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Kitar semula bersihkan HKL


TATKALA fajar menyingsing menembusi hutan

konkrit di tengah ibu kota, pekerja-pekerja Hospital
Kuala Lumpur (HKL) sedang bertungkus-lumus
mengumpul barang buangan untuk di kitar semula.
SEORANG jururawat di Jabatan O&G HKL tertarik
Pelbagai botol plastik, tin minuman, kotak-kotak dan melihat beg wanita yang diperbuat daripada seluar
kertas dikumpulkan secara beramai-ramai oleh jean pada perasmian Hari Kitar Semula Jabatan O&G
sukarelawan program Hari Kitar Semula Jabatan
Obstetrik dan Ginekologi HKL di perkarangan tempat
letak kereta Hospital Bersalin HKL baru-baru ini.

Ia dilakukan hanya dengan satu matlamat iaitu

memastikan persekitaran HKL sentiasa bersih dan menyejukkan mata, sekali gus
menyumbang kepada pemuliharaan alam sekitar.

Pengerusi Kitar Semula Jabatan Obstetrik dan

Ginekologi HKL, Dr. Noor Haliza Yussoff berkata,
program berkenaan diadakan bertujuan untuk
memupuk minat dan menggalakkan masyarakat
memahami serta mengamalkan kitar semula.

“Ia juga diadakan untuk memulihara persekitaran

supaya lebih bersih demi keselamatan serta kesihatan
pekerja, pesakit serta pelawat yang mengunjungi
hospital ini.

“Dalam pada itu, ia juga dapat menjana pendapatan

kepada jabatan-jabatan yang terdapat di hospital ini
apabila mengamalkan kitar semula,” katanya selepas
majlis pelancaran Program Hari Kitar Semula Jabatan
Obstetrik dan Ginekologi HKL.

TIN minuman yang dikumpulkan dipijak untuk

memudahkan proses pengumpulan.
Program berkenaan yang mendapat kerjasama
Pertubuhan Tzu Chi Malaysia berjaya menarik kira-
kira 100 peserta dirasmikan Pengarah HKL, Datuk
Zaininah Mohd. Zain.
Walaupun sumbangan program berkenaan tidaklah begitu besar, namun Noor Haliza
menambah, dia berharap ia dapat diteruskan kerana melalui aktiviti-aktiviti kecil-kecilan
apabila dilakukan secara kerap akan menjadi satu gerakan yang relevan.

Buat permulaan katanya, program tersebut dilakukan di Jabatan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi
HKL dan ia akan diadakan secara berterusan di jabatan-jabatan lain.

Zaininah memberitahu, terdapat kira-kira 9,000 orang yang berkhidmat di seluruh

jabatan-jabatan HKL.

“Saya berharap program yang diadakan ini dapat membuka mata sekali gus membantu
meningkatkan lagi semangat kerjasama dalam kalangan pekerja,” katanya.

Sementara itu, seorang jururawat dari Jabatan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi, Siti Hasliza
Hamid, 25, berkata, dia sangat gembira kerana dapat bersama-sama menyumbang tenaga
dalam memulihara alam sekitar melalui program berkenaan.

“Program kitar semula yang dilakukan ini mungkin kelihatan kecil tetapi, ia tetap dapat
menyumbang kepada pemuliharaan alam sekitar terutamanya di kawasan hospital.

“Ia juga merupakan platform terbaik dalam memupuk semangat cintakan alam semula
jadi dalam kalangan pekerja-pekerja HKL,” katanya.

Bagi Rani Alagappan, 54, pula program kitar semula yang dilakukan tersebut secara tidak
langsung dapat memastikan persekitaran hospital sentiasa berada dalam keadaan bersih
dan jauh daripada tempat pembiakan nyamuk aedes.
SEORANG jururawat komited menjalankan tanggungjawab membersihkan kawasan hospital pada Hari Kitar Semula Jabatan O&G HKL.

“Sudah seharusnya persekitaran hospital mesti bersih dan selamat untuk pesakit.
Membersihkan kawasan hospital daripada plastik, botol dan tin sekali gus memusnahkan
tempat pembiakan aedes yang boleh membahayakan pesakit,” kata Ketua Jururawat
Jabatan Obstetrik dan Ginekologi itu.

Dalam pada itu seorang lagi jururawat, Asmiyaton Abdullah, 28, berkata, dia sangat
gembira apabila mendapat pelbagai maklumat mengenai kitar semula menerusi program

“Kita telah didedahkan dengan barangan yang boleh di kitar semula tetapi kita jarang

“Melalui program ini ia melatih dan mendidik kita untuk bukan sahaja membersihkan
kawasan yang kotor tetapi mengamalkan kitar semula,” ujarnya.

Sukarelawan dari Pertubuhan Tzu Chi Malaysia, Chua Thiam Aik, 26, pula memberitahu,
kira-kira 20 sukarelawan dari pertubuhan berkenaan membantu program tersebut.
“Kita datang bersama-sama dalam membantu pihak HKL mengitar semula barang

“Ini merupakan satu kerjasama yang amat baik kerana dapat mengenali antara satu sama
lain dengan lebih dekat,” katanya.

Rencana Utama!»

