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former Navy Chaplaia

• EARLY DEADLINE To Make Principal
Because of the Memorial Day
boliday next Friday, May 30, Addr•••
Inauguration of new officers, and Thirty-two senior. and twenty- thl. newapaper wl1l go to pres. Final detail. of tM Impre..l~ ,
four juniors were officially inducted on Wednesday. News and ad- Memorial Day observanc scheduled,
a spring concert, brought to a close
into, the Lower Merion chapter of vertising copy must be received for Narberth were announced !hI_
the current season of the Narberth
the National Honor Society in t.he by 6 P, M. Tueeday. week by Reginald Rollin., pufl
Parent-Teachers' Association on
Monday night. Dpwnl Gy;m last Friday. commander of the Harold D. Speak,

L. M. Hig~ Band
The program was opened by the Chosen by the senior oIass on the man Post, American Legion, whq
Narberth Sehool Chorus, led by Miss basis at SCholarship, leadership, i. chairman of the Memorial Dqr
Frances Frick". with W. J. Dren- service and, character were: Brian Committee. '
I~ nen, school principal, as accompan-
Ist. Students takln'g part were Gall
Bucklee, De~etrll. Chlos, Georg'e
Fern, Jean Field, Isabel Graham, To Be ~in Festival "The po.t-apon.ored community,
ceremonies, in honor of the Nati?
berth men who have ~ven theli
Brown, Jean Graham, .Jackie Cot- TlI1 Gyorgy, Anne Hargadon, J'lan
ter, Barbara Hutton, Pattie Mill'- Harsch, Nanoy Hentr., Wi11lam Concert Scheduled for lIvea for their country, will opeJl
shall, Patsy McEnanem, Ann Meth- Homer, Elmer Jenkins, Jane Kan- May 2S; To Play Allo with a parade. Marchers will me~
ery, Nan Simon, Marguerite Strlck- die, Jack Lessig, Jo Lord, Alan at the Community Buildlni' ob
lao Vicky Tlgano, Shirley Weiss, Matthias, Marllyn 1.11ller, Sam ~ll­ At School Reception Windsor Ave, at 9.30 A. M. on Me"
KatlirYn Nelson, Jean Buchanan, llken, Patricia. Moore, Betty jean morlal Day, May 30. It is '1fpecfed
The Lower Merion 8enlor High they wll1 cover the route in approx.
Peggy OfTenhauser, Ann Snyder, Myers, Be,tty Ann Orr, Helen 9va1le, School Band has been inVited to per-
Louise Cotter, Susan Hoffman, Caroline Peery, Baytpn Preston, imately. an hour, SO that servlcelll
form in the Flrlt AnnJ,lal Band Fes- at the Narberth War' Memorial;
Gwen Hunsicker, Elva Murray, Bernard Ruckdeschel, Janet Shand, tival of Philadelphia at La SallG
Barbara Neale, :prll!cilla Stevenson, Gwen Stose, Dot SUlzberger, Ray Windsor and Wynnewood Ave-., wW
CoUege Stadium, Sunday, May 25, get underway about 10,30 A. :M,
Betty Jane Stewart, Suzanne Gor- Sweeney, Sarah Titlow, Robert Ty- at 2 P. M. Under the joint sponsor-
;0 Floats Planned
dy. Constance Bo,?ey, Norma Byrd, son,. Barbara Wigginton and Mary ship of the.Phlladelphla Chapter of
Eleanor Catherman, Diane Cuth- Ziegler. These. boys and girls will In the line at march wllJ be JIll<
the PennsY'lvanla Bandmasters' As- merous ftoatli, Including those o'
bert, Sa11y PaTren, Ann Spmelli, serve in honorary' capacity only, sociation and the Philadelphia. Com-
Irma Hall Rees, Joann McClintock, the Narberth Business Councll, thCII
as the twenty-three other members mittee of the UNESCO organlla·
Jack Bowers, Jinny Flint, Walter Narberth Italian American Citlnn,
of their class who were inducted tion, the festival is open to the gel\..
Gorin, Dick McAuliffe, George Pur- Club, St. Margaret's School and the
as juniors arrange d tlie lociety'. erlil publlc :without admlss~on Lower Merion Rod and Gun Club\
ring, Teddy Merkel, Mike Casey.
Dick Gillls, Richard Segermal'k,
Bob Senft, John Thomas and Bl1\ Playground Will PENN VALLEY WOMAN
affairs this year.
The tw~nty-rour members who
were elected by the junior class to
Four large massed bands will eacb
play a program of about 30 min-
Other organiaztlon. parUclpatina
in the parade will be the Speakmaq
Po.t, Spanish-American War Vetel'!
Officers were installed by the
outgoing president, Richard Leh-
Open On June 30 Mrs. Mafllda Rossetti, of Centen-
nial Rd., Penn Valley, was treated
for a possible fractuI'e of the right
take over next year's honor society
activities are: 'Janet Branaman,
Marcia Browne, Richard Curtl3,
utes. The Montgomery County unit.
consisting of the Lower Menon,
Ambler and Norristown banda, wl1l
an., Gold star Mothera, Amerlcalt
Legion AUXiliary, D. A. R., Bo~
Scout., Girl Scouts, Cub SCOU~t
man. 'I'he speech of acceptanc'J on Namel Of Supervisors ankle, at Bryn Mawr Hospital Mon- Ann Davidson, Cal'mela D'Agolftlno, open the program, with lelections Narberth School, Narberth Boroua!!
behalf of the incoming executives Will Be Announced day, after an accident at Ardmore Jean Haig, Mittie Jenninglj, Marion by Bach, Sullivan, Herbert, Me- Council, Red cross. Narberth Vo~
was J1?ade by Samuel Barclay, new and Lancaster_ Rds. Mrs. Rossetti, Jones, Dan Leiter, Booth Mattson, haupt and Sousa. They wl11 be fol- unteer Medical Service Corps, Narr,'
MARGARET ANN LUEDER S, nine-months-old beauty, won president of the PTA. Other oflj- Later accompanied by Mrs. Emma WIl- Cynthia McKelvey, CarolYn Mears, lowed in turn by a Delaware County berth Fire Company, Narberth CIIi
against a large field of tiny contenders in the baby contest sponsored eel'S inaugurated were G. O. Fle.tch- lIams, of Phlladelphia, was crossing VI rg i n Ia M err Ittt , J eanne 0 rcu,
ttUnit, a massed band selected trom
Plans for ' the summer recreation the Intersection when a car driven
l,ecently by Samuel Stelgrod, man agel' of Whelan's Drug Store, er. first vice·president; Mrs. Wil-
program in Narberth wer e made b" ' Ruth Parr, Beverly Sager, J anet the boys' parochial schools of Phil· MEMORIAL DAY
Narberth and Haverford Aves., Narberth, Judges In the contest liam Hoeschle, sccond vice-presi- J by Clarence Proctor, 336 W. Spring adelphia. The concert wl1l conclude
the Recreation Board of the Bor- Shellet, John Slemp, Henry Smith, PARADE BOUTE
were the store's customers who v·oted on pictures of the entrantli dent; Donald Drain, treasurer, and
Mrs. G. S. McLaren, secretar~'. ough ·a t 'a meeting held last w e e
k ..Ardmore,
' made the turn at
that corner. Pollce said Mrs. Ros-
S a11 y T omp kl ns, R eu b en T yson,
with ,selections by a combined band Because construction work on i
displayed in the store, As her pri ze, Margaret Ann won a doll
The official playground season, setti walked Into the right fender ~~~:~:~~~~::,.. JOhn. Wagner and made up of members of the AU- Wynnewood Bel. will not be I
that's bigger than she is, Her mo ther, Mrs, E. Lueders, the former The second half of the program Philadelphia High S4<hool Band and completed Memorial Day, th. !
when organized play for chlldren of the car. The driver was dlsmls-
.Eleanor Mulligan, of Iona Ave., received a travelling t.hermos jug. opened with two readings, "Spring of all ages will be conducted under
.ed by Lower Merion Township b t l ' I I
At the induction George H, GIl- the Gi,rard College Band.
1 I d 1.0
annual parade will Dot vl,lt the 'I
Has Come" and "The Vendor," by the direction of a superVisor and police, after Mrs. Rossetti was ad- er, pI' nc pa, exp a ne wer Bruce C. Beach, director of the South side this year. The re-
Catherlng Bennett. Marie Hipwell two assistants, will open Junc 30 Merion's system of allowing stu. Lower Merion Band, is vice-presi- vised route will be as folloWll1 I
played several 'cello solos and the and continue to August 30, it was mltted to the hospital. dents to elect the members of their dent of the Pennsylvania B8.ndmas- Windsor Ave from the Com. 1
Lower Meri.on PIG
au 00dyear
program was brought to a close by decided. clasl to the organization after' an teu' Association, Philadelphia munlty Building to Hampdma I
the PTA Chorus, led by Mrs. Dl'ell- Hours will be from 9.30 a. JI1. to eligiblllty list has been drawn up Chapter, and on the committees Aye.; north on Hampden to I
i si~~fding all stUdents having an which has organized this festival.
Voters Meet nen and accompanied by Mrs. Wcs·
ley Dunnington.
,,;At ,the ..SChool Field' Day to be
noon, 1.30 to 5,30 p. m. and 6.30 to
T H d PI a,\7e"'s t
S,30 p. m. dally. On Saturdays,.,;;the.. ' l I l : D n
, "(U average.
' T h 'e orc h es t ra, un d er th e dl rec- The Lower Merion Band will llon-
Woodbine; OVllr Woodbine to I
Narberth; north on Narberth tG I
Wayne; w~t on Wayne to ;Ee. I
Committeemen , "held this week, the"PTA:Wndle iii
charge of the food sale, fish pond,
morning ho\\1's w.lll, 'QP. the., 1I~~"
afternoon from 1.30 to 5 P. m. and
no evening hours. .
~,V't' • '~ ,, iT J, • tion of Andrew Frech' played "Old c~~de i~ ,.l2.1!,~,_sJl~!p..K..:~ea,sg,~, ~y fur. '. Ie~ ~uth to \1'kldllol";'liP.Wkl4e J
Paul Goodyear, of the Merion
. M Ri "
an.. vel' an
d "F
es va
1 M:if
II nlshlng the music tor a reception
801' to Narberth; louth to Hav. ~
.womens League Host pony rides and baUoon man. M1 s.
B. Eberly is chairman, assisted by
Th b d t d th
e Iload: ,gradn e the ~Te °b .'he was elected president of the newlv llc" and "The Cherubic Hymn" were
to be given to Ichool Qfficlals all
f th Park Apartments Merion StaUon; The Battle Hymn ot, the Repub- Monday evening, May·26, will par- erford. and west on HiLverforll
to the war Memorial. A
To Citizens From Did everyone hear Mrl'. Thomas
Mrs. Adon Horsley. Mrs. Rolin Sld-
b ase b a lamon t 0 e ..,ar er. Y . ·
teams of the Main Line and :Mout- organized Narberth Players at their sung by the chOIr directed by Ger- ade in Ardmore, and furniSh the
ticipate in the Memori:if Day pal'· .1
L, Kane, of 734 Beacom Lane, Meri- I
Nineteen Districts on, over ,WFll. 'Wednesday after- weU, Mrs. B. McSeveney and Mrs, d e I BaBeb a II L eagues an.. 0
... t th
second reorganlatzlon meeting in aId Woerner and accompaul<!d by music for the ceremopies on Pen- dets Drum. and Bugle Corps an.
Samuel Barclay. the Narberth School auditorium Wende Platte and Marcia Browne. nypacker Field. the Northern Liberties Fife, DrU1\
noon? ... She spoke for five whole cub t eams, ma d e up 0 f seven· an d N •
Voters of Lower Merion Town- I ht ld b Tuesday night ancy Wedge, the 1947 president, and Bugle Corp I. The fife unit 0\
minutes t~lllng people about the
ship and Na~bel·th learned at first e ;'h -year-o f th oy;: d b th Other omce~s eletlted were Mrs welcomed the newly elected mem- thill corps is composed at elght·ti
hand wha~ the two-party system
Voters Party given that evening by LOCAL POSTMASTERS AT e usiello e thlamflonld f'Y fese John Carver of Cynwyd vice.presl~ bel'S on behalf of the other omcers 12-year-old girls. '
was about, when they attended a
the Lower' Merion League of Wo-
5-COUNTY MEETING t earns weave
d i
e e ree or ' ,
d 11 dent' Mrs. Karl WIlliams of Nar- (LOUise Squire, vice-president; Bar- ROTARIANS TO ATTEND :Prize. For Blcyclel
qlen Voters ... she's president of the others ur ng t e mornings an a ' ' b a r a Mantz secretaI' and Nanc
Voters Party, Wednesday night,
League, you know. Postmasters from Lower Merion afternoons except saturdays ~nd berth, secretary; and Ralph GI.les, ,y, y BAPTIST SERVICES SUNDAY Since tht:. FIi'e Company lIet
sponsored by the Lower Mel'ion 'id treasurer Beane, treasurer) and members.
Understand she had quite a bUSy Township and Narberth 'Borough hoi ays. • Aft th b Members of the Bala-Cynwyd- ruled that no children may ride oj
League of Voters, at Merion TI'ib-
day Wednesday ... Besides giving went to Pottstown last Thursday '111 e names 0 f those appo In t ed as
Speaker of the evening wa~ Fer· er e ceremony new mem ers the l1re engines in this year'l pli
ute House. and their parehts met with 'he fac- Narberth Rotary Club will attend
her radio talk, she received a phone night for the annual five-county supervisor and assistant supervisol'll BUS Reddi, who e"tabllshed the first , . L ,11 A. M. services at the Baptist rade-a sattey measure the youns\
Tho value of the two-party sys- call from hei· son, Robert, Jr., who's ,meeting of the postmatsers' asso- wl11 be announced at a later date. 8tate theatre at the University of ublty at a short receptlon in the 11- C E I sters will have a special bicycle aeci
ciation, held at the Eagles' Heme. Oregon and was at the Pasa- rary where they were served by hurch of the vange, Narberth, tion In tile pal·ade. First, secont,'
tem and the prime function of the in Seattle, Washington, waiting tor dena Play House for many years. those inducted last year. on Sunday.
commlttecmen and women who his dischatge from the Army... Guest of honor was Joseph .T.
All mem b ers 0 f th e socie t y re- The club observes this custom and third prizes, of $5, $3 and $2, rill
kecp it functioning smoothly were Then, of course there was the Vot- Lawler. third assistant postmaster DR. GIBSON APPOINTED He is currently connected with spectively, will be awarded for tht
Plays and Palyers, and it Is expect- celve an honor 80clety ,pin and a annually, on the Sunday before Me- be.t decorated bicycles.
general, who was en route to New
stressed by Charles R. Kimbell, ers Party ... and lastly, Wednesday
York to open the sale of a new AT TEMPLE HOSPITAL ed that he will participate In future seal of honor on their high ~chool morlal Day, going to a different The services at the War MemCl\
Township Commissioner, who was was her birthday. plans for the Narberth Players. diplomas. church each year. They were In- rial Wltll Wil\iam Henry Ban1l.elcf
the principal speaker, The audience three-Cent stal'" lin connection with Announcement was made this
then directed its questions to the
• • the Philatelic Exhibition now oelng week of the appointment of Dr. G.
Mrs. C. Arley Farmer was ap- In the past 16 years, 7511 stUdents vlted to attend the Baptist services Post Commander, pl'esidlng, wi.
About 20 men of the Narberth pointed chairman of the member- from Lower Merion have been ad- by the Rev. Robert Middleton, pas- open with the invocation by Revi
/ committee people on the platform. held in that ety. G. Gibson as professor of opthal-
Presbyterian Church have started ship commlttl!e and it was announc- mitted to the organization, Each tor of the church, who is a member Charles P. O'Connor, assistant reel
They were Anthony Durante, Pen- Other speakers Included J . .A. Har- mology at the Temple University
coyd, and Mrs. Ruth Griggs, Glad-
50ft ball games at the Narberth kins , assistant inspector in charge Mildical School llJ'ld Hospital. Dr. ell that a formal membership drive year 5% of the junior clalls is ad- of the club. tor of St. Margaret'. Church.
School grounds Monday evening... will begin at the next meeting on mltted with 5% of the" senior class, The Rotarians wl11 also have It Burgelll Richard L. Miller wi~
wynne, Democrats, and H. OrvlJle at Philadelphia, and Gerald McDer- Gibson will succeed the late Dr. June 10. so that at present 10% of the sen- Memorial Day progl'am at their extend hi. greetings, and the color;
'Jim McCutcheon, Jr., who organled mody, assistant Philadelphia post- Walter I. LUlie, with. whom he was
Sebring, Jr.. Villanova, and Mrs. At that time a one-act farce, lor claS8 is represented, next meeting' on Tuesday in the will be ralsec1 by Past Commander.
the games, has asked that any master. associated tor the last, ten years. Overbrook Golf Club.
Robert Wilkinson, Merion, RepUbli-
chUl'Ch membel's interested call him Dr. Ll1lle, who lived at 35 Berwick "Poor Henry," wilJ be p.resented, Last Tuesday they heard a talk Harry A. Simpson, assisted by E41
Mrs. Thomas L. Kane, League
at Narberth 4254-M.
• • •
Among the postmasters attending
the meeting wel'e Miss Frances
Dougherty, Haverford; Mrs. George
Rd., Overbrook, dfed February 21. with M1'8. J. Staughton Erlchson in
Dr. Gibson, who lives at 253 Stan- charge.
Bala Troop Wiens on Rotary Ethics by Charles Pen- ward O. Ensinger. During this cere:
nock, president-elect of the Phlla- mony, the cadet corps wlll play "T(

D·St ric
· t PIaqu'e.
president, explained the value of a NeJJlngs,' Gladwyne; Mrs. Elnnlfl. dish Rd., Merion Park, takes over Miss Gordon Ferllow, chairman of d The Colon,"
Talked to Penn valley's !\[rs. Lar- elphia Rotary Club.
',non-partisan organization In the his new position immediately, ac- the policy committee, announced I, Be.olutlon 011 Doll
ry Grey on Tuesday and she told Aikens, WYnn~wood; Joseph Kelley,
community. The aim of her group, Narberth; William Carey, Ardmore; cording to an announcement by the that her committee had discussed A resolution of the Departmed,
me that I\er husband's parents, Rev.
she pointed out, is to -educate the Thomas McMahan, Rosemont, ahd dean of the Medical School and the posslbUitles of establishing' a' Boy Scout Troop Bala No.1 won WILL DISTRmUTES '1480 of Pennsylvania, American LeBlo~
an1i Mrs. A. L. Gre~', had just left
citizen. Membership In the League,
for their home In OXfprd, Md., after Percy _Lultens. Bryn Mawr. Hospital, Dr. N. Parkinson. He has drama work shop in connection the Main Line District Advance- Mrs. Anna K. Vogdes, of Lower on the death of Henry A. Doll, Na:~
however, Is not considered a substi- been a member of the faculty for with the Players. ment Plaque this month at the Merion, who died April 2', left a berth Civil War veteran who clie~
spp.ndlng several days with them,
tute for party - responslbilit~·. Thc the past 14 years, coming from I Board of Review and Court of Han- will disposing of her $1,'90 e,tate. February S, will be presented to hi,
League urges its mcmbers to be
Larry Grey is quite a .well-known OVERHEAD LIGHTS TO Or held last Tuesday night in the Beque.ts of $200 eaCh were made daughter, Miss Jeannette A. Dol)
active in the party of their choice,
artist, you I{now, with studios at
the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.'
He 'was. graduated from aonzaga
HEALTH OFFICER TO ACT Ardmore Presbyterian Church. to a granddaughter, Anna V. Dyer; by Cla\lde W. Waters, Jr., assilta~
their home un WOOdbine Ave. He I
after careful consideration of the
free lances in commcrcial advertis- The two gate post lights at the University, Spokane, Wash., and ON RESIDENTS' PETITION This Troop established an excep- a grandson, Willian). A. Dyer, Jr., adjutant of the Speakman Post,
issues involved.
ing and Illustrative work and has Iona Ave., entrance to L8.ntwyn the medical s~hool of St. Louis George B. Supplee, Narberth tional record by enrolling 13 new and a son, Harry Vogdes. The bal- Mr. Doll, whom the Speakma_
Following the brief genel'al meet- ,donc illustrations for the Farm Lane will be discontinued as soon as University.. Health Omcer, has been handl!d scouts during the month of April, ance is divided equally between her Post made an assoclafe membet
a new overhead light can be in- a petition, signed by several resi- which put them in the lead with daughter, Mrs. Edna V. Dyer, and
(Continued on Page fOUl') (Continued on Page Fuur) L. M. SUMMER SCHOOL dents living In the vicinity of. the points scored piUs advancements by a son, Hamilton V~gdes. (Continued on page Four)
stalled. According to a report made
last week by Robert M. Cameron, Summ.. school at the Lower Montgomery Court Apartments, for Randy Sawyer for a Merit Badge, --------------~--------------.- ....
Chairman of the Borough Council Merion Junior and Senior High further action. and Doc Fidler, Second Class. Communlty,
- A mb I Trave11 d.
u ance ~
Open House at Public School Water, Light, and Health Commit- Scho~18 wlll open June 23 and close The petition, given to the Water, Other advancements wereou fol-

208 Mile.s To Answer Apr!°1 Ca11

tee. on JUly 26 with six da)(s of lItudy Light, and Health Committee of the lows: Al'dmose Troop No.1, Ran-
weekly fQr the . five-week period. Borough Council last month, com- som Shoup, Olan H. Black, Robert
As T<?ld by 7th Grade Girl Cost of the old lights has amount-
ed to $3.4 pe'r year, and they al'e only Employment of the instructors was plained abo'llt smoke and noxious T. Loney, Edward Seymour. Ed-
authol'lzed by the Lower Mel'ion vapors from the incinerators of the ward Pacitti, and BII Monlthol'pe, The Community Ambulance, op- the Medical Service Corp.. Tha.'

By PATSY ENAIjEM about 10 percent efficient, Cameron

The 1947 I)pen House Exhibit at ed plctul'es and have illustrated the said. Cost of the new, lpOl'e powel'ful
Narberth Public School took place story of' Red Riding Hood. 'l'holY light, bas been estimated at $22.50
on May 15 and 16 and parents of have"" made models of an airpol't pel' yeal', Illisaving'to the'Borough of
$11.50 per year.
school directors Monday night. apartments.

