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DDW- 2008 Solar Space

lac's Iac Version One Alternative 1ac Inherency Cornetitiveness US Econ Declining Innovations Declining Spillovers- General NASA Key to Spillovers Innovations NASA Key to Economy Science Innovation Key to ECOn0111Y US Econ Key to Global Econ Space Solves Missile Defense

{\ot-e--..~ ?~,



.4 13 23

28 30 31 34 39 .44 .48 51 53

Missile Defense Inherency Answers to Missile Defense Bad Solar Key to Missile Defense Solar Key to Colonization Colonization Solvency Colonization Solvency Colonization- No delay Colonization- AT:No Babies Space Solves Extinction Space Solves Leadership

57 59 64 65 67 69 70 71 73 74

Deployment A - n Humanitarian Add-On Humanitarian Extension Saving Lives Add-On

.. 98 99 100

Proof of Concept Solvency Cost-Effective Plan Costs 10 Billion Time-Frame AT: Solar Hurts Environment AT: Beaming Harms Atmosphere AT: No Materials Laser Transmission Effective Microwave Transmission Effective

10 1 103 106 107 108 109 110 III 112

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DDW2008 Solar Space

lac Version 1- Competitiveness

Contention 1- Competitiveness

Tech and scientific competitiveness is collapsing -only Solar Space can restore it Ct:IaLional ecurity ~pace Qffice, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around ~ the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Asses smen t", http://www .nss. erg/settlement/ ssp/library /final-sbsp- interim -assessment -release-O 1. pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers a path to address the concerns over US intellectual competitiveness math and the physical sciences expressed by the Rising Above the Gathering Storm report by providing "a tme "Manhattan Apollo project for energy." In absolute scale and implications, it is likely that SBSP would ultimately exceed both the Manhattan and Apollo projects which established significant workforces and helped the US maintain its technical and competitive lead. The committee expressed it was "deeply concerned that the scientific and technological building blocks critical to our economic leadership are eroding at a time when many other nations are gathering strength." SBSP would require a substantial technical workforce of high-paving jobs. It would require expanded technical education opportunities, and directly support the underlying aims of the American Competitiveness Initiative. in or

NASA'S commercial technology network maximizes spin-offs National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2002, Technology Transfer, NASA's Commercial Technology Network strives to ensure that the Agency's research and development activities reach the widest possible audience with the broadest impact. The network. dedicated to technology transfer. serves as a resource of scientific and technical information with real-world applications for U.S. businesses interested in accessing, utilizing, and commercializing NASA technology. As the methods of transferring NASA technology continue to grow, the Commercial Technologv Office at each NASA field center works closely with NASA incubators, Regional Technology Transfer Centers, and others in the Commercial Technology Network to provide private industry with NASA technologies. While not all technology transfers result in commercialization, countless U.S. citizens benefit from outreach and education successes each year. The following section highlights this year's successful technology transfer activities. In addition, it provides a guide to the many organizations that comprise the NASA Commercial Technology Network.

Most of America's spending in space does not provide any direct monetary revenue. SBSP, however, may create new markets and the need for new products that will providemany new, high-paying technical jobs and net significant tax revenues. Great powers have historicaHy succeeded by finding or inventing products and services not just to sell to themselves, but to others. Today, investments in space are measured in billions of dollars. The energy market is trillions of dollars, and there are many billions of people in the developing world that have yet to connect to the various global markets. Such a large export market could generate substantial new wealth for our nation and our world. Investments to mature SBSP are similarly likely to have significant economic spin-offs, each with their own independent revenue stream, and open up or enable other new industries such as space industrial processes, space tourism, enhanced telecommunications, and use of off-world resources. Not aU of the returns may be obvious. SBSP is a both infrastmcture and a global utility.

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Solar Space

lac Version- Competitiveness

Competitiveness is crucial to scientific breakthrough and economic development (John J. Castellani, Business Roundtable President, June 6,2006 "Business Roundtable Urges Congress to Bolster U.S. Competitiveness in Letters to Key House Committees" "Maintaining U.S. scientific and technological leadership is essential to U.S. economic growth, national security and a productive future for our children," wrote Castellani. "However, our nation is facing a critical talent gap in science, technology, engineering and math, and is not keeping pace with foreign competition. To reverse current trends, we need to increase both the quality and quantity of the U.S. talent pipeline." Castellani noted that support for the STEM programs included in the appropriations bill, especially those from the President's American Competitiveness Initiative, is a necessary step toward ensuring that the nation's youth have the tools they need to excel in math, science and related fields. Full funding of these programs also helps to ensure the vitality of the U.S. economv and continued economic growth. "Although our capabilities are strong today, we must make the strategic investments needed to keep pace with the rapidly improving capacity of our foreign competitors," wrote Castellani. "The President's American Competitiveness Initiative makes a compelling case for these high priority investments." Castellani urged bipartisan support for three bills introduced by the House Science Committee - The Science and Mathematics Education for Competitiveness Act (H.R. 5358), The Research Competitiveness Act (H.R. 5357) and The Early Research Act (H.R. 5356) - which together address key components needed to strengthen the U.S. talent pipeline from kindergarten through graduate school. "A worldclass workforce is critical to our future success," wrote Castellani. "Especially important are the scientists and engineers who will develop the next generation of technologies, push the frontiers of new discoveries and make critical scientific ~~.... ····1)reliktIlrotrg1fs·:""·uuuu"u""""""".", ""'~"U.~"".""'."'U"U."·=' ~~ ""., ""'" .•.. W"""""""~"""

Scientific Breakthroughs resolve nuclear war, famine, disease, poverty, and economic collapse, (Mike Treder, Executive Director of the non-profit Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, 2006, Future Brief, "From Heaven to Doomsday: Seven Future Scenarios," In this scenario, reactionary critics of scientific progress, from supporters of "creationism" to radical environmental protection groups, and from neo-Luddites to educated technophobes (such as Francis Fukuyama and Leon Kass), are successful in essentiallv halting development. The result is a monumental increase in world misery. Research scientists, technology entrepreneurs, openminded academics and political progressives are persecuted and stymied in most countries, including the U.S.; they arc systematically silenced, jailed, or exterminated in other places. Advancements in artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, space exploration, robotics, and nanotechnologv come to a halt. Moore's Law is finally overturned. Famine, pestilence, disease, and starvation at levels never seen before devastate much of the world. As millions suffer horrible wasting deaths, billions more are born into

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DDW2008 Solar Space

lac Version t- Competitiveness

US economic decline casues nuclear war - Cook 07 (Richard C. Cook, 6/14/07, Writer, Consultant, and Retired Federal Analyst - U.S. Treasury Department, "It's Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun," http://www.globalresearch.calindcx.php?conlcxt=va&aid=5964) Times of economic crisis produce international tension and politicians tend to go to war rather than face the economic music. The classic example is the worldwide depression of the 1930s leading to World War II. Conditions in the coming years could be as bad as they were then. We could have a really big war if the U.S. decides once and for all to haul off and let China, or whomever. have it in the chops. If they don't want our dollars or our debt any more, how about a few nukes'!

Competitiveness prevents hegemony collapse (Adam Segal, NovemberlDecember 2004, "Is America Losing its edge?" Foreign Affairs) The United States' global primacy depends in large part on its ability to develop new technologies and industries faster than anyone else. For the last five decades, U.S. scientific innovation and technological entrepreneurship have ensured the country's economic prosperity and military power. It was Americans who invented and commercialized the semiconductor, the personal computer, and the Internet; other countries merely followed the U.S. lead. Today, however, this technological edge-so long taken for granted-may be slipping, and the most serious challenge is coming from Asia. Through competitive tax policies, increased ~UY~.~Jment .~e~~.~rc.h. devel.?p.. if} ~n~ T.~Ht..(l{§:[)'~~~PE;!e~e~tialp~I~~i~.~. ~()r.. cienc~ ... .... s ~~.d ~.:~hnol()?y( ~.. personn:l,~~i~n ,. g~'~~r~II~entsru:~ anaensuringt])e' explolf5ii15if of Iuflire'lIfiiovat16 lis: 'fne"petcenfage'ofCpateCrrts issued to and science journal articles published by scientists in China, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan is rising. Indian companies are quickly becoming the second-largest producers of application services in the world, developing, supplying, and managing database and other types of software for clients around the world. South Korea has rapidly eaten away at the U.S. advantage in the manufacture of computer chips and telecommunications software. And even China has made impressive gains in advanced technologies such as lasers, biotechnology, and advanced materials used in semiconductors, aerospace, and many other types of manufacturing. Although the United States' technical dominance remains solid, the globalization of research and development is exerting considerable pressures on the American system. Indeed, as the United States is learning, globalization cuts both ways: it is both a potent catalyst of U.S. technological innovation and a significant threat to it. The United States will never be able to prevent rivals from developing new technologies; it can remain dominant only by continuing to innovate faster than everyone else. But this won't be easy; to keep its privileged position in the world, the United States must get better at fostering technological entrepreneurship at home.



US leadership

is essential to avert global nuclear war

[Zalmay, "Losing the Moment? The United States and World After the Cold War," Washington Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership and to preclude the rise of a global rival or a return to multipolarity for the indefinite future. On balance, this is the best long-term guiding principle and vision. Such a vision is desirable not as an end in itself, but because a world in which the United States exercises leadership would have tremendous advantages. First, the global environment would be more open and more receptive to American values -- democracy, free markets, and the rule of law, Second, such a world would have a better chance of dealing cooperatively with the world's major problems. sLlchas nuclear proliferation, threats of regional hegemony by renegade states, and low-level conflicts. Finally, U.S. leadership would help preclude the rise of another hostile global rival, enabling the United States and the world to avoid another global cold or hot war and all the attendant dangers. including a global nuclear exchange. U.S. leadership would therefore be more conduci ve to global stability than a bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system.

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DDW 2008 Solar Space

lac version 1- space

Contention 2- Star Wars A. sub point Missile Defense

Lack of high power energy supply dooms space based missile defense Taylor Dinerman, author and journalist, 7/16/07, 'Solar power satellites and space radar', The Space Review One ofthe great showstoppers for the Space Radar (SR) program, formerly known as Space Based Radar, is power. It takes a lot of energy to transmit radar beams powerfnl enongh to track a moving target on Earth from space. What is called the Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI) is what makes SR so much better than other space radar systems, such as the recently-launched German SAR-Lupe or the NRO's Lacrosse system. While many of the details arc classified, the power problem seems to be the main reason that the US Congress, on a bipartisan basis, has been extremely relnctant to fund this program. In order to achieve the power levels needed for an effective GMTI system using current technology, very large solar arrays would be needed. Even if these were to use the new Boeing solar cells that, according to the company, arc more than 30% efficient, the arrays would still be much bigger than anything on any operational satellite. Such large arrays would make the SR spacecraft easy targets for enemy antisatellite weapons and would also produce so much drag while in low Earth orbit (LEO) that their lifespan would be shorter-perhaps much shorter-than current-generation reconnaissance satellites. Why, then, does such a system need to rely 100% on its own power? If solar power satellites (SPS) were available in geosynchronous orbit and could beam electricity to the SR satellites in LEO, this might allow the radar satellites to have as much power as their power control systems and heat radiators could handle. Power could be transmitted by a tightly focused laser or __ ~!~~i~~~~~~g~;~~~~:g~=~~:::~~:~I~f~t:h:e~r:~~a:r~a~n~~Mw~~~w~din~~ilin~~ way Using power from an SPS, such a satellite would be able to liberally use its iou engines to change its orbit. These engines would never be powerful enough to make the kind of quick responsive maneuvers that some space operations commanders would like to sec in future LEO-based spacecraft, but they would be a step in the right direction.

A spaced-based laser missile defense could end all wars FAS, Federation of American Scientists, 5/30/08, 'Space Based Laser [SBL]" hLlp:// The potential to intercept and destroy a missile over enemy territory soon after launch, rather than over friendlv territorv, makes the development of a boost phase intercept (BPI) capability verv desirable. In concert with wound based theater missile defense (TMD) systems already under development, the U.S. continues to investigate BPI concepts for BMD systems. TheSBLprogramcoulddevelopthetechnology to provide thell.S. with an advancedBMD svstem, for both tbeatcT@dJlilJiQllfll missile defense. BMDO believes that an SBL system has the potential to make other contributions to U.S. security and world '~;*",,,,;;c""""';_~B:I:,j,"~ .• Ja~I~.,8, , . resso don arams b renderin them useless. Failing that, BMDO believes that the creation ofsuchauniversa e ense s s em wou , (rr"m'@r'"1i'ltt11fll'§'m";w""-,,,;;; expand their security agreements with the United States, bringing them under a U. S. sponsored missile defense nmbrella. An SBL platform would achieve missile interception by focusing and maintaining a high powered laser on a target until it achieves catastrophic destruction. Energy for the sustained laser burst is generated by the chemical reaction of the hydrogen fluoride (HF) molecule. The HF molecules are created in an excited state from which the subsequent optical energy is drawn by an optical resonator surrounding the gain generator.

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DDW2008 Solar Space

lac Version 1- Space

Sub Point B- Colonization

The Development of Solar Space Solar will enable interplanary travel and sustainable colonies John C. Mankins, Manager, Advanced Concepts Studies Office of Space Flight, August 97, from Acta Astronautica, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 347-359, 'A Fresh Look at Space Solar Power: New Architectures, Concepts and Technologies, Lastly, there are a number of potential applications of these technologies in future human exploration missions, including the moon, Mars and asteroids in the inner solar system. These include: megawatt-class SEPS Lunar cargo space transfer vehicles Lunar orbit WPT for Lunar surface power affordable human Mars mission transportation systems. Of these, the concept of using multi-megawatt-class space solar power systems to achieve very low cost Mars mission concepts appears to have particular leverage. By using systems that are amenable to low-cost, multi-unit, modular manufacturing, even though the overall system masses are not lower, the cost appears to be significantly lower. Example: The "SolarClipper'', An especially intriguing opportunity is that of using affordable megawatt-class space power for interplanetary space missions. It appears to be possible to reduce the cost for Earth surface-to-Mars orbit transportation dramatically through the use of very advanced, large-scale space solar power in a solar electric propulsion system (SEPS) approach. The basic architectural strategies of the SolarClipper concept arc straightforward: Use low-mass/high-efficiency space solar energy, rather than nuclear energy, as the basic power system; Modularize transportation systems into packages of less than 40,000 pounds each to enable launch of all but selected surface systems, with resorting to heavy lift launch vehicles (HLLVs); "P'a1)1'iem~mttltil!lt:~cttlemit::tt'Sr;1')SAs:ystem'S'toet1:;lhle'CffeetiV"e'ffiaS's'Vf()due'ti0t1ae"af"amati~an,cl€}w{}f~&tGpt?Fs,u14itswcightJaf purchased hardware; and, Use "brilliant" systems architectures that can assemble themselves in Earth orbit with little more than autonomous rendezvous and docking technologies;
Exploit the higher fuel efficiency ("specific impulse" of electric propulsion to offset the mass associated with modularity of systems and interconnections systems assembled in space. between

Because the majority of a mission's mass could be transported to Earth orbit on lower cost vehicles, a substantial savings (perhaps a factor of 2-to-3) in launch costs might be achieved. Because most system elements are mass-produced. costs per unit weight could be reduced by as much as a factor of 10. As an added advantage, SolarClipper cargo transfer vehicles can - once they reach Mars orbit - be deployed for use as operational solar power satellites using wireless power transmission to provide essential energy to surface operations (thus eliminating the need for Mars surface nuclear reactors). This combination of SEPS for Earth-Mars transport, and SPS WPT at Mars, could make possible non-nuclear exploration architectures (at least within the inner solar system).

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DDW2008 Solar Space

lac Version 1- Space

US action to colonize space prevents extinction- modified gender language (James Oberg, space writer and a former space flight engineer based in Houston, 1999, Space Power Theory, ~?:"'~-;:;;~11::.~M~~<"?~ We have the great gift of yet another period when our nation is not threatened; and our war d is free from opposing coalitions with great global capabilities. We can use this period to take our nation and our fellow men into the greatest adventure that our species has ever embarked upon. The United States can lead, protect, and help the rest of [hulmankind to move into space. It is particularly fitting that a country comprised of people from all over the globe assumes that role. This is a manifest destiny worthy of dreamers and poets, warriors and conquerors. In his last book, Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan presents an emotional argument that our species must venture into the vast realm of space to establish a spacefaring civilization. While acknowledging the very high costs that are involved in manned spacetlight,Sagan states that our very survival as a species depends on colonizing outer space. Astronomers have alread identified dozens of asteroids that mi ht somedav smash into Ear . Undoubted] man more remain undetected. In Sagan's opinion the oni wa to avert inevitable catastro he is for nkind to estabIisha ermanent human presence in space. He compares humans to the planets that roam the night sky, as he says that humans will too wander through space. We will wander space because we possess a compulsion to explore, and space provides a truly infinite prospect of new directions to explore. Sagan's vision is part science and part emotion. He hoped that the exploration of space would unify humankind. We propose that mankind follow the United States and our allies into this new sea, set with jeweled stars. If we lead, we can be both strong and caring. If we step back, it may be to the detriment of more than our country.

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DDW2008 Solar Space

lac Version 1- Solvency

Plan- The United States federal government should substantially increase funding for the National Aeronautics Administration for the development of Space Based Solar Power. Contention 4- Solvency and Space

A program for SBSP would be profitable and effective (Erik Sofge, January 2008, "Space-Based Solar Power Beams Become Next Energy Frontier", The idea of using satellites to beam solar power down from space is nothing new-the Department of Energy first studied it in the 1970s, and NASA took another look in the '90s. The stumbling block has been less the engineering challenge than the cost. A Pentagon report released in October could mean the stars are finally aligning for space-based solar power, or SBSP. According to the report, SBSP is becoming more feasible, and eventually could help head off crises such as climate change and wars over diminishing energy supplies. "The challenge is one of perception," says John Mankins, president of the Space Power Association and the leader of NASA's mid-1990s SBSP study. "There are people in senior leadership positions who believe everything in space has to cost trillions." The new report imagines a market-based approach. Eventually, SBSP may become enormouslv profitableand the Pentagon hopes it will lure the growing private space industry. The government would fund launches to place initial arrays in orbit by 2016, with private firms taking over operations from there. This plan could limit government costs to about $10 billion. As envisioned, massive orbiting solar arrays, situated to remain in sunlight nearly continuously, will beam multiple megawatts of energy to Earth via microwave beams. The energy will be transmitted to mesh receivers placed over open farmland and in strategic supply by 205ft Ultimately, the report estimates, a single kilometer-wide the energy locked in the world's oil reserves. array could collect enough power in one year to rival

NASA's expertise determines solar power success John Gartner, staff writer for Wired, 6-22-04, NASA Spaces on Energy Solution Mankins said that because the technology blurs the lines between governmental agencies, it does not have a true champion. "To NASA. it's not fish, nor fowl, nor red herring -- it's not our mission," Mankins said. NASA does not explore terrestrial energy sources, and the Department of Energy does not research satellites, according to Mankins. "It has fallen neatly through the cracks, as it has for decades," Mankins said. He said that NASA's development of space solar power would likely determine whether or not satellites ever send energy to Earth. "Given how critical NASA is to an the space and related technologies reqllired;it'shard forme to see how· itcouldhafmen "withoutNASA.

FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP does appear to address a significant number of security concerns across the political spectrum but suffers from a lack of strategic visibility. From international economic competitiveness, to maintenance of our industrial base, to energy securitv and addressing climate change, SBSP is at the intersection of our nations present concerns, providing a synergy seldom found in other initiatives. FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that while the United States requires a suite of energy options, and while many potential options exist, none offers the unique range of ancillary benefits and transformational capabilities as SBSP. It is possible that the world's energy problems may be solved without resort to SBSP by revolutionary breakthroughs in other areas, but none of the alternative options will also simultaneously create transformational national security capabilities, open up the space frontier for commerce, greatly enable space transportation, enhance high-paving, high-tech jobs, and turn America into an exporter of energy and hope for the coming centuries.

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DDW 2008 Solar Space

OPTIONAL lac Leadership Advantage

Contention 2-Leadership Advantage

Space Based Solar Power is key to sustain US leadership National Space Society, (Non-profit scientific space advocacy organization), 10/10/07 The Aerospace Commission recognized that Global U.S. aerospace leadership can only be achieved through investments in our future, including our industrial base, workforce, long term research and national infrastructure, and that government must commit to increased and sustained investment and must facilitate private investment in our national aerospace sector. The Commission concluded that the nation will have to be a space faring nation in order to be the global leader in the 21st century-that our freedom, mobility, and quality of life will depend on it, and therefore, recommended that the United States boldly pioneer new frontiers in aerospace technologv, commerce and exploration. They explicitly recommended hat the United States create a space imperative and that NASA and DoD need to make the investments - 15 - necessary for developing and supporting future launch capabilities to revitalize U.S. space launch infrastructure, as well as provide Incentives to Commercial Space. The report called on government and the investment community must become more sensitive to commercial opportunities and problems in space! Recognizing the new realities of a highly dynamic, competitive and global marketplace, the report noted that the federal government is dysfunctional when addressing 21st century issues from a long term, national and global perspective. It suggested an increase in public funding for long term research and supporting infrastructure and an acceleration of transition of government research to the aerospace sector, recognizing that government must assist industry by providing insight into its longf'lterm research programs, and industry needs to provide to government on its research priorities. It urged the federal government must remove unnecessary barriers to international sales of defense products, and implement other initiatives that strengthen transnational partnerships to enhance national security, noting that U.S. national security and procurement policies represent some of the most ····bofcremrome·nstrictions·tfffecting{J;&,·fnffnstl"y'e6'mpetitiveness,,·PFivilteGpublie·pal.'tlltwships.wtll"e ...• e..t\ ... b also noted that without constant vigilance and investment, vital capabilities in our defense industrial base will be lost, and so recommended a fenced amount of research and development budget, andsignificantly increase in the investment in basic aerospace research to increase opportunities to gain experience in the workforce by enabling breakthrou2:h aerospace capabilities through continuous development of new experimental systems with or without a requirement for production. Such experimentation was deemed to be essential to sustain the critical skills to conceive, develop, manufacture and maintain advanced systems and potentially provide expanded capability to the warfighter. A top priority was increased investment in basic aerospace research which fosters an efficient, secure, and safe aerospace transportation system, and suggested the establishment of national technology demonstration goals, which included reducing the cost and time to space by 50%. It concluded that, "America must exploit and explore space to assure national and planetary security, economic benefit and scientific discovery. At the same time, the United States must overcome the obstacles that jeopardize its ability to sustain leadership in space." An SBSP program would be a powerful expression of this imperative

of infuence), we do know more about China's progress in Space. Meanwhile, it can be asserted definitively that the US is determined to maintain by all means possible (including denying the rest of the world access to Space) their own space leadership, the key to the "Full Spectrum Dominance" and the fundamental presupposition of the unipolar-imperialistic "New American Century" • And heg bad doesn't apply- SBSP ensures positive Space Leadership (National ~ccurity ~pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessmen t", http://www .nss. org/settlementlssp/library Ifinal-s bsp-interim-assessmcnt -re lease-O 1.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers significant opportunities for positive international leadership and partnership, at once providing a positive agenda for energy, development, climate, and space. If the United States is interested in energy, sustainable development, climate change, and the peaceful use of space, the international community is even hungrier for solutions to these issues.

Gabriele Garibaldi

(Top member at Taiwan security), 7120/04,

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DDW 2008 Solar Space

OPTIONAL lac Leadership Advantage

US leadership is essential to avert global nuclear war Khalilzad 95 - us Ambassador to Afghanistan and Former Defense Analyst at RAND [Zalmay, "Losing the Moment? The United States and the World After the Cold War," Washington Quarterly, Spring, LN] Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership and to preclude the rise of a global rival or a return to multipolarity for the indefinite future. On balance, this is the best long-term guiding principle and vision. Such a vision is desirable not as an end in itself, but because a world in which the United States exercises leadership would have tremendous advantages. First, the global environment would be more open and more receptive to American values -- democracy, free markets, and the rule of law, Second, such a world would have a better chance of dealing cooperatively with the world's major problems, such as nuclear proliferation, threats of regional hegemony by renegade states, and low-level conflicts. Finally, U.S. leadership would hclp preclude the rise of another hostile global rival, enabling the United States and the world to avoid another global cold or hot war and all the attendant dangers, including a global nuclear exchange. U.S. leadership would therefore be more conducive to global stability than a bipolar or a multipolar balance of power system.

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DDW 2008





TECH AND SCIENTIFIC COMPETIVENESS IS COLLAPSING- ONLY SOLAR SPACE CAN RESTORE IT (National ~ecurity ~pace Qffice, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", -release-O 1.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers a path to address the concerns over US intellectual competitiveness in math and the physical sciences expressed by the Rising Above the Gathering Storm report by providing a true "Manhattan or Apollo project for energy." In absolute scale and implications, it is likely that SBSP would ultimatelv exceed both the Manhattan and Apollo projects which established significant workforces and helped the US maintain its technical and competitive lead. The committee expressed it was "deeplv concerned that the scientific and technological building blocks critical to our economic leadership are eroding at a time when many other ....~uati.Qns . arecgathering~trength..:.:"SBSP. would.reouire a substantial technical workforce of hig~-,pAaI~~ltj~~~:,!t,>~~?l.It~_ require expanded technical education opportunities, and directly support the underlving aims of the American Competitiveness Initiative. NASA IS CRUCIAL TO TECH SPILLOVER (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2002, Technology Transfer, and Outreach, NASA's Commercial Technology Network strives to ensure that the Agency's research and development activities reach the widest possible audience with the broadest impact. The network, dedicated to technologv transfer, serves as a resource of scientific and technical information with real-world applications for U.S. businesses interested in accessing, utilizing, and commercializing NASA technology. As the methods of transferring NASA technologv continue to grow, the Commercial Technology Office at each NASA field center works closelv with NASA incubators, Regional Technology Transfer Centers, and others .ill tile C:()Il1ll1e~~ial!e~illl?I?gyl'~·et~?~~t()J)r()~·i~~J)ri~~te industry with NASA technologies. While not all technology transfers result in commercIalization, countless U.S. citizens benefit from outreach and education successes each year.


SOLAR SPACE IS THE ONLY OPTION TO CREATE REVENUE, OPEN NEW MARKETS, AND SOLVE INNOVATION (National B,ecurity §pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10, 2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", -release-O 1.pdf) Most of America's spending in space does not provide any direct monetary revenue. SBSP, however, may create new markets and the need for new products that will provide many new, high-paving technical jobs and net significant tax revenues. Great powers have historicallv succeeded by finding or inventing products and services not just to sell to themselves, but to others. Todav, investments in space are measured in billions of dollars. The energy market is trillions of dollars, and there are many billions of people in the developing world that have yet to connect to the various global markets. Such a large export market could generate substantial new wealth for our nation and our world. Investments to mature SBSP are similarly likely to have significant economic spin-offs, each with their own independent revenue stream, and open up or enable other new industries such as space industrial processes, space tourism, enhanced telecommunications, and use of off-world resources. Not all of the returns mav be obvious. SBSP is a both infrastructure and a global utilitv.




