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November 14, 2010

To: New England Key Club Members

Subject: Amendment to Article XIX: Section 3 of the Key Club International Bylaws
From: New England District Governor Paolo Mauricio

At our November Board Meeting, a motion to propose an amendment to the International Bylaws was passed at 12:15 PM on
November 14th. Before this amendment moves on to the International Convention House Of Delegates in Phoenix Arizona on July 2,
however, it must first pass our House of Delegates at our District Educational Conference during the dates April 1-3, 2011.

This is the proposed text of the amendment, proposed by myself, Governor Paolo Mauricio:
 Article XIX: Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of trustee between conventions, the board of trustees
International Council may shall elect a qualified member of a club to fill such office, who shall serve only until the next
annual convention, except that in any year in which no annual convention is held, the International Council shall elect a
qualified members of a club to serve for one year until his/her successor is duly elected.

I would like to propose this Amendment to be argued at our Key Club International Convention House of Delegates in Phoenix,
Arizona in order to resolve an issue that occurred this past year during my term as Governor. As most of you should know, above
the District Level of Leadership there is an International Level of Leadership consisting of an International Board of the International
President, International Vice President, and Eleven International Trustees responsible for overseeing a group of 3 districts. This year,
one of the International Trustees was fired as a result of misconduct and replaced according to the procedure stated in Section 3 in
Article XIX (above). This conforms to International Board policy which states:
 4. Disciplinary Action for Board Member Misconduct: In the event of the reported misconduct of a member of the Key Club
International Board of Trustees, or when an international board member is not performing his/her assigned duties, it will be
the responsibility of the Executive committee in consultation with the director of Key Club International for action
 C. Should the request be found valid, then immediately following the study period:
 7. If an officer is removed from office, the replacing of said officer shall be handled as stated in Article XIX
of the International Bylaws
While this procedure was followed through, the District Governors were not informed of the situation, the possible replacements,
and all of a sudden, we had a new trustee appointed by the Board. In communicating with other governors, I have discovered the
same general feeling of dissatisfaction with the decision of the International Board. The root of this dissatisfaction is not with the
choice of trustee, but the fact that as representatives of the Districts, we were not informed of the decision, and I feel that the
picking of a new International Trustee should involve the participation of a representative of each district. This is why I am
replacing the “Board of Trustees” in this amendment with “International Council”. The International Council is the group of 33
District Governors inclusive with the International Board. This body’s official role is to elect an international board during a year in
which no Convention is held. The International Council should be responsible for filling the vacancy of a position of the International
Board to ensure the democratic principles of Key Club and to ensure that each District has a say in filling such a vacancy.

Thank you for your consideration

Paolo Mauricio
New England District Governor

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