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BINUS University

BINUS ONLINE LEARNING Semester: Odd/ Even *)

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o Graduate Program þ Undergraduate Program
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Faculty / Dept. : Computer Science
Student ID : 2440101660
Course : COMP6740-Program Design Methods
Day/ Date : Senin – Senin, 15-22 February 2021
BULC : Jakarta, Bekasi, Bandung, Malang, N a m e : Billy Stanly
Time : 00.00 – 12.00 WIB
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: COMP6740-Program Design Methods -2012345678.pdf


No. Deskripsi Soal Bobot

1 Sebuah perusahaan E-Commerce terbesar se-Asia ingin membuat sebuah program yang 40
memiliki beberapa tipe kategori member untuk pengguna applikasi tersebut (Customer).
Kategori member didapatkan dari banyaknya transaksi yang dilakukan perTahun oleh
member tersebut. Kegunaan dari member ini adalah agar member mendapatkan
keuntungan dari aplikasi tersebut, dengan data sebagai berikut :

Transaksi Kategori Keuntungan

0 – 200 Silver Free Ongkir 1x per Hari
201 – 500 Gold Free Ongkir 3x per Hari
501 – 800 Platinum Free Ongkir 3x per Hari, dan Cashback 5%
801 - 1500 Diamond Free Ongkir 5x per Hari, dan Cashback 10%
Pada program tersebut harus menghitung banyaknya transaksi yang telah dilakukan oleh
pembeli. Serta dapat menentukan kategori yang sesuai dengan transaksi yang telah
dilakukan perTahun dan Keuntungan yang akan didapatkan oleh Member. Anda diminta
untuk membuat solusi program tersebut, dimana solusi memiliki ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. (5%) Defining Diagram (Define the problem)
2. (5%) Group the activities into modules (Hirarchy chart / Structure Chart)
3. (10%) Solution Algorithm (Pseudocode)
4. (10%) Desk Checking

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2 Sebuah pusat kebugaran StayFit merupakan usaha yang memberikan fasilitas kebugaran terbaik 60
sekitar Jakarta. Karena kondisi PSBB ini menyebabkan pembatasan pengunjung yang ingin
menikmati fasilitas kebugaran StayFit. Sehingga StayFit ingin membuat aplikasi yang
memudahkan pengunjung dalam melakukan booking, dan mencatat setiap kegiatan / class yang
ingin diikuti oleh pengunjung. Berikut merupakan proses yang ada pada StayFit.
1. Input data pelanggan
Pelanggan akan diminta untuk mengisi form identitas pelanggan (untuk
pelanggan baru – Nama, alamat, no Telp, no KTP), dan menyebutkan nomor member (bagi
pelanggan yang sudah berlangganan) dan staff StayFit akan menyimpan data pelanggan ke
dalam sistem 2. Service Process

No. Deskripsi Soal Bobot

Setelah melakukan pengisian data akan dilakukan proses pilih jadwal kunjungan,
dan fasilitas (program kelas kebugaran yang ingin diikuti) berikut merupakan
data jadwal, dan fasilitas yang disediakan:
Hari Jam Fasiltas / Program Class
Senin – Jumat 06.00 – 19.00 - FastFit
- Aerobic
- Body Combat
Sabtu, Minggu 06.00 – 17.00 - FastFit
- Aerobic
- Pilates
- Yoga
- Zumba

Dan terdapat layanan tambahan jika pelanggan memilih :

• Menggunakan Personal Training
• Private class untuk program class yang dipilih
Jika dalam layanan kebugaran SyatFit ternyata pelanggan menggunakan layanan
tambahan yang ada pada StayFit maka setelah menyelesaikan program, seluruh
fasilitas dan program class yang diambil oleh pelanggan akan diakumulasi dan
tersimpan pada sistem.
Dalam sistem member, pelanggan yang telah menjadi member akan
mendapatkan potongan layanan sebesar 10%.
3. Payment Process
Pelanggan akan menerima tagihan dari layanan yang telah dipilih untuk dapat
menikmati fasilitas / program class berdasarkan rekapan sistem StayFit. Staff
StayFit akan menginput tipe pembayaran yang dilakukan oleh Pelanggan (Tunai,
Debit, atau cicilan).
4. Reporting Process
Berdasarkan data pelanggan (apakah member atau pelanggan baru), layanan
yang telah dipilih oleh pelanggan, layanan tambahan yang digunakan oleh
pelanggan, dan pajak layanan. Laporan akan dikirimkan ke pihak manajemen
StayFit. Pihak manajemen StayFitjuga dapat melakukan add, update, dan delete
layanan yang tersedia di system program StayFit.

