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To: ELSYM5 UNH Version Nov.

1984 User
From: Robert M. Henry
Department of Civil Engineering
Rm 236 Kingsbury Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Date: November 13, 1984
Subject: Revised Notes on ELSYM5 UNH Version

(1). The UNH Version of ELSYM5 (NHELSYM5) was written in
Microsoft Fortran 77 and linked without the use of
the 8087 chip.
Runs under the Z-DOS or MS-DOS or PC-DOS operating
systems. Requires 98K user available memory.
(2). The software modules needed to run the programs are:
NHELSYMP.FOR -- Contains the interactive preprocessor
which allows one to input data, edit
data files interactively, store data
on a file, and load data from a file.
From this menu one can perform several
cycles of analysis in a convenient way.
NHELSYM5.FOR -- The original subroutines ELSYM5, ELSYI,
ELSY11, and a new output subroutine
ELRSLT. The original subroutines were
modified to be compatable with the pre-
and post processing modules.
NHELSYMF.FOR -- The original subroutines ELSY1, ELSY2A,
CHEB, ELSY10, and ELSY12. These routines
were left in their original state.
MENUPC.FOR -- A set of subroutines which allow for
free format input and menu selection.
(3). The modules are linked together with the following order:
(4). ELDATA is a typical data file created by interactively
inputting the data into NHELSYM5 Input Mode.
(5). ELSYM5.RES is the results file created by NHELSYM5.
(6). One no longer is required to enter the number of sets
of data to be read in. Each run handles its own data set
which can be modified during the analytical process.
At any time a new data file can be created or read in
and then have analysis performed.
(7). The code 999 is no longer necessary.
(8). During the running of the program NHELSYM5 the user has the
option to write a file containing the results calculated
during the analysis and the input data used to determine
the results. At all times the results are printed on the
terminal screen for the user to selectively review.
(9). Execution time for the analytical portion of the program
NHELSYM5 for the sample data is approximately 4 minutes.
This would be much less if run with the aid of the
8087 co-processor.
(10). To execute the program just type
and a user friendly menu will appear on the screen.

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