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Defenisi Digital Marketing

Apa Itu Digital Marketing? Banyak sekali istilah yang mendampingi Digital  Marketing,
seperti Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Web Marketing dll.  Tetapi istilah Digital
Marketing lebih populer dibanding lainnya (lihat gambar dibawah dimana istilah Digital
Marketing lebih “trending” menurut Google  Trends).

Digital Marketing (pemasaran secara digital) adalah Pemasaran PRODUK atau  JASA /

LAYANAN yang menggunakan teknologi DIGITAL, yang disampaikan  melalui media digital
seperti Search Engine (Google, Bing dll), Website, Social  Media, Email, Aplikasi Mobile dan
media digital lainnya.

Dalam hal ini Anda melakukan BISNIS, BISNIS ONLINE namanya, dan sama  seperti BISNIS
TRADISIONAL (OFFLINE), hanya saja dilakukan dan  disampaikan melalui media digital.

Digital Marketing is the marketing of products or  services using digital technologies, mainly
on the  Internet, but also including mobile phones, display advertising, and any other digital
Digital Marketing

is a platform which enables a business have a  digital presence and also provide business
solution  for each business based on their problem and  providing customized solution.

“Digital marketing uses the internet and Information Technology  to extend and
improve traditional marketing  functions.”

(Urban, 2004) David Chaffey

Ya karena penetrasi Internet di Indonesia cukup tinggi dan terus meningkat  dari tahun ke
tahun. Anda harus siap dengan era DIGITAL! Media Digital  memiliki akses terhadap
informasi kapanpun dan dimana saja kita inginkan.

Media Digital terus bertumbuh sebagai sumber berita (,,, hiburan (, belanja (, dan interaksi
sosial (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn,  Instagram) yang terus berkembang.

Saat ini Audiens (Konsumen / Pelanggan / Pengguna) lebih percaya apa yang  dikatakan
media dibanding Perusahaan yang mempunyai brand produk / layanan, dan percaya apa
yang direkomendasikan teman, saudara, rekan  kerja, dll.

Sekarang jamannya personalisasi dan penawaran yang disesuaikan dengan  kebutuhan dan
preferensi mereka. Cara orang berbelanja dan membeli  benar-benar telah berubah, artinya
Pemasaran Offline (Tradisional) tidak se-efektif dulu.
Pemasaran selalu berhubungan dengan Audiens di tempat yang tepat dan  pada saat yang
tepat. Artinya Anda perlu bertemu dengan mereka di mana  mereka sudah menghabiskan
waktu di INTERNET.

1.3. Bagaimana Caranya Anda Bisa Ikut Andil Dalam Era

Anda dapat memulai dari membangun Website Anda sendiri sampai ke Aset  Online Anda
lainnya untuk BRANDING seperti iklan digital (Facebook Ads,  Google AdWords), pemasaran
melalui email (Email Marketing), dan lainnya.  Anda memerlukan ASET dan STRATEGI /
TAKTIK untuk membangun DIGITAL MARKETING. STRATEGI / TAKTIK adalah sumber
TRAFFIC untuk  ASET Anda.

Berikut adalah ASET dan STRATEGI / TAKTIK yang paling umum digunakan  kebanyakan


1. Website
2. Social Media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube,  Google+, dll)


#1 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO adalah proses optimisasi Website untuk “memberi peringkat” lebih  tinggi di halaman
hasil mesin pencari (contohnya Google), sehingga dapat  meningkatkan jumlah traffic
organik (atau gratis) yang akan menuju Website  Anda.

#2 Content Marketing
Content Marketing adalah pembuatan dan promosi konten dengan tujuan  membentuk
brand awereness, pertumbuhan traffic , lead generation atau  pembentukan database
prospek / konsumen.

#3 Social Media Marketing

Adalah praktek mempromosikan brand dan konten Anda di saluran media  sosial untuk
meningkatkan brand awareness, mengarahkan traffic, dan  menghasilkan prospek untuk
Bisnis Online Anda.

