civil Engineering Construction of International Federation of Asian and 5 Maret 2014
Jatigede Dam Western Pacific Contractors’ Associations
2 Indonesia Most Admired CEO 2014 Warta Ekonomi Award 29 April 2014
3 Indonesia Most Admired Company 2014 Warta Ekonomi Award 29 April 2014
4 Best Listed Companies 2014 Majalah Investor 8 Mei 2014
5 Top Performing Listed Companies 2014 Majalah Investor 8 Mei 2014
6 Predikat “Excellent in Building and Managing Corporate Frontier Consulting Grup 4 Juni 2014
Image” kategori kontraktor
7 Silver in Strategic Marketing & Bronze Tactical Marketing BUMN Marketing Award 2014 21 Agustus 2014
8 Economic Challenges Awards 2014, kategori insfrastruktur Metro TV 24 November 2014
9 Most Powerful & Valuable Company “Integrated Warta Ekonomi Magazine 26 November 2014
Infrastructure and Construction Category (Property)”
10 The Best of Human Capital Index Indonesia Human Capital Study 27 November 2014
11 The Best CEO Commitment of Human Capital Development Indonesia Human Capital Study 27 November 2014
12 The Best of All Human Capital Criterias Indonesia Human Capital Study 27 November 2014
13 Kinerja keuangan WIKA meraih predikat “Sangat Bagus” Majalah Infobank 30 November 2014
dalam Infobank BUMN Award 2014
14 Runner Up for Best Sustainability Report 2013 and ISRA 2014 10 Desember 2014
Commendation for 1st G4 Sustainability Report 2013
15 Indeks SRI KEHATI Yayasan KEHATI bekerjasama dengan BEI 11 Desember 2014

8 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Sertifikasi [G4-15]

No Satuan Kerja Penerima ISO ISO OHSAS Sistem Manajemen SMK3

Recipient Unit 9001:2008 14001:2004 18001:2007 Pengamanan (SMP)
System (SMP)
1 Building Business Lines 14-08-2015 10-10-2015 14-08-2015
2 Energy Plant Business Lines 14-08-2015 10-10-2015 14-08-2015
19-06-2017 08-2018
3 Infrastructure Business Lines 14-08-2015 10-10-2015 14-08-2015
4 Oil & Gas and Industry Plant 14-08-2015 10-10-2015 14-08-2015
5 Pusat Pengembangan Kualitas Insani
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
17-03-2016 N/A N/A N/A N/A
PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk Center
for Development of Humans of Quality

Keanggotaan Asosiasi [G4-16]

Association MembershipS

No Nama Asosiasi Status Keanggotaan

Name of Association Membership Status

1 Asosiasi Kontraktor Indonesia (AKI)

Indonesia Contractor Association Anggota
Direktur Utama WIKA: Bintang Perbowo sebagai Ketua Umum Member
Director of WIKA: Bintang Perbowo, as a chairman
2 Asosiasi Kontraktor Listrik dan Mekanikal Indonesia (AKLI) Anggota
Indonesia Electrical and Mechanical Contractor Association Member
3 Gabungan Pelaksana Konstruksi Nasional Indonesia (GAPENSI) Anggota
Indonesia Builders Association Member
4 Kamar Dagang dan Industri Indonesia (KADIN) Anggota
Indonesia Chamber of Commers Member
5 Asosiasi Perusahaan Rancang Bangun Indonesia (GAPENRI) Anggota
Indonesia Construction Companies Association Member
6 Komite Nasional Indonesia untuk Bendungan Besar (KNI-BB) Anggota
Indonesian National Committee for Large Dams Member
7 Masyarakat kelistrikan Indonesia (MKI) Anggota
Indonesian Electricity Society Member
8 Asosiasi Rekanaan Barang dan Dsitributor Indonesia (ARDIN-DKI) Anggota
Association of Indonesian Goods Procurement and Distributors Partners Member
9 Asosiasi Per Teknik Mekanikal dan Elektrikal (APTEK) Anggota
Mechanical and Electrical Association (APTEK) Member

2014 Sustainability Report // 9



Para Pemangku Kepentingan yang terhormat,

Kita semua bersyukur bahwa tahun 2014 dapat
kita lalui bersama dengan baik, walaupun
sempat bergejolak karena kondisi politik di saat
berlangsungnya Pemilu 2014. Banyak perubahan
yang terjadi, khususnya dalam kebijakan dan arah
pembangunan di Negeri ini. WIKA, beserta semua
pemangku kepentingan, melihat situasi ini sebagai
sebuah kesempatan yang baik untuk semakin
memperbaiki diri dan bersiap atas semua tantangan
perubahan yang terjadi.

Respected Stakeholders,
We are all grateful for together being able to successfully go through the year
2014, in spite of the occasional turbulence brought about by the political
conditions during elections in 2014. Many changes have occurred, particularly
in the policy and direction of development in this country. WIKA, together with
all stakeholders, view this situation as a good opportunity to further improve
ourselves and to be ready for all the challenges brought about by the change.

10 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

2014 Sustainability Report // 11
Keberlanjutan bagi WIKA Sustainability at WIKA
Di akhir tahun 2014, WIKA berhasil membukukan Laba By the end of 2014, WIKA has booked Income Attributable
yang dapat distribusikan ke Pemilik Entitas Induk sebesar to the Parent Entity Owner of Rp615.18 billion, derived from
Rp615,18 miliar yang didapat dari naiknya pendapatan an increase in revenue of 4.87% from the previous year. This
sebesar 4,87% dari tahun sebelumnya. Kenaikan ini increase resulted from the acquisition of new contracts
terjadi karena adanya perolehan kontrak baru di bidang in the infrastructure and buildings, energy and industrial
infrastruktur dan gedung, energi dan industrial plant, plant, industry, and the realty and property sectors. The
industri, serta realty dan properti. Sepanjang tahun 2014, year 2014 saw steady growth in the property market and
pasar properti dan konstruksi sebagai bisnis utama WIKA, construction, WIKA’s main business interests, in line with
tumbuh stabil mengiringi lajunya pertumbuhan kebutuhan the growth of demand for infrastructure in the country.
From an economic standpoint, we believe that the property
Dari sisi ekonomi, kami percaya bahwa pertumbuhan pasar market will continue grow, albeit not rapidly because of
properti masih akan terus berlangsung, walaupun tidak akan Bank Indonesia policy changes about loan to value. On the
pesat karena adanya perubahan kebijakan Bank Indonesia other hand, the increasingly limited availability of land and
tetang loan to value. Di lain pihak, semakin terbatasnya the strengthening of social and environmental issues are
lahan dan menguatnya isu sosial dan lingkungan, juga expected to affect a decline in the provision of property
diprediksi akan mempengaruhi turunnya pemberian jasa services. In spite of this, however, there is expected to be an
properti. Namun demikian, pasar konstruksi diperkirakan uptick in the construction market as the Government has
justru akan naik, sejalan dengan rencana Pemerintah yang major plans for makeovers and infrastructure development.
akan melakukan banyak pembenahan dan pembangunan
Given such quick and rapid changes of the situation, WIKA
Situasi perubahan yang semakin cepat membuat will continue to run its businesses with due regard to any
WIKA tetap akan menjalankan bisnis usahanya dengan risks that may surface. In 2014, we have mapped the risk
memperhatikan setiap risiko yang mungkin terjadi. Di profile and developed strategies to reduce the occurrence
tahun 2014, kami sudah memetakan profil risiko dan of the identified risks.
menyusun strategi untuk mengurangi terjadinya risiko
yang telah diidentifikasi tersebut.
The most prominent risk is the quality of human capital.
Risiko yang paling menonjol adalah kualitas human Human capital includes human resources both within
capital. Human capital ini mencakup sumber daya and outside of WIKA. This risk becomes more relevant as
manusia di internal dan eksternal WIKA. Risiko ini menjadi we prepare to face the opening up and integration of the
semakin relevan, di saat kita semua bersiap menghadapi ASEAN market, or what is often called the ASEAN Economic
terbukanya pasar ASEAN, atau yang sering disebut dengan Community (AEC). In this regard, with reference to its
masyarakat ekonomi Eropa (MEA). Sejalan dengan hal employees WIKA is paying more attention to improving the
ini, WIKA memberikan perhatian lebih pada peningkatan performance of human capital, along with development of
kinerja human capital, yang merujuk pada karyawan the community as WIKA’s external stakeholders.
WIKA, juga pemberdayaan masyarakat sebagai pemangku
kepentingan eksternal WIKA.
Following up from the identified risks, WIKA has begun to
Sebagai tindak lanjut dari adanya identifikasi risiko, better the performance on social corporate responsibility
maka WIKA mulai membenahi kinerja tanggung jawab or CSR, with the aim of making it more strategic. We are
sosial (corporate social responsibility atau CSR), agar preparing a benchmark program based on risk mapping in

12 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

bersifat semakin strategis. Kami mempersiapkan diri a CSR blueprint. This blueprint will develop the CSR vision
untuk membuat acuan program berdasarkan pemetaan and mission which will be able to support the Company’s
risiko dalam sebuah blueprint CSR. Blueprint ini akan vision and mission, and adjusted to ISO 26000. Our hope is
mengembangkan visi dan misi CSR yang mampu that with the existence of the CSR blueprint in 2015, CSR
mendukung visi dan misi Perseroan, serta disesuaikan activities could be performed in a more systematic manner
dengan acuan ISO 26000. Kami berharap, dengan adanya and be able to mitigate the risks of the company, as well as
blueprint CSR di tahun 2015 nanti, kinerja CSR dapat support sustainable development.
dilakukan dengan lebih sistematis dan mampu memitigasi
risiko perusahaan, serta mendukung pembangunan
Creating Greatest Human Capital
Menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul Of all the activities of the Company, our top priority is on
Dari keseluruhan aktivitas Perusahaan, prioritas kami quality. For the purpose of providing good quality to projects
adalah kualitas. Demi menyediakan kualitas yang baik atas being handled and to realize the vision of becoming one
proyek yang ditangani dan untuk mewujudkan visi menjadi of the best EPC firms in Southeast Asia, the company will
salah satu perusahaan EPC terbaik di Asia Tenggara, maka continue to focus on creating the greatest human capital.
Perseroan masih akan fokus pada penciptaan greatest This is also in response to the mitigation of the primary risk
human capital. Hal ini juga sebagai respon atas mitigasi as identified, namely the risk to human capital.
risiko utama yang telah diidentifikasi, yaitu risiko pada
human capital.
WIKA is maximizing outcomes from the use of the
WIKA memaksimalkan fasilitas Wikapratama Learning Wikapratama Learning Centre facility located in Kelapa
Centre yang berlokasi di kawasan Kelapa Gading Dua Gading Dua Wetan, Ciracas, East Jakarta. Wikapratama is
Wetan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur. Wikapratama merupakan a learning and training center devoted to the development
tempat fasilitas pendidikan dan pelatihan yang ditujukan of competence and expertise of employees at all levels,
untuk pengembangan kompetensi maupun keahlian whether technical and non-technical. Workers from the
pegawai pada semua tingkatan pelaksana teknis maupun level of laborers, foremen, and up to the section chief levels
non-teknis. Pekerja setingkat tukang, mandor, staf hingga are being nurtured and trained at Wikapratama.
kepala seksi dibina dan dilatih di Wikapratama.
By the end of 2014, Wikapratama organized 87 education
Hingga akhir tahun 2014, Wikapratama telah and training modules, and as many as 1,931 people have
menyelenggarakan 87 modul pendidikan dan pelatihan, participated in this activity. Besides Wikapratama, WIKA
dan sebanyak 1.931 orang pekerja telah mengikuti also has a facility to create quality leaders, namely training
kegiatan tersebut. Di samping Wikapratama, WIKA juga at the Wikasatrian Leadership Centre located in Gadog,
menyediakan fasilitas untuk menciptakan pemimpin yang Bogor Regency, West Java.
berkualitas melalui pelatihan di Wikasatrian Leadership
Centre yang berlokasi di Gadog, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa
At Wikasatrian, education and training are provided through
Di Wikasatrian, pendidikan dan pelatihan diberikan the soft competency materials for the inculcation of
melalui materi soft competency yang mengadopsi nilai- leadership values based on the local wisdom of Indonesia.
nilai kepemimpinan, yang bersumber pada kearifan lokal The materials are a synergy between the aspects of human
Indonesia. Materi tersebut merupakan sinergi antara aspek dignity and environmental conservation. WIKA should
pengharkatan manusia dan pelestarian lingkungan. WIKA properly be proud of having the Wikasatrian facility that

2014 Sustainability Report // 13

patut berbangga hati dengan memiliki fasilitas Wikasatrian can be used as a reference for training by other business
yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadi rujukan bagi tempat entities. At the close of 2014, 27 training modules had
pelatihan oleh entitas bisnis lain. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, been given to 482 participants.
ada 27 modul pelatihan yang telah diberikan kepada 482

Creating Accountable CSR & GCG Performance

Kinerja CSR & GCG yang Akuntabel In 2014, WIKA sought to improve its GCG performance
Di tahun 2014, WIKA mulai memperbaiki kinerja GCG by adopting the ASEAN Corporate Governance (ASEAN
dengan mengadopsi Asean Corporate Governance CG) parameters. In order to refer to the ASEAN CG, WIKA
(Asean CG). Untuk merujuk ke Asean CG, saat ini WIKA is currently trying to improve the corporate governance
memperbaiki sistem tata kelola yang diharapkan semakin system so as to maintain a top 50 position as an Indonesian
meningkat, sehingga mampu mempertahankan posisi 50 company with GCG.
besar sebagai sebuah perusahaan Indonesia dengan GCG
yang baik.
In addition to the strengthening of GCG, in 2014 WIKA
Di samping penguatan GCG, selama tahun 2014, WIKA channeled Rp10.4 billion for carrying out CSR activities and
telah menyalurkan Rp10,4 miliar sebagai dana untuk the Partnership and Community Development Program
menjalankan kegiatan CSR dan Program Kemitraan dan (PKBL).
Bina Lingkungan (PKBL).
By end 2014, WIKA has planted a total of 331,955 since
Hingga akhir tahun 2014, jumlah pohon yang ditanam WIKA 2012. The planting trees is targeted to reach 1 million trees
sejak tahun 2012 sebanyak 331.955. Penanaman pohon by 2017. We also involve all the WIKA subsidiaries to take
ini ditargetkan mencapai 1 juta pohon sampai akhir 2017. part in the tree planting activity for the maximum reduction
Kami juga melibatkan seluruh Anak Perusahaan melakukan of carbon gas emissions. In addition, we also hope that the
penanaman pohon agar pengurangan emisi gas karbon tree planting activity can help improve the welfare of the
mencapai hasil yang maksimal. Di samping itu, kami community, for example through the utilization of Sengon
juga berharap agar penanaman pohon dapat membantu trees. Today, the number of Sengon trees planted is at
meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, misalnya dari 108,447, with a success rate of 95%.
pemanfaatan pohon Sengon. Saat ini, pohon Sengon yang
sudah ditanam berjumlah 108.447 pohon, dengan tingkat
keberhasian tumbuh 95%.
In addition to the environmental program, WIKA cares
Di samping program lingkungan, WIKA sangat peduli deeply about education. Through 2014 WIKA allocated
pada pendidikan. Sepanjang tahun 2014, WIKA telah Rp498 million for scholarships to 179 students. This
mengalokasikan dana senilai Rp498 juta untuk beasiswa activity is the annual CSR program called ‘WIKA Pintar’
kepada 179 pelajar. Kegiatan ini merupakan program and represents a form of concern towards education and
tahunan CSR ‘WIKA Pintar’ sebagai wujud kepedulian to build greatest external human capital. WIKA strives to
terhadap pendidikan dan untuk membangun human capital enhance the scholarship program, so that the number of
eksternal yang unggul. WIKA senantiasa berupaya untuk recipients of scholarships annually can increase.
meningkatkan program beasiswa, agar jumlah penerima

14 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

beasiswa setiap tahun dapat ditingkatkan.
On the health aspect, WIKA has provided clean water and
Pada aspek kesehatan, WIKA menyediakan sarana air public sanitation/water well facilities to help people live
bersih dan sanitasi publik/water well untuk membantu a clean and healthy life. Clean water supply and public
masyarakat hidup bersih dan sehat. Penyediaan air sanitation were provided in 16 (sixteen) sites spread across
bersih dan sanitasi publik ini dilakukan di 16 (enam belas) various locations. Other CSR activities include building
titik daerah tertentu. Kegiatan CSR yang lain adalah of public facilities and infrastructure, places of worship,
membangun sarana dan prasarana umum, sarana ibadah, aid to victims of natural disasters, as well as community
bantuan pada korban bencana alam, serta pemberdayaan empowerment.
Looking Ahead for Optimistic Future
Menatap Optimis Masa Depan The time will always run and what we have to do is to keep
Waktu akan terus berjalan dan yang harus kita lakukan moving forward. In the same way, WIKA too will continue to
adalah terus melangkah maju. Demikian pula WIKA yang move forward along with all stakeholders. Armed with the
akan terus melangkah maju bersama dengan segenap commitment and seriousness to maintain synergy between
para pemangku kepentingan. Dengan komitmen dan gains (profits), the welfare of stakeholders (people) and
kesungguhan untuk menjaga sinergi antara pencapaian environmental sustainability (planet), we believe that
keuntungan (profit), kesejahteraan pemangku kepentingan sustainable development will be achieved.
(people) dan kelestarian lingkungan hidup (planet), kami
yakin pembangunan berkelanjutan akan dapat dicapai.
We invite all stakeholders to continue to support the
Kami mengundang segenap pemangku kepentingan untuk strategy and policy of WIKA for a better future. Through this
terus mendukung strategi dan kebijakan WIKA untuk sustainability report, we are open to receiving all positive
masa depan yang lebih baik. Melalui laporan keberlanjutan feedback, particularly in providing the information required
ini, kami terbuka untuk semua masukan yang positif, by all stakeholders.
khususnya dalam memberikan informasi yang diperlukan
oleh segenap pemangku kepentingan.

Terima kasih kami haturkan dan selamat

membaca Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014 ini.
Our thanks are due to all concerned and we wish you
have a happy reading of the Sustainability Report

Jakarta, Maret | March 2015

Direktur Utama
President Director
Bintang Perbowo

2014 Sustainability Report // 15

Karakteristik Perusahaan
Company Characteristics
1. Infrastruktur dan Gedung 1. Infrastructure and Buildings
Bidang Usaha 2. Energi dan Industrial Plant 2. Energy and Industrial Plants
Business Fields 3. Industri 3. Industry
[G4-4] 4. Realty dan Property 4. Realty dan Property

1. Pemegang saham 1. Shareholders

2. Kreditur 2. Creditors
3. Pemberi Kerja 3. Project owners
Pemangku Kepentingan 4. Pengguna Akhir 4. End users
Stakeholders 5. Karyawan 5. Employees
[G4-24] 6. Rekanan/mitra 6. Partners
7. Masyarakat 7. Community
8. Regulator 8. Regulator

1. Nilai investasi bagi penyandang dana. 1. Investment value for financiers.

2. Pertumbuhan ekonomi dan sosial lingkungan 2. Economic and social growth in the working
Dampak Positif dari kerja melalui pembangunan infrastruktur environment through the company’s activities
hasil karya perusahaan. on infrastructure development.
kegiatan operasional 3. Penyerapan dan pengembangan keahlian 3. Employment competency developing and
Positive impact of tenaga kerja. opportunities.
operations 4. Kesejahteraan tenaga kerja. 4. Labor welfare.
[G4-SO1, G4-EC8] 5. Program Tangung jawab sosial perusahaan. 5. Corporate social responsibility Program
6. Ketersediaan informasi dan teknologi untuk 6. Availability of information and technology for
knowledge sharing. knowledge sharing.

1. Pengalihan fungsi lahan. 1. Change of land use pattern.

Dampak negatif dari 2. Perubahan perilaku masyarakat untuk wilayah 2. Change in people’s behavior in the remote
operasional daerah terpencil, yang terdiri dari: operational areas, comprising of:
kegiatan operasional a. dampak positif, yaitu meningkatkan a. positive impact, namely improvement in skills
Negative impact of keahlian,meningkatkan kesejahteraan. and welfare.
operations b. dampak negatif, yaitu menghilangkan b. negative impact, namely the elimination of
[G4-SO2] lapangan kerja beberapa masyarakat livelihood among certain communities in the
tertentu di area proyek. project areas.

Tanggung jawab sosial 1. Menghasilkan laba 1. Generation of profits

terhadap pemangku 2. Tanggung jawab K3 2. Responsibility towards occupational health and
kepentingan safety
3. Peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat 3. Increased public welfare
Social responsibility
4. Membuat proyek berkualitas 4. Creating quality projects
towards stakeholders

16 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Tanggung jawab sosial 1. Back to back 1. Back-to-back
perusahaan afiliasi 2. Sebagai Transporter 2. As Transporter
terhadap WIKA 3. Kepatuhan hukum 3. Legal compliance
4. Tanggung jawab K3 4. Responsibility towards occupational health and
Corporate social
5. Pemberdayaan tenaga kerja lokal safety
responsibility of affiliates 5. Empowerment of local labor
towards WIKA

1. Terlambatnya penyelesaian pekerjaan atas 1. Delayed completion of work on construction

kontrak konstruksi. contracts.
2. Terlambatnya pembayaran yang dilakukan 2. Late payments by project owners.
oleh pemberi kerja.
3. Perubahan harga bahan baku yang tidak 3. Changes in the price of raw materials that were
tercantum dalam perjanjian dengan pemberi not included in the agreement with project
Risiko yang dikelola kerja. owners.
Managed Risks 4. Pembebasan lahan yang akan mempengaruhi 4. Acquisition of land that affect the surrounding
[G4-2, G4-14]
lingkungan sekitar. environment.
5. Tekanan dari masyarakat dan LSM terkait 5. Pressure applied by society and NGOs related to
gangguan seperti kebisingan, kemacetan inconveniences such as noise, road congestion,
jalan, dan opini negatif. and negative opinions.
6. Menjaga agar setiap kegiatan operasional 6. Ensuring that operational activities do not
tidak melanggar hukum. violate existing regulations.

1. Mengelola risiko sosial dan lingkungan yang 1. Managing the social and environmental risks
Tantangan selalu berbeda dalam setiap proyek. that differ with each and every project.
Challenges 2. Menyesuaikan keinginan pemberi kerja yang 2. Adjusting to the diverse needs and
[G4-2] beragam. requirements of project owners.
3. Mempekerjakan pekerja lokal. 3. Employment of local workforce.

1. Melakukan negosiasi dengan pemberi kerja 1. Negotiate with project owner if there is a
bila ada masalah dalam pengerjaan proyek. problem in the project.
2. Melakukan kerja sama dengan mitra yang 2. Collaborate with reliable partners already in
terpercaya dan sudah mempunyai sertifikat possession of recommended certificates.
yang disarankan.
3. Menerapkan Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan 3. Implementing an Environmental Management
(SML) pada setiap pengerjaan proyek. System (EMS) on each and every project.
4. Melakukan sosialisasi tindak lanjut yang 4. Reactive dissemination of information in case
Strategi reaktif bila terjadi kecelakaan kerja untuk of work accidents which is aimed at minimizing
Strategies mengurangi rasa panik. panics.
5. Menerapkan teknologi pancang yang lebih 5. Application of a more sophisticated boring
canggih untuk mengurangi gangguan selama technology to reduce interference during
pengerjaan proyek. projects.
6. Menjalankan CSR dengan baik, strategis dan 6. Running a good, strategic and targeted CSR
tepat sasaran. program.
7. Memberitahukan persyaratan bagi calon 7. Informing requirements to prospective
pekerja sebelum proses rekrutmen dilakukan employees prior to a selective recruitment
dengan selektif. process.

