Anda di halaman 1dari 73

1 i Statements

1 .. 7


Sets & Relations


a. Functions


Polynomials & Remainder Theorem 25 ... 27

Ouadratic Equations 28-,34


35 .. 41

lndices & Surds


I Binomial Theorem


........ C' ...

~ -

" ,f Matrtcs S'·

,. I . "



Modu~ar Arithmetic



Neg~ation : The dlen,ia'i of a given statement is :, Let p. q be two statements then their disjunction

cailed its negatiai1" If pis the'given statement, ~~/,,'" "is !I!p or q" denoted by p Y,q .

then its negation is denoted by -p, ' ~:;~d'/<~;:

, "y The trLlt;h table of the disjunction statement is

6 Always p and its negat!'Ofll have opposit~ lrl,Jth defined as follows.

values. . , ',<, '


1 . A sen ten co which is e ithe r true or faJs,eL but not both iscall'ed a statement.


.. ~ \ ~~ ~ -

The trumtumess of the statement is denoted

by T or F:

If the statem ent is tn.l'e 'tha,n· ·the' truth value cd the statement lsdenclad by T. If the statement is false thenJts truth value Is denoted by F;

Equi,valent Stat-em.ents ; two statern enls p and

.. . ... -

q are said to be equtvalent it Goth p, q have the

same truth value for a Iii vartables of propos mon.



p -p
- -
enl rhlcncen More over


. _, I


), A stat em "IN tail7l,£ a s~ngle senterrce is caned i'Simple Statement". ,

A statement which is the combination of two Of' more slmpte s'lateFrn~hts with certain connectives is ealted a compound statement. Til e DOn n ec~,i'V'es am I AN [)', ~O Rli ~ III F ... _ TH EN

and IF and ONLY ~ F_ ,

ConJlunc,t~on : A co~jl.H,ctior:1 is a compound statement 'for'mad by 'connecting M'O br mote simple statements IUsing t.he connective I'ANDII,

let p, q be NIIO statements then their ,oonjunotion liS lip and ql" denoted by p r. q.

The truthtable 01 the conjuncUon statement is as follows.

p q. [JAq trAP
T T- 'T or
T F 'F F'
F T F 11 F
- :1 ,F F F F'
JII - "_ I

(i.e) the conluncflon .p 1\ q is true Qn:ly it both

the 'statements p, q are true,

9'. ' "gl~Jlinctl('U1 : A disjU'nctron is acompound statement 'formed by combil1ing two or more stat¥ments LJslng the connective word "ORI,

, pVC] qv p 1,
p I q
, I
.. T i
F' T T T
F != F I F
.:,.....- rv e= qv p

(i.e) the disj'Unction p v q is f~lse..0nly wRe'n both the statements are false.

1Q. Imp_ioaUan [or] Conditional Statement ~ Let PII q be two simple statements. Then thetorm of the condltional statement is lilt 'P then q", wtl.ich is denoted by II P' ,::::::} q ''.

truth table of tha conditlonal alalernent is defi n ed as follows. P =? q:;t; q ====> p

p q p=}q q~ I)
1 _ ,
il F F 1 T T
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _ .~

__ , _._: __ "'MJ

i.e. The condlnonat p ===> q 'i:s false Qnly i1~ ts true and "q is false.

In the conditional _St2. .. ·~HT!fN1t Ii p;) qU, P ls caH&d 'A_ntecederit.r and q is cailed 'consequent',

1 , , Bi-impUcati,QrI {Q,r) B f..cond ition.a,I s-tatemem~ The compound statement whichistormed by combining two simple statements p and qwith til e con n active. II ~f and on Iy ~fl, is caU,sd til e "Bi~Gond1tloncj] of p and q'land is denotec by



Th,e 'truth tab,le of th e bicond IUanal statement is defined as follows.

'., r

: .... -e: -, -.

I .i I I

, -,12. .

T T L_ T T
T I F I 'F F
F T .F :F
'F ,
F T T . '.~ .. ; ~! . I p{=}q=,q¢::?p ';

r •• ". :~~>~~I~ :~~./

i.e, :' The bieondltlonai statement . 'P',~ty} 'is

true; if both pand q hay,s the,same truih:'~aluB.

~. 0;1 •

The biconditional statefM'~~'t p<<=t {I is the

I ~: : :.~ -c • ;.: I

conjunction of p ~ q 'atr~I·~,q,'F?'.P .

-! Lil: ~~~_~'i'

Converse, Inverse and COinlraposilive of at conditional statem.ent.

Let the given G~nd~tionat statement be' "If p then q", Le r= q.

Converse: if q then p.

~. e. : The convs rss of II p=» q II is ~J q ::;. p .i Inverse: If n:ot p then not q.

. .

Le. :The lnverse of II p ~.lJ III is _- p =>-.q",

~o;nbaposmve: '!If nolq then not p",

i. e. : Til e contrapos itive of

II fJ ==> q" is - «= .... p.

A conditlonal and Hs;contraposn:.ive are always logically equlvalsnt.

1·3. Clp~n Sentence; A sentence whic'h consisl ,o~, one or more variables is said to ~e ope sentence. -

e.g. : 2x + 1,0 ;::0 is an open sentence of on variable.

- - ,ra

zx . + 3y ;;;;;; 10 is an open sentence or hI\!

variables. '

14~. Quantifiers: There are t.v~,.-. t}pes of quantifier. il) Universal quantlfler

Ii) Existe nt ia~ q uantifi·er

, ,I

(I) Univen;al Quantifier ,: For-aU, for every, 1'1 an¥.:e:t.c., are ,s,ai,d to be. 'Universal quantlfie

der{ciied :Q~' " ;"';;1:' • ' ,

.. PI ~j;. ~~~;. -=-~ ..

~',I"', ~:'~'-.:':-' "_~j~~.~ .. ~. _

ji};E'~i,&,leritiaJ Q'uanlifier ; For some, the

ex.(s, etc., ·are said to 'be existenti

. . ... quantifiers denoted by '3.

/-:~1~." _ . '

Ji~~:15. :CtalltoIQQY.: A nornpound statement which ·:;iYffi.~:l,>,alway's true is called tautology.

, "y'J_,.~, . '-

If P is a statement then pv .,., p is a.lways nu

.'. pv ~ p is a tautology.

. .

Contradiction: A statement which is alwa:

hllse is, called a contraoicncn.

e .. g .. : If p is .any statement, Then p». - P atwa.ys falSie ..

.,". pA - P is a contradictlon.

Contingen,cy : A compound statement whil is neither a. ta'utol'oQY nora contradiction calle.a. 'cent i ngency~ .

Ex: P A, q, pv q" p =>. q, P ¢:}q etc.

, 1,8. Neg.atfons of the eem pound sta.tements :

Up, q are any mo simple statements. Ther



i) - (p v tj) ~ ..... pr. - q

it) '""' (pAq)=.,... pv > q

Ill) "V i p ~. q)= p». -- q


191• Laws on IProposnl:o'ns : 5.. Cpm,p'lement laws:

1 . : . i) pv ~ /J' = T

i) P V P "-- 1 .. 0 ~Ii:) n I\, ,n:::::: p' )

, J" ~~ Hi: ~ T= F




ii) pA' ~~ p' =: F ~v) .-F' ;_; T

Commutati'v,e :

. -


Distributive ~aws :

i) pVq = qv P AssochliltiVI!! Laws:

:ij p v (q A r) ~ i» v q) A (p v r) n) pA(qV r)=(pA q)v(pl\r)

i} (p v t}) v r = p v (q v r) ii) (pAq)l\r=p;.,(qAr) Identirty :


Demofgan"s laws:

i} .... (p v q) = ~ p'A ~ q

)::~~d J

. iii~~L(~.A~q.J= ~.~ pv ~ q "

", ~\~ ;': ': :., ... ~':f~

6. - " l~oJution (Law of DQuble Negation) :

-. ~~.:~~~.

-(-p) "" p


. ~ '.' :~:




I .



Which of the fol,~owingis a statement '1 '·;>:'.iil

• '~~: ": ~'~1


5 .

What is 'the truth value of the 'statement "2 -It. 4 =6 and 3 .X 2 = 6'" ?

1) How~bealimul tile rose JS !

2) Open the d-oorJ .~,' .! •

~ ., 1" .. ~. .~ 1 ...

3) New Delhi is the capitall of US*j1;~ ,J >T"

. i~~ ~.)~!


4) Is it ra.ining ?


3) Neighter Tor F

4) Cannot be determined

The statement II p v q ~ takes trutih~'value as


.. , l ~ 1)::

The negJ:ilion of the I?t~te'meA~~

,. ,

I AI'I Tam lllans are In dl'a.n.$! ,i$ :<f:'

. . ~;~);~:'>,

1) All TamH.ians.-ate not Indians

2) Some Iarnllians are Indians

3) Some Tan'lllians. are not Indians 4} NoTamlilian is an lndian


"false" .if

t) P ~ T, q:: T 3) P == F, q = T

2) P =Ti q;: F 4) P == F, q == F

~-7. Which of the fo ilowlng statement represents the negation of p 1\ q ?

1") 1)/\ ~, q 3) - pt.. ~ q

2) - fJ 1\ q 4) - pv .-q


If P : R:aghav is handsome; q ~ Ra.ghav is

lnlelligent Thor] the symbolic form of the statement I~aghav' is neither handsome nor inteiligent' is


The Truth value of {pv ... p} /\ {qv ~. q}

1) T 2) F

1) ..... p rc q 3} - pv '"' q

2} P l\ "~ q 4),- pA ~ q

4) Neither. ".

9. The truth value of the eonditional'ltf 4 x 7= .25 . the rl 3 + 4 = 8" is

If P ts true than the truth value of ,...j(~p-) is'

1)True 2) False,



< 3) Either True or False

3) Cannot be determined 4) iNone

4) Non.e


_I_·iiiiiiiiiii~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_·. _~_-~ __ .

I '11.




:-i.'- _ 3) l},.vq ~ pA q

, J" .~: ~ ".

I ~)\2~;:~_14~;;Wh len of thefoHow in 9 state m fa nt is a

I _ P ;,.' ,-! .'OQnt~ngenqy?

3) lin MBC if ~ ~ l..f! then AB ~ AC h_;:. 1) p v q

, ~~ ~ r

".;:'l)' 3) p => q

. Wh~Gh off Iheroliawing' Jmpl.k:;:l;lion is false ? 1:) 3 ..... ;J, = , 0 ~3 x 5"" 15

2) 4 x 5, -=;- 20::::> 4+ 5= 1

3) 8 .x 4 = 32.~ 8'+ 4 = H!

4) 8 + 4 ;;;; 4 -=> ,8 1" 4 = 32


The truth value of p ¢;;:) q is true lhen

1) both p and c must betrue

2) p, q can ha\I'e opposite truth values

3) p, q can have the same truth va~ue

4) None

The inverse of the, statement

'1Irl AABC ~f AS. ;;;; AG then ~'= UZ"'is

1 ) In ~AA.BC if AS 7:- AC then l~:¢ l1! . 2) 'In A4BC I.f!.f *- l!l then AB * AC

4) None

13. The conlraposilive 01 the stutsmentl.I'if a polygon is a square then iii IS, a rectangle!! :,:~;L. ;~,<;;~.

:. ~~~ ~~.~~.

1) if a po!lygon lsa reCt<lngietheri it i~~.'~q~are

2) if a polygon is not a reptiifl:'gle then it is not a

square Y" \~ ".

S) i1 a_ poly'gon is: nat a sq~$.se rthen it is not a

rectangle ..

4) None

, 4. Tns converse of the' statement" P __}.,. q" is

1) p~q 3.) ~ p=> q

2) - q~ P: 4) q =$- p -


Wh leh ·of the foHowing stater:nent is. a i0ijilnlogy?

The lnverse of the statement " - P ===}- q ii is

1) p=:>q 3) ~. P -:;;;;},q

.2) q => P

4) - q :::;)- P

1) p ==t- p

:3) p.~ pAq

,2} p-==;r q

4) pAq =:;. q


Themsgation of the stat~ment II p ===? a" ls

18. Which of the followinGl statement is a

-- contradiction?

1) pAT 3) PI' F

2) pvT 4) p v F'

1) p »: ~ q 3) P ::;..~ q

2) - pr. q

4} - P ==;.- q


Whioh of the ioIIO'Win.g statement Is a oonlfr:l.gency?


, .

2) P -=:::::;, pv q


~) p-V q: ==<,>. P 1\ q 4) P A q A. r =* r

• ", - • ,~ ~ ~.~, •• , - . I

Wtticll 'or the .following stateme.nt is 6 t~utology?

,2} »v «-s«

- 4) pvq-="?p

2) »r.« 4)' AU

.22. Wll~C.h of UH3' foil lowing Is a d:istrlb utiive property?

1) p v (qv,r) =(pv q)v r ,2) p~ pvtj

3) (po ~ lJ) = (q. ~. p)

4) l'v (qt\ r):; (pv q) A(pV r)

23. ThiEl truth va~ u e oft:he statsm ent p ¢=> (p <=> q) '1:9 true, only winer,

1) P ~ F, q= F ~) p;;;; F, q;::; T

2) p=T,q;; ~ 4}No:ne


If P and q an~ two s-tatements, then p v (p A q) is equivaJentto

1} -p2) -q 3) P 4)q


The t(uth value of ... PA'" (" .cr is

1 )T,if p::: F 3) F, if r::;: T

'2)1, if r:=:: T

4) None of these

- - -- - -- - - -




3) - pA - cj

2) - P,I\f.j

4) (- p.~ '''1)


, 1.




1) -pvqvr 3) p »; q'Ar

. ,2) ~, P'v qv +r 4') liJA - _tJ ~ r

The involved ~nthie s~atement: ~AI~ mapping,s are relations"j:5,

1) IJli1Jiv'ersa~1 ( '.ti ) 3) INegali(m (- )

,2)C)l)lst9fltia~ ( 3 ), 4):Non9

'lh.e Ilfl1J3;tiio!1 o~ the stalem emf "AU prime.s are odd" is

') HI r;m.im9sare not ode! ;2)Snme fJ,l'imes are odd 3) Nota!il primes are 'odd 4)I.AtI prim ss are even

The negat,iQ-n of the ,p,tat€lm'ent, -AUI e'vem numbeni: are composi)te"',!$ ,

1) some' f!iVEm n umb~i-s;81l1'le oomlPosile!

2) All even numbers aret:ibrri:ompooilte-

3) 1ihere eMist-s: an 'even number which Is: not oompos]te

,4) There' e:xi sts an eve n number willen (5: ,oompo<site

The syrnboHc form of "if not P" then Iilot q" is

1) .P'~"':: ,C} 3) -.P'~~q

,2) - P"'- q 4'}-p~-q


4) pAq

The disjtlr'l:cti en ope mto1l' is compared to

1) Union _. 2)llnterse!!}tion

Which of 'me' foHowung is, false ? 1),,! +- 3;;; 5; and ,2 x 3 = a

2} ,2 ... 3 .,. 5 or :2 )( 3:¢: 6

3~) :2 +3 ~ 5i¢::> 2)(3 ¢ 6

-4) 2 -t- 3 :# 5 => :2 x;3 *- I)

( KEY )

'\ . .,

. .~ ~

~.~ '! . ~



1 ) 3. 2)3, ":3), 4 -, 4) 1 '5) 1

>.6) ,:4 _ 1) 4 .a), 1 '9,) " '10)2

J'nrs 1.2) 1, 13,):2 14) 2 - 1:5)1

16): t : 11) 4 Hl) 3 19) :3 2C!I) '1

~,:) 4 :22:) !II _ 2:3) 3: . 2'4) a .25) 4- 213) 1 ,2:7) 2' 28)'1 29) 3, 301) a

Whictl of tlhe! followin'g! statm,en,~ lsnue '1' 1) (2. + .3 =: 5.) A ,(2 ;:;. 3)

2~ (:ll:+ S """ 61) v (2;.. 3)

:3~ (2 +:1, :;:; Elf) =;:i> (2 > S)

4} [2 +,3,;;;05)1 ~ (2 > S,}

Ths !cootllapo~:itj'v€l,of ~. P~"T q is


" P'=> tj 3;) - p~q

2;) q~ P

4) -q~-p


Thelruiih value of. ~he statement p ¢::}- q is


false, ~t

,') IP "" T: q = F 3)p ;;; F: q =: F

.'iIi!il- •.

2) P =; T; q = T

4) tBoth It2) and (3:)

The negation 0,1: (p 1\ q A .~ .r) is

'1) - P'I- qv;:.:r 2) ~. p»: -q A r


S~- pv ,_ q v r . 4:)'~ 1'./\ ~ q v r'

" - ""'



The inversl:J 1)1' ,- P => q ls

, I I 1 I

~rr.A.THE'~~ICS - --- - - - • _ - __ ~--~TATEr~ENTS :


3:) U Iwo tdangles: Hire simi'larthen they are-,

, , ," f

wngrLH;;lnt" r "",", .. s,

r---t~ ~ , 'oW~

4} None' of thea e

'15. (ph - p) ¢::> (pv_-, p): ls.a

1:2. !




W'hich o,f the' followIl1g lis.a taUlloIOQ¥?

1) pv ~ P v q 2) pA -p!'l. q .

3) p v 'i 4)p ,/\ (J

P * q (,): "" ExC~usiV'El - OR) isirue' il~

c, ~."

, "

.:.. .e , i ~ -,


"pI, q are! twos,!a1ementS ~h~1"i - (pv - q) is ,equivalent to (2007)

1) p= T: q = T 3) p ,;;;, T; q =F

2) 'P =: IF; q: =: F

4) Either (1) or (2)

1) P" - q 3~1 - pAq

,2') - pA ~ q -4) pv - q

The, logical" equhralenoe i()f the converse of a

eenditionalia us '

1)1 ,Inverse

3)1 OilJrlltrapositive

. 2) G<lf!.d'iNQl1lal 4)1 NOll'le'


Whil::h of the following is: not a contingency?

2) pi v (1' 01) pA -p

1) I?A(- P) 3~ - (- IrJ} ,

2) pv{~ p)

4) (- p')A(~ p)

The DQ[ltraposHiv~ ol'tJhe sl~iooment !'tt two


~ri;aflg,les are oongn,l()l'It, then ttJieyrue similar"


11) lif [wQtrian g~as are '11 CI~oo.ngmeliilt,. then they

allie not stm Uar 't"

2') If two trianqles are not siiililar~ men. they '?(:\i:: ,i

me not congruent ,h :j

11) ~m.J1ology

3") cl!)nii trig enoy

2). oontra.d~et~on '4).Nooe!

.21 "

If P and 'q] are si'a1ementsi~he;np.A (p v q)

is equlvale.nt to (2005)

.1l~i; _ ,2) ~q 3) p 4HI

Llshh€!1 statement p be "A is r~chi" and q be the staternlent "A Is happyu ~ Thesymbo]ic fa r m of tile' ~datemernt !! A h~; peer Dr elise /fiS; both ri eh -and llflhap!pY· is '(,2004)

1) - pi V ([1./\ -:. lq)

.2) - .1" A (pv - q)


~ (-, p) = P is, known as 11) Idempotent

31); Involution

~n p~. q, 'q'Js cailed 1)1 AIlt.ecedent

3)1 H:~po~n esls

2) CmseqlJent 4) Nom:!1


2} As:sociativG' 4).Oommut.atlve

The statement - (~ p=>~ q) ls equivalent,

to (2007)

1) (p:::> 'q) 3)~p:HI

2) P'A ,_ CJ 4} pv ,_ q

1) (p 1\. qJA ~' (,l v "I) 2)pV ~, II


!If pi and q are: .any two.' st~~errnents then UI e oonverse of P~' q is ~2003)

1)q =} P

3)· (-q) ~. (-p)

2) Hp)· ~, ( .. en 4) p :> ,( ~ql)


Whiich of the following :statemel1t isa ,contradict ion? (,2,OQ3)

1) -q A P ,


3Hp' V q) V (-p) 4) p ::). ~.

'The PI"q are lW'O Slt'atfJment:sO:t1!n Whlidl of the louo~~Fig-is·a ~ZillL'IWJgy ? ,2:.002)

'1) IP v ((-p) v q) , 9) P' A ( ... p)

,2) {p A U,-p) A q) 4)IP' ~ q

iiiiiiiiii"'_"!!!!!!!!!!II!II~!iiiiIiiiiiiiii_~ • - .--~.- __ • II1iiI1Iio- '~- .~~--~. ~~~--..--


If p. q are two statementa then thesiatement eq ulvalent to p v (( - p) A q) is 0(200,2)

1) P A q 2) P v q

a)(-p) v Q ,alp v (-p)

If p, q ar-e two statements then the inver,sa 01 the· statement -:PI ::::;) 'ql is (200.2)




. '} q ;;) ( ... p) 3) -p ~ -q

2} -q ~~ P 4) P ~. - q

1}3 6) 2


-~< :


,2) 3 3) 4. ;;':'<:4) 1

7)';4 . S) 3 9) 3

1 1) 3 12) 1 ·,13)4 14)2
1413 11712 1B}3 19) :3
21)3:. I
22)'1 23) 2 24) 1
26)'1 ~"27) 2 28}4 29')4 . ;


3) P' v -q

4) p 1\ ~ _

If P and q are two s'tamments, then 'the symbolic

torm tif "p and not IqH is (2~O')

1) P 'A <it 2} P V q I

If P and q are two statementS1 a talJ"tolog.y

,among the f"Mow~n,g is (200'1) e

. "

1.l p v of'"',,) 2) P A (-q)

3) (~p) A q

4) p A C1

(00', .. v ,

5)3 10)1 15)2 20) 2 25)2

30) 1 .. '~


Set buUderform : In this form. 't11;e'Slelis defined b;y the common ~prolper1'ies'" ot'thle

elements of 1h,e set, ,.

TIle! vows-Is of Eng'lish·{x!x ~'S av,owe~

in English)' ): -~ .

Types of sets, :

1), NuUse1: A, set which does not contain any element is called a Nullset or a void sat denoted bv ,p' or { } ..

113-·91. : A = {.l.j xe.R and x;e' x] . Then A=~ .. _

2.) Sing,',e'cuiliset : .A. set whimcons,lsls of ,exar::Uy one e~eme'l"lt is called a single~on set

IFini,te Set: A set wn,ich contains finite numberlOr e lem snts is cam ad fin lte set,

If not, the set IS called infinite set. A.;: {a, el, i,. 0, IJ} Is a Untte set

,/ The set of natural numbers N :: {11. 2, 3. 4 .... J

,/ »:

1--JiiHJ'irl.finlUel. ...... _-- ----~.~-- I -''''':" -~-.---.-~~-K~ ~-.~-.

,_ - "".,,,;., . ., - -- __ .L _,i,: .I;I ... _ •.• II.i .... .I ...... Iii •. ,';11 Ie ", ~


, :sETsl

A coll"e'c'tion m weH defined ob~ects lsaset, Sets are us'!ally denot,ed by capitall~lters Aj B. C, ... __ etc.

Eac:f1 obJect of tlil'e s et ~s caned el erne nt of' the set denoted by a, b, e, ... , etc. -

Il ".81' is an e~ement of A then w,e denote ,it as a E. A· (E :::: belon!£!s to,)

I,f la' is not ,M element of A th'en it can be d'en:oted as a'i- A. (e~,doesnofl!lelol1gto)1

There are two ways of repres·en·tingi a set R,aster f1Jrm : In th'is f,orm" all the elements am written hl the braces and seperated by camas.

For example the set o:f Natural numbers ls IN= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... J

The set of odd natural numbers 'Jess than

10:= {1 ; 3, S. 7, 9}




C'sr,dina1 Num'ber: The numbsr of elements ,In a fln,lite· set· is the 'ICardinal flIumbelr'! mi· th,e set The cardinality ofa finite set A ls ,c;enoted DIY

n(l\) or IAI.


Subset: L€d A. B be two sets then A is said 10 be subset of B if every element of A is also an

9,leme,nt 'Of B. ltis del:1oi;ed by A c B .

i..e .. xEA.:::::> xe' B

NaIDa :TheNuil Set' is a subset. of every set, A ·set 'is, surb,~et to j;tsclL

a Pow,elfsel :.Let Pi be ·a set Then the· set of. aU subsetsot A is, said to be the power s:et of A

denoted: by p (A) .

~I m

. -; 'J'f n(A)I.:= m then n( p (1\») ::: 2 .


,IfIi ..

i.e, : The number 'of subsets of the set that

con,"ls m ale ants = ?'.

Comparabh,~J sets;lV;o sets A and E are said to be corn parab,:e Of et er.A c; B (If B c 11 •

Dlsiolintsels:l1 Q sets A and Bare said to be disi,oint if 'Ihey ha,v,e no 'elements in common.


Le. A. B,am djsjo~nt: ¢::> An B = ~I _

EqUal sets: Two sets "1 and B are said to be aquall 11 'they hav,e UU~ same elements. lit ~ dernoled by A ;;;; IB.

10_ e:qui,yal·ent se1:s : Two sets A, B are said to IbE! equivalent sets, i. 'ley ha:vethe sarna number of e1emel1ts.


(La.) A, Bare equivalem sets ¢::;> n(A) = nl(B)_.

11. Comrp,lem enl of ~ set : let A be a set then oomp lem enl o~: A ~s define d as


1 __ ....... IiiiiiiiiiiIi~ ._._. .. _=~ ... _._-. --~.='=-=. ~ ... -_:.-~ ... ~.:,- .. -_. --

, .. .@t

.C I'eative Lear nhlCli Inalib .. 1:e far ,eOnIJDrn:1 ~lItslv[(! Kn;Dw:I,~dl:l·~ ~ 'CL ICK ... ..

OperaUons on sets:

1. Unio,n : If A, B are'two sets then their union is defined as foHows ..

AuB ~{x I xe A or xeB'} .

