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564 Jurnal Internasional Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan 2012, 47, 564–571

Artikel asli
Proses nixtamalisasi ekologis baru untuk produksi tortilla dan dampaknya terhadap sifat kimiawi tepung
jagung utuh dan limbah air limbah

Elsa Marıa Campechano Carrera, satu Juan de Dios Figueroa Cárdenas, satu* Vila Gerónimo Arámbula, satu Héctor Eduardo Martınez Flores, 2 Sergio J.
Jiménez Sandoval satu & J. Gabriel Luna Bárcenas satu

1 Pusat Penelitian dan Studi Lanjut (CINVESTAV-IPN), Libramiento Norponiente 2000, Fracc. Real de Juriquilla, Querétaro,
CP 76230 Qro., Meksiko
2 Universitas Michoacan San Nicolás de Hidalgo. Tzintzuntzan 173, Kolonel Matamoros, Morelia Mich., Meksiko

(Diterima 15 Februari 2011; Diterima dalam bentuk revisi 18 Oktober 2011)

Ringkasan Proses nixtamalisation ekologis (EP) untuk membuat jagung utuh untuk tortilla dibandingkan dengan proses nixtamalisasi tradisional (TP). Salah satu
masalah TP adalah tingginya kerugian solid. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengevaluasi komposisi kerugian tersebut. Di EP, kehilangan bahan kering dari
nejayote dari 1,2% menjadi 1,4%, sedangkan di TP 3,2%. Nejayote dari TP menunjukkan pH 11,9, sedangkan EP menunjukkan pH mendekati netral.
Pericarp dipertahankan di EP dengan menggunakan garam kalsium, sedangkan di TP kapur menghancurkannya hampir seluruhnya. Kehilangan serat
makanan total pada padatan nejayote sekitar 41,2% untuk TP dibandingkan dengan rata-rata 17,4% untuk EP. Sebagian besar kehilangan nejayote di
TP adalah serat larut (30,4%), dibandingkan dengan EP yang berkisar antara 6,2% hingga

7,9%. Semua senyawa yang ditahan oleh nixtamal dari EP merupakan sumber nutrisi dan serat makanan yang penting.

Kata kunci Serat makanan, nixtamalisasi ekologis, nejayote, jagung utuh.

