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Jenis Estimasi

Selain diperlukan pengetahuan teknik dan Engeenering, kualitas estimasi sangat

ditentukan oleh :
• Tersedianya data dan informasi
• Teknik dan metode yang digunakan
• Kecakapan dan pengalaman estimator
• Tujuan pemakaian perkiraan biaya

Sumber informasi terbaik adalah pengalaman perusahaan dari proyek-proyek yang

pernah dikerjakan antara lain. informasi mengenai jumlah material yang terpakai,
jumlah tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan untuk suatu jenis pekerjaan ( produktivitas
perorang ataupun pergroup tenaga kerja ) , jam kerja peralatan, dll.

Sebagaimana tahapan proyek konstruksi data dan informasi akan semakin lengkap dari
tahap studi kelayakan sampai dengan tahap pelaksanaan, atau dalam arti kualitas
perkiraan biaya akan semakin mendekati ketepatannya. Terdapat beberapa jenis
estimasi yang di dasarkan pada cara memperkirakan biaya suatu konstruksi, yaitu :

1. Estimasi kelayakan adalah sebagaimana tujuan dari tahap studi kelayakan adalah
untuk menentukan apakah bangunan tsb layak dibangun, maka memperkirakan biaya
konstruksinya berdasarkan pengalaman/ membandingkan dengan bangunan yang
identik, dapat termasuk di dalamnya adalah biaya pembebasan tanah, namun untuk
biaya bangunan dapat digunakan dengan cara estimasi konseptual
Menggunakan informasi desain pendahuluan dan setelah lingkup proyek

terdefinisi secara jelas, suatu estimasi untuk studi kelayakan dapat disiapkan. Item-item
utama yang dibutuhkan dapat dicari biayanya dan menjadi input bagi estimasi. Dengan
identifikasi lingkup proyek yang lebih baik tersebut, ekspektasi akurasi meningkat
menjadi ±10 sampai 15%.

Dibuat untuk menentukan layak tidaknya suatu proyek untuk dibangun.

Pertimbangan utama yang dijadikan dasar kelayakan suatu proyek adalah keuntungan
ekonomis dari proyek bagi pemilik swasta atau pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat pada
proyek pemerintah.

Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam feasibility estimatesadalah:

1. biaya konstruksi hanyalah salah satu bagian dari feasibility estimate.
2. biaya-biaya lain yang harus dipertimbangkan, antara lain: lahan, desain,
pajak, modal, pemeliharaan dan perbaikan tiap tahun.
3. pendapatan bersih juga perlu diperkirakan.
4. pemilik dapat membuat keputusan berdasarkan analisis ekonomi.

2. Estimasi Konseptual adalah memperkirakan biaya suatu bangunan berdasarkan

satuan volume bangunan , atau factor yang lain , dengan patokan harga yang didasarkan
pada bangunan yang identik. Pada estimasi konseptual telah tersedia gambar lengkap
ataupun belum lengkap. Estimasi pada tahap ini hanya berdasar pada informasi atau
parameter yang

sangat general seperti, ukuran konstruksi, mutu konstruksi yang diantisipasi, serta
kegunaan bangunan. Pada estimasi tahap konseptual ini, owner harus
menyediakanscope document, yang berfungsi sebagai basis dari mana estimasi tersebut
dijalankan. Estimasi biaya konseptual digunakan untuk menentukan fisibilitas proyek
dan mengembangkan project financing. Ekspektasi akurasi pada estimasi tahap ini ialah
±15 sampai 20%. Beberapa metode estimasi konseptual sebagai berikut :
a. Metode Satuan luas ( m2 ) , metoda ini mengandalkan data dari proyek sejenis yang
pernah dibangun. Metoda ini bersifat garis besar dan ketelitiannya rendah.
b. Metode Satuan isi (m3 ) dapat dipakai pada bangunan dimana volume sangat
dipentingkan. Metoda ini hanya dapat diandalkan untuk fase awal perencanaan dan
perancangan untuk bangunan yang kurang lebih identik.
c. Metode Harga Satuan Fungsional, yang menggunakan fungsi dari fasilitas sebagai
dasar penetapan biaya
d. Metode Faktorial, dapat digunakan pada proyek bertipe sama. Metoda ini paling
berguna untuk proyek-proyek yang mempunyai komponen utama sama. Biaya
komponen utama ini akan berfungsi sebagai faktor dasar 1.00. Semua komponen yang
lain harganya merupakan fungsi dari komponen utama.
e. Metode Sistematis (Elemental Estimates atau Parametric Estimates), dimana proyek
dibagi atas sistem fungsionalnya. Harga satuan ditentukan oleh penjumlahan tiap harga
satuan elemen dalam setiap sistem atau mengalikan dengan data faktor pengali yang
Estimasi ini biasanya mengalami beberapa kali perbaikan sepanjang proses desain.

