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Contents:- Preamble and main points,----Experimentation,---probable causes---

Hypothesis---Chemistry of Apple---Sugar wheel---What to do and precautions

Apple Contrlos the Blood Sugar in Diabetes Type II

{ My real story with experiments on myself }

Preamble and Main points

[ Please See Sugar Wheel figures and chemistry of Apple ]

Articles published on::- Date-9th Nov 19999

1 I had Diabetes so, I experimented on myself, to see the changes in the blood
sugar,during 24 Hrs. by taking counts for every half an hour.

2. Plotted the graph and then made Sugar wheels,which gives clear picture of
blood glucose position for 24 hours.

3, Studied the changes in blood sugar by varying, various factors, like Fruits,Diet,
Exercise, etc.

4, During this experiments except apple, all factors increased the blood sugar.,
Apple has reduced bs by 40 mg/dl in half an hr.

5. So I did more experiments and finalize the treatment for good control of blood

6, I then read literature and formed the hypothesis and studied further the
chemistry involved.-

7, Published the work at various places and got good response from the public
who have also tried this therapy, with good results.

8, Now I wish to take clinical trials on large scale, to standerdised this metod, so
that pros and cons will be known.

9, Diabetes is becoming an epidemic now a days, so if one can undertake this

work, it will be a great help to the diabetic patients.
10, As far as medicine is concerned, it reduces the blood sugar but not the symptoms
and cause, so dose of medicine has to be increased day by day,while apple reduces the blood
sugar as well as symptoms and cause,[not permenatly] and so there are no side effects of
Diabetes. Besides, apple has fructose which protects automatically from going to
hypoglycemia, unlike other various remidies and medicine.On Diabetes apple gives little
delayed results I found that Apple has a unique inherent quality of reducing blood sugar,
I am still doing research on some other various diets, which are giving good results, I will
publish these reults in due course of time.,

At the same time I do not claim that Diabetes can be cured, till today there is no medicine which
can cure it.
Recently I got a supporting evidence for my Therapy, in a reputed Medicinal web site, the link I
as under:-
Publishing References:-

1] Abstract of this article is approved for presentation in the Poster program at 2003 Academy
Health Annual Research USA, meeting on 29 th,June 2003 at Nashville TN. USA[It is peered
reviewed by 7 experts.

2] Published in Magazine of Diabetic Association of India Branch Pune- Dated -15th April 23]
Newzealand Health Net work,4] Appeared in Leading News

paper of Maharashtra “ Gavakari” dated 2and 9th Oct 2000

5] D.P.Parkhe web site.visit Yahoo or Google
6] BBC message board scroll under Nutrition13th Dec 02 [Abstract]
7] Message board of Diabetic gourmet/community/ Diabetes II forum dated
13th Dec 02 or [Both articles]
8] Dr Weils/Chronic Condition Forum/ dated 17th Dec 02.[ Both articles]

9] Published on 4th Sept 2005 in Daily leading news paper “SAKAL” from Pune in
Maharashtra state, India, and in Gavakari of Nashik
10 ]
11] Diabetes Forum and many other forums
12] Suit ioi. Com

I have undergone traumatic experiences when I knew in Jan 1999 that I have diabetes, thereafter
It was a chain of such experiences, For full one year I have struggle for improving my health and
ultimately by sheer will power and determination, I have overcome this disease without any
medicine, which I wish to narrate my own experience for the benefit of people, so that this
information may be useful for diabetic patients, physicians and scientist.,

HISTORY :- I am 77 years old and till Jan 1999 was enjoying my life with full vigor and good
health, I never had any major illness in my life. I spent my early years playing Tennis, Athletics
and doing regular exercise, my height is 5' - 10.5", No blood pressure, all organs in a normal
conditions, and ideal constant weight of 68 Kg.But some how since last 2 to 3 years I have
started over eating and eating large quantities of sweets and no exercise and had little stress and I
think this might have landed me in this trouble.

