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S.No. Program Description Date of Faculty Date Remarks

Program Signature
1 Create a simple program using
checkbox so when u check the
particular checkbox it gets the
text of check box displayed in a
text field using swing.

2 Create a simple program that

contains a combo box and a
label. The label displays an icon.
The combobox contains entries
for “France”,”Germany”, “Italy”
and “Japan”. When a country is
selected, the label is updated to
display the flag for that country
using swing.
3 Create a simple program for
making URL connection using
the openConnection() method of
a URL object then use it to
examine the document’s
properties and contents.
4 Make a program to print the
address and names of the local
machine by using
5 Create a program using
Radiobutton and when you
clicked the particular
Radiobutton, get the text of
radiobutton in a text box by using

6 Create a simple program using

Applet that sets the foreground
and background colors and also
get the output of the string.
7 Create a simple program of
servlet and lets looks closely at
this program first it imports the
javax.servlet package and this
package contains classes and
interfaces required to build
8 Create a simple program of
handling mouse events by
implementing the MouseListener
and MouseMotion Listener
interfaces. Each time a button is
pressed, the word DOWN is
displayed at the location of
mouse pointer. Each time the
button is released, the word UP is
9 Write a program for accessing
Databases with JDBC and
perform some of the operation
like insertion, deletion, updating
using three textboxes and also
retrieve the records on front end.
10 Draws several rectangles by
using drawRect() and fillRect()
methods. The dimension of the
rectangle is specified by width
and height. The diameter of the
rounding arc along with x axis is
specified by xDiam and along
with y axis is specified by
11 Write a simple java bean by
using setrectangular() and
getrectangular() method. The
change() method calls
randomcolour() to choose the
colour and then calls reprint( ) to
make the change visible.
12 Create a tree structure by using
swings. For creating swing
structure first create JTree object
and JScollpane and add tree to
scollpane and add scollpane to
the applet.
13 Create a program to illustrate
how to use the session, get
Attribute() method is called to
obtained the object that is bound
to the name by using servlet.

14 Write a program to convert

integer into Binary, hexadecimal
and octal format by using
toBinaryString(), to HexString( )
and toOctalString methods which
convert a value into Binary,
hexadecimal and octal format.
15 Write a program for memory
management for getting total
memory in particular program,
initial free memory, free memory
after garbage collection, free
memory after allocation, memory
used by allocation, free memory
for collecting Discard integer.
16 Create a simple of ArrayList to
find out the initial size if Size
after addition, contents of array
List, size after some elements
17 Create a program for
demonstrating array in which
enter the number in any order
and find these number in sorted
order when you click on Sort
18 Create a program for
demonstrating Stack class to
perform Push and Pop operations
by using Object Push( ) and
object pop() method
19 Create a bank account program
by using Hashtable to store the
name of the bank depositors and
their current balance
20 Create a program to make
calendar by using
java.util.calender package, which
represents the date time and
updated time.

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