#4 Paid Search atau Pay-Per-Click (PPC)

Suatu metode untuk mengarahkan traffic ke Website Anda dengan  membayar publisher
setiap kali iklan Anda di-klik. Salah satu jenis PPC yang  paling umum adalah Google

#5 Affiliate Marketing

Ini adalah jenis periklanan berbasis kinerja di mana Anda menerima komisi  untuk
mempromosikan produk atau layanan orang lain di Website Anda.

#6 Native Advertising

Native Advertising mengacu pada iklan yang ditampilkan pada platform yang  memiliki
konten yang tidak berbayar. Contohnya adalah iklan Facebook dan  iklan Linkedin.

#7 Email Marketing

Anda dapat menggunakan Email Marketing sebagai cara berkomunikasi  dengan Audiens.
Email sering digunakan untuk mempromosikan konten,  training, seminar, diskon sambil
mengarahkan orang ke Website Anda.


Becoming a digital marketer is a journey. In this module you will learn the framework that
will help you organize and plan your approach.
1.5. Evolution of Digital Marketing

Types of Media
1.6. Platforms
1.7. Kesimpulan
Anda dapat memulai DIGITAL MARKETING dengan sebuah Website pribadi  atau dapat
membuat Toko Online (Online Store). Ini adalah ASET Anda.
Landing Page (Sales Page) dapat Anda tambahkan untuk dikawankan dengan  STRATEGI
yang akan digunakan, misalnya untuk beriklan di Facebook.

Jika Anda sudah melakukan pemasaran digital, setidaknya Anda sudah  menjangkau banyak
Audiens Anda secara online dan Anda sudah lebih dulu  melakukan penetrasi dengan
jangkauan yang lebih luas hanya sekali KLIK.

Bandingkan dengan pemasaran tradisional yang membutuhkan EFFORT dan  BIAYA yang
sangatlah besar untuk jangkauan yang lebih luas. Last but not  least, BRANDING Anda
sudah lebih dulu dikenal dibanding yang lain ketika  Anda sudah masuk ke DIGITAL


2.1. The Digital Marketing Framework

A digital marketing framework

helps you create your digital  marketing strategy. The right  framework will help you plan
and  prioritize your activities. It helps  you visualize how everything  you’re working on fits

Digital marketing  framework as a set of  guiding principles we use to  decide how to

promote and  sell a product or service  using digital channels
2.1. The Di

2.2. Digital Marketing Plan

 A digital marketing plan is a  document sharing the details  for all the planning for
your  digital marketing campaigns  or actions. It details, among other things: 
 Short, medium and long
 Term business goals.
 The strategies to achieve the  goals at the digital level.
2.3. Key Digital Strategist

2.4. What : Your Business?

It begins with  understanding the “what”  you are marketing. Learn  how to articulate a
business model in a  concise targeted way
2.5. What is a Brand Strategy?
Branding is process of giving identity and image to the  product as to create an impression
in the mind of consumer.

Brand strategies are based on specific goals like:

•Increasing overall awareness

•Building positive perception through interaction
•Encouraging loyalty and advocacy

2.6. Who and When: Your Customer

The customers drive  all marketing actions.
When is Your Customer ?
For us to know exactly our  customers, customer  intelligence  is important  because it
lets you know what  your customers need so that  you can provide better service  and
drive growth in your  company.
Customer intelligence is the gathering and  analyzing of customer data. It helps you
get to know  more about your customers’ actions regarding your  business.

2.7. Where : Marketing Channels

Digital marketing is opening windows of opportunities for  B2B marketers to promote
their companies on a wide range of digital marketing channels

Digital marketing channels are anything that get your product or  service in front of your
desired  audience, online; and with billions of  people across the world accessing online
services daily.
Digital  Marketing  Channels

Content marketing is a form of marketing  focused on creating, publishing, and

distributing content for a targeted audience  online.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a collection of tools  and best practices that help
your website rank higher in  search engine results, thereby driving more traffic to your  site
and potentially more business.
Pay-per-click, is an internet advertising model  used to drive traffic to websites, in which an
advertiser pays a publisher when the ad is clicked.
Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based  marketing in which a business rewards
one or more  affiliates for each visitor or customer brought by the  affiliate's own marketing

Social media marketing is the use of social media  platforms and websites to promote a
product or service.
Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of
people, using email.
Online PR (online public relations) is the public relations  work of communicators via
available online communication  channels (and also communication tools).