CONDITION OF HEALTH: My first sugar report was on 5th of Jan. 1999 which was 355 mg /
dl. This figure gave me a big shock of my life and I was very much depressed and upset, I went to
doctor for medication, who gave me pills to reduce sugar and put me on strict diet of 900
calories / day and from then onwards my miserable plight started.

Within 2 days my sugar came to normal but doctor asked me to continue pills for 10 days and
with this medicine and strict low diet, hypoglycemia symptoms developed on 5th day.. As I read
books on diabetes I immediately ate sugar and prevented going into hypo condition there- after I
discontinued medicine but kept low diet because nobody could give me proper advise as what to
do and how much to take calories, side by side I kept working also. This condition has weakened
me further so much that I was admitted in ICU for 6 days for fatigue syndrome and unstable
Angina, on 22nd July I had to give cardiac stress Test which was normal but has further
weakened my conditions and I was bed ridden till Oct. 1999. Thus from Jan to Oct I was groping
in dark about my health and ultimately could not move from the bed even for bath or taking data
of fasting sugar. Now Doctor have advised me to take 1800 calories per day but dividing into 6
times of the day. I was already very weak and could not digest so much food, even then due to
fear of hypo I use to feel hungry at the early morning and other times and was taking sugar or
Glucose / or Glucose biscuits etc. by which my sugar level use to shoot up, then I could not eat
and like that I use to get panicky, mentally as well as physically. This was a real horrible
experience and because of this my diet and mind became unstable so also sugar level. This plight
continued from July to Oct 99. Then I decided that nothing doing, I must fight and come over this
situation and so decided to start first experimenting to find out the exact position of sugar level in
my body, at intervals of every 1/2 an hour to get the basic knowledge of sugar variations and see
if I can find some solution or at least try to regulate the sugar level and get control over it.


At the outset I wanted to experiment, to find out, what is the exact position of sugar in my body
during the period of 24 hrs.. Latter on I have added other factors also to acquire more data about
various reactions & effects depending on the intake of my regular food, variety of food, timing,
and stress level and mental conditions etc. to know the correlation between the above factors on
venous ,capillary and urine sugar.

This needed lot of work to be done and was costly also, hence I started with Diastix which is
much cheaper to use. With Diastix I took readings at every ½ an hour interval of urine sugar. In
the beginning the readings were erratic. So I wanted to have controlled condition. Therefore I
tried to fix-up urine sugar level between Trace and + one by intake of Glucose, Glucose Biscuits,
sugar, fruits and exercise etc. but I could not achieve much, then I tried honey drops by which I
could maintain Trace + one level fairly well, I fixed Trace & + one level because, if I tried to fix
normal level I have a fear that it may drop to hypo - side also and I had bitter experience of hypo.
So I never dared to try that. This test has given me fairly good position of urine sugar with respect
to food and its timing and other above mentioned factors etc. and I make draphs and ultimately
Sugar Wheel.This basic data by of collection of a sugar wheel, is, I think innovated first time
in Diabetic treatment . Please see figure-showing sugar level during 24 hrs. I could know from
from sugar wheels, the time and quantity of rising sugar level, stable sugar level and lowering of
it, the last one I term as Danger zone because if I do not take food at that time I use to get Hypo
symptoms (later on when I took Glucometer these symptoms turned out to be false and were only
psychologically motivated).

Then I experimented with various food and fruit intake and prepared charts and Graphs, side by
side I recorded blood sugar also, to find out the relation of urine sugar and blood sugar, there also.
I found interesting results. After preparing "sugar wheel" chart (see figure) I could fairly regulate
my sugar level even though on higher side, I found that during the period of 5 a.m. to 12 noon
urine sugar was varying between Trace to + one and some time ++ also but then after 12 to 12.30
noon it used to be fairly constant on Trace till next morning. This is a surprising result. I have
observed another advantage, by which I have developed body language and could know
automatically my sugar levels even without any readings.