2014 Sustainability Report // 17

Segmen Usaha WIKA [G4-4]
WIKA Business Segments
Infrastruktur dan Segmen infrastruktur dan gedung terdiri dari The infrastructure and buildings segment consists
bidang usaha jasa konstruksi sipil umum yang of areas of general civil construction services
meliputi pembangunan sarana dan prasarana which includes the construction of infrastructure
Infrastructure and seperti jalan, jembatan, dermaga, bandara, such as roads, bridges, docks, airports, dams,
Buildings bendungan, irigasi dan gedung. irrigation facilities and buildings.

Segmen Energi dan Industrial Plant adalah The energy and industrial plants segment covers
Energi dan Industrial meliputi bidang usaha jasa konstruksi bidang construction services in the energy industry and
energi dan EPC, serta jasa operasi dan EPC, as well as operation and maintenance of
pemeliharaan pembangkit listrik. Segmen usaha power plants. This business segment also includes
Energy and Industrial ini termasuk investasi pada sektor kelistrikan investments in the electricity sector wherein the
Plants yang mayoritas pendanaan dan operasinya majority funding and operation is controlled by the
dikendalikan Perseroan. Company.

Segmen Industri terdiri dari usaha beton The industry segment consists of precast concrete
pracetak seperti tiang pancang, girder, bantalan products such as piles, girders, railway sleepers,
rel kereta api, konstruksi baja, spare part steel construction, automotive spare parts, energy
Industry otomotif, produk konversi energi dan industri conversion products and the mining industries.

Segmen Realty dan Property terdiri dari usaha The realty and property segment comprises the
Realty dan Property landed housing dan highrise building seperti landed housing and highrise buildings as well as
Realty dan Property apartemen serta pengelolaan gedung dan building management and Condotel.

Pembangunan Jembatan Gugus, Tanjung Pinang

Gugus Bridge Development, Tanjung Pinang

18 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Skala Organisasi [G4-7, G4-9, G4-22]
Organizational Scale
Uraian Satuan 2014 2013 2012*
Description Unit

Jumlah pekerja | Number of employees Orang | People 1,912 1,809 1,619

Total penjualan bersih | Total net sales Rp juta | Million IDR 12,463,216 11,884,667 9,905,214

Total kapitalisasi | Total capitalization

1. Utang | Debt 10,936,403 9,368,004 8,186,469

2. Hak Minoritas | Minority rights 989,167 277,996 239,935

Rp juta | Million IDR
3. Ekuitas | Equity 4,978,758 3,226,959 2,834,299

Total aset | Total assets 15,915,162 12,594,963 11,020,768

Kepemilikan saham | Share Ownership

1. Pemerintah Indonesia 65.05 65.15 65.51

Government of Indonesia

2. Publik | Public
• Investor Domestik | Domestic Investors 15.59 18.80 16.68

• Investor Asing | Foreign Investor 18.13 14.45 16.20

• Pekerja WIKA | WIKA Employees 1.23 1.60 1.61

* Pernyataan kembali karena adanya perubahan angka karena ada penambahan entitas anak PT Sarana Karya untuk mewajibkan laporan WIKA tahun 2012 untuk pernyataan
Restatement due to change of figure due to additional subsidiary of PT Sarana Karya, which requires for WIKA’s 2012 report to be re-stated

2014 Sustainability Report // 19

Jangkauan Wilayah Operasi [G4-6]

Corporate Operational Areas

Nama Perusahaan [G4-3] Kantor Pusat [G4-5]

Company Name Head Office

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk Jalan D.I. Panjaitan Kav.9, Jakarta 13340
(Disebut juga sebagai WIKA dalam laporan ini) Indonesia
Telepon +6221 819 2808
(Also referred to as WIKA in this report)
Faksimili +6221 819 1235

Kantor Pusat
Head Office

Kantor Wilayah Pabrik

Regional Office Factory

Kantor Representatif Proyek

Representative Office Project

20 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

2014 Sustainability Report // 21
LAYANAN PASAR (Dalam miliar Rp) [G4-8]

Proyek Pemerintah & BUMN Proyek Swasta

Governmental and SOE Projects Private Projects

3,510.34 Infrastruktur & Gedung
Infrastruktur & Gedung Infrastructure & Buildings
Infrastructure & Buildings
Energi & Industrial
2,853.75 Plant
Energi & Energy & Industrial
Industrial Plant Plants
Energy &
Industrial Plants
7,622.25 10,009.69

0 1,353.91
Realty & Property Realty & Property
Realty & Property Realty & Property
Industry Industri

Kontak Terkait Laporan [G4-31]

Contact for Report

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk

Corporate Secretary
Kantor Pusat | Head Office
Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9,
Jakarta 13340 – Indonesia
Telp. +6221-8192808, 8508640, 8508650
Fax. +6221-8191235

Jembatan Merah Putih, Ambon

Merah Putih Bridge, Ambon

22 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Komposisi Pekerja Labor Composition
Pekerja kami berjumlah sekitar 1.912 orang yang Our workforce comprises about 1,912 people who
mendedikasikan profesionalitas untuk membangun dedicate their professionalism towards building a better
kehidupan yang lebih baik di Indonesia dan 5 negara life in Indonesia and five other countries, including 13
lainnya, termasuk 13 pekerja di Algeria. [G4-10] employees in Algeria. [G4-10]

Jumlah Pekerja Tetap Jumlah Pekerja Tetap

Berdasarkan Status Kepegawaian Berdasarkan Fungsi Jabatan dan
dan Gender [G4-10] Gender [G4-10]
Total Workforce Based On Total Permanent Employees Based
Employment Status and Gender On Position and Gender


491 473 436

109 107 100 57 56 53

52 51 47

2014 2013 2012 2014 2013 2012 2014 2013 2012

Pegawai Tetap | Permanent Employees Operasional | Operations Administrasi | Administrative

Jumlah Pekerja Berdasarkan Penempatan [G4-10]

Total Workforce Based on Working Placement



90 82 33 81 30 75 74 70

2014 2013 2012 2014 2013 2012

Kantor Pusat | Head Office Regional | Regional Office

Pria Male Wanita Female

2014 Sustainability Report // 23

Pemasok dan Rantai Pasokan [G4-12] Supplier and Supply Chain [G4-12]
Sesuai rencana kerjasama yang telah dibuat, WIKA akan As per cooperation agreements entered into, WIKA will
terus meningkatkan proporsi pelibatan perusahaan lokal continue to increase the share of involvement of local
dalam rantai pasokan. WIKA mendefinisikan pemasok lokal companies in the supply chain. WIKA defines a local
sebagai perusahaan yang didirikan dan/atau berdomisili supplier as a company that has been incorporated and /
di wilayah pemberdayaan dan telah berdomisili selama or domiciled in an empowered territory for at least 3 years.
sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun.

Pelibatan perusahaan lokal sebagai pemasok memberikan The involvement of local companies as suppliers bring about
manfaat lain yang bersifat tidak langsung untuk pemangku other benefits that do not accrue direct to stakeholders.
kepentingan. Salah satunya adalah ketersediaan lapangan One is the availability of jobs for local people, enabling
pekerjaan untuk masyarakat setempat, sehingga mereka them to have earnings for procuring the necessities of
bisa mendapatkan penghasilan untuk membiayai life. By the end of the reporting period an estimated 6,000
kebutuhan hidup. Hingga akhir periode pelaporan workers were employed by the supplier firms.
diperkirakan ada 6.000 tenaga kerja yang terserap oleh
perusahaan-perusahaan pemasok.

Secara berkala, WIKA juga melakukan pengawasan WIKA also undertakes periodic supervision of all suppliers
terhadap seluruh pemasok (100%) untuk memastikan (100%) to ensure that they comply with all labor regulations.
bahwa mereka mematuhi semua regulasi ketenagakerjaan. We impose sanctions on supplier firms that do not comply
Kami memberikan sanksi kepada perusahaan pemasok with the labor regulations.
yang tidak mematuhi regulasi ketenagakerjaan.

Jumlah Pemasok dan Nilai Kontrak Pekerjaan (Dalam juta Rp)

Number of Suppliers and Working Contract Value (In million IDR)
Pengadaan Barang | Goods Procurement Pengadaan Jasa | Services Procurement
Unit Bisnis
Jumlah Pemasok Nilai Kontrak Pekerjaan Jumlah Pemasok Nilai Kontrak Pekerjaan
Business Unit
Number Of Suppliers Working Contract Values Number Of Suppliers Working Contract Values

Perusahaan Lokal 206 373, 723 280 383,723

Local Companies

Perusahaan Nasional 176 1,811,050 113 1,011,941

National Companies

Perusahaan Internasional 14 954,870 0 0

International Companies

Jumlah 396 3,139,643 393 1,395,664


24 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Kepatuhan pada Inisiatif Eksternal Compliance towards External Initiatives
Untuk bidang konstruksi, WIKA bersama anak perusahaan For the construction sector, WIKA and its subsidiaries
menerapkan konsep konstruksi ramah lingkungan (green apply the concepts of environmentally friendly
construction) dan bangunan ramah lingkungan (green construction (green construction) and environmentally
building). Kami menyadari pembangunan dapat merusak friendly building (green building). We are aware that
lingkungan sekitar, oleh sebab itu WIKA senantiasa development activities can have an adverse impact on the
mematuhi inisiatif eksternal yang ditujukan untuk environment, and so WIKA constantly observes external
mencegah terjadinya kerusakan lingkungan. Inisiatif initiatives aimed at preventing environmental damage.
eksternal lain yang dipatuhi dan diterapkan meliputi: ISO Other external initiatives observed and implemented
9001:2008 tentang Sistem Kualitas Manajemen; ISO include: ISO 9001:2008 on Quality Management System;
18001:2007 tentang Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan; dan ISO 18001:2007 on Environmental Management System;
ISO 18001:2007 tentang Sistem Kesehatan dan Keamanan and ISO 18001:2007 on Occupational Health and Safety
Lingkungan Kerja. [G4-14, G4-15] Management System. [G4-14, G4-15]

Uraian yang lebih lengkap dari masing-masing unit bisnis A more complete description of each business unit
dan profil perusahaan tersaji dalam Laporan Tahunan along with company profiles are presented in the Annual
2014 dan yang disampaikan terpisah Report 2014 and at, while separate from
dari laporan ini, namun bersifat saling melengkapi. this report complement each other.

2014 Sustainability Report // 25


Laporan keberlanjutan 2014 merupakan kesinambungan The 2014 Sustainability Report is a continuation of the
dari Laporan Keberlanjutan 2013. Laporan ini kembali 2013 Sustainability Report. This report re-adopts the
mengadopsi Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (SRG) Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (SRG) version G4
versi G4 yang diterbitkan oleh Global Reporting Initiative published by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and uses
(GRI), dengan pilihan opsi ‘in-accordance core’. Laporan the ‘in-accordance core’ option. This Sustainability Report
Keberlanjutan ini memuat kinerja PT Wijaya karya (Persero) contains the performance of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero)
Tbk yang selanjutnya akan disebut WIKA, ‘Perseroan’ Tbk, hereinafter referred to as WIKA or ‘the Company’, for
atau ‘Perusahaan’, selama kurun waktu 1 Januari – 31 the period January 1 to December 31, 2014. For the year
Desember 2014. Untuk tahun 2014, WIKA belum melakukan 2014, WIKA as yet has not provided external assurance on
assurance atas laporan ini. [G4-22, G4-23, G4-28, G4-29, G4-30, the report. [G4-22, G4-23, G4-28, G4-29, G4-30, G4-32, G4-33]
G4-32, G4-33]

Batasan Pelaporan dan Aspek Material [G4-17, G4-18, G4-20, Boundaries of Report and Materiality Aspect [G4-17, G4-18,
G4-21, G4-23] G4-20, G4-21, G4-23]
Batasan pelaporan ini adalah penyampaian informasi The boundaries of this report are the provision of material
material yang diperoleh dari kantor pusat WIKA di Jakarta, information obtained from WIKA’s headquarters in Jakarta,
yang meliputi Pusat Manajemen dan Departemen Operasi. which includes the Central Management and Operations
Perseroan tidak menyertakan informasi material dari Department. The Company does not include any material
entitas anak, pemasok, maupun entitas lain di luar information of subsidiaries, suppliers, and other entities
Perseroan. outside the Company.

Dari hasil diskusi grup terarah (focus group discussion/ From the results of focus group discussions, two material
FGD), ada dua aspek material yang disebutkan di Laporan aspects included in the Sustainability Report 2013, namely
Keberlanjutan tahun 2013, yaitu ’pemanfaatan air’ dan ‘water use’ and ‘anti-corruption’, are no longer considered
’anti korupsi’, yang tidak lagi dinyatakan material dalam to be material in this report. Due to the Company’s trait
laporan kali ini. Karakteristik Perusahaan yang selalu of constantly moving during a project, consequently the
berpindah dalam pengerjaan proyek menyebabkan aspek ‘water use’ aspect does not have a significantly adverse
’pemanfaatan air’ tidak menyebabkan dampak negatif impact to external stakeholders, especially the people
yang signifikan bagi pemangku kepentingan eksternal, who are in the vicinity of the project. In addition, WIKA has
khususnya masyarakat yang berada di sekitar lokasi always complied with the provisions of each construction
proyek. Di samping itu, WIKA tunduk pada ketentuan untuk project, including the efficient use of water, ensuring that
setiap pembangunan proyek, termasuk penggunaan air no damage is done to the water source.
yang efisien, sehingga tidak mengganggu sumber air.

Informasi pada aspek ’anti korupsi’ juga tidak disampaikan Similarly, information on the ‘anti-corruption’ aspect is
secara material, dengan pertimbangan bahwa ketaatan also not taken to be material, with the consideration that
pada tata kelola yang baik (good corporate governance/ the observance of good corporate governance (GCG) is the
GCG) adalah yang utama. Dengan meningkatkan primary concern. By improving GCG performance, WIKA in a

26 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

kinerja GCG, maka secara langsung, WIKA menerapkan direct manner implements ethical business practices that
praktik usaha yang beretika berdasarkan prinsip GCG. are based on the principles of good corporate governance.
Informasi terkait anti korupsi juga kami anggap telah Further, we believe that information on the anti-corruption
cukup disampaikan dalam laporan tahunan dan laporan aspect has been adequately stated in last year’s annual as
keberlanjutan tahun sebelumnya. well as sustainability reports.

Informasi terkait dengan ’komunitas lokal’ menjadi For this year’s sustainability report, ‘local community’ is the
informasi baru yang material dalam laporan keberlanjutan new piece of information now considered to be material.
ini. Informasi ini dianggap penting oleh pemangku This information is deemed important by WIKA’s external
kepentingan eksternal WIKA dan Perseroan juga stakeholders and the Company also identifies a material
mengidentifikasi adanya dampak yang material atas impact this information has on internal stakeholders.
informasi ini bagi pemangku kepentingan internal. Information about ‘local community’ will be able to
Informasi tentang ’komunitas lokal’ akan dapat influence decision-making, especially in considering the
mempengaruhi pengambilan keputusan, khususnya dalam continuity of a project’s execution.
mempertimbangkan pengerjaan kelangsungan proyek.

Aspek materialitas penting untuk disajikan dengan harapan It is important to present the material aspects with the
agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan informasi semua hope that it is able to meet the information needs of all
pemangku kepentingan dalam mengambil keputusan. stakeholders in making decisions. Disclosure of the material
Pengungkapan aspek material disesuaikan dengan kondisi aspect is adapted to the conditions of the Company and to
Perseroan dan untuk menjawab kebutuhan informasi address the information needs of stakeholders, and which
pemangku kepentingan, dengan memperhatikan setiap takes into account any impact, both positive and negative.
dampak, baik positif maupun negatif.

Batasan Aspek Materialitas di Dalam dan di Luar WIKA Daftar Aspek Material Pelaporan dan Dampaknya
Boundaries of material aspect within and outside WIKA Pada Pemangku Kepentingan [G4-19]
List of Reported Material Aspects and Impact on
Outside WIKA

Kinerja Ekonomi
Economic Performance
Inside WIKA
Project Owners
Dampak Ekonomi tak Langsung
Indirect Economic Impact
End User
Partners Ketenagakerjaan
Regulator WIKA Workforce
Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja
Shareholders Occupational Health and Safety
Pendidikan dan Pelatihan
Education and Training
Komunitas Lokal
Local Community
Keterangan | Note:
Lambang menunjukkan dampak setiap aspek material yang berpengaruh signifikan pada pemangku
kepentingan, baik internal maupun eksternal.
The symbols denote the influence of every material aspect that has a significant impact on stakeholders, both
internal as well as external.

2014 Sustainability Report // 27

Matriks Aspek Materialitas [G4-19]
Materiality Aspect Matrix





& Services


FGD dilakukan pada tanggal 13 Januari 2015 untuk A FGD was held on January 13rd, 2015 for the determination
penentuan aspek material. Dari masing-masing of the material aspects. As many as 18 people from each
departemen, sebanyak 18 orang terlibat dalam kegiatan department were involved in this activity. The external team
ini. Tim eksternal yang terlibat dalam penentuan aspek involved in the determination of WIKA’s material aspects
material WIKA berasal dari kalangan pengamat sosial, came from ranks of social observers, academics, NGOs and
akademisi, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat dan masyarakat. the community. [G4-18, G4-20, G4-21]
[G4-18, G4-20, G4-21]

Secara ringkas, tahapan penentuan aspek material dan In short, the stages of determining the material aspects
batasan laporan dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut: and reporting boundaries can be described as follows:

28 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

• Tahap pertama, melakukan proses identifikasi • Stage one, the process of identifying sustainability
aspek-aspek keberlanjutan dari G4 dan identifikasi aspects from the G4 and the identification of important
topik penting yang relevan dengan karakteristik topics relevant to the characteristics of the property
bisnis property, berdasarkan prinsip stakeholders business, based on the principle of stakeholder
inclusiveness. Setelah itu, setiap aspek yang material inclusiveness. Following this, the boundary of each
ditentukan batasan ruang lingkupnya (boundary). material aspect is specified.
• Tahap kedua, membuat prioritas atas aspek-aspek • Stage two, prioritizing the sustainability aspects that
keberlanjutan yang akan dilaporkan. are going to be reported.
• Tahap ketiga, melakukan validasi atas aspek material • Stage three, validating the material aspects which
yang telah ditentukan untuk menjadi prioritas informasi have been determined to be the priority information for
yang akan disampaikan, serta memastikan pelaporan presentation, and to ensure that the reporting process
menyajikan informasi berimbang antara kinerja positif presents a balance between positive and negative
dan negatif. Proses validasi ini dilakukan berdasarkan performance. This validation process is carried out
prinsip completeness dan disahkan oleh Direktur based on the principle of completeness and is approved
Utama. [G4-48] by the President Director. [G4-48]
• Tahap keempat, melakukan kajian atas aspek material • Stage four, reviewing the material aspects that have
yang telah diprioritaskan berdasarkan sustainability been prioritized based on sustainability context and
contex dan stakeholder inclusiveness, serta memeriksa stakeholder inclusiveness, as well as to re-examine
kembali aspek material tahun sebelumnya dengan the material aspects of the previous year by taking into
memperhatikan saran dari pemangku kepentingan, account the advice of stakeholders, both internal and
baik internal maupun eksternal. external.

Alur Penetapan Aspek Material dan Batasan Laporan (G4-18)

Flowchart in Determining Material Aspects and Report Boundaries

1 Konteks
Identifikasi Keberlanjutan
Identification Sustainability
Pelibatan Pemangku Kepentingan

Stakeholder inclusiveness

Prioritas Materialitas 4
Prioritization Materiality Review

3 Kelengkapan Sustainability
Validasi Informasi Context
Validation Completeness

2014 Sustainability Report // 29

3 Januari 2014 | 3rd January 2014 2-5 Maret 2014 | 2nd-5rd March 2014 8 April 2014| 8th April 2014
Direktur Utama WIKA, Bintang Perbowo Mendapatkan penghargaan gold medal WIKA Beton sukses mencatatkan diri pada
menjadi narasumber acara Lantai Bursa di dalam konvensi ke-41 Federasi organisasi Bursa Efek Indonesia dengan ticker WTON.
Bloomberg TV. Beliau menjelaskan tentang kontraktor di kawasan Asia dan Pasifik Dengan penetapan harga IPO sebesar
kinerja, target kontrak, rencana aksi Barat (IFAWPCA) di Jakarta untuk kategori Rp590 per saham, maka WIKA Beton
korporasi, hingga ekspansi WIKA di proyek Civil Engineering Construction, untuk berhasil meraup dana Rp1,2 triliun.
migas. Proyek Bendungan Jatigede. WIKA Beton successfully debuted on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange with the ticker
WIKA President Director, Bintang Perbowo Awarded the gold medal at the 41st WTON. By pricing the IPO at Rp590 per
was a guest at the Lantai Bursa program convention of the Federation of contractor share, WIKA Beton managed to pull in funds
on Bloomberg TV. He talked about organizations in Asia and the Western of Rp1.2 trillion.
performance, contract targets, corporate Pacific (IFAWPCA) in Jakarta, for the
actions, and WIKA’s expansion into oil and category Civil Engineering Construction, 8 Mei 2014 | 8th May 2014
gas projects. Jatigede Dam Project.
WIKA meraih 2 penghargaan sekaligus di
22 Januari 2014 | 22nd January 2014 11 Maret 2014 | 11st March 2014 bidang Properti & Konstruksi Bangunan
dan Top Perfoming Listed Companies 2014
Konsorsium WIKA – Technip Indonesia WIKA merayakan hari jadi Perseroan yang Kapitalisasi Pasar di atas Rp10 Triliun oleh
menandatangani kontrak Pembangunan ke-54 dengan mengusung tema ‘Harmony Majalah Investor dalam Investor Award.
Fasilitas Produksi Gas Matindok senilai in Work and Humanity‘.
US$234 juta dengan PT Pertamina EP di WIKA won 2 awards in the field of Property
Kantor PT Pertamina EP. WIKA celebrated its 54th anniversary & Building Construction and Top Perfoming
with the theme ‘Harmony in Work and Listed Companies 2014 with Market
At Pertamina EP office, WIKA - Technip Humanity’. Capitalization of more than Rp10 Trillion,
Indonesia Consortium signed the Matindok by the Investor Magazine at the Investor
Gas Production Facilities Development 27 Maret 2014 | 27th March 2014 Award.
worth US$234 million with PT Pertamina EP. Pelaksanaan RUPS Tahunan Tahun Buku
2014 di Gedung WIKA. Dalam RUPS ini, 4 Juni 2014 | 4th June 2014
6 Pebruari 2014 | 6th February 2014 Perseroan menyepakati, antara lain: WIKA kembali mendapatkan apresiasi
Investor dari Kerajaan Arab Saudi Penetapan Penggunaan Laba Bersih Tahun dalam membangun dan mengelola citra
mengunjungi WIKA. Dalam kunjungannya, Buku 2013 dan pembagian laba untuk perusahaan, Corporate Image Award
investor Timur Tengah tersebut melakukan dividen. 2014 yang diselenggarakan oleh Frontier
site visit ke Kawasan Industri WIKA di Consulting Group dan Majalah Tempo.
Karawang dan Apartemen Taman Sari Annual General Meeting Stakeholders
Semanggi. 2014 at the WIKA Building. In this AGMS, WIKA again received appreciation in
the Company agreed, among others: building and managing the company’s
Investors from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Determination of Utilizing Net Income for image, at the Corporate Image Award 2014
visited WIKA. During the visit, the Middle Fiscal Year 2013 and the distribution of organized by Frontier Consulting Group and
Eastern investors also conducted site visits profits for dividends. Tempo.
to WIKA’s Industrial Area in Karawang and
the Taman Sari Semanggi Apartments. 2 April 2014| 2nd April 2014 25 Juli 2014 | 25th July 2014
Ground breaking Pembangunan Rumah Perusahaan kembali menggelar mudik
18 Pebruari-25
18 Pebruari-25 Maret
Maret 2014
2014 |18th
|18 February-25
th th
February-25 March
March 2014 Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Jakarta gratis bagi para karyawan beseta
Predikat kategori ‘baik’ diperoleh WIKA Selatan yang berkonsep green hospital
untuk Penerapan GCG di Tahun Buku 2013 keluarganya yang akan merayakan lebaran
seluas 25.082 m2 oleh Gubernur Provinsi di kampung halamannya masing-masing
atas assessment GCG yang dilakukan oleh DKI Jakarta di bilangan Ragunan.
BPKP. dengan 6 armada bus pariwisata.
Ground breaking by the Governor of Jakarta The company again organized free trips for
A rating of ‘good’ was obtained by WIKA at Ragunan on the South Jakarta Regional
for GCG implementation in the Fiscal Year employees and their families celebrating
General Hospital (RSUD) which is based on Eid in their respective hometowns, each
2013 on the GCG assessment conducted the concept of green hospital and covering
by BPKP. with a fleet of 6 buses.
an area of 25,082 m2.