.. ,
aJll'eceived Mel'lt Badges; Ardmore erated bY the Volunteer Medical sum at the Do&, Show last yea'
Troop ~o. 2, John Profice lind Don- Service corps of Narberth, travelec!' amounted to $200, and in additlo~
aid Fleming. Merit :Badges; AI'd. 20S miles l'8spondlng to calls In the Volunteer Corps' eal'ned $1501
more Tl'OOp No.4, William R. ,MII- April. Thirty-siX membel's of the by serving lunches and conductin.
pupils visited the school to see dis- and a farm.
plays of work d~ne by their chil- I Next we come to the classroom DEGERBERG WILL FILED
Citizens• Of Lower Merion leI', First Class, and Joseph Huver Corps were active on these cal;s othel' activities In connection wlt~
and .Albert Trail, Second Class; contrlbutlng.8 man-hOUr8. the Dog Show.
di·en. of Miss K. Hart, the ftrat gnde
We flr,st visit the kindcrgarten teacher. In her room, a wigwam
George N. Deger.beri~', of Merion, and Bala Troop No.3, Ralph Loan Mer- The statlst\&ls were disclosed at ---.:-.-----------:<:
class ..,f l'4i~.., D. Malel; and Mrs,' with some Indian weapolls In the
who died April 30, left holdings
NeighbOring Communities are it Badge ~rtd Larry Boslone Sec- the monthly !leeting of the Corps. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING "
valued at $40,000 in personal prop- ond Class; Bryn Mawr Troop No. The call. covered such routine tasks SITUATIONS WANTED-HALJC
Winters, Where chlldl'en have palnt- doorway catches our attention.
Also a house with furniture made
er,ty and $35,000 In real estate, ac- invited to attend 1, John J. Scott, Star, James C. as moving a. patient from hospital '
cording to the will filed last week
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING by the children catches our eye. 'On In Norristown. His wife, Katherll1e The First All,..... Township Blackburn, Fh'st Class, Denny Feg- to home, from house to house, and
BRINGS RESULTS the }Yall are books about "Uncle H. Dergerberg, is named beneficiary ~~~l~~eds~~~~:c~:a:s~d~:~~:~ also a few of extre~e emergency.
Wlggley" and "Our Family," EXPERIENCED
The Lower Merion Newspapers
I In Mrs. F. Lewis' room, also a
and executrix. The will is dated
March 12, 1935,
MEMORIAL DAY Troop No.1, Andrew Harvey, Sec- It was voted at themonthly meet-
and Class; Merion Troop ~o. 1, Ing to tra.nsfer funds from a sav- Maintenance of buildings a.nlt,
first' gl'ade, is a 'Wigwam and a grounds, Institutions or privati ell
Converts Spare Booms Into Cash EXERCISES Hugh Flanigan, Jr., William N, Ing8 bank to a national bank In
• The following advertisement ran house such as those in Miss Hart's Morrison, Jr., and Joseph N: Bast- preparation for the delivery of a
tates. References. Write .
one time in our four papers: room. On the desks are ind!\'1dllal CORRECTION Box G. B., 350, Ardmore, PL
In last, week's issue of OUR lett, Jr., Second Class; Mel'lon new ambulance whiCh has been on
folders of al·t work. On the walls
TOWN, an article appeared
Pennypacker Field, May 30, 1947 Troop No.2, Paul Q. Donohue, order for some time. The exact de- ~ -'
VICINITY 54th ,& City Line, 2 are samples of writing, bO'lklets First Class, Worcestel' Bouch 2d, livery date is sUU uncertain and, VENETIAN BLINDS ~'
-which concemed Narberth'.
rooms, $7 eacb. Gentile gentle-
• man only. Well furnished. next to
made by the pupils, and Oil tbe
tax collections by John B. Hall, Parade 10 :00 o'clock Star, Jack Balson, Second Cla8l, when the ambulaU:ce arrives, it is • fr
'bath. P1'lvate entl·apce. Gal'age op-
blaCkboards are poems alld storif:ll.
On a table are buttons made fOI' Boro\lgh tax collector. (Lancaster Ave., Wyoming to Anderson to Clarke Glennon and James Robel·ts, going to be necessary for the Corps VENETIAN BLINDS ,
tional. Merit Badges; Penn-Wynne Troop to borrow some money fl'om the Metal-Alumlnum-Wood
Now Mrs. Charles DeLong, 122
Mothel"s Day and in the back of the The article should have stated
that :Mr. Hall has collected all
Montgomery to Senior High School) No. I, Richard Liquori, First Class, ltank in order to meet the terms
Finest quality - Realonable
Quick Dellvery
Upland Terrace. Bala, says, "Excel- l'oom Is a l:lclence table, wllh worms, and Bernhasd Bergesen, Second' of making a complete payment on Blinds Relinlshed Like New
-lent advertisement and good loca- antll, insects! but $7~.20 against a proPerty
tion. Got results. Thanks a lot," tax dupllcate of $90,2117.76, and Exercises 11 ;00' 0' cloeI(f Class; Explorer' Post No. 239, Cyn- delivery. DuPont Tontine
!For as little as $1.40 your adver-
tisement will appear In the' Four
In Miss ,F. Bishop's room a small
libl'ary draws <!u attention. It has
books, chairs and tab.les inside the
all but ' against an OCl'U- ,
patlonal- tax d up 11 cat e at General H. H. Arnold - Speaker
It Bad ge.
, 11 St ar an d er-
d D onaId F 0 Iwe, One way. by which additional
needed fund. will be ral.elt will be
"The Washable Window Shad....'
Table Pads to Order "
H M MODELL t:(;.

Lower Merion Newspapers - (lom- low walls.· Around the room we see $8,688,25•. Announcement stressing the de- the Annual Dog Show to be con- 116 S. 60th•St.
• : . \,'
pletely covering the Main Line. Just
art work, 'reading books and &1'fth~ Hr. Hall, wbo is, credlted with In
case rain - 0/ Exercises will be held sirabillty of all Scouts' partlclpa- ducted on the Narberth Playground SHeerwood 7-0909 .,
pick up. the phone !lOd call .
MIl. Bradley or MlII8\ Bowman '
metlc, workbooks. the 'h!gheet collection percen....
ai'e in Hontgomery COunw last
the Ardmore Junior High' School tlon In the great V8.lley Forge by the Bryn :Mawr Kennel Club on
Council Campor,!!e this Friday, • Saturday, June 21. Ths Kennel ClUb, ,. For ~ee E.t1matA!l '
f%!.. the second grade room ot Milts :Auditorium

~:MOBE a'wi "BIiiTOP ,800 ' year, baa an 'average of appi'osl•• Saturd8.Y and SundayJ at Valley a non'profit organiz"tion, glveOJ all Additional O1al.14e4 A4vert!l1nf
': ',,':, : ' • :W.I~\ ' , .' (Qmtinued on pq. Four) . . . . ., 98'J1, t~,Je8.I'. I~"~_"_iiiiliiliiliiiiiijiliiiiiililill!iiiiiii;;;;l;--------c--., maa.
iiiiilI__iiii;jjiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;r;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;i;;;lji~,Forae• waa ' o t ' the Placeeel. above upeJUls to On Nest.. To Lut Pal" " "
\. , ,7 ,"" \ -.,' ,:.
".',. '. ~:~1""
,'! ".,.. q' 'C,".~
1" :'J,": ,<.' ;"1':: ,
,) I .. ' /'_' ;', ' '~' " ,.,,;,
~ ,~ "... _"-.,:;,/,1~'~~:(';?1t
, ....... UliI:

JfAVERFORD' rowNSmP ·NEW9· "'BAJlJX..OYNWYfj· .' MERtON NEWS OUR TOWN THl:JRSDAY;',-M:A:'!i ;;IIt::,lgft'-Il·'tt
. .
, I
'"' ," " "',

,/ PHILADELPHIA 'ELECTRIC'YETERAN'S May Fete Planned I Did Yo'rlKnow " BY' cultivating the'beautiful • •
scatter the seeds of, heavenly aow.
ers; a8 by doing good we cultiva~ I',
For Benefit, o"f
F~OOD 'FAIR h'asVARIETYt.~.-ii
That .... tholle tbat. belong to humanity.-
Howard. "
Episcopal Hospit'al Optical glass, which must be so
perfect that less thanftve percent I Important Message!
AND THE LOW PRICESI~.T •.• A number of local women will
serve'lI8 booth aids for the' annual is rejected, Is often made of such I I· , •
I. ".~' . ~ I
May Fete to be' held for the bene-,
tit of Episcopal ~ospltal on the
Ingredients as arsenic" antimony,
barium, borax, ,Hme, pota$lh and
Here's a tested, proven plan to le-
soda, In addition to the usual cure the qUick, willing cooperation
·you...~"a'~ 100Ct Fciir- and spacious ,grounds of the Philadel-
phia inBtltution next Wcdnesday. components. . of .your children, 'in the regular
'""If. .-- pertorma.nce or thelr'most import-
'you :ar. impr....d with the Objeotlve of the one-elay lawn o • • a.nt chara.cter ani! habit tanning
carnival, sponsored by the Eliza, dutlesl Just think of ttl a 366 day.
ir.m.ndous.' varIety of foodsI , Bel~ carillons are usually heavy, by-day record of all important
beth Pride Martin League for Ser-' and expensive. But a new chime daily assignments tha.t will truly
and' all at LOW.lPRIC,ES I . vice, a Red Feather Serv~ce of the lessen the heada.ches a.nd hea.l't-
carillon, weighIng 600 pounds, aches of parenthood: It's called
Community Chest, Is to raise 'funds sounds like the real thing when Its THE GRIFFIN KIDS' OHILD BE·
(or the puschase of . special equip- HAVIOR INCENTIVE ~LAN &!1d It
music is ~mplified by loud speaker".
OPEN LATE, ,ment tor the hospital, and to ex-
,pand the operation of the occupa- CHILD SAFETY RULt3
It 'has 37 notes and is played on a
'plano-type keyboard. Its dllepest
can' be purchased In economical
booklet form for only $1.751 Send
~or It toda.y.-wrlte to
THUR5.~'til 9 P.M. tional' thearpy departm1lnt.
The Delaware County Safety note, produced by a t~bular chime 1609 North 7th St., Phlla. 22, Pa.
Colorful booths will serve as a weighing about seven pounds,
FRI.~...... tfl 10 P.M.. backdrop for the sale .of a wide Council and the Keystone Automo- sounds as strong_as that produced
variety of gifts and gadgets, flow- bile. Club are strll.\islng certain rules
SAT:,.-A;M.'''t'U5 P.M'1 era, farm produce,household wares for child safety on our loaded high-
and other articles. Products _of the ways:
occupational thearpy shop, made by 1. Play games away from traffic.
by a b'ell weighing- about ten tons.

• The tsetse fly that spreads a dead-

Ye•••• w. hsve
C~ RPETS I--~'_HO_N_I....
MARIAN W. STOLZ BUS~ELL M. PENNYPACKER patients at the hospital, will also be 2. Walk apross streets at the
ly African parasite -does not Infect
Miss Stolz, of 315 Glen Ridge Rd., Havert~wn, and Mr, ,Pebnny- crossings.
on sale. wild anLmals. Its bite Infects and. B.t.y Ra..
packer, who lives at 308 Powde r Mill Lane.. Penfield Downs, will Mr.. Benjamin Fowler,. Jr.; of 3. Avoid dashing out into a street.
complete 25 years of aervlce with the Philadelphia Electric Com- Ardmore, a member of the Fete 4. Operate your- bicycle according
kills only such domestic animals as
cattle, horses, goats alld dog. '
pany on May 22. Miss Stolz is a service bookkeeper in the custom· Commlttee,~ls also chail'man of the
to law-ride on right side of high- Optn 9 to II
ers' accounts division of-the company at Ardmore. Mr. Penny- Afternoon Tea. Assisting her will way and obey all traffic regUlations. o • • '.
M.d. t. Ord..
packer Is superintendent of the oompany~s substation sectlon. ' 'be Miss Martha Gibbon, of Haver- Il. stop and look before you cross Among various primitive peoples

C#- 'I;~
ford; Mrs. L. D. Flaherty, of Ard- a atreet. of the earth there are still many
6. ..obey traffic signals and 'police
Mrs. Ch~rles Allen
strange beliefs. Some think white
7~ IIT~H
more; 1<Irs. «harles Legge, of Oak-
SMOKED Galento'To Wrestle mont;,and Mrs. Lawrence Eldridge signals. .
7. Refuse to beg or steal ·rldes.
men are the ghosts of blacle men,
others consider monkeys a race of
Rudy Dusek At Arena , and the Misses DebOrah and Helen 20 SO. STRAWBERRY ST.
Is New President 8. Use roller slf,il.tes In safe ·places.

PICNICS Two-Ton Tony Galendo, ex-heavy-

weight boxing contender, who re-
cently turned wrestler, will compete Of St. Luke's Aux.
Eldl'ldge, of Bryn MaWl'.
Mrs. James Alguler, of Cynwyd, 9. Avoid hitching rides.
will be lit charge of the Snack Ba,r 10. Look out for reckless drivel'S.
In connection. with Its s~fety
people, and. that dwarfs and, mid·
gets are children who never grew
• • •
Bot"'..;' 2nd. 3.d St_.. S•••, Mor"" .1
SpociaKy .oloctod by,
buyo" IOf 'hO", L
0 ....
.hart .hanklond D.)
, • ..
-- In the mat shoW at the Arena this
Saturday night.
The Orange (N. J.) athl~te, who
during the day. In the evening,
Mrs. Charles A. Allen, of Falr- Mrs. Fl'ederick B. Hals~y, of Wyn- campa(gn. the cl·.lb announced that
during 1946 40,000 pel'sons were
There's. one part of Canada-
Pelee Island In Lake Erie-that lies PLAID F-IBRE

moa'y '.ndorno .. 1 .. once floored heavyweight champion view Rd., Penn Valley, was elected cote,_ will supervise the booth.
Among the local women who will killed in the United States by traffic south of the northern boundaries

P. S. G. Top Quality-Roast or Cubes

Joe Louis, will malte his gl'appllng president of the Auxillary of St.
d6lllut locally against Rudy Dusek. ~ukeis and Children's Medical Cen- assist the co-chairman are Mrs. accidents, 1,600,000 were injured and
veteran ace of the Omaha family tel', at the group's final meeting of Owen J. Toland, of Wynnewood, 160,000 were p~rmanently Injured.
of 26 pr our 48 States. SEAT COVERS
$9 9S
of wr~stlers. The windup rivals will the year Monday. The mee.tlng was and Miss Elizabeth Maguire, also ot
BONELESS CHUCK Ib.5ge meet over the one-fall-to-II--flnlsh
route. . held a1' "Faraway Farms," the Mar- Wyn'newood. A
BACK COL'PES .,. •••
CLU8 COUPE ........ _


P. S. G. Top Quality-Tender, Juicy Jerr~' Nerl, Villanova assist-

pie To.....nshlp home of Mrs. Eleanor Articles suitable for sale at the
Hall Holloway, and was fo!lowed by booths may be sent to the Church 7Fords .Ready BUSINESS CONSULTANT


ant grid coach and chief 8coUt,
is b6sy checking trabl and plane
timetables for the fail. He trav-
a picnic luncheon.' .
The other officers elected tl) scrve
' House, 202 S. 19th .st., or 'to Episco·
pal Hospital, Front and Lehigh For 'Title Meet
8l'l'I~O, S(,J,LI~G
or I;\1l)RO"I~G 1\

'!",:' •
Our Delicate..e" Feature
,0 • 0
eled better tllan 10,000 miles on
scouting asslgnment8 In 1946.
with Mrs. Allen for the next, two sts., Philadelphia. . They should be
years Include Mrs. M. Ross Wallis, marked for the May Fete.
of Overbrook. first vice-president;
Haverford High track and field
athletes, who trailed N01'1'istown
and Lower Merion in the 21st an-
8nlletln 81d/:,., ,Juulper &: Filbert
PIIU.A. Phoue RI. 6-1422
Mrs. H. Herbert Parc;her, of Cyn- DAR Women Attend nual PIAA District One champion- r
Top Quality LONG ADVERTISING - PUBLICITY wyd. second vice-president; Mrs. Jo-
ship last weelt, will send seven
seph V, Wrlght,of Penn Valley, Dedication .Ceremonies
BOLOGNA ~:i~~~ 01' 32e
DUFOR STUDIOS members to the State. meet at Penn VENETIAN
lb. treasurer; Mrs. John S. Gane, of Members of D. A. R, Chapters' Staie College this "Saturday. . BLIND CO.
Photographic Speciali~ts Merion, assistant, treasurer; Mrs. from all parts of the country at- The, Fords, who compiled 21 points . " OLDEST AND LARGES1
211 South 171h St.• 1'111111. 3; l'a." Henry Bradley, recording secretary, tended ceremonies at the Washlng- to 34 for Lower Merion and 52 for " MANUFACTURERS OF Preserve and protect upholstery
wIth cool. clean. Scotch~prald FIbre
LOcust 7-6934 arrd Mrs. George E. ~nyder, Jr., of ton Memorial Chapel, Valley Forge, Norristown, scored only one first VENETIAN BLINDS Seat .Covers. INSTALLED-Whlle-
place in the district meet at Upper U-Walt-For SmaH Charge.

lOW PRICES in 0ur Dai' V DePI.~

• CO

0 ; 0;

WynneWOOd, corresponding secre- Sunday, when the President Gen- Darby. Bruce Stratton won the 440-
tary. eral, Mrs. Julius Y. Talmadge, of yard daSh In 51,6 seconds.
The retiring president, Mrs. Os- Georgia, dedicated the.. proposed Bob Schlenzig, Haverford, was
WOOD-All Sim
Slzps for most I'ors. '30 to '47.
(When ordering' bl' msli. speclty
)·enr. make, model and type or
. ,

borne R; Roberts, of Wynnewood, $100,000 memol'ial beH tower that an upset victim in the half-mile.

~ CHED~~ir[t;~.!~ 45c ~~
Pla,llc<aal.d, pure whit. tront sent.)
I was named Ilhtllrman of the Fash- will house the National Carillion traliing Uppel' Dal'by's Bob Weaver
Ion Show and Card Party to be held of BeHs' at VaHey Forge.
after the latter had won the one"
mile run in a record-equa)ling
and 'vary. Bakod by our
Own splclal proceSi.
T......nd Cord••
I at the Merion Cl'1cket ClUb In Oe- Said to be the most perfect set 4.33.7.
Ulhel' Havel'ford huskies who
Ait Colorl,
R.nnl.hinJ. nepalrlnJ,
-MUSIC BOXES, tober. In the wodd, the Carillion was com- were eligible fOl' the tl'ip to State 522 Jefferson 51. 3627 Walnut St., Philadelphia
FInest quality. Come In a.nd lepted Sunday with the presenta- are Phil Donatelli, who tied L. M,'s FR 7-6586·67 Plt"one 8Arlng 3508
!browse around.
'I ~',J

,~~ * Kraft Cheese Spreads (Va~::lle.) 'J.::' i,e M~ GOR N

BENEFIT PARTY ,PLANNED tlon of bells from Oklahoma and John Walton for second in the pole
The Bellarminl! Guild will spon-I South Dakota, Fifteen stars were vault, and Haverford's one-mile re-
lay team, which trailed a speedy
i' * Blue Moon' Spreads (V.~:~le.) 1,,::'14c
Pholle ORllnlte 4-3108 SOl' Its annual Card Party for the also' added to ·the lIational birthday Chestet'
\l~§§~§§§§§§§§i§§§§§~benefit of St. Joseph's, at the Bellp.- bell.
quattet as it won in a rec-
ord-breaking 3.28.3. Donatelli, how-
,i ~~. ~i
:~ * Creamy tottage Cheese LIt.17c

0 '0
, .,
vue-stratford Hotel, at 1.30 P. M. The carillion now has 49 bells, eve,I', lost a coin toss to Walton for
Sll.tmday. Mrs. Eug.ene L. Rosen- one for each state, and a national the right to compete.
berry Is.'chairman of the affair, and birthday bell. The DAR raised the
Mrs. Nicholas J. Edge, co-chairman. funds for the tower and for 38 of

That which is striking and beau-

the bells.
8,1 lhe di~im
In print, bathing suit and
. \

Self- Seruic, Grocer'" I
MUSHROOMS ~~:~~: ~~': ........~-o:~n 1ge

tifUl Is not always good; but that
which Is good Is alwa)'l bealltltul.-
Ninon de L'Enclos.
-Haverford, Scho~1 ~cored an 11-
W·,d t C
I ca s Up
1 vlctor~' ovel' George School In a . George GUida, Villanova track
non-league game at George School stat', has won another honor this
on Saturday. Buck, Boyd and Evans 1 week: Classmates voted him the
matching coat .. $14.95 each.
Or plain colors, suit $12.95,
coat $14.95.


118 hurled for the Main- Liners, while college's outstanding athlete and
the locals combed three . Geol'ge _winner of the Jack Dempsey Tro-
School .huders for eight hits. phy.
Holder of the' AAU and IC4-A i
Sizes 12 to 44. S"

~ ~i~,.~.'
FYNE TASTE Unsweetened MAIN LINE LEA.GtJ"E 600·yard titles, Guida w,on out over
11Y~lle" &" ElfP.".

SatUrday Results: thr~e campus athletes representing
No. 2
, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE· 3 cans 25e , 50 . 100 major sports squp.ds, Dempsey made
MayWeEstlmate? At Home or h'. Sol'
Narberth, 11; Ardmore, 3.
Recepf!on C.rch ••• _10,00 11.50 Drexel Hill, 8; Manoa, 3. a surprise campus visit and pre-
.. FRE MAR Fancy
Repairs to all • Announc.m.nh
Invit.tionl •
18.75 20.25
West'Manayunk, 10;· Gladwyne, sented the trophy.
9 (10 innings). Bill Sullivan, football captain; Joe t 1lf? B·


bottle 24e,
GRAPE JUICE Collegeville, 2; 'West Chester, 1. Lord, basketball star, and 41 Litwa,

.ii _
IMIOSSID Wayne, 10; N01'1'istown, 1. baseball outfielder, wel'e nominated
100 Sunday Results:
i HUNT'S Califo1'l1ia -ARrCtJ- i At Home or sS::,
" Recepllon Cud. _~_. 3.00 -4.00 I
Sol. Drexel Hill, 9; Ardmore, 6.
with Guida in the voting. He previ-
ously received all award as the out-
W'NUIAN lUND co ~arklng PIa.. 8514·16 Germantown Ave. ~.;
,~ TOMATO SAUCE 3 cans 1ge
Berwyn, 7; Wayne, 5. standing servlcema,n who perfot'mcd 28·30
I Racll St. at 17th ,
Invil.tionl •
~ 7.00
• 7.00
West Chester, 6; Norristown, 3. in the New York A. C. track meet

~ LO 7:2959. ~'I DECKER'·S

Nal'berth-Gladwyne, rain. last winter.
~{~ McCORMICK'S Pure Ground West Manayunk-Manoa. rain. ,.~~~~~~~~~~~~~
'. BLACK PEPPER 2 cans 1ge
l' •
OpenWed. Ev.'tl19
TWO sro'lf TO Sf'V, YOU
"2 DIIlSTNUT • I 10. tilTH ST,
Eastern Division Although' Vlllanova does not
W. L. Pct. sponsor crew, a number of studentS'
2 o 1.000 have formed an informal squad.
. ~

Ii Drexel Hill
Nal'berth .......•....• 1 o 1.000 Charley Kaln, an alumnus and star
West Manayunk ..... 1 o 1,000 sculler. dh'ects the cre;w.
~~. SOAP FLAKES Pkg. 25e Gladwy,ne .......•.... 0 1 .000
Manoa '" 0 1 .000 Norm Kline, Villanova tWrd
't. Ardmore
Western Division
0 2 .000 baseman, is stud~'ing mechan-
ical engineering, but admits he
.• America's. Finest_Sea foods 1
W. L. Pct. would try his hand at organ-
Collegeville ••...•••••. 1 0 1.000 ized baseball upon graduation.
Berwyn •....••.•.••••• 1 0 1.000
SEA SCALLOPS .lb. /5ge
Wayne .• ::
West Chester
1 .500
1 .500
At Your Service Since 1895 .,
wedding photographers
0 2 .000
Saturday (8 P. M.)
West Manayunk at Ardmore.
\. leOD FILLETS Ib.2ge ...
Manoa at Gladwyne.
Drexel Hill at Narberth.
Norristown at Collegeville.
MOTION PICTURES -. Berwyn at West Chester.
Slmday (2.30 P. M.) of Di~tinction
Narbe,rth at West Manayunk.
Gladwyne at Drexel Hill.
for Every Otcasion
Str'ct'y :Gord'lI-fr"h BetWyn at Norristown.
Wayne at Collegevme.
For Informa.tlon. or to representa.tlve cal1, phon'll 10~O Chestnut St., 2nd' Fir.
Pick of Ihe crop for our' cu,lomor.friend. at VILLANOVA VARIEtIES l)f;. 5-3655 •
food fair ••• All produc'''!1 p. . .nally leI.ct.d ~ le~l CHESTNUT STREET. PHILADELPHIA. PA. A battery combination that rates
for fr.dllleN and qvolity-of COIIr•• PIIlCIO LOW I as one of the best In college ranks .'~
Is perfbrmlhg fOr Vill~nova this
Coach Phil Welnert·s tavorlte
Firm, Fresh, Ripe for Slicing battel'y lists Stanley ChlJjnackl,
sophomOl"e righthander from Cam-
, den, working with Frank O'Neill
Cello husky catcher from' Philadelphia:
25c q.ue9lelnoJeUtng Both are war veterans.
~orge Coleman, Villanova pole
"aulter Who hit 13 feet to set a new

college mark, Is expected to better
Fancy, Tend:er, Fresh Green
ts an -91l1t + + +
his recol'd before the outdoor sea.-
SOn ends.

Stringless BEANS 2Ibs.;'Sc
Buns. 15c
• • I and with us it means taking yD\uo

old furs and giving them new life •• I

b'ringing out their hidden beauties by
'adapting them ,to mpdern styling.
J IN. IN £0..18 9. -S'"ete:o. No Job ~l'oo Large or Too .Brollll

Specializing in All Kinds,of ..