Latter on I purchased Glucometer and could then study correct blood sugar levels and it has
given me clear picture and I could keep my blood sugar in fairly normal position, by intake of
food, exercise and could avoid panicky conditions and false signals of hunger and hypo, thus I
could win my battle halfway but I wanted to find out how I can reduce blood sugar level if it is
more, and keep it under normal position. Therefore I again started experimenting with blood
sugar reading & various types of food and fruits. Every 1/2 hour I took readings and noted the
variations. By all these experiments I have developed little confidence and gained some strength
also. I had an intuition that there will be some fruit which will have inherent inbuilt balance of
sweetness and alcohol like chemical side by side (Alcohol reduces sugar). So I tried various
fruits and noted behavior of sugar level.

One fine day my urine sugar level was on ++ and I wanted to take capillary and venous blood
reading. So I called Pathologist to take venous blood and till he came i.e. in about 15 to 20 minute
I ate apple (shredded, because I had no denture) and then gave the blood sample. I wanted to note
again urine sugar and to my surprise it has dropped from ++ to normal level say within 1/2 hours.
Thus I got the clue and then thought this is what I wanted to find out. So I did more experiments
on apple and recorded Many readings, which has given me astonishing results. Now every time
when sugar is high and if I take apple it will bring down blood sugar level immediately within 25
to 30 minutes. with this result now I am not afraid of high sugar levels even of it is 250 too 300
mg / dl.because as soon as I take apple and walk for 5 to10 minutes sugar level topples down by
60 to 90 mg /dl per hr. So I made it a point to take at least one apple daily and I am able to keep
my normal sugar level and fun is, it does not allow to go down lesser than 80 to 90 mg / dl and
keeps it at 100 to 120 mg / dl all the time. I think it may be because of Fructose in Apple.

Because apple is a sweet fruit, other people and Drs.[ out of fear] might have purposely advised
not to take it and so they might not have experimented with it as a remedy for diabetes.

Having found out this, I started reading books on apple, Insulin & other related topics to find out
exactly how it may be acting and why.

1) My judgment of selection of this fruit was based on the fact that it has naturally inbuilt
balance, of Alcohol like substance & sweetness side by side in the fruit itself (like in our

2) I wanted to try out organic material rather than synthetic one because organic sugar assimilates
properly in the body.

3) I do not know whether exhaustive work has been done on effect of Apple & such types of
fruits on blood sugar, Latter on I have read that apple increases the blood sugar .So out of fear
scientist might not have tried it because sweetness is harmful in diabetes.or it might raise sugar
temporarlyand ,so doctors had wrong judjmentand and never tried further experiments to wait and
see up to the end result, after giving sufficient time for apple effect.

4) The facts and results experienced by me are simple, but unless they are experimented &
brought forth as standard results & by exhaustive test, they will no be accepted by proffesionals.
However many times simple things are missed because they are simple & so go unnoticed.In
addition Apple has no down side,on the contrary it is a safe remidy to control BS

5) Mine is an old age stress diabetes of type II & so it is possible that this fruit might be giving
me good results.

I am putting my own experience and facts on paper so that some segment of diabetic patients
might be benefited by this experiment and Dr. & Scientist may do exhaustive clinical trials to
find out beneficial results of Apple.

At least this will serve as preventive maintenance.

After myself getting fully cured by this experiment, I started to read literature on
Chemistry of diabetes, Insulin & other general relevant matters, but as I went on reading I
found it that. it is an enormous complicated matter and my knowledge was not even
superficial in this subject, it was so vast & complex subject. However whatever I could
read & gather on this subject I am putting here to the best of my knowledge and my
possible Hypothesis. It is only because I got encouraging and good results, I am putting
my experience on record for benefit of others..

Probable Reasons of Occurrence of Diabetics:-

1) It is said that it is a hereditary diseases but it seems it doesn’t confirm to a definite pattern like
mendalism - scientist or Drs. are not yet sure about it even though this is a major factor.

2) Way of Life :- Over eating of refined process food, less exercise, sedentary life / Job. These
also leads to this disease -

3) Mental setup :- over stress, Emotions may also lead to this disease.

4) Virus infection:- May also lead to this disease.

