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Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020


Patterns of Use of Antihypertensive Medications in Geriatric Populations
at General Hospital

Atjo Neng Mira1,2, Hardjo Marhaen3, Soraya Gita Vita 3*,

Biomedical Science Study Program, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia
Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, Sulawesi Barat University, Indonesia
Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar,
*Corresponding Author:

Hipertensi ialah permasalahan kesehatan utama di Indonesia dan juga di berbagai negara
di dunia. Berdasarkan penelitian epidemiologi, diperoleh bahwa seiring bertambahnya usia,
tekanan darah juga meningkat. Hipertensi menjadi masalah pada geriatri sebab menjadi
penyebab utama penyakit jantung koroner. Tujuan: Untuk menilai pola penggunaan obat
antihipertensi pada populasi geriatri dan kepatuhan pengobatan hipertensi terhadap
pedoman pengobatan hipertensi JNC-8 dalam populasi geriatri. Metode: Ini adalah
penelitian observasional cross-sectional menggunakan data retrospektif yang terdiri dari
rekam medis pasien hipertensi rawat jalan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah di Kabupaten
Majene, Indonesia. Sampel yang dianalisis adalah pasien geriatri (≥ 60 tahun) dengan
hipertensi. Penelitian ini dilakukan antara Juli dan Oktober 2019. Hasil: Dari 196 pasien, 80
(40,81%) adalah laki-laki dan 116 (59,18%) adalah perempuan. Sebagian besar resep
diberikan sebagai penggunaan terapi tunggal (72,5%) dan sisanya sebagai penggunaan
terapi ganda sebagian besar terdiri dari kombinasi dua obat (27,5%). Diuretik dengan ACEi
adalah kombinasi yang paling banyak digunakan (14,3%), diikuti oleh CCB dengan ACEI
(7,7%) dan diuretik hemat Kalium (3,1%), CCB + ARB terakhir (2,6%). Persentase untuk
pasien hipertensi stadium 1 adalah 77% dan 15,3% untuk stadium 2. Kesimpulan:
Pengobatan hipertensi pada pasien geriatri di Rumah Sakit Umum Kabupaten Majene tidak
sepenuhnya sesuai dengan pedoman JNC-8 saat ini.
Kata kunci: Hipertensi, Geriatri, JNC-8, Kepatuhan

Hypertension is a major health problem in Indonesia and also in various countries in the
world. Based on epidemiological research, it was found that as we get older, blood pressure
also rises. Hypertension is a problem in geriatrics because it is a major cause of coronary
heart disease. Objective: To assess patterns of antihypertensive drug use in the geriatric
population and the adherence of antihypertensive regimes towards the JNC-8 hypertension
treatment guidelines within the geriatric population. Methods: This is a cross-sectional
observational study using retrospective data consisting of medical records of outpatient
hypertension patients at the General hospital in Majene District, Indonesia. The sample
analyzed was geriatric patients (≥ 60 years) with uncomplicated hypertension. This study
was conducted between July and October 2019. Results: Of 196 patients, 80 (40.81%) were
male and 116 (59.18%) were female. Most of the prescriptions were given as single therapy
use (72.5%) and the rest as multiple therapy use consisted mostly of a combination of two

Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020

drugs (27.5%). Diuretics with ACEi are the most used combination (14.3%), followed by
CCB with ACEI (7.7%) and Potassium-sparing diuretics (3.1%), last CCB + ARB (2.6%).
The percentage for stage 1 hypertension patients is 77% and 15.3% for stage 2. Conclusion:
Treatment of hypertension in geriatric patients at the Majene District General Hospital is not
fully in line with current JNC-8 guidelines.
Keywords: Hypertension; Geriatrics; JNC-8; Adherence

INTRODUCTION to problems related to drug use (drug-

According to the Joint National related problems / DRPs) that can worsen
Committee on Detection, Evaluation, and side effects and reduce the effectiveness
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC), of treatment2. The more the amount of
hypertension is defined as blood pressure drug the patient uses, the higher the risk
measured at or greater than 140/90 of unwanted effects and drug
mmHg4. Hypertension is widely known as 3
interactions . To prevent and avoid
cardiovascular disease. In fact, deaths problems regarding the use of
due to stroke and cardiovascular disease antihypertensive drugs in elderly
morbidity are reduced with hypertension hypertensive patients so that they can
treatment. The prevalence of provide the desired therapeutic results, it
hypertension in Indonesia for urban and takes a good understanding of the pattern
rural areas is around 17-21%. More than of drug use in patients9,11.
half of people with hypertension in JNC 8 recommendations differ
Indonesia are undetected, while those from previous JNC 7 approvals, related to
who are detected are generally unaware changes in pharmacological therapy
of the disease5. Longer life expectancy management and blood pressure
classification that are more specific than
leads to global population growth18. Global
JNC 7. JNC 8 recommendations
life expectancy at birth is expected to emphasize the assessment of blood
increase from 68.6 years in 2015 to 76.2 pressure in post-stroke patients is
years in 2050, with older populations <140/90 mmHg in the <60 years group
representing 16.7% of the total world and <150/90 mmHg in the ≥60 years
population at that time18. However, aging group. The main objective of the JNC 8
is identified as a major risk factor for major guideline is to manage hypertension to
achieve and maintain blood pressure
health problems, including cancer,
targets. If the target blood pressure is not
cardiovascular disease and reached within one month of therapy, add
neurodegeneration12, with a high the initial drug dose or add a second drug
prevalence of chronic diseases that are from the hypertension drug group4. The
closely related to the number of drugs objective of this research is to assess
consumed by parents1. The physiological patterns of antihypertensive drug use in
changes in the organ system can affect the geriatric population and the adherence
of antihypertensive regimes towards the
the process of pharmacokinetics,
JNC-8 hypertension treatment guidelines
pharmacodynamics, and the tendency for within the geriatric population.
disease complications and the
development of polypharmacy in the METHODS
elderly making this population vulnerable This study was an observational
study using a cross-sectional descriptive

Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020

analysis design. Data collection was done respectively. Hypertension was classified
retrospectively. A total of 196 medical according to JNC-8 guidelines and found
records that met the inclusion criteria 77 % (Stage 1 Hypertension), 15,3%
(stage 2 hypertension) and 7,6% (stage 3
included medical records and
hypertension) cases.
prescriptions of patients diagnosed with
hypertension aged ≥ 60 years and fulfilling Table 1. Age Range of Geriatic Sample
the inclusion criteria and undergoing Age Male Female n:116)
outpatient care for the period July to 60- 58,9+ 61,3 + 8,3
October 2019 at Majene General Hospital. 74 12,3 80,3 + 3,8
Antihypertensive drugs, detailed 75- 79 + 1
89 4,3
epidemiological profile, presence or ≥ 90 1
absence of comorbid conditions, Age mean SD (Standar Deviation) t- test P =
antihypertensive drug prescribing patterns
and their compliance are categorized
according to JNC-8 guidelines. The Table 2. Comparison between of the level of
patients were classified into three different Blood Pressure n %
age groups namely 60-79 years, 80-89 Stage 1 151 77
years, ≥ 90 years. Data records regarding Hypertension 30 15,3
Stage 2 15 7,6
antihypertensive monotherapy and Hypertension
combination therapy. Each Stage 3
antihypertensive drug is categorized into
one of the following classes: thiazide-type Total 196
diuretics, angiotensin-converting enzyme 100
inhibitors (ACEI) or angiotensin receptor
(ARB) inhibitors, calcium channel blockers In table 3 shows the comorbidities
(CCB), and other antihypertensive agents. of geriatric patients with hypertension with
Medication adherence was assessed by diabetes mellitus (1.5%), male; (2.0%)
comparing with JNC-8 treatment women, other cardiovascular diseases
guidelines for those aged ≥60 years at a (2.0%, men; 1.0%, women), and CHF
blood pressure of 150/90 mmHg and non- (2.0%, men; 1.5%, women).
black communities. Table 3. Distribution Of Primary Hypertension
With Comorbidities
RESULTS Male Female
A total of 196 samples were Primary 69 (35.2%) 107 (54.6%)
randomly collected over a three month Hypertension 3 (1.5%) 4 (2.0%)
period to assess treatment adherence. With: 4 (2.0%) 3 (1.5%)
Age Range Of Geriatry Sample are shown DM 4 (2.0%) 2 (1.0%)
in Table 1 with t-test shared P= 0,965 CHF
which mean no significant difference
Heart Disease
between the age of male and female. Of Total 80 (40.8%) 116 (59.2%)
the 196 patients, 80 (40, 81%) were male
and 116 (59, 18%) were female. The mean
ages of male and female patients were Counting 72.5% of patients
57.68 ± 15.32 and 61.29 ± 12.65 years received single therapy use and 27.5%

Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020

used multiple therapy. Table 3 presents Table 4. Distribution Of Hypertension With Single
prescription patterns and levels of and Multiple therapy use
antihypertensive drugs prescribed for Medication Use: Male Female
hypertensive patients as both single and
Single Therapy Use :
combination therapy. Diuretics (33.2%) Furosemide 29 36 (18.4%)
are the most commonly prescribed Captopril (14.8%) 36 (18,4%)
antihypertensive drugs as single therapy Amlodipin 19 12 (6.1%)
use followed by ACE inhibitors (28.1%) Multiple Therapy Use: (9.7%)
then with calcium channel blockers Furocemid+Captoril 8 19 (9.7%)
Furocemide+spirinolakton (4.1%) 9 (4.6%)
(10.2%). Whereas the most commonly Amlodipin+Candersartan 2 (1.0%)
used combination of hypertension drugs 9 1 (0.5%)
are Diuretics + ACE inhibitors (14.3%) (4.6%)
followed by ACE inhibitors + CCB (7.7%), 6
and Diuretics + potassium-saving 4
diuretics (3.1%), last CCB + ARB (2.6%) (2.0%)
Total 80 116
(40.8%) (59.2%)

