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Nama : Abdul Wahab Anwar, S.

User Name : 19330515710029
LPTK : Universitas Negeri Makassar
Prodi PPG : [157] Bahasa Inggris

Tugas Akhir M6: Penilaian Hasil Belajar


Setelah Bapak/Ibu mendalami Kegiatan Belajar 1 sampai dengan Kegiatan Belajar 4, tentunya
Bapak/Ibu memiliki keinginan bagaimana menerapkan konsep-konsep tersebut kan? Bersama
tugas ini, Bapak/Ibu diharapkan melakukan sebagai berikut:

1. Pilihlah dua Kompetensi Dasar sesuai mata pelajaran yang Anda ajarkan. Kembangkan
soal tes tertulis bentuk pilihan ganda (lima alternative jawaban) untuk mengukur
penguasaan kognitif siswa terhadap materi kedua KD tersebut.
Jawaban :


Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTs

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kurikulum : 2013
Kelas : IX
Jumlah Soal : 10
Bentuk Soal : Pilihan Ganda (PG)
Materi Level No Bentuk
No Kompetensi Dasar Kelas Indikator Soal
Pokok Kognitif Soal Soal
1 3.1 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, IX Greeting Disajikan sebuah kartu Menerapkan 1 PG
struktur teks, dan unsur Card ucapan ulang tahun. (L2)
kebahasaan teks interaksi Peserta didik dapat
interpersonal lisan dan menyimpulkan respon
tulis yang melibatkan yang mungkin akan
tindakan menyatakan dilakukan setelah
harapan, doa, dan ucapan menerima kartu ucapan
selamat atas suatu tersebut.
Disajikan sebuah kartu Menerapkan 2 PG
kebahagiaan dan prestasi,
ucapan ulang tahun. (L2)
serta menanggapinya,
Peserta didik dapat
sesuai dengan konteks
membuat kesimpulan
tentang informasi yang
ada pada teks.
Disajikan sebuah kartu Menerapkan 3 PG
ucapan ulang tahun. (L2)
Peserta didik dapat
menyimpulkan alasan
mengapa kartu ucapan
tersebut dikirimkan.
2 3.7 Membandingkan fungsi IX Narrative Disajikan sebuah Mengingat 4 PG
sosial, struktur teks, dan text Narrative text pendek dan
unsur kebahasaan terkait berupa fairytales. Memahami
beberapa teks naratif lisan fairytales, Peserta didik menebak (L1)
dan tulis dengan memberi pendek jenis teks tersebut.
Disajikan sebuah Menerapkan 5 PG
dan meminta informasi dan
Narrative text pendek (L2)
terkait fairytales, pendek sederhana
berupa fairytales.
dan sederhana, sesuai .
Peserta didik
dengan konteks
pesan/pelajaran yang
dari teks.

A. Soal
The following text is for questions 1 and 2

Dear Muthia,
Wish you many happy returns of the day.
Thanks for always being a good friend of mine.
May God bless you with health, wealth and happiness.
Happy Birthday


1. After reading the text, Muthia probably will ….

A. Send a gift to Adinda
B. Go to Adinda’s house to congratulate her.
C. Send a thank-you message to Adinda
D. Invite Adinda to her birthday party
E. Write a card for Adinda’s birthday

2. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Muthia and Adinda have known each other for a long time.
B. Adinda writes the text to celebrate her friendship with Muthia.
C. Adinda has wishes Muthia to have good health since she is ill.
D. Adinda is waiting for Muthia’s return from a long journey
E. Muthia and Adinda are close friends because they are classmates.
The following text is for questions 3

Dear Dian,
Congratulations on your winning at the regional chess
Your hard work has been paid off.
Wishing you get the best result in the higher
Good luck
3. Why does Gilang send the greeting card?
A. To compliment Dian on her success.
B. To congratulate Dian on her winning
C. To encourage Dian to be successful
D. To wish Dian win in the higher competition.
E. To remind Dian to perform her hard work

The following test is for question 4 to 5

Once upon a time there lived a lion whoa was afraid of nothing except a crow of a cock.
A child would go down his stomach whenever he heard a cock crowing.
One day, the lion met an elephant and told him what he was afraid of. The elephant
laughed and said, “How can a cock’s crow scare you? You are the king of all animals. A
cock is only a small animal.” The lion felt very embarrassed.
Just then a mosquito came and began circling the elephant’s head. The elephant became
very scared and screamed. “If it gets into my ears, I will day.” He tried to fight the
mosquito with his trunk, but he didn’t give up. He finally ran away.
Seeing this, the lion laughed very loudly and said, “The mosquito is far smaller than the
cock, yet you are afraid of it very much.”

4. What kind of the text above?

A. Repot
B. Recount
C. Descriptive
D. Narrative
E. Procedural
5. What can we learn from the story?
A. We should not be afraid of the lion
B. A lion is not a king of all animals
C. We have to beware of other people
D. We should not look down on other people
E. We should help any other people

B. Rubrik Penilaian
No Kunci Jawaban Rubrik
1 = Jawaban Benar
1 C. Send a thank-you message to Adinda 1
0 = Jawaban Salah
1 = Jawaban Benar
2 A. Muthia and Adinda have known each other for a long time 1
0 = Jawaban Salah
1 = Jawaban Benar
3 B. To congratulate Dian on her winning 1
0 = Jawaban Salah
1 = Jawaban Benar
4 D. Narrative 1
0 = Jawaban Salah
1 = Jawaban Benar
5 D. We should not look down on other people 1
0 = Jawaban Salah

C. Pedoman Penilaian:

Skor yang diperoleh

Nilai Perolehan ¿ X 100
Skor maksimal

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