2;. Intersection; The iniensectiQIl of two sets A, IS is defined as follows.

A rvB = {x~ XE A and XE .B} 3.lOifference : bet A, B o'e two sets then their diff,erence is def~ned as fo'!!ows

A - 8;;:; {x r x E A and x ~ B}

In g:eneraJ A - B :;t B - A

, .

: '?

. ~ ~. I

I ~ • i I ~ ~

I i ~ ~ ~ ..

r .':.~

b,r~ A = i,l;,

, .:,.. I I ~ ~ ... •.

~:~~ ~ :4!~::'


Commutative Law.s :


a' n A ... '.U.B. _-= .... 8 \.' _) A ... ·.". ,. ,') :b~ B g B n A /Assoc,lalive lLaws: t:

~ . . .


t(AUB)UCOOAV(BUC) Y) (A,(lB,nC = t\nCBnC) / I den1itybaws; _

, 5-

a)/AU,¢ =A D'1.9,trlblUt~ve Laws:

o/'Au(B nC) = (AuB)n(AuC) 'br~(B'UC) = (Ar,B)u(A.nC)

, ,

Symmetr'io difference:

If A, B are two sets then theiir symmetric dirfference 'is defined as tollows.

AM == (A - B) u-"(· n - A") ;= ·(A·u ") - (A ,"'" D)'

.. . _ -- , LJ _ . '. . D. .... I I D I

Note; If A, 8, C are any three finite sets, then

1} n(ItuB) ::::_;n{AJ +nfB)~n(AnB)

2) n(A-B) = n(A)-n(AnB)

3) IN(A.rlB) ~. nCA) + n(B) - 2n(A n B) 4{,n(AuBuC);:: n(A)+n(B)+n(C)~

, , .

" .. ~ ;~ v,,:~:.. I /L· I

. '<'<~.:n(AM B} - nCB n C) -·nle n A)

•• ~ • • ) L

···r ~' -, - 1

+ n(AnBnC)


Compleme,nt Laws;





7. Oemorgan's Law,a:

ar(.A U 8) , = A 'n B I


{I) (AnBr=A'uB~

.: A-(~UC)~(A-B)n,(A-C). 'I: A~(B~C)=(A-B)U(A-C)

8.. ! Involution.

/A'l'=A I

. I

I -

,t Relations; J

1. Calltes:iall'll Plll'oduict: ': If A,B ;a.,rE!' 'Mo $ets;'1 lhln '~he ca:rtes;j,all prod uct of A and B is deftn ed as IoHows.

,A x iB;= {(a,. rD) I (J E A and h·e B)

N1ilm : U A'I B are.two distinct nonemplty sets, then A . .x.18 ;c B' x A. But A· x B. ,B x A are lequ~va'ent sets. O. e.) n (A x 'B) = n(iS .x A).

Note' : .A X B ::: B x A iff Hither ,A ::: B or A = ~ or B == ~'.

il) lit A =: ,;, or B = cp then .A x IB= B x A == f . Note : ~f' AI fa, C are any three' sets then

ti) A>::(Bu.c)= (AXB)u(A.xC} ii) Ax(Bn,C) == (AxH),n(A.xC) iliil~ Ax(B-C)::: (AxE) -(Axe)

iv) (Ax B)n (ex D) - (A n C)x(B n D)


~i~ n(A) ~ p; n[B) = q then n(A.x B) ,::; pq: " -

~f A .9 any set men A x A.~ .. ((a, Ib) II a, Ii E' A} ReJa,tio'lli: Let A, 81 be .twa, sets.. Then every n~nemp:IY' ,s!U~bset o,f A.l<)"S::is. !cailed a mla~'ion from A '10 8.

2. 3, 4;

i.e. If R c AxBtllen R is a rslatlonfrom A 10 B.


If R is a relation from A. to B.~hefl A is called tJhe~domain arlO B is,caUed ~hle codomailn of R

6. hrnmrse 10,11 81 re1:at EO n :


I'f R = {(a" 0,)1 II a E A, b E BJis;a n:llaUon from A to B. Thenl inversis' relation oj IR rs defined as.

'follows: R-1= {{b. a) I (a, tb)E A).,

Here Domain of R-·II = codomain of A = 18 Codomain .of R.-1:;;; domain of R= A

-,--=------= __ ~--~. ~I~Iiiiiiiiii.....,;;;;;-


Vuid lre:lati'an : I:f a relation IR == Irp' ti1en it 's GaMed voi:d m'l anon.

Ilf n(~) = Pl~ r1 (18) -= q then the number of rel8itions ~hal esn be formed from A. to 19 ~s 2£)<!1.

. '. The nlllrnce r of non-veld re!latioos =, 2:P'~ 1,

9., IdentHy rie:ra.Uon : Let I be a n~lalo.n defined on A such that 1 = {(a~a}I,aE Al. I is £ml'l,ed lidelilUty relation.

'The fdentilty relation defined on ,A is delnlot'ed byIA"

10. Com,pllemenl: (!Ifi a re,lalilofli : URis a. relation from Ala 13" then complement 0] R is


R' ~(Ax8)-R.

I .. : ~ . ~

,,:,: n.

, ..

:ri' .,

,;TYlP:es of Il',el'atiions :

:. Let R be' ,9 relation defined Ion a set A.


1~ lRefl,ei,dve ; A is reflexive if (a, a] e VaEA.

,2,. Symme1ric : R: is such 'that if (a" -b)1 € then -,(b. a) E R then IR iSI said to be symmetr.ic.

3\. TransHtve ~ n (a, bJI (b, G) If! R [hen [a.e) E R 'then R ls said to be lTraJ1sUiw.

,4. Anlis¥JIII""etll'~c: R is anUsVrnllrne!ric tor (a, b) and (b" a) E R ~ ,a;;;; b.

IE'quivafceince :rie~,at ion : A irelalion R deiiined on A is said to' ibe an equivalence relation, ilf R is

Reflexive., S:y'mmetiC' and lraJns~ive

P'lartiall oill"dered l1'elatllon .~ A re~alon A'is said to be partilall ordered relatlon, if IR Is

Reflexive. Transtive and AntiS'"ymme'tJi'ic;: ..



( EXERCISE. - 1 )

, .

Which or the f,allowing Is a set '?

1) A eoltecnen of most talented wrirters in India'

2) A team of , 7' best crlcketers 'in the ,¥orld



t) The' Collection of all~ natural numbers less

than 100

4} A colleetlen of tall'er.boys of your class WhaM ls the roster term of the set {x, I ,)( 'is I, prime number and divisor of o}

1) {2;_ 3, '6}

3} {t 2 3 5}·

,-~ 11-

2) {1, 2, 3} A) {2, 3}


\NhiCtl of the foll'owilng represents the set builder form of A :::{31 0, 7}

1}- [x j )( is odd number less than 10} 2) {x I x Is 'Prime less than '10l

il) {.x [x is odd prime number less; than 10J '

, I ,", ~

~'~ t

4) None If A;;;;; {1. 2, {i ~ 2}; ·{3}} then wl1iohioUhefoUowing

Is false ? :'; ,;~. j" / .

- ~I~ ~~\.: •.• } ~


1) 1 EA·'.. .2) {.11 2.} e' A

.j(~~i~~" ~

f3'E A :. 4'):{~} e A

, • ~~ ~J~' I~:

If A ~ {{i , 2}, {n. {1 , 2J, 3;::~4} then n(A) :;

1) 4 £) 5 3),6 4} 7


Ifth,s !eUera of the wlord ~Mi6EiIISSiPPI' are written in the torm of a set, the cardina.Uty 0'1 the set is


1)4 2)5 3)16 41'11

The sets, A and B have 3 and 6 ,elements respacliveiy. What can be the minimum number of elements in their union?

1" 3 /2r 6, ,3) 9 4) 1 B

If n(A};;;;; 12, 11(6) = 16 and n( .,4 u B ) == 25 then n(AnB)=

1) 5/ 2) 6 3) 7 4) 10

9. If A and Bare dfsjot.nrt-se,ts such that n(A:) := 4,


n(A u.8) = 7 then n(8)::

, ) 3 2) 4 3)11 4) 20·

1'0. Which of the following, is false '7

1) AI~ veld sots are equal

2) The vo i d set is su bset of €Ivery s et

3) The power set of the null set is a nullset

;,Q~n '

) Eve·ry set is ,8, subset to itself

11. "Jf ~;,I!et';A has 127 proper subsets, th!3"11 the cardi"'1lality of A is

1) 4 . 2) 5 3) e . J,) 7

12. Whi;ch of the followl ngl cannot ,be the cardinal number of a power set?

1), 1 ,2) 4 /fj 9, _;;) 1 6 . ,

1 S. Ilf .A = {a, e, 'I" 0, u}' then tl'1_e rtumber of subsets ,oontailinilng :au but not Iii ,s .

1):32: 2),16 />8 4}4

14. The number. of2 ~em6nt subsets possible Qf

the set X == {p', q, r, s} is

'4 /J6. 3)e, 4)16

, 5. lin a etassot 2BstEJdents', ev:eryone takes either tea or coltee. B ta ke te a but not coffee and ',6 tak'Ei tea, H'ow many take oottee but not tea '?

1) 2 2) B 3) 10 /4) 12

16. Ii A. and B are ~ny two sets then (A'-,B)'uB=

1)< A

3) Ann

2) B

~i' -,4r"'Au B.


If A;;; {3." 5; 7,. 9}, IB = {1, 2" 3'1' 5, ,sHhen BM =

1) {T .. 9l 2) (1T' 2, 51

3) fa] 5} .~{1: , 2, 1~· 8, 9}

The property A{l(B'u6=(AnB)I.~}{>~nC) rs known as'

1 ) com m uta tive props rty

2 )associalive prope rly "!list ributlve pro perty .

4) ,idempr:Jte,nt propery ..


19. - The shaded area itn the figure lSi




111 An(BuC) 3) An(BnCli

2) Au(BnC) 4) Au(BuC)

·20. If x'@ Au B, tihe'n

11 '~x~ A and x'l! B '''lI',)' x- E: A' vE~'

'!WI_. . I' I .'-. I D

:2) .x!if A or xe .B' 4) AE A,x'l.B'



If A c B then which -of ~he following is false'?


3)1 AUB=B'

- ;2) An B - A "None


I.f A ~s aset '~hen which of U19 'foUowjng is fal$~?'. ~Anrp=A

1)1 A'l_)¢=A . ",~')A (') A.= A


4) Ay.A=A


tAB' ) I A I, D! '- .. . ., •• ;~

'l,t1 U ". =:.' .tii t.)o IS known as' ~' . .-


11) Compl:ement I'aw 2) Idenmy law

- . - .

'i9J. Demorgan's law :! 4} Di,stri:outh/le law

; ;. ... ;

The, dual o~ A-_.( B u C) = tA -\BJ n(A - C)




1)1 A - (.8 u C) = (A - Ill' u (A. - C)

2') A-(D nC)_:_ (A-lJ)n(A-C)


~A-(B'nC)~ (A-B)u'{A-C)


Whioh o.f the following identity' iSfa!ISe~ .• Io:':"'_V

1) tp._ /J,= ,;, 2) A - f..l: === ~

"rp-A= A

26. 11r.\,0 sets A ,and B are' 'such that n(A) ,: ,4 and n{B) =5 ithen f'!{B x A) =

__ ~)~5,_~~~~~_l~ _


n I1(A x B) ... 36 then n(A) can lit be equal to

') 2 2)4)) a 4) '2

2B. lif n(A) ;: 3.. n(8)1 = 2 then I~he number 'Of dismFlct

relations possible trornA to B is .

1}·6 2)8 3)9 I 64 l;F~~~

29. Ilf n (A) ::::; ;3 thel nu m b sr of disl'inct ral at ions 'on PI is


1 ) 23 2) 32. .~ 29 _4) 34-

:n A ;; {"1, 2'~ 3'1 4} and p is the number of elements oj a reflexive rre'a!i[]n on Athen

'4"!:_p~16 4)4~p:;:8


3} th~pS;8

If H = Ua. 1 )1. (a •. 2) r (o, ,2)}Ulen R-1 =

1) {(1 j. a]I" (2. c)" (2. b))

2) {{11, alh (Zt h). (3, eH

31 {(1, al, (:2. tt (.2, an .~ ') None

I,f R :;: {('. H. (.2', 2), (2. :3). '{3:" 2}., (4, 2). (4., 4l) defined on the setA = {1. 2:. 3. 4} then R is

1) R.e Uexi\!le 2) Sym metric

3) fraJl1sitive A None

Tile r,ela~iofl R = {,('" '){(2. 2l. (3" 3). (1" 2). (2, :3). o. :3n on set A.= ,[1. 2. 3} is

)"Ranex~ve blJl no,t symme~riC. /2) Reflexi¥e but not tralf1~dUve

3) Symmetric and transnive!

4) N'eithBr symmet.r.ic nerfransltlve

134. If A has 6 elsments and IR is a. retlexlve relation on A haViing m e~lements .• then which 10" the folloWin.·g is 'true ?



33 ..

l' m > 6 4)1 1m <: 6

35. flat is' be tile, set of aU t1riangl:e's and al1'elali;on A. ls defined on S such tna.t two triangles are related iff 'tl'ils'y have the :same area, '~~,en R IS

1} l1efl:e]it:ivo 2) Symmelri.c

_ ~:::::~_~_l~u'w'~re_


aRb iff u a: and bare b om on th e same day "I then R is

1) Reflexive

2) Symmetrlc


3) Transitive . ...",1 A.U

aRb iff "a is ·s~s~er of tl'on the se1 oJ human beings th.en R is,

1) Ran e'x~\fe :3 !frran8i~ive

2}' Symmetr'ic

4} 80th "(2) & (3)

~8 ..

a ,R b ~fua is a sister clb" on the set or~emales then R ~s

t) ReHexive an~ symm€!'trk~ I) Syrnrnelrlc and Transitive

'3) Only transltlve 4) Equiva~erlGe

Ii1e vold relation taken on a non-empty set ls 4,. Reflexive & franstllve

J 8ymm~tric &TranSiti~e :3} Reflexnte & Symmetric

, .

, ,

~·I .. e



Let IJ= {(x., y) 1 Xl,. y2 == 1, x, Y E: .R}.t~,enl) is

1 ) Reflexive . 2) Symmetric

3) Transitive 4) Ajnfi symmetric


3) 3 4) 3 5},2'
8) 1 9) 1 , 0) :3
.~ 3) 3 1 4) 2 '15) 3
1fJ:} 3 19) 11 20) 1
23) 3 24) 3 25) 4
28) .4 29) 3- 30) 2
33) 1 34) :3 .. 35) 4
3~) 2. 39}2 40) 2 1} 3 ,5) 1

·2) 4 7)2

~ I ~ ~~.:


.. ~ 1} 4 12) 3 H?)4 ." "17}4

U~ .~ •• ~~~~ :' •

os- '. a 1))',4 \ ... rl2) .2

: .~; ~ . . : : ~

26:1;4, 21) 3·

31)3 32')4 36)4 '~7) 3

.. ,

, ..


. ~.


.. ,~;.), . ".",_,,_ .......... -----'T~--__,

4" if Aand B are disjoint sets such that n(A} =="4, I

n(A u 8) == T then n (An B).=

1) 3. '2) 11 3) 0 4) None

5. I.f A ;::::; {O] 1;' 2, 3},S = {2] 3}j .. G ~ {1 , 2} Ulen.

A x (8 riC).==

1) {(O,2), (1,.2), (2, ~)r (3,.2))

2) {(', 0), {2, 1), (3, 2)} 3) ({2,3), (?, 1)}

4) NOlle

Lat.A := {i, 21 3l"S = {3, 4')i C == {4, 5} then I

AUI(BrlC) is

1) (3) 2) P 1.2, 3, 4}

3) {1 , 2, 5, 10J 4) {1, 2, 3~ 4, 5, 6} I

If n(A) ;::::,4, then the number of proper !i)UOSC!:-:; !

~;. ~5i$ 2) 14 :'} 16 4i 17· . I

'I f A an d B are two S ets s u eli tl1at A. n B = .i ~

. then /

" .~

11. n A == {1il 2, 3, {3, 4}, 5} H~:,a set th.eA~wh:ich of the foll.owi ng i s true? }~ ,.: ...

) .: ~1 '."

1i){1} e A 'ii';1, 2f~:',3} G A

_' .' ~; ~~ ~~:-;..:.·I I

~3H3, 4} c A "";\iH5!1} E A

. .

2. If A ::: (1 T 2, 41 Bj.t [3 = {1, 3, .5, 7} then AIJ...B

1) {1, 2,3-, 4, 5, 6,. 7}

2) (2!, 3. 41• 5, 6,.7}

3) {2, 3" 5, 61

. 4){1 ] 2, 4, i}


if A =:. {2, 5~ 7 ~ tt, , S! 17, te}; B = {' , 2, 3, .... 9} then (A- DY () (lJ - A);;;;;

1) {1, 3.,4, 6t.S; 9,11! 13! 171 19}

2) {11, ~3, 17r. 19}

,/ .



8 ..

1) A=;U 3)' 13 c A.

2) 13 ~¢ _ 4) it c B

_._-_-IiiiiiiiiiiI~!II!!!IIi!!!II!~~- .---- tT"M'1 '--.--

The' relaUon "lis, fairer than!! an,1ihe: set ot human be1ings is

~ ) R,ef l'l!xtve 2) T ransUive

3) Sym,m elFh:: 4)EqUl~\lalenoo,

'Which of the fDII,I'ow:ing relation Is not ,equlivalence ?

1} co:n9ruen,oe '01: AI~,~

2)1 perpandiclIJl'arily of lines

3) students 0,' llhe same univers:i'ty 4-), paralleHsm of lines

H IR: is the, relation defJrh!!d on N so ti18!t x2+2Y ~ 100 then R ==

1) U48, 2); (42, ,4). (3\2, eH

,2) {(~, 48)1, (.4" ,42)1. (8" 18),}

a)'I~{2~n 48), (.4. ,42)~ ('61 ,32), (B. 11S)} ,4)N'one

Ilf A is a f'B'lation on a fi~ite set he:,Vlrilgl Inl lelements-t'h,en the: number of retations on A is


1) :2,1T] 2) 21ft 3)1 n 2 ,4) nn

The nulll relation defined on a ~in'it'ID' set [8 net

1) anti:-symmetrin 2)symmet1rlc

:3) transltiva 4) I~efl'e>'(i¥~'

lei A,:::' {1 I' ,2, 3, 4} and R ~ {( 1" 1 )" (' ,~2), - (2.3). 1(2. 11)1" (3, ,2), (3. ,4.)1, (4.. 3,)} t~,en thle' refeJio,n "R"

A' ,I,

Olll . I!S <,: ,:

1 rnanrsiitwe j~, ,; ,2) Symmetrio

3) ReUe,xive <, '4) ,Anti sym rn etrlic

5. ThIJ'relation "is sUbset ot" enthe power. set:P(A}1 IOF ,a. sat iN i:s,






'1) Slymm:atric 2) .M'UI symmetr,ic

3) Equ ;vaJence ,4) INane!

5. A is Ii finite S'&t and neAl ~ 4. The minimum iTiUJmDEH of eJemern1s.; in any equivalence relati,oo

I .

on A II's ' .

no 2)4 3:)8 4)16

7. ,A is a iinite sst lllrl3J on~y Irei,atiafll IOn A.-which ts both eq,uiv,a:lenCieI and parUm order is

1) Null. relation 2') Idmtity rela~iollil

3) .A :1( A 4) INane

g. a R b iff "a and tI, are' frcrn different. countlries,H thenl A ls

1) Reilexlive 2') Symmetric

,__ _:IDlramstivek __ ~ ~_ _ ~ ~~aJ€noe_,,_

, ,20.







'I ',11

The I~rrge,st ,equlva.l,enrC-e relation defi n ~d (lin a. nCllil-:mnptyset ,A, ia,

1) lidentlty relationl :2) Voi.d relation

3:) A x.A 4) Ganll say

Which of the follOWIng re:1'ation(s) on these't of tfiian giles, is equ ival,e nee?

1)1 S~mn.arity ,2), Congruence

3) Ttian'gle,s of equal area ,4)1 Alii the above Wtli~ch of 'the fOllow,inQ props1iy' is: not satisfied Ib¥' the re,laUon 'perp'endi:ciJllarity' on the set of 81~ strigl1t lilnlE!S in a eartasianplane?

1)1 Reflexive :2) Symmet.rlc

3)1 'Iran sitive 4) Both (1 )and (3)

The :r~l,a:tjiQ.n' 'ls a divisor or on UU!' set Glf 'natural numbers is nD

; :'r "

1') Reti1exiv9 2) Sy-mmetric

-4) NOlle of these

,I:f R' is a relalioll on a 'finite se1 A such 'thm R_ =_R-11 then R' is

")1 Retlexiva

2) S,ymmetric

4) ,Anti~symmE!'b1ic N: x ... y = 5} thenthe

3) Trnnsitive

If R ~ {(x. y) I x~, Y E roster form 01 R' rs

1) nO,S)" (1" .4)1. t(3. 2)11 (2. '3]" (4. 1)" {5" au

,2) {{1., 4,), (21 3,), (3.2)., (4., 1»)

3) ((0,5), (1.4)" (3" ,2)1 4) None of these

II A, is a. finite ,sBI. Bnd "(A), = 5 then the number lot distinct r:enexive relaUons -on A ~s-

1) 2252l'2~ .... ' 3~ ~ 4) 220~1

.If Alii is the °EU!t 01' all mult~pl'es o,f n tor n ~ '1. 2'. 3 •. , ....... ", .. andl P ia the set 01 all primes then

UA .. =

peP' P

1, 'F"

3) {2, 3. 4,5 .. ,.}

(2007) 2) 1:1. ,2p 3, .... } 4)(0', + 1, + 2, ..... }

, 0 1}

r,f' 01 == {x E H':' 0 <: x < -, fur 1111 = 1, 2, 3 ....•

~ n '

2} 101 3) D 4) 0,

. 10 21

n the sets A. B,are' such that

A ={~ 'E N:; 11 :s n s; 40 and :3, d~v[~es nl

B === {1IiiI. 'EN!; 1 S; n ::;;35 and 6 all~v~dles n}

then It - B = (20IJlSi)

1) ~'

2) {3. '9~15,~ ,2'" 27'". 3:S" 361 3 g.,}

3) ,f\ 4) 'B

,Fo:r,2s(!ts It ,allld~, (A'u B)n .1If)1 =


2~ .. ' .,' " A.ul1

3),,,,"' 4) B

If in a g~(Jl:Jp o~ people, m persons ,oon s:peali<. Teh4gu. rflI persans ca,nsplea_ijs TamU andt persons IGaIflI speak both Taml~ and Telugu" U:I€l' numtJeroJ pemonswilo can speak eilh arTe1ug;lLJ

orIam ill is: €201Ji5i,)

') m~ I'iI + ~: 2) m - iii ,-I

3} :m+ In - t 4) n ~ m ,+ t

A ;;;;;·U. :2. 4,. S, '6}. B ~. {2,3. 5, 8} t~en (A-8)u{S'- 11) ,(2Ml4,)

'1 ) H,2. 4. 8. a~ 3) {~, 3~ ,4. 6. a:~

,2) {'1, ,2. 3.. 4. 6" a:} 4J {1, 2~ 3" ,ai'S}

,- I .

A=(3" 4. 6~ 8~ 9}, B ,= {4, 5, 61 1 ~ BJ.. '9= lS'" 6i, t, 9, 1'O} llhen (A n B)u'·(A n C)":= (:2,004)

1) {a, 4. 5. 6) ... ':. 2) {4, 16,1. ,B]

; ")

. . ;4'. J3'·· 5, _ I~ ,n.'.,l

• ' \-:~'. II! Dj aJ


In the set R m !aHrea'~ F1UmO@fS '~he ~el,a!tIDoli1 ~<:;,!

is IpeUJ"')

, ) Reflle~mu;e .2) Sym mletric:

3) T mnsilivE3 4!) IEQuiv"B'lenoo

11f A= {F" EN: P ·:is apflme' and

,4n 2, + 5'11 +- 1,0

P ;::; fo:r some n eN ,I' lien the

number ofelernents in A is

1), 1 2) 2' 3) 3 4) 4

t. Su,p:,P!lS9 A.~: {,3",-7., '1.1, 1S1 19f."". ·43)afld fa!=: -{ x,~ ,A.:: x ~s ,a. perfect s'q Ulare}~hen It - B=


1) A,_ 2HOJ ~) 8- A 4} IB


. ,


36, ilf A~ Beuet_i() sets and A! ·is 't'heoomprem~t of_ A !tJ'EUlthei dual of A·u (A 'n 8) = Au H ls (2002.1

1) A''v(AnB)= A1U'B

2)A~n(Aum) ...... A\.J B

3) A. n (.J\. \...di:) = An B 4)A,.n(Au'D)=AvB

IlfA -= (li(:: ](2 -3.x +.- 2: == OJ: B = {x '~: :-I.~ 5:< "*" o} tlhl~rII ,A - B ::::: (21:0,2)


. r- .: ;.