PhIladelphia Bryn Mawr 1714 WALNUT STREET General Contracting
and Renovating


I ,


. :
at 53rd Street AVENUE, Our organization Is always :
Gentlemen: I
.wninel. No
am" Interelted In an estimat. for KoolV.nt :
obligation, of COUfSe. ,
. at your service
: NAME : Metal' Awning Co.
Di~id $. 'Fradkin :
CITY ...... t •••••••••••••••
.o.o • • • • • • • • • • STATI!
.o........ _ 208 N. Broad St.,Phila. 3,Pa.
'5453.Euclid Ave., Phila. : TELEPHONE _ -. •••• • : ,Phone LO. 7-6730
GR. 3·1510 or GR. 3·6631
.,.~-~. __...
Belt: lim. to cln •"• •••••••••••••••••••• .o. ... .. L..M. ;
,._-,.-----_.-.~--~-,. . Call no\\, tor' q

.'. ... \ " ,

' ,.
i ,

..' ". \ • J."" ~ .. • ~~ . ,.' -,~

Narberth Junior 'Officers for Coming Y~ar

Leg!on Aux. Main Line Girl ;Se,outs to Stage ~ ,
RaYmond . q hain, Jr., Takes Bride . .~.
~ ., ' , . .
, .., . .Meets T.~esday Firs.t Spring Dance on Fr.iday . "<, . - '

In N~rberth C'eremony Saturday Iri N a,'rbe_,rth .~

Girl Scouts from fnklrmediate and Meskle, Narberth, checkroom; :Mrs. •
senior troops or I
the Mail) Line, John Ford, Merion, and Mrs. T. L.
Mias Nancy Marie Fitzpatrick, carried a bouquet of yA!llow daisies. from OverbrOOk to Wayne, ,will Colgan, Cynwy~, aided 'by Senior
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Min oan Macpermott, of Ger- A special meeting in honor of hold a: Spring Dance-Atheir first- Scouts, decorations'.
A. Fitspatrick, of Wyndmo!lr, be- mantown, and the Mines Helenrlta Gold star Mothers Wll.Il held by the this Frids,y evening at the Bala.- Patrons and patronesses for the
came the bride of Raymond B. and Lois MacDermott, of Cbestnu~ 'Harold D. Speakman American Le- Cynwyd Woman's Clubhouse. dance include: -
Chain" Jr., son of Mr. and Mr., Hill, also cousins of the bride, were gion Post's •Auxiliary in Narberth August Beckes, of .the Main Line Mr. and Mr,s. '.I. F. Vollmer, Rose-
Chain of 338Merion Ave" Narberth, bridesmaids. Their gown. of yellow Tuesday evening. Y. M. C. A. will act as master of montj Mr. and Mrs.. GUy L. Corn-
ill a pretty ceremony in the Church moire taffetlL' were made. On lina. Among the h6nored guest" were ceremonies, and dancing to the mu- man, Gladwyn;' Dr. ,and Mrs. Hugh
of the Seven Dolors, Wyndmo'lr, similar to that of the maid of hon- three Gold star Mothers from the sl.c of Tommy, Warren's orche.stra Robel·tson, Merion; Mr. and' Mrs.
at' 10 o'clock Saturday morninJ. The or. They wor~ milan straw hats new West Manayunk .Auxiliary, is'licheduled from' 8.30 to 1130 :e. M. Malvin Wallace, Merion; ·Ms. and
Rev. John E. Lqrenz officiated. trimmed with yellow veiling an~ Mrs. Victoria Baffa, Mrs. Elizabeth Mrs•• Samuel H. P. Read, of 'Nar-. Mrs. r... W. Cline, Cynwyd;' Mr. and- :
The bride, who was given in mar- carried yellow daisies. Lentz and Mrs. Mabel Weaver. .berth, heads the committee in 'Mrs. Herbetr E. , Poore;, Cynwyd;
riage by her father, wore a nylon The mother of the bride wore an Those from the Narberth Auxil. charge of the dance. Assisting her Mrs. Jean Allen, Lansdale; Mr. and -
marqUisette gown, made with a low aqua crepe dress and a shell pink iary Included Mrs. Eila Smith, Mrs. are Mrs. Hugh Roberston, Merion, Mrs. Samuel Huhn, Jr., Bryn Mawl';
, round neckline, fitted bodice, long hat trimmed with fi2wers and vell- . and Mrs. Theodore Stieber,' Penn Mr. and Mrs. Stanley D. Hartshorn,
Frank ~onner, Mrs. Judson C;em.-
lull sleeves, caught the wrisU ing. Her corsage was of orchids. ens. Mrs. Jane' Ferguson, Mrs. Valley, refreshments; Mrs. C. C. 'Waynej Miss Beatrice Tees, St.
ancl a wide skirt which fell into a Mrs. phain chose a dusty pink mod" Charles Latch and Mrs. Alice Ger. Wigginton, Cynwyd, orchestraj Mrs. Davidsj Mr: and .Mrs. Charles W.
train. Her finger-tip ll1uslon vl'll el with a white hat and a gardenia ard. Charles Stricklet:, _¥erion, tlcketsj Chain, Jr., Ardmorej Mr. and Mrs.
'was held with a crown of oranga corsage. Mrs. Bl!rn'ard Brown, Penn Wynne, August O. Becker. Ardmore; M....
• blossoms, fashoned with mott.el'. of . Thomas Henshaw, of Narb~l'th. .The, three ,guest speakers were prizes; Mrs. Robert Bpurdle, ·Rad- and Mrs. John F. Headly, Ardmore,
:5I earl, and she carried a bouquet of acted alt"best man, and, the ushers Mrs. Anne, Cardomon,e, Eastern Di- nor, correspondence; Mrs. Thomas and Mr: and Mrs. William Carson,
.\ white daisies and bouvardia, included Walter Chain, brother of rector of the Montgomery Hucks .. . .
Miss Joan MacDermott of Gor- tIie bridegroom; Thomas Flt;llpst~ Bi-County Council j Mrs. Harrison N .
mantown, cousin .of the b~lde, w"o rick, brother of the bride, and Thea·
Smith, past president of the COUll- ATIONAL LEGION HEAD BIDS TO BE ASKED FOR . .
• served as maid of honor, wore an dore Finn, of Ne,rberth. ell, and Mrs. Alice Everett, sub- -ASKS AME.RICANSTO # SCHOOL SUPPLIES,
ice aqua gown of moire taffeta. The A reception at the Mayfair House Ccl\oauinrmClla.n of membership for the I'n ST."AND UP" FOR AMERICA Authority was given Superinten-, " '.
model featured a sw~etheart neck- ~ollowed the ceremony. After s. Also pres~nt at the ....m eeting were Paul H, 'Griffith, of Uniontown, dent F. A. Dubois by ,the Lower'
line, cape sleeves and a bustle at the wedding trip to Quebec, Canada, Susan Hoffman _ and Constance National CQ.Illmander of '{he Amel'- Merion School Board to 'advertlse
back of the ,skirt. Her crownless Mr. Chain and his bride wl1l make Boney, both of the Narberth Public ican Legion, called on Americans for bids for rewiring the electrlo
milan straw hat·was trimmed with their home at the stenton Plaza School, 'Who won first and '!.~(;ond to stand up for America in a speech cit:cults In the Bryn Mawr Elemen-
veiling to match hel' dress, and she, Apartment., Mt. Airy. prizes, respectively, In the ,ssay last Sunday at the Ardmore Junior tary School, for books and ~aga­
j cOntest on "America' Contributiorf High Scoohl. . zines for the school libraries, for
Finol ~uncheon to a Permanent Peace," ,sponsored ,. The occasion was an observance fencing the five acre plot opposite

the Bala-Cynwyd .runlor High
last month by the Narbel'th ,Aux- of "I Am An American Day," spon-
FIRESIDE Staged Tues.Qay iliary. , sor.ed by the 9th District <)f the School and for any other perma-
Members voted to make a dona- IRgion. More than 400 pe'rsonlD at- nent equipment needed for the'
RELAXING AFTER THEIR annual banquet at the Bala Golf Club last Thursday are the above memo tion .to Child Welfa~" Scotland tended. schools. The bids will be opened
Mrs. James Annett, of 1119 Home- By Narberth Club - I bers of the Executive Board of the Nal'berth Junior Women's Comm-unity Club. Seated in the center is ,
School Flower Fund. The money , "Now is the time for us to abide
at the June meeUng,'
" --_._----
wood' Ave., Narberth, has as her Members of the Na~bert~Wom­ the president, Mrs. Larry Grey, with Mrs. Sterling Chain, newly ele cted third vice-president of the
'. guests her mother, Mrs. J.oseph Pen·
mall, of Glen Cove Springs, Fla.,
and Mrs. Robert Weltz, of Pitts·
en's community Club turned out in
full force for their final hiricheon
at .the Bellevue-Stratford Tuesday
Montgomery county Federation, a t her left, and Mrs. Robert Price, senior ,advisor, at her right.
Standing are Mrs. Harold Don nelly, chairman in charge of the ba nquet; Mrs. Edwin Lewis, newly
installed treasurer; Mrs. Robert Sigel, director; Mrs. George Essinger, new recording secretarYj Mrs. A.
is used by the students to purchase by the traditions set- down by our
corsages {or Uieir "dates" at proms. forefathers for a free coun~l'Y," h~
It was also voted to make a ,con- declared; "not the foreign ideologies
trlbutlon'to the fund for the picnic that some people wiSh to set forth
!'ower,M"erion students who have
M. Bottorms, new dlector; Mrs. William Borky, new second vice-president; Mrs. George Burns, first vice-
burgh. afternoon, when colorful spring for boys from Coatesville Veterans' In this country. The American Le, "Won letters 'in varsity sports will
• • • ftoweu decked eaCh of the many president, and Mrs. Frederick Rob b, Jr., director. -Photo by MacGregor Hospital. The picnic, sponsored an- gion, with Its 3,500,000 members. be- be guests of the Lowel' Merlon
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jackson, of tables In the Rose Room where the nually by the BI-County Council, Is lieve in only one ism-American'- High School Athleti~ Associlltio',l
Cleveland, Ohio, ar~ vi81t1ng their luncheon was held. at an allrsports banquet next Tues-

niece, Mrs. Ralph Rollins, of 300
Woodside Ave., Narberth, for sev- Receiving with the new prelli- Narberth Juniors Ardmore Church Women
To Meet On Tuesday CARE Recipients to be held at Valley Forge Park Ism."
on Thursday, June '26. Other speakers were Mrs. BrL'r.e day night at the Downs Gym.
Mrs. Ruth Bett;s, president, who Denniston, president of the Penneyl- Ira Thomas, scout for the Phila-
eral days.
dent, Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, and the
Hold Fina~ B~nquet The Women's Association of the
Thank. Donors presided, appointed the following vania lregion Auxiliary, who said delphia Athleti<!s, wi1l be the r:l\est

• • • -
Mr.-and Mrs. Joseph Wilson Bor-
outgoing president, Mrs. Samuel J.
McCartney, were the officers and
At Bala Golf Club
First Presbyterian Church of Ard-
more, wl1l meet Tuesday in a coin-
as a nominating committee for that organization now has over 85- speaker, and of high school
next year's officers, Miss Edith Hew- 000 members, and Departme~t football _ highlights. l'
den, of Penn Valley, will entertain board members of each administra- bined meeting of Service Day and Miss Gib~ons Receives itt, chairman; Mrs. Helen Waters Commander Clyde E. Rankl~: who
.., at a. dinner tomorrow evening, In tion. More than 70 members of the the regular monthly Association
Letter From Gr~teful and Mrs. Mae Rennlx. said Pennsylvania now leads the EDWARD P. CURRAN
Carola Bell Williams, writer, di- Narberth Junior Women's Commun- meeting. "-
honor of Mr. and Mrs. George DIll- 'fhe final Auxiliary meeting will nation In Its 1947 membership drive REGISTERED PLUMBING
rector and actress, whose original ity Club turned out for their final This is a new plan being tried, Pari.ian
Ingham•. of Pelham, N. Y. take place at Ii sup- and t~at the membership is over
monologues have made her nation- banquet at the Bala Golf Club last and it Is hoped that there will be
Persons who send relief pack- per on Tuesday, June 17. 275,000..
ally famous, presented parts of Thursday evening. a large attendance,to prove the idea 313 "~oodbine Avenue
AID SOCIETY MEETS "Remember the Ladles," character- ages to Europe through the non- Narberth 2269-VV
) ,~
Highlights .f the evening in~ll1d~d a success. Service Day Sewing Will To worry about tomorrow Is to
More than 40 board memben anlf Izations of three famous ladie8 of profit organization, CARE (COOP- ately communicated to the ware- • Reasonable Prices
songs and monologues by Jane be from 10 A. M. to 1 P. M., with fail of debotlon to the tasks of to-
friends of the Montgomery County history, and "No Bowl of Cherries," erative for American Remittances house nearest to the address of the • Class A VVorkmanshlp
Reed Batt, well known in radio the usual luncheon served by thl' day, and so to spoil both days.-'
to Europe) frequently receive let- recipient aJ;ld a packaj(e of the type William Dewitt Hyde.
C!ildren's Aid Society met May 13 humorous sketches. fields, installatlon of the new offieers Executive committee at 1 P. M. '
ters of thanks from people they do purchased is seht to the distribut-
at "Penn Va1ley Farm," home ot , Among the honorea guesls, inlro- and reports by club officers and ___ Mrs. Horace, Z. Goas, of Orange,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. La.fore, Penn duced by Mrs. McCartney, were not know. ing centei: nearest to, the given ad-
_,/L ~-4'ir~5",~
, c('Immlttee chairmen. N . .I., will speak on National Mis-
Va1ley. Speakers were MisS' Mildred Mrs. Francis Ferris, of Glen~lde, Honored guests were Mrs. Ells- sions at the afternoon meeting Miss Martha Gibbons recently re- dress. The person is then notiflea
Hankins, executive secretary of the president of the Montgomery Coun- ceived the fonowing letter, quoted that there is a CARE package for
• society, and Miss Almena Dawley, ty Federation, and new members
associate director of the Philadel- of the Narberth Club.
Mu. McCartney also instal1ed the
wortli' Clark, incoming pl'esident, whiCh will begin at 2 P. M.
and Mrs. Samuel J. McCartney, out-
going president of the Narberth
here just as it was written:
6th May, 1947
Mistre~s Martha Gibbons
him and he, goes or . authorizes
someone else to go, to the distribut- err ~~ TO THE GRmUm
phia Child Guidance Clinic.
new" club officers a8 follows:
Senior Club.
Reports on the State Federation
Jane Willey Lists Madam,
Ing center to get it, It is because
of this system of distribution that Handsome' Gift
Mrs. Ellsworth Clark, presldentj the delivery of ~ E packages are
Convention at Buck Hlll Falls were
June 2TWedding I have. received food-package
With Precious Gem
Mrs. E. M. Parron, vice-president; also presented by Mrs. Larry iI. order you sent me and I hasten guaranteed.
Mrs. A. B. Wheeler, corresponding A graduation present that will

Grey, president of the Juniors, and Mrs. Myers S. Willey will be ma- to acknowledge receipt of'lt.
always be cherlslled. Choice of

secretary, and Mrs. E carroll Jones,
Mrs. William Lakeman and, Mrs.
Robert Price, directors.
Mrs. Sterling Chain, newly elected tron of honor at the marriage of
third vice-president of the County her sister-in-law, Miss Jane Wi1ley,
I thank you from the bottom I
ot my heart and shall never for-
your tOUChing gesture in
many stones and styles set 111 10 k.
gqld. Make your selection; It's easy
va open an account. ,
Federation. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
Mrs. H. R. Knauer and Mrs. Henry The new junior officers installed E. Willey, of "Cherry· Shadows," moment so difficult for me. 41 CASES OF MUMPS Nationally Advertised
306 Levering Mill Road Hopkins were co-chairmen -in Rarely on meet such goodness, KELTON WATCHES
Leading Brands Beer &: Ale charge of the luncheon, while Mrs.
'CaU Cynwyd 1926 J. E. Burrell handled reservationsj
by Mrs. 'Robert Price, senior ad·- Merion, to Maynard Wa1lace Poole,
visor, were Mrs. Willlam Borky,' 3d, son of Mr. and Mrs. Poole, Jr.,
second vlce-pl'esldentj Mrs., George of 526 Monroe Rd., Merion, ''Whicir
particulary, as to an absolutely
unknown person, and from Sl)'-
Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, represen·
ftative of the Cqm\Tlunity Health aD"d
,Civic Association, and chairman of
$7 60
Mrs. H . .I. Balzer: decorations, and Eslinger, recording secretary; Mrs. will take place at 8 o'clock Friday remote farness.
JA~lE8 .LEE MARK GRAHAM Mrs. lpllsworth Clark, program.
= -- Edwin Lewis, treasurer, and. MI'.. evening, June 27, in st. Asaph's
A. M. Bottoms, director. Church, Bala.
It ap~ears, you-Americans are
the Health
really a good and high-moral • the Women's Community ClUb of
Center Commit~ee of

Narberth, reported that 14 children

Penn Valley Jewe~ers and Opticians
43 N. NARBERTH AVE. ". Phone Narberth 2119
Miss Ruth' Elizabeth Dudley, of nation.
I beg you' once more to ac-' had ,attended the Narberth Health Next Door to the House of Rano Charge Acconnts lu\'lted
Colorado Springs, Colo., wi1l be Center In April.
Clean Rugs Last Longer TURN DOWN OFFER OF maid of honor, and the bridesmaids cept my gratitude
BUNTING PROPERTY will include Miss Joan Fant, Miss Yours very thankfu1ly
Wi Novikoff,
ArrC\.nge today for ..our expert rug cleaning treatment.
Hirst & Hirst, real estate dealers, Margaret Grant, Miss Marjorie Tay
have offered the" Aubrey Reeves Margaret Grant, Miss Marjorie T.ay- ,31 Rue Duret, Paris
I beg your pardon if m-y let-
61-: SA"ORY'()()f)NISS/
Low storage rates - I:ull ,insurance coverage. Bunting property at vyister ..and lor and Mrs, Howard. Marvil. Byr-
Own Rds., -<\.rdmol'e, for sale to the le Sloan, daughter of Mr. and Mr!l. ter has many mistakens but I
learn myself the Engllsh langu-
SA RAT 08 A 7-3 700 Lower Merion School Board. The Albert V. Sloan, will be fiower girl.
property adjoins the present high Jere Eskridge Poole will serve
school grounds and according to a as best man for his brother, and
age just now and without
School .. Board report was offprl'd the ushers will be Myers S. Willey, Since March the CARE food

Crown Rig Cleaning, Company. "at a price." Lower Merion school Robert H. Bensing, Robert Haylor, package bas been made up of stap-
directors on Monday night turned Ted B. Maxwell, Barton B. John- les and not of army surplus, as
the offer down. son, Howard H. McConnell, Arthur many st1l1 seem to think. The food,
Nelson Bushnell, 3d, Robert B. like the contents 'of the other CARE
'(Plant) 8111-13-15-17 Tillicum Ave., Phila. 42 MERIO~ POST PA;RTY Bach, Gilbert B. McDowell and Ru- packages, Is bought in this country
and shipped in quantity to ,ware~
The Merion Post, American Le-' dolph P. Maffei. houses located in the 14 European I in. STlW
SPECIAL - 10 Per Cent
Discount on All Cleaning
Zq YE~S EXPERIENCE gion, will hold its Spring dinner-
dance, preceded by i terrace cock- Speeding was the direct cause of coun1:ries in which CARE operates. 2 pound' faeel, cubed e 1,14 cup flou,
In the ware-houses the packages
tail party,' On June 7, starting at 7 9,460 deaths'and 230,760 injuries In are made l-lP. Wben an Ordel" is
2.MIII1I1'" !oulllon Cufae, e , imoll whit. onIon,
1946 traffic in the United States. ;i cup ca"ot",plced • ;i cup pota/ou, dIced
P. M. at the Merion Tribute House. placed in this country it is immedi-
Heed speed llmtis! _ Dr.dll. meat in flour. Brawn. Cove.. with
-, IHI NEW III Immediate Delivery on Beautiful, Practical
bolllnll water. Add MIIlllll', Bouillon
Cubes. Cook llently for 13,4 hours. Add
onions, carrots. and Pratoe,., Contlnu.
. •_GGI S
DOBMEYER MUXEBS ' to ~oo~ flU- another ¥4 hours. Serve, 6.


BouiHon truly hits the spot •••
brings new flavor to stews, '.''-IIMIIN'
I: ,soups arid sauces•

For restful, luxurious listening-the gracefully-

designed, new Farnsworth Chairside model.
~ering a new degree of convenience and '.

It's ·zn 1HE -BAG
• flexibility, this _ chaqning model brings to •
your fin'itr·tips the world's finest entertain-
ment from either album or airlane. Deserv-
edly popular, it's deftly-styled in extreme
good taste, reaching a ·new high in mod-
ern furniture design. Wherever you want
. No trouble at all
it-beside your chair, in a corner,
against the wall-the Farnsworth Chair-
aide never disturbs the harmony oC your NAMES AND POSITION OF YOUR MIXER PARTS "Your Trust in Us Is Our. Most Priceless Possession"
room scheme. Available in both 1. Juice Directing Spout. 7. Stain-Resisting Beaters~
walnut and blonde cabinets. 2. Juice Reamer. 8. Motor. . Here is the answer on what to db wit h all the Winter Woolens. Again Liberty
3. Juice Extractor Bowl. 9. Base and Arm. . sqlves-your problem-'we supply you with a large bag-large enough to hold the jackets,
4. Small Mixing Bowl. 10. 3-~peed Motor Switch.
5. Large Mixing Bowl. ·11. Detachable Handle. snow suits, skirts, sweaters, -scarfs, woolen ~Ioves, heavy suits and woolen dresses'.
6. Turntable. 12. Juicer Drive Socket. You fill the bag-we treatJt with Ma Hum gas that kills all moth eggs 01' larvae
OILING-Mixer needs' no oiling. Mixer has been .and store in 0l,.l1' modern storage vault. Yo U1' clothing is insured against all hazards
.. provided forJife of mixer at time of manufacturer. from the moment we pickup your bag.

• ,A•••w; ••",••,.. 3-".1.' I $29 95 An•

Unusual Cook Book goes with each mixer
-by the noted home ecoD(~mist Ethel ADison All the bag will hc;ld for only $1.50
.a.,•• d •• , ••• ,11 "Ia••"."
Articles cleaned at reg ular-prices on request.
The celebrated Famlworth 3.point lUi'
pension record chanlet handlel up to
Now taking, orders' for the

i 12 ten-inch at 10 twelve-inch record.,
I Bach record il lently handled. on the
: edlel. Feather-
weiaht tone ann
featurel a sealed.
crystal pick-up
with precioul
• metal Itylua.


CARTER and TURNAU Inc. , ,
,HOWARD 8·7600
SUNSET 8327'
..... CHESTER 6620

'- - WEST CHESTER 2032




'L- 260 Haverford ~vet Phone: Narberth 4367 Haverford and Forrest•• - Phone NaI'bel1h I1BI,

t. /
"'::'~'}:,'~tt/""'·:'~"':":~";~!:~~~~~~~~';'i. ':!~":'
.... .......r
.. -;, . .'".,
It·" • ,.
':.:::.-- -..- -~r~- ", 0 U:R TOW N'-
. .
MAY 22{19411
- '.)

