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Principle of Homotoxicology 

and How it Relates to

Autistic Spectrum Disorder"
Mary Coyle, D.I.Hom!!!
Tel: 212-255-4490!
It all Starts HERE
Homeopathy and Reversing Shocks"
“For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”"
~ Sir Isaac Newton"
Vaccines and Autoimmunity

The Purdue Study"

✴  “The vaccinated, but not the non-vaccinated dogs in the Purdue

study developed auto-antibodies to many of their biochemicals,
including fibronectin, laminin, DNA, albumin, Cytochrome C,
cardiolipin, and collagen.”"

✴  ʻʼScience of Vaccine Damage,ʼʼ Catherine Driscoll"

ASD, Antigens, and the Immune
“From the vital body perspective, the immune system is a
physical representation of the vital blueprint for defending
the body against external or internal antigens. A disease
means that this physical representation, in its current
form, is not working properly. “"
“The Quantum Doctor” Amit Goswami, Ph.D"
Studies have confirmed that
there are at least 250
synthetic chemicals in
everyone’s body fat!

§  What are Homotoxins?"
§  Homotoxins are substances
toxic to humans."

§  How do Homotoxins affect the

Biological Terrain?"
§  Homotoxins reduce the
conductivity of the
biological terrain."

"Matter is Energy, and Vital

Energy is a force that moves
inert matter."
The Human Energy Field"
✴  Bio-Informational characteristics of bio-photons."
✴  “The research on bio-informational aspects of bio-photons in the IR and
UV range can be traced back to Alexander G. Gurwitsch more than 70
years ago. He emphasized that fundamental biological functions such
as cell divisions are triggered by a weak ultraviolet photo-current
originating from the cells themselves.”"

"Bio-photons and Bio-communication, R VanWijk, Department of

Molecular Cell Biology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands;
and International Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany."
Light and Bio-communication

❖ "The high degree of coherence of biophotons elucidates the universal

phenomenon of biological systems — coherence of biophotons is responsible for
the information transfer within and between cells. This answers the crucial question
of intra and extracellular bio-communication, including the regulation of metabolic
activities of cells, growth, differentiation and evolutionary development." "
❖ — F.A. Popp, 1999"
First Steps to Increase
Energetic Vitality"
✴  Drink plenty of fresh, clean water"
✴  Ionized minerals"
✴  High-quality supplements"
✴  Tissue Salts"
✴  Reduce EMF stress; especially while sleeping"
✴  Balance pH"
✴  Remove offending food"
✴  Consume living food/high-quality organic food"
✴  (foods that do not promote inflammation)"
✴  Spend (self-limiting) time in the sun"
Microbes And Us: Perfect

There are more microbes than

cells in the human body, and
it takes a certain of cellular
energy to effectively manage
“ Once a disease has entered the body, all parts which are
healthy must fight it - not one alone, but all . Because a
disease might mean their common death. Nature knows
this; and nature attacks the disease with whatever help she
can muster.’’

Hans Seyle

✴  Flight or Fight Response

❖  First Phase: Adaptation!

❖  Second Phase: Alarm !

❖  Third Phase: Exhaustion!

Disorders Associated with
Toxic Overload and
Metabolic Dysfunction

Toxic metals interfere with specific function, as they have

the ability to distort the substrate binding site of the
enzymes, making them useless.

Beginning the Journey of
❖  In his model, Dr. Reckeweg has broken-down all diseases, and
categorized them under three processes. !

❖  Excretion of the toxin: Such as diarrhea, skin eruptions, mucous,

fever, cough!

❖  Deposition (deposits) of the toxins: Such as warts, hemorrhoids,


❖  Degeneration through the actions of the toxins: Such as Autism,

diabetes, MS, lupus, neoplasms!
Finding the Correct Energetic Signals to
Reverse Autistic Spectrum Disorder."

“…this malfunction may be due to the malfunction of the vital

blueprint (an imbalance of the relevant movements of vital
energies) itself. If this is so, we have to infuse the proper vital
energy to fix the vital blueprint in the system to effect a cure.”"
“The vital energy movements of the medicinal substance can then
be used to balance the imbalance of the relevant vital energy
movements of the diseased person.”"
“The Quantum Doctor,” by Amit Goswami"
Biologists Ludwig Von
At the turn of the century, biologist Ludwig Von Bertalanffy, described
every living system (man, bird, slug) as systems of flowing elements,
designed to gain and maintain balance. !