di dalam pipa drainase (Martínez-Flores dkk., 2002). Nejayote, produk

sampingan minuman keras memasak, mengandung hingga 2-6% total
Nixtamalisation adalah proses dimana jagung direbus padatan terlarut dan tersuspensi. Ini terutama terdiri dari jaringan pericarp
air yang mengandung kapur, Ca (OH) 2, direndam semalaman, lalu dicuci dan yang kaya serat, protein dan lipid (Gómez dkk., 1987; Velasco-Martinez dkk., 1997).
digiling menjadi masa jagung. Masa bisa jadi Nejayote sebenarnya adalah aliran limbah primer yang membutuhkan
dibentuk menjadi tortilla, dipanggang atau dikeringkan dan digiling untuk remediasi.
menghasilkan masa kering kita. Di beberapa negara Amerika Latin, tortilla
adalah makanan pokoknya. Di Amerika Serikat, masakan alkali digunakan Studi sebelumnya yang menggunakan proses nixtamalisation
dalam produksi produk berbasis jagung Meksiko seperti tortilla meja, tradisional menunjukkan efek samping dan efek dari penggunaan kalsium
keripik jagung, dan kulit taco, di antara banyak lainnya. hidroksida tingkat tinggi, yang bereaksi dengan polifenol perikarp
menghasilkan warna yang tidak dapat diterima dan karakteristik sensorik
Beberapa masalah yang dihadapi dalam produksi massal adalah negatif lainnya dari masa dan tortilla. Melepaskan pericarp selama
volume air yang besar, dan tingginya kadar padatan terlarut (3–15%), pemasakan alkalin umumnya diinginkan, terutama untuk jagung
yang dibuang selama memasak dan mencuci nixtamal (Bressani, komersial di industri kami (Bedolla dkk., 1983; Jackson dkk.,
1958; Jackson dkk.,
1988; P fl ugfelder dkk., 1988; Gomez-Aldapa dkk., 1988; P fl ugfelder dkk., 1988). Namun, Bressani (1960) menunjukkan bahwa
1999). Akibat proses ini, beberapa nutrisi hilang, termasuk vitamin, lemak, secara proporsional lebih banyak niasin dalam jagung ditemukan di pericarp.
protein, serat makanan dan beberapa mineral (Bressani, 1958; Bressani dkk., 1972;Fakta ini penting karena selama pemasakan alkali pericarp dibuang dan 17%
Gomez-Aldapa dkk., seribu sembilan ratus sembilan puluh enam; Figueroa dkk., niacinnya hilang (Bressani, 1958; Bressani & Scrimshaw, 1958). Namun,
2001, 2003; Maya-Cortes dkk., 2010). Selain itu, terdapat beberapa kesulitan pengobatan jagung dengan kapur tampaknya memperbaiki sebagian
lingkungan dengan adanya nejayote, polutan yang memiliki pH basa tinggi ketidakseimbangan niacin. Sementara itu, beberapa penulis menemukan
dan menyebabkan pembentukan kerak. bahwa hanya dengan merebus jagung memiliki efek yang sama seperti
perlakuan kapur pada niasin 'terikat' atau ketersediaan asam amino (Pearson dkk.,
1957; Brressani
* Koresponden: Fax: +52.442.2119938;
e-mail: j fi dkk., 1961). Baru-baru ini, dengan penggunaan garam kalsium sebagai a

doi: 10.1111 / j.1365-2621.2011.02878.x

! 2011 Para Penulis. Jurnal Internasional Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan! Institut Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan 2011
Proses nixtamalisasi ekologis baru untuk produksi tortilla EMC Carrera dkk. 565

substitusi kapur dalam proses nixtamalisation, masalah teknologi ini Bahan-bahan serta seluruh bahan jagung yang diperoleh dari
telah terpecahkan. Masa dan tortilla menunjukkan warna bersih dan proses nixtamalisasi ekologis dan membandingkannya dengan
karakteristik sensorik yang sangat baik (Figueroa dkk., 2006), dan produk yang diperoleh dari proses nixtamalisasi tradisional.
kualitas nutrisinya juga meningkat, seperti yang terlihat pada tikus
yang diberi makan tortilla dari proses tradisional atau tortilla komersial
(Maya-Cortés dkk., 2010).
Bahan dan metode