. ~~ ~ ~ .,

, nil +4n] +5 ,

'if A .. = ,( , j:s anjnteger}~lhen the


number o~ 'e~ements in }Ids


1 ) '1 2:)1 :2 3)3 4)4-

A, .. I.B.' .. ,., G pee .. Uve!iY . d.~€m~te tho ·1_Ie'se.-t olf the I letters In~ihe 'wo1ds ~FOLLOW~: ~F1LOV" and

iiWOliF'" 'then 1(2:0011) I

1) 13= G; A +, EI 2) A = B; B 1- C

3}, ,A, :: B ::: C 4) A.* 18; B *' C

If n(:S:) denme:s; the number Qf Hlemen~5:ili1 the setS, r1Il(A)1 = 20; n(S) == 4'0; n{AuH) = 50

thetln( A n B) ::: '(2€1'Ol)

1) :8<0 2)120 3) 10 4) S

( KEY )
1 ) 2: ,2), 2: 3) 3 4) 3 !5) 1
,6) 2 7) 1; 8) 4 g,) 2 110)2
1 1 ) S 12} 2 13.) 4 14) 2 1 5).2
Ull ,2 17),2 18) ,2 ., 9) :3- :210) 4
21),4 22).2. 23) 2 24).2: 25) ,4-
26)3 21l'2 ,26) 2 29) 2 .'301)3
31'13 32)1 3; 33» 3 34) 1 SS) 1
316) ,3 3,7]1 1 sa) 2 39) 3 4!D) :3 ~.--.--. --,--------_ .. _. -==""'"'.-=.-.~~---'--.......,_----'-.


, .

F'unctiotil er Mapping:

A relation 'f' jill 'whlc,h eaohefsiffisnt ot slerA~1 is assoclateo with,~ unique elem,8nt of 'sa! B,,, is called afunctlon from Ato B. It is denoted [by L: A ~, H Le., let 'A' and 'B' be non lempty sets such ~'hal 'f is a. rstation from A to lB. r~for each '!$Iemeril~, ae A, there exists a [I.m-que

ele'ment bE B such that i(a, bl E I, then 't" is called 8J function from A to B.,

Ran,ge ot.functlon:

!Iff: A 4 n~s a tun cilion ! then the se't. of images oHhe e,lernents 0 ,~(~, j,s callIed tange of f. It is darllo,ted by f(A).,

. ·'.f(A) = Ifl(~)I/)I E A}

Nole ~ 1 . "r{'A.) c H


2. Two Dr more, elements 'of A can have the sallJ~ 'f-image in B. '

~i;Jt~~rle may be, elements, in B)whici1 arel not ,f"imaYfls of'any'"el-ememl in A.


1. If A ;::; {a. b. e}. B == {1, :2. 3", 4}

f::: Ha., 1} (bl, 2l (c. 4H lsa IltJnctio,r'I 2. Ilf A ;;; {a. b~ el, e, == {1 ,2~ 3, 4} ~'= {(a. 11) (a, 2)1 (b, 1) (e, ,3)}. then the ml.ation,'f~

irS not a functlon, since Ilile!sle'ment 'a' h:;:.~" -,' lEt

ass!oclated 'wirtlh more ethan Ofl~ ele~enl olf Itt ",F- :

If A, B, areMO finite sets such 'lh:at n(A)I= P. nCB) =: q then the n tl'mber Of possible 'furncUon s

~hat dei'insd, ~';'

1. from A to B ~E: qP

2. from B to A, is P,q

Ex : If.A == (D" 11. 2. S'I a!lnd'~ ::A -7 B is de~:lned by f{x) =:: ,2}c + :3 theln

RHrnge off = (f{O). f(1), ~(,2)li' f(3)J

:= ~3. 5·,7, 9l Types Q,f functions, ::

ti; One-'Dnellluu:lirOJn [(or1' injeclilon:

A furilction f : A4 D, is called one one, if dIstinct elemlE!nts of A hav,e d~stinc:t ~mages,in

B. '

i."e. ilf f(a) =f(b) ==> a ;:: b VEl, b E A. E",· :



Im,agle and Pre-image:

If f : A~' 1IfI,· ts a functinn and an element U t;:;' A is assocl a ted '11th an e!'em'ent be Bthen b' ls 'of ~ail" ijt is deno'ted by 1(a) ~ band I,al j,$ called pre-ima'ge of 'b' ..

4. Domain alndco-domain :


'If f: A ~ B Is a function~ then I'A' is call,e,.d the domain and ~B,~ is called the' eo-domain 011'11·"

Ex : If A = ,{a, b,c}. IB ==- U. 2,3, 4}

r :: {{a~ 1) l{b, ,2} (G'I 3)j is'f\Jnd,ionfrom A t.o, B thel1 dom,ain of f is {a, b, c] and the co~'domain off is {1-, 2. 3. 4}.

f is an injection

Nale ~ 1. ~f t : A -7 B Is 1 - t then n(A) ~ :0(8)

2. If f : A ~ B ls.a runc,'inn then no. of onecne funetlcns p05s.b~e from A 1'0 '8 is

n(B)p neAl

(U" Many- one fu IfH:dorra :

A funct]on whicM is nolona - onEris caHed many,~ one functlon


f is a rn any ~ onefu n ctlen !(Hi) Ontofunetion (or) Surjection ::

A funelion l: A ~,B issafdr to. be eote (IUW'lotiOI1i. if every element olf 'B,' occurs astMeJ image lof ,~t least one element of A.

Le .• for ,every b-E B , ther,eex:ists atleast one elamenta E, A such that 'rCa) ~ b


'1. A,funeiti!on 1 is onto ,iff codCima~n-of f ::;; ra.nge

~f ~

l.e, f(A) ::; B

2. If J: A --7 B is 'onto tuncrlcn then n(A) ~ nCD) .

3 .. If n{A) ;;;;: rn and n(8) =.2 then the number of possible onto functions from A to B is 2m - 2.

(i,v) Bijective function (or), bije.c,tioln :

,Afunctiion f : A ~ 13 is said tobe a bijective furu:tion if it is both on e-ons a n d -onto.

Ex : If A~ {t, 2, a}" !6 ;;;;;;' {a, b, c}

- I

Thein f: ~ {(1, aH2, b) (3'l c) is both one-one and onto so it is bij:ecti 0 n,

1. If. I: A- ~ Bisa bijective function then n(A)

=.n(6). II

2~ilf ~(A) :: r1(B) ~ m: fhen tile no" o[ bijections

,\. thatare':pbssible' [rom A. to !3,:6 rn !

~. .::. I '

(~):,C?onatant funeitkm :

.A Iunc1~jon f :, A -7 B 15 Called a constant function, if the range of f censlsts of only one element





fis, a eonstant mapp~ng vO Inverse func1!ion;

Iff: A4 B is or.0~one. and QntofullcHon, then the mapping r1 from BtoA ls called inverse· of the mapPing T from A to B.


1. The inverse Dr a mapping need not bsa mapping.

2 .. n the ,giiven m'9Ppi ng 1 s a b ij action th en only its inv,erse, is a m'app~ng" Moreover"it i-s a. b~jection.

(vU), Id,entilylunctlon:

A funcflon f : A ----4 Ais said to be. id en my , tuncnen if ,every element or-A. j,s image ofitse~f.

.i.e.f{a) = a, ':rt:f a 'E A

~ ~ '-.- _,_. --.- _,="---=--,._-._ ~ ~. '-. - -. - _.

" .~







'id,intity futmtion is both ene-ene and onto i.e", identity functlen j:s a necessary bUection.

7 .. ,

EquaJ FunctJons :

Two funcnons i and 9 are said to he equal Iff they have the same domain IN and for each

"x e A ! f{x) = g(~).


. ~ ~ ,

If f: A __;;, Band g : B ---7 C aJel~\l-fYf1l~~~ns

then gof : A -4 c defined by L U. ~i'


. ~ ~ ~ "

(gof)(x) == g[f(x)]" \/x E' jJl i'S,'caUed composite

function of rand g. <;;"{,, ,_.':;'

- " .- i~' (~:t~ .~:~~


In gef th,e mapping fi:rst taxes place under 'f' then unde r Igi.

'In -g:Blleral,:gor ;to fog

Iff: A -) Band g: B ~ Care two functions tt1:en

( i) It fig are' inj ective then gofis In lectlve.

(ii) If f,gare surject.ive then g01 is ~urjective. (ii~) If I, 9 are bijective then 'gor is'biJecU~e ,iv} .(gof:r1 == f1 0 ~(t

tv, If h : A ~' 8,; g': B--? C andf : C ~ D be any three functions then fe{goh) = (fog}oh.


i.e. tile composiHon of mappings iG assooiaHve.

-~- ~----~~ __ ...-~i!!!!!""!I!!' ,_

~_- . _ ... ~ ............ III """'--=- ~ ii &Ji ... __ .. _ .. __ .-_


R,eal1u netlan :

:In 'a function f : A ~'iS

i) If th e dornal n A is s. su b set ot TR (The set qf real numbers), 'f is said to be B. function of real vada!ble.

I~) If the, co domai I'i1 B IS ,s,YOGi,1: afR t f is said to be a real val'ued hmctlor..

iiii) If both Aand 8 are subsetso! JR , f is said to be a real f'il.Jnc~io,n

Same Real FuncUons:

1. Even :F1u-ndltan: ,1\ function f{x) is said to be an ~'ven func·ti.on jf f(-x) ;;; f (x.) for a ~ I x ln its dbn1a~l1. "

-. 41 • ~.:. ' ~. ~ ••

E~(~·;f(X) = x'l, 'g(,K) .::; x\ Ih(x) =: COS -X



x ]It JEt
Ixl Ii Il+ u{O}
11x! JR-{O} !Fl!
-IX [0,0.-1,) 1[0, ~J)
l.x] m: z
.aX (a >'0) lR . (0, 00)
eX lR., (0, 00·)
loga): IR'I = (O,~) R
sin x l~: [-1, + 1]
cos x lR [-1, +1']
srn-1 x [,-1 't +1] [-tr / 2,1r /2]
c:os-i x [-'. + 1] [0. n:] -----'---~~~---'~, .-,-~-~

• .' 1II1i1!:" • iii ..... 11 ......... lILIJfli)


1. Which of the followingl relation .is a funetion '7 '1) A ~ {(t, ,2). (2,3), ,(3, ,4))

2) B == {(2, 1). (.2., 2). {2, 3)}

3) C ~ {(3!, 1). (3" 4)d' (1 , 2)}

4) D ~ {(2! 5)j' (5, 2)j (2j 4H

L~t A;;;;;;. {Po q, r, sj and B.;;;;; {1 , 2. ,l} whicl1 of the following relat~6ns from fA. to 8 ~s not a'function?


1) R1 = {(p" 3). (q .• 2), (r" '), (s, 2)} 2)R2 == ({p. 1), (q.'). (r, 1), (s, 1)} 3) 'R3 ~'{(PI 1 ), (qj' 2),(p, '1)" (s, 3)}


4) _R4 =~ {(p, 2)~ (q,1 3), (r,2)j (s, 2}}

The number of differetl,t funcUons from {L ,2, 3} to {a, tit Is

-1)6 2)8


4) 5 " ,

:':' .~. • I.·~.)


If f(x) ~ x2 - 5>:: + Band. g(x)1 .:=;x2th~~~~;

3) 9 '

1(2) + /(3) ~ f(O) _


g(O)+g(1)+g(-2) ,

1) 5/6, 2) 3/5


// ~ ~


J' ,

!f f(x) ~ 2~' the;n f(O), ;flilt f(2t:f~3,) .. , ... are in

. ~ . ,.. j:: . ~ ~ ::.

1) A,P. 2) G.P. \3'~1H:fl?;;'; 4) None

. . , :


Wh~ch of finE! WOii,owing is r- 1 onA={1.,2,,3, 4}?

1) {(1,. ~)~ (2. 2)t (3,3). (4, 3)}

2) ({1,1i), (,2,3), (3, 2), (4,4)}

, ,

3} Hi, 1 ),. {2. 1), (3, ,1 ),(4,1)} 4) {( 11, 1), (11 j 2), (3. 1 ),(3, 2)}

7" Mow many injective mapPlngs am possIble from {t, .2, 3} -to {a, 0, C', d, .s} '(

1,)35 ·2) 53 3110 4}60

8 .. , lta one toone ma:pp~ng is def:lnedfrom set A to another set a, anrn n(A) ;;;; 4 then n{B~! can not' be


3) 5


~-'--- --- -,'-----------


1) f(A) ,e B 3) 'f(A)== .B

,2) f(A} :> B 4) f(A) ;1:13

, , -

~O~ .An onto, can be defined from a flnUe set A ento another ,f.inite set Bonly when

11) n{A) == 8 2} n(A} > n(B)

3) ,~(A) ~ II'I(IB) 4} n(A} s: n(8)

11. TI~~ nurmber 01 on~o Imap'pings poss~ble from

, : : ,{ 1:' ~.j,\S' Ai}:-onto {a b}, I,s '

r: ~~_:.~. _'( 1~~ _.. ~'~Jf, J _. .~

'~.),:;-::;~".I~'~~ r'

'1;:(8;:" 2) 12~ 3) 14

J, : ~~ r' . .

,~A2. Whi,nh of thefoUowing is an an'ta mapping from

; !JY, /"" ta, b, c, d] to {PI: q!. r} ?

~ ~~. ·t~h~·· _ . ,. .

{', ", 1) Ha, p), (a, r); (at r)}

~(~ I~~~~~~~

., ",] 2){(a, pl. (b., r), (c, ,rn


3.) {(aT p), (b, p', (c,q),(d; rH 4) {(aT P)~ (b, P}l (c, q}, (d, rH

A bijection is deftned from set A onto another set S. If n{A) ;: 5 tnen

1) n(B) = 5 2) n(8) ~' 5


3) n(B} < 5

4) ean't say

The number of b.ijections poss,ib~e on the set A = {a., e,. l, 0, u} is

,-1J25 , 2).120 3) 3BO 4) 3125

Wh~eh of the following Is false?

1) The irwerse ota m~ppln.g need not be a mapping

2) If the g~v:en mappin~i is one .. one then it's invsiFs e is a rnapp ~ng

3) The. hwerse of a biJection ls a bij;ed~on again 4.) None' of these'

'6. [': N ~ N is a mlapp~ngsuch that

1 S.

f(x) == x +:2. "'v'x eNthen 'If is

1) one-one 3) bl,j,ection

2) onto

4) constant ma~pjng






I _

1 2:0.


121. II





Which of the fOllowing· is a necessary J:ii:jecfion?

1) ooristant mapping

2) one-ens mapping

. ..

3) onto mapping 4) Identity mapping

g : Z ~> ~ is a mappin~] deiill'8d by g{x) = )(2 then 'g' is


3) bijeclinn- 4) None

The function'deUnea. as 4x - 1 on the set ot: real n umbers is a(tT} ,

t) cns-cne ,2)0Ilto


3) bijection 4) None

The nLu;berof elements in the range of a.

.- . . -~.

constant mapphlQ is

2) 1

3) 2

4) can't say


It f = {OJ -1)~ (2~O),(3~~2)};

9 ;;; {(-1 ,3) (0" 2)" (-2, 1.)thengof is 1) {(1! 4), (2, 5)" (S, H}

2} {(~ 1., -2), to, Oh (--'21 -1 )}

3) {( 1 'I 3), (21 2)., {3, 1!}

4) {(3" 1:), ,(21' 2). (.0, , »

"~;~;~;,:r, , \ ~~

• :-.'; I':':""~

lf f(x) :~ x2; g(x) ;;: X + 1. the'n 99((:$) :::

. ,~~ , '"

1 )·25 2).26 3P3;~:: , .... >.4) 36

tlf f ;;;; {~a, b), (b,c), (e, d), (d, an then fo1 == 1) {(a, c), (b, d)., (-;;. at (d, d))

. 2) {(a, 0), (b, d}, (e,a), (d, bH

3) "far IJ). (b]. c), (cra)]; (P1 an

4) {(b~ aJ. (c, b),:.(d .•. c), (a. dl)

... 2x+3

.f ex) = x _ 2 .. then (fofofo! )(5) =

·1) 0 ... 2) 1

3) 13/3

4) s



4) 3


1) . x+4

',- '4x+3

26.~ i~ lex);:;:; .\',-4 then f 1(X)-:=

3-4x 2) 4.'

.. -x


3) .. -



4) .


. . ~ ( ~ ~ ~ .- .

. :il~~ /3) 4x2 + 2x + 1 4) None

~L-~~~·· '~~., " ~].

. ·:2~.;i~ v', The domain 'Ilr: ~he reallvalu'fld function


4) 312



~~-- is xl-5.l+6

1) {2, $}

3) . R - {2, 3,}

2) IR

4) None

30 .

llle dom:ai~n Qf the real1val]ued mapping '~3.x+ 2. is ,

1)x<~2/3 ·3) x ~. -213

,2)1 x:;.. .... 2,/3 4»)( ~ - 213

31 .

The domain of 'the real valued mapping 1


1) eX ..;: ,2 2) x >2

3) x < ,2a.nd x ~ 3 4)x:>·2 but. x ¢. '3


.. . I

T~eujomain dHilO function !(x)~-log x+ x


1) m ~ {OJ 3) [O~<n)

2) (0·,. Q0)

4} (O~ 1) u (1~ (XI)

_____ ~--~!11111!!!1""! ~~.' ..... " _

---=-=-=""=_._--. _~"'!II!!I!IIIII'I'II"II'I""'_'_r__ . "'I .. "M.

-. _ .~ •.•. o.IIIiIIIiIi;li.r '

, 33.



If f{x) = x + 3, g(x) ;;;;; X _- 2 then (/ -llJg i) (2) =

1) 1 0 2) 1 3) 5 4) 16,

Tli'e tang,s< of the real valued mapping] d:efined by 4x2 + 4x +9 is

1) (8. «i) 3) [9,'cQ)

2) [8.,00) 4} (9~ 00)

The range of the real valued mapping .'1.2 + X. + 1 is •

3) [3/4,,00)

38. The rangle cd the mLapJHng defined by 30m;,;x + 4: s in x .+ 7' Is

1) {3~ 4) 2) (4, 7) 3) (2,'2) 4) It2,,12];

- ~ ~

.. -

- 37·, If fr(x) = ax -7 then f~1(}f(5) =

1)-5 2)0 3}5

I 39, _ If ff(x) ;:;; 3:< + "1 ttl en t= (7 ) -


2; 1

1) 0


4) -7

39. Whic.h or thefollowing'functioil is odd?

4) None

-,' , '

ifr:if(X) ~ x~ + 2x + 3 then

. . I .-:: ~ I -c • ~ ~

·t .:::r_ r .. :~ ;.~~ I. ~~;

" ~:is?lnf'

~:)~_:i ~~ »,»:

1 ) 'C>~d fun c:tiQf~

f(x)- f(-x)



~ .'

2) Eve n ill nctlo n

- .

3) Per~adk:runcHon 4) Signum function

I .t


', ( )
:l KEY
-: ~ ... L .. "
. , ... : . : . ~.~
"'-:\ Il ~~~
1 ) , ,. 2) ;3 3) 2 4) 4 5) 2
6) 2- 7) 4 8) 1 9') 3 10) 3
11) 3 12) 4 13) 1 1-4) 2. 1 5) 2
16) 1 17) 4 18) 4 19, :3 20) .2
21 ) 3 22} 2 ,23).2 24) 4- 25) 2.
26) 4 2i} :3 .28) .2 29) 3 30) 4
3·1. ) 4 32} 2 33) .2 34) :2 35) 3
36)4 37} 3 38} 1 39) 4 40)-1 --.~-------.,;;,.-- "---,-~.~=.--.---

,~----,---~.~~~~------ -'--==""""'-.=-""~~-----.--. -.--~ 1

-I . ICreafive Le3,rn'ina Insti,tute for COIDDl'ehensiive 'Knawl.edae : CLICK @' .

1. Which of the fol'lowiing is not a function on

. A :: {1 , 2, ,3j 4}

1) {(1 , '1 ), (2, 2), (3,3), {4, 4}}

2) {(1 ,2), (2, ,2), (3,2), (41,2)}

3) ((1, .2). (2, 2)] (3,2), (3,,3l}

4) {(1, 2.), (2, 2)],(3,4), (4,4)}


f: N --7 N is a mappingl de,fined such that f(x) ~ x + 3 than the range of f is

,11) {1, 2, 3 } 2) {3, 41 5" }

3)"{4~, 5, 6 } 4) {2, 3,,4., , .. , }


lh:e number ot mappings posslblefrom {1, ,2, 3. 4} to {a" b, c} is

1) 12 '2) 64 ,3) 81



If f:':~ {(1·:. '2),(~, ~3), (3,. 1)} then 12 =0 ,.,.

-i){(1,'2f(('3),:(9, in

3) {(1 ,4), t2, 9), (3~ 1")}


.~;ttr" - 1',',

4) None ofthese "'::~\'(:~;;:;~>~'

If f = H1 , - 1), (2, 0), (3; 1}l~ 9 = H1, 3):: \(2.2),

{3" 1)} then f ... 9 ... 2 ~ ,:f·:·: ,

. . , "I

') {(4, 4), (6, 4), (5,. 4)} ,;~?!". . :i:,.

. ~, I ",'.' . ~ . I

?}({1,,4), (2j 4)l (3, 4)} . ~ .'::'~"


3) (4, ,2.), (4. 2)" (6! ,2)} 4} None of lhese

If I : A ----7 B j,s a , .. 11 mapping where A and Bare "nite sets then

1) n(A» nCB)

'2) n(A) <n(B)

4) n(A) s n(B)


1.1 f : N :-7 N is a m,app,j,ng defillled by the

-.,. ,

rule 1(.:i<) ~ ax 4- 2 then f is

') one-one 3)c bljectiQt1

2)'onto' ,4) none


ThE number of: possit;tl:e 'identity rnapplnqs on the set {P'i q, r, sJ is

1) 0

,2) 1

4) 16


9. The domain o,f:ltla r,eal·~mapping defined by the'


rule _. -.' :is x-.5

2') mY-tO}

4) R ..... {-5}


2) (-5, 5) 4) [D. 5JI

If f : iIt"4 R ls defliiru3d by (ex) = "X'7 -36- then the domain of'f: is,

1} (~6, 6,)

3) R-[-6 6]



I'f -r is a real 'rnnc'lian deflned by th~ rule f(x) = I0910(2-}()tM"JiE~m

1)X22 2)x>2

3) x <2

4) x ,S; 2.


. e" +e-III

If f(x) = _ the:n fls

- 2

.1) Even funyUon 2) oOtid function

3) Neithe·r functIon 4) No ~:!'

,14. Iff(x) = ax" +~3 ... ox2 + d is all AIV~1l tunotion '1t\en

1} b~'o

3) a::::: c = 0

. 2) d'~ 0

4) I~) + d = 0

15-. Which ,of the foll!owlin,g Is an odd function 1-

2) f:(x) == 'iOO


3) X'" + 4

4)"- -- 2


1) R 3}{-1, + 1}

2) 1R -to} 4)[-1] + 1]

17. ,If f{x) ::! 2x .:.. ~3 then r' (7<1= , "


1) -- 2

. 3) 2x oJ. 3

, _ x+3 2), ~~ -,' . " 2,

4)" 3)( - 2

, 3x+4

1,6. ' -I f f (x) -, Sx _ 3 '~h en ~fo'f9f) (x) =

" 1) 0 2:) x ' ,,:3) fIx) 4} f(~x)"

~ ,



1) 2x+3,

, ,

, 7x'~,3

4), , '

',' 2xtl


, _ M

Th~ num:be~ of many:t~on,e functiOns, possi:bla f~om the, sel {1!, 2,3l to' :{a,b;' c, ~L} ~is ' -

1 ) ,'~ , 2) 24 3)40 ' 4},64

, 21 .

, -

, f(x+.3)"

If f(x) ;;;; 2;( then f (x +01.) =

. ",' 1).1, 2) 2' 3) 4 '4J"S

22. 'If f,(~)l == 3X.,+-'5, g{x) == 2x -+,~t~e~,-f.og,(2·) ~

~) 1.6 ' ,2) 2'C) , ,',3)_2~ - ',,:-.' 4).55

" ." .

,. , .

I ' .' , ,- .,' ' , "


- .

• I • _ I


23,. If f~ f{1, a). (2', b)', (3, c), (4. 'd)}

g~ =-. Ha~3), (b, 1"), (G, 2)" (d, 4)} U"efl fog :;: 1,),{(1" 3)" (2,. 1), (3, 2), (4. 4)}

2). {(a, a), (0, b), ('c, G). (GI" d)l

3} Ha, c), (b, a)" (c, b)" (d, d)l

4) Not defined

24. The numbe:r of passibU! constant mappings on ' the set {e, b, oj to itse,lf la

1) 0 ,2) 1 3} 3 4) 9

If ~,= {(1. f :2)j (2,.4), (3,. 6)}

!f;;;;'{(1 •. 2), '(2, 3,), (3, 4)} then fg - 2 ~

. ". -.~ t:~,,~;:,_~' '

": i':) ~t"'~~'2l:j{2, 110), (21:" ,22)}

~H;~('~,1. 2), (2, 100)! (7', 22)} 3)" {( -11,2), (2, 4),:{3, 'Sn .

I" ~ .r-'

. ~. ~

4} H-1i, 2)! (2.,4), (S, 4)}

..J '~


\ X '

If f (x) ,= ~,' :, , ,'1 the'M (fofofof) (4) ;;;; ,

.. ']+x"

, ,

'no,' "2):4'

3) 4j.65


4) $s

, . ,


If f(x) ;;;; x'2 then 'Foi' (3)' =

H 0 2),3' 3) 9 4) 81i ,


. '

If f(::<) ~, '2:.<;2 '*' 3x 'then' f is,' .. ', .. : ..... function

, -

'1) Even 2)Od,ej ,3) Neither 4) Canst,ant

Whi'ch otths fo'"0'wi~g statement is true?'

'1) An relations are mappings

2) S,ome mappings are relatlons

, .

3) N.Q re!a.t'ion is a ,mappi~g ,

.4) Somere'''a.tiol1s are mappings


• • • I

- ,,g(x) ,

" .:: then: {(x) ,"



4} 1/3


1) 1


f(x+k) Iff(x) == aX then f, t, -'--1")" '= \.l . ,

(2Q07)' . :

1} f(k), 2)f(-lJ 3)l(k - n A)~t(k, +0

32. If 'f()(}=.2~.2 -t 5)(, + -1 and g(x)=; )(- 4 then

{ae, lR :g(f (a)) - OJ (2007)

{I '1

3) -, -3 ~ - 2 )




. I ~ I : ~. ~ I.::.~

4) 1/50 "';~r:~>: .