❖  Foundational remedies: water, air, light, magnetism,!

❖  Biochemical remedies: food, botanicals, enzymes, vitamins,

minerals, chelation!

❖  Structural Remedies: massage, colonics, body work, Cranial-


❖  Energetic: Homeopathy, acupuncture, flower remedies,

therapeutic touch, gemmotherapy, tissue salts, oligotherapy!

❖  Mental and Spiritual work!

The Emunctories!

❖  Primary Emunctories!

❖  Lungs, Kidneys, Digestion

Tract/Liver, Skin, Emotions!

Secondary Emunctories!

❖  Skin, Musculokeletonal,
Mucous Membranes, Mental/
Emotional Changes!

The Physiologic action that supports

the body to remove toxins without
aggression ,or pushing it to eliminate
beyond its physiologic ability –
allowing for self-regulation."
Drainage Remedies

✴  Drainage Remedies may function on the

following levels:

❖  Energetic!

❖  Functional!

❖  Lesional!
Drainage Remedies
Oligotherapy: The use of small concentrations of minerals
which serve to activate enzymes.

Gemmotherapy: The embryological tissue of plants which

can be used to support and drain a gland or tissue

Organotherapy: Dynamized and diluted organ tissue

designed to stimulate the corresponding organ tissue

Tissue Salts: Restores the proper balance of tissue salts (12)

in the body.

Flower Essences: Diluted extracts of flowers or plants

designed to address emotional and mental issues

5 Phases of Draining Toxic
✴  1: Opening Eliminative Pathways

✴  2: Address Liver blockages

✴  3: Address Kidney and Respiratory Blockages

✴  4: Clean-up metabolic Waste

✴  5: Address further primary and secondary emunctories

Homeopathic Cellular Supports"
Bio-energetic cellular support products supply the body the energy
it needs, without requiring additional reserves for break-down and
assimilation; which are necessary when functioning on the "
bio-chemical level (digestion of food, supplements, etc.). They are
designed to stimulate the production of energy (ATP), and
promote cellular regeneration."
If the body is equipped with the energy it needs to begin functioning
properly, it will naturally start by “cleaning house” and mobilizing
the toxins towards excretion."
Low-Potency Homeopathic

It is a process of recognizing, neutralizing ,and removing toxic


The goal is be both dynamic and reactive to facilitate

Enzymes and Enzymatic 

co-factors "

❖  “Enzymes are the most important unit in the human body, because
every chemical change that takes place to repair tissue or to assimilate
food involves the activity of enzymes. Without enzyme activity there is
no life. No plant or animal can live without the activity of its
enzymes.”- Dr Royal Lee!
Cellular Supports and DNA Repair
✴  “Like doctors making house calls, some DNA repair enzymes
can relocate to the part of the cell that needs their help. A
collaborative team of scientists of Emory University School of
Medicine has found the signal that prompts relocation is
oxidative stress, an imbalance of cellular metabolism connected
with several human disease.”"
Molecular and Cellular Biology, Feb 1, 2009 issue"
“DNA Repair Enzymes Relocate in Response to Stress,” Vincent
Once the Vital Energy has increased,
where do we go from there?"

§  Classical Homeopathy?"

§  Homotoxiciology?"
§  Sequential Homeopathy?"
§  Sub-Lingual Allergy
Desensitization Therapy?"

§  All of the Above?"

✴  Dr. Tinus Smits: Autism: Beyond Despair!
✴  Created the CEASE program: Complete Elimination Autistic Spectrum
✴  Dr. Rau – The Swiss Secret"
"Paracelsus Klinik in Lustmuhle, Switerland:"
✴  Dr Isaac Golden – Vaccinations & Homoeoprophylaxis? A Review of the
Risks and Alternatives!
✴  Jean Elmiger, MD: Rediscovering Real Medicine "
✴  Developed Sequential Homeopathy:"
✴  Physicians Association for Anthroposophical Medicine (PAAM)

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