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Implementation Plan for High School Learning: Static Fluid

Satuan Pendidikan : SMA Unit Education: High School

Mata Pelajaran : Fisika Subject: Physics

Kelas/Semester : Kelas XI/ Semester 2 Class / Semester: Class XI / Semester


Materi Pembelajaran : Tekanan dalam Fluida Learning Materials: Pressure

in Fluids and Pascal’s Law

Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit Allocation of Time: 2 x 30 minutes

Standar Kompetensi : Menerapkan Konsep dan Prinsip Pada Mekanika

Klasik Sistem Kontinu (Benda Tegar dan Fluida)
Dalam Penyelesaian Masalah Competency Standard:
Applying the Concepts and Principles of the Classical
Mechanics of Continuous Systems (Tough thing and
Fluid) In the Settlement Issue

Kompetensi Dasar : Menganalisis Hukum-Hukum yang Berhubungan

Dengan Fluida Statis dan Dinamis dan Dapat
Menerapkan Konsep Tersebut Dalam Kehidupan
Sehari-hari Basic Competency: Analyzing the Laws
Related to Fluid Static and Dynamic and can apply the
concept in Everyday Life

Indikator : Indicators:

1. Analyze the hydrostatic pressure

2. Describe Pascal’s LawMenyebutkan hukum pokok

Tujuan Pembelajaran : Learning Objectives:

Melalui bahan ajar, siswa dapat: Through instructional materials, students can:

1. Mendefinisikan tekanan hidrostatis Defines the hydrostatic pressure

2. Menyebutkan sifat-sifat tekanan hidrostatisAnalyze the hydrostatic
3. Menyebutkan hukum pokok hidrostatika Describe Pascal’s Law

Materi Pembelajaran : Learning Materials:

Pressure is defined as force divided by broad field of press. Secara matematis

tekanan di definisikan sebagai: Mathematically pressure is defined as:


Dimana: P= tekanan (Pa) Where: P = pressure (Pa)

F= gaya tekan (N) F = compression force (N)

A= luas bidang tekan (m 2 ) A = area of press (m 2)

Satuan lainnya tekanan adalah: Other units of pressure are:

1 atm = 1,01325x10 5 Pa 1 atm = 1.01325 x 10 5 Pa

1 bar = 1,00000x 10 5 Pa 1 bar = 1.00000 x 10 5 Pa

Tekanan yang dihasilkan oleh fluida disebut tekanan hidrostatis. The pressure
generated by the fluid is called hydrostatic pressure. Adapun sifat dari tekanan
hidrostatis adalah: The cahracter of the hydrostatic pressure is:
1. Tekanan menyebar ke segala arah Pressure spread in all directions
2. Semakin dalam ke bawah fluida, semakin besar tekanannya The deeper
down the fluid, the greater the pressure

Pada tekanan hidrostatis, persamaan umum tekanan dapat dimodifikasi kedalam

bentuk lain yaitu; In the hydrostatic pressure, general equation of pressure can be
modified into another form that is;

weig h t of object
Tekanan= Pressure =
sectional area of object

m. g

( ρ. A . h ) . g


Dimana: Where:

P= tekanan (Pa) P = pressure (Pa)

g= percepatan gravitasi (m/s 2 ) g = acceleration of gravity (m / s 2)

h= ketinggian (m) h = height (m)

ρ= massa jenis (kg/m 3 ) ρ = mass density (kg / m 3)

hukum hidrostatis berbunyi: semua titik yang terletak pada suatu bidang datar di
dalam zat cair yang sejenis memiliki tekanan yang sama. hydrostatic law reads: all
points located on a flat surface in a similar liquid have the same pressure.
Dalam tekanan hidrostatis kita mengenal tekanan absolut yang diartikan tekanan
di suatu titik di dalam suatu fluida yang sebenarnya. The hydrostatic pressure we
know the absolute pressure which means the pressure at a point in a real fluid.

Adapun persamaan tekanan absolute dapat dirumuskan: The absolute pressure

equation can be formulated:

P absolute = P atmosfer +P hidrostatis P absolute = P atmosphere + P hydrostatic

Blaise Pascal merupakan seorang ilmuwan Prancis yang menyatakan ketika

perubahan tekanan diberiakn pada suatu fluida pada ruang tertutup, perubahan
tersebut akan diteruskan ke segala arah. Blaise Pascal was a French scientist who
claimed when the change of pressure is given in a fluid in a closed space, such
changes will be forwarded to all directions. Pernyataan tersebut dikenal dengan
Hukum Pascal. The statement is known as Pascal's Law.

Hukum Pascal dimanfaatkan untuk membantu manusia. Pascal's law is used to

help man’s work. Adapun contoh aplikasi Hukum Pascal adalah: The application
example is Pascal's Law:

1. Alat pengepres hidrolik Hydraulic presses Tools

ΔP= F/A; so

F1 F 2
A1 A2

2. Mesin pengangkat mobil Car lifter machine

3. Dongkrak hidrolik Hydraulic jack
4. Rem hidrolik Hydraulic Brakes
Model dan Metode Pembelajaran: Model and Learning Method:

Model Pembelajaran : Inquiry Model Model of Learning: Inquiry Model

Metode Pembelajaran : Task, demonstration, and discussion Learning

Methods: Task, demonstration, and discussion

Learning Steps Activity : Learning Steps Activity:

1. Introductionrial Introductionrial

a. The teacher opened the lesson by saying hello and asking news
The teacher opened the lesson by saying hello and Asking the news

b. The teacher gives an explanation about the material taught at the

glance The teacher Gives an explanation about the material taught
at the glance

2. Core Activities Core Activities

a. The teacher devides students into several groups where each

group consist 4 people The teacher devides installments students
into groups consist WHERE EACH group 4 people
b. Each group disscuss about problem which being given Each
disscuss group about problems of the which being given
c. After disscuss, teacher choose one of group to explain their result
After disscuss, teacher choose one of the group to Explain Their
d. Other group give opnion or ask about the topic Other groups give
opnion or ask about the topic

3. Closing Closing
A. The teacher provide an explanation and conclude the problem
which disscuss's material The teacher Provide an explanation and
conclude the problem of the which disscuss's material
B. At the end of the lesson the teacher gives post test to measure
student's ability At the end of the lesson the teacher Gives post test
to measure student's abilities

Alat dan bahan : Tools and materials:

Alat : 1 buah pipa U Tools: 1. problem’s paper

2. Problem to discuss

Bahan : jenis zat cair (air, oli) Material: 1. The pressure in fluid

2. The Pascal’s Law


1. Pre test

2. Task for discussion

3. Post test

4. Home work

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