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So i gonna present you the aspect of the communautarisme

and multiculturalism in england.. In fact this phenomen has been

developed since the 60's in UK because of the influx of immigrants
at that time …
First i will explain to you what we called communautarism and the
diffrenrent way of integration in england and then i will try to show
you the good and the bad aspect of this system by the point of view
of some famous intelectual person.

So is the communautarisme an asset or a danger?...

The communautarisme is the idea to think that the community

is a core value as important as the universal value of freedom,
equality and sometime more important for some people. That
means that you feeling more belong to you beliefs , your religion so
your community... than your nationality. For example, in england
81% of muslim said that they are muslim before to be british. It
shows that they put their religious belongs before their nationality.
In england , the way of integration is different than in france In fact
you are allowed to mixed the private sphere and public one. When
you're in england, wherever you are, you can see sciantologist in
the street giving tract , or hindoo people who are working with a
turban, or woman who are wearing the hidjab or the nikab in public
administation.... All this things prooves that you are allowed to do
what ever you want, that you can be integrate with all your
differences but to affirm the social cohesion, every one have to
respect each others.

If we look at a famous socioligist like Timoty Garton Arsh, we

can see that this way of integration make trouble: in fact most of
the problem are about the muslim because their are more and more
in england and because of the strict aspect of their religion, they
have some trouble to accept occidental way of life and the fact to
live in a secular country . A case study shows that 40 % would like
to instaure the charia where they are in majority, or 32% think to
put a end to the occidental life because of her immorality and her

Now i will speak about, Trevor Philllips, the president of the

Comission for the racial equality in England who compared the
different way of integration in France and in England to find a happy
medium. For him, the heart of French identity is "rigid and
crushing". The headscarf affair which ended in a ban for girls
wanting to wear it in schools illustrated this. He added that making
a piece of cloth an issue of national loyalty is to him ridiculous and
oppressive,". He observed that France has a one-way approach to
integration where immigrants have to assimilate French culture and
leave their origins behind. In contrast, the UK has a form of two-way
integration where immigrants are given some space and flexibility
to adapt and where the host culture takes on board some elements
of the immigrant's culture (food, clothing, words, etc.).

But he admited that the British have gone too far in allowing
immigrants to express the "historic identities of ethnic minorities".
He said that Britain, by encouraging ethnic minorities to live in their
own communities in the name of multiculturalism, is slowly evolving
towards a segregationist society. For example, in 2001, 13% of the
inhabitants of the UK identified them speaking as ethnic
minorities. In some cities the ethnic group's percentage is
substantial : 40,1 % for London, 34,4 % for Birmingham et 39,5 %
for Leicester.

In the end, Trevor Phillips said that it is essential "to underline the
importance of sharing some major common values such as
democracy, freedom of speech and electoral participation".

In my opinion the right balance between the French integration

model of assimilation and the British model of multiculturalism
needs to be struck.
So now i'm gonna i ask you , what do you think about it ? And for
you wich one is the best? How do you think we can do to guarantee
a whole cohesion?

Balance: équilibre
Takes on board: accepter
influx: afflux
Host culture: culture du pays d'accueil
asset: atout
a case study: une étude de cas
crushing: terrible, écrasante
towards: vers

ségrégation raciale est la séparation physique des personnes

d'origines différentes
répondent à la définition de "minorité nationale" sans avoir pour
autant leur propre État. Ce sont des Nations sans État.

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