30 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

14 Agustus 2014 | 14th August 2014 23 Oktober 2014 | 23rd October 2014 27 November 2014 | 27th November 2014
WIKA bersepakat dengan Komisi Kelanjutan Program Pengendalian 3 penghargaan berhasil diraih dalam
Pemberantasan Korupsi untuk Gratifikasi (PPG) yang disepakati oleh Indonesia Human Capital Study 2014
melaksanakan Program Pengendalian WIKA dan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi Award, yaitu untuk kategori The Best
Gratifikasi (PPG). (KPK) melahirkan kesepakatan untuk of Human Capital Index, The Best of All
berkomitmen dalam mengendalikan Human Capital Criterias, dan The Best
WIKA entered into an agreement with the kegiatan praktik suap dan sistem CEO Commitment on Human Capital
Corruption Eradication Commission to pengaduan praktik gratifikasi yang terjadi Development oleh Dunamis Human Capital.
implement the Corruption Control Program di lingkungan WIKA. Penandatangan
(PPG). komitmen bersama dilakukan oleh Direktur 3 honors were won at the Indonesian
Utama WIKA, Bintang Perbowo dan Pejabat Human Capital Study 2014 Award organized
26 Agustus 2014 | 26th August 2014 KPK Johan Budi, disaksikan oleh Komisaris by Dunamis Human Capital, namely for the
Pemprov DKI Jakarta meninjau lokasi Utama WIKA Basuki Hadimoeljono dan categories of The Best of Human Capital
pembangunan sudetan Kali Ciliwung-Kanal Direktur Pencegahan (KPK) Giri. Pada acara Index, The Best of All Human Capital
Banjir Timur (KBT), di sekitar kawasan tersebut ditandai dengan penyerahan drop Criterias, and The Best CEO Commitment
Kebon Nanas, Jatinegara, Jakarta Timur. box pengaduan penyelewengan yang terjadi on Human Capital Development.
WIKA ditunjuk sebagai kontraktor pelaksana di lingkungan WIKA.
atas pembangunan tersebut. 9 Desember 2014 | 9th December 2014
Continuation of the Corruption Control WIKA masuk dalam Urutan 31-40 dalam
The Jakarta Provincial Government toured Program (PPG) agreed by WIKA and the Corporate Governance (CG) Conference and
the construction site of the Ciliwung-East Corruption Eradication Commission Award ke-6 yang mengambil tema “Tone
Flood Canal (KBT) water channel around (KPK) resulted in a joint commitment to at the Top Commitment to Strengthen
Kebon Nanas, Jatinegara, East Jakarta. control bribery and graft practices and Corporate Governance Best Practices”
WIKA is the appointed contractor of the establishment of a complaint system
construction project. in the WIKA premises. Signing the joint WIKA was ranked between 31-40 at the 6th
commitment were WIKA President Director Corporate Governance (CG) Conference and
11 September 2014 | 11th September 2014 Bintang Perbowo and KPK official Johan Awards with the theme of “Tone at the Top
WIKA melakukan penandatanganan Budi, and witnessed by WIKA Commissioner – Commitment to Strengthen Corporate
perjanjian pembangunan Pyay Tower & Basuki Hadimoeljono and KPK Prevention Governance Best Practices”
Residences, Yangon dengan Noble Twin Director Giri. The event was marked by
Dragon Pte. Ltd. (NTD) di Singapura dengan handing over of a drop box for complaints 10 Desember 2014 | 10th December 2014
total nilai kontrak sebesar US$125 juta. on violations occurring within WIKA Dalam acara Indonesia Sustainability
premises. Reporting Award (ISRA) 2014 yang
In Singapore, WIKA signed a development diselenggarakan oleh National Center for
agreement for Pyay Tower & Residences, 30 Oktober 2014 | 30th October 2014 Sustainability Reporting (NCSR), PT Wijaya
Yangon Noble with Twin Dragon Pte. Ltd. Karya (Persero) Tbk atau (WIKA) meraih
WIKA menerima penghargaan bergengsi
(NTD) with a total contract value of US$ dua penghargaan sekaligus.
Info Bank BUMN Award 2014 di Shangri-la
125 million.
Hotel Jakarta. Predikat “Sangat Bagus”
At the Indonesia Sustainability Reporting
untuk kategori kinerja keuanganan tahun
3 Oktober 2014 | 3rd October 2014 Award (ISRA) 2014 event organized by the
2013 berhasil diraih.
WIKA tampil dalam talkshow ‘Managing National Center for Sustainability Reporting
Asia: Asia Builders’ yang dihelat khusus oleh WIKA received the prestigious Infobank (NCSR), WIKA received two awards.
CNBC Asia untuk memotret sepak terjang SOE Award 2014 at the Shangri-la Hotel in
pelaku bisnis perusahaan Asia Pasifik, di Jakarta. A “Very Good” rating was received 19 Desember 2014 | 19th December 2014
Singapura. for the financial performance in 2013 Jajaran Manajemen WIKA dan Rektor
category. Universitas Indonesia (UI) Muhaman Anis
In Singapore, WIKA appeared in the talk menandatangani Kontrak Pembangunan
show ‘Managing Asia: Asian Builders’ held 17 November 2014 |17th November 2014 Medical Education and Research Center
exclusively by CNBC Asia to discuss the (MERC) UI senilai Rp220 miliar.
Meraih penghargaan dalam kategori
issues surrounding businesses in Asia
“Infrastruktur” dalam Economic Challanges
Pacific. WIKA’s Management and Anis Muhaman,
Award 2014 bertemakan “Indonesia
Rector of the University of Indonesia (UI)
Produktif, Perusahaan Bernilai Tambah”
signed a Development Contract for UI’s
yang diselenggarakan oleh Metro TV.
Medical Education and Research Center
Won an award in the category (MERC) worth Rp220 billion.
“Infrastructure” at the Economic
Challanges Award 2014 titled “Productive
Indonesia, Value-added Company”
organized by Metro TV.

2014 Sustainability Report // 31

Salah satu kegiatan Wikasatrian,
Eksplorasi Alam
One of Wikasatrian activity, Nature

32 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


2014 Sustainability Report // 33

“Keberhasilan WIKA
bergantung pada kinerja luar
biasa dari hampir 1.912 orang
yang bekerja untuk kita di
seluruh kantor perwakilan
dan lokasi proyek”
“WIKA’s success depends on the
outstanding performance of the nearly
1,912 people working for us in all offices
and project sites”

34 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Tenaga kerja yang dilatih dan terlibat merupakan kunci Having a trained and engaged workforce is the key to
keberhasilan dan pertumbuhan WIKA di tahun 2014. the success and growth of WIKA in 2014. The presence
Keberadaan tenaga kerja telah diidentifikasi sebagai risiko of workers has been identified as WIKA’s primary risk
utama WIKA yang harus terus dipantau. Oleh karenanya, which needs constant monitoring. Therefore, it is our
menjadi tanggung jawab kami, melalui Departemen Human responsibility, through the Department of Human Capital
Capital untuk memastikan manajemen human capital to ensure the management of human capital to their
mencapai potensi maksimal. Semua kebijakan human full potential. All of WIKA’s human capital policies are
capital WIKA terdapat dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran contained in Work Plan and Budged 2014, Collective Labor
Perusahaan tahun 2014, Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) Agreement (CLA) for 2014-2015 and Law No. 13 / 2013 on
tahun 2014-2015 dan merujuk pada UU RI No.13/2013 employment. [DMA]
tentang ketenagakerjaan. [DMA]

Semua pekerja WIKA terlindungi PKB yang telah WIKA’s employees are all protected under the CLA which
mendapatkan penetapan pendaftaran di Direktorat has been registered at the Directorate General of Industrial
Jenderal Pembinaan Hubungan Industrial dan Jaminan Relations and Social Security, Ministry of Manpower and
Sosial Tenaga Kerja, Kementerian Tenaga Kerja dan Transmigration through Decree No. KEP.04/PHIJSKPKKAD/
Transmigrasi melalui Surat Keputusan No.KEP.04/ PKB/I/2013 then, it is amendment on October 2014 in
PHIJSKPKKAD/PKB/I/2013, kemudian di amandemen through Decree No.KEP.160/PHIJSK-PKKAD/PKB/X/2014.
pada Oktober 2014 melalui Surat Keputusan No.KEP.160/ [G4-11]
PHIJSK-PKKAD/PKB/X/2014. [G4-11]

Sistem Talent Management WIKA | WIKA’s Talent Management System

Vision and Mission WIKA 2020

• WIKA Business Manage

& Recruit
Portfolio Talent
• Strategic Goals Strategy and • WIKA Scorecards
• Grand Strategy Business
Career &
PEOPLE Learning & • HG Scorecards
• WIKA Business Alignment Management
• Brand Employer
Model Retain &

Talent Infrastucture
WIKA Human Capital Practice & Procedures
WIKA Culture & Values

2014 Sustainability Report // 35


Kami menjaga kualitas pekerja mulai dari seleksi We maintain the quality of workers by various
rekrutmen, memfasilitasi pendidikan melalui program processes ranging from recruitment and selection,
beasiswa, hingga pembekalan khusus. Dalam kegiatan facilitating education through scholarship programs,
rekrutmen, WIKA mengenal pola ‘MAKE’ dan ‘BUY’ and special instruction. In recruitment activities,
sebagai dua sistem yang tepat dalam membantu WIKA identifies the ‘MAKE’ and ‘BUY’ patterns as the
kami menemukan pekerja berkualitas. Pola ‘MAKE’ two systems appropriate in helping to find qualified
yaitu merekrut calon tenaga kerja melalui lulusan baru workers. The ‘MAKE’ pattern involves recruiting newly
strata 1 (fresh graduate) yang kemudian mendapat minted bachelors or fresh graduates for employment,
pembekalan khusus melalui Program Pelatihan Calon who then receive special instruction through the
Pegawai (PPCP). Selama proses rekrutmen, WIKA tetap Employee Candidate Training Program (PPCP). During
memantau bahwa calon-calon yang direkrut berusia the recruitment process, WIKA continuously monitors
diatas 18 tahun dan dipastikan tidak ada pekerja that candidates are over 18 years of age, ensuring that
dibawah umur. [G4-HR5] no underage workers are employed. [G4-HR5]

Pola ini merupakan kerjasama dengan setiap perguruan This pattern characterizes a collaboration with each
tinggi negeri di Indonesia, termasuk melalui program of the universities in Indonesia, including scholarship
beasiswa. Secara tidak langsung kegiatan ini dapat programs. Indirectly, this pattern can be deemed to be
disebut sebagai salah satu program tanggung jawab part of the corporate social responsibility program that
sosial perusahaan yang stategis dan berkelanjutan. is strategic and sustainable. Until 2014 year’s end, 14
Hingga akhir tahun 2014, terdapat 14 mahasiswa S1 undergraduate students received scholarships while
yang menerima beasiswa dan 224 lulusan S1 yang 224 graduates were recruited.

Pola ‘BUY’ adalah proses merekrut tenaga kerja yang The ‘BUY’ pattern is the process of recruiting
sudah berpengalaman dengan memberikan penugasan experienced workers who are given special assignment
khusus sesuai dengan bidang kompetensinya. WIKA in accordance to their competencies. WIKA recruits
merekrut calon pekerja dengan memperhatikan standar employees by observing the established employment
ideal yang sudah ditetapkan untuk mendapatkan SDM standards to recruit high-potential candidates.
yang potensial.

Standar Ideal Pekerja WIKA Employment Standards of WIKA Employees

Standar Uraian
Standard Description

Persistent Melakukan sesuatu secara terus menerus (berkelanjutan) sekalipun sulit atau ada pihak yang menghambat
Doing something continuously although difficult or being obstructed by someone

Adaptable Kemampuan untuk mengubah atau berubah dalam rangka menyesuaikan atau dapat bekerja dengan lebih baik
dalam situasi atau tujuan tertentu
The ability to alter or change oneself in order to adapt or possibly work better within a particular situation or

Learner Meningkatkan pengetahuan atau keterampilan dengan cara belajar, berlatih, dilatih, atau dari pengalaman
Improving knowledge or skills by learning, practicing, training, or from experience

36 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Perputaran Pekerja Employee Turnover
Sepanjang tahun 2014, perseroan dan entitas anak Through 2014 the Company and its subsidiaries ran the
usaha menjalankan proses penerimaan pekerja dengan recruitment process by providing equal opportunities to
memberikan kesempatan sama dan setara kepada setiap every prospective employee.
calon pekerja.

Jumlah Pekerja Tetap Baru Berdasarkan Kelompok Umur dan Gender

Total New Permanent Employees Based On Age Group and Gender
Kelompok Umur 2014 2013 2012
Age Group Pria Male Wanita Female Pria Male Wanita Female Pria Male Wanita Female

21 – 30 124 8 187 8 159 9

31 – 40 14 0 20 1 54 3

41 – 50 12 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah | Total 158 306 242

Terbatasnya jumlah pekerja tetap perempuan, bukan The limited number of permanent women employees is not
disebabkan adanya diskriminasi dalam penerimaan due to a bias in hiring practices. The character of WIKA’s
pegawai. Karakteristik kegiatan operasi dan bisnis WIKA operations as well its field of business in the construction
di sektor konstruksi, menjadi salah satu faktor yang sector is among the factors that engenders reluctance in
mempengaruhi keengganan kaum hawa bekerja di unit women to work at the company’s business units.
usaha WIKA.

Pengawasan Handal
Excellent Monitoring

2014 Sustainability Report // 37

Demikian pula, jumlah perempuan lulusan perguruan tinggi Similarly, there are very few female college graduates
yang studinya terkait dengan bisnis konstruksi sangatlah whose studies relate to the construction business, and so
kecil, sehingga rekruitmen terhadap mereka juga jauh lebih the recruitment of women becomes much more difficult
sulit dibandingkan dengan calon pekerja pria. Kebijakan as compared to male candidates. WIKA has an open
penerimaan pegawai di lingkungan WIKA bersifat terbuka, recruitment policy, which pays no regard to gender, race,
tanpa membedakan gender, ras, agama, suku, golongan religion, ethnicity, class or political affiliation.
maupun afiliasi politik.

Sinergi antara terjaminnya hak-hak pekerja dan iklim The synergy between guaranteeing the rights of employees
kerja yang kondusif, pada akhirnya memperkecil tingkat and having a conducive working environment has ultimately
perputaran (turnover) pekerja tetap. Tercatat pada tahun reduced the turnover rate of permanent employees. In
2014 jumlah pekerja baru sebanyak 158 orang dan diikuti 2014 there 158 new employees joining the company while
dengan pekerja yang meninggalkan Perseroan sebanyak 59 others left, resulting in a net workforce of 1,912 people.
59 orang, sehingga total pekerja mencapai 1.912 orang. [G4-LA1]

Tingkat Kepergian Pekerja Tetap [G4-LA1]

Permanent Employee Turnover Rate

Tingkat Perputaran
Turnover Rate



Pensiun Mengundurkan Pelanggaran Meninggal

Retirement Diri Berat Dunia
Resignations Severe Deceased

“Kebijakan penerimaan pegawai di lingkungan WIKA bersifat

terbuka, tanpa membedakan gender, ras, agama, suku,
golongan maupun afiliasi politik.”
“WIKA has an open recruitment policy, which pays no regard to gender, race,
religion, ethnicity, class or political affiliation.”

38 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Kesejahteraan Pekerja Employee Welfare
Kesejahteraan pekerja diatur dalam Perjanjian Kerja Employee welfare is stipulated in the Collective Labour
Bersama (PKB), yang secara berkala dievaluasi oleh Agreement (CLA), a document which is regularly
manajemen dan serikat pekerja. Salah satu hak pekerja evaluated by management and the unions. Among the
yang diatur serta dijamin dalam PKB adalah pemberian rights of employees as stipulated and guaranteed in the
kompensasi dan maslahat, termasuk di dalamnya adalah CLA are compensation and benefits, including wages,
upah, imbal jasa dan asuransi, yang besarannya tidak compensation for work performed, and insurance, whose
membedakan pekerja perempuan dengan laki-laki. amount is no different beween male and female employees.
Asuransi meliputi perlindungan jiwa dan kesehatan yang The insurance covers of life and health protection which
dikelola oleh pihak swasta dan BPJS. are managed by private and BPJS.

Pembedaan hanya diberlakukan dengan Differences in compensation levels is only enforced by

mempertimbangkan status kepegawaian, yakni pekerja considering employment status, ie permanent employees,
tetap, pekerja tidak tetap (PKWT/Perjanjian Kerja Waktu non-permanent/temporary workers (PKWT/Temporary
Tertentu), dan pekerja sumber luar (outsourcing). Work Agreement), and outsourced workers. The wage/
Komponen di dalam upah/imbal jasa pekerjaan pekerja compensation components for permanent employees and
tetap dan pekerja tidak tetap, mengacu pada peraturan temporary workers is as per company regulations. [G4-LA2,
perusahaan. [G4-LA2, G4-LA3, G4-EC5] G4-LA3, G4-EC5]

Fasilitas yang diterima Berdasar Status Kepegawaian [G4-LA2]

Benefits Received Based on Employment Status
Bentuk Manfaat Pegawai Tetap Pegawai Tidak Tetap
Type Of Benefits Permanent Employee Non-Permanent Employee

Gaji Pokok | Basic Salary Ada | Available Ada | Available

Asuransi Jiwa | Life Insurance Ada | Available Ada | Available

Tunjangan Kesehatan | Health Care Ada | Available Ada | Available

Tunjangan Disabilitas dan Invaliditas | Disability and Invalidity Coverage Ada | Available Tidak | Unavailable

Tunjangan Kelahiran | Parental Leave Ada | Available Ada | Available

Tunjangan Kecelakaan Kerja | Employment Injury Benefits Ada | Available Ada | Available

Tunjangan Pensiun | Retirement Provision Ada | Available Ada | Available

Kesempatan Memiliki Saham | Stock Ownership Ada | Available Tidak | Unavailable

Tunjangan Hari Raya | Holiday Allowance Ada | Available Ada | Available

Tunjangan Cuti | Leave Allowance Ada | Available Tidak | Unavailable

2014 Sustainability Report // 39

Kami memberikan jaminan kepada pegawai perempuan We provide a guarantee to female employees who take
yang selesai menjalani cuti panjang melahirkan (90 maternity leave (90 calendar days) that they can rejoin
hari kalender), untuk diterima bekerja kembali dan work and enjoy all rights as before. During 2014, 15 women
mendapatkan hak-haknya seperti semula. Selama tahun were recorded taking maternity leave.
2014 jumlah pekerja perempuan yang menjalani cuti
melahirkan ada 15 orang.

Jaminan yang sama juga diberikan kepada pekerja yang The same assurance is also provided to employees who
menjalani cuti panjang, karena keperluan menjalankan undergo sabbatical leave, for instance going on the hajj
ibadah haji (40 hari kalender). Kami memastikan mereka pilgrimage (40 calendar days). We make sure that they can
dapat kembali bekerja dan menerima seluruh hak-haknya, come back to work and have all rights restored upon their
setelah selesai menjalankan ibadah. [G4-LA13] return. [G4-LA13]

Imbal jasa pekerjaan yang disediakan WIKA telah Compensation provided by WIKA is set above the minimum
ditetapkan diatas batas upah minimum yang diberlakukan wage limits imposed by local governments in their
oleh pemerintah daerah di masing-masing wilayah. Namun respective areas. However, the wage amount paid also takes
demikian besaran upah jasa pekerjaan diberikan dengan into account the position and performance assessment.
mempertimbangkan posisi/jabatan dan penilaian kinerja.

Perbandingan Imbal Jasa Terhadap UMP (Dalam Rp) [G4-EC5]

Comparison of Compensation with Provincial Minimum Wage (In IDR)
Upah Terendah /bulan UMP 2014 /bulan Persentase
Lowest Wage /month 2014 Provincial Minimum Wage /month Percentage

Kantor Pusat | Head Office 2,822,000 2,400,000 118%

Regional | Regional Office* 3,580,000 2,400,000 149%

Perwakilan | Representative Office* 3,333,000 2,400,000 139%

Keterangan | Notes
• Sudah termasuk tambahan indeks lokasi | Including additional location index

40 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Penetapan gaji pokok dilakukan Perseroan dengan The Company determines the base salary by taking into
mempertimbangkan besaran Indeks Gaji Pokok yang selalu account the Basic Salary Index scale, which is reviewed
ditinjau setiap tahun, berdasarkan atas masukan dari annually based on inputs from the worker unions. Besides
Serikat Pekerja. Kinerja Perseroan di sepanjang periode this, the Company’s performance during the reporting
pelaporan akan mempengaruhi besaran pendapatan yang period will affect the income amount received by each
diterima masing-masing pekerja. employee.

