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<< 1 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

ISSN 2442 8515

Timas Suplindo’s Derrick Lay Barge (DLB-01)

Timas Office : Offshore Division: The Plaza Office Tower, 39 Fabrication Shop: Jl. Raya Serang KM. 72, Banten 42185,
Floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 28-30, Jakarta 10350, Indonesia Indonesia | P: +62254 401 848, +62254 401 858,
| P: +6221 2992 1828 | F: +6221 2992 2128, +6221 2992 2528 +62254 401 868 | F: +62254 401 808
Head Office: Graha TIMAS, Jl. Tanah Abang II No. 81,
Jakarta 10160, Indonesia
P: +6221 352 2828 | F: +6221 352 1616, +6221 352 1919
<< 3 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Membangun knowledge database yang

kedepannya diharapkan dapat menjadi
referensi utama ilmu dan teknologi
dibidang fasilitas produksi migas di
Indonesia, serta referensi kondisi lokal
untuk International Codes.

Mendorong para professional dan

akademisi dibidang fasilitas produksi
migas untuk menerbitkan karya dan
pemikirannya sehingga kompetensi dan
keahliannya terangkat ke permukaan
dunia industri migas.

Menjalin jaringan keilmuan dan

teknologi untuk mengembangkan
industri nasional dibidang fasilitas
produksi migas.

Mengangkat aktifitas sumberdaya

pendukung industri infrastruktur migas
ke permukaan.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 4

Dari Redaksi
Mengawali semangat baru pada tahun 2017 ini, Jur-
nal IAFMI hadir mengusung tema “Disain Fasilitas Pro-
duksi Spesifikasi Indonesia”. Pemilihan tema ini sejalan
dengan upaya berkelanjutan untuk mendorong hadirnya
standar Indonesia yang digunakan secara nasional dan
diakui oleh dunia internasional. Standar yang dimaksud
meliputi aspek keahlian dan kompetensi pekerja migas
di bidang Fasilitas Produksi, dan aspek disain yang be-
rangkat dari kondisi internal dan eksternal proyek Migas
Seperti kita pahami, disain fasilitas produksi Migas di
Indonesia saat ini mengacu pada kode dan standar yang
berlaku di dunia, seperti ANSI, ASME, ASTM, etc. Pada be-
berapa contoh proyek, terdapat kemungkinan ‘over capacity’ atau ‘over design’ yang disebab-
kan penggunaan ‘safety factor’ yang lebih ketat (‘stringent’) pada saat perhitungan ukuran
peralatan produksi ataupun bangunan-bangunan lepas pantai.
Perhitungan ulang yang dilakukan menunjukkan terdapat potensi penghematan biaya
apabila digunakan faktor disain yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi alam Indonesia. Pada saat
ini dengan harga minyak dunia di kisaran USD 50-60/bbl, optimalisasi disain yang dapat
menghemat biaya konstruksi fasilitas produksi migas adalah suatu inisiatif yang harus terus
didorong dan difasilitasi tanpa mengurangi aspek keselamatan dan keamanan fasilitas. Hal
inilah yang mendasari ide perlu adanya suatu standar spesifikasi Indonesia, yang secara legal
diakui dapat dipergunakan dalam melakukan disain fasilitas produksi Migas di Indonesia.
Pada edisi ke-5 ini Jurnal IAFMI menampilkan beberapa makalah dengan topik disain
fasilitas lepas pantai di antaranya pada pembangunan fasilitas produksi terapung (‘Floating
Production Facility’) di Selat Makasar yang termasuk laut sangat dalam, dan analisis perband-
ingan struktur ‘jacket Braced Monopod’ dan ‘Tripod’.
Semoga artikel dan topik yang kami angkat kali ini dapat menggugah semangat dan ini-
siatif para anggota IAFMI untuk terus berkarya guna mewujudkan hadirnya spesifikasi disain


Desi A. Mahdi
Pemimpin Redaksi
<< 5 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Kata Pengantar
Ketua Umum IAFMI
Assalaamualaikum wrwb.
Alhamdulillah, kita panjatkan puji dan syukur kepada
Allah Yang Maha Kuasa bahwasanya empat edisi Jurnal
IAFMI telah berhasil kita lalui. Masa-masa yang cukup
kritis, namun telah berhasil dilalui oleh Team Redaksi,
Team Pendukung dan Team Ahli Jurnal dengan gemilang.
Penghargaan dan terimakasih saya atas nama pengurus
IAFMI saya sampaikan atas semua jerih payah dan usaha team Jurnal IAFMI beserta
para penulis, juga sponsor.
Jurnal Edisi-5 IAFMI menandai dimulainya kepengurusan IAFMI periode 2016-2019.
Dengan semangat untuk membangun Fasilitas Produksi Migas yang sesuai dengan
karakteristik alam Indonesia, Jurnal IAFMI edisi 5 mengawalinya dengan tema yang
cukup heroik ini.
Langkah IAFMI untuk mulai mengkaji teknologi dan spesifikasi desain fasilitas
produksi yang sesuai dengan karakteristik Indonesia ini tidak saja melalui jurnal,
namun juga melalui team kajian SNI untuk teknologi dan rekayasanya, team kajian
SKKNI untuk standar profesinya, serta melalui bidang-bidang kepengurusan IAFMI
terkait lainnya.
Rencana kerja kepengurusan IAFMI 2016-2019 diantaranya akan memberikan porsi
fokus yang lebih besar untuk pengembangan Riset dan Kajian teknologi dibidang
fasilitas produksi Migas. Keterlibatan para anggota dalam program kajian ini sangat
kami tunggu. Dan, Jurnal IAFMI diharapkan dapat menjadi salah satu alat untuk
mengkomunikasikan hasil hasil kajian ini.
Wassalaamualaikum wrwb.

Ir. Rudianto Rimbono, MSc.

Ketua Umum IAFMI
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 6


Pada tanggal 17 Desember 2016, bertempat di

Ruang Serbaguna PERTAMINA EP, Kongres IAFMI
ke-2 telah sukses diselenggarakan dan dihadiri oleh
kurang lebih 200 orang anggota IAFMI. Kongres
IAFMI merupakan amanah AD/ART IAFMI yang
diselenggarakan setiap tiga tahun sekali pada akhir
masa kepengurusan. Kongres IAFMI ke-2 tahun
2016 merupakan kongres untuk kepengurusan
IAFMI tahun 2013-2016, dengan agenda
utama laporan pertangung jawaban
pengurus periode 2013 – 2016 dan
pemilihan Ketua Umum IAFMI periode 2016
– 2019. Selain itu pada rapat pleno yang
dipimpin oleh Dr. Ir. Gde Pradnyana, telah
dilakukan pula penyempurnaan AD/ART dan
<< 7 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

penyusunan Garis Besar Haluan Organisasi.

Berdasarkan penjaringan usulan calon ketua umum

IAFMI, didapat 3 kandidat ketua umum sebagai
berikut: Ir. Edwin Badrusomad (saat ini menjabat
Direktur Eksekutif IAFM), Ir. Taufik Adityawarman
(saat ini menjabat Sekretaris Jendral IAFMI) dan
Ir. Rudianto Rimbono (ketua IAFMI period 2013-
2016). Masing-masing kandidat diberikan waktu
untuk memaparkan visi misinya. Berdasarkan hasil
musyawarah dan mufakat seluruh anggota kongres
IAFMI, Ir. Rudianto Rimbono terpilih kembali
sebagai Ketua Umum IAFMI periode 2016 – 2019.
daftar isi
MARET 2017
3 Visi Misi

4 Dari Redaksi

5 Kata Pengantar Ketua IAFMI

6-7 Kongres IAFMI II

10 - 21 PHE WMO Success Story

22 Testimoni Team PHE WMO, Gunanusa dan


24 - 33 Development Ultradeepawater Facilities

34 - 39 Pompa ANSI/ASME

40 - 47 Conceptual Study for Sour Gas Processing

48 - 51 Centralized Integrated Vendor Database


52 - 58 Memahami Korosi dan Manajemen


59 - 67 The Role of 3D CFD

68 - 74 Studi Spesifikasi Pembongkaran Anjungan

Lepas Pantai

75 - 83 Installation Methods of Reinforced

Thermoplastic Pipe

84 - 94 Analisis perbandingan struktur Monopod

dan Tripod
i S u s u n a n Re d a ksi
Pimpinan Redaksi:
Desi A. Mahdi, S.T.,PMP
<< 9 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Chief Editor:
Adjie Heryanto, S.T

Team Editor:
Sari Amelia
Dwi Nuraini Siregar, S.T

Ahmad Diponegoro, ST.,MSc Wiwin lukman Febrianto

Mokhamad Nasyih Aminulloh, S.T

Andre Widhiananto Ariono, ST. MT.

Auliya Fahmi Syafri, S.T

Lathifah Amalia

Project Sponsor:
Ir. Edwin Badrusomad
(Direktur Eksekutif IAFMI)
Penanggung Jawab:
Ir. Taufik Aditiyawarman, M.M., PMP
(Sekjen IAFMI)

Ketua Dewan Pakar: Anggota Dewan Pakar:

Ir. Bob Djanegara Ir. Steve Adrianto, Prof. Ir. Ricky L Tawekal, MSE.,PhD.
Ahmad Taufik, M.Eng., PhD., Ir. Iwan Jatmika,
Ir. Witoyo, Ir. Sandry Pasambuna,
Juanto Sitorus, MT, CPM, PMP, CSEP,
Adjie Heryanto, ST.

Foto: Koleksi Penulis Masing-masing Makalah | Foto Cover oleh PHE WMO EPC-1
Desain lay out : Dedi The EPM
Sekretariat: Gandaria 8 Office Tower, Lt.5,
Jalan Sultan Iskandar Muda, Jakarta 12240, Telp. +62 21 2903 6664
e-mail :, website:
Penulis bertanggung jawab penuh atas foto pada makalahnya. Dewan Redaksi Jurnal IAFMI tidak bertanggung jawab
atas kemungkinan penyalahgunaan hak cipta yang mungkin timbul akibat pemasangan foto dari penulis
Cover Story : PHE WMO EPC-1
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 10

PHE WMO President / GM Testimony

PHE WMO President / GM Testimony

PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE
PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) assets
WMO) assets consist of numerous Wellhead Platforms and
consist Platforms
Process of numerous Wellhead
in Offshore Platforms
Madura and one
Strait and Process Platforms in
Offshore Madura Strait and one Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) in
Receiving Facility (ORF) in Gresik, East Java. In line with the
strong East Java. byGovernment
commitment In line with
andthe strong
Ministry of commitment
Mineral by
Government and Ministry of Mineral and Energy
and Energy in particular, PHE WMO is currently working toin particular, PHE
WMO is currently working to develop several new potential fields in
develop several new potential fields in the Northern part of the
the Northern part of the concession, while continuing to develop
concession, while continuing to develop new Platforms under
new Platforms under POD Integrasi-1.
POD Integrasi-1.

The The development
development of ofPOD
Integrasi-1 is is an
an important
important stepstep forward
forward toto monetizing
monetizing PHE
WMO Block
Concession as a strategic priority to increase oil and gas production. In order to achieve these objectives
Block Concession as a strategic priority to increase oil and gas production. In order to achieve these
PHE WMO is constructing 3 platforms (2 Wellhead and 1 Process Platforms) under EPCI-1 Contract, with
objectives PHE WMO is constructing 3 platforms (2 Wellhead and 1 Process Platforms) under EPCI-
1the target with
Contract, to increase
the target oil to
increase oil up production
to 3000 BOPD
up to and
BOPDproduction of 10 MMSCFD
and gas production of 10 by 2017.
Strategically, this will be followed by building more Platforms under EPCI-2
MMSCFD by 2017. Strategically, this will be followed by building more Platforms under EPCI-2 and and EPCI-3 Contracts with
the objectives to increase production of POD Integrasi-1 with target of 12,000 BOPD and 27 MMSCFD for
EPCI-3 Contracts with the objectives to increase production of POD Integrasi-1 with target of 12,000
oil and gas production respectively.
BOPD and 27 MMSCFD for oil and gas production respectively.

The EPCI-1 Project consisted of 2 units Wellhead Platforms, 1 unit Central Processing Platform
The EPCI-1 Project consisted of 2 units Wellhead Platforms, 1 unit Central Processing Platform and 19.5
and 19.5 km Subsea Pipeline in PHE West Madura Offshore areas. It was completed with significant
km Subsea Pipeline in PHE West Madura Offshore areas. It was completed with significant challenges in
challenges in the midst of oil and gas business crisis due to steep decline of oil price. With
the midst of oil and gas business crisis due to steep decline of oil price. With determination and integrity
determination and integrity of all of our National Engineers and Team Leaders of Project Team,
of all of our National Engineers and Team Leaders of Project Team, backed up by professionalism of all
stakeholders in PHE WMO, the EPCI-1 project was able to be completed.
backed up by professionalism of all stakeholders in PHE WMO, the EPCI-1 project was able to be

I would like to personally extend my thank you to the Consortium Contractor (PT. Timas Suplindo and PT
I would like to personally extend my thank you to the Consortium Contractor (PT. Timas Suplindo
Gunanusa Utama Fabricators) and all EPCI-1 Project Team for successfully executed the EPCI-1 Project
and PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators) and all EPCI-1 Project Team for successfully executed the
with outstanding performance that the work has been completed safely, on time, on scope, meet the
EPCI-1 Projectwith outstanding performance that the work has been completed safely, on time, on
intended quality, and within the budget.
scope, meet theintended quality, and within the budget.

To complete the Project with 3.5 Million Man-hours (cumulative cod 15 February 2017) without
To complete the Project with 3.5 Million Man-hours (cumulative cod 15 February 2017) without incident
incident was an outstanding achievement which deserve a special merit to all personnel involved.
was an outstanding achievement which deserve a special merit to all personnel involved. PHE WMO will
strive to continue raising the bar on Safety standard even in the challenging period faced by all PSC’s.
PHE WMO will strive to continue raising the bar on Safety standard even in the challenging period
The challenge
faced by all PSC’ The
PHE WMO Management
challenge is the difficult
to PHE WMO Management decision
is the difficultto significantly
decision streamlining the
to significantly
manpower which forces us to think harder on how to increase operation
streamlining the manpower which forces us to think harder on how to increase operation efficiency efficiency across the
across the departments.

IAFMI as a professional institution in the oil and gas production facilities was born at the right
IAFMI as a professional institution in the oil and gas production facilities was born at the right moment
moment to face
to face the the challenges
challenges in the in the industry.
industry. We happy
We are are happy to share
to share our
our successstory
success storyin
in the
IAFMI Journal,
Journal, hopefully it can inspire oil and gas professionals and be a good lesson learned
hopefully it can inspire oil and gas professionals and be a good lesson learned to be shared across the to be shared
across the community. We expect in the near future that IAFMI be a professional partner to the GOI
community. We expect in the near future that IAFMI be a professional partner to the GOI in providing
in providing breakthrough ideas and become partners with PSC’s in Indonesia to provide technical
breakthrough ideas and become partners with PSC’s in Indonesia to provide technical advice or problem
solving experts for PSC’s needs in their respective working areas.
advice or problem solving experts for PSC’s needs in their respective working areas.

Cover Story : PHE WMO EPC-1
<< 11 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017


Sandry Pasambuna, Project Manager EPC 1, PHE WMO

PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) is a Production Sharing
Contractor (PSC) of SKK Migas. As an operator for West Madura block offshore facilities, PHE
WMO is currently having numerous Wellhead Platforms, 2 (two) Process Platforms (PPP and
KE-5 CPP) and 1 (one) Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) in Gresik. PHE WMO has discovered
Oil and Gas at the Offshore Madura south area in the vicinity of existing KE-5 CPP in 2013 and
the development plan was approved as part of POD Integrasi-1. Execution of POD Integrasi-1
is divided into two phases; Phase-1 (EPCI-1 and EPC-2) and Phase-2 (EPCI-3). The success
story of EPCI-1 Project which was delivered ahead of schedule with no LTI in total 3,600,000
mhrs involved, the use of standardized design, timely decision making based on sound risks
assessment, and a solid contractor-client work relationship.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 12

EPCI-1 Project consists of 2 (two) Wellhead

Platform (PHE-12 and PHE-24), 19.5 km Subsea
• Fast track Project by use of typical standardized
design Platform and Facilities, referring to
Pipelines, one Process Platform CPP-2 included
existing WHP and CPP Platforms.
a bridge linking the CPP2 platform to the
existing KE-5 CPP Platform (Greenfield scope) • Engineering, procurement and installation the
and modification & hook-up work at KE-5 CPP platform and pipeline scope to meet Integrity
offshore (Brownfield). The new facilities Wellhead and Operational Standards.
Platforms and Pipelines are designed for service
life of 10 years and 20 years for CPP2 process
• Deliver the project on time, safely, meet the
quality and within the budget.
The work involves modification & hook-up work at
The project objective is to deliver fabrication existing KE-5 CPP which requires a total shutdown
and installation of EPCI-1 Platform’s and Pipeline’s of the existing facility. There are total 5 (five)
(PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP2) safely, meet quality, slots (3 development wells and 2 future wells) in
on time and within budget. Project is targeted to the PHE-12 producing oil and gas Platform and 2
be finished on Q4 2016 and ready for start-up in (two) slots (1 development well and 1 future well)
Q1 2017. This is to provide additional oil and gas in the PHE-24 producing gas Platform. The new
to increase the average daily production of PHE platforms are located offshore in Madura Strait at
WMO, and to meet expectations and commitments the depth of 60-75 m from MSL and it is a part of
to the Government / SKKMIGAS. POD integration-1 development of existing KE-5
The following are the Project Goals: Field. The success story of EPCI-1 Project which
was delivered ahead of schedule with no LTI in total
• Set a benchmark standard for Health, Safety 3,600,000 mhrs involve, the use of standardized
and Environmental performance within the
design, timely decision making based on sound
risks assessment, and a solid Client-Contractor
work relationship.

Figure 1: EPCI-1: PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP2 Process Platform Location

Fig. 1 EPCI-1: PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP2 Process Platform Location
interaction is required since the beginning of the
27 MMSCFD for gas and 10,000 BWPD for the
project. A clear accountability and responsibility on
processed water.
specific deliverables was developed at each stage to
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) was carried out << 13
ensure a holistic jurnal
input IAFMIresulting
and review 05 maret in 2017
a high
by PT Technip Indonesia, completed on 07 February quality Project that meets Stakeholders expectations.
2014. The FEED result was used as the basis to develop

Fig. 2 PUDW
Figure 2: PUDWConcept

Project Scope
PHE-24 wellhead platform is located 4.5 km
Design of the Wellhead Platforms is a stand- away from existing KE5-CPP linked with 6” subsea
alone braced caisson monopod structure, pipeline while the PHE-12 Platform is located 7.5
unmanned and equipped with minimum facilities km away from CPP-2 linked with 8” Production
Project Contracting Strategy has been developed materials including all bulk materials and
such as flow line, manifold, testing system, subsea pipeline and 6” on
Lift subsea pipeline.
from the start of Pre-FEED / FEED stage, to select a consumables based Engineering results.
EPCIcrane, utility, closed
will beopen drain This
qualified Contractor who carrying CPP2 Platform will receive multi-phase fluid to
contracting strategy is one of PMT strategy
and venting system. The design of CPP2
out all facilities Greenfield and Brownfield scope. Process accelerate project execution stage to meet the
The Company is responsible to procure Company’s from PHE-12
target and others
schedule future WHP’s,
completion while
date and to PHE-
Platform is four legs with facilities such as pigging
supplied materials (LLI) based on FEED data and the 24 interfaces
will be connected directly
and specific to existing
risks KE-5 CPPand
on fabrication
system, production separation system, produced
Contractor is responsibility to procure balance Platform. CPP2
installation Platform is designed to perform
water system, gas lift compression system, flaring,
fluid separation system and produce water
and utilities.

Fig. 3 : EPCI-1
3 EPCI-1 Project

The Consortium Contractor divided the scope into two  Fabrication of Bridge linked from existing KE-5
CPP to CPP-2
yard in Grenyang.  Brownfield modification and hook-up
rication of Piles, Boat Landings, Conductors, KE-5 CPP offshore.
ets, Topside Decks
jurnal IAFMIfor 3 Platforms
05 maret 2017 >> 14– PHE-12,  Assist Commissioning work and Start U
-24 and CPP-2.

Figure 4: PDMS Modelling of PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP-2 Platforms

Fig. 4 PDMS
treatment. Modelling
It will export crude oil thatof PHE-12,
meets PHE-24
the Brownfield and
scope. TheCPP-2
is responsible to
requirement of crude oil transfer pumps and gas procure Company’s supplied materials (LLI) based
lift compression system, with maximum flowrate on FEED data and the
estimated at 12,000 BOPD for oil, 27 MMSCFD for
Contractor is responsibility to procure balance
gas and 10,000 BWPD for the processed water.
materials including all bulk materials and
Front End Engineering Design (FEED) was
consumables based on Detail Engineering results.
carried out by PT Technip Indonesia, completed
This contracting strategy is one of PMT strategy
on 07 February 2014. The FEED result was used as
to accelerate project execution stage to meet the
the basis to develop the Execute AFE for EPCI-1.
target schedule completion date and to reduce
These AFE’s was approved by SKKMigas on 23 July
interfaces and specific risks on fabrication and
installation stage.