Viral marketing or viral advertising is a business strategy  that uses existing social
networks to promote a product
Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and
product placement from

influencers, people and organizations who have a purported expert level of knowledge or
social influence in their field.
2.8. Why : Marketing Objectives and KPIs
You need to assign numbers, deadlines, and metrics to each of your marketing objectives.

KPIs and marketing metrics allow you to evaluate progress along the way and  assess
results at the end of your campaign. Without benchmarks for your goals,  you will have no
way of knowing if your work was successful.

Without benchmarks for your goals, you will have no way of knowing if your work  was

Sample  SEO : Objectives  &  KPIs

3.1. Introduction
Content is at the core of all marketing activity. In this course you learn how to plan your
content marketing, how to develop content that works well for your target audience, and
how to measure its impact. 

Content strategy refers to the planning,  development, and  management of  content—

written or in  other media.
“Content is where we expect much of the real money  will be made on the Internet, just as it
was in  broadcasting. The Internet also allows information
to be distributed worldwide at basically zero  marginal cost to the publisher. Opportunities
are  remarkable and many companies are laying plans  to create content for the Internet.”

Bill Gates, Microsoft  Content is King, 1996

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing
valuable, relevant, and consistent content  to attract and retain a clearly defined audience —
and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.

“The technique of creating and distributing valuable and relevant  content to attract, acquire
and engage a clearly defined target  audience – with the objective of driving profitable
customer action.” Joe Pulizzi the Content marketing Intitute

3.2. Plan Your Content Strategy

Determine Your Goals & KPIs:

3.3. The Purpose of Content Marketing

Content marketing is important because it answers your audience's questions.  With
content marketing, you can build trust with your audience, improve  conversions, connect
with your customers, and generate leads.

1. Attract new audiences to get to know your business. (To get visitor)
2. Increase confidence.
3. Encourage (invite) them to become customers / customers.
4. Creating a promoter or brand evangelist (customer loyalty)
Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing –  strategy, reputation, and  tracking progress.

Visibility – getting found, and why content matters.
Converting customers –  turning prospects into leads and leads into customers.
Better decisions – picking  people, agencies, and campaigns.

Marketing methods by helping and  providing value that is contextual to the  needs of an
audience buyer's journey

Why Inbound Marketing?

SMART goals- specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, timely.

o Specific – real numbers with real deadlines – who, what, where, why?
o Measureable – how will you track and analyze each achievement?
o Achievable – choose goals that are challenging, but possible.
o Relevant – check you have the resources to achieve your goals.
o Timely – when do you intend achieving your goal?
Content Marketing Should:

1. Go beyond conventional segmentation to communicate directly and in a relevant

way with  individuals.
2. Be planned and design to achieve specific customer - focused objectives.
3. Be integrated with the entire communications/promotional mix.
4. Be relevant, useful, findable, shareable, creative, and fun.
Inbound vs Outbound Marketing

3.4. What is Buyer Persona?

A buyer persona is a  research-based profile  that depicts a target  customer. Buyer
personas describe who your ideal  customers are, what their  days are like, the  challenges
they face and how they make decisions.

Create  Content  and  Blog  Marketing

7 Steps to Design and Develop a successful Content  Marketing Strategy

What is Blog or Weblog?

History of Blogging

Difference between Blog and Website

3.5. Distribute & Promote Content
Social Media is a powerful channel for marketers. In this course, you learn more about the
main social media platforms, how to manage your social media presence, and how to create
effective content for each platform.

4.2. Pendahuluan
Social media marketing is the action of creating  content to promote your business and
products on  various social media platforms such as Facebook,  Instagram, and Twitter.
Social media marketing is the use of social media  platforms to connect with your
audience to build  your brand, increase sales, and drive website  traffic.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing

Pros and Cons of SMM

1.  Social  Media  Landscape

Social media landscape helps businesses form  relationships with clients or  potential clients
by  engaging with them. 
Connecting with customers  and potential customers  positively impacts your  relationship
with customers,  as well as increases brand  loyalty.