· 1C'~cout N"ews I,

and ·amount.. railed by Ipeelal

events tllroughout the ~ear.
.. I

Dr. C. M. 'Cherry Open House H. L. HAWKINS HEADS

when the 'first overnight trIp
the season wllJ be taken by a l!~'~'
0' "
:ANNUAL IN-GATHERING Troop 3911 led the prcicesljton J n t o . ' , (Con~lnued from Page Onll)
POOR RICHARD CLUB lted number ot boys, under tb. dJ..
One hundred leaders and mem-/ an appointed. section of the Park, The l00th birthday cUnner of the
bers of Bala-Cynwyd's seven Girl and a special service was conducted Penn Mutual Lite Inlyrance Cam~
Is Re-Appointed(Continued from Page One)
.A. Sell we .ee plctur81 of a cata-
terla palnted by the children. Journal, Fortune, Time and Holll- Cynwyd,
Harry L.' Hawk,lns, 316 Kent Rd., recti On ot James C. Heng'lt, Bi)Ys~ ..
national advertising man- ,Work Secretary. The boys wlJJ mee.
Scout Troops gathered at Belnlont by Lynn 'Egl!r and Barbara Shank. pany tp be held !Monday, May 26, In Around 'the room are .ample. of day, among other magazines. ager of the Evening and SundaY' at the YMCA at 5 p. m., with equip..
P k M o l The AmeliJcan flag was carried Convention Hall, PhJ1acielphla, Pa., Former .Ardmore MaD ,Mrs. Grey certah1ly deserves men- Bulletin, was elected president ot ment and food. Such trips will be
thO: a~~ualaYi:'ga:~e:~n~ ~~rtt~~ by Sandra Sterlhig, and the, Girl wlIIfeature a unique 'natlonar iele-
writing, spelllng lesson., poems,
'IJ 11 tt Lo b
Named Dkectqr • torles and Individual Of
work. tion too, as mother ot three lively the Poor Richard Club on Tuesday• a regular feature of the spring and
" N d I h Scout flag by Mary Lou Tompkins. phone hook-Up which wUl unite dln- MI.s J. Dell's room, 'the third re-headed daughters, Judy, Jane and Hawkins, who served as first ville- summer program.
u e e 11' ags. arne n on- Paul.. Holmes and :Pat Ramuy nerslleld slmuItanebusly In81l other Methodist District ' grade, has reading books, reading Joan, and for her many duties as president previously, succeeds Ben- :piiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._.
or. at the founder of Girl Scouting, acted as color' guard. cities where the company maln-
the bags contain birthday penniefl , Dr. Clinton M.' Cherry was re- records, arithmetic work, food pos- preslc;lent'ot the Narberth Juniors. jamlnF. Jame~ president of tbe I
Mrs. Theodore Stelber, of Flat talns general agencies. ' appointed pa.tor ot the Ardmore ters, poems and stories. • • • Franklin Printing Co. ,
Rock Rd., Penn Valley, dlstrlc~ Sponsoring the dinner which sa- Methodist ChurCh tor hll third , .A.'we enter, the third grade class "Narbert'h residents 11'111 be Inter-
chal,rman o~ t~ Juliette Low Fund lutes the company's second century year, by BlshoP Fred P. Corion, of Mrs. D. Thomu we 'see a small ested to know that a fOl'mer Boro- on advertising agencies ot the'
'He Is chairman of the committee SPECIAL SALE'
YOU CAN'T SEE committee, described some ot the otservlceand securJty 11'111 be the Relldent Bishop ot Philadelphia, on stage ma:de by the chlldt:en. Around Ite and her husband, Blair and De- American Newspap,er Pilblishers'
ways In which the money Is usc'd. Home Office Agency, Joseph H. Monday.
She reminded the girls that In con- Reese, GeI]eral Al{ent. Among' Ita
the rooms are arithmetic boo.ks, borah Albrecht, just became proud Association, a director of the Sales
parents ot a son, Jonathon 'Alan'
,100 Dresses
Ano~her app.olntment ot Interest pictures, stories, books about the
SKILL trlbutlng, they were practicing their \representatives residing' here are to Ardmore Methodists Wad the alphal'et and copies of the "Monthly Albrecht, on, Tuesday.
third l:;cout law: "To be a frltmd Thomas A. Coleman, 9, Hampden naming of Dr. John D. Herr as Dis- Reader," a monthly newspaper put br~ct's live at 100 Princeton Rd., Bureau, Philadelphia.
The Al-
Managers' Association of Philadel-
phia and -of the Better Business
Reduced to
to all and a sister to every other Av:e., and' Richard L. Miller, '11 trict Superintendent ot the North- out by the 3-2 class. On an easel in Brookline. DeBorah's the daughter
Girl Scout." ,The committee plans Shirley Rd., Burgess of Narberth. west District to lucceed Dr. Frank the back ot the room are samples of a former Narberth family, Mr.
to have a serles..tlt exchange ,train- and Mrs. E. Q. Smedley, who now
$ 8.95 and $10
ers come to Am'erlca and learn
PI;entzel, Jr. of good work.
live In Oakmont. -' Kiwanianl Give Six •
Dr. Herr Jived 'In Ardmore as a \ Going into the upper building we
.. • • New Tents To YM C A •
,~, Scouting, whiCh they can go back Ardmore In Darkness
and teach in their' own countrJes.
Mrs. Stelber received the Indl: As Auto Levels
boy and attended the Ardmore come to Mrs. N. Shields' room, the
Methodist 'Sunday School. He en- ~1. In this class we see arithmetic'
tered the, ministry In ,1925.
Understand that Mrs. George Stul-
charts and graphs' made by the tinW and, children, Bonnie agd sented six new Army pup tents
The Main LI~e Kiwanis Club pre- I. E'LAIN'S ,
'vidual troop contributions, ,which North Ardmore was plunged Into Dr. Levi H. Zer'l', of 27 Simpson tourth and 'fitth grades, symme~rlcal BUnk)', are visiting her parents in to the Maine Line YMCA this weele
totalled $19,11. Mrs. Irvlri A. Kunz- darkness Tuesday night when a Rd., Ardmore,' was re-appolnted designs, writing' papers, pictures ot Huntingdon, 'Y. Va. They plan to e,
tor USe In the younger boys' pro~
, .. ' \ man, ~e(ghborhood leader forBala- car drlve~ by J. Permar Rlcha,(ds, Dlltrlct Superintendent of the West .tore windows, crafts done by girls, return to the Berkley Apartments
Cynwyd, introduced the leader1\. on June •. ' gram. Charles Fanslow is chalrmalil 125 N. Narberth Ave,
.Jr., ot Bala-Cynwyd, struck tl tele: District, pt the Philadelphia Contu- InclUding glass trays, waste-paper ot the Youth Committee for the
No, you can't actually see the 'The troops presented m:lglnal graph, pole on Montgomery Avenue ence, In which Ardmore Is located. baskets, belts, samplers, bookl!nds • 'Kiwanis Club.
Narberth 4365 • •
difference In a prescrlptl'?!l skits, an~ there were s6ng. and near Rosemont. ' On Sunday morning. Dr. Cherr)' and potholderll. ' Did you know that Narberth's
games, tollowed by retreshmentll. Homewood Ave., which is only a The tents wl1l be initiated Friday,
compounded by our skilled reg-
Electric charges trom six high. 11'111 preaCh on "Memories to Bless Next we enter Mr•. M. Hunsicker's
block long, l!as a total of 39 chil-
istered pharmacists. But your
tension ~...ires carrying four {bou" and Burn" In a service commemor- room, 4-2. Here we see art work, dren? There are 27 houses on the
physician knows the Importance MEIUON BACKSTOP ORDERED sand .'volts leaped into the all' when ating 'Memor1al Day.' Mrs. Geral- a satety panorama, health poqters, ~ X X)( )( X X X X X X X X )(X,.,_~~x
.,...' " -,
of h~vlng his prescriptions pre- ,The building I and grounds com- Richards, swerving to avoid anothe.. dine Lewis will sing "The Phantom pIctures ot store windows, l'eadlng block and six ot the familles have )(
~~.-.~ ~.,
, ,
pared where _ highest ethical mittee of the Lower Merion School car, smashed Into the pole, knock- Legion," by Warl1-Stephens, and the charts, bookletJJ about the U. S., no children. The Avenue's residents
Board has" ordered a basketball Ing It across'the road. He was treat- Choir 11'111 sing a special arrange- fourth grade spelling records, lIIus- tell me It's quite something when
excess inches .• r" C~ '*.,
standards prevail. Accept his
expel'lenced counsel-and then
bring your next prescription
backstop for the Merion Elemen- ed at' Bryn Mawr Hospital for lac- ment ot "America the Beautiful." trations ot the poem, "Hiawatha."
tary School playground. It will' be erations ot the knees. In the evening, following ,a song and small zoo cages made by chilo
the kids come home ,from school.
• • .I~,
,. ':\)<J .swiftly, 'surely and safel~
jl~I,41, ~~
InstA'Ued in' about one month. Mr. and Mrs. WIllIam H. Durbin,
to us at this "Reliable Prescrip- A c.ew,. ~ repairmen from the service, Dr. Cherry will preaCh on dren. '
ot 400 Anthwyn Rd., became grand- while y.ou lie relaxed 'II ,.,)(
tions" Pharmacy. Philadelphia Electric' Company "What Happened at Penetecolt." In Miss K. Dale's room, the 15~1, parents on Sunday, May 18. On
worked two hOU1'S resetting the pol.! A reception 11'111 be held In' the we see biographies ot famous men
that day, a baby boy, ]\llchael WII- x \ ~
Choose YOU!' Druggist with the
and repairing wlr4(!s,' The ,are!!. for ,pariSh hall next; Wednesday evehlng folders ot art work, stained glass 1Iam, was born to their daughter, 1)(
ten squa're miles was without light for the 126 new members who have windows made by the fiflh grade Virginia, wite ot Joseph Hyland, In
I: 1/, ~:
J , \

been received Into the church dur- pupils, the Penn Seal p'alntcd by
:",~ "~"" ~\ ~~
same care that you do your WATCH during that time. Bryn Mawr Hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
Ing Dr. Cherry's ministry. The oc- members ot the 5-1, crafts done by
Doctor Our Skilled Orafts-'
men Guarantee caslonwll1 also honor Dr. and Mrs. gIrls, including needlebooks, helts,
Hyland have been living at State ..;, ...
. Pertect
LOWNES AND DUER TO Cherry and th.elr family on his re- 'headbands, hot pads, picture trames,
'ColIege, where he is stUdying en- .. SYSTEM' FOR 'CONTOURJ:.Q~IROij \ ~
• WN-ELAN WorkmanshIp
• Repaired
• Cleaned
appointment. samplers and doll dresses.
Entering" the 5-2 class ot Miss M.

Many slang terll)'s ot today are

)( The Kay Bidwell sys- , iX' .~
• Oiled Two local justllfc!s ot the peace ARDMORE MERCHANTS White, we see booklets about tor- not as modern as you may think.
Prome,t nell'l'ery

Jewelers and Opticians

were elected delegates to the State
Justice ot th Peace Association con. STUDY POSSIBILITIES OF
elgn lands made by fourth-graders, SUch words and phrases as mooch,
..!rt folders, pictures, notebooks, racket, lousy, kid, beat It, booze,
graphs, health pictures, United
)(::x able results by
tern achieves
passive exercise of
those portions
of the
4,3 :SORTH NARBER'fH AVENUE ventlon at a meeting ot the Mont- RADIO CAMPAIGN frisk, grUb, gyp, hick were used in
• Haverford and Narberth Aves. , 'Phone :Sarberth 2119 States maps, a mOdel ot an airport, body to be reduced: r
gomery County Justice of the Peac'e
Next door to the House ot Rano
, Oharge Accounts InVited AssociatiOn last week.
The Ardmore Business Associa- cGples of the "Flash," the 5·2 news- England three hundred years ago.
tion this week launched a study ...-~-,_-~--<i:--::::~-~=-::::::~:-:=-",,-==-o~~.
The t rea tment in- I
, They are Walter B. Lownes, Jr., ot the possiblllties ot '''se11lng'' Ard'- paper, crafts done by girls, Includ- X volves no effort on the )(

,TE[EVii'IOi ~ Ix
of Gladwyne, and Otto Duel', Nar- more to the public as a shopping Ing a frieze, ceramics, knitting sam- )( part of the patient: )(

Jeddo-Highland Coal
berth. Duer Is president ot the center by means ot radio broad- ples, dolls made of milk bomes,
'Montgomery County Associailon. casts.
The State convention will be held
th~ngs made ot WOOd, lumber ,scenes,
foreign homes made by tourth.'
.. )(
who may read or sleep
while their contour is
molded to sylph-like
i )(
At their monthly meeting, hl'ld graders and pictures 'ot store win- RADIOS and RECORDS .,
in Pittsburgh on June 23, '2' and 25. at the :Main Line Bowling Center dows. pl'oportions. ~
' 'Sales and Service ~ X
~ ~
o'n Wednesday, they discussed thc
Mobilheat Fuel Oil CHARLES STEWA~T Dms cost ot radio time with Thomas
Watch for PHILCO
Funeral services were held at 2' rlstown.
Raehall, ot "Station WNAR, Nor~
Memorial Serivce
Fred Dannenhauer, Jr. Narberth and Haverford ~ves.
~ ~ X
~ I Ix ')(1
p. m. today for ,the late Charles Pentz Pippin, chairman of the (Continued from Page One, X Phone Narberth 4253 )(1 • I i
Fluid Heat Oil Burners Stewart, 370 Righters MiII'Road, Association, appointed Charles Bu- was an active and enthusiastic par-
Gladwyne, from St. Mary's Protes- tera chairman ot a committee to ticipant ,in the Memorial Day rites
102 ESSEX AVE. ('
Treatments Recommended and Approved Ph'ys'dans ~ by ~ ~,'
tant Episcopal Church, Ardmore make a detailed Investigation of the each year until his failing health In Narberth , ~
Sales and Service
Avenue, Ardmore. MI'. Stewart died proposal.
on Monday at his home. Interment The merchants postponed action the parade.
was in St. Paul's ·Cemetery, Glen- on a decision for uniform ntore
made it Impossible for him to join .,~~~~~t../:i) ~~ x X ~ C$: ~x ?i~~ ~';S;?,(x ~.x ~ X

The names of six war dead,

)flS' X)C xx ?!~].
. •

DUNNE' IIv---.. . ---- ...

lOCh,' Pa. hours pending completion ot a sur- whose deaths have occured or been
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , vey ot all Ardmore stores by Mlch- confirmed since last Memorial Day, ~.

.,.t1 ael Boucher, secretary of the As~ 11'111 be read. These are Wills A.
'\ , -~ sociatlon. Burrowes and Joseph F. Murphy,
-, Now, faulty I -... :
Pippin disclosed that the Amerl- both members ot the post; John P.
258 Haverford Ave" Narberth ,vision can "be" ,,~ •• ~.~'" ' , can 'Flags which 11'111 line Lancu- Schenk, Charles W. Latch, Jr., Dr.
, ter Ave. On Memorial Day were )frank High Gerard and Charles W.
j NARBERTH 2430,· I.., _,~o~rected. scjd; ~,,', purchased with contributions from' Haywood.
entificaJIy. ~ .. ' t ' , ' , ' ; . . . . 'merchants and businessmen along Dold To Place Wreath
-' Vis i tour '~'~ the pike. • A wreath will be placed on the
memorial by Edwin P. Dold, Span-
* modern com-' , , .RES,TAURANT OWNER ASKS ish-American War veteran. who has
NEW-TO-YOUR-DOOR SERVICE plete optical department. been appointed a sergeant-at-arms
Hospital and occulists' pre- OFF-STREET PARKING for the day. The other sergeant-at-
. ' A request fo r p er ml ss Ion t a pro- arms appointed fOl' the day 11'111 be
BEER ALE S crIptIons acc ra e y
U' t
Broken lenses duplicated.
I fil'
Ie, d
vide off-street parking facilltles for
Robert A. Complon, Sr., father of
several hundred customers ot his Robert A. Compton, Jr., US~, Who

POBTEB Sun Glasses, optically

French restaurant ,has been made was lost at sea.
by Albert H. Bien, of Overbrook- A firing squad from the Speak-


gro~nd & 'polished, $2.95
Hills-In-Merlon. '

man Post 11'111 fire _ three volleys,
and taps 11'111 be sounded by a bug-
Bien, whose contractors started ler from the Honeybrook Cadets
enlarging the store at 917 Montgom- with echo sounded by a Narberth ....
-Suburban Beverage Co. PENN 'VALLEY >,
ery Ave., Penn Valley, several weeks Liberties bugler.
ago, has tiled a petition for a pUb- Principal address ot morning wlll
lio hearing on the request ¥ay 21 be made by the Rev. Harold D.
2Z HEKAMORE ROAD Jewelers and Opticians betore the Lower Merion Board ot Flood, pastor ot the Narberth Meth-

Next Door to the House of Re,no

property behind his restaurant

odlst Church, and tormer chaplain
He wants the four and a half In the U. S. Naval Reserve attached
acre to the U. S. Marines Corps Avla-
( .
Phone :N~BERTH 2119
, ,Call CYNWYD 0646 Oharge Accounts Invited rezoned from residential to com- tlon.
merclal., To Sin&, "America" U

l'roprietor-EDWARJ? L. WINGJ!:RT, JR. TRinity 7.3243 The former manutacturer of nov- Following his talk, the bicycle
elties has also applied to the' State prizes 11'111 be awarded, and the au- .r
'Liquor Control Board lor a liquor dienee 11'11I sing "America," aceom-
license. ,This application Is being panled by the fite unit ot the North-
fought "by the Penn Valley Assocla- ern Liberties Cadets.

PLANS tlon.

Post..Chaplain, the Rev: Cletus A.
Senft, pastol' ot the Holy Trinity
Luth,eran Church, a former Navy
diction. ,
pronounce the bene- will
Dr~ Frank P. K. Barke;, Ardmore , The service will be broadcast over
dentist, Montgomery County con. an amplifier set up at the memorial
FOR 1 .
troler and former president of the by Walter G. Case, ot the Narberth
Lower Merion Townshtp Board ot Electric Company.
Commissioners, was given a meri- In the event of Ii heavy rain,
torious award:Monday at the Penn- the service will be held In the Nar-
sylvania State Association ot First berth Methodist Church. .-.
'Class Townships conterence in Phil-

adelplah. John Grey, chairman flo!
the award committee, presented the
L. M. Voters There is a glory in ment of life is personal and family secu-

(Continued trom Page O~.!\.) I

He knows not how J:o speak who lng, the aUdience, gathered i n the Ja'nd where men and women can rity. Today, Penn Mutual helps supply '

• cannot be silent; stm leas how to groups, according to the 19 districts free their energies for vast accomplish- that security to over five hundr~d thou-
act with blror and decision. Who In Narberth. Each group discussed
hastens to the end-is silent; loud- with Its committeemen the quali· ment-where neither the heavy hand of

FU'TURE1 ness is Impotence.-Lavater. sand policy owners and their families

fications for office of the men and
women who wlll run In the Septem-
fear nor the dread hand of repression with more than two and a quarter billion
bel' primaries. causes men or women to falter in their dollars' worth of life insurance. To date, • I
Atter the group meetings, refresh· eager search for a better life.
late of the Borough of Narberth, it has paid more than one billion,' six
Montgomery County, Pa., deceased- ments were served by the League
Letters testamentary on the above hostesses for each district. Mrs. That was the glory of America when hundred million dollars to policy owners
See our FHA reRresentativ~
Estate having been granted the un- Wilfred E., Fry, ot Ardmore, 11'8;8 P~nn Mutual started business i~ 1841. and their beneficiaries.
dersigned, all persons Indebted to said chairman tor the party, and hostes-
Estate are requested to make Immed- ses were Mrs. Harrison Hires and It remains so today after a Century of We who represent Penn Mutual are
Iate payment, und thoso having legal Mrs. Altr,ed C. Cooper.
claims. to present same without dely achievement that ,has dwarfed all previ- preud to offer you the services of a com-

'about securing a mortgage on t~e home ·you want to ,S. L. G~OSBMAN. M. D" ,League hostesses Included Mrs.
ous human accomplishment.
I Or to
R. D. 1, oamp HUl, Penna.
his Attornles:
Joseph M. Love
G. Albel·t Freihofer, Mrs. Kenneth
E. Appel, Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. William Mulford, Mrs. Edward
J. Painter, Vital to high achievement and tHe enjoy-
With such a distinguished record
performance. ~ ·
Fr4A mortgages are s}i11 avail~bl~'on your' new
'02 DeKalb St., Davies, Mrs. Robert C. Price, M~s. •
Norristown. Pa.
William D. Harkins, Esq.
2617 Fidelity-Philadelphia
Trust Bldg.,
, Phila. 9, Pa.
Alfred C. Cooper, Mrs. John Ran-
dall, Mrs. E. M. Blancard, Mrs:
LewisN. Jason, Mrs, Edward M.
Klapp, Mrs. F. C. Strojkarch, Mrs.


war home, Come in to day and let us help you plan. OT ,-lIt-lJt Ewing C. Julstdet, Mrs. Robert LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY

FICTITIOUS NAME REGISTRATION Haslett, Mrs. Philip R.Hepbzurn, John A. Stevonoon, P'reaid."t
I ~
ant to the ovlslona of Act of ....s-
sembly No. 80, approved May 24, ert P. Wetherald, who Is the new
19411, of Intention to lile In the omce pl'esldent' ot the Penns)'lvanla
THE NATIONA-L ,BANK of .the Secretarr ot' the Common- League of Women Voters.
wealth' of Pennsylvania, at Harris-
burg, Pa.. and In the omce ot the Pro-

530 Walnut Street

thonotarl' of the Oourts of Common
Pleu 0 Montgomery County. on GweD Contract For
,Monday. the 2nd, day of June 1947,
a Oer1J{llcate for the conduct or busi- B. M. School Boiler
Josep h .H.'Reese, C· L.~.
Philadelphia 5, Pa•• Phone: LOmbard 3-7300

ness In 'Montgomery Oounty•. Penn-
.ylvanla, under the assumed or ,110-
Bowers Brothers, Phlladelphia,
tltlous name.l. style or designation of was awar'ded the bid Monday night Associates Residing, in This .Com,muflity Are
T10~S, with Ita prlnclpal place ot for the InataJlation of a new boiler
-business at 43 N.Narberth' Avenue, at a cost of $22,773 In the Bryn
, Narberth. Pa. T)1e names and address
ot the person oWning, or Interested In Mawr Elementary School. The
laid buslne.. 11 Joeeph WeIsaman,
,PHONE: NARBERTH 2800 2lJII1 Parma Road. Philadelphia. PL school's heating system, changed
" ,

9iiE5i!iii!!!5' !i'iE'='~ii' • •i!!!• •'iiilli!E~i!!!!i~"Eiiiiiiiiiiillil!i' illiE!!~J'V6

"'- ':
IRWIN APPEL, l!lsq. ' SOlldtor,
UIU Oheetnut street.
to coal burning during the wa.... ill 1847 BACK OF YOU~ INDEPEND,~t.'Jc;~ ST+~,~S 'r~~ i~~~N ~~T"'_AL 19~. * . . . .J." . . * .,'
i"" lI-aa47 ' ~l&ldeIJlhla. ,Pa." being
, reconverted
, ., to oU burnlni
. ' ' ,A

::"~,. ,:,~::_:'~.,c,,,' I '-',:' ,~ . -,;'~:+:~t.~~d,1;~~1~'",c:·.lJ.~ol~

_'''~'',~ e, ~~";,.I.~';
"il&Il!iWIi!:;'j',jf'1l1!~~'ai~~~'t;j,J''1IJJit.f:, . 4'~\l~ h~1!'J " !
!:i",.,,< ,: ",',,~;,"~""-\ Ii:.\t-",,:,-,:,:,,/,,~,.:,:':,'~:;,
.",,,,~: . ~:, .i\, t, ,',.''l':''!'','" '
rn'~j1f.,1ti.~i<·L:*f~'l~~~ltI'.l.~:!li......:t~,t.r':"1i,;j~", ~ ,::"",::~~~ ~,~ ~~ },'!" .i.TO~'1~~~.,"
>'\"'. .. .-. h • • liz..
-;': .'-:
i:wh,..,..... J ",Ilk' ~{··'''I1'''_,:t.:~~iJ·;(~··-:.! ,r.,:,· ";;:,'!'~~,:;, ~ ':';?~', ~::~ ..,. "" ~"~:,,~:.'.~"," ""_".1 , :'" " .•~".L\' !,};:,:L ";:;'c~:..:~zdi"


. ,
. \
.- -
' ...,
. ->,
, THURSDAY,_MAY 22~ 1947
. I

. ,; . .Gnga~eme~b .;t~Ie,J .'
,- . ". I '

