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 Selalu berkomunikasi dengan pelanggan

Menjaga komunikasi dengan pelanggan di setiap saat dapat membantu kita mengetahui apa
yang dibutuhkan atau dikeluhkan oleh mereka saat di hotel sehingga pelanggan merasa dilayani
dengan pelayanan yang istimewa
 Selalu menggunakan kata-kata penghormatan seperti terimakasih, maaf, dll
Mengucapkan kata-kata seperti terimakasih dan maaf kepada pelanggan membuat mereka
merasa dihargai dan dihormati dengan baik sehingga mereka merasa nyaman ketika di hotel.
 Merespon tamu dengan cepat
Langkah ini merupakan pelayanan yang sangat penting untuk mendapatkan tourism hospitality.
Kesan pelanggan terhadap suatu hotel bergantung pada seberapa baik respon yang diberikan
kepada mereka saat pelayanan. Apabila kita merespon tamu dengan cepat, maka mereka akan
dengan senang hati menginap di hotel atau bahkan menjadikannya sebagai pilihan menginap di
lain waktu.
 Selalu membuat tamu merasa dihargai
Tamu akan sangat senang menginap di hotel apabila mereka dihargai dengan baik seperti
respon dengan cepat, pemberian layanan hotel yang maksimal, dan respon dengan ramah dan
 Selalu mendengarkan saran dari pelanggan dan berusaha memperbaiki kekurangan tersebut di
lain waktu
Terkadang para tamu merasa kurang puas dengan pelayanan hotel sehingga mereka
memberikan beberapa saran yang perlu kita dengarkan dan tanggapi dengan baik. Apabila kita
mendengarkan saran tersebut dan berusaha memperbaikinya, maka kepercayaan pelanggan
ada di tangan kita.

• Always communicate with guests

Maintaining communication with the guests all the times can help us find out what they need or
complain about when staying at a hotel so that they feel served with special service

• Always use words of respect such as thanks, sorry, etc.

Saying those words to customers makes them feel valued and respected well so that they feel
comfortable when staying at the hotel.

• Respond quickly to guests

This step is a necessary service to get hospitality tourism. The guest impression of a hotel depends on
how well the response we give to them during service. If we respond quickly to guests, they will be
pleased to stay at the hotel or even make it an option to stay at another time.

• Always make guests feel valued

Guests will feel get an excellent service at the hotel if they are well vallued such as fast response,
maximum hotel service, friendly and polite responses.

• Always listen to suggestions from customers and try to fix the deficiencies at a later time
Sometimes guests feel unsatisfied with hotel services so they provide some suggestions that we need to
listen to and respond well to. If we listen to these suggestions and try to improve them, then the
customer's trust is in our hands.

The role of the availability of halal food and non-alcoholic drinks in Muslim tourist hospitality is very
important. With the increasing number of Muslim tourists in various countries, halal tourism, including
the facility of halal food and non-alcoholic drinks, is always sought after and in demand when traveling.
For Muslim tourists, this facility is one of the important elements that contribute to providing tourist
satisfaction. In Islam it is also stated that Muslims as the owner should provide hospitality to tourists.

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