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Official Journal of the Japanese Circulation Society

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Dantrolene, a Therapeutic Agent for Malignant

Hyperthermia, Inhibits Catecholaminergic
Polymorphic Ventricular Tachycardia
in a RyR2R2474S/+ Knock-In Mouse Model
Shigeki Kobayashi, MD, PhD; Masafumi Yano, MD, PhD; Hitoshi Uchinoumi, MD, PhD;
Takeshi Suetomi, MD; Takehisa Susa, MD; Makoto Ono, MD, PhD; Xiaojuan Xu, MD, PhD;
Hiroki Tateishi, MD, PhD; Tetsuro Oda, MD, PhD; Shinichi Okuda, MD, PhD;
Masahiro Doi, MD, PhD; Takeshi Yamamoto, MD, PhD; Masunori Matsuzaki, MD, PhD

Background:  Dantrolene, a specific agent for the treatment of malignant hyperthermia, was found to inhibit
Ca2+ leak through not only the skeletal ryanodine receptor (RyR1), but also the cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2)
by correcting the defective inter-domain interaction between N-terminal (1–619 amino acid) and central (2,000–
2,500 amino acid) domains of RyRs. Here, the in vivo anti-arrhythmic effect of dantrolene in a human catechol-
aminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT)-associated RyR2R2474S/+ knock-in (KI) mouse model was

Methods and Results:  ECG was monitored in KI mice (n=6) and wild-type (WT) mice (n=6), before and after
an injection of epinephrine (1.0 mg/kg) or on exercise using a treadmill. In all KI (but not WT) mice, bi-directional
ventricular tachycardia (VT) was induced after an injection of epinephrine or on exercise. Pre-treatment with
dantrolene (for 7–10 days) significantly inhibited the inducible VT (P<0.01). In KI cardiomyocytes, Ca2+ spark fre-
quency (SpF; s–1 ∙ 100 μm–1: 5.8±0.3, P<0.01) was much more increased after the addition of isoproterenol than in
WT cardiomyocytes (SpF: 3.6±0.2). The increase in SpF seen in KI cardiomyocytes was attenuated by 1.0 μmol/L
dantrolene (SpF: 3.6±0.5, P<0.01).

Conclusions:  Dantrolene prevents CPVT, presumably by inhibiting Ca2+ leak through the RyR2.   (Circ J  2010;
74: 2579 – 2584)

Key Words: Calcium; Excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling; Ventricular tachycardia

he N-terminal (1–619 amino acid) and central (2,000– showed that, in failing hearts, dantrolene corrected the defec-
2,500 amino acid) domains of the ryanodine recep- tive inter-domain interaction within the RyR2, thereby inhib-
tors (skeletal: RyR1, cardiac: RyR2) harbor many iting Ca2+ leak through RyR2.11 More recently, by using the
mutations associated with malignant hyperthermia (MH), knock-in (KI) mouse model with a human CPVT-associated
catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia RyR2 mutation (R2474S), we clarified that a single amino
(CPVT), and arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopa- acid mutation within the RyR2 sensitizes the RyR2 channel
thy type 2.1 There is strong evidence to suggest that the inter- to activation by luminal [Ca2+] (i.e., a decreased threshold
domain interaction between these regions plays an important of luminal [Ca2+] for channel activation), and in turn induces
role in the mechanism of channel regulation.2–16 We reported spontaneous Ca2+ sparks and DAD, leading to CPVT, and
that dantrolene, a specific agent for the treatment of MH, that danrrolene stabilized the leaky RyR2 by correcting the
prevented abnormal Ca2+ leak by correction of the defective defective inter-domain interaction.13 Here, we investigated
inter-domain interaction between the N-terminal and central the in vivo anti-arrhythmic effect of dantrolene in the KI
domains within MH RyR1 (i.e., aberrant formation of a chan- mice model.
nel-activating unzipped configuration of the N-terminal/cen-
tral domain pair in an otherwise resting state).9 We further

Received July 13, 2010; revised manuscript received August 3, 2010; accepted August 9, 2010; released online October 7, 2010   Time
for primary review: 9 days
Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Division of Cardiology, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Ube, Japan
Mailing address:  Masafumi Yano, MD, PhD, Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Division of Cardiology, Yamaguchi Uni-
versity Graduate School of Medicine, 1-1-1 Minamikogushi, Ube 755-8505, Japan.   E-mail:
ISSN-1346-9843   doi: 10.1253/circj.CJ-10-0680
All rights are reserved to the Japanese Circulation Society. For permissions, please e-mail:

Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

2580 KOBAYASHI S et al.

Table.  ECG Characteristics

Baseline Exercise stress
HR (beats/min) QT (ms) QTc (ms) SVT (n)
WT 6 540±86   24±2 74±7 0
RyR2R2474S/+ 6 576±102 24±2 73±5 6
P value (WT vs KI) NS NS NS 0.0047
Data are expressed as mean ± SD.
SVT, sustained ventricular tachycardia; WT, wild-type mice; RyR2R2474S/+, heterozygous mice carrying R2474S mutation;
KI, knock-in.

