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(20J1 ?29-66?s. tar (20J) 720-2816
Licenled Profrrsional Engineers l8S 1{erdow Strsrt
New York & Connectirut Naugatuek, Crnnecticut 06?70

March 7,7011

Oxfrird Public Schools

I Great l"{ill Road
Oxfofd. CT 06478

Attn: Dr. Edr,vard M. Malvey, Superintendent qrf Sohools

REI Oxtbrd High school * 6l Quaker Farms Road Oxfortl, CT

Structural ilvaluatian of Areas af Concern DLre fo fixcessive Snorv Loading

Pustola & Associates was requested to evaluate corrcerns that the Oxlbrd Brrilding Department had,
with respect to the excessive snorv loads-
The main area of eoncern was the exterior utasonry rvall ori the South side o'1'ths gymnrisium, 'uvhere hair
Iine eracking was cbservecl running ve rtically at the intersection of uon-stnrctural masonry column
covers and the exterior wall, Structurai drawings of th* building rverc pmvided b.v the sctrool rnd rvere
available at the time ot'our observations.

TlTe pxterior masonry wall is constructed using 10" thick CMU up to the second tloor level. .l'he
tltasonry atrove the second tloor lel'el is 6" thick CMU and brick vcneer which extends above the rool'as
the parapet.

The 6" CMU wall is sitr"rated firrther io the extericr olthe building and is positioned in ti'cnt of'the 10"
CllvlU r.vall below, eKtending l.rCIm ttrre tpp of the parapet to approxirrately 8' above grade.
Tire clesign clrar.vings indicate the 6" CM{J lrall is attached to the tr0" CMIJ r.l,irll at this point, supporting
the 6" CivIU r,l.all both vertically and horizontnily.

The design sections provided indicate the 6" CNIlJ nall horizontally supported at two additional
locations, one at the second lloor *nd ene at the rool'.
The roof adjacent tc the wall is a flat roof whicl-r extends a few feet to the North and tlren veltically
lornring an upper roof section. Tire snow had substantially accurnulated approxirnately 6'-7'above the
flat roof'sectiott. adjacent to and above the r,vall parapet. Snolv driltirlg \.\'as producing verlical loacis on
the rcof and appe*red to also impose horizontal loads on the parapet.
As a precautian the snow was r.emr:vectr,

We ilid not see any structural, permanent deformation of the lvalls, however, rve r.vanted to physically
inspect the wall supports, as rel'erenced above, to see if the ccnncctions had suffered due to the
excessive load.

/tillil' I iiri -r
Inspecticns of Masonry W4ll Connections to Structuial Steel;

Roof Clip:
The ceiling tiles above the second floor raere removed to access the upper 6" CMIJ support clips.
Per the provided dfawings, the clips are rvelded frnm the steel spandrel beaurs and attached via a
bent plate to the masonry with adhesive fasteners through a vedically slotted hole on the clip,
intended to plovide horizontal $upport of the rvall. The intent of the observations was to check
fbr signs of distress of the clip. weld. adhesive anchcr, or inasonry, No signs of distress rvem
{burd, howeveL there was a space betr.veen the ciip and the masonry, as origina}ly constructed,
that differed B'om the drawing sections, which sho*ed the clip bearing against the masonly.
Additionally. sonle nuts and washers rvere installed after the fire spray wils performed preventing
them fronr bezuing against the back af the clip.

Seconct Floor Clip:

observe the condition of the seconcl floor clip. and since visual accessibility rvas limited, \,vc
werc able to access inspection by removing a small strip ol second floor slab acljacent lo the wall.
Llpon renrrival of lhe slab it was evident lhat {he clip was rnissing and had nol been installed.
Cancurrently, during out investigation Di Salva Ericsor"r Croup, the Structural Er:rgineers for the
building, ar.rd Antinozzi r\ssociates, the building Architect, were alsc iuvestigating.

'l'hey collectively agreed that the clip shoulcl have been there and discussion began with respect
to possible sclutio*s to replace the clip, which offered horizoutal resistance firr tlre 6'- CMU rvali
back to the second floor steel during horizontai lcading of the rvall,

Conc lui; ions and I{Econrrnendatipns :

An alternate solution to providing horizontal resistance was then designed by Di Salvo Ericson
Croup, installed by O&G, the buildings construction ffian&gerleontraclr:r, inspecled and
apprnved. Tltis soiution ties the exterior r'vidth of 6" CMU fo the lo',ver level 10" CklU via sterl
plates attached to both walls on three sides of the window lvells that intemritterttly penetrate
thlough the walls.

Adrtitionally, steel shims rvere installed betwecn thc roof clip arrcl tl'ie 6" ClivltJ, ancl nuts and
n'ashers were $nugsed against the interiolportion of the clip lvhere the trre spray interfered n,ith
pnrper bearir:rg. No obserr.ntions rl.ere made at any time that inclicnted pennauent ijeformatiore of
any struetilral m:ember' or eomponent.


Steplien Pustola, P.[.

I1ugt ) al J
Oxford High School
Synopsis of O&G's Involvement
Roof lnvestigation - March 3, 2011

Noticeto O&G

Friday 214- O&Gcontacted by the Building Official as a courtesy to advise us that an inspection
of the building was to take plaoe due to a significanl amount of snow (6-7'deep) on the roof in
some locations, particularly at the south wall of the gym.

Monday 217- Oe}contacted by the Di Salvo Group as a courtesy to advise us that an inspection
of the building was performed on Srmday,2l6lll.

Monday 217 {late afternoon)- O&G's construction superintendent for building stopped by the
school on his way home from work. He notified O&G's PM for the project that some
supplementary bracing would be needed for the exterior wall of the gym.

Tuesday 2/8 - O&G's Ass't. Vice President met with a metal fabricator on-site to field measure
materials needed for the supplementary bracing. Material procured late in the day and primed
painted for installation the next day.

Wednesday 2/9 - installation of bracing in accordance with Di Salvo's Sketch SK 1, dated}lS/Il

starts at 6 AM and is completed by 4 PM.

Thursday 2110 - school reopened


The need for enhancement of the south wall was borne out of a review of both the contract
drawings and the approved shop drawings. The wall is constructed based upon the approved and
signed shop drawings although the intent of the contract drawings was not completely fulfilled.
The supplemental bracing was added to fulfillthe design intent and more importantlyto insure
that any future snow loads that reach the levels experienced during this episode would not impact
the soft joints as they did on this occasion .

Cost for supplemenial.br4ping and cosmetic touch-up.

No charge

trtsEi tNElUtTFilEST tNC.

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Tor"ringtnn, CT (Jt7SIO-Sdlei4 Established l EtEa Fax tEtEioI 6ga.6ztz[7

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