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Mata Kuliah : Pengantar Ekonomi Makro
Semester/Kredit : II
Dosen : Lukman,SE,Msi



Mata Kuliah ini diberikan pada kelas pengantar yang memfokuskan analisanya pada aspek
Ekonomi Makro. Tujuan utama kuliah ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dasar kepada
mahasiswa tentang prinsip-prinsip dasar Ekonomi Makro sebagai dasar untuk analisa ekonomi
pada tingkat lanjutan nantinya. Seperti halnya dengan Ekonomi Mikro, juga membahas prilaku
unit-unit ekonomi, tetapi pendekatan pembahasan dilakukan secara Aggregate (menyeluruh) dan
menekankan peranan pemerintah dalam perekonomian. Materi kuliah diberikan dengan
menggunakan kurva dan Matematika sederhana. Dengan mengambil mata kuliah ini diharapkan
mahasiswa dapat memahami dasar-dasar analisa ekonomi makro dan memahami prinsip-prinsip
ilmu ekonomi makro.


Kuliah ini diberikan hanya menggunakan satu buah buku sebagai bahan utama yaitu

Karl E, Case and Ray C,Fair, Principles of Economics, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall
International Editions.


Penilaian mahasiswa dilakukan berdasarkan :

- Ujian Mid Semester
- Ujian Akhir Semester
- Tugas dan Kuis
- Kehadiran minimum 75 %


1. Introduction to Macroeconomics
- The roots of macroeconomics
- Macroeconomics concerns
- The role of government in the macroeconomics
- The components of macroeconomics
- The methhodology of macroeconomics

2.Measuring National Output and National Income

- Gross National Product (GNP)
- Calculating GNP
- From GNP to Personal Income
- Nominal versus real GNP
- Limitation of the GNP concept

3.Macroeconomic Problem : Unemployment and Inflation

- Recessions, Depressions and Unemployment
- Inflation
- Global Unemployment Rates and Inflation

4.Aggregate Expenditure and Equilibrium Output

- Aggregate Output and Aggregate Income
- Equilibrium Aggregate Output (Income)
- Looking Ahead ; The Government and International Sectors

5. The Government and Fiscal Policy

- Government Participation in the Economy
- Fiscal Policy Work the Multiplier Effects
- Adding International Sectors
- The Government Budget
- The Money Market and Monetary Policy : A Preview

6. The Supply of Money

- An Overview of Money
- How The Banks Create Money
- The Federal Reserve System
- How The Fed Controls the Money

7. The Demand For Money, The Equilibrium Interest Rate and Monetary Policy
- The Demand for Money
- The Equilibrium Interest Rate
- Looking Ahead : FED Behaviour and Monetary Policy

8. Money, Interest Rate and National Income

- The Link Between the Goods Market and the Money Market
- Combining the Goods market and Money market
- Other Determinant of Planned Investment
- Looking Ahead : The Price Level

9. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply

- The Aggregate Demand Curve
- The Aggregate Supply Curve
- The Equilibrium Price Level
- The Long-Run Aggregate Supply Curve
- Monetary and Fiscal Policy Effects
- Causes of Inflation

10. The Labor Market, Unemployment, and Inflation

- The Classical View of the Labor market
- Explanning The Existence of Unemployment
- The Relationship Between The Unemployment and Inflation Rates

11. Households and Firm Behavior in Macro Economy

- Households; Consumption and Labor Supply Decision
- Firms ; Investment and Employment Decisions

12. Economics Growth

- The Growth Process
- Economics Growth and Public Policy
- The Pros and Corns of Growth

13. International Trade and Comparative Advantage

- The International Economy; Trade Surplus and Deficits
- The Economic Basis For Trade; Comparative Advantage
- Trade Barriers; Tariffs, Subsidies and Quotas
- Free Trade or Protection

14. Open Economy Macroeconomics

- The Balance of Payments
- Equilibrium of Output (Income) in an Open Economy
- The Open Economy With Flexible Exchange rates
- An Interdependent World Economy

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