FAILURE TO REVERSE THE INNOVATION GAP ENSURES A LACK OF NEW SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS (National Science Board, the National Science Board (Board) oversees the collection of a very broad set of quantitative information about U.S. science, engineering and technology, and every 2 years publishes the data and trends in the Science and Engineering Indicators (Indicators) report. 2008, "Research and Development: Essential Foundation for U.S. Competitiveness in a Global Economy" U.S. industry and the Federal Government are the primary pillars of financial support for the U.S. research and development (R&D)2 enterprise. The National Science Board (Board) observes with concern the indicators of stagnation, and even decline in some discipline areas, in support for U.S. R&D, and especiallv basic research, by these two essential patrons and participants. A decline in publications by industry authors in peer reviewed iournals suggests a de-emphasis by U.S. industry on expanding the foundations of basic scientific knowledge. More specifically, research contributions by U.S. industry authors in the physical and biomedical sciences through publications in peer reviewed journals have decreased substantially over the last decade. In addition, in this century the industry share of support for basic research in universities Government ~"c,',''''~'''''''' for academic R&D3 began falling in 2005 for the first time in a quarter century, own basic research has stagnated over the last several years. These trends are especially alarming in light of the growing importance of knowledge-based industries in the global economy. The confluence of these indicators raises important questions about implications for the future of U.S. competitiveness in international markets and for the future existence of highly skilled jobs at home. The net economic and workforce effects on the Nation and on industry of these negative changes are complex, and the Board finds that requisite data for an adequate analysis of current conditions and future trends do not presently exist. Nevertheless, the Nation must be acutely aware of the current trends as future resource allocations for basic research are debated and decided in industry and by the Federal Government. Global Competition in Science and Technology: A Strong National Response Required Innovation is a key to economic competitiveness and the technological breakthroughs that improve our lives. Basic research fuels technological innovations and is critical in fostering the vitality of the U.S. science and technology enterprise and the growth of highlv-skilled jobs. The scientific and technological advances that have led to our Nation's remarkable ability to create new industries and jobs, improve the standard of living for Reopl~l~l1dJ?E()vi~e s()!?histi~tlt~~ te~~Il()logv that ellsures our national securitv can be traced back to the outcomes of basic research. .. . .

LACK OF SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS CAUSES NUCLEAR WARS, POVERTY, FAMINE, ECONOMIC COLLAPSE, DISEASE, AND A SECOND DARK AGES (Mike Treder, Executive Director of the non-profit Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, 2006, Future Brief, "From Heaven to Doomsday: Seven Future Scenarios," In this scenario, reactionary critics of scientific progress, from supporters of "creationism" to radical environmental protection groups, and from neo-Luddites to educated technophobes (such as Francis Fukuyama and Leon Kass),.l!!:!: successful in essentially halting development. The result is a monumental increase in world misery. Research scientists, technology entrepreneurs, open-minded academics and political progressives are persecuted and stymied in most countries, including the U.S.; they are systematically silenced, jailed, or exterminated in other places. Advancements in artificial intelligence, genetic engineering, space exploration, robotics, and nanotechnology come to a halt. Moore's Law is finally overturned. Famine, pestilence, disease, and starvation at levels never seen before devastate much of the world. As millions suffer horrible wasting deaths, billions more are born into inescapable poverty and squalor. Chronic worldwide economic crises result in massive political instabilitv that leads to civil wars, regional wars, and ultimately nuclear wars. At the close of the 21st centurv, world conditions have returned to a state more like the 19th centurv. It is the second Dark Ages.



A NEW STUDY PROVES THAT IF WE DON'T REVERSE THE COMPETIVENESS DEPRESSION- JAPAN PROVES (AFP, Thu, 15 May 2008, "US still competitive but risks Japan-style recession: IMD", http://business,maktoob,comlNewsDetails-2007042315269US_still_competitive_but_risks_lapan_style_recession_IMD,htm) GAP, WE WILL HAVE A

The United States remains the world's most competitive economy but risks plunging into economic recession just like Japan in the 1990s due to structural weaknesses. a new study warned Thursday. The US once again ranked number one in an annual competitiveness survey by the Swiss-based Institute for Management Development (IMD), but risks being toppled from its plinth with both Singapore and Hong Kong close behind, "Singapore is closing the gap with the US and 2008 might be the turning point where the US falls from its leadership of top competitors," the IMD said in a statement. IMD economist Stephane Garelli said the US situation bears hallmarks of .Japan's position twenty years ago, iust before it slid into a decade of recession, and when the Lausanne-based institute carried out its first competitiveness survey, "The past crisis in Japan bears some resemblance with the present turmoil in the US," he said. In 1989, ".Japan's competitiveness seemed unassailable, with a strong domination in economic dynamism, industrial efficieJlcy~andinnQ;yatiQn,':~,:'ThenallhelLbrol\e.Jo.ose: the stock market went into reverse in 1989, land pricescollIlPsc,ci in 1992, credit cooperatives and regional banks came under attack in 1994, large banks teetered on the edge of bankruptcy in 1997 and a major credit crunch occurred in 1998." US ECONOMIC COLLAPSE CAUSES NUCLEAR WAR - COOK 07 (Richard C, Cook, 6/14/07, Writer, Consultant, and Retired Federal Analyst - U,S. Treasury Department, "It's Official: The Crash of the U.S. Economy has begun," http://www,globalresearch,calindex,php'?context=va&aid=5964) Times of economic crisis produce international tension and politicians tend to go to war rather than face the economic music. The classic example is the worldwide depression of the 1930s leading to World War II. Conditions in the coming years could be as bad as they were then. We could have a really big war if the U.S. decides once and for all to haul off and let China, or whomever, have it in the chops. If they don't want our dollars or our debt any more, how about a few nukes?
"",····.·········· ..·v_·.··.· ..·.__ .·...........•........., ,. __.._..___ , _, __._ _ " .._..,._" . . .. ,.,_._ ", __, _ ,."_, ..,, " .•" ...,."_.._ _,.,, .. , ,.,.._ ,...•....•... , _, ' , ,_

FAILURE TO REVERSE THE COMPETIVENESS GAP COLLAPSES US LEADERSHIP (Adam Segal, November/December 2004, "Is America Losing its edge?" Foreign Affairs) The United States' global primacy depends in large part on its abilitv to develop new technologies and industries faster than anyone else. For the last five decades, U.S. scientific innovation and technological entrepreneurship have ensured the countrv's economic prosperity and military power. It was Americans who invented and commercialized the semiconductor, the personal computer, and the Internet; other countries merely followed the U.S. lead. Today, however, this technological edge-so long taken for granted-may be slipping, and the most serious challenge is coming from Asia. Through competitive tax policies, increased investment in research and development (R&D), and preferential policies for science and technology (S&T) personnel, Asian governments are improving the quality of their science and ensuring the exploitation of future innovations. The percentage of patents issued to and science journal articles published by scientists in China, Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan is rising. Indian companies arc quickly becoming the second-largest producers of application services in the world, developing, supplying, and managing database and other types of software for clients around the world. South Korea has rapidly eaten away at the U.S. advantage in the manufacture of computer chips and telecommunications software. And even China has made impressive gains in advanced technologies such as lasers, biotechnology, and advanced materials used in semiconductors, aerospace, and many other types of manufacturing. Although the United States' technical dominance remains solid, the globalization of research and development is exerting consid.erable pressures on the American system. Indeed, as the United States is learning, globalization cuts both ways: it is both a potent catalyst of U,S. technological innovation and a significant threat to it. The United States will never be able to prevent rivals from developing new technologies; it can remain dominant only by continuing to innovate faster than everyone else. But this won't be easy; to keep its privileged position in the world, the United States must get better at fostering technological entreprenenrship at home.

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US LEADERSHIP PREVENTS GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR (Zalmay Khalilzad, US Ambassador to Afghanistan and Former Defense Analyst at RAND 1995, "Losing the Moment? The United States and the World After the Cold War," Washington Quarterly, Spring, LN) Under the third option, the United States would seek to retain global leadership and to preclude the rise of a global rival or a return to multipolarity for the indefinite future. On balance, this is the best long-term guiding principle and vision. Such a vision is desirable not as an end in itself, but because a world in which the United States exercises leadership would have tremendous advantages. First, the global environment would be more open and more receptive to American values -democracy, free markets, and the rule of law. Second, such a world would have a better chance of dealing cooperatively with the world's major problems, such as nuclear proliferation, threats of regional hegemonv by renegade states, and low-level conflicts. Finally, U.S. leadership would help preclude the rise of another hostile global rival, enabling the United States and the world to avoid another global cold or hot war and all the attendant dangers, including a global nuclear exchange. U.S. leadership would therefore be more conducive to global stability than a bipolar


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SOLAR SPACE IS THE ONLY WAY TO ATTAIN EFFECTIVE US SPACE LEADERSHIP (National §ecurity _space Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www l.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP directly addresses the concerns of the Presidential Aerospace Commission which called on the US to become a true spacefaring civilization and to pay closer attention to our aerospace technical and industrial base, our "national jewel" which has enhanced our security, wealth, travel, and lifestyle. An SBSP program as outlined in this report is remarkably consonant with the findings of this commission, which stated: The United States must maintain its preeminence in aerospace research and innovation to be the global aerospace leader in the 21st century. This can only be achieved through proactive government policies andsustained public investments in long-term research and RDT&E infrastructure that will result in new breakthrough aerospace capabilities. Over the last several decades, the U.S. aerospace sector has been living off the research investments made ,primarjl~LfoLdefen:,;e"duJ:ing,the"CI,llli~arL .•Government policies and investments in lon~ -ter~ resellrch~llY~ 11?tke)lt pace with the changing world. Our nation does not have bold national aerospace team~log£goaIstoiocusa'n(fsustain' federal research and related infrastructure investments. The nation needs to capitalize on these opportunities, and the federal government needs to lead the effort. Specifically, it needs to invest in long-term enabling research and related RDT&E infrastructure, establish national aerospace technology demonstration goals, and create an environment that fosters innovation and provide the incentives necessary to encourage risk taking and rapid introduction of new products and services. The Aerospace Commission recognized that Global U.S. aerospace leadership can only be achieved through investments in our future, including our industrial base, workforce, long term research and national infrastructure, and that government must commit to increased and sustained investment and must facilitate private investment in our national aerospace sector. The Commission concluded that the nation will have to be a space-faring nation in order to be the global leader in the 21st century-that our freedom, mobility, and qualitv of life will depend on it, and therefore, recommended that the United States boldly pioneer new frontiers in aerospace technology, commerce and exploration. They explicitly recommended that the United States create a space imperative and that NASA and DoD need to make t!Je.il1ye~tl11el1t.~l1ec:es§a.rYf()rde"eloJ2inga.llcl sllPE()rtingf~ltllr~.launc~ ca.p~bilitiesto re~it~lize.{J.S.sp~c;el~u~ch infrastructure, as well as provide Incentives to Commercial Space. The report called on government and the investment community must become more sensitive to commercial opportunities and problems in space. Recognizing the new realities of addressing 21st century issues from a long term, national and global perspective. It suggested an increase in public funding for long term research and supporting infrastructure and an acceleration of transition of government research to the aerospace sector, recognizing that government must assist industry by providing insight into its long-term research programs, and industry needs to provide to government on its research priorities. It urged the federal government must remove unnecessary barriers to international sales of defense products, and implement other initiatives that strengthen transnational partnerships to enhance national security, noting that U.S. national security and procurement policies represent some ofthe most burdensome restrictions affecting U.S. industry competitiveness. Private-public partnerships were also to be encouraged. It also noted that without constant vigilance and investment, vital capabilities in our defense industrial base will be lost, and so recommended a fenced amount of research and development budget, and significantly increase in the investment in basic aerospace research to increase opportunities to gain experience in the workforce bv enabling breakthrough aerospace capabilities through continuous development of new experimental systems with or without a requirement for production. Such experimentation was deemed to be essential to sustain the critical skills to conceive, develop, manufacture and maintain advanced systems and potentially provide expanded capability to the warfighter. A top priority was increased investment in basic aerospace research which fosters an efficient, secure, and safe aerospace transportation system, and suggested the establishment of national technology demonstration goals, which included reducing the cost and time to space by 50%. It concluded that, "America must exploit and explore space to assure national and planetary security, economic benefit and scientific discovery. At the same time, the United States must overcome the obstades that jeopardize its ability to sustain leadership in space." An SBSP program would be a powerful expression of this imperative.



SOLAR SPACE ENSURES POSITIVE SPACE LEADERSHIP (!S.ational §.ecurity §.pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www l.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers significant opportunities for positive international leadership and partnership, at once providing a positive agenda for energy, development, climate, and space. If the United States is interested in energy, sustainable development, climate change, and the peaceful use of space, the international community is even hungrier for solutions to these issues.

THE COOPERATION SPARKED BY US ACTION ON AN ENERGY SPACE PROGRAM WILL PREVENT ALL WARS AND SOLVE EXTINCTION (Isaac Asimov, author, former president of the American Humanist Association, and biochemist, 2003, Speech at Rutgers

I have a feeling that if we really expanded into space with all our might and made it a global project, this would be the equivalent of the winning of the West. It's not just a matter of idealism or preaching brotherhood. If we can build power stations in space that will supplv all the energy the world needs, then the rest of the world will want that energy too. The only way that each country will be able to get that energy will be to make sure these stations are maintained. It won't be easy to build and maintain them; it will be quite expensive and time-consuming. But if the whole world wants energy and if the price is world cooperation, then I think people are going to do it. We already cooperate on things that the whole world needs. International organizations monitor the world's weather and pollution and deal with things like the oceans and with Antarctica. Perhaps if we see that it is to our advantage to cooperate, then only the real maniacs will avoid cooperating and they will be left out in the cold when the undoubted benefits come in. I think that, although we as nations will retain our suspicions and mutual hatreds, we will find it to our advantage to cooperate in developing space. In doing so, we will be able to adopt a globalist view of our situation. The internal strife between Earthlings, the li.ttlequarrels OYCFthis·oFthat)}at£h·of···the··E~rth, andtbe .. .. f .pastinjnsti.ces .. .. iminish.heforc m o wiU d the much greater task of developing a new, much larger world. I think that the development of space is the great ositive roi . coo eration a new outlook that mav brin eace to the Earth and a kind of federalized wor government. n sue a govern men ,cae region WI entire world would act as a unit on matters that affect the entire world. Only in such a way will we be able to survive and to avoid the kind of wars that will either gradually destroy our civilization or develop into a war that will suddenly destroy it. There are so many benefits to be derived from space exploration and exploitation; why not take what seems to me the only chance of escaping what is otherwise the sure destruction of all that humanity has struggled to achieve for 50,000 years? That is one of the reasons, by the way, that I have come from New York to Hampton despite the fact that I have a hatred of traveling and I faced 8 hours on the train with a great deal of fear and trembling. It was not only The College of William and Mary that invited me, but NASA as well, and it is difficult for me to resist NASA, knowing full well that it symbolizes what I believe in too.



SOLAR SPACE IS THE ONLY WAY TO ATTAIN EFFECTIVE SPACE ACCESS ClS.ational~ecurity ~pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10, 2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, lnteri m Assessment", http://www. /final-sbsp- interim-assessment -release-O 1.pdf) The SBSP Study Group found that the SBSP development would have a transformational. even revolutionary, effect on space access for the nation(s) that develop(s) it. SBSP cannot be constructed without safe, frequent(daily/weeldy), cheap, and reliable access to space and ubiquitous in-space operations. The sheer volume and number of flights into space, and the efficiencies reached by those high volumes is game-changing. By lowering the cost to orbit so substantially. and by providing safe and routine access, entirely new industries and possibilities open up.






10 Reasons", Actually the lack of a space program could get us all killed. I dont mean you or me or my wife or children. I mean that Homo sapiens as a species are actuallv endangered. Surprising to some, a well conceived space program may well be our only hope for long-term survival. The right or wrong decisions about space research and exploration may be key to the futures of our grandchildren or great-grandchildren or those that follow. Arthur C. Clarke, the author and screenplay writer for 2001: A Space Odyssey, put the issue rather starkly some years back when he said: The dinosaurs are not around today because they did not have a space program. He was, of course, referring to the fact that we now know l! quite largish meteor crashed into the earth, released poisonous Iridium chemicals into our atmosphere and created a killer cloud above the Earth that blocked out the sun for a prolonged period of time. This could have been foreseen and averted with a sufficiently advanced space program. But this is only one example of how space programs, such as NASAs Spaceguard program, help protect our fragile planet. Without a space program we would not know about the

large ozone··holelnour afmosphere,


lhe haziifdsofsolarradiatIon;


many other

dangers. But this is only a fraction of the ways that space programs

are crucial to our future.

SOLAR SPACE IS THE ONLY WAY TO ALLOW SPACE COLONIZATION (~ational ~ecurity wace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, In terim Assessment", http://www. -release-O l.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP directly supports the articulated goals of the U.S. National Space Policy and Vision for Space Exploration which seeks to promote international and commercial participation in exploration that furthers U.S. scientific, securitv, and economic interests, and extends human presence across the solar system. No other opportunity so clearly offers a path to realize the Vision as articulated by Dr. Marburger, Seience Advisor to the President: "As I see it, questions about the vision boil down to whether we want to incorporate the Solar System in our economic sphere, or not. Our national policy, declared by President Bush and endorsed by Congress last December in the NASA authorization act, affirms that, 'The fundamental goal of this vision is to advance U.S. scientific, security, and economic interests through a robust space exploration program.' So at least for now the question has been decided in the affirmative." No other opportunity is likely to tap a multi-trillion dollar market that could provide an engine to emplace infrastructure that could truly extend human presence across the solar system and enable the use of lunar and other space resources as called for in the Vision.



It is far from being my main reason. A more urgent cause for concern is the need not to "put all our eggs in one basket," in case the worst happens and we blow up our own planet, or make it uninhabitable by means of nuclear disaster or perhaps biological warfare. We would all like to believe this won't happen. yet some people are seriously afraid that it will-it's hardly an irrational fear. Peace with Russia may have drawn attention from it, yet there are other potential troublemakers, even terrorists; the nuclear peril is not mere history. Furthermore, there is the small but all-too-real possibility that Earth might be struck by an asteroid. We all hope and believe our homes won't burn down, and yet we buy fire insurance. Does not our species as a whole need an insurance policy? Even Carl Sagan, a long-time opponent of using manned spacecraft where robots can serve, came out in support of space colonization near the end of his life, for this reason; see his book Pale Blue Dot. And in an interview with Britain's newspaper Daily Telegraph, eminent cosmologist Stephen Hawking said. "I don't think that the human race will survive the next thousand years unless we spread into space. ~ .........•...•..... are too man:\: accidents that can befall life on a single planet." Hawking is more worried about the possibility of There our creating virus

that desir-ors'ns than·abournuCIeardrs·aster.·~········"'······'···'··'·· ···




••• • •••••••••••••••

SOLAR SPACE IS CRUCIAL TO AN EFFECT SPACE PROGRAM THAT CAN PREVENT ASTEROIDS (~ational §,ecurity §pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10, 2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", l.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that retirement of the SBSP technical challenges begets other significant strategic benefits for exploration, commerce and defense, that in-and-of-themselves may justify a national program. At present, the United States has very limited capabilities to build large structures, very large apertures or very high power systems in orbit. It has very limited in-space maneuver and operational capability, and very limited access to space. It cannot at present move large amounts of mass into Earth orbit. The United States correspondingly has

ext.remclYHmHedcapii'biliGcs J'()riri:space l1'lani.ifacftiiiiigaiidc6iistfliCti6ii 6firi:sltlispacefesoUtce'utillzatidu:Trhas


capability for beamed power or propulsion. SBSP development would advance the state of the art in all of the above '~-""'-?"%"'''~~~~!p~~.~~a~v.~Ja..wHPU;tw;~i,tGJ;,.~ha§fd.solaJ;powe,a;:,.cp,ul£laJloW.J$ntitel¥w "701",,,,,,,,_,£,,,,,&,,,,,,,,,,, new technologies for applications such as image and real-time surface and airborne object tracking services, as well as high bandwidth telecommunications, high-definition television and radio, and mobile, broadcast services. It would enable entirely new architectures, such as power platforms that provide services to multiple payloads, autonomous self-constructing structures, or wireless cooperative formations. The Solar Electric Transfer Vehicles (SETV) needed to lift the Space Solar Power Satellites out of low-earth orbit, and perhaps even form its components, would completely revolutionize our ability to move large payloads within the Earth-Moon system. The technology to beam power over long distances could lower application satellite weights and expand the envelope for Earth- and space-based power beaming applications. A trulv developed Space-Based Solar Power infrastructure would open up entirely new exploration and commercial possibilities, not only because of the access which will be discussed in the section on infrastructure, but because of the power available on orbit, which would enable concepts as diverse as comet I asteroid protection systems, de-orbit of space debris, space-to-space power utilities, and beamed propulsion possibilities including farterm concepts as a true interstellar probe such as Dr. Robert Forward's StarWisp Concept.




FAILURE TO ACT TOWARDS SPACE TO PREVENT ASTEROIDS COLLAPSES POSITIVE US LEADERSHIP AND ENSURES EXTINCTION - {} en de f «r « fh r"" r",J (James Oberg, space writer and a former space flight engineer based in Houston, 1999, Space Power Theory, http://www.jamesoberg.comlbooks/sptlnew-CHAPTERSw _figs. pdf)

We have thc great gift of yet another period when our nation is not threatened; and our world is free from opposing coalitions with great global capabilities. We can use this period to take our nation and our fellow men into the greatest adventure that our species has ever embarked upon. The United States can lead, protect, and help the rest of [hulmankind to move into space. It is particularly fitting that a country comprised of people from all over the globe assumes that role. This is a manifest destiny worthy of dreamers and poets, warriors and conquerors. In his last book, Pale Blue Dot, Carl Sagan presents an emotional argument that our species must venture into the vast realm of space to establish a spacefaring civilization. While acknowledging the very high costs that are involved in manned spaceflight, Sagan states that our very survival as a species depends on colonizing outer space. Astronomers have already identified dozens of asteroids that mi ht someda smash into Earth. Un ubtedlv manv more remain undetected. In Sagan's opinion, the only way to the planets that roam the night sky, a he says that humans will too wander through space. We will wander space because we possess a compulsion to explore, and space provides a truly infinite prospect of new directions to explore. Sagan's vision is part science and part emotion. He hoped that the exploration of space would unify humankind. We propose that mankind follow the United States and our allies into this new sea, set with jeweled stars. If we lead, we can be both strong and caring. If we step back, it may be to the detriment of more than our country.






DDW 2008



A PROGRAM FOR SOLAR SPACE WOULD BE PROFITABLE AND EFFECTIVE (Erik Sofge, January 2008, "Space-Based Solar Power Beams Become Next Energy Frontier", The idea of using satellites to beam solar power down from space is nothing new-the Department of Energy first studied it in the 1970s, and NASA took another look in the '90s. The stumbling block has been less the engineering challenge than the cost. A Pentagon report released in October could mean the stars are finally aligning for space-based solar power, or SBSP. According to the report, SBSP is becoming more feasible, and eventually could help head off crises such as climate change and wars over diminishing energy supplies. "The challenge is one of perception," says John Mankins, president of the Space PowerAssociation and the leader of NASA's mid-1990s SBSP study. "There arc people in senior leadership positions who believe everything in space has to cost trillions." The new report imagines a market-based approach. Eventually, SBSP may become enormously profitable-and the Pentagon hopes it will lure the growing private space industry. The government would fund launches to place initial arrays in orbit by 2016, with private firms taking over 0r{)r~!il) .!h~~~.· R!.~~~?~!~.!i~it~?"ern~e~~~?~tst?.ll~.O~t This $,.ma:si~~?E~i~i~~s?lar .M'arrays,:~;tllateStl)remarii'ln suiiTi.ihtnear1Y coiiIlnuoiis[y ,wilf6eammliffip1e'megawafis of encrg.ffti EaitIi vi a mid,_) wave'~ beams. The energy will be transmitted to mesh receivers placed over open farmland and in strategic remote locations, then fed into the nation's electrical grid. The goal: To provide 10 percent of the United States' base-load power supply by 2050. Ultimately, the report estimates, a single kilometer-wide array could collect enougb power in one year to rival the energy locked in the world's oil reserves. NASA'S EXPERTISE DETERMINES SOLAR POWER SUCCESS John Gartner, staff writer for Wired, 6-22-04, Spaces on Energy Solution


Mankins said that because the technology blurs the lines between governmental agencies, it does not have a true champion. "To NASA, it's not fish, nor fowL nor red herring -- it's not our mission," Mankins said. NASA does not explore terrestrial energy sources, and the Department of Energy does not research satellites, according to Mankins. "It has fallen neatly flirougliUiecracks:aSi [Basrb)' decades, "MahkifissaiCi:He sam TnarNASA.'sdeveioplllcnt ofspacesularpotver,vould likely determine whetber or not satellites ever send energv to Earth. "Given how critical NASA is to all the space and ,~_",,,,",,,,,,,,;t;.~~~9uit.~··hamW me·Ws"J¥lW£,ihcruddhanpeJl~.~w\'ldthoJJt.&SA"'G"''''''''''' 'YOX!}2F"'!)PJ0!}P"'"",_"", __ "_",,,wc"wc' .",,,'22,, •./.,.. "."''''''' , ONLY SOLAR SPACE PROVIDES THE SYNERGIES THAT ARE KEY TO SOLVE (National ,S,eeurity,S,raee Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity [or Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www .nss.orglsettlementlsspllibrary/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-O 1.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP does appear to address a significant number of security concerns across the political spectrum but suffers from a lack of strategic visibilitv. From international economic competitiveness. to maintenance of our industrial base, to energy security and addressing climate change, SBSP is at the intersection of our nations present concerns, providing a synergy seldom found in other initiatives. FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that while the United States requires a suite of energy options, and while many potential options exist, none offers the unique range of ancillary benefits and transformational capabilities as SBSP. It is possible that the world's energy problems may be solved without resort to SBSP by revolutionary breakthroughs in other areas, but none of the alternative options will also simultaneously create transformational national security capabilities, open up the space frontier for commerce, greatlv enable space transportation, enhance higb-paying, high-tech jobs. and turn America into an exporter of energy and hope for the coming centuries.


Solar Space

US ended space power funding Smith, President of Long Island Space Society, Space Daily, 8-11- 03, http://www.spacedailv.comfncws/ssp-03b.html Arthur

The potential for power from space has been recognized for ovcr thirty years (1). Studies in the late 1970's by NASA and the Department of Energy produced a reference design for solar power satellites using then-current technology that showed technical feasibility, but also high cost. NASA returned to the subject with an cxploratory study from 1999 to 2001.A review by the National Research Council (2) found the program to have a credible plan which reguired significant funding: increases. Rather than strengthening the program, however, all funding for the space solar power group ceased after September 2001, and essentially no R&D work on power from space is now being done in thc US.