Tempe pernah disangka lepat pisang

 Tempe pernah disangka lepat pisang

 Skil tuntut kesabaran dan kreativiti


Karnival kesihatan USM

KERJASAMA. Haja Mydin (kiri) menerima tajaan daripada Pengurus Jualan Wilayah
Utara Marigold, Lim Soon Chai di USM baru-baru ini.

 Karnival kesihatan USM

 Dimensi baru dunia wartawan
 Oleh Yee Sin Yen

Pada 19 Julai 2009 (Hari Ahad) Persatuan Kebajikan Tzu Chi telah menjalankan
“Recycle Day” di Sungai Chua pada pukul 8 pagi hingga 10.30 pagi. Pada pagi
ini, saya telah bersama beberapa ahli persatuan kebajikan saya dengan membawa
bersama barang-barang buangan yang boleh dikitar semula seperti surat khabar
lama, plastik, aluminium, tin-tin, botol kaca, baju-baju lama, dan sebagainya.
 Semasa  tiba di tempat tersebut, sudah  terdapat banyak orang berada di sana
untuk bersama-sama ahli-ahli Tzu Chi mengelaskan barang-barang buangan yang
boleh dikitar semula mengikut himpunan masing-masing. Selain itu, terdapat
banyak penduduk yang tinggal berhampiran di kawasan tersebut juga membawa
barang-barang buangan yang boleh dikitar semula dengan sekereta.  Ternampak
juga terdapat  membawa sekeluarga mereka termasuklah kanak-kanak mereka
bersama ibu bapa mereka  mengelaskan barang-barang buangan. Semua barangan
buangan tersebut diikat dan disusun secara kemas supaya senang dihantarkan dan
dibungkuskan ke Pusat Kitar Semula. Mereka semua berseronok dan bekerjasama
megelaskan barangan buangan walaupun matahari yang terik dan sudah berpeluh-
 Selepas habis menghimpunkan barangan buangan, ahli-ahli Tzu Chi telah
menyediakan makanan dan minuman kepada kami. Ahli-ahli Tzu Chi mengisi
makanan dengan menggunakan bekas makanan Tupperware yang menekankan
kesihatan manusia dan bahkan juga dapat mengurangkan penggunaan bekas
makanan poliform yang memudaratkan kesihatan manusia dan di samping
masalah pencemaran. Selain itu, mereka telah mempersembah sebuah laguan
bahasa isyarat “Bumi Yang Bersih”. Mereka berterima kasih kepada semua
hadirin yang rela mengeluarkan masa bersama dengan mereka untuk menjaga
kebersihan Bumi kita. Ahli-ahli Tzu Chi menggalakkan kita terutamanya remaja
sekarang haruslah bergiat diri dalam program kitar semula dan  juga boleh
mengapikasikan tabiat yang baik dalam kehidupan harian kita. Contohnya, Kita
bolehlah membawa bekas makanan sendiri semasa pergi keluar bungkus
 Menurut Ahli-ahli Tzu Chi, Ru Ba Ba, berkata pada setiap bulan ke-3 mingguan
hari Ahad akan mengadakan Recycle Day seperti ini di kawasan rumah
pendiaman Sungai Chua. Objektif aktiviti ini adalah untuk memupuk semangat
kepentingan menjaga kebersihan Bumi kita dan kepentingan Recycle. Aktiviti ini
juga memupuk semangat saling bekerjasama antara pelbagai lapisan masyarakat.
 Amalan yang baik ini haruslah kita mengaplikasikan dalam kehidupan harian kita
supaya Bumi yang kita cintai adalah bersih dan nyaman. Selain itu, kita
terutamanya remaja sekarang  haruslah meluangkan masa untuk melibatkan diri
dalam kegiatan yang berfaedah ini supaya tidak membazirkan masa yang terlalu
banyak dalam aktiviti-aktiviti yang kurang baik seperti merayau, ketagih dalam
alam maya dan sebagainya.
 Sumber rujukan:

Kitar Semula - Document Transcript

merakamkan terima kasih kepada Jawatankuasa Penganjur kerana memberi peluang
kepada saya hadir bersama tuan-tuan dan puan-puan dalam acara yang amat penting
kepada kebaikan masyarakat serta Majlis ini iaitu pelancaran Kempen Kitar Semula di
daerah Sandakan pada pagi ini. Kita sedia maklum, Kerajaan Malaysia melalui
Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan telah memulakan kempen kitar
semula secara besar-besaran di seluruh Negara. Kempen Program Perintis Kitar Semula
Peringkat Kebangsaan telah dilancarkan pada 2 Disember 2000. Kempen ini bukanlah
kali pertama dianjurkan oleh Kerajaan. Malah pada tahun 1993 kempen ini telah
dilaksanakan tetapi malangnya kurang berjaya. Namun, kegagalan tersebut amat
berguna kepada kita kerana daripadanya kita telah mengenalpasti beberapa kelemahan
yang harus diatasi. Justeru itu, dalam kempen kedua Program Perintis Kitar Semula kali
ini, Kerajaan telah membelanjakan sejumlah kewangan yang besar untuk menyediakan
kemudahan seperti tong kitar semula serta bahan-bahan pendidikan termasuk iklan di
televisyen. Semua ini bertujuan untuk memberi kesedaran dan mendapatkan
penglibatan lebih ramai golongan masyarakat, baik masyarakat pengguna mahupun
masyarakat peniaga. Apabila Kerajaan memutuskan untuk melaksanakan program
perintis kitar semula, tujuan kita ialah mengurangkan jumlah sampah yang dibuang di
tapak pelupusan sampah Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT). Kementerian Perumahan dan
Kerajaan Tempatan telah menganggarkan bahawa setiap Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan
membelanjakan antara 40% hingga 70% perbelanjaan tahunannya untuk mengutip dan
melupuskan sampah. Pertambahan jumlah penduduk dari setahun ke setahun di seluruh
negara akan meningkatkan lagi isipadu sampah-sarap yang dihasilkan dan seterusnya
menambah perbelanjaan serta menyulitkan lagi Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan mendapatkan
tapak pelupusan yang sesuai pada masa akan datang. Pembuangan sampah-sarap yang
tidak terkawal juga boleh mengancam kesihatan penduduk dan kualiti serta estetika
alam sekitar. Menyentuh tentang kawasan kita sendiri, saya difahamkan bahawa Majlis
Perbandaran Sandakan mengutip lebih kurang 170 tan sampah-sarap setiap hari. Ini
tidak termasuk besi-besi buruk atau sampah-sarap yang dibuang sendiri oleh individu
atau syarikat-syarikat yang beroperasi di sini. Semua sampah-sarap ini dibuang ke tapak
pembuangan sampah atau dilonggokkan di tempat-tempat pembuangan haram
sehingga menjejaskan keindahan dan estetika perbandaran. Akibatnya, Majlis
Perbandaran Sandakan membelanjakan beratus-ratus ribu ringgit setiap tahun untuk
mengendalikan pengurusan sampah-sarap tersebut. Program perintis kitar semula yang
sedang dilaksanakan di seluruh negara ketika ini tidak harus dilihat hanya sebagai
kempen semata-mata. Kita harus diingat bahawa usaha Kerajaan semata-mata tidak
menjanjikan kejayaan 100% jika kita sebagai warganegara, kita sebagai pengguna dan
kita sebagai penduduk tidak memainkan
2. 2 peranan aktif dan menyokong setiap program yang diaturkan oleh Kerajaan. Justeru
itu, saya menyeru tuan-tuan dan puan-puan dan pelajar-pelajar yang hadir pada pagi ini
untuk menyampaikan mesej Kerajaan tentang kitar semula ini dan ambil bahagian
secara aktif kerana ia amalan yang berfaedah. Kita juga mungkin tertanya-tanya apakah
faedah-faedah kitar semula kepada diri kita sendiri. Selain pengurangan kos
penggendalian sampah sarap, pengurangan pencemaran alam sekitar dan sebagainya
yang saya sebut sebentar tadi yang membawa kebaikan kepada diri kita sendiri, kitar
semula ini juga boleh mengurangkan perbelanjaan dan membawa keuntungan kepada
kita sendiri. Dalam keadaan kos sara hidup yang kian meningkat hari ini, industri kitar
semula dapat memberi kesedaran kepenggunaan seterusnya menurunkan kos sara
hidup bagi pengguna yang bijak berbelanja. Isi rumah sebagai pengguna boleh
mengurangkan kekerapan membeli dengan berbelanja sekali dalam sebulan. Ini akan
mengurangkan bungkusan barang-barang yang dibeli sama ada yang berupa kertas atau
plastik. Dengan itu, isi rumah telah mengamalkan satu daripada tiga konsep kitar semula
iaitu mengurangkan isipadu sampah-sarap. Isi rumah juga boleh menggunakan semula
bahan-bahan pembungkus seperti beg plastik, atau bekas dan kaleng yang bersesuaian
untuk menyimpan barang-barang misalnya menggunakan semula botol nescafe untuk
mengisi cili giling untuk kegunaan di rumah dan sebagainya. Seperti yang kita dapat
perhatikan terdapat sudah beberapa syarikat yang berkecimpung dalam industri kitar
semula malah terdapat juga yang mengekspot bahan-bahan kitar semula ke negara lain.
Penubuhan syarikat-syarikat ini juga memberi peluang kepada orang ramai untuk
mendapat sedikit wang. Dalam hubungan ini, isi rumah boleh mengumpul bahan-bahan
buangan seperti semua jenis kertas, semua bekas daripada aluminium, plastik atau botol
kaca untuk dijual kepada syarikat-syarikat kitar semula. Sehubungan dengan perkara ini,
saya sedang merancang satu program khas untuk Daerah Sandakan iaitu mengitar
semula beg-beg plastik. Orang ramai adalah diminta mengumpul beg-beg plastik ini dan
diserahkan kepada pejabat Pimimpin Kemajuan Rakyat, sebagai tempat pengumpulan,
untuk diangkut oleh syarikat kitar semula yang berkenaan. Orang ramai yang membawa
beg-beg plastik akan dibayar mengikut kadar yang akan ditetapkan kelak. Jika program
ini berjaya, ia boleh dijadikan satu model untuk dilaksanakan di kawasan yang lain.
Peranan kita yang hadir pada pagi ini, khususnya guru-guru dan para pelajar amat
penting dalam mengubah nilai dan cara berfikir masyarakat umum di daerah Sandakan
ini. Dalam melaksanakan program perintis kitar semula ini, kita akan menggunakan
pendekatan mendidik masyarakat dan tidak akan menggunakan pendekatan undang-
undang. Justeru itu, guru-guru dan para pelajar adalah agen perubahan yang dapat kita
harapkan selain perancangan teratur oleh Majlis Perbandaran Sandakan dan syarikat-
syarikat kitar semula yang telah dilantik. Saya berharap bahawa kita boleh mencapai
sasaran Kerajaan agar pelaksanaan program perintis kitar semula ini dapat
mengurangkan 30% daripada isipadu sampah-sarap yang dibuang ke tapak pembuangan
sampah, serta menurunkan perbelanjaan pengurusan sampah-sarap daripada 70%
kepada 40%. Dengan kerjasama semua pihak, saya percaya sasaran ini boleg dicapai.
3. 3 Dengan harapan yang sedemikian, saya dengan segala sukacitanya melancarkan
kempen Program Perintis Kitar Semula Peringkat Malis Perbandaran Sandakan dengan
rasminya. Sekian dan terima kasih.