Customer Journey  Requirement for SMM

Customer journey is the process involving a brand building a relationship  with potential
customers  from the start until the  stage of a purchase and  beyond as well.
Each stage of a customer  journey is different and brands have to customize  their social
media  marketing efforts to  match the requirement.
4.3. Social Media Marketing Plan
4.4. Social Media Strategy

Social Media Content Plan

4.5. Social Media Channels
Social media channels is an individual social  media network that  can be used for
communication,  interaction, content-  sharing, and  collaboration.
Facebook marketing is a platform that offers a variety of highly targeted paid
advertisements and organic posts, allowing brands to put their products and services in
front of the massive audience.

Over the last decade, Facebook has shifted from the most prominent social media on the
internet into one of the biggest marketplaces.

Facebook Posting Tips

o Connect with friends or seek feedback form.

o 3 short posts/week – useful and relevant content, news and events about your
o Answer questions on status updates in Groups.
o Post: Early morning, during lunch, after work, before dinner, and before bed.
o Paid ‘posts’ and ‘pages’.
o Competitions for ‘likes’.

Twitter marketing is simply the way to  promote your business it is also one of  the most
popular social media.

If it is used properly, it will help you to  drive quality traffic to your blog and you  can make
a group of followers to your  business. You can promote your  business, can talk to the
followers, can  follow your customers as well as  competitors and all these leads to a
successful Twitter marketing.

Twitter Posting Tips

o Short posts (best < 280 characters).

o Witty comments/retweet with  comments, industry news, promos,  tips
& tricks.
o Photo/video.
o Paid ‘tweets’ and ‘profiles’.
o #hastags & trending.
o Strong WIFM call to actions – clic,  interact, buy.
o Post: between 11 am-3pm.
Instagram marketing is the way  that brands use Instagram to  connect with their target
audiences and market their  offerings.

Recently, it’s gained popularity as  an exciting method for brands to  show off their cultures,
recruit  new employees, engage with  customers, and show off products  in a new light.

Instagram Posting Tips

o Inspirational images.
o Speaks, behind the scenes,  product demos.
o Include questions / #hastags.
o 1-2 / day.
o Post: after 8 pm weekdays & 5  pm on weekends.

At its most basic, Influencer  Marketing is like a hybrid of  old and new marketing  tools,
taking the idea of the  celebrity endorsement and  placing it into a modern day  content-
driven marketing  campaign. Marketers received $6.85  in earned media value every $1
spent on influencer  marketing – AdWeek.
4.6. Social Media Content
Social media content is content  which is created by individuals or  companies for
social networks such as Facebook,  Instagram or Twitter. These platforms are of particular
interest to companies because  they allow a much more direct  interaction with users than
classic  marketing measures.
Content Platforms

Content platform are emerging that are designed to solve  precisely this problem and also
a standardized means of  presenting information. Content platform as a software solution
that drives  content marketing efficiencies and results by centralizing and streamlining the
end-to-end process of creating content - from ideation and planing through to distribution
and ROI measurement.
5.1. Introduction
Social  Media  Advertising (Paid)

Cutting through the noise in Social Media can be challenging, and often, marketers must
use paid social media marketing  strategies to amplify their message. In this course, you
learn about the opportunities for targeted advertising in social media  and how to execute
advertising campaigns that resonate with your audience.

5.2. Intro to Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is  an offshoot of digital  marketing where paid ad  campaigns are
run on social  media platforms to reach  target audiences. Marketers and advertisers  can
promote their brands  and inspire sales through  the social channels that  users frequently
Facts about Social Media Advertising

Every minute, 300 new profiles are created, 293,000 statuses are  updated, 510,000
comments are posted and 136,000 photos are  uploaded. There is now far more content
being made than there  is time to absorb it.

One study from EdgeRank Checker found that between February  2012 and March 2014,
organic reach for the average Facebook  page dropped from 16 percent to 6.5 percent. And
another  report found that publishers experienced a 52 percent decline in  organic reach
after Facebook adjusted its algorithm to prioritize content from friends and family.

