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Volume 9, Number 4, 2009

ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089=ast.2008.0281

Forum Article

The Search for Alien Life in Our Solar System:

Strategies and Priorities

Robert Shapiro1 and Dirk Schulze-Makuch2


With the assumption that future attempts to explore our Solar System for life will be limited by economic
constraints, we have formulated a series of principles to guide future searches: (1) the discovery of life that has
originated independently of our own would have greater significance than evidence for panspermia; (2) an
unambiguous identification of living beings (or the fully preserved, intact remains of such beings) is more
desirable than the discovery of markers or fossils that would inform us of the presence of life but not its
composition; (3) we should initially seek carbon-based life that employs a set of monomers and polymers
substantially different than our own, which would effectively balance the need for ease of detection with that of
establishing a separate origin; (4) a ‘‘follow-the-carbon’’ strategy appears optimal for locating such alternative
carbon-based life.
In following this agenda, we judge that an intensive investigation of a small number of bodies in our Solar
System is more likely to succeed than a broad-based survey of a great number of worlds. Our priority for
investigation is (1) Titan, (2) Mars, (3) Europa. Titan displays a rich organic chemistry and offers several alter-
native possibilities for the discovery of extant life or the early stages that lead to life. Mars has already been
subjected to considerable study through landers and orbiters. Although only small amounts of methane testify to
the inventory of reduced carbon on the planet, a number of other indicators suggest that the presence of microbial
life is a possibility. Care will be needed, of course, to distinguish indigenous life from that which may
have spread by panspermia. Europa appears to contain a subsurface ocean with the possibility of hydrother-
mal vents as an energy source. Its inventory of organic carbon is not yet known. Key Words: Separate
origin—Panspermia—Follow the carbon—Cosmic evolution—Titan—Mars—Earth—Origin of life. Astrobiology
9, 335–343.

Motivations for the Search for Extraterrestrial Life geochemical circumstances of early Earth. If the latter should
be the case (and a number of laboratory simulations suggest

T he most important scientific discovery likely to be

found in our Solar System would be that of a separate
origin of life: life that has arisen from inanimate matter in an
that this is so), then our encounter with the details of an al-
ternative biochemistry would produce a true scientific revo-
lution. We would learn, for example, whether genetic polymers
event quite distinct from our own origin. Currently, our entire could function with alternative backbones and recognition el-
science of biology derives from the life we know, which ap- ements, or we might even encounter life with a compositional
pears to have originated from a single ancestor or event. Under genome: life that carried genetic information without em-
these circumstances, we cannot be sure as to which of our ploying polymers at all (Segré and Lancet, 2000).
components—the catalysts, membranes, genetic system, and Discoveries of this magnitude would not be likely if the
metabolism—are unique solutions to problems inherent in the life we encounter on another planet was found to have
very nature of life and which are local solutions dictated by the migrated from Earth (or vice versa) by some form of

Department of Chemistry, New York University, New York, New York.
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington.