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No Plastic Bag Day
Posted on 10th March, 2011 by umsgreenpulse

Have you ever counted how many plastic bags you use within a day?

Just imagine whenever you order a take away “mi soup” at a hawker centre, the
proprietor will normally separate the noodles and soup into two different plastic bags, and
then put them into another bigger T-shirt plastic bag for you to easily carry your meal

A small thing such as a take-home-lunch will result in the use of about 3 pieces of plastic
bags. How about when you purchase daily goods at the grocers, supermarkets, or
hypermarkets? The population of Malaysia is approximately 28,310,000; society’s
consumption rate of plastic bags is now estimated at well over 50 billion plastic bags
annually, or almost 1 million per minute. ( ).
That is a huge number of plastic bag use per day. The use of plastic bags must be control
before our environment become worse.

Penang was the first state in Peninsular Malaysia which implemented a No Plastic Bag
Day in shopping complexes and hypermarkets on the 1st of July 2009. In addition, Sabah
has launched a similar campaign since the 7th of June.

Sabah and Penang were then followed by Selangor,  the Miri (Sarawak) local council,
and the Sibu (Sarawak) local council.

The No Plastic Bag Day campaign also encouraged the participation of local councils,
traders, retailers, supermarkets, stores, and outlets around the nation. Apart from that, the
programme was also extended to smaller stores, pasars (wet markets), as well as hawker

With this campaign gaining support from public, the Penang state government declared
‘No Plastic Bag Day’ for every Monday, which was then extended to Tuesday and
Wednesday. The Selangor state government implements the campaign every Saturday
may be extending No Plastic Bag Day to weekdays.

The objective of No Plastic Bag Day is to increase public awareness of the dangers
brought by plastic products, for instance plastic bags are non-biodegradable products that
made from polyethylene, that requires about 100 years to finish undergoing

While decomposing, it may be mistaken as food by animals, especially marine

organisms. Many animals are killed due to the ingestion of plastic bags. Furthermore, this
campaign also intends to reduce the demand on plastic bags among the public. Spending
on plastic products brings enormous impact to the environment; plastic bags that end up
in landfills will take a very long period of time to degrade and break down into tiny toxic
compound that then contaminate the soil and pollute water sources.

Education on reducing the need for plastic bags for all ages is a must. Each individual has
a responsibility to keep our environment safe and healthy. Every resident of the Earth
must contribute to protecting and preventing our mother earth from becoming worse.
Participating in the No Plastic Bag Day is one of the most meaningful ways. Let us start
reducing the use of plastic bags today!

By Kwek Shi Ting

'No plastic bag day' starts in November
Posted at 09/30/2010 12:05 AM | Updated as of 09/30/2010 12:06 AM

MANILA, Philippines - Plastic bags in supermarkets will no longer be free on certain

days starting November.

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) said the campaign is
part of efforts to limit the use of plastics as these cause drainage systems to be clogged.

Already, SM supermarkets observe the "no plastic bag day" on Wednesdays.

"It is already critical, all waterways are clogged.. be a good citizen," said Environment
Secretary Ramon Paje.

Paje said the Philippine Amalgamated Supermarkets Association (PASA) has agreed to
support the initiative.

"Kailangan syempre may information campaign yan, there will be customers who will
resist. Maybe in November we'll do it," noted Steven Cua of PASA.

In the meantime, lawmakers in Congress are studying a total ban on the use of plastic
bags in supermarkets.

Other Headlines

 'No plastic bag day' starts in November

 Los Angeles bans plastic bagging in stores

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No plastic "all the time" dapat!

by kim_dejesus on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 20:44

whats the use of no plastic "day"...sure it will save a couple but how bout the rest of the
year? should we feel better since we have "helped" a day?? if they would only not have
available plastics in the supermarkets or anywhere, consumers will be obliged to have
something permanent with them not unless they plan to carry it barely? we have to
enforce discipline in the proper way and channels like government...Pnoy what do you

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why only now?
by istan on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 11:24

i think this is way long overdue! do we need another Ondoy before taking actions? why
can't we make use of sturdy paper bags(like in the US) instead?