Berkenaan dengan pencemaran, ada beberapa penelitian yang dilakukan untuk

menyelidiki cara pembuangan alternatif atau penggunaan kembali aliran produk sampingan
massal. Di antara mereka, González-Martı́nez (1984) menyelidiki empat opsi perawatan Jagung putih keras endosperm komersial diperoleh di pasar
biologis untuk nejayote pada skala laboratorium, termasuk pemrosesan lumpur aktif, komersial di Queretaro, México. Itu disimpan pada suhu 4 "C, dan
pemrosesan kontak anaerobik, perawatan kaskade film tetap aerobik terendam dan kelembaban relatif adalah 65-100%
perawatan tempat tidur kemasan anaerobik. VelascoMartinez dkk. ( 1997) menyelidiki kapur terhidrasi atau kalsium hidroksida Ca (OH) 2 dan garam:
kesesuaian penerapan padatan nejayote dalam pakan ayam pedaging unggas dan tidak kalsium klorida CaCl 2, kalsium sulfat CaSO 4,
menemukan perbedaan dalam kinerja pertumbuhan antara diet kontrol dan diet yang kalsium karbonat CaCO 3 dan kalsium asetat Ca (CH 3-
menggunakan padatan ini. Rosentrater (2001) menyelidiki penerapan ekstrusi bahan ini MENDEKUT) 2 mereka 97–99% kemurnian dan food grade.
untuk mengembangkan nilai tambah bahan pakan ternak, baik pada skala laboratorium
dan skala percontohan. Pilihan lain untuk mengolah limbah nejayote telah diterapkan dan
Proses nixtamalisasi tradisional
mencakup pemrosesan ulang, daur ulang, pembakaran, pengomposan, produksi energi
dari biomassa, aplikasi ke lahan sebagai pengkondisi tanah dan penggunaan kembali Untuk mendapatkan fl kami, biji jagung diproses dengan metode
sebagai aditif untuk pakan ternak (Rosentrater, 2006). Namun, tidak ada metodologi tradisional: 1 kg dimasak dengan dua liter air dan 1,0% (w ⁄ w) kalsium
perawatan untuk mengatasi kontaminasi nejayote yang disebutkan sebelumnya, atau hidroksida hingga 90 "C selama 23 menit, dan biji-bijian yang dimasak
perawatan lain yang dilaporkan untuk air limbah sayuran (Arvanitoyannis & Varzakas, direndam selama 16 jam pada suhu kamar. Minuman keras atau
2008), limbah jagung dan beras (Arvanitoyannis & Tserkezou, 2008a) dan gandum dan nejayote dikumpulkan, dan nixtamal dari proses tradisional dibilas.
gandum (Arvanitoyannis & Tserkezou, 2008b), menyarankan penggunaan zat selain kapur, Nixtamal digiling dalam a stone mill untuk mendapatkan masa baru.
kecuali yang mengubah pH untuk meningkatkan biodegradasi limbah dan yang umumnya Masa tersebut dilewatkan melalui pengering abu pada suhu 260 "C
diterapkan pada langkah akhir pemrosesan karena fungsinya berbeda-beda. Dalam selama 4 detik untuk mendapatkan masa dehidrasi. Selanjutnya, kain
penelitian ini digunakan garam kalsium, yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan ini digiling di penggilingan (Pulvex-200 México DF México)
untuk pembuatan keju, tahu dan untuk meningkatkan kandungan kalsium pada susu. menggunakan kepala palu dan saringan jaring 0,5 mm.
Dalam kasus khusus ini, diusulkan untuk mengaplikasikannya saat memasak jagung
sebagai pengganti kalsium hidroksida selama proses nixtamalisation untuk menghilangkan
limbah padat nejayote (Figueroa menyarankan penggunaan zat selain kapur, kecuali yang
mengubah pH untuk meningkatkan biodegradasi limbah dan yang umumnya diterapkan
Proses nixtamalisasi ekologis
pada tahap akhir pemrosesan karena fungsinya berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan
garam kalsium, yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan untuk pembuatan keju, Tepung diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode baru menurut
tahu dan untuk meningkatkan kandungan kalsium pada susu. Dalam kasus khusus ini, Figueroa dkk. ( 2006). Jeruk nipis diganti dengan garam kalsium
diusulkan untuk mengaplikasikannya saat memasak jagung sebagai pengganti kalsium untuk mendapatkan biji-bijian utuh. 1 kg jagung dimasak selama 23
hidroksida selama proses nixtamalisation untuk menghilangkan limbah padat nejayote menit dengan 2 L air dan 1% (w ⁄ w) of one of the selected calcium
(Figueroa menyarankan penggunaan zat selain kapur, kecuali yang mengubah pH untuk salts such as calcium chloride, calcium carbonate, calcium sulphate
meningkatkan biodegradasi limbah dan yang umumnya diterapkan pada tahap akhir and calcium acetate; the cooked grains were steeped for 16 h at
pemrosesan karena fungsinya berbeda. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan garam kalsium, room temperature. The pericarp-free water was separated from the
yang banyak digunakan dalam industri makanan untuk pembuatan keju, tahu dan untuk grain, and the liquor (nejayote) was collected. The nixtamal was
meningkatkan kandungan kalsium pada susu. Dalam kasus khusus ini, diusulkan untuk milled in a stone mill to obtain the masa. The masa was dehydrated
in a flash dryer
mengaplikasikannya saat memasak jagung sebagai pengganti kalsium hidroksida selama proses nixtamalisation untukat 260 "C and
menghilangkan ground
limbah padatin a mill(Figueroa
nejayote (Pulvex-200 México
yang banyak dimanfaatkan dalam industri makanan u
Proses nixtamalisation ekologis dipatenkan oleh Figueroa dkk. ( 2006) D.F. México) using a hammer head and a 0.5mm mesh screen.
tampaknya menghindari pencemaran cairan masak atau nejayote
dengan residu kulit buah, karena garam kalsium tidak menghidrolisis
kulit buah jagung seperti halnya kapur. Ini memberi jagung hasil
tinggi fl produk kami, serta meningkatkan kualitas gizi dan reologi
(Figueroa dkk., 2006). Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk
Physico-chemical analysis of nejayote
mengurangi atau menghilangkan pencemaran produk limbah,
terutama pericarp, yang dihasilkan dari cairan pemasakan atau The following analyses were performed on the nejayote liquor from
nejayote dalam proses nixtamalisasi. Tujuan lainnya adalah untuk both treatments with lime and the calcium salts. The pH was
mengevaluasi komposisi kimia nejayote tersebut measured (Method 02-52 AACC,
1997); the percentage of dry solids was measured according to the
norm NMX-FF034-2002-SCFI; the