37°C in a 5%CO2/95%O2 atmosphere. Experiments were

Methods carried out at room temperature.
ECG Telemetry
ECG was monitored in R2474S/+ KI mice (n=6) and wild- Analysis of Local Ca2+ Release Events With Laser  
type (WT) mice (n=6) in a conscious state by using ECG Scanning Confocal Microscopy
telemetry, as previously described,13 with slight modification. Ca2+ sparks in intact isolated cardiomyocytes were measured
Briefly, transmitters (Data Sciences International, St. Paul, by confocal microscopy to examine the effect of dantrolene
MN, USA) were implanted in the back space with s.c. elec- on the local Ca2+ release, as previously described.13,19 The
trodes in a lead II configuration. Telemetry was recorded after Ca2+ sparks were measured using a laser scanning confocal
96 h of recovery from surgery in a conscious state at baseline microscope system (LSM-510, Carl Zeiss) equipped with an
and after the injection of epinephrine (1 mg/kg of body argon ion laser coupled to an inverted microscope (Axiovert
weight, i.p.) for measurement of the number of VT episodes 100, Carl Zeiss) with a Zeiss ×40 oil-immersion Plan-Neofluor
for 30 min. A subset of telemetered KI (n=6) and WT mice objective (numerical aperture, 1.3; excitation at 488 nm; emis-
(n=6) were injected with epinephrine (1 mg/kg of body sion >505 nm). Briefly, intact cardiomyocytes were loaded
weight, i.p.) and monitored for 30 min. Another set of KI with fluo-4 AM (20 μmol/L; Molecular Probes) for 30 min at
(n=6) and WT mice (n=6) were exercised on a treadmill room temperature. Line-scan mode was used, where a single
(Panlab, Barcelona, Spain). After recording the ECG before cardiomyocyte was scanned repeatedly (520.8 Hz) along a
treatment with dantrolene, these KI mice were treated with line parallel to the longitudinal axis, avoiding nuclei. To
dantrolene i.p. (20 mg/kg) for 7–10 days before being exposed monitor Ca2+ sparks, cardiomyocytes were stimulated until
to an epinephrine injection or exercise on a treadmill. the Ca2+ transient reached a steady state, then stimulation was
The QT interval was measured from the beginning of the stopped, and Ca2+ sparks were then recorded during the sub-
QRS complex to the end of the T wave based on the 5-min sequent ~10 s rest.
stable ECG segments of sinus rhythm, as previously
described.17 Then, the QT interval was rate-corrected using Statistical Analysis
Bazett’s formula (QT interval divided by the square root of A paired or unpaired t-test was used for statistical compari-
the heart rate) and expressed as QTc in the present study. son of the data between 2 different situations. The chi-square
Arrhythmias were defined as follows: non-sustained ventric- test was used to estimate the effectiveness of dantrolene to
ular tachycardia (VT) was defined as a series of 4–10 con- prevent occurrence of CPVT. Data are expressed as
secutive repetitive ventricular ectopic beats (VEBs), and mean ± SD except for the data of Ca2+ spark frequency. The
sustained VT (SVT) was defined as a run of >10 consecutive data of Ca2+ spark frequency are expressed as mean ± SE. We
VEBs.18 accepted a P value less than 0.05 as statistically significant.

Isolation of Cardiac Cardiomyocytes

The enzymatic isolation of mice cardiomyocytes was per- Results
formed as described previously.13 In brief, R2474S/+ KI and Table shows the ECG characteristics obtained from WT and
WT mice (2–3 months old) were anesthetized with pentobar- KI mice by telemetry. There was no significant difference in
bital sodium (70 mg/kg of body weight, i.p.), intubated and baseline parameters of HR, QT interval, and QTc between
ventilated with ambient air. An incision in the chest was WT and KI mice. In all KI mice, bi-directional VT was
made, and the heart was quickly removed and retrogradely induced after injection of epinephrine or on exercise, but not
perfused with a collagenase-free buffer via the aorta under in WT mice (Table). In KI mice, pre-treatment with a daily
constant flow. The LV myocardium was minced with scis- intraperitoneal injection of 20 mg/kg dantrolene (7–10 days)
sors in a fresh collagenase-containing buffer and the rod- decreased the frequency of premature ventricular contrac-
shaped adult mice cardiomyocytes were prepared by retro- tions at rest, and prevented the inducible VT (Figures 1–3).
grade perfusion of the hearts with 95%O2/5%CO2-bubbled In KI (but not WT) mice, pre-treatment with dantrolene sig-
Minimal Essential Medium (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) nificantly increased the total running distance during exer-
supplemented with 50 μmol/L [Ca2+], 0.5 mg/ml collagenase cise on a treadmill (Treated; 188.5±77.1 m, vs Untreated;
B, 0.5 mg/ml, collagenase D, and 0.02 mg/ml protease type 22.3±9.0 m, P<0.01). In KI cardiomyocytes, Ca2+ spark fre-
XIV. The Ca2+ concentration was then gradually increased to quency (SpF; s–1 ∙ 100 μm–1: 5.8±0.3, P<0.01) was much more
a final concentration of 1 mmol/L by changing the incubation increased after the addition of isoproterenol than in WT car-
medium (50 μmol/L, 100 μmol/L, 300 μmol/L, 600 μmol/L diomyocytes (SpF: 3.6±0.2) (Figures 4,5). In KI cardiomyo-
and then 1 mmol/L). cytes, the SpF was inhibited by 1.0 μmol/L dantrolene (SpF:
The isolated mice cardiomyocytes were transferred to 3.6±0.5, P<0.01) (Figures 4,5).
laminin-coated glass culture dishes, and incubated for 12 h at

Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

Anti-Arrhythmic Effect of Dantrolene 2581

Figure 1.    Representative telemetry ECGs in RyR2R2474S/+ KI mice on exercise using a treadmill. RyR2, ryanodine receptor; KI,

Figure 2.    Representative telemetry ECGs in RyR2R2474S/+ KI mice before and after an epinephrine injection. RyR2, ryanodine
receptor; KI, knock-in.

Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

2582 KOBAYASHI S et al.

Figure 3.    Summarized data for the effect of dantrolene on the inducible VT in RyR2R2474S/+ mice. RyR2, ryanodine receptor; VT,
ventricular tachycardia.

Figure 4.    Effect of dantrolene on the aberrant Ca2+ sparks in intact RyR2R2474S/+ KI cardiomyocytes. Ca2+ sparks were mea-
sured at 2 mmol/L extracellular [Ca2+]. RyR2, ryanodine receptor.

Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

Anti-Arrhythmic Effect of Dantrolene 2583

Figure 5.    Summarized data for the frequency of Ca2+ sparks in intact RyR2R2474S/+ KI cardiomyocytes. RyR2, ryanodine recep-
tor; KI, knock-in.

local Ca2+ release events.14 As dantrolene restored a normal

Discussion level of CaM-binding affinity in the PKA-phosphorylated KI
Catecholaminergic polymorphic VT is regarded as a highly hearts,14 it is suggested that the defective inter-domain inter-
lethal disease and β-blockers can be used as first line treat- action between the N-terminal domain and the central
ment of CPVT. Unfortunately, however, the efficacy of β- domain of the RyR2 is involved in the reduction of the CaM
blockers in CPVT is known to be low. Most of the patients binding affinity.
with CPVT require an implantable cardioverter defibrillator, It is quite advantageous for the clinical use of dantrolene
with 50% of implanted patients receiving appropriate shocks that it showed no appreciable effect on cardiac function in
during a 2-year follow up.20 normal hearts, but it substantially improved the contractile
The most important new aspect of the present study is the function in pacing-induced failing hearts.11 This beneficial
finding that pre-treatment with dantrolene, a specific agent effect is clearly different from other anti-arrhythmic drugs.
for MH, prevented CPVT induced by either epinephrine or The clinical dose of dantrolene for the treatment for MH
exercise, and significantly improved exercise tolerance in KI is less than 7 mg/kg. In the present study, however, we
mice. In addition, in confirmation with our previous report treated KI mice with a relatively high dose of dantrolene
using saponin-permeabilized cardiomyocytes that dantrolene (20 mg ∙ kg–1 ∙ day–1). This dosage was determined by a titra-
inhibited the PKA-phosphorylation-induced aberrant Ca2+ tion study that was aimed to find out the minimum dose to
release,13 it markedly suppressed the isoproterenol-induced achieve complete prevention of sustained VT on exercise.
spontaneous Ca2+ sparks in intact cardiomyocytes as well. Before we further move on to clinical studies, we should
The mechanism by which dantrolene prevented CPVT is pay great attention to the effective and safety dosage of dan-
likely to be attributable to stabilization of the CPVT-associ- trolene for the treatment of patients with CPVT or heart
ated, mutated RyR2. This notion is based on the following failure.
findings, which have been previously noted: (1) in either
RyR1 or RyR2, dantrolene specifically binds to the domain Acknowledgments
with the same amino-acid sequence; Leu590-Cys609 in RyR1 This work was supported by grants-in-aid for scientific research from
or Leu600-Cys619 in RyR2),9,11,21,22 and (2) dantrolene corrects The Ministry of Education in Japan (grant nos. 20390226 to M.Y.,
the defective inter-domain interaction between N-terminal: 20590868 to T.Y., 20591805 to S.K., 19209030 to M.M.), and grants
1–619 and central: 2,000–2,500 domains (i.e., domain unzip- from Takeda Science Foundation (to M.Y. and S.K.). The authors declare
no competing financial interests.
ping to zipping), thereby inhibiting Ca2+ leak through
More recently, we further demonstrated that in the Disclosures
RyR2R2474S/+ KI mice, the affinity of calmodulin (CaM) bind- None.
ing to the RyR2 is reduced upon PKA-mediated phosphory-
lation, which seems to be a critical cause of spontaneous

Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

2584 KOBAYASHI S et al.

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Circulation Journal  Vol.74,  December  2010

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