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Solar Space


John Gartner, staff writer for Wired, 6-22-04, NASA Spaces on Energy Solution Interest in solar space power peaked in 2000, when NASA officials testified before the House Committee on Science that by 2006 test satellites could be wirelessly transmitting energy from space. After three years of studying the challenges and a favorable report from the National Research Council, in 2001 NASA requested and received new funding for the space solar power program. But later that year, NASA canceled the program (the website was last updated in August 2(01) and withdrew thc funding. When asked about the decision to pull the plug on the program, former NASA Director Dan Goldin, who resigned his post in November 2001, said in an email that he does not comment on NASA policy issues. "It was a done deal, the money was there," said Henry Brandhorst, director of space research at Auburn University. Brandhorst said that NASA decided to use the money for the space shuttle and International Space Station programs instead. "It was a policy change." Without NASA's resources and funding, the technology will never be sufficiently evaluated to determine its true potential, said Brandhorst, who has studied the technology for nearly 30 years. "It must be studied until there are proven to be better options," he said.

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SOLAR SPACE POWER IS FAILING BECAUSE NASA ISN'T FOCUSING (Jeff Foust, Monday, August 13, 2007 , "A renaissance for space solar power?", ON IT

Another big problem has been finding the right government agency to support R&D work on space solar power. Space solar power doesn't neatly fit into any particular agency's scope, and without anyone in NASA or DOE actively advocating it, it has fallen through the cracks in recent years. "NASA does science, they do astronauts, and they do aeronautics, but they don't do energy for the Earth," Mankins said. "On the other side, the Department of Energy doesn't really do energy for space." That situation, at least in regards to those two agencies, shows little sign of changing. Marty Hoffert, a New York University professor who has been a long-time advocate of space solar power, contrasted the current plight with that of fusion, the one other energy source Hoffert believes could provide energy security to the world. While space solar power goes virtually unrecognized by the US and other governments, an international consortium is spending up to $20 billion on a test fusion reactor, ITER, in France. "For half that money I think we could deliver a working solar power satellite, whereas ITER is just going to show the proof of feasibility" of controlled nuclear fusion without generating any power, he said. "Certain ideas just fall through the cracks because there isn't a champion in the agency," in either the DOE or NASA, Hoffert said


NO AGENCY WANTS SBSP- IT FALLS THROUGH THE CRACKS (Dwayne A. Day, Monday, June 9,2008, "Knights in shining armor" One is the need for deep pockets to foot the immense development costs. The other is an institutional avatar-one of the persistent policy challenges for SSP has been the fact that responsibility for it supposedly "falls through the cracks" because neither NASA nor the Department of Energv wants responsibilitv.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

US Economy Declining

US is showing all the signs of decline that brought down previous world powers: relying on the financial sector instead of economic innovation Kevin Phillips, Washington Post, 5118/08, The Old Titans all Collapsed: is the US next?, http://www.washingtonpost.comlwp-dynlcontentlarticle/2008/05!16/ AR2008051603461.html More than 80 percent of Americans now say that we are on the wrong track, but many if not most still believe that the history of other nations is irrelevant -- that the United States is unique, chosen by God. So did all the previous world economic powers: Rome, Spain, the Netherlands (in the maritime glory days of the] 7th century, when New York was New Amsterdam) and 19th-century Britain. Their early strength was also their later weakness, not unlike the United States since the 1980s. There is aconsiderable literature on these earlier illusions and declines. Reading it, one can argue that imperial Spain, maritime Holland and industrial Britain shared a half-dozen vulnerabilities as they peaked and declined: a sense of things no longer being on the right track, intolerant or missionary E~]i~io:rl, i!i~,aEY,9r,irg12~Eial ~ ,overreach: economic pol arization. ,theJ"i£t4QiJinanc.e,,,(.displacillg~iJldu.str¥f, ······'~··~i111JeicessIve-debt~·So United States. The most chilling parallel with the failures of the old powers is the United States' unhealthy reliance on the financial sector as the engine of its growth. In the 18th century, the Dutch thought they could replace their declining industry and phvsical commerce with grand money-lending schemes to foreign nations and princes. But a series of crashes and bankruptcies in the 1760s and 1770s crippled Holland's economy. In the early 1900s, one apprehensive minister argued that Britain could not thrive as a "hoarder of invested securities" because "banking is not the creator of our prosperity but the creation of it." By the late 1940s, the debt loads of two world wars proved the point, and British global economic leadership became history.



DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

US Economy Declining
The US economy is nearing a recession because of the falling housing market Daniel Gross, Newsweek, 2/4/08, The US Economy Faces the Guillotine, http://www.newsweek.comlid/l05558/pagell The Great Global Market Freak-Out of 2008 has everyone asking whether the United States-already on the road to recession-is entering into a protracted period of economic trouble where jobs will be slashed, prices will continue to rise and the dollar will keep falling; and if so, whether the declining U.S. economy will pull the rest of the world down with it. A recession is defined as a widespread contraction in economic activity lasting more than a few months, and because of the lag in financial data, recessions typically aren't officially declared until long after they start. In short, the United States could already be in one. Though world markets stabilized by late last week, buoyed by the Fed's rate-cut action and a proposed stimulus package of $150 billion that was hastily cobbled together by leaders in the House of Representatives and President Bush, the question remains: how ugly will it get, and when will it end? The disappointing jobs and retail-sales data from December indicate the economy has stalled. Given the complex financial machinery that now connects the world's market, will a U.S. recession quash the booming growth we've seen in emerging markets like and and tip European
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professor of economics at New York University'S Stern School of Business. "But in terms of systemic risk and the risks of a financial meltdown, you almost have to go back that far to find a good analogy." The current troubles were years in the making, and in retrospect, easy to see corning. In the United States, the problems started with excesses and defaults in the subprime lending and housing markets. As the bubble burst, foreclosures mounted and housing activity ground to a halt. Throughout 2007, the carnage spread slowly, from subprime borrowers and home builders to middle-class homeowners and the stores they frequent, like Home Depot. As subprime debt went bad, the lenders and banks that plunged into the subprime market suffered huge losses. In recent weeks, blue-chip banks Citigroup and Merrill, Lynch took huge write-downs-more than $30 billion-on subprime mortgages and investments tied to them. What started as an effort to spread risksecuritizing mortgages, trading them and getting them off the books of banks and into the global capital markets-has in fact multipl ied it. In the wake of the loss, they dispatched squadrons of corporate jets to the PersiinGli!f iridAsii to .raise new capital from the vaiioussovereign":wealtli TUilasthat nave'replaceapnVate: equity and hedge funds as the investors of choice for ailing companies. With credit in tighter supply, consumers, retailers from Dollar General to Tiffany.

The US is approaching

a recession that is not going to fade soon

ABC News, 3/21108, US Close to Recession, Europe could pull through: OECD, The organisation has slashed US growth prospects in the first half of this year, saying the latest data "suggest that the US economy is now essentially moving sideways. if not contracting outright." US output is now expected to grow by 0.1 per cent in the first quarter, a sharp reduction from 0.3 per cent estimated in December, and to show zero growth in the second quarter, a sudden halt compared with 0.4 per cent estimated previously. After explaining that the US downturn would worsen in the second quarter, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development also said that the strains of the crisis globallv "are unlikely to fade soon." Signalling that globally there was a fog of uncertainty over the price of oil and other factors, it says the extent of "financial turbulence", the impact of newly found caution among banks and investors, and "their need to recapitalise, is unclear."

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

US Innovation Declining
US's decline in scientific innovation is allowing Europe and Asia to catch up European Research Headlines, 5/11/04, USA- A scientific Empire on the Decline?, http:// article _04_05_1I_en.html
For years, the European Union has treated the USA as a yardstick for what it needs to achieve in science and innovation. That stick - measuring performance in terms of research graduates, patents, prize winners, scientific citations, etc. - appears to be getting shorter, US experts reported earlier this month. Asia's ascendancy and Europe's determination, especially in basic science, have begun to erode America's dominance in science and innovation, according to John Jankowski, a senior analyst at the National Science Foundation (NSF). "The rest of the world is catching up - scientific excellence is no longer the domain of just the US," he told the New York Times last week. The leading American daily offers many examples where the USA fears a loss of scientific status. One area, international patents, is still strong but Asia is on the rise. The US share of industrial patents has ·>faltertsteadlly>'oveffeeenttl~atl{5s'\44ow,stan.ding.,aLalmoslj2% ..Jn .published re~e.<l.~.£h ... ::;.<?!l.£ea S U mainstay - it has also experienced serious decline. . ..... .. ..... ..._. . In physics journals, American papers went from 61 % in 1983 down to just 29% last year, according to a tracking study by Physical Review. A European Commission study showed that Europe overtook the USA in the mid-1990s as the world's largest producer of scientific literature. Many of the USA's woes are outlined in the National Science Board's January report 'An emerging and critical problem of the science and engineering labor force'. US scientific innovation is decreasing and Europe and Asia are catching up


... >" . innovation+in+Ux+declinin &hl-en&ct-clnk&cd-6&gl-us

For more than half a century, the United States has led the world in scientific discovery and innovation. It has been a beacon, drawing the best scientists to its educational institutions, industries and laboratories from around the globe. However, in today's rapidly evolving competitive world, the United States can no longer take its supremacy for granted. Nations from Europe to Eastern Asia are on a fast track to pass the United States in scientific excellence and technological innovation. The Task Force on the Future of American Innovation has developed a set of benchmarks to assess the international standing of the United States in science and technology. These benchmarks in education, the science and engineering (S&E) workforce, scientific knowledge, innovation, investment and hightech economic output reveal troubling trends across the research and development (R&D) spectrum. The United States still leads the world in research and discovery, but our advantage is rapidly eroding, and our global competitors may soon overtake us.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo


NASA's solar technology will influence other countries and the public, 5/26/05, NASA Strategic Roadmap: Sun- Solar System Connection, http://www.spaceref.comlnews/viewsr.html ?pid= 16758 This scientific exploration will target the highly coupled system that stretches from the sun's interior to planetary neighborhoods and the vast expanses of interplanetary space. We are now transforming human understanding of this fascinating global system of systems, so closely connected that the same explosive event on the sun can produce power outages on the Earth, degradation of solar panels on interplanetary spacecraft, fatal damage to instrumentation in Mars orbit, and auroral displays at Saturn, effects that span the entire solar system. By expanding and deepening that understanding, we will not only develop a predictive capability to address hazards to space travelers and to important technological assets closer to home, but we will learn how the fundamental space processes interact to affect the habitability of other distant environments, beyond our own solar system. Lastly, as an essential element of its plan to meet these challenging requirements, NASA will invite active participation by international and national partners to support the exploration and research program. It will also ~.d!ionaJt()0Is .\Viii inspire and edu&,at~n.ew.. ener.ations.of.cstlild@nts.andthe"···· ..hat t g ··AmeriCanpiibllc:These·p~irtllerships, teal~lOiogies, and educational materials will support and advance the space programs of all nations.

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Much of NASA's technology has been intentionally transferred to the public SPAACSE, 6121/05, NASA technology spinoffs: bring space down to earth,
NASA's most visibleachi~vel1l~Ilt~h,rve taken pla~einspa.ce, the techn~logies:ha.t Plltl1le,11 on the moon, launched space shuttles and will build a space station have found theIr wav 111tO everyday

life on Earth. . .. ese common seconary uses, ca e space spmo s, ave cont111uousy enance tel esty e 0 Americans and strengthened the U.S. economy since the 1950s. .. . These are but a few of the more than 30,000 secondary applications of space technology provld1l1gdally benefits in Earth-bound hospitals, offices and homes. . In the past, such spinoffs often happened by chance a coincidence when practIcal uses of new technologies were found. . NASA is now seeking to make the spinoff a part of the product Itself.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

The media has successfully transferred NASA's ideas to public

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. epg 147-8)
\from its earliest days, NASA has encouraged media coverage of its activi1 ges.: Such attention keeps the agency's public visibility high, which is a prerequisite for the eflectlve s reading of its messa e. NASA lias always worked ard to keep the press happy by providing what it most needs-good stories. Especially early in its history, NASA's activities supplied a great deal of exciting and fresh material, which fed reporters' hunger for stimulating and glarqorous space stories.6 . U"l~;:,)f\nas enjoyed considerable success in ~etting its message to the~bh~. In 1969, for example, 734 of the 840 Amencan television stations on the air showed film provided by NASA, while about half of all U.S. radio stations bro~dcast NASA-produced features.' In the shuttle era, NASA has