! 2011 The Authors International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2012
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566 New ecological nixtamalisation process for tortilla production E.M.C. Carrera et al.

moisture was analysed according to the Method AACC 44-19, ash Table 1 Physical properties and organic matter content in the cooking water of calcium

according to Method AACC 08-03, fat according to Method AACC salts and lime from the nixtamalisation process*

30-25, protein according to Method AACC 46-13 and dietary fibre

Parameter † Ca(OH) 2 CaCl 2 CaCO 3 CaSO 4 Ca(CH 3 COO) 2
according to the method reported by Prosky et al. ( 1988).
Water recovery (mL) 735b 997a 930ab 950ab 890ab
pH 11.9a 5.5bc 6.4b 5.8c 6.5b
Nejayote losses (%) 3.2a 1.2c 1.2c 1.4b 1.4b
Nejayote solids Soluble solid (g L) 1) 33.7a 13.2b 12.5b 14.8b 14.5b
Remaining after drying 23.9a nejayote 13.0b 12.1b 14.1b 13.9b
All recovered cooking water-containing solids were evaporated at 50
slurry (g)
"C. The concentrated solids were freeze-dried in a Labconco
freeZone 4.5 (vacuum 0.090 mBar, collect )52 "C chamber hiC) for Mean values with a different letter in the same row are statistically different ( P < 0.05) ( n = 2).
12 h to remove the excess water and obtain a dry sample. The
sample obtained was kept in polyethylene tubes for subsequent * Lime and calcium salt were used at 1% in the cooking water.
† Dry weight.