Seiring membaiknya kinerja WIKA sepanjang tahun 2014, In line with WIKA’s improved performance throughout 2014,
Perusahaan dan perwakilan pekerja telah menyepakati the Company and employee representatives have agreed
adanya kenaikan upah penghasilan yang diterima. Bila upon a wage increase. If in 2013 employees experienced an
tahun 2013 pekerja tetap mendapatkan pertumbuhan average growth of 8.10% in basic salary, in 2014 they have
rata-rata gaji pokok 8,10%, maka pada tahun 2014 mereka received a 10.92% increase.
mendapatkan 10,92%.

Kebebasan dalam menyatakan pendapat dan berserikat Freedom of expression and association is part of the
ikut menjadi bagian dalam membangun kesejahteraan process of building employee welfare. The Company
pekerja. Perseroan menghormati hak tersebut dengan respects this right by supporting the establishment of
mendukung pembentukan Sekar WIKA dan Serikat Pekerja the worker unions Sekar WIKA and Sekar Pekerja KORPRI,
Korpri, menyediakan fasilitas bagi penyelenggaraan, serta and providing facilities for the organizations, as well as
penyediaan dana untuk kegiatan pengembangan. [G4-11, allocating funds for development activities. [G4-11, G4-HR4]

Persentase Pekerja Tetap Anggota Serikat Pekerja

Percentage of Permanent Employees and Worker Union Members
Nama Serikat Pekerja Jumlah Anggota Jumlah Pekerja Tetap Persentase
Name of Worker Union Number of Members Number Of Permanent Employees Percentage

Sekar WIKA 1,857 97.12%

Serikat Pekerja Korpri 55 2.88%

Jumlah | Total 1,912 1,912 100%

2014 Sustainability Report // 41


“Kesehatan dan keselamatan pekerja kami jauh lebih

dari sekedar kewajiban hukum, namun merupakan
prioritas utama bagi seluruh Grup WIKA”
“The health and safety of our employees is much more than just a legal
obligation, it also represents a top priority for the WIKA Group”

SHE Patrol Direksi

Directors’ SHE patrol

42 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Kerja Sehat Pulang Selamat Healthy Work and Returning Home Safely
Perseroan memahami kebutuhan para pekerja dan The Company understands the needs of employees and
keluarganya yang menanti dirumah. Keselamatan dan their families waiting at home. Occupational Health and
kesehatan kerja (K3) merupakan keharusan mutlak Safety (OHS) is an absolute necessity with regards to
dalam kegiatan konstruksi. Departemen Safety, Health construction activities. WIKA’s Department of Safety,
and Environment (SHE) WIKA senantiasa berupaya agar Health and Environment (SHE) endeavors that operations
kegiatan operasional dijalankan dengan memperhatikan in the field are run in accordance with OHS standards.
K3 di lapangan.

Atas pertimbangan inilah WIKA menempatkan pengelolaan Under this consideration WIKA has included OHS
K3 pada bagian tersendiri di dalam Perjanjian Kerja management in a separate section of the Collective Labour
Bersama (PKB). Dalam PKB Bab XV Pasal 72 memuat Agreement (CLA). CLA Chapter XV Article 72 stipulates
tentang peyelenggaraan K3L dan Pasal 73 memuat on implementation of Occupational Health, Safety and
tentang Alat serta Perlengkapan Keselamatan Kerja Environment (K3L) and Article 73 provides for Tools and
dan Lingkungan. Dalam PKB terdapat pula pasal yang Safety Equipment and Environment. In the CLA there is
secara khusus mengatur pembentukan Panitia Pembina an article that specifically provides for the setting up
Keselamatandan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (P2K3L) of the Committee on Occupational Health, Safety and
yang nerujuk pada Peraturan Menteri Tenaga Kerja Environment (P2K3L), as mandated under the Minister of
No.PER.04/MEN/1987. [DMA, G4-11, G4-LA8, G4-HR4] Manpower Regulation No. PER.04/MEN/1987. [DMA, G4-11,
G4-LA8, G4-HR4]


Jumlah Pekerja dalam Perwakilan Manajemen

Kepengurusan K3 [G4-LA5] 2014 Management Representatives

Number of Employees in the TOTAL

Perwakilan Serikat Pekerja
OHS Boards 76 Employee union representatives


Selain menerapkan SMK3, MK3L dan OHSAS 18001:2007, In addition to implementing OHS Management System,
WIKA juga memberlakukan DuPont Safety System Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Management
pada beberapa proyek untuk meningkatkan kepatuhan and OHSAS 18001: 2007, WIKA has also applied the
pelaksanaan K3 dan membentuk Site Implementation DuPont Safety System on several projects to improve OHS
Team (SIT). Keberadaan SIT melibatkan seluruh manajemen compliance, besides forming the Site Implementation
proyek dalam penerapan keselamatan, kesehatan kerja Team (SIT). The existence of the SIT involves the entire
dan lingkungan atau Safety, Health and Environment project management team in applying occupational health,
(SHE). [G4-15] safety, and environment or Safety, Health and Environment
(SHE). [G4-15]

2014 Sustainability Report // 43

Tindakan lain adalah mengintensifkan pelaksanaan Another action taken is to intensify the implementation of
K3 dengan menetapkan sebuah departemen SHE, dari OHS by setting up a SHE department, which in the original
yang semula berbentuk sebuah biro. WIKA berniat untuk form was an agency. WIKA intends to continue to develop
terus mengembangkan departemen ini demi mencapai this department with the object of achieving business
keberlangsungan bisnis dan pengembangan organisasi continuity, and towards organizational development
yang sehat, aman dan nyaman. [G4-13, G4-22] that has the characteristics of being healthy, safe and
comfortable. [G4-13, G4-22]

Skema Organisasi Departemen SHE

SHE Organizational Structure














44 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Melalui departemen SHE, WIKA mengevalusasi K3 dibawah Through the SHE department, WIKA evaluates OHS under
fungsi perencanaan, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan. Salah the planning, implementation, and supervision functions.
satu tanggung jawab departemen SHE adalah memantau Among the SHE department’s responsibilities is monitoring
penerapan jenjang karir khusus berbasis kompetensi pada the application of a career path that is specifically based
bidang keahlian SHE. Jenjang karir ini harus dilalui agar on competence in SHE expertise. This career path should
setiap pegawai tetap dapat menjadi pegawai organik yang be followed so that all permanent employees can still be
berhak mendapatkan manfaat pensiun. organic employees who are entitled to pension benefits.

AHLI UTAMA - 1 Jenjang Keahlian SHE

SHE Career Path












2014 Sustainability Report // 45

Pimpinan dan seluruh pekerja WIKA berkomitmen untuk WIKA’s management and employees are all committed
mencegah kecelakaan kerja, penyakit akibat kerja dan to preventing occurences of workplace accidents,
pencamaran lingkungan, dengan sasaran tercapainya occupational diseases and environmental damage, with the
zero accident, efisiensi penggunaan sumber daya dan ultimate aim of achieving a zero accident rate, the efficient
pencegahan kecelakaan di lingkungan kerja. Komitmen ini use of resources and the prevention of accidents in the
hendak dicapai melalui: workplace. This commitment is to be achieved through:
1. Penerapan Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan 1. Implementation of the Occupational Health, Safety
Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan (SHE) yang memenuhi and Environment Management System (SHE) which
peraturan perundang-undangan dan persyaratan meets the statutory regulations and other applicable
lainnya yang berlaku. requirements.
2. Pengembangan keahlian dan kompetensi personil SHE, 2. Development of skills and competencies of SHE
sesuai dengan Sistem Manajemen Human Capital WIKA. personnel, in accordance with WIKA’s Human Capital
Management System.

Jumlah Kecelakaan Kerja [G4-LA6]

Total of Work Accidents
33 63


2014 2013 2012

71 83 114


Ringan Sedang Berat

Minor Medium Major

Jumlah Jam Kerja dan Hari Kerja

Hilang Karena Kecelakaan Kerja [G4-LA6]
Loss of working Hours and Days due to
Accidents Tingkat Severity Rate (SR) dan Frequency Rate (FR) [G4-LA6]
153 Level of Severity Rate and Frequency Rate
Uraian 2014 2013 2012

Tingkat Keparahan 2.36 1.83 0.94

52 Severity Rate

Tingkat Keseringan NLTI 2.92 0.86 1.5

Frequency Rate Non Lost Time Injury

LTI 1.1 0.57 0.56

Lost Time Injury

2014 2013 2012

46 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

WIKA memahami risiko tinggi yang dihadapi oleh para WIKA understands the high risks faced by workers at
pekerja di lokasi proyek. Untuk itulah kami senantiasa project sites. For this reason we constantly strive to
berupaya untuk menyediakan perangkat Alat Pelindung provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and require
Diri (APD) dan mewajibkan pekerja mengenakan atribut employees to wear the complete gear while working.
tersebut saat bekerja.

WIKA memastikan setiap perusahaan pemasok/mitra/ WIKA ensures that its suppliers / partners / subcontractors
subkontraktor telah menerapkan dan melaksanakan have implemented and adhered to occupational health,
pengelolaan K3L sesuai standar maupun ketentuan safety and environment (K3L) standards as well as those
yang diberlakukan WIKA. Pertemuan menjadi salah satu imposed by the Company. Having meetings is among
mekanisme dan prosedur penilaian kinerja perusahaan the mechanisms and procedures for assessing the
pemasok/mitra/subkontraktor, serta kepatuhan kepada performance of suppliers/partners/subcontractors, in
peraturan perundang-undangan ketenagakerjaan. [G4-LA14, addition to compliance with labor legislations. [G4-LA14, G4-
G4-LA15] LA15]

Selain keselamatan kerja, aspek penting lain dalam Besides safety, another important aspect in OHS
pengelolaan K3 adalah kesehatan kerja. Secara umum management is occupational health. In general,
penyelenggaraan kesehatan kerja dijalankan melalui occupational health processes are undertaken through a
berbagai program dan kegiatan yang meliputi upaya variety of programs and activities that include prevention,
pencegahan, pengobatan, dan mengembalikan kesehatan treatment, and return to normal health.
seperti semula.

Biaya Kesehatan Pegawai (Dalam Rp)

Employee Health Costs (In IDR)
No Uraian 2014 2013 2012

I Biaya Pengobatan | Curative Expenses 5,480,148,800 5,288,138,807 4,776,562,502

Total Rata-rata per pegawai | Total Average of Each Employee 2,866,187 1,509,603 1,583,741

II Biaya Pencegahan | Preventive Expenses 1,499,020,500 438,783,100 380,900,000

Total Rata-rata per pegawai | Total Average of Each Employee 784,007 6,268,330 761,800

III Jumlah Biaya Kesehatan | Total Medical Expenses 5,220,858,806 5,726,921,907 5,157,462,502

Total Rata-rata per pegawai | Total Average of Each Employee 2,730,575 1,607,331 1,710,034

Secara khusus, WIKA memperhatikan kesehatan para In particular, WIKA pays attention to the health of its
pekerjanya dengan menerapkan program wellbeing, yaitu employees by executing the wellbeing program, namely
prosedur intervensi terhadap kesehatan pekerja yang a producedure for interventions on employee health and
diimplementasikan melalui pola pikir dan pola makan yang implemented through a healthy mindset and a healthy diet.

2014 Sustainability Report // 47

Wellbeing program

Kegiatan mendaki gunung Program Satria Pratama

Mountain climbing activity, Satria Pratama Program

Keberadaan program wellbeing sangat membantu The existence of the wellbeing program is very helpful in
ketahanan fisik dalam bekerja, terutama sejak safeguarding physical health while working, especially
intensifnya kegiatan penyuluhan K3. Program since the intensification of the OHS activities. In
wellbeing juga memberikan dampak positif dalam addition, the wellbeing program has a positive impact
menunjang aktivitas diluar waktu kerja, sehingga WIKA in supporting activities outside working hours, and so
menjadi lebih peduli bahwa kesehatan lebih penting we are paying more attention to the fact that health
dari sekedar prestasi. Sebelumnya, kegiatan kesehatan is more important than achievement. Earlier, health
hanya mengingatkan dan mengobati penyakit tertentu, activities were mainly limited to treating diseases, but
namun kini lebih fokus pada kesadaran dalam now there is more focus towards building awareness
mengelola kesehatan bagi setiap masing-masing in everyone to manage our own health. In future, the
individu. Ke depannya, program wellbeing diharapkan wellbeing program is expected to be maintained
dapat terus dipertahankan dan ditingkatkan baik dari and improved both in terms of both quality and
segi kualitas maupun publikasi ke seluruh pekerja. dissemination to all employees.

Kegiatan pemeriksaan lingkungan kerja yang dilakukan Inspection of the work environment and carried out
secara berkala di semua unit bisnis-unit bisnis yang at specific intervals across all business units in 2014
dilakukan sepanjang tahun 2014 mengidentifikasikan identified respiratory diseases as the ailment most often
penyakit ISPA sebagai penyakit yang kerap dijumpai. Oleh encountered. For this reason, the Company organized
karena itu, secara rutin perusahaan mengadakan medical medical checkups regularly and disseminated information
checkup dan melakukan sosialisasi wellbeing. [G4-LA7] on the wellbeing program. [G4-LA7]

48 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Diluar hal-hal diatas, WIKA memberikan fasilitas bagi Beyond the above matters, WIKA provides facilities for
setiap pekerja untuk melakukan kegiatan penunjang its employee to undertake other activities that lead to
lainnya. Kegiatan ini meliputi kegiatan kerohanian, family better health. These activities include spiritual events,
gathering, olah raga (klub bulu tangkis, futsal, basket, family gatherings, sports (badminton club, indoor soccer,
sepeda, pendaki gunung) dan kesenian (band, karawitan, basketball, bicycling, and mountain climbing) and the
pentas seni). Kegiatan bertujuan untuk memenuhi arts (band, traditional music, performing arts). These
keseimbangan kebutuhan setiap pegawai sebagai pribadi facilities are aimed to meet the needs of every employee
dan profesional (work & life balance). to balance between personal and professional life (work &
life balance).



Salah satu kunci keberhasilan dalam pengembangan One of the keys to success in human resource development
SDM adalah peningkatan kemampuan dan kompetensi is to increase ability and competence in order to have
untuk dapat menyiapkan pekerja kami yang persistent, employees who cultivate the standards of persistent,
adaptable dan learner. Untuk itulah selama tahun 2014 adaptable and learner. Towards that end in 2014 we held
kami menyelenggarakan berbagai macam pendidikan dan a wide range of education and training activities, either
pelatihan, baik melalui pendampingan, rotasi, penugasan through mentoring, rotation, special assignments, and
khusus, dan pendidikan lanjutan serta pelatihan. Kegiatan further education and training. This activity was carried
ini dilakukan sebagai implikasi dari adanya Prosedur out as a consequence of the Procedure of Employee
Pengembangan Pegawai No.HCE-PM-07.02 Rev.02/2013. Development No.HCE-PM-07.02 Rev.02/2013. [DMA]

Pelatihan yang kami selenggarakan diselaraskan dengan The training that we held was aligned with the standards
standar kualifikasi profesional dan teknikal yang diakui of professional and technical qualifications recognized
dalam industri konstruksi. Kualifikasi yang menjadi acuan in the construction industry. The qualification framework
adalah tolok ukur nasional yang dikelola oleh Lembaga for reference is the national benchmark managed by
Pengembangan Jasa Konstruksi (LPJK) dan juga tolok Construction Services Development Board (LPJK) and also
ukur internasional seperti Asean Chartered Professional international benchmarks such as the ASEAN Chartered
Engineering (ACPE) Dalam memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut, Professional Engineering (ACPE). In meeting these
WIKA memiliki fasilitas Wikapratama Learning Centre dan qualifications, WIKA’s Wikapratama Learning Centre and
Wikasatrian Leadership Centre agar dapat menyiapkan Wikasatrian Leadership Centre prepare training programs
program pelatihan yang terukur. with measurable outcomes.

2014 Sustainability Report // 49

Keistimewaan Fasilitas Pengembangan SDM WIKA
Specialty of WIKA’s HRD Facility
Wikapratama Learning Centre Wikasatrian Leadership Centre

Lokasi | Location Lokasi | Location

Kawasan Kelapa Dua Wetan, Ciracas, Jakarta Timur Gadog, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat
Kelapa Dua Wetan Area, Ciracas, East Jakarta Gadog, Bogor Regency, West Java

Fasilitas | Facilities Fasilitas | Facilities

• Lantai dasar | Ground Floor Giri Wijaya memiliki 4 ruang | Giri Wijaya has 4 rooms:
Ruang display dan mushola • Giri Sasana
Display Room and Prayer Room Ruang aula dengan view Gunung Salak (90 orang)
• Lantai 1 | First Floor Hall with a view of Mount Salak (90 people)
Ruang penginapan (36 orang) dan ruang makan (60 orang) • Giri Cipta
Accomodation (36 people) and dining room (60 people) Ruang penunjang Giri Budaya untuk pelatihan gamelan dan
• Lantai 2 (24 orang) | Second Floor (24 people) wayang
Ruang teater, ruang baca, ruang server, dan ruang internet In conjuction with Giri Budaya used for practicing gamelan and
Theater room, reading room, server room, and internet room wayang
• Giri Budaya
Ruang meeting (30 orang)
Meeting room (30 people)
• Giri Pustaka
Ruang perpustakaan

Giri Boga memiliki 2 ruang | Giri Boga has 2 rooms:

• Giri pangrango & Giri Salah
Ruang rapat eksekutif, ruang penerimaan tamu, ruang makan
atau wedangan
Executive meeting room, room to entertain guests, dining

Pelatihan | Training Pelatihan | Training

87 Modul pendidikan dan pelatihan • 27 Modul pendidikan
87 modules on education and training 27 education modules
• Soft Competency mengadopsi nilai-nilai bersumber kearifan
lokal indonesia dengan menyeimbangkan aspek religius
(pengharkatan) dan alam (pelestarian lingkungan)
Soft Competency which adopts values derived from Indonesian
local wisdom that maintains a balance between the religious
aspect (dignity) and nature (environmental conservation)

Peserta | Participants Peserta | Participants

Pekerja setingkat tukang, mandor, staf hingga kepala seksi, serta Pekerja setingkat Manajer Divisi, General Manager/ Direksi Anak
pelaksana kegiatan teknis dan non-teknis baik dari internal WIKA Perusahaan dan calon-calon pemimpin dari internal WIKA dan
maupun entitas anak dan perusahaan mitra kerja/pemasok entitas bisnis lain.
Laborers, foremen, staff, heads of section, and those carrying out Employees at the level of Division Manager, General Manager /
technical and non-technical work. Participants are employees of Directors of subsidiaries and prospective leaders of WIKA and
WIKA or its subsidiaries and its partners / suppliers. other business entities.

50 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Salah satu kegiatan di
Wikapratama Learning Centre
One of the activities at
Wikapratama Learning Centre

Salah satu kegiatan di

Wikasatrian Leadership Centre.
One of the activities at
Wikasatrian Leadership Centre

Wikapratama Learning Centre dan Wikasatrian Leadership The Wikapratama Learning Centre and Wikasatrian
Centre adalah fasilitas milik pribadi yang telah banyak Leadership Centre are privately owned facilities that have
membangun sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas di nurtured a great many human resources of quality at WIKA.
WIKA. Pada tahun ini sebanyak 1.931 peserta telah dibina di This year 1,931 participants were instructed at Wikapratama
Wikapratama Learning Centre. Jumlah ini melebihi jumlah Learning Centre. This figure exceeds the number of WIKA
pekerja WIKA, dikarenakan beberapa anak perusahaan employees, as several subsidiaries have also sent their
mengirimkan pekerja mereka untuk turut dididik di employees to undergo training at Wikapratama Learning
Wikapratama Learning Centre. Wikapratama Learning Centre. Wikapratama Learning Centre focuses on technical
Centre berfokus pada jenis pelatihan yang bersifat teknis functional training and certification.
fungsional dan sertifikasi.

Pencapaian Wikapratama Learning Centre

Achievements of Wikapratama Learning Centre
Uraian 2014 2013 2012

Modul pendidikan | Training modules 87 48 31

Jumlah Peserta | Total participants 1,931 1,299 1,007

2014 Sustainability Report // 51

Sementara bentuk pelatihan manajemen dan lainnya On the other hand, the Wikasatrian Leadership Centre
yang mendukung pembentukan pemimpin-pemimpin offers management and other related training with the
berkualitas, kami selenggarakan melalui Wikasatrian objective of nurturing leaders of quality. By year’s end,
Leadership Centre. Hingga akhir tahun, Wikasatrian telah Wikasatrian had organized 27 training modules which were
menyelenggarakan 27 modul pendidikan yang diikuti 482 attended by 482 participants. Wikasatrian’s reputation
peserta. Keistimewaan yang dimiliki Wikasatrian telah has made this facility as a reference point for many other
menjadikan fasilitas ini sebagai rujukan bagi banyak entitas business entities for training their future leaders including,
bisnis lain untuk mengikutsertakan calon-calon pemimpin among others, PT Pertamina, PT Trakindo, PPM, PT Bank
mereka, antara lain dari PT Pertamina, PT Trakindo, PPM, Central Asia, and British Petroleum.
PT Bank Central Asia, British Petroleum.

Dalam pengembangan kepemimpinan, Wikasatrian With respect to leadership development, Wikasatrian

menanamkan keteladanan berbasis kearifan lokal untuk instills exemplary conduct based on local wisdom for
diaplikasikan dalam tata kelola perusahaan. Inti dari application in corporate governance. The essence of these
nilai-nilai tersebut adalah budi luhur dan berkepribadian values is nobility and the Indonesian personality. The
Indonesia. Modul pendidikan dilakukan secara berjenjang, training modules are delivered in stages, starting from
mulai dari tahap pencerahan, tindakan, hingga pencapaian insights, actions until the attainment of nobility in order to
budi luhur untuk melayani dan bisa diwariskan bagi serve better and be passed down to the next generation.
generasi selanjutnya.