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p!nts 1Il the space program than observers of it." NASA officials and the fe. p~rter~ co:,ering the agency have tended to share the same technical and SCIentific Jargon, which draws them closer and fosters a "team" spiritW ~ASA.'s ulti!"nate plan to. co-opt the press was the "Journalist in Space" . gram, 1Il which a journalist would ride aboard the space shuttle and send patches back to earth. The program, which was canceled in the wake of Challenger disaster, attracted 1,705 applicants from the press. I! In


~~~~~~~d.':ide~ "feeds" .Qf .. lmt1I~.J1ights,~~a~lic' s r .' ca e e eVlSlOn systems provide continuous coverage of shuttle flights and otiie'rNAsA actIVItIes. . .;;;.

..........." " .

~er way NASA has courted reporters has been to make them feelIike a part of the agency. These efforts to co-opt the press have been quite effectiVe; s2me ~cholars have charged that reporters have often behaved more as partlcl~"'

NASA's technology have been consistently transferred

to areas beyond space

adASTRA 1126/06, NASA Spinoffs: Bringing Space Down to Earth, http://www .space.comJadastra/adastra_spinoffs_ 050 127 .html NASA has consistently endeavored since its inception to ensure that their research and development activities can be applied with broad impact (e.g. beyond spaceflight). A Commercial Technology Transfer Network has evolved over the years to function as a resource for scientific and technical information and outreach. It includes 10 Commercial Technology Offices at each NASA field center which work closely with the National Technology Transfer Center in Wheeling, WV (which provides access to all federally-funded research and technologies) and its affiliated Regional Technology Transfer Centers, NASA incubators (designed to assist small business development), and other small business programs, including the NASA Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program, the NASA Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program, The Federal Laboratory Consortium (FLC) for Technology Transfer, and the National Robotics Engineering Consortium (NREC). Since 1976, over 1300 NASA technology spin-offs can be found in many industries and in daily life. For example, computer-chip minaturization, an outcropping from many of the early manned spaceflight activities, has revolutionized items we commonly use today- cell phones, personal data assistants (PDAs), cordless screwdrivers, just to name a few. Some of the most amazing spin-offs, however, have been applied in the medical field. The Apollo Program, for example, resulted in many advances:

Vivian Guo

Space programs directly influence the systems in people's everyday lives

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg ]07) -

fi,rASA has indicated that the benefits of its programs affect eo Ie in their everyday lives. A 1966 agency pub icanon averred that. "the space program c~n!nb1ites t[improvements and benefits in day-to-day living" in thousands.2f ~ Another NASA booklet emphasized that "both the daily lives of p:e~pIe and the long-term future of mankind" arc enhanced through sEace dividends.'~ This emphasis on everyday benefits is almost certainly Ilsed to ~ce 0 1 hat the s ace ro ram hel s them ersonallv and directly, thus giving them additional incentives to support the agency. p) t..Q:I.-

Solar power developed by the military will give the public an edge in the power sector Taylor Dinerman, The Space Review, 7/16/07, Solar Power Satellites and Space Radar, 0/1 Space solar power is, in the long run, inevitable. The Earth's economy is going to need so much extra power over the next few decades that every new system that can be shown to be viable will be developed. If the US were to develop space solar power for military applications it would give the US civilian industry a big head start. As long isri.6 feasonwhythiscannorbert1adeinto awin"wilroutcome.

as i:fierruIlta:ryrequiremenfsare legitimafe,mere

DDW2008 Solar Space

Nasa key to competitiveness

NASA'S commercial technology network maximizes spin-offs National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2002, Technology Transfer, and Outreach, NASA's Commercial Technology Network strives to ensurc that the Agency's research and development activities reach the widest possible audience with the broadest impact. The network. dedicated to technology transfer, serves as a resource of scientific and technical information with real-world applications for U.S. businesses interested in accessing, utilizing, and commcrcializing NASA technology. As the methods of transferring NASA technology continue to grow, the Commercial Technology Office at each NASA field center works closely with NASA incubators, Regional Technology Transfer Centers, and others in the Commercial Technology Network to provide private industry with NASA technologies. While not all technology transfers result in commercialization, countless U.S. citizens benefit from outreach and education successes each year. The following section highlights this year's successful technology transfer activities. In addition, it provides a guide to the many organizations that comprise the NASA Commercial Technology Network.

NASA'S strategic plan maximizes spin-offs National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2002, Technology Transfer, and Outreach, The research and development efforts initiated by NASA's Strategic Plan ensure NASA's ongoing success and leadership in providing scientific and technical advances. These advances not only impact the scientific and engineering communities, but also provide countless opportunities for private industry to develop innovative commercial products and services. NASA's network of 10 field centers, empowered with the resources for developing cutting-edge technologies and advancing scientific research, §giyys_t() fllrtl1yreXparlcl()llr](n()Vlle~g() oXI-~ilrth_all~the_uniyerse. Breakthroughs in remote sensing technologies, propulsion mechanisms, robotics, next-generation aircraft and spacecraft, advanced life support, on Earth and beyond. NASA's Technology Transfer Program turns 40 this year, leading NASA Headquarters and the 10 field centers to explore the origin, growth, and potential of their technology transfer efforts. Inspired and guided by achievements that have made NASA a leader in aerospace research and development, the field centers are building tomorrow's technologies today. As the history of NASA technology transfer proudly demonstrates, the work of each field center serves to maintain the U.S. economy's global leadership while benefiting the lives of people around the world.

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DDW200S Solar Space

Nasa key to competitiveness

NASA Developed SBIR and STTR programs to incorporate private research

Paul Foreman, news chief NASA public affairs, November 200 2007, NASA SELECTS SMALL BUSINESS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PROJECTS NASA has awarded contracts to 302 small business proposals that address critical research and technology needs for agency programs and projects. The awards are part of NASA's Small Business Innovation Program, known as SBIR. and the Small Business Technology Transfer program, known as STTR. The SBIR program selected 276 proposals for negotiation of phase 1 contracts, which have a total value of approximately $27.6 million. The selected SBIR projects will be awarded to 205 small, high-technology firms in 31 states. Three of the proposals will develop technologies for the Innovative Partnership Program at NASA's Stennis Space Center: "Attribute Image Map Fused 3-D Web-Objects Technology and Software Toolsets," with American GNC Corp. of Simi Valley, Calif.; "Intelligent Flamefinder Detection and Alert System (IFDAS)," with International Electronic Machines Corp. of Albany, N.Y.; and "Sensor Area Network for Integrated Systems Health Management," with Mobitrum Corp. of Silver Spring, Md. The STTR program chose 26 proposals for negotiation of phase 1 contract awards. The selected STTR projects have a total value of approximately $2.6 million. The STTR contracts will be awarded to 24 small high-technology firms in 14 states. As part of the STTR program, the firms will partner with 22 universities and research institutions in 15 states. Three of the research proposals will be managed by Stennis' Innovative Partnership Program: "Process-Hardened, Multi-Analyte Sensor for Characterizing Rocket Plum Constituents Under Test Environment," written by "Hydroxyl Tagging Velocimetry for Rocket Plume," written by MetroLaser Inc. of Irvine, Calif., in collaboration with Vanderbilt University; and "Non Intrusive, On-line, Simultaneous Multi-Species Impurity Monitor in Hydrogen," written by Mississippi Ethanol LLC of Winona, Miss., in collaboration with Mississippi State University. SBIR and STTR are part of the Innovative Partnerships Program Office at NASA Headquarters in Washington, which works with U.S. industry to infuse pioneering technologies into NASA missions and transition them into commercially available products and services. Thc SBIR program supports NASA's mission directorates by competitively selecting ventures that address specific technology gaps in mission programs and strives to complement other agency research investments. Results from the program have benefited several NASA efforts, including air traffic control systems, Earth observing spacecraft, the International Space Station and the development of spacecraft for exploring the solar system. The SBIR program is a highly competitive, three-phase award system. It provides qualified small businesses - including womenowned and disadvantaged firms - with opportunities to propose unique ideas that meet specific research and development needs of the These contract awards are for Phase 1, which is a feasibility study with as much as $100,000 in funding to evaluate the scientific ane! technical merit of an idea. The SBIR awards may last as long as six months. The STTR awards may last as long as one year. Phase 2 . . the commercialization of the results of Phase 2 and requires the use of private sector or non-SBIR federal funding. Contractors submitted 1,500 Phase 1 SBIR proposals and 166 Phase 1 STTR proposals for competitive selection. The criteria used to choose the winning proposals included technical merit and feasibility; experience, qualifications and facilities; effectiveness of the work plan; and commercial potential and feasibility. NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., manages the program for the Innovative Partnership Program office. NASA's 10 field installations manage individual projects.

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DDW2008 Solar Space

Nasa key to competitiveness

Nasa's tech strat maximizes private sector integration and spinoffs The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, updates biweekly as of June 23, 2008, _RPT.SHOW?p_arg_names=prog_nbr&p_arg_


Federal Agency NAtiona Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization National Aeronautics and space administration Authorization National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, Section 203(a) (3), as amended, Public Law 85-568, 42 U.S.c. 2473 Types of Assistance ' Dissemination of Technical In formation Uses and Use Restrictions Discoveries, innovations, inventions, and improvements developed throughout the aeronautics and space program are brought to the attention of private industry, academic institutions, and Federal, State and local government organizations in several ways. These technologies can be accessed with NASA's TechTraeS data system via the Internet. NASA Tech Briefs is a monthly periodical with an industrial readership of approximately 500.000 containing articles which describe such innovations. Subscription is currently free to qualified engineers, scientists and business people in U.S. industry and to technology transfer agents. NASA technology transfer ·oIfl£{C\~cat.N.A£.A.J4eLd.ccnte}; .. ith.pllblic.,sector .. r.gaoizatiolls.medicalinstitutions,. w o industry. associations and others.,to identify problems of national scope and significance suitablc for joint-sponsored NASAJindustry applications engineering projects. The objective of such projects is to apply or otherwise adapt existing aerospace technology to meet identified non- aerospace needs in the public and private sectors of the Nation's economy. Aplicant Eligibility Engineers and managers of domestic enterprises, professionals, and others involved in technology transfer are entitled to free subscriptions to NASA Tech Briefs. Technical information search and retrieval services beyond that available via the Internet ( and NASA-owned computer programs/documentation arc available to domestic organizations on a free or paying basis. Technology Transfer products are available to those who can demonstrate a national public need and would be served by applying NASA technology. Beneficiary Eligibility U.S. industry will benefit


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DDW2008 Solar Space

Nasa key to competitiveness

NASA's IPP program key to public-private integration Janelle Turner, NASA official, June 6th 2008, The Innovative Partnership Program Office (IPPO) provides needed technology and capabilities for NASA's Mission Directorates, Programs and Projects through investments and partnerships with Industry, Academia, Government Agencies and National Laboratories. As one of NASA's Mission Support Offices, IPPO supports all Mission Directorates and has Program Offices at each of the NASA Centers. In addition to leveraged technology investments, dual-use technology-related partnerships, and technology solutions for NASA, IPP enables cost avoidance, and accelerates technology maturation. IPP consists of the following program elements: which includes the Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR)/Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs and the IPP Seed Fund; which includes Centennial Challenges and new efforts such as facilitating the purchase of services from the emerging commercial space sector; and Partnership Development which includes Intellectual Property management and Technology Transfer, and new innovative partnerships. Together these program elements increase NASA's connection to emerging technologies in external communities, enable targeted positioning of NASA's technology portfolio in selected areas, and secure NASA's intellectual property to provide fair access and to support NASA's strategic goals. Technology transfer through dual-use partnerships and licensing also creates many important socio-economic benefits within the broader community.

All of the money invested in space- re-enters the economy as spinoffs Arizona Space Grant consortium, College and Fellowship Program established by congress, 1998, Perspectives, Despite the efforts of programs such as NASA's Technology Utilization Program, many people do not recognize the impact nor importance of the space program on their lives. There is a constant battle about funding for space projects. People always are concerned about spending dwindling tax dollars wisely-vis the large amount of spending that goes towards the space program really neccessary, or is it just frills? The general concensus is best communicated by a quote from Frederick Ordway about the space race to the moon: Were a few pounds of lunar rock and soil samples, together with photographs, seismographic readings, and other scientific data and the thrill of seeing men walk on the moon really worth it? The concern that people have is valid. Most of the concern that people express is in relation to the large amount of dollars that go into the program. While the ..amount ofrnoJ1t_:ythatg()esinto tht_: p~cel?rogralll is indee~large:it is still arelativel~s]nallpiece s of t~epie. ])~ring the height of the American Space program in the 1960's, only 2.5% of all federal expenditures went towards the space program, amounting to a sum of 40 billion dollars. cosmetics One thing America's isn't being sort. and another 6.5 billion on alcohol alone [Ordway 4]. to keep in mind is that all of the money that is spent on the space program goes directly back into the economy, financing high-technology product sector. Although it may cost $10 billion dollars to send a lander to Mars, the $10 billion dollars shot out into space--lt supports science, research, and development of products--many which will become spinoffs of some

Quote goes here

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA has programs that focus of applying space technology for innovation in the economy

Science Reference Services, 8/21/06, Technology Transfer: The Use of Government Laboratories and Federally Funded Research and Development,! When the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established in 1959, Congress set aside a small percentage of the total budget to make the technical fruits of the space program available to other users. By their challenging nature, NASA programs are especially productive sources of advanced technology. These technologies are a national asset in that they can be reused or retooled to develop new products and processes to the benefit of the U.S. economy and expanded industrial productivity. Indeed, technology transfer--the process by which technology developed in one organization, in one area, or for one purpose is applied in another organization, in another area, or for another purpose--is generally referred to as a "spinoff." "Spinoffs," however, do not happen automatically; it takes well-organized efforts to put the technology to work in new ways and to realize a dividend on our considerable national investment in aerospace research. NASA tries to facilitate and expedite the process by means of its Technol()¥yTransf~rf>r0grarn' ill",~i~~it

..~..~ ~ ~.. ··~··titiTizesrrvaiietrormellioas·ancrmecIiaiilsms·fo~stimuTaTernerans(eroIaerospaceTechiiol"ogyto·other sectors·of . t

the economy. The program is managed by the Technology Transfer Division, a component of NASA's Office of Commercial Programs. Headquartered in Washington, D.C., the division coordinates the activities of technology transfer specialists located throughout the United States. Mechanisms to encourage technology transfer include an annual technology transfer conference and exposition and a series of government/industry/academic workshops covering such topics as patent licensing, cooperative R&D, and small business research opportunities. Publications, such as its monthly NASA Tech Briefs and its annual Spinoff, inform potential users of technologies that can be used to solve manufacturing or industry problems, meet market needs, or develop new products in a timely and cost-effective manner. In 1985, NASA created a nationwide network of nonprofit consortia of NASA, universities, and companies to conduct space-based, high technology research and development in specific areas ranging from materials gro~essin~to reIl1?t~ sellsill~ t? lJiotec~nolo~)'. Th~pro~rall1\V~sdesi~n~d t() lise t~~c()lle~ti'l~ a~iliti~s allcl expertise of all three sectors to move emerging technologies from the laboratory to the marketplace with some dispatch. As of September 1993, there were 17 Centers for the Commercial Development of Space throughout the


SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

Space technology and research has created vast amounts of scientific knowledge in space and on earth
Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 104)

NASA has also em hasized the tremendous amount of scientific knowledge g_enera!ed by its activities. In the last ew eca es, NA noted, acecraft ~ already vastly eXEanded scientific frontie~."37 This knowledge, ~ ~eventually lead to practical applications, is cherished by academics and other researchers in its own ri ht. Fields of study ill both the earth and life sciences ave een r enriched b the information iscovered NASA. As James Fletcher said in 1989, NASA's "goals emphasize concerted attacks on those critical uestio lCS aSim om 1 bat climate and enviTc;'n-= l1!:nt, an biology to which space activities can make great and unique conq;,ibutions. "J~ acquired by NASA are many and varied. ~rc~l}' and Gemini, for instance, provided insights into how humans function In space. NASA devoted much or a 1976 publication to describing the tremenoous amount of new information about the moon provided by the Apollo program." Unmanned missions, including Viking, Voyager, Ma~l~, and GaWen, have sent back new photographs and data about the o~r planets in our solar system or will do so in the future. The shuttle has allowed frmaul new study of the both the earth and the heavens. The Hubble Space Telescope, specially designed to be launched and serviced by the shuttle, "will dispel much of the mystery and uncertainty that limit our knowledge" about the universe, said NASA before the telescope's launch." While acknowledging the intrinsic value of scientific knowledge, NASA has.alsc.discussed-psaeaealapplications of' thatinfonfiaIlOll. One" important fact is that science makes technological advancement and all its concomitant

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pr=:l our surroundmgs and ways to influence them. "As we understand ~re about the forces aIfectulg the solar system and the Earth," a NASA pubIication noted, "we are lea .n r ore about man's immediate environment all( ~w to predict and control many of the forces which affect human life. '

~ ,u~7(0<)
Space programs are key to inventions
Bob ,Jacobs, (NASA deputy assistant administrator of Public Affairs), 12/27/07.[ical-benefits-of-nasaand-space-technology-part-one/ Some of the best kept secrets are how NASA and spinoff space technology benefits consumers in everyday life. I was watching a presidential primary political debate recently and I was surprised how incredibly ignorant many of the candidates were about space technology and NASA. Indeed, frightcnly, many of the candidates had a mediocre attitude toward space technology at best, and a few even indicated that if they were commander in chief, they'd virtually cut the NASA budget completely. The question deserves to be asked. what are some of the benefits of NASA and space technology that impact the average person? Even a casual glance at the evidence merits a response of "Wow. The practical, tangible benefits of space technology to everyday life are extraordinary. "Dollar for dollar, perhaps one of the hest return-on-investments for our economy and qnality of life issues, is generated from NASA and space technologv. "People often talk about wasting money in space. I don't know what the exchange rate is in space. Every dollar spent is invested right here on Earth and there are many tangible benefits that come from that investment - from the bar codes used in the management of your food in grocery stores to the cordless tools in your garage - there's not a lot of technology you use todav that hasn't benetited from space exploration.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo


Scientific knowledge is greatly expanded by space programs

.. III United Nations 1999, Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty- First Century, Background U mspace , '.-. . ... , Paper No. 11: Economic and societal benefits of space actrvittes

explained above, some benefits from space programmes are, by nature, more quantifiable than others. For instance, scientific benefits are basicall " ~antifiable, although they COli be evalu~ted. by thorou~h compilation of renowned scientific

publications. These can be seized by the fact that they contribute to fueimprovement of the knowled e of For Europe,

. of the worldwide scientific cOll1mWlity is an it~portant benefit fro.m space programmes, altIiough these benefits are intangible~ ~S~


NASA funding creates new knowledge in all fields

Office of the Press Secretary, 1114/04, http://'vww. .hrml President Bush's Vision for U.S. Space Exploration The President's plan for steady human and robotic space exploration is based on the following goals: First, America will complete its work on the International Space Station by 2010, fulfilling our cOI Tll11itl11cnt to our 15 partnercountries.The UnitedStares wilt laiinch II re-focused research effort on board. the Int:n;ati()l1i!l~pi!c~ ..Stariontobeuer undcrstarrdnnd overcome the effects of human space flight on astronaut health, increasing the safety of future space mis.sions. To accomplish this goal, NASA will return the Space Shuttle to flight consistent with safety concerns and the recommendations of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. The Shuttle's chief purpose over the next several . Station, and the Shuttle will be retired by the end rnte States will begin developing a new manned o er worlds - the first of its kind since the Apollo Command Module. The new spacecraft, the Crew Exploration Vehicle, will be developed and tested by 2008 and will conduct its first manned mission no later than 2014. The Crew Exploration Vehicle will also be capable of transporting astronants and scientists to the International Space Station after the Shuttle is retired. Third, America will return to the Moon as early as 2015 and no later than 2020 and use it as a stepping stone for more ambitious missions. A series of robotic missions to the Moon, similar to the Spirit Rover that is sending remarkable images back to Earth from Mars, will explore the lunar surface beginning no later than 2008 to research and prepare for future human exploration. Using the Crew Exploration Vehicle, humans will conduct extended lunar missions as early as 2015, with the goal of living and working there for increasingly extended periods. The extended human presence on the Moon will enable astronauts to develop new technologies and harness the Moon's abundant resources to allow manned exploration of more challenging environments. An extended hnman presence on the Moon could reduce the eosts of further exploration. since lunar-based spacecraft could escape the Moon's lower gravity using less energv at less cost than Earth-based vehicles. The experience and knowledge gained on the Moon will serve as a foundation for human missions beyond the Moon. beginniug with Mars. NASA will increase the use of robotic exploration to maximize our understanding of the solar system and pave the wav for more ambitious manned missions. Probes, landers, and similar unmanned vehicles will serve as trailblazers and send vast amounts of knowledge back to scientists on Earth.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA programs stimulate the interest of children towards scientific careers

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 105) -

[~A has contended that its various academic projects help educan Americans. The agen fUns instructional programs, administers ants ~l1owships, and provides matena s to he 12 educate students grade school to raduate school about s ace and science. NASA also assist: teachers in a variety of ways. It runs courses and wor shops attended by thou sands of teachers annually and provides a range of up-to-date curriculum sup plements." Another wayNASA,aids education, it has stated, is by appealing to the,



.. cu,riosilr .. XOU?{?s~~:.s.~~.p~r~~g~ .. ~terestin~ ... i in s~ie~c: careers.~c cordlrig'toaI9lSb"" ·pu1511cat1on;··~<NAS1(·pf5grnms·l.l:a"elraditionaU: served to stimulate the imaginations of our oun e ]e to stimulate themt( become intereste in scient IC endeavors and in the world of constantl) e;g~q~!ng new technologIes. This is vital because America is, or at least i~ perceived to be, ~alling behind in science and needs more pCOJ)Je enlerjng£ reers in that area. As a NASA education specialist remarked, today's students "are our future astronauts, engineers and scientists."'" -NASA has listed an ambitious set of goals in education:




To encourage interdisciplinary training, research, and public-service programs related to aerospace; to recruit and train professionals, especially women and minorities, fOJ careers in aerospace science ... and to promote a strong science, math, and technology educational base from elementary through university levels46

The net effect of NASA's educational activities is significant,

the agency has

the American educational process far more than any government program has ever done.";!.


DDW08 SPAAAACEl Vivian Guo

. . the Twenty- F1rst Century, Background

Space programs benefit the automobile industry

nefits for Huma, mry m . 1999 Space Be ... . III United NatIons, _, f of space actiVltIes !llnspace " .c and societal bene Its Paper No.1 \: Econonu \,!he dialogue between the space industry and the ~_otive industry has existed for many years. Some major aerospace companies have an importai1t, if not a main activIty as car manufacturers (e.g.


However, apart from a few famous the arrha , the Anti 'B'mke lockin an ~frQ:M~gnetic,..GeftlpatibttltYtests·Tacilj ties::_~h~~ 'technology transfers from aerospace to the autOmOtive sector are mar~mal. Ifie economic COnstraints driven by tight production costs and short design and manufacturing lead-time have contributed in making space technology inaccessible for mass series production. Only sport cars, experimental electric cars, luxurious vehicles have so far been targeted as testbeds for new technologies emerging from space technologies. These technologies are very specialised and usually only interest the car component compa~jesin~p~9ificfields -saeh 'as xnotorisation;batteries, brakes, sensors, navigation systems, etc] C,



DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA have developed water purification systems for space that can be used on earth

Jeffrey McMurray,, 3/2l!05, Space Water Recycler Aids Iraq, Tsunami Victims,!news/ap_050321_water_purify.html How do you quench someone's thirst when there is plenty of water, but not a drop of it is drinkable? It's a question NASA researchers have pondered for nearly two decades, but villagers in Iraq and tsunami victims in Asia will get a taste of their answer as early as this fall_ before any astronaut in space does. The Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., has been testing a device intended for the space station that would recycle astronauts' sweat, respiration and even urine into drinking water purer than any found in a tap. "They just breathe and exercise, urinate into the urinal and our system handles the rest," said Robyn Carrasquillo, chief of the environmental control and life support division at Marshall. It could be two years before the water system _ as large as two refrigerators _ is loaded onto a shuttle to serve an American astronaut and Russian cosmonaut living in space. But smaller and simpler versions will soon be put to use on earth. satellites increase communication technology

Unispace III, United Nations, 1999, Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty- First Century, Background Paper No. 11: Economic and societal benefits of space activities

_One of the most widely known application of satellite !echnoJogy IS ill conunUllIcatlOl1. "Consequently, . s&~l1jte communicatIOn has now become an indis.eensableelement of modem life. The expaliSTOn QL..b.S(....illIELSAT ..... J togethcrwitk ..the · improvements in comnmoicatjori technoloh'Y and enhanced com uter faciliti im act ill fac! Itatmg ong distance te~unication and the flow 0 III ormation. These satellites have revolutionized contacts between p~ople, facilitated trade and commerce and brought a$~o_u~ globalization of events ~iclibad hithertobeei1 restrIcted locally. The s"ate-n1teshave enabled !!!_gividualsto tap data bases worldwide from hon:;; ~e1atively inexpensive .£ersonal computer~d !£_have access to a wide variety of tclev~ broadcasts. The communicatione satellites such-~s Data l:oHection Platforms (DCPs) and Meteorological Distribution Systems (MDDs) have enabled the collection and dissemination of data and information from and to the remotest areas with ~orresponding. impact on rural development and Improvement Il1 the understanding of the earth's climate system and general global environment.]


DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA Boosts Economy

NASA is key to the economy
.. .. .

Mark E. Byrnes, (B.S. Middle Tennessee Stale University

M.A. Vanderbilt University

School Diploma London School of Economics and Political SCience Ph.D.

Vanderbilt University, 1991) 2:!.,_Politics and Space: Image Making hy NASA

cHow does the space program influence the nation's economic competitiveness? NASA has asserted that the key is its ro f' cientific and technologica a en as pointed out that the requirements of an aytive space ro'ram force sci ntific s. ~ adyances, in turn, c..~tribute to America's economic productiv!!;v.Therefore, ~L~'~Q.onomic prosperity in a competitive world depends upon productivity," NASA contends that its p~ams exercise a positive influence on America's competitive position.6t Spending on NASA not only produces direct benefits ~,,[r2mjl§,1?L2E!am1>,but alsobQlstelJi·thellatiQn'soveralle£onoll1icstrengUL" Administrator James Beggs stated in 1984, "NASA alone cannot assure our competitiveness, but the agency's programs can be-and I believe must bean element in our nation's investment strategy."o2:]/V451t J=,e.; ~c.01.
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Space programs

boost the economy by creating more jobs, industries

and markets.

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space:

NASA has asserted that the space program results in several kinds of~onomic benefits. The technologiCai stimulus and spmofts produce Important economic returns~ Fletcher declared III 1972 that "the space effort wIIr%be serving a prime economic role" in the coming decades because of the way it drives technological advances." NASA has argued that spinoffs from the sj!aceprogram have a salutw effect on the overall economy by creating new industrie~ jobs_and markets. ~ in turn increases America's economic £!.od~t~ 9 In addition, NASA spending directly influences the econom by emp oying tens of thousan S 0 people in government an III ustry. NASA has eagerly described die pOSItIvemfIuence that spending on the space program has on the overall economy. The agency commissioned a...§!!,tdy inthe mid-1970s to assess the economic effect of its spending. The results, which the agency Submitted to Congress in support of its fiscal 1977 budget request, indicated that the return on NASA spending has historically been a20ut 43 fercept.3'OAlong those same lines, astronaut Rhea Seddon said in a 1989 speech that for every dollar budgeted for NASA in that year, society ~ouldexpect a return "Knowledge technology worth about nine dollars.3! aDd ~&A has requently quoted the figure of a seven-to-ofl(~return~Q!!~ace,tll:,,~ vestment. ~ O~--· - .. -.-~-. .. . ..


SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA Boosts Economy

Space programs slwnjobs

Coalition for Space Explolon. ... v '~x .·I( . 6/17/08, . e in Ie American" ,.~n.£ol,!-~s,,!-id. "C0n.ntle~~~,~~l~fitsf~?,IIl spac~havei?!g~ovedhealth ca~e~nd ved the a iculturai and~i.'vironmeni;iI iiidUstries: S'~iice'te'cfiniiro'" advances navecf(!lIt~mt( ··.iItdnstries" Md infused billions of dollars into our econom . The return on our investment has been substantial," Engola added, "And I think Americans underst thd When asked about the ed ucational and inspirational qualities of the space exploration program, almost 70 percent of respondents believe America's space ~ram inspires yonng people to consider an education in science, technology, math or engineering fields. "The benefits of space extend far beyond millions of hcs, hospitals.xchools. offices and airports," said Tracy Lamm, deputy chair of the Coalition's Public Affairs Team. "Space plays a tremendous role in enc@ging and motivating students to study these exciting fields ." and today's young people are the 'very ones who will be making their mark on the univt as they c.arry out the next phase of space exploration."