Project Execution Plan The Consortium Contractor divided the scope into
and Contracting Strategy two stages as follows;

Project Execution Plan was initiated and · Stage1, Detailed Engineering, Procurement of
performed referring to Pertamina Upstream balance materials and Construction/ Fabrication
Development Way (PUDW). This means that onshore by PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricator (PTG)
interface and team member interaction is at PTG yard in Grenyang.
required since the beginning of the project. A
clear accountability and responsibility on specific
• Fabrication of Piles, Boat Landings, Conductors,
Jackets, Topside Decks for 3 Platforms – PHE-
deliverables was developed at each stage to 12, PHE-24 and CPP-2.
ensure a holistic input and review resulting in
a high quality Project that meets Stakeholders • Fabrication of Bridge linked from existing KE-5
CPP to CPP-2
Project Contracting Strategy has been • Load out and sea fastening Piles, Boat
Landings, Conductors, Jackets, Topside Decks
developed from the start of Pre-FEED / FEED stage,
for 3 (Three) Platforms: PHE-12, PHE-24 and
to select a qualified single EPCI Contractor who
will be carrying out all facilities Greenfield and
 Platform Installation (Total 3 Platforms:  Tie-In Spool Installation (@PHE-12, PHE-24, CPP2
PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP2) and KE-5 CPP)
 Pipeline Installation (Total 3 Pipelines:  Pre-com. and assist commissioning work.
from PHE-12 to CPP2 (8”PL Production & << 15 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017
6”PL Gas injection) and from PHE-24 to
existing KE-5 CPP (6”PL Production)

 Stage2, Detail Engineering, Procurement of  Dog-leg, Riser and Riser Clamp Installation (KE-5
balance materials and Installation offshore by CPP Platform)
PT. Timas Suplindo (PTT)  Dog-leg & Riser Installation PHE-12 and PHE- 24
 Platform Installation (Total 3 Platforms:  Tie-In Spool Installation (@PHE-12, PHE-24, CPP2
PHE-12, PHE-24 and CPP2) and KE-5 CPP)
 Pipeline Installation (Total 3 Pipelines:  Pre-com. and assist commissioning work.
from PHE-12 to CPP2 (8”PL Production &
6”PL Gas injection) and from PHE-24 to
existing KE-5 CPP (6”PL Production)

Figure 5 : CPP2 Topside (2300 MT) Installation Method by HLV Hilong 3000
Fig. 5 CPP2 Topside (2300 MT) Installation Method by HLV Hilong 3000

• Project
Brownfield Achievementand hook-up work at • Dog-leg,
HSE modification Riser
Execution and Riser
Phase Clamp
(onshore Installation
fabrication (KE-offshore
KE-5 CPP offshore. installation)
5 CPP Platform)on “Safe & Reliable Operation” has gave
Strong HSE Commitments from both Top an extraordinary impact and result on EPCI-1 Project
• Managements
Assist Commissioning work andofStart
and Leadership •
PHEUp.WMO and Dog-leg & Riser Installation PHE-12 and PHE-
HSE achievement.
Consortium Contractor (PTT&PTG) during Project 24

· Stage2, Detail Engineering, Procurement of • Tie-In Spool Installation (@PHE-12, PHE-24,

CPP2 and KE-5 CPP)
balance materials and Installation offshore by PT.
Timas Suplindo (PTT) • Pre-com. and assist commissioning work.
• Platform Installation (Total 3 Platforms: PHE-
Fig. 5 CPP2 Topside (2300 MT) Installation HSE Achievement
Method by HLV Hilong 3000
12, PHE-24 and CPP2)

• Pipeline
Project Installation (Total 3 Pipelines: from
HSE Achievement
Strong HSE Commitments from both Top
Execution Phase
Managements and (onshore fabrication
Leadership and offshore
of PHE WMO and
PHE-12 to CPP2 (8”PL Production & 6”PL Gas installation) on “Safe & Reliable Operation” has gave
Consortium Contractor (PTT&PTG) during Project
HSE and from PHE-24from
Commitments to existing
both KE-5
Top an extraordinary impact and result on EPCI-1 Project
Managements Execution Phase (onshore fabrication and offshore
HSE achievement.
CPP (6”PLand Leadership of PHE WMO and
Consortium Contractor (PTT&PTG) during Project installation) on “Safe & Reliable Operation” has

Fig. 6 EPCI-1 HSE Performance and Achievement

Top management has provided visible ongoing workforces should work to create a safe work
commitment and leadership for implementing process environment. In achieving Project HSE KPI’s, the
safety management, safety motivating force and Project HSE Team has provided Project HSE Plan to
controlling activities within the project organisation. meet each of PUDW stage requirements.
PMT must act as a role model for how all project

Fig. 6 EPCI-1
Figure 6 : Fig. 6HSE Performance
EPCI-1 and
HSE Performance andAchievement

Top management has provided visible ongoing workforces should work to create a safe work
commitment and leadership for implementing process environment. In achieving Project HSE KPI’s, the
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 16

Figure 7 : Target of EPCI-1 Project HSE referred to Project Dept. HSE KPI 2016
Fig. 7 Target of EPCI-1 Project HSE referred to Project Dept. HSE KPI 2016
gave an extraordinary impact and result on EPCI-1 commissioning and start up. The Design of new
To achieve
Project HSE KPI targets, Project HSE team has
HSE achievement. WHPEarlyPlatform
Engineering to procure
(PHE-12 Long Lead
and PHE-24) and Item
developed the following HSE programs as leading identified during FEED
Platform CPP2 are typical standard design
Top management has provided visible ongoing
indicators:  Timely delivery of Detail Design Engineering
a) Leadershipand
and Commitment platform refer
deliverables to the
as per targetexisting
date; theWHP and
strategy CPP1
is co-
commitment leadership for implementing
b) HSE Communication and Meeting Platform.
location It
ofgave an advantage
Company and isEngineers
and Contractor extraordinary
process safety management,
c) HSE Inspection and Audit safety motivating one office to foster seamless communication and
helpful to accelerate overall engineering progress
d) and controlling
Hazard activities Risk
Identification within the project
Assessment review process.
organisation. Control
PMT must Program
act (HIRADC)
as a role model for how (development,
Accelerate proses review
review cycle
setting up of
e) Training and Competency engineering
workshops fordocuments), and itcheck,
internal discipline is also one of the
allf)project workforces
Emergency Responseshould work to create a safe
Preparedness keywith Contractor
success Engineering
to deliver team on
EPCI-1 project fortime.
work environment. In achieving Project HSE KPI’s, technical issue, workshops HAZOP/HAZID/SIL, and
Team has provided Project HSE To manage
PDMS review. engineering execution
The detail design and ensure
engineering was
Plan to meet completed 3% ahead of baseline schedule.
Detail Designeach of PUDW
Engineering stage
is the requirements.
most critical part at all deliverables across all engineering discipline
EPCI execution stage. This exposes the project to the are delivered as per the Company’s requirement,
achieve HSE issues
of major KPI targets, Project HSE
in Procurement, team has
an Engineering Management Plan was developed.
eventually HSE programsand
commissioning as start
The Design of new WHP Platform (PHE-12 and PHE-24) Thisprocurement
includes ofengineering
EPCI-1 materialscope
is dividedfor
indicators: categories;
and Proses Platform CPP2 are typical standard design verification and (LLI)
validation of engineering
1. Long Lead Items / free issued materials
a) platform referand
Leadership toCommitment
the existing WHP and CPP1
provided bymanagement
PHE WMO of change, engineering
Platform. It gave an advantage and is extraordinary
2. Balance materials
organization providedHaving
and schedule. by Consortium
to consider
b) helpful
HSE Communication and Meeting
to accelerate overall engineering progress
(development, review cycle and approval of tight schedule, the Engineering Management Plan
c) engineering
HSE Inspection and Audit
documents), and it is also one of the key FEED EPCI-1 was developed referring to a standardized
focus on:
success to deliver EPCI-1 project on time. design wellhead and CPP platform. This has given an
d) Hazard Identification Risk Assessment
ToDetermination Controlexecution
manage engineering Program and
ensure all

advantage to PHE WMO to
Early Engineering PMT to takeLong
procure an early
timely decision to proceed with procurement of LLI
identified during FEED
(material that are taking more than 6 months delivery
deliverables across all engineering discipline are
e) delivered
Training as
the Company’s requirement, an
Engineering Management Plan was developed. This

time). Examples
Timely of the of
delivery LLI Detail
materials are: caisson
Design and
tubular’s for the structure, and the linepipe materials.
f) includes
Emergency Response Preparedness
engineering scope for design, verification and Thisdeliverables as per
early procurement target
strategy date;
allows EPCI the strategy
validation of engineering document, management of is co-location
to start of Company
the onshore fabrication early byand the 1st
change, engineering organization and schedule. Having steelEngineers
in September 2015,office
in one 1 month after the
to foster EPCI
to consider tight schedule, the Engineering contract was signed. This is a tremendous advantages
Detail Design
Management PlanEngineering
focus on: is the most critical thatcommunication andtimely
ensures entire project review process.
part at EPCI execution stage. This exposes the • Accelerate proses review documents by setting
project to the risk of major issues in Procurement, up workshops for internal discipline check,
Construction, Installation and eventually workshops with Contractor Engineering team
<< 17 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

for major technical issue, workshops HAZOP/ ONSHORE CONSTRUCTION / FABRICATION

HAZID/SIL, and PDMS review. The detail design
PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators (PTG) is one
engineering was completed 3% ahead of
of the world-class contractors in the construction
baseline schedule.
services for Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas
Production Facilities. In this project PTG has
successfully completed fabrication of 3 (three)
The procurement of EPCI-1 material is divided into Wellhead Platforms and 1 (one) Bridge PHE-WMO
two categories; at PTG Yard Grenyang.
Long Lead Items (LLI) / free issued materials documents such as: shop drawing, MTO, cutting
First cutting of pipe materials for PHE-12 and
provided by PHE WMO instruction and template as necessary. Such
PHE-24 Platforms commenced on 15 September
PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators (PTG) is one of the documents were also issued in parallel to QC
2. Balance materials provided by Consortium 2015, followed by the first cutting of pipe materials
world-class contractors in the construction services for Department and Company.
Contractor. for CPP-2 Platform on 2 October 2015.
Onshore and Offshore Oil and Gas Production  Design drawings from engineering company,
Facilities. InFEEDthisEPCI-1
project PTG has referring
was developed successfully
to a The followingand
fabrication are erection
areastrategy and
plan, manpower plan,
completed fabrication of 3 (three) Wellhead Platforms
standardized design wellhead and CPP platform. method employed during Onshore Fabrication:
material arrival, NDE plan, weld map, inspection
and 1 (one) Bridge
has given at PTG Yard
an advantage Grenyang.
to PHE WMO PMT • andPHE-12,
The test plan,
Deck wasoftransported
were tightly
tools, equipment,
to and
prior to work
to take an early and timely decision to proceed barge by using Multi-wheel method while the
First cutting of pipe materials for PHE-12 and PHE-24 execution and during the work execution to allow
with procurement of LLI (material that are taking CPP2 Deck used skidding method.
Platforms commenced on 15 September 2015, accurate progress update and schedule resource
more than 6 months delivery time). Examples of
followed by the first cutting of pipe materials for CPP-2
the LLI materials are: caisson and tubular’s for the
• Construction
levelling. Engineering Department
Platform on 2 October 2015. supported Fabrication Department
 Fabrication activities were carried by issuing
out inside shop
structure, and the linepipe materials. This early
pertinent documents
area and in open area. such as: shop drawing,
The following are construction
procurement strategy
strategy allows EPCI and method
Contractor to
 Regularcutting instruction
briefing and template
was conducted as sure that
to make
theOnshore Fabrication:
onshore fabrication early by cutting the
necessary. Such documents were also issued
fabrication and erection works were performed in
1st steel in September 2015, 1 month after the
parallel to QCwith
Department and Company.
the approved procedure and in a
 The PHE-12, PHE-24was
EPCI contract Deck was transported
signed. to barge
This is a tremendous
by using Multi-wheel
advantages that method
ensures while
entirethe CPP2timely
project Deck • safe manner.
Design drawings from engineering company,
used skidding method.
completion.  fabrication
Specific risk
erection areawas developed
plan, manpower and used as
 Construction Engineering Department supported guidance
plan, during
material arrival, NDE plan, safety
weld map, toolbox.
Fabrication Department by issuing pertinent inspection and test plan, availability of tools,

Fig. Figure
8 Onshore Fabrication
8 : Onshore Duration
Fabrication Duration

OFFSHORE MOBILIZATION AND INSTALLATION  Pre-mobilization Document Checklist Approval

jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 18

Fig. 9 Offshore installation campaign

Fig. 9 Offshore
Figure installation
9 : Offshore campaign
installation campaign
Quality Target & Performance  All of Procedures were followed in accordance with
Target & Performance the corporate and/or project specific quality
 All of Procedures were followed in accordance with
and consumables were tightly
The following Quality Programme(s) have been
prior to work
implemented execution
during and during
the execution of
• Regular briefing
the corporate was inconducted
as shown
the QualitytoPlan.
make sure
project specific quality
The following Quality Programme(s) have been  that
Quality activities
procedures as shown were
and carried
in the out per
Quality works werethe
projectthein work
to achieveto allow accurate
the quality progress
targets and Inspection and Test Plans and
successfully implemented during the execution of  performed in accordance
Quality activities with asthe
were carried
per the matrix
out approved
as per the
goals: update and schedule resource levelling. shown in the Quality Plan.
project in order to achieve the quality targets and Inspection and
procedure and inTest Plans
a safe and as per the matrix
•Very good team work between Company and
 Very good
Team. were carried out inside •
shown in the Quality Plan.
Overall project
Specific riskquality target was
assessment and goals was achieved
developed and
shop QA/QC
 Regular inwork
area andMeetings area. Company and
during the course of EPCI1: PHE12, PHE24 & CPP2
Contractor Quality Team. between Company and usedproject
Overall as guidance
targetsafety toolbox.
and goals was achieved
Contractor Quality Team. Platforms and Pipeline Project.
 Regular QA/QC Meetings between Company and during the course of EPCI1: PHE12, PHE24 & CPP2
Contractor Quality Team. Platforms and Pipeline Project.

Fig. 1010Project
Figure : ProjectQuality Performance
Quality Performance
Fig. 10 Project Quality Performance
<< 19 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

OFFSHORE MOBILIZATION AND project in order to achieve the quality targets and

PT. Timas Suplindo (PTT) is one of the world-class • Very good team work between Company and
in Installation services for offshore Platforms and Contractor Quality Team.
Pipelines in the Oil & Gas market. In this project
PTT has successfully completed Installed 3 (three)
• Regular QA/QC Meetings between Company
and Contractor Quality Team.
Wellhead Platforms, 3 (three) lines of Pipelines
and one linked Bridge between two processes • All of Procedures were followed in accordance
Platforms. with the corporate and/or project specific
quality procedures as shown in the Quality Plan.
Offshore Mobilization Readiness has been
evaluated CONTROL,
on readinessCOORDINATION and
of the following key • Quality activities were
commissioning carriedactive
activites, out as project
per the risk
items prior to start mobilization activities: Inspection
managementand Test
in Plans and as
the form of per the matrix
regular evaluation
basisin the
shown and Quality
Plan. of uncertainty against
Pre-mobilization Document
project execution Checklist
phase, the PMT hasApproval
been able schedule delivery.
Overall project quality target and goals was
to including
manage project objectives
all permits and expectations
for marine spread within

•project boundaries. The following principles were the

Site Survey result
focus of each project team members:
EPCI-1 during
Project the
was course
effort of
PHE12,by a
PHE24 & CPP2 Platforms and Pipeline Project. stage of
collaborative in each
• Marine Spread inspection
Scope/Quality: No majorand readiness
scope change during project life cycle. This mean Interface and interrelation
• Construction and Installation on drawing/
execution stage, clear deliverables
focus on project requirement and stakeholder
each stage, amongst team members are required since beginning
of the project. A clear accountability and responsibility
procedures/ calculation/ analysis approval (in
expectation and more robust assurance process. and MONITORING
on specific deliverables has been developed at each
AFC status)
 Cost/Resources: Integrated multi discipline stage.project execution phase, the PMT has
• approach, detailed
accurate andcost thorough
estimation, Project
been able to manage project objectives and
A communication strategy was put in place allowing
Execution Plan expectations within project
improvement and early involvement of internal people to work efficiently as aboundaries. The
team. Communication
audit toTarget
monitor the following principles were the focus of each
amongst team members and Consortia were project
Quality &execution process.
 Schedule / Time: Prompt timing for people teamdeveloped
members: during daily, weekly & monthly meetings,
following Quality
smoothProgramme(s) have been team building, and workshops.
process, smooth
fabrication and
successfully implemented during the execution of
and • Scope/Quality: No major scope change

Fig. 11 EPCI-1
Figure Project
11 : EPCI-1 ProjectManagement Integration
Management Integration Overview

PROJECT SUMMARY ACHIEVEMENT obtaining approval by PHE Management, which is to

invite the Consortium of EPCI-1 Contractor to
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 20

during execution stage, clear deliverables on allowing people to work efficiently as a team.
each stage, focus on project requirement and Communication amongst team members and
stakeholder expectation and more robust Consortia were developed during daily, weekly &
assurance process. monthly meetings, team building, and workshops.

• Cost/Resources: Integrated multi discipline

approach, accurate cost estimation, effective
organisation, continuous learning and EPCI-1 AFE’s were approved by SKKMigas in
improvement and early involvement of internal Q3-2014, when the oil price level was in the range
audit to monitor the execution process. of USD100/bbl but when the project started in
Q3-2015 the oil price declined significantly to
• Schedule / Time: Prompt timing for
around USD50/bbl and this situation affected
people deployment, smooth fabrication
to all projects under KKKS. While other projects
and installation process, smooth pre-
being cancelled or suspended, PHE WMO EPCI-1
commissioning and commissioning activites,
Project continues with serious challenges. Due to
active project risk management in the form of
Pertamina Corporate demand and inquiries with
regular evaluation basis and minimisation of
regard to the economics of the EPCI-1 Project, PHE
uncertainty against schedule delivery.
WMO Management has to adapt and move swiftly
EPCI-1 Project was initiated and performed by to safe the Company interest of future oil and

Fig. 12Figure
Project Timeline
12 : Project Timeline

Fabricationa collaborative
and installationeffortofof PHE-12, PHE-24in and
multidiscipline each gas engineering
production. Adeliverables
decision was and collaborative
then made after working
CPP2 Platforms and Pipelines have been completed at
stage of project life cycle. This mean Interface environment
obtaining approval by PHE Management, which
the end and of December
amongstand team
members with
are is toEarly procurement
invite of LLIofby
the Consortium Company
EPCI-1 ahead of EPCI
required and preparation
since beginning of forthestart-up,
project. while
A clear tender, based
to negotiate on FEED
the Contract resultsProject
of EPCI-1 allowing early arrival
waiting foraccountability
drilling well completion on Q1 2017.
and responsibility on specific of process.
tender the LLI and expedites starts of onshore
deliverables hasas
been developed at each stage. fabrication at site.
Overall project progress of end of January is 94.96% Project Team supported by other PHE
vs 94.09% planned progress and is estimated  Procurement of remaining balance materials based
A communication strategy was puttoinarrive
on or slightly below approved budget. This was a on Detail Engineering and progressive MTO
tremendous accomplishment both for the PHE WMO completion
and the Contractors given the current situation of low  Strong Company & Contractor HSE commitment
<< 21 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

WMO stake holders (SCM, Legal and Finance identification and a focus FEED and Detail
Departments) managed to convince Contractor, Engineering Design with minimum design
to second time renegotiate the contract 8 changes.
(eight) months after the project was awarded,
and Contractor finally agreed to adjust for
• Co-location of PMT and EPCI Contractor
engineering office allowing timely review of
reduction from original Contract value without engineering deliverables and collaborative
compromising on the Scope nor Specifications working environment
and Safety of the original Contract requirements.
• Early procurement of LLI by Company ahead
Fabrication and installation of PHE-12, PHE- of EPCI tender, based on FEED results allowing
24 and CPP2 Platforms and Pipelines have been early arrival of the LLI and expedites starts of
completed at the end of December 2016 and onshore fabrication at site.
continued with commissioning and preparation
for start-up, while waiting for drilling well
• Procurement of remaining balance materials
based on Detail Engineering and progressive
completion on Q1 2017. MTO completion
Overall project progress as of end of January • Strong Company & Contractor HSE
is 94.96% vs 94.09% planned progress and is commitment through involvement of PHE
estimated to arrive on or slightly below approved WMO & Consortium Top Managements on the
budget. This was a tremendous accomplishment HSE campaign and regular walk through at
both for the PHE WMO and the Contractors given fabrication site.
the current situation of low oil price which have
brought impact to oil and gas new projects. The
• Working as one integrated team between PMT,
EPCI Consortia, Internal and External Auditor
key factors contributing to project success are: and SKK Migas from early stage of the Project
• Use of standardised design for the wellhead ensuring project stays within the regulation
platform and Central Processing Platform
(CPP) allowing early Long Lead Item (LLI)

About the
Sandry Pasambuna, Offshore Projects. Currently Sandry is assign
Single Point Accountability (SPA) for EPCI-1 Pr
With morethanthan
With more 20outstanding
20 years years work experienced in both national and
several new Project developments (Green Fi
outstandingconstruction projects related
work experienced in toexisting
the Mining and Oil & Gas industries.
facilities (Brown Field) with PHE in t
Sandry spent his career managing
both national and international large & complex projects in worldwide Oil and
Madura Offshore field. In those projects San
Gas Companies including
construction projects Total E&Pto
related Indonesie’, Mobil Cepu Limited (Exxonmobil
Oil Indonesia),
lead and managed the projects successful
the MiningKodecoand Energy
Oil & andGas
currently working with Pertamina Hulu Energy
(PHE), therefore he is very familiar with the wide range ofSelect,
ProjectDefine, Execute
Management and (up to start-u
industries. Sandry spent his Over and(toOffshore
the Operation) and Close-Out the
Construction methodologies of Onshore, Swamp Projects. Currently
career managing large & Sandry holds a Bachelor degree obtained
Sandry is assigned as a Single Point Accountability (SPA) for EPCI-1 Project, in
complex projects in worldwide Engineering
several new Project developments (Green Field) and existingfrom Sam
facilities Ratulangi
(Brown Field) University
Oil and Gas Companies including Total E&P Indonesie’, degree in the Specialist Environmental &
with PHE in the West Madura Offshore field. In those projects Sandry has lead and managed the projects
Mobil Cepu Limited (Exxonmobil Oil Indonesia),
successfully from Appraise, Select, Define, Execute (up to start-up), Management
Hand Over (to from The Van
the Operation) and Hall Institu
Kodeco Energy
Close-Out and Sandry
the projects. currently working
holds withdegree
a Bachelor Pertamina
obtained in Netherlands.
Civil Engineering He
fromisSam currently
Ratulangiactive as mem
Hulu Energy
University and a(PHE),
degreetherefore he isEnvironmental
in the Specialist very familiar with Management
& Project IAFMI Expertfrom Board.
The Van Hall Instituut,
the wide range of Project Management and
The Netherlands. He is currently active as member of IAFMI Expert Board.
Construction methodologies of Onshore, Swamp and
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 22
PT Gunanusa Utama Fabricators – Testimony
PT Gunanu
Assalamu’alaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Praise to Allah SWT of Whom has bestowed on us all, so that we Consortium - PT. TIMAS Assalamu’
Suplindo and PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators as Contractor - has completely delivered two (2)
new Wellhead Platforms: PHE24, PHE12 and one (1) Process Platform CPP2 including connecting
Praise to A
pipelines, and brownfield modifications at KE-5 CPP offshore. A Total of more than 3.5 million
manhours spent without Lost Time Incident (LTI).
It is a great honor for the Consortium especially PT. Gunanusa to be entrusted with constructing
platforms PHE-12, PHE-24, CPP2 and brownfield modifications on KE-5 CPP. The Letter of Award
(LOA) was given to the consortium on 4th August 2015 followed by signing of the contract on 14th
August 2015.
spent without Lost Time Inciden
Despite several challenges encountered during execution of the fabrication work, it did not hamper our determination
It is a great honor for the Co
to complete this project and present the best results for PHEWMO in particular, and to the country in general. A lot of
platforms PHE-12, PHE-24, CPP
valuable lesson was learned during execution of the work. Seamless process both in safety and quality during Engineering,
Procurement, Construction, Installation, Precommissioning and Commissioning could not be separated was given
from to
thethe consortium on
involvement of the PHE WMO as Company that go hand-in-hand with the Contractor. We also received great support from
MIGAS and Custom who played an important role in making this project a success. Despite several challenges enco
Currently we are putting our best effort to support Company for immediate start-up of CPP2 determination
and PHE12 withoutto complete this
the country in
compromising the safety and quality aspect of the project. Together, Company and Contractor have succeeded in delivering general. A lot o
this project within the given project time frame, meeting the quality and with excellent safety record.process bothwein
As a contractor feelsafety and
very proud to be part of PHEWMO success story, and also the Republic of Indonesia. Precommissioning and Commis
WMO as
It is our hope that PHE WMO will continue to success in many years to come and be able to prosper the Company
welfare of that go ha
Indonesian people in general. MIGAS and Custom who played
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Currently we are putting our be
“We Are World Class In What We Do” without compromising the safe
have succeeded in delivering th
with excellent safety record. A
and also the Republic of Indone
TIMAS Offshore Division – PHE WMO EPSC 1 Testimony
TIMAS Offshore Division – PHE WMO EPSC 1 Testimony It is our hope that PHE WMO w
PT. Timas Suplindo Offshore Division evolved in 2006 as a supplier of manpower
welfare to
PT. Timas Suplindo Offshore Division evolved in 2006 as aofsupplier
Indonesianof people in
the offshore industry. By 2008 the Offshore Division was an established force operating
manpower to the offshore industry. By 2008 the Offshore Division was an
independently, managing and executing scope of transportation, installation, and major
established force operating independently, managing and Wassalamu’alaikum
executing scopewarahmatu
offshore modification on operating platforms for large oil and gas projects. Within its brief
life span, The Offshore Division of TIMAS has rapidly grown in both sophistication and on
of transportation, installation, and major offshore modification
physical platforms
presence, for its
expanding large oil and
Customer gas projects.
portfolio by consistently wining new and repeat
orders, and firmly establishing itself as a leading offshore installationPT. GUNANUSA UTAMA FABRIC
Within its brief life span, The Offshore Division of TIMAS has rapidly grown in specialist within the
both sophistication
region. In addition to the Onshore Division existing 3rd Party approvals (ISO 9001 and OHSAS 18001),President
the OffshoreDirector
and physical presence, expanding its Customer portfolio by consistently wining new and repeat
has also acquired 3rd Party approval to the Internationally recognized Internal Management System Standards, ISO 9001
orders, and firmly establishing itself as a leading offshore installation specialist within the region. In
for Quality Management, 14001 for Environmental Management rd and OHSAS 18001 for Health andEddy SafetyRIJANTO
addition to the Onshore Division existing 3completed
at its first application. One of the projects we recently
Party approvals
is the EPCI 1
of PHE
for the
18001), the
Offshore Division has also acquired 3 Party approval to the Internationally recognized
procurement, construction and installation of PHE 24 and PHE 12 Wellhead platforms, CPP 2 Jacket and Topside platform
Management System Standards, ISO 9001 for Quality Management, 14001 for Environmental
and 2 pipelines (6” and 8”) from PHE 12 to CPP2 and 1 pipeline (6”) from KE5 to PHE 24 including subsea spools, risers and
precommissioning and OHSAS
of the 18001
pipelines. for Health and
The transportation andSafety Management
installation at its
of these facilities first
were application.
completed by TIMAS ahead "We A
of schedule on 27 December 2016 against the Contract Milestone date of 31 December 2016.
One of the projects we recently completed is the EPCI 1 Project of PHE WMO for the engineering,
TIMAS is grateful
procurement, for the trust and
construction giveninstallation
by the PHE WMO (“The24
of PHE Client”)
and toPHE
the Consortium
12 Wellhead of PT. Timas Suplindo
platforms, CPP and PT.
2 Jacket
and Topside platform and 2 pipelines (6” and 8”) from PHE 12 to CPP2 and 1 pipeline (6”) from isKE5
Gunanusa Utama Fabricators (“The Consortium”). As a Consortium we achieved 57% local content in the project, which
a tremendous
to result fromsubsea
PHE 24 including a consortium of two
spools, local prominent
risers EPCI Contractors. of the pipelines. The transportation
and precommissioning
installation of these
because facilitiescooperation
of an excellent were completed
among PMTby TIMAS
TIMAS, ahead of
PMT Gunanusa, andschedule on 27
the Client itself, December
we managed
to achieve
2016 no Lostthe
against Time Incident (LTI)
Contract within 3.5
Milestone million
date of man-hours albeit working
31 December 2016. in adverse weather conditions (monsoon
season). Hence TIMAS once again proved itself as a Professional National Contractor who have successfully completed the
TIMAS is grateful
project ahead formeet
of schedule, thethe
trust given
quality by theHSE
with perfect PHE WMO (“The Client”) to the Consortium of PT.
Timas Suplindo and PT. Gunanusa Utama Fabricators (“The Consortium”). As a Consortium we
Sulianto 57%
Entonglocal content in the project, which is a tremendous result from a consortium of
local prominent
EPCI Contractors.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 24


Gde Pradnyana - SKKMIGAS, Indonesia Patra Jasa Building, 14th Floor, Jakarta 12950, Indonesia
Jafar Korloo - Chevron, 14141 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas 77478 U.S.A.