Jenjang Wikasatrian | Step of Wikasatrian

6 Bulan 6 Bulan 6 Bulan

Satria Piningit
Satria Utama LUHUR

Satria Pratama

Pengalaman selama 18 Bulan | Experience for 18 months

Pencapaian Wikasatrian Leadership Centre

Achievements of Wikasatrian Leadership Centre
2014 2013 2012

Modul pendidikan | Training modules 27 16 11

Jumlah Peserta | Total participants 482 429 368

52 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Diluar pelatihan yang diselenggarakan diatas, WIKA tetap Besides the trainings held above, WIKA continues to
mengoptimalkan kegiatan pengembangan melalui in- optimize development activities through in-house training
house training dan public training. Selama tahun 2014, and public training. In 2014, there are 6 employees who
ada 6 orang pekerja yang sedang mengikuti pendidikan are studying abroad. The total educational program was
di luar negeri. Total program pendidikan yang diikuti oleh followed by each employee for an average of 31 hours.
setiap pekerja sebanyak 31 jam rata-rata pelatihan per To support the education and training program, WIKA
pekerja. Untuk mendukung penyelenggaraan pendidikan allocated a budget of Rp12 billion, an increase from the
dan pelatihan, WIKA menyediakan anggaran sebesar Rp8 billion outlayed in 2013.
Rp12 miliar, lebih besar dibandingkan tahun 2013, yang
sebesar Rp8 miliar.
Jenis dan Jumlah Jam Pelatihan [G4-LA9]
Types of Training and Training Hours Staf | Staff Manajerial | Managerial

Jenis Pelatihan Pria Wanita Jam Pelatihan Pria Wanita Jam Pelatihan
Type of Training Male Female Training Hours Male Female Training Hours

Teknis Fungsional | Technical functional 1,290 83 33,160 138 10 13,536

Manajemen | Management 59 0 3,304 163 8 5,238

Umum | General 499 0 11,976 84 6 5,856

Sertifikasi | Certification 172 0 0 72 1 2,160

Jumlah | Total 1,848* 83 48,440 457 25 26,790

Keterangan | Notes
• *Penjumlahan diluar sertifikasi | *The total excludes certifications

Praktik Enjinering
Engineering Practical - Wikapratama Learning Centre

2014 Sustainability Report // 53

Menilai Kinerja Performance Assessment
Selain menjalani program pendidikan, WIKA In addition to education and training programs, WIKA
memprioritaskan kegiatan evaluasi sebagai proses puts priority on the evaluation cycle as the primary
pembelajaran yang utama dan terukur. Evaluasi kinerja learning process with measurable outcomes. Performance
dilakukan secara berkala berdasarkan standar yang evaluation is done on a regular basis in accordance with
ditetapkan oleh perusahaan. Proses evaluasi atas standards established by the Company. Evaluation against
pencapaian target dilakukan melalui hasil Penilaian Karya/ the achievement of targets is carried out by reviewing the
Kinerja (PK) dan Evaluasi Kompetensi (EK) yang menjadi results of Performance Appraisal (PK) and Competency
pertimbangan utama perusahaan dalam menentukan Evaluation (EK), which are major considerations for the
promosi jabatan. Company in determining promotions.

Penilaian terhadap para pekerja dilakukan dengan Employee assessment is based on the principles of
berdasarkan prinsip-prinsip objektif, transparan dan objectivity, transparency and measurability. We see
terukur. Kami melihat kompetensi sebagai dasar competence as the primary basis of the employee’s career
utama pengembangan karir karyawan, dengan development, taking into account performance, length
mempertimbangkan kinerja, masa kerja, pengalaman of service, work experience, and efficiency reports. This
kerja, dan konditenya. Hal ini berlaku bagi setiap karyawan applies to every employee and is conducted in an open
dan dilakukan secara terbuka dan berkeadilan. Proses and fair manner. The process is regulated under Company
ini diatur dalam kebijakan Perusahaan yang melibatkan policy, a practice that involve unions in its formulation.
serikat pekerja dalam perumusannya.

Secara berkala, seluruh pekerja menerima hasil akhir All employees periodically receive the final results of the
penilaian dalam bentuk feedback, yaitu pada bulan Juni assessment in the form of feedback, namely in June and
dan Desember. Hingga akhir tahun pelaporan, terdapat 43 December. By the end of the reporting year, 43 employees
pekerja yang mendapatkan promosi jabatan. [G4-LA11] had earned promotions. [G4-LA11]

Jumlah Pekerja Penerima Hasil Penilaian [G4-LA11]

Total Employee Who Have Received the Final Assessment
2014 2013 2012

Hasil Akhir Penilaian Pria Wanita Pria Wanita Pria Wanita

Result Of Final Male Female Male Female Male Female

Promosi 42 1 67 1 40 4

Rotasi dan Mutasi 130 9 199 8 301 10

Rotation and Transfers

Demosi 0 0 0 0 0 0

Jumlah | Total 182 275 355

54 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


Sesuai PKB bab XIV yang telah disepakati, usia In accordance with CLA chapter XIV which has been
purnabakti pekerja WIKA adalah sampai batas 55 tahun. agreed upon, the retirement age of WIKA employees is
Perseroan menyelenggarakan program purnabakti yang 55 years. The Company has a retirement program whose
pelaksanaannya dikelola oleh lembaga yang ditunjuk. implementation is managed by a designated agency. The
Program purnabakti bagi pegawai diatur sebagai berikut: retirement program for employees has been established as
[DMA, G4-EC3] follows: [DMA, G4-EC3]

Pegawai Organik
yang masuk sebelum
1 Januari 2007
Permanent Employee
Pegawai Organik
recruited before
yang masuk sejak
January 1st, 2007
1 Januari 2007 dan
Employees who have
Program Pensiun joined from January
Manfaat Pasti 1st, 2007 onwards
Defined Benefit Pension Plan

Program Pensiun
Iuran Pasti
Defined Contribution
Pension Plan


2014 Sustainability Report // 55

Pemberian penghargaan kepada purnabakti WIKA
Appreciation to WIKA’s Retirees

WIKA memperhatikan pekerja yang memasuki masa WIKA is attentive towards employees about to reach the
purnabakti dengan memberikan mekanisme pemberian retirement age by providing a reward and benefit scheme
penghargaan yang dihitung berdasarkan masa kerja. WIKA which is calculated based on years of service. WIKA also
juga memberikan manfaat program asuransi kesehatan provides benefits from health insurance to all WIKA’s
bagi pekerja purna bakti. Hingga akhir tahun 2014, ada retirement. By the end of 2014, several pension plans were
beberapa program pensiun yang diselenggarakan, yakni: in force, namely:

1. Pegawai Organik yang masuk sebelum 1 Januari 2007 1. Permanent Employees recruited before January 1,
diikutsertakan dalam Program Pensiun Manfaat Pasti 2007 are enrolled in the Defined Benefit Pension Plan
yang dikelola Yayasan Dana Pensiun WIKA. managed by the WIKA Pension Fund Foundation.
2. Pegawai Organik yang masuk sejak 1 Januari 2007 dan 2. Permanent Employees who have joined from January 1,
setelahnya, diikutsertakan dalam Program Pensiun 2007 onwards are included in the Defined Contribution
Iuran Pasti, yang dikelola oleh Dana Pensiun Lembaga Pension Plan, which is managed by Manulife’s Financial
Keuangan (DPLK) Manulife. Institutions Pension Fund (DPLK).
3. Pegawai terampil diikutsertakan dalam Program 3. Skilled employees are enrolled in the Defined
Pensiun Iuran Pasti. Contribution Pension Plan.

56 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Program Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) menjadi salah satu The Old Age Security (JHT) scheme is one of the programs
program yang diselenggarakan oleh WIKA bekerja sama organized by WIKA in cooperation with the National
dengan BPJS. Keikutsertaan dalam JHT adalah dengan Social Security Agency (BPJS). Participation in the
membayarkan iuran bulanan pekerja, yang nilainya JHT is through a monthly contribution from the payroll
ditanggung bersama-sama sesuai ketentuan, yakni shared between the Company and the employee, wherein
3,7% x (1,3 Gaji Pokok) ditanggung Perusahaan dan 3.7% x (1.3 Base Salary) is contributed by the Company and
2,0% x (1,3 Gaji Pokok) merupakan tanggungan pekerja. 2.0% x (1.3 Base Salary) is contributed by the employee.

Hingga akhir tahun 2014, jumlah pekerja tetap yang Until end 2014, 20 permanent employees were enrolled
terdaftar dalam anggota program persiapan purnabakti in the retirement preparation program. Specifically, the
ada 20 orang. Secara khusus perusahaan memiliki dana Company has a pension fund managed by the WIKA Pension
pensiun yang dikelola oleh Yayasan Dana Pensiun Wika dan Fund Foundation and the Manulife Financial Institution
DPLK Manulife sebesar Rp297,52 Milyar. [G4-EC3] Pension Fund, totaling Rp297.52 billion. [G4-EC3]

Sebagai wujud aspresiasi kepada pekerja, WIKA juga As a form of its appreciation towards employees, WIKA
ikut mengagendakan program pendidikan bagi pekerja also schedules educational programs for retirees who
purnabakti yang tergabung dalam Paguyuban Purnabakti are members of the WIKA Retirement Association.
WIKA. Program pendidikan ini diharapkan dapat membantu The education programs are expected to help them in
mereka dalam hal psikologis, kesehatan, dan finansial, psychological, medical, and financial matters, and enable
sehingga nantinya tetap mampu berkegiatan. them to undertake further activities.

Jumlah Anggota Program Persiapan Purnabakti

Membership of Retirement Preparation Programs
2014 2013 2012 Dana Pensiun yang dikelola
Program Pensiun 703 706 713
Pension FUNDS Managed

Manfaat Pasti
Defined Benefit
Pension Plan

Program Pensiun 1,209 1,103 906

Iuran Pasti
Defined Contribution

Pension Plan

Paguyuban 529 14 14
Purnabakti WIKA
WIKA Retirement

2014 Sustainability Report // 57

Pelatihan Bosletong System untuk Purnabakti WIKA [G4- Bosletong System Training for WIKA Retirees [G4-LA10]
Ditahun 2014, Biro CSR WIKA memperkenalkan pelatihan In 2014, WIKA’s CSR Bureau introduced training on the
bosletong system sebagai salah satu dari program bosletong system as one of the educational programs
pendidikan purnabakti. Bosletong system adalah kegiatan for retired employees. The bosletong system is an
terpadu antara perikanan dan pertanian yang dilakukan integrated cropping pattern of fisheries and agriculture
secara bersamaan dalam sebuah media gentong. simultaneously within a common medium, namely a large
Manfaat dari program ini adalah untuk mempertahankan earthenware bowl. The benefits of this program include
lingkungan yang asri, menjaga ketahanan pangan, dan maintenance of a beautiful environment, food security, and
mempersiapkan generasi yang sehat. Melalui Pelatihan preparation of a healthy generation. Through this training
ini peserta purnabakti memperoleh pengetahuan secara participants acquire knowledge in theory and practice on
teori dan praktik cara menjadi petani kota, dengan how to become city farmers using limited land.
memanfaatkan lahan yang terbatas.

Awalnya, kegiatan ini diselenggarakan untuk masyarakat Originally, this activity was held for people in WIKA’s
di kampung binaan WIKA di Desa Pasir angin. Kemudian, fostered village of Desa Pasir Angin. However, the training
pelatihan dilanjutkan di Semarang yang diikuti oleh 67 continued in Semarang with 67 participants, and then in
orang dan di Bekasi sebanyak 55 orang. Pelatihan dibuka Bekasi with 55 participants. The training was opened by
oleh Ketua dan Wakil Ketua Paguyuban Purnabakti WIKA, the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the WIKA Retirement
serta dihadiri oleh beberapa perwakilan dari Biro CSR WIKA. Association, and attended by representatives from the
Jumlah bantuan yang diberikan untuk kegiatan ini adalah WIKA CSR Bureau. Assistance provided to this activity
sebesar Rp56 juta rupiah. amounted to Rp56 million.

“Dalam usia berapapun dan dimanapun kita bernaung,

senantiasa terus mengembangkan diri untuk kehidupan
yang lebih baik. Begitu pula kegiatan Workshop
Bosletong ini yang merupakan sebuah sarana untuk
dapat mengembangkan diri, khususnya dalam bidang
budidaya agro”

58 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

“At any age and wherever you are ensconced, always continue to develop
yourself for a better life. Similarly, the Bosletong Workshop is a tool for self-
development, especially in the field of agro cultivation”

Pelatihan Bosletong untuk

Purnabakti WIKA
Bosletong System Training
for WIKA Retirees

2014 Sustainability Report // 59

Proyek Bandara Ngurah Rai, Bali
Ngurah Rai Airport Project, Bali

60 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014



2014 Sustainability Report // 61

“Tujuan kami adalah untuk
mencapai pemahaman
mendalam tentang apa yang
pemberi kerja harapkan dan
menuangkannya dalam seluruh
siklus hidup proyek”
“Our goal is to achieve a deep
understanding of what project owners
expect and then translate it within the
entire project life cycle”

62 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


Secara umum, kinerja ekonomi WIKA selama tahun 2014 In general, WIKA’s economic performance in 2014 showed
menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dibandingkan significant growth as compared to 2013, wherein increase
tahun 2013. Terjadi peningkatan nilai penjualan dan laba in sales value and gross profit amounted to 4.87% and
kotor sebesar 4,87% dan 20,25% dibandingkan tahun 20.25% respectively over the previous year. This was
sebelumnya. Hal tersebut didukung dari perolehan kontrak accounted for by the realization of new contracts and
baru dan kontrak yang dihadapi di bidang infrastruktur dan contracts made in the field of infrastructure and buildings,
gedung, energi dan industrial plant, industri serta realty dan energy and industrial plants, industry as well as realty and
property. Kinerja ekonomi ini dipantau oleh Departemen property. Economic performance is monitored by WIKA’s
Keuangan WIKA yang berada langsung dibawah Direktur Finance Department which is directly under the Director of
Keuangan. [DMA] Finance. [DMA]

Nilai ekonomi WIKA yang ditahan dan didistribusikan WIKA’s economic value retained and distributed is based
berasal dari pendapatan serta pengeluaran kegiatan on income and operational expenditure. On the other hand,
operasional. Sementara nilai kontribusi kepada negara contribution to the state in the form of payment of tax and
dalam bentuk pembayaran pajak dan penerimaan negara non-tax revenues also grew as compared to 2013.
bukan pajak mengalami kenaikan dibandingkan tahun

Proyek Sepinggan
Sepinggan Project

2014 Sustainability Report // 63

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Ditahan (Dalam ribuan Rp) [G4-22, G4-EC1]
Direct Economic Value Retained (In thousand IDR)
No Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Diterima
Direct Economic Value Generated 2014 2013 2012

Pendapatan | Revenue

I Hasil penjualan bersih | Net sales 12,463,216,288 11,884,667,552 9,905,214,374

II Ditambah | Addition (+/+)

Penerimaan bunga bank | Interest income 73,500,762 24,107,033 36,485,663

Penjualan aset | Asset sales 0 0 305,950

Keuntungan (Kerugian) selisih kurs | Foreign exchange gain (loss) (2,039,829) (31,253,143) 2,556,010

III Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Diterima 12,534,677,221 11,877,521,442 9,994,561,997
Total Direct Economic Value Generated

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Didistribusikan | Direct Economic Value Distributed

I Biaya operasi | Operating cost 104,087,021 92,140,621 88,398,475

II Gaji pegawai dan benefit lainnya | Employee salaries and other benefits 282,481,665 275,345,159 206,590,827

III Pembayaran deviden | Dividend payout N/A** 58,733,173* 47,398,940

IV Bunga pinjaman dan bunga bank 197,704,174 64,027,739 36,228,187

Short term loan interest and bank interest

V Pengeluaran kepada Pemerintah | Government expenditure 2,185,832,737 1,087,366,276 920,357,867

VI Pengeluaran kepada masyarakat | Public expenditure 10,449,294 3,377,657 3,195,893

VII Jumlah Nilai Ekonomi Langsung Didistribusikan 2,839,288,064 1,522,257,452 1,302,170,189

Total Direct Economic Distributed

Nilai Ekonomi Langsung yang Ditahan | Direct Economic Value Retained 9,695,389,157 10,355,263,990 8,642,391,808

Keterangan | Notes :
Pendistribusian nilai ekonomi WIKA kepada pekerja adalah dalam bentuk pembayaran gaji pekerja, pembayaran dana pensiun, Program Jaminan Hari Tua (JHT) dan
manfaat lainnya.
Distribution of economic value by WIKA to employees is in the form of salaries, pension funds, Old Age Security (JHT) and other benefits.

* Nilai dividen dinyatakan kembali: Pada Laporan Keberlanjutan sebelumnya belum dinyatakan karena menunggu penetapan RUPS tahun buku 2013
Re-statement of Dividends: In the previous Sustainability Report, dividends were not declared, awaiting ratification from 2013 Financial year Shareholders General

** Menunggu penetapan RUPS tahun buku 2014

Awaiting ratification from 2014 Financial year Shareholders General Meeting

64 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Kontribusi Terhadap Negara (Dalam ribuan Rp) [G4-22]
Contribution to the State (In thousand IDR)
No Penjelasan
Description 2014 2013 2012

Komponen PNBP | Non Tax Component

1 Bea masuk | Duty 12,083,630 10,985,118 30,811

2 Pembayaran deviden | Dividend payout 0 111,498,800 89,648,000

3 Sub Total 12,083,630 122,483,918 89,678,811

Komponen Pajak | Tax Component

1 Pajak Pertambahan Nilai (PPN) | Value Added Tax 1,540,656,800 975,464,753 779,813,456

2 Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan | Land and Building Tax 2,149,832 1,795,378 1,378,098

3 Pajak Penghasilan Pegawai (PPh) | Employee Income Tax 65,279,805 54,399,833 40,433,970

4 Pajak Penghasilan Badan (PPh) | Corporate Income Tax 577,746,300 44,721,194 9,053,532

5 Sub Total 2,185,832,737 1,076,381,158 830,679,056

Jumlah | Total 2,197,916,367 1,198,865,076 920,357,867

Keterangan | Notes :
Menunggu penetapan RUPS tahun buku 2014 | Awaiting ratification from 2014 Financial year Shareholders General Meeting

Disamping memberi kontribusi kepada Pemerintah, While contributing to the government on one hand, on the
sebaliknya WIKA juga mendapat bantuan dari Pemerintah, other hand WIKA also receives government assistance in
berupa subsidi, insentif pajak termasuk tax holiday, dana the form of subsidies, tax incentives including tax holidays,
investasi, dana riset an pengembangan, serta kredit investment funds, funds for research and development, as
ekspor. [G4-EC4] well as export credits. [G4-EC4]

Ekonomi Tetap Terjaga Safeguarding Economic Health

Selama mengerjakan kegiatan operasional, perubahan In carrying out the company’s work activities, climate
iklim secara langsung maupun tidak langsung telah change has directly or indirectly affected operations, such
mempengaruhi operasional perusahaan, seperti denda as fines because of rain delays in project completion and
keterlambatan penyelesaian proyek karena hujan dan sewa renting of pumps to drain floodwaters at project sites. [G4-
pompa untuk menguras genangan banjir di lokasi proyek. EC2]

Akibat cuaca yang tak menentu, pada akhir tahun 2014, Due to erratic weather, at the end of 2014 planned work
rencana kerja pembangunan Jembatan Hang Tuah atau on the development of the Hang Tuah Bridge or I Dompak
Jembatan I Dompak sedikit terhambat. Proyek hanya dapat Bridge was slightly delayed. Approximately only 46% of
diselesaikan sekitar 46%, meleset 4% dari target awal yang the project could be completed, or missing by 4% of the
diharapkan, yaitu sebesar 50%. [G4-EC2] expected initial target, ie of 50%. [G4-EC2]

2014 Sustainability Report // 65

Namun demikian, meskipun dihadapkan pada kendala However, despite all problems encountered with the
cuaca, WIKA memastikan bahwa seluruh kegiatan unfriendly weather conditions, WIKA has ensured that all
operasional yang dijalankan tetap dalam rentang operations carried out remain within the planned range,
perencanaan, dan sesuai dengan manajemen risiko yang and are in accordance with the risk management processes
telah disusun. that have been developed.

Pemenuhan rencana penyelesaian proyek juga disertai Fulfillment of the project completion plan has also been
kepatuhan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku accompanied by compliance towards laws and regulations
di Indonesia. Selama tahun 2014 WIKA tidak menerima applicable in Indonesia. In 2014 WIKA did not incur any
sanksi denda finansial maupun sanksi hukum lain, terkait financial penalties or other legal sanctions related to
pelanggaran hukum, baik untuk pengelolaan lingkungan violations of the law, either for environmental management,
hidup, hak asasi manusia (HAM), persaingan usaha sehat, human rights, healthy competition, or even on marketing
maupun komunikasi pemasaran. [G4-EN29, G4-SO8, G4-PR7] communications. [G4-EN29, G4-SO8, G4-PR7]

Memperkuat Posisi Usaha Strengthening Market Position

Menghadapi persaingan pasar, WIKA bersama entitas anak In the face of market competition, WIKA and its subsidiaries
usaha terus memperkuat merek (brand) sehingga selalu continue to strengthen their brand which enables them to
menjadi pilihan utama pemberi kerja. Praktik-praktik consistently be the first choice of project owners. Marketing
komunikasi pemasaran dilakukan dengan memperhatikan communications activities are conducted with due regard
aturan hukum yang berlaku. WIKA maupun entitas anak to applicable laws. WIKA or its subsidiary entities have never
usaha tidak pernah mendapatkan sanksi hukum terkait faced legal sanctions related to offenses on marketing
sangkaan pelanggaran terkait komunikasi pemasaran. [G4- communications. [G4-PR7]

Pekerja kami memiliki orientasi fokus terhadap kepuasan Our workers are focused and oriented towards customer
pelanggan, dalam hal ini adalah pihak pemberi kerja satisfaction, in this case the project owner. Each employee
(project owner). Setiap pekerja ditanamkan nilai-nilai dan is instilled with the values and responsibilities in order to
tanggung jawab agar mampu mewujudkan visi dan misi be able to realize the vision and mission of the Company.

Hasil survei kepuasan Konsumen [G4-PR5]

Results of Customer Satisfaction Survey
No Unit Kerja Nilai CSI Internal
Work Unit Internal CSI Values

1 Departemen Sipil Umum | General Civil Department 3.63

2 Departemen Wilayah | Territory Department 3.30

3 Departemen Luar Negeri | Overseas Department 3.04

4 Departemen Industrial Plant | Industrial Plant Department 3.34

5 Departemen Bangunan Gedung | Buildings Department 3.09

6 Departemen Konstruksi Power | Power Construction Department 3.91

7 Departemen Investasi Power | Power Investment Department 3.20

Rata-rata | Average 3.37

66 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

PLTU Kalimantan Selatan 2 x 65 MW
Coal-fired Power Plant 2 x 65 MW

Secara berkala WIKA melaksanakan survei indeks WIKA periodically conducts a survey on customer
kepuasan pelanggan atau customer satisfaction index satisfaction index (CSI). The results of the survey in 2014
(CSI). Hasil survei pada tahun 2014 memperlihatkan nilai recorded the average value of customer satisfaction
rata-rata indeks kepuasan pelanggan sebesar 3,37, turun index at 3.37, lower than in 2013 at 3.47. This decrease
dibandingkan tahun 2013 yang mencapai 3,47. Penurunan in value has jolted WIKA into action to remain consistent
nilai ini menjadikan cambuk bagi WIKA untuk tetap in maintaining the trust of product users through quality
konsisten menjaga kepercayaan pengguna produk melalui and reliable work. In the future, we hope to be able to meet
hasil karya yang berkualitas dan aman. Kedepannya, customer expectations better.
kami berharap agar dapat memenuhi harapan pelanggan
dengan lebih baik.

