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Introduction to Computers & IT CSC – 101, Spring - 2011

Islamabad Campus
Department of Computing and Technology

Course Title: Introduction to CS & IT

Instructor: Dr. M. Yousuf Khan
Course Code: CSC-101
Credit Hours: Four: Two Lectures (1½) & One Lab (1½)
Semester: 1st
Pre-requisite: None
Office Hours: Monday: 10:00am – 11:30am
Tuesday: 10:00am – 2:00pm

This course is intended to familiarize the students with the history and evolution of
the computers, hardware and software, basics of computer Networks, HTML, basic
skills in word processing and presentation software and introduction to the use of
internet. The course will emphasize on knowledge of application of computers to help
deal with daily and social arenas, and finally deal with the social impact of computers
to facilitate in office, industry and education.

Course Objectives
1. To make evident an understanding of logic, functional organization, and
capabilities of computers.
2. To teach the history and societal impact of computers.
3. To teach Hardware and Software architecture.
Hardware: Basic components, CPU, memory, peripheral devices, data storage
media and devices, file storage, physical and logical storage and the data
organizations etc.
Software: Programs and software, system & application software, operating
systems, programming languages, compilation and interpretation, problem
specification, algorithms, flow charts and pseudo code.
Basic Programming Technique’s (Fundamentals of C): Data types and
declaration, header file and linkage, variables and constants, arrays,
input/output, termination, control structures, branching, conditional structures,
repetition and loops, finally the basic library functions.
4. To understand the basic concepts of Operating systems (Windows).

Course Outcomes
At the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify the basic parts of a computer system.
2. Identify the functions of memory and secondary storage and the differences
between them.

Inst: Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan 1

Introduction to Computers & IT CSC – 101, Spring - 2011

3. Designing of basic programming problems.

4. To handle basic scale software & hardware issues to understand the functions
& architecture of the different types of hardware and software, operating
systems (DOS), coding, executing, debugging simple programs and finally the
implementation of simple functions.
5. To know the impact of computer technology from social point of view.

Home Works/Programs
Attendance for every class is mandatory. All work is considered late if it is not
handed in the day it is due. Under normal circumstances, late assignments will not be
accepted. Copied assignments will lead to negative points equal to the assignment.

Students are required to appear in all quizzes, no make up quizzes will be conducted
under normal circumstances.

Students are required to prepare a term project to be presented in the class.

Presentation has to be given on time, otherwise, marks will be deducted at the rate of
20% each day.

80% attendance is a must. Late comer will be marked as absent.

Evaluation Criteria
Quizzes: 10
Assignments &
Presentation: 25
Mid-Term: 10 + 15 = 25
Final: 40

Quiz Schedule
Quiz # 1 3rd Week, 1st Hour Quiz # 2 5th Week, 2nd Hour
Quiz # 3 10th Week, 2nd Hour Quiz # 4 14th Week, 2nd Hour
Quiz # 5 16th Week, 1st Hour

Assignments Schedule
Assignments Delivery of Assignment Submission Date
Assignment # 1 2nd Week, 2nd Hour 3rd Week, 1st Hour
Assignment # 2 6th Week, 2nd Hour 7th Week, 1st Hour
Assignment # 3 11th Week, 2nd Hour 12th Week, 1st Hour
Assignment # 4 13th Week, 2nd Hour 14th Week, 1st Hour
Assignment # 5 15th Week, 2nd Hour 16th Week, 1st Hour