This paper describes the application and selection of various types of dry tree based floating
production facility concepts in the deepwater areas of Makassar Strait offshore Kalimantan,
Indonesia. The first deepwater floating system in the area is the West Seno TLP (Tension Leg
Platform) installed in 3,350 ft of water depth. West Seno TLP is based on a well head TLP concept
with a drilling tender assist vessel and a floating production barge. The paper will also discuss
some of the experiences with the West Seno TLP in the areas of comparison between design, model
test, and prototype performance. The comparison between the analytical results, experimental
results, and actual field measurements should provide some verification and improvements for
application of the future deepwater floating production facilities in this area.

Figure 1: West Seno Field

<< 25 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

I. Introduction
Developments of Indonesia’s deepwater
oil and gas prospects have unique challenges.
Indonesia began its first deepwater installation
and operation in early 2003 by development of
Unocal’s West Seno field based on a wellhead TLP
with a drilling tender assist vessel and a floating
production barge (Figure 1).
The relatively benign environmental
conditions in the area allow application of a wide
variety of floating system concepts as dry tree
units. Despite benign wind and wave conditions, Figure 1: The Makassar Strait
the area is subjected to strong persistent currents. The current conditions in the Makassar Strait
Combination of deepwater currents and large are of prime concern for their effect on the floating
number of risers introduces unique design facilities as well as on the sub-surface elements
challenges. such as risers. The importance of current has
resulted in long term collection of current data
The following main subjects are presented in this
at every potential installation site for at least one
• Review of environmental conditions
Typical data set taken over a one year period
• Overview of dry tree floating system concepts
consists of 20,000 current profiles. One of the
suitable for installation in the area
challenges facing the designer is the interpretation
• Pros and cons of the systems in relation to and reduction of the current data to a manageable
application in the Makassar Strait data set and the application for overall loading
• Comparative cost assessments by concept and fatigue calculation due to Vortex Induced
and by major components as percentages of Vibration (VIV).
the overall cost
• West Seno TLP design, performance, riser III. Overview of Dry Tree Concepts
Vortex Induced Vibration (VIV) measurements, A dry tree development has the wellheads in
comparison with the predicted results and air at deck level of the facility. The wells are drilled
impact on the fatigue life and serviced from the production platform either
by a stand-alone facility or by tender assisted
II. Environmental Condition
drilling. In a wet tree development the wellheads
From North and South, the Makassar Strait are at the seabed. They can be drilled directly from
protected by Philippine islands and Indonesian the production facility or from another specialist
islands respectively. The wind and waves are quite drilling facility.
benign ranging in the 0.5m to 1.5m wave heights
All concepts are in principle suitable for wet-
with wind speeds of 10 to 20 kts for the normal
tree operations. However, for dry trees the
operating conditions. The waves are generally
motions of the floating facility relative to the risers
short waves with peak periods in the ranges of 5 to
need to be restricted. Risers need to be tensioned
8 seconds (Figure 2).
through connections to the deck and/or by
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 26

buoyancy cans. Therefore, only concepts with low have been developed and used since the early
motions (particularly heave and roll) are suitable eighties in variety of shapes, configurations and
for dry tree operations. sizes.
The key requirement of a dry tree floating West Seno TLP is an example of application of a
system is the ability to accommodate the risers classic TLP with drilling tender assist.
and associated stroke arising primarily from
heave, transitional motions of the floater, and Advantages
tidal changes. There are two basics means of
• Heave restraint
tensioning and accommodating the risers:
• Deepwater Indonesia experience
1. The risers are decoupled from the floater in
• Risers could be locked off to the deck without
requiring tensioners
The risers are tensioned by means of buoyancy • May be based on nonproprietary design
cans. Spars are typical floating systems using
• Simple hull form
such a concept. The riser weight/tension is not
• Low cost hull fabrication
taken by the floater resulting in saving in the
overall payload. • Could be fabricated in several local yards
• Large number of suppliers resulting in a
2. The risers are coupled to the floater
competitive cost
The risers are coupled with the floating system.
Flexibility is introduced by means of tensioners Disadvantages
and/or riser elongation. The family of floating
• Weight sensitive
systems suitable for this application are spar,
• Costly tendon fabrication, installation, and
semi, TLP, and dry tree barges. The riser weight
limited fabricators
is taken by the platform.
• Restraints on sea bed well layout/spacing
The dry tree concepts suitable for application
• No experience to date in water depths deeper
in the Makassar Strait are TLP, Spar, Semi, dry
than 4,700ft
tree barges, and a number of other low heave
response type concepts. A brief description of • Seabed hydrate commonly associated with
main concepts, advantages, disadvantages, limits deepwater may impose risks in the design of
of applications and comparative cost assessment foundation
with respect to application in the Makassar Strait • Limitation of availability suitable deepwater
are presented herewith. installation vessels in the area

IV. TLP V. Semi-submersibles

A tension leg platform uses a buoyant hull Semi-submersibles have been in use since
securely fastened to the seafloor by means of the 1960’s as drilling units. Many have been used
tensioned tubular (tendons). The buoyancy of for extended well testing and early production
the hull applies the tension to the tendons. TLP’s, systems and some have been converted to full
by design, move in surge and sway with wind, production. A semi-submersible is a deck and
waves and currents but resist heave, roll and pitch topside facility supported on a series of columns
because of the fixed length of the tendons. They connected below water by pontoons. The
<< 27 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

pontoons provide sufficient buoyancy to maintain Brent SPAR in the 1970’s. This had storage and
the vessel at constant draft. There are many offloading facilities. The modern production SPARs
different combinations of columns and pontoons were developed in the late 1980’s early 1990’s.
but the most common have twin pontoons
A basic SPAR is a buoyant vertical column
and six or eight columns. Recent production
with a moon pool in the center through which
semis developed for deepwater are designed to
the production and export risers pass to the
minimize the heave motions. These have typically
production facilities on the deck. The column
four deep draft columns resulting in placing the
is moored to the seabed at its base. The SPAR’s
pontoons beyond a depth where the vertical
excellent motions are achieved by having a deep
component of the wave particle velocity is small
draft providing buoyancy near the top and ballast
or negligible. Due to low wave heights in the area
near the base to maintain stability.
and low heave motions of semi, this concept can
be adopted to accommodate dry tree risers. Most A variant of this concept is the Truss SPAR,
of the dry tree semi concepts developed to date which replaces the lower portion of the SPAR,
are based on tensioning each riser by means of above the keel ballast tank, with a truss. This
hydraulic tensioners. makes the SPAR lighter and cheaper to build. In
addition, a number of companies have developed
Advantages a number of varieties of the SPAR type structures
such as multi-column SPARs.
• Nonproprietary design
The risers can be tensioned by means of
• Simple hull form
bouncy cans or tensioners. Most dry tree spars to
• Could be fabricated in several local yards
date have their risers tensioned by bouncy cans.
• Large number of suppliers resulting in a BP’s Holstein installed in the Gulf of Mexico is the
competitive cost first spar having its risers tensioned by tensioners.
• Low cost fabrication
• Ease of station keeping Advantages
• Ease of transportation and installation • Low heave response platforms suitable for
• Low cost installation high wave conditions
• Good deepwater track record
• Weight sensitive
• No track record – the first prototype • Complex hull design
• May encounter some challenges during detail • Expensive fabrication
design • Expensive transportation & installation
• The design of riser system and their interface • Large riser count requires a large diameter hull
with the hull is at an early conceptual stage • High current loads due to its large diameter and
and needs further development deep draft (typical 150 ft diameter by 600ft draft)
• Vortex induced motions of the hull creates
additional challenges for design of risers and
The SPAR is a development of the buoy, first mooring system
used for offloading most notably by Shell for the
• Proprietary design
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 28

VII. Dry Tree Barge The comparative percent CAPEX breakdowns

by the major components of each of the dry tree
There are a variety of shallow draft production
floating systems are presented in Figures 4 and
systems with full facilities (production, drilling
5. It is pointed out that the comparisons are for
and storage) ranging from large single columns
Indonesia deepwater applications.
to ship shape barges. The primary features of
these concepts are their large size providing large The following conclusions could be made:
storage volumes, deck areas and loading to lower • Due to its geometry and deep draft spar hulls
motions. have very low heave motions and are extremely
The deck areas are large and can accommodate efficient in high wave conditions. Considering
a range of layouts with a high level of segregation. the low wave height characteristics of the
Because of the deck size, large moonpools are area and the high persistent surface and deep
possible and the concept can support a high riser currents, spar may not offer the best solution.
count. • The dry tree barge concepts have been in the
The risers can be supported by bouyancy cans Floating System Capabilities
or tensioned by hydraulic tensioners. 3000
Floating System
South EastCapabilities
South East Asia


Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (small)

Maximum Design Water Depth (meters)


Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (medium)


Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (small)

Maximum Design Water Depth (meters)

Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (medium)

Max Feasible Depth- composite


Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (large)


Max Feasible Depth- composite


Floating Production, Storage and Offloading System (FPSO) (large)



Deep Draft Floater (small)

• Simple hull form

Semi-submersible (small)



Semi-submersible (medium)
Deep Draft Floater (small)

Semi-submersible (small)
Deep Draft Floater (medium)




Semi-submersible (medium)
Deep Draft Floater (medium)


Semi-submersible (large)




Semi-submersible (large)
Deep Draft Floater (large)





• Low cost fabrication

Deep Draft Floater (large)














• Could be locally fabricated


Mini-TLP (medium)


Mini-TLP (large)

Mini-TLP (medium)
TLP (medium)

Mini-TLP (small)
TLP (large)

Mini-TLP (large)


TLP (medium)

Mini-TLP (small)
TLP (large)
TLP (small)

TLP (small)

• Insensitive to weight 500


• Ease of station keeping

• Ease of transportation and installation
0 0
No Storage
No Storage
Tree Storage
Storage WetTree
Wet Tree
Maximum depthinstalled

• Low cost installation Figure 3:Figure

Floating Systems Applications for SE Asia
3: Floating Systems Applications for SE Asia

Disadvantages Categories Spar TLP DT Semi DT Barge

Hull, deck and outfitting
• No track record – the first prototype Mooring

• May encounter some challenges during detail Transportation

design Risers and Tensioning system

• The design of riser system and their interface Highest Low

with the hull is at a conceptual stage and
High Lowest
needs further development
Figure 4: Comparative Cost Breakdown for Deepwater
Figure 4: Comparative Cost Breakdown for Deepwater Makassar Strait Application

VIII. Comparison and Comparative Makassar Strait Application

Cost Assessment

The application of dry tree floaters and wet development for more than a decade. The
tree floaters by size and water depth are depicted dry barge concept having risers tensioned
in Figure 3. by means of buoyancy cans is quite mature
and has been proposed for several West
<< 29 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

installation issues, and the procurement issue
90 when selecting a floating system concept.


60 Eng & PM IX. West Seno TLP


Tens Pkg
Moor & Trans/Inst West Seno TLP with 28 dry tree risers is
producing to a floating production unit (FPU)
moored approximately 200 meters from the TLP.
This is the first wellhead TLP with a drilling tender
assist installed in deepwater having large number
Spars TLPs Semis DT of top tensioned risers.

The West Seno TLP is a conventional TLP

Figure 5: Comparative Cost Breakdown as percentage of
the total CAPEX with four columns and four pontoons which is
moored by 8 tendons. Total displacement at
Africa deepwater projects. However, the riser mean design draft is about 23,000 mt. It supports
tensioning system is quite complex and may 28 production risers and a tender drilling rig with
require further specific site investigations. minimal production facility. The production fluids
are transferred to the FPU by flexible flowlines
• Considering the low wave height nature of
(Figures 1 and 6).
the area, the semi concept offers no major
advantage over the dry tree barge concept and The TLP went into operation early 2003 with the
it suffers from the same riser system issues as drilling campaign. The drilling tender vessel was
the barge. The maturity of the dry tree semi moored to the TLP for approximately two years
concept is not at the same level as the dry tree without any unplanned disconnections. During
barge. the drilling operations several severe storms have
passed through the site. The overall system has
• TLP concept could be based on nonproprietary
been performing in accordance with expectations.
hull forms. The West Seno TLP brings extremely
From time to time some field adjustments have
valuable experience to the application of
been made to the pretensions to accommodate
TLP concept based on a drilling tender assist
ease of operations.
scenario in the SE Asia.
• Due to lack of availability of deepwater
installation vessels and complexity of
installation, TLP and Spar concepts have the
highest installation costs.
• The riser tensioning system cost is lowest for
the TLP due to the fact that the risers could
be locked off to the TLP without utilization of
• SPARs have the highest hull cost.
• Dry tree barges have the lowest hull cost.
• Careful consideration should be given to the
maturity of the concept, transportation and Figure 6: Close up of West Seno TLP, Risers, DTV, and FPU
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 30

West Seno TLP is unique in terms of having • TLP surge and sway motions
more steel area due to its large number of risers • Accelerations at several locations on the TLP
from the surface to seabed than the hull itself.
Considering the strong persistent surface and • Tensions in the mooring hawsers between TLP
submerged currents, the design of the TLP and and drilling tender vessel
in particular the risers were quite challenging. • Drilling tender vessel moorings
Extensive amount of analytical work and model
The performance of TLP, tendon and riser
tests were carried out during FEED and detail
tensions, and behavior of the coupled drilling
engineering. Substantial effort was concentrated
tender semi and TLP have all been in accordance
around VIV and design of the risers and tendons.
to the expectations.
The risers are an integral part of the TLP
Despite extensive site specific current
restoring stiffness. The 28 risers were incrementally
measurement program, there always exists some
installed; addition of each riser resulted in an
level of uncertainty surrounding metocean data.
increase in the transitional stiffness as well as an
During the first two years of operations, surface
increase in the overall current load. In extreme
current speed exceeding the design 100 year
current events, the benefit of increase in stiffness
return current speed was observed.
is undermined by higher current load.
Considering the importance of the riser
Consideration of current loads is of the prime
design, issues and uncertainties surrounding
importance when selecting a hull form or type. For
understanding of VIV and designing for it, it was
example, under extreme conditions, 75% of the
decided to carryout an extensive riser response
total environmental load on the West Seno TLP is
measurement followed by VIV analyses and
from the current.
comparison of analytical results with the actual
During the FEED, a series of detailed model measured data.
tests (Figure 7) were carried out with the following
Three months of riser VIV motions
measurements at 12 locations along a riser and
• Verify the design simultaneous current profile measurements
• Capture any phenomenon that might have not were carried out. The VIV measurement program
been realized during analytical work consisted of the following:
• Study and validate the drilling tender assist • Installation of a mooring buoy with two ADCPs
concept for measurement of current through the water
• Provide a comprehensive data base to calibrate column
and verify analytical tools and procedures to • A single data logger (accelerometer) on the TLP
be used during detail design • Ten data loggers attached to the a riser string
To monitor the performance of the TLP and distributed below the TLP keel near surface
the coupled drilling tender vessel/TLP the West • Two data loggers attached to the a riser string
Seno TLP has been instrumented. The following in the lower section of the riser near seabed
measurements are made:
Twelve data loggers recorded accelerations over
• Tendon tensions (total of 8) 30 minute periods every 2 hours. The position of data
• Riser tensions (28 risers) loggers along the riser, close up of the data logger,
and underwater picture of the logger clamped to
<< 31 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

the riser are shown in Figures 8, 10 and 9.

The objectives were as follows: Prototype Clamp
• Obtain simultaneous current profile data, riser
response, and platform response •Shown being tested on a
13-3/8-inch pipe sample in the
workshop of Falmouth Scientific,
• Determine VIV response of riser from measured Inc.
•The upper band covers about
accelerations 180 degrees of the right-hand
side of the pipe
•The lower band covers about
• Compare measured VIV response with SHEAR7 180 degrees of the left-hand
side of the pipe
predicted response

Figure 9: Data Logger Assembly

Accelerometer / Datalogger
clamped on West Seno riser

Figure 8: Positions of data loggers

• Calibrate the analytical tool (SHEAR7) using Figure 10: Underwater view of clamped data logger
the measured data
currents and VIV.
• Assess the fatigue design life using the
The findings are summarized as follows:
calibrated software
• Analytical results over predict the fatigue
damage by as much as a factor of 10.
X. Key Findings • The over prediction of fatigue damage is due to
The measurement program and corresponding over prediction of response amplitudes. This
analysis indicate that there is not a correlation may be reduced with increased hydrodynamic
between high current and VIV. This indicates that damping, structural damping or reduced lift.
the strakes are highly effective in suppressing Further work is required to calibrate these
almost all the VIV. analysis inputs.
Figure 11 presents plots of current speeds and • Current speeds of exceeding the 100 year
the maximum RMS of accelerations measured return were observed during the measurement
along the riser. From this graph it could be noted campaign.
that the highest accelerations occur at low current • Measured response was found to be multi-
speeds and there is no relationship between high mode.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 32

Unocal - West Seno TTR Monitoring Although the VIV back analysis shows that the

1.6 0.300
widely used VIV analyses tolls could over predict
the fatigue damage, it is not recommended to
adopt lower safety factors at this point in time.

RMS Acceleration (m/s2)

Current Speed (m/s)

To adopt lower safety factors, further long term
0.8 0.150

measurement and analyses are required.

The transportation and installation costs
could be substantial and should be considered in
0 0.000

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 selection of a floating system.

Event Number

Max Current (m/s) Max RMS Acceleration

The stand alone TLP and coupled TLP and
Figure 11: Maximum current vs. Maximum RMS drilling tender assist global performance have
been according to the expectations.
• Maximum motion amplitudes range were less The drilling tender assist concept has been
than 0.45 A/D. successful. The West Seno drilling tender assist
• The high current events did not demonstrate semi has been in operation since February 2003
any VIV. The high currents occur in the straked without disconnection. During this period several
region of the riser, close to the vessel keel. severe storms have passed through the site. The
This indicates that the strakes are effective at overall system has been performing in accordance
suppressing VIV. with expectations. From time to time some field
adjustments have been made to the pretensions
• Due to effectiveness of the strakes, fatigue
of tendons, risers, and the mooring hawsers
damage accumulation due to VIV were found
between TLP and the drilling tender vessel.
to be negligible during the monitoring period.

XI. Conclusions XII. Acknowledgements

The benign wind and wave conditions in the
area allows utilization of a wide range of floaters The authors wish to express their appreciation to
as dry tree units which are normally used for the management of Government of Indonesia’s
subsea developments. These includes barge type SKKMIGAS, Chevron, and the effort and data
hulls and semis. provided by various contractors.
The key deriver is the riser system and their
integration and interface with the hull. Most of
the fields in the area require a large number of
top tensioned risers requiring a complex riser
management system as well as the payload on the
The current is particularly challenging as there
could be high degree of variability in the design
current data compared to the actual, adding to
the uncertainties in VIV analysis and designing for
<< 33 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017


Dr. Gde Pradnyana is currently the Senior Advisor of SKKMIGAS, which is the
government body in managing the operation of oil and gas Production Sharing
Contractors operating in Indonesia. He received his first degree in the field of Civil
Engineering from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB, 1984) and subsequently
MSc in Offshore Engineering (University College London, 1988), and PhD Offshore
Engineering (University of Oxford, 1992).

Dr. Gde Pradnyana has been working in oil and gas industry since 1984. He
started his career as an offshore platforms structural engineer in a local consulting
firm in Jakarta, where he was involved in designing and constructing many offshore
platforms that are currently still operating in Natuna Sea, Java Sea, Makassar Strait, etc prior to his further
study. His work in deep water floating platforms may easily be found in google using keyword non-linear
dynamics of tautly moored offshore platforms, West Seno – Gde Pradnyana.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 34

Ir. Suharto, M.T., IPM., ACPE - PT. Duraquipt Cemerlang, Indonesia

Pompa merupakan salah satu mesin yang paling banyak digunakan pada industri
Minyak dan Gas Bumi (MIGAS). Jenis pompa yang paling banyak digunakan adalah pompa
sentrifugal. Pompa sentrifugal terdiri dari banyak sekali jenisnya, namun secara garis besar
dapat dibagi menjadi 3 jenis yaitu overhung (OH), between bearings (BB) dan vertically
suspended (VS). Selain mempunyai banyak jenisnya, pompa sentrifugal didesain sesuai
dengan standar pompa yang diinginkan. Ada beberapa standar pompa sentrifugal yang
dapat kita temui di industri pompa, antara lain: API 610, API 685, ANSI/ASME B73.1, ASME
B73.2, ASME B73.3, B73.5, ISO 2858 dan ISO 5199. Selain itu beberapa negara mempunyai
standar pompa sendiri, misalnya Jerman dengan DIN 24255, Perancis dengan NF E 44121,
Inggris dengan BS 5257, dan lain lain. Perlu diketahui ada juga pabrik pompa yang membuat
pompanya tanpa mengikuti standar apapun, alias mengikuti desain yang dibuat oleh pabrik
pompa itu sendiri. Mudah-mudahan suatu saat nanti Indonesia dapat mempunyai standar
pompa dengan standar SNI-nya.

Diantara standar-standar tersebut di atas, standar API 610 adalah standar yang paling
populer dan banyak digunakan pada industri MIGAS. Saking populernya, dalam aplikasi
sehari-hari sering ditemui hampir setiap pengadaan pompa untuk fasilitas produksi di
industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi, dimana pengguna cenderung berusaha membeli pompa
yang dibuat dengan standar API 610, tanpa memperhatikan apakah aplikasi dari pompa
yang akan dibeli itu memang memerlukan standar desain yang comply dengan API 610.

