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Pdt.Chil Pediatr.

2018; 89 (2): 208-215

DOI: 10.4067 / S0370-41062018000200208

Risiko bunuh diri yang terkait dengan intimidasi dan depresi di

sekolah menengah

Risiko bunuh diri yang terkait dengan intimidasi dan depresi pada siswa
sekolah menengah

Raúl Sandoval-Atoa, b, f, Martin A. Vilela-EstradaCD, Christian R. Mejiab, e, Jose Caballero Alvaradob

untuk Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Nasional Piura, Peru

b Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Swasta Antenor Orrego, Trujillo, Peru
cPerhimpunan Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran UPAO, Piura, Peru
d Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Swasta Antenor Orrego, Piura, Peru
dan Sekolah Kedokteran Manusia, Universitas Kontinental, Huancayo, Peru
F Unit Penelitian Klinis, Lembaga Penelitian Klinis dan Epidemiologi Scientia. Peru

Diterima: 23-02-2017; Diterima: 04-12-2017

Abstrak Kata kunci:


Pengantar: Risiko bunuh diri semakin umum di kalangan anak-anak dan remaja. Tidak ada studi terkini risiko bunuh diri;

dan lokal tentang kenyataan ini di Peru utara. Tujuannya adalah untuk menentukan apakah risiko bunuh depresi;
diri dikaitkan dengan intimidasi dan depresi pada siswa sekolah menengah.Pasien dan Metode: Sebuah anak-anak; Peru
studi cross-sectional analitik dilakukan di sebuah kota di Peru utara, menggunakan survei yang divalidasi
untuk mengukur risiko bunuh diri, intimidasi, dan depresi. Data asosiasi statis diperoleh dengan
menggunakan model linier umum.Hasil: Dari 289 anak sekolah, 20% berisiko bunuh diri dan memiliki
beberapa jenis depresi. Di antara mereka yang berada di atas skala bullying, 38% memiliki ide bunuh diri,
sementara mereka yang depresi, 63% memiliki ide bunuh diri. Frekuensi risiko bunuh diri meningkat akibat
skor bullying (aPR: 1,83, 95% CI: 1,13-2,99, p value = 0,015), depresi (aPR: 3,32, 95% CI: 1,69-6,51, p value
<0,001 ), riwayat bunuh diri keluarga (aPR: 1,99, 95% CI: 1,55-2,56, p value <0,001), keinginan pasif untuk
mati (aPR: 2,20, 95% CI: 1,86-2,61, p value <0,001), memiliki merencanakan bunuh diri di beberapa titik (aPR:
2,05, 95% CI: 1,60-2,64; nilai p <0,001) dan belajar di sekolah swasta (aPR: 1,16, 95% CI: 1,14-1,18, nilai p
<0,001); disesuaikan dengan jenis kelamin dan lokasi sekolah.Kesimpulan: Kesehatan mental anak sekolah
terlibat dalam banyak aspek, beberapa di antaranya terkait dengan frekuensi risiko bunuh diri yang lebih