, ..,." ' ,
announced the engagement of thell'
, .
Mr. and Mrs. Alan .Io'hnson daughter, Miss Carolyn Flelds,to
Smith, of 326 Woodley Rd., Merion,' William G. Wehner, son of Mr. and
have announced the engagement of Mrs. John M. Wehner, of 1108 W.
their daughter, ·Mlss Marjorie Montgomery Ave., Haverford.'
Smith, to James. Walter Klrkcon' Miss Fields Is a graduate of the
.)\ nell, son. of Dr. and M/s. Watson University of Pennsylvania and Is
NO OYHI. COFFEE GIVES YOU MOil I Klfkconnell,·or Hamilton, Ontarlr.. a·member of Kappa Kappa Gamma.
FLAVOR AND MOllE FOR YOUR MONIYI Canada. Mr. Wehner, who graduated from
Horo's real prao' Ihat you don't have to ,Frf high Miss Smith Is a graduate of Mc- Lehigh University, Is· a member of
prlcel to onloy caffee 01 ils bo,t. The,. new law Master University, Hamilton, whero' Kappa Alpha Society.
price, of A&P Colfoe wero IIIado available 10 YOIl Mr. Klrkconnell Is also. a student· •
IUlt 01 prolllplly 01 pGllibla. And ralllamber. after serving three' years In the PROTT-LJNEAWEAVER
thora Is no change In the superb quality
Canadian Navy. Mr. and Mrs. Tho!l1a8 H. Llnea-
• • 0 weaver, of. Glyn Wynne Rd., Hav-
FANT-l'lcCREA erford, have annqunced the engage-
Mrs. Charles Harold McCrea, o~ ment of their daughter, Miss Emilie
Shaker Heights, 0., has announced Mitchell Llneaweaver, to Houghton
the engagement of her daughter...McCobb Pratt, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Miss Mary Pleasant McCrea, to Raymond H. Pratt, of Providence,
John Fitzsimmons Fant, Jr.. son of R. I.
JoIlld and 'Ich and Mr. and Mrs. Frant,' of Shawnee Miss Llneaweaver attended Shlp-
Mello... full·"dlo<l
Rd. and St. Davids. Lane, Merion ley School and made her debut In
~g 391: ~g 41c Golf Manor. • 1945. Mr. Prott served in the U. S.
Miss McCrea Is a graduate of the Navy during the war. He attended
3·lb. h, 51.12 3·'b. berg 51.18 Laurel School for Girls, in Cleve- Deerfield Academy and Dartnlcuth
land, and of Wellesley College. MI'. College.
• • •
Fant, now a student at the ';\'har-
ton School of the University of ARMSTRONG-FANT·
Pennsylvania, serV'l!d as a first lieu- Mr. and Mrs. John Fitzsimmons
Suburban Square merchants are ,ready to ser,re
tenant with the 93rd Bombardmenf Fant, . of Shawnee Rd. and St.
Group, Eighth All' Force. Davids Lane, Merion Golf Manor, YOUa Y ou'll fin~ it a treat just to look and 8ee
• • have announced the engagement of

They're Selected for Quality ~ • \. More Waste WEHNER-FIELDS

Mr. and Mrs. Roland R. Fields,
their' dll}lghter, Miss Joan. Marie
Fant, to .Wllllam Robert Armstrong,
the interesting array of new quality merchand-
Is Removed ••• You Get Greater Value! of 105 Simpson Rd., Ardmore, have
Jr., of Overbrook, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong. ise they have preparea for your selection..· A
On the Mnln LIne 211 "eHra
Mrs. Frederick Brill, of Ardmore,
treat multiplied by mal1Y fine stores. and cour-
MORTGAGEa has announced the engagement of
her daughter, Miss Marian Prill, 'teous servicea Come and shop . . . where it's
to Dr. Stanley F. Chamberlin, oi
Property Management Philadelphia, son of the late Ur.
and Mrs. James A. Chamberlin, of
pleasant . • . convenient . . . economical.
Monrina, Calif.
.., HENRY FRIEDMAN Dr. Chamberlin, professor of
finance at Temple University, grad- MERCHANTS OF SUBURBAN SQUARE I
ARDMORE 4700 uated from the University of Penn-
sylvania, and received his Ph D.
degree from New York Univ'hsity.
. Th. Fln ••t. Moot Comptete



STYLE PORTERHOUSE STEAK Mr. and Mrs. William B. Engel-
kraut, of 1212 Garfleld Ave., Manoa,

.0U IT
have announced the engagement of Store I.
their daughter, Miss Helen Louise .urburbaD
This Porterhouse Steak, cut
front corn-fed beef. contains
Engelkraut, to Robert J. Fey, 80n of
Mrs. caroline Fey, of Upper Darby.
The World's . A.merlca

e.'l.'cess fat and flank meat. So You still have time to se\' Yd~d UeJlver:r Anywhere
it's uneconomical even at 69c
• H.

nwented iewe1ry to IP en t',,,
W .re curren r
Miss Engelkraut is a graduate of
Haverford Township High School. Largest GILMAN Inc.
costIt weighs 1-1b.14-oz.• would_ adv~nta~e~elrya et prices sub· Mr. Fey, who gradilated from UTl- .t. Geerso. RORd
:teY~~i~lI~ higher.than we pai~
• 1940 Our chents con re
per' Darby High School, served two
and a half years in the Navy All'
Television .8
Ard. 0630

In d' thaI wo al alrtimel, Corps.

Olsure .' It I 'ce
offer thorn a fair mar e pr II
Id vou sell, yoU so
The wedding will take place in Tube
4 t'\~toll1
end snO U ' I h' f m for the Fall.
for cash. ConS u t t dIS '\. ble
sound advica an re ,a
appraisals. PRINCE-HOOBER
• Screen
Mr. and Mrs. Ira E. Hoober, of
Philadelphia, have announced the
engagement of their daughter;,·M'tse·· J~'
Marguerite P. Hoober, to Charles
Prince, 80n of Mr. and Mrs. Burling
D. Prince, of 10 E. Newfield Way, FOR WQMEN
117115iii-_iiii_liiiiiiii==iiilliiiiiiiiii=~ I Bala. SIze

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. White-
cabinets 65 ST. JAMES PL.
All stoel, helvy
man, of Wyncote, have announced
!l aug e, custom
The same Porterhollse stcaT., A & P the engagement of their daughter,
close-tl"i71lnted. .A & P 8el/s flallk
meat as hambw'gc,' at S9c Ib, l' Olt
get the felldcl' "heart" of the Po,'-
b u i I t baked
onamel and
beautifully fin.
Miss CarolYn Ellen Whiteman, to
Samuel L. Sagendorph, son of Mrs. ROW ON ''Everything·
Lloyd Sagendorph, of Haverford
terhollse steak. It weighs 1 lb. 6 oz.•
and at 75c lb. cost.s 011111 :.__ ished.
Gables, Haverford, and. the late
Mr. Sagendorph; . DISPLAY. Photographic'"
, I

Miss White Is a graduate of the

Garden Fresh Fruits &- Vegetables ...,;
lowost prl....
Estimate. fre.. Calh or terml, Ogontz School. Mr. Sagendorph
graduated from Germantown Acad- ,Ideal for Clubs, Bars and other places where large ,audiences
Strawherries •Cooper 81 SOliS, 542 S. 5Zd
~ _ G R 2·929t or SH 7·78t4~
emy, Amherst College and the Uni- must be accommodated. Stop in and see one demonstrateU. Mac CALLUM
c. H. DA VIS!, 'Inc.
I •• versity of Pennsylvania Law School.
Red.rlpe, luscious Times·Medical Bldg.
Tennessoe berries

3ge Schools' ",.d
, The Mqin Line's Finest lvlusic and Radio SflOP
Open Friday Evenings .Phone ARDMORE 4422
None Priced Higher! 33 COULTER AVENUE ARDMORE :JJie:Jinger j
FRESH California. Full Podded

l.. . . . . . . """'. . . . . . . . . . . . . .;. . . . . . .

~ ••••••••••••= ••••• ~ •••

q "\~'e
P eas H~~mR "" Ibs. . ,d ~f James
Jewele~B Slnee 1888
1420 Walnut St" Phlla.
FRESH Cri~p California A. KlnK,ley 1S.0trS8

Carrots 2 bunches 15 e 1 ~ . Yore.a.l, !Warm ~ Ritchie

80 Coulter Ave., Ardmore
Ardmore 3446 ,

.s .. Weaf/uwfA/tead! ~
Try PANTRY VALUE~J • Yetarern Approved PRIVATE INSTRUCTION '( This one piece crepe d ren .. ; r *
Fine Linens Children's Wear
AlrP'. NeMl 16.0%. • Dcy and Evening Courses . ...s so n4!w looking. for almost all ~. . J •

MARVEL DILL OR SOUR PICKLES • Ne., Classel Confinuerl/y Storting

~ * Foundation Garments


popular brands ~ __ quart jar • Immediate Enrollment '( occalions.
.s ~

.Enriched 1821 Chestnut St.•.Phlla., Pa•••• Rltten. 6·3156. , White. lime, Beige. Aqua, . 19 Coulte.r Ave., Ardmore Lingerie
Bread Sultana • •• 16'0: ;or 31c-33-0: ;or IDe • N"" s',,"'" = G,.y-"... 10·18 @ $2.... •••••••••••••••••••••••• Junior Dresses
Full 16·0: Sliced POTATO SALAD Conway'.

lIe old fashioned • 1·lb jar IDe LEARN TO SING THE

Large stIe pkg 22c, 2·lb pkg
4Ie \
ii T.YB.
Cleaners Since 1890
2 I A~-
~ . t
Tender, sweet /Jeas 20'0:
Pricel cons
Modern Methods for Voice
• ." (JOu]ter Ave.' Ard. 1916

Perfection and Song Delivery
SLICED P~E APPLES • Mkrophone Technique.
Jane Parker ....Dlo\o.e CHESTNUT HILL
ComstocA brand 2 ~~.~: 2De SERVICE, INSTALLATION AND • 80ng St,'lIult.
(Popular and Classical) 21·30 Perrkl"ll Pler,er .51.·16 Gormerntown "'vo.
Sugered or Plain
REPAIR - Phila.'s most modorn
shops -and classrooms. Limited .en-
• RecordhlI:s and ~Iotion l'lctlll'es
token for development of puisI'
Donuts Ann Page in tomala sauce -- 2
1·lb rollment. Diplomas awarded. Vet- Phone Now Kingsley 5-6655 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. 1824 W. GIRARD AVE.
• Dozen in box
cons' 25e eran approvod. Send for FREE
Bulletin "R,"
1320 Walnut St•• PE 5.2744
S~lbert Bld~ 250 S. Hrood St.
STevenson .·8100
Heart's Delight. Cooked 21·0: can lIe I


Ifnl",nc. 203 S. Junl' orl
• •_ . _. .- - - - . .
" I! _. _.. ". -
Learn Beauty Culture
- "-_. .__
Besf Pure
Websler', ---------------.4 can, 25e at Karlton Post-War School G. J. CROLL'8
Florida Sweetened or Unsweatened_ 46 •0:
con lA-
Do)· olld E\'entng Classes And
THE Times Medical Bldg.
1·lb Prinf A & P SAUER KRAUT School' of Perosnal. Charm KARLTON SPECIALTY SHOP
FLOWER Phone Ardmore 4114
Grade "A'" --------.:_-- 3
cans 25e and Model Training School Beauty Culture
1425 Chestnut; LO. 7·5078 BOY'S
White House
_ .. SltlALL CANS 23e
can. 23e
CLASSES Now Forming I1- Come In or Write t"or IntervIews .... TOOL CHESTS
Pre,cription. 21 Coult.r Avell
CHEESE FOOD FOR APPOINTMENT CALL Montgomery Ave.'. .nel Phone Ardmore 2442
2/~ r:l e
Price. in 'iii• • d~erliM"" ",.
iIt... tAt dON .1 6uiM.. Sat., • ., J4tl
. "
PE.5·4578 - PE. 5-4618
1704 WALSIVT 8'1'.• PHiLA. 3. PA.
State Licensed . O. I. Approved
St. Georges Road
i'BoNE: ARDl\IORJll V,MIJ 59 St. James Place
. Domestic
Fr~e Catalog • Day and Evening Oriental ~.

DALE STUDIOS El1rol1 Early for."uue 9th Class Rugs

111U WALNUT ST., PHILA., PA,' 1 st" Phlla. RI. 8~04U
LOcust 7·0876
· _ - - - - -_ _.....:.1 ,"-.,,,, ..

j' \

II:!TER"OBb~smp NBWS .. , 'I'D ILIDf'LINIIR _. BALi.utNwm·. MiiRION OWl

.. ., ~

, ,",. \;" .

. ,
THURSDAY,-MAY 22~,1941

'Dit HERNDON GETS NEW, aelegate to the San Con-

ference in 1HH5. Bi. appolntqlent 5tHJO'Boy'Sc~t,' Know Your Progr8Jll..S~tiOJi WNAR, 'NOm8~O~ St. ColemaiTies up three more markers ia th.1Ouri1t
which were enough to wiD tile .... .
w.. announced by Dr. Gilbert .... , .. till KILOCYCLES-IOO WATTS
(2'~1II'1"r (Co.tIII•••) St Laey"·
. 77' clslon.

.........., ..
Ctmtpor,e JOIffI4l St~te
, IVK»&.r ........7'·(0......041) I Both sides had five hit., with
Dr. William G. Herndon, Jr., WU White. prelld.nt' of the Colle••• '1:211 A. iI.-"-NIlWI.
,:ao-MonlDl' ·.. 111.... 1:0JS-Or,.n.'
1:11-81,10. lUi....
• 4:0o-Newl In Nn BMl1.
• Kirsch being the only memb.r of
00 d'C oo...eI and
appointed on Monday to tHe n.w '1 :lIO-Cbureh Balletra,· 1 :lO-8'portl Cel••dU. of :Ol-Jukebox. . both teaml to collect morethlUl,one.
po.t of Professor of Public :B:inllnce AWAMD OOPE nLLOW8IIIP1 Drawtt , ...., TfMIl,lWII 1 :Oo.;-oOlp81 IIIl,er..
For the ,... ten year. ~. lallul- 8 :ao-DeY.tlonl.
1 :fl-Co.!.e Glee ClUb,
:I :Ol)-N..WB.
f :So-l11B17JIBAN
IUIlADLlND. St Tb All Wm· Be 'had a pair of singllls. A great
at Haverford COllege. Dr. Herndon, Winner. of the Clem.ntlne Cops trlill ..-owih of. title Unit... Btat.. II:GO-Bruttalt AI... - '2:1o-TJm. aut. 4:3l5-Malil Lla. Ihtln" • oml. 0 catCh by lett fielder Joe DeFazio
p authority on federal Income tax Fellow.hlps for 1N7, announced Ii.. been marked by a uenel towarll 10:00-801l,s b;, HIf••• ' 2:111-Guell th. 'ruD'. G:Oo-SportINew.. In MontdelOpeners in the fourth was the defenllve fea.-
lli:w., has been a member of the Saturday bY Haverford Coli..., In- Delawan C..... 10 :ll1-l'rleadly Ifel,blaor. 2 laO-ValleY ,"or,. BOlp. II :ll1-NJllW8. ,
deoentralbatton. :Many of our lar,- to :so-Mew.,Summu)'. 8 :GO-MalterworJrI; . '.. A big lut-inningrally that netted ture of the contest. ' .
:faculty at Haverford since 1928. He cluded Arnold C. Satterth"alt, of '.eet corporation. have extended 10 :SII-IYorT ,. "'d.. 8 :So-lamboree. ,,,, ••ID&.:.
taught' economics, political Iclence lteadlng, and William H. Harrrs,. If durin.. thll cOll1i~ "e.k~nd their op.ration. over' man)' ~1I1. 10:411-Bouadup TIm.. 4:00-1'1'.11'1 hi Mut Ihell. '1:00 A. X.-NEW.. five run. to pull the game .out of TRAIL BLAZE'B ,~ .
and government. Camp Hill, Pa. the I'holt. 0' Geor,. W..hIDl't~1l ....._'t'.. an'd, m' a ..., y .tate.. Tb' II 11 :06-B.ltlmore 4 :Oll-J'ukebox. 7 :lI1-Dr. Michaellon. the tire enabled the St. Lucy nine,
-- • - Tahernlol.. ,,:ao-lIlln LID. Jkttn... T:ao-Wlley Mliliou. f W t ~M k t 'I' 7 I Dan Robinson, who 18 represent-
In addition to serving In an ad·
vlsory capacity on many local and time No man can be procldent of hll
------ and hili vaJiaat' army of ltevolu·'
tlonary War hero.. oould return tei
hal become beeau.e of im- 12 :OCh-Newl SummuT·
.....O'Y.d -communication. and t.he 12 :ll1-The Xlia Liner..
II :Oo-lportl If.w..
II :U-NEWB. . ,
'1 :fll-IIIorllln. Muslo.
8 :Oo-NIlWS.
0 es anaun, 0 earn a -, t e ing Villanova in the hammer throw
with St. Colman'., of Ardmore, as
who III net prudent In the Valley Forge it would warm their po 12 :411-Nor'ltkkl. lOll'., II :III-SI,D oft: , 8 :Oll-I'rlendl)' NeI.hbor•. the two Montdel1League teams got in track competltlO\1, II the Blue
ndlonal tax commltteell, :pro Her.n - cholee of his company.-Jeremy acoeuibllity of. electrl. pow.r, but 1 :00 P. X.-Bmw Hour W.X••P.Y , 8 :lo-Mol'1llajr MOire:. andWhlte'1 first entrant In the
waa heart. to .ee encamped on that it bu allO provecl dellrable on many 2 :Oo-Xe".. '1':00 4. ...-NEWS. 8 :IO--Churell Counell in their first loop contest ot the year
dOll a technical advisor and Taylor.
...cred ~ound another army-IOOO :I :l~nme Out. T :l~Dr. )(lobaellon. 8 :411-1II0rnln, MUllc} Friday .dight at McMoran Field. event in several years.
eounts. It enabl.. a company to 2 :ll1-Xulleal Gem.. '1 :ao-Wilel Mlslloa. 9 :O'O--NJIlWS.
I'rong-of Boy Scout. of America, looaM an u':'mhly plant clq.. to 2 :8G-Chureh of A4'.
8 :oo-Coneer~ ·
., :'II-IIIoJ:nin ll' HUllc.
8 :Oll-Arouad Town.
8 :II1-Clluroh of the
West Manayunk.
Th f th hi
out for their firet Valley Forge
council Campor•• since 19'1.
conl1lmer markets or a fabricUng 8 :SO-Gos'pel Beh.e.. 8 :05-l'rlelldly Nel.hbor. Open Door. e game was or.e 0 e' gh- JOHN ~ EHRENZELLER
Thi. orop of youn. AmerIoan.
learlllDl' _y .arly experience the
'a plant clole to the .courcts of Its ":OO-Oolpel Bour.
II :OD-SQOrtl Newi.
ra" material • T are 0 th er ad • 1I:111-NlllWI.
8 :lO-Xornlal' Mallie.
8 :aO-Couooll of Churela•• 10 lao-NEWS.
8:4l1-Morllln, HUlre:.
8 :80-Melodl....
10:111~VA pro,ram.
.lIghtl of a week in which thiee CiIP-
test. were played, two others were PhotoRraPher
1897 ,.11 19.7 vantaare•. When a lara. percentage II :30-SI,n off. 9 :Oo-NEWS. 10 :80-ah)'thDl. ' rained out and Ii. third postponed. . 9a8 Bowman Ave.,
3 free' Sund!'.! Concam, Syf¥llft H.II, 4.15, 7.15, 9.45 le.sons DlallY a G. I. learned Ute ~ tIte population' of Ii. community , 8 :~J-Aroun/l TOWIl. 10 :lJII-Newl Summary. In the other games Good Counsel,
AS.twELLE ARNO . . . .m hard way-ho" to take car. of him- I .' MONDAY la.ll1-Cbureh of tli. 11 :OO-El.ven Tea. r :WynnewoQ.d
I. dependent on a Dna'ie IndUstry 7:00 4. AI.-NEWI. OP~D noor. l1:SD-Baad"llI'ou. • of Bryn Mawr, came from behind
self when he'll 011 hi. own; how to (,
MuJIca' Off. ring .Ilom~nl;c 8arilon.- for a lIveUbeocl very seriOUI prob- '1 :U-Dr. Mlelliollo" 8 :30-M8104l... 12 :OO-Newa Summar;,. to elnk st. Thomas; of V,!lano\'a,
. 7 :SO-Wlle)' )(IIIIoL' 10 :oo-NIlW'. 12 :II1-The Main I.laer.. ' 6 ' PORTRAITS
ALLIN, ••0 •• AND .HORTY get alonr with hi. felto" &ooutl; l.m. may be oreated both for the . 7:'1I-¥onlu, MUllo. 10:111-10. Am~"Hela W..... 1S:IO-l'arm Bour. ... on the winnerl field, Tuesdl\Y,
how to oook over an opeD fir.; ho" oompany aDd~. oommunity it the' 8:00-NJllW8. 1:00 P~ X.-NJllWlIt ADULTS and CHILDREN
".'N'U"~* ".,w""ltl '.,.A'II

(No Flrowork. Momorlal Day. May 30)

to stay clean in milld and body
without all tbe comfortl of home
operations have at aP)' tim•. to be 8 :10-Xorill., Xu.".
IYlPended becaule ot the sealonal' 8:3O-Coonell of Cburcle n:~Bllnlfll'l,on.
10:lf-fiythm. '
8 :Oll-I'rl.ndly !fel.hbor.10 :1IJ-Ne"'l Ill_a".
III :OO-Ille,.. T••,
l'OIl-Alr Line TrIo
1 ;lII-Saloa Strln,1 .
1:80-Sportl ClleDlIar.
and on Thur,day at Villanova this
same St.' Thomas teem' nosed oU~
St. Lawrence, ot Highland Parlt,
Pool OPfIIIa s.turday, JJ A. M.