Untuk aplikasi yang tidak memerlukan desain tekanan yang tinggi dan suhu yang tinggi,
ada alternatif standar pompa yang sangat cocok untuk aplikasi tersebut, yaitu standar
ANSI/ASME B73.1. Begitu juga halnya dengan aplikasi untuk fluida non-hidrokarbon, dapat
menggunakan pompa jenis ini. Pompa ANSI/ASME ini bahkan dapat sama bagusnya atau
malah lebih handal dibanding dengan pompa API 610 untuk aplikasi tertentu seperti aplikasi
yang korosif, tekanan yang rendah dan untuk cairan yang mengandung padatan (solid)/
erosif, tetapi dengan harga yang lebih murah.
<< 35 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

I. Perbedaan antara Pompa POMPA API 610 I.2 Standar API 610
dan ANSI/ASME B73.1 Standar ini menentukan persyaratan untuk
I.1 Standar ANSI/ASME B73.1 pompa sentrifugal yang digunakan pada industri
Standar ini meliputi desain pompa sentrifugal petrokimia dan industri minyak & gas. Standar
horisontal, end suction, single stage, centerline ini berlaku untuk pompa overhung (OH), pompa
discharge. Selain mengatur dimensi pompa & between bearings (BB) dan pompa vertically
baseplate-nya, standar ANSI/ASME mengatur suspended (VS).
sangat detail tentang desain pompa dan fitur
1. Berbeda dengan pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1
konstruksinya antara lain: batasan suhu &
yang mempunyai desain foot mounted casing,
tekanan (pressure & temperature limits), flange
pompa API 610 mempunyai desain centerline
rating-nya, desain casing-nya, desain impeler-nya,
mounting casing. Perbedaan yang mencolok
desain porosnya, desain shaft sealing-nya, desain
lainnya adalah: pompa ANSI/ASME mempunyai
bearing-nya, konstruksi materialnya (material
kaki pada bearing housing sedangkan pompa
of construction), batasan korosi yang diizinkan
API 610 edisi 10 dan 11 tidak mempunyai kaki,
(corrosion allowance)-nya, arah putaran porosnya
pompa API mempunyai standar flange rating
(harus searah dengan jarum jam bila dilihat dari
ANSI 300# RF, sedangkan pompa ANSI/ASME
ujung kopling), dan lain lain, termasuk juga
mempunyai standar flange rating ANSI 150#
mengenai uji pengetesan pompa dan dokumentasi
FF. Oleh karena itu pompa API 610 lebih cocok
sertifikasi pompa. Gambar 1 di bagian kiri dan
digunakan untuk aplikasi yang mempunyai
Gambar 2 menunjukkan gambar pompa ANSI/
tekanan dan suhu yang tinggi seperti yang
ASME B73.1.
terdapat pada industri minyak & gas serta
Pompa ANSI/ASME ini didesain untuk proses industri petrokimia.
kimia. Namun demikian dapat juga digunakan
Tabel dan gambar berikut dapat menunjukkan
pada industri minyak dan gas untuk aplikasi yang
perbedaan antara desain dan aplikasi pompa API
tidak membutuhkan suhu dan tekanan yang
610 dan ANSI/ASME B73.1 secara lebih rinci.
tinggi. Pompa ANSI/ASME sering juga digunakan
untuk memompa air.

Flanges:150# FF
Pompa ANSI/ Pompa API 610
ASME B73.1 OH2
Flanges:300# RF

Tidak ada kaki

bearing housing-
Centerline mounting
Bearing housing Foot mounted nya
foot casing
Gambar 1. Perbedaan Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 vs API 610
Gambar 1. Perbedaan Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 vs API 610

Untuk aplikasi yang korosif, pompa ANSI/ASME akan lebih cocok karena tersedia banyak
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 36


Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural
Service Chemical / Utilities Process
Overhung (OH), Between Bearings (BB),
Pump types Overhung
Vertically Suspended (VS)
Casing support Centerline of casing Foot under the casing
Flanges ANSI 300 #, usually Raise-Faced ANSI 150 # Flat-Faced
Wear rings Casing and impeller Not required
Fully enclosed, semi open or open.
Open, semi open or closed
Akan tetapi, fully enclosed (closed)
Impeller types Akan tetapi, open atau semi open impeller
impeller adalah jenis impeler yang
adalah jenis impeler yang paling banyak
paling banyak digunakan pada pompa
digunakan pada pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1
API 610
Impeller Balancing ISO 1940-1 Grade 2.5 ISO 1940-1 Grade 6.3
Impeller mounting Keyed Threaded
Standard dimension Seal chambers, baseplates Pumps, baseplates
Hydrostatic test Min 30 minutes Min 10 minutes
Baseplate Heavy duty Simple design
May be provided in accordance with API
Mechanical seal Shall be in accordance with API 682
Ball thrust bearing Duplex angular contact bearing Not specified
- 17,500 hours in the
- 25,000 hours at rated
Bearing life allowable operating
- 16,000 hours at max
load at rated speed
Bearing housing support Not allowed Yes

Tabel 1. Perbedaan antara pompa API 610 dan ANSI/ASME B73.1

2. Untuk aplikasi yang korosif, pompa ANSI/ Apendix A, API mengizinkan penggunaan pompa
ASME akan lebih cocok karena tersedia banyak yang bukan pompa API (non conforming pumps)
pilihan bahan yang tahan korosi seperti duplex untuk kondisi tertentu. Demikian juga dengan API
SS, alloy 20, nickel, monel, hastelloy C, hastelloy 610 edisi 8, 9 dan 10. Bahkan sampai pada edisi
B, titanium dan zirconium. Aplikasi yang korosif 11, API 610 masih tetap mengizinkan pemakaian
ini sering kita jumpai pada industri kimia, pulp pompa yang bukan pompa API untuk kondisi yang
& paper, dan lain-lain. Sedangkan pada pompa hampir sama dengan yang terdapat pada Apendix
API yang banyak digunakan, material yang A pada API 610 edisi 7. API 610 edisi 11 menyatakan
tahan terhadap korosi hanya duplex SS & super bahwa pompa API 610 lebih hemat (cost effective)
duplex SS. untuk memompa cairan pada kondisi yang
melebihi salah satu dari berikut ini.
API 610 sendiri telah memberikan ruang
untuk pemakaian pompa yang bukan pompa API
pada industri Minyak & Gas. Pada API 610 edisi 7,
<< 37 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

1. Discharge pressure : 1900 kPa (275 psig;

Criteria API 610 ANSI/ASME B73.1
19.0 barg)
2. Suction pressure : 500 kPa (75 psig; Shaft Runout 0.001 in 0.001 in
5.0 barg)
3. Pumping temperature : 150 oC (300 oF) Seal Chamber
0.005 in 0.005 in
4. Rotative speed : 3600 rpm Concentricity
5. Rated total head : 120 m (400 ft)
Max Shaft
6. Impeller diameter,
Deflection at Seal 0.002” 0.002”
overhung pump : 330 mm (13 in)

Jadi apabila kondisi cairan yang akan dipompa

c. Material Selection
tidak melebihi 6 (enam) kondisi tersebut di atas,
maka sebaiknya menggunakan pompa ANSI/ Pilihan material pompa untuk pompa ANSI/
ASME. Selain karena pompa ANSI/ASME mampu ASME B73.1 jauh lebih banyak dibandingkan
dan cocok untuk kondisi tersebut di atas, harganya dengan pompa API 610, terutama untuk
pun jauh lebih murah. Harga bare pump pompa yang exotic material seperti Inkonel, Monel,
API 610 bisa mencapai 4 (empat) kali lebih mahal Nikel, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Titanium, dan
daripada pompa ANSI/ASME. Apalagi pada saat Zirkonium. Pompa API 610 tidak mempunyai
kondisi harga minyak yang redah seperti sekarang material-material exotic tersebut.
ini, maka akan sangat bijak untuk meninjau ulang
d. Bearing system life
lagi kebutuhan pompanya, apakah pompa ANSI/
ASME dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi-aplikasi Pompa API 610 edisi 11 mensyaratkan
yang dimaksud. Selain harga bare pump pompa bearing system life sekurang-kurangnya 25.000
API 610 jauh lebih mahal, harga spare parts-nya jam pada rated condition, dan sekurang-
pun jauh lebih mahal dan delivery time-nya juga kurangnya 16.000 jam pada beban maksimum.
lebih lama. Jarang sekali pabrik pompa API 610 API 610 hanya mensyaratkan bearing system
yang mempunyai stok spare part di gudangnya. life 3 tahun (25.000 jam), tetapi bukan garansi.
Sedangkan di Indonesia sudah ada vendor
II. Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 bisa sama atau yang dapat memberikan garansi selama 3
lebih bagus daripada pompa API 610 tahun (25.000 jam), tidak hanya untuk part
bearings-nya, tetapi termasuk juga bearing
Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 mempunyai isolators, shaft dan bearing housing.
spesifikasi yang sama atau bahkan lebih bagus
daripada pompa API 610 untuk hal-hal berikut ini: III. LOCAL MANUFACTURER

a. Corrosion allowance Di Indonesia sudah ada perusahaan nasional

yang telah memproduksi pompa ANSI/ASME
Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 mempunyai
dengan merk lokal dan telah banyak digunakan
Corrosion allowance yang sama dengan pompa
oleh banyak oleh perusahaan-perusahaan hulu
API 610, yaitu minimum 0,12 inch (3,0 mm)
migas di Indonesia serta juga digunakan pada
b. Shaft Stiffness industri kimia, pulp & paper, pupuk dan lain-lain
Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 mempunyai Shaft dengan kandungan TKDN sudah mencapai di atas
Stiffness yang sama dengan pompa API 610 40%. Gambar berikut adalah contoh pompa ANSI/
seperti terlihat pada tabel berikut ini. ASME yang siap dikirim ke pembelinya.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 38

Gambar 2. Pompa ANSI/ASME B73.1 Gambar 3. Pompa API 610 BB5 sedang di-performance
test dengan motor 1600hp
Hampir semua jenis pengujian termasuk
IV. Referensi
hydrostatic test, performance test, NPSH test dan
mechanical run test dapat dilakukan di pabrik di 1. ANSI/API Standard 610, Centrifugal Pumps
Indonesia. Demikian juga persediaan spare parts- for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas
nya terjamin di dalam negeri dan delivery time-nya Industries, 11th Edition, Washington, D.C, 2010.
lebih cepat dibanding pompa yang diproduksi di 2. ASME B73.1-2012, Specification for Horizontal
luar negeri. End Suction Centrifugal Pumps for Chemical
Bisa dilihat juga pada gambar berikut untuk Process, New York, 2013.
pompa API 610 BB5, API 610 VS1, Fire Pumps dan 3. Suharto, POMPA SENTRIFUGAL Panduan
API 674 yang semuanya telah diproduksi di dalam Lengkap: Standarisasi, Teori, Pemilihan,
negeri. Pembelian, Pengoperasian, Maintenance dan
Jakarta, Ray Press, 2016

Gambar 4. Pompa API 610 VS1 sedang di-performance test dengan motor 750kW
<< 39 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Biografi Penulis
Ir. Suharto, M.T.,
IPM., ACPE. lahir
tahun 1965 dan
lulus dari program
Sarjana Teknik Mesin
Yogyakarta. Beliau
Gambar 5. Pompa Fire Pumps sedang
telah berpengalaman di industri pompa
diuji performance test & string test selama lebih dari 24 tahun. Sejak 2001 beliau
menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Duraquipt
Cemerlang, pabrik pompa nasional yang
telah memproduksi ANSI/ASME B73.1 dan
API 610.
Pada tahun 2005, beliau juga telah
menyelesaikan program S-2 di ISTN
Jakarta jurusan Teknik Industri, lulus
dengan predikat cum laude dan mendapat
penghargaan sebagai lulusan terbaik
dengan IPK 3.95.
Saat ini beliau aktif sebagai pengurus
Gambar 6. Pompa API 674 di lapangan pusat Badan Kejuruan Mesin - PII masa bakti
2014-2017. Juga memperoleh gelar IPM dari
PII dan Sertifikat Keahlian Ahli Manajemen
Proyek - Madya dari LPJK tahun 2015. Tahun
2016 beliau juga telah memperoleh gelar
profesi dari ACPE serta menyelesaikan
penulisan buku tentang Pompa Sentrifugal
tahun 2016.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 40

Conceptual Study
for Emphasized on
Acid Gas Injection
Rendra B. Haristyawan, M. Basuki Rakhmat, Mira Yuliatri, I. Totok Sugiarto, Slamet Susilo, Adi F. M.
Ringoringo; Pertamina; and Tri P. Adhi, Institut Teknologi Bandung
This paper was presented at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 7–10
November 2016.

Despite of its popularity as cleaner fuel natural gas exist in the ground occasionally
contaminated with high contents of acid gases. Venting the acid gases from the resource is
somehow unviable in the near future while many countries all over the world has pledged
to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. This study presents a conceptual approach for
processing natural gas to address the acid gas injection option as the environmentally friendly
manner to deal with in the development of highly contaminated natural gas, regardless the
importance of the acid gas injection, storage, and field economics. Preliminary selection
and comparison of gas processing technologies has been evaluated considering the proven
technologies as well as the emerging cryogenic technologies. As the results a potential cost
saving which may benefit to the field economics and higher process performance can be
achieved by the emerging cryogenic technologies compared to current proven technologies as
base case. The challenges is how making the technology feasible at commercial scale.

Despite of its category as cleaner fuel, natural

I. Introduction gas exist underground contains impurities
Natural gas has become an important source including carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
of energy. It has clear advantages, as cleaner- referenced as sour gas. Sour gas reserve
burning fuel, as well as its versatility, efficiency contributes quite significant to the total world
and availability, when compared to crude oil or reserve which some of them contains acid gases
coal derived fuel. Its anticipated demand will in significant amount, where are mostly located
increase significantly in the next few decades. in South East Asia, Middle East, Northern America
The demand growth is basically supported by and Northern Africa(Burgers, Northrop et al.
abundant resource of natural gas in the ground, 2011). Indonesia has large reserve of these type
either conventional or unconventional resources. of gas fields contaminated with carbon dioxide,
<< 41 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

including the largest one in the East Natuna Block specific processes to refine gas quality. A typical
(formerly Natuna D-Alpha) in offshore South China gas composition described in Table 1 is used as
Sea. basis of study. Acid gas is the main contaminants
considered. Their presence degrades the heat
Once the natural gas leaves production wells
content of natural gas, impact to the corrosion
impurities must be removed to meet either
issues and may cause hazardous condition to the
technical specification (i.e. pipeline transportation
people and environment.
requirement) or gas market quality. To do so, gas
processing technology is required to sweeten Acid gas removal also commonly known as gas
the impurities to the level required. Historically, sweetening is separation of carbon dioxide and
development of highly sour gas fields are hydrogen sulfide from natural gas. In the world
economically unfavorable. However, a higher of natural gas processing, acid gas removal may
demand of natural gas and novel technology be divided into four categories: (1) CO2 removal
development have led reevaluation of highly sour without H2S present in natural gas; (2) H2S
gas field development to unlock its potential. removal without CO2 present in natural gas; (3)
simultaneous removal of both CO2 and H2S; and
A proper acid gas disposal creates additional
(4) selective removal of H2S in gas containing both
challenge to the development of sour gas field.
CO2 and H2S. However, the complexity may varies
Direct release acid gas into the air is not desirable
with other contaminants that may contained.
which contributes to climate change. An important
Removal process configuration choices depend
milestone on climate change was achieved on
upon treated gas specification. Several removal
COP21 held in Paris, December 2015. Hundreds
process technologies has been developed, either
of countries have pledged to reduce greenhouse
using absorption, adsorption, permeation,
gas emission formally signed as Paris Agreement.
direct conversion, or fractionation techniques.
Thus, traditional approach in venting/burning sour
Absorption process can be tailored to remove acid
gas is less likely happened in the future, especially
gas for either bulk removal applications or removal
for highly sour gas. Acid gas geo-sequestration is
to reach acceptable ppm levels of acid gas. It
considered environmentally friendly alternative.
depends on what type of solvent is used and the
A better way if it can be converted into valuable
operating condition. Zeolites are able to remove
products or used for enhanced oil recovery.
acid gases as well as water from natural gas by
In this study, a conceptual gas processing physical adsorption. With the same principle, H2S
alternatives are evaluated using typical sour gas can be removed using a molecular sieve. Physical
composition in Indonesia. The intention of the gas adsorption may only be capable of handling low
processing is to consider reinjection of acid gas inlet acid gas concentration due to economic
into the ground comply with current regulation consideration. Direct conversion process is
trends. The study considers technology options to particularly used for H2S removal purpose.
utilize the proven sour gas processing as base case Membrane permeation has been developed for
as well as the current emerging technologies. constrained bulk removal of acid gas. Distillation
process also capable to fractionate the acid gas
and methane as they have distinctive boiling
II. Sour Gas Processing Overview point.
Sour gas processing design contingent
upon feed gas composition and sales gas Acid gas disposal increase the processing
specification. Contaminants rejection requires complexity. Traditionally, near pure separated
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 42

CO2 is allowed to be vented to atmosphere. This and 4 ppm, respectively, and it is used as output
may be avoided for the current time forward due specification of this study. The acid gas, rather
to greenhouse gas concerns. The CO2 stream can than processed in conventional way which adds
be injected into reservoir to create additional quite significant complexity to the processing
oil recovery in the enhanced oil recovery (EOR) plant, is re-injected to the ground.
scheme or safely sequestered underground for
High level sour gas technology screening
the better option if H2S is present in the feed gas,
is available based on any references
sulfur recovery unit (SRU) and tail gas recovery
elsewhere(Maddox and Campbell 2008, Bergel
unit (TGU) are needed for its removal. The SRU
and Tiarno 2009). According to the acid gas
and TGU process the waste gas following the acid
content the technology screening leads to solvent
gas removal unit, to prevent sulfur emission to the
technologies or membrane process. Further
atmosphere. The SRU convert H2S into products
screening is based on our experience in actual
i.e. elemental sulfur or valuable sulfur compound.
field with similar gas characteristics as above
Problem arises when sulfur product is difficult
where a hybrid solvent is used. The hybrid solvent
to market. Reinjection to the ground has been
contains physical solvent and amine solvent with
implemented in several fields as an option.
exact recipe to handle the sour gas, including the
mercaptans. As mentioned earlier, membrane
Inlet Gas
process is capable for bulk removal of acid gas.
Flowrate (MMSCFD) 190
In addition, the presence of H2S and mercaptans
Composition (%mol)
cause the membrane processes cannot be
CO2 40 used standalone. Combined membrane as bulk
H2S 1
removal and solvent technology to refine gas
further may create process optimization. Recent
C1 56 development in sour gas processing technology
C2 1.9 is also considered in the study. A process
development based on cryogenic separation is
C3 0.6 selected with understanding of optimization in the
C4+ 0.15 acid gas injection section where liquid acid gas is
produced in liquid form, easily to be pumped than
Mercaptans 0.03
compressed. Further detail about the technology
N2 0.32 can be found elsewhere(Hart and Gnanendran
2009, Valencia, Denton et al. 2014).
Table 1—Inlet gas composition
Following high level screening above, more
detail analysis is used. Process simulation
III. Selected Processing Options approach had been done using commercial
An evaluation had been made in this study software package to evaluate the process
to screen the reliable technologies for sour gas performance presented in the subsequent
processing addressed to the gas composition section. We proceed further three options of sour
mentioned in Table 1. Typical processed sales gas gas processing, all of it is considered to reinjection
composition consists CO2 and H2S less than 5% of acid gas into the ground as follows:
<< 43 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Option 1: Hybrid solvent technology as a base case fresh solvent from the top. Acid gas is physically
and chemically bonded into the solvent stream,
Option 2: Combined membrane and hybrid solvent
making the gas phase become leaner in the upper
Option 3: Emerging cryogenic separations sections. The acid-rich solvent leaves from the
bottom of absorption tower, be flashed in the
flash drum, heated and routed to the regeneration
IV. Process Simulation & Performance tower. In the regeneration tower, acid gas is
Comparison released by heating and contacting the solvent
Figure 1 describes block diagram of processing
with vapor generated in the reboiler. A fresh
sour gas using hybrid solvent technology. Prior
solvent produced at the bottom of regeneration
entering the hybrid solvent process, feed gas is
tower then is recirculated back to the absorption
cooled to 50 oF by propane refrigeration in the gas-
tower. Solvent make up is periodically needed to
gas exchangers to control its hydrocarbon and
overcome any losses. The gas leaving from the
water dew point. A glycol injection, commonly
top of the absorption tower meets with required
uses mono-ethylene glycol (MEG), is required to
acid gas content/specification. Lean gas is further
prevent any damage due to hydrate formation.
dehydrated using typical glycol gas dehydration
Thus, it requires MEG separation and recovery
system. The acid gas leaving acid gas removal
downstream of the dew point control unit to
system is compressed to the level required for
supply fresh MEG. The process helps reducing the
injection points. A series of compressors are
amount of heavier hydrocarbon that may cause
required to increase the acid gas pressure from
operational problem in the solvent absorption and
near atmospheric pressure up to 2000 psig,
regeneration system such as foaming problem.
assumed in this study.
Foaming may occurs in the solvent absorption
and regeneration process, impacts significantly The combined membrane-hybrid solvent
to the process performance and stability. The uses similar configuration of above. Membrane
hybrid solvent process, as similar to any other package is inserted between dew point control
solvent process, consist of absorption section and and hybrid-solvent package as shown in Figure 2.
regeneration section. In the absorption section, The membrane module, reduce the CO2 content
inlet gas from bottom of the tower contacts with to around 18%, thus reduces required amount of
solvent needed to further refine the gas quality.

Figure 1— Simplified block diagram of hybrid solvent process

jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 44

The membrane comprises quite significant the cold lean gas stream and cold propane
losses of hydrocarbon. For that reason, this study stream. The cooling process knocks down heavy
considers two stage membrane system. Permeate hydrocarbon, which may encounter solidification
produced from the first stage is compressed via problems in the distillation column. The separated
recycled compressor and sent to the second stage liquid hydrocarbon is sent to the condensate
membrane. The residue gas from the second recovery, stabilized. The inlet gas stream is cooled
stage is recycled upstream, improving the overall further around -62 oF utilize ethylene refrigeration
hydrocarbon recovery of the system. Permeate/ stream and routed to the cryogenic fractionation.
acid gas leaving second stage membrane The cold inlet gas enter the top of stripper. The
combined with acid gas produced in solvent reboiler gas strips the methane component and
package pass through compressor package to the results liquid acid gas in the bottom of stripper.
injection well. The vapor leaving of the stripper flows into the
Figure 3 depicts the configuration of cryogenic proprietary developed device/chamber. Unlike
acid gas separation. Inlet gas is dehydrated to any conventional fractionation, the emerging
prevent any icing problem in the system. Typical technologies employ the solidification of CO2.
molecular sieve is used in the scheme. The dry gas Thus, great separation can be achieved in the
is then cooled down sequentially by integrating solidification chamber(Valencia, Denton et al.

