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2 2005

Effect of Paclobutrazol and Prohexadione-Calcium

on Stem Anatomy of Rice

Sri Wahyuni1, Uma R. Sinniah2, and Mohd. Khanif Yusop2

Indonesian Institute for Rice Research, Jalan Raya 9 Sukamandi, Subang 41256, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Putra Malaysia, Selangor 43400, Malaysia

ABSTRAK. Kerebahan tanaman padi mengakibatkan terjadinya odging is a serious problem in cereals; it has not
penurunan hasil gabah. Dalam penelitian terdahulu, penyemprotan received much attention in wheat, oat, rye, barley
tanaman dengan zat penghambat pertumbuhan berupa paclo-
butrazol and prohexadione-calcium pada fase inisiasi malai and rice. Lodging is influenced by plant
meningkatkan ketahanan rebah tanaman padi tanpa efek negatif characteristics, particularly when plants are tall and have
terhadap hasil gabah. Namun, informasi mengenai pengaruh dari long internodes. Tall plants lodge badly under strong
zat penghambat pertumbuhan tersebut terhadap struktur batang wind and heavy rainfall (Watanabe 1997, Kaack and
padi masih terbatas. Penelitian untuk mempelajari perubahan struktur
anatomi batang padi dengan pemberian zat penghambat Schwarz 2001), especially during the wet season
pertumbuhan telah dilaksanakan di Universiti Putra Malaysia pada (Kobayashi et al. 1996). Lodging decreases grain yield
tahun 2002. Tanaman disemprot dengan menggunakan paclo- due to higher number of empty grains, and reduction in
butrazol dan prohexadione-calcium pada konsentrasi 50, 100, dan filled grains weight (Grist 1986, Kono 1995). In severe
200 mg/l pada fase inisiasi malai. Tiga minggu sesudah heading,
batang padi dari tiap perlakuan dikumpulkan untuk dipelajari struktur cases of lodging, panicles fall in water and grains start
batangnya dengan histology. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya germinating (Kono 1995).
perubahan bentuk irisan melintang batang padi, dari bulat pada
In previous studies, spraying with growth retardants
tanaman kontrol menjadi lebih lonjong pada tanaman yang diberi zat
penghambat pertumbuhan. Kedua jenis zat penghambat per- (paclobutrazol and prohexadione-calcium) at panicle
tumbuhan yang dievaluasi meningkatkan ketebalan dinding sel batang initiation stage when internodes begin to elongate
padi dan pengaruhnya lebih nyata pada perlakuan paclobutazol resulted in higher resistance to lodging due to retardation
dengan konsentrasi 200 mg/l. Aplikasi paclobutrazol meningkatkan
of internode length and increased culm diameter,
jumlah vascular bundle besar sebanyak 1 atau 2 per batang padi.
Hasil penelitian ini mengindikasikan potensi zat penghambat without reducing yield (Wahyuni et al. 2002). Although
pertumbuhan dalam menekan tingkat kerebahan tanaman padi. many investigations on mode of action of both growth
Kata kunci: Padi, histology, batang padi, paclobutrazol, retardants have already been made (Evans at al. 1999,
prohexadione-calcium Nakayama et al. 1992, Griggs et al. 1991), information on
the effect of the growth retardants on changes in plant
ABSTRACT. Lodging is among the major limiting factor in rice cell structure is lacking. A specific objective of this
production. It was reported that spraying rice plants with growth experiment was to study changes in anatomical
retardants, such as paclobutrazol and prohexadione-calcium at structures of rice stem when growth retardants are
panicle initiation stage resulted in increasing of plant resistance to
lodging without any detrimental effect to rice yield. Information on applied to rice plants.
effect of growth retardants on anatomical structures of rice stem
is lacking. In 2002, an experiment was done at the Universiti Putra
Malaysia to evaluate changes in structure of rice stems following
treatments with growth retardants was conducted. Plants were MATERIALS AND METHODS
sprayed with paclobutrazol and prohexadione-calcium at
concentrations of 0, 50, 100 and 200 mg/l at the panicle initiation Rice stems as a material of the experiment was produced
stage and rice stems of each treatment were collected for
in a screen house in field 2 of The Universiti Putra Malaysia
histological study at 3 weeks after heading (WAH). There were
changes in shape of cross-section of culm from rounded in from January 2002 to Juny 2002. The study was carried
untreated plants to be more oval in treated plants. Both growth out on Widas cultivar. The treatment was plant growth
retardant studied in all concentrations tested improved cell wall retardant (paclobutrazol and prohexadione-calcium) at
thickness of rice stem and the thickening effect was most
concentrations of 50, 100 and 200 mg/l. Plants were
pronounced with application of paclobutrazol at concentration of
200 mg/l. Application of paclobutrazol increased the number of sprayed with these solutions at panicle initiation stage
large vascular bundle by one or two per culm. This results indicated (at 49 days after sowing) and distilled water was used as
further the potential use of growth retardants to control lodging in a control.
Three weeks after heading, rice stems of each
Keywords: Growth retardants; plant lodging, anatomy of rice treatment were collected for anatomical study.
Preparation of specimen for microscopy was conducted


at The Histology Laboratory of Faculty of Agriculture, RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS

Universiti Putra Malaysia. At sampling, rice stems taken
from the center of the third internodes were cut into 5-
mm segments, and fixed in FAA (formaldehyde: alcohol: Effect of Treatments on Diameter and
glacial acetic acid in the ratio 2: 17: 1 v/v/v) at least for 1 Thickness of Culm Rice
day. Fixed samples were vacuumed at 80 kPa for one Table 1 shows the length of both sections of outer culm
hour and dehydrated in an ethanol series with 30-min diameter (a and b) of the control and 50 mg/l
incubation at room temperature for each step. The paclobutrazol plants were similar in length, but at the
ethanol series used were 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 and 100%. higher concentrations value of a became larger relative
Samples were immersed in serial combinations of to b causing culms to be more oval in shape. The similar
xylene and paraplast (50, 75 and 100%) for 2 hours in trend occurred in inner diameter whereby the shape of
each step and finally embedded in 100% paraplast. Serial inner diameter more oval in the treated plants, except
sections (17 µm) were made with a rotary microtome, for 50 mg/l Paclobutrazol. There was no significant
mounted on a glass slide with 10% albumin-glycerin and different in culm thickness between treated and
stained in acid fuchsin and methylene blue. Finally the untreated plants.
stained tissues were sealed with DPX mountant.
The specimens were viewed under a light micro- Effect of treatments on number of vascular bundle
scope at 100, 200, 400 and 1000 time magnifications and
photographs were taken with a Canon camera. The Cross section of the rice culm and the important
following measurements were made: (1) outer and structures are labeled (Figure 2). Figure 3 and 4 show
inner culm diameter – two measurements taken at right the effect of treatments on the large (inner) and small
angles to each other in each cross section of culm (outer) vascular bundles in culms. Plants treated with
(Figure 1), (2) culm thickness- measurements taken at prohexadione calcium at 50 and 100 mg/l had larger
the same location as culm diameter and (3) thickness of than normal inner vascular bundles compared to other
parenchyma cell wall. Each measurement was done on treatments. On the other hand, stems of treated plants
5 crossed section of culm per replicate. (except 100 mg/l paclobutrazol) had smaller outer
vascular bundles compared to the control. It was
The experiment was designed in a completely
apparent that the compaction was from inside out with
randomized design with 4 replications. The data were
increased number of parenchyma cells.
subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SAS
Software Release 6.12 (SAS Institute Inc. USA). Duncan’s
Multiple Range Test was used to compare treatment
means at p = 0.05.

LVB (400 x)

a c SVB
b d CF
SVB (400 x)
LVB : large (inner) vascular bundle
SVB : small (outer) vascular bundle
FP : fundamental parenchyma P
CF : corticle fiber
P : phloem MX
MX : metaxylem vessel
PL : protoxylem lacuna
i ii MC : medullary cavity

Figure 1. Determination of outer and inner diameter of rice culm

i. Mean outer diameter was taken as the average of a and b Figure 2. Cross section of normal rice culm and enlarged view of
ii. Mean inner diameter was taken as the average of c and d small and large vascular bundles.


Compared to the control plants, there was an Effect of treatments on diameter and
increase in the number of vascular bundles by one or cell-wall-thickness of parenchyma
two per culm in paclobutrazol treated plants. Although
the increase may seem small, but increase in number of The shape of parenchyma cells in the untreated stem
vascular bundles not only can enhance movement of was rounded. Application of both growth retardants at
assimilates but also provide larger area in which to 50 mg/l caused parenchyma cells to be enlarged
accumulate more carbohydrate (Hayashi 1980). Further, compared to the control, with equal number and size of
a higher number of inner and outer vascular bundles is intercellular space. In stems treated with 100 mg/l
associated with a larger number of rachis-branches paclobutrazol, the size of parenchyma cells were not
(panicle-branches), more spikelets and higher grain obviously different as compared to the control, but the
weight per panicle (Kim and Vergara 1991) that cells were more oblong in shape with less intercellular
contributed to improvement of grain yield in space. The parenchyma cells of 200 mg/l paclobutrazol
paclobutrazol treated plants as seen in previous study treated plants were smaller or rather compact compared
(Wahyuni et al. 2002). to the control, but cells were more hexagonal or
trapezoidal in shape with very little intercellular space.

Table 1. The effect of growth retardants on outer and inner stem diameters (mm), and culm thickness (¼ m) of rice plants.