5) Imbalance of Hormones.less intake of B complex & other vitamins and minerals.

6) Effect of certain Medicines, like cortisone, steroid medicine for high BP, . Fenil butozene etc.

7) Other diseases may lead to this e.g. liver & Jaundice etc.

8) Over Sex with, age factor -Normally 50 years and above. [ almost major cause according to

9] Impaired Metabolism or Immunological imbalance.

10] Infection of Candida,

Post script :- During my 9 years study with diabetic people which I have come across and
which were improved due to Apple Therapy, I have observed the following facts:- These
Diabetic patients mostly have some mental worry or a mental shock, which is deep rooted
in their mind and some how they are unable to get rid of it and at this stage, mental stress
is developed and Diabetes is triggered and then the worry goes off and if worry still
persists Blood sugar starts increasing or undulating .

In addition to this, I am now convinced, that, over sex and sedentary life of such people,
accelerates the process of impaired metabolism which leads to severity of Diabetes or leads
to some other complications or diseases.. Such people are rather of emotional
temperament. This is my personal observation and needs to be confirmed by scientific
study. Now I am of the firm opinion that, sex should be moderated after the age of 50 to 6o
years to avoid any type of such illness.

Apple with its ingredients and chemistry help stop this state of mind and removes the stress as
well as improves the overall health.

Thus in spite of huge research there is no definite reason found, which leads to this disease,
scientist are yet not in a position to pin point the real cause or a factor.

In my opinion if you study all this factors which leads to diabetes you can very well imagine
that, it may mainly affect the digestion system first and then the disease commences.

Thus mainly the carbohydrates metabolism may get disturbed due to all this above cited reasons
and pancreas get affected, and then there is an insulin deficiency or change in its morphology so
that it doesn’t work efficiently to control the blood sugar. During my study with people, I have
found out that, if Plasma Insulin is from 8 to 86 mg/dl then you can control sugar to a great
extent, with this method

Seeing the reasons above we can easily guess that it is quite possible that, due to above reasons,
the fermentation in the stomach is not normal and leads to imbalance of all chemistry in the body
either due to infection of bacteria, mold, fungus, virus or hormone imbalance or it may initiate
some triggering action which leads to improper working in the digestion system or Ph level etc.
and unless this imbalance is set right disease will continue to occupy the body and give rise to
other more complications.
After studing deep in to the subject I have formed my own Hypothesis which is as under:-

CONCLUSIONI and Hypothesis

I would like to close by hypothesizing the cause of this effect. Once again, this is by no
means experimentally proven on large scale but myself and many of my friends [ about
hundreds of people ] having type II diabetes, taking pills and insulin tried this
method. It worked 100 % successfully.
Thus I feel that this is a break through and needs attention for taking clinical trials on
scale.. An Apple, in addition to fructose and water, contains the following ingredients:
malic acid, [ Apple Acid ] sorbitol [initiates insulin secretion], lignin, pectin, minerals
(potassium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc, copper, selenium), , Amino
acids, Anti oxidants and flavonoids. A lot of medical literature suggests that malic acid
serves as a chelating agent and plays an important role in ATP and Kreb‘s cycle in sugar
metabolism. and has also biocidal action. It appears that in this case, it helps reduce the
sugar level in some symbiotic fashion with the other chemicals found in apple or may be
rectifying the Auto Immune system. Apple is also useful for CFS along with Malic acid
and magnesium. present in the apple. It is well known that Apple is useful for so many
and dreadful diseases, so no wonder that it is useful for Diabetes also. However yet
nobody tried it because of its sweetness, which proved wrong in this work. In our case
Apple has reduced sugar in the same manner as medicine does.For more details on
Apple, read my article " Healing Effect of Apple"
As far as medicine is concerned, it reduces the blood sugar but not the simptoms and cause,
so dose of medicine has to be increased day by day,while apple reduces the blood sugar as
well as symptoms and cause,not permenatly, and so there are no side effects of Diabetes
Besides, apple has fructose which protects automatically from going to hypoglycemia,
unlike other various remidies and medicine.
I am still doing research on some other various diets, which are giving good results, I will
publish these reults in due course of time.,


In my case when I took apple, I think its ingredient may be acting as a corrective fluid for the
imbalance in the body, and automatically remedying the causes, which leads to this disease. It is
either producing more insulin or rectifying the morphology of the insulin or rectifying some other
factors, so as to work the body metabolism in normal fashion.for some period.