Raúl Sandoval-Ato

Penindasan - R. Sandoval-Ato dkk

pengantar orang tua dan persetujuan verbal oleh remaja, di mana mereka
setuju untuk berpartisipasi dalam penelitian (tingkat penolakan =
Bunuh diri pada usia dini telah menjadi masalah kesehatan 1,9%). Siswa yang tidak merespons tes secara memadai
masyarakat yang utama, yang terutama mempengaruhi negara- (pertanyaan yang tidak terjawab dan / atau jawaban yang
negara berkembang, serta disintegrasi dan disfungsi keluarga.1,2. tidak lengkap) dikeluarkan, sehingga mencapai total 289
Menurut perkiraan WHO, salah satu temuan yang paling remaja yang dinilai.
mengkhawatirkan di seluruh dunia adalah peningkatan angka Perlu dicatat bahwa kota Piura adalah salah satu dari
bunuh diri di kalangan remaja, yang merupakan salah satu dari lima terbesar Peru, terletak di pantai utara, yang memiliki
tiga penyebab kematian paling sering pada kelompok usia ini.3. kesamaan besar dengan kota-kota pesisir lainnya di negara-
Di negara-negara seperti Kuba -antara 2014-2015- 523 negara subtropis Amerika Selatan.
kasus percobaan bunuh diri telah dilaporkan, di mana
empat remaja melakukan bunuh diri; ini memberikan Alat dan variabel
gambaran tentang pentingnya masalahEmpat. Diketahui Perilaku bunuh diri. Sebuah survei diterapkan, yang
bahwa percobaan bunuh diri merupakan penyebab terdiri dari lima pertanyaan yang diambil dari kuesioner
pertama masuk di Dinas Kesehatan Jiwa Remaja provinsi kesehatan mental yang divalidasi dan diadaptasi untuk
tersebut dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir di negeri ini.5. populasi remaja dan dewasa di Peru oleh Institut
Di Peru, beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan di dalam Nasional Kesehatan Mental Honorio Delgado. Kuesioner
institusi kesehatan dan lainnya yang bersifat epidemiologis, mengevaluasi situasi seperti keinginan pasif untuk mati,
termasuk beberapa distrik di wilayah Metropolitan Lima dan ide bunuh diri, dan perencanaan bunuh diri di beberapa
Callao. Di distrik-distrik ini, prevalensi perilaku bunuh diri titik di bulan terakhir, tahun atau beberapa waktu dalam
yang signifikan ditemukan, antara 16 dan 24% remaja kehidupan responden.13.
memiliki keinginan untuk mati pada suatu saat dalam hidup Risiko bunuh diri. Skala Plutchik digunakan; terdiri
mereka, dan 3% dari mereka mencoba bunuh diri pada suatu dari 15 pertanyaan ya / tidak. Skor skala berkisar dari 0
waktu dalam hidup mereka.6.7. Sejumlah besar faktor yang hingga 15, setiap jawaban afirmatif menambahkan satu
dapat berkontribusi terhadap terjadinya perilaku bunuh diri poin12. Survei ini divalidasi di Piura-Peru, dengan total 189
telah diidentifikasi, di antaranya, intimidasi merupakan faktor remaja, memperoleh Cronbach's alpha 0,8214.
risiko yang penting.8. Deteksi intimidasi. Versi Spanyol dari Kuesioner
Studi yang dilakukan di Lima menunjukkan bahwa Proyek Intervensi Bullying Eropa (EBIPQ) digunakan,
keluarga, sekolah, dan pelecehan teman sebaya di kelas yang dengan 22 item tipe Likert dari lima opsi respons,
sama juga memicu patologi ini this9.10. Perlu dicatat bahwa dengan skor antara 0 dan 4, di mana 0 berarti tidak
prediktor paling penting dari perilaku bunuh diri adalah pernah dan 4 berarti selalu. Ini terdiri dari dua
upaya bunuh diri sebelumnyasebelas, Itulah mengapa penting dimensi: viktimisasi dunia maya dan agresi dunia
untuk mempelajari fenomena-fenomena yang maya, dengan indeks keandalan yang baik (total alfa =
mempengaruhi kesehatan mental remaja ini. Tidak ada bukti 0,87, korban alfa = 0,80, agresi alfa = 0,88).limabelas Itu
ilmiah dari fenomena ini yang ditemukan di kota Piura dan di divalidasi di Piura-Peru, dengan total 189 remaja,
Amerika Latin itu terbatas. Oleh karena itu, tujuannya adalah memperoleh alpha Cronbach dari 0,76614.
untuk menentukan risiko perilaku bunuh diri pada remaja Deteksi Cyberbullying. Versi Spanyol dari
yang terpapar bullying dan, juga, untuk mempelajari European Cyberbullying Intervention Project
fenomena viktimisasi atau agresi dan hubungannya dengan Questionnaire (ECIPQ) digunakan, yang terdiri dari 14
gejala depresi, pada remaja usia sekolah dari lembaga item, tujuh item menggambarkan aspek yang
pendidikan campuran. berkaitan dengan viktimisasi dan tujuh item tentang
agresi. Dengan indeks reliabilitas yang baik (total
Patientes andMethod alpha = 0,87, alpha viktimization = 0,80, alpha agresi =
0,88)16. Validated for Piura-Peru, with a total of 189
Design and study population adolescents, obtaining a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.76214.
An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted in a DepressionDetection. The Beck Depression
stratified convenience sample of 296 adolescents, who were Inventory was used, which comprises 21 items with four
in the 1st, 3rd and 5th grade of high school of three co-ed response options ranging from 0 (absence of depression)
schools in the city of Piura, Peru, out of a population universe to 3 (maximum depression); the test scores range from 0
of 31,432 students distributed in 111 schools with an to 63. Its internal consistency level is 0.9. Validated for
accuracy of 4% and an expected suicide risk factor of 12.8% Peru in 201517.
according to the Plutchik scale12. Penelitian dilakukan selama
bulan Oktober sampai Desember 2016. Siswa yang terdaftar Prosedur
dalam masa penelitian dimasukkan, dengan persetujuan Data dikumpulkan dari semua siswa sekolah
sebelumnya yang ditandatangani oleh menengah, milik bagian tahun ke-1, ke-3, dan ke-5, di

