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MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab.



A. Identitas

Nama Sekolah : SMK Negeri 1 Pacet

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Komp. Keahlian : Semua Kompetensi Keahlian
Kelas/Semester : XII/Semester I
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
AlokasiWaktu : 13 jp (3x Pertemuan)

B. Kompetensi Inti dan Kompetensi Dasar

Kompetensi Inti
1. Pengetahuan
Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis, dan mengevaluasi tentang pengetahuan
faktual, konseptual, operasional dasar, dan metakognitif sesuai dengan bidang dan
lingkup kajian/kerja Bahasa Inggris pada tingkat teknis, spesifik, detil, dan kompleks,
berkenaan dengan ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dalam
konteks pengembangan potensi diri sebagai bagian dari keluarga, sekolah, dunia kerja,
warga masyarakat nasional, regional, dan internasional.

2. Keterampilan
 Melaksanakan tugas spesifik dengan menggunakan alat, informasi, dan prosedur
kerja yang lazim dilakukan serta memecahkan masalah sesuai dengan bidang
kajian/kerja Bahasa Inggris.
 Menampilkan kinerja di bawah bimbingan dengan mutu dan kuantitas yang
terukur sesuai dengan standard kompetensi kerja.
 Menunjukkan keterampilan menalar, mengolah, dan menyaji secara efektif,
kreatif, produktif, kritis, mandiri, kolaboratif, komunikatif, dansolutif dalam
ranah abstrak terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah,
serta mampu melaksanakan tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.
 Menunjukkan keterampilan mempersepsi, kesiapan, meniru, membiasakan,
gerak mahir, menjadikan gerak alami dalam ranah konkret terkait dengan
pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah, serta mampu melaksanakan
tugas spesifik di bawah pengawasan langsung.

Kompetensi Dasar
1. KD pada KI pengetahuan
3.28 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, sesuai dengan konteks
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

2. KD pada KI keterampilan
4.28 Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain
jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

1. Indikator KD pada KI pengetahuan
 Menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja.
 Menguraikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja.

2. Indikator KD pada KI keterampilan

 Menjelaskan isi secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja.
 Menafsirkan secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks khusus dalam bentuk surat lamaran kerja.
 Menyusun teks khusus surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain
jati diri, latar belakang pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

D. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Melalui kegiatan mengamati contoh surat lamaran kerja, peserta didik dapat
menjelaskan struktur teks, fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan teks surat lamaran sesuai
dengan konteks penggunaanya dengan mandiri.
2. Melalui diskusi dan menggali informasi, peserta didik dapat menguraikan struktur teks,
fungsi sosial dan unsur kebahasaan teks surat lamaran sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaanya dengan percaya diri.
3. Melalui diskusi dan menggali informasi, peserta didik dapat menjelaskan isi secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
bentuk surat lamaran kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya dengan baik.
4. Melalui diskusi dan menggali informasi, peserta didik dapat menafsirkan isi secara
kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
bentuk surat lamaran kerja sesuai dengan konteks penggunaanya dengan baik.
5. Melalui diskusi dan menggali informasi, peserta didik dapat menyusun teks khusus
surat lamaran kerja, yang memberikan informasi antara lain jati diri, latar belakang
pendidikan/pengalaman kerja, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, unsur
kebahasaan secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

E. Materi Pembelajaran
- Teks surat lamaran kerja (application letter)
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

F. Pendekatan, Strategi dan Metode

Pendekatan : Saintifik
Metode/strategi : Penggalian informasi, diskusi, ceramah
Model : Discovery Learning

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
1. Pertemuan Kesatu:**)
Kegiatan Inti (150 menit)

Tahapan Kegiatan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

Pendahuluan 1. Mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang
15 menit
2. Guru mengintruksikan kepada peserta didik
untuk memperhatikan kebersihan kelas
sebelum pembelajaran dimulai (Penumbuhan
karakter peduli lingkungan )
3. Guru mengisi agenda kelas dan mengabsen
peserta didik (penumbuhan karakter disiplin
dan peduli sosial)
4. Guru memberikan apersepsi dan motivasi
(penumbuhan karakter menghargai prestasi)
5. Peserta didik menerima informasi tentang
materi, tujuan,manfaat, teknik penilaian, dan
langkah-langkah pembelajaran yang akan
dilaksanakan (penumbuhan karakter kerja
keras,rasa ingin tahu,dan komunikatif)
Kegiatan Inti Fase 1 : Stimulation 150 menit
1. Peserta didik, dalam kelompok diskusi,
mengamati contoh teks surat lamaran yang
disediakan guru (penumbuhan karakter rasa
ingin tahu)
2. Peserta didik mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks
surat lamaran.
3. Peserta didik menjelaskan fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks surat
4. Peserta didik mengamati ulasan guru seputar
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks surat lamaran sebagai umpan
5. Peserta didik dibagi menjadi kelompok terdiri
dari 2 atau 3 orang.
6. Peserta didik diberikan teks lamaran dengan
paragraf yang sengaja diacak (dipotong-potong
per paragraf). Lalu, peserta didik dalam
kelompoknya berdiskusi untuk menyusun teks
acak tersebut menjadi teks lamaran kerja utuh.
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