Berdasarkan dari informasi mengenai pusat kebugaran StayFit, silahkan membuat : a.

(20%) Use Case Diagram!
b. (15%) Activity Diagram!
c. (20%) Class Diagram!
d. (15%) Interaction Diagram!

Anda dapat menambahkan “Asumsi”, jika dirasa perlu. Namun, pastikan bahwa terdapat
penjelasan dan alasan yang tepat dalam mendukung “Asumsi” Anda.

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SKORE : % dari Bobot
Level Skor x
ELEMEN 4 : 85 – 100 3 : 75 – 84 2 : 65 - 74 1 : 0 - 64
Bobot bobot

LO 1 Ability to explain Correct explanation Correct explanation Correct Incorrect

Explain program design completed with completed with explanation explanation
5 method theory relevant examples examples 1a

LO 1 Ability to outline Correctly outlining Correctly outlining Correct explanation Correct explanation
Explain solution algorithm solution algorithm solution algorithm completed with completed with
using three steps: using the three using two of three examples examples
Defining the steps steps
problem, algorithm, completely: 1b
and deskchecking Defining the
algorithm, and
Ability to use The usage of The usage of The usage of The usage of
repetition control repetition control repetition control repetition control repetition control
structure in the structure is structure is structure is partially structure is
program suitable and suitable to solve the correct partially 1c
effective to solve problem but not correct
LO 2
the programming effective
Use Repetition
and selection problem
Ability to use The usage of The usage of selection The usage of The usage of
control selection control selection control control structure is selection control selection control
15 structure in the structure is suitable suitable to solve the structure is partially structure is
program and effective to problem but not correct partially
solve the effective correct
Design the Ability to solve the Able to solve the Able to solve the Unable to use the
application using problem by using problem by using the problem by using structure
program design the array correctly the array partially programming
method array correctly 1d
LO 3 correct
Design and Ability to solve the Ability to solve the Able to solve the Able to solve the Unable to use the
solving problem by using problem by using problem by using the problem by using structure
the structure the structure structure the structure programming
programming programming programming programming correctly
15 (sequence, (sequence, (sequence,
(sequence, selection
selection and selection and and repetition) step selection and
repetition) step repetition) step repetition) step by
by step correctly
by step by step step partially
Ability to Able to Able to demonstrate Able to Unable to
demonstrate the demonstrate the the business report demonstrate the demonstrate the
LO 4 business report business report correctly business report business report
Demonstrate effectively and partially correct
and correctl
Use Module 2a
Able to use Able to use module to Able to use Unable to use
15 Ability to use module solve the problem module module to solve the
module to solve the to solve the correctly to solve the problem
problem problem correctly problem partially
and effectively correct
LO5 Explain the object Able to explain Able to explain Able to explain Unable to explain 2b
Explain Class oriented design activity diagram activity diagram and activity diagram activity diagram
Diagram and state diagram state diagram and state diagram and state diagram
15 correctly and correctly partially correct

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Ability to explain Able to explain Able to explain class Able to explain Unable to explain
class diagram to class diagram to solve the class class diagram to
solve the problem diagram to solve problem correctly diagram to solve solve the problem
the the
problem correctly problem partially
and effectively correct
LO6 Ability to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the Able to apply the
Design designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram designed diagram
application using programming using using using using
15 language programming programming programming programming
language correctly language language partially language partially
and effectively correctly correct correct
LO6 Ability to use the Able to use the Able to use the Unable to use the Unable to use the
Use diagram diagrams of object diagrams of object diagrams of object diagrams of object diagrams of object
15 oriented to solve oriented to solve oriented to solve the oriented to solve oriented to solve
the problem the problem correctly the problem the problem
problem correctly
and effectively


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