, , ., j\~ih

The number df injections of the set {1 ~ 2, 3} ~~l:'

into the set {1, 2, 31 4, 5, 6} ~s.: (:2oq5l

. ,L !.-f\. ,,~,

1) 10 2) 30 3) 60 <4:~~~o:tHr' ~

. ~ .. i . ~(~

If f : R ---t If!{ and '9 : R ,07i .1~be, defl ri,ed by

.JI"~~il '

t(x):: x - [X] andg{x) .mJ1iJ' for.~~chx in IR,

where [x] lis the, gre?ltesHnt,ege~ not exceedl n 9 x, then the rang,e 01 gol I$~~~i!; h~( (2005)

1) 1




1) .¢ - 2){O}

3) Z

fl[, 1 )",=




1) --;l 2) >::2 f(x) 3) ff(X2) 4) x f(x)



n i :R ~,it ls defined by f(x} ~ 6x -t 5 then (2(104)

t~1 ({-,1 , '11 n ==

1,){1. -11}

3) {~')

- , 'i'

I, ... ~ • ~ :: :2

as. .lfi:ff~r:~l<" + 1;g(x) =' x + 2;. XE

f( 6 (>.t)j~~ . .

<} •••• j~:::

2) {-1, 1} 4) {1}

2) )(2+ 3 4) ";'2 + 2:

nu mb er of so! uUon s IOW~(X) :::: 0 is

1)0 . 2)13)2


- .

ad-ce a+hx.

If x = ef -bd' then ,c+fx =

. 1) d!e "2) eJ2d

3) 2dJe

( KEY)

~) 3 2) 3
6) 4 7) 1
1"1 ) 2 1,2) 3
1,6) 3- 17) 2
21 ) 3, 22) 2
26) 4 27) 4
,31.) 4 ·3.2).3
36) 1 37) ,2 3) 3 4} 3 5).2

a).29)3 10)2

1 3) 1 14) 1 1 5) 4

1 8) 31 9) 2. 20) ·,3,

.23-) 3 . 241) 3 2.5)1

.:26) 3· 29) 430) ,2:

33) 3. 34) 4 35).2

38)1 39)1 40) 4

R. then (2003)

then the





4) e-ld



Polynolmiial:: Ifao' ai' a2, ....... an are complex numbe,rs and at], ;f;. 0 thenl a,a ,+ 1311,:<+ 22X2_ ,+ ....... + anxn is called a pOllynomial in IXI of degree n',

,Not'e ; dh degree polynornlal has afmost n faeters,

Fiatlonallnt-egral Function:

,A polynomiaJ .in x is called 'Rational Integral Function' if the coefficients of x are rational '.'.



n um bars and ~ha powers of x are non-negative Integers.

Ex: ,2x2 "" 3>: + '1, 3x3 ..... 2:<2 + x - .2, s-xS + 4;f.

2 ' '.

- 21( + X + 3 etc.


R,emaindcrTheo,rem : ~ "'. '. "t-

'iI ' •• ' ,~\ .. 1\ ..

If a rational integra! function f(X)i$;~~i~ided by (x'~ a.) then the remainder is f{fiJi).

~.~L '1 ~

Ex : If f(x.} =x2 + X - S'"hfdivided by" (,x. - 2) then

. .

the remainder is f(2)

~ f(2) ~ 22 + 2- 5 == 1 FactorTheorem ;

If f(X) is. a rationalln;tegral function and f(8) = 0, then (x _, a) is. a factor of f(x)

EK ,: If 1(2) ~ o far f(x) ::: x2 - 5x + IS then It meains that (x ~ .2) ts a factor .of t(x) .


"I,' .-;.; •


, ," " " n -. n;..1n-2

let f(x) = 80 X -+ a1 x: '+ ¥ + ..... + an

{i} (X ~ 1) is a factor Off{x)

:::::;:} ao, + a1 + a.2 + +, an == '0

t.e, (x -1) ls a factor of a: polyn,omi:al iff (ti:e . s~m of the coe,ffllClients of the ~olynomial == 0.,

(H) ·If. th;~s'U m of the 'coefficients of even powers

.: .. eqi~-;al$'to''that ofodd P9Wers of t(x) then (x + 1 } . tS;,~~· .of f(x) .

l.e, aQ "if" 02 + 34 + ~ == a, + ~ + as + ...

'. Some' Important Results ~

(ii) I,f f(x) is divided by (ax ... b) then theremainde~r


is f ( _,b J .. , 'a

. (iO If A,2 + ax + band x2+ bx+ a(a ~,b) have a

~ ,

common tactor then a + b +1 :;: 0 : .


Oil) xn + yn is i!lways 'divisio:le by (X + y) whlenn is odd.

(IV) xt'I + yrl is never divlaible by ,(x- y)_

(\I) x'' - 'In Is dlvlsl'bl:e by (x - y) for aU n. (Vi) xn - yn is di~isi,ple by .(X + y) when n is even,


,. ,.

... ,: t-- _.

--------:---------------------------_- --_




H )(2 -I- 20x + 60 is divided by x + 2 then the re main der is

1) 0

3) - 2 4)24

What should ba subtracted from 5:x3+3x?+x~ 1

to meke It exacUy divisible by x - 1 '; , 1) .4 2) ,2 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2

1)-1 2},s 3)0 4)3 '6)2 7)2 6)3

What added to i2 - sx - 5 to make ~t 1, i) 2. 12):t l' 3) 3

,exactly diivisib,leby x - 2? 16}2 1.7)2. 'S}l 19) 2

1 ) 13 2) - l' 3 3) - 5 4) 5 ,

I.-'-----_---:-_--_ --_ -_.-. __ ._ - .. _--=---~~" -~- __ -~. ~ -=:-_-::~----.


1'1 4x3 + 6x2 - Bx -t 9 is divided by x + 4 then the remainder is

1) 119 2)-11 9 3) 329 4)-329

~'F the expression kxs. - 2x2 + 2kx + k when divided by.x - 2" leaves a remaindfHof 5, then k=

1) 0



I f the -0X_p res sion ,,2 + 12x +1 7 w'h en divide d by x + k, give's a remainder of 6 thEm Ii< '"

1) 1 2) 11

3) Both (n & .(2) 4) None

'I'~ x - 2 is a 'factor 01 x2 - 4x + kthen k =.,:'_,.

,I: ··1

4_) 1"'" ... ,~;~("

-I' """"'"'. ~ ~: .~~~L .~

. t .. , I ~ ~ ~~

If lit + 6 is a. factor of 'x2 - lOx + 20k; then k lis, "'>

1) 48 . .2)- 24/5 3) 12/5. d~~),5 ,1',"

~.~.~.~.. .~:.:c; ~t

rf the expression x + 5 is exactly'd·[vi.$'ibl¢lby

th - '-'~l;':

x-p .. enp;; " .

. ~H·j.

1,) 5 2) - 5 ,a)'B . .. 4\, Nons'

~ l '.{ • , .... :- ... J

If x ,.. 2~s a taetor of xi!. ·~~X~t,~;,~M.n the other

e. ~ ~~' ~ ~:; ~ I

factor IS, ,,' ,;.~

1). x - ·1 2) x - 3 3) x + 3 4) x - 2



,3) 12

Find t.h,e remainder when ox4 - 7x2 + 15 IS divided by x2 .: 2

1) -- 25 2) 5S


4) -53

Findthe remalindierwhen x8-2x4 + 10 is divided by x2 - 2·

1) 18

2) 10.



ro(ji If a~ ... bx + c is exactly divjsib~e by (x ~ 1) then ?

1),c:::::::a+b 3)al-b+o=O

2) a -b -'e = 0 4) - a ... b - 0;; 0

Ifr X4 ~ 2x3, + ~3,x2' - mx + ;; Is divided by (x - 3). then m is

1) 2.0



4} -·59/3

f:l '\.,9-

Wh,~t js the n,!m8'il1lder when 4x2 - 8x + 3 ls dJvid.~~.J)Y (2x 4- :31) is

tlr~ la.:.;;!(", '" '2) 0

~:·r ~,~.:'.~~

'If (~;L':1J;(X + 11) are two factors of )(3+3x2-x--3



.. tnentha otherlaetor :is

': .: : ·:'·1:, x - 3 2) x + ,3 '3) x - 2. ·4) x+-2

·:":~25 -).

, :@.i l ~ (x ,_ 1).. {x - 2) are two,'act,ofS 0,1 ax2 "" bx ... e

and when it is, divided by x +1, the remainder is 6, lh en th,e va I ues ,D!r a, b, a ara

1) ~ 1; 3 j 2 2) t. ... S. ,2 3" 1;. 3~ 2: 4) " 2, 3 lY If/X2 - 3x + 2 is: a factor ,of x3 - 6)(2 -I- ax + b

. i'-rhen the values of a. b are .

1)-61112)61,'11 3:)-11.-6 4)6.-11


Wh~ch of the 'f,ollowing is a 'factor of ,x4 + 4x3 1 +3x2 - 4x ~4

2) x + 1

3) x- 3 4)x - 4

1} x-2


If x2' - 11 ls a factor o.faxA + bx3 +- ex? + dx + El, then

1 ) ~ + 'C + e ,: 0, b + d ~ 1

2) a + b + o + d» e =1,

3) a + G + ,9 ::: 0, b + d ~ 0


r _KEY~-:'.· ........-J

9) 3 14) 2

10) 1 15) 3 20) :3





, ~-


11 X,3 - 3x2 + 4)( + k ls ~hrldied by (K - ,2) then k=

1) 4 2) - 4 3) 0, 4) 3

When ax2 ... bx + c is divided by x -1! x,-2~ x - 3 then the ra mai ncsrs are 11" 22 an d 37 respectively then a, 0, care

1) 2, -5" 4 2) ~2. 5, ,4 3) 2, S, 4 4) 2" 5, -4

If x2 + ax + band x2 + bx 1- a (a -:t b) have a

common root, then at .. b == .

If f(x) '" x2. + 4 andg(,x) ==)(3 - 3 then the degree'

of the polynornia' l(g(x)) is (2007)

1),2 2)3 3)5 4)6

If x2 + X - 2 is a factor of the polynomial

X4 +,QX3 +- bx2'-12x + 16 !hen the ordered pair

(a, b) == ' (2007)

'i) _(-3, 8) 2) (3, -8) 3) (-3, -8) 4) (3 i 8)

If .Jx2 - ii) is. a factor 0'1 )(8 + ai2 - bx -t- '6 tnsn t8,s1ordered pair (a" b) = (2006)

.r ~ l!-,:- '.

,; 1)t~H:1'):'i ,2)(-6,-1,)3)(-9,1) 4)(6, -1)

'~1 ",

The remainder when x5 + X4 -t x3 + x2. + X + ~

is divided by x '$ 1 is (2004)

,~: ,,;' 1)0 2)1 3)-1 4)2


r' ':,;l7'~" .If x ... 1 and x -1 are factors of x.31'2x~+ax + b

then the ordered pair (a. b) ::::; (2004)

1} '0 " -2) 2} (.:.." 2}3) (1 ,2 ) 4) (-.~ I' -2)

If (x - 1) Is a 'factor of f",xl then which of the fOUOW!ng is a factor 01 f(x2 - 3). ? (2003)

11)x-1 - 2)x-2 3)(-34)x-4

IT' (X,-2) lsa factor qHhe pclynomial f(X2 + 4) then which of the followingl iis a factor 01 f(x) ?


~--=-- -- ---'- _ ......... 'IIiiIiiiiiiIIiR~ --' __ ...... _


i) a

2) 1

xn + i~,is divided byx .... y when n is

, ) Even number 3) Any number

2) Oddl number 4) none-

If a ratlonat integral¥unctionf("x) is divided by 3x + 2 then the remainder is

1) f(-2)


If(x. + 1 ).(x. +,2)ar'il fac~ors, Of x~+6J<,~ ... 1 tx + 16 then the thirdfaptor is

1) 3 - x 2) x - 3 3) x .,. 3, 4) x + 5 1.~f(417) .:, 0 then onefactor O~f';r(~)i'h:; ~}:;"

1} 7.x + 4 2) 4~x~ + 7 '3~7x - 44ry:4x"-7

•• ~ I

Tb e' lacto rs q' f' v3 + 2'" ,'2 ':.,. ~ 2' arlee

,,, .\.Il "',',A, x'i,-A'- ,"_!'

I:. '/

1) (x - 1), (x + 2),. (x +,:3),\;:

": ... t':' ~ .. ~ . )

,2.) (x - 1), (x + 11)1 (x - 2Yc

3) (x - 1 ), {x + 1" (x + 2.)

4) None


1)x -,

2) x + 1 3} X - 2 '4) x +' 2

10. One of the factors of ,)(3 - 5x2 - 5x + 1 is

1) X-I

2) K + 1 3)1 X + 5 4) x - 5

11. If X4 - 2x3 .,. 3x2 ~ !kx + 5 is ,exadly divisible by x - 1, then le :::

1) 5

3) 7

,2. .,If xn ~ y" is ,Clivisi!ble byx + y then,

1) n ts even 2) n is odd

3) tor ~U n E N

16. , 't;

I ~ I : ~ I


14 ..




1) x-,S

2).x-7 3) ),;-·,8 4)x_:-1,0


If f(a). ::=: a3(b - c} 4- t?(c- a) + c:1{a - b) then tne remainder when 1,(a.) is divided by a + b + c

is (2'002)

'l ] a, .... b 2) b - c 3},- 1 4) 0

( KEY )

1) 2, 2)3 3}3 4)2 5) 2
'6) 3, 7)3 8) 3 9) 1 1 0) ~~
11) 3 12) 1 13)4 14) 2 15) .3
16) 1 17)4 18)4 19) 3 20)4 -~'-,'-- ---~~~~,-~---~- I

-.~ 1




I 5.


Qll!.uJdratic E,qi""atio:n : A.n eq Lil3linn OJ Ullsfmm 8J)!2 ... bx ... c ~ O,a ~ 0 Is called a quadratic 'eq,uatiol1.

RllOot man, 'eClIUa.t:j.OIAI :

x:;;: 0.: ts a root or solution of an equaUon f(x) ~ 0 jf~(a) :::: O.

ili'Ul. roots (If Uli€lquadraUe €(1jUlatio n rol2 + ox +, C :::: ,0' aJiegiven b'y

-b +~Ii -,4ac



fj~ =-b-~b!J -4ac:, 2a

iv) . .6. =b 1 -48,C lis, call1ed d iscrimhani~ of th e 'eq1lJooon.

The quadraUc equatiDn witlltne! roots ICl :al1ld

~ is giveln by )(,2-(0;+ p)lII. +al3 = o.


a, h, c~, 9t,~ a ~ 0 ,BlFlld ~ = Ii - 4ac '

-0 -b th.ey are -- and '-.- _

2a. la,



Ii ij, If A.:> rQand is a perfect squa,re tne n th,e 'roots are distinct ,and rati:onal.

nli) II' A> 0 ,and is not a square numberthen the 1I'ootsam, conj u g8!te irrationals.

be aJ~Jb.

Iv) ilf .ll. -e 0 then the FooSE are conjugate complex I numbers.

Il,~'. ~f'a<+ 'ib is: one .• root , then '~"e' oth,er root must beta ~ Ib~

& •.


. e~pl';(;!S3~t:ml;

. ; .ax2+ bx ... e (,a. :;f; 0) be the gl,¥en expressilon.

': .. ' ,~.

4~ac-b~ 'Min. va:l1ll8:= ---

, - - ,_ '.' 4a


ill) For a -e O~ at 'lib = -2" . the expn~ms ion has ~a

mlximum \!ialu:e.


2" 4uc-b

Mm:. value = --- 4a

LeI f{x.) .... aK2 oj,. bx+ Ie =0 (a :~Oi), and let a and f3 be tl1e, roots of f(x).

t) lhe quadmti.c equiJllIon whose roots are If! + k and! fJ + k is given by f(x - k) :;= O •

iii) the qjlUadratic' equation' whoo:e roots ,81m a - k an~ fJ- k ls ~given by f(x + if<} := 0


: ,

'_"--- - ----..;;;";__",,., .. '-- .. -- ~~---_ T~!'IR"'I'!!'!II'--'- ~~I~! JIiiiiiiiiiIliiiillll.-_· .-.-'-_-~~- ............. ~-



Quadratic E'quaticm : An equ ation of the fOf1max2 + bx + c z 0, a ;: 0 is called a 'Cluadra.tic equation.,

Root of an equation;

x ~ €X is a reet 0 r solut:i on <or an equat[on f(x) = e iT, f( 0:) ;::: o.

The roots of the quadratic equation

. ,


ax2 +- bx + c :;: -0 are glve.n: by

-b+~h'" -4ac

a= . -



, . c

iiil The Product of the- :foo,ts .:;::' aft ::= - a


~v) A= bl -4;ac iiS caU:ed discriminant o.f the equation.

-Tha quadratic 8fJuaiion with the roots ex and

, ,

fji!rgiven by x2 -(a + l3)x + up ~ o.

Nature oflhe roo~s of ax:! "'" bx "I- C :: 0',a, b" CE 9\~a'#O and ,8 ~ b2 -4w: "

~) If .8 = 0-" then the roots are real ~nd equal


-b -0

,1·.hEware -. - end ~

J 2a """ - ., ,2a .

• • ~ ••• - ••• ".:. • ••• • ~. ~ • ••• •• I ~ • ." -

- --

Ii) If A:;. .0 and is a. ps rf'ect s qua re th en th e roots are dlsti n clan d rational.

iii} ilf II > 0 and is not a square number then tile roots are oonjugate irraHona.~g.

i .e, ~f a +,Jb IS en EI root, the oth er reot I'll U is t be a.-~.

lv} ~f ,6 0:: 0 tn'sn the roots are conju.g:ata complex n urnbe rs,

~ ~i' .;~.:' ," .

il~e; .. ·.ijter·+ 'lib/II,s onle..l~oot,then the ott1er root m~st' bee - ib .

. ,.


~.' J'

Max1mlUm I .Minilmllll.m va.-Iue of the ~prGs':s'lon ;

., ..

.• ' ) r .. !. ~.

I :~J: I


'4ac~b~ Min. value ;;



H~ For ae .oj at x,;;:: :;-.. tReexpressioi!1 has

; 4-£'1.


. I

I -I

·2 4ac-b

Miax. va:~ue=- .--. - ~

. rla

Let f(.x) ;;;;; 8X,2 -+ bx + c .~~ '0 (9. .=/'=,.0) and let €X ! and. {j be'the roots of f(x). I

l) tlhe quadrallc .. e':ua~ion whose. roots are I a -I- kand'fj. + k ~IS gwen by fr(x. - .k) :::: O.

~ ~) the, ~ uad rati (1 eq uatien whose roots are


a- k a~d, f3 - k l:s given by rex. +k);:. 0

iii} the q uad ratio eq ua tlo n wl1 ose mots are' ktx and kf3 is given by f (= )= 0

ilv) th,e quadratic equation whose roots are -,(X and .... /3 is given by f(-x) ~ 0


Fa.ctori se : 3x2 - 7'1. - ,6 /

1) (3.x- 2) (x + 3) 1tJ (3x + 2) (x - 3)

3,) (3x ,+ 2) (xT 3) 4) (3x + 4) (x - 2)

Fi,nd the roots of the quadratic eq uatlen

~"'X-'2 =0 - .

1) 4f - 3" 2) -4, 3, ,3) 4113 ,4) --4! ~3

Findi tine roots 01 the quadratic Eqllatllon

2 " .

4x + 4>1: ... 1 ,~O



f)1/2! 1/2


4} 2+Ji, 2·-.J2 ..


The quadrattce.qua,±ion whose rootaare 7 and

1,3" !s - . . . ~;~(I

J . I~' ~;> . r. '

, } ;:<,2 + 20x + 9'1 ~ 0 2) x2 - 2~nh;f.i-,111 = n

a) xl +20)( .... 91 :: a . ¢) x.2 - 20)(--: 91 ;;; 0'

I' .


The quadratic equa:dqr) that '~as 4+ J3 as

~ l: t!~. I .

one of its roots is ";'" -: L

1) x:2 - ex + 7 .= 0 2) x:2 - a,x + i' 3 =: 0



3) r.,2 + ax- +7 = <0

Tl1e;qU8dratlo eCluaUon that 11m;.3 - 2i as one of ~ts, roots ls


~ ~

1) r + 6;( + 5 :;::: 0 2)' K& - 6x - 1 ~;o

3) j(2 - 6-x.+ 1 a ;;;;; O. 4) x2 + 6)( + 1:3 = 0

Tile sum UnherF'Oo~s~f the qu,adr-aUc El'q,uation

fjx' - 6x+4 :: 0

1} 2Jj 4 3) Jj

2) -2·/3 4 4)'-Jj

I 9'

"p .•



-, 1 I

v) the quadratic equation whose roots are ex I

a~d~ Is given by .f (~.)=o.

The product of the roots of the quadratic eq,~ation xi: - (a + b)x + (b2_ a2.) = 0 is

}11}'j:':;"~lbq ,\, 2) a + b

,.l,;:'''j, ~ .... , :- . .'·t~' ..

.' .sfa2 :- 0'2 4) b2 - 'a2

:, C";'

If CO, (Ii are cube roots of unity then the

equation having the roots t». w2 ls

1) x2 - X + 1 :;:: 0 2) )(~ .,. x + 1 = a

3) .)(2 + x - 1 = 0 4) None

If: ene root of x2 -I- kx + 27 ;;;;; 0 is triple the other then k ~

1)3 2)9' - 3)-12 4)-9'

II,f one root of x2' - x - k ;; 0 is, square of the 'other then k ==

1) 2+15 ,3,) 2 +-15

2) Z-·J5

4) None


One of th,! roots of a quad ratio equatl on is tw lee the other. Find the sum of the roots if the p'rOduct"O'f the roots' ls 8,

1)2 2~4 3)6 4)12

If th.e roots of x'2 + kx -I- 15 ;;;; 0 are In the ratio 3: 5 then k::

1) +5 2) ±~5 '

3) ± 8 . 4) +.J8 \

If O!~ fJ are th~ roots ofax2 + bx + c;;;;;: 0. Then\ the quadratic equation having roots u ~ - J3 ~\ 'is

1) cx2 + ox -11- EI ~ 0 3) a~2 - bx -I- c == 0



2) c:x2 - bx + a = a <4) a:x.2 - bx - c :;;;; 0


15. If. a.,.J8 are the roots oofax2 $0 bx .... e ~ 0' then

1 1

·th,ee.qua'ti,o'fl .h_av~ng roots~ ~ ~f3- is

~) ax2-bx +c=O· 2) C'X2._ OX'''' a=,O

3) :ex::!! + bx + a == O. 4) ox2 + ox -a == 0

16.. The quadmUc cqlJ8tior1 havingl the rootS.2lsss than lh.e roots of }(2 - 3x. "" 2: ;; Ois

1) x2 ~ X + 1 = O. 3) '1.2 +x ~ 0

2) x~ +.X + :2.~O , . l')x2 - X ;:: 0


The equation whose rootsare ffiu:ltj:pl~ecl by 2, of UH.1ISe off '3x2 + 5x - 2= Or 1S

" )'3:<2 + lOx ~ 8·=:=0 2)' 3x2. _ Hlx - B == 0

I 1r8.



4) None


If a. J3 are roots of x2 -.pxt {/-:~:9~;,~he~~tMe

. <,

, (1,3 + fj.l

value ,of .,' .:::- S. =

- a-~ + /3-;:' ~: ; <"~,;.

- =:: ~ I ~

1) p3 2) q3 ~:~~~qi::'4) q2p

20,. The

reets ,of


aquatlon are'

1) a, b

'. c(Ci'-b)

3.) , " , 1

a.(b~cJ II

2} b~ e a{b~c) 4) 1, pea-b)

Ilf thie root'S €lIthe eqyation (lbl - (:)x2 i- (c - a)x + (a - b) ~ rQ am equal then a" b, G- Hre ln .

1) A.!P.

22. ~f x2 - ax + 2 == '0;'1.2 -+- x + k:::: Q have one root in eommon th e n k'~

2) ~2.f 6

3)· 2 ~6 4) -2 -6

.. .~ . . ~

-=:==ii'_,_- ._. __ - _-'_- ,_, ,_. ' __ L~"!!!""""!I~'I'!!!"!!!'!'!

:--:- ~ . : ,

I ~. ~ i . (

23. This mots of 2::<2 _ 5.x + 3:: 0 are

- 1) rat10nal ano equa~ .

2J .ra.lionalarid not €lQuaJI

3) ~ mactional


This roots of3x2 + 4x - 5= 0 are 1) rational a~dI equal

2:)1 raUonal and not equal

.3) rr~tlonal

4) imaginary

The roots of:x2 +. x + 1 = 0 are

'} re.~,l'~ equa~ 2) .reala,1il d not eq ual

-::': .-

'31. ,i rniill.g ,na:rY 4) real on.~y

. ~ :

.26. The<;'~lS.crimina:nt of'the quadrat~c equation

,. ',:,,\ 3; .+., 7): +,4;;:::; 0

. ~ ~


'::;1:) 0 2)1 3) '974).96 .

Il~'~'~,-~~" ·~~n\. _ '_ ,. I

\:f2:~ttj·P :Find tne va!Ui€lqJF IP', if the ,quadratic equation

25~·- px; + 1 ,=: o has ,slqual roots

1_) "1--1'0

2) + 5

3)10 - 4) 5


ThE! sum owt:im squares of mro consecutive pOSSitive~oo~ ~nte,ge'rsis 290. Findlhe numbers

An integ~er el·a:eeds it's reciprocal by '43'1: 2. Fiindtlile int:egrer.