Try not to be a man of success but rather try to become a man of value - albert einstein

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by una on Tue, 10/05/2010 - 17:32

grabe ka naman ISTAN, syempre ngayon lang nila yan napagtanto kasi may mga
binahang mayayaman at artista last year kaya bigla nilang naisipang ipatupad yan.
syempre nung di pa nakakaranas bahain ang mayayaman pakialam ba nyan sa mahihirap?
eh nung dumanas na sila naisipan nila bumulong sa mga kadikit nilang negosyante at
pulitiko na itigil na kasi apektado din pala sila..

payo lang' paper bag nalang ang ipalit nyo..

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by Emilio Aguinaldo on Thu, 09/30/2010 - 06:14

Thumbs up tayo diyan, at buhayin ang Bayong. Makabubuti pa sa local industries.


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Malaysian City Spends A Day Without Plastic Bags

posted by: Beth Buczynski 435 days ago
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I saw this on Care2 and though

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The paper vs. plastic vs. reusable bag debate has been raging on for years, and although many
cities and countries are encouraging shoppers to bring their own bags in an attempt to reduce
the demand for plastic bags, forgetful shoppers and weak campaigns have meant that change
has been slow.

For one city in Malaysia, however, the change was fast and furious- at least for a day.

The Star Online reports that the Selangor government had on Dec 20 declared its plans to make
every Saturday a plastic bag-free day effective Jan 1. January 2 was the first Saturday in which
the ban was in effect, and shoppers were both surprised and pleased.

A representative for Carrefour, one of the world's largest retailers and operator of
hypermarkets, supermarkets, hard discount and convenience stores in the area told The Star
Online that amongst the few complaints were shoppers who simply weren't aware that the
campaign had already started.

Carrefour public relations manager Salmieah Mohd Zin added that "most Carrefour stores in the
Klang Valley have been plastic bag-free since last year and their target was to have no plastic
bags in Carrefour Malaysia by 2012."

Customers who insist on plastic bags will have to pay 10 sen per bag.

Introduced just over 25 years ago, society's consumption rate of plastic bags is now estimated at
well over 500,000,000,000 (that's 500 billion) plastic bags annually, or almost 1 million per

Most people don't realize that plastic bags don't biodegrade, they photodegrade - breaking
down into smaller and smaller toxic bits, contaminating soil and waterways and entering the
food web when animals accidentally ingest them (

Although many major locations, like San Francisco, the Republic of Ireland, China and South
Aftrica have all made moves to tax or ban plastic bags, their use still contributes to monumental
amounts of waste and toxic emissions around the world.

Campaigns like the one in Selangor are the key to breaking the mental and physical addiction
that we have to plastic bags, and training shoppers that they can get along fine without them.

Hopefully next Saturday won't be such a surprise.

Learn more about the impact of plastic bag use at and take action by signing
the "Paper or Plastic? Neither!" petition on Care2.

Read more: conservation, malaysia, environment & wildlife, plastic bags, waste reduction

Green Day
Hari ini terasa ingin berbuat baik terhadap planet kita iaitu Planet Earth the one and only. Maka
daripada membiarkan barang-barang itu mengumpul habuk, baik saya mengitar semula sahaja.

One of my many habits are shopping. Kalau balik dari kerja, ada sahaja pit stop sebentar di pusat
membeli belah. Bila sudah melakukan pemberhentian, tentu mata akan terpesona dengan
barang-barang yang dipamerkan dah sudah tentu tak sengaja terbeli pula. Long story cut short,
of course I will have lots of shopping/paper bags. Some of it I have kept it for 2 years and oh boy,
how it collect dust like crazaaayyyy.
left: kotak-kotak make up dan skincare ; kanan: shopping/paper bags

I even kept all my make up or skincare boxes. nak buang rase boleh mencemarkan alam. so i just
kept it so one fine day I'll go to recycling centre.
My nearest recycling centre is at Tesco Ampang. It is open daily for 10am until 10pm. Apek di
gambar di atas adalah orang yang bertanggungjawab untuk mengemas dan memeriksa barang-
barang kitar semula. Ada juga sesetengah orang yang tidak boleh berfikir dengan waras dengan
hanya memberi plastik yang penuh dengan plastik atau botol yang masih mempunyai air atau
sisa-sisa makanan di dalam nya. Anda sepatutnya membersihkannya terlebih dahulu sebelum
mengitar semula. Itu pun tidak tahu ke? Tempat kitar semula bukan tempat pembuangan
sampah (emo sebentar).
I even gave them 9west paper bag. ;p

Bila tiba di sana, apek itu akan menimbang berat barang-barang yang mahu dikitar semula.
Berat paper bags ku adalah 3kilo. 1kg=5sen. maka aku berjaya mengumpul sebanyak 15sen.