Kami berusaha menerapkan proses pemenuhan dan We strive to apply processes of procurement and product
pengadaan produk yang terjamin kualitasnya. Pengadaan fulfillment of assured quality. Procurement starts from
ini dimulai dari perencanaan termasuk menyertakan planning and inclusion of EIA documents, the selection of
dokumen AMDAL, pemilihan material yang berkualitas dan quality materials adhering to national standards, the work
berstandar nasional, proses pengerjaan yang dilengkapi process which is equipped with the provision of facilities
dengan penyediaan sarana/prasarana keselamatan dan / infrastructure of occupational health and safety, until
kesehatan kerja, hingga pada proses penyelesaian, serta completion and delivery to the project owner as well as end
penyerahan kepada pihak pemberi kerja maupun pengguna users. [G4-PR1]
akhir. [G4-PR1]

2014 Sustainability Report // 67

Produk dan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Kami
Our Products and Social Responsibility
Proposal Planning Execution Closure

• Consider project risks, • Mobilize project team • Prepare method and • Review contracts to confirm
including Safety, Health & • Establish project plan approach obligations fulfilled
Environment (SHE) risk describing all details for • Project approach review • Financial closure
• Review and approve sub- delivery and assigning • Implement project • Seek client feedback
contractors responsibilities management elements, • Review team performance
• Review contract terms and • Meet with client and develop including SHE • Share lessons learned
conditions strong communication • Quality check deliverables
• Prepare, verify, approve and arrangements • Verify deliverables
submit proposal • Set up project in internal • Authorize for issue
• Review and learn from financial system
selection outcomes



Keberadaan WIKA memberikan dampak positif dan negatif WIKA’s presence brings both positive as well as negative
di setiap lokasi pengerjaan proyek. Kami berusaha menekan impacts at each project site. We continually strive to keep
dampak negatif seminimal mungkin dan menambah to a minimum the negative impacts and increase the
dampak positif semaksimal mungkin. positive impacts as much as possible.

Bendungan Jatigede [G4-EC7, G4-EC8, G4-SO1, G4-SO2] Jatigede Dam [G4-EC7, G4-EC8, G4-SO1, G4-SO2]
WIKA berkepentingan untuk membangun infrastruktur It is in WIKA’s interest to build good infrastructure based
yang baik berdasarkan kebutuhan potensi daerah lokasi on the potential needs of the locations undergoing
pembangunan. Hal ini berdasarkan pertimbangan, selain development. This is grounded on the consideration
dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui that besides improving the welfare of society through
infrastruktur, juga akan mendukung kegiatan bisnis infrastructure development, it will also support the
ekonomi daerah. business activities of the regional economy.

Proyek Bendungan Jatigede telah dimulai sejak 23 The Jatigede Dam Project was initiated in October 23,
Oktober 2008 di Sumedang, Jawa Barat dengan nilai 2008 in Sumedang, West Java with a contract value of
kontrak sebesar Rp2,1 triliun. Proyek ini merupakan Rp2.1 trillion. This project will lead to the construction of
bendungan terbesar di Indonesia setelah Waduk Jatiluhur the largest dam in Indonesia after Jatiluhur in Purwakarta,
di Purwakarta, Jawa Barat, dengan kapasitas tampungan West Java, with a rainwater storage capacity of 2.5 million
air di musim hujan sebanyak 2,5 juta m3/tahun. Waduk ini m3 / year. The reservoir has a catchment area of 1,462 km2,
memiliki luas daerah tangkapan sebesar 1.462 km2, yang which includes the upstream Cimanuk sub-watershed to

68 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

meliputi Sub-DAS Cimanuk Hulu hingga rencana lokasi the planned location of Jatigede Reservoir, about 25 km
Waduk Jatigede, sekitar 25 km di hulu Bendung Rentang upstream of Rentang weir or 1 km from the Eretan weir.
atau 1 km dari Bendung Eretan.

Waduk Jatigede diproyeksikan akan mampu menampung The Jatigede reservoir is projected to be able to store about
air sekitar 1 miliar meter kubik dan berpotensi mengairi 1 billion cubic meters of water and has the potential to
sawah sekitar 100.000 hektar. Jika sawah yang irrigate about 100,000 hectares of land. If previously the
sebelumnya hanya sekali panen dalam setahun, maka rice fields were harvested only once a year, the existence of
dengan adanya irigasi yang terukur dari Waduk Jatigede measured irrigation activities from Jatigede reservoir can
ini, panen dapat ditingkatkan menjadi tiga kali setahun. increase the harvest frequency to thrice a year. Increased
Meningkatnya frekuensi panen tentu saja akan berdampak frequency of harvest will certainly have an impact towards
pada tambahan produksi padi yang jumlahnya diprediksi additional rice production, predicted to reach 900,000 tons
mencapai 900.000 ton setahun. a year.

Pembangunan Bendungan Jatigede memiliki fungsi utama Construction of the Jatigede Dam has the primary
sebagai sumber irigasi di wilayah pantai utara Jawa Barat, function of being a source of irrigation along the northern
sebagai sumber pembangkit tenaga listrik (PLTA) dengan coast region of West Java. Besides this, it is also a
potensi listrik yang dihasilkan mencapai 110 MW untuk source for electrical power (hydropower) generation with
mendukung program percepatan penyediaan listrik oleh potential generation upto 110 MW, in order to support
Pemerintah, serta untuk mengatasi kekurangan air bersih the acceleration of electricity supply by the Government;
di daerah pantura. Selain itu Bendungan Jatigede juga as well as to overcome the shortage of clean water in the
dijadikan sebagai sumber air bagi keperluan rumah tangga. north coast area. Furthermore the Jatigede Dam will also
Pemerintah Daerah merencanakan akan menjadikan serve as a water source for domestic purposes. The local
Bendungan Jatigede sebagai kawasan wisata air serta government also plans to make Jatigede Dam into a water
pembudidayaan ikan tangkap untuk meningkatkan tourism area and cultivate captive-bred fish to increase
Pendapatan Asli Daerah. Own-Source Revenues.

Sepanjang pengerjaan proyek bendungan ini, kami While working on the dam project we encountered
menemui beberapa kendala, mulai dari pembebasan lahan several obstacles, ranging from land acquisition to local
hingga penyerapan tenaga kerja lokal. WIKA berusaha employment issues. WIKA has endeavored to empower
memberdayakan masyarakat di sekitar proyek untuk communities around the project site to provide labor, but
menjadi tenaga kerja, namun sesuai dengan peraturan in accordance with the rules of the Company. WIKA hopes
Perseroan. WIKA berharap dapat membantu masyarakat to be able to assist people in having earnings and develop
untuk memperoleh penghasilan serta mengembangkan skills in the building construction industry.
kemampuan dalam industri konstruksi bangunan.

Pada akhir tahun 2014, bendungan terbesar kedua di In late 2014, the second largest dam in the country was
tanah air ini telah siap untuk diisi (pengairan). Proyek ready to be filled with water. The Jatigede Dam Project
Bendungan Jatigede ini sangat ditunggu oleh masyarakat is highly anticipated by the community to address the
guna mengatasi krisis air, baik untuk irigasi rentang water crisis, both for irrigation and the range of raw water
maupun air baku untuk air bersih. Setelah beberapa tahun to clean water. After several years of continuously facing
selalu menemukan jalan terjal, dengan kerja keras dari grave difficulties, along with the hard work of stakeholders
para pemangku kepentingan, maka pada akhir tahun 2014 towards the end of 2014 the dam was completed and able
Bendungan ini terselesaikan dan mampu memberikan to provide tremendous benefit to the welfare of society.
manfaat yang luar biasa untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat.

2014 Sustainability Report // 69

Salah satu kegiatan petani di kebun bibit Sengon
One of farmer activities at Sengon nursery area

70 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

The Environment

2014 Sustainability Report // 71

“Kami menyadari kegiatan
bisnis utama kami tidak secara
langsung melakukan ekstraksi
alam. Namun bersama-sama
dengan mitra, pemberi kerja
dan para ahli lingkungan, kami
berusaha beroperasi secara
ramah lingkungan”
“We are aware that our main business
activities do not directly involve extraction
of natural resources. However, together
with partners, project owners and
environmental experts, we strive to
operate in an environmentally friendly
72 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Pengendalian Emisi dan Energi [G4-EN7, G4-EN19, G4-EN20] Control of Emissions and Energy [G4-EN7, G4-EN19, G4-EN20]
Keberadaan WIKA tidak terlepas dari bagian lingkungan WIKA’s existence cannot be separated from the environment
kehidupan manusia. Meski tidak mengekplorasi alam and human life. Although not directly exploring nature,
secara langsung, kami melakukan kegiatan operasi we conduct operations with due regard to environmental
dengan memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan hidup. sustainability. Efforts to provide investment that takes into
Upaya memberikan investasi yang memperhatikan nilai account the value of our environment start with WIKA’s own
lingkungan kami mulai dari operasi WIKA sendiri. Kami operations. We always try to run all business activities in a
selalu berusaha menjalankan setiap aktivitas bisnis dengan synergy with nature, human resources, and the community.
selalu bersinergi dengan alam, sumber daya manusia, dan

Ancaman pemanasan global melibatkan banyak faktor yang The threat of global warming involves many interrelated
saling berhubungan, demikian juga dengan perkembangan factors, and this is also the case in the development of
proyek konstruksi. Proyek konstruksi dianggap memiliki construction projects. Construction projects are thought to
peran besar terhadap perubahan lingkungan, dimulai have a big role in causing environmental changes, starting
dari tahap konstruksi hingga tahap operasional yang from the construction phase to the operational phase,
memanfaatkan sumber daya alam, yang jumlahnya activities that utilize vast quantities of natural resources,
semakin terbatas. whose reserves are ever decreasing.

Atas dasar ini, WIKA selalu berusaha mencegah pemanasan On this basis, WIKA has always tried to prevent global
global dengan upaya menurunkan gas karbon (CO2). Upaya warming through efforts to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2)
dilakukan, misalnya dengan komitmen penanaman 1 juta emissions. Efforts were undertaken, for instance, with the
pohon di seluruh lingkungan grup WIKA serta proyek- commitment of planting 1 million trees throughout the
proyek yang tersebar di seluruh wilayah. Selain itu, surroundings of the WIKA group, as well as in the projects
WIKA juga menerapkan bangunan hijau (green building) scattered throughout the region. In addition, WIKA has also
dan konstruksi hijau (green construction) yang ramah applied the green building and green construction concepts
lingkungan. Konsep green construction telah diterapkan that are environmentally friendly. The green construction
pada pembangunan WIKA TOWER, sedangkan konsep concept has been used in the development of WIKA TOWER,
green building diimplemetasikan pada pembangunan pintu while the green building concept is implemented in the
3 Bandara Soekarno Hatta, serta pembangunan Gedung construction of Gate 3 of Soekarno Hatta Airport, as well as
BNI di lokasi Bumi Serpong Damai, Tangerang. construction of the BNI Building in Bumi Serpong Damai,

Pengelolaan Air [G4-EN9] Water Management [G4-EN9]

WIKA memanfaatkan air terutama untuk kebutuhan Water use by WIKA is mainly for domestic requirements in
domestik di kantor pusat, kantor region maupun di the central office, regional offices as well as within project
lingkungan proyek. Kegiatan pengambilan air tanah di sites. Extraction of groundwater at project locations is done

2014 Sustainability Report // 73

lokasi proyek dilakukan melalui sumur bor, dengan tetap through borehole, subject to permits that are intended and
mematuhi perizinan yang diperuntukan dan berpatokan based on the EIA document. Drilling activities are carried
pada dokumen AMDAL. Kegiatan pengeboran dilakukan out after making of the drill point as a reference for surface
setelah pembuatan titik bor untuk contoh pengamatan water observation, accompanied by periodic observation
air permukaan, disertai pengamatan secara periodik guna to ensure that ground water levels have not decreased.
memastikan tidak adanya penurunan permukaan air tanah. With such procedures, the presence of water in the soil is
Dengan prosedur demikian, keberadaan air di dalam tanah always controlled. WIKA has never received any objections
selalu terkontrol. WIKA tidak pernah mendapatkan keluhan from people complaining on the disruption of their water
maupun pengaduan dari masyarakat yang menyebutkan resources, as a result of extracting water through bore
adanya gangguan sumber air mereka, sebagai dampak wells and their use to support construction activities. [G4-
pengambilan air melalui sumur bor dan pemanfaatannya EN9]
untuk mendukung kegiatan konstruksi. [G4-EN9]

Kami berkeinginan agar pengerjaan setiap proyek It is our intention that the work on each project can bring
dapat mendatangkan manfaat bagi semua pihak. WIKA benefits to all parties. WIKA is committed to respond quickly
berkomitmen untuk merespon dengan cepat setiap keluhan to any complaints received from the public that relate to
yang disampaikan masyarakat, terkait pengerjaan proyek construction projects. One form of WIKA’s response is to
konstruksi. Salah satu bentuk respon WIKA adalah dengan bring in equipment that use hydraulic technology to reduce
mendatangkan peralatan yang menggunakan teknologi noise and vibration due to the erection of earth spikes. [G4-
hidrolik guna mengurangi kebisingan dan getaran akibat EN27]
pemancangan paku bumi. [G4-EN27]

Berbagai usaha WIKA dalam menyujudkan keseimbangan The various efforts by WIKA in realizing a balance between
antara bisnis, sosial dan pelestarian lingkungan telah business, social and environmental sustainability has
berhasil mendapatkan pengakuan. WIKA telah tercatat now received recognition. WIKA has listed its shares on
sahamnya di Bursa Efek Indonesia dalam Indeks the Indonesian Stock Exchange under the Sustainable
Sustainable and Responsible Investment Yayasan and Responsible Investment Indonesian Biodiversity
Keanekaragaman Hayati (SRI KEHATI) Indonesia. Penilaian Foundation Index (SRI KEHATI). SRI KEHATI assessment is
SRI KEHATI dilakukan berdasarkan kinerja sebuah done on the performance of a company that is considered
perseroan yang dinilai menguntungkan, namun tetap beneficial, but giving consideration to the aspects of the
memperhatikan aspek lingkungan, komunitas, tata kelola environment, the community, the company’s governance,
perseroan, HAM, pelaku bisnis, dan praktik ketenagakerjaan human rights, business, employment practices and
serta kepatuhan kerja. compliance.

“Kami mendorong klien kami, mitra kerja, kontraktor maupun

pemasok untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan dari kegiatan
operasional dalam upaya untuk melestarikan bumi demi generasi

74 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

“We encourage our clients, partners, contractors and suppliers to reduce the
environmental impact of operations in an effort to preserve the earth for future

Kebun bibit di Pamijahan, Bogor

Nursery area at Pamijahan, Bogor

2014 Sustainability Report // 75

Kegiatan penanaman pohon Grup WIKA
Planting trees activities by WIKA Group

76 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


2014 Sustainability Report // 77

“Menjalin hubungan yang
harmonis dengan komunitas
lokal merupakan tantangan
kami, karena keberadaan kami
yang bersifat sementara di
setiap proyek”
“Building a harmonious relationship with
the local community is our challenge,
because our presence is temporary in
every project”

78 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Keberlanjutan kegiatan usaha dan operasi WIKA tidak The sustainability of WIKA’s business activities and
bisa dilepaskan dari faktor dukungan masyarakat lokal, operations can not be detached from the local community
yakni mereka yang berada di sekitar proyek. WIKA memiliki support factor, namely those who are in the vicinity of the
komitmen agar bertumbuhnya Perusahaan juga dirasakan project. WIKA has a commitment that the growth of the
manfaatnya oleh masyarakat lokal, melalui peningkatan Company should also benefit the local community, through
kesejahteraan dan kualitas hidup mereka. improving their welfare and quality of life.

Saat ini WIKA sedang mempersiapkan blueprint yang Currently WIKA is preparing a blueprint which refers to
merujuk pada ISO 26000, serta mempersiapkan pembuatan ISO 26000, as well as preparing the mission and vision
visi misi untuk kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibilty statement for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of
(CSR) Perseroan. Pembuatan blueprint ini merupakan the Company. Making this blueprint is a testament to the
bukti kesungguhan Perseroan untuk mengembangkan seriousness of the Company to develop the community,
masyarakat, konsumen, mempraktikan kegiatan institusi consumers, practice healthy institutional activities,
yang sehat, menjaga lingkungan dan ketenagakerjaan, protecting the environment and labor, attention to human
memperhatikan hak asasi manusia serta mengelola rights as well as towards better management of the
perusahaan dengan lebih baik lagi. company.

Pelestarian Alam dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat [G4-SO1, Nature Conservation and Community Empowerment [G4-
G4-EC8] SO1, G4-EC8]
Untuk menunjukkan kepedulian terhadap pelestarian To demonstrate concern for the preservation of nature and
alam serta lingkungan sekitar, WIKA telah mencanangkan the environment, WIKA launched a tree planting program
program penanaman pohon sejak tahun 2012 dengan in 2012 with the expectation of planting one million trees
akumulasi sebanyak satu juta pohon pada tahun 2017 by 2017.

Jumlah pohon yang telah ditanam oleh WIKA grup Until end 2014, 331,955 trees had been planted by the
sampai akhir tahun 2014 adalah 331.955 pohon. Lokasi WIKA group, the location of which is spread throughout
– lokasi penanaman tersebar, di antaranya di Yogyakarta, the provinces, including Yogyakarta, West Kalimantan,
Kalimantan Barat, Aceh Timur, Bantul, Pomalaa, Tegal, East Aceh, Bantul, Pomalaa, Tegal, Timor Leste, Manado,
Timor Leste, Manado, Kendari, Samarinda serta Leuwiliang, Kendari, Samarinda and Leuwiliang, Bogor.

Tahun ini, WIKA menanam 60.000 pohon Sengon dengan This year, WIKA planted 60,000 Sengon trees with a
tingkat keberhasilan mencapai 95%. Kegiatan penanaman success rate of 95%. The Sengon tree planting activity
pohon Sengon ini dilaksanakan di desa Cibunian, was conducted in the Cibunian village, Pamijahan District,
Kecamatan Pamijahan, Bogor. Desa Cibunian menjadi Bogor. Cibunian village is the second fostered village to
Kampung Binaan kedua yang akan dikembangkan setelah be developed after the Gadog village in Ciawi, West Java.
Kampung Binaan Gadog di Ciawi, Jawa Barat. Hingga akhir By end 2014, the number of Sengon trees planted was
tahun 2014, jumlah Sengon yang ditanam berjumlah 108,447.
108.447 pohon.

2014 Sustainability Report // 79

Pelaksanaan program penanaman pohon Sengon telah Implementation of the Sengon tree planting program
membawa banyak manfaat yang nyata bagi masyarakat, has brought many tangible benefits to the community,
khususnya di Desa Cibunian. Daun hingga akar pohon particularly in Cibunian village. Various parts of the tree
ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk beragam keperluan, baik from leaves to roots can be used for a variety of purposes,
sebagai makanan ternak, penyubur tanah, hingga bahan either as fodder, fertilizer, to raw materials for several
baku untuk berbagai jenis industri. Melalui program ini, industries. Through this program, WIKA is building synergy
WIKA bersinergi dengan masyarakat setempat. WIKA with the local community. WIKA’s role is as a provider of
berperan sebagai penyedia sarana prasarana, biaya, infrastructure, funding, and technical assistance, while
serta memberikan pendampingan teknis, sedangkan the community provides land and labor as program
masyarakat menyediakan lahan dan tenaga sebagai implementers.
pelaksana lapangan program.

Tertanaminya lahan seluas 20,3 hektar telah dapat The planting program over a land area of 20.3 hectares
mengurangi ancaman terbentuknya lahan kritis yang dapat has been able to reduce the threat of degraded land that
berpotensi longsor, erosi dan banjir. Melalui pendampingan could potentially cause landslides, erosion and flooding.
intensif dari Tim Lapangan WIKA, para petani anggota Through intensive support from the WIKA Field Team,
program telah mengetahui dan mempraktikkan langsung farmers and members of the program have learned and
berbagai teknik pertanian kayu yang tepat dan optimal. directly practiced the various tree farming techniques
Teknik yang dipraktikkan mulai dari pengolahan lahan, that are appropriate. Practiced techniques range from
penanganan bibit, penanaman, pemupukan, pengendalian land preparation, seed handling, planting, fertilizing, pest
hama, hingga pemeliharaan pohon Sengon lanjutan. Proses control, and advanced Sengon tree maintenance. This
ini mampu menggeser pola budidaya kayu masyarakat process has been able to change the cultivation pattern of
yang semula tradisional menjadi intensif dan tepat guna. community, from traditional method to be more intensive
and suitable to intended purpose.

Seremoni penanaman pohon sengon

di Desa Pamijahan, Bogor
Sengon planting tress ceremonial at
Pamijahan village, Bogor

80 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Manfaat ekonomi jangka pendek dari program penanaman The short-term economic benefit from the Sengon
Sengon adalah terbukanya kesempatan menjadi buruh planting program is the opening of labor opportunities,
pengerjaan penanaman pohon di lahan petani program. to work as farmhands in the fields of the program
Pengoperasian kebun bibit, karantina, gudang pupuk members. The various activities of nurseries, quarantine,
dan nursery serta berbagai proses distribusi komponen fertilizer warehouse and the many distribution processes
penanaman (bibit, pupuk dan obat-obatan) telah membuka (seeds, fertilizers and pesticides) have created jobs for
lapangan pekerjaan bagi sebagian anggota masyarakat some members of the village community. In addition, in
desa. Di samping itu, dalam jangka panjang, para petani the long run, farmer-members of the program have the
anggota program berkesempatan untuk memiliki pohon the opportunity to own high value Sengon trees in their
Sengon yang memiliki nilai jual tinggi ini di lahan mereka respective fields.

Interaksi antara insan WIKA di lapangan dan para The interaction between WIKA workers and program
petani program juga telah menciptakan hubungan yang members has also created a harmonious relationship.
harmonis. Kegiatan musyawarah, rembug, sosialisasi The varied dealings involving discussion, deliberation,
dan pendampingan program telah menjadi media untuk information dissemination and mentoring program have
mengaktualisasikan diri, menyampaikan pendapat, become a medium for self-actualization, freedom of
menyusun rencana dan berargumen serta bekerja secara expression, argument and working in a planned manner.
terencana. Proses ini menjadi media bagi penguatan This process is also a means for strengthening the values
nilai-nilai musyawarah, kerjasama, koordinasi dan etos of consultation, cooperation, coordination and good work
kerja yang baik untuk semua pihak yang terlibat. Manfaat ethic for all parties involved. It is precisely this benefit that
inilah sesungguhnya yang menjadi inti pemberdayaan is at the core of community empowerment.

Selain penanaman pohon Sengon, program lain yang In addition to planting Sengon trees, other programs
dilakukan di kampung binaan ini adalah: undertaken in the fostered villages are:

1. Penanaman tanaman sela, yaitu: 1. Intercropping, namely:

• Jagung, dua kali di tanam sejak awal menanam • Corn, planted twice since the Sengon planting. Corn
Sengon. Tanaman jagung dapat membantu plants can help clean Sengon of weeds.
membersihkan Sengon dari tanaman gulma.
• Kapulaga, merupakan tanaman sela pasca dua kali • Cardamom, planted after corn has been grown
menanam jagung. Tanaman ini rentan terhadap twice. This plant is vulnerable to climate change
perubahan iklim dan kekeringan. Keunggulan and drought. However, the advantage of having this
tanaman ini yaitu dapat dikembangkan untuk plant is that it can be developed for the industrial
industri pembuatan minyak atsiri. manufacture of essential oils.
• Cabe rawit, ditanam berdasarkan permintaan pasar • Cayenne pepper, planted based on market demand in
guna menjangkau permintaan cabe yang meningkat order to fulfill an increasing demand for chili before
menjelang hari raya Idul Fitri 2015. Eid-al-Fitr 2015.
• Tanaman bumbu-bumbuan, petani program • Spices, the Sengon planting program members
penanaman Sengon mendapat kontrak untuk have entered into contracts for the procurement
pengadaan sejumlah bumbu-bumbuan dari of a number of spices from several restaurants in
beberapa restoran di Jakarta. Jakarta.