3) 1,3 4) 1,5

31. The square of a positive irl'te@er exceeds ltselt by 30. Fi'r'1d In e .pOE iUve in h3:ger


3) 9.

4) 1.2.·


The arithmetic mean arid the-geometric mean of the roots of a, quadrat i,cequation 10 an d Q; res pect~ve ~y. - F ~nd t:n e quad ratic' eq uation

. .

1 )x2 _ 1 O,X +" 6 = [) :2) ,,2: + 4. Ox + 36 = 0

, "3) x'2 - ,20x + 36 = a 4) x2 + 20x + .36 = 0

___ 1 , . __ ~ ~ Iiiiiiiiiiiii



33. Find the maximum I minimum vabse 01 3x:2 + 5)( - 2:

37. Find tne set of values -, that satisfy _x:2 -5x-6>O


1) m,lnlmum d49/12 2:) maximum = - ,49112

. .-

3) min'imum -== - 49/1 2

4) maxJmum:;; 49/12

34. Filnd the maxlrnurn value or _x2 -2x + 5

2) -lSO~6 .


3) x -< -1 or x ;), 6

3-e. Til e sou m o.f the roots an d ttl e "omara nee of th a ' toots of a qlUadrattlc equatIon are 5 and 1 I respective Iy. Fi n-d th e s maller root

3) :3

4) None

.2) 2


3)"12 . 4) -12

39. The n um ber of real


:'2;," .,1'., 14- 0" "_ It~:n;,:'r'J~t .. ==, _ ~8

.•... fL.. ' ,~ ,.,.J~>.

, - ' :.;...: : ~

'11';ti> 2) 23) 4

" (_

,:' 40. Th e n urn be r of .real

soluti ems of

Find the range of x In the following in,equations x.2, - 9x + 18 c 0


1)-3:> x ~ 6, 3) -3 » x:> - 6

2) 3 <: x < '6 4) x s 3

4) Q

scluttons of


1) 0

2) 1


4) 4

2) 12",mo)

') tP

3) (-00,,2)


": ....

. . ~ ,



( KEY )

1) :2 2) 1 :3) :3 4) 2 5} 2

6) a 7) , B} 4 9) ,2 10) 3'

"'} 4 12) 3 13).3 14)3, 15)3

is) 3 17) 1 1 e) .2 19) 2 20) 3 -,

24) 3 :) 2S)3 29) 3 30)4

34} 1 35),2

22}4 23)2 27)1 2B)2 32) 3 33)3

21) " 26)2 31)2'

36) 4 ,37) 3 38) 2 3,9) 4 40) 4


... '

The co:ndirtion that ttle eoxp,resslon ,a>f + blK '* '0 to be: quad ratio is

') b:2· - 4ac :;t 0 3)' b'2,' - 4ac ;;:: 0

2} 102 - 4ae or 0 -4) a :;t 0

-.---~--- .. ----- I ---------,----

. . ~

_..ill. ... .!!! • .., • ._.~ = ., , __ ,_._ .... =-, __ , _,.,.. I:r-W.~


The rtumerlcal di'fferenoe D'! the roots, of tihe q uad ratio eq uat i on -Bx + x2 +6,. = 0 is


.2) J6


. The rants of the quadratic equation '2x2 ~7x+ 3 == 0 are

,) Rational and diistinct 2) Real and equal


One root of the cuadrat!c equation 2Sx2 "*" 57x +- 32 .~ 0 is


1) 5 2):-1 3) ,2 4) 1 "~~H);l,;.;\ ., The condition that 'the roots of the', equation' . \'.( ax2 + ex + e !:O are eq ual ~n m~:n itude burt

. I,

lt ~ ~. ~ t . t ,;- 1

OppOSI e m !:ilgn IS ;~<:L .. :< e>

, • - I _ ~~; .. I, ~ ~ • / • r

, ) a = C' 2}. b ;;;::, 0 ' ,5'


3,)'. b = c ::: 0 ,4.~~N6~ne

_,"<./1 . I

:::~ _,I , I ;

I n a quadratic. eq uati on~,l ~~~ S IJIU iof the roots is 5 and ttie product .of rmJlt~l,S;·?Jh'e squatlen is

I .. ~. .


1 ) x~ - sx + 2, =: 0 3) )(2 + 3x _. 2 = 0<

2) >f- 3,x- 2 ~O 4) )(2 + 5x·+ .2. ~ 0.


If a, p' are the mots of eqUGl:ti~11 x2+-2:X -r 4 =0 then a,2 {J +a~2 ==

1} e



, 4) None

8 ..

if a. f3 are the roots ol'equation 2x2 + 3x + 1 _ =0 then d f1 +d fJ. -td{f ~

- .. 1) 114

. 2) 1f3

3) - "14 4) None

I~f 3 + 4i is 011'9 root of the eeuaucn x2 -+. px + q := o than

1) P = a" q==, 2.5 3) P = -6, q ; ~7'


If tne equanen ,ax2 - 6x·+9;;;:;; 0 hasequal roots, then a:;


,2) -2 - 3) 1



The ,minimum vallue of 2:(2 - 5:< ... 3 is,

? .. , - - . ,

~" ~ ;"4~'~~: ' 2}8 149

'~~;~t t:.h~h -,

3r_i~4iQ,' 8 4) 291 3

::~ ~ ~

3) 115

4) 2

~) '-1

2:) 11

3) 3



If on e root of x:2 + S:x + k ~ 0 is 3 t i rnes the other mot then k ==

1) 12



1).4ab 3).(b-a)2 .

,2) (a + b)2 4) b2 ~'a2

16. If (X, f3 are reots ofax2 + bx + C =0 then the

d t' t-- h· . . -1- a /j .

qua ra Ie equa Ion aVlng rcors 2 -, T IS

1 )cx2 t bx + a ~ Q

,2) cx2 ~ bx + a ;;; 0<

OJ 48.)(2 + 2b?, + C ::;: 0. 4) 4ax2 - 2bx + ,0 := 0 .

17. If one root of 5x2 ... 6x + k:::: 0 Is the ~eciprocal Q'·f the ofn erthen k=

1} 6 ~. 2) 5 3) 1/5 4) V6








The value of ~ 6 -I-





'IFor x2 + 3)( ~ 1 B :> 0 then )( lies, in interval

1) _, 6 ...; x 0( :3 2) - 3 -e x .;;: 6

3) x <: - 6 or x::. 3 4} x <-'3 on>: > 6

20. If 2.,. 31 is one of the roots of x2 + ax + b == 0 then (a, b) =

1) {4; 13) 2f (-4.113)

4) (-4, -13)

The set 'of solutions o,f X'2_ 5)( + 6 S; 0 is

n (213)

2) [.2, 3]

3) (-o,o12)u(3,oo) 4) (-o.o;2]u,[3.oo)


If a and f3 are the. roots of quad ralic equailon ax2 + bx + 0 :: 0 with a and c not equal to, '0' .

.. _,,' I


3abc- b' 1} -_ ...... ]-


3abc- b~

,2) . 2


3abc-b·i 3)-ac

4) None

1) 1 or - 1 2)2


4) 4 or-8

.. '

.. I,: . _',' i-i'

The set of solutions of 'x' for which }(2+-x+6< 0 .: 29., ;" If the roots of x2 ... px +12 = 0 are in the ratio

,.. . 9

are , : :3 then p'" == (2004)

1) (2, 3) 3} R

2:rR- (2, S) 4) None


_____ .- _ _ .. _ _ - • d - ........ - - - -- - ~ - - ...,_... -- .... _.. --- ..... :. -j~ .... -"

-----~-~--------,--.-. --_._--'----_. -.-----

,:__.,~' .... ,'l,:!l ·.".nn);',-~v.I.a~";g.tiil1qrr =-:l. \O.!. ~711 ... i~ilrd enin·:Hi9 .. ~,(, ,'Jl.J!fM\ - n

CNL.llvel.earnma Instltule fOr t;amDl"e!1,enslvs K~nwlp-dn'ft\!.· L. eM. 'q .:

The roots of x2 - (a + b)-x + a2 -,ab +' b~= 0 are

. . ~ _t\< :11 .{ :.

1 j Reai &. equal 2) Rational$. ":~~,

3) Imagin~ry ~} .. Not low,'~I, ,::

axp ress ion (200i')


If the product and su m of the, roots of a. quadratlic equation are respectively 114 and 5/4 then t~e quadranc equation is (2008)

. ,

1) 12x2: - 4x -it- 3 = 0 2) x2_ - 15)( + 1 ;;;;; 0

If -one-reot cr~ 'the equat~Qrln.3]ii2 ~ bx + .~ = () is

double the other then (2005)"

1).b == gac 3) b =2a

2) 2b2'::; 3ac 4) 2b2=9ae



If .a and {j are the roots ot the equation

, I".

1 1

ax2 ·1· bx + C then (Xl + (J2 :.: (~a04)


b -4ac

b~(bi. -4ac)

4j . 2 2 R c

3)--- 2u

31 .

'The values ot x for which )(2_ 5>< ... '6,. 0 are


1) x < 2 only

4) x -c 2 or x :> 3


3) 2 <: x .,< 3



11,.f 2:..;.. ,../3 is a root of the equation x2 - 41(+C~(f, I

then c ~Il. (2004)



4)-2 .

2) .... '

1)4 2)3 3) 1 4)2 5)2
6) 1 7)4 8) :3 9).4 10) 3
.-.1'1' '1) 3 12) :3 13) 1 14) 1 15}3
~ .... l
'r "; .\ 1-6)3 17)2 18).2 19) 3 20) 2
',", p . )" i •. 21) 2 22)4 23),3 2'1)4 25)3
. ' _
.~. '!.r~ 11 r..L.J t)'S 'jl'" '0 l' _'_" 26}4 .2:1) 2 28)4 29)4 30) 1
, I '~O£} 31J4 rj;"'~~) 1 33)'3 34}3 35) 1
(_ t t J I -- Ir 36)3 r: :';7) 2 38)2 39)4 4fJ?:1-' .. ,
~', .. , i, ":.; I ~ . - 35.

CO K_EY ")



The lmr'nber' of distinct solutions in J±t of the


31 47

The roots of + ;:: 2 are

- x-47 x-31

equation Ix -i2x + QI=.3 Is


(200-2) 1)..38, 77 2) 39, 78 3) 39, 79 4) 39, 77

38. If )(1' X2 are the roots of )<:2 + 4x + k:::: 0 and

x, - x2= 2 then k:: (20112)

1 )1

3) -·3 4) -·1


2) 1





The numbsrot .solutions. of Xl ~ 71x! + 12 == 0

IS .e (2001)

q ,) y~~:t i' . . .2)12 3)13 4) 4

f,:J,~: ~~ ~ :~~~~ ,~~' .

I·f. time. and cos, e ar,e ~he roots 01 the squatl on

, ':' ~

px2 ;i~~ + 'r = 0 then q2 _ p2 :;: (2.001)

34. The set 01' values of IIX that do not satlsfy


x+I ~-~O is

x-2 .r:




2) pr


1, x.$-2 31'-1 <: X < 2

2) x 2: 3

4) x :> 2; x :s;; -,

3)~ 2:r


2). -.2" x < 12 4) x > 12


1)~12<:x<2 3).2 <;; x <: 1,2

If the mots of -

a (b ·-'"e) 't...2 + b (c - a)x + c(a - b) = o ,are equal 1hen (2003)

1) 2b':= a .... c

3) 2ac = ab .f. be

2) b2 = an

4) an = Be 4- be

10. If a, b, c are in A. p" then

1) a + x, b "" x, c ... x an:: also in A. P.

2) a - Xi' b- X, C - x are also in A.P.

3) ka, kb, kc am also in A P.



An arithmetic p.rogre8s'~onis a sequenc.e in which terms hcrease or decrease by the same constant called! ttle common difference of A.P;


The most form of an a, a '11- d, a + 2d, ... , ,a + (n ~ 1 )10.

Where 'a' is called the first term and 'd' ts called the common d1:lff€lrence of A.P:

nlt'l term of A.P .. :::::: t ":: a -1" (n -1) d.

n . .

3. 4.

Sum Qf n terms of an AP. "" $1"

.. . I

> • , .', ~ ._ . ~


== U[2a+(n-l)d]=.n[a+l] where 'I' is ·~:14..

2 ,2

the last term.

. '_ . ~

. I -=-~:? "I:



a+c r

If a, D, c are in A.P; then b = ~~~ ..

~J~~ .

"'~'::«;.<;': [~::~

"a*b Tihe arUhmefic mean ot~~~nd b ls '2 '.

~ ~.i. . --

-: ;;-

If a, x1!1 X_, x .. , ""j x 'j ))~aPr ,tl1'nA. P. then x., X2'

- ~.,.;I n ~"i .... ~ -, > r· ... .i" - L

~, ."" Xn aracalled rP"'arithemetic means

betwe·en a and b.




Itx1, x2• .. .. ,x;n are

, b-tl

and d. = -- th.en n+l

n - -A. M.'$; between a, b



Any three consecutlve nlUrrd5·ers in A.P. will be 1aken as a ~ d, a, a -to dand'four such numbers ca_n be taken as a - ':ld, a- d, a of- d. a + 3d.



, 1,

. _ .. ', ·L·. n(n+l)

1+2+3+".+n- ··n.::. . ,

. ·2'



,.2 + 22: + 32 .... , +"n2

'''''.' .' 3 .: 11'\11 + 1)~. C'.!: .. c )~

;:::~,n~ = n.

_ . 4 '-

r ¥ 3 + S + .... + (2n - 1)

n ..... .. 2

~ -u I (2.n-l)] = n .

2- _

. n... .'

15. 2+4 + 6+ , .. + ... + 2n:;::: 2 [2+ 2n] = n(n+l)




A geollletric progr'9ssion (G .P.), isa sequence .ot numbers whose first term [8 non-zero and each of the suooedi'Mg terms is equal to the proood~ng term muUipHed by some fixed nonzero number Called the common ratio of the G.P.


The general form of a G.P. ~s a, ar, m·:2, ,


ar ,._



.. c- aD - r~!),

Sum to n terms of 8 (~tP""'II. =. --

- '" 1-:-,-.

a(rll ~-l)

;;;: if r > 1


! ~:


, I


• I


If H, b, C are in ~. P. th,enb2 =9.C or b ;;;; . ..r;:;. If every term off' a G..P. ls mul,tiplied by a fixed number, 'then the f€SiU!lting series is also a G,P

If every term of a G.P. ~s raised to thee same power,. th'en tne resulti'ng one ls alsc a'G,P.

Th.EI reciprocals of a G.p. also form a G.P,

II a" 82, "", an are [n G.,P. (where aj > 0 V i) then log llt ,,10 g U1 ~ .. ,. ~ log tI!a are in A. P. and co nve rse Iy;

Th rse consecutive numbers ii n GP canoe taken. as aIr, a, 'ar, liN h ere'as' four sueoe,s$'iive items ,Of

GP can be t~]J<.en. as air3, air, .ar, ar3.







1. The ree~procals of tnl3: terms of an A.P.1orm a!q.:r~~:~

" H I .p' . - B, ,arm_one· ~ogres$lon.

fhe gener aJ form

1 1', i

-+--+ + .

a a+d' a,+2d ,ltrit, ._

Flyr", "


The nlll term of H. P. "" t "'" ---n a+(n~l)d


If a, b, C a:re in H.P. then 'b' is called H_M. nf 'a' arrdn'.


2 1 1, 2ac

:.-~-+-~b-=--b a e - . a+c



Find :the tenthter.m, of the arlth rnenc progras~~on 18j ., ',,4 .....

1)81 2) 45 3.)-8:1 ,4)-45

Find the 2dh,t~rm,of the arlthmetle pro~lre.s6iQn whose'firstterm is:) an,d the common di,fferanca - ~s 4


1) 76 . 2),79

4) 140


Find th,Ei' 5th term O'f th e A. P. w hose 1 ot~ term ~ s 4B ,au'!~ 2C~len1'l ise8





5.- [Eleven times the 11th term of an arithmetic I progul:ssiorl is a'quall to 9 tim as its gth term. What Is the 20)h term.of the progression?

. .. ,

1) ~ 3 2) ~ .2 S) 0 4) 2

6. Find~the sum of am A,.P. 0·1 14 terms and whose .f_lrstand last termsare a ami ·99 respectively

'1') 7'47' 2) ,ae 3) 749 4) 706

E. Find the sumot thehrst 20 terms of the progression '60,.57,54, .......

') 54:0 .2) 630 3) 72Q 4) 810.


How many terms of the seres 3, 6, 12. 24, "., make a sum' of: 1533 ?

1 } 7 .. 2) '9 3)1 Q


9. If 8th term of an A.P. is 15,. then lhe sum oflhe first 15, terms is







Find three terms in A_P_ whose sum is 30 and the product is 9110

, } 5, '1 D, 1,5 2) 6,9, 1!?

3),J. 10, ',3 4) 0, 10,2.0

The sum of' 6 terms of an A.P. is 345. The difference between the first and lastterm is 55. Find the first term





The sum of n-terrns 01 an A. P. is 3n2 + 5n. Then the 5th term of the A.P. is

1 )32




If A M I b t d b 1;.·22.

u Xl' :1<.2' ·····T Xn are n .. ·.S eween a an .. ' )'

then the eornrnon difference {d) ==

a+b 1)~' _.


a-b 2)n+l

b-a 3)-, .


b2. .1:


4) .

, n+l

,d' -+ b"

!If J 1 lis fhe A;M, between a and b,

Q.rr- +b"i"" j ;


th~n n = . <, I ""

! I


1) 0

2) 1

15. Find the sum of all the two-digit numbers which 'leave a remamoer 'Of 2 when divided by 6




2) MO 3)91$0

4) 1 '0'80

iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioii_- ,_, __ • _. _'_' ...."..._. __ ,_

The 8th, tenn ,of the series '/4"," '1/2","1 .,' is

2} 16'



WhiCh term of the seri:es 3. fj, 1 .... i!$ equa

] tOm

: .!-


1 a.. In a G"p. a := 729 and 7th term is 64, find the sum of first 71 terms


1) 1059 2) 10.57 3) 2059 4) 4059

The ~east value of 'nl so that 1 + 3 + 32 t " .. 'n' terms is '>' 2000 is

1) 6

2) 7

3) 8



The number o,f terms of the G.P., -5 ,. , 5 - 45 + .. ' ....... rhat must be taken to make the sum 9'10 is

1) 3





Th'e sum of first 3 terms of a G ,j=l. Is 7 and the s:~rt.,of. the next three terms is 56. Find the

.. .' -, . I. ~ .•.. ~ , ~. ~

,j; '-"'i1it.1h';o"'rlrtitio

" . M~~.I, '. Co.

• r ! ~ . ~ . ~ !

11'2. ' 2) 3 3) 4 4)1/2

If A.M. and G.M. between two numbers are 17 and B, then the numbers are

1) 30,4 2) 32,2. 3.) 16, 16 4) None

, .,,1



Fin,d the sum to inHnity 01 the G. p, _ 2:080

"7' 49 .....

1) 35 2) 35/:3,3) 100/7 4).2.5


1 1) 1+. Y

. y 2.) 1 .. y

)' 3)),-,1


4) y~l

25. 3 G.M,ts between 11 and <+ aria raspactively

4 f r::

2) 3,,,,,3,3

'"') .5 ':l

<:I,) ':;',_.;;;,'

.;;} 2'

4) .J2. 2. zJ2

Ths reciprocals of the terms of a G ,P. form a.(I1)

1) AP. 2) G.,P. 3) H.P.

_-----~---~- ....... -~. ----

:'M' ,

• • Ii. •. iI ...... 11 ...... ., .

27, If A.M. and G.M. of two numbers are 16 and 12

,I - -'" respectively, then tne,ir H .M. Is

'f).9 2} 12 3:) 15 4) 48

28. If the·.4ttl term ofa H.P~ is 2/3 and its 7fill term is 2/5 then the nth term of the I'"'IP is





- 3

1) 2n +1


2)_ .

. 311+1






If .8, x, 128 are in G. P. then x ;;;;

1) 32


4) None


3) - 3n+1


4) . -


The 2nd and the Slh term of a G,P. are 1/3 and 1/81. Then the' first term of the G :P. is

1) '116

3) 1/9.

4) 1


The thme A.M.~,s, between 22 and '10 are

- . -

11) "0' 18',' 1-6-'

_' ,t,;.,., ,-"ii ,"

3) 19 16 13

' ... ]1 _,..

2)19,13t16 4) 20,18, 15

If a., b, c are in A. P. th en b + C, C -I- a, a + bare in

') AP.

2) G.P.

3) H.P.

4) A' 'G' IP'

. , ---: ,I I

42 52 6-? 10~

+.- + " + + " :::


" i ~ . !.

23 +'~;R3 +_ 4,3 +- + '03 =

.. ~.~: ;' ~ ~~ 1r."'''.~I.·.'...._

:!.,,:~~.;:.~~.' I '_. " . _

1r~.og3 2} 30,24 3) 3025

. I ::.~:

~ f a2 :132, (J2: are in A,.IP. then


4) 373


I'f' hnars ' G- P th - . , 2 b" -2 . "

t a,., G ·are In ... ~ ,en ·a- •.. , .. , care m

1) A.IP;

2) G,E

3) H.R

4) AG.P.

I:.; .. ~ .. :;,.,,;~:~!I

.. '- ,;.:h a2 ~ b2 + c?= 0 2:) a2. + b2 + 02 :: 0

(:):~;, ~ .~

"i:L; \ '~"3) ~2 - .2b2: + r::~' == 0' 4) a2 + 2b? + (;2;; 00

39- 'If the-3rd and 6th term lin a. H.P. are 1 and' 1/2' respeGtive~~y then the 9th term of the H.P. is


1) 3

3) 1/3

4) 1/4

u ~ 3 3

The 1 0 .1 term of the p rogres:si on ~.} -4 ~:-:- ),: ....

, 7 -: ~;'L ~~I

'. 1 ; ~ e ~ J~.


1). 3122 2') 3/25 S) 3/27


If the sum ot n terms of an .A. P. is n(n + 2) ttien th e 5 th term of the progress ion is

1)1 ;1

2} 13




If- , - t - are in H.P then x yz

, .

1) 2'1 =- X+ Z

3') 1 a._}2 13)3 18}3

( KEY)

4) 3 9)3 14) 2 1'9) :3

5) 3 , 10) 3 15)~· 20)4

2 ill 1 3,)' -=:-+~

y X Z

4) Y;;;; x -I- Z

21) 1 22) 2 23)"2 .24) 4 25) 4

26) 2 27) 1 28) 4 29) 1 30) 2

3.1)4 32),1 33) 1. 34}4 35) 3

3'6) 2 37) 2. 3,8) 339) 3 40) ~

'-- _. - - - ~C::;i: :~rn:;;n~itutefur Co~'prehenlsl: Kn,:-wledge ~ CLJi"K c!§ - - _ ~

1) 4 6) 3 "11) 2 16) 3

2} 2 7) 2 '2) , 17)4

_,-- -~~~ ~_iliiiiiiiiiiiii'-"""':_._~_' ,- ~- __ '--=""""" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! _

- - ;~_ .c~(!qtiye Learning Instilute 'for Com,pl"(!,hensi'v,e: Knowtedge, = CLI-C,K '@ ,

_ , __ _ '. f. -

Three numbers are in A_P_ Their sum is 27 and the< sum of their squares isS41. The numbers are

1) 2,9, 16 ,3) 2.9, ,'5

2:) 5" 9" 12 4) 'S, 9,,3



It ptl1 te r mof an A. P. is Q and its qth term Is p, then lts common dJfference' is-

') 1



4) p +- q


! ~

H the n~h term of an .A.P. is n +, , . the sum 0,1 ,its n terms IS

n2 +3n 2)-


2 2-

n + zn.

- 3)---

n2 +Sn 4)'--·--

, 2

Thesum of the first 100 natural numbers is'


1') 5050 2) 5000

3) 1000 4)1 5555

5 f. 10 + 15 + ...... " ... + 10 is

1)525 2)500


The number of terms in the A,.R;

; .

__ ,1 ': . .f~ ~ <- f ."

~ 7 14- '1"" . -·:'!)a:jJ~

~ 'r' 2' £:·I'·U.~~~~'_ii"~~ ~ .. '(jJ ." I~

1_} 21




Flind~he:sum oftlle series : 99 + 97 + 95 + .... +45

1)2061 2)2016

3)2006 4)2116

Insert 4 A.M.'S oetweenl -3 and 9

1) .... , '. :3" 5, 7 3) 1! 3, 5; 7

2}-1~ 5,7, 9 4) None

If there are ,6 A.M.,ls between 4- and'18 the sum of all the terms of A.P. is

1 )88




), - If there 'sJ,e 7 A.M.\g between 4. and 20. theln

d=--.--- .

1) 1

,2) 2


4) 4

, 1. The first term of a G.P. is 3 and its etl1 term is 96,. Its common ratio ris

3) a

2) 2



The n'" t" ,.,' f 4- 'S" 12 16-- "

en' erm o· - , ., . , .1 .... " IS



1) 411


TW'o"geome-tr,ic means between 2 and' 16 are

1) 3,6 2} 4, 12 3)' 5,1"4 4) 4,8

L'- .'

'4. TW9 harmonic means between 1112 and 1/21 'f,re .. .; ,0.

j ; : ~ ~ • i' ~ . ..;' I :

'1; ).:Wi1~, 1/18

, .. ~ -

~"ll'/' 3.) 1'/16.1/18 4)1/15.,1/19

:~;!; ; . '15;1;> Find the valuers) of x so that_:_ 2/7, x, -712 are '~\j> ';iY> thre,e coneecutlve terms of a G.P.

(!', .