New space technology opens up a plethora of advantages

Scott Campbell (Phillips & Company: Phillips & Company helps leading companies achieve sustainable revenue growth through the creation and execution of strategic business development campaigns.) ,4/9/08 The Space Economv, defined as the full range of economic activities in the course of exploring, understanding and utilizing space, has become the next great froOntier ...!(cecding $250 pillion,a<;c.0rding}o 'fuesda)"s rcportbx theS,jJaceFo~I1~a~on, ,a ~on-pro~t research and education association. More than 70 percent of total global space revenues were derived from the commercial space industry with $173.4 billii)ll in 2007: NASA'sbudget'bycontrast·is only S17.3 bi Ilion in 2008. Commercial satellite services accounted for around 55 percent of total commercial space revenues. GPS-related services exhibited the a rlobal business development and market consulting firm based in Austin, Texas, launched its Space Technology and Commerce Practice to , on e 1 anruve world. "We believe that the business opportunitv in space technologv and commerce will outpace and eclipse the growth we saw in the earlv days of the Internet," said Rich Phillips, president of Phillips & Company. "The Space Economv is a gold rush of growth opportunity for companies in communications, security, environmental monitoring. networking, entertainment and defense. As the networks of the earth are connected to the networks in space, this global communications revolution will make it possible to locate or communicate with any person or object anywhere on earth -- or beyond," Phillips said.


Space programs create billions of dollars

Xinhu~. 10/2! /~htlp:llenglish.people.c() 0/21!eng20051 021_21589 5.html Acc,ordmg to .~te~1at~onaltractice, the one-dolIa: investment in the aerospace program will bring about an 8 to 14-dollar benefit to the whole society the ~e", spaper Sal. urmg t c first ten y,cars of thIS century. 650 to 800 billion US dollars of investment arc expected to flow into the !!lobal aerOSDace ' m~ustrv. By ~020\the output of the {is space industry will account for 10 to 15 percent of its GDP, according to the newspaper 'Fhe United S7atcs ~r~~:cd 2 trl;lho~h 1.:S ~lIars of profit through the industrialization of space technology. and the revenue of the French space indus;ry is close to 20 billion u annua y, ang mgwei, general manager of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., told the newspaper.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA Boosts Economy

There are many socioeconomic benefits to space programs

Unispace III, United Nations, 1999, Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty- First Century, Background Paper No. 11: Economic and societal benefits of space activities

[Besides the impact of space activities on business and on our daily life, there are numerous socia-economic benefits, int.ang!ble by nature, which directly denvc frOi'ii't'he sClenttfic and space exploration missions. on the acquisitIOnand the transler of sClentiTIc~oW1edge, ~ Improve our understanding of ba;c , phenomena and mechanisms of physics, we dcvel.2P a _b~tter strategy to understand, monItOr and rotecr ........ ....?;.~~:'\ro~e2.t:.1:2.Q.:mg .•gLL.e.,U;l(Jirect.e£fect.s.c@f. t ese scientific programmes, there is a large number ~echnolo~ies which has "spwl-off> to\~~


ct .

~pphca.'lOns m medicine, information t~.111010_g•

Ill?ustnal productG'ity, etc]

P.3 25'1


The economic benefits of space programs

are three times the amount of investment

Unispace III, United Nations, 1999, Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty- First Century, Background Paper No. 11: Economic and societal benefits of space activities

ese ects ave een eva ua e y te (Department of Theoretical and Applied Economy) of the University ofStrasbourg. ~ quantified the indirect economic effects oillA cQDJIacts, from 1964 to 1976 for the first study performed in 1980, and from 1977 to 1986 for the second study performed in 1988. It should be stressed that the methodology which was developed by the BETA for ESA, is now recognised worldwide and has been used also to measure the economic effects of the European Commission Framework Programmes. ~ that the multiplying factor of ESA contracts from 1977 to 1986, i.e. the ratio total ~direct effects to payments is greater than 3 (3.2).J.t means that for an ESA spending of lOriO, amo!:!!!!..9f an 320Tri indirect effectsl1as benefitted the contractors of the 'Agency al1d their subcontractors ovei1he' considered period.) pj. ~~O

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

NASA Boosts Economy

. . .. .

Space research is key to the US economy

Mark E. Byrnes, (B.S. Middle Tennessee State University University, 1991) ~Politics Vanderbilt

M.A. Vanderbilt University

School Diploma London School of Economics and Political SCIence Ph.D.

and Space: Image Making by NASA

(Pconomic Vitality.... NASA ha s a Iso cmp hasi d that space actIVIty exerts .. ~ '. laSIze.. gr~a influence on the na~1Y S~, according to the agency, ~ ImQorta~t economIC venue. The Qnited .§tates ~ continue >to ~c..1he e~.£.nomlcaspects of sp~ce because Its competitors certainly are going to do so. A 1988 NASA publication said~ '7 (/i:CA It 't~ to -( co...

Space technology is key to the e~on?my

. .\ U r.. rsitv School Diploma London School of Economics and Political Science Ph.D. Mark E. Byrnes, (B.S. Middle Tennessee State University M.A. .vander~I t nne ) VanderbiltUniversity, 1991) 21,_Politics and Space: Image Making by NASA

L! hlS empnasis all me economic Impact or SCIence auu t<;;~llHVIUe;Y Has oeen a common NASA theme. Administrator James Fletcher said in 1977, "The importance of our retaining leadership in science and technology cannot be overemphasized, for science and technology represent the cornerstone of our {;C;()11QIIJj£w~11:bcing .. Fletcher made asimi1arpbi:tlI diifiii[fliissecoiiCl ien~ .. 63 " ure as administrator. He told Congress in 1988 that if the United ~tatcs fails to "pursue aggressively .

DDW08 SPAAAACEt Vivian Guo

Scientific Innovation key to Economy

Alternative energy innovation is key economic development

David W Swenson, Vice President Business Initiatives, The Edison Materials Technology Center (EMTEC), 3/25/08, Material Innovations in Alternative Energy - Collaboration, Systems, and Opportunities, /

In today's global market system innovation is the driver for economic development and wealth creation. Developing a competitive advantage now requires a business culture of rapid innovation, collaborative strategies, a systematic methodology, and a culture of concurrent change. This is the reality in today's innovation economy and particularly relative to developing alternative energy systems and materials. With the ever-increasing requirements for energy in a growing economy and the political, environmental, and resource constraints prevalent in today's world, new, more efficient energy systems are mandatory. The U.S ..has.~~g~ri~~~~~!J?-~~~9;t:!~!~.~g~!,gy generatioJJ.capacity.itl.k~)k . ~eg·Faphie·regions·furtherempnasrzmIrme·ne·ed to 'enhance our energy generation capacity through a multitude of energy sources. A viable capacity additive to this supply and demand dilemma is the development of alternative energy sources such as fuel cells, photovoltaics, and wind. To achieve this capacity additive wHl require significant advancement in key engineering materials combined with innovation stimulants to leap-frog the current performance and cost barriers for competitive energy producing alternatives.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

Scientific Innovation key to Economy

scientific innovation is key to our economic competitiveness Task Force on the future of American Innovation. 2/16/ill..,.The Knowledge Economy: Is the US Losing its

Competitive Edge?, fic+innovation+in+US+declining&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=us Research, education, the technical workforce, scientific discovery, innovation and economic growth are intertwined. To remain competitive on the global stage, we must ensure that each remains vigorous and healthy. That requires sustained investments and informed policies. Federal support of science and engineering research in universities and national laboratories has been key to America's prosperity for more than half a century. A robust educational system to support and train the best U.S. scientists and engineers and to attract outstanding students from other nations is essential for producing a worldclass workforce and enabling the R&D enterprise it underpins. But in recent years federal investments in the physical sciences, math and engineering have not kept pace with the demands of a knowledge economy, declining shar12l);'l,~aRercent~~~o,[the gross~~~~sti~J?I:?~uct. Thishasgl~:ed~~tur~i~novati?n and our eC?!1omic "competitlveness~ai~ilsk."'~'~ "~,, ,.. " ." '"""~~' ~.. ~'" ,~,." ' ..... , . ,. ,

Scientific innovation

is key to the economy

Hilary Clinton for President, 1014/QL Ending the War on Science,!news/release/viewl?id=3566 "For six and half years under this president, it's been open season on open inquiry. And by ignoring or manipulating science, the Bush administration is letting our economic competitors get an edge in the global =~~J"," Clinton said.

Scientific and technological innovations

are the engines of economic growth

Athar Osama, PhD in public policy with a specialization in science, technology, and innovation policy, 10/4/06, Promoting Scientific Innovation in the Muslim world, http://www.dinarstandard.comlcurrent/Scientificl00206.htm
Yet, science and technology remains the single most important factor that distinguishes the economic leaders and laggards of today. Science and Technology-from the basic blue-sky research in universities and public and private laboratories to the applied research and development in leading corporations of the world is the engine of economic growth.

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

Scientific Innovation key to Economy

is key to protecting out global leadership

Federal investment

in scientific innovation

Task Force on the future of American Innovation, 2/16/Ql,_ The Knowledge Economy: Is the US Losing its Competitive Edge?, http://209.85.14I.104/search? fic+innovation+in+US+dec1ining&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=6&gl=us It is essential that we act now; otherwise our global leadership will dwindle, and the talent pool required to support our high-tech economy will evaporate. As a recent report by the Council on Competitiveness recommends, to help address this situation the federal government should: Increase significantly the research budgets of agencies that support basic research in the physical sciences and engineering, and complete the commitment to double the NSF budget. These increases should strive to ensure that the federal commitment of research to all federal agencies totals one percent of U.S. GDP

DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

US Economy Affects Global Economy

The Declining US economy is strongly affecting economies of other countries International Herald Tribune, 12/7/07, Credit crisis shows U.S. economy is
It turns out the U.S. economy matters after all, many economists are now saying. The credit collapse and

influence still

dollar decline that followed a surge in U.S. home foreclosures are jeopardizing economic growth in Britain, Canada and Germany. There are considerable uncertainties linked to high oil prices and the U.S. subprime-mortgage crisis," the South Korean central bank said. "There's a need to keep monitoring the performance of major economies and developments of global financial markets." Wolseley of Britain, the biggest distributor of plumbing and heating equipment in the world, said Nov: 28 that first-quarter pretax profit through October fell almost 15 percent after U.S. revenue declined 10 percent. ~~l~~ic.aJ.1.c()ns~I11.~r!~~ .g()r!!la ()il th~... ...~ .. i .... lJt~ demand side oLtheglobal.ecDHomy," .. oach .. £,••.•••• R g Morgan housing to consumption, we'll find the world is not as decoupled as it thinks.

".!~~ ..



DDW08 SPAAAACE! Vivian Guo

US Economy Affects Global Economy

A lJS economic recession will result in a global recession Andre Damon, World Socialist Website, published by the International Committee of the Fourth International, 1/22/08,

Stock prices plummeted worldwide Monday, amid heightened fears of a US recession. While over the course of last week US financial markets suffered the worst fall since 2002, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropping by 5 percent, many Asian and European indices dropped by a similar amount in just one day. It was the biggest one-day fall in world stock markets since September 11, 2001. Industrial stocks fell together with financial, suggesting that the US credit crisis, hitherto confined mainly to the banking and mortgage sectors, is spilling over into the real economy worldwide. India was the hardest-hit, as the Bombay Stock Exchange Sensitive Index fell by a record 7.4 percent, despite the Indian stock market having fared relatively well over the course of the past two weeks. Some analysts had begun to conclude that India would be resistant to problems in the US economy, but this view.lost&redi.bilit¥.£s stQcks.pltHa;uTleteEl~n·Mofiday:................ . ~..... .
"-.".,:.""'"':.""~:"'.-;.,:,.,-"".-:"".-:-=-~:,;"'. _,

In the longer term, there is a significant risk that a recession in the United States will have a devastating impact on the export-led economies-in particular China-which are highly dependent on US consumer demand. Moreover, the prospects of recession are certain to lead the Federal Reserve Board to make further cuts in interest rates, leading to a depreciation of the US exchange rate and with it the value of Asian assets denominated in dollars. To put the measure in perspective, US household debt is now more than 100 percent of GDP, up from approximately 80 percent in 2003. Given the current rate of debt accumulation among consumers, the stimulus package will put a tiny dent in overall debt accumulation by US households, and its effect on consumer spending and the foreclosure rate will be almost negligible.


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! Michael Suo

2AC Block

MD Solvency frontline
1. Spaced-based missile defense is far superior to ground-based
EverettC. Dolman, AssociateProfessor Comparative ilitaryStudiesat the U,S. Air Force'sSchoolof Advanced of M Airand SpaceStudies,3/9/05, "Space PowerandUS Hegemony: aintaining LiberalWorldOrderin the 21 Century",http://www.gwu.cdu/-spi/spaceforumlDolmanpapcr%5B M a I%5D.pdf A ground based anti-missile system to defeat incoming ballistic missiles mav be muchless expensive than a space-based one, but vastly inferior. Firstbecause of the limited range of the interceptor, it must be assigned to a point target or area to be effective. A TMD battery in New York could not defend an attack on Los Angeles. A space-based system would have global presence. Whereverthe threat occurred,the system would be ready to intercept.Surprise missile attack would be impossible. Secondly, ecause the TMD engages the incoming missile, collateral damage will occur in or near the defense point. Asan b illustration,the Patriotmissile(modelfor the current TMD light BMDsystem) defenseof Americanpositionsin SaudiArabiaduringDesertStorm engaged Iraqi SCUDs in the unpowercd, own side of the ballistic arc. In oneinstance, Patriotmissilesuccessfully d a engaged SCUD a missile, knockingit off course.The rocket body landed on a barracks causing heavy casualties; perhapsmore than if the rocket with warhead had hit its intended target. In a nuclear warhead scenario, even if the warhead is rendered inoperable, radioactive material could be spread over a significant region in the defending state's territory. Damage from chemical or biological weapons could also be severe, even with a successful engagement. A space-based system would engage the target in the boost phase of flight; meaning that whatever state launched the missile would likely suffer the collateral damage of its destruction. Another advantage to boostphasetargetingis that missiles with multiple warheads will not have separated, maximizing the defensive effect and minimizing the defensive problem of multiple independent re-entrv vehicles (MIRVs).Third, and tied in closelywith the secondfactor,TMD systems will engage targets that are spiraling down the g~a.¥it¥.>t¥eU".whilc the¥mllsLpropelthemselvesllP~~e ..• .. .~lI:~p~ce:~~~~~sy~tem~\VilI ~ do so traveling down, the energy and maneuver advantages of which have' alread)lbeend.escriOeo;' foaftac1{stuwer·Ifio"ring·and41eBe~'mor.e,¥ulnel:able .. targets.

2. All the technology for space-based laser missile defense exists and works
Federation of American Scientists, 5/30/08, 'SpaceBasedLaser[SBL]', Lasers have been studied for their usefulness in air defense since 1973, whenthe MidInfraredAdvancedChemical aser(MIRACL) as L w firsttestedagainsttacticalmissilesanddroneaircraft.Workon suchsystemscontinuedthroughthe 19808, iththeAirborneLaserLaboratory, w whichcompleted thefirsttest laserinterceptsabovetheearth.Initial work on laser based defense systems was overseen by theDefenseAdvanced Research ProjectsAgency(DARPA), but transferred thenewlycreatedStrategicDefenseInitiative to OrganizationSDIO)in 1984.Work continues todav ( under the auspicesof the BMDO, thesuccessoro the SDIO. t The SBL program builds on a broad variety of technologies developed bythe SDlOin the 1980s. Thework on the Large Optics Demonstration Experiment (LODE), ompleted 1987,provided the means to control the beams of large, high powered c in lasers, The Lal'geAd;vanced Mirror Pro~ram(I,.:\M.I')clesiS~ed<ll1.d~lIilt ~~eterdi.~~et~r ~ space designed mirror with the required optical figure and surface qualitv. In 1991,the Alpha laser (2.8 rum) developed by fl1eSDleaeb:ie~·ed:megawatt ressure environment similar to s ace. Numerous Ac uisition Trackin and Oln lng Ire with stable aimpoints. Successes in the field of ATP include advances in inertial reference, vibration iso ahon, an rap retargeting! precision pointing (R2P2).In 1995the Space Pointing Integrated Controls Experiment offered nearweapons level results during testing. Mostrecently,the Alpha LAMP Integration (ALl) program has performed integrated high energv ground testing of the laser and beam expander to demonstrate the critical system element.,. Thenextstepis anintegrated spacevehiclegroundtestwitha space demonstration conclusively to provethefeasibility deploying operational BLsystem. of an S

"i(;;"'''''''''''''':'''"'':'{'''''''''''''~if~~td~i)~:e~;ffi~'low ~~~l in a


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

MD Solvency frontline
3. Directed energy weapons are proven systems
'Vestern ~tates 1egal£oundation, non-profit, public interest organization which monitors and analyzes U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies and related Laser Integrated Hight Experiment: Global Missile Defense in the Boost Phase", high technology energy and weapons programs, October

2k, "The


In June 2000, the Tactical High Energv Laser, or TMEL, successfully shot down a Katyusha rocket at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. On several occasions in August and September, THEL managed another feat by engaging and destroying two-missile salvos of Katyusha rockets. To date, THEL has negated a total of 13 Katyusha rockets. Although THEL is being designed for tactical use by the U,S. Army and the Israeli Army, its success demonstrates how far directed energy research and development have progressed in recent years. The SBL-IFX program builds on more than twenty years of research and investment by the nation in the development of directed energy weapon systems, technologies and related facilities. The
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency initialed the SilL program in 1977. It was later transferred to the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (S])10) in 1984. In May 1997, a Memorandum of Agreement was signed transferring execution of the SBL~IFX from the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, SOlO's successor, to the Air Perce. Over the years, the members of Team SBL-TFX have played central roles in several directed energy programs that have advanced the nation's understanding of a space-based laser missile defense option, including Zenith Star. Mid-Infrakcd Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL). Alpha. the Laser (ABL). the Tactical High Energy Laser (THEr), the High Energy Laser Systems Test Facility (HELSTF). and the Alpha-LAMP Integration (ALI) program. This heritage of success provides the foundation for a successful Space-Based Laser Integrated Flight Experiment a critical step toward providing the nation and its allies with a global. boost-phase defense against the evolving threat of ballistic missiles. Airborne

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

MD Solvency extensions
Directed energy missile defense can intercept during boost phase, which is has a number of advantages
Western ~tates 1egal,Eoundation, non-profit, public interest organization which monitors and analyzes U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies and related high technology energy and weapons programs, October

2k, "The


Laser Integrated Flight Experiment: Global Missile Defense in the Boost Phase",

There are a number of advantages to intercepting an aggressor's missile in the boost phase. The first is that the missile is most vulnerable during its launch. There is a large infrared signature, thanks to the burning fuel; the missile maintains g slowly changing attitude, making it easier to track; and the rocket bodv is relatively fragile and under great aerodynamic stress. Additionally, because the warhead has not separated from the launcher, there is a relativelv large lethal-hit area when attempting to destroy the missile. The boost phase also occurs before any decoys or countermeasures can be initiated by an aggressor. One of the greatest challenges for hit-to-kill kinetic interceptors attempting to destroy warheads in the mid-course or descent
phases is the ability to distinguish between the warheads and the decoys. In the descent phase, advanced warheads may also maneuver and be less predictable in terms of their flight paths. The comhination terminal phases of using directed energy intercept in the boost phase and kinetic intercept in the mid-course and would increase the likelihood of successfully defeating countermeasures aimed at thwarting missile defense systems. In fact, countermeasures, like deploying decoys and maneuvering outside of the projected target track, which may be effective against kinetic interceptors. are ineffective against directed energy attack during boost phase. Likewise, countermeasures that are aimed at reducing of directed energy systems, like hardening of missiles to prevent laser penetration and fast burn to shorten the boost phase, are ineffective against mid-course and terminal phase kinetic interceptors.

the effectiveness


Another key advantage and potential deterrent to a would-be aggressor is the fact that ballistic missiles destroyed early in the boost phase usually explode and fall over the aggressor's own ,p'ter~itor:v.,JOJ::cingJ;he,JlggreSsorto confront the risk of nuclear, chemical or biological debris.
'"~",,~.".''''_ - '-~,,.,=,,,, "'.. """'.",,,~,-'"


intercept will circumvent countermeasures

Realities: An

Lisbeth Gronlund, Senior Scientist and Co-directorof the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, May Analysis of the 20.0.4 eployment of a US National Missile Defense System", D


that could readily be implemented bv countries such as North Korea remain an defenses against long-range missiles. This problem has been identified in numerous government documents over the past several years. Moreover, in 20.0.0., panel of independent a scientists and engineers conducted a detailed technical assessment of the missile defense system under development by the Clinton administration. That system would ultimately have included up to nine X-band radars with very good discrimination capabilities as well as a constellation of satellitebased infrared sensors. The panel found that the fully deployed system would be rendered ineffective by unsophisticated but effective countermeasures. Unlike the previously proposed system, the Block 2004 system will not include an X-band radar, and the radars available to it are n{)tll~le~o~isc~illli~~te~?je~t~=",arheads, balloons, debris-from one another. Nor will there be any satellite-based infrared sensors. Thus, any discrimination of the warhead must bepe'Pfol'med bv ..the..infr:aredsensQr on tile kill ;'., .. vehicle. For this reason, the Block 2004 system will be vulnerable to even simpler countermeasures than those that would \¥!'''''$~_;;i;;';;'Z~Y;JE?01ip;'\1J:3_''?iG~1f~'ltiK(fef-e'Za'l@8~;::~,.~j~", • • •• red signature as a bare warhead. There are also several antihoming countermeasures to prevent tel v warhead. These include leaving the warhead attached to the final missile stage and thus forcing the defense to choose which end of the target to hit; enclosing the warhead in a large balloon so the kill vehicle could not determine its exact location; and tethering several balloons to the warhead at a distance of a few meters. The latter strategy could be especially effective if one or more of the balloons had a higher temperature and greater infrared signal than the warhead. The MDA has conceded that midcourse countermeasures will present major difficulties for the GMD system, but argues that boost-phase defenses will solve the problem of midcourse countermeasures. But the United States will not have any boost-phase defenses ready for deployment until later this decade, if fhen.

Unsophisticated countermeasures unsolved problem for midcourse

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block Michael Suo

MD Solvency extensions
Directed energy missile defense kills missiles instantly
Western ~tates ,Legal_Eoundation, non-profit, public interest organization which monitors and analyzes U.S. nuclear weapons programs and policies and related high technology energy and weapons programs, October

2k, 'The


Laser Integrated Flight Experiment: Global Missile Defense in the Boost Phase",

The greatest challenge of boost phase intercept is the speed required to catch an aggressor's missile in the first few minutes of flight. Although the United States has the capability to detect missile launches very early in flight, the speed limitations of interceptor missiles being developed
make it unlikely that they could destroy the aggressor missile before its launcher burns out.

This challenge, however, can be overcome by using

186,000 miles per second (or 300,000 kilometers per second). To illustrate this advantage, consider the speed of the ground-based interceptor being developed for National Missile Defense, which is in the vicinity of 7 kilometers per second. (This is faster than today's theater interceptors under development, which were capped at 5.5 kilometers per second in the September 1997 Agreed Statement to the ABM Treaty of J 972.) Even if the interceptor were positioned close enongh to achieve intercept, it is a very challenging task and not nearly as efficient as

directed energy, which moves at the speed of light

directed energy,


travels about 43,000 times faster than

the critical role kinetic interceptors theater ballistic missiles, and play in the

the most capable ground-based


Given its speed, directed energy should be seen as complementing

mid-course and terminal phases of a missile attack. Both the Airborne Laser, which is being developed

the Space-Based Laser, which is being designed to counter ICBMs deep in the aggressor's territory, can detect and intercept missiles almost instantaneously. Each works by acquiring the infrared signature of the boosting missile, tracking its course with a low-power laser, and then focusing a high-power laser on the body of the boosting missile. The heat of the laser weakens the missile's skin, and the internal pressures and supersonic aerodynamic flight stresses cause it to explode. Currently, the Airborne Laser is scheduled to attempt a lethal
to address short- and medium-range

intercept of a theater missile in 2003. The SBL's t1ight experiment will attempt its first intercept ten years later in 2013. If both systems were to become operational in the future, they would afford the United States a robust first line of defense during the boost phase.

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

MD Inherency frontline
1. Current missile defense tech doesn't work
AnnScottTyson, Washington PostStaffWriter,2115/05, "U,S,MissileDefenseAgainFailsKeyTest",http://www.washingtonpost.eom/wpdyn/articlesl A23242-2005 Feb14.html For the second time in as many months, the Bushadministration's new missile defense system failed to complete a key test yesterday, utomatically shutting down a few seconds before an interceptor missile was to launch toward a mock enemy a warhead. Defenseofficialssaidinitial data pointed to a malfunction in support equipment at the launch site in theMarshallIslandsin thecentral PacificOcean,ratherthana failureon the missileitself. The failure could fuel debate in Congressover the costs and benefits of the multibillion-dollar system, which some lawmakers nd a scientists saythePentagon is rushing to deploy before it is proved effective. President ushfirstpledgedto buildthe systemin the2000 B campaign.

2. Our current missile defense is completely broken, successful tests are not conducted under real-life circumstances
LisbethGronlund, SeniorScientistandCo-director f theGlobalSecurity o Programat the Unionof Concerned Scientists, ay2004, "Technical ealities: n M R A Analysisof the2004Deployment f a USNationalMissileDefense o System", The BJock 2004 missile defense will have no demonstrated capability to defend against a real attack since all flight

interceJ!t tests have~eenco~~ll~t~dll,J:l?er~ighlx~~~~p!~? co~?!~io,~s 'lVit~,~~~def:~~::i.,ven adv~~ce info~mation about the attack detail~: ocii:le'systemc'omponents"to be~dePioyed'as partoftfie 'BideK 2004sYSfeih:::':indutljngtht;intereept6H~antJ.' radars-has been flight tested in its deployed configuration. It is possible that the now three-stage interceptor with the deployment version of the kill vehicle will he


Hight tested once before September,

hut that test is not scheduled there

to he an intercept test. According

to the MD.I\, the Cobra Dane radar will be key to the operation of the Block 2004 system, but

it will not take part

in a flight or intercept test before 2007. Moreover,

Since 1997, the J\lIDA has conducted 10 flight tests involving prototype or surrogate system components. Eight of these were intercept tests, five of which resulted in intercepts. AU the flight tests have been research and development tests, which provide information for design modifications but do not assess the svstem's effectiveness under realistic operational conditions. In fact, the intercept tests to date have included many artificialities and limitations, as theMDAacknowledges. First,the test conditions have not been varied: The test geometries and closing speed and angle have been nearlv identical. The tests have occurred at the same time of day, even though the infrared signal of an object in space depends strongly on whether it is in sunlight or in shadow. And in each test the target cluster included the same or similar objects. Second, the system's abilitv to discriminate the warhead from other elements in the target cluster has not been realistically tested: The mock warhead and balloons have had very different radar and infrared signatures. Moreimportant, he defense was provided with detailed a t pr1oriimOnl1fttio.:"1ab6utthecharacteFistics and ..;lxpe.ct.edappe.a,rance.ofaILthe Qbie~ts in the t~st. The rad~rs that.~.ill~e ! part of the Block2004system will not be able to discriminate warheads from other objects (decoysor debris~so discrimination on the kill vehi e. Yet no tests in which the kill vehicle relies on its sensor to discriminate the warhead have been con ucte ,and nonearcplannedthroug ~ e asic go, kill.Buthitto killwasfirstdemonstrated morethan20yearsago;the goal here should be to demonstrate hit to kill under conditions relevant to intercepting long-range missiles. Thesetestshavenotdonesobecausethe endgame conditions havebeenunrealistic. ince the S tests used a prototype two-stage interceptor, the closing speed between the kill vehicle and mock warhead was artificially low by as much as a factor of two. The defense used information from either a GPS receiver or a C-band beacon on the mock warhead to determine its position, and this was used to provide the kill vehicle with very accurate tracking data. The new Pacific test bed, coupledwith the newthree-stage interceptor, illallowtheMDAto conducttestsundermorerealisticconditions. owever, w H thetestbedalonewill not address the lack of realism in flight testing, noris it neededto addressthekeyrealismissues:testingwithouta priori information, underunscriptedconditions, ndagainstrealisticcountermeasures. a The ~IDA flight test program throughSeptember 2007will not include countermeasures that the Pentagon's director of operational testing and evaluation has identified as simple for the enemy to implement. In fact, the MDA has no currentplansto conduct tests under unscripted conditions, nor is it clear that such operationallv realistic testing will ever be conducted.
will he no system-level flight or intercept test of the defense before its activation in September 2004.



Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

MD Inherency extensions
Current lack of good radars renders missile defense useless
Lisbeth Gronlund, Senior Scientist and Co-director of the Global Security Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, May 2004, "Technical Realities: An Analysis of the 2004 Deployment of a US National Missile Defense System", http://www .ucsusa. org/ assets/ documents/ gl obal_security /tcchnicalreali tics_fullreport. pdf

To defend Hawaii from North Korean attacks, the Block 2004 system will essentially rely on the Aegis SPY radar. This radar was designed for air defense and, despite various upgrades over the years, its ability to detect and track long-range missiles is quite limited. Our analysis indicates that the radar would be able to track the warhead only for the first few tens of seconds of its flight or not at all, because it has a short detection range. Thus the Block 2004 system will be able to provide only limited tracking information about a missile attack by North Korea on Hawaii, resulting in a large uncertaintv in the location of the threat cloud. In this case, the defense may not be able to direct the interceptor close to the threat cloud, and the kill vehicle could have a difficult time locating and homing on the target.


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