DISCUSSION more common in elderly patients who

Hypertension is a chronic disease affected the age group 60-74 years or
that requires ongoing treatment. This more.
study analyzes prescription patterns in Current research results show
geriatric hypertension patients and Diabetes mellitus (1.5%), male; (2.0%)
controls blood pressure with JNC 8 women, other cardiovascular diseases
guidelines for managing hypertension, (2.0%, men; 1.0%, women), and CHF
which is carried out in outpatients in (2.0%, men; 1.5%, women). All three are
general district hospitals. The choice of the most common comorbidities in
antihypertensive medication must be geriatric patients with hypertension.
supported by each patient, taking into Studies conducted by Amira et al and
account any accompanying diseases such Kothari et al found 36.6% and 47.72% of
as diabetes mellitus, difficult side effects patients suffering from comorbidities and
of certain drugs. The overall goal of patients at greater risk of complications.
treating hypertension is to reduce Among various diseases, cardiovascular
hypertension associated with morbidity disease is the main threat. Pai PG et al
and mortality. The results of this study reported patients suffering from
indicate that hypertension is more hypertension with diabetes mellitus (37,
common in women (52, 77%), compared 49%) followed by heart diseases such as
to men (47, 22%). The above pattern is the ischemic (7.12%), congestive heart failure
same as the study conducted by Jhaj et al (2%), and chronic kidney disease (1.1%)
in India5. However, the above pattern is 9
. This is also reinforced by Niccoli &
not consistent with other studies Partridge that aging is identified as a major
conducted by Lee et al. In China which risk factor for major health problems11,
reported a higher prevalence of including cancer, cardiovascular disease,
hypertension in women than in men6. The and neurodegeneration, with a high
study also revealed that hypertension was prevalence of chronic illness that is closely

Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020

related to the number of drugs consumed function as a

by parents 12. mineralocorticoid/aldosterone receptor
antagonist in heart failure, as
This study shows the 72.3% single recommended in international
therapy use drug group and 27.7% guidelines14, 15.
combination therapy. As stated by
Daskalopoulou et al, as a whole, only 30% In addition, according to AGS, beer
of elderly hypertensive sufferers whose criteria for the use of diuretic drugs,
blood pressure can be controlled with special loop diuretics in geriatric patients,
single therapy use. The rest is needed for must be used with caution and followed by
combination treatment of more than one possible and questionable conversion
antihypertensive drug so that blood conversions related to the use of diuretics
pressure returns to normal. The most for geriatrics, namely periodic
commonly prescribed are loop diuretics examinations of body sodium levels.
only or in combination3. JNC Guideline 8
discusses the use of thiazide diuretic CONCLUSIONS
single therapy use lines followed by ACEI, The results obtained for the
ARB, and CCB or in combination to treatment of single therapy use are
manage initial hypertension4, In this study diuretics (33,2%), ACEi (28,1%), CCB
the most prescribed drug was loop diuretic (10,2%) and potassium-saving diuretics
(33.1%) followed by ACEi (28.1%), CCB (1%) whereas for combination therapy
(10.2%) in single therapy use. For the use ACEi + loop diuretics (14,3%) are mostly
of combination drugs, most are used in used in combination therapy of two drugs
combination therapy of two drugs, namely followed by CCB + ACEI (7,7%) and
ACEi + loop diuretic (14.3%) followed by combination of CCB + ARB (2,6%). So it
CCB + ACEi (7.7%) and potassium- can be concluded that the results of the
sparing diuretic + diuretic (3.1%) and CCB study show adherence to antihypertensive
+ ARB (2.6%). So that the results obtained treatment in Majene Regency do not fully
in this study are not in accordance with the meet JNC 8 guidelines, especially for
guidelines because the JNC 8 guidelines geriatric patients who need to consider the
recommend initial therapy with thiazide- use of drugs related to the problems of
type diuretics or ACEI or ARB or CCB, aging physical limitations and
single or combination for patients over 60 complications of the disease due to
years of age4. thiazide diuretics, which is the first-line
drugs according to JNC 8 guidelines for
However, although the use of loop the initial management of hypertension
diuretics differs from JNC-8 guidelines, it and combination therapy are not used, but
should be noted that potassium-sparing use the available type of loop diuretic or
diuretics and diuretics are mainly furosemide, which certainly requires
prescribed for the treatment of monitoring of side effect drugs, especially
hypertension and coronary heart disease for geriatric patients.
in the study population. Although this
group of drugs can cause unwanted CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
electrolyte imbalances or inappropriate The author states that there is no
antidiuretic hormone secretion conflict of interest.
syndromes13, their use is needed in cases
of heart failure. Loop diuretics are
indicated for symptom control, whereas
spironolactone is prescribed for its

Vol 12 No 2 Oktober 2020

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