2014 Sustainability Report // 81

2. Budidaya kambing bergilir, merupakan program 2. Goat farming in rotation represents a program in which
pemeliharaan kambing yang berpindah-pindah dari goat rearing duties shift from one farmer to the next in
satu keluarga petani ke petani yang lain. Program ini rotation. This program loans female goats for rearing
meminjaman kambing betina indukan untuk dipelihara by farmers, following which the resultant offspring are
oleh petani, kemudian anak kambing yang diperoleh divided among the farmers in accordance with certain
dibagi diantara petani sesuai aturan. Selanjutnya, rules. Furthermore, farmers are given feeder goats (4
petani diberi kambing jantan bakalan (umur 4 bulan) months old) to be fattened and prepared for sale during
untuk digemukkan dan dipersiapkan untuk dijual pada the Feast of Sacrifice. In addition, goat manure is used
musim Hari Raya Kurban. Selain itu, kotoran kambing to prepare compost to be purchased by the team from
dipersiapkan untuk dijadikan pupuk kompos yang akan the Sengon tree planting program.
dibeli oleh tim program penanaman pohon Sengon.

WIKA Peduli Pendidikan WIKA Cares About Education

Kepedulian WIKA terhadap pendidikan sangatlah besar. WIKA pays enormous attention towards education. This
Wujud kepedulian ini dituangkan dengan membagikan concern is manifested in the awarding of scholarships
beasiswa pendidikan senilai Rp489,6 juta yang diserahkan worth Rp489.6 million to 179 students, comprising
kepada 179 pelajar, yang terdiri dari 50 siswa SD, 35 siswa 50 elementary school students, 35 junior high school
SMP, 38 siswa SMA dan 56 mahasiswa dari Perguruan students, 38 high school students and 56 university
Tinggi. Program beasiswa ini diberikan selama satu level students. Scholarships are given for one year and
tahun dan sudah rutin dilaksanakan sejak tahun 2011. the activity has been regularly ongoing since 2011. The
Pemberian beasiswa merupakan program tahunan yang awarding of scholarships is an annual event organized as
diselenggarakan sebagai bagian dari program CSR ‘WIKA part of the ‘WIKA Pintar’ CSR program.

“Kami senantiasa berupaya setiap tahunnya untuk

menambah anggaran program beasiswa agar jumlah
penerima beasiswa terus meningkat.”

“We constantly strive each year to increase the available funds for the
scholarship program so that the number of scholarship recipients continues to

82 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Pemberian beasiswa WIKA
WIKA's scholarship

Bersinergi untuk Membangun Pendidikan Synergy on Building Education

WIKA berkeyakinan bahwa pendidikan merupakan WIKA believe that education is one of the means
salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup dan to improve living standards and eradicate poverty.
memberantas kemiskinan. Melalui program pendidikan, Through its educational programs, WIKA participates
WIKA turut serta mendukung program Pemerintah and provides support to the Government’s program
untuk mencerdaskan bangsa menuju masyarakat of educating the nation towards a self-sufficient
yang mandiri, serta menciptakan kesempatan community, creating opportunities to compete
bersaing secara nasional maupun internasional. nationally and internationally. For realizing such a
Dalam mewujudkan bentuk kepedulian tersebut, WIKA concern, WIKA has constructed educational facilities
membangun sarana dan prasarana pendidikan berupa such as schools. In one instance, construction of school
gedung sekolah. Pembangunan gedung sekolah buildings was carried out in cooperation with another
tersebut dilaksanakan bekerjasama dengan BUMN lain, state-owned enterprise, namely PT Perusahaan Gas
yaitu PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN). Negara (Persero) Tbk (PGN).

Selama tahun 2014, WIKA telah melakukan sinergi In 2014, WIKA developed a synergy with PGN in several
dengan PGN di beberapa wilayah, di antaranya areas, such as Deli Serdang, Medan and Palembang,
di Deli Serdang, Medan dan Palembang, dengan by providing aid for school construction amounting
mengeluarkan bantuan untuk pembangunan sekolah Rp19.63 billion.
sebesar Rp19,63 miliar.

2014 Sustainability Report // 83

Wika Peduli Kesehatan Wika Cares About Health
Pembangunan Sarana Air Bersih dan Sanitasi Publik Construction of Clean Water supply and water well facilities
(water well)
Penyediaan sarana air bersih dan sanitasi publik/water Provision of clean water and public sanitation facilities/
well adalah kegiatan yang bertujuan agar masyarakat water wells are aimed to enable communities to meet the
dapat memenuhi standar hidup bersih dan sehat. Selain standards of hygiene and health. Besides constructing
pembangunan sarana sanitasi publik, WIKA membangun public sanitation facilities, WIKA has developed facilities
sarana air bersih dengan bantuan pengadaan saluran air for clean water provision, waterways for irrigation,
untuk irigasi, renovasi saluran air atau gorong-gorong dan renovation of drains or culverts and the installation of
juga bantuan pemasangan pipa-pipa penyaluran air. water distribution pipes.

Pelaksanaan penyediaan air bersih dan sanitasi publik ini Provision of clean water supply and public sanitation
dilakukan di 16 (enam belas) titik, yaitu : facilities has been undertaken in 16 (sixteen) sites, namely:
1. 2 (dua) titik di wilayah bencana Gunung Sinabung, 1. 2 (two) sites di the disaster area of Mount Sinabung,
Medan Medan
2. 1 (satu) titik di wilayah Pamijahan, Bogor 2. 1 (one) site in Pamijahan, Bogor
3. 3 (tiga) titik di wilayah Majalengka 3. 3 (three) sites in Majalengka
4. 1 (satu) titik di wilayah Tayan, Kalimantan Barat 4. 1 (one) site in Tayan, West Kalimantan
5. 1 (satu) titik di Proyek Cisumdawu, Jawa Barat 5. 1 (one) site in the Cisumdawu Project, West Java
6. 1 (satu) titik di Trenggalek, Jawa Timur 6. 1 (one) site in Trenggalek, East Java
7. 1 (satu) titik di Kalibakung, Tegal 7. 1 (one) site in Kalibakung, Tegal
8. 1 (satu) titik di wilayah Kuningan 8. 1 (one) site in Kuningan
9. 1 (satu) titik di wilayah Taman Sari, Bogor 9. 1 (one) site in the area of Taman Sari, Bogor
10. 1 (satu) titik di wilayah Bogor Kawasan 10. 1 (one) site in Bogor Kawasan
11. 1 (satu) titik di Pasuruan 11. 1 (one) site in Pasuruan
12. 1 (satu) titik di Desa Selo, Boyolali 12. 1 (one) site in Selo Village, Boyolali
13. 1 (satu) titik di Desa Kutanegara, Karawang 13. 1 (onbe) site in Kutanegara Village, Karawang

Bantuan sanitasi publik

Contribution to public sanitation (water well)

84 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Bantuan Tempat Sampah dan Mesin Pengelolaan Assistance on Waste Containers and Waste Bank

WIKA menyumbang bantuan sarana kesehatan WIKA contributed to the health facilities of the
kepada warga Kelurahan Petogogan, Jakarta Selatan, residents of Petogogan Village, South Jakarta, by
sebanyak 10 unit tempat sampah. Selain itu WIKA juga providing 10 waste containers. In addition WIKA has
membangun tempat pengolahan sampah (waste bank) also constructed a community-based waste treatment
berbasis komunitas di wilayah Karawang, dengan nilai facility (waste bank) in the Karawang area, valued at
sebesar Rp137 Juta. Rp137 million.

Tujuan pembangunan bank sampah ini adalah Construction of the waste bank is aimed at providing
membantu menangani pengolahan sampah di assistance to deal with waste management issues in
Indonesia, menyadarkan masyarakat akan lingkungan Indonesia; public awareness on benefits of a healthy
yang sehat, rapi, dan bersih, serta mengubah sampah environment that is neat and clean; and to turn trash
menjadi sesuatu yang lebih berguna, misalnya untuk into something more useful, for example, to be used in
dijadikan kerajinan dan pupuk, yang memiliki nilai hand crafts and fertilizers which have economic value.

WIKA Peduli WIKA Cares

WIKA ikut serta memberi bantuan kepada korban bencana WIKA has taken part in providing assistance to the
gunung Sinabung. Bantuan yang diberikan berupa victims of the Mount Sinabung eruption. Assistance
pembangunan sarana air bersih di 2 (dua) titik, pemberian provided include construction of water supply in two (2)
1,000 buah selimut, obat-obatan, selimut dan bahan sites, delivery of 1,000 blankets, medicines, blankets and
makanan. Selain itu, WIKA juga memberikan bantuan pada groceries. In addition, WIKA also provided assistance to
korban bencana banjir di Jakarta dan di Manado pada awal victims of floods in Jakarta and Manado in early 2014.
tahun 2014. Total dana yang diberikan untuk membantu The total assistance disbursed during natural disasters
bencana alam ini adalah sebesar Rp226 juta. amounted Rp226 million.

Kepedulian terhadap lingkungan sekitar juga diwujudkan Concern for the environment is also manifested by the
dengan pembangunan jalan dan renovasi PAUD Al-Fauzan construction of roads and renovation of the Al-Fauzan
yang ada di Kampung Binaan WIKA Gadog, Ciawi. Total Early Childhood Education and Development (PAUD) facility
dana yang dikeluarkan untuk pembangunan ini sebesar in WIKA’s fostered village of Gadog, Ciawi. Total funds
Rp106 juta. Selain itu, WIKA juga memberikan bantuan spent for the construction amounted to Rp106 million. In
Rp80 juta untuk revitalisasi danau buatan yang berada di addition, WIKA also provided assistance of Rp80 million for
daerah Bekasi. repairing the artificial lake in the Bekasi area.

Untuk menunjang kehidupan rohani masyarakat, WIKA To support the spiritual life of the community, WIKA erected
membangun sarana ibadah di wilayah sekitar operasional places of worship in the area around its operations. We have
WIKA. Kami juga aktif memberikan bantuan dalam acara- also actively provided assistance in events and activities
acara dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Bimbingan carried out under the Religious Guidance in Headquarters.
Keagaaman di Kantor Pusat. Total bantuan di sektor sarana Total aid for religious facilities has totaled Rp700 million.
ibadah mencapai Rp700 Juta.

2014 Sustainability Report // 85

Pembagian sembako WIKA untuk masyarakat sekitar
Distribution of basic food for the local community

Pelaksanaan Tanggung Jawab Sosial Realization of Social Responsibility

Sebagai sebuah Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) As a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) and a public company
dibidang konstruksi yang sudah menjadi perusahaan publik, in the field of construction, WIKA’s implementation
pelaksanaan CSR oleh WIKA mengacu pada Peraturan of CSR refers to the Minister of SOEs Regulation No.
Menteri BUMN No.PER-08/MBU/2013. Salah satu bentuk Per-08/MBU/2013. One form of CSR execution by the
pelaksanaan CSR yang telah dilaksanakan Perseroan Company is the Partnership and Community Development
adalah Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Program (PKBL). The amount of funds available for the
Adapun besaran dana yang tersedia untuk pelaksanaan implementation of CSR amounted to Rp10.45 billion.
CSR sebesar Rp10,45 miliar. Dana ini disalurkan untuk These funds have been channeled to finance programs and
membiayai program dan kegiatan di sektor: activities in the following sectors:
• Pendidikan • Education
• Kesehatan • Health
• Bencana alam • Natural disaster
• Sarana dan prasarana umum • Public facitlities and infrastructure
• Sarana ibadah • Places of worship
• Pelestarian alam • Nature conservation
• Pemberdayaan masyarakat • Community empowerment

86 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Keberhasilan pelaksanaan dan pelaporan kegiatan CSR The success of the implementation and reporting of
tak lepas dari peran Biro CSR sebagai penanggung jawab CSR activities is inseparable from the CSR Bureau as the
tata laksana tanggung jawab sosial. Tanggung jawab Biro entity in charge of governance of social responsibility. The
CSR dimulai dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi responsibilities of the CSR Bureau covers the spectrum
program, kemudian hasil evaluasi tersebut akan dilaporkan of planning, implementation and evaluation of programs;
kepada Direksi melalui Direktur Keuangan. [G4-35, G4-36] subsequently the evaluation results will be reported to the
Board of Directors through the Director of Finance. [G4-35,

Salah satu kegiatan CSR WIKA

One of WIKA’s CSR activities

2014 Sustainability Report // 87

88 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014
Paparan RJP & RKAP
RJP & RKAP presentation


2014 Sustainability Report // 89

“Tata kelola Perusahaan
yang baik adalah dasar bagi
Kami untuk menjalankan
kegiatan Perseroan dengan
memperhatikan aspek ekonomi,
sosial dan lingkungan secara
“Good Corporate Governance is Our
basis for carrying out the activities of
the Company by taking into account the
balance between the economic, social and
environmental aspects”

90 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


Sejalan dengan visi untuk menjadi perusahaan di bidang In line with the vision to become one of the leading
engineering (rekayasa), procurement (pengadaan) dan integrated Engineering, Procurement and Construction
construction (konstruksi) atau EPC, serta investasi (EPC) and Investment firms regionally and perhaps even
terkemuka di tataran regional bahkan global, WIKA globally, WIKA is consistent in the application of good
konsisten menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. corporate governance. This is supported by the existence
Hal ini didukung dengan adanya Buku Kode Etik (Code of of the Code of Conduct, as stipulated under the Board of
Conduct), sesuai Surat Keputusan Direksi No. SK.01.01/A. Directors Decree No. SK.01.01/A.DIR.0448/2009 dated
DIR.0448/2009 tanggal 10 November 2009, yang November 10th, 2009, which guides human behavior in
merupakan panduan perilaku insan WIKA. WIKA.

Prinsip GCG WIKA [G4-56]

GCG Principles of WIKA
1. Pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi
The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors

2. Pembentukan Komite-komite yang membantu peran pengawasan Dewan Komisaris

Establishment of committees which assist the supervisory role of the Board of Commissioners

3. Keterbukaan informasi secara penuh sesuai dengan ketentuan sebagai Perusahaan Publik dan Perusahaan tercatat
Full disclosure of information in compliance with the provisions relating to a Public Company and a Listed Company

4. Penerapan manajemen Risiko dan Pengendalian Internal

Application of Risk Management and Internal Control

5. Sosialisasi GCG secara berkelanjutan

Continuous dissemination on GCG

6. Assesment penerapan GCG sebagai sarana untuk mengetahui kinerja dan peningkatan implementasi GCG, dan sebagai
aktifitas lain yang mendukung terbentuknya Good Governance
Assessment of GCG as a means to determine performance and improvement of its implementation, and other activities
that support the development of good governance

7. Desentralisasi pengadaan barang dan jasa

Decentralized procurement of goods and services

8. Sentralisasi keuangan
Centralization of finance

9. Sistem rekrutmen SDM

HR recruitment system

2014 Sustainability Report // 91

WIKA GCG Roadmap (2015-2018)
GCG Managed GCG Managed GCG Managed GCG Managed
Improvement of Strengthening GCG Attainment of GCG as WIKA as a Driver
Infrastructure & Systems Implementation Mechanisms Culture of GCG Implementation

2015 2016 2017 2018

• Infrastructure Availability • GCG Internalization– • GCG Inclusion & Deepening • Corporate Citizenship
(CoC, Board Manual, CGC) Parent • Internalization – Parent & • Business Ethics
• Special Menu on GCG • Triple Bottom Line Subsidiaries • GCG-based Culture
Website • ASEAN Scorecard • ASEAN GCG Benchmark

Profit Profit Profit Profit

People Planet People Planet People Planet People Planet


• Regulatory Driven • Market Driven • Stakeholder Driven • Culture Driven
• Market Driven • Ethical Driven • Culture Driven • Ethical Driven


1. Main Menu on GCG Website 1. Improved GCG Content – 1. Internal Governance Award 1. GCG Website Menu
2. GCG Dissemination at parent Web 2. Dissemination of Corrupt 2. CG Code Revision
& subsidiaries 2. Anti-corruption and Whistle Practices 3. Code of Conduct Revision
3. Improvement of Anti- Blower mechanisms 3. Development of GCG 4. Board Manual Revision
Corruption and Whistle 3. GCG Champion Champion 5. CSR 26000
blower system 4. ICT Governance 4. Revision of Subsidiary 6. Winner of ARA Category
4. Subsidiary Governance (GRI) 5. Sustainability Reporting Governance 7. SK-16/S.MBU/2012
5. HR Qualifications & (GRI) 5. Sustainability Policy Assessment Score
Competencies 6. Improved HR Competencies 6. Top 3 ARA Category 8. ASEAN CG Scorecard
6. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 7. SK-16/S.MBU/2012 7. SK-16/S.MBU/2012
Assessment Score Assessment Score Assessment Score
7. ASEAN CG Scorecard 8. ASEAN CG Scorecard 8. ASEAN CG Scorecard

Tata kelola WIKA mengalami perubahan pada organ There has been a change in WIKA’s governance with respect
sekretaris perusahaan, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan to the position of Corporate Secretary, as per the Board
Direksi No.SK.02.01/A.DIR.6907/2014 tanggal 5 September of Directors Decree No.SK.02.01/A.DIR.6907/2014 dated
2014. Dalam Keputusan Direksi ini, telah diangkat Sdr. September 5th, 2014. Under the decree, Mr. Suradi has been
Suradi sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan, menggantikan Sdr. appointed the new Corporate Secretary, replacing Mr. Natal
Natal Argawan Pardede, yang berpindah tugas menjadi Argawan Pardede who has been made Director in one of
Direktur di salah satu anak perusahaan WIKA. [G4-13, G4-34, WIKA’s subsidiaries. [G4-13, G4-34, G4-39]

Manajemen Risiko Risk Management

Dalam pengelolaan risiko, fungsi pengawasan yang With respect to risk management, the oversight
dilaksanakan oleh Dewan Komisaris, secara khusus responsibility belongs to the Board of Commissioners, with
dibantu oleh Komite Perencanaan Keuangan dan Risiko special assistance by the Committee on Financial Planning
Usaha. Sejak tahun 2013, Biro Manajemen Risiko WIKA and Business Risk. Since 2013, WIKA’s Risk Management
telah memiliki Peta Jalan yang sudah terstandarisasi ISO Bureau has had a Road Map which has received ISO 31000
31000. certification.

92 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Kesungguhan WIKA untuk mengelola risiko terwujud WIKA’s seriousness in risk management is manifest with
dengan terselesaikannya penyusunan risk profile WIKA the completion of preparation of WIKA’s risk profile by the
oleh Biro Manajemen Risiko di tahun 2014. Adapun risk Risk Management Bureau in 2014. The risk profile identifies
profile WIKA mengidentifikasi adanya risiko terkait human human capital as having the highest associated risks,
capital, sebagai risiko tertinggi dan informasi ini pula yang and this information is also material in the Sustainability
menjadi material dalam Laporan Keberlanjutan ini. Report.

Profil Risiko WIKA

WIKA’s Risk Profile

Akibat | EFFECT 1. Human Capital Risk

2. Legal Risk
3. Exchange Rate Risk
1 2 3 4 4. Land Acquisition Risk
Small Medium Large Very Large
5. Overseas Risk
6. Comissioning Risk
Very Large

4 8 12 16 7. Negative Reporting Risk
Probabilitas | PROBABILITY

3 8. Unmet Specifications Risk


9. Operational & Maintenance Risk
8 2
3 6 9 12 10. Material Handling Risk

14 9 4
11. Subcontractor Failure Risk

15 10 12. Investment Life Cycle Risk

11 6

2 4 5 8 13. Target Not Met Risk

16 12
14. Net Cash Flow below 40% Risk

6 15. Non-compliance on tax regulations Risk

1 2 17 3 4 16. Liquidation Risk

17. Leaked Documents Risk

Tim manajemen risiko kami juga mengawasi pelaksanaan Our risk management team also oversaw the supervision of
pengelolaan setiap risiko yang muncul selama tahun 2014, all types of risk arising during 2014, and provided reports to
dan memberikan laporan kepada Direksi. the Board of Directors.

Pencegahan Benturan Kepentingan Prevention of Conflict of Interest

Salah satu hal yang menjadi perhatian perseroan One aspect that concerns the company in the effort to
dalam upaya pencegahan benturan kepentingan adalah prevent conflict of interest is the appointment of the Board
pengangkatan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. Di dalam of Commissioners and Board of Directors. In the Articles
Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dinyatakan bahwa antara para of Association it is stated that members of the Board of
anggota Direksi dengan anggota Dewan Komisaris tidak Directors should not have blood or familial relationships
boleh memiliki hubungan keluarga atau sedarah, termasuk with members of the Board of Commissioners, including
hubungan yang timbul karena perkawinan. relationships arising out of marriage.

2014 Sustainability Report // 93

Ketentuan ini juga berlaku untuk Dewan Komisaris. This provision also applies to the Board of Commissioners.
Demikian juga dalam Code of Conduct Perseroan yang Likewise, the Company’s Code of Conduct prohibits the
mengatur tentang larangan Dewan Komisaris, Direksi dan Board of Commissioners, Directors and employees to
pekerja untuk berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan pengadaan participate in procurement activities involving a business
yang melibatkan suatu badan usaha apabila yang entity if such person or his family have an ownership
bersangkutan atau keluarganya mempunyai kepemilikan interest, or has a financial interest on such transactions.
saham, atau memiliki kepentingan finansial atas transaksi [G4-41]
tersebut. [G4-41]

Remunerasi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Compensation of the Board of Commissioners and
Besaran remunerasi untuk Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi The compensation level of the Board of Commissioners and
pada periode pelaporan ditetapkan dalam RUPS, dengan Board of Directors in the reporting period is specified in the
mengacu pada UU Perseroan Terbatas dan Peraturan AGMS, with reference to the Limited Liability Company Act
Menteri BUMN No.PER-04/MBU/2013 tentang Pedoman and the Minister of SOEs Regulation No.Per-04/MBU/2013
penetapan Penghasilan Direksi, Dewan Komisaris dan on Guidelines for the determination of Pay for Directors,
Dewan Pengawas BUMN. [G4-52] Board of Commissioners and Board of Trustees of SOEs.

Total pembayaran Kompensasi (Dalam juta Rp) [G4-54]

Compensation Amount (In million IDR)
Komponen BOD BOC
Pembayaran Berbasis kinerja | Performance-based Payment 3,880 9,255
Pembayaran Bonus dan Insentif Rekrutmen | Bonus Payment and Recruitment Incentive 3,960 7,751
Pembayaran Manfaat Pensiun | Pension Benefits Payment 806 1,858
Pembayaran Pembayaran Lain | Other Payments 277 740
Jumlah | Total 8,923 19,604

Besaran Remunerasi (Dalam juta Rp) [G4-51]

Total Compensation Payment (In million IDR)
Bahasan Pekerja Tetap BOC BOD
Description Permanent Employee
Total Pembayaran | Payment Total 297,108 8,923 19,604
Total Kenaikan* | Total Raise* 79,395 1,492 2,443
* Dibandingkan dengan tahun sebelumnya | In comparison to the previous year

Pembahasan lengkap organ Tata Kelola Perseroan Detailed discussion of Corporate Governance is
disampaikan dalam Laporan Tahunan WIKA tahun 2014 presented in the WIKA Annual Report 2014, while
yang dibuat terpisah dari laporan ini, namun saling prepared separately from this report complement each
melengkapi. other.