Figure 2—Simplified block diagram of combined membrane-hybrid solvent process

Figure 3—Simplified block diagram of cryogenic separation process

<< 45 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

2014). In this stage, carbon dioxide can be reduced greater hydrocarbon losses. In option 3, it is true
significantly. Further refinement may be required that some amount of hydrocarbons exist in the
especially when H2S is present in the stream. In injection stream, particularly C2+ components
the downstream of the solidification separation, (NGL). In the cryogenic fractionation, separating
the gas is further refined in a rectifier. The rectifier CO2 from CH4 will remove the NGL components
utilizes cold reflux stream generated by ethylene as well. The additional NGL recovery upstream
refrigeration cooling, produces the lean gas of cryogenic fraction may reduce the losses but
predominantly methane. A cascade propane- implies extra capital cost. Option 1 and 2 show
ethylene is provided for overall process cooling in better hydrocarbon losses to the injection stream
this cryogenic separation. than option 3.
In-house created process simulation defines Some parameters used in the process
more detail evaluation of the three options using simulations are given in Table 3. The MEG and
configurations above. Standard Peng Robinson TEG dehydration unit are used in option 1 and 2.
equation of state (EOS) and specific EOS (acid A higher level dehydration is needed for option 3
gas) are used in the simulation package. Capital using molecular sieve. The solvent flow rate and
cost is also evaluated using integration features concentration specifications are selected in order
of simulation package and capital cost software. to meet required amount of acid gas pick up. The
We set the comparison envelope limited to sour refrigeration flow rates are adjusted depended
gas processing and acid gas injection, as shown in upon the necessary cooling duties. Option 1 and
each block diagrams. 2 provide propane refrigeration for cooling the gas
in the dew point control unit. Meanwhile, option
Table 2 summarizes the material balance of
3 utilizes cascade propane-ethylene refrigeration
the options resulted in the process simulations.
for inlet and fractionation cooling. Table 3 also
The three options seem likely to produce treated
provides utilities requirement for each options.
gas less than 1% CO2 and 4ppm H2S. Option 3
The utility duty defines the amount of fuel gas to
produces less treated gas than others, means

Treated Gas Acid Gas Injection

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 1 Option 2 Option 3
Flow (MMSCFD) 109.7 108.2 104.6 78.56 80.11 82.7
P (psig) 610 610 600 2000 2000 2000
T ( F)
105 105 110 302 304 63
Composition (% mol)
CO2 0.09 0.06 0.16 93.65 91.87 88.92
H2S 2.13 ppm 1.7 ppm 1.5 ppm 2.4 2.35 2.28
C1 94.3 94.6 99.26 2.48 3.84 2
C2 3.2 3.3 0 0.17 0.1 4.39
C3 1 1.1 0 0.07 0.05 1.46
C4+ 0.86 0.94 0 1.16 0.97 0.89
Mercaptans 0 0 0 0.07 0.07 0.06
N2 0.55 0 0.58 0 0.75 0

Table 2— Material balance of the three options

jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 46

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

Solvent + Refrigerant
- Chemical used MEG+TEG MEG+TEG Molecular sieve

MDEA + Sulfo- MDEA + Sulfolane

- Refrigerant type Propane Propane Propane + Ethylene
- Solvent concentration (%-mass) 51 51 -
- Solvent circulation rate (USGPM) 11402 3578 -
- Solvent loading 0.41 0.41 -
Energy requirement
- Cooling/heating utility(kw) 152298 49483 1631
- Pump/compressor duty (kw) 49379 28614 29556

Table 3— Simulation parameters

drive the processes. It can be inferred that option

1 has the highest energy requirement. Addition of
membrane unit upstream of the solvent process
reduces the energy input quite drastically as
shown in option 2. On the other hand, option 3
provides the least energy requirement. Very little
utility requirement is employed in option 3 which
is used mainly in the condensate stabilization unit
and compression cooling.
Figure 4 depicts hydrocarbon shrinkage in the
process systems. It is calculated by summation of
hydrocarbon losses, fuel gas required for utility Figure 4—Hydrocarbon shrinkage (in energy basis)
and power generation in percentage of energy
basis relative to the inlet gas. Option 1 has the least
hydrocarbon losses, but requires greater energy
for utility and power consumption. Membrane
combined in option 2 shows increase amount of
losses but insignificant compared to reduction of
energy inputs. The highest hydrocarbon losses
is occurred in option 3, but it requires the lowest
energy inputs. Totally, option 3 has the least
energy requirement followed by option 2.
Comparative cost estimates shows cost
reduction achieved in option 2 and option 3,
both capital and operating cost as revealed in the
Figure 5.Estimated around 14% and 29% capital
cost optimization is achieved for option 2 and Figure 5—Comparative capital and yearly operating cost
<< 47 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

option 3, respectively, relative to option 1 as base development potential for sour gas.” Energy
case. In addition, operating cost saving up to 44%, Procedia4: 2178-2184.
and 59% is estimated in option 2 and option 3,
correspondingly. - Hart, A. and N. Gnanendran (2009). “Cryogenic
CO2 capture in natural gas.” Energy
Procedia1(1): 697-706.
V. Conclusion - Maddox, R. N. and J. M. Campbell (2008). Gas
In this work, qualitative screening and Conditioning and Processing, Volume 4: Gas
quantitative comparison on sour gas processing and Liquid Sweetening, Campbell Petroleum
aiming for acid gas sequestration were carried Series.
out. High level screening results the solvents
and membrane process technology best suited - Valencia, J. A., R. D. Denton, P. S. Northrop, C. J.
the feed gas characteristic. In addition, current Mart and R. K. Smith (2014). Controlled Freeze
novel development of cryogenic separation Zone Technology for the Commercialisation
process is included as the emerging technology. of Australian High CO2 Natural Gas. SPE Asia
According to the process simulation results, the Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition.
three options shown above are capable to process Adelaide, SPE: 1-11.
the feed gas to the required specification. A
combined membrane process and solvent process
provides greater advantages, offers lower energy
requirement, capital, and operating cost. Both
membrane and solvent process are already proven
in the field, so less doubt for such application. The
emerging cryogenic separation option provides
much better optimization. It shows further
About the Author
reduction in energy input, capital, and operating
cost. However, this kind of technologies are not Rendra Bayu
well-known in the field. Further qualification may Haristyawan is an pro-
fessional engineer at PT
be required to ensure the technology is working
Pertamina, Upstream
properly for such condition in intended period
Directorate. He grad-
of time. Nonetheless, the emerging technology
uated with honor in
provides greater advantages in this case and has his Bachelor degree at
a chance for the implementation, especially when Chemical Engineering
acid injection is preferred. department, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
in 2008, and finished his Master of Engineering
degree in Chemical Engineering at Texas A&M
VI. References University in 2015.
- Bergel, M. and I. Tiarno (2009). Sweetening
He has experience in various upstream proj-
Technologies - A look at the Whole Picture.
ects, more specific as process engineer in the
24th World Gas Conf. Argentina: 1-17. concept development and engineering. He has
- Burgers, W. F. J., P. S. Northrop, H. S. Kheshgi also been involved in the upstream business de-
and J. A. Valencia (2011). “Worldwide velopment projects as technical team in acquir-
ing new blocks or assets.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 48

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dicatat di dalam Daftar Penyedia Mampu (DPM) di
masing-masing KKKS anggota CIVD sehingga tidak
6. JOB Pertamian – Jambi Merang perlu lagi mengikuti proses administrasi di KKKS
7. Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd. lain.

8. Pertamina Hulu Energy ONWJ Penyedia barang/jasa dapat memperoleh

SPDA apabila memenuhi persayaratan berikut:
9. Petrochina International Jabung Ltd.
1. Mengisi formulir pendaftaran.
10. Premier Oil Natuna Sea B.V.
2. Mengunggah persyaratan administrasi umum
11. PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia ke dalam sistem CIVD, berupa:
12. PT Medco E&P Indonesia a. Akte pendirian perusahaan dan akte
13. PT Pertamina EP perubahan terakhir, dilengkapi SK
Kehakiman (bagi PT) atau pengesahan
14. Star Energy (Kakap) Ltd.
anggaran dasar koperasi oleh Dirjen Bina
CIVD diharapkan dapat memberikan manfaat Lembaga Koperasi (bagi koperasi).
baik bagi KKKS ataupun penyedia barang/jasa
b. Surat Izin Usaha yang sesuai dengan
sebagai berikut:
kegiatan usaha dan dikeluarkan oleh
1. Bagi KKKS instansi yang berwenang diantaranya: SIUP,
a. Percepatan proses penilaian kualifikasi SIUP Jasa Konsultasi, SIUPAL, SIOPSUS, IUT,
administrasi melalui SPDA. SIUJK, STP, surat ijin dari instansi terkait
dan SKT Migas untuk golongan usaha besar.
Memperoleh informasi vendor yang
kompeten. c. Surat keterangan domisili.

2. Bagi Penyedia Barang/Jasa d. NPWP/PKP.

a. Terdaftar di KKKS anggota CIVD secara e. Bukti pembayaran pajak perusahaan.

otomatis. i. PPh 29 (SPT Tahunan): tahun
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 50

sebelumnya ditemukan dan terbukti ada ketidak benaran

ii. PPh 25, 21, atau 23 dan PPN; minimal 1 data, maka KKKS akan memberikan sanksi
bulan pada tahun sebelumnya sesuai dengan PTK 007 (dan perubahannya).

f. Jika dalam salah satu dokumen surat izin 7. Masa berlaku SPDA berdasarkan pada masa
usaha tidak tercantum golongan usaha, berlaku yang paling cepat berakhir dari
maka rekanan wajib mengunggah neraca dokumen-dokumen di bawah ini:
dan laporan rugi-laba tahun terakhir. a. Surat keterangan domisili.
Dokumen pendukung untuk data b. PPh badan 29, PPh 25, PPh 21 atau 23 dan
kompetensi, data pengalaman perusahaan, PPN.
dan rekening bank.
c. Semua jenis izin usaha.
3. Verifikasi dan penelitian atas kebenaran data.
4. KKKS melakukan verifikasi dan penelitian Enam bulan sejak CIVD beroperasi, tepatnya
atas kebenaran data persyaratan administrasi pada tanggal 8 Agustus 2016 Kepala SKK Migas
perusahaan penyedia barang/jasa, mengeluarkan surat edaran berisi:
berdasarkan data yang disampaikan oleh
1. Bagi KKKS anggota CIVD wajib menggunakan
penyedia barang/jasa.
daftar penyedia barang/jasa yang telah
5. KKKS berhak meminta penyedia barang/jasa tercantum di dalam CIVD dan bagi penyedia
untuk memperlihatkan dokumen asli. barang/jasa yang belum memiliki SPDA
tidak dapat diikutsertakan dalam proses
6. Apabila dalam hal hasil verifikasi dan penelitian
pendaftaran pengadaan barang/jasa di KKKS

Gambar 1 : Business Flow CIVD

<< 51 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

tersebut. Ketentuan ini mulai berlaku sejak 15 selanjutnya dalam pengembangan penggunaan
Agustus 2016. CIVD guna terus mendorong efisiensi dan
standardisasi penilaian dalam proses pengadaan.
2. Bagi KKKS Eksploitasi yang belum bergabung
Di antaranya adalah penyeragaman faktor
menjadi anggota CIVD wajib menerapkan
penilaian kualifikasi HSE dan penggunaan alat
program CIVD selambat-lambatnya 1 Januari
kerja utama.
Informasi lebih lengkap mengenai CIVD dapat
Sampai dengan bulan Januari 2017, terdapat
diperoleh dengan mengakses website https://
tambahan sebanyak 19 KKKS Eksploitasi yang
bergabung menjadi anggota CIVD. Ditargetkan
sampai dengan akhir kuartal pertama, seluruh
KKKS Eksploitasi telah menjadi anggota.
Divisi Pengelolaan Rantai Suplai (PRS)
SKK MIGAS saat ini tengah menjajaki langkah

Gambar 2 : Contoh SPDA

jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 52

Memahami Korosi
dan Manajemen
Edi Marwanto S- Industrial Thermal Insulation, PT. Rockwool South East Asia, Jakarta,
Amrullah A. Azis (ii) - TBA

I. Pendahuluan material, mengindikasikan kerugian dari sisi

harga material karena korosi dinyatakan dalam
Korosi atau secara umum dikenal sebagai
cost rating.
perkaratan terjadi sebagai akibat interaksi
antara material dengan lingkungannya yang Cost Rating = C x ℮ / ῥd
menyebabkan kerusakan dan penurunan kualitas C = Cost per unit mass, USD / kg
material tersebut (Sunarya, 2012). Istilah korosi
paling identik dan mudah diamati pada material ℮ = Density, kg/m3
yang berasal dari logam, yang paling umum ῥd = Desain tegangan, N/mm2
adalah besi (Fe).
Nilai C, ℮ dan ῥd bervariasi tegantung jenis logam,
Para ahli mendefinisikan korosi secara spesifik sehingga cost rating juga berbeda.
sebagai peristiwa reaksi kimia (elektrokimia)
Data kerugian korosi Sektor Produksi &
Dimana logam (misal besi Fe) mengalami oksidasi
Industri Manufaktur total (USD 17.6 milyar)
karena kehadiran oksigen di udara. Hasil proses
reaksi menghasilkan senyawa oksida besi Fe2O3.
X H2O. Senyawa kompleks ini adalah rumus kimia
besi karat (Brady & Humiston, 1990).
Kerugian yang diakibatkan karena korosi
sangat besar, Data Statistik di Amerika tahun 2002
melaporkan kerusakan akibat korosi diperkirakan
USD 276 milyar per tahun, untuk keseluruhan
sektor termasuk infrastruktur, otomotif dll.
Sumber dari Jurnal Riset yang dirilis oleh
National Assosiation of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) (Sumber: National Association of Corrosion
untuk beberapa sektor industri yang diteliti, Engineers NACE, Corrosion cost & preventive
kerugian akibat dari korosi mencapai sekitar USD strategies)
17.6 milyar per tahun.
 Fasilitas eksplorasi dan produksi migas (USD
Coulson (1976) memaparkan kalkulasi harga 1.4 milyar);
<< 53 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

 Petroleum refining (USD 3.7 milyar); Keberadaan ion Fe2+, yang larut dalam air
 Pertambangan (USD 0.1 milyar); bergerak menuju daerah katodik. Reaksinya
sebagai berikut:
 Industri kimia, petrokimia dan farmasi (USD
1.7 milyar); Fe2+ (aq ) + 4OH- (aq) Fe(OH)2 (s).

 Pulp and paper (USD 6.0 milyar);

 Pertanian (USD 1.1 milyar); Masih didaerah katodik, Fe(OH)2 yang
terbentukmengalami di oksidasi lanjut oleh
 Industri pengolahan makanan (USD 2.1
Oksigen membentuk Senyawa karat. Reaksi
sebagai berikut:
 Industri peralatan rumah tangga (USD 1.5
2Fe(OH)2 (s) + O2 (g) Fe2O3 .n H2O(s)
( senyawa karat )

II. Mengenal Elemen Dasar Korosi

• Elektrolit adalah suatu zat yang larut atau
Ada beberapa elemen dasar yang perlu kita terurai dalam bentuk ion-ion dan selanjutnya
ketahui mengenai syarat proses terjadinya larutan menjadi konduktor elektrik, ion-ion
perkaratan / korosi akibat proses elektrokimia merupakan atom-atom yang bermuatan
pada suatu material metal (besi Fe sebagai listrik. Elektrolit bisa berupa air, asam, basa
contoh) sebagai berikut: ataupun senyawa kimia lainnya.
• Anodik: adalah elektroda negatif, area • Penghantar / metalic path: Penghantar
yang mengalami reaksi oksidasi, ion besi merupakan media penghubung antara anodik
mengalami kenaikan bilangan oksidasi. Pada – Katodik serta elektrolit. Jika tidak ada
area anodik terjadi pelarutan atom-atom penghantar maka korosi tidak akan terjadi.
besi Fe disertai dengan pelepasan elektron
Pada prinsipnya pengendalian korosi adalah
membentuk ion Fe2+ yang larut dalam air.
memutus mata rantai anodik – katodik –
Keberadaan air bisa jadi berasal dari uap air di
elektrolit dan penghantar, bila salah satu
udara dsb.
elemen tidak ada, maka proses korosi akan
Reaksi anode sebagai berikt: terkendali.
Fe2+(s) Fe2+ + 2e-
• Katodik: adalah elektrode positif, area yang III. Korosi dalam Lingkungan Migas
mengalami reaksi reduksi, gas oksigen di
Masalah korosi dilingkungan indutri migas, baik
udara mengalami reaksi reduksi. Oksigen
di hulu maupun hilir serta industri pada umumnya
bereaksi dengan uap air dan menerima
adalah masalah serius karena kerusakan fasilitas,
elektron yang dilepas pada reaksi anodik.
peralatan dan komponen pendukung yang
Reaksi di katodik sebagai berikut :
menyebabkan kerugian yang besar. Sayangnya
O2 (g) + 2H2O(g) + 2e- 4OH-(aq) sampai saat ini penulis belum menemukan data
yang kongkrit kerugian akibat korosi di Indonesia,
berapa besarnya kerugian yang diakibatkan
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 54

laju korosi. Bisa kita bandingkan dari data di

Amerika, tentunya Indonesia mengalami masalah
yang sama, bahkan bisa lebih besar karena
secara Geografis Wilayah Indonesia merupakan
daerah Iklim tropis basah yang berarti memiliki
kelembaban udara yang relatif tinggi, rata-
rata diatas 90%. Selain faktor lingkungan alam,
kerusakan yang diakibat korosi bisa dikarenakan
faktor teknis berupa faktor pengetahuan dan
metode pencegahan / penanggulangan korosi
yang tidak tepat. Faktor non teknis berupa niat,
kepedulian yang rendah maupun anggaran yang
terbatas untuk melakukan tindakan pencegahan

IV. Dampak Korosi

Dalam industri Migas, dampak yang
ditimbulkan korosi bisa berupa kerugian secara
langsung dan tidak langsung. Dampak kerugian
langsung yang dialami misalnya berupa kerusakan
karena korosi pada peralatan, permesinan atau
struktur fasilitas produksi migas, tangki, valve, Gambar 1 - Ilustrasi kerusakan akibat korosi
pada fasilitas produksi migas
heat exchanger (HE) dan sebagainya. Kebocoran
Karena begitu banyaknya jenis korosi, dalam
pada jaringan pemipaan atau tangki menyebabkan
tulisan tahap pertama ini hnaya akan memaparkan
kerugian minyak mentah ataupun bahan bakar.
beberapa jenis korosi dan penanggulangannya.
Akumulasi karat pada HE menyebabkan efisiensi
perpindahan panas turun dan seterusnya. Akibat
secara tidak langsung dapat berupa terjadinya V. Mengenal Bentuk – Bentuk
kecelakaan kerja yang menimbulkan korban jiwa Korosi dan Pengendaliannya
dan kebocoran karena korosi bisa menyebabkan
1. Korosi Merata (Uniform Corrosion), yaitu
kebakaran, dampak lebih fatal adalah proses
korosi yang terjadi pada permukaan logam,
produksi berhenti yang berakibat kerugian
karena logam mengalami pengikisan secara
ekonomi yang lebih besar.
merata sehingga dimensi ketebalan berkurang
Pengetahuan dan pemahaman terhadap sebagai akibat permukaan terkonversi
korosi sangat penting bagi semua pihak yang menjadi produk karat. Biasanya terjadi pada
terlibat langsung dalam proses produksi dan peralatan-peralatan yang terpapar langsung
pemeliharaan unit-unit fasilitas produksi Migas. oleh lingkungan atmosper. Misal: permukaan
Hal ini sangat berguna dalam hal perencanaan tangki, pipa bagian luar. Pengendaliannya bisa
awal saat engineering design, pemeliharaan dengan: proteksi katodik, pemilihan Inhibitor
untuk pencegahan dan tindakan penanggulangan untuk mengurangi laju korosi dan aplikasi
korosi. protective coating: rust bullet dll.
<< 55 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

potensial yang menimbulkan tegangan listrik.

Salah satu logam akan mengalami korosi,
sementara logam laiannya akan terlindung
dari korosi. Logam yang memiliki beda
potensial lebih rendah akan mengalami korosi,
logam yang memiliki beda potensial lebih
tinggi tidak mengalami korosi. Logam yang
petensialnya lebih rendah berfungsi sebagai
Anodik, maka disebut sebagai anode korban
Gambar 2 - Ilustrasi korosi merata (sacrifice anode). Pengendaliannya dengan:
Isolasi, Coating Protection dan menghindari
Karena korosinya bersifat uniform pada seluruh pemakaian bersama logam yang berbeda jenis
bagian logam, maka laju korosi (corrosion rate) atau memilih jenis logam dengan deret volta
bisa dihitung dengan persamaan: sedekat mungkin.

CR (mpy) = K w / t A ῥ 3. Korosi Sumuran (Pitting Corrosion) adalah korosi

CR (mmpy) = Corrosion rate, mm per year. lokal yang terjadi pada permukaan yang terbuka
Besarnya laju penetrasi korosi akibat pecahnya lapisan pasif. Terjadinya korosi
dalam mmpy. sumuran ini diawalii dengan pembentukan
w = massa yang hilang dalam lapisan pasif dipermukaan, pada antar muka
waktu t (gr,kg) lapaisan pasif dan elektrolit terjadi penurunan
K = Konstanta pH, sehingga lapisan pasif larut secara perlahan-
t = Waktu (exsposure time), jJam lahan, sampai akhirnya pecah. Korosi sumur
A = Luas permukaan, m2 ini sangat berbahaya karena areanya kecil
ῥ = Density logam, gr /m3 (spot) membentuk sumur.Pengendalian korosi
dengan: pemilihan protective coating, desain
2. Korosi Galvanik (Galvanic Corrosion) yaitu permukaan material diperhalus, inhibitor dan
korosi yang terjadi akibat hubungan antara sedapat mungkin meletakkan material dengan
dua logam yang kontak dalam lingkungan posisi vertikal untuk mengurangi genangan air
korosif dan terdapat perbedaan beda pada pemukaan logam.

Gambar 3 - Ilustrasi korosi galvanik Gambar 4 - Bentuk Korosi sumuran

jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 56

5. Korosi retak tegang (Stress Corrosion Cracking

– SCC), korosi retak tegang/fatigue dan korosi
akibat akibat pengaruh hidrogen (corrosion
induced hydrogen) adalah bentuk korosi
dimana material logam mengalami keretakan
akibat pengaruh lingkungannya. Korosi retak
tegang terjadi pada paduan logam yang
mengalami tegangan tarik statis dilingkungan
tertentu, seperti: Baja tahan karat sangat
rentan terhadap lingkungan klorida panas,
tembaga (Cu) rentan di larutan amonia
Gambar 5: Berbagai profile korosi sumuran
(NH3), baja karbon rentan terhadap larutan
4. Korosi celah (Crevice Corrosion), yaitu korosi asam nitrat (HNO3). Sedangkan korosi akibat
lokal yang terjadi pada celah diantara dua pengaruh hidrogen terjadi karena proses difusi
komponen. Mekanisme terjadinya korosi hidrogen kedalam kisi paduan.
ini diawali dengan terjadinya korosi merata
(uniform) diluar dan didalam celah, sehingga
terjadi reaksi oksidasi pada logam, dan
reduksi pada oksigen. O2 didalam celah habis,
sedangkan O2 di luar celah masih banyak
akibatnya permukaan logam yang terhubung
dengan bagian luar menjadi katodik, dan
permukaan logam yang didalam celah menjadi
Anodik. Pengendalian korosinya dengan: Untuk
peralatan baru bisa memakai butt joint dengan
pengelasan, tutup celah sambungan dengan
pengelasan menerus, jaga kebersihan daerah
sambungan atau celah, hindari pemakaian
packing yang higroskopis.

Gambar 6 - Ilustrasi korosi celah Gambar 7 - Korosi retak tegang pada baja karbon
rendahdan profile crack–nya
<< 57 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

6. Korosi Mikroba (Microbially Induced Corrosion menembus serta berkumpul didalam

- MIC), adalah korosi yang disebabkan oleh insulasi, bereaksi dengan oksigen yang
aktivitas jasad renik mikroba atau bakteri. terdapat dibawah insulasi. Air dan oksigen
Korosi jenis ini banyak terjadi di area struktur menjadi penggerak utama korosi sumuran
seperti jetty, pelabuhan atau bagian fasilitas dibawah insulasi.
produksi migas di offshore drilling facility yang
- Korosi Retak Tegang (Stress Corrosion
bersentuhan langsung dengan air. Bagian
Cracking) untuk material baja karbon
Struktur yang dekat/bersentuhan dengan
rendah (stainless steel). Tejadi karena
air terdapat area yang disebut sebagai tidal
kehadiran chloride yang terlarut dalam air
zone atau area pasang surut permukaan
yang meresap dalam insulasi, pada saat
air, dimana area tidal zone ini sangat besar
yang sama kondisi operasi alat sekitar -50C
korosinya, merupakan wilayah yang kaya
– +200oC, dalam pengalaman dilapangan
oksigen dan juga merupakan area yang sangat
pada range ini diatas merupakan
subur bagi pertumbuhan dan metabolisme
criticaltemperature terjadinya proses CUI.
bakteri. Bakteri hidup membentuk koloni-
koloni menempel dipermukaan metal, hasil Pencegahan korosi CUI bisa dilakukan dengan
metabolisme bakteri membentuk acetic acid beberapa strategi:
yang sangat korosif pada area koloni, maka - Disain, perencanaan struktur dan insulasi
90% korosi akibat dari MIC adalah type korosi yang tepat.
sumuran (pitting corrosion). Pengendaliannya - Pemilihan material insulasi, spesifikasi
dengan: untuk pemeliharaan memakai under material mengacu pada: chloride content <
water protective coating, misal : Alocit, Hempel 10 mg/kg (ASTM C871), moisture absorption
dan lain-lain. < 1% weight (ASTM 1104), water absorption <
1kg/m3 (EN1609) e.g: Rocwool ProRox.
- Pemilihan jenis protective coating (ISO
12944), inert polymeric resin CUI grade, e.g:
- Pemeliharaan dan Inspeksi secara periodik
pada area-area insulasi.

Gambar 8 : Ilustrasi tidal zone, area MIC

7. Korosi Bawah Insulasi ( Corrosion Under

Insulation – CUI )
Korosi di bawah permukaan insulasi terjadi
pada permukaan eksternal suatu material
yang terbungkus oleh Insulasi. Pada kasus CUI
umumnya ada 2 type korosi yang sering terjadi:
- Korosi Sumuran (Pitting Corrosion) untuk
material carbon steel, terjadi karena air Gambar 9: Rockwool ProRox technical insulation
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 58

Plant pengolahan minyak.