Today, your reach may be as low as 2 percent. (

Traditional Advertising vs. Internet & SMM

5.3. Platform for Social Ads

Objectives & KPIs

Social Media Metrics and KPIs are values used by marketing and social media teams to
measure the performance of social media campaigns. ... Social media teams often use a
number of social media channels to increase impressions and reach of marketing messages

Possibility Platform for Ads: Facebook

Facebook Paid Ads are hyper-targeted advertisements that  take advantage of Facebook’s
unmatched user data and  profiling.
Facebook paid Ads allows  businesses to:

Possibility Platform for Ads: Instagram

Instagram  being  owned  by  Facebook  is

very good thing.

You can display your ads to targeted such  as:

•A specific age group

•Specific interests
•Specific locations
•People that exhibit specific behavior

Possibility Platform for Ads: Twitter

Twitter Ads account is how you can set up, run, and analyze Promoted Tweet campaigns  on
Twitter. You must sign up for a Twitter Ads account at, after which you'll
have a Twitter Ads account in addition to your organic account. Your Twitter Ads account is
linked to the handle you create it from.
Possibility Platform for Ads: Google AdWords

Google AdWords is one  such tool which when used  well, will make a distinct  difference to
your site  traffic/candidate attraction.
Google AdWords keep your  budget under full control –  AdWords offers the chance  to
gain uniwue visitors to  your sute on pay per click  (CPC).
5.4. General Tips
1. Use free social media to beta-test your paid social ads
2. Take advantage of targeting features
3. Rotate ads frequently (week on/week off) to avoid the results, and  then pushing
winning ads to larger groups. I’ts cheaper and more  effective
4. Understand how ads are sold and adapt your content accordingly
5. Design your ads with smartphones in mind

Sample Ads
5.5. Facebook – Getting Started
Follow the steps below to create a new Facebook ad account in Business Manager.

1. Click “Add New” &  “Ad Accounts”

To begin, click “Add  New,” the green  button located on the  upper right side of  your
screen. When  the drop down menu  appears, click “Ad  Accounts“.
Steps to Create a new Facebook Ad Account

2. Create new ad account

To create a new ad account,  answer the required fields  below .

You will need to create an ad  account name (most ad  account names are the names  of
clients’ businesses), include  a partner who will advertise on  your behalf, your time zone,
currency, and payment  method. Afterward, click  “Create Ad Account“.

Steps to Create a new Facebook Ad Account

3. Add people to your account

Facebook will then allow you to  give people access to your  account. When selecting
people,  you can also assign roles.
Because this step is optional, you  can choose to skip. Otherwise,  choose who you want to
have  access then click “Save  Changes“.
4. Click “OK” to finish.

5. You’re done!

Your new ad account will appear  here.

Campaign Structures
How to Set Up a Facebook Ads Campaign:

1. Set some goals for your Facebook Ads

2. Head over to Facebook Ads Manager
3. Choose your objective
4. Define your audience and budget  
5. Create your advert
6. Choose your ad placements  
7. Place your order

Facebook Campaign

The structure of a Facebook advertising campaign consists of  three levels:

1. a campaign,
2. an ad set
3. an ad.

The first level, the campaign, is the  basis of your ad. Each Facebook ad campaign is made
up of three  parts.
5.6. Facebook – Create Ad Sets
An ad set is a  group of ads that  share the same  daily or lifetime  budget, schedule,  bid
type, bid info,  and targeting data.
Ad sets enable you  to group ads  according to your  criteria, and you  can retrieve the ad-
related  statistics that apply  to a set.
6.1. Creating a Custom Audience
If you advertise on Facebook, it’s helpful to look at different customer segments in the
context of the platform. Facebook lets you create custom audiences based on your
customer  list, website visitors, and engagement. You can then use Audience Insights to
learn more  about those audiences.