Ingredient of apple and their actions :-

After reading lot of books I came to know that, apple has following ingredient and many more
which we don't know yet.

1. Malic acid - Apple acid [do not confuse this acid with maleac acid.]

2. Pectin – A Poly Uronide

3. Sorbitol - An alcohol cum sweetener

4. Sorbic acid.-

5. Fructose

6. And many other ingredients like vitamins, Amyino acids ,minerals,etc [ about 60

Now if we study these factors one by one, it is possible to guess why and how it controls the
blood sugar.

. The ingredients of apple and their actions.

1) Malic Acid:-

This acid is mentioned as acidulant, antioxidant and has chelating, as well as that of complex
compound properties. The normal Acidulant Compound acts as :-

1) Works as bacteriostat.

2) As aids to sterilization of can food by lowering Ph.

1. Acts as chelating Agent for metal ions such as iron Co2, Ni2

magnesium,vanadium,etc.Zn2 and copper which catalyze rancidity reaction in


1. Acts as flavor enhancer, by off setting excessive sweetness by their tart test,
medicinally metal chelates are used against Gram positive bacteria, fungus,
molds & virus etc. Metal chelates are found in biological system e.g. iron binding
porphyrin group of hemoglobin and magnesium binding of chlorophyll in plants.
Malic acid is a soft acid and has little or no positive charge and has easily excited
valance electrons. It tends to accept electrons & forms covalent bonds more
readily, thereby free radicals are eliminated. It has a roll in ATP and krebs cycle
which is very important in cell metabolism. It is used in chronic fatigue
syndrome [ CFS.] It is to note that synthetic malic acid is inactive. In fruits it is
available at certain stage in abundance.30 to 40 grams dose is recommended for
2) Pectin :- It is a high molecular weight hydro colloidal substance (Polyuronide)
related to carbohydrates (complex polysaccharides). It jells at room temp after
addition of sugar to fruit juices. It also has germicide properties by forming jelly;
this jelly also acts like a molecular sieve. This is a type of fiber, which also helps
in reducing blood sugar by way of slow absorption.

3) Sorbitol :- It is a hexa hydric Alcohol, It is a sugar crystallization inhibitor, it is also a

sweetener and is used in ascorbic acid fermentation (C-vitamin). By taking sorbitol sugar content
in the blood does not increase (also in urine). It does not give rise to a need of insulin and
deposits as Glucogen in liver. It has Antiketonogenic, Cholagogic & Vitamin preserving action
(Vitamins of B-complex). This vitamin preserving action is very important, because it is proved
by experiments on animals, that if vitamin B-complex is not given, then it develops diabetes in 48
hours. But if it is given at this stage all diabetic symptoms vanishes. It creates the condition for
development of intestinal flora capable of intensive synthesis of Choline or its precursors and
promotes antitoxic activity of lever. It is contradicted in interacranial hemorrhages haematomas &
cardiac & renal insufficiency and in dehydration of the organism. 20-30 gm. is recommended
doze daily in diabetes.

4) Fructose :- Fructose is twice as sweet as sorbitol and 90% sweeter than sacchrose, It gets
slowly absorbed in intestine by passive diffusion, hence blood sugar grows slowly. It is utilized
without participation of insulin which leads to a slow decrease in glycemia level. 45 gm is
recommended daily in diabetes.

5) Sorbic Acid :- It is useful as fungicide, mold inhibitor etc.