2) rs, 1 a

3) + 1


4) 00

16. If each term of a G. P. is multiplied by 4 then the resulting sequence is in

1} A.P. 2) G.R,

,3) H.P

17, The G.M. of two numbers is if3 . Their H.M. is 6. Then their A. M. is

2) 8

3) 10

4) 12

1) 6

18. The cornrnon ratio of an infinite series Is 3/4.

Its sum to ~ nf n U~ is 8. Th e n its Hrst term is

1) a


~) -1/2 4}2

19" If 3, ,2, x are in H.P. thell x :::: _. _

I) 3/2 2) 2/3

3) -2/3 4) -3/2

20.' If th e re are n-a ri th m eric m eans between a and b then the sum of those n-anthrnenc means is


1) (a +'b) .2


2)' .. -_-(a+b)

j' ;;..

4) None


If hi' h2.j h;,' 1"14 are 4 H.IM •. s between 4 and 114 then h3::::

1) 2 2:)17/13 3) 2/5 . 4) 5/2

if ~ == 7. a2 = 11 'r aa c::l 15 an ;:: 403 the n

n;;;; (,2007)

: ~ .: I

: .: ,

rf a, b, c am in harmonlc progression the! abc -. ~'--~-.-- are ln b+ c c+a a+h


1) H.P: .2)1 G.P,

3') A.P.

4) A.G.P.





4} 1100

I 3.7.


If a" b. care 3 unequal numbers in an A..P: anI S, b - a, c- a a,re in G. P. then a : b : c =


23. If a ;;;; b2 then a 1/3 a V9 a1127 ''''''' .• GO =:


2) b

(2007) 4) 1tb

1) 1 : 3 : 5 3)5,: 1 '::3

.2) 3: 5: 1 4) 2,: 4:3

3) 1/8

,24. If the 2nd term of an A-P. is zo and its 5th term is double the first, the,n the sum to 20 terms of the series is (2007)

1) 64 2) 1 DB

3) '1080 4) 21160


'f the-attn term of an A.P: is17 and 1 gUl term I.: 3:.9 then its 25~ term ~s '(2003)

I ~ ~ •• •


If the nth term of an AP is 3n + 2 then the sum of the flrst 8 terms is (200'5)

3} 51


1) 1122) 124



If a., az •..•• aUI are 10' anthrnstic mearu ;betwcen two numbe,fs a and 47then as'(2003'

'11) 1 ~ 2) 23 3) 29 4) _32.

s . ~:. • I .:

3S·. Ilf' X· ..... 1 + a +02 + . . 'Y - ~, b -, ",,2 --

~ _ '. "" " •••• "., .. 0. "0 . - '1 + .,. 'IJ + ....

where 0 -< a, bc 1 then 1 + ab + a2~J2 + .... :;;

34 ..

xy t} '. 1. xy- '.


2) xy-l


If the first two terms in, H.P. are B a!l~'f3;, I respectively then the third term tS (2,OOSY ;~,'


1) 1 2} 2 3,) 3 4) 5

TanC:], Tan (9: ) and, Tm{t~~)am

in .' ,.; .":" . (2006)


x.+y 4) x.+y-l


1) A.P. 3} G.P

3) '1



I'f til denotes the nth term of an A.P. ·am

12t12=10- L,othen t22 ~ . (2002:

1)·-3 2) -2 3)-1 4)0

1. .1 ]

If x ~ -, +~+~--. + .

l .. 2 2.3 3.4

1 1 1

. y ~ 2 + 22 + 23 + fhen xy ;;;;; .. __ .. -- .



If k + 2, 4k - 6 an,d 3k - 2 are thir'ee consecutive terms .. 0,1 an A"P. then k is (2005)

1) 1

2) 1/2

3) 1/3

4) 1/4

1') 4

2) 3




The geometric mean between a2 ano b2 is .


30. . I'f the Ilrst and gtl1 terms of an arithmetic progression are -2 and 22 respectively then the' 3th term in it is (2004)






, 1 1 1

'The harmonlo mean of 1. 2 • 22 , .... , ... 211-l




.. 2Il-1.

n 2)' -2n-. -1



'. 21111

40., Tl1e 15th term 'ofthe .A.P. with fkst term'--2 and

the common differem::e 2 tS (2001~)


If tt"h,e 'l:hirdand flrt~ terms o,f a G.~ are 14 and 46 weep ectivery~ th en tine s,econd terni In Iti $


1) 112 2) 6,


4) 9

~I) ,23





2) 2. 3) 2 U~iY4l1

.:, . ~~ {~

7} 2 af!4 9 Ft

1.2'1.~ . 'l3) 4 ~ ~:~i1~)' 11

1 n~:~~:i~~ 18) 4 19) 1

l. ,. ::.~ ~ ~~.;~

~'2~)2 24) S

28) 2 29) 1

,_. . __ ~'!!11111!!!!!!'1.!!!!!'1"!'!"!' '_._ L '~ iliiiiiiiii_·- __

~ - -

1) 1 '6) .:11 11 )2 16) 2

2~)3 22)4 ,26t2 .27)3

• ~ 'r •

31}3"'h. 3~'d~1

.. "',

sen 4 Sl) "


33)3 3;£02

34)2 319)2

5)1 10) 2: 15) 3 20) 1 .25) 2 30) 3 35) 3 4{)} 4,


' - - -. . J-.


1. Laws of Indices:

1') a + a "'" a + (n times) ~ na

rl ~.~

2) a . a. a , .; (n times) -;;;; an

3) aO= 1 (a ;t 0')



0) '9)

III alII-Ii - =n




""'lJJ 1 a =-==a'"

!fla': a1fm

, . ~ ,"

.. - ._ I;:. ~': : I


( )m -m

a,' a

b , = bm

• ::'" J

- ~. .: :,..:.


Som~e usefuUormulae: :\i~'l~~

I~· I

. ,.


5. 6. 7.




.( b")?' - ",2: "''''b + -b,i~~ .,

.~ +, . -..... :.::::~_.. '., ".~: .s:>

~ • T _ ~ ~

'1-1 .

2 .-, 2' ,.

(a - b) ::: a£ ,= 2ab ,. b

.' . ':2 - . 2 .. ' ,,:2. .2 (a ... b) + {a - b) :: 2(a -+ b )

(a + bj2 .... (a - b)2 ::: 2(2ab) ~ 4ab .... ~ (a + b) (a """ b) :;;;;; a2 ~ b2

(a -I- b + -o)2.~ a:2 + 02 "'"' c2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2ca (a -I- b + o + d),2:== a2 + b2 """ (;2 + d2 + 2ab + 2bc + 2cd + 2da + 2bd -I- 2ac

(a: + bfl =: a3 + b3 + 3.a2b + 3ab::! :~ a3·+ b3 + Sao,.(8. + b)

(a - b)3 :;::; a3 ~ b3 - 3a2b -I- 3ab2 / == a3 - b3 - 3ab (a - b)

10, (a3 + 1)::3,) = (a + b) (a2 + 1:)2 ab)

n" (a3 - b3) = (a - b), (82 + b:2 ,ab)

1.2. a3 -to b3 + 0:3_ Sabel

== (a "" Ill, + ,e) (a2 + 02 + 02 - ab - be ~ ca)

13. a2.+ 102 + c,2 - ab - be - ca

J , 2 _ ,2 ,.2-

:::: 2 Ha-- b) +(b-c) +-(c-E!.) ]

~:; ~i

n- ·tkt:l_._ l. b' [~;fl-] ·-·n-:2 I.. , bn-1]

, 4. a . ~ ~ u--vB - ,I' a + a .' .I.J + ... +

, '~.:

5 .1'1 I "·bn,,;.. l-: b')' ,[ "-1 "n--2·b· bn-1']

, " ·a +._ \": ,- ,a + '" i a -8 . ',' + ... + " _ .

. ,

<~~ -. ?:' If 'n' ls odd.

, <

l· ",

'<.::1;?,. :.:.j,L 01 - b}:::; 0

- ~ I ... ~. I '.

~; .

1'7'. I a(b -\:) = 0


18. L(bbc c )~O .

19. I a ~ (b - c) :;;; (a - h)(b - c)(a - c)

20. I,H(b2-CL) = (a .... 'b)(b-c)(a -c)

21. ',2: bc(b-c) = (a - b)(b-c)(a -c)

22. L b'le 2(b - t;)~. (a - b)(b - cKa - c) (ab+ bc+ca)


L ,] ,0'

,', (a - b }( a - c) = "

24 ..

L, " ,(). '. -~O (3 - b)(u -c)


.25_ L (u h~(a-C) -= 1


a C a-r-b c+d -:;:::-.~ .. --=--

b db d


a c a-b c= d


b d b d


,ac ~l +b c+d

~= .~ (;;.:} - . - .. = --

b d a-bc-d

. ~ be

30. .£...t (a _ b)(a.- c) = 1-

1 1

31. Lata -b)(a -c) =: a~c



. ~ a =b,= ,e

If 'n' is an o.aJd positive h,'teger then

I. 33.

1 1 1 ·1

-+-+-~--a. 'b c a+b-r-c

, ,.



]I: Y 'J.


a b, C

x+ y+z+., .. ,n. + h--c ....

nix +n.y+n ,z +., .....

• oJ _

Where a.Ueast one cd 'n'js no n-zere


, '

. . < ~

':0 ~ I

a' t3't-,b!'3 + cl1:l = 0

=> (a +0 + ci· = 27abc S,urds ~


1. Ii 'a' lsa positive rational number and 'n' is a posltlve integer such tha.t a 1/n is irra.ticnal'tnen

a1/il lscalled nth ordered surd denoted by if; ,

2 .

The surd of order 2 is caned quadratic surd ...

.~ I I


A 9lSltd consisting a ·single term is called a monomlel surd, "

< f: {,' ex: ..... G.-S. 3r:4'4rc;1,f;

: ... ~~ . ~~ V J ~ v 4" v· ~ .. , r\{J

, ~ ..

5. A. sU':ra ·co.ns1siing tw'o terms is cal:led' blnornal : surd.


A surd! of the form a ~ is ealled pure surd if a= 11.

The, sum or difference of a ratiorral number and two or· more simple su ~d!s is calilecJa :oompound surd.


'ex: 3+V2+J5.2-.J3+J2


Two surds are sa~d to he similar surds orlike surds if t~eir quctient Is rational.

ex: (i) 3J2~$J2 are similar (ii) 4.J3,7-J3 are Hike surds.


If tn!ill surdsare net slimilar then they are called dlsslmllar surds or unlike sures,



Conjugate surds: If the slim and' prOdu~t'~f 'two surds is "a rational number then the surds are-called conjugate surds,

~ 1. b tl + ·~o ~'"


- 2


and y!:

a~~a2~b 2

ex: 2, 2 ~ . ..J3 are conjugates: to each oU·H;;ir.

RaUonaUsling factors: I'f the product ~f two surds is a rational mJmberthe-n each onhem lis a ratipnaHsing factor the other.

(I) a +.Jb. a ~.Jb are rationalis~ng factors of ea.chother.

(ii} J; - Jb and Ii. - Jb are rationa.lising factors of each orl'iler.

{If!) :f;. + <Ib, a2/3 + b2/3 - a1/3 bLll are rationalising' tactors elf' each other.

(~v) ~ ~ ~! a l/l + b~i~ +a,1/3 bllJ are .rationalisingfactors of each other,

Sq uare root of a surd :

i.e, x -+- y ~ a and 2{"iY == -Jb

b l.e. xy = 4

* ~a+Jb =J~+fY ¢:;> ~a-.Jb = Ii"-/y


If ~a+2~ == s: +JY then

)! + Y = a an d xy = b

.~, lld.,:", .1,' fib,'r. = 1.'f!C~ ..

x -- -- y _- 2 . and

-2 e 2 d 2 b


14. Cube.rgot ,of' a surd:

Ih~.':~i;t.Jb =: x +JYthen ~3 1\- 3xy ;;;; a

r. I ,;;::, I.~. ..

'tL ~':. : I

'"" t 31 '"] t

and (x . _ y)= ",0:"-')

15: If a :> 0 then

, 1+v'1+4a

,i) ~a+Ja+Ja+., ..... ee = 2:

-l+.Jl+ 4a

I.a- '.'a-. f'~'"ll_ 00 =: .. _ ~~

V - 'V" " g •••• • 2




--- ....... - ...... -- ...... --.------~--. - ~.--.--~ ....... ~- ~~'(fr9 ....... ----

t!.~_9'.;:ud- I iIDI:9IIKIlHii:Z tlfW 1_~ = 1111 _ «-._ ,.. .. ._i.;,..-.IiiiiiiI -: _ ~..:. .. _._ •. '"'""' ,..,... . " +


11 J;. = 0.1 then x3J2 =

1) 0.1 2) O.01i

3) 0.001 4) ,


1) 0

2} 1

, 3) 2



(' 1 J(" 1 J( 1 .J.. (. 1 J'

2 1+- ..... 1+- , ... 1+-.·.·.. 1+- ... =:

2. 3 4 . 20 ..

" "

2) 11

. 1) UJ




8 ?!l+l_4 r

The vs'lue of ........ 11+1" • ~H2 ::::::

4.2 -2

1) 0

2) 1

3) 2



1) 3

3) 9


·2) 7


312 + 27~ + SlJ equals

'. 4.\ 3~6:.

, '-), ..

• :.~ .t

I;. .


Y . - 1

1) );~_:-i' 2) v"

If ~~W == 2 then x;:;




1) 0


3) ... ,



, .

If aj( = bY = cl and b2::;;: ac then s=

1) x + 2z

2zx. 2)-· - x+z


3) ..

- xz~l

4) None


3} So


2)1 .


12. If (6.7}'!. =,(0.67)"1 ~ 1000then ---- =

x y

1) 0

3) 1/2

4) 1/3


a~ .. f = (a $.t then a ==

i ffa{~,</~) 3/4 3) 9/4

,. • .. . ~ I ~ ~. :I- ~

'4; :'Sdt~a tor x : 2X-I-Ei :;; 4x+1

-, ·f . I '~

4) 5/9

1) 0



15. Solv.e for x : (-J2 )2:1;,-4 = (.ifi );';+8

1) 24/7 2) 16/3

3) 7124

1) 1

3) 5/2

2) 3

4) 7/2







1) 0

.2) 11

" 4).9/2

1 '9. Which of'th,e following quantities is tbe largest?

1) .2150 2) 3100 .S} 4sD 4} 525

20. Which of the fo~.low'ing is the smallest?

1} Sa6 2, 25,18 3) 12S12 4) 6256

21. Whlich Is the greatest among the foHawing ?

1} 2112 2} 31/3 3) 51/4 4) itS

22. Which of the following is the ascending order

f th . 4T . ..,1/.:1.~. 31/4 41/5

o 'lie quan~~tles a = £ ! U :: , C = l

d == 51/6 '?



1) abed 2) adbe


i 2~4. If f!ii§i6 := 64 then In eva.! u e 0,1 J40.96t,JO.4U96+ ",,0.U04096 ~

1)7,'04 2)7.04 3)7:004 4)64

(0.76)3 -I- (0:24)3 "

; 2.9,

25. S~mphfy: (0.76)2 + (O.24i - (0.76)(0.:24)

1.} a

2) 1.


,4) None


If i~+13 = 1,6V-l"1 = 2~6 then x.Y- ':Ix =

1} 0 2) , S} 2, 4) 4-

l' <2"1+ W ~

It. x + - ~:J then x ',J ....

x X


1) 3

2) 9



1) 0

,2) 1

3) 2


~ \ .~ Ii} a+a

30. If :if;. +:iff, + ifC= 0 then (a +, b + Cf3 ;;;;

1) abc 2) 3abc 3} Sabe 4) 27 abc

31.. The conjugate sura of 3 + J§, Is

1l3-J5 3) -3-45



The conjug,ate of the surd J3 ~,2 is

1)~+2 S)-J3 -2

4) None

sa A ratl0nalis~ng factor of .J5 + J3 ls

, 1) .J5+.J3 3) ~J5~J3

2) -J5+.JJ 4) 5~Jj

I 34.

A r.ationalising factor of Jj2'-] is

1) ~+] 3)if4+~'+1

, _'

2} {{4 - Vi +1

4) J2-1


1 )~I



2) 2:


, ~

'1) 9'-2J2

3) 9-,Z.J2

,2) '9+2J2

~) None


15 +2 l. l_

If x =. r: .. ·.. .-" then x +-.:2 -

. ",5-2 x

,1)1 S a) 40



,- 2} JW-.J2

Ii 3) J4 _,J5 4) 2+J5

,I ,_. _. '_ .. _'_. ~'---'-



. ,-- 1

If x = 5 + 2-16 then ~ x + -J;.. :=

1) 2J2 2) 2-J3 3) 4) Non~

41. ~11- 4.[7 =

.1!) 2-17 S} .fi - 2

2) 2~+J7 4), J7-J2


If ~] 0 + 2J2j = J7 + J;.then x ~

1} 1

2) 2

3) 3,



Find the -ve square root of ] 215 + 2~

1) S~.12 (m + ]) 2) ,,114 ( JU-O

3) j;114 (111 + 1) - 4) 3'112 (Jli -I)

44.' The positiVe square root of

'0' + M +$0 +J40 is . -, (',

'. ~:.--;.

~.: .. : .r ; i .

~!.:" ~ ~~.~:. I,

1), Ji +Ji +J5 2) J2 +J'j.:f/:tf

. ,,'<:'~." . ._'

:3) ~ + Ji + J8 I ~~~' J2·t~J3 +.J7

: ~\ ~ .. ' .. ~?~~~

45. !if x=3 + 2J2 'then'x_2 ':"':i5X.,. 1, ;;;;

1) 0 2) 1 3) .2 4) :3

,'\. . '.

1) 3 ~ 2) 3· .3) 4: 4), 4 I

'.1)2 ,'2}4, 13) 314)4

: '.

21i) 3 22) 2 23) 3 -24,) 1

311)1 '. 32)333} 2 34):3

41}:3 42) 3 43,) 3, 44) 1

I -


1) 0

3) ±J3

4) e~ther (2) or (3)

47. The· gre,ater between J6 +.Jf4 and Ii +f[j ls

2) .fi +J13

3)1,~oth are equal 4) can't compare .


'48, ",Tk~]$.r:naller number between JIT_ -.[5 and

'. i ' ~:- ~ ~ .,: ,~1: .. "

'. .~;~':m .ls

: ~ I

I: : I/~ ~

1) Jlj _ . .J5

4) can't say

1) 0 2) 1 3) 2
1)! 0 2} " ·3) 5 4)4

, .

5) '1 6) 1 7)"3 8) 3 9) 2 10)'2
'5) 2- 16,) 4 17) 2 18) '3 190)"2 20)4
25).2- .,26} 2 27)3 .28)4 '29}4 : ·30) 4
35) 3 3,6)4 '37) 3 ~8) 4 39)4 40}2
45) 1 46)4 47),2 48)2 49) 3 50).3 1. Th e sq uare root of 11 + .JiI2iS.

1) .J7 +2 3,) J1 +-J2

2} J1-.J2 4) 7+Ji

~ '. r . ,::

:":,' "

r: I

B'~2R-16J3 1).Jj-l

.3) J6-1.

2)$-2 4) J3 ~2


The square mol of J5ij + .J48 is

1 1 1

---~t- + -

J2 +1 ~ +J2 2+./3 ~

. .


1) 1'8~::, 2) 2 3) 3 4} 4-

. . ~ ':' ,~


'. ":; 4 3 I

. - - + -

{JO--i84 Jll-4J7 ~7+4J3--

1) (2(13 2) ifi(J3 + 1)

3) ~(~ +1) 4) ~(J6+1)


The square root of 3 + J5 is



'1) 0.


.J6+1 J3+J 15-1-1 -fi+l

1) . J2 ,2) . ...[i- 3) ,./i 4). Ji


1) 0 . 2) 1 3) 4


j) ~x-y+Ji. 3) ~+J-Y+Z

2)~X + y ... '~~ii..,,'Z..' 'f,

. I: ,~:.'

.f ,r' '- ..

'. ..I i

I •. T" .

4} ,Jit y +.rz '.<1


If ~23 +xJUr= .Jl8'+::~ t~~~ x ;::


1) 3

3) 3 o'r-:2

2) 2 4)-3 or 2

1) 1'0 2) 2

.3)6 . ,4)9

13. If the arithmeUc mean olf two surds is 5 +4J3 and one of them Is 2 + 4,../3 then square too of second surd is

1) $+J2 3) 16 +.J3

2) 16 +.../2 4)·15 +../3

6- ~16 - 2Ji5 - 4JlO + 416' =

1) 2/2 +.J5 +..J3 2} 2.J2 -.J5 +./3' 3.) 2J2+..J5 -13 ,4).J5 + J3 ~ 2.../2

7. ~37 + 3,0./3 ~

1) 1-2$ 3) 3-J3

2) 1+ 2:..J3 ,4) 3+.J3

, 4. The Geometric mean of 1 +.J2 and 7 + s.J2 Is

2) 3+2J2

, "'

3) 1 ,2··r;:; .+ .~L.

____ iI"!"!!!!!!!! ' __ ~ , .............. , ,!"""!!'!'!!! __ ......... ,_~ ~ ~

I ,.., .. "\

15. The mean preportlonal of J1i --15 and 13m + 19j5 is

2) -J3(.[IT + 15)

3) ·.)11 + J5 4} None

16. I'he greatest among Jfi + Jfi~

53+ .J2O i' J24 + Jf9 is

2) 53+50

'1 )J22 + J2I 3).j24 +Jf9

4) cannot estimate


7x2 + 11 xy '+ 7y2 =

1) 109 ',2)218

3) 100

52/J,X iff



1) 5

3) \f5

, " ,2)25

. ).:..~ - ~:I.

. ,".: 4)''.1'

.<:~~~:. ., .. ~~





2) 16x(5~) 1


3) 32 x,(5~)

5-..J21 ~ 2 'l

If x = " then _x + -~ ? !::==

2 x-



1) 27 12 2} 25 I 2

3) 23 4) 25

21. If-~T-


3)" ~,r;; £t,' .', Vb


4) -, 'b

2) -1

1 4) -..jJ

,.=- . ",

(0.63)2 + (O.03}]: +(O.032)f


(0.063)2 + (0.005)2 + (0,0032)2

. :. ~ .



ill) 1000 2)1 '00 3) 10 ' 4) l'

6 3

24. Simplif'y 4+-f7 + 4-,17= (2006)

12-.J7 1 )'


2) 4+.J7

3} 4-41




1) J3 3)'../6


4) J2-J3 +J6

32. , ~]44+2Jl4j '-~144~2jr;r3 ~

1),24 ~t~',

I-:~~~~.' >.:~~ ~

3) 2 4) 1 '

33. (1 + x2 ... ;(4)-1 + (1 + X~ +., X-2)-1 .... I '41..

(1 "I r ... )(,,2r' = . (20D3)

1)1 2)0


1) 2J26' . 2) .J26

3) im 4)5 '

- - ,_ - - '-C"e~ti'V1e L.e:-nina Instil .... .:! for comD;e'h:nSiV~ Kn~w1:'re~ c?LlCK® - ~.~-

fj + ,15 .../7'- .J5 J7-...[5+..f7+J5=



1) 2.J35 3) 12

2) ·-2/35 4)-'2

'zr, ltm 'a:nd' n are natural numbers such that

, m n = 121 then (m ~ 1)",11-'1 == (200'5)

1 ) 1.1 000 2) 1 COO ~l999 4} l' 001

5-,11' . '1.

... . _·2 - .

If x'=, _ then X-+-"'"2 =

2 x



1) 2,5." 2) za 3) 25 f 2 4) 23/2

. .

. 2f,l . .ll3)(+ 1 :: 2. 7Y ~ .g:a then ,:/x - .)(.y = (2004)

1) 0

2) 3

3) 5


30. .lta lIx = b 11y l:': cllz and a, h" c ale in (tP: then

x + z == (2004)

1) 2y


3) ':l- -4)-y" ~"


. ~.



. . ~ .


_,(2004) . I

. 3) x24

'. l·J

34,' Ilf ab;;:;:' cd; aX;; bY' -::;; cZ;: dW then + ::

. X ,Y



2) 11

1 1 . 3) -+-

z W

1 1

4) ---

z w

, ..

-:0 ~, •


. :' ~ ~ ... !

I"~;:: -:

.. , ... ~

, 39.





3) 1

4) 2


..j3-~ J3+Ji' ,

If x =.J3 +J2 and Y = J3 -J2' then

x.2 +xy+yl =

,) 1. ,2) 10


3) 99 4) 100

. "


. '.

" ,


1-, .

If . - 7 4'. r:: 3·iI'lO.· x + - -:=!., .

. X -, -, vJ'~I!en_ '.

. . x

2) 14

3) J7 4).Ji4

1) b/a

3) dJc 4) fie

2) alb


n y + z .~ ax; z + x ::: by; x + y == cz tnal'!

1 . 1" 1

~+~+-= a+l h+l c+t. .

1) 11· 2} 2 . 3)3





'I) 2

. 2) 3

3) 5, .


42 .

If x + y + z'::= '0 tt1en

4) 1

'.' ,.', - xZ'

43:. I ',f x ~ ~IiO("+:.Ji04 then 2' + X (20Q2)

. (, '1 J4 .

44. n x = J3 +.Ji 'then x + ''"".- . =', - '12.002)

. 'I .

1) 140 2) 144 3) 64 4)126,

45. The geometric mean 'Of .Ji'OO +.Ji04 and

J26 ~ 5 is (2002)

1) 2} 246 3) 2M 4) 2#12

I . ,46. ,.

(1.6.·.'9. J' .. -3/:2. (, 27.· ) .. !. (. '] .. 3.' ) ... -1 "",,'

~ X-X:--- -

I l21 .' 2 ., 22 .