Penindasan - R. Sandoval-Ato dkk

three educational institutions of the city of Piura of Results

which two are public and one private. The approach
was carried out through an anonymous and Out of the 289 schoolchildren, 56.8% (164) were male,
selfapplied questionnaire technique, which lasted one the average age was 14 years (interquartile range: 13-16
hour. A facilitator/pollster per classroom was always years). The average of respondents was 14.4 +
available to solve doubts related to the questionnaire. 1.8 years, in men it was 14.4 + 1.8 years and in women
The study was conducted with the respective 14.5 + 1.8 years. The respondents belonged to two
permission of the educational institutions, as well as public schools and one private school, all were co-ed
the consent of the parents and/or guardian. Once the schools. The 75.4% (218) resided in a human
results were obtained, the detected cases of settlement (Table 1).
depression were referred to the specialist 20.1% (58) was at suicide risk, 15.2% (44) had fa-
psychologist of each educational institution, and mily history of suicide, 35.3% (102) had passive desire
parents were also informed in due course. to die, and 13.2% (38) had planned suicide at some
point. Most of them did not have depression (60.6%)
Statistical analysis or a mild mood disturbance (19.0%), however, there
The collected data were typed twice for greater and were cases of severe depression (4.5%) and extreme
better control. The surveys were typed in the Microsoft depression (0.7%). When grouping all the categories
Excel software (2015 version), then a first filter was of depression, 20.4% (59) had some depressive state
performed to verify the data. This was followed by the (Table 2).
processing of the data tabulated in the Stata 11.1
statistical software, with which association statistics were
Table 1. Socio-educational characteristics of
obtained. For descriptive statistics, we worked with the
schoolchildren secondary school of three
frequencies/percentages for the descriptive variables and schools in the city of Piura
with the medians/interquartile ranges for the
Variable n %
quantitative variables. The regression for generalized
linear models was used to obtain the bivariate and Sex
Female 125 43.2
multivariate analysis, resulting in cPR (crude prevalence
Male 164 56.8
ratio), aPR (adjusted prevalence ratio), 95% CI (95%
confidence interval) and p-value; all this was obtained Age (years) * 14 13-16
with the Poisson distribution, the log link function, robust School
models and using the hosting school as a cluster group. Public 1 97 33.6
Values of p <0.05 were considered as statistically Public 2 99 34.3
significant. Private 1 93 32.1
Vive en
Asentamiento humano 218 75.4
Urbanización 71 24.6
Human Settlement: place where a person or a
* Median and interquartile range.
community is established; initial process of
colonization of lands or communities; it can be divided
into formal and informal human settlements. Informal
Human Settlements are outside the urban planning Table 2. Characteristics of suicide and depression
scheme18. Urbanization: Place that has at least 100 among high school students from three schools in
the city of Piura
houses grouped contiguously, forming blocks and
streets19. Variable n %
Suicidal risk 58 20.1
Ethical considerations Family background 44 15.2
Passive desire to die 102 35.3
The confidentiality of the respondents was
Suicidal planning 38 13.2
respected all the time, in addition, once the tabulation
of the data was concluded and the results generated,
normal 175 60.6
the reports were sent to the participating educational
Mild disturbance of mood 55 19.0
institutions. The ethical standards on human
Intermittent depression 17 5.9
experimentation of the Declaration of Helsinki of 1975
Moderate depression 27 9.3
were considered. Likewise, it was approved by the Severe depression 13 4.5
Ethics Committee of the San Bartolomé Mother-Child Extreme depression 2 0.7
National Teaching Hospital.