Thus it shows that apple has got all these and other valuable ingredients to rectify, the disturbed
Chemical balance which might occur in Diabetes. This needs further experimentation for
confirmation. The reasons are not specific for starting of diabetes, but it is a cumulative effect of
all negative factors cultivated by life style and habits of a person and thus they are of varied

More about Chelating action :- The type of co-ordination compound in which a central metal
ion, such as Co2 Ni2 Cu2 or Zn2 is attached by co-ordinate links to two or more molecules called
ligand. Metal chielets are found in biological systems eg. the iron binding poryphyrin group of
hemoglobin. In diabetes Zn & chromic bonding with non-metal atoms is a very important factor.
They are also biocides who retards or inhibit the growth of microorganism.

There is also a formation of a co-ordination complex by certain phosphates with metallic ions in
solution. So that the usual precipitation reaction of the latter are prevented (chelating is involved
in this process). This is a process which occurs in sequestration to form stable rings
instantaneously.Sorbitol is a sequestering compound and it initiates insulin secretion.

This may be also acting as a synergist for Beta cells of pancreas

Thus it is mentioned that in many cases quantity of insulin does not change in diabetes but
morphology changes, Protein bonding is affected, phosphirylation is disturbed, Beta cells are
attacked by auto immune system of our body, if pH is changed, then hormone secretions are
affected and amino acid and hormone balance is disturbed. So it is quite possible that ingredients
of apple may be acting as a corrective chemical.. Further in Ayurvedic medicine (Indian
Medicine) all most all medicines which they have recommended to cure diabetes are
germicides/biocides (in its broder sense) Thus there may be some relation like parasitism or
symbosism or infection due to microorganisms etc otherwise the auto immune system of the body
will not act [ and in this process Beta cells get damaged,] or may be unbalanced secretion of
endocrine glands thereof, due to change in Ph..

Thus if carbohydrate digestion is not proper or digestion is disturbed, then it is the best
environment for any thing to happen, it is the best media for fermentation & for growth of germs,
micro organisms, molds fungus etc. which may affect the working of pancreas and morphology
of insulin, or secretion of Insulin gets affected directly or indirectly & it continues unless it is
corrected, which this fruit Apple may be doing in many cases. There is a substantial proof for its
action if we keenly study properties and ingredients of apple as mentioned. above .Apple also
removes weakness and fatigue [CFS].

Most important to follow

In my case I first brought my glycemia (sugar level) under control, by diet so that apple in
addition of Vitamin B complex, can easily take over its corrective action without much resistance
from various factors in the body. Now I can even take sugar in tea and eat sweet also daily in
good quantity without increasing sugar level.. This improvement took about 4 to 6 months in my
case. At present my BG is -Fasting 80 to 110 and after meals is 120 to 140 If any more
information is required on this experiments I am always willing to discuss the matter. But keep in
mind that even if sugar is under control do not overdo the factors which will increase the sugar.

As far as medicine is concerned, it reduces the blood sugar but not the simptons and cause,
so dose of medicine has to be increased day by day,while apple reduces the blood sugar as
well as symptons and cause, at least for a temporary period., and so there are no side effects
of Diabetes, besides apple has fructose which protects automatically from going to
hypoglycemia, unlike other various remidies and medicine.
I am still doing research on some other various diets, which are giving good results, I will
publish these results in due course of time.,

Warning:- The above mentioned experiments I have done on my own responsibility, but if
any body, after reading this article, wants to experiment on himself it is at their own risk .
The reason is because when you start eating apple daily, the sugar level tries to come down
slowly, in about 15 to 20 days to normal level ,and at this stage if you still continue to take
pills or Insulin [or alcoholic drinks] which you take to reduce sugar, then the sugar may go
down to a danger level , so at this point you have to adjust the the dose of medicinal pills
/Insulin and diet, This balance you have to adjust as soon as sugar level comes down to say
140 mg/dl, but this will depend on individual case. So it is advisable to take daily sugar
counts for higher as well as lower level while adopting this method to maintain tolerable
level for you. So it is your judjment and there fore it is entirely your responsibilty. Some of
my friends adjusted this properly and are getting benefits.



