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Penulis : Ian Damora Sitompul

Fakultas : Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Program Studi : Manajemen Umum dan Operasi
IPK : 3.04
Pembimbing I : Dr. Hj Indrianawati Usman, M.Sc
Pembimbing II :

Formulasi Strategi Map dan Balanced Scorecard Pada Koperasi

Karyawan Citra Bekisar
Abstrak :

Cooperative play is very important in growing and developing the economic potential of the people.
Cooperative Citra Bekisar as a cooperative that was initiated by an employee of PT TELKOM Regional
Division V East Java, established on March 23, 1985 and has various types of businesses include the
Savings and Loans, Dispensary, K-Shop, Green Café, Telkom Mess, Rent Car & Maintenance, HR.
Provider, Trading, Construction, SOPP & Partnerships, AD. Flexi & Terminal. Performance measurement
is one of the most important factor for the organization, where such measurements can be used to assess
the success of the organization and can be used as a basis for corporate strategy. The information
generated from performance measurement tool in a way that is less relevant as well as the lack of
measuring devices that support, would complicate the organization in evaluating its performance are used
as the basis for determining what strategies will be implemented for a long time to come. This study aims to
formulate a strategy map with the Balanced Scorecard at Cooperative Citra Bekisar.
This research was conducted with a qualitative approach with case study method. Location of the research
conducted at Cooperative Citra Bekisar. The research method refers to the balanced scorecard that is used
to help meet customer satisfaction Kopkar Bekisar image.
Based on the results of analysis show Cooperative Citra Bekisar performance from the customer
perspective is very good, where the target of increasing job satisfaction above 80% and the reward to the 2
person to depart on pilgrimage every year. Based on the financial perspective also increased, revenues
increased by 98% from 2007 to 2008 and SHU also increased by 351% from 2007 to 2008 and 29% from
2008 ke2009. Performance based on internal business perspective also increased, judging from the
percentage of members who have earned savings and loan services and the percentage of employee
attendance. While performance based on learning and growth perspective is also very good overall,
including SMK3 of Manpower training, team building / gathering, spray spiritual, and roadshows were
held regularly once in every year.

Keyword :

performance measurement, balanced scorecard, strategy map, cooperative.

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