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Time allowed: 3 Hours Scholar year: 2008-2009


Subject 1

Part I: Reading & Interpreting (14pts)

Read the text carefully and then do the activities.

American Schools tend to put more emphasis on developing critical-thinking skills than they do
on acquiring quantities of facts. American students are encouraged to ask questions, think for themselves,
and express their own opinions in class, a reflection of the American values of individual freedom and
self-reliance. The goal of the American education system is to teach children how to learn and to help
them reach their maximum potential.
The development of social and interpersonal skills may be considered as important as the
development of intellectual skills. To help students develop these other important skills, schools have
added a large number of extracurricular activities (activities outside classroom studies) to daily life at
school. These activities are almost as important as the student’s class work. For example, in making their
decisions about which students to admit; colleges look for students who are “well-rounded”. Grades in
high school courses and scores on tests like the SAT are very important, but so are the student’s
extracurricular activities. It is by participating in these activities that students demonstrate their special
talents, their level of maturity and responsibility, their leadership qualities, and their ability to get along
with others.
Some Americans consider athletics, frequently called competitive sports, the most important of all
extracurricular activities. This is because many people believe it is important for all young people, young
men and young women, to learn how to compete successfully. Team sports such as football, basket ball,
and baseball are important because they teach students the “winning spirit”. At times, this athletic
competition may be carried to such an extreme that some students and their parents may place more
importance on the high school’s sports program than its academic offerings.
Athletics and student government are only two of variety of extracurricular activities found in
American schools. There are clubs and activities for almost every student interest- art, music, drama,
debate, foreign languages, photography, volunteer work-all aimed at helping the student to become more
successful in later life. Many parents watch their children’s extracurricular activities with as much
interest and concern as they do their children’s intellectual achievements in the classroom.
From ( American Ways) by Nathalie Hess.
A/ Comprehension: 7pts
1- Choose the idea that best describes the text:
a- Developing students’ appreciation of art, music, and other cultural pursuits.
b- Education is primarily memorizing books and teachers’ lectures.
c- Sports, clubs, and other activities held after schools help students get a well-rounded education.
2- Are the following sentences true or false?
a- American students are not allowed to express openly their feelings.
b- Student’s high school scores are as important as extracurricular activities.
c- No other extracurricular activity is as important as sport.
d- The American student chooses the extracurricular activity that suits his/her interest.

3- Answer the following questions about the text:

a- What values do American schools teach their students?
b- What are American students encouraged to do in class?
c- Why do American schools give importance to sports?
d- What do American students do after classroom studies? Why?
4 What or who the underlined words in the text refer to:
a- Themselves (§1) b- They (§3) c- Its (§3) d- All (§4)
B/ Text Exploration: 7pts
1- Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following
a- aptitudes (§2) b- accomplishments (§4)
2- Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following:
a- Dependence (§1) b- A few(§2)
3- Complete the table:
Verb Noun Adjective
…………………………….. ……………………………... Successful
…………………………….. Freedom ……………………………...
To choose ……………………………... ……………………………...
4- Put the verbs in the correct form:
a- If Professor Talbot were not a capable teacher, pupils (not appreciate) him.
b- If the curriculum had not been well designed, pupils (not perform) good achievements.
5- Rewrite sentence (b) so that it means the same as sentence (a):
1a- “What are the requirements for entering a university?” asked the student.
b- The student asked....…………………………………………………..
2a- You must pass your baccalaureate exam otherwise you won’t go to the university.
b-Unless ………………………………………………………………….
6- Ask questions on the underlined words:
a- People are sometimes unaware of the importance of education.
b- the history of education began at the end of 1770.


Topic two : what do you think of the role of school in our society nowadays ? ( the role of teachers,
pupils and parents)

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