panspermia (Arrhenius, 1903; Raulin-Cerceau et al., 1998). Strategy and Tactics in the Search
Such a discovery would have considerable interest, particu- for Extraterrestrial Life
larly if the migration event was ancient, and we would learn
What overall strategy should be adopted in the search for
how some early branch of our tree of life had adapted to
life? We assume that the resources of nations interested in the
alien circumstances. If the migration took place after life
search for alien life will be limited in the future. Problems
began but before it reached that stage of evolution known as
created by increasing population, dwindling resources, and
the last common ancestor, then it is possible that some clues
changing climate will consume an increasing share of national
about the origin of our kind of life would be gained. How-
budgets. As the financial pressure grows, the exploration of
ever, even such provocative insights would pale before those
our Solar System will offer a tempting target for budget cuts
that would arise from the study of truly alien life-forms.
(e.g., Lawler, 2008). To maximize the chance of success, defi-
Enthusiasm about the possibility of extraterrestrial life
nite priorities must govern our search. We suggest the fol-
has been widespread for centuries, long before the bio-
lowing guidelines:
chemical nature of Earth life was understood (Dick, 1996). The
Copernican revolution, together with the achievements of
twentieth-century science, have altered our view of the Uni- (1) We must assume that the ‘‘Cosmic Evolution’’ hy-
verse. Formerly, humanity (and all life) was seen as occupying pothesis is valid, as it is the one that offers a fair prospect
center stage in the grand theater of existence. Now, we have of success. One extreme example of the other approach
recognized that our species occupies only a tiny fragment of can be found in a paper by Koonin (2007). He suggested that
an array of planets, stars, galaxies, galactic clusters, and per- life began with the spontaneous generation of a complete
haps even universes. replication and translation apparatus. To compensate for the
The discovery of a separate origin of life would also have a overwhelming improbability of such an occurrence, the au-
large impact on cosmology and philosophy. Claims have been thor accepted the cosmological idea of an infinite multi-
advanced that the value of the physical constants that govern universe, identifying our own universe and presumably this
the laws of the universe fall within a limited range that make planet as the one that drew the lucky card. If Koonin’s po-
our universe favorable for the generation of life (Davies, 1995, sition is correct, then any search for a separate origin would
2008). By a process often called ‘‘cosmic evolution,’’ (Chaisson, be fruitless, as we could only detect versions of our own life
2006), multiple appearances of life would be expected, even that have spread by panspermia.
inevitable, within this universe. The opposing viewpoint In selecting the cosmic evolution hypothesis and choosing
would hold that no such ‘‘fine tuning’’ of the physical con- to explore our own Solar System for life, we are then com-
stants exists and that even the appearance of our own form of pelled to favor origin theories that see life emerging gradually
life represents an extraordinarily improbable event, a near by the action of a flow of available free energy through an
miracle or an authentic miracle. According to this position, no appropriate chemical mixture rather than by the unlikely
other origins of life may be expected. To quote Nobel laureate appearance of a complete genetic apparatus or even a highly
Jacques Monod (1971): ‘‘The present structure of the biosphere structured self-replicating molecule (Shapiro, 2006). We must
far from excludes the possibility that the decisive event oc- assume that a variety of energy-rich environments will each
curred only once. Which would mean that its a priori proba- shape a self-organizing system in its own distinctive way.
bility was virtually zero.’’ Hypotheses of this type have most often been grouped under
If no alien life were discovered within our Solar System, the heading ‘‘metabolism-first’’ and been applied specifically
the idea of cosmic evolution would not necessarily be ne- to the origin of life on Earth. If we expect that our own origins
gated. The conditions for the origin of life might be subject to arose as a natural consequence of the laws of chemistry and
some limitations, with only one suitable planet qualifying in physics, then there is no reason why they should not work in
the vicinity of our Sun. The discovery of a second origin of suitable environments that may be very different from Earth
life within this Solar System, on the other hand, would (Kauffman, 1995).
provide strong evidence in favor of cosmic evolution and
would very likely lead to the conclusion that life is abundant (2) Seek a convincing answer. Conclusive evidence (a
within our universe. ‘‘smoking gun’’) is much more desirable than evidence that
The magnitude of the questions that would be answered if can be subjected to multiple interpretations. We have seen a
a separate origin of life were found, along with the rich har- number of disputes in the past that have lingered on without a
vest of biochemical information, would more than justify the clear resolution: the authenticity of 3.5-billion-year-old mi-
enormous costs of this quest. A substantial yield of practical crofossils from Western Australia (Dalton, 2002), the inter-
applications might also be expected. For example, consider- pretation of the Mars Viking results (Levin, 2007), and the
able efforts have been made to synthesize new protein en- existence of signs of martian life in the meteorite ALH84001
zymes with desirable properties (Robertson and Scott, 2007). (Knoll, 1998). To avoid further ambiguities, we propose that
What opportunities might appear if we were introduced to a the discovery of extant alien life should receive a much higher
different group of chemical catalysts whose structure had also priority than a search for microfossils or other markers that
been optimized by an extensive period of evolution? simply suggest the past presence of life. A specimen of func-
While this article is concerned with the search on other tioning alien life would also permit a comprehensive bio-
nearby worlds, we should not exclude the possibility that a chemical analysis sufficient to distinguish it from a branch of
separate origin of life may even exist on our home planet. Earth life.
This topic has been discussed in recent publications (Davies
and Lineweaver, 2005; Cleland and Copley, 2005; Davies (3) Choose a middle-of-the-road approach. To maximize
et al., 2009; Sleep, 2009). our chances, we must avoid for now the twin hazards of

