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Selamat datang di Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut Soelastri, Surakarta.

Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut

Surakarta atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai RSGM Soelastri, merupakan Rumah Sakit Gigi dan Mulut satu-
satu nya yang ada di Surakarta. Berlokasi di jalan utama Kota Surakarta, yaitu Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riyadi
no. 366. Selain sebagai penyedia jasa pelayanan kesehatan gigi dan mulut untuk pasien umum, RSGM
Soelastri juga sebagai wadah bagi para mahasiswa profesi/koass dari Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi
Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta untuk menempuh studi profesi nya.

Berikut adalah alur mahasiswa profesi FKG UMS di RSGM Soelastri:

1. Koass datang bersama pasien. Sebelum memasuki gedung RSGM, koass dan pasien wajib cuci
tangan dahulu dengan sabun dan air yang telah disediakan.
2. Koass dan pasien di cek suhu oleh security. Apabila suhu <37,5°C maka diijinkan untuk
memasuki gedung RSGM Soelastri.
3. Koass dan pasien menuju lantai 5.
4. Koass mendaftarkan rekam medis pasien. Lalu pasien di screening oleh petugas screening.
5. Apabila lolos screening, koass yang bertugas sebagai operator dan asisten memasuki ruang APD
untuk berganti baju dengan APD level 3.
6. Koass beserta asisten nya mengambil alat dan bahan yang telah disiapkan oleh petugas laboran
lalu memasuki ruang tindakan.
7. Koass dan asisten menyiapkan alat, bahan, dan dental unit yang akan digunakan.
8. Koass memanggil pasien untuk memasuki ruang tindakan.
9. Asisten koass memakaikan APD berupa gown kepada pasien.
10. Coass melakukan pemeriksaan dan tindakan dengan teliti dan hati-hati.
11. Setelah tindakan selesai, APD pasien dilepas dan pasien dipersilahkan meninggalkan ruang

Welcome to Soelastri Oral and Dental Hospital, Surakarta. Soelastri Dental and Oral Hospital or

better known as RSGM Soelastri, is the only Dental and Oral Hospital in Surakarta. Located on

the main street of the city of Surakarta, Jl. Brigjend Slamet Riyadi no. 366. Apart from being a

provider of dental and oral health services for general patients, RSGM Soelastri is also a place

for professional students from the Faculty of Dentistry, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta

to take their professional studies.

The following step of FKG UMS professional students at RSGM Soelastri:

1. Professional students comes with the patient. Before entering the RSGM building,

professional students and her/his patients have to wash their hands first with the soap and

water provided.

2. Professional students and patient are checked for body temperature by security. If the

temperature is <37.5 ° C, it is permissible to enter the RSGM Soelastri.

3. Professional students and patient to the 5th floor.

4. Professional students registers the patient's medical record. Then the patient is screened by

a screening officer.

5. If they pass the screening, professional students who is assigned as operator and assistant

enters the PPE room to change their clothes with PPE level 3.

6. Professional students and his assistants took the tools and materials that had been prepared

by the laboratory staff and then entered the treatment room.

7. Professional students and assistants prepare tools, materials, and dental units to be used.

8. Professional students calls the patient to enter the treatment room.

9. The assistant put on the PPE in the form of a gown to the patient.

10 Professional students to do oral and tooth examination and treatment acts with care and


11. After the procedure is complete, the patient's PPE is removed and the patient is allowed to

leave the treatment room.

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