Untuk menghijaukan lagi bumiku tercinta, I carry with me everyday my own shopping bag that I
got from Starbucks. I believe I got that bag since December 2008 but started using it around
middle of 2009.
upper: view when it is inside my
bag ; lower: my own shopping bag
it can hold 1 bottle of 1.5l and 3 bottle of 500ml mineral bottles. test it yesterday.
It felt good helping The Earth today. Oh, have you guys watch The Planet Earth? You guys
should. It's a brilliant and amazing documentary. If you watch it using Full HD LCD/LED Tv plus
BD player, you will mesmerize by the excellant cinematography and the amazing pictures.
Breath taking views until the end.

Next project: Pre-loved clothes. Kerja-kerja pemunggahan/pengorekkan almari akan bermula

sebentar sahaja lagi. Sesiapa berminat nak join in, boleh lah ke tempat-tempat kitar semula
berdekatan dengan anda ;p.

Recycling activities

 empty tissue box

 elastic bands
 toilet roll
 paint
 glue

Make an Elastic Band Guitar

Create a guitar using elastic bands which make sound when you pluck them.

View Instructions


 egg carton
 paint
 2x ping-pong balls
 foil
 tissue paper
 glitter
 tinsel
 glue

Make a Croc-Monster

Use empty egg cartons or burger boxes to create crocodiles, dinosaurs and alligators that
open and close their mouth.

View Instructions


 Large Yoghurt Pot

 piece of paper
 1 Elastic Band

Make a Drum

Be creative with an old yoghurt pot and make a fun musical instrument quickly and

View Instructions


 empty drinks can

 frozen peas or rice
 paper
 bluetack
 glue

Make a Shaker

Complete the band with this simple homemade percussion instrument.

Recycling Lesson Plans/Recycling Thematic Units/Recycling Activities

Environment Unit (4)

This unit will examine Environmental Education as a controversial  
issue which needs to be analyzed and understood from multiple
perspectives before any necessary actions can be taken.

Waste Not, Want Not (6)

Students will be able to define renewable resources, nonrenewable
resource and perpetual resource.  Students will learn that renewable
resources can be replaced.  Students will learn that trees are a renewable
source. Bob the Builder:
Bob's Recycling
Recycled Water? Day
To investigate how water is recycled in a small environment and to
learn on a small scale how water is cycled on earth. Through this
activity, students will understand how we interact with our non-living

Solid Waste/Recycling Survey

Students will investigate what percentage of waste is packaging through collecting,
recording, and reporting data.

Speak Up For Recycling

Students will plan and present a persuasive, well-organized speech promoting the
establishment of a school recycling program.

Waste- Where Does It Come From? Where Does It Go? (Grades K-12)
The students will identify the various waste materials generated in the school. They will
describe the sequence of collection and the destination of the materials identified.

Litter Detectives (Grades K-12)

The students will develop a positive attitude against littering. Students will develop
solutions to help reduce littering.

Classroom Paper Recycling (Grades 6-12)

The students will identify recycling as an alternative to disposal of paper. A method for
determining the cost-effectiveness of a recycling program will be described.

Recycling Survey (Grades K-12)

The student will become familiar with popular attitudes toward recycling and the practice
of recycling in the community.

Disposal and Recycling Costs (Grades 6-12)

The students will gain an awareness of the costs of waste disposal. The students will
demonstrate that disposal costs may be offset by recycling a portion of municipal waste.

Composting Project (Grades 6-12)

Creating a compost pile as a classroom project will demonstrate to students that natural
materials can be recycled.

Motor Oil Recycling (Grades 4-12)

The student will gain an awareness that used motor oil is a resource to be recycled rather
than discarded. The student will be able to identify locations where used motor oil may
be recycled.

Unwrapping Packaging (Grades 4-12)

The students will be able to examine product packaging to determine whether packaging
is excessive and whether it is recyclable. The students will be able to identify waste
reduction techniques.
Reduce and Reuse What You Produce (K-3)
The children will understand that they can reuse materials and reduce the amount of
waste that is produced

Buy Recycled in a Box (K-3)

Students will develop an awareness of what products are made from recycled material
and why it is important to buy recycled.

The Mystery Bag (K-3)

Students will develop a greater awareness of what makes up garbage.

Garbage Sleuth (Where Garbage Comes From) (K-3)

Identify where garbage originates.  Understand that all living things are responsible for
producing waste in our environment.

A Rotten Idea (Composting) (K-3)

The student will learn that some wastes are recyclable by composting.

Composting: "A Great Way to Rot" (4-6)

Students will learn how solid waste can be reduced through composting and reused as
soil for the garden.

Waste Not (4-6)

The students will affirm the need for recycling after analyzing the waste materials
produced at one meal.

Worm Your Way into Composting 

Waste Not Want Not Lessons

Unit with lessons and investigations into recycling

After playing the Recycle card game three or more times, players will be able to name all
the recyclable items used in the Recycle card game.

  Recycling Internet Resources

Recycler's World
A resource center for information relating to secondary or recyclable commodities, by-
products, used and surplus items or materials and collectible items.

America Recycles Day

Make the pledge to recycle and buy recycled products on November 15.
Earth Day Groceries Project
Students decorate paper grocery bags and return them to the store. The decorated bags are
then distributed (filled with groceries) to shoppers on Earth Day.

Internet Consumer Recycling Guide

Goal is to help make recycling so easy and automatic that it blends into the flow of
everyday life.

