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1. After administering an English test some students a teacher make a list as


1. Ali: 60; 2. Budi: 50; 3.Tono: 70; 4. Mary: 80; 5. Billy:  40; 6. Mery: 60; 7. Ani: 80;
8. Uly: 50; 9. Viktor: 40; 10. Lusi: 40

The teacher announced that all of the students failed. 

Question:  Explain which of the teacher's activities belong (1) measuring, (2)
Evaluating, (3) what approach he used in taking his decision. Elaborate your


Teachers’ activities belong to measuring is when……………

Teachers’ activities belong to measuring is when…………….

Penilaian acuan kriteria/patokan berasumsi bahwa kemampuan belajar semua

peserta didik adalah sama untuk periode waktu yang berbeda. Tingkat kemampuan
belajar antar peserta didik berbeda, ada yang relatif cepat dapat menyerap materi
ajar, tetapi ada juga yang membutuhkan waktu yang relatif lebih lama. Hal ini
membawa implikasi bahwa untuk membuat kemampuan semua peserta didik dalam
satu kelas relatif sama atau memenuhi kriteria minimal diperlukan upaya-upaya
pembelajaran yang relevan. Salah satu program pembelajaran yang digunakan
untuk membawa peserta didik memiliki kompetensi memenuhi kriteria minimal
adalah program remidial. pengukuran adalah proses pemberian angka atau bentuk
kuntitatif pada objek-objek atau kejadian-kejadian menurut sesuatu aturan yang
ditetapkan. Artinya, proses pemberian bentuk kuantitatif dalam pengukuran
dilakukan atas dasar ketentuan atau aturan yang sudah disusun secara cermat.
Dengan demikian, bentuk angka atau bilangan yang dikenakan kepada objek yang
diukur dapat mempresentasikan secara kuantitatif sifat-sifat objek tersebut.
Berdasarkan deskripsi di atas dapat dikemukakan bahwa pengukuran pada
padasarnya adalah proses memberi bentuk kuantitatif pada atribut seseorang,
kelompok atau objek-objek lainnya berdasarkan aturan-aturan atau formulasi yang
jelas. Artinya, dalam memberi angka atau sekor pada subjek, objek atau kejadian
harus menggunakan aturan-aturan atau formula yang jelas dan sudah disepakati
bersama.Hal ini dimaksudkan agar angka atau sekor yang diberikan betul-betul
dapat menggambarkan kondisi yang sesungguhnya dari orang, obyek, kejadian
yang diukur. Semakin jauh seseorang meninggalkan aturan-aturan pengukuran
maka semakin besar kesalahan pengukuran yang terjadi.

2. "Validity" and "Reliability" are two requirements that a good test should
fulfill. (a) What is meant by each of them? (b) Write the differences between.  

The qualities of a test includes its validity and reability. Thus a good test must
possess both of the qualities. Validitas dan reliabilitas adalah parameter penelitian
dan tes. Therefore, so that research can be used, these two aspects must be
availabe. The discussion will cover the meaning and the differences between validity
and reliability.

1. Validity

Validity means test’s ability to measure what must be measured or ability to

test what must to be tested. To be able to measure what must be
measured, a test concerns with what to test, how to test, and how far the
test result can be related to the real abilities of the students. In other words,
validity covers three matters, namely: content validity, face validity, and
empirical validity.

2. Reliability

Reability simply means the stability of the test score. A test can not
measure anything well unless it measures consistently. For example, If we
tested a group on Tuesday instead of Monday, If we gave two parallel tests
to the same group on Monday and on Tuesday, If we scored a test on
Tusday instead of Monday, If two scorers are involved and approximately
the same result are obtained, it means that our test is reliable.

The differences between validity and reliability based on:

1. The Function:

 Reliability is used as an indicator in trusting the value of a test because it has

 Validity is used as the development and evaluation of a test. In addition,
validity is also needed to determine the feasibility of the items in a question
construct in defining a variable.

2. The Kinds:

Validity consists of 3 types of measurements, including:

1. Content validity: is the test ability to measure the abilities / competencies /
indicators which must be mastered by the students. therefore the proposed
items, questions, or task should represent the ability of the test measure their
abilities / competencies / indicators.
2. Emperical Validity
Is the actual effectiveness of a test to determine how test scores can be
related to some independent outside criteria. For example: if the students get
good score on speaking test, then he/she must be proficient in speaking in the
real situation.
3. Face Validity
Is the way the test looks to the examinees, test administrators, educators, and
the like. Face falidity is the extent to which students wiew the assessment as
fair, relevant, and useful for improving learning.

Reliability consists of two types, including:

1. Reliability of response consistency: respondents question whether the

respondent's response or object of measurement to the test or instrument is
good or consistent. In this case, if a test or instrument is used to take
measurements of a measuring object, then a re-measurement is made of the
same measuring object, whether the result is still the same as the previous
2. Reliability of the combined consistency of items: is related to the stability
between the items of a test. In other words, for the same measuring object,
whether the measurement results for one item do not contradict the results of
measuring other items.

3. How to measure Realibility and Validity


     Instrument reliability testing can be done internally and externally. Internally,

reliability can be tested by analyzing the consistency of the items in the instrument
with internal consistency techniques. Externally, testing can be done in the following
ways: Test-retest. Test-retest testing was done by testing the same instrument
several times on the same respondent, but it was done at different times. Reliability
is measured from the correlation coefficient between the first experiment and the
next. If the correlation coefficient is positive and significant, the instrument has been
declared reliable.

The method of testing validity is as follows:

1. Testing of construct validity
Testing of construct validity can use the opinions of experts regarding the
aspects to be measured. Then an instrument trial is performed on a sample of
the population to be used. After the data is tabulated, then testing construct
construct validity is done by factor analysis, which is by correlating between
the scores of instrument items in a factor, and correlating factor scores with
total scores. Testing the validity of all instrument items in one variable can
also be done by looking for a distinguishing score for each item from the
group that gives high and low answers. The distinguishing analysis test can
use a t-test.
2. Testing content validity
For instruments in the form of tests, testing content validity is done by
comparing the contents of the instrument with the subject matter that has
been taught. On the other hand, testing the content validity of an instrument
that will measure the effectiveness of program implementation can be done by
comparing the contents of the instrument with the content or design that has
been set. To test the validity of further instrument items, then after consulting
with experts, then tested, and carried out item analysis or different tests.
3. Testing external validity
This testing is done by comparing (to find similarities) between the criteria that
exist in the instrument with empirical facts that occur in the field. If there are
similarities, it can be stated that the instrument has high external validity.

4. Result

The results of the study are valid if there are similarities between the data collected
and the data that actually occurs in the object under study, while the results of the
study are reliable if there are similarities in the data at different times. On the other
hand, a valid instrument means that the instrument used to obtain data can measure
what should be measured, while a reliable instrument is an instrument that when
used several times to measure the same object can produce the same data.

5. When is validity and reliability said high or low?

Reliability is said to be high if the measurement results generated from the test do
not show a large difference over time. The validity of a test can be said to have high
validity if the test performs its measuring function or provides accurate and accurate
measurement results in accordance with the objectives of the measurement. A test
that does not produce relevant data in accordance with the objectives of the test, the
validity of the test is low.

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