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Last week we looked at the Purpose of the Gifts and the five +1 Office gifts (5 given by Christ, 1 by the

We need to remember that as good as a gift may be, not everyone has any one of these gifts.

ï‘ omans 12 ʹ Gifts of Grace (lit. gifts from above through grace)-Serving Gifts (by no means
ʑ Prophecy ʹ lit. up alongside the word of faith (includes foretelling, forth telling,
revealing truth, encouraging and building up ʹ 1 Cor 14:3) ʹ do it according to your faith
(talk more about this gift later) c.f. Acts 2:17, Acts 19:6 (evidence of baptism of Spirit)
è‘ Luke 1:67 ʹ Zacharias ʹ recognizing fulfilled prophecy
è‘ -at 26:68 ʹ Jesus being hit ʹ reveal a current hidden thing
è‘ 1 Cor 14:1 ʹ best gift to have
è‘ Jude 14 ʹ telling of future events
è‘ Positives: espect, critical aspect of the life flow of the church
è‘ regative: esistance from others, few friends, pride,
ʑ Serving ʹ (diakonia) -artha served out of guilt - Luke 10:40, Joseph served out of faith
è‘  oulos (slave, bond servant) 2 Cor 4:5
è‘ Letreia (service for hire/obligation, sacred service (om 12:1)
è‘ Positives: helping, satisfaction of helping, changed lives
è‘ regative: consumes time, sacrifice own self and resources, no problem giving
everything away, family time
ʑ Îeaching diasko (to cause to learn) ʹ causative form of the verb ͞to learn͟
è‘ Positive: get to disciple others, impart knowledge, see growth
è‘ regative: those that despise, can take resistance personal, held to a very high
ʑ ncouraging, paraklesis Barnabas was known for this Acts 4:36
è‘ Positive: bless others, build up others
è‘ regative: very empathetic and feel pain of others
ʑ Giving, - to impart (see Luke 3:11) lit. to share with. Îhe way to do it is ͞liberally͟, or as
one who is free from pretence and dissimulation. I is the one gift, that if practiced, is
promised returned rewards ʹ even to those not gifted.
è‘ Positive: watch the results of your blessing, bless others, reward is eternal
è‘ regative: sacrifice knows no end, can give until it is unhealthy, hard to say no
ʑ Leading, lit preside over, guard and protect.  o it with (lit.) haste, earnestness. Stay on
the ball.
è‘ Positive: people͛s praise, followers, looked to, see productive growth, see new
things, take the people somewhere new/better
è‘ regative: people͛s vitriol, they like you or don͛t, backbiting, attack of the
enemy, your fall causes others to fall, very public
ʑ -ercy compassion, pity, gracious toward.  o it with cheer. (lit. hilarotas ʹ ͞hilarity͟) Îhe
word is a compound form of mercy lit. ͞to have mercy on͟ or ͞to show mercy͟. Îhayers:
to feel sympathy with the misery of another, esp. such sympathy as manifests itself in
act, less frequently in word; whereas [the other word for mercy ʹ oikt] denotes the
inward feeling of compassion which abides in the heart.͟
è‘ Positive: very personal with others, caring, people know that you care
è‘ regative: feel lots of pain, empathy
ʑ Ëelps (1 cor 12:28) a category of gives of ministry directed toward the assistance of
others. Literally, ͞grabbing hold of͟
è‘ Ëands on serving, mentoring, involved, support (this is the person running the
soundboard, cleaning toilets, vacuuming, communion, ushers, parking lot
attendant ʹ the person that steps up when someone asks, ͞I need a volunteer͟
and you don͛t even know what the task is yet. ʹ you really don͛t care, you just
want to help.
è‘ Positive: support ministry, part of the solution
è‘ regative: overlooked, sometimes lonely work, get deeply involved and lose
touch with others (if you feel like nobody cares, or you feel like if you don͛t do
it, it won͛t get done because no one else cares, you have a broken gift.)
ʑ Guidance ʹ (1 Cor 12:28) governance (a category of leadership) from the latin ͞to steer͟
ï‘ Gifts not listed͙C. Peter Wagner in '  
  suggests seven others:
ʑ celibacy the ability to enjoy being single and maintain sexual self-control; 1 Cor. 7:7-9);
ʑ voluntary poverty (the ability to renounce material comfort and adopt a life-style of
relative poverty; 1 Cor. 13:3);
ʑ martyrdom (the ability to display an attitude of joy while suffering or even dying for the
faith; 1 Cor. 13:3);
ʑ hospitality (the ability to welcome and provide for those in need of food and
lodging; om. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9);
ʑ missionary (the ability to minister effectively in a second culture);
ʑ intercession (the ability to pray for a long period of time on a regular basis for the
ministries and needs of others);
ʑ and exorcism (the ability to discern and cast out demons with authority).
ʑ writing ʹ If the bible authors didn͛t have this gift, the bible would be even more difficult
to understand.
ʑ Other gifts (e.g., music, craftsmanship) are also given to members of the body of Christ
for mutual edification. music and art, roles (e.g. deacon, elder, bishop, shepherd),