Quest of the Ring Leaders

Cyber-adventure providing environmental education on six-pack rings, closed-loop
recycling, entanglement, marine debris, and photodegradability.

Recycle City
Fun, interactive way to learn about the three R's: reduce, reuse, and recycle.

Recycling Ideas
List of ideas for reusing your garbage.

Roscoe's Recycle Room

Designed to teach kids about the importance of recycling and solid waste management.

  Recycling Printouts

Green Valley Coloring Pages

Five pages to print out and color dealing with recycling.

  Recycling Clip Art

Environment Clip Art at The Teacher's Guide

Recycling clip art.

  Recycling Crafts 

Recycle It!
Craft ideas for 10 different household products, many that you can recycle.

Recycled Crafts
Provides ideas for turning  items you would normally throw away into holiday crafts. Recycling Page
Craft ideas using everything from old film canisters to walnut shells.

Trash to Treasure
Another site from that collects links to many craft ideas for everyday
household products.

Crafts from Recycled Products

From find neat crafts for empty jars, a photo frame from a CD, and

  Recycling Books 

Bob the Builder: Bob's Recycling Day

Crafts from Recyclables

Likeable Recyclables: Creative Ideas for Reusing Bags, Boxes, Cans, and Cartons
Recycling Activities for the Primary Grades

**Check out our Recycling Bookstore for more recycling books.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Theme Page

Here are a number of links to Internet sites which contain information and/or other links
related to the specific theme of Recycling. Please read our disclaimer.

Access Excellence

 Ecology of the Dump Three activities concerning solid waste

management. One lasts one week, another several months, and there is a
follow up activity suitble for both.
 Waste Management There are four activities in this teaching unit in which
students investigate household trash, biodegradability, packaging, and

Ask Eric Lesson Plans - Pollution and Recycling

This lesson focuses on three types of pollution and how students can work
together to cycle..
Composting in Schools
Menu selections include: Why Composting? Teacher's Page (lesson plans,
activities, teacher forum); Ideas for Student Research Projects; Compost Quiz;
Science and Engineering (explaining the science and engineering behind
composting; includes experiments); Composting Indoors; Composting Outdoors;
Weird and Unusual Composting; and, Frequently Asked Questions.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Theme Page
This CLN theme page has resources for both students and teachers on the topic of
hazardous waste disposal. Many of these will provide background information
that will be useful to students researching recycling issues.
[The] Imagination Factory
You'll find creative ways to recycle by engaging your students in art
projects/activities that make use of a ready source of inexpensive art supplies -
namely your trash. Be sure to look in their "Previous Art Activities" for an
archive of their suggestions - organized into 10 categories: Drawing, Sculpture,
Painting, Holidays, Printmaking, Fiber Arts, Collage, Marbling, General
Information, and Crafts.
Lesson Plans
Eleven lesson plans in recycling for students in grades 1-7 from the Texas Natural
Resource Conservation Commission (TNRCC). In addition, there are three
lessons on composting from the Texas A&M University.
Instructions for an educational card game for students aged 8 - 12 in which they
become familiarized with the various recyclable items that are normally discarded
in the garbage.
Recycling Lesson Plans
Eight lesson plans for students in K-12 from the Pennsylvania Department of
Environmental Protection. They illustrate a variety of recycling concepts,
including the creation and collection of waste, developing attitudes against
littering, recycling as an alternative to disposal, and learning about the costs of
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
The main objective of this teaching unit is to change students' personal behavior
through awareness. The lesson plan includes helpful background information,
links to resources, student activities, and lecture notes. Grades 1 - 12.
Everything you wanted to know about composting. Check out their "Teacher
Resources" for student handouts, activities, and other resources.
Smile Program Biology Index
Teachers participating in the SMILE (Science and Mathematics Initiative for
Learning Enhancement) summer session programs each create a single concept
lesson plan. This database has a few lessons on recycling in their section on
Environmental Studies and Ecology. Caution: Since there is a wide number of
authors who have contributed to the database, the detail and quality of the lesson
plans will vary.
Solid Waste and Recycling
A five lesson unit plan by Bernita Robinson. There are activities/lessons focused
on litter, paper recycling, solid waste, canned pencils, and plain plane.
Throwing It All Away
In this lesson plan, grade 6-12 students use a NY Times article as a starting point
to "investigate what happens to commonly used items and products once they are
thrown away or sent to be recycled, analyzing and understanding the relationship
between a product's ingredients and its effects on the environment and on the
health of the living things on Earth."
To Recycle or Not To Recycle
In this webquest, elementary students conduct research on the pros and cons of a
mandatory recycling program and present their views to other members of a
United States Environmental Protection Agency
This comprehensive site from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has
resources targeted for both students and teachers.

 [The] Consumer's Handbook for Reducing Solid Waste Practical steps that
families can take to reduce the amount and toxicity of garbage.
 HAZ-ED: Classroom Activities for Understanding Hazardous Waste
Teacher resources include downloadable PDF files that offer warm up
exercises, activities, fact flashes, and a glossary.
 Recycle City Students learn about the three R's by touring various sections
of "Recycle City" and seeing how the various organizations and citizens
reduce, reuse, and recyle. There's also a "Dumptown game" where
students can play the role of a city manager who has been hired to start
programs that encourage Dumptown's citizens and businesses to recycle
and reduce waste all the while remaining within a budget of course. An
Activities section contains suggestions for using the site within the
 Wastes: Kids Page Online activities for students.
 Waste No Words A crossword puzzle activity.