1) Principles & Practice of Medicine.

by Sir Stanley Davidson.

2) Endocrinology. by V.V.Potemkin.

3) Book on Diabetecs by Dr. Vijay Paniker.

4) Book on Diabetecs by Dr. D.R.Gala (3 books)

5) Book on Diabetics by Dr. Ankush Jadhav.

6) Condensed Chemical Dictionary by N Irving Sax.

& Richard J. Levwis Sr.

7) Advanced inorganic Chemistry by F Albert Cotton.

8) Books on Indian Medicine


The Sugar Wheels

Sugar wheel :- I have recorded Urea Sugar as well as blood sugar during this experiment
and then only drawn this sugar wheel.
Because of this data of sugar level I have developed body language and could manage
to take apple as and when required and bring the sugar level to normal.
This is the first time so much readings were taken by any one


In Short- What to do and precautions

I had Diabetes[350mg/dl] at the age of 70 and had all the symptoms viz. Extreme Fatigue and
false Hunger, Depression, High fluctuations of BG Deadly Fear of Diabetes, Tingling on foot,
body pain and what not. I was not able to walk even few steps in the house.[ Chronic Fatigue

But with determination and will power, I did experiments on my own and got rid of it. in 6

Now I am leading a normal healthy life and take sugar and sweets without increasing BG.[Blood

0] First removed the fear of Diabetes.

1] Divided the total intake food calories in 4 times approximately per day [about 2000 calories
per day i.e. 500 calories at a time] and stopped sweets and sugar for few months.
2] Started taking one fourth apple without skin [Red Delicious/ Royal Gala Variety ] or you can
take any apple except green apple. [ you can take one apple at a time instead of one fourth
without dividing it also ] and then walked for 5 to 10 minutes . Taking one Apple will not
reduce sugar to hypo unless you are taking medicine or alcohol to reduce sugar.

3] Taken one pill of Vitamin B Complex in the morning and one in the evening per day, even one
is also enough.

4] Recorded, fasting and after meals Blood Glucose per day on Glucometer [you can record it per
week also]so that I can monitor it properly by diet to see that it will not go to hypo. I have
maintained fasting BG at 125 to 140 mg/dl level and 150 to 160 after meals in the beginning for
few days and then with exercise and Apple it came to normal of 110 of fasting and 130 after

5] Now I take meals two times with little break fast and tea in the morning and Tea with biscuits
in the evening I take sweets with the meals and sugar in Tea and still maintain normal sugar level.

6] After few days my Fatigue/debility also started reducing. And it has gone completely after
about 2 to 3 months.

7] Now I take daily one Apple and one B Complex and no recording of sugar, this took about 3 to
4 months time [I have not taken any medicine from the beginning itself]

Precaution I have taken

1] After I started taking Apple [ Simala,Red Delicious or Royal Gala variety or for that
matter any variety, except green apple] and Vitamin B Complex, BG started dropping
within 15 to 25 days approximately.

2] In this period, one has to record BG and monitor it so as it will remain at 140 level
approximately or at comfortable level for the individual.

3] In case you are taking medicine this monitoring has to be done by adjusting the dose of
pills /Insulin i.e. one has to reduce the medicine accordingly, to see that the BG does not go
to hypo level because of Apple as well as medicine. In my case this was not required

4] Once I was able to monitor this BG level then three fourth work was over. Then Apple
took over, but still kept recording of BG for few days, then automatically you will feel like
to stop recording, at present my BG is fasting 80 to 110 and after meals is 120 to 140.

Even if Apple controls sugar level, one has to be modrate in their habits and should not
overdo anything.

Diabetes can be controlled but it could not be cured till today .

If any body wants to follow this method it is at his own Risk. I am not recommending it to
any body. I am only giving my own experience and whether to follow this method or not it is
entirely your decision,

I wish to conduct clinical trials but being a common man I do not have facilities nor
resources. If any body wants to do clinical trials it is most welcome. It will be a beneficial
social work

In case you adopt this Apple Therapy Please let me know your results, so that they will be
useful for others.

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