searching for life that is too familiar or too exotic. As we Another principle put forward is ‘‘follow the energy’’ [e.g.,
have discussed, life that closely resembles our own at the bio- see papers in Astrobiology 7(6), also Schulze-Makuch and Ir-
chemical level is likely to be a product of panspermia rather win (2002a)]. An available flow of free energy is a prereq-
than a separate origin. For this reason, we should avoid terra- uisite for life (Morowitz, 1999), but it does not necessarily
centric assays based on familiar, complex terrestrial biochem- produce life. As is the case with solvents, the absence of any
icals such as ATP, Coenzyme A, nucleic acids, and proteins obvious energy source in a particular environment indicates
(Baross et al., 2007). Many excellent tests of this type have been that the particular environment is not a good place to search
developed for use in the study of our own biology, and it could for life, but the converse does not follow. A flow of solar
be tempting to pack them, with modifications to a hostile cli- energy has bathed the surface of our Moon for billions of
mate, aboard any future mission. Such efforts would essentially years, without any obvious signs of self-organization. For life
bias missions to prove panspermia: the broader strategy we to start, the energy source must be coupled productively
advocate below—authentic identification of a second origin of with a suitable chemical system.
life—would be based upon monomer analyses capable of de- If the goal of astrobiology is to search for alien life that uses
tecting both familiar and alternative carbon-based life without carbon compounds in its function but differs from Earth life
any built-in bias. in many other respects, then a discipline in which an enor-
At the other extreme, there has been a considerable mous reference database has been accumulated—organic
amount of informed speculation on the possibility of life chemistry—should play a key role in defining the search
based on minerals, silicones, and even more exotic ingredi- strategy.
ents (Feinberg and Shapiro, 1980; Bains, 2004; Benner et al., More than 35 million chemical compounds, primarily or-
2004; Schulze-Makuch and Irwin, 2004, 2006). The number of ganic, have been registered in the annals of Chemical Abstracts.
such possibilities, their diversity, and our unfamiliarity with Most of them are monomers (almost 60 million separate
their mode of function would make the design of an inclu- polymer sequences are listed). From this vast collection of
sive test for such life difficult. We propose to focus the search known monomers, only a few hundred have been selected for
for life to those forms of life that are based on carbon but use common employment throughout Earth life (Schuster, 2000).
a set of organic compounds clearly distinct from our own A principle we call ‘‘sparseness’’ can then be applied: in con-
[e.g., one that uses reversed chiral molecules, which, if dis- trast to the greater variety of organic compounds present in
covered, would settle a long-standing debate as to whether meteorites, only a limited number of compounds function in
the existing set of chiralities in Earth life is the result of metabolism or act as building blocks for membranes and
chance or of some inherent bias in natural law that favors biopolymers in Earth life.
one alternative (Keszthelyi, 1995)]. Once it is established that A workable assumption in searching for alien carbon-based
life is a form of self-expression of the laws of nature, rather life would be that the sparseness principle applies, but the set of
than a curious aberration of rare occurrence, then a more compounds chosen would differ in important respects. Life that
inclusive inventory of what is possible in the realm of life originated independently of Earth in a different geochemical
should be sought. environment would likely have selected different biopolymers
for metabolism. A strategy to recognize such life would then be
(4) Follow the carbon. Familiar life makes abundant use simple: identify locations where anomalous concentrations of
of carbon, with lesser contributions from phosphorus, ni- carbon compounds exist in amounts sufficient for analysis. In
trogen, sulfur, and a handful of other elements. Water is particular, an astrobiology strategy would be to search for a
necessary as the solvent of our choice for carrying out reac- unique pattern or ‘‘carbon signature’’ of organic monomers that
tions. Life requires energy, from prominent energy sources would not be expected to form through abiotic processes. In
such as the Sun, oxidation-reduction reactions, hydrolysis of those cases where a monomer could exhibit chirality, a mea-
energy-rich bonds, and (internally) the discharge of pH and surement of this property would be preferred. Though chiral
concentration gradients across a membrane (Gibson et al., enhancement can occur through abiotic processes (Pizzarello,
2008). In theory, any of these ingredients could be used in a 2007), the presence of only one enantiomer, or at least a pro-
search for extraterrestrial life. nounced chiral excess, could also be a sign of life.
Much of the astrobiological effort in recent years has been
based on a ‘‘follow the water’’ principle. Many lines of geo- (5) Patterns of monomers can provide evidence of alien
logical evidence have been used to support the past presence life. The bulk of carbon in Earth life is utilized in polymers of
of liquid water on Mars (Baker, 2007; Halevy et al., 2007); various types (notably proteins, nucleic acids, and polysac-
and, while some of this evidence has been disputed (Catling, charides) that act as catalysts and information and energy
2007; Kerr, 2007), a consensus appears to exist that Mars had storage molecules. Such polymers consist of a limited number
a wet era early in its history. The existence of an internal of monomer units arranged in a linear array with some vari-
ocean on Europa is accepted for the most part. Several other ation in the composition of the side chains. The arrangement
satellites are hypothesized to contain internal liquid water. of the units in polymers can be essential to their function.
With the discovery of hydrocarbon lakes on Titan, the fol- Though terra-centric astrobiology schemes based on the de-
low-the-water principle might be broadened to ‘‘follow the tection of these (or closely related) types of polymers may
solvent.’’ In our opinion, however, the latter principle is more succeed if life spread throughout our Solar System by pan-
useful in a negative rather than a positive sense. Certainly, spermia, they would likely miss alien life-forms that do not
the absence of any possible solvent, as on the surface of employ such substances.
Mercury, should be a strong indicator that a certain location Molecules of high molecular weight have been encountered
is not a suitable place to search for life. Its presence, however, in meteorites and predicted by simulations of interstellar
does not signify the existence of life. chemistry. Though ‘‘complex’’ large molecules in non-Earth