7. Per kelompok, peserta didik berdiskusi

megidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur
kebahasaan teks surat lamaran yang sudah
mereka susun.
8. Per kelompok, peserta didik mendiskusikan dan
menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan guru
seputar teks surat lamaran kerja.
9. Guru memberikan koreksi dan umpan balik
kepada peserta didik.

Fase 2 Problem Statement

1. Peserta didik bertanya jawab secara terbimbing
tentang struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada
teks surat lamaran kerja (penumbuhan karakter

Fase 3 Data Collection

1. Peserta didik menuliskan berbagai struktur dan
unsur kebahasaan dari teks surat lamaran kerja
yang mereka temukan dibuku (penumbuhan
karakter kreatif dan mandiri)
2. Peserta didik mencari contoh-contoh lain surat
lamaran kerja dari buku (penguatan literasi

Fase 4 Verification
1. Dalam kelompoknya, peserta didik mengolah
temuan-temuannya menjadi teks surat lamaran
kerja utuh sesuai dengan struktur dan unsur
kebahasaan (penguatan kompetensi berpikir
kritis dan kreativitas)
Kegiatan penutup 1. Peserta didik bersama-sama dengan guru 15 menit
menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran (penguatan
kompetensi kolaboratif)
2. Refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilakukan (penumbuhan karakter jujur)

2. Pertemuan Kedua:**)
Kegiatan Inti (150 menit)

Tahapan Kegiatan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

Pendahuluan 1. Mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang
15 menit
2. Guru mengintruksikan kepada peserta didik
untuk memperhatikan kebersihan kelas
sebelum pembelajaran dimulai (Penumbuhan
karakter peduli lingkungan )
3. Guru mengisi agenda kelas dan mengabsen
peserta didik (penumbuhan karakter disiplin
dan peduli sosial)
4. Guru memberikan apersepsi dan motivasi
(penumbuhan karakter menghargai prestasi)
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

Kegiatan Inti Fase 4 Verification (Lanjutan) 150 menit

1. Dalam kelompoknya, peserta didik meneruskan
mengolah temuan-temuannya menjadi teks surat
lamaran kerja utuh sesuai dengan struktur dan
unsur kebahasaan (penguatan kompetensi
berpikir kritis dan kreativitas)
2. Peserta didik diminta untuk saling mengkoreksi
hasil kerja nya dalam kelompoknya masing-
masing (collaborative correction)

Fase 5 Generalization
1. Peserta didik mengkomunikasikan hasil koreksi
nya keada guru (dilakukan per peserta didik)
2. Peserta didik diberikan koreksi dan umpan balik
terhadap setiap hasil koreksi dan karya siswa.
Kegiatan penutup 3. Peserta didik bersama-sama dengan guru 15 menit
menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran (penguatan
kompetensi kolaboratif)
4. Refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilakukan (penumbuhan karakter jujur)

5. Pertemuan Ketiga:**)
Kegiatan Inti (150 menit)

Tahapan Kegiatan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

Pendahuluan 1. Mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang
15 menit
2. Guru mengintruksikan kepada peserta didik
untuk memperhatikan kebersihan kelas
sebelum pembelajaran dimulai (Penumbuhan
karakter peduli lingkungan )
3. Guru mengisi agenda kelas dan mengabsen
peserta didik (penumbuhan karakter disiplin
dan peduli sosial)
4. Guru memberikan apersepsi dan motivasi
(penumbuhan karakter menghargai prestasi)
Kegiatan Inti Fase 5 Generalization (Lanjutan) 150 menit
1. Peserta didik melanjutkan mengkomunikasikan
hasil koreksi nya keada guru.
2. Peserta didik diberikan koreksi dan umpan balik
terhadap setiap hasil koreksi dan karya siswa
(per individu)
3. Peserta didik diberikan latihan soal prediksi UN
yang berkaitan dengan surat lamaran kerja.
Kegiatan penutup 1. Peserta didik bersama-sama dengan guru15 menit
menyimpulkan materi pembelajaran (penguatan
kompetensi kolaboratif)
2. Refleksi terhadap kegiatan yang sudah
dilakukan (penumbuhan karakter jujur)
3. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran
untuk pertemuan berikutnya (penumbuhan
karakter rasa ingin tahu)
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