... 'oharaDter of the product or a la"k 8 :fll~Mornlalf MUlle,

(,yllO' -how to have flOOd: clean tun and l.1I :O,,-Ne"'l lummal7. 1 :-,II-BlDd of the Day. by a 2-1 score.
3 Paoli; Ext.nll... ScJnd B.ach. PlaZon., Picnic Grov., iearn .iIomething worthwhtle While , II:OO-NEW8. II:IG-Jln ontbe Ittee.. 2:00-NEWS. . PRONE ARDMORE 15272
of ourrent demand. It is also often 8:01J-BepPQninrl l2:lIO-f'arm Beiur. :I:IO-Tlme Out. _ Mike O'Neill apparently had 11
Ono IDe Calh faro 10k.. YOU 10 Park or Pool.from _tlcally he's doing It! a. lfI'eat advanal'e to a company to Around Tf).wn. 1:00 P. X.-NlllWS. 2:1-'-OU.II tile Tun.. 7-2 win lafely tucked away going
anv part ,of Iho cltv. U.. lu. 85 or E. .· Scoutl froll1 Ill' units of • . SI :l5-Cbllreh ot the 1 :Ot-Or,la.· 2 :80-Tlme to DaDe.. .
,...~ h,.ve lOme part of its proeeSlles Open Door. 1,:lt-8aloa Strln,•. , 3:0b-Xalterwork.. into the lallt frame of the game be-
.... tbe Valley Forg. CoIiDoll 'Will ar-
rive fr0ll\ allover Dela".... anll
located away from itll main futory 8 :80-Jlelodl...
lO :OG-NJllWS.
becaule of the speelaliNd t ype, f 10 :lll-Phoealxvllle
1 :ao-8ports CllIQdlr.
'1 :'lS-Cote Gle. Clull.
2 :OO...,NIlWa.
a :30-Jlmboret.
4 'GO-Newl In Hut.heU
t ~Oll-Jukebox :
tween St. Col mans and St. Lucy.
Th Ard
more hur er . was given
Montgomery Countiell during Fri- labor or the difference in wage scBJe. FavorIte.. 2 :1Q-'rSme Out. • :So-Hala Line Mltlaea. three runs in the first frame, and
day afternoon and evening, all set I - that unit of Its 'operatlons LO :1I11-Newl SU!Jlmary. 2 :ll1-Ouell the Tun.. II :OD-Sportl Newi. ,four more)n the third. Junior Co-
to show their lead.... and parents n . 11 :Oo-lll1evea Tea. II :8J)-Tlme to ])aDo.. II :llI-NJllWS.
IIm&l1 plant. frequently have otber 11 :3.0-lIandwll,on. 8 :Oll-Xuterworkl{.. toni then came In to replace start-
that th8¥ have learn.d their Scout· ·
ad van t age. th b i t din 12:0D-News summary lI:lO-lamboree ' IATVBDAY ing hurler Tony Paldlno and pitch
- ey can e oca e 12 :ll1-Xao oa Street.: 4 :Ob-Newl la NutillelL '7 :00 A. AI;.-NJIlW8. -
ing well. oommunitles "here l~nd co.ts or 12 :36-Farm BOUf. 4 :O,2..... ~bor... '1 :1J-Dr. Michaelson. ed shutout ball the balance of the

Scout. will partlclpat. in tour- rental. are low and where both tthe 1 :00 P. X.-NEW., ":SO-Mlln Line 'Kaunee. T:3lI~Wlley Million. way.
legged and undrelling relay race., 1 :Oll-Alr Lane TrIo. ':8-Sjlort. News. . T:4lI-JlornlaB: ),fuslc. 'HI t· d th
company and the workers can have 1:1lI-8alon 8trID... lS:1\J-!(.EW8. 8:0o-NlDWS. s ma es .oun e range on
juat to m.ntlon two of the events th.advanage OIl a lower overhead. 1 :80-1ilportl Calen~r. TKO'DAy 8 :OIl-..dendI7 Nell'bbor. O'Nell1 in the final fr/fme. A hit,
on the progr~m. They will be,under . . 1 :411-Blnd ot the Ds)'. '1!bo A. AI.-NJIlWS. 8 :]J)-Mornll1' MUsic. an error and walk loaded the bases
the direct supervision oft adult lead- Pennllylvanla'slarge oltlel are the ,:l:OO-N:mwS. T:1S-Dr.' IOcb..lloa. 8:8b-Churclj Counell. .
canter of its hidustrlal life and their ,2 :lO-Tlme Out. '1 :BO-Wlley MI.sloll. 8 :6G-8Q,ll1.1 b7 Lltka. and Ralph Cook then slashed out II.
ership at all time•. 2 :ll1-Guell tile T\Jl\." T:tll-llLofllID· MUI'- II :GO-NEWS. long single to Icore t-o runs' The
Campor.e Chairman II Maj. Gen. proplerity ill vital to the well-being :I :80-1ltllle to DaIlea.
of the State as a whole, but the II :OO-Masterworkl.
8 :o,o-MIlW'.... -. 8 :01l-4rouad 'r01rll.
8 :01l-1'rlen41y Nel,bbor. 8 :ll1-Cbureh ot tAB bases were jammed again on an-
" •
W. A. March (retired). The service - I I k i t h f t 3 :300-J'amboree. 8 :10-Momla, Kulle. Open l)oor. other walk, then pinch-hitter Jack
. Play fair with your pa~y-1ine neighbors-•• • group for the entire Camporee to Common"ea th I luc y n e ac 4 :Oo-..New'llln a Hut.ell. 8 :80-Cburoll Counell. 9 :OS-Melodles. Pulkowskl slammed a double to

00 o~ ~
help handle tralftc and 10 forth will that it is 'better prepared than any 4 :Oll-Jutlbox. 8 :4G-Morula, Hualo. 1.0 :OQ-IfBlWS.
and they'll play fair with you. When every-
other state in our Nation to provide ":SO-Maln Lta. MI,IIl". 9 :OD-MlDWS. ro :111-Soclal Securlt:r bring In all three runners to tie
be members of the- Order of the Ar· (J :OD-Spor". 9 :C)5-Around Towa pro,ram. th ou t
~ c n.
one keeps calls REASONABLY B~IEF, and
row of Delmont Lodge, under the
direction of Lodge Chief Arthur
location. for Industrle. which wish II :ll1-NEWS.
to diversify their operations by II:S0-1IIga off.
9 :ll1-Cllurch of tbe
Opea Door.
10 :80-Rh,.thm.
lO:llll-Newl Summary. Renz Steppler and Joe Hogan . fresh...
. TV.DAY 9 :aO-Jlelollle.. 11 :OO-III."eo Ten. hitched up in a hurling duel w"IAh
~, "
wasn't decided untll the final inning re·~irculated.. ,
Megra~ . establishing branch plants tn small '1 :00 A.. 1I.-NJllWIil. to :Oo-NEWS. 11 :80-Bandwa.on. .
spaces calls 80 that others may use the line in communities. Jt that ~ll to be tlJe .,'7 :l5-Dr. Mle:haellon. 10 :15-10. Amerlotn Way. 12 :OD-Newa Sdonmax:y.
Of the IiOOO or more Boy Scouts
between, party-line 8ervi~e is GOOD service! '. of the Valley Forge Council expect. modern pa ern,
tt P 1 I I . :lo-Wlle, 111111•••
enDef van a s , T:411-l'dornlnl' iloilo.
better equlppec' tban other porUon 1 :00-nw8.
~ :~allythQl.
12 :ll1-Mla olf the I!ftreet. of the struggle between St. Thomas
Newl Summar,. 12:So-l'arm Hour.
11: 0-1llIeY'D 'lea. 1:00 P. M.-N:£WS.
and st. Lawrence. Steppler'gave us filtered... ,00
ed to be on hand, approximately Of our ceuntry to fit into tills new 9 :Oll-"round '.\'.... C1 :ao-IIl11dwI,on. 1 :OIi-Tbe Story TeUer. only three hits, but these were • Gives, clean, pure, filtered
600 will repres.nt the Benjamin • :llI-Ch\P'ch Qf a, ~ :OO-New. 1'1f1ll1llaJI. 1 :So-!JDortl Calelldar. . m d I tb fifth f f
THE BEll TELEJIHONE COMP~MY' OF PEllIISYLYUIA Franklin District, according to Dill-
Illelustrlal devdopmeDt. The Com- ope. Door. ) :11l-J4aa all tlae Sfreet. 1 :U-C'ote Gle. Club. asae n e rame or a run and re-c1rculated air ':••' cill
,,- monwealth hu 578 communtlel 9:30-llelolll... ·!r:80-J".rm BOllr. 1:III1-NEWS, . which wiped out a 1-0 Tommy lead fhe time.
.w trlct camporee Chairman W. R.
with a population of 1.000 and over. LO:l
10:~IlWS. 1:00 P. M,-NJllW8.
• Americaa War. 1 :OI-(jrau.
!:OO--WlllIa and BOYI.
:I :8o-Tlme to Duee.
gained in the third round.
': Dawson, Bywood. The Benjamin In repect it leadI its nearest r!val ro :30-~.~7thm.. 1 :1l1-SaloD Strla,l. 2 :4l1-Proudly We aall. Hogan walked Tim Falcone to • Prevents drafts f ...........,. works' ~
Franklin Diltrict includes Bywood, by more than 1GO such commun. 10:III1-...ewa Summar,.. 1 :311-fiportl Calendar. a :Oo-MuterworJr.. start the sixth, but the catcher was noiselessly.

Beverly Billa, Highland Park, 11 :OO-lllieven Ten. 1 :D-C-ote Ole. Club. a:So-Jlmboree. t
Itle•. It has more communities with 11 :So-BaaclwalOn. 2:Ol)-NJIW.. • :00-1'1"11'1 In Nut Sh,n. au at second On a grounder by • 'Rlds room of stale air, smoke,
Brookline, Llanerch, Oakmont, a popUlation of 1 000 to 2 500 than ~:Oo-,.N'WI SulflmarT. 2 :lo-'!lIIDe Out. ':02-lukebox. Darcy. J obnnle Hatch came
Merwood, Llanerch Kills, Manoa, " :1l1-Xaln LIner.. 2 :U-G1i.. tile '1'UI.. 4 :SO-Mlla LIn. Matla... through 'wIth a doubl.. to right, cooking etnd other odors.
any otther state, more wltth a pop- I :IO-ll'Jrp Solir. J,:lO-Sbut-ln Bollr. II :(JhSportl NewI,' y
Westgate Hill., Broomall. Newtown ulation of from 11,00 to 25.00JJ. Altbo- 1 :O~NJD'lV!. t:f6-V~,",org. II :111-NIlW8 sending Darcy to third. Tom Kirsch • Special Fibreglass Filter re· . .',
Square, Dr.xel Hill, Oakvlew, .JIlast uV'h there are two .tates which have broke up the ball game with a per- moves dust, dIrt and pollen
Lanlldowne, Lansdowne and Sfoue- more £Itles of 211.000 and upwardS, BACH CONCIIT FRIDAY MONTDEL LEAGUE fect squee~e-play bunt along the ••. keeps rugs, furniture and
hurlt H\III.
Each troop will be assigned to a
Pennaylvanla II the only one with AT ItADffOR. HIQII SCHOOL :Result. Laat Week third base foul line to bring Darcy appoIntments cleaner.
two cities IIsted'lIt' the last census TlIeIday in with the winning tally. • Stops outside noises ••'. add· ~
dellnlte area and will 'be given as alllOng the t.n largest In the A Baoh Cantata Concert under Good Counsel, 6; St. Thomal, '. Steppler struck out 10 batters in
awards on Damp lay~ut, .equipment. nation. Thie remarkable dlltrubu- tbe cUr.ctlon of Jame. All.n Dash Weclnetlday turning" back the Highland Park
ing to night comforl..
commissary, lanltation measur.s, tion of ovr people and the prepond- will be held Friday .veninr, May All game. postponed-rain. squad. His mates could collect only
organisation and leaderlhlp, morale, erance of smaH communities In our 28, in the Radnor High School au-
live hits off Hogan, two of them ALWAYS DEPEIIDAIILE • ECONOMtOAL 1
dilClpHne and attendanoe. State'li population picture provide. dltorium, Wayne. This w!ll be the go Ing t 0 K Irsch. 'nll/'pln.obl. for IVery roOIll where "eop'. :
Plans ar. b.lng made for radio- a moBt tovorable pattern for the • t g hth an d fi na1 event in the Trl- St. Thomal,. 2; St. Lawrence, 1.
Friday R ay De ser t go t 0 ff t 0 a s h !lI()'
.... t
telephone communication anel ·Obi.f 8lltabllllbment of branch plants ar County Concerti Assoclatlon'l 11K6- . start In his first game for Good LIVE ':.L' WORK ••. PLAY .... SLEEP, 'l,
• Blve C-ross hOSflitallzation wos form.rly nmlt.d of Pollc. ltay Sakers, of Ridley '7 l S I I t A 'SI St. Colman., 7; St. 'Lucy, 11. C un I t B M T d f Sold excluswely by
Imall In!lependent industri.s In .. ler es. a 0 I S nne mon, con- se a rYn awr ues a~', or
". to Group Membership (persons working In offices, Park, w\ll furni.h mapl which will places where the preBlures of m04- tralto; Hallie Nowland, loprano, and How Th~ Stand
the Tommles pounded him for three
fadories, etc.). Now, if you are 66 yean of
ag.; oncl retirecl, •• /f•• mployeC:I, or nof now
unaer de.llnate the area allIlA'Ded to ~ach
ern of. modern life are at a mini- Robert Grooters, baritone, will bl! St. Marra.rets •••.•.•• 1 0 1.000 tallies in the opening frame. AftE'r
mum. Thll fact has already been aleisted bY a chorus ot thirty voices GOod Counlel • •••••.• 1 0 1.000 that he settled dow,n, halting the
Stanservice Inc.
working-you and your family may have the low-
AsslsUng In Camporee plan. for
the Benjamin FranJdln Dlsttlct·are:
recognized by the many companies !l-ncl an instrumental el'lsembJs.
whose branchel have been eetab-
St. Colmans ••••••.••• 1 () 1.000 visitors with a single run for the
St. Charlel ••••••••••• 1 ,,0 1.000 balance of the fray. Speclallets In Air Condltlonlng- •
cost, non-profit protection against hospital bills Ralph McCord, Jamel Keller, Mah- ltshed in Pennsylvania in the past St. Thomas •••••••••• 1 1 .IlOO His mates caught up with start-
thot only Btue Crots provides. More than 1,100,000 Ion R. Hacerty and Arthur SmaI:, ten years. HiP Sdaool. a...,. St. LU4y .....•••.••.•• 0 1'.000 Ing hurler Tom Patterson In the"
peraons in the Philadelphia area belong to Blue of Upper Darby; Emmett E. Mln- . A d St. Philomena •••••..• 0 1 .000 third round, when they shoved over 4622 Sansom Street
Cross. Mall the coupon today for compl.t. informa- nloh and Alfred RobinlOn, of Lans· M"IC war I st. Lawrence ...•..... 0 2 .000 three tallies On sam!! weird Tommy PHILADELPHIA 39, PA.
downe; Jamell Johnlon, of Brook-
tion. No one will «IN on YCMI. Joining Blue Cross line; Jerry landola, of Westgate STATEMENT ISSUED Both Lower Merion and Haver.
(ord High School mUllc groups
Tonirht (Thunday)
defense plus Patterson's own wild-
ness. Leo 6rlffitha came in to give AL 4·0808
Is up to you. ~~~.,~_~.~., ....... HIlII, and ltoy Dohner, of. Drllxel ON A. P. PRICE POLICY
&: were among thOle to b. honored It. Philomena at St. Thomas.
Hm. A. &: P. stores in thlll vicinity with awards ot merit at the Cul- Friday
APPLJUTI8U ACCEPTED DilLY UrlL JIME 1S1~ were backed by a company pledge tural Olympics laet Friday night Good Counlel at St. Lucy. "
yciu must act now'
No Medical ExamlnaMon-bllt and policy thll week that prices 'at the Academy of Yusic. Monday
Dr. DMco•• Chole Good Counsel at St. Lawrence.
A. ....erial D.......
would be lower'ed wlien suppliers' The Cultural Olympics, an annual
St. Philomena at St. Lucy.
COlts permit and economl.. In store festival at song and dance, il spon-
r~~~~~~~~--·~~~ ~-~ T-ta. Rey. Franklin Duncombe, operatlonl are .pol.ibl.. ~red by the Univerelty of Penn- TUMdar
, INIOLLMIN' DIPT., aLUI ClO•• IAUOCIA'. . "O"ITA_~ IIIYICI) , paetor at' the Bala-Cynwyd Meth- , The company's IItatement read in sylvania'. School ot Education. St. Colmans at Good Counael.
112 •• 16'" .RIIT, ""LAD"',,"A I, 'A. . (,3-A)() t odist Church, as chalrm·an of the
part: Mualc awarda were ~ven to the
St. Thomas at St. Margaret.
I am Int....,.el .. obla"ln, Infenttotlon about <:roes PlOII. eo<! tho ....tlh "" wIIIdll ",oy • WeclMJeday
• apply•• onder"and "'at no lol....on wH1 can on at my hom••
Board of Missions of the Philadel·
"While many food prices have al- BalaoCynwyd Junior Blrh Sch~ol
I.... IWrtt..... warel "Hooo" ...... r.....,.ellnformelion el_ not epply.) t ph'" Msethodtst Ooaferenc., recom·
mended that halt a million dollars
ready been lowered we mUlt recog- Band; the Haverford Township , st. La'Wtence at St. Philomena.
st. Charlell at st. ColmanI. •
Mr. nile that no subetantlal ,eneral re- Bigh SchoOl A cappella Choir; the Thunday ,
,. • Mn..... _ ~ _••""1I::._.D&;..; - _•• , be spent for new church properUlls ductIon In retail toad prlcel I. pOll- Lower Merio~ Htgh Sohool Orches- at. Luey at St.' Margarets.
_7. ~ " t
withlft tbe neltt Mn yearl. Thc Con- lible unW the COI~, of food to the tra: an'd the Lower Merion :!enlor

...- "
• M, N_ A;....--w.:•• ._••s,••• :0- fer.lle. inelude. a aht-coOunty area
of 3111 cburobel ill Souttealtern
retaM.r is reduced. High School Banel.
Silence Is the 'atest respondent
I• ., tI This was the concenlu. of ,retail '
I ·W..... ~_._•••_ •••••--
.,••• _ -
At the' cOIII.r.nce 'Dr. Duncombe
m.rch!Lnts who ,attended a meeting ------
fOr all tb, contradletlon thatAri.e.
from i~rtlnence. vulgarity, or
N_ A ., called by the :MaIn Line Chamber CIIIP 9W'OL'.BLOOJ[ enovy.-ZllnmermanJ\.
I (ea..", )w.,... .•._ __ was ohosen &AI one of tb. fuut: mln- :
WIt••• .., .... ..........
' • of' Commerce recently, to bau,k t.:.p Jim Hartnett. Villanova infield

ilJterie.l delegate. to attend the Prelldent Truman'l to lowor star under tbe la~ Charley Me-
fer ...... M_~....",.. ..., ....... It"o ......".
Methodist conference in Boston next prices and tight infiatIon. At the Gaehan, haa a Ipeclal inter..t in We
L ~~._~~~-~~-~.~~~~
Pe•••". yelLr• meetlag merchant. voted down tho the Main Line team thle sea.Cln.
Newburyport proposai for a ten Hil IOn, Charley, is a IhoMltop wltli
SpecialiJe _••
()r.... and .taln can b. I18niov.d percent sl.lh in pricel. the Wildcats. '
fram waale irolll with baking loda. In dyeing Ihoel :tor
weddln85, part-I.I
and l{1'aduatlonl.
TBAOK CASUALTIBS Old. White Buck Shoe. can be
Dan Redmond and Tom Sho~t, . dy.d into any P&lMl shade. Shoes
mem~ers of Villanova'. 1946 track reenJ.cted 11k. 'new.
•quad, ar4l, not competing with •
Coach Jim Elliott's team this Perry'l DyeiDI S.vice
Ipring. Heavy ollllls schedules In en- 184: S. 11th st. 2Jld Floor
BEAUTY AT YOUR DOORl gineering allow them" little tim. to
PE 5-9637 Mall orden accepted.


W" invite you tci'gnjoy th~


.... ~ the Read ~r's Digest FRO,M A TAP •••. tJI ~!
June Issue - PllQ8S 5-7 Water wiU not flow up hill and for
, ,
I that reason we must operate huge

Us About Drawing Suit In~urance pumps to force your water through

by GQrden Clubs -,Then See
, 1200 miles of water mains.

and An1atQUr Gardeners $10 Buys $10,000 of Protection! I

To maintain pressure at all points
• and at all times booster stations ., $•

"OF THS MAIN ~INE $13.50 Buys $50.000 of Prote~tion! are provided at stand pipes and
reservoirs to operate at periods
Friday,Ma,. 23, from Ii NOOJl to !:30 '(Ratei to Occpp'ants of Private Residents and Aparbnents)
of heavy demand for water. In

Setufll.y , MaT"J', hem 9:30 to 5100

this way we do p,rovide all cus-

Joseph M. 'Baltz &Cb tomers with sufficient pressure re- .
gardless of location.




i ·

Insurance Pur~ Springfield water will alway.
be on tap. ,


SQUAlli ••• A}&DMOlll

• ArdmQre 2266 Ar.dmore 2500 . I
, '.
, .
. , ,~~,<'.~BIOK
,.': '.
. ,



Westgate Hills L: Merion Tennis Star

, WiM PIAA District Title
Ardmore Nilit; • • I . ,UO FOB FOUR PAFEB8
Don't take a chance with you val-
uable VASma, BRIe-A-BRAC or
B U GOING TO BtJ1LI)~ c.:~"~

Softballers To Jim Whitmoyer, of Lower

Merion High, won the PIAA
District One, singles tennis
FIGURINES. Have an Expert
Lamp Maker make them into beau·
tiful Lamps. . ' I
If So .
Call Roxboro 8-247l1-W.
-- E. L. EllinlJfeld
. ~l
, .:,

Meet.Readi~g championship Saturday by scor-

Ing a 6-4, 6-2 triumph over
Charles Emery, Pottstown, on
By Drexel Hil,' You may send money order, stamps or personal cbe~. Addres.s all commu~eatlons
- -to Lower Merion·Newspapers, Ardmore, Pa. (Special'Monthly Rates)' '.
Free Estimates'
.' ';":\
~ t"'l~

. PHONE: Ardll\ore 5720 ~ -GR~enwood 3·77<10 - - Hilltop 3600 Wholesale and R.etall
A big first Inning, In which thl)y .the Norristown High courJs. Drexel HUl, an unknoW1'l quantity
scored four runs, enabled Westgate
Hills All-Stars to score a decisive
Whltmoyer moved into the
title round by beatlnl' Paul
before the lealon opened, proved
Lamp M&ker and Electrician
Since 1909 ALT ER AT ION s·
that It will be a lerlous contender I lith' &; ArCh ata., P~ladelp"" Brick Pointing Brick Siding.:
win over Coatesville, 6 to 0, at Winkles, coatesville, while Em- for the Main Line League baaeball REAL ESTATE-8AI..E REAL ESTATE - WANTED Shingle Roofs Curb.IE .Cen\en~ Work>""
:westgate Hills. ery upset Wally Leche, Upper champJonshlp by routing Mana,. HELP WANTED LOblb~rd 3-05U
Jack Walsh. the Hillers' left- . Darby. Whitmoyer will 'com- and Ardmore In this week-end I LlIlTINGS WANTED on all types CHARLES QUINTER a: SONs>l
pete In the State fin&ls this AGENTS WANTED "ST. DAVID'S .. of Real Estate. Charles E. Shank,
• handel,', was on the mound for the openerl. . SLIP COVERS DAvenport 4-68H Madison G76l1-W:.:;~
localltes and errorless fielding by week. ' . Narberth, the defendlnl' cham· ADD TO YOUR PRESENT ~~ VACAN'T . :¥alvern; pa. ,Phone Paoli 2624 or ,: L
his teammates helped him achieve plan, was only a step behind the • COMB-Your oWn busine... E,rn AUractive brick residence, beauti- Wayne 0407-R. CUSl'fQM MADE-Slip cover., dra- ----=RE-:-=K-O~D,.........E.,..LIN----G-----'--..,~f ',i

ances. Fabrics sold by the yard. Es- Kitchens, Reoreatlon Rooms, BUill' !.~
his Initial win of the .season. Walsh Rillers, pouncllnl' out an 11-1 win estra money In your' spare time. fully planted, peries, bedspreads, curtains, val-
pitched superbly. allowing 'but four
hits, and the final decision was
never In doubt. He recorded nine
Four L. Merion over Ardmore on Saturday. Sun- This is not a tempor,ary measure,
day', contest with Gladwyne wu but can run Indefinitely. Not one Pike.
postponed because of rain.
acre, on Lancaster
,Suitable for professional man.
or may&e - converted into apart- ARDMORE-Nicely furnished room Burmont ,.Road, Drexel 'HlII, Pa. 014 homes renovated and aJl typell .;
timates. Robert J. Mancaruso, 530, Our Specialty. "

dollar to lll,y out. No canvassing. men~s, $19,000,
strikeouts' and no 'visitlng player
advanced beyond second base.
Andy Stopper, Ali-American foot-
Trackmen Will In rising to the top of the :Blalt· stop in to see us. BRING THI'-AD.
era Division, Drtlxel HUl clubbed Victor-Mulford Co., 242 Arch st.,
two Manoa pitchers for 111 hits on Phlla. 20TH CENTURY REALTY CO.
in private home, close to all trans- Sunset 11006.
portation. qall Antmore 6370.
of home improvements.
Anthony Parisi.
. MADISON 70411