pH values close to neutral, especially CaCO 3 and

Environmental scanning electron microscopy
Ca(CH 3 COO) 2, both being obtained from weak acids. The treatment
To study the nixtamalised corn grain morphology, an environmental accomplished with CaCl 2 had a pH value
scanning electron microscope (ESEM; Philips model XL30) with a similar to CaSO 4.
beam of 20 kV (50 l A) and a gaseous secondary electron (GSE) For traditional nixtamalisation with lime, several
detector was used. The images were taken at 350x, 1 torr, and a spot authors reported strongly alkaline wastewater. TrejoGonzález et al. ( 1982)
size of reported a pH range from 10.5 to
4.6 to observe the pericarp layer (Narváez-González 11.2 with different varieties of corn; González-Martı́nez (1984)
et al., 2006). One of the parts was selected and cut with a diamond reported pH from 11.5 to 11.6; Ibarra-Mendı́vil
blade disk of a deformation-free cutting machine (Acuttom-5 et al. ( 2008) reported a pH value of 11.0. The pH values depend on
Struers). the lime concentration, the removal of the excess lime after cooking
the corn and the rinsing step, which may reduce the pH to about 8.5.
The present research uses calcium salts that do not have to be
Statistical analysis
rinsed, and the pH remains relatively neutral. According to
Data are presented as the mean of two determinations. A Maya-Cortés et al. ( 2010), the relatively neutral pH values with the
randomised complete block design was used. The treatments with use of calcium salts may be an advantage given the strong alkaline
calcium salts and lime were considered as the blocks. Significant conditions that occur with the traditional process, which can cause
differences were measured by fouling of drain pipes and also costly waste and wastewater disposal
anova and Tukey analysis ( P < 0.05) using the statistical package problems.
SAS 9.2 (SAS Institute, 2009).

An important economic issue in the tortilla industry is the nejayote

Results and discussion
losses. The traditional nixtamalisation process showed 3.2% (Table
1). The nejayote losses from the ecological variants ranged from
Physico-chemical properties of nixtamalisation wastewater effluents
1.2% to 1.4%; for the treatment with calcium salts, all values were
significantly different ( P < 0.05) with respect to the traditional
The tortilla industry employs large amounts of water, which is later process. The highest nejayote loss for the
discarded with its load of organic solutes and calcium. Table 1
shows the content of recovered water from the traditional ecological process variants was for Ca(CH 3 COO) 2.
nixtamalisation process Bedolla et al. ( 1983), Gómez et al. ( 1987) and Pflugfel-
(Ca(OH) 2) and several variants of the ecological nixtamalisation der et al. ( 1988) reported values from 2.0% to 12.5%. The extremely
process, where no differences were detected wide range in the published data may be a consequence of the high
except for the CaCl 2 treatment that showed higher water recovery ( P degree of inconsistency between the process parameters used in
< 0.05) than the traditional process. Poor each of these studies. The corn dry matter losses that occur during
water recovery values were also found by Trejo-González et al. ( 1982), nixtamalisation are primarily influenced by several key processing
who measured 620 mL using the traditional process with lime and parameters, including corn hybrid, endosperm hardness, kernel
normal corn. quality, cooking and steeping times and temperatures. When cooking
The nejayote liquor from the traditional process shown in Table 1 sound kernels, the combined effects of lime and heat degrade the
presented differences ( P < 0.05) from the variants of the ecological waxy pericarp cover.
process that showed low

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New ecological nixtamalisation process for tortilla production E.M.C. Carrera et al. 567