AT: Missile Defense Bad - Frontline

1. Space weaponization inevitable
Tom Wilson, Space Commission Staff Member, 2001, 'Threats to United States Space Capabilities', Prepared for the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization,

The ability to restrict or deny freedom of access to and operations in space is no longer limited to global military powers. The reality is that there are many extant capabilities to deny, disrupt or physically destroy space systems and the ground facilities that command and control them. Knowledge of U.S. space systems functions, locations and physical characteristics, as well as the means to conduct counterspace operations, is increasingly available on the international market. Nations or groups hostile to the U.S. possess or can acquire the means to disrupt or destroy U.S. space systems bv attacking the satellites in space, their communications nodes on the ground and in space, or ground nodes that command the satellites. Offensive counterspace operation technology is spreading throughout the world. Even so, some types of antisatellite (AS AT) weapons
are obviously more complex to design, build and test (han others. Kinetic and chemical interceptors, conventional guns, and low power lasers are the least sophisticated. Nuclear weapons and radio frequency weapons are more complex. High-energy lasers and particle beam weapons are the most sophisticated. Note that this rating should not be considered by itself, as the use of a complex weapon could make other aspects of the overall system simpler. For example, using a nuclear weapon on an interceptor makes virtually every other aspect of system development less complicated since its lethal radius is large.

The U.S. reliance on space, coupled with the growing amount of information available about our space systems, increases the likelihood that our adversaries will employ counterspace weapons technologies. Of concern is the likelihood that today, the U.S. has neither the doctrine nor the means to respond to potential counters pace threat situations.

Everett C.


Associate Professor of Comparative

Military Studies at the U.S. Air Force's School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, SAlS Revew,

Winter-Spring 06, 'us Military Transformation and Weapons in Space' Opponents of space weapons on technical or budgetary grounds are not advocating space weapons in the event their current assumptions or analyses are swept

New technologies will emerge unpredictably, and the foolish policymaker eschews adapting to them until their utility is beyond a doubt. Indeed, it isiust this concern for the unanticipated arrival of technology X that initially motivates my own preference for the immediate deployment of space weapons. So long as America is the state most likely to acquire a breakthrough technology in this area, mv concern is limited to the problem of letting technology take us where it will. But what if an enemy of democratic liberalism suddenly should acquire the means to place multiple weapons into orbit quickly and cheaplY? The advantages gained from controlling the high ground of space would accrue to it as surelv as to any liberal state, and the concomitant loss of military power from the denial of space to our alreadv-dependent military forces could cause the immediate demise of the extant international system. The longer the United States dithers on its r~sp()nsibilities;themoreHkelvap()tential..ep,poR{mt.(.l()uldsei.z.el()w~.Earth o.rbit.bcfQre Amerjca is able,t!) rt:~p()I1<"l:
aside. Granted, just because a thing can be done does not mean it ought to be. But prescience is imperfect.

Fred Thompson, Chairman of International Security Advisory Board, 4/25/07, http://www .state. gOYdocuments/ organization/Sf 263 .pdf 1 from 'Report

US Space Policy',

Threats to U.S. space assets, both from the ground and in space, are rapidly growing quantitatively and qualitatively. The United States does not have the luxurv of assuming that its space assets will be available wherever needed. Survivability of our space assets in a deliberately hostile environment must be a requirement along with improved capability. Understanding and responding to threats to civil, commercial, and national security space asset .. is a vital national interest of the United States.

4. US weaponization of space would not be challenged

Everett C. Winter-Spring

Dolman, Associate Professor of Comparative Military Studies at the U.S. Air Force's School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, SAIS Revew, 06, 'US Military Transformation and Weapons in Space' Moreover, if the United States were willing to deploy and use a military space force that maintained effective control of space, and did so in a way that was perceived as tough, non-arbitrary, and efficient, such an action would serve to discourage competing states from fielding opposing systems. Should the United States use its advantage to police the heavens and allow unhindered peaceful use of space by any and all nations for economic and scientific development, over time its control of lowEarth orbit could be viewed as a global asset and a public good. In much the same way the British maintained control of the high seas, enforcing international norms of innocent passage and property rights, the United States could prepare outer space for a long-overdue burst of economic expansion.

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block Michael Suo

AT: MD Bad - No arms race

Space weaponlzation would reduce fears of US aggression, preventing arms races
EverettC, Dolman, Associate Professor Comparative of MilitaryStudiesat theU.S,AirForce'sSchoolof Advanced AirandSpaceStndies,SAISRevew, Winter-Spring 6, 'us Military 0 TransformationndWeaponsin Space' a The immediate budget impact of significant funding increases for space weapons would be to decrease funding for combat aircraft, the snrface battle fleet, and ground forces. Thismaywellsettheproponents spaceweaponization at oddswithboth of proponents andopponents f increased o defensespending.Spaceadvocates ustselltheirideasto fellowpro-weapons roupsbymakingthecasethatthe m g advantages theyprovideoutweigh thecapabilities forgone,Thisis a mightytask.The tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars needed to develop, test and deploy a minimal space weapons system with the capacity to engage a few targets around the world could displace a half-dozen or more aircraft carrier battle groups, entire aircraft procurement programs such as the F· 22, and several heavy armored divisions. Thisis a toughsellforsupporters f a strongmilitary, o It is an evenmoredifficultdilemma forthosewhoopposeweaponsin general, ndspaceweaponsin particular.Ramifications forthemostcriticalcurrent a functionof theArmy,Navy,andMarines-i-pacification, occupation, ndcontrolof foreignterritory-c-arerofound. ith the downsizing of a p W traditional weapons to accommodate heightened space expenditures, the U.S. ability to do all three would wane significantly. At a time when many are calling for increased capability to pacify and police foreign lands, in lightofthc no-endin-sightoccupations f Iraq andAfghanistan, paceweapons proponents must advocate reduction of these capabilities in favor of a o s svstem that will have no direct potential to do so. Hence, the argument that the unilateral deployment of space weapons will precipitate a disastrous arms race is further eroded. To be sure, space weapons are offensive by their very nature. Thevdeter violence bv the omnipresent threat of ..•'··'p'fe'ctS'e;-measurefl,-and. ..un.,..,to.puable.r.elaliation, ButtlI ~y~ffe.~ n?~dv~nt~ge in the mission of territorial occupation. As such,they are far less threatening to the internatIonal environmenTfltarrmtyco.mMtlation.o.r.coll.v..enOOualweaeons employed in their stead. What would be more threatening to a state in opposition to American hegemony: a dozenlisers in space with pinpoint accuracy, or (for about the same price) 15 infantry divisions massed on the border? A state employing offensive deterrence throughspace weapons canpunisha transgressor tate,but it is in a poor position to challenge that state's s sovereignty. A transgressor state is less likely to succumb to the security dilemma if it perceives that its national survival is not at risk. Moreover, the tremendous expense of space weapons would inhibit their indiscriminate use. Overtime,the world of sovereign states would recognize that the United States could not and would not use space weapons to threaten another country's internal self-determination. The United States still would challenge any attempts to intervene militarilv in the politics of others, and it would have severely restricted its own capacity to do the latter • .Judicious and non-arbitrarv use of a weaponized space eventually could be seen as a net positive, an effective global police force that punishes criminal acts but does not threaten to engage in aggressive behavior.

t:JSdominati6nGfgpace\Y:ouldde~re~~e. chance of space war

revent an arms race in s a II another nation to place military assets in space and to readily engage and destroy terrestrial anti-satellite capacity would make the possibility of large-scale space war or military space races less likely, not more. Why would a state expend the effort to compete in space with a superpower that has the extraordinary advantage of holding securely the highest ground at the top of the gravity well? So long as the controlling state demonstrates a capacity and a will to use force to defend its position, in effect expending a small amount of violence as needed to prevent a greater conflagration in the future, the likelihood of a future war in space is remote.

US weaponization of space would not lead to an arms race

EverettC. Dolman, Associate Professor Comparative 'Military of Studiesat theU.S,Air Force'sSchoolof Advanced AirandSpaceStudies,SAISRevew, Winter-Spring 'us MilitaryTransformationnd Weaponsin Space' 06, a In suchcircumstances, America certainlywouldrespondeventually. onversely, America were to weaponize space today, it is unlikely that C if any other state or group of states would find it rational to counter in kind. The entry cost to provide the necessary infrastructure is too high-hundreds of billions of dollars, at minimum. The years of investment needed to achieve a minimal counter-force capability--essentially fromscratch-would provide more than ample time for the United States to entrench itself in space and readily counter preliminary efforts to displace it. The tremendous effort in time and resources would be worse than wasted. Most states, if notall,would opt not to counter U.S. deployments in kind, Theymight opposeU.S. interestswithasymmetric balancing,depending onhowaggressively mericausesits newpower,butthe likelihood of a hemorrhaging A arms race in space should the United States deploy weapons there-at leastfor thenextfewyears-is extremely remote.


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block Michael Suo

AT: MD Bad - Inevitable

Historically new frontiers have always been sources of conflict, US must weaponize first to allow peaceful resolutions of these conflicts
John E. Hyten, Air Force Brigadier General, Director of Requirements, Headquarters Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., April 2k, "A Sea of Peace or a Theater of War: Dealing with the Inevitable Conflict in Space", Urbana-Champaign, (L: Program in Arms Control, Disarmament and Intemational Security,

If history is any indication, many scenarios involving conflict in space are almost certain to occur in the future. Each frontier that humans have entered has eventually ended up as a theater of warfare. On the other hand, the opportunities are there today for the United States, because of its unique position as the world's sole remaining superpower, to make the decisions and take the actions that will allow the world to more peacefully resolve these conflicts-conflicts that will naturally come in the development of the frontier of space. There are, however, and will continue to be, significant pressures that impact the development of the frontier of space. ll1cse pressures come from both economic activity and military desires and necessities. Both commerce and the military have tracked the frontier as it moved from land to sea to air, and they are continuing to follow the frontier into space. Commerce has always been driven by the need for access (and quicker access) to new markets and resources. The military continues to be driven by the need to protect both the core of a nation and that nation's interests in the frontier. How the United States responds to these pressures-pressures that inevitably create conflict-will define space, and the use of space, in the next centurv.

Thirty nations have already are weaponizing space

J)j!nll);;fly l\II.Schlie, J. T):C:~Q1ig~t~,~ints;:
'Along ;i~h~~~;~~ii'~'dcf;I~;~
military forces have started to use satellites for communications

the use of laserslii space ]iisl)een'

and observation,

2~;12S~~1l1 In,ter~~,ti~~.~l.,~v;~(;~~~I,'I)~v~(opiI:g,;nd12c?l~yi~g~:er:V:,;p~nI)'.i~


,Sp~:: ,Is It ~,~,:.l_:,,~xis


"it is inevitable that ways to destroy those satellites will be sought. And ways to defend them, as well."

Evidence of the interest in ASATS was demonstrated in the recent United States' test firing of a laser aimed at an Air Force satellite positioned in outer space. The United States is not alone in the development of such svstems. Many nations, including China and perhaps Iraq are currently developing laser anti-satellite svstems. According to a National Security Council arms control specialist, "between twenty and thirty nations have ground-based lasers capable of putting directed energy into space. II




Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block

Michael Suo

AT: MD Bad .. Space is different

Space-based missile defense side-steps the political problems of ground-based
EverettC. Dolman, Associate Professor Comparative of MilitaryStudiesat theU.S.AirForce'sSchoolof AdvancedAirandSpaceStudies, /9/Q2_, 3 "Space PowerandUSHegemony: aintaining LiberalWorldOrderin the 21 st Century", ttp://!Dolmanpaper%SB M a h I %5D.pdf Without question, frommilitaryapplications strategicperspectives, pace-based BMD systems are superior to terrestrial (ground, and s sea, or air) based ones. They also have exceptional political advantages. Any BMD svstem will receive criticism from potential adversaries, as is evident with the routine vocal opposition that comes from Russia and China to anyproposed TMD system.Because of criticism and retaliatory threats made by the opposing states, domestic and allied support has been hesitant and unsure. If the state is willing to deplov BMD anyway,bv using a space-based system instead of a ground-based one it should be able to gradually regain widespread popular support. Oneof the advantages the mobile TMD system, sayits of advocates,is that it could be dispatched to threatened areas as needed. Trueenough,but imagine the problems associated with some possible deployments - to Israel, say, or to Taiwan. As much as the United States would insist that the deployment was for defensive purposes only, it would be a clear and possibly inflammatory sign of preference for one side over the other. A space-based system would forever be on alert, and would avoid the political problems of terrestrial basing altogether. The United States would not have to physically deploy to the threatened territory to be able to intercept and destroy hostile missile activity - regardless of the side that launches first. United States impartiality could be asserted and maintained. Retaliations, too, could be controlled. Wbilea UnitedStatesTM[) batteryin Israelcouldconceivablyhootdownanincoming s ballisticmissilefromIraq,whatwouldpreventthe Israeli's fromshootingbackin anger?The UnitedStateswouldneedto deploythe systemin both states. Eventually,they wouldhaveto be deployedin all states,and any hope of countering space-basedsystemwith a fiscalrestraintargumentwouldbe lost. the ""'MOl'eG'teF,'tfie,buman"o.nerators of the TMD battery would be at risk. Their capture or casualties in their ranks could force the United State to get directly In~o~~d'Inmeconfliet:"t\,this,4b~¥"oouldJu.particularlx~e~i~ab!~t~~,~e~~fo~ either side. In otherinstances,he United States might not have the time to deploy a TMD battery to a hostife-'ilieater;or mayt be politically unable to do so. The case of an Indian-Pakistan or an Iraq-Iran exchange comes readily to mind.

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Missile Defense ..AT: No Prolif

Ballistic missile proliferation is a threat to the US
Western §tates 1:egal_Eoundation, non-profit, ublicinterestorganization p whichmonitors andanalyzes U.S.nuclearweaponsprograms andpoliciesandrelated hightechnology energyandweapons programs, ctober2k, "TheSpace-Based O LaserIntegrated FlightExperiment: lobalMissileDefense theBoostPhase", G in http://www.wslfweb.orgidocs/SBLWP.pdf Ballistic missiles have represented one of the greatest vulnerabilities for all the nations of the world ever since the Nazis first launched the V -2 rocket neartheendof WorldWar II. Oneof thetragicreminders the realandincreasing of threatto U.S.forcesdeployed abroad wasthe deathof 28 U.S.soldierscausedby a Seudmissilethat strucka barracks Dhahran in duringthe GulfWar.More than five decades after the V-2 first appeared and nearly a decade after the Gulf War, U.S. forward-deployed troops, allies, and even the U.S. mainland remain vulnerable to missile attack and the potential delivery of weapons of mass destruction. Inhis February2000 testimonyon theWorldwide Threat,CIA Director George Tenet said that the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction had "become even more stark and worrisome" than just a year before. "Transfers of enabling technologies to countries of proliferation concern have not abated," he said. "Manv states in the next ten years will find it easier to obtain weapons of mass destruction and the means to deliver them." 1 Tenetaddedthat"the missile threat to the United States from states other than Russia and China is steadily emerging. The threat to US interests and forces overseas is here and now." Tenetpointed outthat,overthe next15years,U.S. cities will face ICBM threats from a wider varietv of nations, including North Korea, Iran, and possibly Iraq. He also expressed concern about the securitv of nuclear weapons and materials in Russia.

Nuclear proliferation driven by a number of factors is a threat to the US

nuclear high technology energyandweapons programs, ctober2k, "TheSpace-Based O LaserIntegrated FlightExperiment::","; ' ·;··;·::·s.···"·''''"=·''~''·:;,,~:~;t;'"'jj.'''''',~''''~,,."''''',' http://www.wslfweb.orgidocs/SBLWP.pdf In its unclassified versionof its 1999National Intelligence Estimate, the intelligence community reiterated that "the proliferation of medium-range ballistic missiles (MRBMs) driven primarily bv North Korean NoDongsales - has created an immediate, serious, and growing threat to US forces, interests and allies, and has significantly altered the strategic balances in the Middle East and Asia."3In SouthAsia,Pakistan and India are locked in a nuclear rivalry, and the intelligence community has assessed that both countries' short-range and medium-range ballistic missiles may have nuclear roles. Foreign assistance has played a key role in the increasing proliferation of missile technology, with Russia, China, and North Korea as the principal suppliers. And,Tenetwarns,therecipients missile-relatedechnology, uchas Syria and Iraq, of t s "may emerge in the next few years as suppliers."


2AC Block

Spaaaaaaace! Michael Suo

Solar Key -- Missile Defense

Solar space is best to power space-based laser missile defense
John H. Gibbons, Director of Office of Technology Assessment, August TA/1981 18124.PDF

81, from

Solar Power Satellites Advisory Panel report, 'Solar Power Satellites'

Since the key requirement for directed energy weapons is a large power supply, any SPS that generates electricitv directly [i.e., any design except the mirror-system) can be used to power such weapons. These weapons could be built into the SPS platform or placed at a distance in lower orbits and supplied by lasers from the SPS. The question is whether relatively small directed-energy weapons can be designed with autonomous power supplies, perhaps from nuclear reactors. Since weapons used against ICBMs must be capable of firing a large number of very rapid bursts in order to engage a fleet of 1,000 or more missiles, it may be that SPS power, if available, would be the most efficient and economical way to supply future laser or particle-beam platforms.

Solar space lasers key for directed-energy

John H. Gibbons, Director of Office of Technology Assessment,

missile defense

81, from

Solar Power Satellites Advisory Panel report, 'Solar Power Satellites'

Laser beams built as part of SPS, or more militarily efficient weapons placed on the SPS but not used in transmitting electricity, could be used as strategic weapons. In recent years both the United States and the U.S.S.R. have undertaken large programs to develop directed- energy weapons for use against satellites and/or international ballistic missiles (ICBMs) . . IjC::VS..v,.~r.,~.~~?s,~;i?n~'X~~~is 3~:8~Okilon1~t~rsdist~ntfron11o",~flying .. ICBMs. This distance complicates tracking and requires very high beam intensities ..'M~ch'g~~;t~~·· effedrveness ~canJje"acl1it've(l1Jywe-aptJfiSylaced""inlower·6phits.H{):W4}~Fla+leO£tatiW1ar¥ .. rs.. S could plaYa" role in supplving power to remotely located directed-energy platforms. A laser SPS in low Sun-synchronous orbit, of course, would represent a much greater militarv potential than one in geosynchronous orbit.

Spaaaaaaacel Michael Suo 2AC Block

Solar Key ...Colonization

Cheap, effective missions using solar electric propulsion missions abandoned due to cost would be achievable by 2010, enabling
ThomasW. Kerslake and LeonP. Gefert. researchers GlennResearchCenter,January2001, "SolarPowerSystemAnalyses ElectricPropulsion at for Missions", 7100894171.pdf?arnumber=894171 Traditionally, electric propulsion has been proposed for interplanetary missions sinceit affordsverymassefficientexploration architectures However, to obtain reasonable transfer times, verv large power levels (mlllti-MW [1]. class)were required. Power requirements drop dramatically to the 0.5 to 1.0 MW when aerobrake and cryogenic upper stage transportation technologies are utilized with electric propulsion. For ~1 MWpowerlevels,solar photovoltaic (PV) systems are an attractive alternative to nuclear dynamic systems to satisfy power requirements. In thisarchitecture, efficient solar electric the propulsion (SEP) stage transfers the pavload from low Earth orbit (LEO)to a High Energy Elliptical Parking Orbit (HEEPO).A high-thrust, cryogenic upper stage then injects the payload to its planetary target allowing for fast heliocentric trip times. This mission architecture, shownin Figure1 for a humanMarsmission,offers a potentialreduction in mass to LEO compared to alternative all-chemical or nuclear propulsion schemes. Such a Mars mission could take place in the 20102020 time frame. LEO mass savings can also be realized for outer planetary missions, suchas theEuropaMapperMission. ass M reductions may allow launch vehicle down-sizing and enable missions that would have been grounded due to cost constraints.

http:// !reports!1999rrM-1999-209307. g pdf Thesun towerconceptof collecting solar energy in space and beaming it down for commercial use will require very affordable in-space as well as earth-to-orbit transportation. Advanced electric propulsion using a 200 kW power and propulsion ~ addedto the suntowernodescan provide a factor of two reduction in the required number of launch vehicles when compared to in-space cryogenic chemical systems. In addition, the total time required to launch and deliver the complete sun tower svstem is of the same order of magnitude using high power electric propulsion or cryogenic chemical propulsion: about one year. Advanced electric propulsion can also be used to minimize the stationkeeping propulsion.

Solar power satellites can make space colonization



Globus, Bachelorsin Information Science University Californiaat SantaCruz, NASAAmesResearchCenter,2008, "SpaceSettlement asics", at of B http://space.alglobus.netlBasics!wwwwh.html#how Electrical power is a multi-hundred billion dollar per year business today. We know how to generate electricity in space .... celJ&.Forexa.lllllc,.iWrJ§§,Jlrovides a~()l;I:~~~~lo~.ll.!~sco~ti~~o~sly~~olllan acre of solar arrays. By building much larger satellites out of hundreds of solararrys,it possible togerierafea grea:tdeaiofcledl'icalp&wer,Thisc3.Rbe converted to microwaves ndbeamedto Earthto provideelectricity a withabsolutely greenhouse no gasemissionsor toxicwasteof anykind. .IT iiiii0i'ii4~~'ii"-iii'itranspolfmf8'n"'l'O'iul'1Jif'iS'~~7ren\!iW~~~~'tM>IHL~Npmu,ch.Af"Earth~. Wll"er <:()21~~~~gi~aI!~~~!~~~ .. space, simultaneously providing a large profitable business and dramaticallv reducing pollution on Earth. ,~, ~~-,,, - -"/ AsteroidalMetals.JohnLewisin MiningtheSky:UntoldRichesfromAsteroids, omets,andPlanetsestimates C thatthecurrentmarketvalueof themetalsin 3554Amun,one smallnearbyasteroid, s about$20Trillion.There's$8 trillionworthof ironandnickel,$6 trillionworthof cobalt,andabout$6trillionin i platinum-group metals.Oncewecaneasilylaunchthousandsof peopleintoorbit,andbuildgiantsolarpowersatellites,it shouldn'tbetoodifficulttoretrieve 3554Amunandotherasteroidsto supplyEarthwithall themetalswe willeverneed. Each of these stepsis potentially profitable on its own merits. Oncetheyarccompleted, e will be able to put people in orbit w inexpoensivelv, generate large amounts of power, and supply ample materials from NEOs and perhaps the Moon -- all the elements needed to build the first space colony.



Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block

Michael Suo

Solar Key ...Colonization

Space solar power has many applications, including finding Earth-like planets
John c.Mankins, Manager, Advanced Concepts Studies Office of Space Flight, August 97, from Acta Astronautica, at Space Solar Power: New Architectures, Concepts and Technologies, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 347-359, 'A Fresh Look

A preliminary


look" study is being conducted. Preliminary Science Missions

of potential space applications of the technologies and system concepts defined as findings suggest that a wide variety of these potential applications exist

a pall of the "fresh

Several space science applications of advanced SSP technologies can be identified. For example, Solar Electric Propulsion System (SEPS) stages for outer planet robotic science missions, non-RTG/nuclear power for Jupiter robotic science missions (in the 1 kW-class or more) with the option for high-rate communications. (This approach integrates the power collector and the RF
communications antenna - the so-called a "power antenna" approach created by the .TetPropulsion Laboratory.)

SSP systems mav be applied for very large space observatories based in a solar orbit several times farther from the sun that the Earth is which are capable of finding and studying Earth-like planets around near-bv stars deep space (this is the so-classed "Planet-Finder" science mission concept). Another application is in integrated radar and/or high-rate communications for science missions to the asteroids, comets, or other small solar system bodies. Various commercial applications can be identified. SEPS stages for commercial GEO satellites may be developed. Also, high levels of on-board power for these satellites may be of interest. Finally, affordable power for farther-term future space business parks could be readily developed from space solar power systems.
'·M···'""·,"·;'·""''',''···,···,·.···,··C;.,.''·''-_,~.._''''''';-'';:';''''''';_-_i''' .._ ' •.;-'.,-.~-c;,.;;_, ._"~,-;,;:_•"'~,;;_.:,,;;_""':.'"._;;.::_,. _ .

Solar power sateiifte'devefopineil1'wnrenctJttfagetechnoiogies,ffW"li¥.ing,.and.,. .wo.rkiJlgjIl,~nil.£~.

John H. Gibbons, Director of Office of Technology Assessment, http://govinfo.library.unt.edulotalOta_5/DATAl198118124.PDF In addition, August


from Solar Power Satellites Advisory Panel report, 'Solar Power Satellites'

techniques and devices for constructing large platforms and working effectively in space would have to be developed, along with life support systems and living quarters for extended stays in orbit. Improved and cheaper transportation would allow the military to flv many more missions, orbiting more and larger satellites and servicing these already in place. New construction techniques would enable large platforms for communications, surveillance, and/or directedenergy uses to be rapidly deployed. The 1721 Solar Power Satellites military would have the further option of flying manned or unmanned missions. Without SPS, advanced launch-vehicles and construction devices may not be built or, at best, be done so much less quickly. The military may hence have a strong interest in participating in their development, as they have with the Space Shuttle. Whether the military would activelv support the SPS in order to benefit from such developments might depend on whether they
think SPS funding wonld direct resources away from other military programs.


for space travel

If weAe~.aI;ninethe
gz;:g-"-,9g$g;mL_",_~-!1§1\;"'",,,i\\J¥A4~k"_':"'0'$J;:;P~':':'?Z'f52'-'''~'''':F'!7:---':~C:''~'_' __.. _ _ <'C::; ~;"4"""_;'11

R. L. Forward, Hughes Research Laboratories, 1128/88, from unclassified report prepared f~~th~A;;F(;r~~A,~t;onauticsTal"}bratOry;"A:dVl1l1ctdSpacc ',","",,,,,,,;,,J?~~~il..1;l,.t\'it~4J;~;~,~\10r,\?19!2;~d,~,~~?~;~Vlerp'ropulsian", ? AD=ADA 189218&Locati on= U2&doc=GctTR Doc.pdf

It is not necessarYTouse the"'totT..1!fiffiilcnm'1±tlT~~~~GltJmmgh,.~ce. components of a generic rocket, we find that it consists of payload, structure,

propellant, energy source, an engine to put fhe energy into toe" .., and a thruster to expel the energized propellant to provide thrust. In most rockets, the propellant and energy source are combined together into the

chemical "fuel." Because a standard rocket has to carry its fuel along with it, its performance is significantly limited. For a mission where the tina! vehicle velocity increment needed is AV, and the propellant exhaust velocity is v, the mass of fuel mf needed to propel a vehicle of mass m. rises exponentially


If one attempts to do a difficult mission, such as a Saturn ring rendezvous using even our best chemical rocket, a liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen system with a propellant exhaust velocity v of 5 krn/s, then AV/v is 9.6, and (eA/'v-l) = 15,000. It is not possible to build a spaceship that holds 15,000 times as much fuel mass as vehicle mass. There is a whole class of spacecraft that do not have to carry along any energy source or propellant or even an engine, and consist only of payload, structure, and thruster. These spacecraft work by beamed power propulsion. In a beamed power propulsion system, the heavy parts of a rocket (propellant, energv source, and engine) are left on the ground or in orbit, while the payload and associated structure carry out the mission. Essentially unlimited amounts of propellant and energy can be supplied to carry out the mission, and the engine can be maintained and even upgraded as the mission proceeds.
with the ratio AV/v: mf = m,(eAV/v-l) where the required mission AV is 48 krn/s,

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Colonization Solvency Frontline

1. Colonization is the only way to preserve human civilization
Robert Shapiro, Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in the Department Civilization', from Ad Astra 11, Sep/Oct 99, of Chemistry at New York University, 9/11/99, 'An Alliance to Rescue

We who live on Earth are menaced by an array of potential catastrophes that go far beyond what is usually taken to be merely dangerous. And they require a truly radical strategy to prevent our collective civilization all of cultures itself from essentially vanishing ....we therefore believe that it is urgent to hedge against such calamities by preparing a copy of our civilization and moving it out of harm's way. Even if the Earth were turned into a vast field of devastation, humanity and its achievements would survive. Think of it as hacking up the planet's hard drive and keeping the "disk," constantly updated, in a secure location. Many of the possible disasters would affect our entire planet, so the logical location for such a haven would be off of it, in a base on another world. The Moon would appear to be the most likely candidate, and we will use it in our discussion. but we do not rule out the possibility that it could be elsewhere, for example on Mars. We hope that the project would be inremational, and propose to call it the Alliance to Rescue
Civilization, or ARC

2. The human race won't survive unless we spread into space

Roger Highfield, Science Editor, The Daily Telegraph, 10/15/01, "Colonies in space may be only hope, says Hawking",

THE human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before the Millennium is out, unless we set up colonies in space. Prof Stephen Hawking warns today. In an interview with The Telegraph, Prof Hawking, the world's best known cosmologist, says that biology. rather than phYsics, presents the

11 was

the survival of the human race, like


I am more worried about biology. Nuclear weapons need large facilities, but genetic engineering can be done in a small lab. You can't regulate every lab in the world. The danger is that either by accident or design, we create a virus that destroys us. "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the still"."
"In the long term,

3. Space colonization can be used to reverse-colonize Earth after it is destroyed

Paul Davies, professor of natural philosophy at the Australian Center for Astrohiology, III 5/04, New York Times, "Life (and Death) on Mars", http://query.nytimes.comlgstlfullpage.html ?res=9C03E3 ])91 030F936A257 52COA9629C8B63 &SCc=&spon=&pagewanted=2
The early outpost wouldn't the original crew. be left to wither and die, Rather,

it would form the basis for a much more ambitious colonization


Over the years new equipment

and additional


would be sent to join

In time. the colonv would grow to the point of being self-sustaining. When this stage was reached, humanity woul<l.h3:vea ... er~~.i()~~il1~ll~all~~p?]i~!~gai~~tc~t~str?phe at home. During the next millennium there is a significant chance that' civiliZation on Earth will be destroyedbv an astetoid;aidlterplagueol'a~obalwa!'.AMartiallcolouyco.l.!Idkee.!J.the flame of civilization and culture alive until Earth could be reverse-colonized from Mars.

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Colonization Solvency Extensions

Extinction inevitable unless we colonize space
Gregory Benford and Science" and George



at the University of California at Irvine, science-fiction



"Skylife: Space Habitats in Story

Space travel leading to skylife is vital to human survival, because the question is not whether we will be hit by an asteroid, but when. A planetary culture that does not develop spacefaring is courting suicide. All our history, all our social progress and growing insight will be for nothing if we perish. No risk of this kind, however small it might be argued to be, is worth taking, and no cost to prevent it is too great. No level of risk is acceptable when it comes to all or nothing survival.

