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Whenever you reach your dead end!

Ya Fattahu, Iftah ‘Alayya!’ (O Opener of ways, open up my way). “He is AI-Fattah, and as He opens up the
skies upon the dead earth, and breaks away the darkness with the dawn, so too can He open up upon
your dead heart, open your eyes to solutions, remove your obstacles, and grant you a way out. He
creates a way when there seems to be no way and opens a door when there seems to be no key. He is
the Judge Who decides what is best, and guides you when confusion overtakes you. So whenever you
reach your dead end, don’t stand there wondering what has happened, instead call out to the only One
who can create a path from absolutely nowhere.”

65: 2-3

… Sesiapa yg beriman kpd Allah dan hari akhirat, dan sesiapa bertakwa kpd Allah (dgn mengerjakan
suruhnanya dan meninggalkan laranganya, nescaya Allah akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar (drpd
segala perakra yg menyusahkan).

Serta memberinya rezeki dri jalan yg terlintas di hatinya. Dan (ingatlah), sesiapa yg berserah diri bulat2
kpd Allah, maka Allah cukuplah baginya (untuk menolong dan menyelamatkannya). Sesungguhnya Allah
tetap melakukan segala perkara yg dikehendakinya. Allah telah pun menentukan kadar dan masa bagi
berlakunya tiap2 sesuatu.

Tadabbur gue :

-minggu ni busy, kene prepare bebu, rase susah, dah prepare bagai nk rak, akak risau sgt2.

Akak rasa smua tu usaha akak sdiri, dgn usaha akak, semua akan ok.

Ttbe diuji dgn sakit perut, last2 yg akak prepare tu x disampaikan pun. Org lain pulak yg ganti. Risau akak
tu last2 takde pape pun.

Seolah2 allah nk ckp, kan aku dh ckp, aku yg pegang smua. Kenapa kau tk letak pergantungan kau dkt

 Al Fatah  Allah yg Maha Membukakan (The opener)

Pergantungan kpd Allah  tawakal kpd Allah (serah semua urusan kpd Allah lepas kite dh usaha
sungguh2). Tpi kene yakin, effort kite bukan menentukan hasil. Sbb allah dh ckp, allah dh tetapkan hasil.
Allah dh tetapkan apay g berlaku kpd kite mngikut percaturan allah.

Rasa diri cukup kuat tak perlukan Allah dlm setiap urusan kita

Rasa we can stand alone without anyone help

Apa yg Allah dh bukakkan untuk kita ?

Allah bukakkan pintu kesihatan kpd akak

Allah bukakkan peluang untuk akak prepare lagi sekali. (2 topik yg berlainan akak kene prepare).

Allah opens heart

Contoh : Nabi Musa

Nabi Nuh – berdakwah 950 years – kene reject, few je believe

 Berdoa untuk bukakkan jalan  allah bukakkan langit, turunkan hujan – banjir besar
 Untuk Allah bukakkan jln mgkin boleh dtg after months/years
 Di saat kite berasak sesak/berada at our lowest point, dan kita masih yakin allah akan bukakkan
jalan, tatkala itu Allah akan bukakkan jalan untuk kita
 Allah delay the solution sbb nk test trust and sincerity kita, untuk bina peribadi kita, untuk
sedarkan kite agar kite tk putus harapan
 Bayangkan what if Ketika di taif, rasulullah give up berdakwah? So dakwah takkan sampai dkt
kite skrg.

Allah bagi response yg beyond our expectation

Bila allah bukakkan jalan yg kita tk sangka2, sbnrnya ia meliputi pengetahuan allah, any
possibilities, past future present.

Contoh : Kisah Nabi Yusuf – dikutip drpd telaga, dijual  jadi gabenor di Egypt
 Boleh jadi jalan keluar yg ada, kita rasa seperti closed door pada masa itu, tapi in future baru kita
realized rupanya itu lah ‘the opening’ yg Allah nk kasi.

Allah hanya akan buka pintu yg terbaik untuk kita.

Kene work hard 100% sbb kita tau allah yg suruh work hard, allah tgk process kite, struggle kite. Sbb
hasil allah dah tetapkan.

Opening look different depend on situation. Kdg2 jalan keluar tu, Nampak seperti satu ujian/obstacles
“Ya tuhanku, sesungguhnya aku sangat memerlukan sesuatu kebaikan (makanan) yg engkau turunkan
kpdku” – al qasas:24, doa nabi musa

doesn’t have anything else; and yet he is looking at all of this and telling Allah, ‘Yā Allāh, thank you so
much for this; I desperately needed it’. In other words, before asking Allah for more, he is concentrating
on what Allah has already given him.

If you look at it from our perspective, he has nothing. He’s got absolutely nothing! But from his
perspective, he was in the middle of the desert and there is no logical reason why he couldn’t have died
of dehydration. The fact that he made it all the way to the water, and the fact that he found a place to
sit which is under a shade, which Allah mentions—thumma tawallā ilā al-ẓill; the fact that he found that
much and on top of all of this the fact that he found an opportunity to do a good deed is enough for him
to be grateful.

Yā Allāh, I really needed that, thanks! I really needed that; I was so desperate, I would have died without
this help of yours’—Rabbī innī limā anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqīr.

he’s just by him- self, sitting under the shade of a tree, making this duʿā’ but this duʿā’ is so valuable to
Allah. Dia homeless, takda makanan, pakaian, musa dh dalam keadaan terdesak.
When he was grateful to Allah, Allah gave him more

and more and more and more. So you and I have to learn—and this is something we easily forget—to be

grateful for what we do have, and not to focus our attention so much on what

we don’t have. To learn to acknowledge that whatever we do have, we could

not have survived without it, we are faqīr for it. When we really, internally, de-

velop that attitude, as a result of that Allah will provide us the whole dunyā and

whatever is in it. Allah will give without restriction.

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