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Bahasa Inggris Hukum

Sifat Ujian :
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu WAKTU 90
Hukum “IBLAM” MENIT Dosen:
Wiend Sakti Myharto, SH., LLM.

Hari/Tanggal : Jumat, 29 Januari 2021

Kelas/Semester : A.77.S1/


1. What Is The Definition Of Law Based On Your Opinion ?

2. Translate It into English Law?

Asas Legalitas

Keberadaan asas-asas hukum di dalam suatu bidang hukum sangat penting mengingat asas-

asas hukum inilah yang menjadi dasar dan pedoman bagi perkembangan setiap bidang

hukum agar tidak menyimpang. Di dalam hukum pidana sendiri keberadaan asas hukum ini

di tegaskan sebagai suatu upaya agar peradilan pidana di batasi kesewenang-wenangannya

dalam menentukan ada atau tidaknya perbuatan yang dilarang. Asas legalitas merupakan

salah satu dari beberapa asas hukum yang paling tua dalam sejarah peradaban umat

manusia. Keberadaan asas ini tidak sulit untuk ditemukan dalam berbagai ketentuan hukum

nasional berbagai negara. Asas legalitas dipertahankan sebagai perlindungan terhadap

potensi kesewenang-wenangan dalam penyelenggaraan hukum pidana. Roeslan Saleh

menegaskan tujuan utama dari asas hukum ini untuk“menormakan fungsi pengawasan dari

hukum pidana” itu sendiri agar jangan sampai disalah gunakan oleh Pemerintah (pengadilan)

yang berkuasa (Christianto, 2009). DiIndonesia asas legalitas ini dapat ditemui dalam

rumusan pasal 1 ayat 1 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana dalam bahasa belanda

berbunyi “Geen feit is strafbaar dan uitkracht van eene daaraan voorafgegane wettelijke

strafbepaling” yang artinya “tidak ada suatu perbuatan yang dapat dihukum, kecuali
berdasarkan ketentuan pidana menurut undang-undang yang telah ada terlebih dahulu

daripada perbuatan itu sendiri. (Lamintang, 2007)

3. Do You Know About Customary Law (Adat Law) In Indonesia ?

4. What Is The Definition Of : a. A Suspect b. Criminal Law c. Civil Law

5. Match The Following Sentence Below :

a. Money Claimed By Someone As Compensation For Harm Done

b. To Send Someone To Prison Or To A Court.

c. The State Audit Board

d. Our State Philosohpy

Answer : (Choose The Correct One)

A. Pancasila B. Damages C. BPK D. Commit


Kelas : A77.S1
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Hukum
Dosen : Wiend Sakti Myharto, SH., LLM.

1. Law is a collection of rules governing human behavior in society and there are sanctions for
violators. Law has the nature of compelling, binding, and regulating human-human relations,
human-community, and society-society.

The existence of legal principles in a legal field is very important considering these
legal principles are the basis and guidelines for the development of every field of law
so as not to deviate. In the criminal law itself, the existence of this legal principle is
emphasized as an effort so that the criminal justice is limited by its arbitrariness in
determining whether or not an act is prohibited. The principle of legality is one of the
oldest legal principles in the history of human civilization. The existence of this
principle is not difficult to find in various provisions of the national laws of various
countries. The principle of legality is maintained as a protection against potential
arbitrariness in the administration of criminal law. Roeslan Saleh emphasized that the
main purpose of this legal principle is to "normalize the supervisory function of the
criminal law" itself so that it is not misused by the government (court) in power
(Christianto, 2009). In Indonesia, this legality principle can be found in the formulation
of article 1 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in Dutch which reads "Geen feit is
strafbaar and uitkracht van eene daaraan voorafgegane wettelijke strafbepaling" which
means "there is no action that can be punished, except based on the provisions. criminal
according to existing law rather than the act itself. (Lamintang, 2007)

native Indonesian law, rooted in customs or emission of basic values culture of the
Indonesian people, that is also means binding and discovering all these thoughts by
constitution, UUD 1945, which means formulation of customary law as part of the basic
laws of the country Indonesia
4. Suspect Is : The suspect is a person who - whether known or not - is suspected of
committing a crime.
Criminal Law Is : Criminal Law is the whole of the rules that determine what actions
are prohibited and are included in a criminal act, and determine what penalties can be
imposed on those who commit them.
Civil law is : all material law in the form of all basic laws of personal development.

5. a. Money Claimed By Someone As Compensation For Harm Done (B. Demages)

b. To Send Someone To Prison Or To A Court. (D. Commit)
c. The State Audit Board ( C. BPK)
d. Our State Philosohpy (A. Pancasila )

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