To create a Facebook custom audience:

 Go to the Audiences section of your  Facebook Ads Manager. Then click Create
Audience and select Custom  Audience from the drop-down menu.
 Next you’ll see a list of  audiences you can create.
6.2. Create Ad Sets
To create an Ad Sets :

1. Upload an Audience of Current  Customers or Leads

If you want to upload a list of  customers or leads to create a  custom audience, select
Customer  File. Facebook will match these  contacts with Facebook users and  create an
audience based on those  matches.
Semester 6 Pagi Pemasaran C, keyword : oufc90

2. Base an Audience on Website Visitor  Behavior

Facebook lets you build audiences  based on site traffic. You can set rules  for Facebook to
populate audiences  based on how people behave on your  site.

Select Website Traffic to set up this type  of custom audience.

In the Create Audiencebox, you  can choose from a number of targeting  options in the
Website Traffic drop-down menu.
3. Generate an Audience Built on Facebook Engagements
You can create a sweeping audience that includes anyone who has engaged with your
Facebook page or its posts (including ads) in the least year. Click Engagement on Facebook.

Semester 6 Sore Pemasaran B, keyword : lcituy

6.3. Placement Facebook Ad

Your Facebook placements will designate, of course, where your ad actually shows up and
on  which platforms. This, in turn, will affect several other factors, like the format your ad can
take  on different platforms, how much text you can have, and even ad cost.
Budget & Schedule

To customize and view your bidding  options, go to the “Budget and  Schedule” section.
This can be found in the Ad Set part of  Facebook campaign creation.
You’ll see “show advanced options”  underneath where you can set up  additional bidding

Semester 6 Sore Pemasaran A, keyword : 8clw4u

When you’re at the bidding section in  Facebook Ads and click on the  “Advanced options”
cue, here’s what  you’ll see:
6.4. Facebook – Create and Manage Ads
What is Facebook Ads Manager?

The Ads manager is where you go to create and manage your campaigns.  In full, you can
use the ads manager to:

o Set up Facebook ad campaigns

o Create new ad sets and ads
o Manage Facebook ad bids
o Target many different audiences
o Optimize your ad campaigns
o Keep track of your campaigns’ performance
o A/B test your Facebook ad campaigns.

Semester 6 Sore Pemasaran C, keyword : 6yroi0

Using Ads Manager

If you’ve never used the  ads manager before, it  can be quite a lot to take in at first.

The bulk of your screen  will consist of four tabs:

o Account Overview
o Campaigns
o AdSets
o Ads

Create Facebook Ads

In order to create a campaign, you  should be on the “campaigns” tab.

From  there,  click on the green "+Create" CTA to create a new 

campaign from scratch!

Facebook does a good job to  guide you through creation.

Semester 6 Pagi Pemasaran A, keyword : qowixa

Once You’ve selected to  create a campaign, you’ll  see this:

6.5. Steps in creating Facebook Ads

Step 1: Select Your Campaign Objective
Now, on Facebook you can choose from a handful of campaign objectives that match your
advertising goals. For example, if you are looking to drive traffic to a physical location you
would  use “Local Awareness”. If you’re driving traffic to a website, you want to use

Here’s the complete list of Facebook campaign objectives available:

o Brand awareness
o Local awareness
o Reach
o Traffic
o Engagement
o App installs
o Video views
o Lead generation
o Conversions
o Product catalog sales
o Store traffic
o Messages

Step 2: Give Your Ad Campaign a Name

After we have decided our campaign type, let’s give our campaign a name. For example, you
should always include the date range the campaign will be running in  your campaign name.

Depending on whether you are advertising for your own business or for clients, you  can
add more elements in your campaign name:

o Client name/ website

o Target Audience/ Location
o Custom Audiences
o Creative Type ( Video? Carousel?)
o Facebook Page, etc.

After you select your objective,  you can also choose to create a  split test on the campaign
or  optimize your budget.