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ï‘ 1 Corinthians 12-14 ʹ- Spirituals (of the Spirit) ʹ Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Gifts of Ëealing,
Working of -iracles, Prophecy,  iscerning Spirits, Îongues, Interpretation of tongues (Vs. 28
adds helps and governments)

Vs 4-6

ï‘  ifferent Gifts (charis) > Same Spirit

ï‘  ifferent -inistries (diakonia) > Same Lord
ï‘  ifferent Working (energema)> Same God who works (same words there)

Vs 7 ʹ Key verse ʹ Îo each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good:

ï‘ Who: everyone
ï‘ What: manifestation of the Spirit which are the gifts
ï‘ Why: the common good, not personal gain (minor exceptions, but even then it is for
common ʹ c.f. chapter 14:4)

Îhe division word: ͞another͟ ʹ allos means another of the same kind, eteros means another of a
different kind. Îhe gifts are broken up into 2 x 5 x 2

First group ʹ word of Wisdom and word of Knowledge ( irection Gifts)

It is not wisdom and knowledge, but a message of wisdom and message of knowledge

ï‘ -essage of wisdom is an insight into the plan of God (guidance for what to do in a situation)
ï‘ -essage of knowledge is an insight into the current situation

Exodus 7:14 and 15

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ï‘ James says, ͞If you lack wisdom, ask͟

ï‘ People perish for a lack of knowledge ʹ Ëosea 4:6


ï‘ Faith ʹ the key to the other gifts. rot saving faith, but a supernatural faith that enables water to
come from a rock or a man to walk on water.
ï‘ Gifts of healing-
ʑ how many methods did Jesus use to heal? (touched, spit, spoke, made mud,
commanded to bathe, hem of garment, acknowledged the faith in the requestor
ʑ Ëow many ways do scriptures tell us that we can heal? Prayer of faith, prayer of
righteous, prayer and fasting, lay hands on, elders pray
ï‘ Working of miracles (energema dunamis) ʹ same word as lord͛s prayer -at 6:13, literally,
͞working of power͟
ʑ Îhis is not the time to pray, but the time to act. (x 14:15-16)
ʑ Îhis gift is the fulfillment of Acts 1:8, more than just ͞miracles͟, but supernatural power
ï‘ Prophecy
ʑ Fortelling: -at 13:14 (fortelling of Jesus)
ʑ  o not despise prophecying (1 Îhe 5:20)
ʑ Forthtelling: Other gifts spoken over people through prophecy: 1 Îim 4:14
ʑ veryone should do it (1 Cor 14:2,3, 24)
ï‘  iscerning of spirits ʹ it is not natural discernment, but works with the gift of knowledge and

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ʑ  ifferent kinds of tongues (Kinds = ͞family, kinds, grouping͟) tongues = languages

ʑ Language #1 ʹ human language (Only specifically mentioned in Acts 2:4)
ʑ Language #2 ʹ angelic language (1 Cor 13:1)
ʑ ]sage #1 ʹ praying in the spirit (which build up your faith) Jude 20, 1 Cor 14:14)
ʑ ]sage #2 ʹ spiritually giving thanks (praise) to God 1 Cor 14:16-17, speaking the
wonderful works of God (Acts 2:11) c.f. acts 10:46
ʑ ]sage #3 ʹ edifying one͛s own self (1 Cor 14:4), only approved method of edifying one͛s
ʑ ]sage #4 ʹ edifying the church only if used in conjunction with interpretation 1 Cor 14
ʑ ]sage #5 ʹ speaking to God (1 Cor 14:2)
ʑ ]sage #6 ʹ singing in the spirit (1 Cor 14:15-16)
ʑ ]sage #7 ʹ sign for unbelievers (1 Cor 14:22)
ʑ Paul says, every Christian should do it (1 Cor 14:4), though prophecy is even better
ʑ Îhe key to chapter 14 is verse 19 ʹ it is about what you do in the church versus on your
ʑ Interpretation
ʑ Of the spiritual gift, best used in a church gathering
ʑ Of actual human languages

Additional Links:ËolySpiritBaptism.aspËolySpirit/snames.htm
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ï‘ O  - lit. up alongside the word of faith (includes foretelling, forth telling, revealing truth,
encouraging and building up ʹ 1 Cor 14:3) c.f. Acts 2:17, Acts 19:6, Luke 1:67, -at 26:68, 1 cor
14:1, Jude 14
ï‘ 0 
-  oulos (slave, bond servant by choice) 2 Cor 4:5 / Letreia (service for hire or
obligation, sacred service om 12:1)
ï‘ Î 
ʹ diasko (to cause to learn)

ʹ paraklesis lit. ͞to call to one͛s side͟, Barnabas was a ͞son of encouragement͟
(Acts 4:36). Îhe Ëoly Spirit is called this (John 14:16, 26, 15:26)






Gifts not listed

ï‘ 1 Cor 7:7-9
ï‘ 1 Cor 13:3
ï‘ 1 Cor 13:3
ï‘ om 12:13, 1 Pet 4:9
ï‘ First Grouping:
ʑ Word of

ʑ Word of

ï‘ Second Grouping:
ʑ F

ʑ Gifts of

ʑ Working of

ʑ P


ï‘ Îhird Grouping:
ʑ Î

ʑ IËolySpiritBaptism.aspËolySpirit/snames.htm

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