environments have been identified, they are unlike their with marked patterns, remains. Similar findings emerged
functional counterparts on Earth in a number of ways. They from earlier investigations of carboxylic acids formed in
have an irregular composition, are rich in cross-links, and spark discharge experiments (Yuen et al., 1981).
often are quite insoluble in common solvents. As described This contrast between sparseness and diversity applies to
by Cronin and Chang (1993): ‘‘The bulk of the organic matter many of the organic groups that dominate terran biochemistry.
is retained in the residual insoluble fraction along with the Many years ago, Lawless and Peterson (1976) pointed out that
exotic carbon phases and carbonate minerals. It is composed there was a ‘‘marked similarity’’ between the suite of amino
of a poorly characterized, structurally heterogeneous, mac- acids found in the Murchison meteorite and spark discharge
romolecular material, which has been variously named, but experiments, and a significant difference between the meteor-
is commonly referred to as either meteorite ‘polymer’ or ite set and those present in E. coli. The meteoric amino acids are
‘kerogen-like’ material.’’ In many organic chemistry labora- composed of a group of over 70 compounds, with D- and L-
tories, such materials are commonly called ‘‘tar.’’ Hypotheti- stereochemistry represented (Cronin and Chang, 1993). The
cally, one could search for ‘‘jewels’’ among the tar. In practice, particular selections of compounds used by alien life would
however, most meteorite analysis involves cataloging the likely differ significantly enough from that of familiar life to
various monomers (Sephton and Botta, 2005). If the analysis indicate a separate origin. On the other hand, biomolecules or
of extraterrestrial caches of organic material were conducted their remnants that show patterns of protein, nucleic acid, and
by robots, it is hard to imagine that much would be learned by membrane components that resemble our own could be pre-
cataloging the high–molecular weight materials. Fortunately, sumed to result from panspermia.
a simple monomer analyses should be enough to provide the The potential exists for searches to uncover examples of
‘‘smoking gun’’ needed to prove the existence of alien life. chemical evolution, a stage in which disorganized organic
Well-designed instruments (e.g., Bada, 2001; Aubrey et al., mixtures gradually attain sparseness under the influence of a
2008) can provide a census of the subclasses of molecules that coupled flow of free energy. ‘‘Metabolism-first’’ theories of
carry particular functional groups. Future advances in in- the origin of life predict that such limited mixtures occur
strumentation and robotics may even allow a more extensive initially and that biopolymer patterns are introduced during
analysis to be conducted in situ. If the results of such a robotic an extended period of further evolution (Shapiro, 2006;
analysis should appear promising, then a sample return Wächtershäuser, 2006). The discovery of diversity patterns in
mission should be considered. organics found on other planets, even if there were no evi-
If we look at specific classes of compounds in Earth life, dence they were associated with alien life, would have im-
definite patterns emerge. For example, consider the simple plications with regard to the steps involved in the early
aliphatic monocarboxylic acids. The most common carbox- development of life.
ylic acids found in higher plants and animals have a straight While the location of stores of reduced carbon and the de-
chain with 16 or 18 carbon atoms. If double bonds are tailed analysis of the identity of at least some of the classes of
present, they almost always have the cis configuration (Voet carbon compounds within the pool of organics should have
et al., 1999). In the case of bacteria, we see a similar emphasis high priority in our search for alien life, results from our ex-
on straight chains with lengths of 16–18 atoms, with some ploration thus far justify additional tests. For example, Levin
contribution from acids that contain an additional internal (2007) suggested that the 1976 Viking labeled release experi-
cyclopropane ring, which would afford a C-17 rather than a ment produced results compatible with the presence of life on
C-16 fatty acid (O’Leary, 1962). Mars. Explanations that attribute those results to inorganic
Much more can be learned from the study of bifunctional oxidants have been prominent, yet other interpretations
compounds, the building blocks of ordered polymers. Fa- consistent with biology have been put forward (Houtkooper
miliar life contains a specific set of twenty a-amino acids that, and Schulze-Makuch, 2007). It is unfortunate that no instru-
with the exception of glycine, exhibit L-stereochemistry. This ment or experiment that could resolve the ambiguity created
particular set of molecules was selected through evolution for by the labeled release experiment has been put on the surface of
the construction of proteins in ribosomes, while many other Mars since the time of the Viking mission. Efforts to understand
amino acids of equal or lesser complexity were not. Similar the Viking results, which included oxygen release from the soil
displays of sparseness are found in other classes of organic on contact with water vapor as well as the labeled release ex-
monomers employed by familiar life. periment, may be forthcoming in the near future (Levin, 2007;
By contrast, the analysis of organic molecules in meteor- Aubrey et al., 2008; Houtkooper and Schulze-Makuch, 2008;
ites, which presumably formed via abiotic synthesis, reveals Schulze-Makuch et al., 2008b).
a far less selective pattern. Meteoritic organic compounds
display common characteristics that differentiate them from
Selection of Targets in the Search for Life
biomolecules: complete structural diversity, abundance de-
cline with increasing chain length within homologous series, Though an ideal astrobiological search strategy would
and a predominance of branched-chain isomers (Pizzarello, include an in-depth exploration of every promising body in
2004). Virtually all the isomers of the shorter carboxylic acids our Solar System, practical considerations will limit the
(C6 or less) are represented. When simple classes of stable search to perhaps a few worlds or maybe even just to one.
monofunctional or bifunctional organic molecules are iden- While missions such as the Mars Science Laboratory have
tified, those of fewer carbons predominate, with virtually already been designed and tentatively scheduled, the next set
every isomer represented. The specific details may vary from of mission priorities could be revised if significant new in-
meteorite to meteorite (see, for example, Naraoka et al., 1999), formation concerning the likelihood of life in a particular
but the general pattern of diversity, rather than sparseness location should emerge. With this consideration in mind, we