4. J.M Coulson and J.F.Richardson (1983), An
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Design,
6th edition, Pergamon Press
5. National Association of Corrosion Engineers
(NACE) (2002), Journal of Cost Corrosion and
preventive strategies.
6. National Association of Corrosion Engineers
(NACE) (2002), Corrosion Engineer reference
Gambar 10: Ilustrasi CUI pada pipa. book, 3rd edition
CUI adalah jenis korosi yang unik dan
7. Pierre R. Roberge (2000), Handbook of
menjadi masalah luas dalam berbagai
Corrosion Engineering, Mc Graw-Hill, New York
macam industri. Segala macam proses
Industri yang didalamnya melibatkan 8. Rockwool Technical Insulation (2015),
panas hampir pasti juga melibatkan Corrosion Under Insulation
Insulasi. Insulasi diperlukan untuk 9. Yayan Sunarya (2012), Kimia Dasar 2, Yrama
berbagai macam tujuan diantaranya: Widya
untuk menjaga stabilitas temperature,
menekan heat loss, peredam suara bising
(noise barrier) dan juga untuk fire safety.
Tentang Penulis
Karena begitu kompleknya mengenai Edi Marwanto
masalah korosi dibawah insulasi CUI ini, memiliki pengalaman
akan dibahas secara khusus pada tulisan lebih dari 8 (delapan)
tersendiri di kesempatan lain. tahun di dalam bidang
pencegahan korosi. Saat
ini beliau bekerja pada
VI. Kesimpulan PT. Rockwool South East
Asia di bagian Industrial Thermal Association.
Korosi tidak dapat dihentikan karena
Sebelumnya Edi Marwanto juga pernah bekerja
merupakan fenomena alam, tetapi korosi
pada PT. National Energy Solutions di bidang
dapat dikendalikan.
Protective and Marine Coating serta pada PT.
Jebsen & Jessen Chemicals Indonesia di bagian
Daftar Pustaka Raw Material for Coating and Resin Products.

1. Arthur A.Tracton (2006), Coatings Technology Edi menyelesaikan pendidikannya

sebagai Sarjana Teknik Kimia dari Universitas
Handbook 3rd, CRC Press.
Diponegoro Semarang, serta menamatkan
2. Brady and Humiston (1990), General Chemistry program pasca sarjana dari Universitas Budi
4th edition, John Wiley & Son, New York Luhur di bidang Manajemen Pemasaran.

3. Hariyotejo Pujowidodo dan Bhakti Nuryadin

(2015), jurnal evaluasi kinerja insulasi dan
kerusakan CUI pipa distribusi uap unit Utility
<< 59 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

The Role of 3D CFD

Simulation in
Structural Design
and Explosion Risk
Muhammad Zulkiflii), Mochamad Safarudin i), Teguh Cahyono i), Kees van Wingerden ii)
i) Gexcon Indonesia, 18 Office Park, Jl. TB. Simatupang Kav. 18, Jakarta, Indonesia
ii) Gexcon AS, Fantoftvegen 38, NO-5072 Bergen , Norway

I. Introduction be estimated using simplified method such as TNT

equivalency methods [7], Multi Energy method [8] or
In the oil and gas industry, stake holders
Baker-Strehlow-Tang method [9], etc. However, for
have been dealing with safety issues during the
predicting explosion loads in the explosion region
design engineering phase, during modifications
and the near-field these methods are not capable.
and during operation of a facility. These safety
Over simplification may render to conservative
issues include assessing major accidents in the
results and overlook the chance to understand
facility such as fire, explosion, and dispersion of
how risks can be made acceptable.
toxic gas to inhabited area, etc. Such events can
result in catastrophic consequences that lead In addition, these methods do not take into
to casualties, property damage, and pollution. account the interaction of the flow and actual
Major accidents occurred in the past have given geometry during the explosion event. This flow
knowledge and insights for developing guidelines phenomena can be modelled in 3D Computational
to improve safety. This is reflected in regulations Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in which all governing
and standards (e.g. NORSOK [4], API [5, 6] etc.) of equations of flow, energy, momentum, mass
which demand that already during the design and thermal are solved numerically using power
phase of a facility functional, health, and safety of computers. The interaction of the flow and
requirements are assured including those related actual geometry during the explosion creates
to the risks of explosion and fire. turbulence enhancing combustion rates and
resulting in an increase of explosion overpressure.
To achieve that a number of methods have
Accurate prediction of explosion overpressure
been developed to estimate the physical effect
in the area directly affected by the explosion is
of major accident events such as explosion. The
important in order to evaluate whether damage
explosion overpressure in the far field area is can
to nearby equipment would lead to escalation.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 60

Figure 1 illustrate the comparison between a TNT-

equivalency method, the Multi-energy method
(for various initial explosion strengths) and CFD
(FLACS [10]) for an idealised geometry.
Where in the past, the cost of use of CFD
was high due to the price of high performance
computers the advancement of computer
technology in recent years has made the costs
of high performance computers become more
affordable making the implementation of 3D CFD
for safety studies sensible.

Figure 2 - 3D flow visualisation of flammable

gas dispersion simulation results using FLACS

Figure 3 - 3D flow visualisation of overpressure of explosion

simulation results using FLACS

Figure 1 - Comparison of overpressure vs. distance

between simple methods and FLACS simulations [3]

3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

can be used to simulate dispersion, fire and
explosion phenomena. The physical effects of
these phenomena such as overpressure loading,
radiation heat load, and gas concentration can be
predicted directly. This important information can
be used for consideration in safety assessment
Figure 4 - 3D flow visualisation of fire simulation results
studies. Figure 2 to Figure 4 shows the visualization using FLACS
<< 61 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

modelling such as dispersion, fire and explosion.

FLACS has become an industry standard and is
the required tool in several oil and gas companies
for their explosion hazard assessments. It is
developed by Gexcon AS, a company owned by
Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) Norway.
The development of FLACS was funded by major
oil and gas companies during a number joint
industrial projects.

II. Quantitative Risk Assessment

using 3D CFD
Oil and gas processing plants consist of
complex processing equipment, piping, vessels,
facilities, structures and etc. Equipment containing
flammable materials have the potential to cause
an accidental release of flammable gas or liquid to
the atmosphere. When such an unfortunate event
Figure 5 - FLACS simulation results submitted prior to occurs, the released flammable material could be
BFETS full-scale test 24 [11], flame (top) and pressure
contours (lower) at time of maximum pressure. Predicted accidentally ignited and result in a fire or explosion.
pressure curve compared with test result Moreover, this initial fire or explosion event could
(left versus right) [1].
cause escalation as the impact due to the first
explosion impairs other equipment, vessels or
of 3D CFD simulation results using FLACS for
piping containing flammable material. Therefore,
various applications such as dispersion, fire and
mitigation of such a situation should be considered
during the early phase of engineering design.
It is important to note, that sometimes the user
Preventive design and maintenance could
needs to make assumptions and simplifications
minimize the probability and consequence of an
of the problem in modelling dispersion, fire
accident. A quantitative risk analysis should be
or explosion using CFD software. Despite the
performed in order to arrive at reasonable and
advanced features of the validated CFD software,
practicable mitigation measures or emergency
modelling mistakes or errors can lead to
actions. Water deluge, blast walls, and venting
unreliable, unrealistic, under predicted or over
are some options of mitigation measures that
predicted results. Therefore, it is highly important
could reduce the explosion impact. To assess and
to conduct the CFD simulation and analysis by
design the mitigation measures, the potential
users who fully understand the phenomena
explosion impact should be investigated in the
simulated and have experience in CFD modelling.
corresponding area of concern.
This will ensure that simulations are done in an as
realistic way as possible. The use of CFD simulations and Finite Element
Analysis (FEA) are becoming more popular to be
FLACS is a CFD software used for consequence
used for predicting the explosion load equipment,
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 62

structures, or piping can be exposed to as well as on the Norwegian continental shelf. However,
their structural response. For the latter the output the methodology is not exclusively used only for
of strains, stresses and deformations are observed Norwegian oil and gas, but it has been used for
to see how these structures responded to the other oil and gas facilities around the world as
explosion loading. well.
Figure 6 shows a procedure of quantitative
explosion risk assessment using CFD and Finite
Element Analysis. The procedure is probabilistic
estimating the frequency of accidental explosion
events and their consequence. The consequence
is estimated using CFD and FEA simulations. Thus
the explosion risk can be assessed quantitatively.
The described way of performing probabilistic
explosion risk assessments is in accordance with
the guidelines given in NORSOK Z-013, Annex G
. NORSOK is applied for gas and oil installations Figure 7 - Example of FLACS 3D geometry model of an
onshore oil & gas processing facility

Since the flammable gas cloud formed

from gas released is strongly influenced by
its interaction with the wind flow pattern in
the facility, an assessment of the ventilation
conditions prevailing in the facility is required.
The purpose of ventilation simulation is to assess
the actual ventilation conditions inside the facility
and determine representative wind conditions use
for dispersion simulations.

Figure 6 - The procedure for quantitative explosion risk

Figure 8 - Wind directions frequency distribution [3]
assessment and management(left versus right) [1].
<< 63 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

example of maximum and average gas flammable

cloud volumes for various leak rates.
The dispersion simulations give information
regarding the various flammable gas cloud
volumes that are likely generated for various
wind and release conditions. The volumes are
then categorized into several classes to define
the gas cloud sizes that will be investigated in the
explosion simulations. Parameters that are varied
Figure 9 - ACH exceedance curve of an offshore platform and investigated during the explosion simulations
are ignition locations (centre and edge ignition)
and gas cloud locations. The monitor points for
measuring the overpressure are also defined at
this stage. The maximum and average explosion
loads, drag, pressure impulse and drag impulse
are the variables that normally are recorded on
Figure 10 - Wind flow pattern and velocity
visualisation in FLACS every monitor points in explosion simulations.
The explosion loads are then extracted
After the ventilation analysis are carried and combined with the calculated explosion
out and the representative wind speeds and probability to form an exceedance curve for each
directions are determined, dispersion simulations target. An exceedance curve is the main outcome
can be performed. The purpose is to establish of the probabilistic explosion risk analysis. Figure
representative gas clouds that might be generated 12 shows explosion load exceedance curves for a
for various wind and release conditions. To particular target viz. a fire wall. The graph shows
present the simulation results, the frozen cloud the relationship between the overpressure a fire
assumption a method developed to estimate wall in an offshore platform is exposed to with
gas cloud volume by interpolation of available its corresponding explosion probability per year.
simulated result is used [4]. Figure 11 shows an In this particular graph, there are six exceedance
curves that show various mitigation scenarios of
actual water deluge activation time after high gas
alarm. This type of analysis is called a sensitivity
study where one parameter is varied to observe
and compare its effect on the result.
For design consideration, explosion
overpressures at 10 -4
and 10-5
per year are often used
as the minimum value for design against explosion
overpressures. These probability values are then
considered as the limit of significant probability. It
is not practicable to design the facility to withstand
Figure 11 - Maximum and average flammable the highest conceivable explosion load that could
gas cloud volumes for various leak rates
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 64

plated deck

Figure 12 - Example of exceedance curves for a fire wall in
an offshore platform with different water deluge
activation times.
Figure 13 - Geometry of a FPSO module
Figure 13 - Geometry of a FPSO module

occur. In this way the design is balance between

the probability of explosion overpressures and the
provision of barriers sufficient to withstand the
explosion loads.
Structural response due to explosion is
an important aspect to be considered in risk
assessment and engineering design. It will help
evaluating the physical effects occurring to the
structure and the equipment during the explosion
that might get damaged: the dynamic loads during
Figure 14 - Visualization of explosion simulation results showing explosion flame and the max overpressure
the explosion transferred to the structure that exerted to the structure of FPSO module

might result in excessive deformation, vibration,

torsional moment or even structural failure. By Figure 14 - Visualization of explosion simulation results
showing explosion flame and the max overpressure exerted
using CFD simulation, the dynamic loads from to the structure of FPSO module
explosion can be represented in more realistic
way than other simplified method mentioned
earlier. Figure 15 shows the dynamics pressure
loads on the floor deck of a FPSO module shown in
Figure 13 and Figure 14 extracted from explosion
simulations using FLACS.

III. Structural Response

to Explosion Load
Major catastrophes from gas explosion can
result in large dynamic loads, greater than the Figure 15 - Explosion overpressure load on the module
floor deck
original design loads for the piping, equipment
<< 65 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

and structure. Due to the catastrophic effects of the

explosion loads, efforts have been made during
past decades to develop methods of structural
analysis and design to resist the explosion/blast
loads. The analysis and design of structures
subjected to blast loads require the understanding
of blast phenomena and dynamic response of the
various components of the structures. 
The structural response of the building
structures can be determined by solving
equation of motions involving mass and stiffness
characteristics of the structural elements. In the Figure 16 - Figure 16 - Single Degree of Freedom Response
of a single story structure
early design stage, a single degree of freedom
structural response analysis is adequate to obtain
structural deflections and stresses caused by
blast loads as depicted in Figure 3.16. However,
in the detail design stage, more comprehensive
approach involving multi degree of freedom
response analysis should be performed. Finite
Element Method can be used as numerical analysis
tool to solve the equation of motions of multi
degree of freedom response. In addition, material
non linearity of the structural components and
structural connections can be modelled using this
method.  Figure 3.16 illustrates stress contour as
a result of commercial Finite Element simulation
About the Authors
software of blast load subjected to a stiffened
wall structure. A risk-based structural response to
explosion loads by coupling CFD (FLACS) to Non-
Figure 17 - Stress contour of a stiffened wall structure
linear Finite Element Analysis software (IMPETUS subjected to blast load
Afea) had been carried out by Salaun, Nicolas
IV. Summary
installations than if only simplified methods are
3D CFD simulations as a consequence modelling applied to predict the consequences. The insight
tool in a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) one obtains with such analyses is beneficial in risk
setting can provide more details of the physical evaluation and decision making processes for risk
effects that can occur during dispersion, fire reduction measures.
and explosion events. Coupled with a structural
response analysis, such an analysis gives a One major factor that simplified methods for
much better basis for design of petrochemical prediction of explosion overpressures is lacking is
the modelling of the actual geometry in which the
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 66

events unfold. The interaction of wind, flammable

his Engineer degree in Mechanical Engineering
clouds and combustion and the geometry can
from Institute of Technology Bandung and a
only be modelled using CFD resulting in realistic
Master degree in Mechanical System from the
loads. Realistic loads are important for a structural
same institution. He is responsible for using CFD
response analysis especially with the loads
in explosion risk analysis and F&G mapping/
changing in time. Over simplified load profiles
optimization, structural response to explosion
may result in considerable conservatism in the
and fire using analytical method as well as
design of safety critical elements and facilities.
Finite Element Method. He also has published
many international papers and journals about
structural analysis, light weight material and
dynamics of structure.

About the Authors Teguh Cahyono has lead

projects analysing the
Muhammad Zulkifli is a
consequences of flammable
full time risk engineer
and toxic emissions, fire
with 4 years’ experience
and explosion for offshore
in explosion and fire risk
facilities including fixed
assessment for oil and gas
platforms, FPSOs and FLNGs
facilities. Involved in handful
and on-shore plants worldwide. He completed
of projects covering explosion
Bachelor Degree in Aerospace Engineering at the
modelling, accident investigation, explosion
Institut Teknologi Bandung. After working for
risk assessment, fire modelling, fire and gas
several companies including on the job training
detection system mapping & optimization for
in the Orbital Sciences Corporation in the USA,
facilities located in Asia, Australia and Middle
he attended Master Degree in Mechanical
East. Currently working as engineer consultant
Engineering at the University of Hannover and
in GexCon Indonesia since 2013. Earned bachelor
has involved in the research activities focusing
degree in Aeronautics & Astronautics from
on the use of numerical modelling (CFD and
Institut Teknologi Bandung and a master degree
FEM) to solve engineering problem during post
in mechatronics from American University of
graduate program in the same university.
Sharjah, United Arab Emirate.
Dr. Kees van Wingerden
Mochamad Safarudin is
has 38 years of experience
Safety and Risk Engineer at
related to gas and dust
PT. Gexcon Indonesia who has
explosions. Work performed
experience in CFD and FEA
comprises R&D, consultancy
analysis of safety in oil and
work, project, company
gas as well as petrochemical
management and sales and standardisation. He
facilities. He has more than 20 years of
has also been involved in numerous accident
experience in structural analysis in aerospace
industry and oil and gas industry. He obtained
<< 67 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

References Burst, BLEVE and Flash Fire Hazards 2nd Edition,

CCPS (Center for Chemical Process Safety)
1. J.R. Bakke and O.R. Hansen, GexCon AS, Norway.
8. Van den Berg, A.C. (1985). The Multi-Energy Method
(2003). Probabilistic analysis of gas explosion loads.
- a framework for vapour cloud explosion blast
FABIG Newsletter, Issue No. 34.
prediction, J.of Hazardous Materials, 12, 1-10
2. Limited, U. O. (2003). Fire and explosion guidance.
9. M.J. Tang, Q.A. Baker (2000) Comparison of blast
Part 1: Avoidance and mitigation of explosions -
curves from vapor cloud explosions, Journal of Loss
ISSUE 1. UK Offshore Operators Association.
Prevention in the Process Industries 13, 433–438
3. P. Hoorelbeke; J.R. Bakke, J. Renoult, R.W. Brewerton;
10. Arntzen, B. J. (1998) Modelling of turbulence
C. Izatt, (2006). Vapor cloud explosion analysis of
and combustion for simulation of gas explosions
onshore petrochemical facilities. 7th Professional
in complex geometries, Dr. Ing. Thesis, NTNU,
Development Conference & Exhibition. Kingdom
Trondheim, Norway
of Bahrain: American Society of Safety Engineers –
Middle East Chapter (161). 11 Selby, C., Burgan, B. Blast and fire engineering for
topside structures, Phase 2, Final summary report,
4. The Norwegian Oil Industry Association (OLF)
Steel Construction Institute, UK, Publication number
and The Federation of Norwegian Industry. (2010,
253, 1998
October). NORSOK STANDARD - Z-013, Risk and
emergency preparedness assessment. Edition 3. 12 NORSOK standard S-001, Technical safety. Edition 4,
February 2008
5. RP 752: Management of Hazards Associated with
Location of Process Plant Permanent Buildings, API 13. Salaun, Nicolas, Risk-based Structural Response
against Explosion Blast Loads: Systematic One-
6. RP 753: Management of Hazards Associated with
to-one CFD (FLACS) /NLFEA (Impetus Afea Solver)
Location of Process Plant Portable Buildings, API
Coupling to Derive Quantified Response Exceedance,
7. Guidelines for Vapor Cloud Explosion, Pressure Vessel
Chemical Engineering Transactions, Vol 48, 2016
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 68

Sari Amelia, S.Si. i), MM., Faisal D. Purnawarman, ST., MT. ii), Prof. Ir. Ricky Tawekal iii).
Staf Redaksi, Jurnal IAFMI
Offshore Structure Engineer, Mubadala Petroleum
Dosen, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)

Sesuai data SKKMigas, 335 atau 54.65% anjungan lepas pantai di Indonesia telah habis masa
akhir produksi dan diperkirakan akan dibongkar pada periode 2010 – 2030. Di antara data terse-
but, 6 anjungan lepas pantai yang dioperasikan oleh Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West
Java (PHE ONWJ) dan 7 instalasi lepas pantai di wilayah kerja Chevron Indonesia Company (CICo)
dibongkar pada periode 2016 – 2018. Sampai saat ini, praktek pembongkaran anjungan lepas
pantai menjadi polemik di masyarakat minyak dan gas bumi terutama mengenai aspek-aspek
spesifikasi yang dapat dijadikan acuan pelaksanaan. Makalah ini memaparkan hasil studi penu-
lis mengenai aspek spesifikasi pembongkaran anjungan lepas pantai di Indonesia yang dirang-
kum dari berbagai referensi dan pengalaman dalam melakukan studi kelayakan proyek pem-
bongkaran anjungan lepas pantai.
Kata kunci: anjungan lepas pantai, decommissioning, umbilikal
<< 69 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Gambar 1 – Umur Anjungan Lepas Pantai Indonesia (sumber: SKKMigas, 2016)


Sejumlah 335 atau 54.65% anjungan lepas pan- Berdasarkan kedalaman, terdapat 3 (tiga)
tai di Indonesia telah habis masa akhir produksi metode umum yang diterapkan dalam pembong-
dan diperkirakan akan dibongkar pada periode karan anjungan lepas pantai, yaitu: total remov-
2010 – 2030. Sebagian besar anjungan di Indone- al, partial removal, dan toppling. Total removal
sia memiliki struktur jaket 4 kaki dan berada pada disarankan untuk fasilitas anjungan lepas pantai
kedalaman 50 – 100 meter di bawah permukaan dengan kedalaman di bawah 100 (seratus) meter.
laut. Anjungan-anjungan lepas pantai ini banyak Sedangkan partial removal dan toppling dapat di-
yang telah terpasang sejak tahun 1970. aplikasikan untuk fasilitas instalasi lepas pantai
dengan kedalaman > 100 meter.
Sebagian besar anjungan di Indonesia memili-
ki struktur jaket 4 kaki dan dipasang di kedalaman
Perangkat aturan terkait pembongkaran anjungan 50 – 100 meter di bawah permukaan laut, sehing-
lepas pantai merupakan tantangan baru bagi se- ga pembongkaran dengan metode total removal
bagian negara produsen minyak dan gas, terma- disarankan untuk dapat diaplikasikan.
suk Indonesia. Apek-aspek yang menjadi pertim-
PERMEN ESDM No. 01/2011 memuat pedoman
bangan dalam mengambil dasar hukum terkait
teknis mengenai pembongkaran anjungan lepas
pembongkaran anjungan lepas pantai adalah:
pantai minyak dan gas bumi. Dalam Pasal 11, 12,
1. Kepemilikan dan pengelolaan aset dan 13 disebutkan kewajiban-kewajiban kontrak-
2. Kewajiban dan praktek pembongkaran anjun- tor dalam pelaksanaan pembongkaran. Kewa-
gan lepas pantai (decommissioning) jiban-kewajiban tersebut selanjutnya diterjemah-
kan ke dalam bentuk tahapan pekerjaan (Work
3. Analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan untuk
Breakdown Structure/ WBS) pembongkaran insta-
usulan kegiatan dan keterlibatan pemangku
lasi lepas pantai, berupa:
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 70

Tabel 1 – Daftar Regulasi Terkait Pem-

bongkaran Anjungan Lepas Pantai

Tabel 2 - Daftar Regulasi Terkait

Pembongkaran Anjungan Lepas
Pantai (lanjutan)
<< 71 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Tabel 3 - Daftar Regulasi Terkait Pembongkaran Anjungan Lepas Pantai (lanjutan)

• WBS 1: Survey dan pembersihan sebelum pem- penandaan lokasi material berbahaya (B3), identi-
bongkaran fikasi area berbahaya bagi personel dan lingkun-
gan, serta pengumpulan referensi mengenai fasil-
• WBS 2: Persiapan pembongkaran dan pem-
itas anjungan yang akan dibongkar. Selama tahap
bongkaran conductor, spool, dan riser
ini juga, inspeksi juga dilakukan terhadap jacket,
• WBS 3: Pembongkaran fasilitas topside dan riser, conductor, spool-piece, pipa penyalur, dan
jacket kabel daya. Pipa penyalur dan topside dibersihkan
• WBS 4: Pembongkaran pipa penyalur dan ka- untuk mendapatkan sertifikat bebas gas.
bel daya Persiapan yang diperlukan pada tahap persia-
• WBS 5: Survey pasca pembongkaran pan pembongkaran dan pembongkaran konduk-
tor (WBS 2) antara lain: preparasi lifting, penco-
Pada tahap survey dan pembersihan sebelum
potan wellhead dan membuka akses ke conductor,
pembongkaran (WBS 1), fasilitas yang diperiksa
pencopotan spool, riser serta instalasi sling untuk
dipastikan kondisinya tersimpan dengan benar
dukungan selama fase pencopotan jacket. Oper-
sehingga dapat dinilai apakah ada potensi untuk
asi ini sebaiknya telah selesai dilakukan sebelum
perbaikan dan/atau penjualan kembali. Selama
crane vessel datang untuk meminimumkan biaya
survey juga dimungkinkan untuk melakukan per-
siapan pra pembongkaran berupa identifikasi dan
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 72

Untuk tahap pekerjaan pembongkaran fasil-

itas topside dan jacket (WBS 3), perlu ditentukan
jenis vessel pengangkut struktur hasil pembong-
karan sebelum pekerjaan dieksekusi. Penentuan
jenis vessel didasarkan pada pertimbangan: kapa-
sitas ideal crane, kapasitas muatan vessel, dan dai-
ly rate. Untuk mengoptimalkan biaya, crane yang
digunakan sebaiknya efisien untuk mengangkat
jacket dalam satu pengangkatan dan vessel yang
dipilih dapat menampung seluruh hasil pembong-
karan dengan biaya mobilisasi minimum.
Pedoman teknis menyebutkan bahwa pipa
Gambar 3 – Contoh Dek dan Jaket yang telah
penyalur pada pekerjaan pembongkaran pipa Dibongkar (sumber: TSB Offshore)
penyalur dan kabel daya (WBS 4) dipotong di atas
titik riser bend dan pada jarak 3 (tiga) meter dari Dalam pekerjaan survey pasca pembongkaran
dasar kaki anjungan. Pipa penyalur yang akan (WBS 5), kebersihan dasar laut dari sisa pekerjaan
dipindahkan dipotong menjadi bagian-bagian pembongkaran diverifikasi menggunakan side
sepanjang 9 (sembilan) hingga 12 (dua belas) scan sonar system dan/atau test trawling. Pem-
meter. Sedangkan pipa penyalur yang ditinggal- bersihan dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa
kan disumbat dan ujungnya dipendam sedalam 1 dasar laut aman untuk pengguna laut lain dalam
(satu) meter atau dilindungi dengan material pen- radius 500 (lima ratus) meter dari anjungan lepas
gaman. pantai.
Detail penjadwalan WBS dapat dilihat pada
tabel di bawah ini. WBS ini dibatasi pada asumsi
kondisi anjungan lepas pantai dengan kriteria 4
kaki dengan tiang pancang, 1 riser, 4 conductor,
dan 1 pipa penyalur sepanjang 10 km.