94 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014


Pemangku kepentingan WIKA diidentifikasi berdasarkan WIKA stakeholders are identified by the level of interest
tingkat kepentingan hubungan yang mempengaruhi kinerja to which that relationship affects the performance of the
Perusahaan. Adapun pendekatan hubungan terhadap Company. The approach to stakeholder relations is based
para pemangku kepentingan didasarkan pada sifat on the nature of the relationship of each stakeholder
relasi masing-masing pemangku kepentingan terhadap towards the Company. For this reason, topics which later
Perseroan. Dengan demikian, topik-topik yang kemudian become the basis of the implementation of the corporate
menjadi dasar pelaksanaan pemenuhan tanggung jawab social responsibility fulfillment are adjusted to the needs of
sosial perusahaan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan masing- each stakeholder. [G4-24, G4-25, G4-26]
masing pemangku kepentingan. [G4-24, G4-25, G4-26]

Kebutuhan dan Metode Pendekatan Pada Pemangku Kepentingan [G4-27]

Needs and Methods of Stakeholder Engagement
Pemangku Kebutuhan Topik Utama
Kepentingan Needs dan Metode Pelibatan
Stakeholders Key Topics and Engagement Method

Pemegang Saham • Keterbukaan informasi kinerja • Menyampaikan laporan kinerja berkala kepada para
Shareholder • Transparency of information on pemegang saham
performance • Menyampaikan pemberitahuan fungsi Investor Relation dan
Corporate Secretary
• Menyelenggarakan RUPS beserta laporan kinerja Dewan
Komisaris dan Direksi dalam Laporan Tahunan, Laporan
Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL), serta
Laporan Keberlanjutan
• Membayar deviden sesuai keputusan RUPS
• Convey periodic performance report to shareholders
• Informing on the functions of Investor Relations and
Corporate Secretary
• Holding the AGMS along with the performance report of the
Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors in the Annual
Report, Partnership and Community Development Program
(PKBL) Report, as well as the Sustainability Report
• Pay dividends according to the decisions of the AGMS

Kreditur • Keterbukaan informasi kinerja • Melaksanakan kewajiban Perseroan tepat waktu

Creditors • Transparency of information on • Memenuhi hak-hak kreditur sesuai ketentuan hukum yang
performance berlaku
• Implement obligations of the Company in a timely manner
• Meet the rights of creditors in accordance with applicable

2014 Sustainability Report // 95

Pemangku Kebutuhan Topik Utama
Kepentingan Needs dan Metode Pelibatan
Stakeholders Key Topics and Engagement Method

Pemberi Pekerjaan • Laporan pelaksanaan pekerjaan • Menyampaikan laporan perkembangan pelaksanaan

• Penyelesaian pekerjaan tepat waktu dan pekerjaan sesuai kontrak kerja
tepat anggaran • Melakukan survei kepuasan minimal 1 tahun sekali
Project Owner • Work Implementation Report • Deliver progress report on work implementation as per the
• Timely completion within approved budget contract of works
• Conduct satisfaction surveys at least once a year

Pengguna Akhir • Informasi produk • Menyediakan produk sesuai Sistem Manajemen Mutu ISO
• Keamanan produk 9001:2008
• Memberikan layanan purnajual yang memadai sesuai kontrak
End User • Product information • Providing products according to the ISO 9001:2008 Quality
• Product safety Management System
• Provide adequate after-sales service under the contract

Karyawan • Pemenuhan hak-hak normatif dan • Membentuk forum bipartit dan tripartit
perlindungan kerja • Mendukung pembentukan dan kegiatan serikat pekerja
• Jaminan keselamatan dan kesehatan • Menyusun dan membuat kesepakatan kerja bersama
kerja (K3) • Menyediakan alat perlindungan diri (APD) bagi pekerja dan
• Kebebasan berserikat penerapan standar K3
Employees • Safeguarding of basic rights and labor • Establish bipartite and tripartite forums
protection • Support formation and activities of labor unions
• Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) • Formulate and enter into a collective labor agreement
• Freedom of assocation • Provide personal protective equipment (PPE) for employees
and the implementation of OHS standards

Rekanan / Mitra • Pemenuhan hak atas pekerjaan yang • Melakukan kerja sama sesuai kontrak
• Jaminan Keselamatan dan kesehatan
kerja (K3)
Partner • Safeguarding rights for work performed • Cooperation as per contract
• Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)

Masyarakat • Peningkatan taraf hidup dan • Melakukan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan
Community • Improvement of living standards and • Conducting the Partnership and Community Development
welfare Program

Regulator • Kepatuhan pada peraturan dan • Memenuhi persyaratan sesuai ketentuan yang berlaku
persyaratan pekerjaan • Menyampaikan informasi yang dibutuhkan dan relevan
dengan kegiatan Perseroan
• Compliance with regulations and job • Fulfill requirements according to applicable regulations
requirements • Delivering the required information and relevant to the
activities of the Company

96 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

INDEKS ISI GRI 4.0 [G4-32]


Indikator Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan

Indicator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014
Cross Reference with
Annual Report 2014


G4-1 Pernyataan dari Direksi 10 30
Statement from BOD
G4-2 Uraian Dampak, Risiko dan Peluang 10, 17 138, 243
Description of Key Impacts, Risks, and Opportunities
G4-3 Nama Organisasi 20 40
Name of The Organization
G4-4 Merek, Produk, dan Layanan Jasa 16, 18 45
Primary Brands, Products and Services
G4-5 Lokasi Kantor Pusat 20 40
Location of Headquarter
G4-6 Jumlah Negara Tempat Beroperasi 20 136, 137
Number of Countries Operations
G4-7 Kepemilikan Saham dan Bentuk Hukum 19 41
Ownership and Legal Form
G4-8 Pasar Terlayani 22 136, 137
Markets Served
G4-9 Skala Organisasi 19 40, 41
Organizational Scale
G4-10 Jumlah dan Komposisi Pegawai 23 95
Number and Composition of Employees
G4-11 Pekerja Terlindungi Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB) 35, 41, 43 273
Employees Covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements
G4-12 Rantai Pasokan Organisasi 24 136, 137
Organizational Supply Chain
G4-13 Perubahan Signifikan Organisasi 44, 92 262
Significant Changes of Organization
G4-14 Pendekatan Pencegahan Melalui Manajemen Risiko 17, 25 174, 243
Precautionary Approach Through Risk Management
G4-15 Kepatuhan Pada Prinsip-prinsip dan Inisiatif Eksternal 9, 25, 43 128, 274, 280
Compliance with External Charters, Principles, or Other Initiatives
G4-16 Keanggotaan Dalam Asosiasi 9 N/A
Memberships in Associations

2014 Sustainability Report // 97

Indikator Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan
Indicator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014
Cross Reference with
Annual Report 2014


G4-17 Daftar Entitas 26 130
List of Entities
G4-18 Proses Menentukan Isi Laporan dan Pembatasan 26, 28-29 N/A
Process for Defining The Report Content and Boundaries
G4-19 Daftar Aspek Material 27-28 N/A
List of Material Aspects
G4-20 Batasan Aspek Material di Dalam Organisasi 26, 28 N/A
Material Aspect Boundaries Within Organization
G4-21 Batasan Aspek Material di Luar Organisasi 26, 28 N/A
Material Aspect Boundaries Outside Organization
G4-22 Pernyataan Kembali 19, 26, 44, N/A
Restatement 64-65
G4-23 Perubahan Pelaporan Bersifat Signifikan 26 N/A
Significant Changes from Previous Reports
G4-24 Daftar Pemangku Kepentingan 16, 95 51, 89
Stakeholders List
G4-25 Dasar Identifikasi dan Seleksi Pemangku Kepentingan 95 N/A
Basis for Identification and Selection of Stakeholders
G4-26 Proses Pendekatan pada Pemangku Kepentingan 95 N/A
Approach to Stakeholders’ Engagement
G4-27 Topik Kunci dan Respon Organisasi 95 N/A
Key Topics and Organization Response
G4-28 Periode Pelaporan 26 N/A
Reporting Period
G4-29 Tanggal Penerbitan Laporan Terdahulu 26 N/A
Date of Most Recent Previous Report
G4-30 Siklus Pelaporan 26 N/A
Reporting Cycle
G4-31 Kontak 22 N/A
Contact Point
G4-32 Indeks Isi GRI 26, 97 N/A
GRI Content Index
G4-33 Penjaminan 26 N/A
G4-34 Struktur Tata Kelola 92 48
Governance Structure

98 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Indikator Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan
Indicator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014
Cross Reference with
Annual Report 2014
G4-35 Pendelegasian Kewenangan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan, dan Sosial 87 N/A
Delegating Authority for Economic, Environmental and Social Topics
G4-36 Penunjukan Pejabat Pelaksana Kegiatan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan 87 N/A
dan Sosial
Appointed an Executive Level Position for Economic, Environmental and
Social Topics
G4-39 Pejabat Badan Tata Kelola dan Pejabat Eksekutif 92 207, 213
Chair of the Highest Governance Body and also an Executive Officer
G4-41 Proses Pencegahan Benturan Kepentingan 94 165, 208
Process to Prevent Conflict of Interest
G4-42 Proses Persetujuan dan Pengembangan Nilai atau Misi Perusahaan 7 50
Process to Approval and Development Value or Company’s Mission
G4-43 Pengembangan Pengetahuan Terkait Topik Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan N/A 199, 200, 209, 273
Sosial Bagi Pejabat Tata Kelola
Knowledge Development for Governance Body Related to Economic,
Environmental and Social Topics
G4-44 Proses Evaluasi Kinerja Pejabat Tata Kelola N/A 177, 206, 250
Evaluation Process of The Governance Body’s Performance
G4-45 Proses Identifikasi Dampak, Risiko dan Peluang Pelaksanaan Kinerja N/A 247, 250
Ekonomi, Lingkungan, dan Sosial
Identification for the Impact, Risk and Opportunity Related to Economic,
Environmental and Social Topics
G4-46 Penilaian Pelaksanaan Kinerja Ekonomi, Lingkungan dan Sosial N/A 177, 210
Reviewing The Effectiveness of Economic, Environmental and Social Topics
G4-47 Penilaian Risiko dan Peluang N/A 249, 250, 251
Review for Risk and Opportunities
G4-48 Pengesahan Pelaporan 29 282
Reports Approval
G4-51 Kebijakan Remunerasi 94 194, 204
Remuneration Policies
G4-52 Proses Penetapan Remunerasi 94 194, 195, 204, 205, 226
Process for Determining Remuneration
G4-54 Rasio Remunerasi 94 195, 205
Remuneration Ratios
G4-55 Rasio Persentase Kenaikan Remunerasi N/A 195, 205
Percentage of Ratio Remuneration Increase
G4-56 Nilai-nilai, Prinsip, dan Norma Organisasi 6, 7, 91 50, 51, 52
Organizational Values, Principles and Norms
G4-57 Pemberian Saran dan Perilaku Patuh Hukum N/A 174, 263, 264
Seeking Advice on Ethical and Lawful Behavior
G4-58 Pelaporan Perilaku Tak Beretika/Tak Patuh Hukum N/A 267
Reporting About Unethical/Unlawful Behavior

2014 Sustainability Report // 99

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



DMA Tumbuh Tanpa Henti 63 141

Relentless Growth

G4-EC1 Nilai Ekonomi Langsung Dihasilkan dan 64 14,

Didistribusikan Laporan Keuangan
Direct Economic Value Generated and Konsolidasian 2014
Distributed Consolidated Financial
Report year of 2014

G4-EC2 Implikasi Finansial Akibat Perubahan Iklim 65 N/A Dilaporkan

Financial Implications due to Climate Change Reported
DMA Penghargaan Bagi Purnabakti 55 80
Rewards for Retired Employees

G4-EC3 Kewajiban Perusahaan Terhadap Penyediaan 55, 57 80

Organization’s Defined Benefit Plan Obligations

G4-EC4 Bantuan Finansial dari Pemerintah 65 N/A

Financial Assistance Received from Government



G4-EC5 Rasio Upah Pekerja Tingkat Awal Terhadap Upah 39, 40 N/A Dilaporkan
Minimum Reported
Ratio of Entry Level Wage to Local Minimum

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

100 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



G4-EC7 Pembangunan dan Dampak Investasi 68 N/A

Development and Impact of Infrastructure Dilaporkan
Investment Reported
G4-EC8 Dampak Ekonomi Tak Langsung 16, 68, 79 N/A
Indirect Economic Impacts



DMA Human Capital di WIKA 35 62-82

Human Capital in WIKA

G4-LA1 Jumlah Pekerja Baru dan Tingkat Turnover 38 274

Number of New Employee and Turnover
G4-LA2 Manfaat untuk Pekerja 39 80, 81 Reported
Benefit for Employee

G4-LA3 Jaminan Bekerja Kembali Setelah Cuti 39 N/A

Return to Work After Maternity Leave



DMA Kerja Sehat Pulang Selamat 43 273

Healthy Work and Returning Home Safely
G4-LA5 Keterwakilan Pekerja dalam Komite Bersama K3 43 274 Reported
Workforce Represented in Formal OHS

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

2014 Sustainability Report // 101

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014

G4-LA6 Jenis dan Tingkat Kecelakaan Kerja 46 273

Types and Rates of Injury

G4-LA7 Pekerja dengan Risiko Tinggi Kesehatan Kerja 48 274

Workers with High Risk of Working Diseases
G4-LA8 Topik K3 dalam PKB 43 N/A
OHS Topics in Formal Agreement with Trade



DMA Kompetensi Mengelola Keberlanjutan 49 N/A

Competency in Managing Sustainability

G4-LA9 Rerata Jam Pelatihan Per Pegawai Per Tahun 53 274

Average of Training Hours per Year per Employee

G4-LA10 Program Pelatihan Ketrampilan Penunjang Akhir 58 N/A Dilaporkan

Karir Reported
Program for Skills Management That Support
Managing Career Endings

G4-LA11 Persentase Pegawai Penerima Penilaian Kinerja 54 251

Percentage of Employees Receiving
Performance Review



G4-LA13 Rasio Gaji Pokok Pekerja Laki-laki dan 40 N/A Dilaporkan

Perempuan Reported
Ratio of Basic Salary of Men and Women

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

102 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



G4-LA14 Persentase Pemasok yang Dievaluasi 47 N/A

Percentage of Suppliers Screened for Labor
G4-LA15 Dampak Signifikan Praktik Ketenagakerjaan 47 N/A Reported
Pada Rantai Pasokan
Significant Impacts for Labor Practices in The
Supply Chain



G4-EN7 Efisiensi Kebutuhan Energi dalam Produk dan 73 N/A Bukan informasi
Jasa material dan
Reduction in Energy Requirements of Products disampaikan secara
and Services umum
Non material
information and is
presented in general



G4-EN9 Sumber Air Terpengaruh karena Pengambilan Air 73, 74 N/A Bukan informasi
Water Sources Affected by Withdrawal material dan
disampaikan secara
Non material
information and is
presented in general

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

2014 Sustainability Report // 103

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



G4-EN19 Penurunan Emisi GRK 73 N/A Bukan informasi

Reduction on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions material dan
disampaikan secara
G4-EN20 Penurunan Emisi Ozon 73 N/A umum
Emissions of Ozone-depleting Substances Non material
information and is
presented in general



G4-EN27 Mitigasi Dampak Lingkungan Terhadap Barang 74 N/A Bukan informasi

dan Jasa material dan
Mitigation of Environmental Impacts of Product disampaikan secara
and Service umum
Non material
information and is
presented in general



G4-EN29 Sanksi Atas Ketidakpatuhan pada Peraturan 66 N/A Bukan informasi

Lingkungan material dan
Sanctions for Non-compliance with disampaikan secara
Environmental Laws umum
Non material
information and is
presented in general

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

104 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



G4-SO1 Operasional Perusahaan dan Pengembangan 16, 68, 79 N/A

Masyarakat Lokal
Company Operation and Local Community
Development Program Dilaporkan
G4-SO2 Operational Perusahaan dengan Potensi 16, 68 N/A Reported
Dampak Terhadap Masyarakat Lokal
Company Operation with Significant Impacts on
Local Community



G4-SO8 Sanksi Denda dan Hukuman Lain 66 264 Bukan informasi

Monetary Fines and Other Sanctions material dan
disampaikan secara
Non material
information and is
presented in general



G4-HR4 Dukungan Pada Kebebasan Berserikat 41, 43 N/A Dilaporkan

Support for Freedom of Association Reported



G4-HR5 Pekerja Anak 36 N/A Dilaporkan

Child Labor Reported

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

2014 Sustainability Report // 105

DMA* & Keterangan Halaman Referensi Silang dengan Pengecualian
Indikator Description Page(s) Laporan Tahunan 2014 Omission
DMA* & Cross-Reference with
Indicator Annual Report 2014



G4-PR1 Evaluasi Keamanan dan Kesehatan Produk 67 N/A Bukan informasi

Health and Safety Product Assessment material dan
disampaikan secara
Non material
information and is
presented in general



G4-PR3 Informasi Produk dan Jasa 3 46, 47 Bukan informasi

Product and Service Information material dan
disampaikan secara
Non material
information and is
presented in general

G4-PR5 Indeks Kepuasan Konsumen 66 N/A Dilaporkan

Customer Satisfaction Index Reported



G4-PR7 Insiden Ketidakpatuhan Hukum Terkait 66 N/A Bukan informasi

Komunikasi Pemasaran material dan
Incidents of Non-compliance with Regulations disampaikan secara
on Marketing Communication umum
Non material
information and is
presented in general

*DMA = Pengungkapan oleh Manajemen | Disclosure on Management Approach

106 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Daftar Istilah

AMDAL Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan

Environmental Impact Assessment
APD Alat Pelindung Diri
Personal Protective Equipment

BBG Bahan Bakar Gas | Fuel Gas

BBM Bahan Bakar Minyak | Petrol / Gasoline
BEI | IDX Bursa Efek Indonesia | Indonesia Stock Exchange
BORR Bogor Ring Road

CNG Compressed Natural Gas

CSI Customer Satisfaction Index
CSR Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan | Corporate Social Responsibility

DPLK Dana Pensiun Lembaga Keuangan | Financial Institutions Pension Fund


EPC Engineering, Procurement & Construction

EK Evaluasi Kompetensi | Competency Evaluation
FGD Forum Group Discussion
FR Frequency Rate

GCG Good Corporate Governance

GRI Global Reporting Initiative

JHT Jaminan Hari Tua | Old Age Security

K3 | OHS Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja | Occupational Health and Safety

K3L Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Lingkungan | Occupational Health, Safety and Environment
KKKS Kontraktor Kontrak Kerja Sama | Production Sharing Agreement Contractor

2014 Sustainability Report // 107


Letong Lelel Gentong | Barrel-bred Catfish

LGV Liquefied Gas for Vehicle
LSM |NGO Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat | Non-Governmental Organization
LTI Lost Time Injury
MK3L Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja | Occupational Health, Safety and Environment Management

NLTI Non Lost Time Injury

P2K3L Panitia Pembina Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja dan Lingkungan
Committee on Occupational Health, Safety and Environment
PK Penilaian Karya/Kinerja | Performance Appraisal
PKB | CLA Perjanjian Kerja Bersama | Collective Labor Agreement
PKBL Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan | Partnership and Community Development Program

PKWT Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu | Temporary Work Agreement

PPCP Program Pelatihan Calon Pegawai | Employee Candidate Training Program
SBU Strategic Business Unit
SDM | HR Sumber Daya Manusia | Human Resources

SHE Safety, Health and Environment

SIT Site Implementation Team
SMK3 Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja | Occupational Health and Safety Management System
SPBG Stasiun Pengisian Bahan Bakar Gas | Natural Gas Fueling Station
SR Severity Rate
SRI KEHATI Sustainable and Responsible Investment Foundation Yayasan Keanekaragaman Hayati

UMP Upah Minimum Provinsi | Provincial Minimum Wage

108 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

Lembar Umpan Balik
Feedback Form

Kami mohon kesediaan para pemangku kepentingan untuk memberikan umpan balik setelah membaca Laporan
Keberlanjutan ini dengan mengirim email atau mengirim formulir ini melalui fax/pos.

We would like to ask all stakeholders to kindly provide feedback after reading this Sustainability Report by sending
email or this form by fax/mail.

Mohon pilih jawaban yang paling sesuai | Please choose the most appropriate answer

1. Laporan ini sudah menggambarkan kinerja Perusahaan dalam pembangunan keberlanjutan

This report describe Company’s performance in sustainability development

Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

2. Laporan ini bermanfaat bagi anda

This report is useful to you

Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju

Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

3. Laporan ini meningkatkan kepercayaan Anda pada keberlanjutan Perusahaan

This report increase your trust to the Company’s sustainability
Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

4. Laporan ini mudah dimengerti

This report is easy to understand
Sangat Setuju Setuju Netral Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree

5. Seberapa puas anda dengan Laporan Keberlanjutan PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk?
How satisfied are you with the Sustainability Report of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk?
Sangat Puas Puas Netral Tidak Puas Sangat Tidak Puas
Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Strongly Dissatisfied

2014 Sustainability Report // 109

Mohon berkenan mengisi | Please complete the below statements
Penilaian terhadap kegiatan manajemen keberlanjutan PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
Assessment to the sustainability activities of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk
1 Aspek material apa yang paling penting bagi anda? Which strategic issue is the most important to you?
(Mohon berikan nilai 1=paling penting, hingga 6=paling (Please give score 1=most important up to 6= least
kurang penting) important)
• Kinerja Ekonomi • Economic Performance (…....)
• Dampak Ekonomi Tak Langsung • Indirect Economic Impact (…....)
• Ketenagakerjaan • Employment (…....)
• Kesehatan dan Keselamatan Kerja • Occupational Health and Safety (…....)
• Pendidikan dan Pelatihan • Educational and Training (…....)
• Komunikasi Lokal • Local Community (…....)

2 Mohon berikan saran/usul/komentar anda atas laporan Please give your advice/suggestion/comments on this
ini: report:

Profil Anda | Your Profile

Nama (bila berkenan) | Name (if you please) :
Institusi/Perusahaan | Institution/Company :
Surel | Email :
Telp/HP | Phone/Mobile :

Golongan Pemangku Kepentingan | Stakeholders Group

Pemerintah Industri Media LSM

Governance Industry Media NGO

Masyarakat Lembaga Pendidikan Perusahaan Lain-lain, mohon sebutkan……

Community Academic Group Corporate Others, please state ……

PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk

Terima kasih atas partisipasi Anda. Corporate Secretary
Mohon agar lembar umpan balik ini dikirimkan kembali ke Kantor Pusat
alamat: Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Kav. 9
Jakarta 13340 - Indonesia
Thank you for your participation. Phone : (+6221) 8192808, 8508640, 8508650
ease kindly send this feedback form to the address below: Facsimile : (+6221) 8191235
Email :

110 // Laporan Keberlanjutan 2014

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For Sustainability Report 2014 pdf view

2014 Sustainability Report // 111

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