Weekly Plan:
Week Topic to cover Remarks Covered

Inst: Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan 2

Introduction to Computers & IT CSC – 101, Spring - 2011

1: 1st Hour
Student introduction, subject intro, course contents (on-line
courseware), course scope, presentation schedule, grading
schemes, weight age issues, on-line Quiz/Assignment
evaluation strategy, attendance policy etc
2nd Hour
Application of Computers
Computer usage in: Homes, Education, Business, Industry &
in Medical sciences.
Lab instructions, report submission formats. Login detail from
network administrator. Getting information’s from internet for
example: Finding resistor color-coding scheme from internet.
System information for saving, copying, deleting files etc.
2: 1st Hour
History of Computers
Four generations of Computers: Abacus, Vacuum tubes,
Transistors, ICs, Microprocessor revolution
2nd Hour
History of Computers: History of Microprocessors
Computer Hardware, Identification of internal hardware,
System configuration, Hardware specs, Software specs
3: 1st Hour
History of Computers: History of software development
2nd Hour
Types of Computers: (IBM, Motorola, Macintosh, Intel)
Classification of Computers: Super Computers, Mainframe
Computers, Mini computers, Workstations, Microcomputers
and PCs.
Example of application software and system software,
Software packages etc.
4: 1st Hour
Basic Structure of a Computer (block diagram from CSC-100
may be used here again)
2nd Hour
Hardware: Registers, internal clock and clock calculations.
Example of application software and system software,
Software packages. Paint etc.
5: 1st Hour
Hardware (contd.): Memory devices: RAM, ROM, Cache
2nd Hour
Hard Disk, CD ROM, Floppy Drive, ROMBIOS

Inst: Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan 3

Introduction to Computers & IT CSC – 101, Spring - 2011

Introduction to DOS Operating System: Basic commands of
DOS (changing directories, creating, copying, deleting files).
6: 1st Hour
Hardware (contd.): Basic I/O concepts and applications.
Peripheral devices.
2nd Hour
Hardware (contd.): Basic I/O continued.
7: 1st Hour
Hardware (contd.): Buses
Internal and external buses, Serial ports, Parallel ports
Expansion Slots. NIC card, modem, sound card
2nd Hour
Hardware (contd.): Printers, scanners, CD burners,
Example of application software: Office tools, Presentation
software etc.
8: 1st Hour
Number Systems.
2nd Hour
Number Systems.
Office tools: Advanced Microsoft Office tools. PowerPoint
presentations & some keynotes to MS-ACCESS.
9: 1st Hour
Software: System Software, Application Software, Startup
programs, Operating systems, origin, types (CLI, Menu driven,
GUI), Compatibility issues Capabilities of Operating systems:
Task switching, Multi tasking
2nd Hour
Software (contd.): Programming aspects, Programming
Languages, Utility programs
C-programming language.
10: 1st Hour
Software (contd.): Different type of languages, Compilation
and interpretation.
2nd Hour
Software (contd.): Algorithm, flowchart, and pseudo codes.
C-programming language.
11: 1st Hour
Introduction to C: Structure of C program with a simple
example. Syntax and runtime error, logical error.

Inst: Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan 4

Introduction to Computers & IT CSC – 101, Spring - 2011

2nd Hour
Introduction to C: Header file and linkage, variable and
constants, arrays, Statement assignments.
C-programming language.
12: 1st Hour
Introduction to C: (Cont.) Programming techniques, data type
and declaration.
2nd Hour
Introduction to C: repetition and loops, basic library functions.
C-programming language (contd.)
13: 1st Hour
Introduction to C: Input/output, termination.
2nd Hour
Control structure, branching structure.
C-programming language.
14: 1st Hour
Conditional statements.
2nd Hour
Basic Library functions.
C-programming language. Presentations & exams.
15: 1st Hour (may be on 4th week)
Social impact of Computer age: Computer in office, industry
and education (contd.)
Profile: Microsoft and Bill Gates, Jim Clark, Steven Jobs.
2nd Hour (REVISION)
Contemporary Computing:
Computer crimes, AI, sabotage, viruses, theft
Lab: Open Discussions on Various Application Packages.
Recommended Books
1. “Computers” by Larry Long & Nancy Long, latest edition or 12th edition (check
the web monthly for the updates:
2. Brian Williams and Stacey Sawyer, “Using Information Technology,” Seventh Edition,
2007, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0072260718.
3. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for
Performance,” Seventh Edition, 2006, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131856448.
4. Introduction to C & C++ with examples by Dr. Jamil Ahmad
5. Peter Norton, Peter Norton’s “Introduction to Computers”, latest edition,
Glencoe/McGraw Hill.
6. Asiya Sultan & Amena Nudrat, “Fundamental Concepts of Computer System”,
latest edition.

Inst: Dr. Mohammed Yousuf Khan 5

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