ORIgInal aRtICle
Bullying - R. Sandoval-Ato et al

From those who were in the upper tertile of the

bullying scale, 38% of them had suicidal ideation, while
those who were depressed, 63% had suicidal ideation
(Figure 1).
The bivariate analysis showed that gender (p =
0.010), type of school (p < 0.001), to have depression
(p < 0.001), to have an upper tertile of the bullying
score (p < 0.001), family history of suicide (p = 0.012),
to have a passive desire to die (p <0.001), and to have
planned suicide at some point (p < 0.001) were
associated with suicide risk (Table 3).
The multivariate analysis showed that the
frequency of suicide risk increased as a result of
having an upper tertile of the bullying score (aPR:
1.83, 95% CI: 1.13-2.99, p value = 0.015), being Gambar 1. Ide bunuh diri menurut depresi atau dengan skor tinggi
depressed (aPR: 3.32, 95% CI: 1.69-6.51, p value < bullying di kalangan siswa SMA dari tiga sekolah di kota Piura.
0.001), family history of suicide (RPa: 1.99, 95% CI:
1.55-2.56, p value < 0.001), the passive desire to die
(aPR: 2.20, 95% CI: 1.86-2.61, p value < 0.001), have Diskusi
planned suicide at some point (aPR: 2.05, 95% CI: 1.60-
2,64, nilai p <0,001), dan belajar di sekolah swasta Penelitian ini penting dilakukan karena menunjukkan
(aPR: 1,16, CI 95%: 1,14-1,18, nilai p <0,001). Semua bahwa studi yang sangat buruk pada anak sekolah di kota-
variabel ini disesuaikan dengan jenis kelamin dan kota perkotaan, yang dapat memberikan dasar bagi generasi
lokasi sekolah (Tabel 4). strategi untuk deteksi dini dan efektif pada remaja dengan

Tabel 3. Analisis bivariat dari faktor mental dan sosial-pendidikan yang terkait dengan risiko bunuh diri di antara yang tinggi
siswa sekolah dari tiga sekolah di kota Piura

Variabel Risiko bunuh diri N (%) RPc (95% CI) Nilai p

Dan itu adalah tidak

Pria 24 (41,4) 140 (60,6) 0,54 (0,34-0,86) 0,010
Perempuan 34 (58,6) 91 (39.4)
Age (years) * 14 (13-16) 14 (13-16) 0.96 (0.71-1.31) 0.804
Lives in
Urbanization 14 (24.1) 57 (24.7) 0.98 (0.82-1.17) 0.797
Human settlement 44 (75.9) 174 (75.3)
Type of school
Private 20 (34.5) 73 (31.6) 1.11 (1.09-1.13) < 0.001
Public 38 (65.5) 158 (68.4)
Yes 37 (63.8) 22 (9.5) 0.87 (3.76-12.5) < 0.001
no 21 (36.2) 209 (90.5)
Superior tertiary bullying
Yes 37 (63.8) 60 (26.0) 3.49 (2.26-5.38) < 0.001
no 21 (36.2) 171 (74.0)
Others regarding suicide
Family background 17 (29.3) 27 (11.7) 2.31 (1.20-4.44) 0.012
Passive desire to die 45 (77.6) 57 (24.7) 6.35 (4.74-8.51) < 0.001
Suicidal planning 27 (46.6) 11 (4.8) 5.75 (4.44-7.44) < 0.001

RPc (Raw prevalence ratio), 95% CI (95% confidence interval) and p-value obtained with generalized linear models, with Poisson
family, log link function, robust models and using the school as a cluster group. *The descriptive values are shown in median
(interquartile ranges).