Creating a split test, or an A/B test allows you to run experiments and collect data that
shows you the best performing creative, placement, audience and delivery optimization
Step 3: Set Up the Audience Targeting

Facebook offers a lot of powerful ways to target audiences.  In this phase of your campaign
setup, you have two options:

o Create a new Facebook target audience

o Use a Saved Audience
As you build your audience, Facebook will display your estimated daily reach and tell you if
your audience is too big, too small or if it's just right using the meter

You can target "likes" or interest on Facebook, behaviors or demographics, and create very
specific audiences to target in your campaign

Step 4: Set Up Your Ad Placement

By default, Facebook will have  “automatic placements” selected which  can include

Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network, but generally will use  the placements
optimized to give you  best results.
You can also choose to edit your  placements if you have some data on  what placement
works best for you.
Strategy – Start with Why

 Branding – Increasing reach and awareness (Google, Facebook,  Twitter, Instagram,

 Community Building – Boost social engagement (Facebook, Twitter)
 Public Relations – Reach and engagement (Facebook, Twitter)
 Market Research – Reach new markets, segments (Twitter)
 Customer Service – Gain keywords insight (Facebook, Twitter)
 Leads & Sale – Retarget potential customers to increase conversations (Google,
Facebook, Instagram)

Step 5: Set Up Your Campaign Budget and Bidding

Facebook gives you two budgeting options:

1. Daily budget – Facebook will spend this sum on  delivering your ads every day
during your  campaign. When you set your daily budget,  you’re telling Facebook to
get you roughly your  daily budget’s worth of the results every day.
2. Lifetime budget – Facebook will divide the total  campaign budget more or less
evenly across the  campaign dates. If you set a lifetime budget,  Facebook will ask
you for the campaign dates,  so that it can calculate the average spend for  each day.
Step 6:  Set Up Your Facebook Ads

The actual ads are what users on  Facebook will see, and you want  them to look good.

This is the final step of your  campaign creation process, you can  select your preferred
Facebook ad  type and insert your ad images and  copy.
There are two options here: you can  either select an existing Facebook  Page post or create
new ads:

6.6. Jobs in Social Media Advertising

Social Media Specialists are responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring the
company's Social Media strategy in order to increase brand awareness, improve Marketing
efforts and increase sales.
7.1 Defenisi Search Engine dan Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine adalah aplikasi berbasis web maupun aplikasi desktop dan mobile, yang berfungsi
untuk mencari dokumen di dalam jaringan internet berdasarkan kata kunci (keyword) yang
diinputkan dan mengembalikan hasil dari pencarian berdasarkan inputan kata kunci. Contoh
search engine: Google

Definisi Search Engine Optimization (SEO) : 

 Sekumpulan proses, cara, taktik dan teknis di dalam mengoptimalkan halaman website
agar dapat memperoleh peringkat atas pada hasil pencarian di mesin pencari.
 Coba bayangkan, anda memiliki toko online yang menjual tas dan pernak perniknya.
Anda sangat menginginkan agar alamat toko online tampil di hasil pencarian teratas agar
banyak yang mengunjungi toko online tersebut. Proses untuk mengoptimalkan kunjungan
ke halaman website adalah salah satu gambaran sederhanan mengenai Search Engine

Ilustrasi mesin pencari Google

Tujuan SEO :

1. Meningkatkan trafik kunjungan ke website

2. Meningkatkan page rank website agar menempati posisi di halaman utama google
3. Meningkatkan popularitas website
4. Meningkatkan penjualan melalui pencarian di search engine

Alur proses pada on site di SEO

1. Company Name : Memuat nama perusahaan dan profil

2. Page Name : Memuat nama dari halaman yang ingin ditemukan oleh pengguna internet
3. Title : dengan judul yang tepat, maka akan memudahkan pengguna di dalam mencari dan
menemukan halaman
4. Description : Memuat deskripsi dari konten yang akan ditampilkan pada website 
5. Content : Memuat konten apa saja yang dimuat di halaman website

7 Elemen utama di SEO

7.2 Elemen Utama di SEO

Ada 7 elemen utama di SEO

4 kecurangan terhadap Sistem Page Rank

1.           Link Farming

1. Bentuk kejahatan dan kecurangan di dunia internet terkait SEO, dimana pelaku telah
menyiapkan sejumlah besar situs palsu untuk menyediakan link ke situs asli milik
pelaku. Sehingga situs asli pelaku memperoleh peringkat tertinggi di dalam hasil
pencarian (melalui Page Rank). 
2. Seiring perkembangan jaman, kecurangan link farming  mengarah ke jejaring social
dan media social. 
2.     Doorway page

Suatu halaman situs yang diciptakan oleh pelaku kejahatan di dunia SEO dengan cara
melakukan proses indeks terhadap sebuah mesin pencari (search engine), untuk kemudian
di dalamnya disisipkan spam  dan link  sampah. 