Outer diameter (mm) Inner diameter (mm)

Plant growth retardant Culm thickness
a b c d (µm)

Control 3.41 b 3.02 b 2.39 b 2.00 b 510.0

Paclo 50 mg/l 3.79 a 3.45 a 2.74 a 2.37 a 525.0
Paclo 100 mg/l 3.77 a 2.90 b 2.73 a 1.86 b 520.0
Paclo 200 mg/l 3.93 a 2.74 b 2.89 a 1.70 b 520.0
Pro-Ca 50 mg/l 3.44 b 3.35 a 2.40 b 2.31 a 520.0
Pro-Ca 100 mg/l 3.83 a 2.76 b 2.80 a 1.74 b 512.5
Pro-Ca 200 mg/l 3.76 a 2.77 b 2.73 a 1.74 b 512.5

Means within columns with the same letter are not significantly different (p=0.05) based on DMRT,
ns: not significant;
a, c : widest diameters in sections;
b, d : narrowest diameters in section

Table 2. The effect of growth retardants on number of large and Table 3. The effect of growth retardants on wall thickness, widest
small vascular bundles. and narrowest diameter of parenchyma cells.

Number of Number of Total number Cell wallDiameter of parenchyma (µm)

Growth retardant large vascularsmall vascular of vascular Growth retardant thickness
bundles bundles bundles (µm) a b

Control 26-27 26-27 52-54 Control 0.893 d 7.263 7.000

Paclobutrazol 50 mg/l 27-28 27-28 54-56 Paclobutrazol 50 mg/l 1.190 b 8.138 8.050
Paclobutrazol 100 mg/l 27-28 26-28 53-56 Paclobutrazol 100 mg/l 1.214 b 7.525 7.000
Paclobutrazol 200 mg/l 27-28 26-27 53-55 Paclobutrazol 200 mg/l 1.369 a 7.263 6.738
Prohex-Ca 50 mg/l 26-27 26-27 52-54 Prohex-Ca 50 mg/l 1.107 c 8.138 7.875
Prohex-Ca 100 mg/l 26-27 26-27 52-54 Prohex-Ca 100 mg/l 1.202 b 7.350 6.563
Prohex-Ca 200 mg/l 26-27 26-27 53-54 Prohex-Ca 200 mg/l 1.190 b 7.700 7.175
(ns) (ns)

Means within columns with the same letter are not significantly
different (p=0.05) based on DMRT,
ns: not significant,
a and b: widest and narrowest diameter of parenchyma cells,


Figure 3. Inner vascular bundles in culms of untreated and treated plants.(bar = 24µm,
Paclo: paclobutrazol, Pro-Ca: prohexadione calcium, concentration of growth retardants is mg/l)

Figure 4. Outer vascular bundles in culms of untreated and treated plants (bar = 20µm,
Paclo: paclobutrazol, Pro-Ca: prohexadione calcium, concentration of growth retardants is mg/l)


1 2 3

4 5 6 7
Figure 5. Culm parenchyma cells of untreated and treated plants.
1: Control,
2: 50 mg/l paclobutrazol,
3: 100 mg/l paclobutrazol,
4: 200 mg/l paclobutrazol,
5: 50 mg/l prohexadione calcium,
6: 100 mg/l prohexadione calcium,
7: 200 mg/l prohexadione-calcium.
(Short arrow shows parenchyma cell wall. Long arrow shows intercellular. Bar = 4µm).

Treatment with 100 mg/l of prohexadione calcium had with 50 mg/l paclobutrazol and 50 mg/l prohexadione-
slightly smaller parenchyma cells that were mostly calcium as seen in the previous experiment (Wahyuni et
hexagonal in shape. The shape of parenchyma cells in al. 2002); even though plants had larger culm diameter
treatment with 200 mg/l prohexadione- calcium were as compared to other treatments (Table 1).
similar with that of 50 mg/l prohexadione calcium, but Cell walls of parenchyma were induced to thicken
were more compact (Figure 5). Stem of treated plants, by external application of growth retardants (Figure 5)
which resulted in hexagonal shaped cells with minimal which is supporting by data of cell wall thickness (Table
intercellular space, exhibited higher stem strength as 3) whereby all treated plants had thicker parenchyma
reflected in measurements of stem breaking resistance cell wall compared to the controls. The thickening effect
(Wahyuni et al. 2002). was most pronounced with application of 200 mg/l
The larger culm diameter observed in plants treated paclobutrazol.
with 50 mg/l paclobutrazol and prohexadione-calcium Changes in cell structure of paddy culms such as
(Table 1) was attributed to the enlargement in increase in culm thickness, change in shape of
parenchyma cells as seen in Figure 5. The parenchyma parenchyma cells and increase in parenchyma cell wall
cells of plants treated with 50 mg/l of both growth thickness are contributory factors that collectively would
retardants also had thinner cell wall with more explain the growth retardant induced improvement in
intercellular space as compared to that of higher stem strength as measured by stem breaking resistance
concentrations. This condition presumably is another as seen in Wahyuni et al. (2002). Result of the previous
reason for low stem breaking resistance in plants treated study showed that all treated plants have higher stem


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