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Note to Teachers

Theophilus North, published in 1973, was the last major work of Thornton Wilder (a number of one-act plays have
been published posthumously). He said himself, "Not bad at seventy-five, wot?" The book is not autobiographical,
although the character of Theophilus shares many similarities with Wilder. To write it he returned to episodes from his
young manhood for material, serving in the Coast Guard in Newport, Rhode Island, graduating from Yale University,
teaching at the prestigious Lawrenceville School in New Jersey. Theophilus North comes to Newport with all of these
experiences and proceeds to set to rights the lives of the people of Newport. But the book is shaped by a lifetime of
learning and writing, and the point of view of the young North is always balanced against the wisdom of the narrator
who looks back affectionately on the brash confidence of his alter ego.

Despite its lengthy stay on the best-seller list, Theophilus North has not much in common with major works by
American authors published in the 1970s, many of which reflect the social divisions of the Vietnam war and the
radicalization of some elements in American society. For example, the Pulitzer Prize for fiction for 1972 was won by
Wallace Stegner's outstanding novel Angle of Repose, which, like Theophilus North, involves a kind of historical
investigation. But in Stegner's novel the narrator, an amputee whose wife has deserted him, is researching the deeply
flawed marriage of his grandparents. A parallel theme to the emotional destruction is the ecological damage done to
the American west by the pioneers. Both the past and the present are grim, although not hopeless, stories of the tragic
effects of American ambition and idealism. Wilder and Stegner's lives and creative careers overlap significantly
(Stegner, 1909-1993, Wilder 1897-1975) but their novels could not be more different. Despite North's clear-eyed
analysis of the emotional and intellectual blindness that traps so many of his students and acquaintances in Newport,
particularly among the wealthy, the book's tone is comical and North (and Wilder) judge human weakness tolerantly.
But Wilder had differed from other American writers of comparable stature all his life.

Wilder said in his later life, "I guess I was the only one of my generation of writers who did not 'go to Paris.'" In other
words, while the avant-garde of American fiction, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Faulkner, Dos Passos, and Djuna Barnes,
among many others, were seeking new forms of experience and art in the cafes and bars of Paris, Wilder spent a year
in Rome at the American Academy studying archeology. This is not to say that Wilder was uninfluenced by the artistic
movements that came to be known as "modernism"; in the 1930s he became close friends with Gertrude Stein, one of
the leading intellectual lights of the expatriates in Paris, and Wilder's drama in particular is among the most formally
daring in the American repertory.

The year in Rome had a profound effect on Wilder nonetheless. North mentions early in the novel his admiration for
Heinrich Schliemann, whose excavations of Troy demonstrated the historic existence of Homer's fabled city. Almost as
important as Schliemann's discovery was his life story. He was a poor boy who became a successful businessman and
then an amateur archeologist purely because of his childhood love for the Iliad. Hence anyone could study the past and
learn its lessons. Wilder's own brief participation in archeological digs helped create Wilder's serene view of the
passage of time and mortality. Subsequently the importance of each life remained perpetually in relief against the
background of history. History itself was complex, with different historical epochs overlying each other. Individuals
had to be understood through historical epochs, but human nature remained a constant, however differently expressed
through the political structures or fashions of a particular time. And every man could be his own archeologist.
Theophilus repeatedly recurs to his own archeological schema for Newport, the "nine cities of Newport." Some exist
simultaneously and some are historical, but in all of them individuals express (or expressed) themselves within the
social sturctures available while suffering and enjoying like humans at every other time.

Theophilus North is also a compliment and tribute to its dedicatee, Robert Maynard Hutchins (1899-1977). Hutchins
was a friend of Wilder at Oberlin College and Yale. He served in the U. S. Army Ambulance Corps in Italy and was
decorated for bravery under fire. He received his law degree from Yale in 1925 and was named dean of the Yale Law
School in 1928. Not yet thirty, he became president of the University of Chicago in 1929, where, in 1930, he was
joined by Wilder who taught in the English department for six years. Hutchins was a man of immense energy and self-
confidence (and exceptionally charming and good-looking). He brought to Chicago his friend Mortimer Adler and
with him established a great books program over the objections of many of the faculty.
Hutchins believed that education should be both interdisciplinary and grounded in the major works of western
philosophy. First, too narrow a focus on a particular field would make it difficult for a student to see how academic
disciplines informed each other. A lawyer or a philosopher could learn from a sociologist or a historian and vice versa.
Also, narrow specializations made narrow minds. All students should be deeply grounded in the most important texts
of western civilization both to understand themselves through the millennia-long discussion of what constituted a
"good life" or "a life worth living" and to be able to participate effectively and wisely in American democracy.
Hutchins would go on to be the editor of the Encylopaedia Britannica and to stand courageously for academic freedom
during the McCarthy era of the 1950s.

Hutchins' ideas are recognizable throughout Theophilus North. North himself is intellectually omnivorous: he studies
everything that falls in his way: architecture, music, philosophy, and people of many social levels. He moves easily in
the world of a yellow journalist or a distinguished diplomat, can converse with an autodidact or European aristocrat.
He mentions that among his ambitions he had wanted to be a picaro (el pícaro), the scamp of European literature
whose archetype is Odysseus, part hero and part con man. His wide interests make it impossible for others to typecast
him into a particular role, whether insurance investigator, Yale man, or servant. Nevertheless, certain central authors of
the Western Canon hang above North's experiences, helping him and others to make sense of their own lives: Dante,
Swift, Cervantes, Goethe and Berkeley are only a few of the many authors mentioned in the book. At the same time
North's sympathy with American authors such as Longfellow and Thoreau firmly ground him in the American
experience. And finally Theophilus North is a kunstleroman, a novel about the development of an artist. North helps
those he can at least as much for the new experiences as for any moral reason. Then he writes "characters" of the
people he has met, and the details of the escapade in his journal. Thus he develops the tools of a writer: acute
perceptions, a capacious memory, and the ability to work hard at his writing. At the end of the novel the car mechanic
who has read the work that North has left carelessly in his old jalopy points him in the direction of his ultimate career,
one for which he has been prepared by his adventurous summer.