H. Alat/Bahan dan Media Pembelajaran

Alat / bahan : laptop, proyektor, papan tulis, spidol
Media Pembelajaan : Power point, teks surat lamaran kerja

I. Sumber Belajar
Buku siswa, buku guru, kamus, pencarian internet (browsing)
Sumber Gambar:
 https://www.google.co.id/search?
 https://www.google.co.id/search?
 https://www.google.co.id/search?
 https://www.google.co.id/search?
 https://www.google.co.id/search?

Sumber Teks
 http://lokeronlinelengkap.blogspot.com/2018/06/contoh-surat-lamaran-kerja-bahasa.html
 https://www.berbagaireviews.com/2018/07/surat-lamaran-pekerjaan-dalam-bahasa.html?m=1

J. Penilaian Pembelajaran
1. Teknik Penilaian
Tes tulisan
2. Instrumen Penilaian
Ranah Pengetahuan
-Pengetahuan Dasar
13 Malioboro Street

Human Resources Department Yogyakarta, December 9th 2017

PT. Arfa Media
Jalan Kebon Agung 123
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur


Dear Sir/Madam,
I have read your advertisement at Tribun Jogja and found that your company is looking for
employees for Engineer position. And I believe it is fit with my background educational as
Computer Engineering.
My name is Paijo, I am twenty three years old. I am a fresh graduated from Computer
Engineering Department UTY on November this year. My specialization in Engineering Physics
is hardware specialist. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good
motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team or by myself.
Beside that I have good command in English both spoken and written.
With my qualifications, I confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your company.
Herewith I enclose my :

1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate

2. Academic Transcript
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Recent photograph with size of 4×6

I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could be the part of your company.


Questions to be discussed based on the text above

1. Can you identify the structur of the text above (parts of the application letter above)?
Mark them!
2. Discuss the structure of the application letter above in your group and share them with
other groups!
3. Discuss the content of the application letter above!

Rubrik Penilaian Test Tulis

Nilai Maksimal Per Butir Soal

Total score X 100

No Nama 15
No 1 No 2 No 3
Score Score Score
Max 5 Max 5 Max 5

-Pengetahuan Lanjutan

My resume has been included which outlines my qualifications in more detail. I would appreciate the
opportunity to discuss my qualifications. Please keep the application secret. I will look forward to hearing
from you soon.
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

My name is Intan Permatasari. I was twenty-three years. I have a background in the Diploma III
information engineering at Polytechnic University in Aceh.

I am writing to You to ask about the possibility of working in your company that are informed by the
Website www.bri.co.id. I am interested in a position Fronliner.

Sincerely yours

Intan Permatasari

Dear Sir or Madam,

Banda Aceh, May 07, 2018

With my educational background, I am confident that my qualifications and skills can contribute
significantly to BRI. I was able to operate the computer especially Microsoft Office packages. In addition,
I am a person who can work independently or in a team. I am also hard workers, initiatives and eager to

HRD Department
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Banda Aceh Branch
Jln. cut Meutia No. 17
Banda Aceh

1. Arrange those paragraphs into a good text of application letter in group!

2. Discuss the content of the application letter above!

Rubrik Penilaian

Skor Kriteria penskoran Skormaksimal

Skormaksimal 100 denganrincian :
Tersusun dengan benar 100% : 100
Tersusun 75% : 75 100
Tersusun 50% : 50
Tersusun 25% : 25
Hanyaditulis ulang dan tidak disusun :5

Ranah Keterampilan

Choose one of those job vacancies below and make an application letter!
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur


(Writing Competence)


    Kesesuaian 30-27 □ Excellent to very good:

tugas / isi Menanggapi tugas dengan sempurna;
(sejauh mana pembahasan sempurna; informasi relevan
tulisan dan tepat; interpretasi sangat kuat dan
mencapai mendukung.
26-24 □ Good:
Mampu menanggapi tugas; pembahasan
mampu; informasi umumnya relevan dan
tepat; interpretasi umumnya mendukung.
23-21 □ Fair:
Kurang mampu menanggapi tugas;
pembahasan dapat diterima tapi kadang
tidak konsisten; informasi kadang tidak
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

relevan/tidak tepat; interpretasi kadang tidak

konsisten dengan fakta.
20-18 □ Inadequate:
Tidak bisa menanggapi tugas; pembahasan
tidak lengkap dan tidak konsisten; informasi
sering tidak relevan/tidak tepat; interpretasi
tidak konsisten dengan fakta.
17-0 □ Inacceptable:
Mengabaikan atau kurang memahami tugas;
minim pembahasan; informasi dan
interpretasi tidak relevan.