Proses estimasi yang sederhana diperlukan pada tahap ini, seperti:

Functional Unit Price Estimate

Metode ini menggunakan fungsi dari fasilitas sebagai dasar untuk menentukan perkiraan
harga proyek, misalnya:

1. proyek sekolah menggunakan biaya tiap murid.

2. proyek lahan parkir didasarkan pada biaya lahan untuk tiap kendaraan.
3. proyek rumah sakit menggunakan biaya tiap tempat tidur.
4. proyek stasiun pembangkit didasarkan pada biaya tiap kilowatt keluaran.
Unit Cost per Square Meter Estimate
Metode ini paling sering dan cocok digunakan pada tahap awal dari proses perencanaan
dan desain.

Dasar hitungannya adalah biaya per satuan luas dari bangunan sejenis dikalikan total
luas bangunan yang direncanakan.

Harga satuan diperoleh dari proyek sejenis yang telah selesai dibangun, lebih baik jika
dibangun oleh perusahaan sendiri maupun dari buku data yang dipublikasikan.

Unit Cost per Cubic Meter Estimate

Metode ini serupa dengan metode Unit Cost per Square Meter Estimate tetapi satuan
yang digunakan bukan luas melainkan volume.
Metode ini cocok untuk bangunan yang mementingkan volume seperti gudang.

Factor Estimate
Metode ini dapat digunakan untuk proyek yang memiliki komponen utama yang dominan
misalnya konstruksi pemanas untuk instalasi pembangkit tenaga.

Komponen utama ditentukan sebagai faktor dasar dengan nilai 1,00.

Komponen lain diberi nilai berupa prosentase yang proporsional dari komponen utama

System Estimate
Metode ini dikenal juga sebagai Elemental or Parametric Estimate, merupakan metode
yang paling akurat dibandingkan dengan metode lain dalam conceptual estimating.
Pada metode ini:

1. estimator dituntut untuk melakukan beberapa hitungan kuantitas/volume.

2. proyek dibagi menjadi beberapa functional system dan ditentukan elemen apa
saja yang berada dalam tiap sistem.
3. semua komponen membentuk satu unit ukuran.
4. harga diperoleh dengan mengalikan volume dari satu sistem dengan harga
satuan yang memuat semua elemen dalam sistem tersebut.

3. Estimasi Detail/ Terperinci adalah memperkirakan biaya konstruksi secara lebih

terinci dengan berpedoman pada gambar rencana, spesifikasi, gambar potongan dan
gambar detail telah tersedia, demikian juga gambar kerja yang selanjutnya dari gambar
kerja dapat dihitung material-material yang memerlukan potongan yang berpola
( cutting list ), sehingga volume dari masing-masing detail bagian konstruksi maupun
potongan pola tersebut dapat dihitung lebih pasti. Atau disebut dengan metode harga
satuan dan volume pekerjaan ( Quantity Take Off )
Estimasi yang biasanya digunakan oleh kontraktor utama adalah detailed estimateatau
yang biasa disebut Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB).
Estimasi ini disusun estimator secara terperinci untuk mengajukan penawaran.