3.   Keyword Stuffing

1. Bentuk kecurangan dan penipuan di dalam SEO, dimana pelaku melakukan

perulangan Meta Tag dalam website miliknya. Sehingga memperbesar kemungkinan
situs tersebut untuk dapat memperoleh peringkat terbaik (Page Rank) di dalam hasil
2. Saat ini teknik ini sudah tidak relevan lagi dalam SEO. 
4.   Auto Generate Page (Scraper Page)

1. Bentuk kejahatan dan kecurangan di dunia internet terkait SEO, dengan cara
melakukan spamming berupa website. Dimana sebuah website kontennya dikopikan
ke satu atau beberapa buah website lainnya. Sehingga dapat mendongkrak
peringkat website tersebut di dalam hasil pencarian Google. 
2. Proses ini disebut dengan auto generated. 

Kaitan SEO dan strategi pemasaran global

Di dalam proses transaksi jual beli dan pemasaran secara global memanfaatkan akses
internet, terdapat 7 buah bidang yang umum digunakan yaitu :

1.   Information Sites (Images Sites)

2.   Content Based Sites
3.   Website
4.   Business To Business Link (B2B)
5.   Community Sites
6.   Yellow Pages
7.   Web Traffic Control

7.3 Kaitan SEO dan strategi pemasaran global

1.   Information Sites (Images Sites)

1. Lebih menekankan kepada layanan penyajian informasi, tanpa perlu menekankan

kepada fungsi komersil 
2. Misal : fitur pendukung di dalam layanan E-Commerce  dan SEO (Search Engine

2.   Content Based Sites

1. Pengguna internet yang ingin menggunakan layanan informasi terkait dengan

pemasaran global, harus membayar terlebih dahulu biaya keanggotaan. 
2. Tujuannya untuk meningkatkan kualitas informasi yang disajikan sehingga menjadi
lebih baik.

Contoh : Layanan E-Commerce

3.   Website
      Website menyediakan tatap muka aplikasi yang umum untuk :

1. Layanan informasi 
2. Layanan E-Commerce
3. Penyediaan kontak dengan pengunjung dan pembeli online 
4. Dukungan SEO yang berbasiskan search engine

4.   Business to Business Link (B2B)

1. B2B menyediakan jalur komunikasi online  antar pelaku bisnis 

2. Dalam hal ini semua pelaku bisnis, baik perorangan maupun perusahaan dapat
membentuk jaringan online  di dunia internet terkait dengan pemasaran global
secara online,  SEO maupun E-Commerce

5.   Community Sites

Ranah virtual berbasiskan internet. Dapat digunakan sebagai tempat bagi para pengguna
internet (baik penjual maupun pembeli) dalam membahas transaksi online

6.   Yellow Pages

1. Hampir sama dengan layanan yellow pages  dalam bentuk buku cetak.

2. Berguna untuk memberikan informasi secara online  secara terindeks, sehingga
memudahkan para pembeli dan proses Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

7.   Web Traffic Control

1. Menyajikan layanan pemantauan dan control trafik website  yang digunakan untuk

keperluan pemasaran secara online  berbasiskan internet. 
2. Web Traffic Control   telah menjadi semacam etalase online  untuk menyajikan
layanan pemasaran online  (E-Commerce)  dan Computational Advertizing  (periklanan)
serta dukungan SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Mengapa SEO perlu diterapkan dengan baik

SEO… and..
Definisi Google AdWords

adalah teknik pemasaran dan periklanan berbasiskan mesin pencari (Search Engine
Marketing)  yang dibuat oleh Google untuk membantu para pengguna internet, khususnya
pebisnis online dalam memasangkan iklan dengan mudah dan cepat secara online.

  2 pilihan yang dapat digunakan oleh pengguna layanan Google AdWords di dalam melakukan
pembayaran atas pemasangan iklan online adalah :

1. Pay Per Click (PPC)

2. Pay Per Million (PPM)

Google AdWords

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