Dari hasil studi dapat ditarik beberapa gambaran
mengenai spesifikasi pembongkaran fasilitas in-
stalasi lepas pantai di Indonesia, yaitu:
1. Dasar hukum yang berkaitan dengan pem-
bongkaran anjungan lepas pantai di Indonesia
cukup tersedia untuk dijadikan acuan dalam
melakukan penilaian kriteria yang berlaku,
mungkin berlaku, atau tidak berlaku sesuai
dengan kondisi lapangan dan anjungan lepas
Gambar 2 –Metode Pembongkaran Fasilitas pantai yang akan dibongkar.
Anjungan Lepas pantai
<< 73 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Gambar 4 – Pemuatan Pipa Penyalur yang telah Dipotong ke Vessel Pengangkut

2. Mayoritas anjungan lepas pantai Indonesia SKK Migas. Pedoman Tata Kerja. www.skkmigas.
berada pada kedalaman < 100 (seratus) meter
di bawah permukaan laut sehingga pembong-
SKK Migas. The Challenges of Oil and Gas Platform
karan dengan metode total removal disarank-
Decommissioning in Indonesia. The 3rd IndoDecom
an untuk diaplikasikan.
Conference, 2016
3. Terdapat 5 (lima) tahapan pekerjaan (WBS)
utama dalam proyek pembongkaran fasilitas VI. TENTANG PENULIS
instalasi lepas pantai di Indonesia, yaitu: sur- Faisal Purnawarman
vey dan pembersihan sebelum pembongkaran, sudah bekerja dengan
persiapan pembongkaran dan pembongkaran pengalaman 5+ tahun
konduktor, pembongkaran fasilitas topside di bidang struktur dan
dan jaket, pembongkaran pipa penyalur dan integritas aset lepas
kabel daya, serta survey pasca pembongkaran. pantai. Faisal memperoleh
gelar sarjana Teknik
Kelautan dan gelar master Teknik Lepas
Pantai dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB).
Desrina, R. Chairil Anwar and Tri Muji Susantoro. Faisal sudah pernah terlibat dalam riset,
Environmental Impacts of the Oil and Gas Platform seminar, pelatihan, dan proyek seputar
Decommissioning. Indonesia Research and Devel- pembongkaran anjungan lepas pantai pada
opment Centre for Oil and Gas Technology (Lemi- aspek teknis, perencanaan, dan metode
gas), Jakarta. 2013 yang dapat diaplikasikan di Indonesia.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 74

Tabel 4 – Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Pekerjaan Pembongkaran Anjungan Lepas Pantai
<< 75 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Installation Method of
Reinforced Thermoplastic
Pipe in Shallow Water;
Lesson Learned from ESRA
– ESA Pipeline Replacement
Edim Toto Sinulingga, Aditya Pratama, dan Januar Murdani i)
i) PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Offshore North West Java

ESRA is one of the well platforms in a marginal gas field operated by PT Pertamina Hulu Energi
Offshore North West Java (PHE ONWJ). Its production had been flowed to ESA platform through
a 6.3 km 8 inch carbon steel subsea Main Gas Line (MGL) since 2002. However, the respective
subsea pipeline stopped operating in 2015 because of the occurrence of several leaks along the
line due to inner wall pipe corrosion affected by high CO2 content from one of the wells. The
existing carbon steel pipeline was therefore decided to be replaced and in response, a study on
the replacement scheme took placerespectively. The study concluded that the flexible pipe of
Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) type was the selected option, to replace the existing carbon
steel pipe in order to maintain production from marginal field with high CO2 content.
RTP installation is unprecedented in ONJW field. The engineering study for its installation
assurance was therefore a top priority of which study was conducted by EPCI Contractor
collaborating with RTP provider representative.A critical aspectof the RTP installation anticipated
during the study was the RTP’son-bottom stability during and post installation since unlike un-
bonded flexible pipe, a bare RTP is very light and not designed to be self-submerged in the water.
Additional mean to keep the RTP pipe submerged during and post installation is required and
needs to be designed and implemented towards the RTPso as to ensure the RTP pipe can be
installed and operated safely.
The installation of RTP in this project was conducted by a conventional Pipe Lay Barge (PLB).
Thus, some arrangements and modification needed to be made on the PLB main deck to enable
the production line of the RTP constructed. The production line designedby EPCI contractor was
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 76

eventually proven to install the RTP pipe. Moreover, it was evident thatcommon method used to
install carbon steel pipe and unbonded flexible pipe can be also implemented for RTP installation.
However, issue in pipe abandonment and RTP final installation at downstream platform was
encountered and needed different technical approach to have it resolved.
The installation method of the RTP pipe in this project is made as lesson learned for future
reference of the same application. In addition,the completion of the RTP pipe installation from
ESRA-ESA has introduced a competitive optionagainst conventional carbon steel pipe one for
ONWJ in replacing aging pipeline in marginal field especially to that of high CO2 content.

I. Introduction sheet and can allow traces of gases such as CH4,

CO2, H2S, and H2O1. The specification of the RTP
ONWJ field is located in Offshore North West
obtained in this project is shown in Table-1.
Java, Indonesia. ESRA and ESA are part of ON-
WJ’s 223 platforms which have
been operated for more than 30
years.Subsea Pipeline Main Gas
Line (MGL) ESRA-ESA 8”- 6.3 km
had been operated since 2002. In
June 2015, several leaks occurred
along the respective subsea pipe-
line which eventually made the
subsea pipeline stop operating.
It has been known that one of
ESRA wells produced CO2 and
the CO2 level flowing to the sub-
sea pipeline became increasing
in 2015 since the respective well
had had its choke opening wider
for production purpose1.During
appraisal stage, 6 inch diameter
of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe
(RTP) was the selected option to
replace the leaking carbon steel
pipe based on technical and com-
mercial consideration.The rein-
forced thermoplastic plastic pipe
assessed is a flexible pipe for shal-
low water consisting of polyeth-
ylene (PE) internal liner, annular
ring steel strip armor, and PE outer Table-1. RTP specification (courtesy of Flexsteel)
<< 77 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

As can be seen from its Specific Gravity property which consequently requires additional mean
in Table-1, the RTP is very light and not designed of weighting. There have been three weighting
to be self-submerged in the water. Additional methods which have been used successfully,
mean to keep the RTP pipe submerged during i.e. attaching concrete weight blocks at regular
and post installation is also required and need to intervals, piggybacking a steel wire cable parallel
be designed and implemented towards the RTP to the RTP and covering the RTP with concrete
so as to ensure the RTP pipe can be installed and mattress2. In this project, the weighting method
operated safely. was the concrete block oneat regular interval
along the RTP length, as modeled in Figure 2.
The RTP procured was 6.8 km in length, thus
providing 500 meter length for spare. The 6.8 From engineering analysis, the weighting
meter was broken down into 9 coiled packages for required for on bottom stability is 233 kg of dry
shipping purposeand each coil package was of 650 weight and space interval between one weighting
- 800 meter long. Each RTP package later would be to another is 10 meter. The weighting was made
connected between one to another by a mean of from reinforced concrete and was designed to
mid line connection during offshore installation be attached to the RTP by clamping mechanism
(Figure-1). (Figure 3).

Figure -1 Mid Line Connection and End Fittings (Courtesy of Flexsteel)

II. Installation Engineering

The EPCI Contractor conducted installation
engineering whose scope covered RTP on-bottom
stability and offshore installation method.The on-
bottom stability analysis was performed based on
DNV-RP-F109. As mentioned previously, one of the
critical issues on the RTP’s on- bottom stability
is its inability to be self-submerged in the water
Figure -2 RTP model for On Bottom Stability Analysis
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 78

Figure -3 Concrete Weight Design

Installation engineering concluded that the

RTP installed with concrete weight arrangement
as per design satisfied the stability requirement
in accordance with DNV RP F109.The RTP was
planned to be laid from ESRA to ESA platform and
both platform ESRA and ESA would have J-Tube
structure as a mean to help erect the RTP from
seabed up to the platform

III. Pre-Offshore Installation Work Figure -4 RTP coiled package

As mentioned previously, the procured 6.8

single big reel.In this project, each coiled package
km long RTP was broken down and packed into
was recoiled into a single but smaller dedicated
9 coiled packages and each package has the RTP
installation reelbecause the PLB itself has limited
coiled by the mean of tensioning strap (Figure 4).
capacity to carry bigger installation reel. In
The coiled RTP needs to be released and consequence, 9 steel reels should be required.
recoiled into a steel reel in advance before Later, each reel would be able to function as a
offshore installation could take place. In contrary single installation reelwhich is ableto be rotated
to one of RTP benefits for being able to be in order to pay out the RTP during offshore
supplied on long coils thus allowing a simple and installation.The joining between one coil package
very fast installation 2, the whole 9 coil packages to another is therefore conducted on the PLB deck
of 6.8 km RTP were not joined and recoiled into a during laying operation.
<< 79 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

The transfer operation from coiled RTP into installation reel. After the recoiling completes,
an installation reel took place on flat top barge the RTP is then secured and locked to the
deck of which barge was alongside at public installation reel. At the end of the process, there
jetty.Followings are sequential steps for recoiling should be 9 reels with coiled RTP. However in
operation: this project, there were only 8 installation reels
available for recoiling operation in onshore.
The 9th recoiling was later conducted in
1. RTP coil package installation to Coil Transfer offshore after one of available installation reels
Machine (CTM) completely paying out the RTP to the water.
Normal lifting operation is applicable for
handling RTP coil. However, a special lifting
gear, i.e. a structural steelin the shape of half
cut cylinder, shall be used to lift the coil so as
to avoid excessive deformation on the RTP of
which could occur should common sling/belt
be used instead.The RTP coil shall be lifted and
fitted into a Coil Transfer Machine (CTM). CTM,
as in Figure 5 below, is a custom made tool
which is used to hold the RTP coil temporarily
before the RTP coil is pulled or paid out to the
installation reel. The CTM itself is able to be
freely rotated from pulling force for paying out

Figure-5 RTP lifting gear and CTM

2. Recoiling Operation Figure 6 Recoiling operation on flat top barge deck and
final RTP coil in Reel
The tip of the RTP coil at CTM is connected to
the installation reel with rigging gears. A reel
hub drive powered the installation reel to start IV. Offshore Installation Work
rotatingwhich therefore pull the RTP out of The marine spread used to install the RTP
CTM. As the CTM is able to be freely rotated, the in this project was a Pipe Lay Barge (PLB), i.e.
RTP coil is then paid out and recoiled into the a construction barge which is normally used to
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 80

Figure 7 - RTP construction line on PLB deck

install carbon steel pipe. The reason of using PLB

instead of vessel was because the RTP installation
in this project was part of pipeline replacement
campaign of which also included other three
carbon steel pipeline replacement works. In
consequence, the PLB needed to have her deck
arrangement compatible for a RTP production line
to be constructed (Figure 7).
As shown in Figure 7, the RTP construction
line on the PLB deck consisted of installation reel
station, mid Line connection station, tensioner
station and over-boarding chute.
The installation reel station consisted of
reel hub drive which can support a retractable
installation reel. The retractable installation reel
would be coming from the 8 reels which already
had the sectional RTP coiled in each of them. After
a reel mounted onto a reel hub drive, the RTP
was then paid out to pass through subsequent
stations. As soon as one reel had its coil completely
paid out,the respective reel was taken out of the
hub drive and replaced with the new subsequent
Figure 8 Station 1 and Station 2
<< 81 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

reel. The former RTP was then connected with the The subsea RTP installation methodology
latter one from the new reel by mid line connection in this project was approached with common
fitting in the second station (Figure 8). industry standard in installing subsea carbon steel
pipeline and unbounded flexible pipe, providing
As the PLB moved forward, the RTP was paid
that respective method, based on engineering
out through the next station of tensioner.When
calculation,will not harm the RTP integrity during
the marked section of the RTP at which concrete
installation.The subsea installation plan of the RTP
weight would be installed arrived at concrete
started with J-Tube installation at both platforms
weight installation station, PLB would then stop
ESRA and ESA. The J-Tube installation method was
moving. The concrete weight installation to the
similar to common riser installation. Afterwards,
RTP took place subsequently which was done by
RTP initiation was conducted from ESRA platform.
construction crews (Figure 9). The concrete weight
The initiation method was typical to that specified
station was equipped with alight overhead crane
in API 17B for Unbonded Flexible Pipe Installation
which functioned to lift and handle the concrete
(Figure 10).
weight. Afterwards, the PLB moved again to have
the RTP continue paid out and passed through
over-boarding chute station and the RTP went
down to the water before the PLB stopped again
for the next concrete weight installation. The
whole cycle would repeat continuously until the
PLB arrived at the downstream platform.

Figure 10 - RTP Initiation

After initiation completed, the PLB assumes

RTP normal laying, whose method is the same
as the J-laying method. RTP was full with water
during normal laying to help its stability during
installation. As soon as PLB arrived at ESA
platform, the RTP was laid down on the seabed
before the RTP was pulled throughout J-Tube for
its final erection to ESA platform.
Normal hydrotest post installation would be
conducted towards the RTP. After the hdyrotest,
the RTP needed to be dewatered and swabbed by
Figure 8 Tensioner and Concrete Weight Installation Station bi-di pig and had N2 purging applied.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 82

V. Offshore Installation Outcome and rotate the J-Tube bell mouth orientation to
the same direction as the RTP’s. The installation
The RTP initiation using the planned method
with this method was finally successful.This case is
was successful and followed by RTP normal
another example of the RTP installation limitation
laying. However, a site decision was made to
due to its maximum allowable axial load capacity,
not immediately laying the RTP in full speed
that although the pipe’s submerged weight is very
after initiation completed. This was meant as a
low and static load is small, dynamic movement
conservative approach by site management to
may lead to high axial forces of which beyond RTP
avoid the RTP experience excessive load which
could break the RTP off. The method was to have
the tensioner paid out the RTP slowlyto the water The whole RTP precommissioning works were
in the first place, thus providing sufficient RTP also done successfully and finally had the RTP
slack on the seabed and followed by slow barge ready for production
moving forward. The objective of this method was
to allow as many concrete weight laidas possible
before full speed laying can start. Increasing VI. Conclusion
number of concrete weight laidshould slowly The Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP) is
increase the system weight, hence should prevent technically feasible to be installed in shallow
the RTP from excessive force. This approach needs water. To achieve the objective, a Pipelay Barge
further engineering study in the future to validate (PLB) or any other accommodation work barge
its case can be utilized providing the respective barge
After 500 meter radius from the first initiation deck can accommodate the RTP production line
point, the RTP full speed laying commenced.The to be constructed. Common industry method to
RTP laying was completed 2 days ahead than plan. install carbon steel pipe or unbonded flexible pipe
One of the major contributors was the efficiency is also applicable for RTP installation however
of concrete weight installation station in installing it shall be acknowledged that RTP has more
the concrete weight to the RTP that each concrete installation limitations compared to carbon steel
weight installation could be done in 70 seconds. pipe or unbonded flexible pipe.

Problem was encountered during RTP abandon Concrete weighting in regular interval for RTP
and final riser installation at ESA platform. The on bottom stability offer benefits in the term of
original plan was to abandon the RTP on the construction and installation simplicity. However
seabed andsubsequently to have it aligned with it has a drawback in the sense that it makes
the J Tube bellmouth orientation by a single RTP remain vulnerable towards axial load from
subsea lifting prior to pullingit through the J-Tube installation dynamic movement which can go
up to the ESA platform.However, the plan did not beyond its capacity. In that case, if installation
work as expected. The RTP could not move closer condition suggests that axial loads may become
to the bell mouth and eventually had itself buckled. too high, it is suggested to look at and exercise
The RTP was then retrieved back to the barge for the other option, i.e. pig back a steel wire tension
further sectional cut and replacement with a new relief cable on the RTP that shall provide sufficient
section. The resolution made to solve the issue submerged weight simultaneously2.
was to keep the RTP section laid on the seabed
<< 83 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

VII. References
Yananto, H., et al, “Conceptual Design for
Maintaining Production of High CO2 Gas in Aditya Pratama
Marginal Field Offshore by Using a Thermoplastic is Project Engineer
Pipe”, SPE Paper No. SPE-182208182208-MS, 2016 for Pipeline Repair &
Replacement Project
Dalmolen, L.G.P., et al, “Offshore Applications
(PRRP) at Pertamina Hulu
of Reinforced Thermoplastic Pipe (RTP)”, paper
Energi North West Java
presented at the 4th Asian Conference and Exhibi-
(PHE ONWJ). Began his
tion, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2009
career since 2012 and handle three projects
American Petroleum Institute, “Recommend- afterwards. He received his master degree
ed Practice for Flexible Pipe”, API Recommended (M.T.) from Institut Teknologi Bandung
Practice 17B, Third Edition, 2002 directly after finish his bachelor degree (S.T.)
American Petroleum Institute, “Spoolable Re- from Civil Engineering at Institut Teknologi
inforced Plastic Line Pipe”, API Recommended Bandung.
Practice 15S, Second Edition, 2016

Januar Adi Murdani

Authors worked for PHE ONWJ as
Project Engineer since
2012 part of Pipeline
Edim Toto Sinulingga Repair and Replacement
is currently Project Project (PRRP) Team,
Leader at Pertamina Hulu have more than 8 years
Energi-Offshore North experience on Offshore pipeline engineering
West Java (PHE ONWJ) and construction. He graduated in 2007
who is in charge for from Sepuluh Nopember Institute of
annual Pipeline Repair Technology (ITS) Surabaya Majoring in
Replacement Project. Previously, he was Offshore Engineering.
Subsea Engineering Lead at the same
company running the Subsea Inspection
Maintenance and Repair Program. He
began his career in Oil and Gas Industry
in 2002 at J Ray McDermott Batam Yard as
Production Engineer. Edim completed his
Bachelor Degree in Ocean Engineering from
ITB in 2002 and received his MSc. Degree
in Construction Management from The
University of Birmingham UK in 2005.
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 84

Ricky Lukman Tawekal i), Bintang Wiratama Hendarko ii)
i) Kelompok Keahlian Teknik Lepas Pantai, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, E-mail:
ii) Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kelautan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan, Institut Teknologi Bandung,
Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132,

Aspek keselamatan dan aspek ekonomi menjadi isu paling penting dalam industri minyak
bumi dan gas saat ini. Oleh karena itu dalam prosesnya tidak hanya dibutuhkan struktur
yang kuat tetapi juga struktur dengan tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi terutama untuk marginal
field. Hingga saat ini struktur fixed platform tipe jacket masih menjadi pilihan utama sebagai
salah satu fasilitas penting dalam kegiatan eksploitasi minyak bumi dan gas di lepas pantai.
Dalam studi kasus ini akan dilakukan pemodelan serta analisa struktur untuk 2 jenis offshore
fixed platform berbeda yaitu tipe braced monopod dan tipe tripod jacket. Analisa struktur yang
dilakukan meliputi analisa staticin-place, analisa seismic, dan analisa fatigue berdasarkan
standar API RP 2A WSD. Setelah struktur dinilai memenuhi kriteria desain ketiga analisa
tersebut, selanjutnya dilakukan analisa push-over untuk mengetahui kekuatan keseluruhan
struktur sampai collapse untuk mendapatkan nilai Reserve Strength Ratio (RSR). Dalam studi
kasus ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa untuk kondisi pembebanan yg sama struktur braced
monopod lebih efisien karena mempunyai berat total yg lebih ringan dari disain struktur
tripod jacket walaupun RSR pada braced monopod lebih bervarisai dibandingkan dengan
nilai RSR pada tripod jacket.

Kata Kunci: Analisa in-place, analisa seismic, analisa fatigue, analisa push-over, RSR
<< 85 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

I. PENDAHULUAN jenis analisa yang dilakukan yaitu analisa in-place,

Jenis struktur yang umum digunakan untuk analisa seismic, analisa fatigue dan analisa push-
kegiatan eksploitasi minyak bumi dan gas over. Tahap analisa yang pertama adalah analisa
khususnya di daerah lepas pantai adalah fixed in-place. Apabila hasil dari analisa inplace pada
platform tipe jacket. Dalam proses desain struktur telah memenuhi kriteria desain yang
struktur platform selain kemampuan struktur disyaratkan, dilanjutkan dengan tahap analisa
dalam menopang beban yang dikenainya, faktor seismic dan diikuti dengan tahap analisa fatigue.
ekonomi juga menjadi pertimbangan penting Setelah struktur dinilai telah memenuhi kriteria
sehingga dibutuhkan desain struktur dengan desain untuk ketiga analisa tersebut, barulah
tingkat efisiensi yang tinggi. Berdasarkan API dilakukan analisa push-over.
RP 2A[1]proses analisa yang wajib dilakukan III. PEMODELAN
dalam proses desain struktur paltform adalah
analisa inplace, seismic dan fatigue untuk a. Pemodelan Struktur
mengetahui kemampuan struktur menopang
Struktur braced monopod terdiri dari 1 buah
beban lingkungan (seastate), beban hidup,
caisson dengan diameter 56 inch sebagai struktur
beban mati, beban removal/reinstallation,
utama, dan 2 buah pile dengan diameter 36 inch
beban konstruksi dan beban gempa. Sedangkan
sebagai struktur tambahan yang menahan beban
untuk mengetahui ultimate strength struktur
lateral. Struktur tripod jacket terdiri dari jacket
dibutuhkan analisa push-over.Analisa push-over
3 kaki dengan 3 buah pile yang berdiameter 42
umumnya juga digunakan untuk menggambarkan
inch di dalamnya. Kedua jenis struktur dipasang
ketidakstabilan global pada jacket platform. Dari
pada kedalaman perairan 198 feet. Model struktur
hasil analisa push-over, akan dihasilkan nilai RSR
dapat dilihat pada gambar di bawah ini:
(Reserve Strength Ratio)[4] yang menjadi parameter
penting untuk menentukan platform integrity, Berikut adalah gambar tampak atas struktur
serta memperkirakan komponen paling kritis dari braced monopod dan tripod jacket.
seluruh sistem struktur untuk menjadi prioritas
inspeksi. Dalam studi kasus ini akan dilakukan
pemodelan 2 jenis struktur fixed platform yaitu
tipe braced monopod dan tipe tripod jacket untuk
mengetahui perbandingan hasil analisa push-over
dari kedua jenis struktur tersebut.