Detailed Estimate (Or Item Rate Estimate): 

 This is the accurate method of estimating in which the entire
building work is subdivided into individual items of work
 The quantities of each item of works are calculated from the
complete set of drawings (i.e. plan, elevation, sections etc.)
 The abstract of the estimated cost is prepared by multiplying
the quantities of each of the above items by the rate of the
completion of that item.
 The rates of various items of work can be obtained from the
‘schedule of rate’ prepared by the Government organisation or
from analysed rates of item.
 In order to make provision for unforeseen expenditure for
miscellaneous petty items (for which no provision is made in
the estimate) and contingencies a 3 to 5% of the estimated
cost is added to it.
 An additional 1 to 2% is also provided for the work-charged
establishment i.e. for the salaries to be paid to the chawkidars,
technical assistants, supervisors etc. appointed by the
Government (or owner) to look after the work.
 The grand total of all the above cost is known as the total
estimated cost of the proposed work.
 After the administrative approval for the work is obtained, its
detailed estimate is prepared and sent for obtaining technical
sanction from the appropriate competent Government
 The actual execution of the work commences only after
obtaining technical sanction (from the Government) and
necessary allocation of funds are made available in the budget
grants for that year.
 The detailed estimate is accompanied by the following
 A comprehensive report of the proposed work.
 General specifications of the work.
 Detailed specifications of various items of work.
 Detailed working drawings consisting of plan, elevations,
sections, details of foundations etc. with site or layout plan.
 Calculation and design of component parts of the work.
 Analysis of rates for the items of work not included in the
schedule of rate.
Detailed estimate is generally prepared in the following two steps:
(a) Taking out dimensions
and squaring them i.e. the dimensions of the various items of
work are taken from the relevant drawings and are multiplied
(i.e. squared) to obtain its quantities and are entered in the
‘Measurement Sheet Form’.

(b) Abstracting
i.e. the quantities of the various items of work calculated as
above are multiplied by the rates of those items obtained either
from the schedule of rate or worked out by rate analysis and are
entered in the ‘Abstract Sheet Form’. If ‘rate’ and ‘amount’
columns in the abstract sheet form are left blank (to be entered
by the contractor) then it is termed as the ‘Bill of Quantity’.

(vi) Revised Estimate:

  It is also a detailed estimate and is to be prepared when: 
 The original sanctioned amount of estimate exceeds by more
than 5%.
 Amount spent on the work exceeds administratively
sanctioned amount more than 10%.
 When there are drastic changes in original proposal i.e. the
original load bearing structure is now proposed to be
converted into a framed structure, even if the cost of the work
does not exceed the sanctioned amount.
 The revised estimate is accompanied by a comparative
statement in the prescribed format indicating the changes in
each item of works, its rate and amount as per original and
revised with full justification for such variations and excess
(vii) Supplementary Estimate: 
 It is a fresh detailed estimate which is to be prepared when
additional works are required to supplement the original
proposed work or when further development or extension of
the work is required to be carried during progress of the work.
 The abstract must indicate the original amount of the estimate
and the total amount including supplementary amount for
which fresh sanction is to be obtained.
(viii) Supplementary and Revised Estimate:
 This estimate is prepared when a particular work is abandoned
and the cost of the work remaining is less than 95% of the
original sanctioned amount of the work
 or where there are material deviations from the original
proposed work which may result in substantial saving in the
 In such cases a fresh supplementary and Revised Estimate is
to be prepared and sent for revised technical sanction.
(ix) Annual Repairs (A.R.) or Annual Maintenance (A.M.)
 Annual Repair (A.R.) or Annual Maintenance (A.M.) is a
detailed estimate prepared to keep or maintain the building or
roads in proper working and safe condition.
 In case of buildings, this includes items such as white
washing, painting of doors and windows, inside and outside
plastering and minor repairs etc.
 The amount of such estimate should be within 1.5 to 2% of
the original cost of the building.
 In case of roads, it includes items such as filling patches,
minor repairs to bridges and culverts, repairs to berms etc.
 In case of damages caused to the works during monsoon,
which cannot be repaired within the annual repair grants a
‘Special Repair Estimate’ is to be prepared.
This includes the detailed particulars for the quantities, rates, and costs of all the items
involved for the satisfactory completion of a project. This is the best and the most
accurate estimate that can be prepared. 