Some critics have claimed that Wilder's works are sentimental. Wilder, of course, rejected this notion. In his journal on
February 3, 1940, Wilder wrote, "A sentimentalist (and the pessimist is here included as identical) is one whose desire
that things be happy (or sad) exceeds his desire (and suppressed knowledge) that things be truthful; he demands that he
be lied to." Theophilus North is fiction, but it is true to Wilder's vision of America; a place where people can recreate
themselves in numbers of lives. In such a country, life is tragic only if you allow it to be.

Questions for Class Discussion

1. Theophilus says to Mr. Dexter, "if we shrink from platitudes, platitudes will shrink from us." What does that
mean? Why does North immediately bring up the poems of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and say he never
sneers at them?

2. "Theophilus" means "lover of God," but North doesn't seem to be a very religious man and prefers to be called
"Ted." Why does Wilder name the character Theophilus? What are the character's religious beliefs?

3. North thinks he is a servant. Henry tells him he is not. What is the difference between their definitions? What
does that say about the social structure of Newport?

4. Bill tells North that Newport is an aging city. Why? Who no longer goes there? How does this affect the lives of
the people who still go there? What differences are there between the lives of young men and women of family
in the 1920s?
5. Mr. Bell is an arrogant and obnoxious snob. Why does North help him anyway? Who is it that North actually
helps in the Diana Bell episode?

6. How does North break up Hilary and Diana? How does he know what will be effective?

7. North is a Yale Man. While he does not tend to place too much importance on this fact, others in the novel do.
Why does his graduating from Yale matter? What is it supposed to say about him?

Topics for Research and Writing Projects

1. One of the recurring motifs in Theophilus North is the comparison of the city to Troy. Read Schliemann's The
City and Country of the Trojans (which includes an autobiographical account of the author). Why does North
think of himself as an archeologist even though he is not involved in a dig? What does an archeologist try to
find out? What are his or her methods? What areas of inquiry concern the archeologist?

2. Theophilus North takes place during the Prohibition Era, yet nobody ever seems to have trouble locating a drink.
What were the regulations about alcohol during Prohibition? How did people evade restrictions? What were the
social effects of prohibition? How are these effects reflected in the novel?

3. The Great Gatsby was published in 1925—one year before the supposed action of Theophilus North—and is
perhaps the most famous American novel about the 1920s, which are sometimes called The Jazz Age. What do
Jay Gatsby and Theophilus North have in common? How do they differ? How do Wilder's and Fitzgerald's
visions of American life contrast with each other?

4. Eloise is described by North as a Shakespearian heroine. But her name also recalls one of the most famous (and
tragic) love affairs of the medieval period: Eloise and Abelard. Why does Wilder name this character Eloise?
How does knowledge of the story of Eloise and Abelard change our understanding of this section of the novel?

5. North reads Jane Austen's Emma to Myra—until she stops him and says she can finish the novel herself. The
same thing happens with Jane Eyre, The House of the Seven Gables, and David Copperfield. 19th-century
novels tend to place explicit importance on initial chapters, using them to introduce themes and motifs that will
recur throughout the work. Read the opening chapters of these four novels. How do they illuminate Myra's

6. Alice is an avatar of Penelope, from Homer's The Odyssey. How are they similar? What are their qualities and
how are they trapped by social roles? What is the relationship between the domestic sphere and the military life?
How has Wilder reimagined the wife of the warrior/sailor? A recurring claim in the story is that men are
fortunate when they meet "wise women." Is Alice a further expression of other "wise women" in the story?

7. Theophilus is something of a faith healer. How does the medical profession explain faith healing? How has faith
healing been used in American religious life? How is it represented in American literature? What is the role of
faith healing in this novel?
Suggestions for Further Reading

Gilbert A. Harrison, The Enthusiast: A Life of Thornton Wilder (New York: Fromm International Publishing
Company, 1986).


Jackson R. Breyer, ed., Conversations with Thornton Wilder (Jackson and London: University Press of
Mississippi, 1992).

Letters and Journals:

The Journals of Thornton Wilder 1939-1961, selected and edited by Donald Gallup (New Haven and London:
Yale University Press, 1985).

Edward M. Burns and Ulla E. Dydo with William Rice, eds., The Letters of Gertrude Stein and Thornton Wilder
(New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996).

Edward Burns with Josh A. Gaylord, eds., A Tour of the Darkling Plain: The "Finnegans Wake" Letters of
Thornton Wilder and Adaline Glasheen (Dublin: University College Dublin Press, 2001).

Intellectual Background:

Heinrich Schliemann, The City and Country of the Trojans (1880; New York: B. Blom, 1968).

Mary Ann Dzuback, Robert M. Hutchins: Portrait of an Educator (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1991).

On Newport:

Ed Morris, A Guide to Newport's Cliff Walk (Newport, Rhode Island: E. Morris, 1999).

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