Terdapat 4 tahap utama yang dilakukan dalam
studi kasus ini meliputi pengumpulan data desain
basis struktur, pemodelan struktur, pembebanan
struktur, dan analisa struktur. Setelah semua
data lingkungan dan data desain basis struktur
lengkap, mula mula struktur dimodelkan.
Kemudian dilakukan penyusunan pembebanan.
Penyusunan skenario kombinasi pembebanan
pada struktur yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan Gambar 1. Model Struktur
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 86

Model topside yang digunakan memiliki berat 1. Berat Sendiri Struktur

yang sama untuk kedua jenis struktur yaitu
Tabel 1 dan Tabel 2 menunjukkan berat sendiri
sebesar 161 kips dan memiliki 3 elevasi deck
struktur braced monopod dan tripod jacket.

Total Beban (kips)

Deskripsi 1-Tahun Op- 100-Tahun
erasi Badai
B e b a n
M a t i 1609.886 1609.886
1 Struktur
Buoyancy 600.34 620.491
Gambar 2. Tampak Atas Struktur Total 1009.55 989.395

Tabel 1. Berat Sendiri Struktur Braced Monopod

dengan framing deck yang sama, yaitu Main Deck
pada elevasi (+) 54.5 ft, Wellhead Deck pada elevasi Total Beban (kips)
(+) 42.5 ft, dan Cellar Deck pada elevasi (+) 32.5 ft, Deskripsi 1 Tahun 100 Tahun
serta satu buah Sub-Cellar Deck pada elevasi (+) Operasi Badai
20.5 ft. Beban Mati
3343.688 3343.688
1 Struktur
Pondasi kedua struktur berupa pile yang Buoyancy 1321.812 1342.095
ditanam hingga kedalaman 316 feet. Interaksi Total 2021.883 2001.593

Tabel 2. Berat Sendiri Struktur Tripod Jacket

Untuk beban sendiri struktur yang tidak

dimodelkan (non-generated) dicantumkan
dalam Tabel 3.

Gambar 3. Top-Side Model ( braced monopod

(kiri), tripod jacket (kanan))
antara struktur dengan tanah yang diaplikasikan Load
Deskripsi Beban
ke dalam model fondasi struktur berupa gesekan Case
tanah arah aksial dengan perpindahan (T-Z), Beban Mati Non-Generated -
end bearing pile dengan perpindahan (Q-Z), dan 21 25.171
Main Deck
gesekan tanah arah lateral dengan perpindahan Beban Mati Non-Generated -
22 8.391
(P-Y). Wellhead Deck
Beban Mati Non-Generated - Cel-
b. Pembebanan Model Struktur 23
lar Deck

Pembebanan yang diberikan pada model struktur Beban Mati Non-Generated -

24 8.400
Deck Stairs
terdiri dari:

Tabel 3. Beban Sendiri Struktur yang Tidak

<< 87 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

2. Beban Peralatan 5. Beban Work Over Rig (WOR)

Tabel 4 berikut menunjukkan beban peralatan Beban WOR tercantum dalam Tabel 7.
yang berada pada struktur. Total
Deskripsi Beban
Total 401 Work Over Rig 01 - Beban Operasi 285.000
Deskripsi Beban 402 Work Over Rig 02 - Beban Operasi 285.000
(kips) 403 Work Over Rig 03 - Beban Operasi 285.000
111 Beban Peralatan - Main Deck 9.654 411 Work Over Rig 01 - Beban Mati 265.008
112 Beban Peralatan - Wellhead Deck 4.140 412 Work Over Rig 02 - Beban Mati 265.074
113 Beban Peralatan - Cellar Deck 86.489 413 Work Over Rig 03 - Beban Mati 265.074
Beban Peralatan - Sub Cellar Work Over Rig 01 - Beban Mati (100
114 2.480 415 293.003
Work Over Rig 02 - Beban Mati (100
416 293.001
Tabel 4. Beban Peralatan Struktur
Work Over Rig 03 - Beban Mati (100
417 293.001
3. Beban Perpipaan
Tabel 7. Beban Work Over Rig
Beban perpipaan yang berada pada strukur
tercantum dalam Tabel 5. 6. Beban Crane

Total Beban crane yang berada pada strukur

Deskripsi Beban tercantum dalam Tabel 8.
201 Beban Perpipaan - Cellar Deck 11.991 Load Total
Case Beban
Tabel 5. Beban Perpipaan 501 Beban Mati Crane 14.0Kips
502 Beban Operasi Crane 24.0Kips
4. Beban Hidup 705.0
503 Momen Operasi Crane Arah X
Beban hidup yang berada pada strukur
tercantum dalam Tabel 6. 504 Momen Operasi Crane Arah Y

Tabel 8. Beban Crane

Deskripsi Beban 7. Beban Angin
Beban Hidup - Main Deck (100 Beban angin yang diberikan pada struktur
301 69.423
psf) telah dihitung berdasarkan elevasi deck dan
Beban Hidup - Wellhead Deck besar proyeksi luas deck yang terkena gaya
302 13.152
(100 psf) angin. Kecepatan angin yang digunakan untuk
Beban Hidup - Cellar Deck (100 menghitung gaya angin adalah 48 mph pada
303 37.990
psf) kondisi operasi dan 73 mph pada kondisi badai
Tabel 6. Beban Hidup dalam arah X dan Y struktur, seperti pada
gambar berikut:
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 88

Kecepatan Arus
Operasi Badai
Persen Persen
Kecepa- Kecepatan
Kedalaman Kedala-
tan (ft/s) (ft/s)
(%) man (%)
0 3.5 0 4.5
10 3.3 10 4.2
20 3.1 20 3.9
30 2.9 30 3.2
Gambar 4. Gambar Proyeksi Area Beban Angin 40 2.7 40 3.6
50 2.4 50 3.3
Total Beban 60 2.2 60 2.9
Load (kips)
Deskripsi 70 2.0 70 2.6
X Y 80 1.8 80 2.3
Beban Angin Arah X (1 90 1.5 90 2.0
601 7.840  
100 0.8 100 0.8
Beban Angin Arah Y (1
602   7.600 Tabel 10. Data Kecepatan Arus
Beban Angin Arah X
611 18.120   a. Analisa In-Place
(100 Tahun)
Beban Angin Arah Y Analisa in-place dilakukan dengan memberikan
612   17.480
(100 Tahun) kombinasi pembebanan berdasarkan kondisi
Tabel 9. Beban Angin lingkungan di lokasi yang direncanakan.
Pembebanan dilakukan untuk kondisi operasi dan
8. Beban Gelombang dan Arus
badai. Terdapat 4 jenis kombinasi pembebanan
Input untuk perhitungan beban gelombang struktur saat kondisi operasi dan badai yang
dalam software yang digunakan meliputi tinggi dilakukan dalam analisa in-place. Berikut adalah
gelombang sebesar 17 ft dengan periode 7.2 kombinasi pembebanan struktur saat kondisi
s saat kondisi operasi dan tinggi gelombang operasi:
30 ft dengan periode 10 s saat kondisi badai. 1. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati dan
Parameter arus yang digunakan untuk operasi rig lokasi 1 + beban lingkungan kondisi
menghitung gaya yang diterima oleh struktur operasi 12 arah (Kombinasi Pembebanan 2001
tercantum pada Tabel 10. – 2012)
c. Analisa Struktur 2. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati dan
operasi rig lokasi 2 + beban lingkungan kondisi
Sebelum dilakukan analisa push-over, dalam
operasi 12 arah (Kombinasi Pembebanan 2101
proses desain platform terdapat 3 jenis analisa
– 2112)
yang harus dilakukan untuk mengetahui apakah
desain struktur mampu menahan beban sesuai 3. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati dan
yang direncanakan serta memenuhi kriteria operasi rig lokasi 3 + beban lingkungan kondisi
desain struktur berdasarkan API RP 2A. Ketiga operasi 12 arah (Kombinasi Pembebanan 2201
analisa tersebut meliputi: – 2212)
<< 89 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

4. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati dan Deskripsi Kondisi DLE
operasi crane + beban lingkungan kondisi Base Shear Arah X (kips) 188.00
operasi 12 arah (Kombinasi Pembebanan 2301 Base Shear Arah Y (kips) 144.00
– 2312)
Overturning Moment Arah X
Sedangkan kombinasi pembebanan untuk kondisi
badai adalah sebagai berikut: Overturning Moment Arah Y
1. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati lokasi
Tabel 11 Base Shear Braced Monopod
1 + beban lingkungan kondisi operasi 12 arah
(Kombinasi Pembebanan 3001 – 3012) Description Kondisi DLE
2. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati lokasi Base Shear Arah X (kips) 405.00
2 + beban lingkungan kondisi operasi 12 arah Base Shear Arah Y (kips) 442.00
(Kombinasi Pembebanan 3101 – 3112) Overturning Moment Arah X
3. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati lokasi Overturning Moment Arah Y
3 + beban lingkungan kondisi operasi 12 arah (
(Kombinasi Pembebanan 3201 – 3212)
Tabel 12 Base Shear Tripod Monopod
4. Beban mati + beban hidup + beban mati crane
+ beban lingkungan kondisi operasi 12 arah dilakukan pengecekan tegangan pada member,
(Kombinasi Pembebanan 3301 – 3312) joint, dan kapasitas pile. Unity check pada member
dan joint tidak boleh melebihi 1 dengan pemberian
Setelah diberikan kombinasi pembebanan, faktor sebesar 1.7 pada tegangan izin. Safety factor
didapatkan hasil dari analisa in-place berupa unity yang didapatkan minimal 1 untuk analisa seismic.
check dari tiap member dan joint yang merupakan
rasio antara tegangan yang terjadi dibandingkan c. Analisa Fatigue
tegangan yang diizinkan pada struktur dan safety
Analisa fatigue dilakukan untuk mengetahui
factor pada pile. Unity check yang diizinkan pada
ketahanan joint pada struktur terhadap beban
struktur maksimal 1 dengan pemberian faktor
siklik dari gelombang selama masa layan. Metode
pada tegangan izin saat kondisi badai sebesar
analisa yang dilakukan menggunakan metode
1.33 dan safety factor pada pile minimal 2 untuk
deterministik dari hipotesis Palmgren-Miner yang
kondisi operasi dan 1.5 untuk kondisi badai.
menyatakan perhitungan kerusakan (damage)
b. Analisa Seismik akibat beban siklik dihitung secara kumulatif dan
linier. Kurva S-N yang digunakan untuk mengetahui
Analisa seismic dilakukan untuk mengetahui jumlah beban siklik yang diperbolehkan adalah
reaksi struktur terhadap kejadian seismic. kurva WJ (Welded Joint) yang tercantum dalam
Analisa pada tahap ini dilakukan dengan API RP 2A[1], serta menggunakan rumus Efthymiou
memperhitungkan PGA (Peak Ground untuk menghitung stress concentration factor.
Acceleration) sebesar 0.33 G dan redaman sebesar Beban gelombang yang digunakan untuk analisa
2% untuk kondisi DLE (Ductility Level Eartquake). ini menggunakan 8 arah, dengan masing-
Berdasarkan data tersebut didapatkan base shear masing arah memiliki 16 kelas gelombang. Data
sebagai berikut: gelombang yang digunakan untuk analisa ini
Berdasarkan beban gempa bumi tersebut, adalah data yang terjadi dalam 100 tahun sesuai
dengan desain basis.
Description Kondisi DLE
Base Shear Arah X (kips) 405.00
Base Shear Arah Y (kips) 442.00
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 90
Overturning Moment Arah X ( 655000.00
Overturning Moment Arah Y ( 600000.00

beban gempad. bumi Analisa Push-over

tersebut, dilakukan pengecekan tegangan padabadai joint,tripod
member, dan jacket sebesar 0.90 yang
terdapat pada pile.
Unity check pada member dan joint tidak boleh melebihi 1 dengan pemberian faktor sebesarBerikut adalah gambar yang
Dalam analisa push-over, mula-mula struktur
gan izin. Safety factor yang didapatkan minimal 1 untuk analisa seismic.menunjukkan lokasi member dengan unity check
dikenai beban gravitasi dan beban vertikal,
maksimum terjadi.
tigue kemudian struktur dikenai beban lingkungan
e dilakukan secara bertahap. Nodal
untuk mengetahui displacement
ketahanan joint pada elementterhadapUnity
danstruktur check
beban siklikjoint
dari maksimum kondisi operasi
force Metode
ama masa layan. dihitunganalisa
setiap tahap menggunakan
dilakukan pembebananmetode struktur braced
padadeterministik darimonopod terdapat pada joint
(load steps) dan matrix kekakuan di-update. Gaya 2001 sebesar 0.99, sedangkan saat kondisi badai
gren-Miner yang menyatakan perhitungan kerusakan (damage) akibat beban siklik dihitung
atif dan linier.
yang digunakan
strukturuntuk mengetahui
dihitung hinggajumlah beban siklik yang
adalah kurva WJ (Welded Joint) yang tercantum dalam API RP 2A[1], serta menggunakan
mencapai tingkat displacement tertentu untuk
ou untuk menghitung stress concentration factor. Beban gelombang yang digunakan untuk
nggunakan 8 arah, dengan available
dengan masing-masing capacity16struktur.
arah memiliki kelas gelombang. Data gelombang
n untuk analisa ini data
ini adalah dilakukan secara
yang terjadi dalamberulang
100 tahunhingga
sesuai dengan desain basis.
keseluruhan struktur runtuh. Dari hasil analisa
push-over akan dihasilkan RSR (Reserve Strength
Ratio). struktur dikenai beban gravitasi dan beban vertikal, kemudian struktur
push-over, mula-mula
lingkungan secara bertahap. Nodal displacement dan element force dihitung untuk setiap
anan (load steps)RSR
danadalah ukuran kemampuan
matrix kekakuan struktur
di-update. Gaya dalamuntuk
dan deformasi struktur dihitung
menahan beban,
pai tingkat displacement lebihuntuk
tertentu dari yang ditentukan
dibandingkan dalamavailable capacity struktur.
kukan secara berulang hingga keseluruhan struktur runtuh. Dari hasil analisa push-over akan
proses desain. Secara matematis, RSR diartikan
(Reserve Strength Ratio).
sebagai rasio/perbandngan antara collapse base
shear struktur
uran kemampuan maksimum untukdan collapse
menahan baselebih
beban, shear
yang ditentukan dalam proses
matematis, RSR diartikan sebagai rasio/perbandngan
periode ulang 100 tahun desain. antara collapse base shear maksimum
ase shear pada periode ulang 100 tahun desain. Gambar 5 Maksimum Unity Check kondisi Operasi


 ℎ  /

Analisa dilakukan sebanyak arah beban

lingkungan yang diperhitungkan, dalam kasus ini
digunakan 12 arah sesuai dengan kondisi In-place.


a. Analisa In-place
Dari hasil analisa in-place didapatkan hasil
unity check maksimum untuk member pada
braced monopod kondisi operasi sebesar 0.98
yang berada pada cellar deck. Sedangkan untuk
kondisi badai unity check maksimum sebesar 0.97
terdapat pada guardian structure bracing. Pada
struktur tripod jacket, unity check maksimum
pada member yang dihasilkan saat kondisi
operasi sebesar 0.96 terdapat pada deck bracing.
Sedangkan unity check maksimum kondisi Gambar 6 Maksimum Unity Check Kondisi Badai
<< 91 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

unity check joint maksimum terdapat pada joint

523 sebesar 0.75. Untuk struktur tripod jacket,
unity check joint maksimum terjadi pada joint
437 untuk kondisi operasi dan badai. Lokasi joint
tercantum dalam Gambar 7.

Gambar 8.
Unity Check Maksimum Analisis Seismik

Gambar 7. Unity Check Joint Maksimum Jadi berdasarkan hasil analisa seismic yang telah
dilakukan, struktur braced monopod dan tripod
Safety factor terkecil pada struktur braced jacket telah memenuhi kriteria desain yang
monopod adalah sebesar 2.27 dan pada struktur disyaratkan.
tripod jacket sebesar 1.54.
c. Analisa Fatigue
Jadi berdasarkan hasil analisa In-place yang
telah dilakukan, struktur braced monopod dan Berdasarkan hasil analisa fatigue didapatkan hasil
tripod jacket telah memenuhi kriteria desain yang prediksi usia layan joint struktur braced monopod
disyaratkan. sebagai berikut:

b. Analisa Seismic Lokasi joint braced monopod dengan masa

layan terendah tercantum dalam Gambar 9.
Berdasarkan hasil analisa seismic, didapatkan
hasil unity check maksimum terdapat pada pile
Member Masa
yang berada di bawah mudline sebesar 0.81 untuk
braced monopod dan 0.92 untuk tripod jacket. Joint Kerusakan Layan
Brace Chord
Sedangkan unity check joint maksimum braced (Tahun)
monopod terdapat pada joint 2002, dan untuk 424 424-414 423-424 0.983 20.35
struktur tripod jacket terdapat pada joint 3004. 416 426-416 416-436 0.857 23.34
Berikut adalah lokasi joint dengan nilai unity check 301 305-301 212-301 0.853 23.45
201 201-205 111-201 0.643 31.10

Safety factor terkecil untuk hasil analisa seismic 305 201-305 216-305 0.506 39.50
pada struktur braced monopod sebesar 5.49
sedangkan pada struktur tripod jacket sebesar 3.48. Tabel 13. Hasil Analisis Fatigue Braced Monopod
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 92

Gambar 9. Lokasi Joint Braced Monopod dengan Gambar 10.

Fatigue Life Minimum Lokasi Joint dengan Fatigue Life Minimum

Member Masa Layan 4.4 Analisa Push-over

Joint Kerusakan
Brace Chord (Tahun)
434 434-420 434-302 0.821 24.35 Berdasarkan hasil analisa push-over didapatkan
437 336-437 320-437 0.473 42.29 hasil RSR berikut ini untuk braced monopod.
417 417-335 415-417 0.461 43.34

419 0101-419 419-411 0.164 122.27 Base Shear

Base Shear
Arah Maksimum RSR
101 309-0101 0101-419 0.139 143.9 Desain (Kips)
Tabel 14. Hasil Analisis Fatigue Tripod Jacket 0o 551.35 1578.28 2.86
30o 552.63 2075.06 3.75
Hasil analisa fatigue untuk struktur tripod 60o 542.45 1552 2.86
jacket tercantum dalam Tabel 14. 90o 540.91 1229.23 2.27
Gambar berikut menunjukkan lokasi joint
120o 531.89 1587.45 2.98
dengan masa layan paling minimum untuk 150o 535.14 1478.77 2.76
struktur . 180o 549.65 1287.44 2.34
210o 549.39 1240.71 2.26
Dari hasil analisa fatigue yang telah dilakukan,
240o 544.81 1240.71 2.28
kedua struktur memiliki usia layan lebih dari
270o 539.25 1280.45 2.37
20 tahun. Sehingga dapat diambil kesimpulan
300o 530.75 1364.07 2.57
berdasarkan analisa fatigue, struktur braced
monopod dan tripod jacket telah memenuhi 330o 536.42 1694.05 3.16
kriteria desain yang disyaratkan.
Tabel 15. Hasil RSR Braced Mnopod
<< 93 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017

Gambar 12. Hasil RSR Tripod Jacket

Gambar 11. Hasil RSR Braced Monopod
Dari hasil analisa push-over struktur tripod
jacket didapatkan hasil RSR minimum terjadi pada
Dari hasi analisa push-over struktur braced arah datang beban lingkungan 1500 sebesar 1.88
monopod didapatkan hasil RSR minimum sebesar dengan RSR maksimum terjadi sebesar 2.46 pada
2.26 pada arah datang beban lingkungan 210o. arah datang beban lingkungan 60o, 120o, 240o, dan
Sedangkan besar nilai RSR maksimum terjadi 300o.
pada arah datang beban lingkungan 30o sebesar
Dari hasil analisa push-over ini dapat
disimpulkan kedua struktur telah memenuhi
Untuk hasil analisa push-over tripod jacket kriteria desain yang disyaratkan API RP 2A yaitu
didapatkan hasil RSR sebagai berikut: nilai RSR tidak kurang dari 1.6.

Base Shear Base Shear
Arah Desain Maksimum RSR Dengan kondisi beban topside dan beban
(Kips) (Kips)
lingkungan yg sama, model struktur braced
0o 1053.47 2394.63 2.27
monopod dengan berat mati 1609.9 ton, dan
30o 1043.46 2167.4 2.07
model tripod jacket dengan berat mati 3343.7 ton
60o 1037.99 2562.84 2.46
memenuhi kriteria untuk analisa in-place, seismic,
90o 1041.62 2266.4 2.17
dan fatigue. Karena itu, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
120o 1035.64 2556.9 2.46
model struktur braced monopod lebih efisien dari
150o 1038.38 1953.95 1.88
model struktur tripod jacket karena mempunyai
180o 1053.97 2395.57 2.27
berat mati yg lebih kecil.
210o 1047.2 2175.93 2.07
240o 1045.01 2580.93 2.46 Konfigurasi struktur braced monopod
270o 1049.5 2386.15 2.27 memberikan nilai RSR yg lebih bervariasi
300o 1042.52 2574.95 2.46 dibandingkan nilai RSR struktur tripod jacket.
330o 1042.14 2267.54 2.17
Perbandingan yg dilakukan dalam makalah ini
Tabel 16. Hasil RSR Tripod Jacket hanya terhadap kriteria disain dalam analisa
jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017 >> 94

in-place (static in-place, seismic, dan fatigue). Scientist. Singapura: World Scientific
Perbandingan lebih lanjut harus dilakukan
[4] Kurnian, V.J, dkk. 2014. System Reliability
terhadap proses pemasangan (installation)
Assesment of Existing Jacket Platforms
in Malaysian Waters. Malaysia: Universiti

[1] American Petroleum Institute. 2007. [5] Tawekal, Ricky Lukman. 2011. SI 7173
Recommended Practice for Planning, Perencanaan Bangunan Lepas Pantai.
Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Bandung: Penerbit ITB.
Platform – Working Stress Design, API RP [6] Tawekal, Ricky Lukman. 2010. KL 4121
2A-WSD, 21ST Edition. Washington D.C.: Bangunan Lepas Pantai I. Bandung: Penerbit
American Petroleum Institute ITB.
[2] Chakrabarti, Subrata K. 2005. Handbook of [7] Nallayarasu, Seeninaidu. Offshore Structures:
Offshore Engineering. Plainfield: Elsevier Analysis and Design. India: Indian Institute of
[3] Dean, Robert G. dan Robert A. Dalrymple. Technology Madras
1991. Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and

Tentang Penulis
Prof. Ir. Ricky Lukman Tawekal MSE. Ph.D.

Saat ini beliau menjabat sebagai Kepala Kelompok Riset Rekayasa Kelautan,
anggota Senat Akademik serta Profesor dari Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan,
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Pernah juga menjabat sebagai Wakil Presiden dari PT
PAL (1995-1998), Presiden Direktur dari PT PALAMEC Indonesia (1998-2000), Direktur
PT LAPI ITB (2006-2010), serta juga pendiri dari PT Bina Rekacipta Utama (2000).
Berpengalaman lebih dari 30 (tigapuluh) tahun dalam memimpin berbagai
riset, desain dan analisis terkait anjungan lepas pantai (offshore platform), jaringan pipa bawah laut (subsea
pipeline). Selama 10 (sepuluh) tahun terakhir, aktif dalam berbagai pengembangan metode dan program
untuk analisa resiko (risk analysis), sistem manajemen integritas struktur serta program inspeksi berbasis
resiko, baik untuk anjungan lepas pantai ataupun jalur pipa bawah laut. Belaiu juga terlibat dalam beberapa
kajian Rencana Pengembangan (Plan of Development), Decommissioning anjungan lepas pantai serta berbagai
kajian analisa estimasi biaya proyek.
Mendapatkan gelar Sarjana dari Jurusan Teknik Sipil dari Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB). Selain itu juga
mendapatkan dua gelar Master di bidang Engineering dari Universitas Michigan, USA untuk bidang Teknik
& Arsitektur Kelautan (Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering) serta untuk bidang Rekayasa Luar Angkasa
(Aerospace). Terakhir, beliau juga mendapatkan gelar Ph.D. dari Universitas Michigan, USA untuk bidang
Teknik & Arsitektur Kelautan tersebut.

Bintang Wiratama Hendarko ST.

Bintang menyelesaikan studinya di Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Kelautan pada

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan ITB pada tahun 2015.
<< 95 jurnal IAFMI 05 maret 2017
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