Despite technological advances, the only way to truly prevent extinction is to move off Earth


TCS Daily media critic, 6127/06, "The Ultimate Lifeboat", http://research.lifcboat.comltcs.htm

No matter how far we go, virtually, we haven't actually gone anywhere, physically. Our corporeal selves are still here on earth, stilI vulnerable to whatever fate befalls the earth. All those cyber-savvy yuppies in the World Trade Center had their cell phones and Blackberries with them on 9-11, and those machines worked fine, even unto the end. But the vaunted products of the Digital Revolution couldn't save those poor high-techsters from the grimreaping reality of the massed kinetics of fiery fuel. And that's the point about the earth, too. If it goes, we go. And so we should go elsewhere, so that when the earth goes, we have another place to go. And while we're at it, we should take our pets and plants, too. We wouldn't want to he without them, just as they wouldn't .,."wanLt9b~ ••yitl~o.~.tu1.;.:.e~~.~ ; •••• i~.t~;yd~~'t.~~~Wi~••• It'~~.~rJO~ I~~~o:thin~~,~:d to act accordingly. And if we fail at that mission, then we really will have failed in off6e Hur1{eanIiargain .~~·t1ratis;·partneritlg·flotoru¥!.ing, .. ..thedead, but with those ~~o aud are yet to be born. .os. ~ ••..
But there's one huge problem:

..~ph~)di~gour end

DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Colonization Inherency Frontline

1. Current level of tech can't support space colonies
RandallParker, computerscientist, 119/04, "Bush To ProposeMoon Colony, Mars Trip, Ho Hum", http://www.futurepundil.comiarchives/001886.htm1 It isn't impossible to sustain human life on Mars. It is iust impossible to do so with the current level of technology. Make a trip to ]\lIars go faster and the total amount of radiation absorbed en route would be much less. But a faster trip would require makingmajor strides to advance science and to develop many new technologies.Send robots ahead to burrow undergroundand build highly sheltered living quartersand then a Mars colony would not receive such massivedoses of on-going radiation. Developbetter shieldingmaterials for the trip to Mars and for living on Mars and, again, the radiation exposure couldbe drasticallyreduced. But all this takes lots of advancesin scienceand technology. If only the $100+ billion spent on the International Space Station had been spent to fund labs down here on Earth we'd be closer to the day when trips to Mars will become possible. But NASA is not pursuing a long term strategy. Most of the space program amounts to a big reality TV production company producing footage that makes it onto the nightly news occasionallythat makes the public feel good that something is being done to get humanity into space. But most of the money spent is a waste.

2. Rockets are too expensive, cannot colonize

CharlesStross, writer, former programmer, 6/16/07, "The High Frontier,Redux", The long and the short of what I'm trying to get across is quite simply that, in the absence of technologv indistinguishablefrom magic - magic tcch that, furthermore,does things that from today's perspectiveappearto play fast and loose with the laws of physics- interstellar travel for human
of such seemingly-magical draw as a emigration and trade between colonies and the technology appearing at some time in the future, the drives that are followed by mass

What about our own solar system?

After contemplating the vastness of interstellar space, our own solar system looks almost comfortingly accessible at first Exploring our own solar system is a no-brainer: we can do it, we are doing it, and
interplanetary exploration is probably going

be seen as one of the great scientific undertakings

of the late 20th and early 21st century, when the history books get written.

But when we start examining the prospects for interplanetary colonization things turn gloomv again. Bluntly, we're not going to get there by rocket ship. Optimistic projects suggest that it shouldbe possible,with the low cost rockets currently under development, to maintain a Lunar presence for a transportation cost of roughly $15,000 per kilogram. Some extreme projections suggest that if the cost can he cut to roughly triple the cMO[
fuel and oxidizer (meaning, the spacecraft concerned will be both largely reusable and very cheapv then we might oven get as low as $165!kilogram to the lunar surface. At that price. sending a lOOKg astronaut to Moon Base One. looks as if it ought to cost not much more than a first-class return air fare from the UK to 'cow Zealand ... except that such a price estimate is hogwa sh. \Ve primates have certain failure modes, and
one of them that must not he underestimated when exposed to climactic extremes of temperature, pressure, and partial pressure of oxygen, While the anlount of per day doesn't sound all that serious - it probablytotals roughly ten kilograms, if yuu economize and recycle the washing-up water _,-- the amount of parasitic weight you need to keep the monkey from blowing out is measured in tons. A Russian Orlan~ IVI space suit (which, sonle wouldsay,ishetterth<lllilnythinlSl'-l~S~~asconleu~\vit~over the years- take heed of the pre-breathetime requirements') weighs 112 kilograms, whichpretty much puts a floor o~ ourinfrastructure requirerfli~ms./Hlact>.J:alhabitat"wl)uld. need to mas~ll.,,:~?lel?~~o~~.Even at S165lkilogram,that's going to add up to a very heftv excess baggage charge on that notionalf1r~l~lassair fare to New Zealand = and Itllink . the authorsof the article Icited thought $2000/kgwas a bit more reasonable. is our tendency to irreversibly malfunction

oxygen, water,

and food a human


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaacel 2AC Block Michael Suo



No delay

Can't delay, if technology disintegrates, we're stuck on Earth

Martin Rees, Baron of Ludlow, Astronomer Royal of Britain, Ph.D. in Astronomy from Cambridge University, Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics at Cambridge University, Professor of Astronomy at Gresham College, Visiting professor at Imperial College London and University of Leicester, Honorary Doctorate from Yale University, Fellow of the Royal Society, Director of Institute of Astronomy,

2003, "Our Final Hour", pg 181 Once the threshold is crossed when there is a self-sustaining level of life in space, then life's long-range future will be secure irrespective of any of the risks on Earth (with the single exception of the catastrophic destruction of space itself). Will this happen before our technological civilization disintegrates, leaving this as a might-have-been? Will the self-sustaining space communities be established before a catastrophe sets back the prospect of any such enterprise, perhaps forec1osing it forever? We live at what could be a defining moment for the cosmos, not just for our Earth.

We must colonize now, while our economy is strong

Robert Roy Britt, Senior Science Writer at Space. com, 10/8/01, 'The Top 3 Reasons to Colonize Space', 11 008- 3 .html

It's no secret. Sooner or later, Earth's bell will be rung. A giant asteroid or comet will slam into the planet, as has happened many times before, and a deadly dark cloud will envelop the globe, killing much of whatever might have survived the initial impact. "We live on a small planet covered with the bones of extinct species, proving that such catastrophes do occur routinely, SIlJS .I:~~ch~~d.~?tt,III: a~~ofessor of astrophysics at Princeton and author of "Time Travel in Einstein's Universe." ·····GoirCltestne~pre§um.abtv·rraTdy!fyrallft6satl¥u~r~.whichJastedamere 2.S milli().n yellrsal!~ .. \,·as the victim of an \ asteroid attack, as an example of what can happen if you don't plan ahead. ..... '~'" ....
h~ ••••••••••••••


But space rocks may not be the only threat.

Epidemics, climatological or ecological catastrophes or even man-made disasters could do our species in, Gott says. And so, he argues, we need a life insurance policy to guarantee the survival of the human race. "Spreading out into space gives us more chances," he says. And the time is now: History instructs that technological hay should be made while the economic sun shines. "There is a danger we will end the human space program at some point. leaving us stranded on the Earth," Gott warns.
"History shows that expensive technological projects are often abandoned after awhile. For example, the Ancient Egyptians quit building pyramids. So ~

should be colonizing space now while we have the chance.

There is only a short window of time in which we can colonize space

John Richard Gott 1II, professor of astrophysical Nature 363, pg. 315 - 319 sciences at Princeton University, 5/27/93, "Implications of the Copernican principle for our future prospects",

Wl1)risoiif pi'5I5abtlifyofcolonizingtheGalaxv.·s.o..low given ... thaUtWoul~j)e ye!y g()~dfo!~ll~.~\lrvi~al p~osp~ctS. to expand our habitat vastly and that we have already know how to travel in space? Although we have been around for 200,000 years or so, . . h s onl been around for 5 SOO ears and technolo ical civilization so histicated enou h to en a e in s ace trave .~.. .. indow of opportunity for space travel during which we will in principle have the capability to establish colonies (wliich"'coul(rI~tii~;il~ establish further colonies).lf we let that opportunity pass without taking advantage of it we will be doomed to remain on the Earth where we will eventually go extinct. So far, not a single human being has been born outside the gravitational potential well of the Earth.


DDW'08 Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Colonization! AT: No babies

Sperm will survive in space




David M.


M.D., Israel Aerospace Medicine Institute and Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Hadassah Biology- Review Reading',

University Hospitals, NASA Johnson Space Center, 98, 'Space Developmental

Tests have demonstrated that the sperm will survive in the Biorack H/W extremely well under launch scrub conditions as long as 72 hr with no significant deterioration in cell viabilitv and as long as 96 hr with only a slight reduction in viability. The
initial timelinc discussions indicated that the experiment will be conducted at -30 hr 112 EMT which is well within the limits of optimal cell viability.

In order for fertilization to occur, sperm must become motile and undergo a process termed capacitation prior to being able to fertilize the egg. Some male factors correlate with a decreased ability to undergo changes in sperm motility associated with capacitation. This
area of sperm function has been studied for a long time under Earth gravity conditions and is of particular relevance to male infertility.

Giving birth in space possible





David M.


M.D., Israel Aerospace Medicine Institute and Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Hadassah Biology- Review Reading',

University Hospitals, NASA Johnson Space Center, 98, 'Space Developmental http://www.mainsgate. COIn! spacebio/modules/ db _resource/ db _re view .doc Alberts, JR provides quantitative data showing that labor and

vaginal deliveries of flight rats and ground control rats share many important parameters. Labors begin at the same time and last the same amount of time, birth is achieved after the same time period, and the pup-to-pup intervals are equivalent. These findings combine nicely with equivalence in number and

Sperm are more active in space

Joseph S. Tash Ph.D., Professor of Molecular & Integrative Physiology at Cambridge University, December Fertilization' ,! sperm_function_fert. pdf


'Gravity Shown to Affect Sperm Function and

The space flight studies were carried out on the STS- 81 and STS-84 ShuttlelMir missions in a facility called Biorack, which was developed by the European Space Agency. Since a microscope was not available to physically observe the sperm, indirect observing methods had to be devised. Sperm are activated to swim after they emerge from the testes. The proteins that initiate movement in the "tail" of the sperm undergo a chemical process called phosphorylation, making them active and activating the sperm's tail. The tail begins to move and the sperm swims toward the egg. In the Shuttle experiments, phosphorylation of proteins was measured in the sperm that flew in space and controls maintained on the ground. Tash found that the phosphorylation process occurred three to four times faster in microgravity than in the Earth's gravitational environment. This means that the sperm are activated for movement much more quickly in microgravity than on Earth.





David M.


M.D., Israel Aerospace Medicine Institute and Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Hadassah review.doc\es/db


A 26-year-old ex-factory worker named Valentina Tereshkova was the first woman in space. On 16 June 1963 she piloted the Vostok 6 mission which lasted 70 hrs 50 min. Later that year in the month of November she married Cosmonaut Andrian Nikolayev, the pilot of the 94hr 22min Vostok 3 mission. A year later Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova gave birth to a healthy baby girl. This provides us with the first evidence of post-flight normal pregnancy; at least as far as short duration space flights are concerned.
Currently, several women are flying as Mission/Payload specialists or pilots on board Space Shuttle flights. This includes. Margaret Rhea Seddon (who first flew on the SLS-l mission) is married to Navy Capt. Robert L. ("I-loot") Gibson, the pilot conunander of several space missions (STS 6-C and STS 27 of January 1986 and December 1988 respectively) including the 50th U.S. space shuttle mission, Spacelab J (12, 71). This mission included an astronaut couple, Dr. N. Jan Davis (37) and Lt. Col. Mark Lee (39) who are the first married couple to fly in space together. It is noteworthy to add that like Valentina Tereshkova, Rhea Seddon

which suggests that short duration svstem in human beings. Despite all

conceived and gave birth to a healthy babv after being in space, space missions apparently cause no permanent harmful effects to the reproductive

this, most of the knowledge gained so far has been implied from animal experiments.




Spaaaaaaace! 2AC Block Michael Suo

Colonization/AT: No babies
Space flight has no effect on pregnancy

or birth
Biology- Review Reading',




David M.


M.D., Israel Aerospace Medicine Institute and Department of Obstetric & Gynecology, Hadassab

University Hospitals, NASA Johnson Space Center, 98, 'Space Developmental

Previous space flight experiments on female rats have shown that fetuses can grow and develop when the maternal organism is exposed to weightlessness (Serova, LV). In the 7-day space flight of Cosmos 1667, the Russians observed and concluded that short-term space flight produces no effect on the reproductive system of white rats. No differences between flight rats and synchronous and vivarium controls were detected with respect to such parameters as the testis and epididymis weight, testicular content of spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spcrmatids, spermatozoa,
Leydig's cells and Sertoli's cells, and the number of normal and atypical spermatozoa in the epididymis. Nuclei of Sertoli's cells were similar in size in the night and control rats (Denisova, LA). On Cosmos 1514 the results where less clear, The flown rats had 0.9% reciprocal translocations while the ground-based synchronous controls showed 0,5%, Exposure to space flight factors in combination had a mutagenic effect on gonocytcs, However, the adverse effect or weightlessness per se was not demonstrated unambiguously to the researcher (Benova, DK). Baikova found that stressogenlc conditions produce stronger changes in reproductive organs than space flight stress per se. (Baikova. Another study on the reproductive function of the male rat was performed after the space flight of the Cosmos 1129 biosatellite. The results of mating of 5 days postflight rats that were exposed to weightlessness were studied. The mature stage of the space flight. group lagged behind that of the ground control group vis-a-vis growth and development during the first postnatal month (Serova, LV}.

The offspring of male rats that were exposed to 22-day weightlessness did not differ from the controls with respect to the number of the newborns, weight at birth, or weight gain during the first postnatal month. (Plakhuta, PG)
Another experiment mvolving pregnant rats attempted to determine of gravity in hypophyseal-ovarian function and fecundity on Earth. been measured. the effect of space flight on ovarian antral follicles, corpora lutea, and pituitary content of hormones. These studies provided AIl ovaries have been serially sectioned and stained, and ovarian morphometric analyses have been completed, Pituiiary.l.H insight into the role and [iSH content has The analysis of pla sma concentrations ofLH and FSH is complete. There was no effect of space flight observed during the post-implantation period on anv of the ovarian morphometric parameters evaluated, nor on vaginal birth or fecundity. As a follow up to these studies, it S~,tHmhiJllP_gG~th';~ilJJ1X~'i~,itMf .•• }Xh~.!h;xr_'~R~.~~ _ ..rt~_~,~_};~_it~~_;~.(!,, __ ~_~r~,n~.,;.;_~~,P,~~~~l~~_~_nt~;~~~_ll ~)::iod ~as:~~ e~~~~.t,()~_~:~~_~()nic;_ survi~'al and. fecu.ndity (Burden, HW), Female germ cells (oocytes) are c()ntain~~;;; ()~::r;a;;fulticje;. "Thifiile of"over'99% 'ij"fuvariatrfoUicles~aH&4;fteir~~oGytesi~a,degenexa.tixe.ijrocess. known as atresia. A study designed to examine the effects of space flight on atresia of antral follicles was performed as well. It appears that space flight during the post-implantation phases of pregnancy does not alter this important ovarian regulatory process. Additionally, space flight, during this period of pregnancy, does not alter the rate of fetal wastage (Burden, HW).


DDW 2008 Solar Space

Space Solves extinction

Extinction inevitable- without space colonies Roger Highfield, Science Editor, The Daily Telegraph, 10/15/01, "Colonies in space may be only hope, says Hawking", THE human race is likely to be wiped out by a doomsday virus before the Millennium is out, unless we set up colonies in space, Prof Stephen Hawking warns today. In an interview with The Telegraph, Prof Hawking, the world's best known cosmologist, savs that biology, rather than physics, presents the biggest challenge to human survival. "Although September 11 was horrible, it didn't threaten the survival of the human race, like nuclear weapons do," said the Cambridge University scientist. "In the long term, I am more worried about biology. Nuclear weapons need large facilities, but genetic engineering can be done in a small lab. You can't regulate every lab in the world. The danger is that either by accident or design, we create a virus that destroys us. "I don't think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I'm an optimist. We will reach out to the stars."

Quote goes here


SpaceAFF Jack Caporal

Leadership 2AC Block

1. Spaced Based Solar Power is key to US leadership
National Space Society, (Non-profit scientific space advocacy organization), 10/10/07 The Aerospace Commission recognized that Global U.S. aerospace leadership can only be achieved through investments in our future, including our industrial base, workforce, long term research and national infrastructure, and that government must commit to increased and sustained investment and must facilitate private investment in our national aerospace sector. The Commission concluded that the nation will have to be a space - faring nation in order to be the global leader in the 21st century-that our freedom, mobility, and quality oClire will depend on it, and tberefore, recommended that the United States boldly pioneer new frontiers in aerospace technology. commerce and exploration. They explicitly recommended hat the United States create a space imperative and that NASA and DoD need to make the investments - 15 - necessary for developing and supporting future launch capabilities to revitalize U.S. space launch infrastructure, as well as provide Incentives to Commercial Space. The report called on government and the investment community must become more sensitive to commercial opportunities and problems in space. Recognizing the new realities of a highly dynamic, competitive and global marketplace, tbe report noted that the federal government is dysfunctional when addressing 21st eeutury issues from a long term, national and global qerspective. It suggested an increase in public funding for long term research and supporting infrastructure and an acceleration of transition of government research to the aerospace sector, recognizing that government must assist industry by providing insight into its long - term research programs, and industry needs to provide to government on its research priorities. It urged the federal government must remove unnecessary barriers to international sales of defense products, and implement other initiatives that strengthen transnational partnerships to enhance national security, noting that U.S. national security and procurement policies represent some of the most burdensome restrictions afiecting U.s. iudnstry competitiveness. Private - pnblic partnerships were also to be encouraged. It also noted that without constant vigilance and investment, vital capabilities in our defeuse industrial base will be lost. and so recommeRded a feReed amOUR' of research and development bndget. and significantly iJicrease in the investme.nt in basic aerospace research to increase opportnllitics to gain expc;rieDce m the workforce by enabling breaktbrough aerospace capabilities through continuous development of new expc;rimental systems with or without a requirement for

2. China's space program threatens the US

Kevin PoUprter, (BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE: CHINA'S PROGRESS IN SPACE TECIINOLOGY DURING THE TENTII 5-YEAR PLAN AND THE U.S. RESPONSE), 5/08 China '8 rise as a space power will present military, economic, and oolitical challenges to the United States. Uncertainty over China's pathway to potentia! waior power status, the possibility of a conflict over Taiwan, and the inherent dnal-use nature ofspace technologies means that China's improving space capabilities could be used agaisst the l!.S. military. China's efforts to develop its space progralll to transform itself into an economically and technologically powerful country may also come at the expense oitT.S.leadership in both absolute and relative terms. China has also been able to use its space program to fnrther its diplomatic objectives and to increase its ipt1ueuce in the developing world and amollg second-tier space powers. China'S increasingly capable spate program wilillave a net negative-snm effect on the United States and requires both domestic and international responses by .tbe tTlih'tdS!:ates;~icaHy;·th~U,£.,GovemmC!!.tand.indlJstrymlllltjmJlrQYJ'!hYh~I!l!()fits~PIlS~ ill~ustry pro~~ll1anagement~ attracting and retaining a competent workforce, and increasing funding to develop cutting edge technologies. Internationally, the United states must take llito accuulltChii1a's growing presence in world affairs, including space activities.


3. Space Programs are key to US dominance

Scott Campbell (Phillips & Company: Phillips &, Company helps leading companies achieve sustainable revenue growth through the creation and execution of strategic business development campaigns.) ,4/9/08 According to NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale, "The Space Economy impacts iust about every aspc;ct of how we live, work. and play, including weatber and climate monitoring and spaee··based secnrity applications that keep ns safe. When we pay for gas at the pl!mp. draw cash from all A TM or enjoy listening to satellite radio, we experience the benefits of the Space Economy." NASA reports that the space economy !!as provided more than 1,500 kinds of technology that have worked themselves into our lives, most notably satellite radio, cell phones, global communication and laser technology. The Space Foundation Space Index published by the Space Foundation, tracks the market performance of 31 public companies with predominantly space-related revenues, Since its inception in 2005, the Space Foundation Space Index has grown by 29 percent and outpaced S&P 500.


~o~ O~
Space Competition Jack Caporal Space discoveries raise soft power

Space Exploration Key to US Softpower

Sh cool '. "' .. DIploma London School of Economics and Political Science Ph.D.

Mark E. Bvrnes, (B.S. Middle Tennessee State University M.A. Vanderbilt U· .', Vanderbilt University, 1991) 2i,_Politics and Space: Image Making by NASA ruversity

t'BASA bas frequently arguea that the space program influences Ame!,ican prestige around the globe.15 A "national space capability w~lp to mail}tain _ our standing in the eyes of the world," according to a representative statement." Conversely, N.ASA bas asserted, a nonexistent or sluggish space effort i_gg.icateswe3kn@ss iYld tamisbes the national reputation. Prestige is..I~lt because it helps shape other nations' opinions of the United States. andlhose "Op@_ons affect AnwRca's ability to attain its internationaLgoals. Because NASA and the space program influence America's success abroad, according to this argument,

DDvV o~

s rQ~{_
is key to leadership

Space exploration

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 34)

[The prestige accrued from leadership in space would brins. the United Jilates many benefits, NASA contended. Glennan testified before Congress that with such leadership, "Tlle Nation will regain the confidence of the entire world. " 72 Thus, n~ns around the world would have increased respect for th!E,_ 1l!}ited §,llttes, aEd uncommi1t~d nations would be more likely tQ ali!i:n tJ.l£mselves with the United States than the Soviet Union. Converselv,if America scaled back its efforts inspace by reducing spending on the Mer~u~~, "The world will conclude that the United States is having second thoughts a~ut facing the Communist challenge.,,/3 Perceptions of American strength can be crucial in relations among n!!_: tions, NASA said. After the agency had conducted several successful Mercury flTgiits, James Webb described part of the payoff of the project: 'The image gf. States ~ in my view, C;2,_nsiderably improved today as a result of have done in ,,74 Webb gave an example of how the nation's international affairs. He asserted that one reason President Kennedy prevailed in the Cuban missile crisis was the perception of the United States as a "cando" nation-an image advanced through the space program generally and the Mercury program specifically. 75 National Strength. NASA officials in the Mercury era frequently proclaimed that America's national strength largely de ended on leading in space, and they vowe to attam t at ea ers ip. ASA Administrator . el t1ennan declared in one of his earliest appearances before Congress that NASA's fundamental mission was "to establish the United States as a leader in space research, development, and eXploration.,,7G Glenna; also announced, . "Glennan's successor, Ja.ri1es Webb, shared a~~?od~. ,,77 that· attitude. He descfib6d

~'VV n()t.a~outt()b~s:ltisfi~d\¥it~.b~ill~~lig~tl~?~~i~d ~.:lre

space.?" Similarly, a NASA publication stressed "the necessity that we retain unquestioned preeminence in all areas of science and technology, including the new arena of space. ,,80 Webb explained that the space program "is vital to the security and wellbeing of the United States.,,81 He wrote in a NASA pamphlet: "Our national defense requi;es thatthe United States make certain that the exploitatiQU of space will be peacefuraiid Qpento all nations, and that hone will ever be teinpted to use it agains1_us.,,82 Webb believedthaTf!ie nation's status in sQ~e affect its securi!y in anotllCr fundamental way:"'My own view is that if ~ dQ not have a position of preemine~1< in §Qace at the bargaining table Of me nations, or inthe minds of the world's Jeaders, the decisions that brip.g peace or warTare not apt to be of our own makin .,,83 However, with leadershi]2 in snace, a pu ication argued, America would be able to "use ~e for whatever purpose the national interest may require.':! ~,34


Space exploration

leads to increased political influence

Molly Maeaulev, W. Bowman Cutter, Daniel F. Burton, Jr., 1211911994, NASA and University of Maryland, What is the value of Space Exploration", http://cmex.ihmc.lls/cmex/datalvse/value.pdf "A gap in economics research to date is that no studies have yet focused on measuring values like national prestige, geopolitical influence. enjoyment," Macauley said. "To overlook these values may be to greatly underestimate" the value of our investments in space. Intangible benefits should be estimable, to some extentperhaps with a new econometric tool, contingent valuation, employing "sophisticated survey ...designed to elicit accurate estimates of individuals' valuations of ...goods for which we don't have market prices."

Space exploration

reflects a nation's power

Asia Times, 1O/30/QL China reaps a moon harvest,

Academy of Astronautics. "Space exploration is a reflection of a country's comprehensive national power and its international prestige. The launch of Chang'e-l is a milestone for China ... it means that we have filled the blanks in our deep space exploration program." The doyen of China's moon program, renowned geologist Ouyang Ziyuan, has been more forthright about the broader political background to the country's space ambitions. "The lunar expedition will increase China's political influence in the world," he said in a statement posted on the Chinese Academy of Science's website.


Space exploration promotes peace on Earth

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University,

1994, Politics and Space:

Image making by NASA. (pg 16)

LAnother way that s ace exploration promotes peace on earth, NASA has claimed, is by giving people confidence t at LICUlt problems can be solved. TEe moon landin~, for example, provided such a Qsychological boost. "Himg attained what had seemed impossible," a NASA brochure stated, "men became instilled with a belief that other apparently unyielding problems could als~ ov me throu h similarly single-minded, dedicated effort. ,,86 According to this argument, humans can use thIS pn e an confidence to tackle such lifethreatening problems as war, povertv oUution and ove uiation.87 NA A has professed that human actiVitY in space contributes to world ha!l11ony by drawing the people ill) earth closer together. Not only do thegcQ:.. on earth identify with the men and women cq.121oringspace, they come to realize that we all share the same fragile planet. A 1988 NASA publication sl.ii'iiii1a"rized the spirit: "We are all human beings. Our lives are intertwined . ...• 1!.r fut1Jrs;... ~S)I1;;;\..,." ...Spa.Q.e~~xplorati.on.. Q i .. . . ..seRse ..@ofbf~llerhood.,,§ll NASA quoted poet Archibald MacLeish's comment that photographs of our planet taken from space vividly show that we are all "riders on the Earth together.v'" In general, NASA has argued that space exploration has the potential to i~rove relations among people on earth. In 1984, NASA Administrator James Beggs presented his sanguine vision of the future:


Continued exploration and development of space holds the promise of a 11 progress, peace and prosperity for all mankind. I believe that promise is un we can preserve the peace and build on the existing foundation of intematio standing and cooperation on earth and in space, we will have the opportunit . . la 00 an endunng world order-a golden age such as history has never lawn.

is at the heart of that beguiling vision]


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JV Qt.!')pru.,<Cooperation in space development spurs peace and mutual understanding

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 36-37)

~ ()_ \.,~

, •••••••

Glennan also observed that cooperation in space might encourage "that ,S2!!!mon understanding and mutual trust that will break the lock ste ..n an Istrust t at IVI es t e world into se arate camps today.,,104 NASA even invited America's chief rival to co a ora e in s ace ex loratioQGiennan reporte at America would "welcome" cooperation from the ~t Union in space.'?' In fact, Glennan said that he was "convincedthat space exploration is o""iie the most fruitful areas for agreement between ourof selves and our principal international competitor." 1 06 NASA's offer to cooperate in space was by no means limited to America's adversaries. The agency indicated during this period that it was eager to work 'with all nations.107As James Webb remarked, "The stance we have beforelIie world is one of invitation to people all over the world to come in and participate in this tremendous eflort.,,19g the agency said that its major endeavol, Project Mercury, "will be an international •··•••••·· ·••·••···••..•••.••.••••••..•....•............•. effort carried out with the coopera~ . tt)9· ••••. .....•.. tion and efforts of many peoples." Moreover, NASA emphasized that it would share the fruits of its efforts. The agency pledged that the information gathered in its programs "will go for the benefit of all mankind."llo A NASA brochure depicted Project Mercury as "part of the NASA program of space research and exploration for peaceful purposes to benefit all mankind." 111The
~ •.••••••. h •••• • .. • •••• ••• •••· •

agency clearly implied that the Soviets did not share this noble attitude. As Glennansaid,J ~ ~-~


in space increases cooperation between the countries

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 15-16)

LA final theme, usually employed under political conditions that differ from the preceding ones, has described how sEace exploration can foster intern~,tional peace and cooperation. Nations can and should peacefully cooI?~e with one another in ~ace e~loration, NASA...l:!as contended, because such cooperation eases tensions among natiOns12 The agency asserted that its own efforts to cooperate in space "have served the cause of international ~ staii]'ing and, ultimately, 01 peace.]?) Un 1964, James :Vebb.not~d the potential for working together: "~.i§ one of the few areas in which It has been possible for the East and West to find areas of common interest which can be cooperatively develoQed." 74 A 1975 NASA publication also descrTbed the health' effects of international space coope~ation: "The mutual confidence and trust develope 111 Jomt space ven"~""'A •••

t~r:~ .. .naE~e sif~cant : not just for what peoples working to&ether m£ ace(5mplISh1TI·IJrblt'b\ltals(Yffomw.hat·~eel'l0&.workHH!.Wgether ..may.achiev,e.Oll .•.... E~"'s Joint sp endeavors encourage _nations to concentrate moreon ... peaceful earthly pursuits. In the words of NASA Administrator James Beg~ iIley "redirect creative human brains from the Qrospects of dealing with armed conflict to the prospects of planning and carrying' out a peaceful, stimulating, and ultimately more valuable" program. )6


.NASA has argued that teamwork in space can help Eateh up differences between friends, such as the coolness between the United §lates ~ during the 1950s and 1960s, as well as reduce hostility between competitors, such as the United States andtllc SOVIet Omon.17 CooQeratIOn m space will not solve all the world's problems, NASA admitted, but it ea!l helE; As James Webb remarked, "The potential of these beginnings, as the first step toward fUnnefco(yperation··inother flClds;is not-to .. e ..overlooked,:'78 1)lA§A~as ~l = b. ways made it clear that it works hard to promote international CO'Ope'rationin WlQ; 1j2qation me from other nations._5?!> "(Cs-t