Latihan Soal Prediksi UN Aplication Letter

August 8, 2016

Personnel Manager
Surya English Institute
Palembang 3001

Dear sir,
Related to your advertisement in Sriwijaya Post on July 30, 2016, I would like to apply for the
position of English teacher.

Currently, I teach English at a vocational high school three days a week, From Monday to
Wednesday. It means I am available to work for the institute twice a week, and if necessary I am
willing to work for half a day on Saturday.

I enclose a letter of reference, two recent photographs, my academic records and CV. I would be
available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,


1. Why did the writer compose the text?

A. To inform about a vacancy
B. To tell the reader about Sriwijaya University
C. To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper
D. To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo

2. What will the addressee probably do after receiving the letter?

A. Check the advertisement.
B. Write a letter to the secretary.
C. Apply for the position mentioned.
D. Invite the sender for an interview.

3. The underlined word in sentence,”... forward to hearing from you soon,” (last
paragraph) refers to ....
A. Teacher of vocational high school
B. Head of Sriwijaya Post
C. English teacher
D. Personnel Manager
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

23 Pramuka Street
Karang Tengah

Human Resource Development February,

20th 2019
PT. Indo Makmur
14 Jaya Street

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your company as an

accountant based on the information on the newspaper Tribun Cianjur on February, 3 rd 2019.
My name is Ahmad Mubarok, and I am 20 years old. I am a fresh graduate from
University of Padjajaran (UNPAD) this year from Accounting Major, Faculty of Business and
Management with GPA 3,50. During my study at college, I was also active as Student
Association member as a head of academic section.
With my educational background, I am convinced that I am able to contribute
significantly to your company. I am also able to operate computer, especially Microsoft Office
packages. Moreover, I have good command in English. Besides, I am a person who can work
independently or in a team. I am also a hard worker, initiatives and eager to learn.
For your consideration, I herewith enclose some documents that would be beneficial
for you:
1. Certificate of bachelor degree
2. Academic transcript
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Photographs
Thank you very much for your best attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours Sincerely
Ahmad Mubarok

4. What position does the applicant apply for?

A. A manager
B. An accountant
C. A cleaning service
D. A Chief Executive Officer

5. How many enclosures does the applicant mention in the text?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

6. Why does the applicant mention “I am a person who can work independently or in a
team.” in paragraph 3?
A. He wants to tell that he is not sure that he can work well in the company.
B. He wants to ensure that he is able to work well either by himself or with other
C. He wants to ensure that he is able to work by himself but not with other people.
D. He wants to tell that he is going to make a team work if he is accepted in the

7. Which of the following is NOT the qualification of the applicant?

A. He has good ability in English.
B. He is able to operate computer.
C. He can work hard.
D. He is an individual worker.

Rubrik Penilaian Tes Soal PG

No Soal Skor
Maksimal 10 x 100
1 1 Nilai=
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
6 1
7 1

Cianjur, Juli 2019

Diverifikasi oleh
Waka Kurikulum Guru Mata Pelajaran

Budi Yuliana Rahayu, S.Pd Pekarasa Dc Maskar, S.Pd.

Nip. 198208102014092001
NIP. 198605132009021001
Kepala Sekolah SMKN 1 Pacet

Dra. Ida Yuniati Surtika, M.M.

NIP. 196506301992032001
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

My resume has been included which outlines my qualifications in more detail. I would appreciate the
opportunity to discuss my qualifications. Please keep the application secret. I will look forward to hearing
from you soon.

My name is Intan Permatasari. I am twenty-three years. I have a background in the Diploma III
information engineering at Polytechnic University in Aceh.

I am writing to You to ask about the possibility of working in your company that is informed by the
Website www.bri.co.id. I am interested in a position of Fronliner.

