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Staff Survey

Strongly disagree



Strongly agree
Please place an X in the box that
describes best what you think or
how you feel about the statement.
Thank You!

Academic achievement levels for students with disabilities can

increase in the general education classroom
Consultant teacher services deal with the content, methodology, and
delivery of instruction during regular instructional time
Direct consultant services can be provided outside of the general
education classroom
Direct consultant services include specially designed instruction to
students with IEPs in the general education classroom
Indirect consultant services are provided to general education
teachers to help them adjust the learning environment or modify
instructional practice
Resource room is a time that students with disabilities receive
instruction in specific areas of need in addition to general education
Resource room time can be used to complete
assignments/homework so the students do not fall behind
Students in special classes (15:1, 12:1+1, 8:1+1, 6:1+1) are able to
get local and regents diplomas
It is possible for students who are in special classes (15:1, 12:1+1,
8:1+1, 6:1+1) to participate in general education classes for ELA
Students with learning disabilities should be in special classes (15:1,
12:1+1, 8:1+1, 6:1+1) in order to get the type of instruction they
There is not a lot of difference in the services provided in special
classes (15:1, 12:1+1, 8:1+1, 6:1+1) except for the number of
students enrolled
Students that are in special classes should be grouped by their
academic, social/behavioral, physical and management needs
Special educators and related service providers are the only staff
who can work directly on IEP goals
General educators are responsible for providing testing
accommodations in the general education classroom
Collaboration between all staff is essential for students with
disabilities to be successful
Students with disabilities benefit when general educators and special
educators/related service providers co-teach in a general ed class
Regular use of instructional strategies ensures all students can
actively participate with the content
Teaching learning strategies helps all students generalize and
maintain skills
Turn over to continue the survey!

Please share any thoughts on the continuum of services offered by the district

Please share questions you would like answered:

Please share any thoughts on the roles and responsibilities of staff:

Please share questions you would like answered:

I am a:
General Educator Special Educator

Related Service Provider Other Support Staff

I have been
teaching: 0-5 years 6-10 years

11-15 years 16-20 years

more than 20 years

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