examine the most promising locales for future life-related from various martian meteorites, including ALH 84001 (e.g.,
investigations. McKay et al., 1996), (4) the detection of methane in the at-
mosphere of Mars, and (5) increasing evidence of liquid water
extending from the early history of Mars to possibly even
1. Titan
today (Malin and Edgett, 2000; Malin et al., 2006). Counter-
Saturn’s moon Titan has a substantial atmosphere (1.5 bar arguments have been put forward to each of these points; for
near the surface), with nitrogen and methane being the example, see Apak (2008) concerning the Viking results and
major compounds (98.5% and 1.5%, respectively, with meth- Kerr (1998) on ALH84001. If we embrace the viewpoint of
ane concentrations approaching 5% near Titan’s surface). A chemical evolution, however, it is hard to accept the idea that
variety of organic compounds are present as minor compo- Mars is and has always been sterile.
nents. In situ measurements indicate the presence of methane Unfortunately, it is unclear how common organic mole-
rain on Titan (Hueso and Sanchez-Lavega, 2006; Tokano et al., cules are on Mars (Aubrey et al., 2008). No hydrothermal
2006) and liquid methane=ethane lakes on Titan’s surface have vents have been found on Mars to date, but they should be
been confirmed by the Cassini-Huygens mission (Stofan et al., present (Schulze-Makuch et al., 2007) and would present a
2007; Brown et al., 2008). Despite the frigid temperature at possibly habitable niche.
Titan’s surface, 95 K, it has been speculated that possible life Due to the similarity of the early environmental conditions
on Titan would use metabolic pathways that involve reactions of Mars and Earth, the separate origin of life on Mars is clearly
with photochemical acetylene (Schulze-Makuch and Grin- an option. However, panspermia is also a likely option, since
spoon, 2005), hydrogen, and heavier hydrocarbons (McKay Mars and Earth are neighboring planets and panspermia as a
and Smith, 2005). A recent National Academy of Sciences means for life to travel between planets has been advocated
report (Baross et al., 2007) concluded that the environment of for quite some time (Davies, 1996; Schulze-Makuch et al.,
Titan meets the absolute requirements for life. 2008a). Thus, great care will be needed to establish that or-
The environment offered by a frigid hydrocarbon lake ganisms that are found on Mars truly represent a separate
would be so different from any on Earth that the exotic bio- origin of life.
chemistry of any life found there would be of extreme interest Despite these concerns, the proximity of Mars (with its
to science (Schulze-Makuch and Irwin, 2004; Baross et al., lower cost of missions), the accumulated database, and the
2007). encouraging indicators listed above lead us to rank it second
Astrobiological investigation of the planet would offer in priority in the search for life (Table 1).
other opportunities to learn about life and its origin. Cometary
impacts (O’Brien et al., 2005) or eruptions in possible cryo-
3. Europa
volcanoes [for example, the 180 km structure Ganesa Macula
(Neish et al., 2006)], may have created transient liquid water Europa is the second of Jupiter’s Galilean satellites and has a