Most of the solid losses from the sound kernels occur during the Regarding fat content, the lowest value (Table 2) was
washing step because of the removal of the kernel outer layers. In for the CaCl 2 variant and was statistically different ( P < 0.05) from all
commercial operations, the stirring, pumping and washing are other variants of the ecological
responsible for most of the dry matter losses that occur after cooking process, including the traditional process. The highest
(Almeida Domı́nguez et al., 1998; Rosentrater, 2006). Regarding the values for loss of fat were for CaSO 4 and for
soluble solids, the traditional process with lime had 33.7 g L) 1 that Ca(CH 3 COO) 2, which did not have a significant difference between
was significantly different ( P < 0.05) from the values of the ecological them ( P < 0.05). In the traditional
process variants that had a range of 12.5–14.8 g L) 1 ( Table 1). process, the fat range reported was from 0.74% to
Velasco-Martı́nez et al. ( 1997) reported 50.00 g L) 1 that is a higher 5.76% (Rosentrater et al., 1999), while Velasco-Martı́nez et al. ( 1997)
value than those found in this research, probably due to longer reported 0.49% and Maya-Cortés et al.
cooking time. Trejo-González (2010) reported 0.12%. Nutritionally, nixtamalisation by-products
have been shown to be very low in fat (Rosentrater, 2006). The
protein content of the nejayote liquor showed a large variability,
et al. ( 1982) reported a value of 17.00 g L) 1. which may be due to the solubility effect of different salts and lime
The remainder after drying the nejayote slurry from the traditional with the proteins. The values found ranged from 2.9% in the
process was 23.9 g, with significant differences compared to the
treatment with calcium salts that ranged from 12.1 to 14.1 g. traditional process to 5.0% for CaCl 2, with some
significant differences. Velasco-Martı́nez et al. ( 1997)
Table 2 shows the chemical composition of the nejayote solids. reported 7.42%, Pflugfelder et al. ( 1988) 1.3–2.2% and Rosentrater et
The variants of the ecological process with calcium salts and the al. ( 1999) 4.76–4.90%. These losses of protein have been reported
traditional process with lime showed no significant difference ( P < 0.05) for a commercial alkaline cooking operation. Almeida Domı́nguez et
in ash al. ( 1998) indicated that the variability was because of the use of
content, except the treatment with CaCl 2 that showed high protein corn and advised the application of minimum cooking
differences with the traditional process and CaSO 4 during commercial processing to achieve high product yield.
variant. Recently, Maya-Cortés et al. ( 2010) reported According to the Hofmeister (lyotropic) series, anions coupled with
47.29% with respect to the treatment with CaSO 4. For the traditional constant cations, for instance calcium (Ca++), increased the
process, Almeida-Domı́nguez & Millán solubility of
(1986) reported 23.15% of ash. Velasco-Martı́nez et al.
(1997), Rosentrater et al. ( 1999) and Maya-Cortés et al. protein in the order SO 2)< CH 43 COO)<Cl) (Jane & Ames, 1993; Zhang
(2010) reported a wide range from 17.41% to 23.15%. Most of the & Cremer, 2006). This solubility
ash is probably due to the presence of residual calcium from the effect could explain the values of protein obtained in nejayote from
nixtamalisation process (Rosentrater, 2006). the variants of the ecological process,
where CaCl 2 showed the highest protein loss value. Related to the
total dietary fibre, as expected, the
losses in nejayote were significantly greater using the
Table 2 Chemical composition of nejayote solids from the nixtamalisation process using
traditional process. The total dietary fibre losses were lower for the
lime and calcium salts*
variants of the ecological process with
Parameter † Ca(OH) 2 CaCl 2 CaCO 3 CaSO 4 Ca(CH 3 COO) 2 significant differences compared with the traditional process with
lime ( P < 0.05). Most of the total dietary fibre in the traditional
Ash (%) 31.2b 45.6a 40.5ab 34.1b 40.5ab process that went to the nejayote was soluble fibre (30.4%),
Fat (%) 0.3b 0.2c 0.4b 0.9a 0.9a
compared with the ecological variants that ranged from 6.2% to
Protein (%) 2.9b 5.0a 3.1ab 3.9ab 4.4ab
7.9%, a significant difference. The content of insoluble fibre for the
Total dietary 41.2a 19.6bc 23.6b 15.6bc 10.8c
variants with calcium salts ranged from 3.2% to 17.4%, and the
fibre (TDF)%
Soluble dietary 30.4a 7.9b 6.2b 7.9b 7.6b
fibre (%) nixtamalisation with Ca(OH) 2 showed 10.8%. The
Insoluble dietary 10.8abc 11.6ab 17.4a 7.8bc 3.2c highest insoluble fibre was for the treatment with
fibre (%) CaCO 3 and the lowest value was for the treatment with Ca(CH 3 COO) 2,
Extract free of 24.4 29.6 32.4 45.5 43.4 which were significantly different
nitrogen! ( P < 0.05), including the case with CaSO 4.
Several authors indicated that the vast majority of dry
Mean values with a different letter in the same row are statistically different ( P < 0.05) ( n = 2).
nejayote solids are carbohydrate molecules (GonzálezMartı́nez,
* Lime and calcium salt were used at 1% in the cooking water.
1984; Rosentrater, 2006). These are primarily fibrous constituents,
† Dry weight. especially cellulose and hemicelluloses, and most of the
! Extract free of nitrogen: 100)(ash + fat + protein + total dietary fibre). TDF, total dietary fibre (IDF + contaminants, organic or inorganic, are found in a soluble form
SDF); IDF, insoluble fibre; SDF, soluble dietary fibre. (González-Martı́nez, 1984; Rosentrater, 2006). Carvajal-Millán et al. ( 2007)