A detailed estimate is accompanied by – 

 Report, 
 Specifications, 
 Detailed drawings showing plans, 
 Design data and calculations and, 
 Basis of rates adopted in the estimate. 
Such a detailed estimate is prepared for technical sanction, ad

Detail estimate is prepared with the help of complete set of contract documents. The
preparation of detailed estimate can do under 2 phases such as work out with quantities of
different works and calculate the cost of each work.

1) work out with quantities of different works – The whole construction work procedure is
divided into categories such as excavation and earthwork, concrete work, formwork,
reinforcement, masonry work, roof covering and roof plumbing, carpentry, painting and
decorating, plumbing, electrical installation and etc.

The measurement takeoff procedure is done with the help of drawings/plans and then they are
entered in measurement. Measurement sheet is a prescribed form which contains number of
columns to enter the respective measurements and descriptions about the works. Finally the
measurement columns are multiplied to get the necessary quantity.
2) Calculation of the cost of each work – The already obtained quantities are used to obtain
the cost of each work. Calculated costs of each work item are summarized in order and that
document is called as abstract sheet.
A detailed estimate should have documents such as report, specifications, drawings/plans,
design charts and schedule of rates. Factors such as, material quantity, transportation of
materials, location of site, labour charges, cost of equipment (commonly allowed:- 2% of the
estimated cost), overhead charges (commonly allowed:- 2% of the estimated cost),
contingencies & unforeseen (commonly allowed:- 4% of the estimated cost) items are needed
to consider well while preparing the detailed estimate.

Note:  The rate used to estimate should check with current standard schedule of rates & in
case of quantity, it should check with standard data book.

Conceptual Estimate
You want a conceptual estimate when you need a cost evaluation for the feasibility
of a project; for raising capital or other requirements. You can count on our proven
experience to save you time and money. You can get the estimates that you need at
the front end of project planning. Call now for expert service.

A conceptual estimate is often the beginning of a design and build project.

Information is not complete. But even if you are missing "pieces of the puzzle", you
need accurate estimating. This is where our longtime experience and skill will benefit
Let us provide you with confident cost estimating based on whatever details you
have determined and can provide. With the 3-D BIM designs we create, it becomes
easy for you to weigh the viability of a proposal. It makes it simpler for you to view,
share and discuss changes in plans.

We've been providing estimates for more than thirty years, and our estimators have
developed finely tuned skills when it comes to plugging in:

- Indefinite information

- Missing information

- Typical associated costs for a given space

The powerful conceptual estimate software that will be used on your project takes
the information you have available and imports it to an Excel spread sheet, which
can be sent out to your sources for pricing. Once the best figures come back, you
will be provided with the estimated overall cost of your conceived project. This way,
determinations can be derived and decisions can be made with confidence. You can
get the answers you need to critical questions: 

- Is the proposed project financially feasible?

- Is it within predetermined budgeting?

- How does the initial cost weigh against the operating costs over the life of the

- Is the construction cost efficient?

- Is there room for trimming costs, if required, in order to proceed?

- Does the conceptual estimate address all possible unknown factors such as
insufficient information

or possible price increases?

Here's an example: you may have available a project's square footage, the type of
construction, and electrical and plumbing requirements - but the lighting, fire and
security elements might be undetermined. We know, or even have cataloged, the
historical costs of these items (according to the size of each space), and can plug
them in. This can give you the confidence you need in the numbers. 

A conceptual estimate can be useful at varying points along the timeline of a

construction concept. It could be a study to determine whether or not a proposed
idea is worth exploring further, or an actual cost estimate for a design that has
already been created.
Your successful conceptual estimate will be determined by an experienced estimator
armed with the proper tools and a good view of the overall picture. You can trust our
years of forecasting costs of materials and labor, knowledge of relevant markets.
You can have confidence in the state of the art estimating software that will be
employed on your project. 

Our proven concept estimating track record speaks for itself. It allows us to work
quickly, accurately and cost effectively - even with missing information. We have the
know-how to create a proposal that is crystal clear and concise - with room for

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