or water-ammonia environments on Titan’s surface that could diameter of about 3,160 km. The moon lacks an atmosphere,
have initiated the process of chemical self-organization (Sha- and its surface is cracked throughout due to tidal forces among
piro, 2006; Morowitz and Smith, 2007). Another opportunity Jupiter and its satellites. The inferred internal structure of
arises from the possibility that an ammonia and water ocean Europa consists of a dense metal core, a rocky mantle (com-
exists within Titan (Fortes, 2000; Lorenz et al., 2008), though parable to Earth), a low-density ice crust, and a subsurface
the contents of a deeply buried ocean would not be readily ocean (Baker et al., 2005). The thickness of the overlying ice has
available for inspection. Thus, Titan offers the possibility of been estimated to be about 20–30 km (Billings and Kattenhorn,
encountering truly exotic hydrocarbon-based life or alterna- 2005; Ruiz et al., 2007), but it may be as thin as 1 km or less in
tive water-based life. some localities. Light would be scarce within the ocean, but the
For these reasons, we give Titan the highest priority for deep ocean environment within Europa may resemble that on
future mission activities to find alien life (Table 1). As a bonus, Earth (Chyba and Phillips, 2002; Zolotov and Shock, 2003;
such a mission could also investigate the smaller (500 km in Irwin and Schulze-Makuch, 2003). On Earth, hydrothermal
diameter) moon of Saturn, Enceladus. An example of such a vents on the ocean bottom support a surprisingly diverse suite
combined mission is TandEM (Titan and Enceladus Mission; of organisms by providing a variety of energy-rich chemical
Coustenis et al., 2008), which is being considered by ESA as compounds. Other energy sources such as thermal energy and
the next flagship mission to the outer Solar System. osmotic gradients have also been suggested to power metab-
olism on Europa (Schulze-Makuch and Irwin, 2002a). It should
be noted, however, that no carbon inventory of Europa has yet
2. Mars
been taken. Some effort will be needed to access the internal
A number of missions featuring landers and orbiters have ocean. It is possible, however, that some organic material has
compiled an extensive body of geological information about leaked onto the surface through volcanic eruptions and could
the planet. Several lines of evidence have independently be sampled more easily.
suggested the past and present existence of microbial life on Europa’s ranking is based upon the existence of its internal
Mars (Schulze-Makuch et al., 2008a). The major points favor- ocean. A few other locations in our Solar System may also
ing life on Mars are (1) the adaptability of extremophilic life on harbor a subsurface ocean. We rank Europa ahead of the
Earth such as the endoliths in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, remainder because of its young and structurally diverse
(2) the results from the Viking biological experiments, partic- surface, which suggests dynamic activity in its interior. Eu-
ularly recent interpretations (e.g., Houtkooper and Schulze- ropa has also been the object of intensive study over the past
Makuch, 2007), (3) proposed evidence for biological activity decade, and one recent review has termed it ‘‘a compelling