. 0{
MORTGAGE ~uNbs HARDWOOD FLOORS sanded and ';,'
ball star at Villanova College a {ew
years ago; Carl Hobwood, fireball
pitcher from Denver. and Billy
Vie At State. Satu'rday u It whipped Frank. Mat·
thew.' crew, 8-3. Lefthander Jack
Creany allowed only IIeven hit" . . . .LODmNT AGJIlNCDlI
WAYNE 1220
'YA YN~ ~904
LOCAL Institution bas funds for
refinished; . stairs scraped. Free .,~
eltimate. Nick Bdrrelll. Call Norri8ol'':''',14
Whitmoyer, Brooke Schlegel, Bob Lower Merion High's trackmen while Jack R~an and Jack Wll- reftnanclng existing mortgages. . _ .i~
. Twin Home-Having living room Fifteen-year term, if desired. ~q ap- SIRED BY CHAMPION BARON town 7579.
Cardinal, all of whom have seen tuned up for this Staturday's PIAA llams were collecting four hits each.
many years' service In major soft- State championship meet at state On Sunday, In a game limited to
NORMA'S DOME5TIC wU'h fireplaCe, dining room, break- praisal fee-quick action. W. ,K • OF BRIGHTWOOD. WINNERS ODD JOB EXPERT8-Carpentry( ,.;
fallt room, kitchen, 1st door; 3 bed- MacCorkle. Phone Hilltop l11~W
-:----------------", ,1
pall competition, will play for the College by conquering Upper Darby seven Innings by the rain, Joe II,'- AGENCY dooms, tile batl'l, 2nd' door; attic.
MALE AT PHILADELPHIA palnting, roofing, paperhanging. .,
Reading team when it faces the 68 ,il to 48~, In a dual meet.Monday vln's laddies blasted out 11 bln,lea
Bellaltle and courteous Service New 011 hot water heat with 2. & (morning .01,' eveDing). .
. SHOW plastering. All kinds of repairs done !~
Westgate HllIs All-Stars, at West- at Upper Darby. in downlnl' Ardmore, 9-6. Jack .Wil- L. E. Johnlon, Prop. W. hookUp. GOod roof. Owner oc-
1S563 CHANCELLOR ST. reasonably. 'O'Nell1 &: Sons, Sher... <~
gate Hills, sunday, May 25, at 2 Coach John MarzuccO's trackmen, lIams again paced the lLttack With PHILADELPHIA, PENNA, wood 7-3370. Sunset 8786-J. " . ,':~
ALLEGHENEY 4·5408 cupied. Financed $9000. FOR SALE
P.M. , who will send four representatives a
Members of the Bi-State League to the State- meet as a result of Williamson anel Frank Preluttl, a
"'doub)e and two tl,'lples 1.1 Cliff
CUp thie advt. for future use
9111 W. Chester Pike Sunset l\115 PORCH .or Garden ,Bench, new COCKER Spaniel pup, female,
GRANITE 2-06511
and last year's winner of the Penn- last Saturday's District One cham- West Manayunk caatoff, Icattered
sylvania State playoffs, the Reading pionships, won nine of 14 even~s 11 Ardmore hits. OttACIl LEWIS EMPLO'UlENT
SERVICE. Expert DomestIc Help WAYNE
garden gate, a·fiower boxes, hat
&: coat rail. with 6 brass hooks; pall,' moqths' old, housebroken. AKC
black with White front, seven ROOFING-all kinds-:.SIi>ING
team will offer the fans of Haver- against Upper Darby. Sophomore Georlle Davidson's four-hit pltch- large wrought iron', andirons, fire- registered, $25. Hilltop 5407. .
ford Township the brand' of ball members of the L. M. team pl'e- Inlr perf-ormance against the Lions lupplled. Also GOQD JOBS open New single homes for Veterans; place grate, fender or foot rail for RE-ROOFING OUR SPECIALT'II' .,~
that has been promised them by dominated. , on Saturday was backed by a solid for general housework, chefs, cook-ll, Eagle Road and West Avenue; 3 fireplace, foot-power grinder, 3 ;T-ft. WIRE, HAIRED <\ WELSH TER- WORK FINANCED-EST. 25 YRB. ",
the Gaters' manager, Al Winokur. Among the Merionites who 'will 18-hit attack on" the part of hll chambermaJds, $75 week, $40 and bedrooms, tile bath; all brick. cedar posts, picture frames. Brownie RIERS, Scottish, Sealyham- Cock- WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU AN'
To date, the visitors' are unde- compete at Penn State. are Gene Narberth teammatel. AlIle Shuck· $20. 108 School St., 'Mo~ton. Call Sample 1;Jouse open Sun., May 25th. camera drawing board, 18x23-T- ers. Dachshunds. ALVIN FARMS. ESTIMATE ..
feated and the Hillers are confident Zeiner, District One high jump man, the league's 1846 batting cham· SWARTHMORE 1044-R. square,' fine set drawing instru- Call Madison 1074. FRANK DAGER
of Infilcting the first defeat upon champion last year, who won the pion, smacked Clem' Bevan, Dick SCOGGINS EMPLOYMENT SER- GOWLAND BROTHERS 50' STEEL RD., MANOA
'ments. Ardmore 0156-W. HILLTOP 119811
them. • pole vault Saturday with a leap of Sweeney and Joe Swanda for fOUr _ VICE. Help of all kinds. Chauf-
COATESVILLE 11 feet 3 inches; Bob Hackman, hits. feur., maid!:. Day'S work. Refer-.
vblumes. almost new,. used vel,'Y
AB. R. H. E. second in the l20-yard high hurdles; Collegeville's iuperlors beated ences personally investls-ated. AL- NEAR PAOLI-Single, 4 bed- VE'l'ERAN PAYS UP TO $30 FOR
DiLiberato, 2b ...... 4 0 1 ' 0 Jack Wlilton, who placed behind West Chester, 2-1, in a Saturday legheny 4-2264. rooms and bath, all conveniences; Uttle. wlll sacrifice, $7.50. "BOOK
Rublcan, ss ...••.••• 4 0 1 0 Zeiner in the pole vault, and Chris pitching duel bet.ween the Sups' Joe NEWMAN'S Employment Agency also inciudes 4 room and bath cot- with stand, never used, $20. Various ROPHEADS, $15 FOR LONG SPOUTING AND GUTTEoRS }.
o 0 Marshall, second In the shotput. Robinson and West Chester's Ev '-
A. Entrican, Coo . . . . . 4 O. Is now open and eady for busi- tage. Possession.. $12,000. other items being sacrificed by fam- MARBLE SHUTTLES. ALSO ANTIQUES,
Estimates furnished
Cosgrove, If ...•••••• 4 0 1 0 Zeiner, who sustained a broken GlIl. On Sunday, Berwyn rallied In
nen. Reliable help of an kinds. Call NEAR PAOLI-Single, 6 rooms ily moving. Narberth 2150. ./ TOP AND HORSEHAIR
J. Entrican, 3b a 0 1 0 wrist while competing for the gym- the eighth Inning to clip Wayne, FURN., FEATHERS, HAIR USED Re-roofing our specialty
Flcca, 3b 0 0 o 0 nastic team a couple months ago, 7-5, and thus share the Western Bryn Mawr 0211. . • and batb. Possession. $9000.,
DEVON-Single, 6 rooms and
FURN., CUT GLASS, STEINS, 844 Montgomery Ave.
Flood, cf .,......... 3 0 o 0 vaulted with a cast on his, right Division lead with Collegeville. VlI~ bath, garage. Possession. $8000. RUGS, SILVER, JEWELRY, MU- NARBERTH 2215
Watterson, lb ••.••• 3 0 o 1 wrist last Saturday. The previous lanova collegian Joe Brehmer belt- MALE SELLING YOUR CAR? SIC BO'XES, OIL LAMPS, PAINT-
Ristine, rf a 0 o 0 week he cleared 11 feet 6 inches to lid a two-run double to ice the con-
.Elmer, p •••••.•...•• 3 0 o 0 win tne Suburban Class A cham- test for Berwyn.
pionshlp at Norristown. Similar In other week-end openers, West PROFI:.~ IIQC!.IONAL BUREAU
WAYNE-Single, brick
gle, slate roof, 10 rooms and bath,
fireplace, large lot on Lincoln High-
and spin-
70tO TERMINAL SQUARE way, future business place. Pos- FIGURES, OLD BUTTONS. ANY- All M~kes Expert Servlcf
Totals 31 0 4 1 h'ouble also plagued Zeiner IltSt Manayunk scored a run In the 10th tiPPER DARBY-BOU. 413,3 . session. $19,000. PHOME WAYNE 2190 COLEMAN, 907 N. 7TH ST., PHILA- GANT'S RADIO &: RECORD SHOEJ
year and he sprained his left wrist inning to nip Gladwyne, 10-9, and LO 3-9832.
WESTGATE HILLS ALL-STARS in midseason, forcing 121m out of share secolld place In tile Eastern TiT MADISON ST., CHESTER COUNTRY PROPERTY - Five 18 West Chester Pike, Llanerch
Brown, cf ..•.••••... a l l 0
AB.:R. H. E. the pole vault
. , .
Division with Narberth. 'rank Pet- CHESTER 8229 rooms and ·bath, stone bungalow, 2
rellis, pitching In relief of Harry Sales Mgr.-Must be organizer, have lakes woods, :IlO acres, $00,000. HANOVtA ALPINE SUN LAMP
JUNK WANTED Hilltop 3121
Among the sophomores wmning .Blair. was credited with the win. Bill Don't throw it away; we pay good CHESTS
Smuck, cf ..••..•...• 1 0 0 (} Initiative and vision, for Chern. C.onv~nlent transportation. Posses- 1 HAND DECORATED OR
Winokur, c 1 2 0 0 for L. M. against Upper Darby Mon- Kulsh's fielders' choice scored Lou Lab. can work st. sal. or sal. &nd (Quarts filament). Proessiona prices. Scrap iron, 45c 100 pounds.
comm. or st. comm. slon. type. Make ol'fer! UNDERWOOD Furnaces, stoves, etc., up to $14. REFINISHED
Smith, 3b a 2 1 0 day were: Charlie Carter, Who won Pizzera with the winnlni' run. CALL
Wetter, 2b 2 1 0 0 the 440 In 53.8 seconds; Ji~ Gra- Wayne spolled Norristown's debut 2 Body and Fend er M en- Good opt. SHANK STANDARD TYPEWRITER No. Batteries, 80c. Newspapers (tied,4Oc
., Barton, If ...•.•••.•• 4 0 2 0 ham, 880 victor in 2.08, and Bill by walloping the County Beat nine, Must be 1st class.
. , II
$35. 100 Ibs.; loose, 30c). Copper, bras, ARDMORE
and aiuminum,I3c per lb. Cotton. ~ RIIICANlDD promptl,.. Called J'B'~
Peterman, ss
Englana, 1b
a 0 1 1 Press, who won the 2oo-yard low 10-1. The Italian-Americanl seored A.Jlalyiillal Chemist-B. 8. In' Chem.
a 0 0 0 hurdles in 24.8 seconds. Graham, five r'uns In the first' inning and
Gormley, rf .....••.. 0 0 0 0 aC9 0rdi ng to Coach ~ar:zucco, is then coasted behind the seven-hit Automobile Mech.-Must be
II da. wk. 1
Grubb Road-Milivern, PI..
PAOLI 2624 or WAYNE 0407·R ~::":"'_""'_~---..,.~-=---
beautiful skin, $50. Madison 6974-R. mattresses, etc., 1hc lb. For quiclt
~dellvered. Also eeats for DID~'
st iO-INCH Delta circular saw with service call Clearbrook 2200. aol?M chair.. etc. PhOne Decatur 140S,J,
McDowell, rf ...•..• 2 0 0 0 one of the most promlslDg r~nners fiinging of Harry Dessert. class. Exoell. opt. 85 Acres of rolling ~fnd in the motor and bench, 300 ft. of fin- WANTED
Hicking, rf ........ 0 0 0 0 ever to appear at Lower Menon. A West Chelter lOored a 6-3 win Stenog.-Good S&1., perm .. pOI 'Phickerin g Vablale Y 2secst~ena·msSt~~~ ished picture frame moulding,
Walsh, p ...••.••.... a 0 .0 0 lanky 6-~00t-1, he has twice been over Norrietown lunday, ae Joe Cleaner and Presser- ouse, large n
1,', American Flyer electric train with REFRIGERATORS VENETIAN BLINDS
clocked In 2.05 for the half and Barber, Weat Chester t1rlt baseman, - GOod sal., II da. wk. woods, $16,1100. accessories. Also L. C. Smith type- 'and
Totals ..•••........ 25 6 5 0 was se.cond in the Suburban cham- contributed three hits to the 1'.hlt Used Car Salesman-Must be expo 45 Acres, secluded yet accessible, writer. Call Hi1Itop 6074. .
Coatesville ..... 000000000-041 pionshlps. attack On two Norrllto)Vn pitchers. old stone house, 7 rooms, center WASHERS VENETIAN BLIND
Westgate HlIIs. '0000002 x-6 50 Other L. M. victors were Hack- Another week-end of horsehide Ti~ea~a~::~an-W·ith fieet expo if hall, electric; stone and frame barn. ANTIQUES - Old glass, pattern If r~nll!n..8' or not-we buy for. scrap CLEANERS
man, who Won the 120-yard 1211'12 fireworks Is anticipated for the lec· OIslb)e. Opt. to head dept. Commute to Paoli, $12,000. glass, china, pot~ery, furniture, value only. Scrap iron, 411c per hun-
hurdles in 16.5 seconds; Chris Mar- ond week of Main Line play. Drexel l!Ialesman-Fol' 1al'ge I ns. Co. P Mu t JOHN H. SMITH clocks lamps and many other ar- S~BURBAN SERVICE
shall, shotput; AI Petrillo, javelin; 'HiII and Narberth, the two Eastern it H S s SWEDE8FORD RD" MAL..r ......a
a.o " tlc1es·.
" N ' No dealers. By appolI\ . t men t dred.
L. M. And Ford the versatile Zeiner, who won the leaders, collide at Narberth on Sat. have pleasing personal y,
grad. Sal. approx. $60 per wk.
high jump at 5 feet 10 inches; Jack urday afternoon. Jack Creany will Stationary Engeneer-Muet have VETERANS: Stop paying rent. CERAMIC SUPPLIES. Pins, ear
Taylor, who. tied an Upper Darby probably pitch for the Hillen, with
Phone-Malvern 1734
only. Call Sunse .....
t 4"6' Call HAROLD
Clearbrook 2200 PHONES:
Sharon Hill 6I38:W Decatur 3ali2-M:
exp, willi steam engines. Lovely new home can be acquired screws in metal and plastic for
Nines Conclu6e opponent for first In the pole vaUlt; George Davidson on the mound for 2 Salesmen-$1lO per wk. for two wlt-hout down payment. Sturdy ceramic metal. Shell, wood and
Warren Chew and Russ Little, jun- the Boroughites.
iors who
Lowel' Merion High baseballers, by leaping 19 feet 1'h inches.shared broad jump honors West Manayunk will be at Ard·
.mos,' training period, thenl st. brick construction. Large lawns, 6 Plexo-glass crafts. Price list on re-
oomm. spacious rms., tile bath, gat'age, 011 quest. Phila. Badge Co., 1007 Filbert.
For Your
more to~ meet the Llone, as Al China-Cul'ios
fresh from a 1-0 triumph over Hav- Young Men-18-25, fa~tory work, heat. In delightful restricted com- CORDS. W. D. READING. PHON!t
erford High, wili meet Norristown Mueller and Eddie Hare try to 1'1.1. rotating shifts. munity. $52 pays all chgs. & includ. WA~HER-"Speed Queen," Pre- Clocks-Music Boxes 'R~T 6-9140 OR EVE 6-8804.
on the Merion Park playground this Iy their charI'''' from lut. week- Inllurance Salesmen~70% comm. $~7 average savillI' Net cost of $25 war model. Excellent condition, Bisque FilUl'es in Any Condition
• Thursday in their concluding Subur- BROOKLINE TRIUMPHS end's dOlible ntback. Manoa, cheat-
ed. out of an "IJY 16-0 win over
Exoell. opt. No debit. monthly for a $65 rental home. AL used very little (has been storaged)..
4-9000' Darby 9579. Private party will sacrifice. Call Call GR. 4-3108 ed tapes & cords. Metal enclo.e
b¥ Section One contest. \ GORIN'S ~ops. baked DuPont enamel. BUndl!
Coach Gen Reeves' charges op- OVER WESTGATE, 4·3
Weat Manayunk bY the rain on , . Sryn Mawr 2619-R.
,Sunday, will croSI bats with an FEMALE QUKlK POSSESSION BROADLOOM RUG-About 9x22, 5V26 Market St. . Phlla, retaped, reconditioned &: launderei'
posed Episcopal Academy, of the Fred Marschhausen's Brookline Improved Gladwyne nine at Glad· ARDMORE . almost new; 6-plece walnut bed- VETERAN PAYS T6P :f>.OLLARB BARTRAM MFG. CO., 5809 wOO
Interacademlc League, yesterday In team triumphed over Westgate wyne. . LAND AVE., PHlLA. BElgra.
a postponed game and Penn Fresh HllIs, 4-3, as the Suburban Softbail Also on Saturday, Norristown
- PROFESSIONAL BUREAU At~ractive neIghborhood.
old home 111 c:e~veD1ent. room suite and 5-piece green paint-
Frame dwelhng. Old . ed bedroom suite. Call Hilltop &218
FOR MEN'S AND v(fC>MEN'S 6-2233 - 6-2158. .
will be met at the Quakers' River League opened. It was Brookline's takee On unbeaten Collegevllle on 70410 TERMINAL SQUARE clothing, suits, overcoats, shoes,
F,ield diamond next Wednesday, fourth victory in five games, the the Superior Tube Field and Ber. UPPER DARBY-BOU. '113 fashioned gp~~e:d $9000 evenings, 01' Saturday and Sunday. furs, evening wear, riding appacel, Window Shades-Venetian Bl~
May 28, in the season's finale. Bob Brooks having defeated Ardmore, wyn travele to West Chester to meet· 717 MADISON ST., CHESTER luggage, athletic equipment, Army Linoleum
, EASY SPINNER WASHER & goCltls musical instruments or what
'. Walter wlll probably pitch against Penfield Downs, Merion and West- Chet Zercher's dlamondeer•.
Al Kirk contributed the winning Wynne.
gate while losing only to Penn
Visit by Narberth to West Mana.
The Sunday listings include a Waptan-For semi-professional of-
.CHESTER '8229
fice, uniforms supplied.
IRONER. 9-piece walnut dining
room set. Odd bedroom and living have
room pieces. Other household ar- Market St., Phila., EV 6-316Q.
you. Will call in private cal"
(Courteous liIervlce.) Harry, 40'8
1018-1017 Lancaster Ave.,
Bryn Mawr
rUn against Haverford as L. M. Brookline plays its home games yunk. The Yunkera Will probably Sal. and Comm.
SmA ISLE CITY-For Sale. Sea- ticles. Call Hilltop ,6367. . tJPHOLSTE--R-IN-G----.i~
scored its seventh victory in 11 on Friday night at the Haverford tOIS Joe Zak at the champions. Zak Stenog.-Yg., attractive, Ii da. yk. NEWSPAPERS-Magazines, oard-
league starts. Kirk and Sam Milli- High field on Mill Rd. Other lealrUe flipped a three-hitter against Nar- Sal. good shore cottage on Ocean Drive. PIANO-Vose, mahogany \!pr1ght. board and rags. Prompt service, ---RICHTERS
ken, who had walked, engineered games are played Tuesday evenings. berth l~st year. GladWyne playl Btenog.-Small office, $160 per mo. Three I;ooms, concrete block, gas, l1'lne tone. reasonably goc5'd con- top prices. Al Gregull & Son, Cedar
OUlitom Upholsterinl'
a double steal, with the former blaz- > Drexel Hill at City Line and Bur- Stenor.-5 da. wk., $125 per mo. electric, water. Newly renovated, ditlon, $50 foJ' qUick sale. Phone Lane and Arlington Ave., Hieh·
IDont Rd. and Ardmore meets Stenog.-26-30 yrs., $27.50. per wk. $31100. 'Decatur 1917. :.:H:.:.i:::.11t:::.o:..=:p:....,.,,6::-47:....7..:..._-:-_ _:--~:---::= land Park,' by 'P. R. R. crossing. Furniture .Repairing.
Ing home from third. Kirk gave up Refinishing, Paintin&, &: Decora....
four hits While on the mound for Ma.noa at Veterans' Field In Manoa. Stenog.-Recent H. S. acceptable. LUMBER - ApprOXimately 6000 Shop hours,.9 .A.· M. to 5 P. M.
Lower Merion and Hubert Smit'h 11 BOUTS AT MET- ~ompletlng Sunday play. Berwyn Eltp Stenogs.-$125-$175 per wk., APARTMENT TO SHARE sq. ft. lumber, 2x4, 2x6, 4x4, 4x6,
SUp Covers
yielded three for Haverford. Ten star-studded amateur bouts Journeys to Norrlst.own and Wayne . 5 da. wk.
Legal Stenog.-Must have high I Q. BUSINESS WOMAN,
up to 20' long; ;lx6, lx8, T. & G. Sunset 6986. I
6029 Germantown Ave.
Last Thursday, L. M. dropped an are scheduled for The Met, Broad visits Collegeville. employed Dal:by 0440. MOTHER, 3 married children re- For Estimate
• 8-1 decision to the unbeated Abing- and Poplar Sts., next Monday, May MAIN LINE BANTER
Jack Jeffries, Jr., made"hil debut Stenog.-Single,
Sal. &Kcell., 5 da. wk. evenings, will share her nicel.v
furnished apartment with a refined GAS RANGE-QUALITY. In very furnishing their home. Furniture, CaU Ger. 8.4830
ton team after Haverford had pre- 26, when champions and challengers
$.78'h per hr., II da. wk. business woman. Near 69th st. Ter- good condition. Se11lng very rea- silver, chln!'-, ,brl~"a~brac,. antlqulls
viously bowed, 7-6. The Fords led from 11 athletic clUbs meet In a as Narlilerbh's' Ihortetop on Satur- needed. Call Locust 7·5631 or UPHOLSTERING c!i: REPAIRINI
the Ghosts going into the sixth, boxing benefit for the Council for day at Ardmore. Je.riel, whose Stewardess-For hotel, mInal. Reasonahle. References ex- sonable. (Suitable for sum,mer daughter's. nutnber.. Loeu.t ·7-84113, EXPERT WORKMANSHI
only to lose out. Equal Job Opportunity. The bene- father playeel for the Borough team $125 per mo., plus full maint. changed. Call mQrnlngs, Boulevard home.) Call Hilltop 7312. or write 2209 Pine St., Phila. SINCE 1885. ALSO CUSTOM MAP .
i&iiii~·iiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiii __i I fit has attracted Golden and Sliver many years ago, chipped in with Bookkeeper-Double entry, sal. open 4510-W.
- "ji. Gtove champions from the 112- two hits and 4elded four chancel Factory Workers-WI:ll teach; must

pound to the 16o-pound class. without an error.
- ~.
have some knowledge of needle-
Gladwyne presented a team clad Salesgirls-$1I5 per wk., plus carom.,
F'OR SALE-8 & 16 mm. Cameras,
projectors and film. Call any time. US YOUR JUNK BATTERIES, $1 DOWNE AVE., LANS'DO~,
Wayne 4542.
INVALID EqUIPMENT SAVE THE MAl In a variety of u»iforma when it
played West Manayullk on 'Iat,.r.
for Hosiery Dept,
J;>ental Hygienist
day. The new fiannele 'that 'Xana,er Typlst-Fal!l~, accurate, II da. wk"
HAY-About 30 tons of baled hay
to make room for new crop. Price
$20 per ton. Do YOUl: own hauling. OLD and modern books, entire li-