Sincerely yours

Intan Permatasari

Dear Sir or Madam,

Banda Aceh, May 07, 2018

With my educational background, I am confident that my qualifications and skills can contribute
significantly to BRI. I am able to operate the computer especially Microsoft Office packages. In addition,
I am a person who can work independently or in a team. I am also a hard worker, initiatives and eager to

HRD Department
Bank Rakyat Indonesia
Banda Aceh Branch
Jln. cut Meutia No. 17
Banda Aceh
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

13 Malioboro Street

Human Resources Department Yogyakarta, December 9th 2017

PT. Arfa Media
Jalan Kebon Agung 123

Dear Sir/Madam,
I have read your advertisement at Tribun Jogja and found that your company is looking for
employees for Engineer position. And I believe it fits my educational background as Computer
My name is Paijo, I am twenty three years old. I am a fresh graduated from Computer
Engineering Department UTY on November this year. My specialization in Engineering Physics
is hardware specialist. I consider myself that I have qualifications as you want. I have good
motivation for progress and growing, eager to learn, and can work with a team or by myself.
Besides, I have good command in English both spoken and written.
With my qualifications, I am confident that I will be able to contribute effectively to your
company. Herewith I enclose my :

1. Copy of Bachelor Degree (S-1) Certificate

2. Academic Transcript
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Recent photograph with size of 4×6

I would express my gratitude for your attention and I hope I could be the part of your company.


Questions to be discussed based on the text above

1. Can you identify the structur of the text above (parts of the application letter above)?
Mark them!
2. Discuss the structure of the application letter above in your group and share them with
other groups!
3. Discuss the content of the application letter above!
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

Latihan Soal Prediksi UN Aplication Letter

August 8, 2016

Personnel Manager
Surya English Institute
Palembang 3001

Dear sir,
Related to your advertisement in Sriwijaya Post on July 30, 2016, I would like to apply for the
position of English teacher.

Currently, I teach English at a vocational high school three days a week, From Monday to
Wednesday. It means I am available to work for the institute twice a week, and if necessary I am
willing to work for half a day on Saturday.

I enclose a letter of reference, two recent photographs, my academic records and CV. I would be
available for an interview at your convenience. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours Sincerely,


1. Why did the writer compose the text?

A. To inform about a vacancy
B. To tell the reader about Sriwijaya University
C. To apply for a job advertised in a newspaper
D. To enclose a letter of reference and recent photo

2. What will the addressee probably do after receiving the letter?

A. Check the advertisement.
B. Write a letter to the secretary.
C. Apply for the position mentioned.
D. Invite the sender for an interview.

3. The underlined word in sentence,”... forward to hearing from you soon,” (last
paragraph) refers to ....
A. Teacher of vocational high school
B. Head of Sriwijaya Post
C. English teacher
D. Personnel Manager
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

23 Pramuka Street
Karang Tengah

Human Resource Development February,

20th 2019
PT. Indo Makmur
14 Jaya Street

Dear Sir or Madam

I am writing to you to ask about the possibility of working in your company as an

accountant based on the information on the newspaper Tribun Cianjur on February, 3 rd 2019.
My name is Ahmad Mubarok, and I am 20 years old. I am a fresh graduate from
University of Padjajaran (UNPAD) this year from Accounting Major, Faculty of Business and
Management with GPA 3,50. During my study at college, I was also active as Student
Association member as a head of academic section.
With my educational background, I am convinced that I am able to contribute
significantly to your company. I am also able to operate computer, especially Microsoft Office
packages. Moreover, I have good command in English. Besides, I am a person who can work
independently or in a team. I am also a hard worker, initiatives and eager to learn.
For your consideration, I herewith enclose some documents that would be beneficial
for you:
1. Certificate of bachelor degree
2. Academic transcript
3. Curriculum Vitae
4. Photographs
Thank you very much for your best attention. I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours Sincerely
Ahmad Mubarok

4. What position does the applicant apply for?

E. A manager
F. An accountant
G. A cleaning service
H. A Chief Executive Officer

5. How many enclosures does the applicant mention in the text?

E. 1
F. 2
G. 3
H. 4
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

6. Why does the applicant mention “I am a person who can work independently or in a
team.” in paragraph 3?
E. He wants to tell that he is not sure that he can work well in the company.
F. He wants to ensure that he is able to work well either by himself or with other
G. He wants to ensure that he is able to work by himself but not with other people.
H. He wants to tell that he is going to make a team work if he is accepted in the

7. Which of the following is NOT the qualification of the applicant?

E. He has good ability in English.
F. He is able to operate computer.
G. He can work hard.
H. He is an individual worker.
MGMP Bahasa Inggris SMK Kab. Cianjur

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