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Does the definition of amenorrhea?

Amenorrhea is a condition or a condition where a woman is not menstruating at the time
of menstruation, as appropriate, or simply called with no menstrual period or a
menstrual period.

Any person or you can experience what is called primary amenorrhea amenorrhea
whether or secondary amenorrhea.

In primary amenorrhea, menstruation does not occur. Whereas normally a teenage

daughter of the first menstrual period (menarche) at the age of 9-18 years. A teenage
daughter will have amenonhea primary if convicted on more than 16 years of age still not
The secondary amenorrheo occur in women who previously had experienced a period,
but then the cycle stops for no reason she knew.
Where a person has a period / periods or normal menstrual cycle but then someone or you
do not menstruate for 3 months or more in sequence.


Menstrual cycle stopped either directly or in stages.

What causes amenorrhea?
Here are some causes of amenorrhea based on the type of primary amenorrhea and
secondary amenorrhea.

Primary amenorrhea can be caused by the following points below:

There is interference with the hipotalalmus,
ie a region in the brain that interact with a functioning pituitary gland regulate the
menstrual cycle.

Abnormal chromosome
Pituitary disease, which affects the pituitary gland. Pituitary gland located just below the
brain and functions set the menstrual cycle.
Obstruction or blockage of the vagina, such as the presence of a membrane that cover the
path menstruation.

Secondary amenorrhea caused by:

- Pregnancy
Drug use either oral or injectable kontrasepsia like the pills to restrict / regulate the birth
or Depo-Provera

- Stress
Several types of drugs such as antidepressants, chemotherapy and anti-psychotic

- Very low weight

The disturbances on the thyroid gland that produces hormones, which also functions
that affect menstruation.

- Exercise regularly performed heavy

such as distance running, especially if low body fat.

How amenorrhea can be treated?

Treatment of amenorrhea depends on what causes amenorrhea occurred. Maybe as simple
as changing your diet and exercise program. May also be needed certain drugs. Surgery
may also be an option (depending on the cause), but the number of cases are rarely

1. If amenorrhea due to congenital diseases such as Turner Syndrome and Syndrome
Sawyer or because of abnormalities in genital organs, the disease can not be prevented.
2. Maintaining a balance weight in order not too fat (obesity) or too thin.
Three. Doing a good healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, exercise regularly, and live
4. Stay away from causing stress

How can you protect yourself from amenorrhea?

Consult a competent doctor if you experience no menstrual events during three or more
times in a row. If the possibility is because of pregnancy, do the pregnancy test you can
do at home or to where the health service.
When the or your menstrual cycle does not necessarily equal in each month, record when
the start and how long. Then give such information to physicians.
Preserve and maintain a healthy weight according to body mass index (body mass index)
with diet and exercise regularly.
Find out if there are in your family have a similar problem (probably also a factor
misalanya abnormal chromosomes in all family members (sons).

Remember that there is a possibility remains to be pregnant even if you do not have
regular menstrual cycles each month.

Word Meaning Synonym

Word Meaning Synonym
Amenorrhea Terhentinya menstruasi pada masa Amenia
appropriate sesuai
occur terjadi become
menarche pertama terjadinya menstruasi pada wanita
cycle Siklus turn
sequence urutan rate
hipotalalmus bagian dari otak
chromosome kromosom
Pituitary Kelenjar di bawah otak hypophysis
Pregnancy Kehamilan
restrict membatasi delimit
Provera senyawa progestin digunakan untuk medicine
mengobati gangguan menstruasi
antidepressants Obat anti depresi medicine
chemotherapy penggunaan zat kimia untuk perawatan Therapy
psychotic gila insane
thyroid Kelenjar Gondok
hormones pembawa pesan kimiawi antarsel
Surgery Pembedahan operation
congenital bawaan inborn
Syndrome Kumpulan beberapa penyakit Complex

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