ORIgInal aRtICle
Bullying - R. Sandoval-Ato et al

Table 4. Multivariate analysis of the mental and socio-educational

also incorporated in this type of programs since it is
factors associated with suicidal risk among high school home where the adolescent can find his or her first
students from three schools in the city of Piura help mechanism29.
It was also found that those who were in the upper
Variable RPa (IC95%) Value p
tertile of bullying score had a higher frequency of suicide
Superior tertiary bullying 1.83 (1.13-2.99) 0.015
risk, this has been reported especially in situations of
Depressed 3.32 (1.69-6.51) < 0.001 dysfunctional families or those with low socioeconomic
Family history of suicide 1.99 (1.55-2.56) < 0.001 status. Aguila Calero et al reported that this increases as
more economic limitations are counted at home and as
Passive desire to die 2.20 (1.86-2.61) < 0.001
long as adolescents have less attention from their
Suicidal planning 2.05 (1.60-2.64) < 0.001 parents since forms of compensation are generated by
Study in private school 1.16 (1.14-1.18) < 0.001 the adolescent30. The economic factor has been reported
Male sex 0.91 (0.61-1.36) 0.650
as an associated factor for the increase in the frequency
of alcoholism among rural inhabitants of our country28
RPa (adjusted prevalence ratio), 95% CI (95% confidence interval) which reinforces the hypothesis that the family and the
and p-value obtained with generalized linear models, with Poisson
environment could be influencing this relation. This has
family, log link function, robust models and using the school as a
cluster group. been shown in part by a research in a similar population,
where it was found that the quality of life of
schoolchildren is associated with the relationship/game
they have with their family members31, therefore,
this condition. It can also be useful to adopt research must be carried out to study the family
appropriate approach models, as some countries are environment as a factor in the generation chain of mental
already doing such as Colombia, Chile, and European problems among minors.
countries such as Spain11,20, since in Peru we are still Studying in a private school increased the suicide risk
using only studies of prevalence reports which only among schoolchildren, this has been reported in research
indicate the percentage of bullying victims (40%)21, and byMartins32 and also in that by Leyva33, where they show
intimidation in schools in Lima (54.7%)22. that this is possibly due to the fact that students from
It was found that one out of five schoolchildren private institutions may be more neglected by parents,
was at suicide risk or depression, this, compared to which is expressed in negative feelings such as
what was found in the literature, is similar to what is frustration, anger, depression and other behaviors linked
reported in developing countries, such as Mexico23, to these problems31. In the case of Peru, one of the most
as well as in other countries of South America where current results is the one generated by Díaz Rodríguez
2.5-3 out of ten schoolchildren present depression and (2014), which also shows higher risks in this type of
suicidal behaviors8,24. Likewise, a study conducted in the population under the conditions described above9.
province of Callao (which is next to the capital) found very
similar data to those reported in our research25. These
two variables were associated in the multivariate model, Finally, we highlight the relation between suicide risk
since being depressed increased the suicide risk among and some measurable characteristics of this problem,
schoolchildren by 232%, this has been reported by other such as the passive desire to die, suicide planning, and
studies, mainly in countries such as the United States, family history of suicide. These characteristics have been
where immediate interventions are carried out according widelymeasured in developed countries, as reported by
to the first behaviors shown by the adolescent26,27. A Joe34 and Lofthouse35, where one of the most important
recent study of rural inhabitants of our country shows variables is the family history of suicide, which increases
that depression is associated with other mental health the suicide risk by 21%. Another important variable is the
problems, such as alcoholism and smoking28, although passive desire to die, which reaches 13%. In our sphere,
our results are in schoolchildren and urban areas, many this type of research has not been conducted inminors,
of them have parents and relatives who come from rural but it has been reported that university students have the
areas, which could be an important factor. It is influence of social, academic and cultural habits on the
recommended that the institutions in charge generate presentation of depression36 and burnout37. This should
detection and support programs of symptoms that affect be investigated in specific studies, since knowing these
the mental health of schoolchildren since it is the only characteristics and/or forms of presentation, specific
way this situation and its consequences can be improved strategies can be developed for the detection of these
in the short, medium and long-term. In the same way, it behaviors. This would help the educational and health
is also recommended that parents are system for timely detection and treatment, considering
that the ins-

ORIgInal aRtICle
Bullying - R. Sandoval-Ato et al

truments and strategies that we have date from 200838 ve desire to die, having planned suicide at some point,
and are already outdated in the health sector and for and studying in a private school.
current needs.
The main limitation of the study was the information
bias since some respondents had behaviors of Ethical Responsibilities
disobedience and indiscipline during the questionnaire
application, while others were excluded due to the Human Beings and animals protection: Disclosure the
refusal of the parents to participate in the investigation. It authors state that the procedures were followed
is believed that all this is part of the manifestations of an according to the Declaration of Helsinki and the World
environment/behavior that shows problematic patterns Medical Association regarding human experimentation
andmental disorders. Another limitationmay be the tests developed for the medical community.
used, since they are not the gold standard (psychiatric
consultation), however, they are tests that have been Data confidentiality: The authors state that they have
generated for studies in large populations and have good followed the protocols of their Center and Local
statistics of internal validity. Finally, the results only regulations on the publication of patient data.
applied to assessed schools, due to the characteristics of
the sampling, however, the results may be considered as Rights to privacy and informed consent: The authors
preliminary, since the surveyed schools share have obtained the informed consent of the patients and/
characteristics with many others in the region and similar or subjects referred to in the article. This document is in
cities. Despite these limitations, the results are important, the possession of the correspondence author.
since they can show a reality of several educational
institutions in an important city in northern Peru, which
suggests the important mental health problem that Financial Disclosure
schoolchildren have since a young age, which could
significantly affect their current and future environment. Authors state that no economic support has been
associated with the present study.
The conclusion is that the mental health of
schoolchildren was involved in multiple aspects, with high
percentages of suicidal ideation, depression, and bullying. In Conflicts of Interest
addition, the frequency of suicide risk increased as a result of
having an upper tertile of the bullying score, being Authors declare no conflict of interest regarding the
depressed, family history of suicide, passi- present study.

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ORIgInal aRtICle
Bullying - R. Sandoval-Ato et al


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