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568 New ecological nixtamalisation process for tortilla production E.M.C. Carrera et al.

and Niño-Medina et al. ( 2009) reported the arabinoxylan gum reported 8.34–9.64%. These values match those found in flours
composition of traditional nejayote solids on a dry basis originating elaborated with the ecological process with calcium salts.
from the pericarp. They found that these nejayote solids were Flores-Farı́as et al. ( 2002) reported a range of 9.2–10.27% in
74–81% of arabinoxylans, commercial flour samples. This is slightly above the range observed
5.1% of glucose, 3.7% of galactose, 0.6% of mannose, in this study because of the protein content in the corn kernel, and
4.5% of protein, 5.1% of ash, 0.23% of ferulic acid, also, the salts probably solubilise a greater amount of protein. In
0.58% of diferulic acid and 0.3% of triferulic acid. It was assumed addition, the percentage of fibre content in whole corn flour was
that glucose was not coming from starch because the aleurone layer significantly higher compared with the traditional flour and the raw
kept these chemical compounds in the endosperm. Saulnier et al. ( 1993) corn (Table 3). The average content for total dietary fibre (TDF) in
reported cellulose ⁄ arabinoxylan mixtures alkali extracted with yields the variants of the ecological process was 19.4%, insoluble fibre
of 60% from which about 50% were heteroxylans and 20% cellulose. (IDF) of 16.5% and soluble dietary fibre (SDF) of 2.9%. The value for
the traditional method for TDF, IDF and SDF had a significant
difference ( P < 0.05) from the variants of the ecological process.
Several authors reported a similar increment in TDF in flours and
corn-based products (Martı́nez-Flores et al., 2002; Gutiérrez-Dorado et
Chemical properties of the traditional and whole corn flours
al., 2008). Martı́nez-Flores et al. ( 2002) reported a 36.2% increment
The ash content in the samples showed no significant in dietary fibre for tortilla from extruded masa with respect to the raw
difference ( P < 0.05), except Ca(CH 3 COO) 2 flour that was different corn and 49.10% greater than tortilla from traditional nixtamalisation.
from the raw corn (Table 3). Flores-Farı́as Gutiérrez-Dorado et al. ( 2008) found values of dietary fibre in raw
et al. ( 2002) reported ash content in commercial flour samples with corn of 13.18%, in the traditional nixtamalisation process 9.06% and
values from 1.28% to 1.44%. Bressani for nixtamalisation with extrusion of 15.54%, similar to those found in
et al. ( 2001) reported 1.75% in commercial nixtamalised corn flours, the present research. Rendón-Villalobos et al. ( 2002) indicated that
which is a value higher than that found in whole corn flours. part of that fibre in corn-based products is because of the formation
of resistant starch, while Martı́nez-Flores et al. ( 2002) indicated that
The fat content in the whole corn flour was 4.4–5.3% and had no the increase in dietary fibre was attributable to the fact that there
significant differences ( P < 0.05) with the traditional process (Table was no loss of pericarp. Rooney & Serna-Saldı́var (1987) mentioned
3). Palacios-Fonseca et al. that cooking corn with the alkaline thermal process results in
(2009) reported 3.89–4.13%. The protein content of the flours from the changes in proteins and dietary fibre. According to Gutiérrez-Cortez et
ecological process showed values of 8.5– al. ( 2010), the combination of heat and alkali during traditional
8.9% with no significant difference ( P < 0.05) with respect to the nixtamalisation acts aggressively on the outer layers of the pericarp
traditional process. Ayala-Rodrı́guez and promotes partial removal of hemicelluloses and partial lignin
et al. ( 2009) reported that the protein content of commercial from the fibre matrix of the pericarp. In contrast, in the EP, the matrix
nixtamalised corn flours was similar to that of raw corn (7–12%). of the pericarp is retained in the nixtamalised whole grains, as
Palacios-Fonseca et al. ( 2009) illustrated in Fig. 1. These values were higher than those reported by
Bressani et al. ( 2001) whose value for TDF was