Water Recycling
Learn how waste water in North Carolina is purified by recycling it a natural way.

Earth Day | Recycle Reuse Reduce Collage

Preschool Lesson Plan Activities
Themes Instructions and Suggestions Materials
Alphabet > This activity is appropriate for Earth * A big
Letter R > Day-April 22th, World Environment Day- piece of
R is for June 5tg or America Recycles Day- paper of
Recycle, November 15th. tape 3 or 4
Reuse and pieces of
Reduce How can young children learn to care scrap paper
for Earth?   to make a
Art poster.
Visual Arts > One of the ways:
The Collage Art & crafts experiences enable children * paints
> The Three to acquaint themselves with the natural
R's Poster Recyclables:
qualities of the earth such as leaves,
Collage *scraps of
rocks, shells, dirt, wind, rain and
Theme: newspaper,
sunshine.  Children also learn to observe,
Recycle, magazine or
create, and remain in touch with the ever
Reuse, junk mail.
changing world, and to develop a caring
attitude towards the earth by learning to * paint
recycle and use materials for art and brushes
Holidays and
crafts rather than throwing them away.
Events >
*April 22 > * leaves,
For a list of the recyclable materials that pinecones
Earth Day
*June 5 >
can be collected for art & craft projects or any
World visit our First Materials List.  These can other yard
Environment be discussed during the Earth Day material to
Day presentation. glue on the
*Nov. 15 > poster.
American Activity Part 1:  Discuss some simple
Recycles facts about Earth Day or World
Day Environment Day:

Science and What is Earth Day?  For young

Social children.  
studies >
The April 22 is Earth Day.  Everybody
Environment over the country tries to pitch in and
do something that could help the
planet we live in, Earth.  It is like a
big Spring Clean Up Day! 

A man by the name of Gaylord

Nelson,  said there were lots of
problems with the environment*. 
In a nutshell, smokestacks spewed
black smoke into the air, rivers
contained many different chemicals
that contaminated the water, and
garbage dumps were full.  Our Earth
was getting very dirt. Here are some
pictures that can demonstrate some
of these problems.

*What is the ENVIRONMENT? The

natural world:  the natural world,
within which people, animals, and
plants live.  It is regarded by many as
being at risk from the harmful
influences of industrialized societies. 

Senator Nelson had this neat idea of

having one day in which people
everywhere would get together to
clean things up making the
environment and Earth a little

Because of all the attention Earth

Day got, lots of laws (rules) were
passed that cleaned up the air, land
and water.  

For grown ups and older children:

For a great article on what these laws
are and how they have affected the
environment  please visit this page at

What is World Environment Day?

This day is celebrated June 5 and it is
one of the principal vehicles through
which the United Nations stimulates
worldwide awareness of the
environment and enhances political
attention and action. 
Here is the World Environment Day
Official Web site  for more
information on this special day.  

Activity Part 2:   Discuss The Three

R's:  Recycle, Reuse and Reduce.

Let's practice the letter R and learn

what the three R's of Earth Day
These are some simple examples that
can be discussed:

Recycle:  We should not throw cans,

bottles and newspapers into landfills. 
These items can be recycled. Don't
throw those shoe boxes away -- they
can become toy dioramas or doll
houses.  Discuss how these items get

Reuse:  We don't always need a new

piece of paper or a new t-shirt.  We
can try to reuse what we already
have.  We can help keep trash out of
the landfills.  How can a piece of
paper be reused?  Example:  We can
use the comics to use as wrapping
paper, print the templates in this web
site on the blank/clean side of junk
mail or other discarded paper
material.  How can a T-shirt be
reused - many pieces of fabric from
T-shirts can make a great quilt! 

Reduce - Every home can reduce the

amount of waste/garbage it produces
and the landfills would last years
longer.  Composting is one way of
reducing -- explain how you can help
and/or are helping to reduce.  

Activity Part 3:  The Three R's 

Poster Collage.

Visual Arts - related lesson plan:  The

Get acquainted with this technique

Make a big Letter R on a piece of

paper or tape a few pieces of scrap
paper to make a poster size.   Draw
the letter and then have child paint
over the letter.  

Now glue pieces of newspaper, pages

from old magazines, junk mail, draw
bottles and cans on the picture for
the child to paint or color.  Discuss
how the newspaper, bottles and cans
be recycled or reused.  

 Add any other natural materials to

the picture for explaining the other
R's:  leaves, pinecones, etc.

Optional Activity:
 You probably already have a recycling
program already in place at home. 
Discuss it and ask child for ideas on
how to recycle!  You will be surprised
at what they have to say!   

Activity #4:  The Happy Earth

Coloring Book and Activities by EPA
- U.S. Environmental Protection

This is an 12-page coloring book full

of tips for making the Earth a better
place.  Many of the pages are suitable
for young children and emerging
readers.  A great source for lesson
To view updates to these activities visit: http://www.first-
© Preschool Activities and Crafts

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