1) 13-2 '11434 3) 13...3111434

2), 113-4 1: 140 33 4) None

48. Whith o,f the, follawin'Q is the greatest?' (2,001)

, ,

49. Flndtha squararootot :6'+ 2JS := (2001)

3) J5+l

J5 .'

4) ~+Jj . 3

,SQI. Find ~"fiAS +-J240

'. ~" It' ~ ?:, ~

.. ;i);S.!~~(2-.J2)

(2,001) ,2), SIl4(,fj+J2)


I~~J~ " ::, '(- J
~ :'~-.' KEY
";>r ~(
J' '~. "
.;.: .~
\ ' ..
, ,r',
... ·l 4)4 5)3
.... ·1) , .2) 1 3)3
6')2 'n2 8) 1 9) '1 10) 1
11'1),3 12:) 1 1i3~2 114)2 15) 11
1B}11 17) 1 18) '1 19)2 ,20) 3
2,1)4 22),2 23).,2 24} 1 25), ,
2.6)3 27)2 28)2 29)4 30) 1
_31) 3 32-).3 3:3)'1 34) 3 3.5)4
.3S) :3 37) 1 3.8)2 39) 2 40)-'
4')3 42) 1 43) 11 44)2 45) 1
46)2 47) 2 48)3 4'9)3 501)4 I ...... ,~....-------------. . '_._. _ .. _ ... _ .. _-~ .. ~_~_. _

r.:1'G:diua..J ASr'I'II'inn II'II.otitut .. fnr C: .......... nI'AhArlltivAH'ftftwlil!!daf!!! !> eLI·CK ' ....

,3)2.1 4}27



4) S"4 (2 + J3)

, ,





5 .•




If In" is a positive i,nteger*lt1en (X; +. at ::

ne ",1"1 + nC. ",1i!""1.." -t nCo X. n .... 2 a2 ~ +. nC

o A. 1 '" . G!2· '.' T.... . '. 1

Xn=r a' + + t1C- an

~. . •.•.. n

The expansion (X' + a)r1 contains '(n + 1) terms and the sum o'f the powers. of 'IX' and 'Ial in each term is equal to·ln~.

.. ,

General term of tile expansion {x + o3):n i-sT ;;;;

. . . r+1

nCo .. n- r . r p. uttl ~ '0 ..'

t X . a . U Ing :r ::::: .. , 1, 2,3 ....... n the

requ[:red terms are obtained.

rc -c nCo -o llad b' i I

-OJ ·'·1' '2' n are caneo morma

coeftlcient Q:f the expanslon of (x + a)"'. They

arewritien as COi C1, C2, C3, ....... en' .

. ~ ~ I .

To find the numerlca"y greatest term in·t"·Ui~·,,~,~ ~

, (n + 1)lx1 .:,.~~>.,~

expansion of (1 Txt. find Ixll ~.q .' ..



(n + l)ixl

i) If . I X I, + 1-



The independent term in .,[ax 11 + _1: j:m is equ~ x

I ; :;:~:.: I .' : ~:~'

~ j.- ~ I

then TIP" T P+1 are numerrcaliY"'greates:t terms

and their values ITp I! ITp+i j are equaL

Cn +l)jxi

ii) If Ixl +1 . i~ notan integer = P + F wtTere

0<; F <:; 1

T P+ 1 is numerloally greatest term The coefficient of x:k in

[ P . b .. ,. ]11

n . .!lr- . np-k

ax +~- =: C a brwh.ere r ==__...;;.~-

x" I - - p+q


_.. np

to rlCr an~r • br where r == p + q ..

Some propertife!ulf binomial coefficients:


i} rnG;'~ "c

. ,r;:, n-r

iij;rcf~·riG~ ¢=> Ir ~ s (or} n:::; r +- s

, ? ~: .fr· n .. '




v), C···· .db C- -1L.. C· db. +. C - 2·n

'0"'" e- ,,,- ··'2 "'F .... '-In ,-

v·i} Cn - C1 + C2 - C3 + ....... (_1)n (Cn) =-0 vii.) Go + C2 + C4 + .... :=: C'l + C3 + ... =- 2n-l vii·1} G1 + 2 .. C2 + a. C3 + .... n.en == n, 2n-1

. ,

Bi:n'oim~al Theerem "or ntegalive in:leg'ra index:

i) (1- x) ~~ := l' + x + )(2' -+ x3 + ... _

"l!. '1' .. )-1 1 .. . 2' 3

11,\ -1- x._: ::l. - K + X - X + ....

)ii) (1 ._ xr2 =11 + 2)( + ax2+ 4x:-; + .' .. _.

IV) (1 -I- xr2 ~ 1- 2x + 3x2 -4x3 .

10. Ilf f(xl == {aQ+ a,x + ~)(2 + amxmi)" then

i} Sum of the coefflclents » f(,)

ll) sumotthe 'coefficients of even powers of I 1(1) +f(-1)



III) Sum of the coefficients of odd powers of ~ f(l)- ((--1)

is· .


._ - - .~ - -C~:i: ;::-n-;:;'n~titute 'fur '~~mprehe.nShle k"OW.ledfJ'~ : CL~~- S- _. ~-

------- ....... ,-. ~-~,"-~'.j>~.:: .~

EXERCISE !~":1<:'::;'

If 'n'ls odd the number of terms ln

'n+l (x, + al + (K ~ at is 2


(n -~ l)(n -+- 2) 2t


Eval uate C( 10, .9) 1) 45 2) 60



Ev~'luate G(1 0, 4) T C{ 1, 0, 5)

~.) 231 2) 462 g) 924

.t!'It ~ 611(8'"

l'+J -II':~" . :~;i.-'oc

- : ~; ... .,:: ~ ~ I I

• ..' I r ~

I ~: ~,



If nCa :;:; neg then IlG16 :;;;:

1) 1 2) 1'B 3)17

4) 136 ..

. . ~r-


Ii C(2n, 3) : C(n, 3) ~ 11 : 1 then b' ~ " ~

1} 3 ,2) 4 3,)5 4), 6

The number of te'irms in t~e, elCpans1iol1lof

(x -2.y) 16"19 <~~. '; _ ' j{"

.; ~::: -=. ~ > I I

. .' ~~, ~

1) 15 2) 116. 3} 17 4) lnflnlte.

The number of 'oisUru;l terms~n 'the 'exp,ansiotn of (11 + ,2x + x2) U3 is




2) 19




The number of terms injhe expanslcn of (x +{Y ill + (x - JY)6 is

f) 3 2) '* 3) 6 4) 7

The number 'of terms in the expansIon of (x + a)ij + (x - a)8 is




1 j 4




The n umber of term s in the expansion of (x .~ 2y + 3'1)6 is


• I

. '." nC.

in (x + a),n IS. !!

'. ",

. The number td termsin (a. ... b ~- c ... d)O are (n -+ 1)(0 f- 2)(11 + 3)


'13. U in' is even, the 'gre-atest binomla~ coettlclent I

i .)~' iflC ] '\ X + a .. ,~s .. n-

. 2



.. ~ -:

I·.~·~I ~ 12

. \""'1:0. The fourth term 6f the expanston (x - 2y) . ~s

~:' 1) 1760x3y9 2)-1700)(91

9 .,.3 4j 1760>:: y' .


The 5th term from the end -of the expansion,

., ) 7"920x,-4 3) 7"920)(4

) "'OhO 16 2 7~~ x

4) 7920 X-Hi

The r~h term horn the end d (.x + y)rI is

1:) "'Cr.,.,1 .xF-:-1yn-r+,' 2) rt'Cr}(J' 'l'-!'

3'1 rc xn~+ 1 yf 4) rile xn', r y'

} ~, r

.F.ind th-e .rniddle term in the expansion o,i




Fjnd the coettlclentot ITIliddl9. term i:n ,the expanslon of (1. + xi~n for n E 1'1

1) 2ir1CI'l_1. .2)2fiCn 3) 2n~n+1 4) 2nCn+2

The tw"O mi,ddle terms in the expansion 01





(.. 1 )S'

Which term o'f the 'expansion 3x .... ~

, : 2x

contains x;3?

1) 3rd,term 3) 6th term

,2) 5111 term 4) None

The cru;~:f~~'cJ;en~t of 'x,Sin thle expansion o'r (x + 3)8 is

1) 756 2)1512' 3) 3024 4) N1ol18

The coefficient of 'l>r in (x + y)916


,2) 84

3) 158 4) 33e

. (" 1 Y

Which term of t~e 'expansion of. x 2 + ~) is

absolute '?

1,) s1h term

(" ..) J12

Of 2X2 - x,'.' 7'

1)'6th term

3) 8th term-

I 20. ';Alhlchterm is independent otx ill the expansion



") 395


"3) 595 4)1 695

2) 5th term

Which term contains x8 I,nthe expanslon of'

(" 1 J10

x2.~ " . .,


1) 4th term 3) 6th term

I _


The sum of th;ecoe.fficients ln the expansior

( , 1)7

of iii. + -;- is

1 )1 6'4 2) 126

3} 256, 4) 512


The's IJm o,f' tilMe 'coefficients, of all term sin th s ,e.xpansion (2): - y + 3z)5 is

1)25 .2)14,5 3)65 4)85

The Stl,m ofthe! ,coeff,~cliem$ of the even POW9rE in the,expans,ion of (2x - 3y)2Q is


Th,e ,sum of'~he 'ooaffi.cj,ents of odd powers of x ,;in the, Q,x,pan:sion o~ I( x + 11'1 I) is

:) !

~>.\)'. :25

~ i " . .'



If three successive ccettlciants in the expslns,llon af' (1 ... )it' are 28" sa, Bind 70 resp,8cliv,e[y Ih(;!n n =

11) 6

,21 '1




Which term 'a,f'the expansion (3x + 4y)2B is numer'ically gllieates,t when x :::: 16 and y .:=: 3 ?

1) 1 01h term ,2) 11 th term

":1 ..... ) 12··!tliiI t - .

o.J' ," erm

lh- . - 4) 14 term

Whicflt'ermof the expansion (1 ,.. 4X)S is numerieaIlY''9reatest wl1,en x == , /3,


1) 2. term

:3) 6th term

2) 5'th tarrn 4)'ith term


If theSH\ 6th and 7th terms in the expansion of (x + ,)n are in A.P. then n =

1) 7 2)14,

4) does 11 Oft €lXli'st

31. If Co. C" C2, d .... ", •• en .ate the bincrnlal c:.oefficients of 0{ 1 + x)rl then Co' + C2 + C 4 ... 'qB

3} Hither 7 or 14


+ .. ' ;;;;;;

r'" _.: ......... -. ......... :1_ .......... _ ....... _ ..... !!! .... _. __ - .. -::.. .- -

--~-- '.~--~~.~.-. _-. ~-----~-

• ... ii,_ • _ ~Ii .............

2:) 2n-1

32. The.third term of (1 - 3x)""2 fs

1) 1 a x2 2) 27 x2 3) - , 8x~ 4) - 27 x2

33. The exparisiion {1 + 4Xr'is valid on[y when

34. The expansion (2 + 3X)=1 '1,$ valid only

2\lxl> 3 .... -(, I 2

, 2 is) Ixl <-

. 3

2 4) Ixl~- 3


The greatest 'coeffiCient lin the expansion of (1 +.x)9 is'

1) 9C~ 3) gee

2) 9CS

4} eithe-r ,(1), or (2),

36. The sum of ,all coefficients in ~he. 5th mw of,tn,~

Pascal's tria,ngle is ' ;'

2) '6

3)'32 "I. 4) 64

I.: ;~.: ;I.. _.

. r:~'"


. "

--- - - -

37, The pr'oduGt of the· coefficients af the 4th. row of ·P,ascal's triangle is

1) ~2 2)24 31'4S 4)96

-38_ U (1 K)n ~ C1J ~ C, x + C,;t.2 + Cnxn find I

c, 2C2 3C]. ,n.Cu

-' +-+._.._+.+--

Co C1 C2' ... ,' Cn_1

1) 2..n

2:) I,n2

4) L(~n+O

a9~ U~t~e coefficiients of ,x2and >:;3 in the expansion

:~" m.;~a·+ k;X)9 a~e equal then k = I

1,:Sr1' 2) 4/3 3) 611 4) 7/6

, .::;' ·,40. If n is an odd integer then the Independent term

',I" -:

(' 1 In.

in " x+~, is .x "

1') 0

2) 1

J'II) nC 4,,) -c

o ,nl2 .' nl3

I ~~~~.~.

.:. I .~


1, ) 1 2)2 3) 3 4)4 5) a
6)4 7) .2 8) 2 9~ 4 10)2'
11 ) 1 12} 1 13)4 l4) 2 15) 1
1'6)4 17}2 16)2 19) 3 20),4
21)2 .22) 2 23)2. 24)2. 25) 2
26}3, 27) :3 ~S)3 2'9)3 30) :3
31}2 32)2 33}2 34)3 35)4
36) 3 37)4 38) 1 3'9)3 40) 1
- EXE!RC:ISE .. 2

11. Th.e m~ddJe term 11~ the expansion of (2x - Y is

1) -214 x~~l 3) 4x2y2

2) 24 xZy2 4) -4x2 '12


If 8e ~ 56 then r:= . r

1)'2 2) 3



( r: J10

"'IX 2 .

The t~r,ml independent of x in 2- x 2

. ~ ~ .....


If I"IC2 = 316 then n ==

1) 7 2) a




The fourth term lrr the expansion f),f (1 -I- x)6 is


·"r·'· 1') 1 + sx2 + x,s

,. ~ ~ ~ :

.. j ..

;.::: :.r~~) 2(1 "" 6x4 + il!)

'. .

I. I' ~ ~. : :~ -, ': ••

: ~.

2) ~(.1 =4- 'f3x2 + xS) 4) None


( k)6

If the coefficient O~}(3 in x2 + x : is 1 e

U~h3n ,k ==


The co~emcient of )(4 in the expansion of (1 - 'Al' is

1) 1



') ,20


3) -15 4)-20


If the coeftfic.ient of IXI in the expansion j ( .. x + H, )7 isB4. then a =

\ xw .'


Th'6 greatest binomial coefficient in the expans.ion -o,f (x + 3),)8, is



1) 28





1) 3

The coettlcient of' X-17 in the expansion t


( I J~S

X4 "

. '.' - -~J, IS

1}11: 365 2) - l' ses 3) 1280 4) -12601

If Co; c; C2, en are the bfnomt;

ooefficients lin the 'expansion of {1 ., x)" th

CO' -t- G, + c,~ + .... + Gin ~ ~ 1} 2n 2) 2n-1 . 3) ;n2


The' co-ettlclent .ot j(4in the expansion ::of

(2 - 3:<):6 ~S ' ;'!

, 1) 4860 2:) 6210 3) 8460 4) 6510

The sum of 'the binom tal coe;tHcients in the

ex,panSiO~Of(X- -+- y)5 ls «.'! '-- . .",1 ' ....

1) 22) 25 ~1_3.2;· 4,) 16"

dP :;.~';':.




1 ) 70 X 13 .2) 3 170 X 3} 7'0 I 3x 4) ax 170 The' 'coefficient of· X4 in the expansion of'

(.w + ~J'.b. is






2) 120

10. The constant term in the ex~pansioli of

( .~- ~ y

\ X X2) is

~ ) 1.5. 2) - 203) - t 5 4) 20


1) 10080 2)10082 3) S068 4) 10084

. 1 ) 1112 2) - 11/2 .3) 7/1 8 4)- ,2'1 I 2 34. t .J3 ~ 1)(, -1- ( ,J3 ,> i /' = (:f Of'S)

, 1 1) 408 2) 4U3 3) 424 4j 432 I

-.---~---"""""~-,~~=------ -~-~I"'1!!!'!11!!''!!!!''!''!'I''~!I!!II!!'IIIJ!I~~ __ I~iliiiilliiiiiiliiiiiiIiiiiIoo~~ I

.... .... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..aa. ill ...... 1 __ (J"'ftI] I


If CQ' C,~j CZ! ••••• co •• Cn are the blnem]al coeffh::Je rns· ~ n tl1 e szpan ston Qf (1 + X) fI~h'en Co - G1 + C2 - C3 .g~ , •• , +(_l)h en :::

1 ) {_2n) 2) (-,2)11=1

3) 0 4) 2"

Whfoh term, lis numericaHy great ~n tile' expansion, .of (2x - Sy}~2 when x ~. 1, Y ~ -5/3 :is

1} 1 Ou~ term 3) 9th term

2) 11thterm 4) !


The' .ia'rgest coeffic,ient .in the expansion of

.( 1 + X}24 is .~ .



1)' 24C .2\ .. 24C.· 0;;1\ 24iC· -... A,,). 23C··

- 24 I 13"" ~.:a 'it 11

The number of terms in the. expansion of (2x +31' - 4zt is

1) n + 1

2) n + 3

(n + 1)(n +2)

S) - 2

.22. The total numoer.of terms in-~he expansion of';··

-'(a, + x~l(m 'if.- (a'"'" >:,)'00 is

. ; '!, I .:

1) ,202 2) 51 3) 100 ': ,4):~~~e

If r1C ::::. nC~ then 22C .::;;;

, 2 . R . - . . .. f1~.: .

1) 564 .2) 462: '. 3} 231', 4) 321

. . I .

Thf:! V"" 1 U'" .... f' 7C- + 70- , ;~+ 7(, +/ _._ 7C," " ~

.... ~ . co,, GO ...., . 2.<f~3 .. , .. T -'7.~

. . .'~ ~ ~-

1 )125 ,2) 127 3) 507 4) SO~

The sum of tim ooefficlents in til a lexR~nsion of (1 + 2x ~ 4X2)2008 is

'~) 1 2) -1 3) 22008 4) .32008





If the 21 st a.nd ,2.2Md. .terms in the erxpansion {1 .... ar~4iflre'equal then e ~, (2007)

1) 718


3) 518


The coe·fftc,jent ,of the term independen10f xin

[ -:l'. 2: '1' J9-


the, expansion. of -2 - 3'xc' 1,9:


. '[ . bJl2'

The ~m term at tile expanslon ; - 2 is


55a4 hB

1) ---- 2403

55a4 b1! 2) ,2304

, I


, 56a4b8

3} ' .. ' ._


5£ 41-!:l {)3.' n

4) --- ,.


2nll 1)-'n+ 1

2ill+I-1 2) n+l

2~!+1 + 1 3)~-~ n+I


4}-,' 11+l


, [-= x 2 ]-10 .

The-coefficient of )1:4 in . '2 - x2. _I ts

-. . (2005)

, , )45 ".25:6 :3) 691'45

2) 45/64 4) 641256


[ 3]·5

If the 5th term.ot . 2x -I- ~ ~s 30 then x =



3) :3

4)·....s (2904)

35. 'I CQ, 01 ' C2 ••• ' .. , C501 arerthe bino.mial co·efflcienm 'in the exp,ans,ion of {11 + xl5Q then

_ C _j[. 2' c2 + ..L 50" c,~ _

-r -,I 1 •• lii""'li'""--· _- -

en c1 C"9



2) 12,65' 3) 12.75. 4) 1285


( 1 ),10

Which term in th~' expan'slon at xl,_ Xl .

is·independen·t of x, (20Q2),

1)1th .' 2),sth .3)'Stlrl 4J.11th

The co-effici,ent of 4th term inl the expans,ibn o.f


(". I In

] . .

x - _~ 2, IS -120. then n ;;;;;; -- .. _-=

x .

. -' .. '


2) s


"; : ":;'~ ~ '.;' '; .... \




"If no. = ric the n :2nC =

8 7' :2

, ) 4.25 ,2) 435 3) 445

(2002) 4)455

U the I(loe'fticient of x7 and )(8 in the ex;pansi,on

of (3+ ;' J areequallhen n ~' (2001)




, ( k JIC

II Ihelenrn independent of x in . JX + x'

ls 49'5 ;then k :: (.2001)

. "!. • .: .~' •

'"l" ~2' ~', ... 2' '3"

'. 4J'~±';.'" , ' ,,"1:±'-

3)+ 4 4) + 5

,. ~ '. .

I ~/ ••

(KEY )

: ~;\,:-:,-l 1'):2, 2)4 3) 4 4) 2 5) :3
, ..
.--_;~" .~" ;.6) 1 '7) 3 8)3 9) 1 10)2,
11 ~2:' 12~4 13)3 11,4) 2 15)4
16) 2 17) 1 18)3 19} , 20)-S
21)3 22) 2 23)3 24)2 25) 1
26) , 27)3 2,8)2 29,)2 30)2
31)2 .32)3 33)4 34)2 as} 3
36)4 37}3 38)2 39) 1, 40)2 __ !I'!!!!!!!!i!!! -_,~__""""., __ ~_IIIIIiiiiiiiiii __ .! ~ __ ~_' __ ~ ~_~-!!!

. -..- ... -.~ .. - • ~- ... ":I_ ... 1...:-"11\ ... 1, ......... i" I';_ ........... h • .,.,i"'. KnftWill.!!tiil@ ! CLICK, ~'

~ __ IiiIiiiiiiiii ' _- ~ . --- ........... ""'!"!"!"'~ __ IiiiiiiIiiii~,~--~

Creilrl:ive LQa:nl.i:Mg.lnstitul'e for Ca.mprehensive Kniowledg'e: CLICK ®

,"' FIOQr, Opp. L.otu~ Lap Publl:l: SC~IQOI. 'Behind' M~gha Thoatre. Dilsukht'l!'JgF.u, Hydembad, Ph : 9866729000.9913952:2223

--- -----------~--=' ~_!liiliiiiiii~_'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ,._, . . _


1. ,;

An arrangement of g~'ile·n elements in. some rows and some cojurnns :SO that each row containln,g same number ,of elements and each co,lumn containing same' number of elements is calj.~d a matrix.

2 ..

Order of a matrix :,

If a ma.trix A has !ml rows and In' columns then m x n (read as Im' iby 'n' (or) 1m' Gross 'n') is; catleo the order of the matrix A.

. [1 2

Ex: IfA= 4 5

2 >:3.


Aecta.Flgular matrix:

If the num bar of rows is different from the number of columns in a matrix.A then A is' called

a rectangular matrix.

[1 2 3]

Ex.: 4'56

4 ',

5q:URre matrix. ; ..

A matrix ''A'' ilg s~i'd to be a square matrix if the number of rows is equal to the number of columns ,in A.

[1 2 3,].

·1 5 6 Ex:

1. 2 1


Prindpal diagonal:

A line passes through the elemenls 3", .322'

833 Rnn1rl a square matrtx Amx n is call·ed.

the principal diagonal. •


Row matrix :

A matrix is said to be a row matrix If It has only I one row.


Ex: [' 2 3] Column matrix:

A matrix is said to be a column matrix if it has only one column.

, j ~

" ''''\[ 11'

." .":

.~~. ~ .i.J~ . 2.' lEx:; .

. , 3

B. ':;,:: tower trlanglular matrix:

. ~ ~: '.

I'"' 'I., . . A square matrix is said to be a lower triangular

matrix if every element above the principal diagonal is zero.

0.' O.····l·

3 0

5 6

9. tria.ngura:r m;s'trb:: .

A square matrix is said to be a upper triangular matrix if ,eve'ry element below the principal diagonal is zero.

2 4]


o 6


Diagonal. matrix :

A square matrix is said to be a diagona~ matrix ~f it rEI both lowe r triang u lar and upper tri'an g u I ar. '

[-~ ~ ~." .• ]



11. Scalar matrix ~.

.A diagorlal matrix is said to be a scalar matrix if all the elamerrts in the principal diagonal' are one and the same,

5 0 a
I 0 5 0
Ex .
0 0 5 I 2_ Unrt matrix:

A diago:naJ matrix is said to be a un i t matrix if every e:lement in the principal'diagona! is equal to 1.


[1 0]- 0 1 0

Ex : 12 == 0'. 1', j Ilg =



Zero (nuU) matrix:

. '

A matrix ls said to be a zero matrix or a ntm:··

matrix If every element in it is zero.

[0 0 0]1

Ex ~ 0 _ II 0

. ~ ::



. • ~ . I

Two matrlces A and B ;a~e said~to be ·equal :if they ale ot the sanhi:·:orJ{er and their corresponding elements areecuat,

Addition or Subtraction of two matrices i,s possible onlly when the mamces are Qf the· sameorder.

5. MultipU,catlon of matrioes :

A::::::: la .. I - B = IbJ'k I' . then their eroduct

IJ mxn ' 11:'(1) f'"

A.S ls arnatrlx of order m x p and AB is defined

as AS = C = C = Ie." I . .

-' I .. mxp


Hers Cbk = L aij b jk .1=1

lole: AS is defined on!'ywihen the number of columns __ J!J. A l~~a!_to I:~he number of row~9l!l~~. ~

16. Prope..rties on Addition and Multiplioation

I) Matrix addit[:on is comrn utative l.e, A +- B= B + A

ii) Matrix mullipUeation is, not cornrn utatlvs

l.e, AS, :;t;:: SA

i i 0 Matrix additioll is ass oc i at ive i.e, A. + ,(8 + C) ==:~,A + 8) + C

iv} Matrix mulliip:licnUon is also associative

, .