The European

Space Agency works to promote international

cooperation i"the space field

Unispace III, United Nations, 1999, Space Benefits for Humanity in the Twenty- First Century, Background Paper No. 12 Promotion of international Cooperation

lT~~~ (ESA) ~ e£!!!!EJe of i£~~~ational cooperation in the sp~ fi.elq. The idea being to pool existing resources in Europe to create a viable and dynamic space agency in Europe. ESA was established by an Intergovernmental "COiiVe'ntionsigned-=in' 1975 to provide for and promote, for exclusively I:eacefurpurpos~s, E~ropea; cooperation in space research, space technology and applications. It replaced the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) and the European


So l QV'
Space exploration

Se (J.ct
spurs cooperation

Increases Cooperation
between countries

Molly Macauley, W. Bowman Cutter, Daniel F. Burton, Jr., 1211911994, NASA and University of Maryland, What is the value of Space Exploration?, "There's an increasingly high value to increasing international collaboration" in space as well, for "obvious foreign policy reasons," he added. With the end of the Cold War. we need a new kind of glue ...a new basis on which to work together." If innovation is occurring allover the world and ideas are spreading more rapidly, then the United States can benefit from cooperation to aid the flow of information.

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lowers costs for each participating country

Space cooperation

Mark E. Byrnes, Professor of political science at Middle Tennessee State University, 1994, Politics and Space: Image making by NASA. (pg 16)

In addition to reducing international tensions, NASAcoiIiillCilted, space cooperation can also lower space costs for the participatinR nations." FO'fIiistance, participation in the space shuttle program by Canada aIid some European nations reduced America's fiscal burden. Moreover, c,ooperationbfli1gS the best minds from all over the world to work on the challen in roblen"1s inherent in space exploration. s a resu t, Sat , "International cooperation in space has produced scientific achieveE:lentsof consequence." ~ \ \..

5:> 6\l\.'oJ'

pet l -e_

Space exploration is k~y to soft power and heg
MV arkdcE BI · vUrnes,(B.S. Middle Tennes~ce State University M.A. Vanderbilt University an cr b t mversiry, 1991) 21,_Poltltcs and Space: Image Making by NASA 1 School Diploma London School of Economics and Political Science Ph D ..

in space. In 1964 the agency said, ''Th~,J:!!!.i!ll<!.t£_9!2kf~ljhe lanne.~,spi!££"llighL.Q[Qg!]!~l~ to .!~f1?.Yi~e i!tJ!.SaI.2ahlliJ+.fur-.a.J1.LQ.adJ2!pgram L~.i.iiLQQtiQ.ll... wlliQh ..1YilLaQl:lie:v~..arui,.m.ain1ain J:lJ).Q:ill!Q.ll..Q[ s ip,,37 The next year James Webb vowed that.

Iy 1983,


i{s.~!.f.§.!ed "tQ,1!f1!"t~.Y~!!"£"::!:~~ll11~-sul'r"6-HlaG¥...i:tL.alL..a.u:as.Jlf....s.R~fe." 38
the agency was bragging about its success: "T!lE:r£,~al~he~o~doll?t ..!!!~_Eill~leas1..~I§.hlp :;Jst...llI!5L:m£!1g1:hJE.!lt:<:!.g?'.Q2~1l:lre" space. 39 in . .

1:~L:l\lJ1.S.A.:.$j,lY.aJ.1~.century _QL~ffQ11.has_I2.!~~.E.
US space dominance increases overall US heg

Gabriele Garibaldi (Top member at Taiwan security), 7120/04, While we may not know much about the character of Chinese space policy (with the exception of the declarations of condemnation of any space weaponization plan -but the real intentions of China can be deduced from its will to expel the USA from its own area of infuence). we do know more about China's ····p·rogresslrt·gpnce:Meanwfifle,4teancOO..asserled ... definjtiyelythat the US is deter~~.edt?~~int~i~hy al1rneanspossible (including denving the rest of the world access to Space) their own space leadership. the kev to the ..Fullsp;;-C't'i-umJ)()rmriarice ... ·and·ntefundamental·pl'esnppositian.of.the .. ningiar- ..c,,= •.. u imperialistic "New American Century" .

NASAByrnes. (B.S. Middle Tennessee raises soft power Mark E.

U. it M A Vanderbilt University tate ruversi y .. '. . Vanderbilt University, 1991) 21,_Polities and Space: Image Making by NASA

School Diploma London School of Economics and Political Science Ph.D.

Space is key to soft power, economy, and heg

Mark E. Byrnes. (B.S. Middle Tennessee State University M.A. Vanderbilt University Vanderbilt University, 1991) 94. Politics and Space: Image Making by NASA School Diploma London School of Economics and Political Science Ph.D.


CONTENTION THREE IS ENERGY EFFECTIVE MARKETS SBSP IS THE ONLY WAY TO SOLVE ENERGY PROBLEMS WHILE CREATING (Jeff Foust, Monday, August 13, 2007 , "A renaissance for space solar power?",!artic1e/931/1)

For nearly four decades, one concept has tantalized space professionals and enthusiasts alike: space solar power. The ability to collect solar power in space, continuously and in effectively limitless quantities, and then transmit that energy back to Earth, could radically reshape not only the space industry but also society in general. That dean (or, in the current vernacular, carbon neutral) energy would, advocates claim, help meet the growing energy needs of an increasingly developed world without relying on sources that degrade the environment and/or come from politically unstable regions of the globe. That demand for energy, in turn, would create tremendous demand for launch and other space services, driving down costs that would, in turn, open other markets. SBSP IS CRUCIAL TO PREVENTING NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION AND SOLVING FOSSIL FUEL DEPENDENCE (~ational ~ecurity ~pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business ....... ·······"········"expcrts·arGuoothc··werlti;cQcteber .• 4.l,"2001:,..::Sp.ace..Based.SolaL.P.Q~~.r.. .~f\ILQpP2n~Pi~~!2E§!:~.~~.s.i.: S~:~r,ity :... ep.~rt .t~ 1 ~ ~ the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www .nss. org! settlementlsspllibrary lfinal-sbsp- interim-assessment -rerease~m:PQf)""""'" FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that in the long run, SBSP offers a viable and attractive route to decrease mankind's reliance on fossil fnels, as well as provides a potential glopal alternative to wider proliferation of nuclear materials that will almost certainly unfold if many more countries in the world transition to nuclear power with enrichment in an effort to meet their energy needs with carbon neutral sources. To the extent mankind's electricity is produced by fossil fuel sources, SBSP offers a capability over time to reduce the rate at which humanity consumes the planet's finite fossil hvdrocarbon resources. While presently hard to store, electricity is easy to transport, and is highly efficient in conversion to both mechanical and thermal energy. Except for the aviation transportation infrastructure, virtually all of America's energy could eventually be delivered and consumed as electricity. Even in ground transportation, a movement toward plug-in hybrids would allow a substantial amount of traditional ground transportation to be powered by SBSP electricity. For those applications that favor or rely upon liquid hydrocarbon fuels, America's national labs are ptlrsuingsevera1pr.omising .. venues .. f.xesea[Qh lo . mf\!!llJilc:tllrec:ar~2Il=nelltralsy~t~eti(;f~els( s~~.fuels) from direct sol ar a o thermal energy or radiated/electrical SBSP. The lab initiatives are devel()ping technologies to eIl1eietltly split encT'g'Fncntral feedstocks or u grade lower- grade fuels (such as biofuels) into higher energy density liquid hydrocarbons. Put plainly, SBSP . .. . combined to manufacture any desired hydrocarbon fuel, including gasoline, diesel, kerosene and jet fuel. This technology is still in its infancy, and significant investment will be required to bring this technology to a high level of technical readiness and meet economic and efficiency goals. This technology enables a carbon-neutral (closed carbon-cycle) hydrocarbon economy driven by clean renewable sources of power, which can utilize the existing global fuel infrastructure without modification. This opportunity is of particular interest to traditional oil companies. The ability to use renewable energy to serve as the energy feedstock for existing fuels, in a carbon neutral cycle, is a "total game changer" that deserves significant attention. Both fossil and fissile sources offer significant capabilities to our energy mix, but dependence on the exact mix must be carefully managed. Likewise, the mix abroad may affect domestic security. While increased use of nuclear power is not of particular concern in nations that enjoy the rule of law and have functioning internal security mechanisms, it may be of greater concern in unstable areas of rouge states. The United States might consider the security challenges of wide proliferation of enrichment-based nuclear power abroad undesirable. If so, having a viable alternative that fills a comparable niche might be attractive. Overall, SBSP offers a hopeful path toward reduced fossil and fissile fuel dependence.



PROLIFERATION CAUSES GLOBAL NUCLEAR WAR (Alan Robock, 17 March 2008, "Time to Bury a Dangerous Legacy - Part II") The US and Russia are signatories to the Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty, which commits both to a reduction of deployed nuclear weapons by the end of 2012 - to about 1700 to 2200 weapons. This continuing reduction of nuclear weapons is to be commended, but these new results show that even much more modest nuclear arsenals leave the possibility of a nuclear environmental catastrophe. Having survived the threat of global nuclear war between the superpowers so far, the world is increasingly threatened by the prospects of regional nuclear war. The conseguences of regional-scale nuclear conflicts are unexpectedly large, with the potential to become global catastrophes. The combination of nuclear proliferation, political instability and urban demographics may constitute one of the greatest dangers to the stability of society since the dawn of humans. Nuclear weapons cannot be used. Only abolition of nuclear weapons will prevent this potential catastrophe.

FOSSIL FUEL DEPENDENCE CAUSES MULTIPLE SCENARIOS FOR EXTINCTION (Bill Henderson, February 24,2007, "Climate Change, Peak Oil And Nuclear War", ",l)atUQcl1j,t>~,h~i;l,Qn~,life,!hr~~!~Tli,!:18.~\\I~~d ... ~~~.~i~~~~athread over his head. We have three: The awakening public now know that clim~t~~h~nge is reafaii3Jiumaiidiusetttrmstm'grosslytintiertlStimate,the ..set:im,lSness.ofthe dan&et:', increasing probability of extinction, and how close and insidious this danger is - runaway climate ch~rige;'the threshold of which, with carbon cycle time lags, we are close to if not upon. A steep spike in the price of oil, precipitated perhaps by an attack on Iran or Middle East instability spreading the insurgency to Saudi Arabia, could lead to an economic dislocation paralyzing the global economy. Such a shock coming at the end of cheap oil but before major development of alternative energy economies could mean the end of civilization as we know it. And there is a building new cold war with still potent nuclear power Russia and China reacting to a belligerent. unilateralist America on record that it will use military power to secure vital resources and to not allow any other country to threaten it's world dominance. The world is closer to a final, nuclear, world war than at any time since the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 with a beginning arms race and tactical confrontation over weapons in space and even serious talk of pre-emptive nuclear attack. These three immediate threats to humanity, to each of us now but also to future generations, are inter-related, interact upon each other, and complicate any possible approach to individual solution. The fossil fuel energy path has taken lIS to.a w:a.y()!lif~ that is killing us and may lead to extinction for humanity and much of what we now recognize as nature.


SBSP'S ABILITY TO SOLVE ENERGY SECURITY PREVENTS PEAK OIL SHOCKS, FAILED STATES, AND GREAT POWER CONFLICTS iliational ~ecurity ~pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10, 2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", -release-O 1.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that SBSP offers a long-term route to alleviate the security challenges of energy scarcity, and a hopeful path to avert possible wars and conflicts. If traditional fossil fuel production of peaks sometime this century as the Department of Energy's own Energy Information Agency has predicted, a first order effect would be some type of energy scarcity. If alternatives do not come on-line fast enough, then prices and resource tensions will increase with a negative effect on the global economy, possibly even pricing some nations out of the competition for minimum requirements. This could increase the potential for failed states, particularly among the less developed and poor nations. It could also increase the chances for great power conflict. To the extent SBSP is successful in tapping an energy source with tremendous growth potential, it offers an "alternative in the third dimension" to lessen the chance of such conflicts.


(Jeff Foust, Monday, August 13,2007 , "A renaissance for space solar power'!", ) Those disputes have remained largely academic, though, since there has been little support for research in the field: after the original studies by NASA and the Department of Energy (DOE) ended in the late 1970s, the only concerted effort, other than some isolated studies in Europe and Japan, was NASA's "Fresh Look" studies in the late 1990s in cooperation with the National Science Foundation (NSF). Space solar power has withered on the vine since then, but a confluence of events has provided proponents with a new opportunity to reinvigorate the subject. It's easy to see why people are willing to give space solar power another look. High oil prices, worries about the political stability of places like the Middle East that are key sources of energy, and heightened concerns about climate change have created a mad scramble in the last several years for alternative energy, from wind and terrestrial solar to biofuels like E85 ethanol. John Mankins, who managed the last major NASA space solar power study, the "Fresh Look" study in the late 1990s, said during a Marshall Institute forum on space solar power in Washington last week that there was little interest at the time because oil was $15 a barrel; now it's about five limes as expensive.

(National S,ecurity S,pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www Lpdf) Every energy resource opportunity, including those from space, mnst be fully explored to determine its ability to contribute toward solving mankind's looming energy supplv and security dilemma. A single kilometer-wide band of geosynchronous earth orbit experiences enough solar flux in one year (approximately 212 terawatt-years) to nearly equal the amount of energy contained within all known recoverable conventional oil reserves on Earth today (approximately 250 TW-yrs). The enormous potential of this resource demands an examination of mankind's ability to successfully capture and utilize this energy within the context of today's technology, economic, and policy realities, as well as the expected environment within the next 25 vears. Study of space-based solar power (SBSP) indicates that there is enormous potential for energy security, economic development, advancement of general space faring, improved environmental stewardship, and overall national security for those nations who construct and possess such a capability.


DOW 2008

'AN M\llER
SOLAR SPACE SATELLITES KEY TO ENERGY (National ~ecurity ~pace Qfflce, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www .nss .orglsettlementlsspllibrary/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-OI.pdf) FINDING: The SBSP Study Group found that by providing access to an inexhaustible strategic reservoir of renewable energy, SBSP offers an attractive route to increased energy security and assurance. The reservoir of Space-Based Solar Power is almost unimaginablv vast, with room for growth far past the foreseeable needs of the entire human civilization for the next century and beyond. In the vicinity of Earth, each and every hour there are 1.366 gigawatts of solar energy continuously pouring through every square kilometer of space. If one were to stretch that around the circumference of geostationary orbit, that 1 km-wide ring receives over 210 terawatt-years of power annually. The amount of energy coursing through that one thin band of space in just one year is roughly equivalent to the energy contained in ALL known recoverable oil reserves on Earth (approximately 250 terawatt years), and far exceeds the projected 30TW of annual demand in mid century. The energy output of the fusion-powered Sun is billions of times beyond that, and it will last for billions of yearsorders of magnitude beyond all other known sources combined. Space-Based Solar Power taps directly into the largest known energy resource in the solar system. This is not to minimize the difficulties and practicalities of economically developing and utilizing this resource or the tremendous time and effort it would take to do so. Nevertheless, it is important to realize that there is a tremendous reservoir of energy-clean, renewable energy-available to the human ~'Cciviti:ta.tionU:'it~anc.dey;cl(lp the means to effectively capture it.
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SBSP IS CRUCIAL TO SOLVE ENERGY CONFLICTS AND ENSURE ECONOMIC GROWTH Crs,ational§.ecurity §.pace Office, Report compiled by more than J 70 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www Consistent with the US National Security Strategy, energy and environmental security are not just problems for America, they are critical problems for the entire world. Expanding human populations and declining natural resources are potential sources of strategic and local conflict in the first half of the 21st Century. Conflict prevention is of particular interest to security-providing institutions such as the U.S. Department of Defense. Equitable access to sufficient quantities of clean, reliable, and affordable energy fundamentally enables the technical and policy solutions that can prevent future resource conflicts while still providing opportunities for prosperous growth.

DOW 2008

SBSP IS CRUCIAL TO SHIFTING AWAY FROM FOSSIL FUELS (William Atkins, Thursday, 12 April 2007, "Space Solar Power from satellites could generate power from Sun", Such a SSP system would use photovoltaics (PV) to convert energy from the Sun. PV technology consists of solar cells to convert solar energy into electricity. Then, energy collected from the Sun would he transmitted to the Earth with the use of microwave technology. Microwaves are electromagnetic waves with wavelengths in the range between 30 centimeters and one millimeter. The use of microwaves is commonly found in kitchen microwave ovens. The use of the Sun to generate electricity has been used for years to operate satellites, especially those that travel far from the Sun. Unlike, such uses, SSP systems could eventually be used on a global basis in order to reduce, or maybe even eliminate, the dependence on fossil fuels.


SBSP WILL SOLVE ENERGY STABILITY WITHOUT ANY NEGATIVES (National ~ecurity ~pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", nal-sbsp- interim-assessment-release-O 1.pdf) While the US may be able to afford increased energy prices, the very availability and stability of energy is a threat to other countries' internal stability and ability for development. SBSP offers a way to bypass much terrestrial electrical distribution infrastructure investment and to pnrchase energy from a reliable source at receiver stations that can be built by available domestic labor pools without significant adverse environmental effects, including greenhouse gas emissions.



SOLAR SPACE POWER PROVIDES CHEAP EFFECTIVE POWER (Dan Cho, October 11, 2007, "Pentagon backs plan to beam solar power from space", news service)

Space-based solar power would use kilometre-sized solar panel arrays to gather sunlight in orbit. It would then beam power down to Earth in the form of microwaves or a laser, which would be collected in antennas on the ground and then converted to electricity. Unlike solar panels based on the ground, solar power satellites placed in geostationary orbit above the Earth could operate at night and during doudy conditions. "We think we can be a catalyst to make this technology advance," said US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel Paul Damphousse of the NSSO at a press conference yesterday in Washington, DC, US. The NSSO report (pdf) recommends that the US government spend $10 billion over the next 10 years to build a test satellite capable of beaming 10 megawatts of electric power down to Earth. Abundant energy source At the same press conference, over a dozen space advocacy groups announced a new alliance to promote space solar power - the Space Solar Alliance for Future Energy. These supporters of space-based solar powersay the technology has the potential to provide more energy than fossil fuels, wind and nuclear power combined. The NSSO report says that solarpower-generating satellites could also solve supply problems in distant places such as Iraq, where fuel is currently trucked along in dangerous convoys and the cost of electricity for some bases can exceed $1 per kilowatt-hour - about 10 times what it costs in the US. The report also touts the technology's potential to provide a clean, abundant energy source and reduce global competition for oil. Space-based solar power was first proposed in 1968 by Peter Glaser, an engineer at the consulting firm Arthur D. Little. Early designs involved solar panel arrays of 50 square kilometres, required hundreds of astronauts in space to build and were estimated to cost as much as $1 trillion, says John Mankins, a former ,.£ItA~.,eU;,ar§:~1;J:l~!!B::g>l!:i:1II£Lf!£!IX.~?.EnIr~~·~~'Sl)~~!~I solar .... so.~f Economically unfeasible After conducting preliminary research, the US as ec;)il()mrcany"uliJeasiT5l{rlrl'ffie"r9~rOS::'s rnt;e·lttra:t'tim<~;·say~5~4attlcins~E!!~~~4!! .."' photovoltaics, electronics and robotics will bring the size and cost down to a fraction of the original schemes, and eliminate the need for humans to assemble the equipment in space. Several technical challenges remain to be overcome, including the development of lower-cost space launches. A satellite capable of supplying the same amount of electric power as a modern fossil-fuel plant would have a mass of about 3000 tonnes - more than 10 times that of the International Space Station. Sending that material into orbit would require more than a hundred rocket launches. The US currently launches fewer than 15 rockets each year. In spite of these challenges, the NSSO and its supporters say that no fundamental scientific breakthroughs are necessary to proceed with the idea and that space-based solar power will be practical in the next few decades.



Solar Space

Page 2 More than .two. deca~~~_~gOL!llt!.~Qlar.PQ'rY!;!I __ l1J~m!~.{~.E'~2l"~.s.J'E()I?()~~das S a majol'OPlioirror·tliifcontin uolljg~ner.ati.Qn..Qfele.Qtri~iIY meet future global energy to dernands:Tfie-sps-·concept:cnvisions using the nearl~constant avallabiIity of sunlight in·sp~aceto .generare1Jaseroao···~Ie·CtnC1tyon Earth.- Sateliitc·s·orbltluglu··gc·osynchronous orbiC(GEO) would colie~t-·sorar energy and- beam!t to Earth (using either microwa ve or laser trarwnission) where itwouldbe directly-an-Zrefflcierii1ycon;erteK' t2~~leilii£Ity~FTg~-;rshows·llie··SPS·conKgurailon The SPS has been assessed and analyzed and its technical, economic, and societal issues have been debated. Today the SPS is no longer relegated to the pages of science fiction'magazines. Efforts toaevelop~-range techi1Oiogies-applicable-tothe'SPSa[e Un(ferwaYlIi···EU·roPe;Japan~ffielJSA:·~n?·the~rormer·U~SKlheobject!veo[·· this book··l;;"top·rovlae-aninstgtrrintoTne past,1lresenf;-iiridTuTure of the SPS as a potential global energy option. The concept is described in detail in Chapter 1. Included in this chapter is a discussion of the in-depth, multi-year, multi-million dollar US of Energy and the



National Aeronautics and Space renewable energy option has been scrutinized so rigorously from the technical, economic, and societal aspects. The study concluded that there were no major constraints to the development of the SPS, which was determined to be a promising energy source. Chapter 2 provides essays on the need for energy for advancing planet Earth civilization. Chapter 3 discusses the international interest in the SPS, an interest that is vital if the SPS is to be realized because it must and will be a truly international development effort. Chapter 4 describes the Earth and space-based infrastructure considerations that will affect SPS implementation. Finally, Chapter 5 presents staged scenario for SPS development. \

Quote goes here

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John Gartner. staff writer for Wired, 6-22-04,, Energy Solution


NASA Spaces on

Brandhorst said satellites in geosynchronous orbits -- and always in sunlight -- could continuously collect solar radiation and safely beam the energy to Earth as microwaves or through lasers. He said the satellites could be repositioned to deliver energy to receiving stations in mUltiple locations. Because there is energy loss during the process of beaming the energy to Earth and converting it back to "k"e1eC'tITtitY~'itktl1akynQLheJnQI~ ..SOst~s~~~~~;et~an placing solar panels in places with ample sunlight. However, Brandhorst said!..~ , satellites would be most benefi~Taf In pr()viO:ift['energyto.placeslhat aren~t easily accessible, do not receive extensive sunlight or do not have sufficient energy-distribution infrastructure. ... ,.'......,.. . .•.•...••.
;:... "(:.;,::.-,,,;~;~,: > ..


Access to energy resources greatly Improvetliesfaridard of liVIng !<-arlA. ~aymon et aI, Power ~echnology Division of NASA and PHD, 1993, Solar Satellite Power: The Emerging technology, introduction, Power Technologies and the Space Future, edited by Peter E. Glaser et all, PHD. Columbia in Mechanical engineering and Project Manager for Apollo 11, pg 239 c

.. .. in place' per inhibitant and use more energy on a per ?aSIS than do less dev~lo~ed societies. Data from the United Nations Energy tICS Handbook for 1985 indicate that survival level primitive societies subsist on levels ~f a~proximately 200-300 W per inhabitant [3]. The more self-sufficient require I~ ~he or~~r o.f 1-2 kW per inhabitant, while the highly-developed SOCIetIes utilize ~n the order .of 2-10 kW per inhabitant. Each step to repre~ent an approximate lO-fold Increase in power usage in order to move to the next higher level of social development (see Fig. 3). "\

Solar Power Collecting solar power in space and beaming it back to Earth is a relativelv ncar-term possibility that could solve strategic and tactical security problems for the U.S. and its deployed forccs, the Pentagon's National Security Space Office (NSSO) says in a report issued Oct. 10. As a clean source of energy that would be independent of foreign supplies in the strife-torn Middle East and elsewhere, space solar power (SSP) could ease America's longstanding strategic energy vulnerability, according to the "interim assessment" released at a press conference and on the Web site And the U.S. military could meet tactical energy needs for forward-deployed forces with a demonstration system, eliminating the need for a long logistical tail to deliver fuel for terrestrial generators while reducing risk for eventual large-scale commercial development of the technology, the report says.


(National §ecurity §pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", -release-OLpdf) Finding: The SBSP Study Group found that one immediate application of space based solar power would be to broadcast power directly to energy deprived areas and to persons performing disaster relief, nation building, and other humanitarian missions often associated with the United Nations and related non governmental organizations. _,_.., ';':~'W+'-"'~-';"'~"'=~'~"-""

SOLAR SPACE POWER IS CRUCIAL FOR SUSTAINABLE HUMANITARIAN ASSISTANCE AND ENERGY CONFLICT PREVENTION (~ational ~ecurity fuJace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www 1.pdf)

For the DoD specifically, beamed energy from spacein quantities greater than 5 MWe has the potential to be a disruptive game changer on the battlefield. SBSP and its enabling wireless power transmission technology could facilitate extremely flexible "energy on demand" for combat units and installations across an entire theater, while significantly reducing dependence on vulnerable over-land fuel deliveries. SBSP could also enable entirely new force structures and capabilities such as ultra long-endurance airborne or terrestrial surveillance or combat systems to include the individual soldier himself. More routinely, SBSP could provide the ability to deliver rapid and sustainable humanitarian energy to a disaster area or to a local population undergoing nation-building activities. SBSP could also facilitate base "islanding" such that each installation has the ability to operate independent of vulnerable ground-based energy delivery infrastructures. In addition to helping American and allied defense establishments remain relevant over the entire 21st Century through more secure supply lines, perhaps the greatest military benefit of SBSP is to lessen the chances of conflict due to energy scarcity by providing access to a strategically secure energy supply.

DDW-2008 Space AFF Jack Caporal

Saving Lives fhjO-O

New NASA missions create new lifesavers for American's
0 f the Press Secretary, 1I14/.!M.,_http://www. 1120040 I 14-1.html Space Technology Affects the Lives or Every American More than 1,300 NASA and other U.s. space technologies have contributed to ll.S. industry. improving our quality oflirt and helping save lives. Image processing used in CAT Scanners and MRI technology in hospitals worldwide came from technology developed to compnter-enhaneed pictures oHllt: Moon for the AIlj!1I0 programs. Kidney dialysis machines were developed as a result ofa ~ASA-developed chemical process, and insulin pumps were based on technology used on the Mars Viking spacecraft. Programmable Heart Pacemakers were first developed in the 19708 nsing NASA satellite electrical systems. Fetal heart monitors were developed from technology originally used to measure airflow over aircraft wings. Surgical probes used to treat brain tumors in children resulted from special lighting technology developed for plant growth experiments on Space Shuttle missions. infrared hand-held cameras used to observe blazing plumes from the Shuttle have helped firefighters point out hot spots in brush fires. Satellite communications allow news organizations to provide live, on-the-spot broadcasting from anywhere in the world; families and businesses to stay in touch using cell phone networks; and the simple pleasures of satellite TV and radio, and the convenience of A TMs across the country and around the world.

Space programs involving satellites save lives

Ian Pearson (member of parliament}, 10/4/07, Satellites are now revolutionising how we understand onr climate and the way that it is changing. It's wide ranging -frorn monitoring changes in polar ice cover to the understanding of the chemistry of our atmosphere. This has fed into the work (lithe inter-Governmental panel on Climate Change and the authoritative assessment reports that were produced this year. Satellite technology will continue to help improve our scientific base alld understandipg and it will be §cience and technologists who come up with some of the soilitions that will be necessary if we are going to avoid dangerous climate change in this century, In a world where some 75 per cent of all disasters are weather related, that ability to forecast is vitaLly important. OUf capability has been transformed by satellite observations and the long-term data sets they generate, and it is important that this work continues.

DOW 2008



A PROOF OF CONCEPT PROJECT CATALYZES DEVELOPMENT (National §ecurity §pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", http://www .nss.orglsettlementlssp/library/final-sbsp-interim-assessment-release-O l.pdf) The SBSP Study Group concluded that while significant technical challenges remain, Space- Based Solar Power is more technically executable than ever before and current technological vectors promise to further improve its viability. A government-led proof-of-concept demonstration could serve to catalyze commercial sector development. A PROOF OF CONCEPT PROJECT MUST START NOW (National §ecurity §pace Office, Report compiled by more than 170 academic, scientific, technical, legal, and business experts around the world, October 10,2007, "Space Based Solar Power As an Opportunity for Strategic Security, Report to the Director, Interim Assessment", -release-O 1. pdf) The positive indicators observed to surround SBSP by this review team suggest that it would be in the US "ljovernmeiit~san(rthenafion'sinll!'tl~'Sttu"S"pmrsor'n1t"immediate"pro()f~6f..eoRc~pt~onst~atiGn.p,t:Qiect~da",,,, formally fURded, follow-on architecture study conducted in full collaboration with industry and willing international partners. The purpose of a follow-on study will be to definitively rather than speculatively answer the question of whether all of the barriers to SBSP development can be retired within the next four decades and to create an actionable business case and construction effort r~admap that will lead to the installation of utility-grade SBSP electric power plants. Considering the developmeRt timescales that are involved, and the exponential growth of populatioR aRd resource pressures within that same strategic period, it is imperative that this work for "drilling up" vs. drilling down for energy security begins immediately. DEMONSTRATION SATELLITE CHEAP AND PROVES BEAMING (Jeff Foust, Monday, August 13,2007 , "A renaissance for space solar power?", )




Solar Space

A 10 billion dollars investment would catalyze the technology industry New scientist News service, October 11 2007, Pentagon backs plan to beam solar power from space,!artic1e/dn 12774 A futuristic scheme to collect solar energy on satellites and beam it to Earth has gained a large supporter in the US military. A report released yesterday by tl:Jc-National,Security Space Q,ffi~e"L~CQ~nds t~at the USgovernm~ntsp~nsor £rojects t() dem()nstrate solarQower-gener~n~ile~~~e~~in~~y~~~~~~~~----- ----.-Space-=based solar power would use kilometre-sized solar panel arrays to gather sunlight in orbit. beam power down to Earth in the form of microwaves or a laser, which would be collected in antennas on the ground and then converted to electricity. Unlike solar panels based on the ground, solar power satellites placed in geostationary orbit above the Earth could operate at night and during cloudy conditions. "We think we can be a catalyst to make this technology advance," said US Marine Corps lieutenant colonel Paul Damphousse of the NSSO at a press conference yesterday in Washington, DC, US. The NSSO report (pdt) recommends that the US government spend $10 billion over the next 10 years to build a test satellite capable of beaming 10 megawatts of electric power down to Earth.


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