Table 1. Arguments for and against Mission Priority for a Selected Set of Planetary Bodies in Our Solar System

Planetary body Arguments for mission priority Arguments against mission priority

1. Titan þ Abundance of organic carbon þ Long travel time to saturnian system

þ Abundance of surface liquids with a þ Need to develop specialized balloons, lake
hydrological methane cycle landers, penetrators
þ Origin of life feasible
þ Possible presence of ‘‘exotic’’ life with a separate
þ Samples to search for biosignatures of life can
easily be obtained from the surface
þ Even if no life is found, insights can be gained
about the early environmental conditions on
þ Possible internal water-ammonia ocean
2. Mars þ Various observations indicate the possibility of þ Organic compounds appear to be rare
life (methane plumes, abundance of water, þ Surface conditions are hostile to life if no
ALH84001) special adaptation mechanisms are
þ Origin of life feasible on early Mars invoked
þ Some martian environments have close þ Life is difficult to access if far below the
analogues on Earth and may exhibit surface
extremophilic life þ Life on Mars may be related to Earth life
þ Best-known planetary environment (other than (panspermia) and won’t represent a
Earth) bearing advantages for identifying and separate origin
acquiring samples from suitable locations
þ Proximity to Earth
3. Europa þ Presence of large, internal ocean þ Presence of organics unknown
þ Ice below the radiation-reworked surface may þ Life is difficult to access below ice crust
preserve fossils derived from the deep ocean þ Origin of life less likely
þ Very dynamic, active, relatively large moon with þ High irradiation environment
abundant energy
þ If life is present, it probably has an independent
origin from life on Earth
4. Enceladus þ Dynamic, internal activity and likely presence of þ Activity appears to be constrained to
liquid water southern polar area of this small moon
þ Detection of organics in sampled plume þ Origin of life unlikely
þ Samples to search for biosignatures of life can þ Long travel time to saturnian system
easily be obtained
4. Venus þ Presence of some limited water and organics in þ Origin of life on early Venus feasible, but
lower atmosphere no traces may be left
þ Samples to search for biosignatures of life in the þ Life on Venus may be related to Earth life
lower atmosphere (mode 3 particles) can easily (panspermia) and won’t represent a
be obtained separate origin
þ Proximity to Earth