. ~: ;:..

r_'et .A(BC)= '(A.B)e

v) Matrix murtiplication distributes aver

addition or s.ubtrac:tiofij

i'e .. A(8 + C) == AS + AC (lsftdlstrlbutlve law (B + C)A:;;:: IBA + CA (right dis·tributive law) A(B - C) : AS ~ .AC (IBn distributive law)

. :' (6 - C)A .. ~ SA - CA (n]giht d~stributive law) 'Vi) 'iNulll matrix' (of the same order as 'give~ matrlx) Is the '.Additive llchi:mtity I.,

i .. e : A + 0 =: 0 + Po := A

vU) If a aquare matrix fhe unit matlx of tbt same order is 'the rnunipl:ic:at~ve identity

l.-EL AI = IA :::: A

viii) Theaaditive lnvsrse of the matrix A is -A l.e, A + (-AJ == (-.A) +.A = 0

lx) 'The multiplicative Inverse-·of a non-sil1gul~

If' A-" '. A-1

ma~n)( " IS . .•


. -

17. Transpose of a ma'llrix:

The matrix obtained by Iinterchanging the row and columns of a.~:iveln matrix iA' is call1edUh

transpose of A and it is denoted by AT or A.i,

1 4
[~ 2 3] 2 5
~f A := 5 6 then A' :;:
3 6 _-"liiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii_' '_~_.=-=~~ __ '~


0) (A"r)T;;;; A

(i,i) (A + IB) T = AT + 8 T (ii~)' (A - B)T = A'T ~ ~T (iv) (AB)T ;;;; BT AT

(V) (kA) T == k.A 1 ('k' is a seaiar)

1"8. Symmetrlrc matrbl: :

A square' matrix A is sald to be a symmetric matrix if AT ;;;;; A.

_ [: : :]

Ex: A = c a h_

19 ..

Ske\"I1 symmetric matrix ~

.A sc uare matrix A is saId to be a sk,ew symmetric matrix 'Iif AT ;;;;; - A. ' ,,'. ;r'

[0 a b]
Ex: A= -tl 0 C ·:1
~b -c 0 20. Determinant Of a 2 x ,2, maft~,:

I a b] ".

If A:;: led then ad -' be is called the

determinant of A and it is denoted by det A or a b

IAI or c di•

21., Adjoint ofa 2 x 2 matrix:

[u b] I d

. If A .., ,.'l.. Ihen the ad] A. -I .

,(;; 'U' -c

- _



22. N:on-slngular ma'trlx ~

A square matrix "AI is said to, be a n,on-slngular matrix if oat A * O.

23. Singular matrix:

Let A be a square matrix, If detA:= 0 then A is calisd a singular matrix ..

24. Inverse of a matrix:

let Abe a sq u are mat rlx, if the re ex,! st another matrix B such that AS c:: SA = I then B is called tlie mu~tiplicative inverse of A and it is denoted by A'-1.

25. ~f A is a non-slneclar matrix then A-I ~ adjA

" detA



i ~;i)~~ = [: :] is a non-singular matrix then

: ;. "

A' 1_ 1. [d

- I

' ad-he -'e




i) AdJ (AT) == (Adlj A)T

~i) Adj (,A-1) == (Ad] Ar1

Hi) AdJ (AS) ;:: (Adj B).(Adj A) iv) (A-1)T := (ATr'

v) (ABr1 = a-1 A:-1

vi) (A-1y-l ;:: A

, vii) det(A~1) ;: (det Ar1 (A is non singular)

vili) del ,(AdJ A):::: {de! At -, (n is the order ot A) ix) If A is a singular matrix then A,{Adj A) = 00 == , (Adj., A).A

x) if A Is a non-slnquiar ma&:ix then A.(Adj. A) ~ (Adj. A). A ~ (det A)I

xi} If A is a square matrix of order 'n' then


del (kA)::.:: k'' det (1\) (k is a scalar)

26. T"ace of a matrix ~

The sum of the elements In the principal' diagonal of a. sq usre matrl x ',A' lis caUed th e trace

of A and it is denoted by Tr(A).


-._ - - - .~ =-- - -_ - ----=-= =-==- -"-=-- - ~ ~ ~-- -=---




i) Tr (A + 8) ::: Tf{A) ... TI"(B) ii) T (A .... B)= T ,(A)- ~ T 'B)'

r ' ~ u f\'

iii) r, (kA)= k. T,r(A)

iv) Tf{A.B) ~ 'l~'(B.A) ButTr(A.8.) ¢ lrr(,A) T,i(.8),

27, ',demlpolenl :matrix :;

A square matrix A is o8J,led' 'Iild'empotelle ii' 2


If a m~atrix contains 112 'a~eiffients~hen whk:h of the 'following j,s, not a pos.sibl'8 'order of ~he m.atrix?

1) 1 x , 2 ,2) 3: X 43} 2 x 6, 4} 8, x 3

,2. The 2 x 2 matrix A;;;;; .[:a.~ wh'o<se elem.ents ,are "giv'Bn by 8q = (i + n2 is


[2 34c]

1) 3,

[4 9]

3) 9 16

[1 2] [-1 10 ']

If A:: 3 4 and B :: 1 0 -1 then the

ma:trb: X SL,u;h tnat 2A + B + X;; 0 is


2),_6 '~7' I

[1 -4]

3)~. 7

[-1 4]

4]_6. 7



NIIIPo,tent maflr-ix :'

A matrix A is called a nllpntent matrix U I' All == 0 [null matrix] for a +\/"13' integ8!F' k.

InvollultDry mab'ix:

A matrix A is called em jinvolutory' matrix it:

A2 =~

Ortlla 9 ona'. IMatl'lj'x; :

A square ma'tt'lx A is said to be orlhog.onal ,if ATA;;;'I

., "'3 4

;tf2X +3Y ~ j,_7 1J and

- .

1) [~ ~]

1[- 5: 150"']-

3) I HJ

~' ].

-1 1

2) -2 21


I'r [2._11 4] _ [x Yo' ,I] then x+ y = o I'~ ,-y

1 ) 1 2,,) +, 3, S) - , 4)1 ~ 3

If A= [ 22-:J then 6A- A" =

1:) I



If A= [ , 2 3J, B == then SA ~


1) [!]
I- 3 Cc
3) [~ 6 9]
·4 6
2 3
It x = G 4
8" -2
[14 16]
1) 20 14 4) nat cefin eel


-3 .

'. then XV=


[14 16 2)- 14 20

2.0'.'. "],f;~'i ':'~"

. .. . . . ~ . ..



[14 -161

3) 20 ~m4. "'

[ 14 n5~']-' '

,~"4)~~ 20 s. - .. 1.4 19 -:: 8-

. . .

; .

If A isa matrix of order 2 x 3, B is a matrix of 'order 3 xli- and C ~s a matrix of order 4 x 5 then the order of A(BC) is,

'1) ,2x 4 2)2.x 5 3) 5 x 2 4} :3, x 5

-;O,--;-fMisamatrixsuchthat M[~l ~] =(1 0)


then 'Ilhe order 01 M is

1) 2 x 2 2) 1 xz 3) 2 x 1

4)3 x 2

111. If A is a square matrix of o:rder 3 and B ls. a column rnatrlx with 3 rows then ·the order of BTATjs

1) 3 x 1 .2.)1 x 3 3.) 2.K 3 4)3 x 2

--'---.-. -=~~~'---.---!!!!""""!!!-

• ~ I


- -

[I 2 3]

The trace of the Matrix 4 5 6 IS

1),5 3),21

2) 7

4) not defined



If A= ~

o 0]

~l, 0 :2

then A ""

I{] 3

1) A


14 ..

Which of the foUowing is false ?

1) Every scalar matrix is a diagonal matrix

2) Every Identity matrix ls ascalar matrix

:3) EV6'FY dicagonallmatrix is a square matrix 4) The de term inant of an id entity mat rix is ze ro


[1 0 0]

2... 4.' 0 is a(n) 3 5 6 I·

1) Upper triangular matrix

2) Lowe:r trijangular matrix

3) Scaiar matnx

4) Diaqonal matrix


[1 2 3]1

If A == 4. 5.' . 6. '.. then A _ AT is a

7 R 9

1) Diagonal malrix

2) Scalar matrix

3) Symm~tri'c matrix

4) Skew ~ SymmetriC matrix.



U ,A= [~ =~ ~.1 then cet A =

o 0 -1-



2) 1



Wh loti of thSifolllowi J1 9 IS fal se ?

n The trace ofthe iderdily, matrixm order 1 0(11 ,is 100


2) Each element of the pri:ncipal diagonal in a skew ~ symmenlc ma'~Jix is zero

4) If: A 'j s a ma,trlx th en A, + AT is sym m elrie,


[ ] [] [._ ]

4- 2 x-4,

If J -t ,'Y'.;;;;; 2 then

1,) 1=0; y;;-,2 3), x ~ 0; y=-2

2»)ii, ~ 2: "I;;;;; C 4)- x = -2,; Y .:::: 0-


[-1 -2]' "

l f A =0 3 _9 the:n Ute matdx 'D, such what

, "

AID =-DA = ,A Is

1) r ~3 !] r -1]
2) 3 u
3)[~ 0] [0 0]
4) 0
'I 0 21. II A = [~ ~] then lor n E N,A" =

[1 ;] [n ~]
n 0- 2)1 0
[n ~] 4)[~ 1]
3) n n 1IIIiiiiiiiiiii __ '~I ._~~I __ ~'_""_"" _

22. If I(xl " x2 + 2x - 1 and A = G ~l] them f(A) =

1[2 -2]

2} 7 ~I

1[2 -2]

3) 1 7' -1

[-2 2]

4) 7 1

23. The adjolnl oJ [! ~ I Is

[J 4] 1 -2]
,1) 2 I 2) -4 ~
• 1
[3 4 l-' ~]
3) .... -1 ,4) -3
' 2 2~. The' additive' i:r:nrm"se 'o~' the matrix

[_~ ~ 33] is

[-I -2 -3j 2) [ ~I 2 3]
-2 -3 -2 3
[0 0 0] 4)[ /' -2 -3]
3} 00 0 -2 3
0 [k 4]

25. If A:: 9 3 is Slil1Qu~ali then Ik=

1) 3



4) 12

[X ,3X,]

U A -= . ii1~ 12 I is not ~n~erUblethen x ==

1)0 3),2

. ,2) 1

4)1 any rea! nllmber

-, ,~ ~, ·iiiiiiiiiiiiiii __ ~'---~-

~----,----------~---- _._-- .---_._. __ .. _._--- ~-----

27. If A:: [~ 5] then IA'u'l=
') 10 2) 1110 3) -10 4) +]0
[I 4J
2B. irA; 0 -1 U"JII:H'I, A~l =
1,. o 2)1 3) A 4} A:? 29. If A ~ [~ ~] then A (adj Al =

1.) I 2) 21 3.)3 T 4) 4 T

[- 4 3]-

30. H A-1 = 3 2 then A =

[2 ~] [-2 ~]
1) -3 2) 3
~} '"r;.' i,
\ ... ,~ .• b
-3] I : I .) ~:.,..
[-4 -3] [-2 (~: ~.
3) , 4) ..... 3
-3 -2 -4 31,


Ilf A is a square 'matrix of order 4:-a11G 'IAI = 2

, "

then det(3A) ;;;;;: {

); ..: ~ ~ ~ .

') 6 2) '9 ' '3) 54 4) H3.2

If A ~ [~ ~.'. B_~ [~' '~J then del (AS) =


1) 1



33. If A enid B are two square matrices of the same order then the true statement among the ifol:lowing is

1) Trace (AB) "" (Trace A) (Trace B)

2) (AB)T::; AT 8T 3) det (A-i') ;;;;; det A

4) del {AT) = det(A}

34. The trace of a skew - symmetric matrix is

1) 0

3) not define'd

4.} can't be d€'termin:ed uniquely

35. n A ls a square matrix such that det fA-1}; -1 then det (A) ==

1)-1 2)11 3)0

4) None

'SIa, ..J'I.l.

The un~tary matrix is 1 )-lde:mpoten~

3} Both {1 ) and (2)

2} lnvolutary 4) None

37. If A is. a matrix of order 4 x 4 and IAI = 16 then det (adj. A) ""

~) 6 2) 3-6 3) 216 4) 1296

1) -11

2) + 1

3) 2


1·' .. :

" 39. If A Is anldempotent matrlxthsn A 1000 :::;;


1) A

2) 1000 A 3) I

40. If x -I- s= 5 a.nd y ,_ x;;=; 'i are kept in the term AX"" 8 then A==

1) G 1 ] [ 1 ~]
-1 2} .
3) [~ ~] [-1 1]
4)'_ 1 1 I C. ,KEY ),

1}4 2) 3 3) 2 4)2 5)4 6) 3
7)3 8) 3 9) .2 1'0'> 2 11:) 2 12) 4
13)3 114)4 15}2 16)4 17) 3 18) 4
19) a. 20}3 21}1 22)3 23)2 24)4
25)4 26)4 27)1 28) 3 2'9) 4 30)2
311)4 ::32)2. 33)4 34) 1 35) 1 306}3
37)3 38)'4 39) 1 40)2 C :EXERCIS;E - 2 )

1. n: A is a ,2:x:3 matrix and AS [s off order 2 x 4- then the orde,r of B is

1,):2 x 4 a,)12x3

2) can!t ICEt.erMilnled 4}3x,4



2) +3



[2 I] e 2 ~]
3,. If A:: 1 J~B=_l 0 then AlB ==
[7 4 4] 2) [~ I 5]
11) 6 2 12 1 7
[6 'J 5] l7 -4 4
3), .7 2 4) 6 -:2 !2
]. ~ 4.1 __ . "~] <:> ..... nd.'·'·

If A + B~ ""

4 5 1 "


[-1 ]

"'] 2 ,A- B = ~

4 5


4 . ~ ~

t,l1en A =


1) [~ 0 ~]
0 0
[0 2 4]
3) 4 <6 8-
8 _10 12 ['0

2) ~

~ !l

.5 oj

4} None

5. ilf A. B ar'e 'IW'O :m,atlrices anld A,.IS, 'exists 'tiller! 1) Number oi rows in A ~ nurnbar' of rows 111"1 B :2) N:um be r of eelu min's in A = nu m'ber of rows in 8 3)1 Num.ber 'of cotumns in A ;; number Df oolum'ins in S,

4) None


.rA = 0 .. ' '0

1) A


4) 81 A

7. Ilf A, is any ,matrb::, th,en A.A T lis

1 ) lRealangul~r matrix 2) Uni~ matriX 3)1 Sq,u,are matrix 4) Row'ma.tJ1ix

a. If the trace of A is 7 and [he lmoo OIf B ts 6 then dletraoe of A 4- B is




1) 13


Ifl1e~ trace of A is 5 and the trace of B is 411e n (he trace of 14A - 3B iis


3)-32 4) 32


IIf' A is 3" x 3 sqluare matrix and dat. A ;;;; 5 then det (adj A):.

1) .J5 2) 5

3) 0



II f ,A. Bare inv,er111 ble ;matf1jces or Ul,e' same orner men inverse cd (AS) ~

. .' ~

1) A-1 . B-1 3)AB

:2~} SA

4) 8-1 . ,,-1

If A2 _, A + I. = o then A-' ;;

1)0 A, + I .2) II - A 3.): A - I

4) None

K [~ ~][:J=[:] men (~y) ~

") (1" 1) ,2) (2, ~1) 3)1 (1,2) 4} None

14. Find (J if the ma1llx ( 00;0 ~ ) is singular _

f)O 2) 1r/4 3)1 n/3 ,4)'n-/2

15., If A ,B are tW'Q~matri,c:es of The s,amIEH'Jrd,er" the relaf 011 fA + B)2 ;;;; A 2. + 2A'B -+ 92 Is true only when

-, --- '--~---, J_'~,~. ~JI!!iiiIiiiiiiiI~~--- iIiiiiiiIiIiiiI ....... _...._ " ._~ _- _

3) A.B;; BA

1 16. I



[1 0

o 1 Adj. 0 0

l) [~1 0 0]
-1 °Il
0- n
r~ 0 0]
0 U
LO 0 0 _. -,_

2) A-B = 8~A 4)AB ;-BA

(1 OJ

2) U 1

(1 OJ

4) -1 0",

4') nof defined

[2 0 ~l -
18. If A= 0 5 thein A-1 ;;;;
, 0 0,
1)[ ~ 0 ~l [112 0 o 1
-5 2) 0 115 0
0 0 .... 8 0 0 118 is

, ,~

, ':,:~';' 1) zero 2) 1


4) can't say'


Th e trans pose of a lOWer triangu lar matrix is ' a(nl}

1) Lower triangular ,2) Uppe r' triang,ular

3) Symmetric matrix

4) Skew··symme,tric matrix


, [ ..... 1

2 The trace of I 0

'J ....

2,', 3,', I

4 0

o 5


")~,20 2}8

, 4) zero

The nurn bar of selutlon of the equations 2x + 3y == 4, 4)( + S~r = 6 1,5

,1)0 2) 1 3).2 4) ~nfinite

23. If A = [~ ~l] then A is


1) I'nvoluta ry 3) Ortt1ogonal

2)llde.mpotent 4) Mone


If a <: () < 90° and ,the matrix A ;;;;

[ .• 2 il

sm ri


I ], _

. :2: II has 11 0 inverse then () =

S~ u .'

. .

[sino; If f(a):


(2007) 4,'7EP

~cosla] ,

. then

smrz .

_. f() . f-(·n:·)

sm a,'a + C'Qsa._. i,+a.;;

[ 1 . -1.1]

1} ,..,_


3) [: ~]


If ma'tri)( A == 1

.! 26.

[-2 ~l]

3) I 4 i

[1 0]

2} ., _

o 1

[0 IJ

4) 1 0

~ J 1,h<1n A -1 ;i(]{":'t;)~

~. I .:.~~. :'"

[2 ~J] [x] [4] i

27. nil _ y = 5 then find ,the value of

2x ~ Sy 1(2006)1

") 1




('I 2)

28. 'U A, "'" , 0 I' then An.""

C "J 2) (~ ~J
_1'~ I 0 I
3) (~ 2nJ C ~)
1 4) a 29.

... ~ -


... 1)2

~ ;

::';:':30. .The no. of solutions of the system of Ilinear

f':i .:eqruations,3x + 4y =. 6 and ex. +6y = 12 jis I

. " . ~ .

',":: I

(2004) .


3) 10

4) 5

1) 1


4) .00


[ 2-3]1

1) -7 _ 1"0_1

[2 -3]

2) 7 .... 10 ,


4) _ 7

[' 1 .... t]

32. 'If A. == _I _I ~ then A3 ==

(2:004) I

1) A

3) 3.A

4) 4A.

33. The no. a,f solutlnns of 2x ... 3y ;;; s.and

4)( -F By :: 12 is (2003)

1) 0


4) cc

_ .



( 3

If -1

-2]. (1J' (Ii J': . - -

.... -~. ' '.. .'~.. :.-.... the,", 3): +- 7\1;:; - - ,

2 _ Y ,- -5. . . "


1) 1



I -


[1 16] 2)t 24]
') ,0 I ~. 0 1
[l 8'] [1 614]
3) ,0' 4}
1. -' 0 - [2 5]

11 A. = I ,5'-' _. N,en A3 ,~ 4A2 ==

2 -'- '--

1) 7A ,2)14A3)2'1A


:t7. ,; ;i'A ~[ : - :] w,l1erll ad - be '" 0 and'A2 = A

'then - Alooa = (2002.)

-2) J

3) 1000 A 4) - taOO A

- [OIl _ _

..• --. 1011

If A:: J 0 J then A =.


'':1'0 ,..;IQ'.

1) I .



- I

If AJ ra .aretwosq UH:lI'e matrices of .ordelr 2 wfth -

AS;;:: A and SA:::; '8 thenB10 ~ (2[1.11]:2) I


, " ;;;j~i:;t!i(,.." -K-IiY-'-r -....)

2) :2 3) 1 4) .2 5) :2
7) :3 8) 1 9) 1 10), 4
12) 2 13) 1 14) 1 15) a
17)2 18) :2 1 9) 4 20) :2
,22)<3 23-).1 24:) 2 25) 2
,27),4 28) 3 -~9~ 4 30) 4
32), :2 33)-'3 34J2 35) 4
:an 1 38)_3 39) '1 40)2 6)4 1114 16)2 21')2 26,:2 :!rJ')3 36)3



If a and b am two integers and m is a 'PQs~tlve iinteger, then a 'is sa i dte be co"ngr uent to be modulo m, If m Is a factor of (a- b).

It can be written as, :

a == b ( m) (or) a - b= 0 (mod rn)

Ex :. ·25 ~ 1 (mOod 12) (or) 1,2 is afaotor of 25-1 ==24

Note: Ihe!congrLJ€!rJqe modulo mi. is an eQijrvaJ'snce relatlon on the set of i:nte·gers. Note that ·equiv;8Jenoe means 'Reflexive] Symmekic and

- Transitive.


2 ..


Let 'n' be a fixed positive-Integer. Then we

defi ns a new type of a:adition and m [J Itipl:icat!pn. ,.

on the' set of Integers as follows : ·';·:~k"~.


it EB nb ::; The feast non-negative remainder

~: .

when (a + b) , is divided by·.··· in', :i; ,.( ... ' '<~>;,{;:~~:~ /

a rgIn b = The least nO'~,~8~~afive r~rhalt1der 'when (a x b) is divided b~'n': ;_.\.

:'.~ 'i ~~. I .. :.

I Note: 1 ; U 8. EEl· b = 0 I then ~~i~ayc1hiMi b is inverse

I -. n "",~ .. <_.'

, of a. w.r.t. + n (addition modulo n) .arid 'vi'ce-versa

and only when both a and b Ire between ~ and (0 - 1).

Ex: 1.5 ffi 118=2

2. 3 ~ .l' = 0 => 3 and 5 are inverse of each other w.r. t, additlon modulo 8.

I .1

Note: 2. :11 a EEl nbl:; 1, then we say that b is inverse cia w.r.t. Xl1 (multipilication modulo n) and viceversa. And .only when both a and b He between

1,. n-1. 1

Fcnmat's RUlle: If (a. p) ;;;;; 1 and p is a prime number of: aP == a (mod p)



Wilson IS Rul'a' :

It" Ip·de.a prime number then (p - 1} ! +' 1 is a!wa:y:s ~.Ivls:i,llle: by II Ii .

'Eii:!t~,~~ t.+ 11) is divi,ded by '13'. ~~:~2! = -1 (mod 13)


Uneair Co"ngliuence ::

A PQ,~ynQmial congruence of degree 1 is.called a linear ,congruence,

A Ii near Icongruence is [)~: tine form .ax == b (m ad m), when:l a rn::It'equal.~(Jze:ro.

SolUtllon olll'near congruence:

An integlelr 'k.' is, said to be ,8. solunon of the Hne'~u oongruEHlce· ,ax:;: b (mod m) ,~i ak =:; b (mod m) l.e, if m divides (ak - b).

Ex; Consider the linear congruence

4)( == 1 (modS)

For x == 4,. 4(4) = 1 ·(m·od 5) .. Because, '16 - 1 == 15 is divided 'by 5

Th ereiore, 5 lis a so ~ution of 4x ~ 1 (m ad 5)

. T.


I '

. -


, '1~


The least +ve inte,ger 'Xl that satisfies the relation 4x = 2 (mod 5)

11. Which otthe followlng number is a reciprocal of 'its.elf und er mod u lo 13 ?

'1) 100

3) '.2



1) 1


3) 3


Additive inverse of Tin the inltegers, modulo 17 is


The least +ve integer 'x'Ihat satisfies the- relation 911l ... 8 (mod 4) is .

1 ) 8 2} 3 3) 1 4) 4

The greatest integer 'x' ,am ong the foHowin 91 that s,aUsfies 'th'9' reI at ten 3>:. := 5 (mod 4 )~s


, 2)10

4) 4

I ,13., What IS the value of (3X 54ft under multipHcatrion modulo 50?

1:l~kL.', 2)3 3) 2 4) 1

. ::.;. -"', ... ~{ :r~··r,· _ _,. - '. 1

14. "~';T_~~"vafue of (2' + 3-1 + 4) - under add'itiol1


, .

1) 3




If 19 :=; 4" (mod x) then 'x can be

1) 13 2) 11 3) 15 4) none

It 19 ~ 1 (mod n) then In' cannot tie'

1) 2 2) 6 3) 9 4) 17






4) 5

15.'."·~· If 2-1 x 6(3 x 5a) ~ 4, under multiplication

. ,~ -

modulo 5 then a ;;;0_,. _ ••••••••

The "congruence modulo mill on, this set: of

integelrs would satisfy ';.


2) Symmetry . "c; "':;' ~



In the set of integers. mOdu~ci·.7,. ::4,,; ~ -,- :3, =

1). 1




TINe valusct 'IX',. which satiscfies)(2 ... X + 7 '= 0 (moo27) .

1)3 2)13 3)23 4) none

Find 'x' which satisfies 11 x == 13. (mod 17)

n 11 . 2) 12 3) 13 4) 14

If 13 ~ 3lmod n} and n is not prime then n is

1)1 . 2}2 3)3 4)5

, a == b (mod n) is equivalent to

1) b == a (mod n) 2) a- b ;: 0 (mod n)

3) b_:_a == 0 (moo n) @AII

The reciprocal of 1 , under modulo 17 is ---,----

1) 4 2) 14 3)13 4) 12

11) ~ele~hJi'ly 3) Transitivity




'. ,


1) 3

-2) 2

3) 5

• .! e


In the set ot integers'." ,modulo~~ 1, 5 ® "I 2 ==

. .~. '(

i >;~?ol ---' -:-~~.~

1)1 2)10 "£'):$':" 4)2

If a + 2 == 4 (mod£!) then a "'"

1) 91 2) 73) 11.




4) 13.

I'~ x + 5 = 3 (mod 5) then x ~ .,_ .. . ?

1 ) ,(2) 5 3) 8 4) 1 ,




,,) '8 2)4 3)4 4)3 5) 4,
6)4 7)3 8)2 9)3 10) 3
11) 3, 1:2) 2 13)2 14)3 15}1
16)2 17}2 1-B)1 19)4 20)2 ------------,----_._ .. -~-.-- .. ----~~--- ® ----

r:::I'A.~ti1UlO L_PMinn I ftClti.fad'" 'fn.r en nnU#!!hA",~lv,p.1 Kftowledac = C LII: CK .

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