Table 3 Chemical composition of raw corn meal and the whole corn flour obtained with
calcium salts and traditional process with lime*

Parameter † Corn Ca(OH) 2 CaCl 2 CaCO 3 CaSO 4 Ca(CH 3 COO) 2

Ash (%) 1.3ab 1.4ab 1.3ab 1.3ab 1.4ab 1.5a

Fat (%) 5.3a 5.0a 5.0a 4.8a 4.6a 4.4a
Protein (%) 8.9a 8.6a 8.4a 8.5a 8.9a 8.9a
10.24%, IDF was 8.12% and SDF was 2.11%. The differences
Total dietary 15.6d 12.4e 19.8b 18.4c 18.2c 21.3a between these data could be in the measurement methods, the
fibre (TDF) % nature of the corn and the process to obtain the flour. The high value
Insoluble dietary 12.9c 9.4d 16.6ab 15.2bc 15.4bc 18.9a of the dietary fibre content denotes the recovery of pericarp. The
fibre (%) range for the whole corn flour was from 18.2% to 21.3% in total fibre
Soluble dietary 2.7a 2.9a 3.2a 3.3a 2.8a 2.4a content. These values were significantly different ( P < 0.05) from the
fibre (%) traditional corn flour with lime and were a result of the use of calcium
salts. In the flour, the insoluble fibre is only because of the presence
Mean values with a different letter in the same row are statistically different ( P < 0.05) ( n = 2).
of pericarp, and the range for the whole corn flour was from 15.2%
* Lime and calcium salt were used at 1% in the cooking water. to 18.9%, which was significantly different ( P < 0.05) from the
† Dry weight.
traditional process.
TDF, total dietary fibre (IDF + SDF); IDF, insoluble fibre; SDF, soluble dietary fibre.

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New ecological nixtamalisation process for tortilla production E.M.C. Carrera et al. 569

(a) variants may retain most of the pericarp layer in the nixtamal. The
calcium chloride nixtamal variant showed a pericarp thickness of
about 70 l m. The lime did not attack the aleurone layer that is the last
barrier found in
traditional nixtamal. Ca(OH) 2 is an alkali that dissolved the cellulose
and hemicellulose compounds found in the
pericarp layer, while the calcium salts and weak acids did not attack
these compounds.


On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that the new

ecological process reduced the losses of dry matter in the nejayote
(b) by 50%, with the pH close to neutrality. These results were possible
because the calcium salts used did not attack the corn pericarp. The
pericarp in the traditional alkaline cooking process was completely
lost to the nejayote waste. As a result of the use of calcium salts,
higher total dietary fibre was retained in whole corn flours made from
the ecological process compared with flour from the traditional
process. Also, owing to the low soluble solids and neutral pH of
nejayote from the ecological process, this waste is less
contaminating to the environment, and the cost of effluent
management could be reduced.

(c) Acknowledgments

The authors wish to acknowledge the Ph D scholarship from

CONACYT to Elsa Marı́a Campechano Carrera. Also, we wish to
acknowledge Juan Véles and Marcela Gaytán from CINVESTAV
Querétaro for their technical assistance.


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