world in the search for a second origin of life’’ (Hand et al., water liquid is probably supplied by the tidal interactions
2007). Some ingenuity will be needed in the future, however, among Saturn and its satellites. If this model is correct, then
to devise an efficient and cost-effective way of sampling the Enceladus has the potential for life (McKay et al., 2008).
chemical contents of the internal ocean. Venus has been suggested to harbor life in its acidic lower
atmosphere (Grinspoon, 1997; Cockell, 1999; Schulze-
Makuch and Irwin, 2002b, 2004). Life could have possibly
4. Other planets and moons
originated in an early ocean on Venus at about the same time
Two additional bodies deserve mention in this discussion: life originated on Earth. As Venus experienced a runaway
Enceladus and Venus. Enceladus drew considerable attention greenhouse effect, microbial life would have had no other
when the Cassini spacecraft identified a water plume venting choice than to retreat to the lower atmosphere or face ex-
from near the south polar area of the moon (Porco et al., tinction. Schulze-Makuch et al. (2004) pointed out that green
2006). The moon exhibits a wide variety of terrains with and purple sulfur bacteria that use the ancient photosystem I
youthful-appearing smooth surfaces that indicate recent would have fit ideally into an early ocean on Venus and,
geological activity. One model suggests that the vented hypothetically, could be the ancestors of microorganisms
material originates from a body of subsurface liquid water that perform a similar metabolism in the lower atmosphere
that has a unique chemistry, including carbon dioxide, of Venus today. The discovery that life can function in the
methane, either carbon monoxide or molecular nitrogen, and clouds of Venus would be a remarkable testimony to its re-
apparently trace quantities of acetylene, propane, and am- silience, and there would be much to learn by a comparison
monia (Waite et al., 2006). The heat to keep the subsurface of that type of organism’s biochemistry to that of ex-

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Concluding Remarks 1501.
Coustenis, A., Atreya, S.K., Balint, T., Brown, R.H., Dougherty,
This article has been written from the perspective of two M.K., Ferri, F., Fulchignoni, M., Gautier, D., Gowen, R.A.,
scientists who have authored or co-authored books discuss- Griffith, C.A., Gurvits, L.I., Jaumann, R., Langevin, Y., Leese,
ing, with a positive bias, the possibilities for life in our Solar M.R., Lunine, J.I., McKay, C.P., Moussas, X., Müller-Wodarg, I.,
System (Feinberg and Shapiro, 1980; Shapiro, 1999; Schulze- Neubauer, F., Owen, T.C., Raulin, F., Sittler, E.C., Sohl, F., Sotin,
Makuch and Irwin, 2004, 2008). Our intent has been to call C., Tobie, G., Tokano, T., Turtle, E.P., Wahlund, J.-E., Waite,
attention to, and provoke debate on, the larger questions that J.H., Baines, K.H., Blamont, J., Dandouras, I., Krimigis, T.,
may be overlooked in more detailed technical studies: Why Lellouch, E., Lorenz, R.D., Morse, A., Porco, C., Hirtzig, M.,
search at all? What type of life should be the target of our Saur, J., Coates, A., Spilker, T., Zarnecki, J.C., Choi, E., Achil-
search? What tests for life should we apply? Where should leos, N., Amils, R., Annan, P., Atkinson, D.H., Bénilan, Y.,
we look? We welcome responses that may advocate other Bertucci, C., Bézard, B., Bjoraker, G.L., Blanc, M., Boireau, L.,
search methods or priorities for search. We hope that some Bouman, J., Cabane, M., Capria, M.-T., Chassefière, E., Coates,
consensus will emerge from the astrobiology community to A., Coll, P., Combes, M., Cooper, J.F., Coradini, A., Crary, F.,
justify the cost of this intellectual adventure and also serve as Cravens, T., Daglis, Y., de Angelis, E., de Bergh, C., de Pater, I.,
Dunford, C., Durry, G., Dutuit, O., Fairbrother, D., Flasar, F.M.,
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