We D.liver and Instoll

Open Evenin,. by Appo;nfmenf WHO DRillS
Get a box of Brown's Drink Treatment.
Johnny Baltz had ordered did not
arrive In time for the game.
1"01,' hospital, hot
. $1428 per yr.
Reilstered Female Pharmaclst- OF
lunch given, 2
NEW BUILDING, 2/ix40 Ft.
Call Conshohocken 129-M.
braries purchased. Will call. Im-'
mediate removal. W. C. Baldwin,
Lenape Road, West Chester. Phone
WA 2·4274 '11~ It helps destroy the cra.vlIlR :for stroAg . Jack Williams Is starting where "'Its:' vacation, 7 da. sick leave, STORAGE SPACE. CALL $3 to $3.75 a ton. Call evenings West Chester 0816-J.
drink. Given In liqUidS secretly. Taste- he left off last year. The slim Dr.el $200 per mo. ARDMO~E 8177 After 6 P. M. after 6. Wayne 0480.
less, $1. No C. O. D. On the' market HlIl t1r.t sacker drll1ed out .even Record Clerk-To work with X-Ray FURNITURE odds and ends,. etc.
331 N•.4TH 35 yrs. Dept. 16. Dr. Brown. 1237 I\lar- hits for a week-end's work.
ket St., Room 410. Phlla. 7. Pa. Technician; must be a member of WILL sublet completely furnished TOP gOIL for
load, $11.00 per load. Phone Ard·,
sale, 5'h tons to, a Men's. women's and children's SPRAYING
Record' Librarians' Ass'n; hot . Bywood home, May 30 to August more 1461-W. clothing. Al Gresull, Sunset 6986,
lunch given, two weeks' vacation, 1st. References. Boulevard 2774-W. D.&M.
SiEKs BALL PLAYERS Dietician-Reallltered with AIl.A.
$175 per mo. TOP sOIL-Delivered, $8.00 a load.
~all BOULEVARD 1739-M. LAND-
call 9 A. M. and 5 P. M.
DRESSMAKER Tree Surgeons
Live In or out.,
.All boys re.lelinr In Haverford Typist-D-5, 5 da. per wk. during
Landscape Contractol'll
"The Propel' Place to Dine 01\ the Main Line" E., monitor Irma M. EdSOn Eleanor l4. Woelfel Insurance Coverage
Township who WOUld like to Play
on the. Manoa American Legion
july and August, $3'0 per Wk. MECHANICAL' ENGINEER REFRIGERATOR-G. top, 5'6 cubic feet. Excellent con- Sharon H.193T-W Shal'On H. 2975-W
419 LANCASTER AVE., HAVERFORD, ArdmOl'e 3160 Poet No. 667 baaeball team, are reo
quested to report to the Haverford (VETERAN) AND WIFE· dition, $60. Call Hilltop 6657-R. DRESSMAKERS BOULEVARD ,US9-M
LWlCheon from noon 'til 2--liOc--6Oc-76c • General TWIN BABY COACH-Excellent Bride and Bridesmaid gowns anc!
Dinner from 5:30 'til 8:00--ll5c-$1.75
High 1Ield this iiaturday at 1.30·P. M.
Workouts alia will be held for Sleep In-$ll1 Weekly ,PERMANENT RESIDENT condition, $35. Call 0263-W. acces~ortes. Suits, coats and dress"
Sunday Dinner from 12:S0-8:QO--$1.85-il.T5 pl'Ollpective players next Monday' We have available, for p)'ivate for -
Closed aU day Monday night at 6.30. All township boys homes, oarefully selected Puerto Desire Apartment or HOUle CLqTHING Women and Children Landscape Gardening Work"
whose 16th and 17th birthdays oc. Rican qomestlcl. U. S. Citizens. PLEASE PHONE POWDER blUe gown, with\,gloves,
Very Reasonable Prices ~
cur during 1947. are eligible. An Me4UIlU certificates. hat and bag to match. For bride's DftESSMAKINQ - SEWING
$i1fi covers transportation and ARDMQRE 0200 Hedges & Lawns Cut '
Bert The Fined Food at A.ll Time. positions are open. '
agency fee.
Lloensed and bonded employment WANTED - Permantly employed 2376.
attendant Or mother. Size 16. Worn TAILORING
once. Sacrifice at $90. 'Call Hilltop men's and women's garments ex- Fiowers Planted '& Transplantecl..
- Alterations on
pertly done ... Also hand-made but- Rock Gardens & Terrace IAWIi{··. STEkKi
FOUND-Girl's wrllt watch In
dance hall of Brookline Fire Co,
Can PEnnypacker 5-0651
Government worker, veteran World BRibAl.. VEIL-6-foot, 3 tiers of tonhol8ll On any type garment. ,
Will,' I, would like six-room house or Illusion Net, with White Satin
Phone Ardmore 2896·J.
Picket Fences Repaired
6h4 ~ WALNUT fiN. CH9P8 OWlier cali Hilltop 2188. , between 10 and 3. four-room apartment with two-year Pearl-Trimmed Jullet Cap. Call ANNOUNCING eltquisite dRSS- Awnings Put Up ,
lease. WllI do all inside revalrs for .Narberth 4050.
reasonable rent. Decatur 3M4-R.
making, tailoring, designs. Con-
sult me for your SprIng and Sum- PHONE DECATUR 3445.J \
URGENTL.Y NEEDED! 1 OR 2 HOUSEHOLD GOODS IJ1er wardrobe. Bridal pllrty gowns.
Complete Service
NISHED OR UNFURNISHED. EX· TABLE - Solid mahogany, hand

Service Directory Two or tbHe d.....• LAWN MOWING - Toun&, man CELLENT carved, practically new. Mahog- REPAIRS and Maintenance
PRBSSM.Uf - REFERENCES. any pedestal. Several lovely lamps. Lawns seeded and sodding. Trel
work each w.- on 'qlllll pla1oeZl, with power' mower wants lawns l;'LEASE CALL CLEARBROOK
pr86su, Phone IIllltop 41100. Overstuffed chair, down cushions, trimmed or removed. Rock gardeQ
to cut. Expert work. Reas<1llable. 2847.
Call Ardmore 0372. beautifUlly
BEING EVICTED! It'amily of 4 set, English china, service for 6.
covel·ed. Turkey platter FURNITURE REPAIRED Top soil. MUshroom soil for lawn
For information call
adults desire 2-bedroom house- German bone china demi-tassiJ set,
REFRIGERATION.. PERSONALS keeping apartment or house by May service for 8. Other Items. Reason- ANTIQUES A SPECIALTY TRinity 7-8789
26th. Pay' up ,to $70 per month. able. Decatur 2773·J. ' ------.....::..-..-------l~ .;
SERVICE ilIS'AGBl-Hand ~assage,· Dorothy Barnett, 143 Merion Ave.,
,;ttP0IllUIUO .. COlDlllel'OlaJ <iIRLi net baths, electrical exercisers, Narberth. Phone Narberth 2150. RUG-Brussels, 9x12. Brown fig- CABINET WORK EXTERMINATOR
IlU.LT&P '7'lt .~n lamp•. Beet equipment. Depart- ured. Excellent oondition. Reason- AND REPRODUCTIONS TERMITE Control and general ~
0 • .4 RefrIgerator. BouKbt '" Sold ments for men &: women. Charlotte's PROFESSIONAL man, Veteran, able. Also other miscellaneous
"I. a. 8A.1lIILTOlll HI aal'1'ard Rd. Iteducing &: Health Salon. (Open wife and baby, desire 2 bedroom household articles. Private party. CALL MADISON 9067 terminating. All work &,uaranteeda
evenings.) 126 Coul4lr Ave. Ard- apartment or house, furnished or Narbel·th 2319-W. Free estimate. McWilliams Pes'
. ".,. unfurnished. Will consider summer Control. Call Tennessee 9-2140.
FRDlNDLY SUPIlRVISOI\.$ sublet. Up to $85 per' month. GR. LEAVING fOl' California. Must sell ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS
PEARLS BESTRUNG 4-1246, evenings. . ' kitchen and bedroom furniture,
Pr.,BA8ANT ItnilOUNDIMGI as low a8 750 per strand. Work guar- recently purchased, never used. AUTOMOBILES
a,t ~e top of the steps, 69th Street cupancy. StUdent veteJ'an, 2 rooms,
Reasonable. Madison 3033-R.
Pre-,var,Quality Materlale 'termlqal Bldg. Call Boulevard'1861. kitchen and bath. Best references. OAK CHINA CLOSET - FIVE "ATTENTION"-Would like to Ifur-l
W. H. M., P. O. Box '350, Ardmore, SHELVES. GOOD CONDITION. MARIANI &: MESTI chase your car. Anything from '31
Yeli'll enjoy workll!l' with "rls \ INVENTIONS PI.. P H 0 N E NARBER:r'H 2879-W, Ardcnore 5384 Narberth 4351-W
H: EARL HUSTON yotH' own .,e anel tire Il'i-"y re. to '47. W~ trade your car for " t::
·929 A.nder.on A. ,·e., Dr. .el 11111 oreatloaal aCtivitie•• PA'l'ENTED and unpatented Inven..
WANTED by middle-aged couple, AFTER 6 P. M. ____-=--:-:====~---_Iridiculously low price? Call F. Cam!
Sanaet 3Z1'1 no children
tions p~omoted, drafted and de- ment, three or four rooms, unfur- ......:
or p~ts, small apart- , ANTIQUES PAINTING pana, Clearbrook 6792-R. '.
STOP :IN I'Oft AN INTalRYJEW atsned.
0:::-. -----
M. Joyce Humphries, 1424 nlshed and bath. Suburbs preferred. ANTIQUES FOR SALE-Pennsyl- PAPERHANGING
------------ •
41S Anderson ave., A.·dmore
Boom 3111 MCClatchy Bllilliin'"
Git. " Market stll., Upper Darhy
Land Title Bldg. Locu.t 7-21U.
Hilltop 1174-M, before 11.01,' after 2. vania Dutch Plank Seat Chairs
Refinished, $12.50 each. Welsh Cov-
BUSINESS, couple urgently need ered, $45, Large stock of Antiques
STONE·BRICK 1631 ,Moch street, Philadelphia unfurnished apartment, 3 rool1\s to choose from, AU sensibly priced. SUBURBAN PAINT LUbrication-Ignition Work ..
ROO.FING MAIN LINE HOMES and private bath. Will supply excel- WM. PENN SHOP, 5001 Wayne
11th &: Fitzwater, Phila. BIRD'S ATLANTIC SERVICI ;
We are fortunate to have a diversl- lent references. CaU VI ""511, be- Ave., Phlla, TE 9-1991S; (Open l"ri.
fled lilt of hlgbly desirable homes.
estate in .every community
tween 6 a: 9. ' .
rangin, from,&' small house to'a EA-SERVICE .LY".IU~-and wife, DUSI- ANTIQUES WANTED-Furniture
ness couple; ur~ently need 2-1'0001
. c!i: Sat. evenings.)
- -=:- - -__-~-
glass, old china, vases, brlc-a-\lrac,
PE 5-1043 or BE 6-1656
. Call & delivery service
4' ,:
Prompt Service C....t Work - CtII.... On the Main Lll}e. unfurnished 'apartment with private figures, copper c!i: brass. If you have Furniture and Floor Covered
Skilled Ken"':'
ExeavMinr ad Qat...,otJoK, 1ft clUB, tor dinner. anel
bath and kitchen under $50. 'Call anything old call THE SPINNING . Celiers Cleaned and OABS FOR RENT

Reliable WGrok , I Call us to dlsc.uss bUring your fu- Suneet 4838. W$EL, WAYNE 2347. -' Rubbish Removed. $15.80 PER DAT,
Get Our &t1mate patUes. Hora d'eourvel to dlml. ture home. You'll re1ililve prbmpt YOUNG bUl!liness couple desires fur- C. HAGGERTY DaYtl or More
, Jl11'imatel, OIIeerf~ 01.,.111 ta.... :Rolls, cakel, pie., hor. and courteous service. nished suburban apartment. P.1ease GLASS & MIRRORS BE 6-1156 c lSO-!4ILE RADIUS.,
d',8011rve.. made to order. EVer- - call RIttenhouse 6-9025 between Special rates for long term. . ~
H. L. YOUNG & CO,·' , WJUIAM A. CWOLLA' green 6-3308. WiUiam Puth 9 and II, ask for Mr. Smith. GLASS & MIRRORS PAPERHANGING and painting,
1'1 lttiITWe Ave. CbatJwn"VWage Grass c!i: mirrors for all purpOIeS. expert workmanship, reasonable ,. A. J. YACKLE CO. . ""'-
, - ·hvertown \ . 881 N. Ud st, FOUNTAIN GIiRL-Whlte, 1. to C yawy d 3500 URGENTLY needed by mother and Old mirrors remodeled c!i: rel:lUvered. prices. No job too small. Estimates 2' E. Baltimore Ave.,
2G preferred, full time. Main Line GReenwood 3.3300 adult son, u~urnlshed apartment Wall mirrors made to order. cheerfully given. THOkAB - H. . Lansdowne; P.... ~~'
,Ci~" 3-7010 WtltOp' 28M E~"""e-6Hl Bowling Center, RoaebUlb~ Pa. Call of 2 or 3 rooms and bath. SubUrbll TAGYE'S " . BOULlllVARD 3082 BURROWS, U8 OA-cr,EY: RD.,
~N,0380 . . ...
~... K.a~ ,.t, . . ..... , . • pr:eferrecL Call Ka41ac:i1i.·7896·:W. ' 731G West Chester Pike m G ~ P.,ARK. Smq~T 11~
.. "" i~;,
, ·r
" ' •. • ·.111


M~;i~~u :::r~~~~PI:a~~i~w~~
their stride don't shoot. It

A Weekly Radio Program

- FrIday Till
. I

9 P. M.
iii'"~ . ' won't do any good. At 4.30 P. M. Sat. TIll
f:~~' , F'or they're heavlly wP!ghted
~('. down. with bUllet-proof steel I P.II,
Every Thursday Afternoon
~.:.,;\;:;',:' ~~~~::sat~~rena~:e trying out to
On WNAR, 1110 on"Your Dial
~,;' ... The friend, a Rosemont man-
;:?, \ ufacturer who p~efers to )(eep .' •• news Bl!mmary of local, events
itj',; the donor's name anonymous,
~f:-' presented the Township's po- SCHOOL DISTRICT PLANS
f< ' . lice department with' a dozen
of the J'ackets.
• Made in two parts, soml!-
thing like a baseball catchC'r's
guard, the mall jac!{et is ;,ald
,The Board of school directors and
the, em'ployes of the Lower Merion
School Distrlc~ will give a recep-
, ,

to be the latest thing in pro-
tection for police against bul..
'tion on Monday night In honor of
Everett E, Burllngame, president TASTE PREFERENCE "TOPS THIM ALL"

grlJud Ya~~um 43'='

lets. of the 'board. .
Each patrol car is now equip- The reception, at 8.15 p. m., wlll
ped with a double set of the be held in the Downs Gymnasium While 3 out of 4 customers prefer IlSClJ richer blend Coffee,
bullet-proof vests. of the school administration b!llld- . Acme also caters to those who prefer a lighter bodied
ing in Ardmore. • packed
Coffee with stronger taste by suggesting our Win-Crest
blend, and to lovers of va~uum packed coffee with our new Brand can
Miss Marion E.' Bailey, teacher Local Schools Give LJ. fJ..t
Ideal bl~nd which really "tops them all."
.. ",,:..
~~ tlduilliud 8JI.aJfL!A
In .the Senior High School, was
granted a Sabbatical leave for the ~oncert Next Week ~
1947·38 school year by the Lower
Mel'ion School Boal'd Monday night.
Reasons of health were given by
The instrumental music depart-
ment of the Lowel' Merion Schools
will present its annual conces;t Wed-
COFFEE (H:::;~~~)~139C:2far 77
Am.rlcan Coff... "pertly bl.nded. Sov. coupon, on bag. for valuabl. glflt.
lIbc:: C
New Lower Price' 2 l·lb bo., 73c
Miss Balley for the request. nesday evening, . May 28, at the
Bala·Cynw~'d Junior High School. VIRGINIA LEE FRESH

OU~EEr;MB.VE~ - - EGGSc:A;n61 c
CRYSTAL poor. OPENS The program will include
12 in
Crystal Pool at Woodside Parl{
wlll open this Saturday at 11 a, m.
tions by the orchestra, band and
ensembles, as well as solo wurks DONUTS· pkg ·gJlld'SaI Large Selected

Both the park and the pool will be
'open dally for thc balance of thEl
lIeason. .
The 150 performers wiIJ represent
the fOUl·th, tlfth and sixth grades
of all the elementary schoohJ,. Sunshine Cheezit Jr. 6-0%pkg 15e ALL ,
;'~'. '
Arrowroot Biscuits ~:nb;ln.··, 7V2'0% pkg 19c ~E V. S. GOVERNMENT GRADED .:(
55 A


Ev.ry .gg guarant.. cI.
Glenwood Apple Butter 22-0% jar 28e
Harris Deviled Crab 7,ozcan 43e Evaporated Milk farmdaf. 3c~a~~ 340
Maine Smoked Sardines 3~~.ozcan15e TRIMMED PROP~RLY' lISCO Crushed Golden Corn Nc~.2110
California Mackerel 16;ozcan 22e Cut Green Beans farmdal. Neo~; 14e'

FciiidfiENS( :~~) 3,e

MIL K lISCO Peanut Butter Ib jar 32e
Nature'. Perfect Food Glendale Asparagus c~:ls;~e:r~ ~:~2 32e
For Over 30 Years
Magic Chef'Noodles 13 !2.0%jar·16c
Glen ~ve Clam Chowder 2 10:~~~% 290

All Green Soy Beans
llSaJ Whole Red Beets
. N,,~: 15c
N~~2 14e
Hunt's Tomato Sauce 3 ~~On%, 20c
RiHer Chili Sauce Relish 12-0% lor 25c -----------
Luncheon Meat Spleed V,lb 32c Chipped Dried Beef ~Ib 25c
Del Monte Diced Carrots
Del Monte Spinach (~;'k)
16[:: 130
N:~: 150
A • BCorned Beef Hash 16'0% can 25c Boiling. Beei Lean Platl Ib 21c Ground Beef 're.hly Ground Ib 37c
Guernsey Dairies . Lean Short Ribs Beef (to Bral'" Choice Fruit Cocktail NO~;~2 3le
Armour's Treet
Armour's PoHed Meats
12'0% can 35c
V2 can 13c
Ib 29c
. Halves Peaches DI.t Dellght-DI.t.tle ~~;'12 2le
HorSEUOLD DELIVERIES Armour's Deviled Ham 311.4·0% can lle PORK SHOULDERS g;~~t~~e~~~ "' 39c llSaJ Cider Vinegar r'fr~~.~~:or 18e
TO ALL PARTS OF Fancy Dried Soup Beans Ib pkg 1ge
Milk Chocolate Bars ~~~~~'y '6·0%bor 1ge
THE lIIAI:-; U:-;E
Nestle's Almond Bars Economy 4'1~:: 1ge LEAN SLICED BIlCON :!n:J:::e 1I~ 35c Ib
Baby Dried Lima Beans Ibpkg 21e
Cream Wh I e Sho,tenlng eon • can $1 •29
-t Vegetabl. Ib 44c' 3·lb
Princess Hard Candies 2 4~~~% 25e Nearby Milkfed Country Veal P D Q SyruD c.hocolot. 1~1(2'0% 250 .
~ Breast Veal (to Fill) Ib 22c I Neck Veal (for Pat PII) Ib 22c i •• flavored lor

Voter!' ~ =:-:1 Hom.~e.Llte Creamy

43c VEAL SHOULDER S:~:~~;UI Mushro.olfts

Bu"on. Slicld PI.e., and Stem'
Registration .),.1 Salad Dressing Hom-de,Lit. 39C: 36C: 20C

For the benefit of Electors of Montgomery ~ , Big , APBICOTS LaBerry Vall.y

Fancyor 2, 16·oz
2·5c ,OutstandIng Sea Food Values
• ~
G rape frUI·t -s---t---ca;:a.
egmen 5 Parker 2 H, a% 25c
Count)' who pave not yet registered to vote un- Values Fresh Caught
der the Act of 1937, or who may have other Reg-
istration business to transact, Registrars from
Sweetened Rhubarb F~~~':f~ 2 ~2k:~ 25c
Cut Corn s~~;~ or, 12·a% pkg 19c BUCKSHAD Ib 120
the main office at the Court House will be at Eating Cherri~s S.h:~~~;d 1:k~% 19c ", Fresh Roe Shad (wIth Roe) 'b27c
~ FOODS Apple Sauce Br~~~~~;d 1:k~z 19c
I ..

Fresh Sea Scallops Ib 59C

Frosted Foods In Most Markets '
HIT' 7j Fillets 01 Weakfish
, Fresh White Crabmeat Regular Lump
Ib 15c
Ib 79«:
~ I~~t~,!~~f!t~ .
GLADWYNE COMNlUNiTY HALL ... , , .... May 28 • 2·/b 29If
PleglS,." •Pleg Big Values In Canned Foods •
BRYN MAWR FIRE HOUSE ... , .•......... , .. May 28
MANAYUNK FIRE HOUSE. , • , .•.... , , . ,June 17
F"ney W" t
o. Cro""
~ ASPARAGUS ldllc atot
BRYN MAWR FIRE HOUSE ... , . , .. ,
---- ._---------
,July 17 and 18 ~
Fresh ,Cut
Heavy Green bunch C s
- ,,1I.purpo.1
\b'l'3c PORK l BEANS ~
Time: 2 p. m, to9 p. m. D). T. "kg ,.
~ Spears Jersey ~Pl<g'O~ .Standard
- - - -....- - - - . I
'fhe flnol (1l1~' berol'e the l'rlmor)' 1,ICl't!on til transact Registration
BusIness at tile )lllln Olfiee In the Court House XOl'rlsto\\'n Is Sat 111'-
C,O ".l
dUJ', J Ul}' Ill.
COl.-itT 1I0l:8E OI'HCE 1I0l'R8:
' .

i ICEBERG LETTUCE C."'.m'. " 171: SWEET PEAS Fa~~;I.

DIII1~': 8 :ao
II. Ill. til 4 \1. Ill.
~ll:ht': .Julle :!:l and .JuIJ' 14, open
:sul\lrdll~'s: 8::l0 II. Ill. to Xoon.
until II p. Ill.

j PI"d S
UNES BLENDED. oran::~u:~:efru~
Montgomery County Registration Comg;issioD
\.~ CALIFORNIA CARROTS 2 bunch.s 15e: Crisp
Large Size
l'os'nat c.lIJ1,UX1.-\SS 'b Medium SIze \
HlED C. PE'l'EUS Pleg c· 2"& 43c GLENWOOD GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ~~~I 19c : 3 ~:~: 25c

8orl~~nal 45
• Pleg

~ vOaleRnC'GANGES Florida
Juicy c
VEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAIL ~.e;I~~ ::~oz 29«: : 2 ~:~: 29c

RED C"EEK APPLE JUICE . Quart bollll 19C
DOES Your C'ar . ', '.Snapshof Time Is Here
~ Gevaert Speedy
NEED ~ .~~:)~ 25~1:~~rl~6 33'

~ Walbeck's Dill or Sour Pickles
Olivar Plain 9ueen Olives
quart!ar 23c
7·0%!ar 37c
roll roll

~tI!!:.§,~!t~ SUPREME

~~. our mechanics. who specialize in carb,uretion and O. ~ivar Stuffed 9ueen Olives 7~(,-0%!ar 43c
Snider's Tomato Catsup 14·azbot 22c
Raisin Loaf /7.
t.. eJectricat work, give :r~ur car necessary attention.

,Depend on our experience for minor adjustments or

Swanson's Chicken a-la-King g.0%!ar·39c
complete overhauling in our - ~
Sherman Boned Turkey
Nabisc:P Biscuits I!ngll,h Style, Amrled
O'Cedar Furniture Polish
6·oz!or 59c
Ib pkg 49c
t:: 23c : 1~':t% 39c
Wilbert's Shoe White Na Rub '2'0% bot 8c : 6'0% bot 15c
Only IS . C,

Specialized ~ Sweetheart Toilet Soap o. LUXI c.~e 15c 20% -More RaIsIns
..01IIIIIIII Sash Cord 9uality Clothes Line 100·fthank $1.29 Borden's Enriched Supreme Idea'
Field ~
fI'¥... ...,.......,.... MInerai Drink
lor Sge
BREAD 'oaf oilly .12c TEA
, ~ _PURITY , CASTILE DrInk Your
Ta,tes Bett.r. Toasts Better.
and Stays Fresh Lonaer ,DISINFECTANT
• BATTERIES • ELECTRICAL WORK ~ ,. Ij)Ua1rfZBa:,e SHAMPOO Vitamin. end
pkg . .glasswart.
floaro_ woodwork.
~:ffi~ )5·
Like bathrooms, Ite.

• CARBURETORS • FUEL PUMPS ~ ~.:: .290 / All So'aps When AvaUcible , 2 Pkllsl9e:
• WINDSHIELD WIPERS • SPEEDOMETERS . ~'nstant Suds Palmolive Soap 2 r:::~:r 19e:: ~:~:'l4e: One 29c: Moth Ded Metal
- Sprayer .
with Purcha.1
MAIN LINE ~ SUDS N.w Mlracl.
with Cllan.r b:~ 19e:
One Quart


24-01 321: 'oamlna ActIon
Satlsfa.tlon VUlrln·
te\d o~, your
.' back.
Ktlla rOlches, .nllto
mothl. etc. Con·
talnl 5~~ DDT•
690 .
Contlln, e,..~ DDT

304 w. LANCASTER AVE~, L~ Therefore, if Clny' of the above items are out of stock in your local mar ket, please contInue to ask' for them upon your next vJslt.
- ~ . I


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''When Your Car Falla To Start - Don't Fan To can u....
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.._ ,Phbr1~:; ARDMORE 1825, .
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